The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 16, 1899, Image 1

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VOL. XIY.-NO 1 6
J. P. Williams & Son, furniZsicTtoR'E.
13 S. Via In St., Shenandoah, Pa.
go O'H
Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.,
FO R J JhjlljL X AND -
Something Required by the Ladies
To pass away the cold and stormy Battonborg Lacos,
days and evenings. We have one Battenborg and Hand
of the finest and handsomest lines kerchief PatternSi
ot emoroiaery gooas to ue louna
in Schuylkill county.
Morgan's Fancy Bazar, 23 Norm Mam st.
L3 rpiC Assortmont fc L.w p r I o a I
Sleigh Bells, Horse Blankets and I,ap Robes. Sleigh runner attach
ments. Change a wagon into a sleigh in twenty minutes. Oil Heaters,
Ice Saw and Ice T6ngs.
Now is the time to enjoy the sport ; full assortment at. low prices.
Skates sharpened and repaired.
Successful People
Are quick to act and never iail to grasp
opportunities. We are now offering after-holiday bargains in
Jevselry, Silverware and
Musical Instruments.
We can save you from $i to $2 on wedding rings. The remainder
of our stock goes at 25 per cent, below the piices of others. You'll
find in our store store the largest and best selected stock to choose
from. Do not forget us when in need of any repairing in jewelry. A
guarantee accotnpanies it.
129 South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Penna.
We open the New Year with a few. Special Bargains
to dispose of
Four cans Early June Peas for 25 cents.
Four cans Maryland Sugar Corn for 25 cents.
Three cans Fancy. New York State Corn for 25 cents.
Three cans New Lima Beans for 25 cents.
Three cans of New Alaska Salmon for 25 cents.
Eight Bars of Best 5c Laundry Soap for 25 cents.
Three Pounds of Mixed Nuts for 25 cents.
Four Qts. Fine Table Syrup for 25 cents.
Don' Forget Our 10 Cent Loose Roasted Coffee
Good and Cheap.
Our Fancy Tomatoes extra large cans and extra quality. Honey
buckle bweet Sifted Peas. Extra fancy Maine Sugar Corn. Choke
New York State Corn. California Lemon Cling Peaches sliced.
iancyu. u. Java Cottee. Our 25c.
forma Prunes, extra size. Strictly
iieaa Kice. fine i'we bugar Syrup.
Try our 6 and 8 cent Table Syrup. Florida Oranges large, sweet
aim juicy, riew norway iviacKerei,
You can always find the best quality of Fresh Creamery and Dairy
Butter at KEITI?R'S
For Sale 2000 bushels-Choice Clipped White Oats.
A Beautiful New
-Stock of . . .
Just received. Ranging
in puces from
$15.00 AN0 UPWm AT
flaln Street,
p0jnt ,acQ Braids,
Poarl Edge Braids,
MouUn Threads',
Embroidery Rings.
1 1
surplus stock.
Java Blend Coffee. Fancy Call
Pure Kettle Rendered I,ard. Fancy
Best Mince Meat.
white ana lat.
The ItnbeMn hikI Scott l'lulit Itluivn Up
YeMerilay Morning.
At about 0:30 o'clock yoiterday morning
tlie powder ml. I loonted umt Krclis' station
In the UitawiMH valley and owned by John
Roberta, of town, and ox-Sheriff Alex. Scott,
of Kraokvllle, was wrecked by explosions.
Tbere were two explosions in rapid tiiere
jlon and the concussions wero so great Unit
tboy wcro Kit uMtlnctly iti this town, and
even at I'ottsville.
The first explosion took place in the drying
room of the platt nml the second in tbo
grinding room. Fortunately no one sull'erod
bodily Injury, although Johu Price, tlio
wati'litnan, had a narrow escape. lie had
walkul ubout a hundred yards from the
plant, after going through the buildings,
wVu the explosion occurred. The oxploslon
is attributed to excessive boat in the drying
room .
The drying and grinding departments of
the mill wero blown to atoms, and tbo boiler
and engine houses and magazine building
wore badly wreckod. Tho machinery in the
formor was but slightly damaged, fortu
nately the five hundred kegs of powder in
the uiagHzitio did not oxplodo.
