The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 29, 1898, Image 2

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Published overy Evening, Kxcojit Humtny, M
A Bouth Jabdiic Stiikrt. Nkati Crtkk.
The IJithIiI In dcilr-icd 'iiHhetmndonh nnd tlio
Biirfo'iM"tiu t. 'r i i uh ft wrek, fy
o tin airi r-, 1 nmi' W,00 n Vi-ur, or 2
onW n mouth, t.i) able In nilnrtcc. Vilvcriljp
mont churned iiceordlturlonpiurftntt position.
Ttift publisher reerve the rllit to clmiiRe the
position of ndvcrtenient clicnciver th pul
'liUoi o( new dumntid It. Tho right U
ttnttViA to weMnny advertisement, whether
paid (or or not, tho publisher may deem
'proper. AdvcrtUinjs rate rmvlo known
upon application.
Knlercd nt tho postoBtce nt Shenandoah. TV,
second clas mall matter.
All the News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
JUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Admiral Dkwky paid $3 u word to
cable liis congratulations to Col.
KooKevclt. Tlu Democrats will lmve
to ,'ive it up that the Admiral is a
Recognizing Its Possibilities.
The recent cessions of the general
convention of tho Protestant Episco
pal church, held in 'Washington, were
notable not so much for action as
broad-mindedness. A notable com
parison is found in the fact that
while the Church of England is go
ing through a painful experience of
internal dissensions, the Episcopal
church of this country presents a
more united front than for many
years past; and, so far as the action
of the recent annual convention
affords ground for judgment, is mov
ing along more progressive and gen
erous lines. The debates were often
sharp, the speeches incisive, but the
luws of Christian courtesy were never
violated. In fact, the session was
notable for dignity, kindliness and
elevation of tone.
The drift of the Episcopal senti
ment was indicated by tho action of
tho convention on four points. On
the question of the proposed change
of the canon on marriage and divorce,
the New Testament ground of the
present canon was, for the time be
ing at least, maintained ; and the
position held by the Roman Catholic
church, that marriage is a sacrament,
and cannot, therefore, be dissolved
on any ground, did not win the sup
port of the convention. The matter
has not been finally decided, but has
been referred to a large and repre
sentative committee, which will re
port at the next convention, to be
held in San Francisco three years
All tne propositions, in various
forms, to change the name of tho
church were defeated by decisive
majorities ; and while it is not im
possible that the time may come
when tlie present rather awkward
designation of the church may bo
modified, the extreme High church
programme does not appear to be
making any progress. The determin
ation to establish missions in Roman
Catholic countries was another stop
which wns freely discussed.
Heretofore the ground lias been
taken that, as the Roman church is a
true church, no matter what its errors
of doctrine may be, any attempt to
establish missions within countries
under its control would lie an net of
schism. On this ground the establish
ment of Episcopal inissioiib in Hrazil
and Mexico has been vigorously op
posed. Episcopal SHiitiiuent has now
goie s( far, however, that at Wash
ington a Ilishopof Hrazil was elected,
and measures have been taken to lay
the foundations for church activity
in Porto Rico and Cuba. This is a
decisive step.
Dr. Huntington, one of the broiid-est-minded
and most inlluontial men
in the Episcopal church, finally suc
ceeded In securing the adoption of a
resolution providing that provision
may bo made 1 y a canon for tho
temporary use of other forms and
directories of worship by congrega
tions not already in union with tho
Episcopal church, but who are willing
to accept the oversight of the bishop
of the diocese In which they are
For many reasons the Episcopal
churuh has a great opportunity, and
the discubslous at tho convention in.
dicate that the church is recognizing
those opportunities.
f f 's a perfect hea
I J 7 v7 patriotic, up to d
Subject :
"An American Girl"
One o! the handsomest pieces of color work
issued this year. Lithographed, with border
oP army . and navy emblems embossed in
1 'gold?- 'Leave your name with your druggist
v jfnd''ask.lhim to ave you a copy or send C
'f ibents In'i'tampj for one to
C. I. HOOD & CO., '
Mention tbla paper. Lowell, Mass,
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is
America's Greatest Medicine
for the Blood and' the
Best that Money Can Buy.
Hence take only Hood's.
means pain, danger nnd
possiuio death f jr somo
wives. For others it
means practically no
discomfortat nil. Tliero
is no reason wliv child
birth should lie 11 period
of pain and dieml. Sov.
eral months befoio a
woman becomes a
mother she hhould
prepare lierrelf for
tho critical 01 ileal
Thcro is n prepara
tion marie which is
intended for tills
puruoso nlouo.
The name of
this wonderful
preparation la
It in a
to bo ap
plied ex
ternally. It relaxes
the nnin
ck's nud re
lieves the
glvci elastici
ty to every
organ con
cernod in
cliildbiith, and
takes away all
dangor and
nearly all BUfTor
ing. )3est results
follow if tho
remedy is used
during tho whole
period of pieg
uancy. It is tho
only remedy of the
kind in the world
that is endorsed by
1 pcrbottlont all
drug stores, or sent
by mail on receipt
of price.
