The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 12, 1898, Image 2

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    in'irnhi i' mr -1- "-in i n rti'irri "-'"ftriiWinrir.TKrwwsriT
KSTAHMSIir,t 1H70.
Published every KvoiiIhk, Ksicepi Hm nt
flotrrrt .Uhdin Htrkrt, Nrar Ck rut.
The Heraltl In ilollveit! in HlirnanctoAh fttirt lh
urrnuiidltiK tim.iflforglx mut a week, pny
aM olhe trrlcr. Hy mnlKnOOn yrar.orS
centtH mouth, Niynhlu lu fulvaticc. MlvertUt
ment' chnrircil nccurHhi to utmce nnu fioMtlnn.
The, publishers reserve the rltcht to dilutee thr
position of iwlvertNement whenever the pub
1'tMioT or new ucninmi' 11. rue riKin
iwervetl to t jt tuny mlvcrtUeinent, wli
paid for or not, mat the publishers may
nproper. AUverllnlnR rates made k:
tany advertisement, whether !
ui cm
upon application.
Entered at the po to (lice at Hhenandonh, Vt., n
econd claxs mall matter.
'All (he News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
mommy m: i:ibrk 12. tws
JUll COUNlUY: Mrsi. Last and F.irevei
TilK sumll-p' "eiiidi'iiiic" at Hert
ford consists of two eases of varioloid,
the news reports being greatly ex
aggerated. Ui sski.i. Sauk, the tuillionaire,
says the giving of Cliristnias pres
ents Ih merely polite liigli,ay rub
bery. .Nothing else was to have been
expei-ti d (mm that smirce.
TlIK Town Council of l' reeland is
cotisidering the question of puruhas
ing the Kitson light for street illimil
nntion. The new liglit is said not
only to be more powerful bat much
cheaper than electricity.
Democrats ns Reformers.
During the political campaign in
this county just closed, resulting in a
Democratic victory, there was much
said about reform in tho administra
tion of the almshouse at Schuylkill
Haven. Chairman Moyer Hooded the
comity with circulars, with llaming
headlines, detailing alleged extrava-fw.wiu-Ui,
Wio county poor district and
pledging n reform in this respect in
the event of Democratic success at
the polls. The same pledge was made
by tho party speakers, who laid much
stress upon this phase of tho contest.
Tho political complexion of the
Hoard of Poor Directors, after Janu
ary 1st, will be Democratic, and the
opportunity will thus bo presented to
institute the reforms Chairman Moyer
and his spell-binders pledged tho
people would be inaugurated. Will
iam i. Sheafer, the executive head of
the Taxpayers' Association, a non
political organization, has addressed
an open letter to tho Poor Directors,
giving the annual cost of the poor
district for some years back, and
pointing out wherein, in the estima
tion of the Association, salaries can
be reduced and useless positions
abolished without impairing the etll
ciency of the pour huuse or doing in
Jiistfcofo the unfortunate inmates.
The communication of the Tax
payers' Association is certainly
worthy of consideration by tho re
formers about to assume the position
of Director of the Poor. As wo have
previously stated, it presents an op
portunity for them to correct the use
less expenditure of tile dear people's
money they so loudly proclainu-d
during the campaign was allowed
under Republican administration.
However, it will be interesting to see
these Democratic Directors, with blue
pencil 111 hand, cutting down salaries
and lopping otf "useless positions,"
in view of the fact that so many of
their partisans are clamoring for tho
ilesh pots.
When the piesent UHpuhlican board
was organized, a littleovera year ago,
Director Walhorn was the minority
member He rushed into print with
many refoi m uiHiisures. He insisted
that ihe lie adopted, and when not
ncc. .ted by his c(dleugues Mr. Will-1
born posed before the people us a re
former without friends" The gen
tleman Is now a majority member,
and with the assistance of his col
league, Director-elect Horgan, will
have an opportunity to put into
practice his professed reform ideas,
provided the subject matter has not
(lipped his memory. Some men are
earnest reformers when they have no
sii) in the dispensation of patronage,
and it is to bo seen whether or not
Director Walhorn was honest in his
professions of reform one year ago.
The Taxpajers' Association has
pointed out the way for retrench
ment at the almshouse in the abolish
ment of a number of tho present ap
pointments, and a reduction in tho
salaries of others. The Poor Dlrec
tors alone can currv out these reform
measures. Cornelius A. Moyer, of
Schuylkill Haven, is a candidate for
clerk at the almshouse, and offers to
perform ull the duties of t'tio position
ata saving to tho county of from 1,
200 to $1,500 per year in salaries. Mr.
Moyer held the position acceptably
under a former administration, and
besides his regular duties looked
after the Interests of the taxpayers in
other directions. "Wilt these reform
Directors appoint him and save the
taxpayers the amount stated 1
The appointments ut the almshouse
will be announced before January 1st,
and it will then be determined
whether or not the ftnte-electlon
promises of reform made by Chair
man Moyer and his Democratic col
ouvuiu ub civry iauiiy trgr, a)a U
medicine chest and. evury O all 4
traveller's grip. They are ' 111 S
JoriluibU when the loirufli
tl out of ordrrt cur headnfri, blltounai, an4
11 uw Uvublti. Jlila md mcieut. 25 emu.
noon s
limu?s wore olToreil In Ucml fiiitli. or
NVITO muivly HO lllllfll lulltll'lll llllll-
cuiilio. Vi' arc iiK'llnt(l to the belief
tlmi the. professions were not honestly
luade. However, the announcement
of the appointment will determine
the correctness of this view. We
have no inclination to prejudge or
umliarrass the Directors, who have
trouble!) of their own (lodclnj; the
hungry place-hunters, and
patiently await (levulopnieilts.
fl'lHY PUilN IS.
pputiK riirouteliniit
ChiMi1pt for H.MtT
thu Count 1
Many tax rolle-lurs arc making payments
on their ihii Irate to the county.