Too main building of the-Shenandoah
1'owder Company, located some distauce from
the mill that was blown up. was slightly
damaged by tho concussion and the lesidence
of Inrmcr Boycr, about 300 yards distant.
suffered. Every paue of glass in tho house
was shattered and the roof was badly
damaged. The damago to the powder mill
entails a loss of between $1,500 and $2,000.
The work of rebuilding tbo plant was started
tbis morning.
Ilelil In the Lookup on Two Serious
A man who refuses to give his name or
residence, or any other information concern
ing himself, is a prisoner in the lockup and
will bo arraigned before Justice Shoemaker
to-uiglit on two sorious charges. The man
steadfastly rofusea to talk.
John Cantlin, of 212 East Oak street, is
one of the complainants, Ho alleges that
tlie stranger, without provocatiou. pursued
and assaulted him, and that subsequently the
prisom r pursued and attempted a felony
upon uosa anlelrts. a 15-year-old girl. The
offender was arrested by sevoral citizen
attracted to the scene.
Officer lnntiilleil.
Tho oUlcers of the Ladies' Aid Societv.
Sons of Veterans, were iustalled Saturday
evening by Installing officer George F. Will-
man, or town, as follows : Past President,
Mrs. Sarah Troutmau ; President, Mrs.
Laura Goodhcad : Vice President. Mrs
Adeline Womer; Chaplain, .Mrs. Bella How-
man j Secretary, Mrs. Sallio liuun; Treasurer,
Mrs. Lizzio Tosh; Trustees, Mrs. Jane
Llewellyn, Mrs. Adeline Womor, Mrs. Mary
Schwlndt; Guide, Mrs. Margaret Brown;
AssdaUnt Guide, Mrs. Laura Knight: Inside
Guard, Mrs. Sarah D.iddow ; Outside Guard,
airs. Annie Bowman ; Advisory Committee
from Sons of Veterans, Wesley Belsel and
Harry Broscious: Judge Advocate. Milton G.
Trnuiuiaii. An entertainmout followed, the
loiiowiug program biung oircreu ; singing,
Joseph Knapp; address, B. O. Mess; singing,
Kuapp sisters j remarks, John Bunn, Joseph
Daddow. Mr. Ambrose, Samuel Canuou,
Joseph Knapp and John Boisel; Instrumen.
tal music, Kuapp sisters. Kefreshnients
wero served.
lluslneas Training School.
D0UShertv'n bull.!i,v Tunonn
eveniug, January 17th, 1S93. Terms, $2 50
per mouth, - l-10-2t
Silver Weddlni;.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Czyzewski, former
residents of tbis town, yesterday celebrated
the silver anniversnrv nf tliolr wa,Iilln .t
their home in I'ottsville. They entertained
a large number of guests from many parts of
me county ana were the recipients of numer
ous and costlv eifta in silver. A h.lnnlliat n
served and it was an elaborato affair. Among
mo residents ot this town in attendance
were Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bobbin. Mr.
J. M. Mullahv. John Mlnllinzla. Mr nnH Afro
A. Karpowski, Mrs. Frank Balehanick, Mr.
aim jirs. rauK iiaisnauicK, Mr. and Mrs
William Lucas, Jlicbael MuIIahy and II, W.
Immense lino of spectacles nud eye glasses,
Orkiu's, 129 South Main, street. tf
Liquor Store ltobbeil.
Saturday night thieves broke into the
liquor store of William Chmlelewski, on
East Centre street. An entrance was effected
by breaking the lock off the front cellar door.
They took with them several bottles of
whiskey and u quantity of cigars. From a
desk several dollars in small change wore
taken, and J3.00 worth of postage stamps.
They left the placo by forcing the lock off
the front door of the store.
Senator Ill.glns' Condition.
The friends of Senator Iliggins will be
pleased to know that he is steadily improv
ing. Ilis.nhvsician. Dr. MnAlllfr. no. I,a
Senator will be able to leave the hospital at
Uarrisburg in ten days, should nothing in
tervene to retard bis recovery.
Shot In the Hand.
