The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 23, 1898, Image 2

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i:sr wtl.iMiiiii is:n.
''All the News Thai's Fit lo Piwt."
l'libllshul every I'vriiliiit.
except Sunday, nt
South Jardln si ret t, Shenandoah, I'm.
The Herald Is delivered In "hcnatidoab and the
surrounding town for W cents w ck, pay
able to the carriers, lly nmll ) yiiir. nr
25 cents a month liuynble In advance Ad
vertisements ch.irEcd nccnrdliui iii snuceanil
position. Thf publishers nen t li rlitht
to cliango the p sltlnn f ndvcrtNeincnts
whenevtr the publication of news demands
It. The right I rcerved to reject any
advertisement hither (slid for or not, that
the publishers mm do in Improper. Adver
tising rites made known upon application.
Kntcred nt the po-t ollUe ill shoiuinilonh, l'a , a.
second clan mall nutter.
GBucniug $cvali
OUR COUNTRY : Plrst. Last and Forcvci
Sk.vatoh Pkxuosk tlenles tlio
rumor thut Iib coiitcinpliilcs resltfiilnp;
his seut in the Semite). This will lu
welcome news to his IhiihIivcIh of ht
hoiihI and polilli'iil fiii'mls in tlii.s
A CANVA&S of IcndliiK ni'WHmiors
tliloUKliont the country nivei. !!03 for
expansion and lO.'l Multilist it. Kvery
section of the country is for it except
the South, and thut is nenrly a tie in
newspaper sentiment.
Still the news comes of industrial
activity. The Southern l'licillo Knil
roud hits jiibt placed orders tii,'fre;iit
Ing two million dollars, for rolling
stock, with Eastern manufacturers.
""The order consis-ts of ilfty largest
size freight engines and three thous
and freight cm s.
Thk town of Until, Eiifrland, is suf
ferinir from an epidemic which is not
quite so contagious as the fjrip. The
epidemic in question is that of twins,
no less than six pairs having recently
been contributed by the wives of
miners at one colliery, and two others
adding triplets to the record.
OnovKK Clhvklanu is throwing
his whole weight against the doctrine
of expansion. Since he got stuck in
the mud a few days ago he has made
up his mind that the United States
ought to stay at home and fix the
local roads rather than to be yearning
for foreign turnpikes that wo know
not of.
TimHaldwin Locomotive Works, at
Philadelphia, have "rush" orders for
ilfty-six locomotives, hixteen of which
are for China, the t-econd order from
that far-ofT land. Ordinarily at this
season it hus been found necessary to
reduce the working force, but in
order to get their work out on eon
tract time the force has recently been
increased to over 5,000 men. The
capacity of the works is 1,000 locomo
tives per annum.
Thk passing of the general pension
bill in the House, carrying an appro
priation of SMS.OOO.OOO. without any
opposition from the Democrats, South
or North, is significant. It means
that tho sectional line lias dropped
out. Allen, of Mississippi, remarked
that when he entered the House four
teen yeSrs ago pension hills always
precipitated a bloody-shirt discussion.
There was nothing of that sort in the
House in this case, however, and
there will not be in the Senate.
Tint demoralization of the market
for anthracite coal last summer and
fall was attributed to the action of
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern railroad In cutting rates, tihortly
afterward it was announced that this
action mlelit result in a change in
the management of thut corporation
Noiv tile rumors of the resignation of
President Sam. Slouit ami Vice Presi
dent Holdeii. who is in immediate
charge of coal trallic, are revived in
such a manner that considerable
credence is given them by men in
the trade.
Now that the grip is again epidemic
it behooves every one to keep the
body warm and especially the feet.
While the present attack is reported
not us virulent as that of eight years
ago, it leaves tho system notably sus
ceptible to pneumonia. Its most pro
nounced symptom is said to be ex
treme weakness, and physicians ad
vise against lighting it oil but to stay
at home and get under treatment as
quickly us possible. It Is so wide
spread that its advent here may be
looked for at any time. The Health
Board of New York has ordered the
street cars all to bo thorougly cleaned
and fumigated at once and the street
department is putting forth extra
efforts to clean the streets thoroughly
In an effort to check the spread of
the disease,
lure sick iieuiutue, u.-ui
taste la the mouth, coated IB C
tongue, gas In the stomach, 111 ?J)
dlitiMi Mid liullgeitlou, Ho
uot lmi, but have Ionic effort 2i rent.