Thr coll let it-it retitixil tills morning ninl
will probably work five i1y
M. 1 Qiiinii has illsi'utititiutd prixi'ii'tliiR
fur cnal war Trpinont. but will iiviunc in the
summer. Coal of good ii,t!ity lias hi-en
lull in).
"It Is Hthl that CoiiKrcMiuan Uruiiim want
to siimccl Judge lVmlihiK on the llcnch
while mm- lutlinitd that the tenth man lm
hit eye oil the p sitlnn of United Stall s
Mrhil now held by cx-Congiessmaii
Itcllly." Mhiursvlliu I'ue 1'iobs.
The h Iter of the Taxpayer's Ass"i i 'linn In
the PiMH D reetora deiiiHiiditiK rutieiiehmcnt
mil sIiowIiil' where cxprn-es may bo nit
ihiun. is being widely disiiuuii-d.
I)r V .1. Ilutterworth, recently priictb'ing
in Tiiniiipia, has Joined tho rogul ir army as a
Tnin-iriuti's wnter'liiplicile amounts to $3,
511.4? Tor ni months.
Tho drillers who will endeavor In local'
tlie Ittn k MniinlHiii vein at Alaska colliery
heiim work mi l'Vhluy.
lXmiel YatiH bmiuht the old Tlieobold and
Kester windu-ry at Pieton No 2 bunks from
the Oir.ud Citato. The price laid was $115.
Tin men at wulk ilrMiig horo holes at
1'ieston No. 3 colliery to relieve tho khiik
way of an abundance of nils, havo succeeded
in sillkiiiK one hole. It took uhont two
weeks to do tho work
Tho law requiring that nil freight trains
shall bu equipped with uutonmtic couplers
ami train brakes, and all locomotives with
wheel brakes, will soon e,o into forco.
Cards havo been issued amioumlui the
wedding of llessio Kate, the oldest laughter
of Governor George Atkinson, of Charleston,
to Charles Christopher JJeury, formerly ol
Ail order has been issued at Harrisburg
forbiddlui; employes of tho Pennsylvania
Kail mail from entering bar rooms or saloons
while on duty.
This is the last day for filing liquor licenses
While several in this town have not applied,
tho landlords havo taken their places.
A slight fire occurred in tho insane de
partment at the almshouse on Satuiday, hut
caused little damage.
Tho funeral of James Urehony, who died
at Mahanoy Plane on Friday, will take place
to-morrow morning.
Mrs. David Morgin.of St. Clair, Is critically
ill and little hope is entertained for her re
covery. She. is well and favorably known
Tamaqua's now shirt factory, employing
sixty operatives, started up to-day.
I ho churches wcro well utteuded yester
Meichants report good business on Satur
day, many making their holiday purchases.
1 lie Misses Jones havo opened a. wax and
cut (lower store in tho l rancy building
corner Main and Lloyd streets. See ad. in
another column.
It is not a w-Ue citizen who washes tho
pavement in front of his property during
freezing weather.
l'laeuyour holiday advertisement now, if
you want to catch the early shopper.
A coal train was wrecked on the X.chigli
Valley railroad last evening hoar Penn
Fifty i'ottsvillo teachers aio taking lessons
in physical culture.
Fulling coal killed Aloxander Satky in tho
K.veelsior mine, near Shaiuokin.
Thonged mother of Captain J. K. Giles, at
liazletou. fell down a flight of stairs and
hroko both her arnn.
rilo works, which will use 800,000 pounds
of clay per day, lire soon to he opened nt New
Iledfiird, Clarion enmity.
Asphalt coated roofing paper will soon be
made by a new department of tho Cambria
steel Company, at Johnstown.
While driving to the Willianisport market
13. W. Parson, a Watsontown huckster, was
struck by a train and killed.
Legal proceedings wero instituted at Car
lisle yesteiday to oust tho ward Justices of
tli" Peace, on tho ground that tbo olllces they
hold do not exist.
By order of Judge Stewart tho sheriff of
Franklin cunty will hereafter bu allowed 13
cuts a day each for boarding tramps, instead
f i.'5 cents.
One toll of coal ill the cellar is wortli any
uiimlier in the ash heap, but it is loud to
make the servant girl believe it.
It is possible that thu idle plant of the
Diamond Steel ' (iuiiauy, near Heading, may
be tnrnei into a mill for tho re-rolling of
steel rails Herman UhiEripb is in n pre
cin ions condition ut Lebanon, from thu ef
fects of hums which ho received while play,
ing with matches.
Tho mammoth breaker nt Congressman
Council's Enterprise colliery, near Shamokiu,
which was destroyed iu tho icceut storm,
will bo rebuilt by January 1.
