The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 01, 1898, Image 3

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m'ftflfrr-t 1 iWijifihi
mm J
is duo not only to tho originality nnd
simplicity of tlio combination, but also
to tho care and slrill with which it is
manufactured by sciontiQo processes
lenown to the California Fio Svnui
Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon
nil tho Importance of purchasing tho
true and original remedy. As tho
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by tho Califohnia Fio Sriutp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in avoiding tho worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
ties. Tho high standing of the Cali
fornia Via Svieur- Co. with tin medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, maltes
the name of Win Company a guaranty
of tho excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives,
as it acts on tho Icidncys, liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
tho Company
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal-Nb Smoke
TrulnH leave Shenandoah aa follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, neck days,
2 10, a ua, 7 ou, vb. nu, K s uv arm u vj p. m,
Fof.New York via Maucn Chun, woo days,
7 80 a. ru., 12 2D and 8 C'J p. in.
For Iteadluc and Philadelphia, week days,
2 10, 5 3S, 7 30, 9 55 a.m., 12 20, 8 09 and S W p. ni.
For Pottsvllle, woek dayu, 7 80, 9 55 u. m.,
12 20, 3 09, 6 09 and T SO p. m.
For Tamaqua and Slauaooy City, week ilays
7 80, 8 63 a. m 12 20. 8 09 and 0 09 p. in.
For Wllllnmsporl, ttunbury and Lewls)urg,
week daysll2 a.m.. 12 20, 7 80 ii in
For Mouanoj Plane, weekdays, 2 10, 3 27, 5 33,
7 30, 9 55, 11 52 a. m., 12 20, 8 09, 6 09, 7 3', 9 60
p. ni.
For Ashland and Slmiookln, week days, 7 30,
1132 a. m., 12 26, 8 09,6 07, 725 and 9 55 p. in.
For Baltimore, Washington and the West via
II. iO. 11. II., through trains Ioj-i Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. ii It. II R.) at 8 20,
7 55, II 20 a. in., 8 10 and 7.27 p. i-. Sundays,
8 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 46 and 7 27 p. in. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest
nut streets station, week days, 1030 a. n). 12 20.
13 It 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185,8 23 p.m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 SO a. m., and 1 45, t 30
9 00 p.m.
I,eave New York via Alauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 8 40, b 86. 10 21 a. in. nnd 136, 4 06, 6 30.
11 36 p. m
Leave llxadlng, week days, 137, 7 00, 10 08,
a, in., 12 15, 4 17, 6 00, 8 20 p. m.
Leave Pottrfvllle, weeKdays, 7 17, 7 40 It. u:
12 30, 1 20. 4 30, 6 10 and 6 50 p.- in.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 3 18, 8 80, 11 23
a. in., 149,5 66, 7 20,941 p.m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 3 15, 9 05.
11 51 a. m 2 22, 5 25, 6 21, 7 44, 10 08 p. m
Leave Mahanoy Plane, week dar. 2 10, (01,
880, 922 1023,1203, a. in., 239, 580, 642 7 8,
10 21 p 1U.
Leavn Wllllamsport, week das, 7 43, 1000 a
in.. 12 Ul and 4 00, 11 30 p. u.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street whaif for Atlantic Cltv.
Weekdays Kxpress, 9 00, a. m 200, 4 00,
5 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 a ru., 6 30 p m
Sundays Kxpress, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion. 8 00 a li.. 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express. 7 S3, 900, a m 3 80, 5 80
p m. Accommoiiaiion. 10 a. re. iuo p. m.
Sundays Express. 4 00, 7 SO p m. AccoinmuUa
ilnn 7 Iff a. m . 4 15 tl. m.
For Cape May, Sea Isle City nnd Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 a m, additional for Capo May,
4 15 ii m for Sea Isle Cltv, 5 00 p m for
Ocean City, 415, 6 00 p m. Sunduys, Chestnut
street V lo a m., oum street, vw . u.
lrlnr ftarft nn all AxrjreHS trains.
For further Information, Bpply to' nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
tlen'l Sunt., Oen'l PasVr Agt.,
Heading Terminal, rnnaaeipnia.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation
Put up in bottles for family
use and
delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority o
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. J :limidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
l'owuora Deter ftii!