Tti oul j Kilt to Uks ltb Howl's Saruiarlll.
A Handsome Complexion
li Anial the irraatest charms a woman can
i'K Hash, Setrnil Narrow INoitpes,
llllt I
Sit heilom Injury.
V team of hoisei owned by John . I l.uruh,
ub iiwl I.Huler. inn away this tnurintiK ami
icaloni'd no little cxeilt mint In he nut m
wrt uf the town. The horses traveled n con
siileinble distance at lirmk-niek pact, hut no
serious damage itsulltd. The owner el the
team claims the runaway was caused by
imper Hying Hlioiit the sireet.
I.orah left the team thil Ion post while lie
wont into Muck's clothing stole. Allmi-t
iniinerllitcly alter the homes uoinineuicd
plunging and one of them Mippid lis hiidle.
I.orah caught h lil ol' the latter horse as the
tin strap htoke and the team plungtd
to the middle uf the sited, hut, after
being pulled along about twenty fict,
the teiimiter was nhlijled lo re'ea-e his hold
anil jump aside lor safety I he runaways
Iwiely tnismd miking a team at White sin et
and plutPKnl liuwu the heavy (inido tirwink
the Lehigh alley rallhwd at teriflle pci-il
.lust befoie the track was reached a funnel's
te '111 was struck. The pole of the farmers
wiiliun was shattered, but his hoises oMMpcd.
I.Diah's team continued along (.'untie strict.
There were sere ml teams along tho course
but all escaped tint runaways Tho horses
ran all the wiy to Indian lildge colliery,
went cIiho to the bleaker, laid then undo a
loop and leturueil to Centre, street. When
mar tho bridge al llradley's row u I'.irmetV
team u as struck, bu only i-liglill) iujuiel
i lie collision ripped the ho hum the wagon
cnaivn ny I no riin.nvays, ami it was
left near thu bridge. On icturning to
Bridge sireut tho team turned south
and gained tho dirt hank road leading to the
Plank liii'go wasliery. The hind wlieols of
the ti lick hung over thu embankment as tho
, ham dashed on. Tho wailiery was passed
j without damage and tho ruuanay continued
on to th Slicn indoah City colliery (i in her
bank Several uariuvv turns around small
Iiuildiiigsund shanties Hero made with no
damage re-ulttng, hill several men
working on thu bank had narrow
ocapcH. As the team made one of the turns
it caught a mule which mis returning to its
post after hauling a dumper. Ills miileship
wascJiiluht between the two runaway horses,
and forced ahead by them. Thestart was too
sudden and tho paco too hot for the mule
and hu was thrown aside against an empty
lumping cur. The hitter was thrown
from tho track and tho mule was crippled.
Ho hud a lump tho size of u twenty
pound turkey on his left haunch. Onwanl
the runaway horses continued, but their race
wis soon ended. They cut about thirty
yards when another mule on the timber bank
crossed their path. The second mulo gut
tangled up with tho runaways and the three
animals went down in a heap, but none was
badly injuied. One of I.orah's horses was
rendered lame. The wagon was reduced to
kindling wood by the timo tho toaiu was
Has found that her little ones arc improvd
moro by thu pleasant Syrup of Figs, when
in net d of the laxative tU'cct of a gentle
remedy, than by nny other. Children enjoy
it and it benefits tliein. Tho true remedy,
Syrup of Figs, j8 manufactured by the
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
Commencing December 23, 1SD8, miners
and laborers, regularly employed nt the
mines, will bo carried on tho cars of this
company, from tho poiut of their residence
to tho point of employment for one single
faro of five cents; provided, that It is a
continuous passago and no change of cars is
msdo. A single faro of five cents for all
passengers will be charged between Ashland
and flirardvillo.
Tho rate lor miners and laborers applies
only when they aio going to or returning
from work.
Schuylkill Tuaution Co.
K. W. Asji, Manager.
Dai.i.xs Sandkks, Pres.
(liraidvillo, Vic 22, IMS. 12-22-3t
A Mighty Nice Thing for Coughs.
What? Pan-Tina, 23c. At Orublcr llros.,
drug store.
Last evening Prof. Livingston Seltzer,
principal of the Palo Alto .schools, and Mrs.
Vienna Kershnor, were married at Hazletun.
Tho wedding took place in the English
Lutheran church, the ceremony being per
formed by Itov John Wagner. The groom is
well known hero.