Patrick O'Brien, of South Jardin street,
had his hand shattered .early this morning by
the discharge of a revolver ho was examlug.
The revolver was found by a younger brother
and banded to the victim.
Kgau'g Modification.
Special toKvEMNd Herald.
Washington, Jan. 18. General Egan to
day sent to the War Investigating Committee
a revised statement of his reply to the state
ment made by Gen. Miles before tbo commit
tee. The objectionable features are elimin
ated from the statement.
Dr. Hull' Cough Syrup has saved
the lifo of many a child. Tbis wonderful
remedy always cures croup, whooping-cough
and tneasle-cougb. It has never failed.
Price 25c.
False Alarm.
Shortly before ten o'clock last night taps
of 1, z and J wero sounded by the tiro alarm
bell. Although the alarm was an irregular
one, tho Columbia aud Itescue companies
turned out and followed the direction taken
by ciowds of people. They went out Oak
street to Gilbert, and thence to Cherry street,
without discovering nuy lire. The souice of
the alarm could not be located.
To Suve the Streets.
In ordor to save soveral streets in Mahanoy
City from disturbance, the 1. & 11. C. & I. Co.
has decided to fill the abandoned workings of
the Elmwood colliery with culm to be drawn
by scraper lino from the old Gleudon colliery
bauks to a point at the rear of the P. & It.
A Healthy Dividend.
The Union National Bank of Mahanoy City
has declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per
cent, or $5 per share. Heretofore the semi
annual dividend has been 4 per cent.
Inoffensive Man and Wife Brutally
Assaulted In 1 heir Home.
Both Suffered a Terrible Beating-Black
jack and Revolver Used on the Husband-Robbery
the Motive,
But Nothing Secured.
Ono of the most outrageous acts recorded
ou tho local polico dockets in some time was
perpetrated lute Saturday night by four
Lithuanian thugs at tho hotite of Moses
FrczinskI, at the curnor of Catberino street
and Strawberry alley. The house is belated,
and thosurroundiiigs are very favorable for
such occurrences as that which took place.
FrczinskI keeps a butcher shop on Gilbert
street. Ho arrived homo shortly before mid
night with f 12.5, tho receipts of his day's
sales, The money was turned over to his
wife, who put It away for safekeeping. Mrs.
rrczinski went upstairs and her husband
took a seat at a table at the eastern end of
tho kitchen. The entrance from tho yard to
the kitchen Is at tho southwestern end of tho
room. The stairway leading to the floor
above is directly opposlto tbo entrance.
i rczlnski had hardly seated himself at the
table when tho rear door, which had been
left unlocked, was opened aud a young man
entered. The stranger rushed across tho
room and grabbed Frezluski, who did not
have time to leave bis chair, at tho throat.
At the same time tho intruder, while retain
ing his hold with his left band on Frezinskl's
throat, drew a blackjack and beat bis victim
over the head. Meanwhile two other young
men entered and one thrust a revolver at
Frozlnski's faco. The latter was also struck
across the nose with the weapon. Nothing
was said during tho stenc.
Frezinski got upou his feet, aud while he
was trying to beat off bis assailants, he cried
for help. His wife hurried down the stair
way to tho kitchen, and as she entered the
room, tho third man seized and rushed her
back against the wall. Thero ho dealt her a
fearful blow with kisl fist on the left eye,
bruising it terribly. iAt the same time be
repeatedly Jabbed Iiei body with his knee.
unlike most women,Mrs. Frezinski did not
faint, but showed fight and finally broke
away from her assailant. Meanwhllo her
ten-year-old son, Simon, had descended the
stairway to the kitchen, but ho was not
While his wife was beiug assaulted, two Jf
the men bad forced Frezinski back from tho
kitchen into tho front room, and in tho
darkness they beat him unmercifully with a
blackjack aud revolver. Finally they vo
him a push that sent him sprawling upou bis
back aud his bead struck a jar with great
force, splitting open the scalp. Mrs.
Frezinski ran up stain) altar breaking away
from herassailautuiid shouted for help from
an open window. The two men who bad
been beating Irezinski re-entered the
kitchen. Moses, the boy, recognized one of
them, who hurriedly left the house with oue
of his companions. The third man made a
hasty search of a sideboard drawer, and then
ran from the house. He secured no booty.
