The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, January 03, 1899, Image 2

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i:sr utMsiuiii tmo.
"All trie News That's Fit to Print,"
Published evry livening, except Sunday, at
South Jnnlln MKtt, Shenandoah, lis.
The llernld Is delivered III Hlmiiiimlnah mid thn
surrounding tmvtu forstxeentiiB w ek, py
nlle to the carriers. Hy lltnll M 01 n ymr, ir
25 cento n monlli ynhle In ndvane Ail
vcrtlsements charged nwordlmr to itcrniiil
pmttlon. Th- pulHhi-ra reserve the light
to change the i mtlrni f ml verltKmrnH
whenever the public itl-ni "f news ilrmaiHfci
It. The right I rci'r -tl tii reject any
adverilwinent hi(lu" paid for or not, that
the publishers mnt dom Improper Adver
tising r-Ws made known upon application.
Kntcred nt the pmt oftlw nt Shenandoah, ls , nn
' second class mall in tter.
(Burning $jevitltu
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forevfer
A Sim loud of American mules litis
been embarked for Muiiilii. That
s-attlesit. .Where tho tinny mule lifth
up its voice in morning Honjr the
tongue of the antl expansionist will
be dumb through necessity.
Thk intelligence that Spain ia tor
turing Onrlists to make thelu confess
to their offenses, and then killing
them after they confess, muy be
taken asevidence that the recently
licked kingdom has recovered its
normal condition, and is starting in
where it left oT before the war.
Thk American navy is good for
anything. The Oregon, which made
a name for itself by sailing round
Capa Horn last spring, has sailed
baok again, and the Iowa sailed
along. The two ships are far up the
Pacific coast, and scarcely anybody
has given them a thought except the
officers and the folks at Washington.
Simultaneously with the coming
of the cold wave, the anthracite com
panies have advanced the price of
coal 25 cents a ton, and, that there
may be no temptation to cut' prices in
order to dispose of a plethora of
stock, have decided to run their col
lieries only three da sin each week.
This "will be hard on the poor people,
who depend on anthracite for warmth
in winter, and doubly hard on the
miners, whose wages are far from
good when they make full time.
It isjio be hoped that it is true as
reported that the various Republican
factions in the Indiana Legislature
have decided to settle the question of
the United States Senutorship by
unanimously supporting fex-President
Benjamin Harrison. The latter has
vtfry'r)roperly declined to make a can
vass, for the position, and it is not
kjjo,w;j even that he desires it. The
people of the Nation generally, how
ever, would gladlv see this eminent
statesman, soldier, lawyer and patriot
again take his place as a National
lawmaker, and his election would re
flect the highest credit upon the Re
publicans oj Indiana.
Thk people, of Porto Rico already
have a conspicuous example of the
change for the better in their condi
tion in the budget of Gen. Guy V.
Henry, the military governor, which
cuts down the amount from 4,000,000
PMoavhich it was under the Spanish
reglmetb 1,700,000, a saving of over
cprceht. In addition to this the
American governor proposes to take
a 'part of the customs receipts for the
making and repair of public roads.
The people of Porto Rico were as a
rule glad to see us, but they will be
all the more gratified and pleased at
onr coming as they see from time to
tinie such evidences as this of what
wo intend to do for them, and observe
the lightening of the burdens of gov
eminent, while at the same time t lie
.government gives them largerreturns
than ever.
WlJATtlVKlt may be the interest of
the public in the general discussion of
the army investigating board, when
it comes to a question of the fitness
of army beef for food a general
awakening follows. The beef rations
cam tffiva the same source that sup
plies the private consumer. The in
ference Is that if the army whs fed
had beef, the beef that is offered the
general consumer is worthy of in
vestigation. If ohemioals are used
to make army beaf keep, why not
suspect chemicals in beef that is of
fered the private consumer 1 Fortu
Tately for the buyer of meat, the
,'JU8iness is in the hands of a few
frins of suoh reputation and with
Euan abundant capital that an attack
Rn the eondition of their produat can-
lot be allowed to pass without refuta-
! on. And that brings the whole
jlpusinosfl into the fierce light of public
W lotice.
Was Always Troubled With Nervous
ness Now Cured.
MAHANOY CITY, PA. "I have been
troubled with nervousness and kidney
Ifflcu'lty. Have taken Hood's Sarsapa-
Tlua, and i am now ieeting iwiw m
way. l am stronger and have a good ap
, jretlte, and f sleep well at night. I have
o much confidence in Hood's Karsapa
that I am glad t lx .mmprid It."
V-Maa. emza Hawk i . "j ? t rvrrRt.
Md's Pil'
it I to
iM 250.
OF 'PZ .
in due not only to the orifl-hinlity and
simplicity of theoinllnntinn, Imtnlso
to the cure and mdil with which It is
iiirmufacttrtuil by sHsntifio processes
known to the C,mkonia Fin Svitup
Co. only, and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing tlio
true and original remedy. As tho
genuine S.yrtip of Figs is manufactured
by the California Fig Srnttp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact, will
ngsist one In avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Thu high standing of tho Cam
foiinia Fin SvirtTp Co. with the medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs 1ms
given to millions of families, makes
tho r.amo of Uie Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on the kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating ot weaken
ing them, nnd it does not gripe nor
nauseate. "In order to gels its beneficial
effects, plcaso remcmlv i the name of
the Company
HW rit,.cico. '!.