.1. K. Feimerand Miss Minnie Shetsliue,
both of Minorsvllle, were married at noon
yesterday at tho parsonage of Trinity Luth
eran church. Thebrtdoisa sister uf John
Shetsliue, of the Third llrigado Rind.
Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup seems
especially adapted to tho needs of the
children. Pleasant to take ; soothing iu its
inllucuce ; it is tho remedy of nil remedies
for every form of throat and lung disease.
A llellglitfill CIivU'iiihh flame ttml Oilier
Hood Things Which All Con Kojoy.
Santa Clans is distributing toys and candies
and what not everywhere. The Philadelphia
Sunday Press is helping him. With tho
superb Christmas number, on Chilstuias Day,
will bo given a brand-new game, which can
be played by two, three or six poplo. The
gaino is called, "The Foreign Poweis Christ
mas Stockings." It is a timely, lively, fas
cinating present. It is part of tho great
clnldien'H page, which will delight young
and old. Hesides, there will ho a host of
good things, contributed by such well-known
men as Bret Hartu, who has a mining camp
Christmas tale ; Dr A Conau Doyle, and
Paul Lawrence Dunbar, the negro poet and
short-story writer j Frank Q. Carpenter, and
others. Everything will bo Christinasy
something alMiut Christmas holly, Christmas
tips and a photographic story of How the
Other Half Spends Christmas," Of course,
the Yulctidu poets will help make tho day a
merry one. You had better order next Sun
day's l'res to-day.
To Cure a Cold In One luy
Take Laxative lliomo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if It fails to cure.
25c, The gcuuiue has L. II. Q. on each
tablet. tf
Deed Itecorded.
From W'Btson Seitzlngct to Jas. A, Whlto
et al, trustee, premises in Fountain Spring.
front Llias llepler and wife to Cyrus
Smith, nteiuhes iu Eldred township.
From Philip Wool and wife to Joseph
Wool, premises in Pottsville.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund tho money on a SO-ccut bottlo of
Oreeuu's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo alsp guaran.
tee a 25-cent bottlo to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy, C. II. Hagen
huch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Illersteiu & Co. U-1133t-ilw
Another J.uglueer to Leave.
Charles W. Wagner, of the P. & It C. & I,
Co. engineer corps lit Ashland, has accepted a
position as transit man on tho corpn of tho
Delaware, I.Hckawaim & Hudson Coal Co., at
Wllkcshurre. This Is the third member of
thucurpstu resign within the past three
weeka. Nouu of these vacancies have been
Dr. llull'n Unugli Nyrup U u most val
uable remedy for all throat and luugalTec-
tlom. It cures a cough or cold In one day.
Doses are oiall, UetulU sure. Price 25 cts,
u bottle.
! I Doses are small. UctulUture. ia c n fiMiBMlttii i f I
Shenandoah lindorscnuiit Is What
Counts With tlte Shenan
doah Public.
Yi II can't fool the public all the timo.
They will Hud .Mill out ill thuu.
l'.vei.N time a mail li fookd
Another kehle U made.
Man) the remedy that makes the skeptic.
li Ulls in keep its promlHes
1) mil's Kidney Pills bring renewed fallh.
They cure tho skeptb .
Plenty of prool of this at homo. .
Shenandoah proof for Shenandoah peoplo
Our cltiitens say they cure backache.
Cuiu urinary disorders.
Cure lek kidneys.
llxpei lence has t night them this is so.
Couvhtlon for every suH'crcr
In the testimony friends and neighbois.
Head this (use
Sir. .1. J Kelly, or 2U South Main street,
merchant reading about tho remarkable
succchs uf Dean's Kidney Pills procured
them from Kirlin's pharmacy and tho fol
lowing i what ho says of his experience :
"I am an endorser of Doan's Kidney Pills.
I was alllicted with piius iu my hack which
weie both annoying and inconvenient when
attending to my business, and If on my feet
any lungth of timo tliein was a dull steady
aching across my loins. 1 had a feeling of
languor, a lack of energy and listlessness
which unlittcd me for work, I saw state
ments made by peoplo who had been cuied
by using Doati'a Kidney Pills, and I got
them and after taking the treatment I am as
enthusiastic hi praising that valuable, prep
aration as others are. I would nut bo with
out them for they aie positive in tlielrellect",
and cause no disagreeable sensations when
taking them "
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dealers,
I'rico 00 cents. Mailed by Foster-Slllbuin
Co., llull'.ilu, N Y , sole agents for tho U. S.
