The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 14, 1899, Image 3

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w L Illy id biiVft
tion. I use the genuine Joliann
Hoffs Malt Extract, and find that '
it greatly aids me in the proper
assimilation of tood.
signed Eugene Sandow.
Beware of imitations. The genuine
has tbe signature oC
l'l.O n v.
Tlio midwinter exodus 1ms liegun. The
discomforts and dangers of our Xortlioru
winter uru directing attention to the mum'
lands of the Sjntli.
Tlio fltst I'cnnsylvnnia Railroad tour to
Jacksonville, allowing two weeks In Florida,
will leave New YorkTind Philadelphia Janu
,ary21, Excirrslnu tickets, including railway trani
porUtlim, l'tillinati accommodations (nun
lortli) and meals en route in lilh dirretions
whilo trnvtliug on tin- special train, will lie
sold nt tlio following rates: .New York,
$50.00; I'liilidelpliit, Baltimore and Wash
ington, $IS0(M. Pittsburg, $53 00, and at
proportloiiat ratrs from other points.
For tickets, itiueraiies and other informa
tion apply to tickot agents ; Tourist Agent at
11U0 Hroadway, New York ; or to (W. V.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agcut,
Broad street station, Philadelphia.
Scratch, scratch, scrtcli ; unahle to attend
to business during the day or sleep during
tho night. Itching piles horrible plaguo
Roan's Ointment cures. Never falls. At any
drug store, 60 ceuts.
The "Pacific Coast Limited," the new
California train will leaVe Chicago at 2:00 p.
m., aud St. Louis 10:30 p. m. every Tuesday
and Saturday airiving ut I.o) Angeles third
day at 4:00 p. ui and . San Francisco fourth
day noon, aud willl ruu via Chicago & Alton,
St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern, Texas
'& -Pacific, aud Southern Pacific Railways.
' This luxurious train consists of a composite
ear containing' reading, writing, smoking'
room, bullet, barber-shop and bathroom ; c
compartment car containing seven private
compartments and double drawing-looms ;
twelve section sleeping-cars with state and
drawing-rooms, also, dining-car In ,w)iieh all
meals will bo served a ta carte, and traverses
region of perpetual sunshine, where snow
blockades, blizzards or high altitudes arc un
known. In addition to. .otjx. weekly toiirJU
car linu via tbe scenic route, wo will operate
a weekly teurist car via "The Truo Southern
Kouto," leaving Chicago every Tuesday and
from St. Louis every Friday morning. For
illustrated and doscriptive literature, time'
'tables, very "lowest rate of fare to all points
west and southwest, address J. P. McCann,
Travelling Passepger Agent, or V. E. Hopt,
Oen'l Eastern Passenger Agent, 301 Iiroad
jvay. New York. '' tf
Do You Know
Consumption is preventable? Science has
proven that, and also that neglect is suicidal
The worst cold or cough can bo clired with
Shlloh's Cough and Consumption Cure. Sold
ou positive guarantee for over fifty years,
Suld by P. D. Kirliu aud a guarantee
This is the trade
mark of the short
lino to Florida tho
Southom Railway,
Two daily trains are operated all the year,
and during the" jflnier""6eason, a third, the
Florida Limited, is added. If you are going
to Florida or anywhere else in the South, ask
for a ticket v'a the Southern Railway, Write
to John M. Beall, District Passenger Ageut,
828 Chestnut strcot, Philadelphia.
When doctors fail try Burdock Blood
Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation; in
vigorates thejvhole system.
Primary Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
You can be treated at homo for same price
under aamo guarantee. If you prefer to
come here we will contract to nay rat road
fare and hotel bills, and no. charge, If we
fall to euro.
taken mercury, iodide potash, and still
have aches and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth, sore Throat, Pimples Copper Col
ored Spots, Ulcers on any part of the body,
Hair or Eyebrows falling out, it is thi
Secondary v
We solicit the most obstinate cases and
challenge the world for a case we can
not cure. T U disease has always baffled
the skill of the most eminent physicians.
