HOOKS Ik BROWN. THE BARGAIN SPOT This store is where you want to look for Your dimes will do the work oi quartet h here jam of the last lew days before Christmas. These Prices Prove That we Arc as Cheap as the Cheapest TREE ORNAMENTS. You will l purirleil to wf the Rood thing for the money. Tinsel ornaments, 5c; worth loc. (ilnsn balls, 3 and 5c; worth 5 and 10c. Slur iwper, I! and 6c per package. BOOKS. Kliu line lit chfni priittt. Children's toy bookv 5c up Lare stock bound hook, loc U . I'rayer books, hymnals, o4c Sunday school lesson for 1X90., $1. Trumpets, Drums, Games, Cards, Booklets, Dressing Cases, Medallions, Hobby Horses, 65c up ; Blackboards, 48c and j8c ; the Chatauqua Blackboard and Desk, $2. 25 NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. DON'T FORGET OUR 25c Cnndy. LOWNl-Y PACKAGES, 10, iS, 30, 00c. HOOKS & BROWN, NO. 4 NORTH MAIN STREET, In 1-2, lioxes Trade. 1, 3 For and the 5 Pound Holiday SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. Telephone Connection. Canaries. A fine lot of singe's received from l'hlla dclphm All kinds. They will make acceptable Christmas gift. JAPANESE OOLD FISH unit Kloties All ktniW of iilKeons. "We also Bull rulnerb' supplies mul drilling inutilities. DAVID HOPKINS, JOS Kant Centre Htrt-et, Uliclinnilonli, The Cheap Prices Wo nro chnrt'liiir for tho IIf-ht QnoCKRlt-3 to lie find uro unliiiiitf popularity dally Wo hellovo in "llvo Iill.l let five." Wo want tho fillvorto have Home of the profits lis well as the idler. IUIV OOOIW, HOOT ANO SIIORH, CIK.NT'h Fl'ltSI-UUM!-. Choi winter stock, (Jood (roods at tho low est prices. Rhlllp Yarowsky, 213 WEbT CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH. PA The Boston Factory Shoe Store Is offering for the next two weeks an inducement very seldom extended to shoe btners. They are selling Ladles' SI.50 shoes at S .99 2.50 shoes at - - 1.75 " 3.50 shoes at - - - 2,15 Men's SI.25 shoes at - - .90 " 2.00 shoes at - - - 1,25 " 3.00 shoes at - - 2.25 Our Boy's and Children's shoes are going at greatly reduced prices. We have a choice stock to select from. BOSTON E 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, I. SPON1, PROP FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. Pa. lEGEL'S TOVE TORE 123 and 131 S. Alain Street. Contains the largest as well as the most reliable stock in town We have stoves, ranges and heaters in carloads. We sell only the best The Huckwalter makes. They sell cheap, yes cheaper than anywhere else, and are accompanied by a guarantee. Our Furniiure Explained in a nutshell compares with the above announce ment. We have aii entirely new line for the holidays in dining room furniture, chairs, sofas, couches.etc D.UIGE1, 123 and 131 South Main Street. BEST LINE OK GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY nnd HTIIAW. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. E. B. Foley, jrwc'ntr, Bt. HOOKS Bi &ROWN, HOOKS AND BROWN. HOLIDAY GOODS. Huv now. Avoid the IRON TOVS. Iruc line t.lttle itlii . Fire engines;, I look and Ladder, Trains 23, 4S, oSc. Sulkies, Delivery Wagons, etc., 23c. DOLLS, Dressed doll a, 25c up. Jointed and Kid body dolls 23c up. China head dolls, 5c up. felt body, very durable, 23c up. and SHENANDOAH. PENNA. A 0ERA1AN CK1TICISAI. ih'pliii'cx tin- ffoiiixli llldotM Our Only tttMHl Ynliuitoi l. Tlerlln. Dep. 9. Count Avon (Joetzen former military atlarhp nt the Clerman crnlmBHy In Washington, v. ho was com missioned by Hmperor William to ac- i company the UnltFil States urmy dur I ItiR tho Hpanlsh-Air.prknn war for pur poses of observation and oillcial report, addressed a lure and distinguished nu dleiipe last nvenhiK at the Kalserhof on "The newest colonial power." The lecturer spoke mpatbetlcally of the American army a"i navy, except so far as the volunteers were concerned, lie said the only good volunteers were the ItoUfrh Itlders. He severely con demned the insurgents, who, he said, rendered little assistance to the Ameri cans. He did not see a single white among the insurgents, except among the olllcers. Count Von Uoetrn said the dyna mite guns provi 1 ineffective because they lacked disui'tce apparatus). He praised General Shutter's tieatment of the foreign otlli i who accompanied his staff. The l 'Mted States regulars were eliai ar ' i iwil by the lecturer as! "a most pvi i Uent ! rt y, though small," and their uniform as "practical." Count Von Goetzen prophesied a great future for the new Ameilcan col onics, becnuse, be said, "the Americans are prime colonists." The lecture was frequently applauded1. "Neglected colds make fat graveyards." Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup helps men and women to a happy, vigorous old ago. DAVISON'S Holiday Announcement. Our holiday stock now occupies every available space in our three large store rooms. That we can now fulfill the desires of holiday pur chasers is beyond doubt We have in our selection a beautiful stock of parlor tables, jardinier stands, bric-a-brac, rockers, hall racks, pictures, easels, mirrors, rugs, lace curtains, chenille curtains, poles and fix tures, chenille table covers, and the very newest tapestry table covers. Our stock of parlor suits is a grand one in mahogany frame polish finish. Turkish suits covered in silk damask, silk brocatelle, bottil- lion and silk French are a tempta tion to the buyer. A big line of couches and lounges in every con- cei'able make. In odd pieces of fancy furniture we cannot be ex celled. Corner, chairs, reclining chairs and straight chairs in large varieties. Our line of bed room suits are cheap with many to select from. Also sideboards and exten sion tables. Our New Stove Addition In the storeroom, No 119 North Main street, is filled with heaters, stoves and ranges of the best makes. Also agateware, tinware and willow ware. Our store is worth a visit to the buyer. Prices to suit purchasers. DAVISON'S BUSY . FURNITURE . AND . STOVE . STORE, 1 1 9. 1 2 1 -1 23 North Alain St. U EW IYIELDAIZIS CAFE, 120 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Ai;nln remo-itelfil. Private parties uiti bo enter tal eri in our prlvtito hootliH. lilting bar nttthvchotl Free 1 tin oh Hervcil vtrv m-nltiir. Nout- but tliu best of wlm'B, llquom and -lKar mini, nitiji in wiiiiu you uro wnuuitf lor trolley cur. Morgan's Fancy Call and See ihe Most Beautiful and Cheapest Stock, fie or me Tlioro are cough medicines that urn taken as freely as a drink of water from a dipper. They are cheap medicines. Quantity does not mako up for quality. It's tliu qual ity that cures. There's one-medicine that's dropped, not dipped Ayur's Cherry Pectoral. There's more power in drops of this remedy than in dippersful of cheap cough syrups and elixirs. It cures Bron chitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, and all Colds, Coughs, and affections of tho Throat and Lungs. Sierrij Pectoral is now HALF mice for tho half-size bottles 50 cents. WINTER SEA SHORE REiORTS. Direct I.I110 vlii riilladelpliln & Heading ltoute. Some- fow years ago whenever winter health resorts wero mentioned, every one's mind turned at once to places in tho southern states, bat that idea is now obsolete. At lantic City, well known as the greatest of summer sea shoro resorts, has for somclyinrs been steadily increasing its winter popula tion and now claims to bo tho ideal nll-thc-year resort. Its position on the southern Jersey coast, witli Its magnificent boaid walk, nearly facing the south, consequently receiv ing tho full benefit of tho sun; the balmy salino air wafted from tho Gulf Stream, heated by a tropical sun; its rlno, "open-all thc-year-rouud" hotels, heated throughout with steam nnd with commodious sun par lors, protected from outside air, hut exposed to the sun's rays; hot, sea water baths, etc., can not fail to make i:ood its claim. Capo May, one of tho oldest, and, "hefo tho wall" tho great fashionable resoit, has since tho entrance of tho opposition road. uow a portion of the Philadelphia & Rcadlui: Route, awakened from its longslumber and is rapidly forging to tho front. Willi tho ad vantage 01 being further south, up-to-date hotels equipped with all tho latest approved appliances of steam and electricity, and ad dillouul railroad transportation, it bids lair to eie long rival its sister city us a wiutei resoi t. Doth above cities aro 011 the Atlantic City Railroad, tho Southern Now Jersey lortion ol tho Philadelphia & Reading Route, ami have frequent, fast trains to and from CI ostmit and South Street