I'cmciuhcr tho name Doan's and taku no
Probably you have not pur
chased all of your Christ
mas gifts. If not, let us
suggest a few appropriate
and useful ones, that may
help you to complete your
All the
Comforts of Home
May be enjoye.l when you
purchase a pair of ourmen's
or ladies' slippers. They
are selling all the way from
50 cents tO SI.75. This is a
cheap but suitable Christmas
gilt for any member of the
family. We have them in
russet, black, or velvet.
$1.25 Will Buy a Pair
Of Ladies' Fine Jersey Leg
gings. We can please the
most fastideous with our
Will Buy a Pair of
Misses' Fine Jersey Leg
gings of the finest quality.
Is this not a splendid gift
for some girl ?
75 Uents Will
Buy You a Pair of
Hoy's or children's Leggings.
Buy them something warm.
They also save clothing.
They can be had in cloth or
Ladies' Fine Shoes
With heavy or light soles,
nothing clumsy, but just
the thing to buy at this
season. All styles. Prices
from $1.00 tO S3.50. The
very latest and most desired
novelties. We sell lots of
Hen's Shoes
In black and russet. Cloth
top, leather top, heavy sold
light sole. Suitable to any
occasion, accompanied with
suitable prices. Do not
forget our line of McComb's
shoes at $4.00. They are
Rubbers, 25 Cents,
For ladies. Another
line. They are going
hot cakes, because they
a red-hot bargain.
Ladies' Felt Juliets.
Just the thing for the even
ing iiresitle They have
beautiful fur tops. Our
price is $1,25. Ladies look
ing for the "correct" thing
will find this novelty to
appeal to the eye as well as
the foot.
iiijijiiu.iiLiiii"i'WrirtnTiiitirntiiri-iriii"i'riTiTinlr - "-ffrrt'
'Hipotilugn Throughout
Clir""tf!it for Utility
the Country
Over 200 casos of grlppo aro
reported at
Silver plated knives, forks and spoons at
Swalm's hardware storo.
William (lurrlty has been appointed Justice
of tho Peace at Ceiitrall.i.
TI10 new Iron cells for Ccntralla's lock-up
are being plnceil In position.
Ha.leton's city treasury Is empty, inula
temporary loan will bo made.
Skates, sleds, veloitpcdcs and wagons at
Swalm's hardware store.
Falling coal killed Andrew Trcebonoy In a
nilnnat Diiumoro, Lackawanna county,
T-n new blocks of houses are being creeled
at lluck .Mountain by the. coal company .
The P. ,t It. employes In the Palo Alto
dbtrii t yesterday received 32,000 in wages.
J D. Holt, of Tamaqua, isiirriiiiglng a pool
tournament for tho championship of tho
Hon Henry llouck lectured tin "Old Land
marks" befuio the Rachels' institute at
Samuel Km h, yardniaster fur Iho Penna.
I!. U. atSunbury, win stricken witli paralysis
while at work.
A Coroner's jury at Slonongahela found
that 7-5'ear.old Thomas (llendeiiiiiug died
from thinking too much whisky.
Tho free rural delivery service will be In
augurated at the I'ottHVillc, postollico, taking
In a radius of five or six miles.
lioth of Willio Uobiusoii's legs were cut oil'
by a car at Leggett's Creek breaker, Lacka
wanna county, and his death resulted.
John Slarkowlcz, of St. Clair, arrested srmo
timo ago, charged with felling uatiiializ itiou
papers, will haven hearing to-morrow.
Tho Young People's Alliance of the
Evangelical church Will meet at Orwigsburg
next Wednesday, in county convention.
Tho Ollberton Clleo Club, witli Prof. Win.
( Thomas as leader, sang at the entertain
ment of St. Joseph's church, (liranhille, last
Tho Assessors of tho county aio making
their returns to tho Ceiumissioneis. Con
troller Snydor reduced tho pay of a number
of them.
luhn Karloski, fireman nt thoGirard col
liery, Mt. Gunnel, was shot three times by
unknown parties, anil hois ilia precarious
James Fadtlen and Michael Muldoon, who
will bo deputies under Controller-elect H. J.
Sluhloon, aro familiarizing themselves with
tho work of tho ollleo.
Dr. a. T. Kttinger resigned tho presidency
of tho Allentown lio.nd of School Control to
become secretary of that body, and Dr. II
II Ilcrbst was elected president.
