'UiiiWU Aitfe","!. .I Ready Soon. Our stock of holiday goods will soon be ready for inspec tion and we promise the finest display ot goods we have ever shown T5y Ui way, don't forget our 25c line of delicious chocolates. HOOKS & BROWN, a tM. Main St. WHITMAN'S HOREHOUND CANDY. FOR COUOIIS AND THROAT AFFFXTIONS. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Telephone Connection. Pa. The Boston Factory Shoe Store Is offering for the next two weeks an inducement very seldom extended to shoe bners. They are selling Ladles' $1.50 shoes at - - S 2.50 shoes al - -3.50 shoes at - - - Men's $1.25 shoes at " 2.00 shoes at - - - .99 1.75 2.15 .90 1,25 2.25 " 3.Q0 shoes at Our Hoy's and Children's shoes are criiiiio- ni iirenllv reduced nrices. o o o AXT. liot'd n r.limr,- ctrM- til lfpt 1 from. BOSTON YD 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOOUS ABOVE POST OFHCn. Pa. STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS. i;queen NMRIlbf Keep Your House Warm by lining our Stoves, Ranges nnd Heaters. They are cheaper I) tli in price and fuel. W'c hnvc a nice Nelcctiun in stock. They must be sold. Christmas is rapidly approaching and we need room for otu fancy stock of holiday furniture. This is our first season in the stove business, nnd to thoroughly adveili-e it, we will sell them at tmall profits. Or upward will buy you a stove, range or heater. K ery one sold is accom panied with n guarantee. We carry the "Queen Cinderella," "Liberty, "Uncle Sam's Fortune," "l'amily Fortune," "New lortune," "llanner," stoves and ranges. In heaters we c.rry Ihe "Art Peninsular," "F.mpress Cinderella,' ' " Inierial Cinderella,' ' "Liberty," "Acme," "llanner," " Flora.' 1 Our "Peninsular" answers a three-fold pur pose namel), a Moie, Range or Heater. DAVISON'S BUSY , FURNITURE . AND . STOVE . STORE, 121-123 North Mnln St. Colored Glasses Should not lie worn without intelligent advice, Whenever uti eye finds relief in a shaded or colored glass, something is going wrong with the interior of that eye that needs attention, If it were not so the light would not irritate. Seek advice the kind that we can give you the kind that only can be gen after a thorough and intelligent enainiuation. Glasses If You Need Them. . , . None If You Don't. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN, 118 S. Mam Street. BEST LINE OR GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY nnd BTIIAW. Floor and Tabic Oil Cloths. E. B. Foley, " -wc'ntre . 41 'I 3u This modorn malady has become dreaded not more for its direct fa tality than for tlio weakness of body and n ird it leaves behind it. Prolonged debility, permanent pros tration, melancholy and suicide fol low La Grippe. For this diseafo there 13 no remedy Biiporior to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "The left remedy for la Rrippo that I know of is Ayer'a Cherry I'ccturul." Uev. JOHN K. CHARM, South Ham i ton, N. n. "My wiffl nnd five children wcro taken down with la grippe, while tho dUeiiao was so widely prevalent. 1 dosed them with Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and heforo using quite two Lotties my family was restored to health. 1 know of several obstinate cases of the same complaint wnich v.tro also cured by this remedy." J. PAHM1NTEK, Paulotto, Miss. " I was cured of la Rrippe by the uso of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." C. S. THOMPSON, Pub. " Sisual," West Farmington, O. is put up in half-sizo bottles at half price 50 cents. CIVIL COURT. Opened Tlits Morning With .lmlfrei Iteihtel ami Koilion tlio Itmieh. I'nttivillo, Nov. US The two-weeks term ot civil eourt, and tho last for tho year lSOS, opened this morning, with Judgca Iiechtcl and Koch on the lienoh. Tho attendance was not as largo as it was at criminal eourt. Thirty cases out of a total of forty on the trial list are down for trial. About one hundred and fifty cases have been nol pressed from criminal court, thus Hiving the county the large oxpensoof trying these ca-es, most of them of a trivial charac ter, and many of tlio prosecutors have died or left tho county. Of the number 1125 ot them aic Polish cases, and in tho event of their conviction would probably go to jail for the costs. Among the cases in which nol presses were entered was that in which I)r, James 11. Diinlap, of St. Clair, was charged with nttctnptiui: to produce an abortion, and also tho ease in which .las. liowers, of Maha noy City, was charged as an accessory to murder. In tho ilrst