The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 19, 1898, Image 2

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Evening herald
kstaiimsiimi wo.
Published every EvenlnK, Ktcen Hundny.
South JmlK Htiikkt, Near Ckntkh.
The Herald la dellveied InHlicnandonh and the
surrounding tinvn fir six cents n week, ny
alilv o the carrier, By mall fZ.OO n year, or an
centra month, payahle In advance. dvertlse
mentn charged according to space and position.
The publishers reserve the right to chaiiKe the
Klllon of advertisement whenever the puli
ation of new! demand It. The right Is
tesorved to tiJeMany advertisement, whether
paid for or not, i.tat the publishers may deem
'proper. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Entered at the pootodlce at Shenandoah, as
second class mall matter.
'All the News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
Monday. ii; i:.iiii;it iu. iss.
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever
Sectional Lines Obliterated'
Sectional linos no longer mar the map of
the United States ; sectional fetllng no
longer holds back the love wo beur rnch
other. Fraternity ii tho national anthem,
suiir by chorus of forty-five states and
territories at home and beyond the scan. The
Union is once more the common o'tfi ct of our ami sicriflce,
Tho old dug again wavci ocr ll in puace,
with new gl irie hi b your snin and our
liavo this year added in Its sacred folds,
Kvery saddler's grave ui.tde diirniK our un
fortuiMte Civil War is a tribute to American
vs. lor. And while when tlmse graves wein
made wc dill'crtd widely about the futilio of
this jiovi-rnnient, the diU'ernices were long
ago settled by t'ia arbitrament of arms, and
tho time lias now come in the evolution of
sentiment and fielini! under tlio proWdenco
of God when 111 tho spirit of fraternity we
should .share witli ymi in the care of the
graves of the Confederate soldiers. President
MoKinley at Atlimt.'t
The Hpeeclics ilellvereU by Prosl
dent MeKitile lit Atluiitii, thf above
biting 11 quotation from one of tliem,
will tuko riink with tho noblest and
most inspiring iittoraiiccs of the
greatest men the country lias pro
iluml, and by them he ban won the
hearts of bin countrymen of the South
and the Xorth.
President SIcKinleyV utterances on
this occ isioii will endure and will
ranic witli tnu numerable itmlresses
delivered by Abraham Lincoln at
Gettypburtf. The President is an ox
Iianslonlst in unit lie Oelleyes in e.v-
tendiiiL' civilization, huiuanity and
civil and religious liberty wherever
the Stars and Stripes float.
The Iron Trade.
A few days n no wo called the at
teutiou of our renders to the fact that
money was so plentiful in public in
stitutions for raving that the bank?
were experiencing dilllculty in loan
ing it. A condition of this kind will
surely lead to the employment of
capital thus unproductive in new en
terprises, and it is safe to say that
further impetus will thereby bo given
to the present wave of prosperity.
To-day we call attention to the
phenomenal activity iu tho iron
trade, which is experiencing a great
boom in what is usually considered
the dull season in this branch of
trade. The output has never been so
great as at present, yet tho demand
exceeds it, and everybody in the
trade expects a still greater boom in
Reports from Pittsburg, Chicago,
St. Louis, Birmingham and other
centres of the trade are of a roseate
hue, and it is stated that but three
weeks supply of pig iron is now on
hand in the country, and prices have
gone higher and are llrmly adhered
to, a most gratifying condition of
RlTiiis. In the month of October ex
'ports of articles made of iron and
steel it ere over seven million dollars
In value, while for the llrst ten months
of 1898 the exports amounted to $07,
290,!i60 an increase of sixteen
millions over 1897 and of over twenty
eight millions of dollars over 1890.
The now territory we have acquired
through the recent war will add to
our market for this class of products
when the progressive Americans are
once llrmly established there and the
Idle money in our banks is put to use
in developing it.
The business men who contemplate
tho possibilities of these new posses
sions are among the strongest expan
sionists iu the country, and as the
business man Is practical ills views
are not lulluenced by any mawkish
sentimentality and he Is oven now
reaching out for commercial advant
It is among the probabilities of the
near future that many railways will
be built for which the United States
will furnish the material, thus- lidd
ing to the present I oon 'n the iron
Jicst to take alter dinner;
prevent distress, aid diges
tion, cure constipation.
J'urely vegetable lu not ftrii
or caute rain. Sold by nil drucclita. 2 cents,
f repared oulr by 0. 1. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mail.