Piivato Victor Holmes, of tho Tenth
Pennsylvania liegiment, wounded iu tho
battlo of Manila, has had two of his ribs
taken out in a San Francisco hospital.
Hov. II. W. Hassler has resigned as pastor
of the liefonncd churches at St. Thomas and
Williamson, Franklin county, in order to
connect himself witli a publishing houso.
Fill a bottle or common glasss with your
water and let it stand twenty-foAir hours :
n sediment or settling indicates an unheal
thy condition of the kidneys ; if it stains
your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble j
too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the
back is also convincing proof that the kidneys
and bladder are out of order.
l'licie is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
Knot, the great kidney remedy lulldls every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back,
kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the
miliary passages. It corrects inability to hold
water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad
effects following use of liquor, wine or beer,
and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of
being compelled to go often during the day,
and to get up many times during the night.
The mild and the extraordinary effect of
Swamp-Koot is soon realized. It stands the
highest for its wonderful cures of the most
listressing cases. If you need a medicine you
should have the best. At druggists fifty cents
or one dollar.
You may have a sample bottle n book
that tells more about il, both sent absolutely
free by mail, if you send your address to Dr.
Kilmer S: Co., liinghuinton, N. Y. When
writing be sure and mention titat you read tiiis
generous offer in
Marriage Licenses.
William II. F.ltringhaiu and Mary A.
Heppler, both of Ashland.
William Francis Lindsay and Mary J.
SleCouwell, both of Tamaqiia.
An Important Question.
If your friends or neighbors aro sull'ering
from coughs, colds, sore throat, or any throat
or lung disease ( Including consumption), ask
them if they have ever used Utto's Cure.
This famous Gorman remedy is havlug a
largo sale hero and is performing some won
derful cures of throat and lung diseases. No
matter what other medicines have failed to
do, try Otto's Cure. Largo sizes 25c and SOc.
Sold by all druggists.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1"' m ;rlt VlotlniR.
Philadelphia. Deo. 23. It Is estimated
that between S5.000 and 30,000 persons
III tlilH city me suffering from grip, and
doctors report the epidemic on the In
crease. At the board of health olllci
yesterduy six dentils were leportetl to
have occurred within the past 21 hours
directly due to grip, and 12 other deaths
were traced Indirectly to the same
cnuse. All the hospitals have un tinu
sually large number of grip patients,
and In several Instances the sufferers
have lost their reason and have to be
strapped to their beds, Of 140.000 school
children nenily 10.000 are sick at home.
Hepnrts received from eastern Pennsyl
vania nnd huh' li Now Jersey points to
un epidemic of disease In those sections.
ClirUtniHM 1'reneutH.
If you want to pleaso your friends select
for them either a Arecas, Kcrltlas, Salanias,
Cocos or table palm, Cycas palm, sword fern,
Arparagus feru or any greenhouse plant, In
any sizo. I'aywj'h NuiiMlltY,
12-10-4t-eod (llnirtlviile, l'a.
Up to Date (or Palni and Aches.
Kvery body says Ited Flag Oil, 2."c. At
Gruhler llros., drug ttoiu.
Campbell Will l.'o to Culm.
Savunnuh, (Iu., Dec. 23. Colonel J.
II. Campbell, of the Ninth Illinois regl
ment of volunteers, and who repre
sents the Twentieth Illinois district In
congress, announced today thut ho Is
going to Cuba with his regiment, re
gardless of what congiess mny do In
lefereiue to his right to retain his seat
In the house und at the same time bold
a commission In the army. Colonel
Can pbt U's regiment will go to Cuba
will In the next ten days.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
f f n i it
LETS. They Cure Stomach Troubles and Indiges
tion Anyway. Whether You Have Faith
in Them or Not.
Mcio faith will not digest your food for
you, will not glvo you an appetite, will not
Increase your flesh and strengthen your
nerves and heart, hut Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets will do theso things, becatiso they
are compoed of tho elements of digestion,
they contain the Juices, aelds and peptones
necessary to tho digestion and assimilation of
all wholesome fowl.
Sliiait's Dyspepsia Tablcti will digest food
if placed In a Jar or bottle in water heated to
US degrees, and they will do It much ninio
effectively when taken Into tho stomach after
nicala, whether you have faith that they will
or uot.
They luvlgorato tho stomach, mako puro
blood and strong nerves, in the only way that
nature can do it, and that Is, from plenty of
wholesomo fooil well digested. It Is not what
wo eat. but what wo digest that does us good.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tublots aro sold by
nearly all druggists at r.0 conts foi full sized
package, or by mall from tho F. A. Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich.