$500,000 capital behind our uncondltlon 1
guarantee ADBOlute proofs sent sealed on
application loo page book sent free
1744 Masonic Temple, Chicago.
fto pain rrwi ytmi
If you wear tho
Made By .
WlimuHU trosi Co, C1Q toMil . Phtn- f
Tho Rosy Froshnoss
And a velvety softness of the skin is lnr
rlably obtained by tbey? who use PotiOMpi
Complexion Powder.
lhrf'Ti ill1 III n
An Amondraont Will Be Offered to
. Abolish tfrizo Money.
Coiiuxiwsinnti Horry, of Kentucky,
EvoKot KntltimlHHm In Clnlmlnir tlio
Honor Fur Atlniliiil Kelilo.v, to Whom
Hu 1'ii.v.H I'ootlu Trlbuto.
, Washington, Jan. 14. The house yes
terday entered upon the consideration
of the naval personnel bill. It develop
ed much less opposition than was an
ticipated, and the Indications are that
It will have a large mnjority when It is
placed upon Its passage. The last ves
tige of opposition to the measure from
the line olTlcers of the navy was remov
ed when an amendment was adopted
designed to prohibit Ht&ff ollleers, upon
whom the 1)111 confers positive rnuk,
from exercising comjnand save In their
own corps. The committee also assert
ed their purpose to offer an amendment
to repeal the law Riving- prize money
to the navy, and this -announcement
met with warm approval. Thi- speeches
on the bill yesterday were filled with
(slowing allusions to tho glories of our
nnvnl victories In the late war, and
Mr. Berry, of Kentucky, created a great
ilenl of enthusiasm by his eulogy of
Schley as the hero of Santiago. Mr.
Berry made the llrst allusion 'on the
floor of the hruse to the mooted ques
tion as to who was responsible for the
victory over Ccrvera's fleet, lie said:
'I believe the bill will remove con-
Jllct, and If there Is any country where
there Is a necessity for the removal of
conflict In the army or the navy It Is
the United States. I think we had n
magnificent phaee of the conflict In the
army service of the United States pre
sented In the papers today, and whether
It will end In a duel or not I do not
know, but It shows there Is a very con
siderable amount of Taction in the
army of the United States. There was
some conflict among the ofllcers In the
navy In the greatest battle of the war.
the greatest battle of modern times.
because it demons'rates the character
of the men and the vessels that wen;
engaged In It, and there Is no doubt In
the mind of the American peopje who
Is entitled to the .credit of that victory.
But there a"re people who are trying
to steal away from Schley the credit
of the glorious triumph he won on the
3d day of July, 189S."
In this connection Mr. Berry read
the following poem, amid a whirlwind
of laughter and applause:
When tho Spanish fleet, with full head
Dashed out of Santiago bay.
Taking the chances of death and wreck,
Who stood on a innkeo uunrterdeck
And marked the gnme with eagle eye;
Say, was It Sampson, or wus It Schleyr
Whd was It, when Bitot and screaming
Turned Sabbath calm Into echoing hell
Steamed Into the thickest of the fray,
Ills good ship lending nil the way,
While the roar of his guns shook tho
earth and sky:
Say,, wus It Sampson, or wns It Schleyi
In American hearts who holds first place
Of those who claim part In that glorious
Whose name stood out on that proud day.
As the-hero of Santiago bay?
In letters of gold, write that name on
Shull we write It Sampson, or write It
"I say It would be written Schley,"
continued Mr. Berry, "und then I say
there should be a provision of law that,
whether It goes to Schley or Sampson,
no prize money should be paid to the
men who have won that glorious
achievement, but that the provision for
prize money ought to be wiped oft' the
statute hooks. I say that the men who
made that magnificent charge at San
Juan hill in all aspects of this case are
as much entitled to fake Santiago as
a reward for their services asMhe men
who sank Cervern's ships."
