EVENING HERALD I tOTAllMHIUUI 1K70. i Published every Evening, Ktcept Sunday, nt j Horrn .TAnntu Htrieet, NrahCrytuk The Hrrnlct In dcllveted In HhenntirUmri ftml the surrounding low an for nti wnts h tok, jy fti othe curriers. Ity umll 33.00 ft your, or 2 cent a utmitli. pnynUle In nl rnr.ee. ilvert)o ment charged according toppnen Ami position, Tho puhlhlicrfi tenor vp the tpU tochnnne tlie position of advertisement whenever tho uuIh T'lMtoi of ncwi tlonmndn It. The rl1ii In teacrvt-d to wjff tuny advertisement, whether paid tor or not. .int the ptihUshcrn mny deem 'i proper Advertlnlnp rnton mn-.e known upon application. Knteretl nt the poto01oe at Hhotmndonh, Pt . nn aeeoiid clrtM mall matter. TKLKPHONR PONNIttTION 'All the News That's Fit to Print." vtuk' ME KM'T.lf 10 '" i:lrst. Last and Farevei Puivatk citizen Growr Cli'Velonil, of New Jersey, Mil hi lie peojilu otilit t j know what Ilia couvti'tiuiiH uro on expansion. They know, nNo. tlnit the Auitii'luiih iliij; w ill not niiiii lie lowered wlieiu it liml oueo been raised. It hus been several years ainee Christinas approached under Mich favorable conditions, and the out look is favorable for t le dealer us well as the purchaser. Under these circumstances the wise merchant will jiluce his advertisement at an early date. Tins resignation of Dr. Lyman Abbott as pastorof Plymouth church, New York, on account of the na tional and historic position of that church, is a matter of general public interest. The reverend gentleman will hereafter concentrate his energy and time upon his editorial work on The Outlook, of which he has for twenty years been editor-in chief. In New York there is quite an agi tation us to the proposed legislative requirement, of "pure beer." Kven the cold water adherents should favor a law of that sort. Commenting upon the subject the New York Sun says that if "certain brewers would pay less attention to the science of government and more attention to the art of making beer out of hops, they will secure greater niatorial prosperity and more enduring peace of mind." Olu contemporury.tho Republican, takes exceptions to tho suggestion made in these columns that its "editor be made newspaper political censor" for Schuylkill county, but we fail to see why he should ob ject to being associated with the gentlemen named in the article. Be sides, our articlo referred to the "editor" of the Republican, and not to tho nflidavit appxndi.x of that office. In the latter instance the other newspapers would probably do the objecting. Tine members of the School Hoard were confronted with legal entangle ments in making thcirappropriutious for the current vear, but have suc cessfully overcome that dillculty if tlioy can keep the expenditures down to the estimate in their lluancfal re port There is, it is true, some dis satisfaction over the rate of mills fixed, but a careful perusal of the finance committee's report will show that the levy could not bo reduced unless a corresponding reduction were made in the efficiency of the school affairs. The committee, apparently, acted for the best interests of the people generally. Thk secretary of tho Anth limit e Association, which recently issued circulars asking for contributions to defray the expense of petitioning the Inter-State Commerce Commission in behalf of hard coal and Against dis crimination, have received a number of favorable replies. Shenandoah, however, is not Included In the number, TllK brewers of the country will wage an active wrirfure against the extra war revenue tax during the present session of Congress. They put forth tho claim that tho $2 tax lias so increased the cost of tho bever age to consumers that it decreases consumption. During the first four months of the present fiscal year there wore , sold 111,827,471) barrels of boer,,as against 15,428,403 for a corre sponding period last year. H ood's coupon Calendar 1Q f N is a perfect beauty, r 4 J patriotic, up to date. tiuhject : "An American Girl" One of the handsomest pieces of color work isiued this year. lithographed, with bonier of army and navy emblems embossed ill gold. Leave your name with your druggist and,Jnk him to save you a copy or senu cpnts in stamps for one to C. I. HOOD & CO., rMentlouthUiaoer.l I-we". MnSS' Remember Hood'.s, SarsaparilWis America's' Greatest Medicine fof-the Blood and the ' -Best that Money Can Buy, Hence take only Hood's. UUNIKY : Young Girls Fading Away0 Symptoms thai scent like consumption ; a lack of blood; friends feared one girl would fall dead on the street; restored suggestion. to health Many girls ol sixteen years seem to have consumption, although they have it not. Their anxious parents and friends watch them slowly lade away. A death-like pallor, transparent com plexion and listlcssness are signs of this condition. The body lacks blood. Mrs. John Tanscy knows the meaning of these symptoms, and the cure. She lives at 130 Baker Street, Detroit, Mich. Her advice to mothers has been of great value to her neighbors. She tells the story to help others who arc at a distance She said: "When my daughter was sixteen years old she began to watc away. "Had I not known there was no taint of consumption in the family I would have believed her lungs were alfectcd. "She grew thinner and thinner every day. She lacked only the hacking cough to show all the outward signs of consumption. "Our doctor called the disease by an odd name, which I learned meant simply weak blood. "No treatment seemed to do her any good. "She was fading away before our eyes. "I was induced to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and the change they made was almost magical. " Before she had taken half a box there was a great improvement in her looks, ap petite and weight. FINANCE AND TRADE. So XecvoiiH fi'ltrlil ni'iireil Ponding tliti Openlni; ol t (mari'-K. New York, Dec. 10. It. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade says: The most plgnillcant thing this week has been the entile absence of the custom ary nervous fright liefme or after the meeting of congress, the president's message and the treasurer's report. No one showed the least alarm, and no body could find occasion for any. Money and stock and grain markets moved on exactly ns If the government were automatic, certain tn do or say no more than the people had already decided and expected, and so the gradual bet terment since October continues. There Is a larger demand for products In nearly all the great Industries, larger export (liei.ind for foreign needs, a more ln-u'ihy domestic demand sine seasonable weather arrived, and a comforting conviction that November business, the biggest ever done In this country In one month, was but a step toward something better. Hradstreet's review says: Business conditions continue of a most encour aging character. A very satisfactory feature, and one full of encouragement to all wholesale lines of trade, Is the activity shown In retail trade In nearly all markets. Reports received as to the holiday trade proper, too, point to the present year as constituting a record maker In this respect. Tho Im portance of the early arrival of real winter weather to the letall distrib uting of heavy clothing and similar seasonable goods can hardly be over estimated. In the wider domain of general trade and Industry perhaps the most notable feature has Ikvii the con tinued activity at advancing prices shown tor most classes of Iron and steel, but particularly pig Iron and steel billets. So pronounced hus this demand become since the jilai ing of the first large rail orders that what Is ordinari ly regarded rh a dull period In this Industry has given place to exceptional activity, and the stimulating effect al ready Imparted to valm- seems likely to be added to rather than diminished, so far ns thu outlook for the coming year can at present be foreshadowed. a .ioii:k.n motiiimc Has found that her little oucs aro improved inure, by the pleasant Syrup of Figs, when in net at of the Inxntlvu tlliit (if a untitle remedy, than by any other. Children enjoy it and it benefits tliutii. The true remedy, Svrnp of rif.",. is niantif letiueil by the California I'ig riyiup Vn. niily. DEADLY EXPLOSION OF POWDER. Three Men Killed mid T.lglit Injured lit tho IMipont Works, Wilmington, Del., Dec. 10. Three men were killed and eight Injured more or less seriously by the explosion of a press mill and four grinding mills In the llagley yard of the Dupont i'owuer works yesterday. The killed were: ltobert Jlclllhenny, about 45 years old, leaves a widow and four children; John Wright, about 50 years old, leaves a widow; John .Moore, 40 years old, leaves a widow and live hlldren. The bodies of Melllheiiny and Wright were blown to piee-.-. The force of the explosion carried portions of tho bodies across the Hrandywlne. a distance of 50 or 100 yards from the mill. Some time after wards the mangled remains were gath ered together In buckets, Moore, who was employed as a carpenter in tne yard, was within a few feet of the press mill. The hack or his neaa wua crushed, and he died at his home with out regaining consciousness. The explosion occurred in tne presa room or tne nagiey, or mnui works. A carload of powder mat wus being wheeled Into the room was ac cidentally overturned, ana tne cur wheels running Into the Ksse powder caused a friction that set the poyder afire, The explosions quickly followed, ull the powder that was In the press room going oft In the Ave successive detonatlrfns. The press mill was wrecked, and much damage was done to surrounding property. " John Mulhern, who was driving the horses, had a miraculous escape from Instant death. He was thrown for some distance, and was badly blackened. Mulhern's assistant In the driving of the powder car was Thomas McCann, nnd he. too. was serlouBly burned. Ho Inhaled Haines, and his recovery Is very doubtful. Tlio Vnliir.teoiM ir Allloi'len. New York, Dee. 10. The second nn nual meeting of the Grand Field Coun cil of the Volunteer of America, which has been In session here for the past three days, (liilihrd its labors yester day, There were 22 out of the 27 dele gates from the different regimental councils piemt. Hereafter each post will have the rlttbt to cnd a lay dele gate to thN council, which will