LOCISVIl,:.K. Rj. j,aV YORK. N. Y.
l'h Condition of tho Mntno Sin termini,
llmvovur, Still Crltlcnl.
"Washington, Jan. 3. -The slight Im-
pinvenient in the condition of ilepre
Se native Nelson D.ngley. of Maine,
no-"d yestetday continued during the
night, and his family ars now hopeful
that the change for the better la per
manent. The fever has ueen slightly
reduced and thepulse Is alittle stronger.
One of the atending physicians said this
morning ttmt he believed the patient
now had a chance to recover. His con
dition, however, remains critical.
EnntlnRO'M Protest Agnlnst Sending
Customs ItceolptK to Havana.
Santiago de Cuba, Jan. 3. An order
has been received from Havana which,
If enforced, will mean, In the Judgment
of the commercial classes here, Berlous
Injury to the province. This Is a di
rection to transmit the entire customs
receipts each week to Havana. Com
pliance with such instructions would
Involve the abandonment of many
necessary Improvements, especially. In
the matter of roads and water works.
Since the American occupation began
these funds have been used for such
purposes, and have been the principal
means of meeting the necessary ex
penditures. The Ile'raldo says that to
carry out this order would rob 10,000
Cubans of employment, most of whom
would probably take to the hills and
become bandits, having no other re
course. Itobert T. Mason, British con
sul at Santiago, says It was Spain's
practice of monetary centralization
which caused most of her troubles In
General "Wood, United States military
governor of the department, on being
aBked to express an opinion respecting
the order declined to be Interviewed,
but It is renorted that, without riffer.
lng any criticism of the policy which
dictates the order, he has shown his
annoyance at the possibility of a stop
being put to the good work being done
In the province The local taxation
fund is barely sufficient to meet the
expenses of th city. Popular excite
ment over the order Is growing among
all classes.
A ChnrnotorlHtto I.ottoi From Dowoy
Louisville, ICy., Jan. 3.-rThe little
daughter of John Cardwel, of New Al
bany, has received the following char
acterlstlc letter from Admiral Dewey:
"My Dear Little Friend: I have re
ceived and enjoyed your letter so much.
I am very much obliged to you for
your picture, and It Is the very nicest
present you could .have sent me. I am
very sorry that I have nothing to send
you. for I would like to very much. So
many people have already asked me
for buttons and pictures that I have
a long time ago (rlveji them all away.
I don't have enough buttons left now
even to button my eoat."
January Wmtlmr.
Washington, Jan. 3. The naval hy
drographlc office in the pilot chart of
the North Atlantic ocean makes the
following forecast for January: Stormy
weather along the transatlantic routes,
with frequent westerly and northwest
erly gales. Frequent gales north of
the 3Rth parallel, extending southwest
to 30th parallel west of the SOth merid
ian: occasional gales as far south as
latitude 25 degrees north. Northers In
the Gulf of Mexico. Occasional fog
along and to the northward of the
transaslantlc routes. Ice probable as
far south as Cape Itace, towards the
end of the mouth.
Fatally l!urj.ud liyJa KxploHloti.
Denver, Colo., Jan. 3. Miss Nettle
Zlegler, clerk to the state board of agri
culture, was probably fatally burned
yesterday by an explosion of gas at
the cupitol. Mrs. Martha A Shute. sec
retary of the board, was also severely
burned. The two women rau screaming
from the building with their clothes
and hair afire. M. 3. Crawford, who
was passing. extlngulHhed the flames,
and In so doing MutMiiit-il sewre burns.
Gas had ber-n est ipmg in a vault, and
the expimi n wai (aud by striking
a rrat'h Tho r apt ,j was not mu'h
Tliouitli TotM-rnMy Senliled. 1! l'rc
voiitnl n III it trii rxploslnn.
Columbus, Jan. 3. It Is nut often that
It falls to the part or a stationary en
gineer to play the patt of a hero, but
tint Is what happened to Io Chalfanl.
luhr Itute engineer at Wo'ff Hrother"'
nhoe factory, yi "terday. Though badly
fcnliled. he If aped Uuough blinding
: uds of steam, rri':i'd the lire fium
mideY the boilers nnd prevented an ex-
l'l'lonthat Jeopardized the lives of COO
employes In the building.
rile regular engineer of tile plant Is
l.l, and Chnlfant was working ns a sub
silti ip. "Yesterday he noticed that
tl.eie was too much water-hi the boiler.
iml so opened a valve to let sonn of
U out.' Then he went around in fmnt
to watch the gnuge while the water ran
Into the well. He noun saw that the
wrfr was cuing out 'too fast, and thai
a Jet of steam was encnplhg with greui.
force. In trying to shut It off he was
badly sratiW. but In splto of the
pain he thought only of the awful con
seeiuenee of un explosion.