Your Christmas
Dinner ....
Will be a joy if it is accom
panied by our
Put up expressly for family use.
We also bottle porter. Leave your
order,at the office and they will
receive prompt attention.
1'he ColulnWloncrn uud Controller Present
H Clean Ititlilliee lieet.
The advisability of the County Commn-
sioncis and ( 'otitioller win king in harmony,
ilong thu lines of economy, is el'aily Illus
trated in the record ol the present board fur
this soven months they have been iu olllcc.
Their rccoul is not eiiiiah d by any former
Hoard. Kvery bill they have coutiacted
since .May list, when they wcru appointed,
will be mid by January lt, overy temporary
loan made by them will be paid oil', and tho
inly bills outstanding will be the salmcs of
tho clerks in the ollices It is with prldu
i hoy point to this record, and no small
.mount of the credit is due tho watchful cyi
I loiitmiier bnyiief hi wiiniiitii: mo mils . Crulor Cliiclniintl Mcetx n. DntiRer
.reseiileil for his endure melit. Tho Com- i onsObKlriictlon In Muitliiiro Harbor.
uiissioueis have deleiiuincd to continue tills
policy during their term of ollico.
Tho Coiitio'lcr is now at work on his
annual statement, and from advance sheets it
is shown that tho CoiiiinU-loners havu con
ducted the all'jirs of tho county from $3,000
to $3,000 per month cheaper than did any of
their piedccessors, making a total saving ot
$7000 for the seven (7) mouths. Oil Satur
day a warrant was drawn for $7,000 to meet
almshouse onlers. and them remamssutlicicnt
funds to meet all obligations by January 1st
I'liii nil Hoard of Commisaieners carried over
from 1807 bills amounting to $13,UQ0.
Another gratifying feature is that not one
cent lias been expended for extra legal 'ad
vice or aasistani'e In lb0. tho Commissioners
pal 1 $3,t)3'J. 10 for extralegal help. Ill lSllo
they pud out $1.7.I.4II, and in 1MI7 $1,010.00
for the same purpose. During the past seven
mouths the ' ounty has had a number of im
portant siiiis and all have been won by
Solicitor liechtel without assistance, except
that of the Safe 1) posit Hank, and that he
expects to win on appial.
If the County Commissioners are success
ful in their bond issue before the Supremo
Court, the interest on loans will bo reduced
from (1 per cent, to at least 4.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
ifrtppenlttgH Throughout the Country
Chr'"'lcll for IIhhIy l'eriisal.
Thirty coal miners from St Clair and
I'ottsvillo left for New Mexico, havlngscciired
After January 1st the stamped envelopes
will he priuteil in red.
1 liero are man' leaks in the gas mains at
Ashland, causing much tumble.
Tlirco men were burned by an explosion of
gasat I. uko Fiddler colliery, ijhauiokiu, on
Saturday. Two of them will probably die.
Factory Inspector Campbell says that sonio
of tho uniforms furnished the soldiers re
cruited for thu war with Spain were made In
sweat shops in this state, and carried disease
to the soldiers.
Dadilow's stiull) factory at St. Clair lias
closed down until after the holidays.
The Columbia Hoso fair opens next Wed
William Pooler, of St Clair, aftor under
going u dillicult operation for tho eyes, is
igaln about the streets.
It is stated on the most reliable authority
hat Peter Wucliter will bo retained as ouo of
lie insane keepers at the almshouse. Mr.
Wucliter has been a keeper for seveial years
The Skill more vein has been struck at
Sonator Losch's colliery at Trcuiont, tho vein
being six feet thick.
Joseph T. IJrcunan, of Palo Alto, la now
employed as stationary ongineor at tho
Catholic Protectory for boys, at intlanus,
uur Norristown.
Tho P & It. railway paid out $140,000 in
wages at Heading last week.
To Cure Cold In One. liny
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists rol'umTOio money if it fails to cure.
:5c. The geuuino lias L. It, Q. on each
tablet tf
Mitrrlugtt Llvenses.
Lincoln Uiclwrdson uud Sophia Derr, both
of Shenandoah : Luther Fielding and Lllssa-
b th ll.iy. both ol St. Clair; William liriru
low and Eleanor Jones, both or Malianoy
township : A Frautz. of East Peun
towns an. Carbon county, mid lCeueccu
IleuUchler, of Norwegian township.
