The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 27, 1898, Image 2

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    The Herald iit.isin:i) is;.
'.'All the News Thai's Fll lo Prim."
Published every evenlnir, nrrA SMindny. at S
South Jnrilln street, Slieiiandimh, 1'n.
Tho Herald Is delivered In mid tln
siirroiiniliiiRtnwin for-lxwntsR w ik, pay
able to tin' carrier. Ily nmll H Oil n y. nr, nr
21 cent4n month iyiible In ndvnnee Ad
vertisement chars"! ueronlliiK o spscciind
pntlthm T inbltah-M reserve the right
to ehatnre tt.e ti sltl'-n f advertisements
whencvirthe ptiMlcitltni tf news demand
It. The rlKht I rewrvwi to reject nny
odvrrtiement whether pnhl for or not, thnt
the. publishers mm iIpmii improper. AcUer
tlslinr made known upoimpplh-ntlon
Kntcnd at the po-t niltee at Shenandoah, Pn , n
second cla. mall matter.
tuimday ni:ri:.Mni;it sr. ibhh.
OUil COUNfRY: Pirst. Last and Forever.
The Lesson That Abides.
Since the close of the war with
Spain the country lnm been deltiut'd
with f.-rviil, patriotic oratory and
passionate appeals through the pri"s
In hehalfof Oreater America and its
alleged ohlltrntions to Immunity
commonts tho Philadelphia Star.
An outsider temporarily sojourning
within our nates might have sup
posed that tho whole nation was re
ceiving a new baptism of loyalty and
imudfestiiif,' afresh its devotion to
the highest principles ot human
Unfortunately, there is such a
thing as national hysteria. Tho
multitude is often alllicted 11 Uh the
individual. Overstrained nerves will
givo way and uilbit ions of weakness
are sure to follow. 'Vvue patriotism
Is the essence of things honestly be
lieved and the spirit of justice faith
fully carried out. The great Itopub
lio rests upon noble aspirations, ideal
ized and exemplified.
The immortal Declaration was not
merely the passionate utterance of a
trying and perilous hour. It em
bodied in wonderful words tho de
liberate judgment and purposes of
mighty men, who looked forward as
well as backward ; who stood at the
parting of tho ways ami summoned
all mankind to witness a new and
permanent departure in alTairs of
government. It was intended to bind
the Infant nation, thus crystalized
into a living and inspiring force, in
the bonds of an indissoluble union
P .... n .U .w.n.l
renoWBMp that guaranteed uio pres
ervation of the rights of all. It do
fended the weak and restrained the
strong. It was sought to write in
imperishable letters across tho na
tional firmament a solemn warning
and a sacred obligation that should
never bo brokon.
The anniversary of tiio encamp
ment of the Continental Army at
Valley Forge has been celebrated, as
usual, by song ami story, by sermon
and speech, in comfortable places and
blazing banquet hulls. How many of
even these patriotic participants
realize the lesson that should abide
with the descendants of the ragged
heroes of a hundred and twenty years
ago? How many fully comprehend
the heavy responsibilities of this
hour, the occasion of festivities, the
duty to humanity and to c try in
volved in tlie execution uf the trust
of citizenship in uiinlay ' How many
rightly consider the opportunities to
help the needy, to rescue tho fallen,
totrengthen the weak, to, feed the
hungry, to clothe the naked, to bind
up broken hearts, to save wrecked
lives, to comfort sorrow-stricken
homes ?
The true spirit of humanity must
over bo mindful of these things. Out
wardly the nation is niarvelously
groat and strong, prosperous and
happy, yet in every community there
is a call for help that is Imperative.
Tile battlo with want and suffering is
ever on, nnd In this town more men
will go to bed hungry than ever saw
Valley Forge, and to these must be
added twice as many helpless women
and suffering children.
In a hind of freedom, good govern
ment, industrial prosperity and social
order, it ought not to bo. Patriotism
means love of country and true re
gard for human kind. The long, dark
days of winter are upon us, and woe
abides In many worthy homes. Tho
sweep of physical disorder intensife
the sorrow and distress. Let tho op
portunity and the duty go hand in
hatid. Let the fearful spectacle of
wnrir. nnt. tin rn turn fn
-'our midst while the more fortunate
urn nnlnvltii the treasures of this
100 Doses in a
la peculiar to and truo C?.4o!
only of Hood's Sarsapa- DULUG
rllla, and la proof ot its superior strength
and economy. Thsro is more curative
power in a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparllla
than in any other. This (act, with Us
unequalled record of cures, proves the
DvSb ineuiuuiu iui un uiuuu
best medicine for all blood diseases is
parilla The One True Dlood Purifier. All druggists, SI.