give the meniliers of the organization direct voice Ii) tl) affairs of the Grand Field Caunal), llalllntfton Itootji vlll here after be designated as "General" Hooth. It' was deeldwl that this title was more In keeping with the military organiza tion of the VolunUers than that oj commander. by a sensible toottan'1 s "She gained strength rapidly. Soon the w.v in perfect health. "Since then I have kept Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People in the house al ways and have done much good with them. One example t "There is a young girl friend of my daughter who seemed almost transparent. " She was white and very thin. We were afraid she would fall dead in the street when she went out. "I begged her to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and finally induced her to try them. They helped her won derfully, probably saved her life and re stored her to perfect health. Now she is recommending them to other young women. "I earnestly advise mothers with grow ing daughters to keep Dr. Williams' Pink Pills always on hand as a household remedy. Many women's lives are miserable be cause such symptoms as Mrs. Tansey's daughter showed were neglected while they were developing into womanhood. During that period of rapid development the blood needs the highest degree of strength to re pair the tissues that are rapidly wasted. These needed elements are supplied by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. The vegetable ingredients of these pills act like magic in restoring strength to the mus cles and roses to the cheeks of growing girls or adults weakened by overwork. All druggists sell Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They cost 50 cents a box I six boxes $2.50. Sunday Specials, Services in tho Trinity lteformed church I o-mnrrow at 10:00 u. in,, and (1:30 p. in, I Sunday school at 1:30 p. in. ltev. ltobert I O'lioylo pastor. lieKtilar services will bo held in the United Uvaugclii'ul church. North .Tanllu street, to morrow at 10 a. in. and 11.30 p. m, Sunday school at 1.30 p. in. l'ev. I. J. Iteitz, pastor. Iv. I.. C. 13 on Monday evening. Prayer, imiisu anil testimony meetings every Tues day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even ings. Jr. K. Ii. C. K. ovcry Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. Primitive Methodist church, .Tames Mooro. pastor. Preaching at" 10:30 n. in. and 0:30 p.m. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Class meet ing on Wednesday evening, Genenil prayer meeting on lliursday evening, Everybody welcome. Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church on West Oak street to-morrow. Holy Kucliarist at 8 n. m. Muriiiug prayer at 10:30. Sunday school nt 2 p. in. Evening prayer at 7 p. in. The rector will olliclate. First Baptist church, corner of West and Oak streets, Uev. D. I. Evans pastor. Services at 10 a. in. ana tip. in. hundny school at S p. tn. I'niyer meeting iiondaj evenings. Young People's meeting Wednesday evenings. Class meeting Thursday evenings. Methodist Episcopal church, corner Oak and White streets. Uev. J. T. Swindells pastor. General class meeting at 0:30 a. m,, led by the pastor. Sermon at 10:30 a. in. Sunday school at 2 p. n., Dr. J. S. fallen, Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. a. Seats free. Everybody welcome. Calvary liaptlst church, South Jardln street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. ,ind (1:30 p. in. Uev. It. It. Albins, pastor. Sabbatli school at 2 p. in., Deacon John Itinui. Superintendent. It. Y. P. U. Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday evening, general pniyer meeting at 7:30. Hverybody welcome. Services in the Presbyterian church to morrow at 10:30 a. m. and (1:30 p. in. Sabliath school at 2 p. in. Jr. C. IJ. and Sr. C. E riiL-wlay evening at 0:30 and 7:30 o'clock. Prayer and song service on Thursday even ing at 7:30. Strangers always welcome. H. VV. Kuehler, pastor. St. John's Lutheran church, West Cherry street. I!ov. John (Iruhler, pastor- Preach ing, 10 a. in. ; Sunday schoul, 1:30 p. m. ; preaching 0:30 p. in. St Michael's Greek Catholic church, West Ccntio street. Kev. Cornelius Latirisin, pas tor. Matatimim service 0 a. m. High mass 10 a. tn. Church of tho Holy Family. (Gennau It. C.) Xorth Chestnut street. Uev. A. T. Schut tlchofer, pastor. First mass 8 a. in., second mass 10 it. in. St. Caslmir's Polish U. C. church. North Jardin street. Uov. J. A. Ecnarkiewicz, pastor. First mass 8 a. m., high mass 10 a. m., vespers and benediction 4 p. m. Church of tho Annunciation. 