Trimming tho Christmas tree trims many n
mail's pocketbook.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. I'lainfield,
makes the statement, that she caught cold,
which settled on her lunfis ; she was treated
for a month by her family physician, but grew
worse. 1 le told her the was a hopeless vic
tim of consumption and that no medicine
could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption j she
bought a bottle and to her delight found her
self benefitted from first'dose. She continued
its use and after taking sis bottles, found her
self sound and well ; now does her own
housework, and is as well as she ever was.
Free trial bottles of tins lireat Discovery ut i.
Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents
and $1.00,
IIIh Itpslgnntlon Dhm'itntlcri.
Detroit, Dec. 12. The resignation of
rollce Commissioner Ttalph Phelps, Jr
was demnnded yesterday at a mass
meeting of representative citizens held
In one of the leading churches. This
action Is the direct result of rscent
ngltntlon toward the enforcement of
law and abolishing of vice hy the Good
Government leueuo of Detroit and
others. Mr. Phelps was charged, among
other things, with being on IB liquor
bonds prior to his appointment as com
missioner, when the law expressly pro
vides that no one shall sign more than
two.'iiti nnnt Witrlc lloprleveil.
I,ondon, Dec. 12. -I-doutennnt Wark,
of the Itoyal artillery, who on Thursday
last was sentenced to death on the
chnrge of murrVrinff Mlse Jane Yates,
of Liverpool, a girl of good family, by
cons!'IMn? with her to prooure an Il
legal operation, which resulted In her
death, has been reprieved. The evi
dence In the case tended to show that
the girl was solely responsible. She
made a statement before she dod ex
onerating Work, wjio nfter the Jury had
returned a vordlot of guilty protested
his Innocence In ojion rurt.
Tli at Accompany tho Signing of tlio
Toaco Troaty,
l tlio Itol'iiMil of AmcrlcniiHtoStirroii
dee i-ciii-lltcM l).Mi-It(.,l hy Prlvuto
SpiiiilnriN In tlio Truimui'los or Cuba
11111I I'oi'to Itteo,
Paris, Ilee. 12. The work of the pence
commission was concluded on Saturday
evenltiB. wlw-n the treaty was signed by
both the Spanish and American com
missioners. The treaty consists of 17
articles, It having been found advisable
to subdivide two or three of the articles
In the draft formerly agreed upon.
The United Slntes peace commission
ers rested yesterday nfter the long
strain of dally conferences and almost
dally sessions with the Spaniards, the
Intensity of which was hnrdly realized
until it was overcome. Warm personal
friendships anil mutual relations have
arisen between the two commissions
ns the roFUlt of their extended con
troversy at close quurters. Yesterday
severnl members of both commissions
exchanged nails. Tho American com
missioners unolllclally Informed the
Spaniards that they would be glad to
have the two commissions dine to
gether. The reply, which, like the In
vitation, was conveyed diplomatically
throUKh a third party, was that the
Spaniards would be most pleased, but
feared it would be Inndvlsable, because
It might be misconstrued at Madrid,
where already much feelliiK exlste.l
ngnlnBt the Spanish commissioners.
Several membets of the United States
commission were Inclined at first to
publish the text of the treaty, but Sen
ator Frye mnde a strong plea for tho
observance of courtesy toward the
United States senate, and his argu
ments prevailed.
Further details, however, have been
learned as to the wording of the treaty,
which provides that Cuba is to be re-
1 nqulshod and that Porto Hlco and the
rhllipplnes nie to bo ceded. The Amer
icans are to pay for the repatriation
of the Spanish troops from nil the col
onies. The Spaniards are to return all
prisoners held by them. They are to
retain possession of all military stores
and munitions of war In the Philippines
and of such ships as have not been
Tho commercial trentles between tho
two nations which the wnr ruptured
are to be renewed at the convenience
of the. two nations.
The protocol makes nearly COO type
written pages.
The Spanish memorandum protests
agninrt the refusal of the Americans
to sui render the securities deposited
In the treasuries of Cuba and Porto
Hlco by private Spaniards, remarking
that "never has a civilized nation com
mitted such an act of violence."
Secondly, It protests anjntnst the ul
timatum demanding the rhllipplnes.
Thirdly, It protests against the po
sition In which those Spaniards are
plncod who desire to remain In Cuba.
Fourthly. It protests against the ref
erence to the destruction of the Mnln5
In President McKlnley's message to the
United States congreix. On this point
the memorandum says:
"Spain has proposed arbitration, but
the United States refuses to give her
the right which Is granted to a crim
Innl, namely, the right of defending
hlinFelf. The Spanish commissioners
leave the care of fixing the responsi
bility for the explosion to the entire
world, which will say whether those
arp responsible who dare the truth or
those refusing to seek t."
The United Statps rommlsslon.ers
have been almost overwhelmed with
offers nf dinners In England, prompted
by the deslie by prominent KngllBh.
men to emphasize the Anglo-American
entente, but they will remain In Paris
until the day before sailing for the
United States, Thev will make for;
mnl calls unoii President Faure anej
high otllcinls hero to thank them for
otnelnl hospitality. Unofficial hos
pltnllty to the United States commls.
sloners hns been ostentatiously lack
ing in Paris.
Regardless Of Age.
The kjdpeys are responsible for more sick
ness, sullerlng, and deaths than any other
organs of the body.
A majority of the ills afflicting people to
day is traceable to kidney trouble. It prevades
all classes of society, in all climates, regard
less of age, sex or condition.
The symptoms of kidney trouble nre unmis
takable, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, sleep
lessness, pain or dull ache in the back, a
desire to urinate often day or night, profuso or
scanty supply.
