The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 06, 1899, Image 2

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usr im.isiir.i ih.o.
"All the News That's Fit to Print."
lubllhetl evrry rvrnlnjr, exivnt Siinility, At 8
Sotitli Jnnlln strwt, Shnrrili, I'b.
Tlie Herald In ilHIventl til Sln-naniloiih ami tlie
siirroiimllnK towns forlxpi'iiln w rk, py
able t tlio onrrlrrs. lly tiinll W 0O ymr, nr
33 cents n inontli vmyntilr In nilvmicr Ail
vertUemeutflclinrfttil iwortllnff to smnnil
position, Tim mli1tlit-n reserve the right
to clinuKe tlie TK.sltlon f nitvertlsftuetits
whenever lire lliHontlon of news ilemmuN
It. Tlie rtitlit Is nwwrven' to reject miy
advertisement whether lmlil for or not, tlmt
thepulillslirrs nmy derm linproiwr. Adver
tlslnic r itv tnnde known unmiHpittfctttlmi.
Kntered nt the pot otfice nt Nlienauiloali, ln , ns
second rims tnttil nutter.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever,
The Senatorial Fight.
The contest for Sanator Quay's seat
in the United States Semite is becom
ing interesting. Tlie caucus develop
ments have merely clouded the situa
tion and the final outcome of the con
test, viewed from this distance, is ae
much In doubt ns it was previous to
' the assembling of the legislators at
Ilarrisburg. Tlie halt hundred of
Republican members who refused to
obey the mandate of King Caucus
say they will not recede from their
On the other hand, the friends of
Senator Quay profess to be confident
of success when the balloting begins
on the 17th inst., putting forth the
claim that a sufficient number will at
that time cast their votes for tlie
Beaver statesman to secure his elec
tion. Future events alone will de
termine the correctness of this view.
Quay is a man of great resource, and
has been in as tight u place as that in
which he is now, and came out suc
cessful. Much speculation is indulged in
ampjthe politicians as to the posi
tion Cf Unit well known triumvirate
of "reformers," Magee, Martin and
Flinn. These three men have always
trained together in matters politi
cal, and their apparent estrange
ment in the present Senatorial con
test can be accounted for upon the
supposition that they have an agree
ment to make Mageo the successor to
Quay. This belief is held by many
well-informed politicians, and in this
, manner they explain why Mngee did
J not stay out of the Senatorial caucus
and why Martin and Js'liim stayed out
of the caucus.
That the Senator from Pittsburg
has won the friendship of the Qnay
itesby his1 course in the Senatorial
caucus goes without saying. While
they know Magee has no love for the
Beaver man they realize helms played
good politics. No one for a moment
believes that he has had a political
estrangement with Martin and Flinn.
On the contrary, it is the concensus
of opinion that the three have a per
fect understanding, and that it will
develop in the near future, should
- ' tQnayifail of re-election.
As arriart of their plans on the Sen
atorial 'question, it was absolutely
necessary that Magee should enter
the caucus. By doing so he did two
essential things to advance his Sena
torial aspirations he proved that he
believed in partv organization, and at
the same time he won the friendship
of the Quay men. On tlie other hand,
this was necessary to the success of
the scheme that Colonel Quay should
liaveJess than 128 votes in tlie caucus.
This was accomplished by the action
of Martin and Flinn in refusing to
participate. It may be merely a
coincidence, but it is an interesting
fact, nevertheless, that these two
leaders between them kept just 19
legislators out of the caucus Flinn C
and Martin 14 and this number rep
resents what Mr. Quay needs in order
to be elected his own successor.
It may be that Martin and Flinn
will ultimately turn in these 10 legis
lators for Quay. Itis thought.though,
that they will use them to advance
the fortunes of Magee. These votes.
with the 109 votes in the Senatorial
caucus, if given to Magee, would
elect the Pittsburger United States
It is known that Martin and Flinn
think that Magee stands an excellent
chance of being successful. They
thinktliat if it can be shown oonclu
sively that Mr. Quay cannot succeed
himself the Quayitos can be induced
to turn in for Magee.
Some of the leading Quay lleuten
ants think that such are the reasons
for the ostensible political estrange
inent between Magee and Martin and
Flinn. According to their views on
the subject, they incline to the be
lief that this triumvirate of leaders
has entered into a well-conceived plan
to land Magee in the United States
Whether or no the scheme will be
y successful, tne future must develop.
Hood s
.tore full, regular action
the bowels, do not irri
jf&te or Inflame, but leave
M MnHiMnn Trr them. U eent
ii rua HA lis iu m i Lpi i tin nr.
-red tm If br C I. Hood fc Co . LowaU, Uui.
unnHsnmo Comnloxlon
11 - a At n ntiifMi a trnm a n ran
I 111 OuO OS wogiow
i'-. '-rill lnliivlfn siimiiiioikmI by tlio
(Jiu-rn lti-wnt tif imln.