I'hee Books con
taining invaluable in
formation for all women,
will bo sent to any ad
dress upon application to
The Ortdftald Regulator Co
Atlanta, Gi.
Dffliiret) In .liiniiiir.v Tlmt War Wiinlil
lilltll Sllllll.
Washington. Nov. Z9 Tlic navy de
partment publishes, through the office
of Naval Intelligence, the "Views of Ad
miral Cervera regardlm? the Spanish
navy In the late war." This Is a re
print of a number of letters published
In La Epoca, of Madrid, on the 6th of
the present month. The letters are
dated from before the war up to May
C. They were written by Cervera In
protest against Spain rushing Into war
In tho face of certain defeat, due to
the naval strength of the United States
and the unpreparedness of the Span
ish navy.
Cervera writes: "I ask myself If It
Is rlcht for me to keep silent and there
by make myself an accomplice in ad
ventures which will surely cause the
total ruin of Spain. And for what pur
pose? To defend an Island which was
ours, but belongs to us no more, be
cause even ir we should not lose It by
right In the war, we have lost It In
fact, and with It all wealth and an
enormous number of young men. vic
tims of the climate and bullets In the
defense of what Is now no more than
a romantic Ideal. Furthermore, I be
Ileve that this opinion of mine should
be known to the queen and by the
whole council of ministers. I have
deemed It my duty to express my
opinions to the proper authorities
clearly, and without beating about the
bush. Now let orders be given to me:
I will entry thorn out with energy and
decision; I am leady for the worst."
Spain had neslected her navy, and
Cervera shores It was Imprudent for
her to attempt war against a superior
naval power. In a letter written In
January he shows how til" Vlpcaya
can led defective guns; how the Carlos
V was a failure because of lack of
power, and how the Cataluna, begun
more than eight years before, was still
Incomplete. And then he predicts that
a conflict would be disastrous to Spain.
Discovered by a Woman,
Another creat discovery has been made,
and that too, by a lady in this country. "Dis
ease fastened its clutches upon her and for
seven yeais she withstood its seveiest tests,
but her vital organs were nnuermmeu and
death seemed imminent, for three months
she coughed incessantly, nnd could not sleep.
She linally discovered a way to recovery, by
purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New
Discovert for Consumption, and was so much
relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all
night ; and with two bottles, has been ab
solutely cured, ller name is Mrs. Luther
Lutz. 1 lius writes V. l. liamnlCK & Lo.,
of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at A.
Waslcy s Drug store. Kcguiar size 50c ami
Si.oo. Everybottle guaranteed.
Mngnn-nn Gotn n. rfoo ltirto.
Krie, Pa., Nov. 29. Late last night
Judge Walling hnnded down a decree
directing the sheriff to turn over Mr.
and Mrs. Magowan to the authorities
of the state of Ohio. Detective Watt,
of Cleveland, was In readiness to take
his prisoners, but the sheriff declined to
hand them over at once, and they were
taken to the Reed House. They were
surrendered to the detective this
morning, who started with them to
A Great Surprise
Is in store for all who use Kemp's Ilalsam
for the Throat anil Lungs. Would you be
ieve Out it is sold on its mciits and any
druggist is authorized by the proprietor of
litis wonderful remedy to give you a sample
bottle free? It never fails to cure acute or
chronic coughs. All druggists sell Kemp's
Balsam, Trice 25 and 50c.
The Vy.iw snyA I to Moiiiim if.
Paris, Nov. 29. The Matin publishes
an Interview of an English politician
with Kmneror Nicholas. The Inter
viewer, who espeelally remnrked the
kindliness and modenty of the czar's
demeanor, says he spoke sadly and re
gretfully of the attempts to embitter
relations of Kngland and Russia, Tho
conversation mostly turned, however,
on tho disarmament conference, as to
which the czar spoke with tho utmost
ardor, declaring that ho wanted a tan
gible, practical result.
(H11 PoNtiff Servants Siiliirliw.
Washington, Nov. 29. The annual ro-
pori of T'lrat Assistant Pontmaster Gen-
eral Perry Heath was made public In
full last night. The total appropria
tions for the first assistant's ofllce
asked for the fiscal year aro 131,025,000,'
which Includes $17,000,000 for salaries
of all postmasters and JH.800,000 for
olurk hlro. The report recommends
strict enforcement of theregulatlon for
bidding posuiiusteiB to enlarge their
salaries nnd allowance at public ex
PerlHiied In the Know.
Atlnr.tle city, Nov. 29. Henry Mnd-
den, need 46 years, a furmer of Kstel-
vllle. this county, started from May's
Landing fpr hU homo In the snuw
storm Sunday evening, but perished
from tho cold pn the way. He evidently
fell from exhaustion und was frozen
to death.
OordonltfH Seek to Overthrow Colonel
tlurfey's Leadership.