ferries, Philadelphia. "I.akewood in tho l'lnes," tho well-known ultra fashionable winter sanitarium, is too well known to need description. It is located on the Now Jersey Southern Ilniiich 1 of the Central R. R. of N. J., which, con 1 necting at Winslow Junction with tho At 1 lautir City R. It., forms a short ami quick I roule to and from Philadelphia and points in interior Pennsylvania. Through Pullman p.irlur cars during the season. Tickets aro sold nnd baggigo checked through to auy of tho abovo resorts from all principal stations on the Philadelphia & Reading Railway and its connections. For further Information, apply to any Philadel phia & Readiug Agent, or address Edpon J. Weeks, General Passenger Agent, Philadel phia. ' Lieutenant lloli-on'-i Vi'motlon Washington, Deo. !). The president yesterday nominated Assistant Naval Constructor Itlchmond P. Hobsun to bo a naval constructor. Naval Construc tor Ilobson was yesterday detached from the Now Yolk and ordered to the Asiatic station for duty In connection with raising and repairing vessels cap tured from the Spaniards. Meantime Mr. Hanson is granted a week's leave of absence In order that he may give expert assistance to the owners of the b'lg steamship Fairfax in their efforts to raise that vessel, which was sunk off the Massachusetts coast In the last storm. NEW OPENING ! NEW SHOE STORE ! For good and cheap shoes at the lowest prices, go to the NEW YORK CHEAP SHOE STORE, Near Jardln St. 33 West Centre Street. OOMMERCIAL HOTEL RESTAURANT, U co-Morris Heckman, Prop. T now nnnn. Kntlnir bar attached. I'rie lunch morning Hint evening. Choicest of wtitca, biAiiUlcti, clguraand beern. VAL. UEYRANT, flstr. Bazar, 23 worm Mam st. PITHY POINTS. Inpiinnlilgs Throughout the Country (;iir"iMil for Manly Porimnl. Tho Third llrlgadg ll.ind will bo furnished with new instruments. Bedford lias an epidemic of small pox, two tnl r imI people being alllicled. David Hopkins Is offering somo fine canaries for Bale; sco sd. In another column. John Knhcy left yesterday for Kansas City, to attend tho Federation of Labor conven tion It will soon ho regarded ns utilto tho proper thing to walk tho streets loaded down with bundles. Tho engagement of I). 1). Warner, of Pitts burg, and Miss Edith Porter, of Centmlia, Is iiunoutu'cd. The coming marriage of Mr. Edward Chaiunan and Miss Maggie Farrel, of Cell tralia, is announced. Miss IMona, daughter of Clerk of tho Courts Schooner, is critically III with typhoid fever in 11 hospital In Philadelphia, Tim Hurst, of Ashland, has been selected to referee tho bout between Sharkey mid McCoy at New York 011 January lulh. Rev. Hollinshead, pastor of tliu Fiist llaptist Church, of Ashland, performed tho rites of li'intism on thirteen persons nt Con tralia. Angclo Towagan, was 11111 over by a Phila delphia & Reading coal tiain near tho St Clair wcigli scales yesterday morning and probably fatally 'Injured. A special term of criminal court for Luzerne enmity is found necessary to try the largo number of criminal cases from tho Hazlcton region exclusively. Tho Hebrew Festival of Lights, or Ha nucca, began at sunset Thursday, and will continue fur eight days. This celebration is intended to commemorate the achievements of Judas Macccbcus John Pascnvitch, an old and respected resident of Mt. tunnel, was instantly killed on tho P. & R. railway yesterday, near tl.o Alaska station, by an empty engine eurouto from Sliamokiii. Tho flro In tho No. 4 shaft. Penna. Coal Co., near Mt. Carmt l, Is still raging, and the col liery will bo idlo some time W L. Reefer, son of cx-Scnalor keefcr. of Crcssoua, and Miss Hattlo Haiu, of Reading, wero married at tho latter place. A Teacher Injured, The school hoard of Union township Is in vestigating n cliargo preferred against n pupil in the New London schools in which tho boy having become incensed atbeiug reprimanded by his teacher during tho day lay in wait for tho latter at the closo of school hours. As tho instructor approached the boy hurled a tin can, striking him on tho right side of tbo head, Inflicting an ugly gash mid rendering him unconscious. Itobbery at Ashland. The Lutheran parsonage nt Ashland wns burglarized Thursday night nnd tho thieves secured clothing nnd silverware to tho amount of $100. They gained entrance through n cellar door, and Rev. E. O. Miller Is of the opinion thoy wore frightened away heforo completing their work. There is no clue to their identity. An Kphlemle ol smallpox. Huntlngdi 11. I'a., Dec. 9. Among Dedfuid's population of 2.S0O there are about 2(10 rases of what Is said to be genuine smallpox. This alarming con dition of affairs was dlscoverd Wed nesday, and up to that time there con tinued an interrupted commingling of the elllens of the town, Irrespective of their physical condition. The disease prevails from one end of tho town to Ihe other. The Hertford physicians disa gree, some pronouncing It to be chicken pox and others a harmless skin dis ease. Dr. Atkinson, Inspector of the state board of health, after a thorough examination, says It Is genuine small pox. Men, women and children, he de clared, with smallpox crusts on their bodies nnd faces, have been traveling the streets dny and night and visiting from house to house. I'leiUiirt fietM 11 Stuy. Paris, Dec. 9. The court of cassation ycsteiday afternoon ordered a stay of proceedings In the I'iequart court mar tlal The secret dossier certainly proves a treasonable tralllc In documents on the part of olllcers of the general staff having access thereto, but no names are Indicated nnd there Is absolutely nothing to prove or disprove that Drey fus was connected with the tralllc. No doubt the dossier cannot be revealed to the public, because It contains re ports emanating from certain agents at certain jdaces which It would be dangerous to divulge. Cody .liu'.v DlHiigreeH, Albany, N. Y.. Dec 5. The Jury In the Cody blackmailing case, after be ing out 25 hours, failed to reach an agreement nnd wns discharged. To the question put by the court when the Jury came Into court ns to whether there was any possibility of reaching an ngrecment Foreman Van Uergen said that It was beyond all reasonable consideration. Mrs. Cody was remanded to Jail. The Jury took 12 ballots. Qn the first ballot it stood 8 to 4 for conviction and on the last 9 to 3 for conviction. A Mother'H Double Crlmo. Detroit, Dee. ?. When Frank Brooks, of 1C57 Russell street, this city, came home from work last night he found In one bedroom Mfs wife shot dead and In another his 9-year-old daughter also dead. In a nolo that he found from his wife she stated that she was tired of life, and was going to Heaven and take her little daughter with her. The woman had been in poor health for some time. Austria Itutullatcs 011 I'rUHsln. Vienna, Dec. ). The contest between Austria and Prussia as to which gov ernment can expel the more subjects of the other has begun In real earnest. Austria got back at Prussia by expell ing a student from Vienna without tho slightest reason, a merchant from Bo hemia because he attended a Pan-Ger. man mass meeting, and the forbidding the well known author, Pflster, from making a speech at a German meeting. Prussia retaliated by forbidding a manufacturer nt Wandsbeck, Silesia, to give employment to either Austrlans of Itusslans, Wh for oew ;3r"5s tf ALL NATigg ox no ulotio fcr 7 NEUKALOIA and similar Complaint, , . . wit uuu-i tuu Piruietinr, GEnHAH MEDICAL LAWS prescnoeii oy eminent j&ysioiarut OR. R GHTER'S a MRiinn EXPELLER World renowned I liemarkaWy tuerruf ul I Inlyci-ntllno Willi Traile Mark " Anchnr '. ill. KlililcrA Co., 15 PeurlSU, Sen tork. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Honses. Own GlaaiworW. 23&80CU. Enilonica & rccouniendu4 bt A. Waley. 106 M. Main St.. . II. IUeenbuch, 101 N. Main St , r. r.p. turnn. 6 S. Main St Bienandotn. DR. RICHTER'S ANOIIOIt' STOMAniAT. !,..( Ida i."wtgw 1L 4S Have You Heard Conway's 5 & litis the largest assortment of fVt- 1.11 rlianlni Jc cinir1v orntnl. thr come nil, bringthe little ones, it will , ... 1. r ... 