1 ulTc mm firtir t&iliriii
with VtMy Fit! i'tnaxroyal Till aud othtr Ilk?
lumwiu I. Alwtji buy thebMLndftfold d Imp
rolAtmrol. (Juirtntfed li'ixrlor to u) Uttn 9PoiU!Af
Tho Mission of Gonoral Garoia and
His Oolloaguosi
TJioy Will Auk tint Alii of Till Nntlon
In Suuiii'lnir tho Xouttcil Funds, unit
Will l'leiluo tlio Ciiliuil Itovmiuos
Pov ItH 1'll.VlllOllt.
Washington, Dec. 1. The members of
the commission delerrated to visit tho
United States to dlscusa with ofllclala
of tills government the many problems
which confront both Cubans and
Americans on the Island arrived In
Washington last evening from New
York. The commission Is headed by
General Callxto Garcia, the veteran
soldier and leader. The party went di
rectly to the Ualelgh hotel, where
apartments had been reserved for them.
It Is the present expectation of Gen
eral Garcia and the other commission
ers to remain In Washington about ten
days. Today General Garcia will call
upon Secretary of War Alger, but be
yond that call no arrangements have
been perfected for the movements of
the commission.
One of the principal questions will be
that relating to the disposition of the
Cuban army. In the course of an In
terview General Garcia said It would
be a hardship for the Cuban army to
disband at this time without receiving
pay for Its services In the field. When
the revolution began the Cubans left
their homes to fight for the freedom
and Independence of the Island.
Through the assistance of the United
States the yoke of Spain has been
thrown off forever, and the soldiers
are now anxious to return once more
to peaceful pursuits. In a majority of
cases, however, their homes have been
destroyed and their lands laid waste.
They hope some method may be pro
vided whereby they may be given suf
ficient means to gain a new start in
General Garcia has no suggestion to
make as to the method of providing
this means, hut expresses the hope of
securing, through the assistance of
this country, a sufficient amount partly
to reimburse the Cubans for their ser
vices In the field. This sum may be
advanced on the security of the Cuban
revenues or obtained In any other way
that might be satisfactory to this coun
try. General Garcia says that the Cu
ban government stands pledged to pay
Its soldiers, and will In good faith live
up to any agreement that may be
made for the adjustment of temporary
Concerning the proposition which
has been made to annex the Island to
the United States General Garcia said:
"I do not think that Is a question
which can be discussed or settled at
present, because the congress of the
United States has declared by a most
solemn enactment that the people of
Cuba ought to be free and Independent.
I have such faith In the honor and In
tegrity of the United States that I am
satisfied that declaration of congress
will be carried out."
An Enterprising DrnggU
There are few men more wide awake and
enterprising than A. Wasley, who spares no
lains to secure the best ot everytumc in tneir
tne for their many customers. ' licy now
have the valuable agency of Dr. Kind's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs ami
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is
producing such a furor all over the country by
lty many startling cures. It absolutely cures
Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness and all affec
tions of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call
at above drug store and get a triat bottle free
or a regular size for So cents and $i.oo.
Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.
a: in I Crawford's I'reilU-tion.
London, Dec. 1. The Paris corre
spondent of The Dally News, Mrs.
Emily Crawford, predicts that the court
of cassation will declare the Dreyfus
trial Irregular and Dreyfus Innocent.
In her opinion the court will not In
terfere In the Picquart affair.
Builds up the system; puts pure, rich
blood in the veins; makes men and women
strong and healthy. Burdock Blood Bitters.
At any drug storo.
'Virdon Worms Inflicted.
Carllnvllle, Ills., Dec. 1. The Virden
riot investigation by the grand Jury ot
Mnrnupln county was practically con
cluded yesterday, and the state's legal
representatives are busy drawing up
the bills of Indictment. That true bills
have been returned against all who par
ticipated In the battle of Oct. 21, as fat-
as thr investigating body can ascertain,
Is virtually assured. The nature of the
Indictments cannot be learned.
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxa
tive. Regulates the bowels, purifies the
blood. Clears the complexion. Easy .to
make and pleasant to take, 25 cts. Sold by
P. D. Kirlln and a guarantee.
Airtilinililo'H Kxorblluut Dimmuil,
Madrid, Dec. 1. The government has
received an Important dispatch from
the Philippine Islands in which It Is
stated that Agulnaldo, the Insurgent
leader, demands $1,500,000 for the re
lease of the Imprisoned friars.