named case tho defend ant is dead, und in tho latter no case could be made out. Tlio number also includes tlio caso of S. Xuiswenter et. ul. charged witli larceny and Wesley llissel, assault and battery. Tliosherill anil a jury nf inquisition con detuned four properties this morning, two in Shenandoah, one in Cuuibuhi nnd ouo in 1'ottsvillo. Ten thousand demons gnawing away at oue's vitals couldn't bo much worse than the tortures of Itching piles. Yet there's n cure. Duan's Ointment never fails. PERSONAL MENl'lUN. Carl Coogan, of llazletorti was a visitor to town to-day. Itov. Robert O'lloyle visited trlends at I'ottsvlllo to-day. William Schoppe, of Philadelphia, was a guest of town friends yesterday. James Urant nude a business trip to the county seat this morning. Justice William II. sheiinkcr transacted lecal business at the court house to-day. l!ev. Harry Preston, of Muhanoy Plane, was in attendance at tho Davenport funeral in town to-day. Uev. Cliailes lioads, of Philadelphia, ar rived here this afternoon to be in attendance at the funeral of Mrs. It. A. Davenport, and after tho obsequies returned to Danville to attend a Suuday school convention at that placo. Miss Maine Tucker nnd hor brother, Adam, of I'ottsville, were guests of town friends to-day. II. I! Severn was among tho townsmen who made a flip to I'ottsville to-day. Thomas Dove, Jr., circulatedauiong friends at 1'ottsvillo this morning. S (. M. Holloncter. J. It. Covlc. M. M. Iluike, E. W. Shoemaker and T. It. Ileddall, E-1., represented tho legal fraternity of town at tho court bouse to-day. .Michael Mellct and 1;. C. llrobst traveled together to the county seat this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Kiimuel, of Chicago, 111., are in town as tl.o guests of the former's brother, William Kimniel, of Jiorth Jardin street. Michael O'llara, of town, spent it part of to-day at I'ottsville. C. C. II. Kirlln has returned from a three- week visU to friends at Wllliamsport, Sun bury and other places. Charles Schoppe to-day shipped bis house hold e Heels to Philadelphia, and bo intends locating there. Itlckert's Ctito. A special free lunch to-night. Vegetable soup to-morrow morning. Invitation to Holiday .Shoppers, Tho holiday display of Christmas novelties at our store is now ready and open to tho public for Inspection. It represents more than wo aro able to stafo hero. It is select, large nnd contains many rnoney.savliig oppor tunities. It does not cost the purchaser money, but bayou money instead, to pay us a ylsit. F. J. Poin z, tf SI N. Maiu slrcet. Kutertuln incut I'ostpoiUMl. Tlio entertainment to be held by tho Lost Creek Crdcts In Temperance ball 011 Wednes day evening, November 30th, lias been post poned until Wednesday, Dec. 7th to ue- comudato many of their admirers who are employed nt the Lehigh and P. & 12, collieries. Died of Dropsy. At his residence on West Huckleberry alley on Saturday evouing, William Walker expired of dropsy, after an illness of four mouths. Deceased was well known in town and was IK1 years old. Hu Is turvlved by his wife and tlvo children, Komlrlck House Fre Lunch. Vegetable soup fll bo served, free, to all patrons to-night. 3hmmim Not Hutliiiivri. M. I), llowman, of Muhuuoy City, who was recently defeated for thu County Surveyor ship, on Baturdfcy afternoon received anjotll rial count from Prutbonotary Jamiw It, DjenKiiu. It was n follows! llowmau, 13,1B3; IfeflBiuudt 13.1S0; Becuian, 613. THM navo Stoudia majority over liowrnau Si yotos, lUiwnmn claims La lmvi, nvcrcouio Ktoudt'H majority by the additlou 0 the soldier vote, and he Intends to have an Investigation In ttured, Try Cream fcllver Polish, Pest on tho market, At llrumiu's. PITHY POINTS. 'Inpliniiltign Tlirooglioot tlm Country Ohr"")"!".! for Ilnnty reritHttl. Beautiful snow ! It Is now full moon. Trolley sweepers swept majestically along yesleiday. Sleigh bells nro a possibility; llkowlso sleigh belles. The P. & 1'. employes at Mahanoy City were paid on Salutday. Tho butcher If he's given the proper steer can mako both ends meat. Exploding gas fatally burned Michael Durran in Park No. 3 colliery. Tho turkey venders are getting their wheels in shape for the holidays. John Lukas, a miner In tho Mahanoy City colliery, was fatally Injured by falling coal, 'Peter (trliliths, or airardvillo, is anxious to dispose of his hardware business in Tiirnacpia. The annual convention of tho Central Pennsylvania Y. M. C. A, began Saturday at Illoomsburi;. At