m ffietri DO YOU WANT wttttt To reach the fuhlic through pro gressive, dtgmfiea, influential journal use the HERALD columns. VOL. XIIL-NO. 292 SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1898. ONE CENT Wthe herald i Tl Crtatetlunnest because of its known large circulation and rentiers rich j results tt its aavertisers. !l I Ml 'M" -fM J. P. Williams & Son, furnTs,cast 13 S. Main St. SX0'HARA'S FOR m Hi $ .A OPEN DAY Cor. Lloyd and White Sts., SHENANDOAH and Headquarters for Carpets, Linoleum and Window Shades BLANKETS AND 3 3 3 COMFORTS. J. J. PRICE'S. EXTRA NEW YORK BARGAIN STORE, NO. 23 SOUTH MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH, PA. Roasting Pans, Bread Pans, Cake Pans, High Grade Enameled Ware, Carving Sets, Knives and Forks, "Rogers Bros." Table and Tea Spoons. SWALM'S HARDWARE STORE. 1898HOLIDAY PULL STOCK-ALL NEW tiOODS, -New blue muscatels, 2, 3 and 4 lbs for 25 cents. New Seeded. Valencia. New Layer Raisins, PRUNES 2, 3, 4 ar.d 5 pounds for 25 cents. EVAPORATE FRUITS Apples and Plums. New Figs and Dates. New Citron, Lemon and Orange. New Florida and Jamaica Oranges. NUTS Almonds, Cream, Filberts, Pecans and Walnuts. ft CANNED GOODS Fancy California Lemon Cling and Plums, Apricots and Cherries. TOMATOES Extra Quality and extra size cans, 2 for 25 cents Extra Quality CORN Extra Fancy Maine, State, 3 for 25 cents. Standard Maryland, 4 for 25c PEAS Fancy Sifted Eatlv Tune, 2 for 25 cents. Sweet Wrinkled 3 for 2.s cents. 25 cents. DEANS New Lima Beans, String Beans, 4 and 3 caris for New Orleans Baking Molasses, best quality, 10 cts. a quart. Don't forget our strictly Fresh Fancy Creamery Butter. Fresh Dairy Butter. The White is King AGAIN VICTORIOUS. The While Sewing Machine was nwarJed highest honors, the Gold Medal, at the Omaha Imposition. $30.00 and up. QUEEN MACHINES, $19.50 and up. All Are Warranted for Five Years. LIBERTY MACHINES, $15.00, MUSIC STORE. Shonandoah, Pa. AND AND NIGHT. lain Street, MAHANOY CITY. DRESS GOODS -IN ALL THE NEW STYLES and COLORINGS. Tapestry and L-aco Curtains. E ST TABLE COVERS. Dry Goods and Carpet Stoie, ! READ THIS ! Feather Boas, 23c. Plush Capes from $2.50 up to $20.00. Astrakin Capes at the same prices. Also a full line ol Cloaks at the lowest prices. Reefers from 69c. up to $7.00. Collarettes from $1.65 up Heavy Skirts from 99c. up to $10.00. Silks, Satins aud a full line of Waists. In the Millinery depart ment we have a full line of hats and all kinds of trimmings. Ladies' and Gent's Natural Wool Un derwear, 35c. A full line of Children's Underwear. SWALM'S Headquarters for SEASON 1899. NEW CROP nnd NEW PACKING. New Seedless. New Sultana. New New Peaches, Pears, Apricots, 1898 PACKING. Crawford Peaches. Fancy Pears, Standard cold packed, 3 tor 25 cents, 2 for 25 cents. Fancy New York Extra Early Tune, fine quality, 4 for 3 cans for 25 cents. White Wax cans for 25 cents. Baked Beans, 25 cents. At KEITER'S. HEAD SQUEEZED. V Drlver'H Perilous Position While In tlio Act tif Coupling. John McAndrow, a young man employed as n driver in the Indian Kldgo mines, had a narrow escape from Instant death yesterday. Ho was in the net of coupling cars when tils head was caught hetweeu the bumpers. Fortunately the cars did not como together with much force, hut the squcczo was sovero enough to causo bleeding at the ears. lted CrnxM Acknowledgment. Kev. Hubert O'lloyle, pastor of tho Trinity ltoformed church of town, nnd also President of tho Shenandoah Ministerial Association, tlds morning received the following acknowl edgment: "I)EAit Sin; Mr. Charles II. Howell, presldeut of the Associate Society of tho lted Cross No. 1, of Philadelphia, has to-day handed mo your check.for $15.00, being pro ceods of n collection at tho union Horvices, held In tho Trinity Itcformod church, of Shenandoah. Kindly accept tho thanks of tho society for your kindness and troublo In this matter. "Yours truly, "Fhank T. Patterson, Treas." Nelswender's