Frezluski joined his wife upstairs in shout
ing for tho police and Policeman Foylo re
sponded, but the three assailants, with ono
who stood guard outside, had disappeared
and could not bo traced.
Dr. M, S. Kistler was summoned and he
drossed Froziuski's badly lacerated scalp.
While the Injuries are serious, they are not
Frezinski was of the opinion that the out
rage was perpetrated in a spirit of rovonge.
All the assailants were Lithuanians aud
Frezinski had a Llthuauiau arrested last
week for assault and battery. The case was
settled on payment of costs, The police,
howoycr, bolieve that, robbery was the mo
tive They believe Frcziuski was followed
from his butcher shop,
Upou the identification made by tbo boy,
Moses Frezinski, Policemen Hurley aud
Uraitis and Constable Bolln prepared them
selves for an arrest. At two o'clock this
morning (hey took Alex. Wtcznofsk! from his
bed at his boarding house on West Raspberry
alloy and locked him up, At ten o'clock this
morning the prisoner was arraigned before
Justice Shoemaker, The boy positively
identified him as one of Frezlnski's assailants.
The latter could not be positive. He said his
eyes were filled with blood during the assault
and he could not identify tho prisoner. Mrs.
FrczinskI was quite sure Wicznofski was oue
of the men, but not positive. Tbis was due
to the excitement under which the woman
labored at time of the assault.
Wicznofski pleaded not guilty. He set up
au alibi and claimed to be able to prove that
he was in bed at his boarding bouse at the
time the outrage was perpetrated. He was
committed without bail. No other arrests
have boen made In connection with the case.
Constable Bollu was on guard at the Frezinski
house last night, armed with a double-barrel
shot gun, but was not called upon to act.
Coco Argollne, the genuine article, for sale
at Kirllu's drug store. 10-0-tf
Collieries Shut Down.
Packer collieries Nos, 4 and 5, operated by
tbo Lehigh Valley Coal Company, will shut
down for au indefinite period to-night. About
eight hundred msn and boys will bo thrown
out of cmplcpment. Nothing officially can
be learned as to the probable duration of the
Idleness, but It appears quite certain that it
will continue some time. It is said extensive
alterations aro to be made In the workiugs
with a view to ultimately connecting them
with the workiugs of the other Packer col.
Heries and having the aggregate output run
through one breaker.
Dr. Hull's Cougli Syrup Is the heat
remedy for relieving aud curing that asthma,
tic cough. Physicians recommend it. Buy
uuly the genuine, Dr. Johu W, Bull's Cough
Died From lujurlea.
George Bublic, a miner employed at Maple
Hill colliery, met with a fatal accident ou
Saturday nltemonu. His right leg was
caught between tho cage and rib at the bot
tom of the shaft, aud the member wa) almost
torn off at the knee. He was removed to his
homo on East Raspberry alley, aud Dr. Stein
dressed the Injury, and the man was taken
to the hospital. Amputation was necessary
and tne victim died yesterday.
Gruiut Hop
In Robblns' opera boute, on Monday evening,
Cleary's orchestra of ten pieces will furnish
the music. Ml-Ot
Choice selection of 10, 14 and 18 karat
wcddiug rlugs. Oiklu's, I29S, Malu St, tf
Die Court Decides That They Muit he
Itrmovrd From Saloons.
Pottsville, Jan. 10. The first week of civil
court for the trial of short causes opened
tbis morning with Judge Beohtel and Marr
ou the bench. There was a small attendance,
outside of the members of the bar ami Inter
ested litigants. Many case were continued
or marked "settled," and as a result court
this week will probably adjourn about Wed
nesday or Thursday. Several eases In which
Shenandoah parties are Interested will be
called either to-day or to-morrow. Among
them Is ono In which M. P. Fowler is the
prosecutor aud the West Mahanoy township
School Board tho defendant. It Is for lumber
furnished In the erection of a school building
somo time Blnce, and there is a dispute over
the settlement of the claim.
