The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 19, 1899, Image 3

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    tfi grfififta in ll i 1 1 full .(Win . ii iM' ' " i"iT ii ii n Hi WTT mi n i, ifjTT -if ri r i- - - - "n - i i r " ,. -T-a-
Comrades, Attention.
I served from '(11 to '01, ami wits wounded on
Mny 10,1801, In tlio JUittle of tlio Wilderness.
1 would lllioto lmvc my old romriwlos know
wbnttclory KlnR hns done for me. Iu 18U0
my old comiiltiliit) clironlo dlitrrhrcn, enmu
bud;. The doctors could not stop It. hut Cel
ery King hns cured me, mid I nm oneo more
enjoying life. Kmnlt lleohler, Owosso, Mich.
(Co.F,WtliN. Y. V. 1.).
Celery King ruiics diseases of thu Nerves,
Bloinnch, l.lver und Klduoys. Bold by drug
gists, 26 undfiOo. 5
I'l.Otlll) V.
Tho iiildvfnler exodus lins Iikiiii Tim
illwinforU nud dangers ul'oiir Northern
winter nru directing attention In llm sunny
lilti.ll ol the Sjilth.
The (i st Pennsylvania Uullroud tour to
Jackson ille, nllowltijc two wicks lu Florida,
will leave New York and Philadelphia Janu
ary 24
Excursion tickets, Including railway trans
iortulioti, l'ullman accommodations (one
1 ici tli). and meals cu route ill hoth directions
while ti-aveliug on the special train, will he
sold at tho following rates: New York,
$30.00 ; Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash
ington, $43 00; Pittsburg, 53.00, and at
proportionate rates from other points.
For tickets, Itineraries and other informa
tion apply to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent at
1100 Broadway, New York; or to (leo. W.
lloyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent,
Broad street station, Philadelphia. vour erocor for the "Koyal Patent
flour, and take uo other brand. It is the beet
flnnr manV '
Primary Sscondnry or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
CURED IN 15 to 35 DAYS.
You can be treated nt home for same price
under same guarantee. If you prefer to
come here wo will contract to pay ml' road
fare and hotel bi.Ia.and no charge, if we
fall to cure,
taken mercury, iodide potash, and still
have ache and pains, Mucous Patches in
mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part ot the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it l this
We solicit the moat obstinate cases and
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. T Is disease has always baffled
the skin of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our uncoiidltionit
guarantee Absolute proofs sent sealed on
application 100 page book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
If we can 6cll you
one sc. package ofi
tills admixture
we'll be satisfied.
You'll buy more
for it will touch
the spot. Grocers
have bEEI.lQ'S,
has added
ifZ' to ordinary
"coffee knows
, grand drink thai
LwtU Please her husband.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale
B'.own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
aud Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter aud Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Alain Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
rnM-cnffir -store,
o DEALElt IN o
Fruit, Coiifectiotfery,
Cigars and Tobacco
Wholesale and Retail.
23 West Gontro Stpoot
819 N. Centre St., 1'otUvllle, Pa.
Fine old Whiskeys, Gins and Wines, at the bar,
a cuoice tins 01 wigara aim leuiuei
anoe Drinks,
Accommodations for travelers.
Meals Ml all hour
Tut ma
rorces of King Matiotoa Defeated
by Mataafa."'
In tlio llnttlotlin CuminltlpM Numbered
Hctvpiity-tlirpo AllriitMl Vloliitliiiinof
tint Trrnty by tlio (ii'rmnii Consul
Ulnfredltod In WllHllllllCtOll.