r,,.. cure Liver UUj easy to
flOOd S PllIS take, easy to operate. 250.
i:rric(iTir mkv t
.licit ufilnu gut ou. hard
N11 re ry 6u k. Eipwnw
and sitfar to Uotte leaving
bum-, or on mitMtloD to lo
eal ' t;i)U. J'rnjintpt ei
Dlurioent. Tb basiar
UarriM) Add re
'MUP.SF.RiE5 1 $rJi'ili1!V'tX&
Is duo not only to the oi-ipinnlity and
simplicity of the combination, bntnlso
to tho euro anil swill with which it is
manufactured by seltmtillo processes
known to the CAi.ii-tut.NiA Via Svnui'
Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true nnd original remedy. As tho
genuine K.vmp of Figs is manufactured
by the Camfouma Fin Svmtp Co.
only, a knowledge ot thiit fact, will
nssist one in avoiding tho worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
tics. The high standing of tho Cam
fouma I'm Svutti' Co. with the medi
cal profession, anil tho satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, makes
the i. nine of Hio Company a gunranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in mlt-ance of all other laxative,
as it acts on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels without Irritating ot weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get. its bcnefleinl
"trects, please remember tho name of
.lie Company
I.OMNVII.I.K. ICr. NKW VllltK. N. V.
Urpoi't ott ho CoinititHHloiierH Kxpootcd
In a l-Vw Dii.vh.
Wnshlnfjton, Dec. 27. Admiral Walk-
chairman of the Nicaragua canal
commission, when questioned ns to the
time when the report of the commis
sion would be sent to congress, said
thnt the time could not be stated
lellnltely, ns the report had not been
ligned nor entirely completed. He pre
sumed, however, that It would be ready
within the next very fow days. In
answer to further Inaulrles the admiral
said that there were no differences of
opinion amone the members of the
commission, except possibly on the
question of cost, and that difference
might be adjusted so that the report
would be unanimous on all points.
Pome months ago Admiral AValker
stated to a committee of congress that
In his Judgment the canal would not
cost more than $125,000,000. Another
member of the commission fixed the
maximum nt $140,000,000, but Btated
thnt It might cost considerably less,
and It had been the opinion of the third
mumbei of the commission that the
cnnnl would not cost more than $90,
000,000. All were agreed, however, that
those tlgutes wete and could be only
approximations. There were too many
considerations and contingencies that
might change the result materially. All
members of the commission are agreed
that the construction of the canal on
the route proposed is entirely feasible
and should be prosecuted with all rea-
1 ..,..,,111 . ., .
Ordinary household accidents have no
terrois when there's a bottle, of Dr. Thomas'
Electric Oil in the medicine chest. Heals
bums, cuts, bruises, sprains. Instant relief.
.VI - I I!l lit' l 1-C.
Patorsun. J., Dec 27. Ailolph
Xeuf, a bartender, employed by Mrs.
Marie Zlsrher, who keeps a small hotel
In this city, died yesterday after suf
fering teat agony. Jt Is thought his
death was cjiusetl by arsenical poison,
and that the poison was placed In the
milk used bv the household of Mrs.
Zlscher. Mrs. SClscher. Mary Doty, a
servant. Fritz Ilngerman, an employe,
and Fritz Seffen were also poisoned,
but will probably, recover. The milk
will be analyzed.
Up to Date for Palm an! Aches,
Everybody says lied Flag Oil, 25c.
Qruhlcr Bros., drug store.
AiroucTllii'- ".I Klon.
New Yoik. Dec. 27. Felipe Agon-
clllo, personal representative of Aguln
aldo. leader of the Philippine patriots,
left this city last night for Washington.
In Washington Agonclllo will await the
arrival of thtee eminent Filipinos who
are en route with additional Instruc
tion from Agulnaldo. Since his ar
rival In this city from Paris Saturday
evening Agonclllo has been almost con
stantly In conference with visitors. He
said that there was no change In the
situation, and probably would be none
until after the arrival of his three fel
low countrymen.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agroo to
refund tho money ou a 50-ccut bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails
to euro your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 25-ceut bottlo to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, C. II. Ilagen
huch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Illerstetii & Co. lM4-33t-dv