(Gpeclal Correspondence.)
llnnlsburg. Nov. 20. There Is a pret
ty row on In the Uemrcatlc party In
renngylvanla. It Is all over the oppo
sition of the Goidonltes to the contin
uance of the leadership of Colonel
James M. Cluffcy and to tho desire of
the friends of Judge Gordon to help
out Hie wStiamalter combination In
their plans to advance tho political In
terests of the Philadelphia millionaire
and his ltepubllcan associates.
That Wanamaker has given up all
hope of being elected to tho United
States senate Is now apparent. His
managers, while still In touch with
the Democrats, arc trotting out C. W.
Stone and John Dalzetl for United
States senator, to divide the Republi
can vote." Meanwhile Mr. Quffey Is
getting In his fine work lining up the
Democrats. Mr. Guffey has never been
known to enter Into any business or
political deal without expecting a full
return for any expenditures that might
be made. It is well known to out
siders that lr the last three weeks of
the state campaign the Democratic
managers made up a pool and put up
Individual collaterals upon which $100,
000 was raised to be spent In certain
counties to elect Democratic members
of the legislature. The present United
States senate stands 44 to 46 against
the ltepubllcan party, and with visions
of Democratic control of the senate be
fore them the Guffeyltes were very lib
eral In their expenditures. Tho Dem
ocratic machine had nctr handled
such great rolls of cash, and with their
allies In the Wanamaker organization
they 'succeeded In unexpected quarters.
Guffey, now having engineered and
financed the Democratic campaign, be
lieves that he Is entitled to the honor
of the Democratic caucus nomination
for United States senator. The Gor-
don-Mutchler combine has, however,
trotted out Chauncey F. Black as a
candidate for United States senator,
and are fighting Guffey at every point.
Guffey believes the Domocratlc party
should stand by Its colors and place
a strong man, a good Democrat, In
the Held for the speakership of tho
house of representatives.
The ofllcers of the Democratic state
organization are of tho same mind, as
was evidenced by an address to tho
Democratic members-elect Issued by
Secretary Van Dyke, of the Democratic
state committee, who Indignantly re
sents the Idea that the Democratic
members shall be used to pull the
chestnuts out of the Are for the Wan
amaker Republicans. He comes out
squarely In favor of Colonel Guffey for
United States senator, calls attention
to his record as a valiant fighter for
his party and the self denying manner
In which he has always slven his time,
money and services to the party.
The most conspicuous advocate of
coalition with the Wanamakerltes In
the legislature by the Democrats Is
Representative John H. Fow, author
of the "Fow bill," and other Iniquitous
measures that have brought denuncia
tions upon his head from almost every
county In the commonwealth. Fow,
whose Democracy has frequently been
questioned, and who was, through a
deal, on both the Republican and Dem
ocratic tickets, has met with many
turndowns from Democrats who de
cline to enter Into negotiations with the
selllsh Wanamaker-Van Valkenberg
Blankenburg cohorts.
It is srtfe to predict that Colonel Guf
fey will win out his fight.
Meanwhile the Republicans are
quietly canvassing among their num
ber In the Interest of the several Re
publican aspirants for the speakership,
Voorhees of Ph'ladelphla, Bliss of Del
aware, McClaln of Lancaster, Marshall
and Hosack of Allegheny, and the
others. There Is no question that tho
Republican caucus nominee will be
elected by practically the full party
A Card.
We, tlio undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund tho money on a r0-ccut liottlo of
Grceno's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails
to euro your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 25-ccnt bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Waslcy, C. II. Hagon
buck, Shenandoah Drug Store, and I'. W,
Dlcrstcin & Co. 11.14-33t-dw
Venornliln COupIo A-pliy!at.
Oswe? ). N. Y Nov. 29. A. W. Loom-
Is, aged 7C, a prosperous farmer; and wife Harriet, ten years younger, of
Fulton, were asphyyxiated to death by
natural ?as Sunday because .of a leak
In the pipe supplying tho stove.
Sliiloli's Consumption Cure cures where
others fall It Is the leading Cough Cure
and no homo should be without It. 1'icusanl
to take and goes right to tho spot. Sold by
P. D. Kirliu nnd a guarantee.
HoiituiiiM-I to Dentil by Court Martini.
Huntsvllle, Ala., Nov. 29. Private
Llndsr.v, Troop F, Tenth cavalry, was
yesterday sentenced to be executed as
a result of his court martial. Lindsay
Is a negro, and ten days ago In a
drunken brawl killed one of his mess
mates. The sentence has been approv
ed by General Wheeler, but under the
articles of war the execution will not
take place tintll President McKlnley
signs the death warrant and sets the
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Bignaturo of
11 Miidi'iit Drowned.
tthaen. N Y.. Nov. 9. Wilson Kllng-
er. of Mnnhattan, Ills., a graduate stu
dent In the school of pedngogy ai Cor
nell, was drowiud In the hydraulic lab-
nrntorv canal n Fall CreeK on nun-
day. After dragging tho bottom of tho
dam for fully nve hours the body of
Kllneer was brought to the surface late
yeBtorday afternoon. The theory Is that
h waa drowned while testing the leg
to ascertain Ub strength for skating
purposes. Kllnger'was preparing for
an appointment as professor In thi
Missouri Btnte college. Ho was 2!
years old, and graduated from thi
Illinois State Normal college In 1892
took the bachelor's degree at the Unl
verslty of Michigan In 1S95, and Bpen
three yenrs In Lelpslc, Germany,
Builds up the systoie; puts puro, rich
blood In the veins; makes men and women
strone and healthy, llurdock Blood Hitters
At any drug store.