Shiloh'a Consumption Cure euros whore
others fail. Ills the leading Cough Curo,
and no home should be without It. I'leusant
to tjilio aud goes right to the spot. Sold by
P. D. Klrlin snd a guarantee.
Another Wrurk u Cnpo Coil.
Provlneetown, Mass., Doc. 1. Th3
schooner King I'hlllp, of Fall River,
has been totally wrecked on the cape.
The crew, probably numbering ten men,
have been lost. The schooner was of
1,221 tons register.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious, It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. tl
1 liu Weill Hit'.'
For eastern Pennsylvania and Now
Jersey: Fair: cooler, fresh northerly
winds. becomliiK variable. For Dela
ware and Maryland! Partly cloudy,
with possibly rain or snow late today;
fresh westerly winds, ueconunE vuri
A Card,
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund tho mouey on a 60-cent bottlo of
Clreeno's Warranted Syrup of Tar If It fulls
to curo your cough or cold. We also guaran
tee a 25-cent bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Wasloy1, 0. II. Ilageu
buch, Shenandoah Drug Btoro, and P. V.
Uierstelu &Co. 11-14-33 t-dw
Bay Koystone flour. Be sure that the name
Lessiq iSc'Baeb, Ashland, Pa., U printed on
every sack,
ArcecfablcPrcpara(ionfor As
similating thcToodatulItcgula
ling thcStomflchs andBowels of
ness andltestContains nclllicr
Opiumlorphine nor Mineral.
Wot TTAitc otic.
Xtcve orOhlllrSVfVELPJrUlS.'i
2ilrpXin Sri J-"
HnAtlUS.Xu -stm'stjerd.
till CmtmatlSoJa. '
IlifmSccd -tfotvwd
HhAryryat storm
Ancrfert Itemctlv for Conslipa
Worms .Convulsions.Fcvcnsli
ncss andLoss OF SLEEP,
Tflc'Sirrulc Signature of
BomQViCDtsreeJBareliflble.iBonthlT.rrirnlatInt: medicine. Onlr haralMSO&tf
bue purest uxugsBQQma d ueeu, it you warn m neat, gel
Ther are prompt, safe and oerUia In tmuIU The genuine (Dr. l-al's1 never dlaiiK
riAlnt Hont an voh.m CI AA Irlitrin Pitit MfimnP. 'l-' I I n
For Sale at KIRUN'S Drus:
Lovely Women in the Lagar
nl the Quinto Ccllciros, Portugal.
Girls treadinsr Grapes, to music, wearincr short jackets and short linen nants.
but a irreat variety of headgear. A violinist, seated on tho edge of the vat, fiddlea
whilo one or two of the damsels join in
feet, treacling tlio grapes.
Rubber Rollers are Used for
Speer's Port, Burgundy,
Which, asis well known, rival the
aged persons, and are made from the Oporto grapegrown on vines im
ported from Portugal forty years ago. The soil of northern New Jersey,,
containing iron, is just suitea tor tnem. jur. bpcer, However, uses ti;e
improved way of mashing the grapes. lie employs large rollers of
rubber run by an engine wlncli crusu grapes at tne rate ot a barrel
a minute. Speer's wines, especially the Port and Burgundy now in
market, are of very old vintage, and have no superior. Physicians;
far and near prescribe them for weakly females and aged persons..
They are blood-making, adding iron to the system, and tend to pro
long life. Extensively used at parties, weddings and general family
This is tho tr.icic
mark of the great
trunk lino of tlio
South tho South
ern Kailway. It is the short lino to Florida
and ouers the best service aud miickest time
to all the principal wintor resorts as well as
to all tho commercial centres of the South.
Maps, rates and all Information will he
cheerfully furnished by John M. Ileal,
District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
It'a Queer now Quick
Pan-Tina cures coughs aud colds, 25c.
Gruhler tiros., drug Btoro.
Comlnjr Kvents,
Dec. 7. Grand entertainment under tho
auspices of tho Lost Creek Cadets, ut Teni
pcranco hall, Lost Creek'.
Dec. I). Qruud Masquerade Ball to bo held
In Foloy's hall, Ollberton, for tho benefit of
the Ollberton Mandolin Club.
Dee. 14. Lecturo by ltov. G. W. Giuss,
lu United Evaucelical church.