Uri"" acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine
are signs of clogged kidneyS causing poisoned
and germ-filled blood. Sometimes the heart
acts badly, and tube casts (wasting of the
kidneys) are found in the urine, which if
neglected will result in Ilright's Disease, the
most dangerous form of kidney trouble.
All these symptoms and conditions are
promptly removed under the influence of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Koot, It has a world wide
reputation for Its wonderful cures of the most
distiessing cases.
No one need be long without it as it is so
easy to get at anv drug store nt fifty cents or
one dollar. You can have a sample bottle of
.this wonderful discovery, Swamp-Uoot, and a
hook telling all about it, both sent to you
absolutely free by mail. Send your address to
Dr. Kilmer & Co., Iiinghiunton, N. V., and
kindly mention that you read tills liberal offer
n the Shenandoah Herald
Impresses Upon ltelelistngT-enilerHtlio
Necessity For Increased Aripninent.
Berlin. Dec. 12. Emperor William
1 yesterday received the recently elected
presidents of the relchstae. In the
course of a general conversation he
said that, although Germany was on A
jvaceful and friendly footing with all
the powers, the International situation
required great attention, "as, Indeed,
evpry layman ran see for himself.-1
Therefore, his ma'-sty urged, It was
necessary to carry out the proposed
completion and perfecting of the army.
"What I .propose," he remarked, "ti
certainly not much, but consideration
for the tnxpaylug capacity of the
country would not permit more to be
It Is said that the conversation cover
ed a large field In fr.relsn politics. The
emperor. It la asserted, discussed the
eventuality of a Berlous Anglo-French
conflict, basing the opinion that Eng
land was In earnest and was pursuing
her political objects with unusual ten
acity, as the United States did before
the late war.
Dr. Hull'' Cough Syrup In sure in
cure incipient coiuumption. This remark
able remedy will stop the wasting away of
the patient, and in a short time oiled a cure.
Regardtnc Remedies for Dyspepsia
Tlio national disease of Americans Is In
digestion or in its chronic form, dyspepsia,
nud for tlio very reason that it is so common
many people neglect taking proper treatment
for what they consider trilling stomach
trouble, when ns a matter of fact, Indigestion
lnys tlio foundation for many incurable dis
eases. No person with n vigorous, healthy
stomach will fall 11 victim to consumption.
Many kidney diseases and heart troubles
Into their beginning from poor digestion;
thin, nervous feoplo nre really so bcraimo
their stomachs aru out of gear; weary,
languid, fnded out women owo their condi
tion to imperfect indlgostion.
when nearly every person you meet Is
iillllcted with weak digestion It Is not sur
prising that nearly every secret patent
medicine 011 tho mirkct claims to bo n euro
for dyspepsia, ns well ns a score of other
troubles, when In fact, as Dr. Wertlilcr s'lys,
thero Is but (.lie genuine dyspepsU euro which
is perfectly safe and reliable, ntul moreover,
this remedy is ti"t it patent medicine, but it is
a scientific combination of puro pepsin (fieu
from animal matter), vegetable essences,
fmit salts and bismuth It is sold by drug
gists under namo of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets. No extravagant claims nre mado fur
them, but for indigestion or any stomach
trouble, Stuart's Dyspepsia- Tablets nro far
ahead of nny roiiicdy yet discovered. They
net on tho food eaten, no dieting Is necessary,
simply eat nil the wholesome food you want
and theso tablets will digest it. A cure re
sults, because, all tho stomach needs is it rest.
which Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets glvo by
doing tlio work of digestion.
Druggists sell these tablets at 50 cents per
package. Circulars and testimonials font free
by addressing F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall,
Direct I.lne via I'lilliulplplilit & Heading
Some fow years ago whenever winter
health resorts wero mentioned, every oue's
mind tinned nt oucu to places In the southern
states, but that idea is now obsolete. At
lantic City, well known as the greatest of
summer sea shore resorts, has for soniclyears
been steadily increasing its winter popula
tion and now claims to bo the ideal all-thc-
year resort. Its position on the southern
Jersey cnaBt, with its magnificent board walk,
nearly facing tuo south, consequently receiv
ing the full benefit of the sun; tho balmy
salhio air wafted from the Gulf Stream,
heated by a tropical sun; its fine, "open-all-thc-yrar-round"
hotels, heated throughout
with steam and with commodious sua par
lors, protected from outside air, but exposed
to the sun's rays; hot, sea water baths, etc.,
cau not fail to make good its claim.
Capo May, ono of the oldest, and, "befo'
the wah" tho great fashionable lesort. has
since the entrance of tlio opposition road,
now n portion of thu Philadelphia & Heading
Route, awakened from its long slumber and is
rapidly forging to tho front. With the ad
vantage 01 being further south, up-to-dato
lintels equipped with nil the latest approved
appliances of steam and electricity, and ad
ditional railroad transportation, it bids lair
to ero Jong rival jts sister city as iv wintei
Ilotli above cities are on tho Atlantic City
Railroad, the Southern New Jersey portion of
thu Philadelphia & Reading Route, and have
frequent, fast trains to and from Chestnut
and South Street f'eirics, Philadelphia,
"Lakuwood in tho Pines," tlio well-known
ultra fashionable winter saiiiUriuui, is too
well known to need description. It is
located on tho New Jersey Southern Branch
of tho Central It. 1!. of N. J., which, con
necting at inslow Jinicliou with tho At
lantic City R. R , forms 11 short and quick
rnulo to and from Philadelphia and points in
interior rennsylvania. Through l'ullmau
parlor cars during tho season.