218 West Cherry street. Uov. H. V. O'lteilly, pastor; Kev .lames Kane, assistant pastor, first mass, 7 u. m., second mass, 8 a. m., high mass. 10 a. m, benediction, 7 p. in. Keheleth Israel Congregation, corner of Oak and West streets, Uev. Henry Mit nlk, pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10 a. m., and 3 to 5 p. m. Sunday services 8 to 10 a. in. nd overy weekday morning irom 7 to 8 a. m. I'lret rlret tire I Insure your proporty from loss in the blest and strongest cash companies : Phlla, Underwriters Iiisurauco Co. of North America and Firo Association, Hartford Firo Ins Co., American Fire Insurance Co., WestCliestcr Firo Ins. Co., Utiltod Firemen's Ins, Co. T. T. Williams, 123 S. Jardin St., Shenandoah, To lliillit New Wnr Vtst!ln. Wnshingt' n. Dec. 10. The naval com- tnlttie of the house has practically de elded to bring in a bill Tor the con struction of 1G new nnval vessels, also to Increase the enlisted force of the navy at iccommonded by Secretary Long to 20 000 men. The new construe tlon Is for three battleships of 13,500 tons and great steaming radius; three 12,000 ton armored cruisers; three 6,000 ton armored cruisers; six protected cruisers of 2,500 tons each for service in waters around our Insular posses slons. Many a Lover Has turned with disgust from nn otherwise Invahlo girl with an nlletisive breath. Karl's Clover Hoot Tea purifies the. breath by its action on the bowels, etc , as nothing else will. Sold for years on absolute guarantee. Price 25 cts. and 50 cis. Sold hy I. I). Klrlln and a KUarantce. C'onl'w-ed Itefom II Ih Kxooiitton. rtlchmond, Va Dec. 10. Jordan Webb, colored, who committed a crim inal assault upon Mrs. Lucy Howden, an aged laiy, In September last, was hanged at Courtland, Southampton county, yesteiday. He admitted his uullt Just before the execution. The Weather. For eastern Pr niiHylyaniu, New Jer sey, Delaware and Maryland: Fair; :ontlnued low temperature till tomor row; fresh westerly winds. A blessing Tor tho Ladies. Thousands of ladles are using IlrafcH ian Halm. For soreness, pain, bearing down anil many kinds of trouble, it acts like a charm. A SO cent or dollar' bottle often does more good in one week than any other remedy does in mouths. It L'oes riulit to the snot, removim; nil In flammation. Mrs. Geo, W. Roberts, of WilmiUKton, Del., says, "A strong solu tion of llraziliau Halm and warm water used as an injection has done me more good than all the remedies aud prescrip tions i ever ineu." Sbeuaudoau drug utoro, nlioh'tulo agcoU Now Yorkers tlio First to March in Cuba's Capital. TO GAERISON PINAR DEL RIO, Oeiu-nil DiivIh, Who Wilt lie Military (lovefiiof or tlin l'rovltu'o. Will Not UKurm tho Cuban Troops Unk"H It Ih XeccHHtiry to IVuveut DlHorder. Ilnvatia, Dec. 10. The first United (States troops to inarch through thu streets of Havana will be the Two Hundred and Second New York regi ment, which, with band playing and colors Hying, will march tomorrow from the Sun Jose wharf, after landing theie from the transport Mltmewnska, through the heart of Havana to the Western railroad station. The line of march will be through the l'rado and Centinl park. These troops will bo sent to 1'liiar del Hlo province. General Davis, with the general headquarters staff and one battalion, will be at 1'lnar del Itlo city, the regi mental headquarters, and the Second battalion v III be at Ouanajay. The Third battalion will be stationed at Marlel. nnd the Hlgglns Signal com pany will be quartered at the city of Plnar del Itlo. The troops remained on board the Mlnnewaska Inst night, but were land ed today. Ceneral Davis and his staff lauded at noon yesterday and reported to General Wade. He breakfnsted with General Greene. No objection has been made so far by Geneial Castellanes to the march through the city. The plan at first was to march today, but the Western Hallway company has not rolling stock "iiougn to move tho regiment, with the mule trains nnd baggage and stores Ml all 87 carloads at one time, so that the baggage and teamsters were sent today and the regiment will go to morrow. It Is Intended that the first appear ance of Tithed States troops In Ha vana shall have an Impressive moral erfect upon the Cubans. Yesterdny a number of Spanish soldiers gathered In the vicinity of San Jose wharf to get a look at their late adversaries. Friend ly gestutes were made on both sides. The Spaniards commented upon tho latge size of the American men. The regiment will take 40 days' ra tions. Camp sites have been selected, but nn work has been done on them, and the men will have to make their own camps. Until further notice General Davis will exercise the functions of military governor of the province of Plnar del Rio. now completely evacuated. The oath of allegiance will be administered to the mayors of the towns and other civic olllelals. The existing authori ties are to be continued, with molli fications to suit future conditions. Gen eral Davis has had a conference with General Wnde, who acquainted him In part with the Instructions the latter had received from Washington. A pi ess correspondent called the at tention of General Davis to the fact that he would find Cubnn troops occu pying l'lncr del Hlo city, and asked hii i hat he should do. "The authority of the United States inurt be tecngnlzed an paramount," he j leplled. "but 1 can see no reason why the Cuban troops may not remain or ganized as mllltla companies, though naturally, when the necessity for their n malnlng in arms shall have passed, I siipoi.se f"v will disband. I have no appicheMslon of trouble." General Davis said he did not Intend to dlsaim the Cubans or to Interfere with them unless that should be neces sary to preserve