Sew Vork'x (.'iivcrnor-IIh-ct Talk's to
I. tUlf ItttllllllH.
New York. Dec. 23. Colonel Roose
velt talked to m aily 100 little Italian
children ycstrduy In the Children's
Aid society's school In Sullivan street,
where he went by special Invitation,
In compMiy with Jacob A. Illls. Only
nine of the :i7o children In this school
were bom In America, but they all
know about Colonel Roosevelt, nnd
wanted to see him. So one of the little
boys wrote the colonel a letter and
asked him to come to the school. No
name was signed to the letter, but
Colonel Uooscvelt accepted t once.
The children sang for Colonel Roose
velt and went through the ling drill,
and then the colonel told them about
his regiment. The bugler, he said, was
an Italian, and was so brave that after
he hud the llnsers of his hand shot
away, so that he could not bugle nny
more, he had spent the rest of the day
carrying the wounded from the field.
The brave, Colonel Roosevelt said,
were always good and tender. In con
clusion the colonel exhorted them to
be good, clean nnd ready to fight If
need be; to be able to give a good ac
count of themselves; to be tender and
kind to their mothers and sisters, and
some day he might take them Into his
The children gave the colonel three
rousing cheers when he ceased talking,
and a crowd of boys followed him down
to the elevated station, cheering all the
What Is Shlloh ?
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through the world for
half a century, has cured innumerable cases
of incipient consumption and relieved many
in advanced stages. If you aro not satisfied
with tho results wo will refund your money.
I'rico 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by l D.
Ivirlln and a guarantee.
SiiHpecti'tl rorrIth MirrVMitloi".
Snn Francisco, Dec. 23. Isadora Lor
ber, 11 dry Roods clerk, surrendered
himself to the police yesterday, stating
that the New York authorities wanted
him on a charter of having murdered
his young wife hi New York on Oct.
22. .Mis. I.orbe". who had been mar
ried less than three months, was dis
covered by neighbors dying from
asphyxiation. The husband disappear
ed and was suspected ofjhls wife's
murder. I.orber's explanation Is that,
having discovered thnt his bride had
been ti mother, he decided to leave her,
and went to I'hllndulphia, thence to
Savannah, Oa., finally locating In this
city. He says he only learned this
week that he was accused of the mur
der of his wife, and that he thereupon
resigned Ills position und surrendered
A Common Danger,
If you have over had cold which you
peunitted to "wear away" it may interest
you to know it was a clangorous proceeding.
Every cold and cough which Is neglected
paves the way lor consumption, bronchitis,
asthma or catarrh. Otto's Cure, the famous
German throat and lung remedy, will cure
any cough or cold and save you from con
sumption. Sold by all druggists. Prices 25c
and 50c per bottle.
A i:u!"' ".n '.".IuoiimIiIiioi-m,
Itlchmoml, Vn., Dec, 23. Bedford, Vu..
reports the return to that place of a
posse or revenue olllcers from a raid
on moonshiners on the North Carolina
border. Seven stills were cut up,
thousands of gallons of beer destroyed
and three nioonshlners captured.
Many a Lover
lias turned with disgust from an otherwise
lovable girl with an ollV-nsivo breath. Karl's
Clovor Koot Tea purifies the breath by Its
action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else
will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee.
I'rico 25 cts. and 50 cU. Sold by P. D. Klrlin
and a guarantee.
Ooviirnot'A t ' !-.uu i- imiijihtorU'eildod
Charleston, W. Va., Dec. 23. Charles
Christlun Huery, n wealthy coul oper
ator of tilts city, mid Miss Uesslu Kate,
the oldest daughter of Governor Atkin
son, were married lust night at the ex
icutlve mansion.
Dr. IIuII'h Cough Syrup U plraHittit to
taku; It tastes good; children like it; no
tioublo tu adiuluUtor ituud It always curor.
Buy the genuine, Dr. John W, Hull's Cough
l)lMirlriy Arum kiiIiIUm- Killed.
Mncon. On., Dec. 23. l'rivnte. Turner,
of the Sixth Vfrclnla reglinent. wns
shot nnd almost lnsnntly killed by O.