Auckland. N. 55., Jan. 19. Samoan
advices Just received hero say that
Chief Justice Chnmbers, on' Dec. 31, de
clared Malletoa Tnnus to have been
elected king In succession to the late
King Mnlletoa. The chief Justice also
announced that Tamasese had been
elected vice king. Chief Mataafa was
The consuls of the United States and
Great Britain and the captains of the
German warship Falke and the British
warship Porpoise met the German con
sul, who refused to recognize Mnlletoa
Tanus. and declined to co-operate In
the dispersal of the Satnoans, who
thereupon assembled In large numbers
at Mullnu, armed themselves und sur
rounded the municipality. Malletoa
Piiium and Tamasese mustered about
,000 men, well armed, but supplied
with defective ammunition. The Brit
ish and American consuls endeavored
to avert hostilities, but they commenced
on Jan. 1. Malletoa Tanus' and Tam
asese fought bravely, but 600 of their
followers were captured. Then, dis
heartened and outnumbered, the two
chiefs sought refuge on the British
warship and their followers sought pro
tection under the guns of the Porpoise.
Mataafa's loss was 61 killed and
wounded, and Malletoa Tanus lost 12
men killed and wounded.
The foreign residents were placed
under the protection of a detachment
of men belonging to the British ship,
nnd Chief Justice Chambers and his
family went on board of her.
The followers of Mataafa looted and
burned Apia, destroyed the plantations
and pillaged considerably In the coun
The consuls later, however, decided
to recognize Mataafa and his chiefs as
a provisional government, pending the
receipt of Instructions from the powers.
Afterward Dr. Rafael and the Ger
man consul closed the supreme court,
declaring that the power was vested
In them. The British and American
consuls then appealed to the captain
of the British warship Porpoise, who
landed a force of blue Jaokats, and
Chief Chambers, under their guard.
took his seat.
Mataafa held aloof from these last
developments, The excitement contin
An Enterprising Dragelt
There are few men more wide awake and
enterprising than A. Wasley, who spares no
ine for their many customers. 1 hey now
have the valuable agency of Dr. Kind's New
Discovery for Consumption, t-ouens aua
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is
producing such a furor all over the country by
lty many startling cures. It absolutely cures
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness aud all affec
tions of the Throat. Chest and Lungs, can
at above drug store and get a trial bottle free
or a regular size for So cent anl t1-00-
Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.
Di.senimiTr.i) ix Washington",
Alloei-d Actsof normiiu Consul Would
Ho 11 Trfuty Violation.
Washlnston. Jan. ii. The situation in
the Samoan Islands Is realized here
to be full of gravity. For some time
past there has been an exchange of
correspondence between the three gov
ernments party to tha treaty of Berlin
respecting the choice of a successor to
the late King Malletoa, and some
friction developed owing to the strict
adherene of the United States gov?
ernment to the terms of the treaty.
The statements In the dispatches from
Apia are not regarded here as conclu
sive, for the reason that they are n
conflict with the provisions of the
treaty. If, as reported, Raffel, the
president of the municipal council at
Apia, and the German Consul Hose
seized the supreme court and pro
nounced themselves practically dicta
tors, It Is said here they have violated
the treaty absolutely,
The chief Justice, under the treaty,
Is made the court of last resort under
any circumstances, and moreover the
treaty provides distinctly that In case
of any dispute between the natives
themselves 'or between the foreigners
In Saincia. that dispute shall be referred
to the cli.i'f Justice, and his decision
shall be dual. Therefore It Is scarcely
believed here that the president of the
council would thus deliberately ylotate
the plain treaty provision.
The report that the three consuls
hayp jolnpd In a provisional recognition
of Mat'Hf.i foiilrt not be reconciled with.
the open disagreement with the terms
of the treaty as tp the cholfp Of King
that such action would nyplve, fhe
power of settling disputes of this charr
acter being, as already stated, solely
lodged In the hand of the chief Justice,
who, by the way, Is In this case an
lot Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Coining KvenU,
Feb. 1. Grand ball, Itobbin's opera houso,
for the benefit of the Slavish Congregation.
February 10 Grand ball by Fatriotio Drum
Corps, iu Itobbins opera bouj.
Uotv'a ThlaT
We offer One Hundred Dollars Itewnnl for
any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F.J.CHKNEY& CO, Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, have known 1'. J. Cheney
or the last 13 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable In all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & TitAUX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O
Waliiino, Kiknak & Marvin, Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of
tho system, Price 75c. per bottle. Bold by all
Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
A'SpillllHli l't st Ship.