Wnntu .Mllllniiitml iiHitinioforoTholr
I. mill-. Am Allotted.
Spokane, Wash.. Dec. 27. The gov
eminent has run against a snag In al-
lotlng lands In severalty on the Col
ville Indian reservation, peopled by 800
Indians. Indian Agent Anderson and
Allotlng Agent Harry Humphrey have
been trying tor some time to allot the
lands, but have met with resistance,
the Indians being opposed to surveys
and allotments unless the government
pays them for tho land, as the Nez
Petces and Cour De. Alenes were paid
for theirs. There are about 1,500,000
acres on the reservation, and the con
tention of the government Is that the
Indians have no title to It. The gov
ernment proposes to allot 0 acres to
each Indian in severalty, and give them
nuthing more. The Indians, led by
t'hlef Aura Pnghuln and Chief Bernard,
demand that they be paid ubout $1,500,
000, claiming this under the report of a
commission which exumlned into the
mattpr some time after the reservation
was set apart by President Grant's proc
lamation in July, 1SV2. A truce has
been secured ou the promise that the
two chiefs will be taken to Washington
this winter by Agent Anderson to see
tio president. Under the truce sur
veys are proceeding. The Colvllle reser
vation contains a number of thriving
mining towns, among them Republic,
where Is located the famous Ilepublla
mine. The north half of the reserva
tion was thrown opan to mineral lo
cations In July, IS'jG, and the south
half In July of this year.
A Sure Cure for Coughs anil uoldi.
That's what Pau-Tina it, 25c. At CI rubier
Bros., drug store.
tun Filipino Conomss
Ad.lniti-n Without IVii'mnlntlntiuCon
Ht 1 1 tit lull ( 'nlil not KomIiiiim.
Mnnlla, lice. 27. Tho tto-called con
Brefp of the rev ilutlonnry government
or tho Filipinos, which tjis been In
wesslon for nomt' time nt Mnlolos, lina
unexpectedly mlluiirned. owlnrr to the
dlinculty of forniulnthiR a constitution,
The cabinet ot President ABUlnnlda,
.il.p'.lnted nt rtnroor on July 1G lnat nnd
nam 'd In the Hacoor proclamation Is
sued that day, has resigned.
General Agulnnldo, who has been at
Maintop, enmc from thete to Santa
Anna, a suburb of Manila, He then
Isltcd Pateino. nnd now. It Is report
'd. he has tfotie to Cavlte Vlejo, the
old town of Cavlte.
Ilellahle advices say that while he
was nt Patcrno he was Indefatigable
In his efforts to overcome the policy of
the militant factions, which Is hostile
to the Americans. It Is probable that
his Inlltience will nvull to avert trouble.
The Filipino cabinet, proclaimed at
Bacoor on July 15, In conformity with
a decree issued by the revolutionary
irovernmeiit on June 21, was made up of
the following personnel: President of
the council of ministers, with the ad
Interim portfolios of foreign affairs,
mnrlne and commerce, General Kmlllo
Agulnaldo y Fatny; secretary of war
and of public works, Senor Don Balda
rioro Agulnaldo, nephew of General
Agulnaldo; secretary of the interior,
Senor Don Leandro Ibarra; secretary of
agriculture, Senor Don Mariano Trias.
Innocent Muffer Tor tho Guilty.
Texarkana, Tex., Dec. 27. Two per
sons wore kilted and another seriously
Injured yesterday In a shooting affray
near Fouke, Ark., a town 18 miles
from here on the Texarkana and
Shreveport railroad. Two men named
McKnlght and Flrquln quarreled and
fought over a wagon trade. McKnlght
drew a revolver and tired at Flrquln,
but shot wildly and mortally wounded
White Easley, a young man, who stood
nearby. Easley died within a few
minutes, but while life lasted he drew
a revolver and shot Into McKnlght's
house, killing an 18-year-old daughter
of McKnlght and seriously Injuring a
younger daughter. McKnlght Is under
What do the Children Drink 7
Don't give them tea or coffee. Have you tried
the new food drink called GRAIN-O? It is
delicious and nourishing and takes the place
of coffee. The more Grain-0 you give the
children the more health you distribute
through their systems. Grain-0 is made of
pure grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffee but
costs about 1-4 as much. All grocers sell it.
15c. and 25c.
MlHstotiurh'i For Cuba.
Cleveland, Dee. 27. I.Indus Cody, a
wealthy real estate dealer, who Is an
enthusiastic supporter of President
Simpson, of the Christian Alliance, will
depart for Cuba Jan. S for the purpose
of starting mission work on the Island
In behalf of the alliance. Hev. Samuel
L. Henlcks, of New York, wjll ac
company Mr. Cody. He Is also a work
er In the alliance, nnd can speak Span
ish. One of the large tents used at the
Christian Alliance camp meetings will
be set up at Santiago, and the work
commenced there.
A .Soven Dny Itnllrond Itnco.