1 (lays. we nave loys tor uie young aim pi tacit is tut cvc-iy une uuiu zc. up 10 piu.oo. tomcnuu see us, yolt will save money. A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED. Ill-line Patients ".Vogloott.'d. Denver, Colo.. Dec. 9. The committee appointed by Governor Adums to Inves tigate the affairs of the state Insane asylum at Pueblo has made Its report. The findings of the committee are that there has been gross neglect on the pai t of the superintendent and em ployes. A change In superlntendency and management and a more modern lunncy law are among the recom mendations, Innocent Mnn Served lCloven Ycnrs. New York, Dec. !). George Ogle, who was sentenced to state prison for life for a crime he did not commit, was re leased from Sing Sing prison Wednes day afternoon on a pardon granted by Governor Black. Ogle had served 11 years of his sentence, having been con victed of murdering James Brown In this city In 1SS5. Tt has been recently proven that he was convicted on per jured testimony. Geranumns, fuchsias, pansles, daises, roses etc., for spring planting at Payne's nursorics, Olranlvilln. Tuberose nnd elftdiolns bulbs. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. I'ibst National Hank, SUENANIioAir, I'A, Dee. 10th, 1898,1 Tbo nniiual election of thirteen (13) directors to servo for tbo cunning year will bo lit Id nt the bunk on Tuesiiny, January 10th, 1899, from 10 a. 111 until 12 o'docK noon. 12-10-lOt-w-s S. W. YoiT, Cashier. MISCELLANEOUS. i HAUGA1N In Shenandoah, Kast Centre iV real csUte. Knny terms of pnymcnt, monthly, qua terly or Bt'inl-nnnunllv. 1,000 In wihIi down. Old hotel or restaurant stand, small ntoreor dwelling. .Security liultdlnff and Saving Union, Sciauton, Pa 12-0-20t-eod Vlf ANTKI. Second-hand tables, suitable for school denies, must he eh cap Address, I,. C. McCann, Mahanoy City, Pa. J2-(J-2t ISTKAYISI). From the premNes of August U Hhandls. Zi ICatt Oak street, on the Mh Inst., a red cow with a white faee nnd white martin about the body. Finder will please return her to the owner ami receive a reward. 12-7-fit FOK SAMS Heveral very valuablo and desir able vacant Iotn; also several house, which will be sold singly or In blocks For further Information apply to S. A. Iteddall, Tiuimqu'i, Pa, 12-C-lm I)ltOKITAIUK IIOMI2 W'OKK A few men 1 or women in every town to make novelties for at their homes; day or evening; SO to $ 11 weekly according to the time devoted to the work; no cauvntsing or experienc required: Meady employment; plain instructions and work sent to your home on application. Itrallian Mfg Co., S, Y. Uty. 12-G-H Ml'HMC HALK The plant of tlieShenandoali 1 Iiuiufacturing Company, consisting of the three htory building nnd ground, and all the machinery contained therein, situate at the corner of Kmerick and Coal streets, Shenan doah, will ohTer nt punllo sale, on the premises, oi. the 1Mb day of December, 1898, at 1" . in. Terms of sale made known on day of sale, 6-bt MOR ItKNT, Dwelling house, with all con I. venienccfl, with good location, fur rent. Apply at this ofllce tf "TOTICI5. Desirable properties for sale, Ap i ply to 8, U. M. Ilollopeter, nttorney, Hhcnandoah. 8-31 tf BANK KI.KOTION-Tho annual meeting of the stockholders of the Merchants No tional Hank, of Shenandoah, Pa., will lie held at the hacking 1ioub on Tuesday, January I'th, 18W, between the hours of 2 and I p in., for the purpose of electing thirteen (13) direc tors to serve tho ensuing year. 12-10-5t-oaw K. 11. Hunt eh, Cashier. 19 W, OAK STREET. BUCHANAN D THE JEWELER, 11CS. Main St., Is making n specialty in holiday gifts of Ladies' and Gent's Gold and Silver Watches".- They are worth inspecting and may be of great money-saving value to the buyer, DDL J U 1M lil, NOTICE ! Christmas is 10c. Store, 'ZnX. Toys, Games, Wagons, Fancy China, Etc., in this county. ovrnntintinl vn1l1P4 iw nfTnr rntmnt h hnnr fVmn nun. make them happy, and carry you 1 - . . r . . ... . . . . r BARGAINS IN I-lUgc S in. .lolllled Doll We Lnrgo 10 In, .loliitcd Doll I80 I.nrgc21 In. Jointed Doll !Sc Khl Poll, from 23c, up tu iSa llenittlful Dlshcft from 10a opto ....$2.00 Kxprcsn Wngons from 23u. up to ...