Dec. Kith, Kutertalnmout and tableau
exhibition to bo given in the P. M. church
for tho benefit of tho Sunday school,
Doc, 21. Grand ball lu Dougherty's now
hall, corner Jardlu and Centre Mivets, under
auspices of Hhcnaudoih Glco Club.
Jam 2. First annual ball of the Shenan-
doah Browns Iuko ball club, lu Dougherty's
hall, corner Jaidln aud Centre streets.
Curo that Couch with Sbiloh's Curo. Tho
best Cou 2I1 Cu 10. ltellovos Croup promptly
One million bottles sold last year. 40 dosos
for 23 cts. Sold by P. D. KlrUn and a guar
an tee,
For Infants and Children. I
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Always Bought.
Store, Shenandoah. Pa.
Bears the
Signature I y
fTfV- Kin
XT You
with their voices, keeping time with their
Crushing the Grapos to Make
Claret and Other Wines,
world in excellence, for invalids and
Give the Children a Drink
called Graiu-O. It is a delicious, anpotlzlng-.,
uotirlshiug food drink to tako tho place uT
coffee. Sold by all grocors and liked by all
who have usod it because whon proporlr1
prepared it tastes like tho finest coflct but to
free from all its injurious properties. Graln
Oalds digestion and strengthens the nerves.
It is not a stimulant but a health buildosr,
and children, as woll as adults, can drink It
with great benoflt. Costs about t as much 3
cofioo, in and Sfio.
Are You Going to Florida 1
If you aro, ask for tickets via the Southern
Kailway. It is tho shortest, quickest anil
best route. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John M, Bcall, District
Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
"Que tho cough and save tho life." Dr.
Wood's Norway Pino Syrup cures coughs and
colds, down to the very vergo of consump
Will You Winter In Florida t
This will bo the greatest season Florida
has had fur years. You ought to go and go
via the Southern Hallway. Its tho best
route. If you will write John M. Bcall,
District rasseuger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, I 'a., ho will arrange all tho
details of your trip for you,
Okntb: I was dreadfully nervous, aud for
relief took your Karl's Clover Itoot Tea, It
quieted my nerves and strotigthcncd my
wholo Nervous System, I was troubled with
Constipation, Kidnoy and Bowel trouble
Your Tea soon cleansed my system bo
thoroughly that I rapidly regained health
and strength. Mrs. 8. A. Sweet. Hartford,
Cotiu, Sold by S, I, Kirliu and a guarantee.
Not a Soul Eescuod From tho 111
Fated Passenger Steamer.
ALL swallowed UP by the sea.
i It Is Now Dolliilloly Dotormlnotl That
tho CiitiiMtropho Occurred on Sutiilny
Forenoon Nlxtouu llodlos of Victims
Iluvo llouu WuhIioiI AhIkh-o.
Provlneetown, Mass., Dee, 1. The
Rteanishlp Portland, plying between
Boston nnd Porjiand, wis swallowed
by tho sea In last Sunday's storm off
High Head. Of nil the ship's company
of over 100 souls not one survives, and
the story nf the disaster will never be
told. Sixteen bodies have came ashore,
nnd It Is not likely that many more
will be recovered.
The exact number of persons who
were carried away from Boston by the
Portland will probably never be known,
as no list of passengers was retained
on shore when the vessel left last Sat
urday. Many estimates of the number
on board have been made, but the esti
mates have seldom agreed. C. P. Will
iams, Boston agent of the Portland
Steamship company, places the total
number of persons on the steamer at
100. or possibly 103. This estimate,
however, Is generally regarded as
rather smnll. It is probable that 120.
Including the passengers and crew. Is
neaicr the correct number.
Nearly every sea captain and mariner
on the cape, on being asked for an
opinion, states that every one on board
was undoubtedly lost. One feature of
the disaster Is the absence of any
fragments of a lifeboat or life raft
among the vailed mass of wreckage of
'he Portland which has been washed
ashore during the last three days along
the beach from High Head station to
One theory Is that tho boats and life
rafts were carried far out to sea and
were not blown anywhere near this
coast. Old mariners say they cannot
understand why the steamer, which
about 9 o'clock Saturday night, Just
before the gale broke In Its full force,
was sighted between Thatcher's Isl
and nnd Eastern Point, Cape Ann, by
the schooner Maud S, did not put Into
Gloucester' harbor when It was ap
parent from the fall of the barometer
that a violent northeaster was ap
proaching. Why the Portland ever left
Boston at all Saturday night Is what
puzzles marine men on Cape Cod.