order. Captain Helllngs. of the signal corps, reported to the United States evacua tion commissioners that under orders (mm the war department he would take charge of the telegraph lines upon the Spnnlsh retirement. The Spanish commissioners, un learning of his as signment, Issued orders that he be given every opportunity to familiarize himself with the lines. The United States evacuation com missioners have turned over to Gen eral Greene hundreds of applications for police appointments. General Greene will await the arrival of Mr. McCullagh, former New York chief of police, who Is coming to consult re garding police reorganization, before he takes any of the applications Into consideration, Mr. McCullagh, who left New York last night, Is expected here on Monday. You Try It. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, which Is sold for the small prico of ii.r ets., 50 cts. and f 1 00, does not euro take tho bottle back and wo will refund your money. Sold for over fifty years on this guarantee Price 23 cts. and 50 cts. Sold by i D. Klrllu and a guarantee. rugltlvo Pixlniastur Surrondors. ndlanapolls, Dec. 10.-Two years ago Bamuel Helney, postmaster at More land, Itandolph county, left for parts unknown, taking with him government funds to the amount of $467. Yester day Ilelney wnlked Into the olllce of the United States marshal and gave himself up. The Indictment against him had recently been nolle prossed, and Ilelney now stnnds In the position of having sinned, of being willing to expiate his crime, but of being beyond the pale of the law. Many People Cannot Drink coll'co at night. It spoils their nh-eu. You can drink Grain-O when you pleaso and sleep liken tup, KnrGraiii-0 does not stimulate; it nourishes, cheers and feeds. Yet it looks and tastes like tho best coil'ee. For nervous persons, young people anil children Urain-O Is the perfect driuk. Made from puro grains. Get a packago from your grocer to-day. Try it in placo of colfee. 15 and 25c. Triui'.viiiil rnrees llepuNed. London, Dee. 10. The Capetown cor respondent of The Dally Mall forwards a dispatch that the Transvaal govern ment has icfused to allow The Dally .wans Johannesburg coiespondent to go forwurd from that point. He says tnat the campaign recently instituted by the Hoer government against the Magatos tribe in the Zouttnns Ilorg district has proved a complete fiasco. The chief has outmaneuvered the Itoers and s now In his splendidly fortllled luountuln stronghold, where he has as sembled a large army. The Hoers have been guilty of wholesale butchery of women, children and unarmed natives, General Joubert Is III, and Is returning to Pretoria with his forces. Rheumatism Cured In a Day, "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically cure in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system Is lemarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and tly disease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 75 cctits. Sold by Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. t( EVERY BRIDE and wife should know about the pre paration that for half a century has been helping expectant mothers hring little ones into the world without danger and the hundred and one discomforts and distractions incident to child-birth. It is applied externally, which is the only way to get relief. Medicines taken internally Wllfy will not help and may S'.jJa J -VWl result in harm. m.gViZ'A Ik3 I fits and prepares every organ, muscle and part of the body for the critical hour. It robs child-birth of its tortures and pains. Baby's coming is made quick and easy. Its action is doubly bene- Vficial if used during the whole period of pregnancy. SI per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Books Free, containing valuable infor mation to all women, will be sent to any address upon application by The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta. Go. THE SIX DAY CYCLISTS. Miller, Last Year's Winner, Sooms Stiro ol Another Victory. New York, Dec. 10. A large crowd thronged Madison Square Garden all day yesterday, and at midnight thou sands of enthusiasts remained to cheer on the Jaded riders In the six day bicy cle race. Hefore midnight Miller had beaten the world's record made by him self a year ago, and his friends believe that he will be able to remain ahead of his own record until the race Is ended. Ills condition seems remarknlily good, as does Waller's. Miller, however, has such a good lead that unless he should weaken or meet with an accident he Is a sure winner. Pierce was almost 21 miles behind Waller at midnight, and looked very tlrufl. Should anything hap pen to Miller Waller will probably be the winner. If Miller can keep up the advantage he lias gained over last year's record until the end of the race tonight he will earn a bonus of $200. The scores nt 2 a. m. were: Miller, 1.S0S; Waller. 