There was but one thing to do, and
that was done quickly. Seizing a shovel
he sprang to the furnace doors and
egan raking out the lire. The boiler
ooled down and the danger point was
passed. Then Chalfanl gitve the nlarm.
He was taken to hlB home, where he
les in n precarious condition, but with
prospects for recovery.
(publican I"iet Ions Itofnso to Omens
on the StMiatorslilp.
Dover, Del., Jan. 3. The Delawate
legislature convened nt noon today,
and among the most Important mat
ters that will be taken up by that body
will be the selection of a United States
senator to succeed Senator George
Gray. The legislature Is Republican,
and it is believed that the next senator
will be of that political faith, ptovtded
the existing bitter factional feeling in
the ranks of the party can be healed.
J. Edward Addlcks, the leader of one
faction", known ns the Union Repub
licans, has announced his candidacy
for the position, and is being bitterly
opposed by the "regulars," or antl
Addlcks wing of the party. An effort
was made last night to bring the fac
tions together In caucus for the organi
zation of both bodies. This, however,
was Ineffectual, the "regulats" of the
house refusing absolutely to go Into
caucus, owing to the absence of Repre
sentatives Pilllngand Conaway, who are
sick, and because the call was not
signed by a majority of the Republican
members of the house. Both factions
held separate conferences and the Ad
dlcks faction decided to favor. Repre
sentative Tharp for speaker and the
"regulars" will support Representative
Clark The refusal to go Into caucuJ
throws .the contest Into the house. With
Representative Conaway absent each
faction has 15 followers.
.What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so decep
tive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it
is often firmly seated before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct stages is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back,
rheumatism, lumbago, frequent desire to
urinate often with a burning sensation, the
flow of urine beipg copious or scant with
strong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or Bladder trouble, with heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
navel and the water passage, increasing de
sire to urinate, with scalding sensation in
passing, small quantities being passed with
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments. If uric acid or gravel lias
formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected.
The Third stapc is hright's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that Dr.
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist, has discovered a Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of the most distressing
cases and known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this
great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle
and hook of valuable mformation will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer &. Co., Binghamlon, N. Y. When
writing kindly mention that you read this
liberal offer in .the Shenandoah Herald.
Death of li.v-Kiirueim T. I D Ion,
New York, Jan. 3. Dr. Charles F.
Gilliou, formerly a surgeon In the Uni
ted States navv. Is dead live from
pneumonia, aged S5. He served in thu
Mexican war and was afterward ap
pointed surgeon of the United States
steamer Columbia, going on an extend
ed cruise In Asiatic waters on her.
While cruising in the Constitution a
year later he visited Rome, and pre
scribed for Pope Plus IX, who was
taken suddenly 111.
nttnwa Votiw For Sunday street Cars
Toronto, Ont., Jan. 3. Municipal elec
tions were held throughout Ontario
yesterday. The mayors elected In the
principal cities uie: Toronto, John
Shaw, re-elected: Hamilton, J. V. Teet
zel; Kingston, Dr. Ryan: Ottawa, Al
derman' Payment; London, John D.
Wilson. The citizens of Ottawa voted
on the question as to whether street
cars should be allowed to run In that
city on Sunday, and decided by a large
majority that they should.
Tlio Now II, and O. Milliliter.
Baltimore, Jan. 3. It was officially
announced at Baltimore and Ohio head
quarters today that F. D. Underwood,
general manager of the Minneapolis,
St. Paul and Ste. Marie Railroad com
pany, had accepted the position of gen
eral manager of the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad company. The position
was proffered to Mr. Underwood two
months ago by Receivers Cowen and
Murray. Mr. Underwood will assume
his new duties on Feb. 1.
Heavy Snow In Washington Stnto.
Seattle, Wash., Jan. 1. The new year
was ushered In. by a heavy snow which
has already reached a depth of 12 inch
es. Thus far there has been but little
delay to railroad traffic. All Puget
Hound steamers have been delayed
from six to seven hours.
Cumin Soldiers AValtlim For Puy.
Havana, Jan. 3. The continuance of
the Cubans in arms Is the most puz
zling question connected with the ad
ministration of the island. The nego
tiations for the payment of the sol
diers are to be conducted from Wash
ington, so as to relieve Major General
Brooke of this difficulty. For the pres
ont the Cuban commanders are holding
their men closely together and under
discipline. They say that they expect
the I'nlted States to pay them, and
that they will not disband until they
ft fin answtr Th'-re are probably 35.
000 mrn able to work, but nuw sponging
.n br . cuntry
Then li n
word to full
of meaning
and about which such tender and
holy recollections cluster as that
of " Mother " she who watched
6vcr our helpless infancy and guid
ed our first tcitcring step. Yet
the life of every Expectant Moth,
cr is beset with danger and all ef
fort should bo made to avoid it.
ns so assists nature
Mother's 'tfis
a m the Expectant
rB ft B1i tii Mother is cna
IrlSliI bled to look for-
II U t U f T a v m
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences tho joy of Motherhood.