Tickets are sold and baggage checked
through to any of the above lesorts from all
principal stations on the Philadelphia &
Reading Railway and Its coniuctions. For
further Information, npply to any Philadel
phia i: Kenning Agent, or address r.dsnn J
Weeks, General P.issengor Ageut, Philadel
phia, Try Qrain-0 1 Try Qraln-0 I
Ask your Urocer to-day to show you a
package of GRAIN-O, the new food drink
that takes the place of cofiee. The children
may drink it without injury as well as the
adult. All who try it, like it. GKAIN-0
lias that ricli seal brown of Mocha or Java,
but it is made from pure grains, and the most
delicate stomach receives it without distress.
( the price of coffee. 15c and 2$ ct. per
package. Sold by all grocers.
A Full Attoiiiliuieti of Doleaates at tlio
KaiiHim Clt.v CiiiiVMiitlnu,
Kansas City, Dec. 12. The annual
convention of the American Federation
of L,abor was called to order at 9 o'clock
this morning. There Is a full attend
ance of delcKates from all parts of tha
country, and an Important meeting Is
looked for by the leaders. Bunday was
spent in informal conferences and In
greeting the late arrivals, Samuel
Gompers was the life of all groups.
The so-called fight on Gompers' re
election hns not yet developed. On the
surface thero appears no material op.
position to mm,
Mr. Gompers refuses to discuss his re
election. "That rests with the party 0?
the second Part," he said to a reporter.
"If I am elected I want to enter upon
my duties untrammeled by pledges, so
that I may do for my chosen peopla
what I think the Interests ot lahor de
Mr, Gompers refused to say what the
probable action of the convention will
be In regard to the socialist pronun
clamento, which some delegates will
demand, or what will be the outcome
of the fight In the convention for the
endorsement of free sliver,
"In the past we have defeated the.
socialists." lie paid, "and In the past
likewise we have, come out for silver.
Hut since the latter has been made
a political Issue the action of the con
vention this year may be different,"
Hns found tlmt her little ones aio Improved
more by tho pleasant Syrup of Figs, when
in need of the laxative effect of a gentle
remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy
it and it benefits them. Thu true, remedy.
Syrup of Figs, Is manufactured by tho
California Fig Syrup Co. only.
Colonel Itr.viin Itcn-liriiMlUx t'omninuil.
, Savannah, Ga., Dec. 12. General
Kelfer, who Is In command of the re
maining troops of the Seventh army
corps since General Lee's departure
for Cuba, confirmed the rumor of Colo
nol William J. Hiyan's resignation of
his command, lloth General Lee and
General Kelfer endeavored to Induce
Colonel Hryan to go to Cuba, but wore
unsuccessful. Lieutenant Colonel Vif
qualn succeeds Colonel Dryan.
'Hodlly pain' loses its terror if you've" a
bottlo of Dr. Thomas' Ixlec-trlc Oil In tho
Llmse'.' Insfant relief in cases of burns, cats,
sprains, accidents of uuy sort.
All of the. Hm-vlvor or the Contest
Arc In Good Condition.
New Yolk, Dec. 12. Miller retains the
long dltnnce bicycle championship of
the world won by him Inst year. In the
race which ended Saturday mlSnlght nt
Madison Square Gniden he was 22 miles
ahead of his nearest competitor. The
final score was: Miller, 2,007 miles;
Waller. 1.SS3; Pierce, 1.906V4: Albert,
1,82216; Glinyi, 1.7S2; Lawson, 1,7574;
Aaronson, 1,72916; Nawn, 1.72IV6: Fors
ter, l.CCSMi; Stevens, 1,519V: Hale, 1,502;
Julius, 1,10016. On Saturday afternoon
Miller was married In the Garden to
Miss Hanson, of Chicago. For his
week's work Atlller receives $1,700; Wal
ler, $1,000: Pierce, $S00: Albert. $100;
aimm, $.100; l.nwson, $200; Aaronson,
$150: Nawn, $123, and the rest $100 for
finishing. The winner takes extras
that bring his earnings for the week to
over $1,000.
The survivors of the race had an op
portunity to rest yesterday, and all are
In good condition. John West, Miller's
trainer, Fnld Miller was feeling In good
shape nnd felt comparatively few 111
results of his work. "After the races,"
he said, "we went to our hotel, whero
we had a sort of wedding breakfast In
honor of the marMase. Then Miller
went to bed and s' ;jt eight hours. Ills
condition Is superb. He Is not at all
lame, and his eyes nre in fine condi
tion. He Is occupying the bridal cham
ber nf the lintel nnd this week will fill
a thctrlonl e'lssr-pment,"
WnlVr w,is '.tu- hlig nnd Joking with
a group of y at ""day. "Why,"
said he. "I could ride another race Just
like It next month. An It Is, I shall
ride In the 21 hour race when It Is held
In the Garden. My eyes nre a little
sore, but I think that comes from the
smoke In tbo Garden nnd the natural
light that I now get." He also hns 1
theatrical engagement for this week.
Pierce Is In fairly good condition,
though his eyes are a trifle weak.