IT Dr. Hull's Viiugli Sjrup for jour
cough, or cold on chest or lungs. It Is truly
it numlcrlul medicine. No other remedy has
tnaile so many remaikahlo cults. Price 25c.
lutilm Trucks at Lakeside,
The P. & 11. Railway Company will make
sonic decided changes at Tamacjua, which
will revolutionize shifting methods now iu
vogue, The plans contcuiplato the erection
of twelve additional tracks at Lakeside,
whore the bhifliug of all trains bound south!
from the Shamokiii and Catawissa divisional
will bo made, and from that point will bo
un to I amuqua by gravity, l no welgu '
scales will also Ik) located at Lakeside Five I
or six more tracks will also bo added to tho These changes will
make Lakeside it busy place.
Has found that her little ones are Improved
mure by thu pleasant Syrup of Figs, when
iu need of tho laxative effect of a gentle
remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy
it and it bouellts them. The truo remedy,
Svrup of Figs, is manufactured by tho
Califuruia Fig Syrup Co. only.
lire I Iirel l lrel
Insure your property from loss In the
Idest and strongest cash companies: 1'hlla.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American lire Insurance Co.,
West Chester Fire ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah.
. Begin Right With Coughs and Colds.
Take th sure euro, I'uu-Tlna, 25c.
Gruhler Bros., drug store.
1'nstor Tnlllllcd.
Yesterday afternoon He. v. (leorgo V. Hart
man was ordainoil and installed as pastor of
tho Heformed church at flnvlgsburj:. Tho
former pastor, liev. 12 S. limner, now of
Lebanon, delivered the sermon and ltev
iinrtliolomew the charge, to the people..
Christmas Presents.
If you want to please your friends select
for them either a Arecas, Keritlas, Salauias,
Cocoa or table palm, Cycas palm, sword fern,
Afparagus fern or any greenhouse plant, in
any size I'ayni'.'h Nunsnnv,
12-IlMt.eod Glrardville, Pit.
Rnntlnirn ,i mha Dpp 1!) While tho
United States rrulso- ninr-lnnntl wna
leaving port about sunset Saturday
she ran full speed upon n rock, clearly
dellnod in the charts, but not buoyed.
Last September General Wood, con
sidering the absence of a buoy there
might lead to some accident, anchored
one, the first ever placed there. The
Bessie, on enterlns the harbor one
night, carried It away, and since then
there has been no buoy to mark the
location of the rock.
It now turns out that the man -who
was shot Friday morning by a Cuban
negro, after landing from a schooner
haillngji nm liaraeoa, was not, as was
at Hist supposed. Celesto Rodriguez,
the guerilla, but a merchant from
liaraeoa, who had come here to pur
chase supplies. The ssumptlon Is
that the crime was committed for the
sake of robbery.
From Firmesa, a town which Is vir
tually the property of the Jurugua
Iron company, comes a report that the
alcalde has been attacked and stabbed
with a machete, and there has been
another stab.blng affray at Daiquiri.
Although these affalis are probably
mining rows, the authorities now feel
compelled to police these places, which
heretofore has been unnecessary, owing
to the fact that a majoilty of the work
men we ro Spanish soldiers and under
military discipline.
The arrival of the news that the Uni
ted States senate had confirmed the
nomination of General Wood as a ma
jor general was the occasion for uni
versal rejoicing here.
rutin I'tmstlilir'.'Ji't'lileiit.
Pittsburg, Dec. 19. As the result of
cnastinir accident at Turtle Creek,
e'pht mile" from Pittsburg, Joseph
West, aged 20, Is dead and 11 other
Injured, two seriously. The sled col
lapsed at the bottom of a steep hill
and hurled the party wUh great force
n t very direction. The two seriously
Injuied arc: V. II. Madey, both legs
broken ; Jnrrplt Connor, left leg broken
nd Injured badly about the head.
It does not require an expert to detect the
sufferer from kidney trouble. The hollow
cheeks, the sunken eyes, the dark, puffy
circles under the eyes, the sallow parsnip
colored complexion indicates it.
A physician would ask if you had rheuma
tism, a dull pain or ache in the back or over
the hips, stomach trouble, desire to urinate
often, or a burning or scalding in passing it;
if after passing there is an unsatisfied feeling
as if it must be at once repeated, or if the
urine has a brick dust deposit or strong odor.
When these symptoms are prcsoilf no
time lost in removing the cause.