$ttis Notice. Wo have the largest market. Our prices range from 2C from 3c. to 5. I Will be paid to any person who finds us to misrepresent our goods. If not as represented we will refuua your money and forfeit this reward. We sell Jewelry, Watches, Clocks and Musical Instruments At the very least 25 per cent, cheaper than any dealer in town. Onr holiday display is now ready. Give us a call. Repairing promptly attended to. ORKIN'S JEWELRY STORE, 129 South Main Street, DO NOT FAIL TO READ THIS! Ghr istmas is Goming I We are prepared to cater to our customers with a full line of holi day groceries for your Christmas dinner. READ OUR LIST ; Citron, Lemon Peel, Prunes, Seeded Raisins, Seedless Raisins, Cleaned Currants, California Dry Peach. s, California Canned Peaches, California Dry Pears, Cal fornia Canned Pears, Figs, Dates, Nuts. Our prices are astonishing and have won favor with the housewife They need no introduction. B. A. Friedman, 21S W. Centre St. Three doors below brick school house. WAX AND CUT FLOWERS. THE MISSES JONES, OP V'M. PKNN, Will, on December 10th, open a new storo at the COR. HAIN and LLOYD STS.t Shenandoah, Pa., For tho sale of wax and cut flowers of nil designs of tho latest styles at short notice and reasonable prices. Also needle work of all kinds nnd fancy work. We Invite your patron age. INVIQORATINQ TO THE HAIR ,. and SCALP. Drop us a pcsttl card and a we will call at your residence. Prompt attention. Dusto's Tonsorial Parlors, Ferguson House lllock. We can furnish Repairs for all Stoves. It is by far cheaper to repair your old faithful stove than to buy a new one. If your stove is broken h:t us fix it. You will be pleased with the work and the price. WAI. R. PRATT, 333 S. Jardln St FOR SALE. A valuable business property having modem improvements. Centrally located. Valuable to one wanting a perman ent business place and a home. Apply to M. M. UURKE, Alto-ney, IC gan Building. pORTZ'S TOY HOUSE ! Our toy line this year surpasses anything in the town. We do not import, as some unprincipled dealers advertise, but we do promise to give you the very best and latest toys that can be found in Philadel phia, Baltimore, Chicago and New York markets. TUEF trimmings in abundance ; latest de. signs ; brick and roofing papers, gilt stars, tinsel, cotton, &c. Patrol wagons, milk wagons, dray wagons, bed room suits, tables, chairs, stables, harps, iron chemical engines, hook and ladder trucks, steam engines, hot air engines, &c. Animals for tree yards, trumpets, drums, guns. Celluloid goods, the prettiest in town and at catching prices, TUB LAU0K8T TOV AN11 KANOY OOOUS 1IOUSB IN TOWN. F. J. PORTZ, 21 North Main Street, -C) Coming the News? back to your childhood . . . . , . 1 TOYS. Cblnit Cup .t Sruiccr, worth 2.V for.... lOo (James, newe.l, worth 60c for 23c ConclicH, Dull worth AOo for 2:io lllaek Itonrdi., wertll fiCc for 23u Lnrgo Dl.lien, woithSI.M for IHo f.nrgu Lnmp, worth 82-00 for 08c line of Ornaments In the to sc, and Tlmcl Ornaments Shenandoah, Penna. LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Select your garment from up-to-date styles. We have the right goods here and a large variety to select from at the right prices. Ladies' Coats, $2 50, $3.00, $5.00, $6.00. $8.00, $9.00 to $16.00. Children's Coats, $1.00 to $7.50. Fur Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00. Our stock of dress goods has no equal. You will find here a large assortment of plain and fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic at bar gain prices. Our place is headquarters for lace curtains, blaukef, carpets, rugs, etc. Look through our line on second lloor and get prices. llutterick paper patterns, best in the world, sold by us. P. J. GAUGHAN, NORTH IVIAIIM STREET. Colored Glasses Should not be worn without intelligent advice. Whenever nn eye finds relief in a shaded or colored glass, something is going wrong with the interior of that eye that needs attention. If it were not so the light would not irritqte. Seek advice the kind that we can give you the kind that only can be given after a thorough and intelligent examination, Glasses If Ycu Need Them, . . . None If You Don't. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN, 118 S. Mairr Street. I A Handsomo Complexion j Is ono of tho greatest charms a woman can I possess PozzoHi's Couflbxiom I'owdubI I Rives it. PxOLLS. Everyone knows i-J ALWAYS lead on this line, is no exception to the rule. that This we year Fancy china and opalware. Our stock Is so large it is almost impossible to mention everything. We ask that you pay our house a visit anil we will convince you beyond a doubt that we can beat the town in variety, first class goods, and last but not least on price. You are welcome, even though 'you buy nothing, Look for the large gold sign.