HOOD'U PILLb cure Liver 111
Biliousness, Indlgestloiij Headache,
V Idcan-ut laxative. All Druggist
Extract tln In
All Others are Worthies Imitations
Kvldnucn That Mi'Vu.v lutorforcd to,
Siiv t'o:-bit JYom D.-'fent. I
won. Vnrii X nv si.-.Tanies J. Cor-
bctt declared yes unlay that he believed nf existence a large fleet of sailing ves
Connie MeVcy Innocent of any Inten- nels which anchored off this port to
tlonal or prearranged wrungih lug when
he entered the ring during the ninth
mund of the SharUoy-Corbelt contest
last Tuesday night at the Lenox Ath
letic club, and consequently forfeited
the contest to Shnikey.
This statement on Corbett's part was
made at the close of the Inquiry which
was Instituted by the directors of the
Lenox Athletic club to fix the responsi
bility for McVey's nctlons. The only
absentee was McVey, whose Invasion
of the ring caused all the trouble.
W. li. Gray, Kid McCoy's manager,
was the first witness. He said that six
or seven days before the tight, while in
company with McCoy, he met two rep
resentatives of a local newspaper In the
Astor House. He lold them that a
friend of his. whose name he was not
at liberty to divulge, had Informed
him that the bout was to end In the
ninth round, and that Sharkey would
be declared the winner. Senator Sul
livan asked -iny to produce his In
former and p-omled to give $500 to any
charitable urbanization or institution
If Gray would nimg his man and have
him repeat the at set Hon. Gray left the
building pro.Hlfii'B to try and get his
friend to reiterate the statement.
Honest John Kelly, the referee, be
lieved It an hnnesi contest up to the
ninth round. 11.- believed that McVey
was In the emph y of somebody to make
a foul, and for ibis reason he called
bqfs off.
The remaining witnesses knew of no
collusion, and the friends of each de
clared that "their man" had the best
of it. Senator Sullivan prevented a
"scrap" between Corbett and Sharkey.
It was developed that Sharkey re
ceived $16,815 and Corbett $G,S45 as the
result of the alleged fight.
Senator Sullivan reviewed the evi
dence and said:
"It seems that McVey thought Cor-
I bett was being beaten and Jumped Into
the ring to save him. As to tne net
we have nothing further to do with
"I suffered for mouths from soro throat.
Eclectric Oil cured mo in twenty-four hours."
M. S. Gist, llawcsville, Ky.
For eastern Pennsylvania and east'
orn New York: Rain or snow; warmer
winds shifting to fresh southwest. For
Delaware. Maryland and New Jersey
Rain; warmer; fresh southerly winds.
There 1 This Is Just tho Thing.
Ked Fla Oil for sprains aud bruises.
tiruhler llros., drug store.
Crippled by
Those 'who hf.yo Rheumatism find
themselves growing steadily worio all
the while. One reason of this is that
tho remedies prescribed by tho doctors
contain mercury and potash, which ul
timately intensify the diseaso by caus
ing tho Joints to swell and stiffen,
groducing a severe aching of the bones.
. S. S. has beon curing Rheumatism
for twenty years oven the worst oases
which seemed almost Incurable.
Capt. O.E. Hughes, the popular rallronj
conduotor, of Columbia, S. O., bad an experi
ence wiin uueuinauBm woioa conTlncea mm
thAt there la onlv on
euro for that painful dis
ease, ub sajg; "i was a
great sufferer from mus
cular Kheumattsm. for
two years. I could get
no permanent relief
from any medicine pre
Ecrlbed by my physlolan.
l iook nDUUE&aozen Dot
tles of your B. 8. 8.. and
now i am as wen as x
ever was lumy life. UmV
sure mat your incaicine
cured me, and I would
rppnmmpnd it tn nnvnnn
suffering from any blood disease."
Everybody knows that Rheumatism
Is a diseased stato of tho blood, and
only a blood remedy Is the only proper
treatment, but a remedy containing
potash and mercury only aggravates
the trouble.
being Purely Vegetable, goes direct to
the very cause of the dlsaase and a per
manent cure always results. It Is the
only blood remedy guaranteed to con
tain no potash, mercury or other dan
gerous minerals.
Books mailed free by Bwlit Boaalflc
Company, Atlanta, Gstonrta.