Cafe. Sour I; rout, pork and mashed potatoes will ho served, froo, to-night. Final Production. The engagement of Tho Ideals will close at Ferguson's theatre to-night with the pro duction of "A Night In New York," a play depleting many thrilling as well as very amusing scenes of life In the great met ropolis. Soveral special settings will bo In troduced during tho action of tho play and boforo the curtain rises and between acts tho oxcclleut orchestra will discourse several of Its choicest selections. Laurel Club Meets. Tho Laurel Club hold its regular weekly mcotlng at the homo of one of its members. Miss Margarot Dovcrs, on East Coal street. last ovenlng. Among those who eujoyed tho festivities were: Jlisses Gortrudo Quirk. Mamo and Ella Gallagher, Annie and Maggie Jullott, Annie Tobiu, Mamo McDonough, Annlo add Mamo llreunan and Messrs. John Whalou, William Nork, John Coyle, William Deliney, John Cleary, Martin Convillc, Uarvey Wells, Harvey Smoyer, liert. Davis and P. J. McGraw. Veil Down Stulra. Mrs. Charles Rowland, of South West street, full down stairs at her home this morn ing and sustained painful bruises on her back aud head. Tho victim tripped when descend ing the stairway and carrying n bucket of water. Although sho foil from tho top to the bottom of tho flight, sho sustained no fractures. One of tho largest and finest lines of papicrmacho animals and trco ornaments, wholesale and retail, at Morgan's Hazar, 23 North Slain street. Theso goods we Imported aud canafliirdtosell them at wholesale prices to retail buyers. 12-1-tf A Miner ltilmed. Keam llergen, u resident of West Rasp berry alley, was badly burned about tho head, face, breast, back nnd hands by an ex plosion of gas in tho Turkey Kuu mines last night. Ho received temporary attendance from Dr. Stein and was removed to tho Minors' hospital to-day. lllckert's Calo. Sour krout, pork aud mashed potatoes for free lunch to-night. Schuylkill Medical Society. Tho Schuylkill County Medical Society will meet next Tuesday afternoon at tho rooms of Gowen Post No. 23, G. A. It., Pottsvlllo. Dr. David Taggart, of Frackville, will road an interesting paper on "Obstetrics," on that occasion. Nominations will also ho made for olllccrs, which will be elected at the January meeting. Keturnetl to Shenandoah. The public Is informed that I havo re- turned to Shenandoah and havo again opened a shoo storo at tho old stand, 210 West Centre street. Your patronago Is solicited. 12-2-2t William Cattel, New 1'nrochlal School. The now St. Ignatius parochial school building at Central la, will bo thrown open to the public Decombor 20, when a big fair will begin, tho proceeds of which will go toward paylug the oxpeoscs of its construction. It is a large, well planned and vory commodious building. The Lodge of Sorruw. To-morrow is tho day sot apart by tho 15 . u. Elks as their memorial day, when every lodge in tho United States is expected to hold a sorrico Iu memory of their departed brothers. Deputy Hurd W. Payne will de liver tho eulogy for tho Pottsville lodge, and tho Ashlaud lodge will hojd no Bervtees, On a Furlough. Soven soldiers of the 21st Infantry, U. S, A., stationed at Plattshurg, N. Y spent a few hours in t5wu last night Thoy were on their way to Shamoklu, where they will spoud a fifteen day furlough at their homes. I time Again. Robert Edwards is a guest of his parents in town after un absence of threo years, during which time he traveled extensively iu Canada aud Kansas, His stay hero will be indefinite. Kendrlck House Free Lunch. Sour krout and pork will bo sorved, free, to all patrons tc-nlght. Struck lly a Wad. Ono of Tho Ideals actors received a dia coloration of tho right'eye and temple dur ing tho performance Thursday nlgbt, the wad of a blank cartridge having struck him Health Kepnrts. William Kincaid, 7 years old, 211 South Jardiu street, was reported to the Hoard of Health to-day as a victim of scarlet