tho Summit llniuch colliery. Dauphin county, Thomas Jones was killed by falling down a slope. I'ho coming marriage of Charles Klerk, of Ashland, to Miss Harriet ltabuck, of Shamo- kln. is announced. Philip Henry Herb, of Mahanoy City nnd .miss Ida Augustluo, ot l.ocust Valley, were married on Saturday. Now that wo vo had tlio snow storm an avalanche of "oldest Inhabitant" weather comments is about duo. Tho United Evangelical church of Putts vlllo yesterday celebiatcd Its third anniver sary with appropriate services. Letters of administration weio grunted to Joseph Whlteiish, on tho estate of Stephen limbo, Iato of I'ottsville, deceased. Plant your holiday advertisement now, and you will reap u good harvest. The holt day trade is going to bo a good ono. Jerry Hyan, formerly L. V. engineer, nnd lately P. & . fireman, has secured u position as nieiuau on tho Itock Island railroad In Illinois. Charles Ilroadway Itouss. of New York, has sold the Opera House at Altoona to thu Depow improvement Company, which will rebuild and improve it. C. . Smith, of Mahanoy City, has eutered tho soft coal husinoss, and is selling thnt product to people of that town. And In the heart of tho anthracite region, too. Johu, tho 14-year-old son of Edward O'Urion, of Ilcckschorvllle, sustained pain ful injuries to his leg by being caught in : scraper Hue at tho East Hldgo colliery. Hon. John Converse, of Philadelphia, has presented to each scholar in tho Qlrardvillo schools reaching tho perfect mark in deport ment a handsome bound book. Twenty scholars received too award. Resolutions relative, to the death of Henry C. Parsons, of illiainsport, president of the State bankers Association, were adopted at meeting of tho organization's Council of Administration in llarrisburg. At Payne's nursery, Girardvillo, you will find the largest Btock overseen in tho county, His Wife Disappearptl. When Thomas Staplctou arrived from bis work in the mines to his comfortable home in Tamaqiia last Friday ho found that hi wife had departed, taking with her all his earnings, about $00, leaving a note behind. saying sho bad gono to W ilkesharro. Mrs, stnpicton is a goou-iooKing, ainiablo young woman, nnd no cause is assigned for he sudden departure, as their married life was a pleasant one. Tho husband takes tho matter philosophically, and said she could go if sb wanted to and that ho would not follow her, Ibey have one child. loodllifr the. Mine. Tho flooding of No. 8 colliery at Coal Dale, ncarTamaqtia, which began October 2U, will havo been completed within live or six days. Tho water will bo allowed to Btand in tho mine for about two weeks, and then the utimpiug will begin. It is estimated that it will require three mouths to relievo tlio initio of all tho water, und with what repairs may bo necessary, operations at the colliery will hardly resume before May 1st. This is tho mine at which four men were killed and several injured as a result of tho explosion. Dr. llulPs CotiKh Syrup euros ermip. It has saved tholifoofmauyiicliild. Mothers, keep this medicine always on hand; It will save you many restless moments. Price 25c. Deetls ICccorderi. From Sylletta Iteigel, executrix, to Ara bella Sheipe, promises in 1'ottsvillo. Fiom Michael Flarcy et al to Josiali Jenkins, premises In St. Clair. llalikrtiplcy l'etltloit Filed, Creditors have filed petitions in tho United States District Court at Philadelphia to place tho following parties In involuntary bank ruptcy : Joseph Levy, of Pottsvillo; Morris Itefowlch, of Ashland, and the Wciner-flood-inan Shoo Company, of Carlisle, Many creditors are taking advantage of the provis ions of the now bankruptcy law. Dr. Hull's Conch Syrup cures nil throat troubles. Why wear out your throat by in cessant coURhinc, when this reliablo remedy can be bought for only 25 cents a bottle ? Dropped Ills llooty. A small boy, nltnost etaggering under tho weight of a largo overcoat, stood in front of Oirvln's btoro on Main street Saturday night with his eyes fixed iu admiration upon sev eral sleds that were on display at tho en trance. Finally tho youngster cast furtlvo glances tbout him to seo If ho was being watched. Satisfying himself that tho coast was clear, he suddenly grabbed ono of tho sleds, shoved it uudcr his big overcoat, and dashed down tlio street. A merchant who witnessed tho allalr shouted to tho boy, who throw tho sled into tho street and continued his flight until ho was beyond reach. The sled was taken back to tho store. All