Barcelona, Jan. 19. The French
steamer Cachemlro arrived yesterday
from the Philippines with 1,170 repatri
ated Spanish troops. There are 800
sick, and there were 44 deaths during
the voyage.
Don.t let the little ones suffer from eczema,
or other torturing skin diseases. 'No need for
It. Doau's Ointment cures. Can't harm the
most delicate skin. At any drug store, 60
Tho Kind Yon Ilavo Always
lu uso for over SO years,
, niul hns
TTJr Botml
yieC Allow
All Counterfeits, Imitations nnd Substitutes nro but Ex
periments Hint trlllo Avlth nnd ciuluiiger tho health of
Inlunts nud Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR! A
Cnstorla is n substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
nnd Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless nud Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Knccotio
substance. Its ugo is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Fevcrlshness. It cures DinrrluiMi mid AVlud
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
nnd Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stomach nnd Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tito Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Boars tho
The KM You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
i tmc centaur commnTi tt mumat mctr, new vork citv
fc , -'-, -1 US A
AGAIN ! (d0SS53333!-gg
vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients
are properly cured, their condition often worries them Into Insanity. ConiumDtlon or Death.
Mailed teafed. Price ft perboi; 6 boxes,
money, $5.00. Send for free book.
For Sale at KI HUN'S Drug
Are You Going to Florida ?
If you are, ask for tickets via the Southern
Kailway. It is the shortest, quickest and
best route. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Writo for
further information to John M. Ileal), District
Fassenger Agent, 8'1& Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Sick Headaches,
Tho curse of overworked womankind, are
quickly aud sursly cured by Karl's Clover
Itoot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissue
builder, Monoy refunded if not satisfactory.
Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
and a guarantee.
WIH You. Winter In Florida ?
This will be ths greatest season "Florida
has bad for years. You ought to go and go
via tho Southern Railway. Its the best
route. If you will write John M. Bcall,
Distrpt Passenger Agent, 628 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., be will arrange alt tho
details of your trip for you.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agreo to
refund the money on a 50-ccnt bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if It falls
to cure your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a SS-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, C. II. Ilagen
bucb, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Blerstelu & Co. U-14-33t-dw
.Miirn "soUlier'H 'File 1 'ulm.
Savannah, Ga., Jnn. Jit. -The trans
port Minnewaska sailed at 11 o'clock
last night for Mntanzas, with the Third
Kentucky regiment. The Michigan will
sail tomorrow for Havana with four
batteries of the Second United States
artillery. Including Grimes' battery.
The battery will take the new smoke
less powder guns.
A Sensible Man
Would use Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs. It is curing more cases of
Cougba, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup
and all Throat and Lung troubles, than any
other medicine. The proprietor has author
ized any druggist to give you a sample bottje
free to convince you of the merit of this great
remedy. Price 25c and 50c.
ivmiU'uns 'liuu Carlos SltrimP,
London, Jan. 19, The Paris corre.
spondent of The Dally Graphic says:
"One of the principal chiefs of the Car.
lists here Informs me that everything
Is now ready for a rising In Spain; thai
Don Carlos is absolutely resolved tc
take the field, and that all are waiting
for the signal."
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose gTeatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t
emce Egan building, corner of Main ai
Centre streets, Hhenandoab.
Lock Box M, Mahanoy Oltry, Pa.
HaTlng studied nnder some ol the beef
masters Tr London aud Farts, will give leuor
on tbe violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture
Termi reasonable, Addre In care of Blrou"
I be lewelar Hueuaudoali
Bought, niul -which hns been
has hot-no tho slgnatiiro ot
been iniuto under his per-
Mittcrvlslon slnco Its infancy.
110 0110 to deceive yon In this.