Mnrirlri, Jan. G. Opneral Polavlejn,
:he former irovetnor general of Culm
anil of th Philippine, and Senor 811
vela, the Connerrai ive leader, have
aRrwd uimn tlte furmatlon of a new
cabinet, and have been summoned by
the uueen regent. The early advent of
the Conservatives, to power Is leeard
ed an certain.
Millions Given Away
It is certainly gratifying to tlio public to
know of ono concern in tlio laud who am uot
afraid to bo genorous to tlio needy nnd sudor
in. Tlio proprietors of Dr. King's Now
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, have given away ovor ten million trial
bottle of this great medicine; and hnvo the
satisfaction of knowing it lias absolutely
llroncliitls, Hoarseness and all diseases of
tlio Tlirnat, i;nosi anil jjim"" ;ire sureiy uiirou
by it. Call on A. Wasli y. Dnmplst, and get
a trial uot no ice. uegtunr si.e oo". mm
Every bottl gunmntetnl, or price refunded.
Tlio Ii -ti-iwil Army lil.l Delayed.
Waslili.: ti n. Jan. C The continued
serious ll.tuss of Representative Hull,
of Iown, chlrnan of the house crm
mlt'.e on military affairs, will necis
sit te a change of program as to
ta! nj up the important bill tot the In
ert ise and reorganization of- the regular
ai ,ny. It was Intended to begin the
di-bate on the Oth or lOih, but the re
ports aie such that It Is felt the ch-lr-nmn
cannot resume his position In the
house fcr ten days or more, so that the
future pi.ins as to the bill are left much
In doubt.
vTo Curo n Cold In Ono l)ny
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists rofund tlio 1110107 if it failstocuro.
25c. The genuino has L. II. Q. ou each
tablet. tf
Itonowotl IIolo For MV. lffiiKloy.
Washington, Jan. C At midnight
rtepresentat!v Dingby's phytl-lan said
he was dlnc aa well as can be expect
ed. The cilsls haB not yet passed, but
certain serious symptoms Incident to
the disease are releasing in their se
verity, which gives his family renewed
hope 'f recovery.
"Little Colds'' neglected thousands of
lives sacrificed every year. Dr Wood's Nor
way Pine Syrup cures little colds cures big
colds too, down to the very verge of con
llnrou mill linroncx lie hi For Trial.
Jacksonville, Fla., Jan. C Baron and
Baroness lie Bara, charged with using
the United States malls for fraudulent
purposes, were yesterday ordered held
In the sum of ?5,fl00 bond tor the former
and t? R0O for the latter for trial before
the "fnlted States court at Chicago.
They have not as yet been able to fur
nish bond.
What Is ShUoh 1
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you are notsntisfled
with the results wo will refund your money
Price 25 cts., 50 eta. and $1.00. Sold by P. 1).
Kirliu and a guarantee,
The Slhmroehv- C.7iiiniiinilei"t.
London, Jan. C Sir Thomas Lipton
Informs the press that he has flnatly
signed agreements with Captains Ar
chie Hogarth, formerly of the Isolde,
and Robert Wrlnge to command the
America's cup challenger Shamrock.
Wringe succeeded Captain Sycamore In
command of the Allsa, and sailed the
Duke of Abruzzl's Bona during the
season of 1S9S.
A Hit for Coughs and Colds.
What? l'an-Tiiia, 25c. At Oruliler Bros.,
drug stcre.
Mrs. ltotklii Lawyers May Appeal.
Run Francisco. Jan. 6. When Mrs.
Cordellk Botkfn, convicted of the mur
der of Mrs. John P. Punning, appears
for sentence in Judge Cook's court on
Saturday It Is thought that her attor
neys will ask for a delay of a week
to permit them to prepare an appeal to
the supreme court. What form their
appeal will take has not been deter
The Homeliest Man in Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggHt and get free a
trial bottle of' Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump'
tion. Price 25c and 50c.
.Menniiriia fiflild Hill Amendment.
Washington. Jan. C Senator Gear
vAfltprHav oravR notice of an amend
ment he will offer to the Nicaragua
canal bill authorizing the president
tr, mirrhiifi rizht of wav for the canal
from Cota Itlea and Nlcarauga, and
providing for the construction by the
mvirnunl of t lie TTillt(L States. TllD
amendment appropriates $140,000,000 for
both purpoMs.
An Important Question.
If your friends or neighbors are suffering
from cougbt, colds, sore throat, or any throat
or lung dlsoaBe (including consumption), ask
them if they have ever used Otto's Cure.
This famous German remedy is having a
large sale here and is perfoiming some won
derful cures of throat and lung diseases. No
matter what other mediolnos have failed to
do, try Otto's Cure. Large sizes 35o and 50c.
Sold by all druggists.
Twefvo Iroiiel In lnner Collision
Falmouth, Eng., Jan. 6. A pilot cut
ter ban landed here the captain and 13
if the crew of tlw British steamer Rom
shire, from Cardiff for Ht. Naaulre, and
tb' aiitaiii and 12 of the crew of the
Fi.jnh steamer Dugueaclln, from
Koutu for Swansea. The latter sank
Ironic, lately after the collision with the
Rosshire off tlie Revoke Head. Kleven
of the crew of the Dugueoclln were
drowned, and one member of the crew
of the Iloflwhlr was drowned.