It was oft Thatcher's Island that the
Portland was last reported before she
went to her doom. There are many
theories offered In explanation of how
the vessel reached a point near the tip
end of Cape Cod. Although the exact
location of where she went to pieces
will probably never be known, It Is
generally believed here that the wreck
occurred at a point ten or possibly 15
miles north of Peaked Hill bars, which
would be from 45 to 50 miles from
where she was sighted by tho Maud S
The tremendous seas which she must
have encountered off Cape Ann un
doubtedly damaged her. and when Cap
tain Blanchard saw that he could pro
ceed no further eastward It wai
thought by some that he resolved to
make for the open sea to avoid the
dangers along- the coast.
The time that the Portland was lost
Is placed at from 9 to 10 o'clock Sun
day forenoon. The watches found on
the bodies washed ashore had nearly
nil stopped between those hours. The
"wreck could not have occurred between
those hours Saturday night. In the
Judgment of all competent authorities,
as in that case the wreckage would
have been washed ashore at points In
Massachusetts bay. Furthermore, the
force of the storm nt 10 o'clock Sat
urday night was not sufflolently heavy
to cause the vessel to founder.
Another Incident that tends to place
the time of the wreck on Sunday morn
ing was reported by the crew of the
Race Point life saving station. Haw
Point forms the tip of Cape Cod. The
life saving crew there during the height
of the storm heard four sharp whistles
from a steamer, which was recognized
as a danger signal. The signal was
heard at about 7:45 o'clock, and the
crew hastily manned the boats to give
assistance If possible. A terrible tem
pest was raging, nnd It was so thick
that It was Impossible to see any dis
tance off shore. The crew could lo
cate no steamer, and the blasts of the
whistle were heaid only once. The men
are of the opinion that the whistle
came from the Portland some time be
fore she foundered, for It Is generally
believed she went to the bottom and
was not wrecked by going nn shore.
The opinion Is also general here that
the boat was gradually battel etl to
pieces by the mountainous seas, the
upper fittings being carried away until
the water began to pour into her. The
fact that her wheel was found with
ropes attached on the Orleans shore
Is taken to indicate that the pilots
were powerless to control the vessel's
course In the bay, and that they were
obliged to lash the wheel.
4 "When the hull went under the upper
deck and fittings were loosened by
the action of the seas. This part of
the ship, not including the furnishings,
were practically the only ones of ths
vess?l that were strewn along the outer
coast of Cape Cod. The absence of any
very large sections on the coast Is ac
counted for by the theory that the hull
Itself went to the bottom. The largest
piece of wreckage reported was a piece
about 30 feet long. Before the 111 fated
steamer too her final plunge the pas
sengers and crew, It would seem,
adopted nil means at their command to
save their lives, ns Is shown by the
large number of life preservers and
belts found among the first portions
of the wreckage.
The first body from tho wreck came
ashore at High Head, which Is a few
miles further down the outer coast of
the cape from the Peaked Hill station.
It was found on Monday morning. The
next bodies found wero picked up at
points further south on the same day,
and the life preservers, two or three
cases ot baggage, laru, tobacco, paper
and other Btuft from the cargo begun
to pile up on the shore south of High
Head. Little wreckage was found
north of that point. The swift under
tow off shore carried an immense
amount of debris nnd many bodies
south as far as Mononomoy Beach and
Nantucket Sound. The northern limit
lmllcnted that the wreck was near High
How to Look Good.
Good looks are really more than skin deep,
depending entirely on n healthy condition of
all the vital organs. -If the liver be inactive,
you have a bilious look j if your stomach be
disordered, you have a dyspqitia look : if
your kidneys be aflected, you have a pinched
look. Secure good health, and you will surely
have good looks, "lilectric Hitters" Is a good
Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the
stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, Dlotches and boils, and gives a
good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed.
Sold at A, Wasley's drug store. 50 cents'per
SiuiiiIhIi I'riiliili-r Aritnltn Tlioin t" He
Siinln'K Ori'iiti'xt Mcnnm.