In the senate Mr. McLaurin, of South
Carolina, took strong ground In a care
fully prepared speech against a policy
of expansion by this country. He cited
us one of the principal reasons why
the United States should not assume
domitijon over peoples who ar3 widely
dissimilar to the people of this country,
the experience of tho south wth the
negro rnee. He advocated the aqpp,
tion of the Vest resolution, declaring
that this country could not maintain
permanently as colonies such territory
ns the Philippines, and held that It
would be In opposition to the spirit of
American Institutions to do so.
Discovered toy a Woman.
Another great discovery has been made,
mrl iKif tnn Iw n ln.1v in this cnuntrv. "Dis-
" -j j -
ease fastened its clutches upon her and for
oovpn vears she withstood its seveiest .tests.
but her vital organs were" nndermiued and
death seemed imminent, ror mree monius
she f oughed incessantly, and could not sleep.
f 1. r. 11.. n fri rnrnv.rv 1 w
purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovery tor t-onsumpiion, ana was su mum
relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all
nmlit nnd with two bottles, has been ab
solutely cured. Her name is Mrs. Luther
Lute. Thus writes W. C. liamnictt & t-o
r,f sti.ihv. M. C. Trial bottles free at A.
WaWs Drop Store. Retrular size 5oc and
$1.00. Everybottle guaranteed.
Children' llln-asos Attuuk SoUlfers
Havana, Jan. H. Nineteen men of
the Ninth Illinois volunteers had the
measles when the regiment arrived
here. The number Is now 45. In the
Second South Carpllna regiment seven
men are down with the mumps, In the
fourth Virginia four have the measles,
and In the Third Nebraska two are
suffering with scarlet fever.
Many People Cannot' Drlnk
nnffon nr. r. It snoils their sleet). You can
drink Gralu-0 when yoh plcaso and sleep
like a top. For arain-Odoes.not stimulate! it
nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet It looks
and tastes like tho best coffee. For nervous
persons, young pooplo and children. Oralu O
is the perfect drink. Jlaile iroru pure grains,
Got a package from your grocer t?day. Try
it in place of coflee, 15 aud asc.
CariK'lilo SnyH II'h Sheer Novnso."
New York, Jan. 14. Air. Andrew car
naiHa was asked last nlrrht if there was
nnv truth In a rumor that was abroad
In Washington to the effect that he ha,i
ufferd to pay 2u,uuu,uuu to Spain it
this ijovernment would guarantee the
Independence of the Filipinos. Ml.
fnrneirle refused to be Interviewed
He consented to have his valet bring
him a copy or the uispatcn, ana ansr
reading It said: "Tell them that It It
nonsense, 'sheer nonsense."
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu,
ralnia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the lis ease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. -75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah, t
often, fTom no appmnt
cause, become languid and
despondent in the early days
of theiT womanhood They
drag along always tired,
never hungry, breathless
and vmh a palpitating
heart after slight exercise
so that merely to walk
up 3t6.irs Is exhausting.
Sometimes a Short. dry. cough
leads to the feat thdT they
are'gomg into consumption,"
They are angemic. doc
tors tell them, vihiih means
that they have too little
blood Are you like that? Have you too little blood,?
MoTe ansmic people have been made strong, hungTy.
energetic men and women by the use of Dr. Williams
Pink Pills foT Pale People than
aie me oesi ionic in ine woria.
Miss lulu Stevens, of Gnjport, Niagara Co., N.'Y., had been a very
healthy girl until about a year-ago, when she grew weak and pale. She
lost her appetite, was as tired In the morning as on retiring, and lent flesh
until she bcaroe so emaciated that her friend hardly knew her. The doc
tors declared the disease anicniln.and gave her up to die. A physician
who was visiting In Gasport prevailed upon her to try Dr. Williams' pink
I'llla for Pale People. She did so, and was benefited nt once. She Is now
well and strong the very picture of health. Buffjth (.V. J'.) Ceurur,
The genuine 6Te sold only in packages, the nrvr
always bce.nnel the full name. For sale by all drug,
gists ot sent , postpaid, by the Or Yiilliami tAedicinc
Company, Schenectady. N Y., on receipt or price, fifty
cents per bo. Book of cures free on request.
vlcor to the whole being. All drains and
are oroperly cured, their condition often
Mailed sealed Price it per box; 6 boxes,
money, Is.oo. Send lor free book.