Int ersi at i o n m t
h& " lrnattrtUi u
iiulurtl Authority ,
, J, Jlrewer,
lremu OmtiU
rtne u.n. fiovi inni.Mr c
wriest lua i' f nuprrtitnj
' 'inn, mi :m ruvi mi
I'ltme (jutU, aiidof near
ly till tlie NuwotbcoW.
C tlllllCllCllMl
i win. ( I'rttv rui
ajMiu.uniluUt.i.rtticrttou ;
Miuuub WlWUJl'V iuuuik
In the liouetlioM, onil toi
ma M-Jiritrr, ariiuinr nro ,
ff-fcsloiiul (nan, mid elf
3 It In cuty to find the von! wonted.
1 H It ensy to aictrtaln the pronu!KluJor
It tsetMy to trace the growth ui a mml.
J It'sc ny to Ifarn what n uoru uictini
5 Vi V'ir.V Tribune K;o.Jf-
llioj'i tilitt 'i comet homtU' )nu vilh
c rrvti'tH Mitvt I mil n n (.t ,
rlMt.l 'I'. " rail i it MiTit i-
2 i.i ii . .n , i i' mi luj) n vwiiV u lit. :
2 " I "'IW ' Ih r ftr 'I'll' s rmn
6 t i sent i ppJii4-li- .
Tho Posy Froshnoss I
And a velvet softness of the akin Is lnva-
riauiy oumuico. Dy luivi who use i'ouoHfa
Ooninleilon "oder.
" I in i wm. . w
1 X5
9 Succes
2 The Ono (,tn
X Bo w i
9 J uU'
Vliile Crown Prince, of Germany
Appointed Johann lloff as an Honorary Membtr of
the National Society, of which he was the head, In
acknowledcmcnt of the merits of the Genuine
ck of tti or pwur, wuhout thnr dletou.
rieot or VommoIh Wiped Out.
Vineyard Haven, Mnss., Nov. 29. The
fierce northeast storm Btruck this port
Saturday night nnd continued all day
Rtindav wl' h great violence. 1 1 swept out
csenne Its fury. It Is known that at
least four men have perished, and It Is
probable that as many more have lost
their lives. Twenty-one schooners,
nearly all heavily laden, and one bark
entlne nre ashore, four schooners now
lying at anchor are totally dismasted,
two others were sunk nnd one bark Is
resting on the bottom, entirely sub
merged. Many other vessels were bat
tered and partially stripped of their
Father. Son unci Onimlion Lost.
Salem, Mflsa., Nov. 29. The schooner
Bertha A. Gross, which carried 260 tons
of stone, struck on the rocks near
Fresh Island Sunday, and soon was a
total wreck. The captain and his son
and aged father weie swept overboard
and di owned. The other two members
of the crew, Nell McDonald and Heze
kluh Ilohhlns, managed to reach shore
on Hi use Island, a barren place, with
no shelter, and were forced to remain
there until released yesterday. They
were neaily dead from exposure and
hunger. McDonald's feet were frozen,
and he Is In a critical condition.
The Kidney Complexion.
The pale, sallow, snnken-chcoked, dis
tressed-looking people you so often meet aro
nlllicfed with "Kidney Complexion. "
Their kidneys aro turning to a parsnip
color. So is their comploxion.
They may also liavo indigestion, or suffer
from sleeplessness, rheumatism, neuralgia,
brain trouble, nervous exhaustion and some
times tho heart acts badly.
Tho causo is weak, unhealthy kidneys.
Usually tlio sufferer from kidnoy diseaso
does not find out what tho trouble is until It
is almost too late, because tho first symptoms
are so liko mild sickness that they do not
think they need a medicine or a doctor until
they find themselves sick in bed.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Koot will build up
nnd strengthen their weak and diseased
kidneys, purify their diseased, kidney
poisoned blood, clear their complexion add
soon they will enjoy better health.
You can get tho regular sizes at tlio drug
store, at fifty cents and one dollar, or you
may first proyo for yourself the wonderful
vlrtucs'of this great discovery, Swamp-Uoot,
by sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Bingliamtou, N. Y., for a simple bottle and a
book that tells all about it, both sent to you
absolutely free by mail. When writing
kindly mention that you read this liberal
oiler in tho Shenandokh Heeald.
As Ilolleoted by Deal I Herein Plilliulel
pbln and Tlultliuorn.
Philadelphia, Nov. 23. Flour steady
winter nuperflne, 12.S.V32.M: Pennsylvania
roller, clear, J3.15'f'.1.3."; city mills, oxtru,
$2.(;5T2.90. Itye flour quiet, but firm, at
$3.10 per ban el for choice. Pennsylvania,
Wheat quiet; No. 2 red. November,
72c. Corn steady; No. 2 mixed, November,
SSV403Si)4o.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade,
41c. Oats quiet and steady; No. 2 white,
C2',ic; No. 2 white, clipped, 33f33Vic. Hay
steady; No. 1 timothy. 511 for large bales.