London. Dec. 1. The Biarritz corn
spondent of The Dally Mall say
"Senor PagastH. who has hitherto bp""
skeptical on the point, now admits that
Cnrllsm Is the greatest existing danger
to Spain. The nuthnrllles are seri
ously alarum! at the Indications of an
Imminent rising. The Carllst plans
have been elitbnrutely devlxed, even to
the extent nf appointing a governor of
The Mndrld correspondent of The
Dally Mali cays: "Lieutenant Oenernl
Correo, minister of war. declares that
the governoment hns 140,000 troops In
readiness to take the field In the event
of n Carlltt rising, anil will soon havt
200,000 available. Ho says, however, he
does not believe that the Carllsts In
tend to move yet. Four hundred guns,
which were lielng smuggled, have been
seized In a llasiiue village.
"Don Cnrlns, In his forthcoming man
ifesto, will make a strong appeal to tlio
army. The Carllsts disagree among
themselves as to the advisability nf an
Immediate movement. The military
element Is Impatient, but the elvlliuiis
urge the useles"ness nf an attempt tn
rise until the Cutllsts ate assured of
tho 'help of the army."
Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
Tho best salvo lu tho world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, wilt rhenm, fover sore
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, anr
all skin eruptions, and positWcly cures piles,
or .10 pay required. It ts guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or niouy refunded. Prie
?! cents per bur. For sale by A. Wsiler.
xill'ft'V AWimI II Mil-Led Mull.
Parkei-Hliiim W. Vn Dee. 1. Late
last night a circular was received on
the streets, leading: "Armed and
masked men wanted nt 11 tonight nt
smith end nf bridge." Before 11 o'clock
400 men had collected there, mostly
mnsked. At midnight they marched
across to the Jail, where nver a thnu-
sand cnllcted. Sheriff Wade had a
large guard armed with Winchesters.
He told the crowd to disperse, that he
would do his sworn duty. It Is sup
pnsed they want to lynch Iwn negroes.
Wade flrant and Oeorge Malnt. both
accused of nssault'ng women. A few
shots were fired, but no one was hurt
Moralists may
prate, and doc
tcrs prose, and
science shout
; . trotn tne nouse-
A . iop, uui jusi
v- .-.i',v yyJ so io"k as ulc
"'$1 birds sing and
bloom, and a
maiden's lips
are cherry-red,
and a young
man's eyes
I look love, iust
so long the lads
and lasMcs will
kiss and kiss
And where, good men, js the harm if the
kissers and kissees be healthy, and true
love stands sponsor. It is only when ill
health has blasted the sweet cleanliness of
youth that death lurks upon Us lips. The
deadly germs of dread consumption are as
harmless as June-time butterflies to the
young man or woman who is thoroughly
clean, sweet and healthy in eveiy fiber anil
tissue. The germs of disease only attack
that which is already partly decayed
There is a great medicine that is a sure
and certain protection against all germs
and a speedy cure for all germ diseases
It is Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. It gives youthful zest to the appetite.
It corrects all faults of the digestion. It
aids assimilation. It fills the blood with
the vital, life-giving elements of the food
It builds sweet, clean, healthy tissues in
every part of the body. It drives out all
disease germs. It cures 08 per cent, of all
cases of bronchial, throat and lung affec
tions if taken in time. All good medicine
dealers sell it, and have nothing "just as
good "
Mr. Jos Henderson Oirblun, of Ml Josephine
Street, New Orleans, La . writes : ' I was aihiiK
for some two years, suffering from dv-pepia, a
tired feeling, and loss of energy nnu appetite.
I tried one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Mtdical
Discovery and found great relief. I look two
jnorc bottles, three in all, and one or two vials
of the ' Pellets. when I was in good health
upaiti. I recommend Dr. Tierce's Golden Medi
bal Discovery to do all that it is claimed to do "
V A man or woman who neglects
constipation suffers from slow
poisoning Dr Pierce s Pleasant
Pellets cure constipation. One
little "Pellet" is a gentle 1 ,x.i
tive and two a mild e.itli tir
AM m di'-ine dealers sel' ih m
No uiher pills are "just as gi,nd, "
1'rlrata rn trance Green St., PhllftdtlphU.
to the rlca arm poor alike who Etve been
decelred, robbed and awlndltd by aelf
fttvled famous, wlsa and old ineci&IlRU.