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 27. A seven days'
race ugnlnst time will be Inaugurated
on Jan. 1 between the Chicago and
Northwestern and the Chicago, Bur
llngton and Qulncy railroads. The prize
Is the $750,000 contract for the carrying
of the overland malls between Chicago
and Omaha. The Burlington now has
the contrnot. The winner of the prize
will be the road showln? the best time
for seven days
Women Should Know It.
Many women suffer untold agony and
miser)' because the nature of their disease is
not correctly understood. They have been
led to believe that vomb trouble or female
weakness of some sort is responsible for the
many ills that beset womankind.
Neuralgia, nervousness, headache, puffy
or dark circles under the eyes, rheumatism, n
dragging pain or dull ache in the back, weak
ness or bearing-down sensation, profuse or
scanty supply of urine with strong odor,
frequent desire to pass it with scalding or
burning sensation, sediment in it after stand
ing in bottle or common glass for twenty-four
hours, are signs of kidney and bladder trouble
The above symptoms are often attributed
by the patient herself or by her physician to
female weakness or womb trouble. Hence, so
many fail to obtain relief, because they are
treating, not the disease itself, but a reflection
of the primary cause, which is kidney trouble,
In fact, women as well as men are made
miserable with kidney and bladder trouble
nnd both need the same remedy.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the great dis
covery of the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist, and is easy to get at any drug store
for fifty cents or one dollar.
To prove its wonderful merits you may
have a sample bottle and book telling all
about it, both sent absolutely free by mail.
Kindly mention Shenandoah Herald and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
liinghamton, N. V.
Di'inlly Duel With Bobbers.
Tacoma, Dec. 27. Three masked rob
bers burst open Peter Pepe's saloon
door, nt Twelfth and K streets, calling
him to throw up his hands. Without
further warning tho men began firing
at him. Pepe seized his revolver from
a shelf and replied. Policeman Brown
heard the shooting and rushed to the
scene. About a dozen shots were ex
changed before one of the robberB was
dropped with a bullet through his chest.
Ills name Is James Garrett, of San
Francisco. He has been In Tacoma for
about three weeks. Patrolman Brown
was wounded In the chin. Tho other
two men run out and disappeared.' The
wounded highwayman is dying.
Tiilceu From Olllcorw and Lynched.
Harmony Grove, Oa Dec. 27, Jeff
Bolton, colored, was lynched at Wood's
Bridge, two miles east of this place,
Saturday night by unknown parties.
This Is the negro who Is charged with
having shot at Mr. Van Wyler ont
night last week, and of having set fire
to Van Wyler's barn Thursday night.
A warrant was issued for the negro's
arrest, and he was tried at Dry Pond
Saturday evening nnd committed to
Jnll In default of bond. The officers
started with their prisoner to Jefferson
Jail, but were met en route by a mob
of masked men, who took the prisoner
away from them.
To Cure Void In Out) ly
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If it falls to cure,
85c. The genuine has L. B". Q. on' each
tablet. tf
means pain, danger ttnd
posaiblo death for some
wives. For others it
moans practically no
discomfortat all. there
is no reason why child
birth should bo a period
of pain nnd dread. Sot.
cnu months before a
It is a
to be ap-
womnn becomes a
mother she should
prepare herself for
tho critical ordeal
fillcd ex
ernnllr. It relaxes
the mus
cles and re
lievos the
gives elastici
ty to overy
organ oon
cornod In
childbirth, and
takes away all
danger and
nearly nil suffer
ing. Best results
follow if tho
remedy la used
during tho whole
period of preg
nanoy. It is the
only remedy of tho
kind in tho world
that la endorsed by
$1 per bottlo ut nil
drug Btores, or sent
by mall on receipt
of price.
Prtr.E Books con.
There is a prepara
tion innuo winch la
intended for this
puriwso alone.
Tho nanio of
this wonderful
preparation la
taining invaluable in
formation for all women,
will bo sent to nny ad
dr jss upon application to
Th Budfleld Regulator Co,
Atlanta, (U.
Smith anil .lnfl'i'les Mntohod.
Victoria, B. C, Dec. 27. Articles of
agreement have been signed here for a
boxing match for $10,000 a side be
tween "Denver" Ed Smith and Jim
Jeffries, champion heavyweights of the
Pacific coast. They will meet before
the Olympla club, at San Francisco, to
ward the end of January. Smith has
been training hard for the past six
weeks, and says he will enter the ring
In better condition than ever before.
Ohio's I.nfnyistto Monument Fund.
Columbus, O., Dec. 27. President
Peck, of the Lafayette memorial com
mission, acknowledging the receipt of
contributions from Ohio for the Lafay
ette monument fund, writes to State
School Commissioner Bonebrake that
the toMl contributions from Ohio up
to date amount to $5,283.91, the largest
amount contributed by any single state
except Illinois.