Signature of
They hare itood the test of years.
and nave cured thousand! oi
cases of Nervous Diseases, such
as Debility. Duimeu, Sleepless-
nrfect. anrl imrtart a health
with lronlad legal guarantee to cure or refund U
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, 0.T'
Store, Shenandoah, Pa,
(lotiee to Gandidates I
All persons who wish to be candidates on
the fjituens ticket at the
in the borough of Shenandoah, must present
their name and the required fees to the
secretary of the Citizens Standing Committee
not later than
SATURDAY, JAN. 21, 1899,
At 7:30 P. M.,
at 225 South Jardin street. The Citizens
primaries will be held on Thursday, January
26th, between the hours of 4:00 and 8:00
p. m., at the regular party polling places :
First ward, Chas. Kadzewicz ; Second ward,
George Leitzel's ; Third ward, Benjamin
Richards' ; Fourth ward, Peter Hiley's ;
Fifth ward, John lieyrand's. Hy order of
the committee.
Brewers of the Finest
and Purest
Our products ore seldom equalled and
never surpassed. Private families supplied at
short notice by our own special delivery.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank -by the majority ol
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne
Tho Court Martial Selected to Try
Geuoral Miles' Traducor.
Or hm Soon Tlieicnrier 11s I'rni'tlt'iitiln.
Four Mii.oriciK'iiiM, rlvo llrlunillitr
Oonrrnl, Four Ciiliintilx niul 11 Mmi
tciiiint Ciilniu'l CoinpoHo tlio Court,
Washington, Jnn. 19. The detail for
the court martini which Is to try Com
missary General C. V. Hunan onchargc
growing out of bin statement before the
ar Investigating commission last week.
In which he severely attacked General
Miles, was made public at the war de
partment last night. The court Is made
up of IS army olllcers, ot whom Major
General W'mley MerNtt I at the head.
ud a Judge advocate, and It Is to meet
In this city on Wednemlay next, or aa
boo thereafter ,s practicable, this qual-
mcauon iwing neceaeary because a
number of the members are at distant
points and will require some days to
adjust their affairs and reach this city.
All the oflleers composing the court
save one ai from the regular army,
number of whom, however, during
the war accepted volunteer rank and
till hold those commissions. Major
Genernl Ilutler is the only one who Is
ot connected with the regular army.
The members of the court are Major
Generals Wesley Merrltt. James F.
Wade. Matthew C. Ilutler and Siunuel
B. M. Young. Brigadier Generals Royal
Frank. Alexander C. McW. Penning
ton, George M. Randall, Jacob Kline
nd Richard Comba, Colonels Peter C.
Haines, George D. Gillespie, Charles It.
Suter and Francis L. Guenther and
Lieutenant Colonel George B. Davis.
deputy Judge advocate general. Judge
advocate of the court.
General Corbln stated that the order
for the appointment of the court mar
tial would be delivered to General
Eagan today. This, It Is expected, will
be done by an ofllcer or an employe of
the adjutant general's office. Its re
ceipt and acknowledgement by the
commissary general will be tantamount
to the relief of that ofllcer from his
present duties and he will turn over Its
affairs either to some one designated to
act by the secretary of war or to the
ofllcer next in charge In the depart
ment. Lieutenant Colonel George B.
Davis, of the commissary department,
is now on duty with General Eagan,
and It mny be that he will be detailed
to take charge of the ofllce.
If the course indicated by an officer
of the adjutant general's office last
night Is followed the probability is that
General Eagan will not be placed under
actual arrest and deprived of any of
his liberties pending and during the
trial, but will be subject only to con-
strusive and technical arrest during
that time. In the case of officers of
high rank this Is occasionally, but not
often done, and this course does not In
any way invalidate the trial or findings
of the court. General Eagan will be
expected to remain away from his ofllce
and make himself Inconspicuous until
his appearance bofore the court to
answer the charges, when he will be
placed under oonstruslve arrest, to re
main so during its proceedings.
This Is believed tu be sufficiently car
rying out the intent of the law for all
practical purposes and may be allowed
In the case ot an ofllcer of the general
tank who has borne a good reputation.
Were the defendant a younger officer
of an obstreperous character and In th
field with his regiment, the usual course
of placing him under arrest and de
priving him of his sword would no
doubt be followed. While tho above Is
believed to be a general outline of Sec
retary Alger's Idea of what should be
done, yet no positive statement to that
effect has been made, and It mav be
subject to change.