For Sale at KIIlLIN'S Drutr
$5 Las I CZ
Will continue to gire week by week during 1899, by means of Illustrations
and text, all the Important news of the world lu a dear and concise manner.
II. U.Weill j
Independent of parties, devoted to
good gftvernraent, it will not hesitate
to approve or disapprove, whatever
the situation may be
Cuba and the Philippines
Special articles will appear on these
two countries by Messrs. Phil.
Robinson and P. D. Millet, both
of whom made special journeys to the
...the best..;
U what HARPER'S WEEKLY has been in the past and will be In the
future. The great work accomplished In the late Spanish.Amencaa ar is
characteristic of tho WEEKLY'S live aud energetic policy,
When the sleeper wakes. By h. a. weiu
Some Short-Story Contributors
W. E. Norrls Owen Hall F. J. McCarthy II. S. Merrlman
E. F. Benson U. S. Williams John Corbln M. S. Briscoe
K. W. Cbimben
Caspar Wnitney
and its industries will be
a series of articles by I
f)' The Londo
f v,' be written by
(4 and will be full of tii
The London Litter '
ill be continued weeMy by its well-lcnown editor, Mr. Caspar Whitney
10 Ctnts a Vopn Subscription S4 00 a frar
Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publisher!. New York. N. Y.
Frikiin ! it I he
Perfect Flttlnsc
That'a why they enloy their OOF PP.n.
Any grocer cap tell you why cunomeri
keep coming back for 8JIEL,IG'S.
Oo! to. t'ka, I
millions of Dollars
Go up In sriiokii evory year Take i o
risks hut Ret your houses, stock, fur
niture etc., InBurod In first-class re
liable companies as representei by
UAViTi PAIKT Insurance Agti t
laviu rAusi, qnn,h ,,,,p(
J , A TtllD.TiCl tvn lAri WOMAN'S RELIEF
Alwtya prompt tad rtlWblV .troW lmtatw
7 Gti r1,0"'""' l'iLinJ itaiiti
I JTAttlnia ftom. orMtil Il"fl (rUJi, pric; 91
For atle at Klrlln'i drug atoreand Shenandoa
druR ator
CeieLratetl Fetu il -I'owilorg
never ftdj.
ixl.UaJ ljuiie 'tlcclut'tbuA
uhind UTel after fitliri
' with Taniy nd 1'cunyrojal lU and otbtr lik
nanedlea I. Alwivi hu ithu h&jt fjid avoid dliit
Mhjtmont GuirantAed fuperior to al) utaera. roittiTC
by any otheT means They
TheyhavestoM tl.etetof years,
and have cured in mndt of
iCases of Nervous Disease, such
as Debility, liiziineji.SleepIei
ness and Varicocele. A iroohv.&C
They clear the brain, strengthen
trie circulation, make digestion
nrrt . nnrl imnirt 9 hm hh
losses are checked permanently. Unless patients
worries them into Insanity, Consumption or Death.
with Iron-clad legal Guarantee tocure or refund tft
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO , Cleveland, 0
Store, Shenandoah, Pa
The leading artists of the country
will contribute to the pages of the
WEEKLY, as heretofore, miking It
the foremost Illustrated weekly.
Hawaii and Porto Rico
These places will be similarly treated
by Caspar Whitney and W.
Dinwiddle, who likewise made a
study of the places
and its resources will be the subject
of a series of papers by Edward J.
treated In
This Busy World
by E. S. Martin, will continue to
amuse and lostruct its. readers.
Pilsner Beer.
Neecjs no. recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority ol
beer drinkers. They are good
authority oh which is best.
Christ. Schmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail..
SO West Contra Gtreot.
A Hand
Ik one of tho
possess Pc
Xlves It
axion j
man can
; 1'owdbu
some Complexion
Greatest t .'iarms a woman
'"il 1
War Commission Kofusos to Accept
His Evidence.