Arm Urolion In I'i'Izo Fight,
Clevelnnd, Dec. 27. Johnny Lavack,
of Cleveland, and Frederick Green, of
Toledo, fought last night before the
Imperial Athletic club, at Sandusky.
In the fourth round Green broke his
right forearm, and the contest was
given to Lavack. The men are feather
weights. Tell Your Sister
A beautiful complexion is uti Iraposslbillt
without good puro blood, tho sort that ouly
oxists hi connection with tho good digostion;
a healthy liver and bowels. Karl's Clover
Hoot Tea acts directly on tho bowels, liver
and kidneys keeping them In perfect health.
Prico 85 cts. and BO cts. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
and a guarantee
JUIhs Clnrn Sutro Wedded.
Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 27. Miss Clara
Sutro, daughter of the late Adolph
butro, the famous San Francisco mln
Ing man, mayor and millionaire, and
William J. English, of Chicago, were
quietly married Sunday afternoon at
the residence of night Rev. Bishop
Montgomery, who ofllcluled. The broth
er of the bride was the only witness to
the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. English
contemplate a trip to Spain, and upon
their return to this country they will
take up their residence In Chicago, the
home of the groom. Mr. English Is a
widely known attorney.
Fire I Fire I rirel
Insure your proporty from loss In tho
oldest and strongost cash companies : Phlla.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins, Co., Araorlcan Fire Insurance Co.,
Westchester Fire Ins. Co., United FIromen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
12.1 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah.
CraslioilTnt'o a Freight.
VIncennes, Ind Deo. 27. A bad
wreck occurred yesterday at Emtson,
on the Evansvllle and Terre Haute
railroad, In which three trainmen were
seriously hurt and a score or more
passengers bruised and scratched. The
Nashville limited express going north
crashed Into a freight train, demolish
ing both engines and wrecking several
cars. The Injured are: Conductor Lew
Stlnson, Evansvllle, Internally; En
gineer Henry Ott, Evansvllle, ankle
sprained. The freight. In taking the
siding, failed to clear the main track.
lloudly Duel 1111 the Street.
Little llock, Ark., Dec. 27. At Har
rUon, Ark., Frank .Pace, ex-pro'secutlng
attorney, and his brother Henry met
M. L. Aderholtz, a prominent stock
man, on the street and a duel ensued,
In which Aderholtz was mortally
wounded. The trouble grew out of a
dlfllculty a few days ago between Ader
holtz nnd Captain Pace, father of tho
brothers. In which Captain Pace was
dangerously shot and a bystander kill
ed by a stray bullet.
Now York Police Ciiptnln Dead.
New York, Dec. 27. Police Captain
Robert Young, of the Grand Centrnl
station, died yesterday at his home In
this city of Brlght's disease and heart
trouble, aged 02 years, He was ap
pointed to the police force In ISfiO, and
during the draft riots he was seriously
Injured by being si ruck In the head
with a stone, Thiee other captains of
the New York police fiirce, O'Keefe,
Groo and Meekln, have died during the
present yeaij
Tho Czar'n Dlxnriiiunictit Cniit'tirouco.
London, Dec. 27. The Rome corre
spondent of The Daily Mall says: The
conference based upon the disarma
ment proposals of Emperor Nicholas
haB been fixed for St, Petersburg about
the beginning ot May next, prior to
which the ItiiHsInn government will
submit nlllclnlly to the powers u defl
nlte phm of disarmament, In order to
enable them to formulate modifications
or counter suggestions,
T 1 1 re t.'re 1 li 11 1 eit 'n i' '1' h o I r 1 1 o 1 11 o .
Hlllsboro, Tex., Dec. 27, Mrs. Isabel,
her daughter, Mrs. Ossle Malone, and
Mrs. Malone'3 Infant child were burn
ed to death In their home near here.
The women could be seen hi the house',
but It was Impossible to rescue them,
though evcrv effort was made. The
tire started by the use of kerosene to
light a tire.
Many Sorlnus ArtYiiyw Between Union
and Xou-Unlon Miners.
Pana, Ills., Dec. 27. The Christmas
festivities resulted In Innumerable
drunken brawls and encounters be
tween union and negro non-union min
ers. Eleven of the latter are In Jail,
and as many more are nursing serious
wounds. Two negroes fought a duel
with knives In West Pana, and both
were b idly cut up. James Meyers, a
non-union miner, was assaulted last
night by unidentified persons, and his
liilurles nre reported to be fatal. A
negro miner named Snyder nttempted
to shoot his wife yesterday afternoon.