Remember If Yon Have a Cough or Cold,
Pan-Tina always aurts, 96s. At Giuuler
Bios., druif store.
(jimvrit t; land's sarcasm
We Mny lie Obllitrd to Kill n Fow Hun
dred Tlioiismid Filipinos.
Princeton. N. J.. Jan. G. Kx-Prosi-
dent Cleveland, In reply to a request for
nn expression on the question of ex
pansion and annexation,, said:
"It Is n mutter of surprise to me that
the refusnl of certain natives of our
new possessions to ncqulesce In the
beneficence of subjecting them to our
control nnd management should In the
lfast disturb our expansionists. This
phrte of the situation ought not to
Imve been unanticipated nor the Inci
dents naturally Browing out of it over
looked. The remedy Is obvious and
simple. The misguided Inhabitants of
our annexed territory who prefer some-
thliiK different from the plnn for their
control which we propose or who op
pose our designs In their behalf, should
be slniiKhtered. The killing of natives
has been a feature of expansion since
expansion began, and our Imperialistic
enthusiasm should not be checked by
the prospective necessity of destroying
a few thousand or a few hundred
thousand Filipinos. This should only
be regarded as one stage In a trans-
cendelitnlly great movement, a mere
Incident In Its prqgresg. Of course
some unprepared souls would then be
lost before we had the opportunity of
Christianizing them, but surely those
of our clergymen who hnve done bo
much to encourage expansion could
manage the dinicultyi"
Spaniards)' Senseless Clinrfge.
Mndtld, Jan. 0. The newspapers here
continue to charge the Americans In
the Philippine Islands with all kinds
of atrocities. As a sample of the cur
rent fictions the papers yesterday ac
cuse the Americans of delivering up a
Spnnlsh naval lieutenant, who Is al
leged to have surrendered to the Uni
ted States forces, to the Insurgents,
who are said to have subjected him to
all kinds of tortures. It Is also alleged
that 104 monks were Imprisoned at
Cngayan, and that many of them died
of hunger and sufferlncr, that Spanish
property has been given over to loot
ers, that the owners have been plunder
ed and often assassinated, and that at
Suquat a convent was pillaged and
the nuns brutally outraged.
What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so decep
tive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it
is often firmly seated before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct stages is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back,
rheumatism, lumbago, frequent desire to
urinate often with a burning sensation, tlie
flow of urine being copious or scant with
strong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or Bladder trouble, witli heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
navel and the water passage, increasing de
sire to urinate, with scalding sensation in
pasjing, small quantities being passed witli
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
witli instruments. If uric acid or gravel has
formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected.
The Third starc i3 Bright's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that Dr.
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist, has discovered a Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of the most distressing
cases and known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this
great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle
and book of valuable information will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N, Y. When
writing kindly mention that you read this
liberal offer in the Shenandoah Ilr.RALD.
Tim Ohio 1'lKlit Ajrnlnst Standard Oil.
Columbus, O., Jan. G. As a result of
the developments in the Standard Oil
case In the supreme court yesterday
Attorney General Monnett last" even
ing filed a petition to oust the com
pany rom Its cherter In Ohio. The
petition sets forth eight Instances In
which It Is alleged the company has
violated Its charter since Its organiza
tion In 1870. The company has filed an
affidavit that none of the records or
books ordered produced have been de
stroyed, and that Its officers have de
clined to produce none except strictly
private papers.
Terrible plagues, those itching, pestering
diseases of the skin. Put an end to misery.
Doan's Ointment cures. At any drug store
LlnbtllHos 8!;(7,80l; Assets 9300.
Boston, Jan. G. Charles Ttosenfeld
and his wife Sarah yesterday filed
separate petitions in bankruptcy; with
the clerk of the United States .district
court. The combined liabilities of hus
band and wife are J307.809. Mr. Rpsen
feld's liabilities amounted to $239, S0J
and Mrs. Rosenfeld's to $158,000. She
has no assets, but Mr. Rosenfeld has
about $300. Mr. und Mrs. Rosenfeld,
according to the address given on their
petitions, live In Roxbury. Mr. Rosen
feld cites that his occupation is a
salesman. The laige claims against
Mrs. Rosenfeld are unsecured.
A ItcinarUitllo Curo.
Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable busi
ness man, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel
phia, Pa., says: "I contracted a violent
cold which settled all over me. The
pain iu my chest and side was excruci
ating. The doctor gave me medicine
and blistered my side, but I only grew
worse. Then you gave me bottle of
Brazilian Balm. I had little or no faith
in it, but decided to try it, I took 3 or
4 good doses before bed time, and rubbed
it well over mv blistered side. That
niirht I slent like a ton 111V first Rood
rest for over n week and awoke iu the
morning fared. Brazilian Balm is sim
ply invaluable."
Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agints
I'l'imlriiml ol .Hiiu'iui .".ill lloroimh.
New York, Jan. 6, The Manhattan
borough members of the municipal
assembly yesterday unanimously elect
ed James J. Coogan president of the
borough of Manhattan, to succeed the
late Augustus W. Peters. The salary
of the office Is $6,000, and Mr. Coogan
will have nearly three years to serve.
James J. Coogan wus a furniture dealer
on the Bowery until 1S88, when he ran
for mayor as the candidate of the
labor men. Since then Mr. Coogan has
cot been In business.
A Common Sanger,
If you have ever had h cold which you
permitted to "wear away" it may interest
you to know it was a dangerous proceeding.
Every cold and cough which is neglected
paves the way for consumption, bronchitis,
asthma or catarrh. Otto's Curo, the famous
Gormau throat and lung remedy, will cure
any cough or cold and save you from con
sumption, Sold by all druggists. Prices 25c
and 50c per bottle,
Menstruation, tho balnnco wheel 0
womnn's lifo.B ttlso tho bnno of exist
ence to many cnu&o i t means a time of
great suiTcrlng-J
AVhilotio woman Is entirely frco from
periodical palnflt docs not seem to have
mrc s pinn
that women
should suffer
bo severely.
hnm's Vege
table Com
pound Is
tho most
thorough fe
male regula
tor known to
medical sci
ence. It rolioves tho condition that pro
duces so much discomfort and robs tnon
titrunllon of its terrors. Hero is proof:
Dkar Jilts. PinkiiAm: How can 1
thank you enough for what you have
done for mo ? When 1 wrote to you 1
was suffering untold pain at time of
menstruation; was nervous, had head
ache nil the time, no appetite, that tired
feeling, and did not care for anything.
I have taken threo bottles of Lydla E.
Pinkliam's Vcgotablo Compound, ono
of Blood Purifier, two boxes of Livor
Pills, and to-day I am a well person. I
would lilt c. to have thoso who suffer
know that I am one of the many who
have been cured of female complaints
by your wonderful medicine and advice.
Miss Jennie It. Milks. Leon, Wis.
If you arc suffering in this way, writo
as Miss Miles did to Mrs. Plnkhatn tit
Lynn. Mass., for tlie advice which she
offers free of charge to all women.
Iilplniiuitle Jeproprlntlon ."'111.
Washington, Jan. 6. The diplomatic
nnd consular appropriation bill was re
ported to the house yesterday. It car
ries about $1,700,000, or a slight reduc
tion on last year. The consulates gen
erals, consuls, etc., in Cuba, the Phil
ippines and Porto Rico are omitted for
the first time. The usual appropriation
of $12,000 for n United States minister
to Spain Is made and for consuls In the
Spanish peninsula. Mexico appears for
the first time with the rank of an em
bassy, the salary of the ambassador be
ing $17,G00.
Shake Off Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
Itub well with Red Flag Oil, 23c. At
Guilder Bros., drug storo.
Delaware IJendloclc'Stlll On.
Dover, Del., Jan. G. Thirty-six ballots
were taken by the legislature yester
day in another fruitless attempt to
choose a speaker. The Democrats vot
ed for Shallcross, the "regular" Repub
licans for Clark and the "Union" Re
publicans for Tharp.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon 4hc system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disapjars. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. ti
Iterllr For 'Srfti" loroiiRli.
London, Jun. G.-The Duke of Marl
borough has been appolned paymaster
general. In succession to the Earl of
Hopetouh, who was recently made Lord
Chamberlain, succeeding the late Earl
of Lathom.
Young Mothers.
CroUD is the terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreik is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shlloh's Cough and
Consumption Cure acts like manic in catcs of
croup. It has never been known to fail. The
worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25
cts., SO cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D, Kirlln
and a guarantee.
As Reflected bv Denlliurs in lMiIlndol
plilu Mild llnltlinoro.
Philadelphia, Jan. 5. Flour steady: win
ter superfine. $2.25ff2.W; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, $3".15ri3.3n; city mills, extra,
$2.KOT2.i5. Hyo fiour firm at $3.10 per bar
rel for choice Pennsylvania, Wheat quiet
and steady; N'o. 2 red, January, TM&'iMc
Corn dull; No. 2 mixed, old, January,
41?i04c. do. do., new. J0tiff42c. Oats
firm; No. 2 white and No. 2 white clip
ped, 35V4c. Hay quiet; choice timothy,
$11.50 for larce bales. Beef Bteady; beef
hams. $18.50fil9. Pork Bteady; family, $12
(fi 12.50. Ijard weak: western steamed,
$3.80. Butter firm; western creamery, 15
621c; do, factory, 12lH4c,; Ellgns, 21c;
Imitation creamery, 13I17c: New York
dairy, 15?18c.; do. creamery, 1518c:
fancy Pennsylvania prlntB Jobbing at 23&
28c; do, wholesale, 23c, Cheese steady;
large, white and colored, lOVic; Bmall do.,
lie. j light skims, 7&&8Vic.i part do., ?