Another case is that of Johu F. Ifeiff, of
Mt. Cannel vs. the Columbia Brewing Com
pany, of Sheuandoab, which Involves the
claim to certain pioperty. The prosecution
made a strong effort for continuance, while
the defendant company was anxious to go tu
trial. Further argument on tho continuance
was deferred until later in tho day.
Judge Bechtel announced this morning
that all old applicants having tbo same bonds
men and applying for tho same stands would
be marked as granted, dating to-day, and
called especial attention to the requirements
of tho law that applicants have fifteen days
from tho dato the licenses are granted In
which to lift them. Tho court intimated
that all licensesJhat woro not lifted within
that time would be rovoked.
Noxt Monday, immediately after motion
court, all other llcouses will bo taken up and
considered in their order until all of them
have been disposed of. Tbo old applicant
with new bondsmen will probably be dis
posed of first. So far thclk have been no
remonstrances filed against any of tho Shen
andoah licenses, but it is not yet too late to
do so. It is'hot probable, bowevor, that any
will bo filed, at least not iu tho wholesale
manner that marked former license courts.
Judge Bechtel made an important ruling
this morning bearing upon the granting of
licenso applications. It will be remembered
that the last grand jury directed tho court's
attention to the large number of slot
machines that were in operation in the
saloons and other public places throughout
the county, aud recommended that proper
steps be taken for their removal and suppres
sion. Judge Bechtel stated that the court
had also received numerous communications
from leading citizens throughout tbo county
protesting against this abomniblo evil, and
that tho court had decided to take action iu
the matter. Tho court made an order that
horoafter no licenses will be granted until
tho applicant files an affidavit with tho Clerk
of the Courts setting forth that no slot
machine, pool table or other gambling
device is now in their place, or will
be allowed iu their place during the
period for which tho licenso n to be granted.
The court was asked the question whether or
not this ruling applied to wholesale licenses,
and Judge Bechtel intimated that it did. in
asmuch as he was In receipt of a communi
cation complaining mat a wholesale applicant
uu viuiaieo me law in tuis respect.
The order nf pnnrr In !.,,-,..,. !. i...
machines will result iu the removal of these
gambling devices for the present year at
least and nrohahlv for n Innc
are few public places in the couuty in which
these machines aro not operated.
In the case of tho Safn n .ni- ni
Pottsville vs. the County of Schuylkill, in
which an application for a new trial was
made by County Solicitor Bechtel, and argued
before Judire Endlfoh. a iWfatnn wna i,nn,in
down thlsmoming and tho application was
reiusea anu juugment now obstante verdicto
was discharged. ThUrjsn I
covery of the missing $10,000. for which the
former board of County Commissioners wero
At the sueirestinn nf niHfrfo.
Bechtel the following
court, in which the costs wero placed upon
tbo parties to tho suits, wero nol prossed :
Francis Kuepper, f. and b on oath ot Mary
Jones; Mary Caslow, surety, on oath of Clara
Art2! Alltlinnv nil,l nnrtrn 7nnakl-! ......I,
, mvv.w MuutuHivii amua
and battery, oath of Anthony Dumbroski;
Frank, Peter, Joseph and Nicholas Nator,
and John Jelly and Salvatluo Cessoro, riot
auu. assauu, on oath or O. J. Doudt, of Kline
Twp., Heury Snyder, statutory rape, oath-of
John and Mary Aller; also f, aud b., oath of
Mary Aller, of Mahanoy City; S. L. Aaron
and H. S. Ilcllicr. Im.nv oe i,n... ..,..
, - j ... ivL, iuai;
cutor, Hannah Kefowlch, Mahanoy City:
ii iu. oicuy, i. anu o ou oath or Stella
Petry-, of Aubnrn.
A charter was prnntpd tM mn.,in ,n
Gwardia Kazmieza Pulaakigi Society of
Tho Sons nf Aliniltam WaU CK,,
l'ou of Shenandoah was also granted a
In the case of V. M. TiiM.orf ,n,i in
E. Bachart, trading as A. E. Bacbart, vs.
Adam Jnknaknv. nf MiAnn !.. ,A
judgment was refused.