A bystundcr turned the gun nnd the
charge entered Snyder's right lung,
making n fatal wound. The provost
guard yesterday arrested 20 persons,
nmong them Citv Treasurer Corwln,
Mine Operator Overboil, ex-Deputy
Sheilffs Buckley and Ilyburger and
Secietary-Trensurer Klllson, of the
local miners' union, who were found
with arms upon their person.
Mrt. Million Critically 111.
New York, Dec. 27. Mrs. Isabel Mai
Ion, the writer, Is ciitlcally 111 from
pneumonia ut her home In this city.
Her physician last night said he feared
she had but a few hours lo live. Mrs.
Mallon has been confined to her bed
two weeks. In October her mother, who
was her Inseparable companion, died
after a lingering Illness. The shock was
a severe one to Mrs. Mallon, and for
several weeks she Was confined to her
bed with nervous prostration. As the
writer of "Bab's Babble" Mrs. Mallon
gained a national reputation. Shy
wrote these letters year after year until
a short time ago, and they were always
bright, entertaining and clever. She
has also written extensively for the
Ladles' Home Journal. She recently
completed a book, not yet published,
entitled "The Business Girl."
How Zola Kscnped to Kuglnnd.
London, Dec. 27. The Paris corre
spondent of The Times gives an inter
esting account ot the way In which
Emtio Zola escaped to London after
the sentence Imposed upon him last
July In the trial on the charge ot libel
brought against him nnd M. Perroux,
managing editor of The Aurore, by the
officers of the Esterhazy court martial,
M. Zola has lived at various country
places In England quietly ever since. It
appears that his Purls friends had the
greatest dlinculty to persuade him to
seek refuge In England, the course
they considered best for the Interests
of Dreyfus revision.
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve,
mi I . . 1 I .La ... .1 1 .1 fnr
1 IJ- VOOil bttlVU ill ! U L1 iw. uuw,
. .., 1 . -i. . BnMB
UrUlSeS, Bores, UlCOra, oail, ruvam, ididi bu.
tottor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
...... .Anl,I.n,4 Tt la irllflMnlAlul tl frtvA
ut .iu rj iwiuiivu, 1. . m ' ,r
norfect satisfaction or rnony refunded. Price
1 . . . 1 - 1. . irHiw
cents Dor oox. r or biwo -o. 11 wuw
The I lectured Oft".
Bud 'I sr. Dec. 27. Owing to the fail
ure of the seconds to agree upon con
ditions, It has been decided to abandon
the proposed duel between Baron
Banffy, the Hungarian premier, and
Deputy Heronsky, of the opposition In
the lower house of the Hungarian par
liament, who, in the course of last Fri
day's debate upon the government's
policy, called the premier an Impostor,
cheat and traitor.
Klondike's Increased Hold Output.
San Francisco, Dec. 27. A special
from Dawson City says: Reports from
all creeks In the vicinity of Dawson
City Indicate that the winter's protJact
of gold will exceed that of last year's
by more than 100 per cent. Several
persons are reported to have been froz
en to death. One of these was found
In a kneeling position bes.Ide his sled
and dogs.
Premier Diinuy'H Tostlmonv.
Paris, Dec. 27. M. Loew, president of
the criminal chamber of the court of
cassation, spent two hours at the mm
iHtrv of the Interior vesterdav nftpr
noon, taking the testimony of M. Du
puy, the premier, on the Dreyfus case.
A Mighty Nlco Thing for Couehs.
What? l'au-Tiua, 25c. At Gruhler Bros.,
drug stoie.
Hal: . in Not Aeei'iit,, N. Y., Dec. 27. Vice
President W. F. Hallstead, of the Dela
ware, Lackawanna and Western rail
road, who was said to be slated for the
presidency of the road on the resigna
tion of Samuel Sloun next February,
announces that he will not accept the
post ion. The r.cceptance of the ofllce
would require Mr. Hallstead's removal
to New Yoik, and he says he proposes
to pass the remainder of his life In
Scranton, where he has lived for 40
HolillerM' Souvenirs Hold Up.
St. Paul, Dec. 27. Something over
100 packages of mall from Manila, sup
posed to contain souvenirs of the Phil
ippines from the Thirteenth Minnesota
volunteers, sent probably as Christmas
presents for friends and relatives In
this city, are being held at the local
postotllce for a ruling by the treasury
aepariment as to wnetner auty must
be collected. The packages have Just
arrived, and were held at the request
01 collector of Customs Peterson.
Shenandoah Satisfied With the Work
Done and Many are Express
ing Appreciation.