Mie. I full skims. 2ttf3lc. Eggs weak;
New York and Pennsylvania, 26c; west
ern, fresh, 27c; southern, 27c, Potatoes
Bteady; Jersey, $1.12!ftl.W; New York,
$1.2561.0216; Long Island, $1.2502; Jersey
sweets, $l,25fi2.S0. Tallow firm; city, 3iTj
c; country, ti3c. Cottonseed oil dull;
prime crude, 17V44jl8c.s do. yellow, 22
2214c. Turpentine firm at 15V4c. Cab
bage steady at $204 per 100.
Baltimore, Jan. 5. Flour dull and un
changed. Wheat firm; No, 2 red spot and'
month, 70U7CVo.i February. 7676c. ;
May, 7C9ie77c.'; steamer No. 2 red, 73'43l
73?c. ; southern, by nample, 72077c;
southern on grade, 7SV667C!ic. Corn oasy;
mixed, spot and month, 4Hill',tc: Febru
ary, ttiiilYtc; steamer mixed, aessvtc;
southern, wh(e, 35fo41c; do. yellow, 3S
41c. Oats firmer; No. 2 White, 3tli3Sc.
No. 2 mixed, 32V&C Rye firmer, No. 2
nearby, 59c; Nq. 2 Western, OlHc Hay
firm; timothy, $10,50. , Lettuce at $1.25
1.50 per bushel box,
Live Stock MurkotH.
New York, Jan. i. No trade In beevea
worth noting; feeling steady; cubles high
er; live cattle. llVillttc, dressed weight;
refrigerator beef, c. Calves slow and
weak: 50 head unsold; veals, $5&8; barn
yard calvoK nominal; westerns, $3.12Vi.
Sheep steady, lambs alow and unchanged;
!Vfe inr unsold, common to good sheep,
$l.3&&4.26; medium to choice lumbs, $5.35
5.66. Hogs firm lit $$.9004.10.
East Liberty, Pa Jan. 6. Cattle about
steady; extra, tt.36iU6.50; prime, J5&5.25;
common. $3.2063.00. 'Hogs steady: extra
heavy, J3.60S3.85; best mediums, $3.S0; best
Yorkers, $3.75; light Yorkers and pigs,
$g.6t8.70; skips, $2.5008.85; roughs, $2,503)
3.X. Sheep steady; choice wethers, $4.35
4.45; common, $2.5064.50; choice lambs,
$$.2066.30: common to good, $3.6005.10;
veal calves, J747.26.
What do the Children Drink 7
Don't givfi them tea Or coffee. Have you tried
the new food drink called GRAIN-O? It is
delicious and nourishing and taVcs the place
of coffee. The, more Crain-O you give the
children the more health you distribute
through their systems. "Grain-0 is made of
pure grairs, and wlun properly prepared
lattss like the choice grades of coffee but
costs about 1-4 as much. All grocers sell it.
15c. and 25c,
rSZ&XtZT fci'JS .
lint the llrltotm Failed to t'npturo tlio
the Linlr Ahmed Fed II.
London. Jon. 6. An official dispatch
fnm Colonel Lewis says that with a
Soudanepe regiment nnd a detachment
of Irregular tfflops ho attacked Emir
Ahmed Fedll while he wns crossing tho
Nile nt the cataract south of Rosclrex.
The colonel's force stormed the Island
on which Fedll took up a position, and
some severe fighting followed. Eventu
ally Fedll fled, with 300 followers, across
th river, where his force wub dispersed
by the Mnxlm guns. On the British
side Major Ferguson, six Egyptian ofll
cfrs nnd 18 men were wounded and 27
men were killed.
Lntcr dispatches show that Colonel
Lewis defeated Fedll on the Rlue Nile
on Dec. 20. Ills position wns taken by
storm and 500 dervishes were killed and
1.500 captured. Emir Fedll Is the last
remaining formidable dervish chief.
Tho emir, however, succeeded In escaping.
Now .lersny '.seimto Oflleors.
Trenton, Jan. G. The Republican
senatorial caucus held In the state
house last night selected Senator
Charles A. Reed, of Somerset county,
to be president of the senate. Au
gustus A. llarber, of Gloucester county,
secretary of the Republican state com
mittee, was selected for secretary of
the senate by a vote of 8 to 6 for Georgu
A. Frey, of Cnmden, who has held the
place for only one year. J. Fr&nk
Llndsley of Morris county, wns se
lected for assistant secretary by a vote
of 11 to 3 over Joseph Klngdon, of Bur
lington county, who held the place last
year. The other olllcers chosen were
tho same ns last year.
itynn AppVTeM Vor nn" Injunction.
Baltimore, Jan. G. Thomas F. Ryan,
of New York, owner of 2,700 shares of
stock of the Seaboard and Roanoke
Railroad company, filed an application
for an Injunction In the circuit court
yesterday to restrain Louis McLane,
as a member of the pooling committee,
from transferring some 3,000 shares of
stock to any person other than Mr.