Its use insures safety to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
is found stronger after than before
confinement in short, it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy," as
so many have said. Don't be
persuaded to use anything but
" My wife suffered more In ten min
utes witlioither of her other two chil
dren than she did altogether with her
last, havln? previously used four bot
tles of 'Mother's Friend.' It Is a
blessing to any one expecting to be
come a MOTHER," says a customer.
Henderson Dale, Carml, Illinois.
Of Drngirlita nt (1.00, or tent brexpms on receipt
of price. Write for book eonulnlog teatlmonUK
aq4 Taluabla Information for alt Mother, free.
The liradfleld llegii ator Co., Atlanta, Ga.
1 '
Governor liooovi)lt"H Inniigiirutluii.
Albany. N. Y., Jan. 3. Theodore
Roosevelt was formally Inaugurated as
governor of New York yesterday. At
the public reception In the executive
chamber In the afternoon fully 0,000
people grasped Governor Itoosevelt's
hand and 2,000 more were unable to
gain admittance. Before the reception'
an elegant bronze inkstand was pre
sented' to Governor Hoosevelt by tha
members of the Hamilton club, of Chi
cago, a large delegation of which was
present at the inaugural ceremonies.
It"MHrat Fight With Strikers.
Ashland, Neb.. Jan. 3. .Several men
were seriously Injured at the Armour
& Co. Ice plant at Me'mphls yesterday,
In a clash between strikers"""and men
on duty. Eighty members of the night
force struck Sunday for Increased
wages, and when the day force re
fused to Join the strikers a vicious hand
to hand fight resulted. ' An unknown
striker from Lincoln was struck on the
head and Is reported dying. The at
tacking party was defeated and sev
eral of the men have been nrrested.
Anti-Tux lllpti In Sicily.
Rome, Jan. 3. A mob of 4,000 people
has dettroyed the Internal revenue sen
try boxes and stoned the gendarmes
around Nisceml, Sicily, as a protest
against excessive taxation. A number
ef persons were wounded. '
Consumption Cured.
Last November Mr. Joseph James,
fiainter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Iudianapo
is, Ind., was at death'3 door with quick
consumption. Wasted to a .skeleton;
his lungs a mass of ulceration; his
death was hourly awaited hy his tloctpp
and family. He was kept in a constant
stupor with opium. A friend, thinking
to relieve his terrible cough, gave him a
bottle of Brazilian Halm. Seeing its
wonderful effect, the doctor advised its
continued use. Mr. James soou after
dismissed his doctor, and depended
on the Balm alone. His recovery was
rapid and complete, and in February he
returned to work. His lungs are sound,
and his weight greater thau at any time
in his life. His recovery is regarded as
almost a miracle.
COMMA bacillus.
In consumption beware of cough mix
tures and prescriptions that contain
opium. Opium paralizes the nerves,
and gives the comma bacillus a good
chance to destroy the lungs. It is
always fatal. Brazilian Balm does not
contain a trace of any opiate, but stimu
lates the nerves with new life and power,
destroys the microbe, and restores all
that is left of the diseased lungs to a
sound and healthy state which no other
remedy has ever been .known to accom
plish. Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents
nit ot IiiHout ClrvrriiesH Thnt Won
Pi'iilwe From Army 3Ien,
Several members of tho Unltod States
engineer corps wcro interested witnesses
of n feat of Insect engineering near tho
road on whloh they were working. Ono
of their number found a blue ground wasp
dragging along the- ground u (load swamp
spider ono-quurtor thu size of a full grown
tarantula. Whether tho wasp killed tho
spider or found it dead is a question beyond
solution. Ho wns having n hard tlmo
drugging his proy along, nnd presently
left It to go prospecting for his abode.
The discoverer of the wasp milled Ids com
panions, and ono of tliuiii coming stepped
upon tlio wasp's ground hole, crushing
down soino blades of dried grass across it.
This cauhed no little trouble to the insect,
who, upon locating tlio nolo, nipped away
nt tho obstructing stalks with his strong
mandibles until he hud cleared a passage.
Then be went baqk and, sized up tho
spider, walking around the big body and
surveying It from all fiidus.
''He's reckoning that tho holo Isn't big
enough," said ono of the engineers. '
"That's nil right, Ho'll fix It," said
another us tho Itihect wont bnok nnd com
moneed vigorously widening tho entrance
to his domicilii.
Again ho returned to tho spider, seized
It and dragged it to within a foot of tho
orilco. To thu spectators It was evident
Unit more work would have to bo done bo
foro tho spider could be dragged In. This
struck tho wasp, too, for again hu ran
a ro imd the body, examining It oarefully,
nnd returned to tho holo to take measure
ments, Ho wont to digging a second
time. Having dug for two minutes, ho
brought his prey up to tho edgu of the
hole, nipped out 11 plcco of dirt here, out
away a grass stem there, nnd after ID
minutes of hard and skillful labor disap
peared underground, dtagglng tho spider
after him. Tho engineers then resumed
tholr work, exchanging comments of ad
miration. Chicago Inter Ocean.