Buclclen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In the world for cuts.
bruises, soios, ulcers, salt rhonm, fovcr sores,
..I.,.. ....! l,m,lulna nn-rna ntiri
all skin eruptions, anil positively cures piles,
or ao pay required. It is guaranteed to glvo
perfect satlslactlon or uiony roiunueu. rnco
US conts por box. For sain by A. Waalry.
Aliened Poisoner Indicted.
Terry, O. T., Dec. 12. Mrs. Lulu
Johnson, CO years old, has been indicted
by the grand Jury, charged with tha.
murder of her last two husbands, Shir
ley and J. W. Johnson. She has had
six or seven husbands altogether, and
has been a widow as many times. The
body of Johnson was taken up recently
and arsenic was found In the stomach
nnd liver. Her next previous husband,
Shirley, with whom she lived near
Caldwell, Kan., died four years ago.
Professor Harlow, of the University of
Kansas, has now found Shirley's liver
well preserved by the arsenic In It.
Johnson was strong and healthy, but
soon aftfr his marriage he beean to
have attacks of nausea and headaches
and finally succumbed, nfter an Illness
of 30 hours. Mrs. Johnson's husbands
were Leonard, Davis, Humphrey,
Parks, Shirley nnd Johnson.
Sick Headaches,
Tho curse of overworked womankind, are
quickly and snrly cured by Karl's Clover
Root Tea, the great blood purifier and tissuo
builder. Money refunded If not satisfactory.
Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirliu
and u guarantee.
Death of ;-tintoi- tVnlMinll'-s Widow.
Memphis Tenn.. Doc. 12. Mrs. Mary
Jones Walthall, wife of the late Sen
ator .Walthall of Mississippi, died In
this city Saturday night, aged E8. Her
death was due to a general decline In
health, which began Immediately after
til? death of Senator Walthall last
April. Mrs. Walthall was well known
and very popular In Washington.
Hlprlitoon Killed In Snwor Collnpso.
Uarcelona, Dec. 12. A large quantity
of back work In n stswer in course of
fonstructlr-n collapsed yesterday, bury
ng many If the workmen. Klghteen.
bodies have been recovered.
To Cure u Cold In Ono Day
Take Laxativo Ihomo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
25c. The gcniiino has L. 11. (J. en each
tablet. tf
J)ro,-f'i' Upturn to franco.
Paris, Dec. 12. Le Solr announce
the return nf Dreyfus at an early date.
It asseits that the government has
formally decided upon this course, and
has ordered a body of soldiers to be In,
readiness to escort him from the port
of landing to Paris,
You Try It.
If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure,
which is sold fur tho small prico of 25 cts., 50
cts. and $1 00, docs not euro take tho bottlo
back uud we will refund your money. Sold
for over fifty years on this guarantee Price
25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and
a guurautcoi
Coliimlius' AIium 12ii Itonto to Spain.
Havana. Dec. 12. The ashes of Co
lumbus were today transferred with
military and sacerdotal ceremonial
from the cathedral to the Donde De
venauuo, ana the cruiser sailed
Cadiz, convoyed by two gunboats.
Its's Winning New Friends Dally,
What 7 Pun-Tina for coughs and colds.
Gruhlor Bros,, drug store.
Honoring: Dead Naval IToroo,
Key West, Dec. 12. The dedication
here yesterday afternoon of a hand
some iron fence enclosing the plot pf
ground In the city cemetery In which
rests the remains of the sailors who
were killed In the explosion of the bat.
tleshlp Maine, as well as four men
from the Wlnslow, one from the Mar
blehead, one from the Yankee and 36
others killed during the rebellion, was
the occasion of one of the greatest
demonstrations ever witnessed here.
The fence was purchased by popular
subscription. A processlpn was formed
at tne city hall and proceeded to the
cemetery, where appropriate exercUes
were held, addresses Ming made by
Captain Lyons, Major HuttB and others.
1 IS' '
The Homeliest Man in Shenandoah
As well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on nny druggist and get free a
trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for the Throat
and Lungs, a remedy that is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all Chronic and Acute
Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and Consump
tion. Price 2jc and 50c,
7nnuo Man Iu Ilanlt nt Hiielniul.
London, Doe. 12. Oeorgo Taylor, a
man who was found Saturday night
about 11 o'clock in the Hank of Kng
land, with a loaded revolver, and who
when arrested refused- to give his name
or to say how he hnd effected an en
trance, wob examined yesterday by the
medical authorities at the now In
firmary, whero he had been removed,
and by them pronounced Insane.
Don't Trifle With Coughs and Colds,
Take Pan-Tina (25c.) and be cured, At
G rubier Bros., drug store.
ROAD. December 27 Is tho ilato selected for tho
Personally-Conducted Holiday Tour nf tlio
Pennsylvania Railroad lo Washington. This
I tuttr will coern perlud of thrco days, afford
ing uuiplc time to visit nil the piinclpal
points of interest st tlio National Capital, in
cluding the Congn sslonal Library and the
new I'orcorau Art Gallery. Ruund-trlp rate,
covering all necessary expenses for tho entire
time absent, transportation, hotel nccoin
modatlons, guides, &o , $14,f0 from New
York, 13.B0 from Trenton, and $1150 fruin
Philadelphia. Proportionate rates from other
A special teachers' tour, Identical with thu
aliovo, will bo run on tho same date. Tickets
for this tour, covering nil necessary expenses,
including accommodations nt tho National
Hotel, Wlllards Hotel, or tho Hotel Regent,
$2.00 less than rates quoted above. Sido trip
to Mount Vernon nnd admission to thu
grounds, fifty cents additional. Sldu trip to
Old Point Comlort, returning via tlio Capo
Charles rotito until January 1, $1.00 aildl
For itineraries nnd full Information apply
to ticket agents ; Tourist Agent, 1100 Broad
way, New York j or address Geo. W. lloyd,
Assistant General Passengor Agent, I head
strrct station, Philadelphia.