Beef quiet; beef hams, J18.2jfHS.50. Pork
dull; family, J12.E0igi3. Lard easier; west
em steamed, f3.1"'A. nutter firm; west
ern creamery. HCi2tc. ; do. factory, liyi
6lJ5e.; Klglns, 21o.: imitation creamery,
ISWfcc.; New York dairy, lGS20c.; do,
creamery. 15i23c. ; fancy Pennsylvania
prints Jobbing at 2of)2Sc; do. wholesale,
21e. Cheese steady; large, white and col'
ored, fl'isc: small do., 10c.; part skims,
ttiC',4e.. light do., 7Ui7K;C.; full do., 3&c
li.ggs firmer- New York and Pennsylva
nla, 25527e. ; western, fresh, 2Cc; southern.
21M2JC. I'otatoes easy; Jerseys, 11i35;
New York, fl.iml.K; Long Island, J1.25i
1.70; Jersey sweets, 1&2; southern do.,
uratuc. Cottonseed oil Inactive und easier,
with prime Hummer yellow offered at
21V4c. In open market, although 'cholco
sorts aro held a shade higher; prime
elude, nte. ; prime hummer yellow, 2H4C.T
off summer yellow, 20.'. ; butter, 25fi27e.;
prime winter yellow, 27f(2Sc. Turpentine.
nrm nt ;wH"e. Cabbage dull at J1.60Q3
per iw.
lialtlmoro, Nov. 2S. Flour dull; western
superfine, t2.23S2.C0; do. extra, J2.6303;
do. family, J3.35f(3.C0; winter wheat, pat
ent, ?J.70'i3.n5; spring do., f3.75&t; spring
wheat, straight, M.KG3.S0. Wheat easy;
spot, month und December, 7lH17lc;
Jnnuary, 72,4ffi72',Ac; Bteumer No. 2 red,
ijctic.; soutnern, ny sample, Kij(72?4c.; do.
on grade, G814$( 7214c. Corn steady; spot,
month and December, sstiOtJ&Kc; new or
old November or December, 3SVij38c;
January, 3SCj3SV4o.; February, 3Sc; steam
er mixed, vstismic; southern, white, 35V4
S3Sc.; do. yellow, 33Cr3Sc. Oats nrm; No,
2 white, 32Vj&33c.; No. 2 mixed, 3U432c.
Ityo easier; No. 2 nearby, DCc; No. 2
western, GSc. tiny steady; No. 1 timothy,
JlO'tflO.EO. Grnln freights quiet and steady;
steam to Liverpool, per bushel, V4d. Jan
uary; Cork, for orders, per quarter, 4s,
December; 3s. Dd, January, Sugar strong;
granulated, 5.33. Putter steady; fancy
creamery, 22f)23n.; do. Imitation, 1718c.j
do, ladle, 15,'.; good Indie, 13314c.; storo
packed, 12fil2c.; rolls. 13&15c. Eggs weak;
fresh, 201j21c. cheese steady; fancy New
York, largo, Wt lOVjC ; do. medium, 1O0
1054c; do. small, 10?4c. Lettuce at 75c.
per bushel box. Whisky at 51,2301.30 per
gallon for finished goods In carlouds; $1.31
ai:a per gallon for Jobbing lots.
I.lvo Stoidt Markfitfl.
New York, Nov. 23, lleovea opened
stiong nnd lOe, higher; some sales 25c,
higher; closed nusy with the. advance lost
on steers; steers, f4f5.5o; oxen and stags,
$3.25f(3.C5; bulls. tt, 3.00; cows, $1.73fj3.C0;
fat cows and bulls, choice, J3.75ff4.25.
Calves 11: m to 25c. higher; veals, $5fj8.50;
tops, Jf.75: firnH.iiH, Jl&va i.ViVi; fed and
mixed calve, $l.'Wi4.75. f'.vep In fair
demand and ft, juy, lamba ,:ed firm
to 15o. higher; closiil oasy; sheep, $3fJ4.40;
selected wethers, $l.7Wj5; lambs, $5,103
C.25; mainly $5.-;5t(;.15i Canada lambs, $5.C5
fj0.12Vt; culls, Il.50fj4.75. Hogs firm at
Hast Liberty, Pa., Nov, 28. Cattle about
fcteady; extra, J5.25flM(l; prime, $4.905.20;
common, $3.2Qf(3.00. Hogs slow; prime
heavy, $3.5083.55; best mediums, $3.50;
best Yorkers and good pigs, $3.40fJ3.50;
common to fulr Yorkers, $3.35fj3.40;
roughs, $2.25fi3; coarse hogs, $3.303.40.
Bheep higher; choice wethers, $4.40ff4.5O;
common. $2.5053.50; choice lambs. $5.25j
MO; common to good, $3,5035; veal calves,
To make It apparent to thousands, who
think themselves 111, that they are not af
flicted with any dUoaso, hut that tliu system
dimply needs cleansing, Is to brlnu comfort
homo to their hearts, uh a costive condition is
easily cured by uslug Syrup of Figs. Manu
factured by tho California Fig Syrup Co.
only, and sold by all druggists.