It' ISvlilnntljr ItntlortM tho M'nr l)o
lmrtiimut Hliunlil Mnku tlio Nnxt
Jliivii In tlm Ciiu Ih (IciktuI I'.hkhii
l!.(iiii)t rrom Court Mnrtlulf
WaphlnBton. ian. 14. There mini
to Ih" no abatement In the Interent ex-
hllilted here today In all. the Incidents
connected with the bitter attack made
on TITurnday by Commissary General
Kagan upon General Nelson A. Mlli.
As might have been expected, a mat
ter of this olllclal character was sure
to attract the attention of the presi
dent, and In consequenoe a greater part
of the session of the cabinet yesterday
wns given to Its consideration. The
principals In the case. Uenerals Mite
and Eniraii. contributed little during
the day to the controversy, but the
war Investigating commission acted
promptly to redress the affront put
upon the board Itself, us the members
regarded it, contained In the excessive
Inngunge urwd by General Kngan.
The commission passed a resolution
of censure on General Kb pan for the
language used and returned to him his
typewritten statement, wltti the priv
ilege of resubmitting It If he chooses
to revise Its language. Their letter re
turning the statement did not Indicate
positively whether or not they would
receive It as evidence, even though the
objectionable language were excised,
nnr did General Kagan himself give any
sign of an Intention on his part to avail
himself of the offer made by the board,.
ills friends did not hesitate to Intimate
that he would expunge the objection
able language, but he would say noth-
for himself, and any Intimation on that
score must be obtained from the board
The war department officials are not
yet clear as to what would be the ef
fect of a withdrawn! or modification of
the statement. One element holds
that, officially, the record falling to
show that nny objectionable language
had been used triere would be no legal
offense. Anothet takes the view that
while the amendment of the statements
would mitigate General Eagan's of
fense, It would not wipe It out. An
other aspect ot the case Is the bring
ing forward of the plea of exemption
which guaranteed In the name of th
president all ot the yltnesses before
tne board from the consequences of
what they might say. But again the
officials were divided, and this was also
true of the members of the cabinet as
to whether the exemption could lie
claimed In this particular case.
tne commission regrets that General
Eagan proceeded as far as he did. and
It is explained that the vituperative na
ture of the testimony was a complete
surprise to the commission, and that
but for the rapidity with which Gen
eral Kagan rend his long statement
and the nbsorblng vehemence of Its de
livery he would have been checked at
the time. One member of the commis
sion said that he was about to move
that the witness be called to order, but
decided not to, believing from the heat
ed way in which Kagan spoke such per
emptory action might precipitate some
Meanwhile General Miles Is apparent
ly waiting for the war department to
act, taking the position that it Is In
cumbent upon It and the war commis
sion to protect the army from such at
tacks. In the excitement created by this Iiv-
cldent the pending issue before the
commission, the quality -of the army
beef, was well nigh lost sight of. There
were, however, two piquant additions
to that part of the proceedings, one
consisting of the testimony of General
Wood to the effect that no one who
amounted to anything had made any
complaint as to the rations, and the
other from Theodora Jtoosevell making
n very severe complaint regarding the
lie Thinks tlio Commission Should
llnvo Silenced (iciH'i ul Kmiau,
Washington, Jan. U. General Miles,
discussing the promise of the president
that witnesses testifying before the
war commission would not be in
terfered with, said that there might
bo some question ns to the d
yldlng line between testimony and
personal abuse; that In his opinion any
court ot Justice, or, for that matter, a
police court, would have stopped a wit
ness who had used before It such lan
guage as "was used before the war com
mission. General Miles said:
'I did not want to appear before the
war commission In the llrst place.
When they wrote me suggesting that
I voluntarily appear before them 1
replied that I believed It to be for the
best Interests of the service for me not
to volunteer any testimony. When J
was ordered before the commission,
and they asked me concerning certain
facts that I then had In my possession,
I was obliged aB a matter of honesty
to answer them, and produced official
complaints to me as my best reply.
Even then I did not tell them all the
factB which I had discovered by my
own investigation."
General Kagan consented to be In
terviewed last night. He said: "A ter
rible charge was brought against me.