A Card.
Wo, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund the money on 'a 60-cent bottlo of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar If it fails
to euro your couglt or cold, Wo also gunran
tcoa23ccnt bottlo to provo satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasley, C. H. Ilageu
biich, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
nierstcin & Co. ll14-33t-dw
Anil flowers, tho Hand of America, Call
fiirnta. Via tho true pathway, "Tlio Iron Mountain
Route," which traverses a region of perpetual
sunshine-, wlioro snow 6torms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown, Pullman first
and second class palaco nnd tourist sleeping
enra to points in Missouri, Arknnsas, Toxns,
Old and New Moxlco, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah nnd
Novada, without change. Quick tlmo, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your homo,
literature, and full Information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. 510 Rail
road avenue, Khulra, N. Y., or 301 Broad
way, New York.
3-1-tf W. E. Iloyt. G. E P. Aet.
A Blessing For tho Ladles.
Thousauds of ladies are using Brazil
ian Balm. For soreness, pain, bearing
down and many kinds of trouble, it acts
like a charm. A 50 cent or dollar bottle
often does more good In one week than
any other remedy does iu months. It
goes right to the spot, removing all in
flammation. Mrs. Geo. W. Roberts, of
Wilmington, Del., says, "A strong solu
tion of Brazilian Balm and warm water
used as au injection has done me more
good than all the remedies and prescrip
tions I ever tried,"
Shcnanduah drug store, wholesalo agents
This is tho trade
mark of tho great
trunk line of the
South the South
ern Railway. It is tlio short lino to Florida
and offers tho best service and quickest time
to all tho principal winter restrts as well ns
to nil tho commercial centres of tho South.
Maps, rates and all information will be
cheerfully furnished by John M. Beall,
District Passenger Agont, 828 Chestnut Street,
What Is SbUoh ?
A grand old remody for Cough, Colds and
Consumption ; used through tho world for
half a century, has cured innumerable, cabes
of Incipient consumption and relieved many
iu advanced stages, If you are nut satisfied
with the results wo will refund your money.
Price 35 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D.
Kirlin and a guarantee,
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you are, aBk for tickets via tho Southern
Railway. It is tho shortest, quickest and
best route Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further Information to John M. Beall, District
Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut sticet,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Young Mothers,
Croup is the terror of thousands of young
mothers becauso its outbreak is sq ngonUlng
nnd frequently fatal, Shiloh's Cough and
Consumption Curo acts like manic iu cases of
croup. It has never been known to fall. Tho
worst cases relisved Immediately. Price 25
cts,, 50 cts. and $1.00. Sold by P. D. Kirlin
and a guarantee.
Fire I Fire I Iflrol
Insure your property from loss In the
ldestaud strongest cash companies: Phi la
UndorwrIter8 Insurance Co. of North
America and Flro Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co.,
Wost Chostor Firo Ins. Co., United Firemeu's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jardln St., Shenandoah
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the namo
Lbssiq & Bakb, Ashland, fa., Is printed on
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale. Ale,
Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
tec. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Alain Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvet softness of the skin Is lava
rlably obtained by tbey ) who use 1'oziOMi'a
Complexion ."owuer.
Di, 1 fksou ftoinls to
tb: sl-mb'tig fact that
there arc now 20 million
Catarrh victims iu this
country and the number
rapidly Increasinc. It
has already become the
National Disease. Are
we to become u nation of
Catarrhites? It looks
like it.
The Ab' rigluat Indians are said not to have
known ttie disease. That proves it Is not caused
by ourclhuuie and mutt have been imported.
Its grottf'i Y?as slow but persistent, Forty
years ago there wcic less than 40.000 cases In
the U. S., to-diy there nre 20 million. Soon
tUcrewlllbe SO million. Where Is It to end?
Shall we not awake till it has fattened Its faugs
on every man, woman nnd child In the loud?
How xliall v.c ptevent it utiles we talce Immed
iate nud vlgoioas steps to stamp out theptague?
This putrid disease knows no sex, no cfa&4, no
statlou. It Is everywhere, A germ (microbe)
disease It spreads by contaglou. The cailou
breath and expectoration of tlie poor victim are
loaded Willi thrte microbet. Others breath them
iu, they find lodgement and never release their
hold till the victim lies down iu death, unices
every microbe Is killed. But enn they be killed?
Yes, but 11 A by any "blood medtcfue.' No Ca
tarrh germ wns ever found iu the blood. The
trouble is local nud must be treated locally. A
balsam has been discovered that Is sure death
to the Catarrh microbe, making n radical nud
permanent cure. It Is ttrazllian Balm. It has
cured tens of thousands In the pait 15 years. It
alio cuus nil the troubles caused by Catarrh.
jj.soi : Throat, Old Coughs, Bronchitis, Asthma
a -li 1,'ini; roubles. Tlie swallowing of the
Catarrh pin makes the Stomach raw and ulcer
ated. The Brazilian llatni soon makes a radical
cure of the Stomach nnd alimentary ontial. It
is the cheapest remedy on the lnaik't, a Sl.uo
liottte containing u ninths t-.catmci.t,
s nil sufferers with Cjl irrh a nl Asthma b.ive
run-down systems we will till J uniary next put
a liionth'fl treatment of ToxIcoIa TiihlMs. frre.