1.77S',4: Pierce, 1,737; Al bert, t.CCO: Glmm. 1,010; I.a'wson, 1.E9S; Aaronson, l.RVJ; Nawn, 1,530; Forster, 1.500: Stevens, 1.481: Hale, 1,384; Ju lius, 1,130. To Cure ii Cold In Onu Day Take Laxative lliomo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure. 25c. The gcuuiuo has L. 11. Q. on each tablet. tr KontiiokluiiH From Porto Itleo. Newport News, Va., Dec. 10. The United States transport Berlin arrived here yesterday afternoon from San Juan. On the transport were Major General Ilrooke, his stuff and the First Kentucky volunteer Infantry. The com mittee of Louisville citizens arrived last night to see the twldiers to Louis ville, where a three days' reception awaits them. The regiment will leave tonight. Tho Itlg Ploiir Trust. Cleveland, Dec. 10. In an Interview here Clement 13. Stern, of the Atlas flour mill, of Milwaukee, stated that he expected the big Hour combination would be In operation shortly. Tho combine will have a capitalization of $30,000,000. A syndicate of English nnd American capitalists lvive been nego tiating with the owners of the mills, looking to the formation of a trust, for some tV.ne past. Dr. Hull's though Hyrup Is the best remedy for relieving and curing that asthma tic cough. Physicians recommend it. Iiuy only tlio genuine, Dr. John W. Bull's Cough Syrup. 1111- I'KODUCE MARKETS Ak ItelleoUMl by DoivllngH In Phllndol phlti nml linl' Inioro. Philadelphia. Dec. 9.-Flour slow; winter superfine. J2.2M2.M; Pennsylvania roller. clear, $3.10J'3.23; city mills, extra, $2.50f5 2.75. Ilye Hour nulet at $3.10 ner barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat steady; No. 2 red. December, 70!ifT71c. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed, old, December. 38K Me.1, do. do., new. HSffi :',8'Ae. : No. 2 vellnw. for locnl trade, 3Slir3!)c Oats quiet, but firm; No. 2 white. 33c.; "O. 2 white, clip ped, 3:,Vic. Hay firm, choice timothv. ill 11.50 for large bales, llfef steady; beef hams, $lS.fil8.D0. Pork steady: family. $12.25f12.5a. Lard steudy; western steam ed, Jj.251J5.00. Iluttcr firm; western cream ery, 14V420c; do. factory, 12Q14V&C,; El Kins, 20e.: Imltntlnn creamery, 13iftl4c. New York dnlry, 15ffl8V4c.; rio. creamery. 14ilSi4c.; fancy Pennsylvania prints jouuing nt ZISfZTe.: do. wholesale, SSo. Uheeso llrm: large, white and colored 10c; small do., loyifdOVic: light Bklms, IBM.; part io cleric.; run do., 2M.(H3',4c, Eggs steadj-; New York and Pennsylva. nta. 20'4c;. ; western, fresh, 25o.; southern, Vtiilc. Tallow steady: city. 3.c. ; country, 5i.ft3ftc, Cottonseed oil steudy: prime crude, 17ijC.; yellow, 21f(22c, Petroleum llrm; rellned. New York, $7.40; Phlladel ptitu and lialtlmore, $7.35: do. In bulk $3.45. lialtlmore, Dec. 9. Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat dull; .spot and month, 7Oi07Oi4c; January, 70S71c. : May. 70c.: steamer No, 2 red, 08c.; southern, by Bam- pie, oisjjio.; no. on grime, biiispTOVse. Corn steady-; spot nnd month, 39f(39',4e.; Decem ber, new or old, ssvssc.; January, 38(3 38ie.: February, 3Sii(Q38Vic; Bteamer mix ed. SSBMHc; southern, white, 381, 39c; do, yellow. 35ftifi3S?c. Oats dull; No.. 2 white. 3Jc; jso, 1 mixed. 32c. ltye steady; No. 2 nearby, HCic; No. 2 western, 5S4jc. Hay llrm; No. 1 timothy. $10.50. Lettuce ut $1.25 iil.M per biiHliel box. Live Stoelc MnrkotK. New Yoik, Dec, 8. Peeves In fair de mand; good to choice beeves steady; com mon und medium steers 10c, lower; bulla und cows active und steady; steers, or fllnary to choice, $4.50j5.00; oxen and stags, $3.35f5; bulls, $3ft3.60; cowb, $1.95& $.70. Calvea quiet und steady; veals. $1 7.50; Bouthwn calves, $2.75. Good sheep a trifle llrm; others steudy; lambs steady; uiusru Pliny on jiunuio advices; all sold; sheep, .$3jj4.r,2V4: lambs. $5SC. Hogs easy; fair to prime, $3.Ki3.75. East Liberty, Pa.. Dec. 9.-Cnttle about Iteudy; extra, $5.2I&6.40; prime, $1.9085.20; common, $3.20fi3.00. Hogs, slow; heavy, H.4'K(3.45; heavy Yorkers nnd mediums, 3.35i3,40; good light Yorkurs, $3.303.35; common to fair Yorkers, $3.2503.30; good pigs, $3.S03.35; Bklps and common pigs. t-'iw.iu, nin-L'i Bieuuyi euoico wethers. 14.4514.50; common, Ji.00y3.50; choice lambs, $3,2515.50; common to good, $3.50 .4u, veui cuives, titui.w. . Itt'a Wtnnlne New Friends Sally, What t Pau-Tina for roughs aud colds. At -..1.1 1 . . u.unicr urus,, UII13 store. MC1 BY 4? &r TUB FILIPINOS' PRISONERS. They Will Doiihtlcw lie Promptly lte ' leiiied on llmvuy's lttMpiext. Washington, Dec. 10. The navy de partment has received a cablegram from Admiral Dewey summarizing the existing conditions nt Manila and such points In the Philippines as hayc been visited by his officers. Advices also have been received from aenernl Otis, the commnndant of the United Stntes military forces In the Islands, and they both go to show a notable Improvement In conditions nnd the growth of a better spirit among those factions of the na tives which promised to give trouble. This fnct Is particularly gratifying, ns the United States government Is al ready giving consideration to the best means at hand to redeem the pledge It will be placed under by the treaty of Paris to secure the release of the Span ish prisoners held by the Philippine na tives. There nre about 500 clerical prisoners, and tho government Is confident that their cantors will deliver them upon proper representations from General Otis and Admiral Dewey, made