An application tor divorce was granted in
the case of John Neary vs. Ida Neory.
There's Just What Tou Want.
Pan-Tina (25c.) for coughs and colds. At
Gruhler Bros., drug store.
Inquest Suhlect Discussed.
From Pottsville Chronicle.
Mine Inspectors Vm. Stein, nf Kl,n,i,ll..
Edw. Brennan. of Shatnnkin and Tl, xr.
guire, of Pottsville, met iu consultation at
Pottsville on Saturday. Amoug the subjects
discussed was that of inquests. It is alle.ed
that under the law inquests are only held In
mining accidents when tho coroner or his
district deputy is advised by the inspector
lime one is necessary.
Attend night school in tlm rvumiiotin
building and learn book V
ship, short hand and type writing. 1-10-St
Au Amputation,
Henrv Samnsnll. nlm ,irf nf-MlTalt
foot crushed by a piece of timber at the
Shenandoah City colliery a few weeks ago,
yesterday suffered au amputation of the
large toe. ur. si. s. Klster, of town, per
formed the operation. Mr. Samnsrll HrMnt
Fisher's patch.
l'lll'IU LUNCH 1H TO-fi'IOIIT.
Bean soup, free, tu night. Liver aud onions
to-morrow morning.
Free lunch, pea soup, to-night. Coucert
selectlous by l'rof. Hood.
Chicken soup, free, to-ulglit. Vegetable
soup to-morrow morning.
Vegetable soup will bo served, free, to all
patrons to-nignt.
Beuu soup, free, to-nigbt.
Pennsylvania and West Virginia Repub
licans In Deadlock.
Both Sides at Harrltburr Claim Victory In
the Senatorial ContestTbe First
Show of Strength To-morrow
IlBrrlslmrn. Jan. IS. Yetnly wmt
an on day with the lesrlnlators and lott
tlclana srathered at the state capital to
take part In the big contest for United
Stales senator. The candidate and
their manager went home to spend
Sunday with their families ami will not
return until thl evening:. Chairman
Klkln, of the state Republican commit
te Is here in the Interest of Senator
Quay, and IS. A. Van Valkenberg-, of
the Business Men's League, 1 looking
after the anti-Quay forces. The head
quarters of the two factions were clos
ed yesterday and no effort was made
by either side to make votes.
Mr. Klkln said today he had every
reason to believe that Senator Quay
would be re-elected. Mr. Van Valken
berg said Just the reverse. He claims
not a break has been made In the
antl-Quny lines and predicts Mr. Quay
will fall 25 short of a majority In the
house tomorrow.
"Senator Quay's third defeat will fol
low on Wednesday," said Mr. Van
Valkenberg. "when on joint ballot there
will be a majority against him too large
for him to overcome. His managers
know- that he cannot win, and are only
playing for position and looking for a
Senator Quay's friends declare he Is
so confident of his re-election that he
will start next Thursday for a month's
fishing at St. Lucie, Fla. Senator Vest,
of Missouri, and Dr. L. Webster Fox,
of Philadelphia, will go with him.
On the surface the result of the sen
atorial fight Is very much in doubt, and
neither faction is over confident as to
how It will end.
Ropubllcnn Scmnto Awnlt tho Action
of the Democratic ItoiiHO.
Charleston, W. Va., Jan. 16. The leg
islature was In session four days last
week without doing anything. This
deadlock is due to the senatorial con
test, and It will continue all this week.
The Democrats hold their senatorial
caucus on Wednesday night, nnd the
Republicans on Thursday night, but
the balloting In Joint session does not
begin until Monday. Jan. 23. On the
certificates of election the Republicans
have a bare majority on Joint ballot for
senator. The senate is Republican and
the house Democratic, so that In un
seating minority members in both
houses both parties have opportunities
for retaliation, and this condition Is
what prevents both bodies from pro
ceeding with business. The house on
Saturday failed on Its first contested
seat case, because two Democratic
members refused to vote and another
was paired with a Republican, but It
Is thought that Logan, Democrat, will
be given the seat of Via. Republican,
and that other contest cases In the
house will be settled Immediately af
terward. Meantime the Republican
majority In the senate Is waiting the
results In the house.