And Flowers, the Hand of America, Cull
fornliti Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Kouto," which travci-ios a roglon of porpetmd
sunshine, whero snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aro unknown, Pullman first
aud stcoud class palaco and tourist sleeping
cars to pointi in' Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas,
Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
OrcgoH, Washington, Nohraska, Utah and
Novada, without change Quick tlmo, low
rates, and all the comfortaof modern railway
Improvement guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full Information, dropapo3Ud
card, J. 1. McCami, T. 1. Agent. M0 liall
road avenuo, Klmira, N. Y., or 3Bt Uroad.
way, Now York.
3-Mf W. K. Hoyt. O. E P. Act.
Rheumatism cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its
action upon the system is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disapars. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. tl
slel; -1 , ' t i'- . : i t,i !u Itlcn.
Nc.i.ort Nt -vr. ., Nov. 29. The
hospital ship r.eMtf, which urnved at
Hampton Ito'd on Saturday night
from Ponce, yesterday landed 102 sick
volunteer and regular soldiers, among
them CI fiom the First volunteer en
gineers, seven from the Sixteenth, one
from the F'rut and one from the Sixth
Pennsylvania regiments.
Deafness Cannot he Cured
by local applications, as they cannot rfacb tlio
dlaencd portion of the car. Tbore Is only one
way to cure deafness, nnd that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of tho
Kustaelilan Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hear
Ing, nnd when It Is entirely closed deafness
la the result,and unless tho Inflammation can be
aken out nnd this tnbo restored to Its normal
condition, bearing will be destroyed forever;
nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh,
wliluli Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of
the mucous surfaces.
Wo will glv One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Head for
circulars, free.
K. .1. CHUNKY & CO., Toledo, O
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent
flour, and tako no other brand. It is tho est
8nnr raado.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. tock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Novbmueu 20, 1898,
Trains will leave Bhenandoab after tne aeoffl
date lor Wlgeanj UllUertuu, rrackvllle Dart
Water, St. Olalr, I'ottsvlUe. Hamburg, Iteadlr.a,
1 ... .. ., ... ui I , 1 1 w ... - - 1 . 1. 11
i UHniunn, i iiuuii.iiiid. .iuiii.iuwu n. u , nil-
aielphta (iir'dtd street station) at CIS and 8 IS
a. m., 2 10, tt la p. in. on week days. Sundays,
H IS u, m., TO p. in.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah at
780, 1140 a. m. and S 46, 7 Be p. ... Huuday,
u ui a. m. ana o u p. in.
Leave Pottsvlllc foi Hheuandoah (vlaFrack.
vtlle 710, 11 20 a. iu n 20, 7 10 p. m, Huudai
1033 a. in., 5 20 p. in.
l,eave PhiladelpMa, (liroad street station), fo
BliMwindoah at 8 US a. tn., 4 10 p. in. week days
Huudayaltave at 6 60 and 9 23 a. lu.
Leave Broad Street Btatlou, Philadelphia.
Exureas.wcck-days. 8 20. 4 Go. 4 50 ft 0V.1 13.1 b
7 Kl, 8 60, '10 21 11 00 a. ir , 12 00 noon, i2 83
(Limited l 00 and ! 22 n, u .) 1 40. "1 8U. li 20.
BOillKiUW, J DO QUO, IK, l OU, lUUUp. 111.,
izui, nigni. Huniiays, s w, 4 oa, I ou no,, s is,
8 20, 9 50, 10 21. 10 43 a. 111., 12 03, 12 83, !
i ui, (Limited t Ti,) a ao, o as, e S3, 7 vt, , ao
10 ou p. m., 1201 night
Express for Boston without ohauge, 11 ou a iu
week-days, and 7 60 D. m.. dally.
For tica Ulrt, Asbury Park, 'Ocean Uruc,
iMiiK iirancu, bzu, ii ii am, uau, 41K p ni
tir I .iimlu., uIIIa Trio, a.. ....1 ....... KM
9 00 a m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 5 00 ILambertvllleomi
Easton only), weekdays; und 702 p'nvdally.
BulTalo, V 00 a m, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 0.
p in uallv.
For Baltimore and Washington, 3 60, 7 20, 8 82.
1020, 11 23. a. m..-12 tw. ia ai 1 IV. a 12. 4 41
(3 23 Coiigrersloual Limited.) 6 17. d&3. 7 81
u. ui.. and 12 Ci nlirht week davs. Sundays.
3 60, 7 20, 9 12, 1123, a. 111., 1200, l 12, 4 41, 1520
vuiigreasiuuai j,iuiueu,i row , ai u, m. auu
12 C3 night.
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 a in, 1 52
and 4 01 1) in week days, 5 08 and II 16 p m dally.
Atlaiitlo Coast Lino, express 12 09 p in, and
i iJ iiigiii. uuuy.