fovor. Witnesses Summoned. Constablo Matt, Glblou last night returned from Philadelphia, where ho sorved sub poenas ou a number of witnesses to appear at the trial .of the suit of Edison General Electric Company against Kimmel at Potts vlllo uext week. Cream of Potato Soup Free to everybody at Meade Petor's rcstuu rant to-night. Cull and try it. Trolley Wire llrokti, Tho trolloy wlro of tho Schuylkill Traction Company was broken by a trolley bar be tweeu Lost Creek and Cleary's crossing thl inorniur, and trallic was delayed about half un hour. Inside Foreman tit Mnrtjii, Hon, D. N, Evans, of Hazlctou, has ac cepted the positiou as assistant inside supe iuteudent at the Morea colliery, assumlug his duties ou Monday, He was tho Prohibition candidate for tho Legislature last November. Coco Argollne, the gouuine article, for sale at Klrliu's drug store. luutr GflftS HI A GRASH I Breaking: of a Coupling: Causes Trouble Near Mahanoy City. NO PERSON SUSTAINED INJURY I Only Gondolas were Involved In tho Acci dentTwo Sections Came Together After a Coupling Broke-Wreck Crew Was Promptly on the Scene. Mahanoy City, Doc. 3. A rear end colli sion involving a train of ompty gondolas occurred near the lime kiln, about a mile cast of this town at ono o'clock this afternoon. Several of the cars woro wrecked, but fortunately no one sustained injury of it personal character. Tho train was running at a pretty fast' speed towards this placo when a coupling: broke This allowed a section of six cars and an oil tank, tho latter at the cxtrcmo lear, to trail behind. Upon discovering what had happened the engincerdccidcd to slacken tho speed of tho first section and try to bring tho cars together again, hut thc rear cars caught up sooner than ho expected aud the wreck followed. Six of the gondolas were wrecked, four of them being tcduccd to kindling wood. Tho oil tank was thrown from the track, hut escaped damage. The. train was drawn by ongine No. 080 and In chargo of Conductor Cashman, of Tatnan.ua. Tho wreckage blocked both tracks and shut off trallic. Tho train bearing relatives aud friends going to Tamaqua to attend tho funeral of Mrs. J. W. Parker, of Trenton, N. J., was at the local station, waiting for tho train of gondolas to arrivo and pass. It was side tracked until about 2:30 o'clock, whou arrangements were made to get it through. Tho wreck crow stationed at Mahanoy Piano was upon the scone within half an hour after the wreck occurred and did rapid work to got tho main lino opened. It is ex pected that both tracks will bo cleared of debris by four o'clock. Ilnlidny Opening. Messrs. Hooks & Itrown, the stationers and fancy goods dealers of No. 4 North Main strcot, had their eighth annual holiday opening to-day. The storo is stocked with a completo lino of goods suitable for gifts, all arranged on separate counters In such a raaunor as to make a display equal to any outside of the largo cities. All around tho store hang treo ornaments of various shapes aud colors, whilo above tho counters hang framed pictures. Tho toy counter contains all tho new toys which delight tho children, whilo tho game couuter contains all tho new ones and tho host of tho old ones. The book epartment contains paper aud linen books fur tho children, stories of fiction and ad venture, besides Bibles, prayer hooks, otc. Tho china counter is also well stocked with novelties in china, bisque, and the newest productions in opal glass goods. Thero is also a largo line of celluloid dressing cases, work boxes and also a variety of medallions In all the popular sizes aud shapes. The firm extends a cordial invitation to the public to call aud see tho display. Attention is also called to their advertisement, which appears in another column. Geranumns, fuchsias, pansics, daises, roses etc., fur spring planting at Payuo's nurseries, Girardvillo. Tuberose aud gladiolus bulbs. Young I.ucly Drowned. Edith, tho ten-year-old daughter of