possible through Consul Wlldman. It may be necessary to call the navy Into service In this matter," for the reason that some of the prisoners are held In captivity on other Islands than Luzon, which can be reached liest and most effectively by Admiral Dewey's ships. Desldcs these clerical prisoners the Americans them selves hold nearly 15,000 Spanish sol diers ns prisoners, men captured at the fall of Manila. These are actually on parole about the city, and the ques tion Is how they aro to bo returned to Spain. This must be settled by the peace commissioners at Paris. M.VHtorloui Tragedy 111 "Now'Yorlr. Now York, Dec. 10. August Sparra, 41 years old, was taken to Oouveneur hospital last night suffering from three bullet wounds. lie cannot recover. Sparra's wife, his brother-in-law, Marco Ialo, and Ialo's wife have been arrested. All tell the same story, the wounded man Included, of a knock at the door of Ialo's house, of a mys terious hand thrust through the open ing, and of the firing of five shots. No one has been found who can or wilt tell anything about who did the shoot ing. Murderor Clovongoi Cnpturod. Liberty, Mo., Dec. 10. Ernest eleven ger, who murdered Henry Allen and fatally wounded his cousin, Ilella Clevenger, In a church near Missouri City on Thursday night, was lodged In the county Jail here yesterday. A posse of farmers captured the murderer at the house of his grandfather, where they found him asleep. Delia eleven ger Is still alive, but cannot recover. Clevenger has a gunshot wound, and admits that he attempted suicide after his escape from the church. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo In tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovcr sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin emotions, and Dosltircly cures piles. or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satlslactlon or.mony rciuuuca. rnce 45 cents per box. For sain hy A. Wntloy. ovornnieiit' Property Stolen. Lexington, Ky Dec. 10. In settling up accounts n carload or more of gov ernment property is reported lost from Camp Hamilton hospital. Nobody seems to know where It Is. In Issuing supplies for the hospltl wards It Is claimed paper receipts weie taken, but one by one the blankets and nil kinds of property were missed, and It was declared they were stolen. In a farm house near the hospital, up under the roof, nearly a two horse wagon load of blankets, guns, buckets und clothing have been found. The lost and missing property la worth over $5,000. Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrup emi he relied on. If yuu stiller from coughs, colds, hoarso ness, bronchitis or other throat and lung af fectious, this old reliahlo remedy will cure you, SOLOMON HAAK, Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer aud Porter. Also agent for the Famous L0RENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively Ales. A full line of the finest brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars &c. All orders left at Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main S reet, Will receive prompt attention. ST. NICHOLAS MAGAZINE CONDUCTKI) iiv MAltY MAI'KS DOUGH. Tliis mnirnzino for boys and irirla Is without a rival In its field. The features for tlio coining Tear will gain ror it n nobt 01 new friends. A few leading attractions ore; A New Henty Story, THE SOLE SURVIVORS, By G. A, Henty. This Is a tale of early A111crlc.u1 history, hy the favorite story-teller of American and Eng lish boys. TRINITY BELLS, By Amelia E. Barr. A delightful historical romance far girls, deal ing with life In Old New York, und written by one uf tlio most spirited unu conscientious Au.ericuu nuthois. A STORY FOR (URLS, By Laura E. Klcbards. No writer Is more welcome to tlio young folk of to-day than the author of "Cnptutn Juuu nry," and this Is one of her best etforts, BRIGHT SIDES OP HISTORY, By E. II. House A series of amusing episodes of history, ancient and modern, told In an entcrtaluliiu way. It wi'l awaken a nevr Interest lu this iui portuut branch of study, Mrs. 0, D. Slgabee, the wife of the captain of the battle-ship Maine, will write about "FetS Auoat." Also contributions from Mrs. Burton Harri son, Clara Morris, Oelett Burgess, Lloyd OBbourns, I.t. Endlcott, Foultney Blgelow, Lt. Peary, etc., etc. Every household with children should have St. Nicholas. $3.00 a Year. 25 cents a number. THE CENTURY CO., NEW YORK. Miss Sadie Werlheim, nge 14, of tfole jj do, O, waathewiuuerof tlieyiriju-izefof execution on the violin ut the Brussels Conservatory of music. German critics sayshcisa won derful player. It Is the irrcatest distinction tobe first in any thing,' I'or this iiistatcmcnsliip literature, am lctics, science f .