Southern ltallway, express 0 55 p ui. dully.
Chesaneako St Ohio Kullwav. 7 3l o m. dallv.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20
n ui wcvKuufB, ii iu p in uuuy.
Leave Market street wharf as follows! Ex.
press for New York. 9 00 a m. 4 30 n in week.
days. For Long Brunch, via Seaside Purk,8 30
a m weekd.ys.
For Island Heights, 833 a in aud 4 00 p ui
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
Dridge Kxpress, 40 a m 7 03 p. m, Sundays
V U. 111., , W lit UI,
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 9 00mn
4 u uu, u w p ui. nuuuuys, v uu, iu w a
(accommodation 4 80 and 9 00 pm,
i ui unjic ,ii a j , dw 1.ID jiiff uucwi Ldiy.
Avulou Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wlldwood and
1... IV. ...... u
llonj ijeocu lsxpreas, uuu a m, 4 UU, p
weekdays. Sundays. 9 00 a ui.
For Somen Point Express, 9 00 a, in., 2 00.
4 00, a ro , p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 uui
1000a. m
The Union Transfer Company will call foi
anu cnecK uaggage irom uoteis ana resiuences
iJluing car. ,
X, 11. HUTCiimsoK, J, R, Wood,
(len'l Manacer. Oen'l l'as'u'r Ar
riilllonsof Dollars
Go up In smoko every year. Take r o
risks but get your bouses, stock, fui
nituro, etc., insured In flrstrclass re
liable companies as reprosenvoa uy
nAVTri FATIST Insurance Arent
Also Lite andAeldenUI Companlet
, Miss Sadie Wcrlheiui, ne 14. 0 f ole
Conservatory of music. Odrinau critics
derlul player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first In any
thing, l'orthis
literature, ath
letics, science .
.' aud art, men nud
their create efforts. WaTh ou w s
said to be "first hi war, first lu peace and
first in the hearts of his countrymen." It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is of
morevnlueto mankind nnd brings trreat
sr happiness than a good remedy. Man v
thlnjjs will relieve but the one that will
wis best. Brazilian nalmis such a rein
edy. Tens of thousands have found that
It is the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrll anil Asthma. l?or 15 j rs. It has uev
er failed inaslugle case to cure Asthma,
und lt9 record lias been as wonderful In
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearau
ces, ruu Into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were eutirely slopped upor where
the. poisonous pus had eateu holes Into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germdaden matter,
were nil permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, iil.
ly entitles the llrazillau Balm to the 1 j
place in the regard of the American pco.
pie. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in this
country, all of whom can be cured with
Brazilian Balm. A JS1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian Balm contains a month's treatment
forcatirrh or.asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each S1.00 bottle a
mouth's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
free. Toxicola is the best tonic nnd nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is thegreatestofferevermade. Ask
your druggist and take no substitute. B.
F.Jackson & Co., Mfg. Chemihts, India
aapolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents.
only la possible, whether oa a test of excellence
In Journalism, or for tho measurement of
quantities, time or values ; and
The ....
after a career of nearly twenty years of un
Interrupted growth la Justified In claiming that
the standard first established by Its founders Ii
the one true test of
To publish AM. THE NKWS promptly and
succinctly and In the most readable form,
without elision or partisan bias; to discuss
its significance with frankness, to keep AN
besides a compl te record of current
thought, fancies and discoveries In all de '
partnipnts of human activity In Its DAILY
EDITIONS of from 10 to H PAGES, and to
provldo the whole for Its patrons at the ;
nominal price of ONE CENT that was
from the outset, and will continue to bo the
aim of "THE ItECOItD."
The Pioneer
one-cent morning newspaper in the United
States, "The Itecord" still LEADS WHEHK
Witness Its unrivalled average dally and an
average exceeding 115,000 copies for Its
Sunday editions, while Imitations of Its
publication In every Important city ofni
country testify to the truth of the assJi '
that In the ipiantlty and quality of ltstion
tent valid lu the price at which It Is sold
"The Itecord" hat established the standard
by which excellence In journalism must be '
The Daily Edition
of 'The Itecord" will be sent by mull to a. y .
address for $3 00 per year or i!5 cents per
The Daily and Sunday
editions together, which will give Its readers f
the brst and freshest Information of all that
Is going on In the world every day In th'
yeur, Including holidays, will bo sent for
ftl.00 a year, or 35 cents per mouth.
Itecord nulldllig,
Philadelphia, Pa.
M. DU11KK,
Office Eiran bulldlnir. comer of Main an
Centre Btreets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied undci some of the best
masters ir Loudon and Paris, will give lessoiM
on the violin, mandolin, guitar aud vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In care nt Hlrouse.
the eweler Nhenandfmh.
Superlor Sarsaparilla..
and Orange ChampeJ
Is one of
gives It.
Handsome Comploxion i
the greatest charms a woman can
Pozzoni's Oouruizioii PowdbmI