Delay may lead to gravel, catarrh of the
bladder, inflammation, causing stoppage, and
sometimes requiring the drawing of the
urine with instruments, or may run into
llright's Disease, the most dangerous stage of
kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-lloot, the gn;at dis
covery ot the eminent kidney and blaudet
specialist, is a positive remedy for such tlis
eases. Its reputation is world-wide and it is
so easy to get at any drug store that no one
need suffer any length of time for want of it.
However, if you prefer to first test its
wonderful merits, mention EVENING IIi'.RAU)
and write to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iiinghamton,
N. Y., for a sample bottle and book telling all
about it, both sent absolutely free by mail.
Samuel Block's w
1 sold my competitor Clothing some time ago and
can do so yet.
f"on IVopln lir-cllcil, Including Two)
Women Tlifllllntr r.xperlcncos.
New York, Deo. 19. The British
steainor Pawnee, which arrived yester
day from Medltcrranea ports, brought
ten shipwrecked people, eight men and
two women, who were taken from the
disabled schooner Deer Hill, of St.
John's, N. U In mid-ocean.
Captain Alkenhond reported that on
the morning of Dec. S he sighted the
Deer Hill In evident distress. A heavy
northwest gale was blowing, and a
dangerous sea running. The schooner
was seemingly unmanageable and the
rudder disabled or carried away. The
Pawnee stood by, and at 2 p. m. suc
ceeded In getting a tnwllne aboard,
which had been sent by drifting a
small line to leeward. The line part
ed, however, and a boat was launched
In charge of the chief olllcer and sent
to communicate with the Deer Hill,
The boat had nearly succeeded In
boarding the wreck, when an enormous
sea struck and stove It, and after great
dilllculty the boat's new succeeded In
getting on boatd the schooner, where
they were obllg"d to remain all night.
On the following morning the weather
had slightly moderated, a towline was
sent on board and the Pawnee towed
the Deer Hill toward Hermuda. After
towing about six hours the line again
parted. Finding that the wind and
sea was increasing when the line part
ed, it was found Impossible to get out
another. The captain of the Deer Hill
signaled that he wished to abandon
the wieck and requested the Pawnee to
stand by.
The gale continued throughout the
Oth, 10th and 11th, the Pawnee keeping
her position near the wreck, but found
It Impossible to use the boats to remove
the unfortunate people of the Deer Hill,
owing to the dangerous character of the
seas. Finally at 7 p. m. of the 12th
the rescue was effected and the Deer
Hill was abandoned. The rescued peo
ple were Captain C. W. Burns, Louisa
Burns, his daughter, Hazel Merrltt, the
owner's daughter, and seven of the
crew of the Deer Hill.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
The I'tst salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoitm, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or mony refunded, t'rlco
SS cents per box For sale bv A. Wnslcy.
, II 1! " ."'ilCC.
Chicago. D.-c. 10. W. E. Henderson,
the negro lawyer who. with his wife
ind five children, was driven out of
Wilmington, N. C by the recent riots
there, told the story of the uprising
yesterday at the First Methodist
church. At tho close of the meeting
the ltev. J. L. Jones presented a set
ot resolutions, which were adopted
unanimously, deprecating discrimina
tion In trade, politics or religion on ac
count of the eoior line In the north or
south. A copy of the resolution will
be sent to President McKinley.
Ir. Hull's Cough Syrup htops that
tickling in the throat This leliablo remedy
allays at once irritations of the throat, sore
thii at, hoarseness and other bronchial affec
tions. I'n im ' !m Itn'ro.
Venice. Pec. in. In coiiFoqupnce of a
recent lepoit that the Palace of the
Doges bud become endangered, owing
to the subsidence of tho walls adjacent
to the lirklpe of Sighs and the decay
of the timbers supporting St. Mark's
library, the government ordered Slgnor
Borto, the eminent architect, to ex
amine and report with a view of re
storing the palace. Slgnor Borto and
other architect declare that the stories
of danger are gieetly exaggerated.
Every family should have its household
medicine, chest and tho first bottlo Iu it
should bo Dr. Wood's Norway Tino Syrup.
Nature's remedy for coughs and colds.
llx-enutor Ittieo'-, Piinnnii.
Lima, (J., Dec. 10. The remnlns of.
the late Calvin S. Brice arrived here
yesterday from New York. Flags on
all public buildings are at half mast
In honor of the distinguished dead, and
many buildings are In mourning. There
was a crowd of over 2,000 people at the
depot when the train pulled in, and
after the family were taken to their
carriages the procession started with
G. A. R U. V. U. and the Lima Lodge
of Elks, which was the only secret
order he belonged to, acting as escort.