While this contest Is going on at the
state house the headquarters of the
senatorial candidates are crowded day
and night with the enthusiastic con
testants. Ex-Congressmnn McGraw la
having things very much his own way
on the Democratic side for Senator
Faulkner's place. It would be neces
sary for the house to unseat more
members than the senate for McGraw
or any Democratic aspirant to have
any chance. On the Republican side
there are more candidates. Revenue
Commissioner N. n. Scott nnd Governor
G. W. Atkinson are the leading can
didates, with Caldwell. Peffenbarger,
Floyd, Gnines. Hughes and others also
In the field. The dark horse is Judge
Nathan Goff. who Is not a candidate,
but whose friends regard as the final
solution of the pending complications.
Hor-owlilppcd'on the Street.
Scranton, Pa., Jan. 10. J. o. Acker
man, a wholesale produce merchant,
was publicly horsewhipped Saturday
afternoon by Miss Lizzie Kvans, at on
time employed by him, but lately the
manager of a Prlceburg store In which
Ackermnrf was Interested. A morning
paper contained the announcement of
his engagement to a well known young
lady of Scranton. This so Incensed
Miss Kvnns that she determined upon
the horsewhipping. She hired a cab
nnd drove about the business streets
until she espied Arkerman. She leaped
from the enh and laid the lash on with
vlur. Acpuman pushed her away,
but she renewed her attack with such
desperation that he ran away.
All Army )ni-r'. il(ldeu Death.
Harrlsburg. Jan, It. Captain A. Wil
son Norils, of HurilBbure. assistant
adjutant general on th staff of, Gen
ral J. I'. S. Gobln, commander of the
Third brigade of the First division of
the beoond army corps, stationed at
Augusta, Ga died suddenly last even
ing at tne uarrlshurg club. Captain
Norris oame home Saturday night on
a furlough to attend the Inaugural
ceremonies, and was apparently In good
health until t o'clock yesterday after
noon, when he was taken sick while
conversing with friends.
Takes the burn out: heals the wound;
oures.the paiu, Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil,
the household remedy.
Marriage Licences,
Samuel F. Zlmmermau and Louisa Fermier,
both of Oneida; F. A. Mack, Pottsville. and
Susan Duffy, of Tower City; August Eiclier
and Christiana C. Greiner, both of Pottsville:
Wm. Rubright, of Monism, and Tillio
Walter, of Eldred Twp.
Cheap Groceries.
Best creamety butter, S5o per pound; best
roil nutter, vac; Hour, from to (9.40;
hams, 81c; shoulders, 6c. EJ1U Quzlnsky,
222 West Lloyd street, between West and
Chestnut street. l-10-3t
Qent's Winter
Underwear, Half Hose
and Gloves.
Sold below manufacturer's
The last chance of the
Formerly at 15 East Centre Street.
Setrot ,,ur f.lrmintfrrm tin-tn-Hnti tv!
We have ibe riL'bt pok1s hfir and lara
variety to select from at the right prices.
Ladies' Coats, $2.50, 33.00, $5.00, $8.00.
$8.00, S9.00 to $16.00.
Children's Coats, $1.50 to $7.50.
Fnr Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00.
Our Stock of dress pnoriil ha nn irmnl Vnt,
will find here a lanre assortment nf nlnin n,,H
fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic at bar
gain prices.
Our nlace is headnuarters for lare ntrtln
blankets, comets, runs. eir. 11-
pur line on second floor and get prices.
Butterick paper jattems, best in the world,
sold by us.
Parlor Suits,
Chamber Suits,
Diningroom Furniture,
Fancy Rockers,
Sideboards and
Parlor Tables,
Writing Desks and
Book Cases,
China Closets.
For the best Furniture of all de.
crlptionsat Bottom Prices go to
IOC S. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker
Inventory Sale
At Glrvln'cs.
Special Inducements
China, Etc.
Our counters have acaiu been
filled with useful household roods
at prices still lower than ever.
See our reduced prices on
Medallion pictures.
$ ill
Roy C. Rubrlsht, Mgr. 8 South Halo St