-M .'s"wr uiiuart,meuand women nut forth their greatest efforts. Washington was said to be "first in war, first In peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen.'' It isagrcattliiugto be first. Nothing is of more value to uiaiikiiul aud brings great- ernappiness tiiau ngood remedy. Many things will relieve but the one that will f'?13bcst. llraziliau Halm is such a rem edy. Teu3 of thousands have found that it is the only thing that would cure Ca tarrh and Asthma. I?orl5yrs. ithas nev er failed in a single case to cure Asthma, and its record has been as wonderful in Catarrh, Cases that had, to all appearan ces, run into Consumption, or where the nostrll9 were entirely stopped upor where the poisonous pus bad eaten holes into the throat an inch deep, or where the stomach hatl become ulcerated aud raw from swallowing the eerm-laden matter. were all permanently cured. Such a rec ord, unknown to any other remedy, just ly entitles the Brazilian Dalmtothe first placeinthciegardof the American peo- ind countless Asthma sufferers in this 01 ntry, all of whom can be cured with liraziliunBalm. Afl.OObottleof Brazil ian Balm contains a mouth's treatment for catarrh or asthma, aud for 6 months are will wrap wilu each $1.00 bottle a nonth's treatment of Toxicola Tablets, ree. Toxicola isthcbe3t tonic anil nerve and strength builder known to science. I Ins is the greatest oiler ever made. Ask. our druggist and take uo substitute, B . jackson ik. uo,, Wig. Chemists, Iudia .11 . lis, Ind, SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, Wholesale Agents. Wear Royal Worcester Corsets. FOrt SALE BY LCADINQ DEALER8. ennsylvania RAILROAD. HGIIUYKILL DIVISION. KovKMimn 20. IS18. Trains will leave HlienandoaU after knu auute date for U lun, Clilbcrton, Krackvllle Dkt W liter, nt. I'liilr, 1'oltnvllln. iiiuinir, Heading, Fottstowu. I'hoenlxvtlle. Norristowu a d 1 hi. aielibl (ilr-.nil mrect station) at 6 It and M 15 a. tu,, 2 10, (1 10 p Hi. on week days, tiundnyn, 8 IS a. ni., 4 80 u. in. Trains leuvu Krnckvllle for Shenandoah i 7 80, II 10 u. m. and 510, 7 38 f ., Sunday, u ui a. m. aim 040 p. in. Leave l'uttsvllle for Shenandoah (via Frack- villu 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 8 20, 7 10 p. Hi. Suudaj lu ao a. 111.. a 'zu p.m. Leave l'lillailelnlita. (Broad street elation), to. Slievuindoali at ti S5 a. ui 4 lu p. ui. week days. Sunday b leave at 0 50 anil V 23 a. lu. Leave Broad Street Statlou, l'hiladelpbla, FOll NEW YOKK. Kxnreas.wcek-days. 3 20. 4 Oo. 60 5 05,9 15.tJ tH", 7 33, 8 2U.9 50, 10 21 11 00 a. a , 12 00 noon, 12 S3 (Limited 1 00 aud I22 . ro ,) 1 40, 2 80,8 20, J 6H, 4 02, 5 00, 3 58 6 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p. m., 12 Oi, lllaht. Sundays, 8 20, 4 05. 150 5 05, 5 15, 8 20, 0 50, 10 21. 10 43 a. m., "12 01, 12 85, 1 80, 1 12, (LtlUltCU l 22,) 0 2U, -3 00, 0 W, I UZ, 'l DO, 10 ui p. in., 12 01 lilt! lit Kxprcus tor Iioxton without change, 11 00 a n., week-days, and 7 50 p. m., dally. For Sea dirt, Asbury I'ark, Ocean Grove, Lour Branch, 8 20, 11 14 a m, 380, 4 02 )i lu weekdays. , .....1 ..III.. 1 U A KJ1 I Or lllliuer YIHC iMieiuimiiu uvioniun, w , 9 00 a m, 12 UO noon, 3 62, 5 00 I Lainburtvllle and I'aston only), weeKuajs, anu iw p 111 uuuy. Buffalo, u W a in, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 01. p ui dully. WASHINGTON AND TH IC SOUTH. For Baltimore nnd Washington. 8 50, 7 20,8 82', 1020, ll?J,a. m 1209, I28I 111, 812, 4 41V, (j23 Connieisionol Limited,) 0 17. '855, 7 8U u. in., and 12 0.' nlglit week days. Sundays,, 8 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23. a. in., 1209, ! 12, 4 41, (S2C CniiKrexsioual Limited,) 0 65 7 01 p. m. and. 12 05 night. For Baltimore, accommodation. 9 12 a m, 1 52! and 4 01 11 in week days, S 08 and 11 18 p m dally. Atlantic Count Line, express 1209 p in, and: 12 05 nlglit. dully. Southern Uahway, cxprcsa-8 55 p 111, dally.. Chesapeake .t Ohio Hallway, 781 p 111, dally.. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20' a 111 weekdays, 11 10 p 111 tiaiiy. Ia'iivo Murket street wharf as follows: 11-r fcet- mau r.,r rcw Vork. ft (10 1. in. 4 80 u 111 wees day s. For Long Brunch, via Seaside I'ark, 8 Wi a 111 weekdays. . , . For Island Heights, 8 80 a hi and 4 00 p mi weekdays. FOlt ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad street station via Delawrtf rfvvr bridge Exprem, 9 40 a ni., 7 03 p. m, Sundays, 9 20 a. m., 7 03 ji. m. Leave Marki-t Street Warl-Hxpress, 00 a in, 2 00,4 00,5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, WOO in (accommodation 4 30 und 5 00 p ni. For Ca.e Muy, Sea Isle City, Oci Cily, Avalou S one Harbor, Anglesca, Wlldwvidaiid Holl) Beach Express, 900 a In, 4 Ou, p m weekdays. Sunda-s 9 00am. For Somers 1'olnV Express, S 00 a m.. 2 00, 4 00, 5 CO, p. m. week days Hundays, 9 00 and 10 00 a m Toe Union Transfer Company will call for and check bngguge from uUcts und residences. Dining cnr. I. B. IIutciiiksoh, J. It. Wood, Gen'l Munaver. Gen'l VasxV'r Airt PROFESSIONAL CARDS M. IIUItKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Oftlce Egan building, corner of Main an Centre streets, Shenandoah. pitOK. JOHN JONKS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 83, Mfthanoy City, Pa. Having studied under some of the' beat masters li Londou and I'arls, will give lesson on the violin, mandolin, gultarand vocal culture. Terms reasonable. Address In care of Htrnusr llie leweler Hltcnnndnsh DRINK- CUSARY'S EXTRA QUALITY MNE -GINGER ALE, - Superior Sarsaparilla.. and Orange Champagne, a 5& 4 zm 1 i r-