A. Thrower, a street car conductor,
yesterday afternoon. Turner, very
drunk, boarded Thrower's car and used
vile language In the presence of la
dles. Thrower pulled him nut of the
car to the rear . latform. While Throw
er was assisting n ludy off the car the
negro kicked him several times and ap
plied more vile epithets. Turner went
back on the trailer, but soon returned
with a knife In his hand nnd Bwore he
would cut Thrower's head off. As he
stepped on the platform Thrower fired,
the bullet striking the negro In the
mouth. He died In 15 minutes. Throw
er was nrrested.
Try draw-0 1 Try draln-0 I
Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a
package of GRAIN-O, the ntw food drink
that takes the place of codec. The children
may diink it without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it, like it. GUAIN-0
has that rich seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but It la made from pure grains, anil the most
gtestoniach receives it without distress.
c. and 5 ct. per
Sul'.lcctw i'lif Diffusion nt Jfcxt
Month's Ctiiivcnllon In Pittsburg;.
riP'-burg, Dec. 23. The call. for thu
tenth annual ci nvelitlon of the United
Mine Workers, to bo held In this city
In Jnnuniy. has been Issued by tho
national olllcers. It contains the nomi
nations niniip for the natlonnl olllcers.
The nominees for president are! John
Mitchell, Indianapolis; l'ntrlck Dolan,
I'll 1 burg; T. L. Lewis, lirldgeport, O,;
.Taints Clint worthy, Coalburg. W. Vn.
Time are CO nominations for member
ship on the executive honrtl and 32 for
delegate tn the American Federation
of Lnbnr convention. John Fnhey. of
I'.ittsvl'le, I'a Is a candidate for every
oldce ex'ecpt that of president.
Ann tig the Important questions to be
ile.itb tl Is the eight hour system, which
luu: been In npetutlan since the llrst
of list April. This system has proven
such ti good thing to the miners that
there Is 111 tie doubt but what they will
ninke a strtmu effott to have It renew
ed at the Joint convention which Is to
Anrthcr Importniit matter which the
convention will have lo determine will
be the Jiollry to pursue In regard to
dPinaiidinK un Incrcse In wages nt tho
Joint convention. The miners' olllctnln
rcfur.' in discuss the mutter ut piesent,
and rtlll rJvc no ld.-n of what tht'y will
advise the mlneis to tlo.
Atlor the close of the national con
vention the Joint convention of miners
and operators will convene. At this
convcnlidii tho waif scale for the en
suing llscil year commencing April 1
will be settled, and nn Interesting time
Is ex) etetl. The convention will meet
here on Jan. 9.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve
The I est salvo tn tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positiroly cures piles,
or jo nav rcaulretl. It ts Euarantecd to give
porfect satisfaction or mony rofunded. Price
25 cents per nox. for woo nv A. w asioy.
recretnry IIlK'McoclJ's ii'iiliio Coming;.
Washington, Dec. 23. Seen tury Bliss
stated today that Mr. Hitchcock, hi?
successor In the cnldnet, would sail for
this country on Jan. C, and that the
change of ofllce would take place Just
prior to Feb. 1,
Tho Went her. District of Columbia, eastern
I'ennsylvnnla, New Jersey, Delaware,
Maryland nnd Virginia: Fair; colder;
fresh to brisk northwesterly winds.
A Sure Cure for Coughs and colds.
That's what l'an-Tina Is, 25c. At Orublcr
llros., drug store.
i'r Aitetnnt- -Heltln,
Phl'ndelplia. Dec. ?3. John Hurgron,
aged ID years, of Altoona, attempted
to commit --ulclde last night nt de
tective hendouaiiers by shooting him
self In the head after arrest oh the
charge of stealing $400. He was re
moved to a hospital, where bis condi
tion Is reported to be serious. The
charge of theft was preferred against
him by .Torcph Wertzberger, of Al
toona, the h y's stepfather, and the
money was stolen several days ago.
Since then the detectives have been on
the lookout for him. Last night he
was about to take a train for Harrls
lmrg when he was arrested. The at
tempted suicide followed.
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup Is sure to
euro iucipicnt consumption. This remarkable
remedy will stop the wasting away of tho
patient, and In a short time effect a cure.
Fire I Flrol fire I
Insure your property from loss in the
oldest and strongest cash companies: l'filla.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Firo Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., A norican Firo Insurance Co.,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co . United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
12 R. .fftidin St.. Shonandoah
A lazy liver makes a lazy man. llurdock
Blood Hitters is the natural, never failing
remedy for a lazy liver.