What Is more satisfactory to anyone than
the knowledge of work well done and the ap
preciation of those we do it for. We have a
most natural ptlde of the success achieved in
Sheuaudoah, and the public utterances of
the people, So many citizens have frankly
acknowledged the be 11 lilts obtained, and do
not heBitate to express them that others may
profit. Our representative has investigated
some ot the cases that have come to our notice,
and found the statements correct in every
particular. Mrs. W. S. I.liideiiniiith, lives at
332 Mayberry Alley, and by her kind per
mission vre publish what she says.
"I used Doan's Kidney Pills which I pro
cured from Klrllu's Pharmacy, and I had not
taken many before I was so much better that
I found It unnecessary to continue with the
treatment I had pain In my back, giddl
ness when I stooped and an acute lameness
across my kidneys. Doan'sKldney Pills cer
talnly proved moat satisfactory. My head
has pained me less since taking them al
though I did uot before know that it was my
kidneys that caused my headaches'. This
loineily also regulated the kidney secretions
and lelievrd me of much annoyance. I can
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills as being a
most effective preparation to enre disordered
Doan's Klilney P11U for sale by all dealers
Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Mllburn
Co., Buffalo. N. Y.. solo anonta for the U. 8,
Remember the name 'Doau's and take no
Which Half is
the Better half
The housewife's duties are harder than men
realize. Cleaning alone is a constant tax 0:1 her
strength, n never-ended task. More than half the
work of cleaning she can have done for her, if she
will, and the expense will be next to nothing.
December 27 Is tho selected for the
Personally-Conducted Holiday Tour of the
Pennsylvania Kallroad to Washington. This
tour will cover a period of three days, afford
ing ample time to visit all tho principal
points of Interest nt tho Natloual Capital, In
cluding tho Congrisslonal Library and the
new Corcoran Art Gallery. Ilound-trlp rate,
covering all necessary expenses fur tho entire
time absent, transportation, hotel accom
modations, guides, Ac, $1-1,50 from New
York, $13,50 from Trenton'; and" $11 50 from
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from other
o Inti.
A special teachers' tour, identical with the
above, will be run on tho samo date. Tickets
for this tour, covering all necessary cxponscs,
includlue accommodations at tho National
Hotel, Wlliards Hotel, or tho Hotel Regent,
$2.00 lesi than rates quoted above. Side trip
to Mount Vernon and aJmlsiion to the
grounds, fifty cents additional. Side trip to
Old Point Comfort, returning via tho Cape
Charles route until January 1, $4 00 add!
For Itineraries and full Information apply
to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 1100 Broad
way, New York ; or address Geo. W. Boyd,
Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad
street station, Philadelphia.
For Infants and Children.
The K'md You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Aliened Military Plol In France.
London, Dec. 27. The Paris corre
spondent of The Dally Chronicle says:
It Is asserted that the French police
have seized several bundles of letters,
whose contents prove that a military
plot Is already In thorough working
order. The Paris correspondent of The
Weekly Sun, of London, telegraphs hl3
paper that he has knowledge of a mili
tary coup planned for tomorrow, though
he gives no details of the plot. The
Paris correspt ndent of The Sunday
Special, of London, hinted at similar
knowledge, addlns that the court of
cassation would give Judgment against
Dreyfus on Thursday, yielding to the
government's plea of state necessity.
Snnstn'M CoSflltli"! Critical.
Madrid, Dec. 27. Although the latest
bulletin regarding Senor Sagasta's con
dition, which was Issued last evening,
says that he passed a quiet day and
that the fever has diminished, it is
feared by some members of the cabi
net that he will not recover. A rumor
Is In circulation that his respiration is
much more difficult.
Admiral Sampson In WaMiliiuton.
Washington, Dec. 27. Admiral W. T.
Sampson, who recently arrived at New
York from Havana, reached Washing.
Ion last night for consultation with the
Mllclals here.
Two Young Skntors Drowned.
Woonso.!ket, R. I., Dec. 27. Herman
Xlseo, 12 years old, and Arthur Leed
1am, 9 years old, weie drowned while
ikatlng on thin Ice at Harris pond yes
terday. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills,
Biliousness, Indigestion, Headache,
4 nleas-nt laxative. All Druggist
Dr. Jackson points to
the startling fact that
there are now 20 million
Catarrh victims in this
country aud the number
rapidly increasing. It
has already become the
National Disease. Are
we to become a nation of
Catarrhites? It looks
like it.
The Aboriginal Indians are said not to hare
known the disease. That proves it is not caused
by ourcllraata and must have been imported.
Its growth waa slow but persistent. Forty
years ago there were less than 40.000 cases In
the U. 8., to-day there are 20 million. Soon
there will be SO nulUou. Where is It to end?
Bhatt we not awake till It has fastened Its fangs
on every man, woman and child in the laud?