In with every $1.00 bottle of llraiillan Halm.
This ll the best Tonic and nerve and Btrenglh
builder known. You get all lor $1.00, a mouth's
treatment of both. Now U the time to treat
y virC itarrh. Donotdclnv. Ask your druggist
r.i 1 take no substitute. If he will not get it,
- -lid .tlrect lo us. 31. I'. T cksom Co.. M'f'tr.
ChcmUts, Indianapolis, Iud.
Wholesale Agents.
Perfect Fitting.
Nov EM a KU 20, 1898.
Trains wtll leave Shenandoah blte-r tne auote
aato for Wtgrfan, Ullherton, Krackvllle Dtr
Water, St. Clair, I'ottsvillo. Hamburg, Heading,
l'otthtown, Phoeulxvflle. Horrlstown a d i hti.
a Lelphta ( street station) at fi 15 and 813
a m.. 2 10. 0 19 n m. on week dava. Sundavs.
8 IS u. in., 4 SO p. iu.
i rains leave rracitvuie ror unenauaosri !
7 30, 11 40 a. in. and S 40, 7 SO i . . Sunday,
11 Ol a, iu. auu o 46 p. in.
Leave Pottm-ille lor Shenandoah (via Frack.
ville 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 6 20, 7 10 p. m. Suuda)
10 33 . in.. S 20 p. in.
Leave PlilladelnlMa. ( llruau street station), to
MlieiMimlonh at 8 35 a. in.. 4 IU p. in, week days
Uuuua a leave at 6 &0 and 9 23 a. n,.
Leave Uroad Htreet wtallon. Philadelphia,
ICxnress.wcek-ditva. a 20. 4 Oa. 4 50 S 05.5 15.RRC.
7 33, 8 21,9 50, 10 21 11 00 a. D 12 00 noon, 183
(Limited l 00 and '122 p. u ,) 1 10, i 80, 8 20,
8 50, 4 02, 5 00, 5 50 8 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p. m.,
ui, niKiii. ounuayt), a -a ua, l ou oua, Ola,
0 U, V lAJ, 'IU Ai, IV Id II. Ill, 'li UJ, IfiHO, a OU,
1 02, (Limited t 22,) 5 20, 5 58, 6 85, 7 02, 7 50,
10 no p. in., 12 01 night
KxprcHH for Iloston without change, 11 00 a us,,
week-days, and 7 50 ii, in., dAlly.
For Hea (llrt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove,
Lonir llraucli. 820. lilt a m. 330. 4 02 n im
For Imibcr-vllle, nston and ticranton, 6 50,
9 CO a m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 5 00 (Laiubertvlllo and
r.ugtou oniyj, wePKuaya, aim v p m uauy.
llulTalo, tl ou a in, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 0J
p m dallv.
For DalttMiore. and Washington, 8 50, 7 20, 8 33,
1020, 11 23, a. ni., 1209, I2 81 1 It, 312, 4 41,
(5 25 Congressional Limited,) 6 17. 855, 7 81
i. in., anu lz ua uigm ween nays. Duuaays,
I 50. 7 20.-9 12. 11 23. a. m.. 1209. ! 12. 4 41. (520
Congressional Limited,) 6 53 7 01 p. in. and
12 05 nlirht.
For llaltlmore, accommodation, 9 12 a m, 1 52
and 4 01 p in week days, 5 08 and 11 16 p in dally.
Atlantic Coast Line, express 12 u p in, ami
12 05ulgllt. daily.
Houtiiern ltaiiway, express ooo p in, uauy.
Chesapeake & Ohio Hallway, 731 p m, dally.
For Old l'oint Comfort and Norfolk. 10 20
a ra weekdays, 1110 p m daily.
Leave Market street wharf as follows) Kx
nress for New York. 9 00 a in. 4 30 p iu week
days. For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 80
a m wcekduya.
lror Island Jieignts, snu a m anu iuu p in
Leave Broad street station via Delaware rlver
hridire Express, 9 40 a m,, 7 03 p.m. Sundays,
9 20 ... in., 7 03 ! m.
Leave Market Street wan Hxpreas, vuuam,.
2 00,4 00,5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 1000 a m
(accommodation nuu a uu p m.
ror ure may, oea jbic i.iy, w-i .i,y.
valou S-one Harbor, Anglesea, WUdwndand
Hull) Ueach Kxpreas, 900 a m, (in, p m
week days. Sunda a 9 00 a m.
tror sowers roim n.xpresa, j w a. in., w
4 00. 5 CO. p. m. week days Sundays, SOO andi
10 00 a. m
The Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggago from lutels and residences.
'inning car.
I. 11. Hutchinson, J, It. Wood,
Gen'l Manturer. tenl PaskV'r Aa-t
Oftlce Egan building, corter of Main a
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under some of the beef
masters Ir London and Paris, will give lessons
ou the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care of Strousn
Oia Imvaler Slienanilosli
Superior Sarsaparilla.. ffi
and Orange Champagne,