IOST. On WtMhiemluy, Ilth init., Iivtweun
J Kappuhannock and Lost Creek a Mutonlc
clinnn lleturn to A. 1. Ilrmvn, I.ust Orn-k,
and rectjl vti reward, 12-21-5t
POU SALK. A valuable hunlne property
lmviu tmxleru Improvements Centrally
located Valuable to one wanting t peumtnent
Imsiitesf place and a liome. Apply to M. M
llurku, attorney, Kgan building. tf
FOU HALK-Seveml very valuable and desir
able vacant lotn; alno Heveral Iiouhcp,
which will be Hold nlngly or In block Kor
further Information apply to S. A, fieddall,
Tamaqtpi, la. lli-C-lm
IOH ItKNT. Dwelling house, with all eon
V venteneea, with good location, for rent.
Apply ntlds olllce tf
TOTICIC Dcslrabhi proportloH for sale, Ai
11 ply to H. Q. M. Ilollopeter, attorney,
Khenandoah. 8-31 tf
Select your garment from up-to-date styles.
We have the right goods here and a large
variety to select from at the right prices.
Ladles' Coats, $2 50, $3.00, $5.00, $0.00.
$8,00, $9.00 to $16.00.
Children's Coats, $1.50 to $7.50.
Far Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00.
Our stock ol dress goods has no equal. You
will find here a large assortment of plain and
fane fabrics in foreign and domestic at bar
gain prices.
Our place is headquarters for lace curtains,
blankets, carpets, rugs, etc. Look through
our line on second floor nnd get prices.
llutterick paper patterns, best in the world,
sold by us.
019 N. Centre St., l'ottsvlllc, l'a.
Fine old Wlilskr-yn, (lion and Wlnea, at the bar,
.A choice line of t'liiiim mid Temper
ance Drinki,
Accouimodatlb for traveler.
.... .m, ugrst.'tcrrsl
1 1
The Boston Factory Shoe
Store makes; the following ex
traordinary shoe bargain to
men for the next few clays
only :
$4.00 ; at $2.25.
Ladies', Misses' and Chil
dren's winter footwear and
rubbers at astonishing prices.
Serviceable and reliable goods.
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa.
Shenandoah Ice Company,
Wholesale nnd Itetall Deulersln
Pure Spring Water Ice.
Contracts for summer nnd winter
fillings. Call on or address
HART, DADD0W & CO., 25 N. Jardltl St.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
B'.own Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brantls of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Alain Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Ladies' and Gents' Gold Watches.
Rings of every description and
setting. Silverware.
Wo nro low priced jewclcre, but give you
fttundurd goods for the same money.
E. Duell,
206 South Main St., Shenandoah.
Our place li the farthest down Main ntrcet ttml
furthest down hi priced. Come nnd see un.
Look For the New Yorklj
Cheap Shoe Store.
All Kinds of Latest Shoes Hen's,
Ladies and Children's Rub
ber nnd Leather Boots,
LndleH1 hIiocs. Si, 25
Meii'H " 1.50
Children' nhoeH CO
lciither ltootu 1.50
t .K
Men's rubbers, 28a up.
Ijidies ruhhcrti, 15a up
Children's ruhhertt, 10c up.
Look for our repairing prices. lien's hull
Holes und heel, 50u. Ladles' and children's htlll
lower, i'atclies, 5 centM.
Do not forget tlte place.
Near Jardln St. 33 West Centre Street.
Of Schuylkill Haven,
Tho noted IttfriH'tlonlst, who hn testimonial,
from thu best ie(iilu of .thu county, aft to bin
ublllty, will hoot
If vour eyes cauici jou any trouble call and neo
him, (Hansen furu!hcd If needed and no J
Live and
Dressed Poultry.
Leave your orders with us. Wo Insure
tiutUfactlon and prompt delivery.
Holiday Groceries. A fine line of staple goods.
Our prices are lower than othert.
Come and sco us.
Rhlllp Yarowsky,
A tine lot of linrerB received from I'blhl
delphla. All kinds. They jvlll make
acceplaiilo unristmus Kins.
nndKlobes. All kinds of pigeons. Wu
also sell millers' supplies and ilrlllliiK machines.
101 Idiet Centre street, Hhenandoah, l'.
Acntn remodeled, l'rlvitto.nnrtles call be enter
tul ed in our prlvute booths, liatlne bar
attached l'ree lunch served every evening-.
None but the bekt of wines, liquors and cigars
sold HtapTii"vblle you are waiting for
-Meals at all hours
iruiier car.
1 I