The remains were taken to the Biice
residence, where they remained until
this morning, when they were taken to
the Market Street Presbyterian church.
The services Occurred at 1 p. m.
Sympathy I'nra l'oollhh Soldier.
Savannah, Ga Dec. 19. Prominent
citizens have Interested themselves in
behalf of Moore, the Maine artillery
man who was the other day sentenced
to pay a fine of ?500 or serve 60 days on
the chain gang by Judge Norwood for
attempting, on the streets, to hug the
wife of n prominent citizen. A peti
tion to the governor for pardon Is be
ing circulated, and It Is being signed
not only by leading men, but by society
women as well. Moore was hilariously
Intoxicated at the time of his offense.
He has borne an excellent reputation.
It is probable the pardon will be
promptly granted. Moore is now on
the chain gang, where he has been for
two weeks.
jig! jig!
LETS. They Cure Stomach Troubles and Indiges
tion Anyway. Whether You Have Faith
In Them ur Mot.
Mero faith will not digest your food for
you, will not give, you an appetite, will not
increase your flesh and strengthen your
nerves and heart, but btuarts Dyspepsia
Tablets will do these things, because thoy
are composed of tho olcmcnts of digestion,
they contain tho juices, aHds and peptones
necessary to tho digestion and assimilation of
all wholesome food,
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest food
if placed hi a jar or bottle In witter heated to
113 degrees, and they will do it much tnoro
effectively when taken Into tho stomach after
menb, whether you have faith that they will
or not.
Thoy Invigorato tho stomach, tnalto pure
blood and strong nerves, In the only way that
naturo can do It, and that is, from plenty of
vliolcoino food well digested. It la not what
we cat, hut what wo digest that docs us good.
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets nro sold by
nearly all druggists at 50 cents for full sized
package, or by mall from tho F. A. Stuart
Co., Marshall, Mich.
fiouci'iil llt'ootco ".Meets tlV Proildi'iit.
Savannah. Ga., Dec. 10. Major Gen
eral Brooke, who was appointed as
military governor of Cuba, arrived In
the city yesterday afternoon. He had i
conference with the president and Sec
retaiy Alger last evenlnrr. shortly after
his arrival. After the conference Sec
retary Alger said General Brooke was
on his way to Havana province, and
had come to Savannah upon telegraphic
orders for a conference with the presi
dent and the secretary relative to af
fairs in the Island. General Brooke Is
suffering from n cold and fever. It was
said today that the fever was high,
and that probably he would not be able
to leave the city for a week.
A Card.
Wc, tho undersigned, do hereby agrco to
refund tho money on a 50-cent bottlo of
Grceno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to euro your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee i 25-ccnt bottle to provo satisfactory or
tnohey refunded. A. Wasloy, C. II. Ilagen
buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
lllersteiu & Co. ' ll-14-33t-dw
iroiiii'vciii'l"lir,n:,l rom 'Honolulu.'!;
. Denver. Colo., Dec. ID. Four ,car
loads of troops of the First New York
regiment, returning from Honolulu, ar
rived In Denver yesterday over the
Union Pacific and left for the east via
the Burlington road.
Who Satd They Have a Cough ?
Advice Take Pan-Tina, 23c. At Gruhlor
Bros., drug storo.
Of Schuylkill haven,
The noted itcfrnctioulst, who has testimonials
from the bet people of tho county, as to bis
ability, will be at
If voureyei cmine you any trouble call nud nee
lilm. (Jlassci furnished if needed uud no
Select your garment from up-to-date styles.
We have the right goods here and a large
variety to select from at the right prices.
Ladies' Coats, $2 SO, $3.00, $5.00, $6.00.
$8.00, $9.00 to $16.00.
Children's Coats, $1.50 to $7.50.
Fur Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00.
Our stock oi dress goods has no equal. You
will find here a large assortment of plain and
fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic at bar
gain prices.
Our place is headquarters for lace curtains,
blanket', carpets, rugs, etc. Look through
our line on second door and get prices.
Butterick paper patterns, best in the world,
sold Dy us.