How hhall we prevent It unless we take imnied
i te and vigorous steps to stamp out the plague?
Thi9 putrid disease knows no sex, no class, no
nation. It Is everywhere. A germ (microbe)
disease It spreads by contagion. The canon
breath and expectoration of the poor victim are
loaded with these microbes. Others breath them
in, they find lodgement and never release their
hold till the victim lies down In death, unless
every microbe la killed. But can they be killed?
Yes, but not by any "blood medicine." No Ca
tarrh germ was ever found In the blood. The
trouble is local aud must be treated locally. A
balsam has been discovered that is sure death
to the Catarrh microbe, making a radical aud
permanent cure. It is Brazilian Halm. It has
cured teqs of thousands In the past 15 years. It
also cures all the' troubles caused bv Catarrh.
as Sore Throat, Old Coughs, Ilrouchltfs, Asthma
and Lung troubles. The swallowing ol the
laiarrn pus maKes ine Momacn raw ana nicer
ntcd. The Brazilian Ualm soon makes a radical
cure of the Stomach aud alhuentarv canal. It
lithe cheapest remedy on the marktt, a $1.00
bottle containing a whole month's treatment.
As all sufferers with Catarrh and Asthma have
run.down systems we will till January next put
a moutu's treatment 01 loiicoia tauieis, tree,
la with everv 11.00 bottle of DraiUlau Palm.
This Is the best Tonic and nerve and strength
builder known. You get all lor $1.00, a month's
treatment ol both. Now is the time to treat
your Catarrh. Do not delay. Ask your druggist
and take no substitute. If he will not get it,
.end direct to us. 11. P. J cksom & Co., M'f'g.
Chemists, Indianapolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents.
(If I
Does the better half of cleaning ; does it better
than any other way known; does it easily, quickly
and cheaply. Largest package greatest economy.
Chicago. SU Louli. New York. Boston. Philadelphia
Six-Day Tour via Pennsylvania Railroad.
The first of tho present scries ol personally-
conducted tours to Old Point Comfort via
the Pennsylvania railroad will leave New
York and Philadelphia on Tuesday, Decem
ber 27,
Tickets, including luncheon on going trip
and one and three-fourths days' board at Old
Point Comfort, and good to return direct by
regular trains within six days will be sold at
rate of $15.00 from New York ; $13 50 from
Trenton; $12 50 from Philadelphia, and
proportionate rates from other points.
For itineraries, and full Information
apply to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent,
1100 Broadway, New York, and 789 Broad
street, Newark, N. J. ; or nddress Geo. W.
Hoyd, Assistant Goueral Pas-eni;cr Agent,
Broad Stieet Station, Philadelphia.
Has found that her little ones are Improved
moro by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when
In need of the laxative effect of a gentle
remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy
Hand it benefits them. The truo remedy,
Syrup of Figs, Is manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
Will You Winter In Florida 7
This will bo the greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
via the Southorn Hallway. Its tho best
route. If you will write John M. Bead,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa ho will arrange all the
details of your trip for you.
On Every Bottle
Of Shiloh's Consumption Cure is this guar
antee : "All wo ask of you is to use two
thirds of tho contents of this bottlo faith
fully, thou If you can say you are uot
benefited return the bottle to your druggist
and ho may refund tho price paid." Price
25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Klrlin and a guarantee
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Blown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Look For the New York
Cheap Shoe Store.
All Kinds of Latest Shoes Hen's,
Ladles' and Children's Rub
ber and Leather Boots,
worth now
Ladies' shoes $1.25 8 .89
Sten'g " 1,60 ,99
Children's shoes CO .39
Leather llootfi 1.80 1.39
Men's rubbLrs, 28o up.
Ladles' rubbers, 15c up.
Children's rubbers, 10c up.
Look for our repairing prices. Men's half
soles and heelp, Aoc. Ladles and children's etfll
lower. Patches, 3 cents.
Do not forget the place.
Near Jardin St. 33 West Centre Street.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
The noted Itefractlonlst, who has testimonials
from the best people of tho county, at to hU
ability, will be at
If vour eyes cause you any trouble call and see
him. Glasses furnished If needed and no
1 M. GRAB0WSKY, Prop.'
819 K. Centre St., I'ottsvllU, Pa.
1'lne old 'Whiskeys, Olns aud Wines, at the bar,
A choice Hue of tlcors nnd Temper
ance Drinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
Meals nt all Iioiim
millions of Dollar
Go up in amoko vcry yer, Take
risks but get your houses, stock, fy
nlturo, etc., insured in fi rat-claw re.
liable companies as represented by
A lit. LIU andAeeldsnUI Oomrao's,