Adjutant General Corbln refused to
make any statement regarding the
form of charges and specifications to
be brought against General Eagan, or
to say when they would be published.
I'lio I'lilliuli'lplilii lliillilon Wlio Vlo-
tlmlzoil IIIk FrlriuK,
Philadelphia, Jan. 19, Five warrants
for the arrest 01 William Rhodes, thi"
builder who disappeared some dnyt
ago, leavlnfj $300,000 to $1,000,000 debts
behind, are said to have been issued.
Three of these, according to the infor
mation given, were at Hie Instance ol
women. Ithodes made a specialty ol
victimizing women, It Is said, and
strange stoiles are told of his powei
with his eyes in gaining the confidence
of those from whom he sought money
the tnles conveying the Idea that the
man exerrised a hypnotic power.
Rhodes Is also charged with taking ad-
vantage of the feminine passion for
bargains by offering fake mortgages at
a discount, he deducting $200 for cash
on a $1,000 mortgage.
The man's downfall Is ascribed to
stock gambling, and an Inordinate pas'
slon to be regarded as extremely rich.
He talked and acted on a Napoleon
scale, and made many people believe
that he was one of the wealthiest and
most successful men In the city. Ac
counts differ as to Rhodes' Integrity up
to the time of his failure In business,
Some of his acquaintances say that he
was all right until two years ago, meet.
Ing all his obligations and conducting
his affairs In a businesslike style.
Others declnre that Rhodes has always
been somewhat "off" In his transac
tlons. The majority of Rhodes' vic
tims are old friends and Intimates.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
The bent salve in the world for r.nts.
brulscs, sores, ulcers, salt rheam, fever sores,
tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and
all ultln (.nintlnna inn nnaltlvAlw Atma nn..
or ao pay required, ft is guaranteed to give
penoci sausucuon or mony refunded. Price
. cents per tox. t or sale by A, Wasley.
Two Colored fioys A-ii-dniit('il.
Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 19. George Call
and John Shaw, both colored, and who
bore a bad reputation In the commu
nity, were shot and killed by unknown
persons at Lynchburg Tuesday night
Roth had served terms In the peniten
tiary for robbery and had been whip
ped by whltecaps und run out of town.
but returned. Each was about 18 years
"It was almost a miracle. Burdock Blood
Bitters cured me of a terrible breaking out
all over tbo body. I am very grateful.'
Miss Julia Filbridce, West Cornwall, Conn
To Tonult fuliMiiH lliiiiiiiulty.
Santiago de Cuba, Jan. 19. A con
splouous feature of life In Cuba Is
cruelty to domestic animals. It Is
quite Impossible to walk the streets of
this city without seeing numerous cases
of brutality that ought to be prose
cuted. Mrs. ijkmard Wood, with other
ladles. Is now'organlzlng a branch of
the Society for the Prevention of
Cruelty to Animals.
"Cure the cough and save the life." Dr.
Wood's Norway Flue Syrup cures cough and
colds, down to tbe very yerge of cousuuintiou.
Kt-Wnr Mhil-I.r still Ii-iiiikI.v In- 1
mI(h on id,. l'rloniT' Unlit. I
Paris, Jan. U - Thf Holr piihllnhen
another Interview with (ieneral Mr
clr. Hho mlulMer of war at thi
time of the condemnation of Dreyfux
General Merrier reiterate hla former
Hutrmenfs and reasnerta that the bor
dereau was "certainly the work of
Dreyfua and not of Ksterhaay. who was
not aware of II pxlstenc until Ions
ubijnOU the trial."
Under tho plea of iirofeaalonal se
crecy he declined to explain how the
war office obtained the bordereau. Th
secret riiKKler, he said, consisted of
war ministry documents fully proving
the Inferences deduced from the bor
dereau. The suggestion that It con
tained letters from a forelan sovereign
he characterised as "a pure Invention,"
as was also, he declared, the state
ment that XI. Caslmlr Perler resigned
the presidency of the republic on ac
count of the Dreyfua affair.