Mrs. Elizabeth Klrkpatrick, of Schuylkill Haven, was yesterday afternoon brought homo a corpse Sho was ono among six others who woro skating on the canal nearby when the ice broko aud all of them wero precipitated into the six feet of water. Their screams wero heard, and all wore rescued but Edith. Hor father was killed on tho railroad ono year ago, and her mother's cup of sorrow Is indoed full. Notice to Owners of Horses. The Local Association, No. 117, National Horsoshoers Association, do hereby notify the public that tho price of shooiug will bo advanced after December 1, 1808. By order of tho Committee. 0,utun to be Sentenced. George Quinu, convicted of murder in tho second degree at tho last Criminal Court, in causing tho death of Patrick Scully, In Glrardville, on August 21st, last, will bo called for sentence on Monday morning by District Attorney Iiechtel. While Quinn's counsel made a motion In arrest of judgment aud for a new trial, that idea has boeu aboudoncd. He Sold Citizens 1'itpers. John Mrkovitch is iu jail ou a serious crlmo. He was charged before 'Squire Schlottmau, of St. Clair, by Andrew Hush- kichk, with having been selling citizen s papors. Tho justice committed Markovitch in default of $800 bail. Or. Hull's Cough Syrup Is uiieriuulled for bronchitis, loss of voice, hoarseness, and other throat and luug allectlons. it cures more quickly than any other medicine. Klectlon of Officers An annual olection of officers was held last night by tho members of Watkin Waters Post No. 110, Q, A. R as follows : Post Com mander, Joseph P. Kuapp ; Senior Vice Com mander, Hiram Spcers ; Junior Ylco Com mander, S, S. Lindeumuth ; Quartormoster, David Morgan ; Post Surgeon, II, G. Hess Chaplain, Jacob Helm ; Qfllcor of tho Day, John Eisonhartj Olliceror the Guard, John Grady : Trustees, F, J. Portz, Patrick Conry, C. T. Gibson; Delegate, John Eiseuhartt Alternate II. G. iless. Assaulted a Teacher, At a special meeting of the Mahanoy City School Hoard last night a young man, Arthur Ithoads, who Is a student In the evening schools, was brought up ou a charge ot throwing a tomato can at Hiram Morgan, a teacher, causing a deep gash ou tho head Tho Hoard docided to prosecuto tho olluuder for assault and battery, and ho was put under 300 bail by Justice May for a trial at court Hiiud Amputated, Georgo Troskoiki employed as a laborer at Park No. 2 colliery and residing at Trenton, hud his right hand so luilly mangled yester day afternoon that It was necessary to am jatato the member. He was spmgging cars when he slipped ou ice and his hand fell across a rail, in frout of a trip of loaded curs Injured by a Full, John Steck, aged 63 years and residing at Jacksous, badly sprulued his right aukle yesterday by falling upou an Icy path near Ilia homo, DEATHS AND FUNERALS. Mrs. i:ilen ScuiiIhii Succumbs to h 1'nriily- tic Stroke. Mrs. Ellen Stanlan, who received a par- alytlo stroke last Tuesday, died at her home on East Centre streot last night. Sho had attaiued tho rlpo old ago of almost 70 years. Tho deceased Is survived by two sons and three daughters, namely : Tax Collector M. J. Scanlan, John Scanlau, a member of the St. Augustine Order at Vlllanova, Pa., Mrs. Thomas Connors, Mrs. Jcro. Connors aud Mrs. Thomas P. Itellly. Tho funeral of Mrs. Ami Parker, widow of tho lato Hon. John Parker, of Mahanoy City, who died at tho homo of hor son In Trentou, N. J., took placo this afteruoou, interment helug niado at Tamaqua. The funeral was largely attondod. Tho funeral of tho lato Itobprt Garrett took placo this morning at 0 o'clock from tho resi dence of Thomas Dee, Ml. Carbon. Kcqulcm Mass at St. Patrick's church, Pottsvlllo. In terment in No. 2 cemetery. Tho funeral of Thomas W. Grant, who died in this town on tho 1st i list , will take placo Monday afternoon at ono o'clock, at tho residence of Dr. David Taggart, at Frackville, and interment will ho mado at Pottsville. Tho funeral of Sain.son