A lilt for Coughs and Colds,
What? Pan Turn, 25c At Grubler Bros,,
drue stcro.
nittlngulftliod llCHlilentn or Washing
ton ('(Milliird to Tlieli- Homes,
Washington. Jan. 3. The grip and
the ailments attendant upon It that are
now included In Its train of Ills has
prostrated an unusual number of resi
dents of Washington. At nil the drug
stores, which are the real barometers
ofhe state of public health, the n
ports are the same, that there were
never so many proscriptions or so many
calls for the remedies which are sup
posed to be specific for diseases of the
mucous system. An observant phar
macist estimates that 10 per cent of
the district population Is suffering In
tine way or another from the now gen
eric pHp.y,
Thlee members ot the senate com
mittee on appropriations are so 111 that
they will not be able to leave their
homes for several days. These in
clude Senators Sewell nnd Cockrell,
both of whom have been sick, for two
weeks or more, and Senator Allison,
who has the grip, nnd Is keeping to
his room to avoid more serious conse
quences. Senator Turple, of Indiana, Is recov
ering from nn attack of pneumonia, but
for several days has been able to sit
up. It Is not ut all likely ho will go
to the Capitol for at least two weeks.
Of the Justices of the supreme court
one, Justice Gray, is sick with the grip;
of the United States court of claims,
Justice Weldon Is ailing; of the dis
trict court of appeals, Chief Justice)
Alvey ami Justice Morris are both af
flicted, and of the Justices ot the dis
trict supreme court Chief Justice Bing
ham and Justice Cox are sick.
Bucklen'e Arnica Salve,
The best salvo lu the world for cats,
bnjisos, sores, ulcers, salt rhonrn, fovcr Boros,
totter, chapped hands', chilblains, corns, and
hII Akin'oriintinna. and nnalttvolv cures 1)1 lcs.
or jo pay rcquirod. It is guaranteed to (?lvo
perfect satisfaction or raony. refundod. Price
is cants per oox f or sale oy a. wasioy.
JcrNKxposttton ltiilldlugHlu Danger.
Paris, Jan. 3. The heavy rains of the
last 36 hours burst the main sewer at
Olevres, live miles south of Versailles,
yesterday, causing a landslide and
Hooding the new Works of the Orleans
railway terminus. The workmen for
tunately escaped, but their carts .sud
denly disappeared under six feet of
water and the engine nnd foundations
collapsed. Much alarm Is felt through
out Paris, because the disaster reveals
the overflow of the subterranean River
Blevre, an allluent of the Slene. In
the Avenue de L'Opera the water has
risen to the level of the pavements,
and It Is feared that the foundations of
the exposition buildings are endanger
ed. Thsre 1j a Class of People
Who are injured by the uie of coffee. Recently
there'hns been placed in all the grocery stores
a hew preparation called GRAIN O, made of
pure grams, that takes the place of coffee.
The most delicate stomach receives it with
out distress, and but few can tell it from
coffee. It does not cost over 1-4 as much
Children may drink it with great benefit.
15 cts. and 25 cts. per package. Try it. Ask
for GRAIN-O.
Heath of Kx-tnto Soerotnry T.lim
Hellefonte, Pa.. Jan. 2. Kx-Secretary
of the Commonwealth John Ulalr Linn,
onp of the oldest lawyers of the Centre
county liar, died yesterday at his home
In this city. Ke had been In feeble
health for some time, and during last
week contracted the grip, which caused
his death. He was born in Lewisburg,
Pa., In October, 1831. He graduated
from Franklin and Marshall college,
and was idmltted to the bar In 1851
He was he first district attorney of
Sullivar I'ounty and practiced law In
Union inty from 1854 until his re
moval in Tlpl'pfonte In 1871. In 1873 he
was appointed deputy secretary of the
commonvpalth by the then secretary
of the commonwealth, Hon. M. S. Quay.
Upon llr. Quay's resigning, In 1878, Mr.
Llnn was commissioned as his sue
Young Mothers.
Croun is tho terror of thousands of young
mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing
aud frequently fatal. Sliiloh's Tough and
Consumption Cure acts like manic hi' cases of
croup. It has never been known to fail. The
worst cases relieved immediately. Price 25
cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by 1. D. Kirlln
aud a guarantee
Illsllvrn KxootitToncr.
Mlddletown, O., Jan. 3. During a
quarrel Philip Kucli was Instantly kill
ed by John Glfford; residing three miles
northwest of here, at the hamlet of
Jacksonboro. The altercation arose
over the division of a crop of tobacco
which Kuch had raised on the Glf
ford farm. Gilford stepped Into a shed
and returning with a shotgun fired at
Kuch, the charge tearing away his face.
Officers who went to the Glfford home
received a defl from Glfford, who had
barricaded himself In his house. He
threatened to kill any one who might
attempt to arrest him. Later Glfford
committed suicide.
The Homeliest Man In Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump
tion. Price 25c and 50c.
Iiowoy 'WnntH to C011111 Homo.
Toledo, O., Jan. 3. City Clerk Lem
P. Harris is in receipt of a letter from
Admiral Dewey, who was invited to
be the guest of honor to open the Ohio
centennial on May 1, 1903. The ad
miral expresses his thanks for the
honor, and says that -while It is Im
possible for him, at present, to make
any definite answer. It would give him
much pleasure should circumstances at
that time render It possible to accept
the Invitation.