Regarding the motives that prompted
Dreyfus to commit the treason Im
puted, General Mercler aald:
"Dreyfus was too fond of the so
ciety of women of n certain class. Had
It not been for his reputation In this
respect he would have left the mili
tary college among the first three of his
class, but owing to his known Immoral
proclivities he was placed eleventh. I
think he resented this, and that his
treason was probably an act of re
venge for It."
Major Comte Ferdinand Wnlsln ICs
terhasy arrived last evening from Rot
terdam to testify before the court of
cassation In the Dreyfus revision In
quiry. Several newspaper men met
him at the railway station, but he de
clined to be Interviewed.
tin 1 1-11111 11 DlimlxyV succe-mor.
Washington. Jan. 19. There Is no
doubt that the chairmanship of the
ways and means committee, made va
cant by the death of Mr. DIngley, will
be filled by Speaker Reed at the pres
ent session, without waiting for the
next congress, and that the new chair
man will be Representative S. 13.
Payne, of New York. The appointment
Is likely to lie announced within the
next few days. Mr. Payne entered con
gress ID years ago. and he served con
tinuously with the exception of the
Fiftieth congress.
DcihIIj Itnltlo WIiTi 11 M imli'i'cr.
Knoxvllle. Tenn.. Jan. 10. Joel and
Charles Necessary. William Freeman
and Samuel Duncan, of Scott county
Va., were the victims of a shooting af
fray Tuesday night in the mountains ol
that county. The Necessary brotherj
died yesterday. William Freeman la-fa-
tally shot and Duncan is serbuwly In
jured. The four vlctline were trying tt
arrest an alleged murderer named Will
iam Flannery. Thr laiter's friend?
came to his assistance and he escaped.
Flannery Is said to have killed one ot
the Ha' Held gang.
Women Wrecks.
Every once In a while
Ulc newspapers
tell of some once
beautiful woman
who has been
comigned to an
asylum, because
1 physical weak
ness drove her
to seek tempo
rary trength in
the alcholic mix
tures that are
found on many
women's toilet
The tory i an
old, but ever
new one. A
woman finds
herself suffering
from weakness,
nervousnesn. de-
Irritability. She cannot divine the came.
and her family physician seems equally at
losj. A friend who suffers In the same wav
tells her that a wee drop of cologne, brandy
drops, ale, beer, "malt-extracts" or other
stimulant will gWe temporary relief. And
that is the beginning that ends in a mad
house. The woman who suffers from the
symptoms described may safely infer that
there exists disease or at least weakness of
tbt delicate organs that constitute her a
Favorite Vrescription, JCl
which contains no fitt
alcohol or other stimu
lant to Inebriate, will
promptly put things
right, nnd make her
strong and healthy in .,
does away with neces- ""1 Ule1
sity for obnoxious ex
animations and local treatment. It cures
in the privacy of the home. It gives vigor
and virility to the organs upon which de
pends the perpetuation of tbe human race.
Mrs. H. A. Alsbrook. of Austin. Lonoke Co..
Ark . writes: "After five months of great suf
fering I write this for the benefit of other suf
ferers from the same afHictlou I doctored with
our family phj&iciau without any good result so
my husbaud urged me to try l)r Pierce's medi
cineswhich I did, with wonderful results I
am comoletelv cured. I took four bottles of
'Golden Medical Discovery' and two vials of his
Pleasant Pellets "
Constipation kills slowly. Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets cure quickly.
A Medicine. Chest In Itself.
Simple, Safe and Quick Curs for
25 and SO cont Bottloa.
I'rlTatermrsQce Green SUPhlfsdelptils.
to the rich and poor alike Who have, been
deceived, robbed and svlnilKd br sell-
L u sal' -Istvled fsmons. wltu and old mcUIUis,
cele and stricture. No outung . Xost Manhood and
Shrunken Orgsns restored, book. " TVuiA," free,
etpojtng quscks and Electric llelt frauds. tYtii
coin cursd in s id a day Trcstnust by mm.