Gradwoll. who died at tho Miners' hospital from a fracturo of the spine, will tako place at two o'clock to morrow afternoon. Services will bo hold in the Trinity Kefotmed church and interment will he mado iu tho Odd Fellows' ccmotery. Tho members of Henry Horncastlo Camp No. 19, Sonsof Veterans, will attend tho funeral. Katie, the 21 year old daughter of John Dunlavey, of Lost Croek No. 2, died yester day afternoon. The fuuoral will tako place at 2 p. in. on Sunday and the remains will be brought to town for interment iu the Annun ciation cemetery. Try Cream Silver Polish, market. At Iirumm's. Best on tho Tirntlullt In it lilch ITlxn. Philadelphia. Dec. 3. The British steamship Marslonmoor, Captain An gus, which HallPd from Baltimore on Nov. 23 for Rotterdam, arrived at the Delaware breakwater yesterday, hav ing In tow one of tho richest prizes picked up at sea for some time. She towed In tho British bark La Escoccsa, whlrh was bound from Iqulque to New York, laden with nbout 2,000 tons of ni trate of soda, valued at about $65,000. The prize was picked up twenty-four hours previously to tho eastward ot Cape Henlopcn. The hark was In charge of tho chief officer, Captain Evans, her commander having died of brain fever Sept. 22. She was In helpless condition, having experienced a heavy north northeast gale Nov. 29. Captain Evans commanded the La Es- cocesa for 30 years. .Tuntre Gordon Dollies ii Humor. Philadelphia, Dec. 3. In a letter to Justice Williams, of the supreme court of Pennsylvania, James Gay Gordon, until recently a Judge of the court of common pleas In this city, the latter denies that he Is a candidate of John Wanamaker's for United Stales sen ator. The letter Is In reply to an al leged statement by Justice Williams that Sir. Gordon will be Mr. Wana makat's candidate. J ulnoillllg SllHpeorofl. Shamoklu, Pa., Dec. 3. Stanny Wysockl, aged 30 years, and unmar ried, was yesterday found dead In his room at a boarding house In Conti nental. Ills friends suspect he was given poison. Coroner Shlndel was no tified to Inquire Into the affair. Church Notices. Regular Sorviccs will bo held in Trinity Reformed chinch to-morrow morning and evening. German sorvices iu the morning. Services iu tho Primitive Methodist church. Subject at 10:30 a, ra., "Paul, Homosick.' Sunday school, 2 p. in. Subject at 0:30 p. m Tho Sinnors Prospect." Everybody kindly invited. James Moore, pastor. Mr. VischouofT, a young man from Mace donia, who is completing his education here as a missionary In his native country, will speak in tho Presbytorian church to-morrow (Sunday) evening, (1:30 p. m. Ills oxperlenco has been an exceptional one and will be in teresting as well as instructive. The morn ing service will bo conducted by the pastor Rev. H. W. Koohler, the sermon will bo a harmonizing of Romans 10:13 : "Whosoever shall call on tho namo of the Lord shall bo saved" ; and Matthow 7:21 j "Not overy one that salth uuto mo Lord, Lord, shall entor Into the Kingdom of Heaven." Servico at 10:30 a. m. Don't Let Anybody Interfere, But Take Pan-Tina for coughs and colds, 25c. At Gruhler Bros., drug store. Suits Against Wm. Penn Goal Co. Tho following plaintiffs filed trespass suits at Pottsville against tho Wm. Pouu Coal C. in depositing coal dirt upon their properties in Glrardville and vicinity: Sarah Donnelly, Elizabeth Shappell, Caroline liaruhard, Wm. Willard, Dr. Jas. Douohoo, Ellen Dailey, Catharine Horsowood, Adam Woishue, Emma Schoilstall, Thos. Luflcrty. All kinds of vegetables aud flower seeds, and plants at Payno's nursorlcs, Girardvillo. Electric cars pass tho door. 5-o-tf Clever 1'iiiuoUt Gives Concerts, Prof. T. J. Flood, a most noted piano playor of this country, has been engaged as plauolst at John Weeks' cafe. Ho has just cancelled his engagement as musical director of tho Androws opera company. Mr. Flood Is very clever and only ncods to be heard to be appreciated. Concerts takes placo each night. Free luuch Is served overy ovenlng at this cafe. U-3U-5t Advertised Letters. Letters addressed to tho following named persons remain uncalled fur at tho local post ofllcoi Miss Alice Hall, Alma Earlo, James A. Duruey. D. W. Bkdka, P. M, ROYAL BAKING POWDER 1 Absolutely Pure) . 