Ryan. The court Is also asked to com
pel Mr. McLane to deliver said stock
to Mr. Ryan at $125 a share, In ac
cordance with an agreement made on
Oct, 0, 189G. Judge Wlckes did not act
upon the petition.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, soros, ulcors, salt rheum, fover soros,
tottor. chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required.' It is guaranteed to givo
porfect satisfaction or mony rofundod. Price
25 cents por box. For sain by A. Waaler.
The 'WiirTliK "Fund Completed.
New York, Jan. 0. The $100,000 fund
for the widow and daughter of the late
Colonel G. K. Waring has been com
pleted. During their lifetime they will
share the Interest on the money. At
their death the money is to be used
for the creation nnd endowment of a
chair In Columbia university to be
known as the Waring municipal chair,
for the giving of Instruction In munici
pal affaire.
Sick Headaches, .
The curso of overworked womankind, aro
quickly aud sursly cured by Karl's Clover
Hoot Tea, the great blood purifier and tissuo
builder. Money rcfuuded if not satisfactory.
Price 23 cts. and 60 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlln
and a guarantee.
This Is tho trade
mark of the short
line 10 Morula tue
kJ? r Southern Railway.
Two daily trains aro operated all the year,
and during tho winter season, a third, tho
Florida Limited, Is added. If you are going
to Florid nr anywhere clso In the South, ask
for a ticket via the Southern Railway. V,rite
to John ..I Iteall, District .Passenger Agent, !
8tf3 Chestnut street, Philadplplila.
A Card. '
We, tho undersigned, do hereby ngrco to
refund tho money 011 a 50-cent bottle of
Greonefc Warranted Syrup of Tar If It falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee H25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Waslcy, C. H. Hagen
btich, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Biersteln & Co. ll-14-33t-dw
Coming Invents.
Dec. 21 to Jan. 4. Grand fair under the
ausp'ces of tho Columbia II. & S. F, E. Co. in
ltob tins' opera house.
Feb. 1. Grand ball, Robbin's opera houso,
for the benefit of tlie Slavish Congregation,
There Never Was a Better Cure
Than Pan-Tina for coughs, 25c. AtGruliler
Bros , drug store.
Q Go to
8 Block's
Reduced to Half Price.
Our entire stock of Men's, Boys and Children's Clothing and
Overcoats has been reduced to half price.
In order to dispose of our mammoth stock
offer the above inducements.
I iOC iS El j.j
S. BIC-CK, Proprietor.
The Doctor gave ma one month to live. 1 nnd
btcn si. k lor two y ats. 1 !"d Asthma, a tear,
lug' hi 'hand dreadful Stomach trouble. Tin
mc( ine. the expense, the suffering. Twf
ye- 1 1, wror. Nothing helped me. Notnlnt
gaw me even temporary relief. I could no'
sleep for the Anlhinn nnd cough, nor eat for nil
stomach seemed row. 1 got so weak 1 could
not wnlk ot:css the floor without help. M
doctor cave rie our month to live. My relntlvei
la litK Us Co.. Pa. were ocut for and came cleni
lo Iowa to iitil me a last good bye. "lien 1
1ierd of llrazlllan Halm and the wondertu
cures :t had made. I had little faith, but rear
rnj re-nnd the teslinionlals. They stemu
lionet i.VI decided to try It. A drowning per
sou y know, catches at a straw. Btlll I dh
notd.neliopeltwoulddonieony good. I fell
sure I was too far gone. Well, If you will be
:ievi :t. the very first bottle gave me the- great
est,elicf. I was better, surely better. Then 1
got more Ilalm and Toxlcolo Tablets. The
wurKcu win iw
getlierand 1 1m
proved rapidly
lu all I bough
eight $1 00 bot
ties niid fivi
boxes ol Toxi
cals Tablets
total cost of JtOJ
nnd am not be!
ter, not relieved
but cured, j
have not beea s
well In 20 vror-
I do niv owi
work ana tblu'
am good loi
maiiv vears. 110
ol mere life, but of vigor, health ami liapplnes
and nil due totliuie wonderful remedies urn
zlllan lUlm nnd Toxlcola Tablets. Hut l ough
to say I did not use near all the Halm and lab
lets myself. I gave away a great deal and cure;
Coui-lis nnd Colds nnd Asthma and Stonmcl
trouble-) ntt rcuud the neighborhood The peo
ple say liny n-ver saw anything like It. No
I think everybody ought to know what Invnlu
ble rctnedies llraziliau llapn and Toxlcola Tab
leU are and you nre welcome to use my nam
and give the suffering the facts abcut my case
Most greatfully yours,
Mr?. T. C. Vaux, Dagley, Iowa
-1'or the benefit of those suffering witL
Caturrh, Asthma, old Coughs, the effects
of Grippe, etc., wc will wrap with ever
fl.OO bottle of flraziliau Balm a Month '
treatment of Toxicoln Tablets FREE til '
January 1st, 1899. If you get hold of c
bottle that does uot contain the Tablets
send us the cover.of the bottle aud wi
will mail you the Tablets free. B. P
Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indian
apolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents.