AlwsrinroraDtsnd ritlAbl AvaJ ImttahomM
G.t CATOK't TlllT PlLLl .Bd lltlllOlltl.
fAtdrur ttart. or wot direct eric SL
' C.ros Brio. Co Botos. Wm. Uulat,a
For sals at Klrlln's drag store and Slecsndoa
Celel.r-ltHl Fciu .1
Voivilers cover IhU
vlth Tansy rid l'raavrorsl Sills sod other lir
lire sua ursthrtrr isuinr
polEtment. Uurntd tuperwr to ill othe ' IWuri
Vik. Pwk Bt. Bottto. last.
nillions of Dollars
Go np In smoVv. every year. Take n
" " O " JWM. UVMOVO, BHK,., U '
nlturo, etc., insured in nrat-cksa ro
uarjie companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, Insurance Agent
AUo Lit snd AoaldtattU omvaoiM
My little toy br.keuut with an Itching rash.
I tried three il.x tort and medical college but
be Vrpt getting worse. Thtrt wai not on
tjvnrttnek tf$Unmhtt trkoleintfunoff'teteJ.
Ha was one nam ot nm, and tbe 1 tench was
frlgbtfnl. In remoTlng tbe bandage they
would take tbe skin with them, and the poor
ehlld's acraariM were heart-breaking. After
tbe second application of Citicvkji (oint
ment) Jrtir iignM nf tmpmrrnunl, and tho
sores to dry np. Ills skin peeled off twenty
tltnrs, lint now ht U enlirtlf nrl.
ItOH'T WATT.VM, V,X Cook St., Chicago, I1U
Sf ttoT Ccm Titii-t mi Krttr Ditr Itnroa,
wen l.m nf Hut Wftrm bclfc ja CVDrvu
S''ir, f,l.r4 hr gvfttl iMMlfl IU CvTICVaA,
ft of tmolllMI itln rt.
. Wl ttirmirti-il tt w-M. PvrritDiMAirDCifiic.
Ovtr., , lktua. ll.lCrt artf Uuaoo,lrt.
Dr. Humphreys'
Sppclllcs act directly upon tbe disease,
without exciting disorder in other parts
ot tbe system, Tliof Cure the Sick,
so. nun. nucts.
I Frtrr. CoDKOtloas, InfUmtmbtloni. .'J5
Vi-Vorni. Worm Ferer. Worm Colhv. .'23
3- TerllilnK,Colle.Crjrlng,VaklulfieM .35
4- lllsrrlira, ot Children or AilalU '23
7- Couglu, CoM, Hrowtilth 23
8 Aenralsla, Toolhscbe. t'sceache. '23
n-lleadsrlir.HIck Headache, Vertigo. . .'23
1 II Hi uprp.lii, lDllsrsllio,WeklMomch.'23
1 1 hupprcMrd or Painful Prrloda 33
1'2-Whlles, Too Prof use Perlodi 23
13-C'roup. I.nrvnilll. Hoarsen .23
1 1 Hall Itheum, LrjflljflM. BruptkxM . .23
13 lllieuniall.m. Ilbeumatle Palat , .33
Kt-Malnrla, ChllK Fever and Ague .... .23
10 Catarrh, lnnunta,CoW la tbo Head .33
2( WtHioplng.Coiiah .23
'27-IUdnrv ni.rn.c .23
2H-.eroii IleMlllv 1.00
30-l'rlnnrv Wrnhttr, Wetting Ded... .23
77-4Jrlp, Hay Fever 23
Dr. Humphrey' Manual of all Diteajea at your
t)rtwslta or Mailed r ire.
Sold by druggum. or neot on rrcelnt of prtra.
Humphrey' Med Co.. Cor. William a. Jobusu
New Vork
Jani ahy IS, 18W
Trains will leave Hhcnandoab alter ine aooia
date lor WIkkhu, Clllberton, Frackvllle, Dark
water. Ml. emir, I'otuvuie. namuurg, Heading,
oitatown, riioenixviue. .aorrisiown ana rnii
4elnbla(llnd street station) at 6 15 and 8 IS
,. m., 2 10, 6 IS p in. on week days. Sundays,
la a. m., 4 uu p. m.