Shake Off Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
Iiub well with Itcd Flag Oil, 25c. At
Qtuhlcr Bros., drug store.
fiorlniiM Ntrikn liluts In lliiimtii'y.
Uudapest. Jan. 3. Serious strike riots
have taken place at Nagy-Komlos,
County of Torontal, Hungary. The
mob overpowered and disarmed the
police, who narrowly escaped with their
lives. The rioters then attempted to
burn the residence of the local magis
trate. Finally the police were reinforc
ed and the rioters suppressed.
Ln Pnvs Preparing J'or a Blogo.
Lima, Peru, Jan. 3.--Tho latest ad
vices from La Paz, capital of Bolivia,
say that a combat is Imminent between
the revolutionists and the government
trooiiu. The La Paz mfrrlinnl nrn
! hnatllv lnvlne: In rirnvlalnna In vlnur
of a possible siege of the capital.
To Cure a Cold lu Onu Day
Take Laxative Hi orno Quinine Tablets. All
I druggists refund the uiouoy If It falls to cure,
25c. The genuine has L, II. Q, on each
, tablet. tf
The Doctor eave me one month to live. I had
been sick lor two yenra. I hail Asthma. . tear-
IngttHifru ano orentiiui aiomncu irunu,c. ..
iiici' lni. the expense, the auferliic. To
ye; .o.'liorrof. Nothing lielned me. Nothing
gia me even tempoiary relief. 1 coulu not
alcep tor the Afithnin nuil couch, nor cat lor my
aloniach seemed raw. 1 got no weak 1 could
not wall: ocioss the floor without help. My
doctor gave mc one month t live. My relative
111 llucka Co., Pa. were sent (or nn1 came clear
to Iowa to bid me a last goou nye. inert 1
henl of llrczlllnil Holm nnd the womlerfii
cure It had made. I had little faith, but read
and re-read the tellinoiiials. They ace nun
houe .nil I decided to try It. A drowning per
son y 1 know, cRlches at a atraw. Still I did
not hone H would do me any Rood. I felt
mire T wru too far Rone. Well, If you will be
lieve it. the very first bottle Rave me the Rreat
est I' lirf. 1 was better, surely better. Then 1
jot more Halm and Toxlcola Tablets, They
woriccu wt-n lu
gethernndl Im
proved rnpttlly.
lu all I botlRUt
eight $1 bot
tles and li v 1
hotel ol Toxl
cola Tablets A
mid om not bet
ter, tint rellevec1,
but cured. I
have not bceu ao
well 1,10 vMtm.
do 1'iv own
ywnrK aim iuiiik
of mere life, but of vigor, health and happiness
and all due to those wonderful remedies, tiro,
stlllan Balm nnd Toxlcolo Tdblets. Hut I ought
to say I did not use near all the Balm nnd Tab
lets myself. I Rave away a Rreatdenl and cured
Coiifhs and Colds and Asthma nnd Stomach
troubles nil round the neighborhood The peo-
Fle siy lluy never saw anything like It, Now
thlntc everybody ought to know what Invnhi
lile remedies Drarlllan llaim and Toxlcola Tab
lets nrc nnd you are welcome to use my name
and give the suffering the (nets about my case.
Most greatfully yours,
Mrs. T. C. Vaux, llagiey, Iowa
lfor the benefit of those suffering with
Catarrh, Asthma, old CougTis, the effects
of Grippe, etc., we will wrap with every
$1.00 bottle of Brazilian Balm a Month's
treatment of Toxicola Tablets I'REUtill
January 1st, 1S99. If you get hold of a
bottle that docs uot contain the Tablets,
send us the cover of the bottle and. we
will mail you the Tablets free. B. F
Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemists, Indian
apolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents.
Fire I Fire I rirot
Insure your property from losi In the
oldest and strongest cash companies : Plilla.
Underwriters Insurance Co, of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins Co., American Fire Instiranco.Co.,
West Chester Fire Ins. Co., United Ffromon's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 R. .fardin St., Shenandoah
"Little Colds'' neglected thousands of
lives sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's Nor.
way Pine Syrup cures littlo colds cures big
colds too, dowu to tho very verge of con
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you are, ask for tickets via tho Southern
Hallway. It Is tho shortest, quickest and
host route. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Writo for
further information to John M. ficall, District
Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia. Pa.
What Is Shlloh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds aud
Consumption ; uecd through the world for
half a century, has cured Innumerable cases
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you -are not satisfied
with tho results wo will refund your money
Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Klrlin and a guarantee,
Ask your grocer for tho "Koyal Patent
dour, and take no other brand. It is tho best
flonr mad
Passenger trains leave .Shenandoah for l'cnn
Hnvcn Junction, Mnucli Chunk, Lchlghtou,
Slatlncton. White Unll. Catnsniiriuii. Allentown.
Hethlehein. Enston Nuw York and Philadelphia
ni o sfl, 4 vj a. 111., 1 10 nnu o 14 p. 111.-
For Wllkcshiirro, White- Haven and Plttston
5 1, 10 IK u. m., 1 00 and Slip. 111.