"T-LOST VIQdR.Nr.rvQ us Debility,
Abuses tod Kxccisei, BLOOD POISON, varico
cele and Stricture. No cutting. Lost Manhood and
Bhrunlcen Organi restored. Book, " Truth," free,
eipoBlnp quacki and Electric Belt frauds. Frei
case cured in 4 to 10 fSay$, Treatment bjr mall.
T i ok
.!! Wi:rt
... 8j i'l.ilu
You can blame
yourself if you
do n't get real
good colfee to
for Sccllg'a.
driuk. Ordinary
coffee la made de
licious by adding
seiil-IO'i. u..,t,.
A little of this to
'cheap coffee
makes a delicious'
k drink and tave expense. I
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.
Jlv babv sister had a rash, causing hor In.
tctioo ru. r lift. Wo had doctors, and tried
curvtlui wi'hout a cure. It would scab
oirr'.rrai ' oj 11, a watery matter would oozo
O'l' 1 lie frab fall off. Wo procured a bos
of CiTin ha (ointment), a oako of CuiiotrnA
Foa anil ctTtPUHAllKsoi.vnsT,andshe was
tntirrhj cured without a tear being left.
Miss I.1IXIK CHASE, liristol, Vt.
Krrn.T Cn r Trk.thkmt Wrm bathi with CON-
c, , , . 1 t iiMMintlriR. with CUTlrrm. the Rrt
t'O. .nil mil(lcln.CHOM'CTIC0BAlUSOLIKT.
s-i th trl.'-MttKewnrlrt, I'MTtrn DRrfl aud CmK.
Coi I- a- .Hunt' n. llowtoturtETerjUumortUW.
Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
Burns & Scalds.
Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
Salt Rheum & Tetters.
Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
Sore Lips & Nostrils.
Corns & Bunions,
Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 23c, 5c and $1.00.
SnM by druggists, or sent pos t-iail on receipt of price-
llllf Ullt.lS'llKD. (O., Ill 111 nilllnSI.,NtYork.
Punlyof Malenalam
Oeliciotisness "tar Itacellei V
AND sr
Lieut. Hobson
The Hero of tho " Merrlmac,
Will tell his wonderful story In threa
numbers of
TMs will bo a full account of the smiting1 of
the " Merrimac' at Santiago, and the expert
ences of the writer and his men in Spanish
pmonb. It will be read by every American in
the land. This is only one of many richly
illustrated personal narratives tn The Cen
tury's new Spanish War Series. These men
will ivntf for no ether magazine la lac .No
vember Century begins
Of the Destruction of tho
captain, the explosion and wreck. The whole v
told by Admirals Sampson and Schley. Capuin
I)ob" Evans, Captain Taylor, and othen. J
If you da not talc The Centitrt to 1899,
you will miss the greatest reading of the year.
The November number begins the volume and
has the opening chapters of a splendidly illus.
trated life of Alexander the Great, and of AlarioQ
Crawford's great historical novel of the Cru.
tides. Lieut. Hobson's articles begin ill tlx
ucccmDcr numpci. 4.00 a year.
Union Square, New York
t Is tic Fuhioruble. Original. PtrfecV
l'lttlng. Prld IO mid 15 contd.
None hlgttt. None better at any pile.
5omt relUbl jurclanlYjdLs, thcrn In
oeitl) every ilty it towiv, Asi iot
htm, jt they cm be had by mall fray
s It flthtt New' York Chicago,
Stamp taken. Latest ?asiloa Sheet
nt ipc.u 'ecelpf vi usiri tent fa tsj
15 brightest ladles' Jiacs-r'ne f-ubUsheet f
waiuarjie or iua norar. rasnioni. u m
Hints, Fane? WorJc. Current Toplcv
Fiction, all fol only 5" cnt a ?earf ln-
.L.JIm 4Vft. .fl-.n ... t ....... f.. .
Won any time- Send twit 2-cent unp t
ior ami "Jft3lMBM
A. TKtvn. Titrs nn um WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AIwiti nrainM and rtllibla. Atoll Inutattom.
Al drue itorti. or tent direct (MtUd). pric. IL .
CiTov Brio. Co. Uoslea.Mu. Our VocW, 44. "
For mU KlrHn'i drug itorftnd Bhnft&doft
diufc Mora
kl J'ovlnaky'i drug Blot,
Oentie strict.
mm mm sw. ----
.11 Kl
onus itJ