I was accused of poisoning soldiers
under the pretense of experiment. If
It had not been for that charge I
might not have spoken before the com
mission as I did. Let those that criti
cize my language be placed in the po
sition In which I was placed; let thetn.
be charged as I was charter., and they
Will understand my language better.
Jt Is the gored bull that feels the pain.'
Bucklen'i Arnica naive.
The best salve In the warP for cuts
bruises, aoree, ulcers, salt rheum fever sores,
teller, chapped hands. chllMains corns, ana
all-ekln eruptions, uud posltiTely cures piles.
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
period aallsiacttnn or mouy retunaca. trice
lia conla per Dor. roraiiiiv A.
Trnns-AtlmirJp I.I.ut. Overdue.
(loston, Jan. h. ..o iTCIngs caine
yes.erday from the I'eet of overdue
steamers, nnd ns time passes other
v. "els aie (instantly addtd to the list.
There are now 13 trans-Atlantic llnert
due or overdue. The delay In the ur-
llvat ot the; liners has made It neces
sary to rhange their outward schedule.
Hiere ure 12 steamers slated for sail
lug next week and they will probably
take out the largest amount ot mer
chandlse ever to leae here In one
week. Their shipments, will aggregate
1,000,000 bushels of grain, 12.000 bales
ot cotton, thousands of tons ot flour,
provisions, beef, steel and general
How Is Your Wife T
Has she lost her beaut y? If so, Constipa
tion, Indleestlou, Sick Headache are tho
principal causes. Karl's Clover Root Tea
has cured these ills for half a century. Price
S3 cU. and 50 eta. Money refunded if results
are not satisfactory. Sold by P. D. Kirliu
and a guarantee.
Et-Vleo l'ri-tldent ChHI oleotod n
One or the Oniclnln.
Havana, Jan. 14. Two of the mem
Irer ot the cabinet of civil advisers
which Governor General Hrooke will
ffrm wjll b tfenor Denting Mend-x
Capote), fotmer rice president ot the
Cuban revolutionary government and
now president of the special Cuban
commission In Washington, and Dr.
lor Gonsalea Lanuaa, member of
the commission. Dr. ltnusa wired
from Washington yesterday that he
would probably be detained there tor
several day. Seven or eight names
are on the list of possibilities, for the
other two positions In the cabinet,
among them Senor Pablo Desvernlne
and Senor Adolfo Vans. Thus far only
Havana men have been considered, but
It seems desirable to make one selection
from outside the capital. Governor
General Brooke would prefer to select
from eastern Cuba, but no one avail
able Is yet In sight, and the other. part
of the Island If unrepresented In the
cabinet might feel alighted or take
umbrage, as Santiago does about th
General Maximo Gomee, who Is still
In the Interior, continues to keep his
program before the people. It Is this
In substance:
First, the Island Is not yet free and
Independent; second, Cubans and
Spaniards should unite In making it so;
third, all the Inhabitants of the Island
should give the t'nlled States full
credit and co-operate cheerfully for the
General Gomes has written to the
principal Cuban commanders Instruct
ing them to keep the Cuban, soldiers
and civilians, from committing any
outrage upon Spaniards and aid In the
arrest and punishment of any Cuban
guilty of such an offense.
General Gomez Is regarded by the
United Stales military administration
ns scarcely suited to any high clll
office. He Is considered a soldier of
fortune: his manners are of the camp.
and he Is deficient In education. But
he will be received with all possible
courtesy If.lie comes to Havana, though
it does not yet appear how he could
become part of the civil administra
tion. Dentil or Kllucno lllnulns.
Baltimore. Jan. 14. Uugene Illggins,
Democratic tmllttclAM nmt
town, dleil at his home here yesterday
it pneumonia, aged 57. Mr. Hlgglns
lever missed a national or state con
rentlon. and wan iwrhans a woll
known to politicians In all parts of the
country as in his native town. In 1SS1
Mr. Illggins was brought prominently
before the whole countrv thrnuirh tin.
discussion which followed his selection
as apinlntment clerk In the treasury
department, the civil service reformers
claiming that the appointee was not a
in man mr tne place. After the affair
had. to a rertnln extent, been forgotten
Mr. Hlgglns resinned.