Foe Lucevville. Towanda. Havre. Wuverlv
Elmlrn. lto'chesten lttiffnlo. Xiairnra Fnlla.
Aiihurn, Syracuse, Ithacn, Geneva and the
esi, iu in u. m., 1 w nnu o 11 p. tn.
For Ilelvldere, Delaware Water Qap and
sirouusiturg, o a. 111., o 11 p. 111,
For I junbertvillo nnd Trenton. 7 49 n. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlstouaiid Heaver Meadow,
5 28u. in., 1 00,p. 111,
For McAdoo, Audenrlcd, Hazlcton, Stockton
and Lumber Yard, 5 23, 7 49, 10 18 a. Hi., 1 00 and
5 1 1 11 m
ForJeddo, Drtfton nnd Freelnnd, 5 28, 10 18
a, nL, 011 p. in.
l.? u. k no tft in n . K 1 , .1 ...
For Lost Creek, ulrartlville,andAshlnnd, 4 00,
and 7 28 p. m.
For Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Curmel and
Shmnokrn, 10 38 11. rn., 1 4.1, 0 07, 9 23 p.m.
ForMahatioy City, Park Place and Delano,
3 28, 7 49, 10 18 n. in., mid 1 00, Slip ill.
For YnteHville: 3 28. 10 18 a. in.
Trulns will leave Shamokln nt 7 00. 9 20 . ni,
12 10 and 4 20 p. in., and arrive at Shenandoah
at 7 iu ih a. 111., 1 ou, d 14 p. m.
T ul...nn...lnni. I,a,,au)ia ct nut.
Now Castle, Morea and New lloston, 7 49, and
10 18 a. m , and 1 00 p ni.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 9 45 a in..
i m, o'.vi, n 10 p. m.
Lcnvo Ilnzlctou for Shenandoah, 10 00 a.m..
Li is, o uv, o .0, o m p. in.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centrnlla, Mt,
Carinel and Shauiokin. 0 4G u. m.. 7 21 11. m..
Trains leave Hhamokiii for Sheiiuudoah at
8 SO a. 111., and 5 35 p. 111.
Leave Shenatidonti for Yatesvtlle. Mahnnoy
City, l'urk Place, IJelano, McAdoo, Audenrlcd,
iiazieton, Stockton, i.uiniicr lnru, wcatncriy
and Mauch Chunk. 9 47 a m.. nnd G 32 n. 111.
For Lehlghtoii, Slatlugtmi, Catasauqua White
Hall, Coplay, Alleiitowit, Huston and Phillips-
uurg, v i t a 111., ami u m t 111
For New York and Philadelphia, 9 47 a. 111.
Leave Hazlcton for Shenandoah, 8 SO, a. m.
and 0 27 p. m.
M. II. CUTTI5R, Supt. Transportation,
South liethlehem, l'u.
ROI.L1N II. WlI.lUTIt.Uenl.Supt.,
South liethlehem, Pa.
CHARL1CS S, LF.K, (lent. Pass. Agt.,
New York, N. Y.
A. W., Dlv. 1'. A.,
South llethleheni, l'u.
riillions of Dollars
Go up In smoki. every year. Take 1 o
risks but get your houses, stock, fni
nlture etc., Insured In flrst-cktsr re
liable companies as represented by
hAVIFi FAUST Insurance AgeU
AUn Ttf (InmpiinUi
Powders uover 1 i
IJaaIl) Ladle iiocUie 1 tiivn
with TanfT fid Pennyroyal 1111 tnd other lik
3M mnedlet). Alwiyt buy tho bent una void dlMt
4ftl BiiiiiiiiiinH
A tbkii. Tivt iid nn WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwivi nrorot.l nd rtlUbla. Avoii Imitattotu
flat fiTfil'l ?lir 1'ILI.I find 1ATK aiOKlTI.
"At druc tow, or tent dlret (te&ltd), priet, II
CiTOK Brio. Co Bottom, Mu. OuHtk,ii
Wot sale l Kirlln'i drug etoreand ShaQandua
drug More
XrCifiBniW'' Wii.-o Bpicifio CoF(uwJ
l I'OTlmky'i drac (tor,
0str (trsel.
Philadelphia &
Reading R'y.
Engines Burn Hard Coal-No bmoke,
'trio,, it'itt olii'iuiiiiii'nii tn intlmrt.
I'ur ? w York vl I'hlliidolpnlii. ,
2 10, 5 US, a ', w 3 . ni-. U t0. .1 19 nnd 0 19 p. ni.
Kit New Yum via Miincli I hunk, ek ..),
V 80 n, 111.. I'i 20 und U 19 . iu,
Cor Mend I lis and l'lill.v'oliihl, week Uiiys,
2 10, a 88, J au. 00 a.m., nzu. a lunnii "iv 1 iu.
Hor l'nttnvllle, ueek U, 1 M, a .....