Flrol Fire I Urol
Insure your proporty from loss In the
oldest and strongest cash companies; Phlla.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America aud Firo Association, Hartford
Firo Ins, Co., Amorican Fire Insurauco Co.,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Flromru's
Ins. Co. T, T. Williams,
123 S. Jardin St.. Shenandoah.
People overlooked tho Importance of per
manently beneficial effects nnd wero satislied
with transient action; hut now that it is gen
erally known that Syrup of Figs will per
manently overcome habitual constipation,
well-informed peoplo will not buy other
laxatives, which act for a time, hut finally
Injure tho system. Buy the genuine, made
by the California Fig Syrup Co.
Ask your grocer for tho "Royal Patcut
flour, and take no other brand. It is tlio bast
flour mfulc.
ilOOD'3 PILLS cure Liver Ilia,
'Biliousness, Indlgcstlo.i, Headache,
A Dleas-nt laxative. All Druggist
Passenger trains leave Khennnilonh for l'enn
Haven Junction, Munch Chunk, fcldghton,
SIntlngton, Willie Hall, CatusauqUa, Allcntuwu,
Bethlehem, ICastnu New York and Phlladclpldn
nt S 24, 7 -19 a. m.. 1 10 nnd S 11 p. in.
For Vilkcftbnrrt', Whlto lluven nnd l'ittston,
5 28, 10 Is 11. 111., 1 00 mid Slip. 111.
For Laceyville, Townndn, ayre, Wavorly,
Elmirn. Kochettter: ltillTalo. Niairar.i FulU.
Auburn, Syrncuse, Ithaca, Geneva nnd tlio
West, 10 IS n. 111., 1 (0 and Slip. m.
For Ilelvidere, Delawaro Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 5 2S n. 111., 0 1 1 p. in.
For Lnmbcrtvillo mid Trenton, 7 -10 a. 111.
For Jcnncsvllle, Levistou and ltcaver Meadow,
5 28 a. in., 100 p.m.
For McAtloo, Audenried, Hazlcton, Stockton
nnd Lumber Yard, 5 2S, 7 111, 10 18 a. 111 , 1 00 nod
5 14 p in
FurJeddo, Drlfton nnd Frcelnnd, 5 28, 10 18
a. in., S 14 p. 111.
For .Sernnton, 5 28, 10 18 11. in., 5 11 p. 111.
For Lost Creek, (lirnrdville, nnd Ashland, 1 00,
nnd 7 28 p. m. 1
For Itavch Ituu, Ceutriillu, Mount Carniel and
gluiniokln, 10S8 n.m.,1 ISf 0 07, 9 23 p.m.
For Mahfinoy City, Park Place and Delano,
5 28, 7 49, 10 18 a. m.. and 1 CO, 5 11 p. m. '
For Yutesville, 5 28, 10 48 a. in.
Trains will leave Shamokln nt 7 00. 9 20 a. 111.,
12 M and 420 p. 111., and arrive at Bhenindoah
nt 7 19, 10 18 n. in., 1 00, 8 14 n. m.
Iavo Shenandoah for Pottsvllle, St. Cla'r,
Newcastle, Moreu and New Boston, 7 19 nnd
10 18 a. 111 , and 1 00 p ill.
Leave Fottsville for Shenandoah, (43 a ni.,
12 35, 595, 8 15 p. m.
Leave Huzleton for Shenandonll, 1000a.m.,
12 48,8 09,(120, 832 p.m.
Trains leave for Haven Hun, Centrullitf Mt.
Carmel ami Sliamokin, 9 4(1 a. in.t 7 21 p.'m.,
Trains leave Shainoklu for Shenandoah at
6 50 a. m., aud 5 33 p. in.
Leave Hhenandoah for Yatesvllle, Malmnoy
City. Park Place, Delano, McAdoo, Amlenrleu,
llazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard, Wea(Jicrly
and Mauch Chunk, 0 47 a ra., and G32 p, in.
For LchlKhtoii.SIatfngtou, Catasauqua White
Hall, Conlay, Alleiitown, Knston and I'hUlips
burg, 'J 47 a in., and G 32 p ra.
Por New York and Philadelphia, 9 17 a. in.
Leave Hazlcton for Hhenandoah, 8 50, a. in,,
and 6 27 p. in.
M, 11. CUTTElt, Supt. Tronsportatlon,
South llettilehcm, Pa.
ltOLLIN ii. WILHUK, Qenl. Hupt.,
South liethlchem, Pa.
CHAULKS S. LKK, Genl, Pass. Act..
New York, N. Y.
Ho ut U Ilethlehem, Pa.
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y-
nglnes Burn Hard Coal No Smoke.
Tratr-r Icmii Uhemindoali un follow..