Trnln Wishes Across n It rid ere on tlio
Ties-Only (Inn Killed,
Indianapolis, Dec. 10. A wreck oc
curred on the Indiana, Decatur South
western railroad nt 2:30 o'clock yes
terday morning 52 miles west of In
dlannpolls, near Gulon Station. The
Indianapolis express, eastbound, left
the tracks west of n high trestle and
passed over the trestle, which Is CO
feet lone, with seven coarhes off the
rails and bumping nlong the tics. The
trestle wnB CO feet high, and It Is con
sidered phenomenal that tlio train was
not hurled pff Into the creek.
Tho rear car had Just left the trestle
when a spreading of the rails Just
ahead of the baggage car piled the
seven cars Into n heap. The baggage
car and smoker were ground almost
Into splinters and nil of the cars were
badly wrecked. There were about CO
passengers on the train, and not a
woman or child Jn the list.
T. St. Wells, superintendent of tho
schools of DourIpsh county, Ills., of Ar
eola, was killed and the following In
jured: Daniel Pointer, Dpcntur, Ills.,
head cut and neck nnd shoulders
bruised; Andrew Knfer. Lawrence
vllle, Ind., head badly cut: A. .1. Did
dle, Indianapolis, filirhtfully cut about
the face; M. .1. Moore, Indianapolis,
head cut, spine Injured nnd Internal In
juries: Warren Saylon Indianapolis,
slightly lii'ured: J. A. Mitchell, con
ductor. Injured ankles: A. W. Scott,
Indianapolis, hpad Injured; H. M. Ton
nick, Chicago, slight li'ies.
Try Gram-0 1 Try oraln-0 I
Ask your Grocer to-day to show you a
package of GUAIN-O, the ntw food drink
that takes the place of codec. The children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it. like it. GKAIN-O
has that rich seal brown of Mochn or Java,
but it is made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without distress,
i the price of codec 15c and 2$ ct. per
package. Sold by all grocers.
timreroil V".m ff,i'c!ite.
Chicago, Dei;. 1!). Michael VrvlX rtol
llnger, a native ot Austria. Is under
arrest charged with the murder of his
wife, Theresa. The charred body of
Mrs. Bollinger was found Friday night
In a clothes closet of her home, and
her death was at first supposed to be
the result of an accldpnt. The police
now claim they have sufficient evi
dence to prove that Bollinger strang
led his wife, pouted kerosene over the
body nnd set fire to It. Mrs. Bollinger
owned some moperty In Austria, and
also carried fijOO life Insurance. Lately
the couple had not been living happily,
and Mrs. Bollinger had declared her
Intention to apply for a divorce.
Help Comes to Those Who Take
Itod Flag Oil for sprains, bums, cuts.
Gruhler Bros., drug storo.
.MnrVolovN Gold Strike.
Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 19. Bat Por
tage. Ont Is wild with excitement over
a marvellous strike made In the Mlka'do
gold mine. The ore fills a slope 40 feet
high and two and one-third feet wide,
and the richest ore Is worth on a con
servative estimate from ?2G,000 to $35,
000 a ton In free milling gold. The ore
Is being put In barrels and sacks, and
men are guarding the treasure. The
mine Is owned In Knglnnd. At a low
estimate there Is now $250 000 In sight.
The latest ndvlces from minors coming
In say the vein Is now 11 feet wide,
with no decrea?e In vnlue. The length
and depth ot the ore body Is not yet
What Is Smioh 7
A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured iunumeniblo cases
of incipient consumption unil relieved many
iu advanced stages. If you are not satisfied
with tho results wo will refund your money.
Price 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by I. D.
Kirlin and a guarantee,
Coming Kvents.
Dec. 21 to Jan. 4. Grand fair under tho
ausp'ces of tho Columbia II. & S. F. E. Co. in
Itobtins' opera house.
Dec. 21 Gland ball In Dougherty's now
hall, corner Jardin and Contro streets, under
auspices of Shcnandoih Glee Club.
Jan. 2. First annual ball of the Shenan
doah Browns baso ball club, la Dougherty's
hall, cornor Jardln and Centre streets.
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you are, ask for tickets via the Southorn
Railway. It Is tho shortest, quickest and
best route. Its servico this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John SI. Beall, District
Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Young Mothers,
Croun is tho terror of thousauds of young
mothers because its outbreak" is so agonizing
and frequently fatal. Shlloh's Cough and
Consumption-Cure acts like inaelc in cases of
croup. It has uever been knowu to fail. The
worst cases relieved immediately. Trice 25
cts., 50 cts. and f 1.00. Sold by I'. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
Tweiiry'Lst nt h'l'.i.