1 J 20. 8 (9. 0 09 and T 30 p. m.
K.,r TumiK.un mid Miilinuoy Ulty. weok Uays
730,9&5n. ni., 1210 DiSanil 6C9 lu
For WllllnlUHpori, ounuury nim iwieuuiK,
wt-ck days. II P2 a.m.. 12 20, " 30 111
KorMahanoi "lane, weekUH, 2 1(1,8 27,8118,
7 80. 9 M, II f2 11. in., 12 20, 8 19, 619, '. 3 , 9 60-
For Ashland ami Shanioxln. wrvls days, 7 80,
1182 a. ni., 12 20, 8 09,6 07, 7 2S ami S!Si m.
For Haltliuore, Washington. nl the We t via
1, .... 11 ,, it ...1. 7...I... I....,n
1J. J, IV. Ik., IIIIIIUKH ,,,, HI 1 1 " I
Terminal, Philadelphia. (K & it. IF R.) at 320,
7 65,1126 a. ra., 8 10 and 7.27 p. I Hiint nys,
8 20,7 00, 11 28 a. in., 8 46 onu 7 27 p. ni Addi
tional trains from 'iweniyioiirin unu .j.cb
nut sticeta station, week days, 1080 a. m 12 20
u a 9 iu 11,111. sunuays, 1 00, e ia p. m.
I V? V.W I - Ul.,l.1nn,B I
JA'BIQ .in 11 1 1 .... L 1 J' ... i.; I
days, 1219, 4 80, 8 00, 1180 a. m., and 143, 4 30,
9 (Ml p.m.
Leave Mew York via Maucb Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m 1 80 p. m.
ijcave 1 nunueipnia, ucnuinK icrmuini.
dnvs, 8 40, 6 86 10 21 a. lu. and 1 86, 4 00, 6 30.
11 30 p. in
Leave Rmdlng, week days, 137, 7 00, 10 08,
a. 11. , 12 IS, 4 17, 0 00, 8 26 p. m.
ieave rousviue, wees uays, w, t w a. m..
12 30, 1 20, 4 80, 6 10 and 6 SO p. ra.
Leuve Tuniaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 86, 1 1 23
a. in. 149,3 66,7 20,9 41 p.m.
Leave Mahanov C'lti . week days, 3 43. 9 0S,
Jl 51 a. m., 2 22, S 23, 6 24, 7 44, 10 OS p. m
Licave Ainuanoy 1'iane, weoa jayH, 40, w,
680. 9 22 10 23,12 00, a. m 2 39, 386, 642 718,
10 21 1 in.
Leave Wllllamsport. week days, 7 42, 10 00
m., 12 81 ami 4 00, 11 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street whaif for Atlantlo City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. tn.. 2 00. 4 00,
5 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00 Am., 6 80pm
SundnyH Express, 0 CO, 10 00 a m Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a n,4 43 p. ui.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, con er
Atlantic nnd Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 33, 9 00, a m. 8 80,5 30
Sm Accommodation. 8 13 a. rc. 4 03 p.m.
lyulayH Express. 4 00, 7 80 p m. Accommoda
Hot!, 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. m.
For Capo Mny, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 a m, additional for Capo May,
113 p in., for Hen Isle City, 5 00 p 111, lor
Ocean City, 4 15, 5 00 p tn. Sundays, Chestnut
street 915 a m., South street, 9 00 a.m.
Varlor Cars on all exnreHH Main
xor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Reading Railway ticket agent
or address
I. A. Swbioard, ICiifon J. Weeks
Qen'l Supt., Gen'l Pasu'r Agl.,
Reading Teimlnal Philadelphia.
Newls Opinions
National Importance
Daily, by mail, - j?6 a year
Daily and Sunday ,by mail, $8 a year
The Sunday Sun
is the greatest Sunday newspaper
in the world..
Price 5c a copy. 'By mall, $2 a year
Address THE BUN, Hew York.
only Is possible, whether asn test of excellence
In lournnllsm, or for tho measurement f
quantities, time or values; and
The 4 . . . .
Record alter a career of nearly twenty' years tof un-.
Interrupted growth Is justified In claiming-' that
the standard first established by Its founders Is
the one true test of
To publish AM. THE NEWS promptly and
succinctly and In tho most readable form,
without elision or partisan bias; to discuss
Its significance with frankness, to keep AN
besides a t-ompl te record of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all de
partments of human nctlvity In Its DAILY
KDITION8 of from 10 to 14 I'AQIiS, and to
provide the whole for its pntrons at tha
nominal price of ONU CENT that was
from the outset, and will continue to be the
aim of "TUB RECORD."
The Pioneer
one-cent morning newspaper In the United
States, "The Rseord" still I.KAD3 WHERE
Witness Its unrivalled average dally and an
average exceeding 115,000 copies for Its
Sunday editions, while Imitations ol Its
publication In every Important city of the
country testify to the truth of Vie assertion
that In the quantity and quality of lUcon-ten..-,
nd lu the prlco at which It Is sold
"The Record" lm.i established the standard
by which excellence In journalism must be
The Daily Edition
of "The Record" will ho sent by mall to any
nxldrcss for $3 00 per year or 23 cents per
Daily and Sunday
editions together, which will give Its readers
tho best and freshest Information ot all that
Is going on In the world every day In thu
' year, Including holidays, will be sent for
51.00 a year, or 83 cents per month.
Record Ilulldlng,
Philadelphia, 1'a,