'I MuUfroni pure grip cram of tarur , DMTORY SPftJIAHDS Their Peace Commissioners Cannot Make Definite Statements PENDING WORD FROM MADRID. Doth Sides Have Airrood Not to Mon- tlou Hid Cuban or IMilllppluo Dobt In tho Trouty Spaniards Spurrlue Kor Illutu of CotnpromlHuM. Paris, Deo. 3. Yesterduy's session of the peace commission was a repetition virtually of several earlier meetings. When, after two hours' of discussion taking a wide range, the Spaniards were pressed for definite statements they pleadpd that they had not re ceived Instructions from Madrid. There upon the Americans declared. In dip lomatic phraseology, that It was use less to waste time In debate with men who were not empowered to make bargains. Although adjournment was taken to today. It Is probable that there will bo a further postponement till Monday. Tho Spanish version of yesterday's session Is that tl'iey asked to have the treaty concluded first, und then the minors matters discussed. According to reports from American sources, the Spaniards endeavored to draw hints as to how far the Americans were will ing to compromise the demands dis cussed, without disclosing what con cessions Spain was willing to make. As the negotiations proceed the pros pects of consuming muoh time increase. Several very Important propositions, presenting- many phases, Invite discus sion, and must afterward be embodied In the amendments. This task of em bodying may be long drawn out, every word and comma requiring considera tion. On the questions yet unsettled, which do not concern territorial Interests, both commlslons display laudable anx iety to promote the welfare of the In habitants Involved. An American commissioner remark ed to the correspondent: "We realize that these peoples are to become our subjects, and we desire to secure for them all their rights and privileges. We keep In mind the Interests of Span ish citizens In the territories changing hands, as well as of others. Our Span ish friends exhibit a willingness to co operate In this work of guaranteeing the rights of the peoples they are los ing, a willingness that must command our respect, for we realize that they might make the task much more dif ficult If they were disposed to display a resentful spirit." Among the problems of the foregoing nature to which the commissioners are devoting much attention is that of the court. Both commissions desires as far as possible to arrange that con tracts entered upon and lay suits brought under the Spanish regime may be transferred to the Jurisdiction of the American courts, so that the liti gants may lose no right through the change of government. The question of continuing contracts for public works now under way Is nlso being considered, and it Is possible that the treaty will guarantee the ful fillment of existing mall contracts. The peace commissions have agreed not to mention the Cuban or Philippine debt In the treaty, because It might lead to misapprehension. The Ameri can commtslnnrrs have Indicated to the i-'.puntaiils that theti- d. l.ts cannot possibly. In law, right nr i-iiulty, be Baddled upon fuh.i m- the Philippines, since the money employed was not for the benefit of th colonies, hut to com pel them by forco of aims to suffer the oppressive Spanish rule from whlc they were seeking to free themselves. Spain Gets Trmli Cnncnlonv. London, Dec. 3. The Madrid corre spondent of The Dally News says: "It Is officially announced that tha Spanish peace commissioners have secured a cnnces'-iiin granting Spain commercial advantages In the Philippines for ten years. An eft art will be made to se cure a similar coiuesslon In the An tilles." Invitation