Trains leave Frnckvllle for Hhenandoah at
36. il 6 a. m. and S 16. 7 34 p. m. Uundav
11 01 a. tn. and 5 46 p. m.
Iave Pottavllle for Hhenandoah (via Frack
vllle, 710, II a) a. m., 5 20, 7 10 p. m. Hunday
tu i a. m.. o m p. m.
I.eave PhtlodelnMa. (Broad street station), for
Sbeandoab at 8 US a. m., 4 10 p. in, week days.
Sundays leave at 6 50 and 9 23 a. m.
lave llro&u ntreet tttaiion, I'miadeipnia,
Kinreas.week-davs. 8 30. 4 0o. 4 00 S 03.3 1S.6 80.
83. 8 20. 9 60. I0 2I II 00 a. m. 12 00 noon. 12 M
Limited "1 00 and ( 22 p.m.) 1 40, J 80, 8 20,
n i iyy no no T lYt . ? mm n m
12 oi, night.' Sundays, 8 20, 4 0H. ISO. 5 03, a is)
ao, v oe, lull, iuij a. in., -iziu, izi, i uu,
02. (Limited I22.I S 20. 'SSa. 83. 7 02. OO.
10 00 p. m., 12 01 night
Express for Hon ton without change, 11 00 a tm.,
weekdays, and 7 00 p. m., dally.
For Sea Cllrt, Aabury Park, Ocean Drove,
Lomr llroncb. S 20. 11 11 a m. 3 80. 4 03 Dm
ror LAniDerivuie, unon ana Mcrnnton. sou.
00 u m. 12 00 noon. 3 32. 3 00 I Lambertville anil
Eostononlv). weekdays, and 702 d m dallr.
litiltnlo, 9 00 u m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 02
iu uauy.
10 20, II 23, a. in., 1209. '1281 117,813,4 41,
(5 23 Congressional Limited,) air. 'JSJ, 1 si
. m., and 12 0,1 nignt wpck uaya. ounaays,
50. 7 20. 9 12. 11 23. a. m.. 1209. ! 12. 3 12. 4 41.
(320 Conereiislonal Limited.) 6 53 '7 81 P. m.
aud 12 03 night.
For Baltimore, accommodation, v 13 a m, 1 63
and 4 01 p m week days. 5 OS and tl 16 p m dally
Atlantic Count l.lne, f lorida ieiai, x p m,
week days. Express 12 09 p m, and 12 03 night,
soutnern itatiway, rioriuu i.muK-a.i.'ipm,
weekdays Express 6 53 p ni, daily.
uuesapeaice umo itauwuy, i ji p m, aatiy.
For Old l'oint Comfort aud Norfolk. 10 20
a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
leave market street wnarl as iollowa: ki
ureas for Now York. 9 00 a m. 130 D m week.
days. For Long Branch, via Seaside l'ark, 880
a in wekdya.
rorisianu lleiguu, bhj a m ana uu p m
Teave Broad street station via Delaware rlvar
bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 03 p. m. Sundays,
920 a. m., 7 03 p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Expreas. 9 00 am,
200,4 00,300 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m
IttwummiKiBuan s 00 snu ouup til.
For Cape lay. Sea Isle City. Ocean City,
Avalon Stone Harbor. Angleaea. Wlldwsadancf
Holl j Beach Expreas, 9 00 a m, 4 Lv, p tn
weekdays. Sundays, 9 02 a m.
ror vomers i-oinv uxpreas, v wj a. m., 100,
4 00. 5 00. n. m. week davs. Bandars, a 00 and
0 00 a. m.
The Union Transrer Company will call lor
and check baggage from hotels and residences.
Oen'l Manaaer.
Oen'l l'asm'g'r Afrt
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 a year
Daily and Sunday ,by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
istUe greatest Sunday newspape
m the world.
Price 5c a copy, Bj mall, S2 a year
Address THE 8UN, Hew York.
iSart Aio sure. sfni,4o.i os-wghass &f
at Forlnakyslldrai; stora, Xi
lUtnUa aUMt.