"I never courted newspaper notoriety,
yet I am not afraid to speak a good word
for your 'Favorite Prescription' and
' Pleasant Pellets." Over a vear ago I
suffered terribly for nearly four weeks
with prolapsus and weakness. After
usinj; one bottle of Pavorite Prescrip
tion ' and one of ' Pellets,' I was a well
woman. I have taken no medicine
since anil have hail nu symptoms of my
former trouble." Mrs. E, A Bender,
Kecne, Coshocton Co., Ohio
THERE IS Nil UIMn nc drim no
v .pur iNTrnHni no Pvvpnua.
HEEIJO North Sixth St.
I BBBBSIde Entrance on Green St
i-mmaeipMu, cures afttr
advertUtcg doctors. Medical lotil
tutei,faoiilvpbrilcIans,ipeclalliu, botpltal ana army surgeons fall, as
Sworn Testlmonlalsiri'llriuVi
wAH K tbe t it of thousand who
are robbed and rained by uniktllfui
; uwiun iuu wuicki, wuu meir wvu
i worded and allurtnf? adtf nlwmenti,
I poslrjtf as old and experienced apeo
-gfo. n ultats, offerlnr free consultations.
SfuS 2 Priced treatment. Tnelr victims you
ft op 2 zjb nnd by thousands in 1'oorhouies or
p fl i lnaaneAt7luras.Loniultlrrbeel
r 1 S m9 as; ho Is known as the only honest.
-:ZS J skillful and ceuulna Hiieclmllst
n SS 3 2. m tnthls country wubsyean'Earoneaa
Sj.S.m lloipltaland 31 years' pracUcal cx
Pome! a perience, Send 0 tcent stamps
for book "Truth," the only true medical book
adrcrtlted siring valuable Information to young
and old, suffering from Heir-Auuie. l'rfvut
Diseases, Lost MinboodYVsrtcocele&Btrlcture,
and expoitng all deceits In tbe practice of medicine,
and electricity. UoursiS, crgs,-9k&iniday,9'U.
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne,
PtiPLD t,
ItVlitR H J
" ON
V little Ix roontln old srlrl had Krm.
W'ouwlaM kiwis t ri-mwlli'j, Imt she kept
Ctimj x. irv. lu I to wrap her hands Up,
a 1 1 to tlt . her, bail .ut lier on the talilo.
I loliM uut bold her, lie would kick and
cream, and, when she could, she would tear
li -r face anil arms nlirmn In piece, Four
lion'ior Ci TirTRA vi'i'ii""t),two calei of
CtTlfTRA S'Uf. a nt t i hi i BA ItESOLTEXT
fur t fi r, atl'l I -'nrrUfl.
JVI.7.X Mm i HV1, Lisbon, V.IT.
s,..nT' rr'iftiw. r Wrirni hIHl wl"l C'TT
i 'i'i'.w t'il iticiba totStnwfilX
. 1 i H'"! Tssr.
' ir I1 tww rtsr.i isnfliir,
I i i ii ffluUnShiuiMMt,rik
CPIloo or Hemorrholda
Flasurea & Fistulas.
Burna & Scalds.
I J Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Y Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum A Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
Stings & Bites or Insocts.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c ami $1.00.
Sold hj druggbta, or tent postpaid on rvoelpt of price
liuriintis', 111 a lis nmuait.,x.Tt.
NoVEMBEB 20. 1898.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tnu aDOve
date for iRgau, UUberton, Hrackvllle. Dark
Water. St. Clnlr, l'ottivllle. Hamburg, Heading,
Pottstown, I'boculxvllle. Iton-lstown aad Phil
atelphla (llriiAd street statlonl at 6 15 aud 8 IS
a. m.,2 10, 6 U p in. on week days. Sundays,
8 IS a. m., i 30 p. m.
Train leave Prackvllla tor Shenandoah at
7 86, 11 46 a. m. and S 16, 7 86 p. m. Sunday
11 01 a. ru. and 5 -16 p. m.