to Holiday Shoppers. Tho holiday display of Christmas novelties at our storo is now roady aud open to the public for Inspection. It represents more thau wo aro ablo to state hero. It Is select, large und contains many raouoy-savlug oppor tunities. It does not cost tho purchaser money, but saves money instead, to pay us a visit. F. J. Pohtz, tf 21 N. Main Btreet. v MimtoroUH VohintiKir. Waynesboro, Pa., Doc. 3. William Foster shot and probably fatally wounded Miss Myrtle Gorman last evening. They hud u quarrel, and Fos ter becoming enraged drew a revolver and fired two shuts, tho Bccond taking effect in the girl's adbomen. He es caped, and the police are looking for him. Foster Is u private of Company C, Eighth Pennsylvania regiment, and Is home on a furlough. Doth he and his victim reside at Greencastle, and were here visiting friends. Oh ! What beauties 1 Those dolls at Mor gan's Hazar, 23 North Main stroet. Tho cnuuron ueugut to view tho sights In our show windows. Lot thein come. We aro accustomed to crowds Inside and out, and all aro welcome whether thoy come to buy or soo. 12-1-tf Tho "V" I'rorram. The following program will be presented at the meeting ot tho Y" this evening : Sing, ing; scripture rcadlug, Lizzie Brooks; duet, Lillio and Emma Llewellyn ; reading, K. T. Danks ; declamation, Clara Morrison ; solo, Mattio Thomas ; recitation, Muttio Price ; reading, (Jlara Yost; question box : critic, A. J. Mllllchup; temperance doxology, Holiday Jewelry Shoppers. Soo our holiday stock. Wo have an elegant selection, All goods sold on their merits No misrepresentations, Orkin's, 120 South Main street. tf Notice to Taxpayers. Notleo is hereby givon that all taxes duo ou the tax duplicates of Tax Collector Scanlan are to bo paid to M. Mollet, at No, 2-1 East Centre street, und without further de lay. M, J. Scanlan, U-30-lw Tax Collector. rviAX LEVirs. CHRISTMAS GIFTS. HUPFLURS, NECKWEAR, OLOVES, MACKINTOSHES, SWEATERS, CANES and UriURELLAS, PULL DRESS CASES, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY HALF HOSE.- LATEST LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. We have them all. Call and see them. They are awaiting your In spection. MAX LEVIT, UP-TO-DATE HATTER. Formerly at 15 East Centre Street. Cape and Coat Opportunities. Ladies intending to purchase winter garments should be interested in our announcement, since it will place within their reach some or the choicest creations for the season, just as we said at satisfactory prices. Our opportunities are wonderful und yet they are greater than they look. Ladles', Misses' and Children's PLUSH CAPES AND COATS, FUR COLLARETTES, PLUSH CAPES, CLOTH CAPES, ASTRAKHAN CAPES. Our styles arc a temptation to any caller. They are fetching and there is no better proof of price economy than the values we ofler for the money. All of this season's selec tion comprise style, careful finish, dressiness and good service. F.GILL No. 7 North Main Street. Remnents; of Brussels Car pets, Oil Cloths and Linoleums cheap at FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. i0 South Jardin Street. Call and see our new line of Carpets and Oil Cloths. O'Neill's ! The best in quality the best in style the best in value gives the best satisfaction. Latest pro ductions in dining room, library and hall furni ture. Also white enam eled iron bedsteads with brass trimmings, restful easy chairs and settees. M. O'NEILL, 10C 5. Main St. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker THE MAN WITH THE HAMHER ! The man who wields the hammer with the mobt flourish and makes the most noise isn't always the one who drives the most nails. His nails may be bent, his hammer poor, and when the day's work is done he'll be behind. We drive bargains, not nails, but our stock is up in quality. The blows of our hammer are accurate and regular. We are mak ing a winning record every day in our GROCERY line. T.J. BROUGHALL, 28 South Mala Strut.