New Castle on Tyne, Dec. 19. Twenty
lives were lost In a collision between
the British steamers Plerremont and
Illos in the North sea. The Illos foun
dered and the Plerremont was badly
damaged. Details ot the accident are
lacking. Both steamers put Into this
port last week and from here sailed
for Mediterranean ports.
Ur. Hull's Cough Nyrup cures a cough
or cold in short order. One bottlo of this
wonderful remedy will effect a euro. It is
absolutely the best cough syrup made.
Price 25c.
Tho Dentfi of llut'du'lVithHclilld.
London, Dec. ID. It appears that
Baron Ferdinand James De Rothschild,
who died Saturday, was suddenly at
tacked with Internal pains while out
walking last Thursday. He was obliged
to take to his bed, but he got better so
rapidly that on Saturday morning he
Insisted upon having a hot bath against
the Instructions of his medical adviser.
He swooned Immediately afterward
nnd never recovered consciousness, dy
ing In syncope. No one hut his valet
was present at the end.
Never Falls for coughs and Colds.
That's what Pan-Tina is, 25c. At Gruhler
Bros., drug storo.
iloMpltul S'ipplUiH Vor Culm. '
Savannah, Ga Dec. 19. The hospital
ship Missouri sailed yesterday for Ha
vana with 300 tons of medical supplies
for the troops In the Island, and car
rying ttie hospital corps of the Second
division of the Seventh army corps
(he division which has already gone
forward with General Lee. The Mis
souri, after distributing her supplies,
will take sick soldiers from Havana and
vicinity and bring them to this coun
try, either to New York, Norfolk or
Croup instantly relieved, Pr, Thomas'
Eclectrlo Oil, Perfectly safe. Never falls.
At any diug store.
Look For the New Yorff
Cheap Shoe Store.
All Kinds of Latest Shoes Hen's,
Ladles' and Children's Rub
ber and Leather Hoots,
worth now
Ladles' shorn f 1.2.1 S -M
Children's sboes 00
Leather llnots 1.00
Men's 1 nlilieis, 1!ku up.
Ladles' rubbers, tro up
Children's rutibers, 10c up.
Look for our repairing prices Hen's ball
soles ami heel ,nOc I. utiles' mid children's still
lower, l'ntciies, o cenis
Do not lurgct the place.
Near Jardln St. 33 West Centre Street
m. nhAWiwsKY. Pro it.
319 N. Centre St., I'ottsvlllc, Ift.
Fine old Whiskeys, dins and Wines, at the bar
A choice lino "t t'lgars nnd Temper
ance Drinks.
Accommodations for travelers.
Meals nt nil ho on
Again remodeled. Private parties can bo enter
tnt. ed In our prhatu booth. Hating bn
attached Krco lunch served cvfry cvcnlnc
Noni but the best of wines, liquors nnd cignr
wild. Stop In while you are waiting for i
trolley car.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Slock Ale, Sparkling Stil
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale
Brown Stout, Half and Half, Bee
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Livel;
Ales. A full line of the fines
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
1 16 South Alain S reet,
Will receive prompt attention.
BO'CfcUcd greatest, molt celebrated ant
nllflt Advertising doctors fall, no matte
what they claim. LOST MANHOOt
Abuses, Blood llrtson. Strictures, Shrunken or Un
dttelope.ioroans. roatttvely trie only one la tha worl
to care V A R I C O C E L E without cut tiny, nook ire
ezpoitntr every adrertUlnefraud,KlectrioPeltarTlri
dleri, take Medical Inatltutei, etc. Freeh casetevre
tnltoViiiays. Treatment by maU. Instant Teller
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne
o D15AU5K IN o
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco
Wholesale and Retail.
SO West Contra Street
Haa opened a new htoro at tho
COR. riAlN and LLOYD STS.,
Shenandoah, l'a.,
For tho. ealo of wax and cut flowers of i
designs of the latest styles at short notice ai
reasonable prices. Also needle work of n
kinds and fancy work. AVo Invite your patro
The Boston Factory Sho
Store makes the following e.
traordinary shoe bargain t
men for the next few day
only :
$4.00 ; at $2.25.
Ladies', Misses' and Chil
dren's winter footwear an'
rubbers at astonishing pricet
Serviceable and reliable good;
27 South Main Street, Shenandoah,