For Niw York i Philadelphia, mil i,
2 10,3 38. 30, 9 53 a. ui., 12 20. 3 19 anil 6 19 p. in.
For New York via Mancb (..'hunk, wrok iay,
7 80 n, in.. VI SO and 3 UI n. m.
For K-endliiK And Philadelphia, week days,
210,588,780, 9 55 a.ln., IU litl. il 1 0 noil li 1.9 . in.
For Pottavllle, week duyn, 7 30, 955
12 20, S C9. 0 09 nnd T 80 p. m.
For Taiuniiiin nnd Mahnnuy City, week Uy
780,9 85a. ni., 12 CO 8 (9 and 6C9p m.
For WUIlBiuKport, Sunbury ami l-ewlanurg,
week dnya. 11 2 a, m.. 12 20, '80, tn
ForMahano) "lane.weekua)!), 2 1C, 3 27, 5 38,
780.985, II K2 a. "1-. 12 20, 819, 0197 3, 9 60
p. in.
For Anhland nnd Sliaiuonlii. week dy, 7 80,
1182 a. in., 12 20, 8 09,0 07 . 7 25 lid 55 p. in.
For IlAltlmoru, Wiwhlnifton nnd the Vivla
II. AO. It. ll ihroiiKli train lea- i Item, lug
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. .V H. If K.) nl 8 20,
7 55,11 20 b. m., 810 and 7.27 p.'- MunfnyB,
i 20, 7 00, II 26 a. m.,8 40 ono 7 27 p. in. Addi
tional trnina from Twentyfoiirth nnd Chest
nut Htreeia atatlou, week dayH, 10 HO n, in. 12 20
12 118 40 p.m. Sundaya, 1 85, 8 28 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
Jays, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 n. m and 1 45, 4 30,
900 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading; Termltml, -ek
days, 8 40, a 80, 10 21 a. ru. aud 1 80, 4 00, 0 30.
11 30 p. ro.
Leave Heading, week days, 137, 7 00, 1008,
b, in. , 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, weekdays. 7 17, 740 a. m
12 80, 1 20, 4 30, 0 10 and 6 60 p. ni.
Leave Tnpiaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 80, 11 23
. iu., I 49, 8 66, 720, 9 41 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy C'Uy, week days, 3 43, 0 05,
11 61 a. m., 2 22, 8 25, ft 24, 7 44, 10 08 p, m
Leave Mahanoy Platte, week :iuyf. 2 10, 4 00,
480. 9 22 10:3,12 00, B. Ut., 2 39, 5 80, 0 42 7.8,
10 21 p in.
Leave Willlameport, week days, 7 42. 10 00
m., 1231 and 4O0, 1 130 p. m.
Leave PbllndelphtB Chestnut street wart and
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. 111., 2 00, 4 00,
500 p.m. Aeeommodatlon, 8 00 am., 6 80pm
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a u 4 45 p. in.
Reluming leave Atlantic City depot, con er
Atlantlo nnd Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 S3, 9 00, a m. 8 80,8 80
p m Accommodation. 8 15 a. nt. 4 05 p. m.
Sundays Express. 4 00, 730 p ut. Accommoda
lion, 7 15 n, m,, 4 15 p. m,
For Capo May, Sen Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 a ra, additional for Cope Mny,
115 p in., for Sea Isle City, 5 00 p m., lor
Ocean City, 4 15, 5 00 p ra. Sundays, Chestnut
street 9 15 a nt., South street, 9 00 a. m.
Parlor Cars on all express trnlns.
Vnr further Information, annlv to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
Qen'l Supt., Oen'l Poss'r Agl.,
Keodlnir Terminal Philadelphia.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B'.owii Stout, Half and Half, Beer,
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands qf LjgiisrSjVuies,, Cignrsf
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Alain Sreet,
Will receive prompt attention.
Brewers of the" Finest
and Purest
Our producis are seldom equalled aud
never surpassed, l'rivate families supplied at
short notice by our own special delivvry.
K TBitn. THirs urn tint WOMAN'S HELIEF.
Alwfcvi nrnmnt and rHhl AwtLi tninfis
Ott GlTOiTi f hit PiLUtavnrt lirt timiTi.
f At drug tore, or tent dlrtct (tealtd ), pric, IU
C-iTOBSriq. Co. BoHoi,Hm. Oirfok,4.
For -die l Klritn'f Hriitr orrtnrt Hiit.ndn
drug itore
Celebrated Turn
1'owder never fatj.
W,tiuliulieileclar llit'in
uaCb and aura f After falliitif
with Tuisy rid Pennyroyal 11Uf and other likt
nolntment. Ouarantfted uperior tofclj ota
the Ut In thi rr?rket, A No. L FftrUttluft,
WJLJL ftuk 4T, Bf . KUfc
rwueaiecj. ajwbjfduiuv win vi
we are- cpnipelled to
m -
'.. . V it TiHif-r frit ' M'jsilttfiie 1 i'CV ltMvidttii& t Aifi ' 1 fJ.2-lJB. s L,