Leave I'otUvllle for Shenandoah (via Krack
vllle. 7 10, II 20 a. in., S 30, 7 10 p. rn. Sunday
103.5 a. ra 5 20 p. m.
I,eavc I'hlladelphta, (Iiroad street station), fox
Shenandoah at 8 35 a. ru., 4 10 p. ru. week days.
Sundays leave nt ft 50 And 9 33 a. m.
Leave Iiroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Kxpres4.week-daya, 8 20, Oo, 4 50 5 03,3 15,6 SO
7 33, 8 20,9 50, I0 2I II 00 a. in 12 00 noon, 12 85
(Limited ! 00 and I22 P. u ,) 1 40, i 30, 8 30,
i 50, 4 02, 5 00, '.5 SS 6 00, 7 02. 7 50, 1000 p. m.,
12 01, night. Sundays, 3 3?, 4 OR, I 50. 5 05, A 15,
8 20. 9 50. 10 21. 1043 ft. 111., 1203, 1233, 280,
I 02, i Limited ! 22,) 5 20, '3 56, 6 S3, 7 02, 7 50,
(0 00 p. m., 12 01 night
Kiprera for Itoaton without change, 1100 a u.,
week-dayB, and 7 50 p. m., dally.
For Sea (ilrt, Aabury Park, Ocean Grove,
Long Ilranch, 8 20, 11 11 a ru, 3 30, 4 02 p m
For Lamberivllle, Eoston and Scranton, Q 50,
9 00 a m. 12 00 noon. 3 52. 3 00 ILambertrille and
E.asion omyi, weeicuays, ana 7U3 p m aauy.
Ilullalo, 9 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 0J
p m dallr.
For Baltimore aud Washington. 8 50. 7 20. 8 81.
10 20. 11 23. a. m.. 1209. I23I 1 IS. 3 12. 4 41.
(5 23 Congressional Limited,) 6 17. 653, 7S1
.... , aim . uinu, v. n.. uay,, auutjm.
3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. m., 1209, ! 12, 4 41, (920
ingresonai Limited,) oi 7 31 p. nu sum
12 03 nigh.
For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 12 a to, 103
and 4 01 pm week daya.5 04 and 11 16 p m dally.
Aiianuo tine, expresa law p m, ana
12 05 night dally.
ouiuern ltauwny, express o 51 p m, dally.
Chesapeake & Ohio Hallway, 7 31 pm, dally
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 is
a m weekdays, 11 10 p in dally.
Leave Market street wharf oa follows t Xx
f a
nreaa for New York. 9 00a m. 4 30 Dm week.
days. For Long Ilranch, via Seaside Park, 83U
a in weekdays.
ror island ueignu, rain and 4 00 p m
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rfvar
bridge Expreas, 9 40 a m.. 7 03 d. m. Sunday.
9 20 a. m., 7 03 p. in.
Leave Market Street Warf Expreas, 6 00 Ala,
200,4 00,3 00 p m. Sundays, 900, 1009 ta
lawuiuuiouniion s u nnu auup III.
ror cape May, Sea Isle Clly, Oo-wn Clly,
valon Stone Harbor. Anelesea. Wlldtr'nduil
Holli Ileach Emrcas. 9
week days. Sundays. 9 00 a ru.
ror roomers j'otnl isxpreas, 9 oo a. m., a uu.
4 00. S 00. D. m. week dava Sundava. 9 00 and
10 00 a. ra
The Union Transfer Comnanr will call for
and check baggage from hotels and residence.
-uiiung car,
I. B. HoTcmssosr, J. It, "Wood,
uen i iuanager. uen'l pass'g'r Airf
News and Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - $6 (i j-ear
Daily and Sunday ,by mail, 8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is thi greatest Sunday newspape
x in the world.
Price 5c a copy. By mall, 52 a year
Address THE BON, Hev York.
Safe ao sure. Eh4c(i-oikii s sjfl
w . watts upccirie Ea,rasr a
at rovlnsky'sl drug', store,
(Oautre slrsst.
tow s