kinds of vegetables and flower seeds, and plants at Payne's nurseries, Girardvillo, Electric cars jmss tho door. 5-tt-tf Keeeh ed tho Slate Appropriation, The School Hoard on Saturday received the balanro due them on tho stato appropriation, J7.383 1)1). Somo time ago they received from this source, f JO.poO.OO, making the total statu annronriation f 17.365.00. There was already in tho treasury $1,500, nnd with tho amount wee vod from tho stato tliey will be reueveu of tho financial embarrassment that 1l1rpatnne.il them. Thev will also derivo considerable from Cullcctor Ifurko's sixty day settlement, Twenty-flvo per cent, can be saved by buy. Ing Jewelery at Orkin's, J2U South Main St. Kxecutura' Hale. John and Stephen Singley, as executors of tho estate of Lawrence Singley, late of North Union township, on Saturday sold tlio IioniC' stead at nubile sale. 8. G. M. Uollopeter, Esq,, of town, represented tlio executors ai tho Bale. The uronerty was knocked down at 2.U0O. n nrico at lcatt fifty per ceut. less than tho real value, 'J ue piaso is locaiou tliren miles west of NuremUurg ana era braces 151) acres, and 103 of them havo beeu dciired and cultivated. There nro two 8-story dwelilnuj. a largo barn und other biiildiugs mi tno niaco. 11. opu. ,." w,wi , .... r,.. o...l ...All... .nl r tlio estate will taico place 11) diiiiiiu lownsuip, Columbia coucty. (Jlirlstmns lilfu. Sample oase now open Tor Inspection, The Defender, Traveler and American Ulghta .dears. Put up In boxes to suit you. All sales Kuarautccd. t,. Brooks Knelly, 37 F.ast Centre street, Sheuandoah, Pa. tf A ono year guarantee accompanies every watch repaired at 'rum s, izu . main street &0R0UGH RESTRAINED. (Continued from First rage.) and paid over by hint as aforesaid, and de ducting commissions nnd exonerations to which ho is by law ontltled, your petitioners verily over, nnd expect to bo nblo to prove, that the said collector is not indebted to tho sum claimed in this case, but in a far oss sum, If any sum at all ! nnd thnt tho said collector, upon n fair settlement of hl Recounts, Is entitled to credit for ii sum amounting to over $'.1,000 for taxis ho collected and paid over by him as afoiesald on said duplicato for borough taxes for tho year 1800, and for which said sum ho has not been nllowcd credit thereon by said borough, Your petitioners Anther aver that the Slid sum of $ft,r8d.0.-i is not duo by said collector on tho triplicate for school taxes for s ilil year isuu, as set lortli in tiro statement illed by tho School District In tho above case. That the total amount of taxes charged in said duplicato amounts to tho sum of ,33,103 83, mid thnt the said collector has paid to the treasurer of said district, and Is entitled to credit theruloro on said duplicato, the sum of $23,8713 In cash and, with other credits lor commissions; abatements nnd exonerations to which ho is entitled, tho balance due thereon would, as your petitioners aver, and expert to be able to prove, amount to less than fl.OOO. lour petitioners further nvor that there nro still outstanding certain taxes on all the duplicates for tho said year 1800 which nro collectable, and that there has not been any proper, or full settlement of tho accounts of tho snld collector for any of said duplicates, and that upon n proper settlement of tho ac counts of said collector, and allowances for all tho credits to which ho Is lawfully on titled, It will appear, as your petitioners aver. and expect to bo nblo to prove on a tiial of this caso, that tho plaintiffs are not entitled to collect tho sum alleged and contained in their statements filed by thorn, respectively. as aforesaid. Wherefore, your petitioners, averring all tho facts above set forth are truo, as they verily bellovo and expect to bo able to prove, pray your honorablo court to grant a rulo in tlio above case to show causo why tho said judgment should not bo stricken oil, or opened, and thus allow them to make defense. And they will ever pray, etc. Tho petition above was sworn to E. C. Urobst, Michael Jlcllet and Joseph Itynka- wicz before Justice Toomoy, at Shenandoah, on Nov. 20, 1SDS. Upon tho presentation of the petitiou to court this morning by Hon. James I!. Itcilly, Nicholas Ilcblich and William A. Marr, Esus., counsol for tho petitioners, Judge Iiechtcl granted tho following rulo : And, now, towit: November 28, 1803, tho foregoing petition having been presented and heard, the court, on motion of James 1!. Itcilly, Nicholas Heblich and Win. A. Marr, attorneys for tho petitioners, grants a rulo In the above stated caso to show causo why tho said judgment thereon should not bu opened and defendants allowed to make defenso thereto, returnable on Monday, Dee. Ill, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m., all proceedings to bo stayed. In tho meantime Hon to remain. "lly the Court " Gcrauumns, fuchsias, pausics, daises, roses etc., for spriug planting at Payno's nurserie?, Girardvillo. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs. ANTHRACITE GOING UP. Higher Figures for Chestnut Coiil tu he Followed 011 Other Sizes. A rew 1 ork dispatch says that several of tlio anthracite producers there have advanced tho prico or chestnut coal 15 cents per tou at tide for Now England points. Tlio advanco is less a concerted action than a result of a shortago in tlio supply of this size ; but, it 13 inougnt to navo somo bearing 110110 tho loss on tho fact that the relations of tho niithra cite producers havo becorno closer and more harmonious, Asa result of tho present blizzard and tho greater harmony among tho presidents it is expected that to-morrow nil sizes of antlm- cito will bo advanced iu prico, to take efl'ect December 1, and if tho winter provos a severe one, as has been frequently predicted. no doubt Is entertained about the companies being nblo to secure circular prices. During tho past week nil tho anthracite producing companies have been mining and stripping enormous quantities of coal, In order to muko a good showing before Noveni ber30, when the baid coal year ends. On tho quantities moved by each company its percentage for tho coining year will lie largely based. Tho main lino of tho Heading Kailway. from Pottsvillo to Port Hiehinoiid, is almost blocked with thousands of loaded coal cars, and the same state of affairs is said to pro. vail on the other antlirncito roads. The present storm will probably put a stop to this rush of productiou, as it will greatly impede the movement of cars. wuvit Mi:N-iii:iti: is hofj: for yuj. You aro fearfully depressed and discour aged ny weakness, nervous debility, ex hausted powors and vigorless condition. Do you not know that the great specialist, Dr. Greene, 33 West 14th St., New York City, Is tho most successful physician In tho world in curing this class cf diseases? Ills medicines aro most healing, strengthening, invigorat ing, lie can mako you again a vigorous man. You can consult him by mail, free. Write him without delay. It costs nothing to get Ills opinion and advico by letter, and writing to him will probably lead to your euro. AUner Instantly Killed. William Youkas, a Lithuanian, aged 35 years, was Instantly killed by a delayed blast at tho Primrose, colliery this morning. He had prepared two charges, and Ignited tlio squibs. Yonkas retreated a safe dis tance, when ono charge exploded. After waiting somo timo he returned to the sceuo, thinking that tho second squib had been extinguished. He no sooner reached the face of the breast than tho explosion took placo. Tho unfortunato man's head was almost blown oil', Youkas resided at Maha noy City. It's Queer How Quick Pan-Tina cures coughs nnd colds, 25c. At Gruhler llros., drug store. x Held 111. ami Uohhed. Atolato hour on Saturday ulght Joseph Bavertus was held up and robbed of $12 and a new hat by five men nt Mahauoy City. liavertiu was on his way home when tho five assailants pounced upoti him, Two of them held bis anus while thu remaining pal rilled his pockets. With a powerful blow iUvcrtus felcd one of the men to tho grouud and (ben pulled a hrgo fcuife from his pocket. The highwaymen Ued, but IUvertus succeeded in gashing the forehead of ouo, No arrests havo bfcu made, fantTlaal What Is It? The greatest euro for coughsand colds, At Gruhlor llros,, drug store. Wlf ltuns Away, Johu Kupachinskl, who lives at No. 0 South Plum ulley, has been abandoned by his wife, Mrs. Kupachinskl, who is about 23 years qf ago and rather prepossessing, de camped lust Saturday morning with a para mourwhnso naino is not known, A lltljo daughter 8 years old Rccoinpanledlts mother. The clopemeut was not discovered until Sat urday afternoon, when Kupachinskl returned home fruin work and found the houso de serted. Thu husband cannot account for his' wife's actions, and the neighbors assert that theynlways lived happily. The fiinaway couple purchased tickets for New York at the Lehigh station. HOOD'S PILLS cure Mver 111, Biliousness, ItuUgcstto.i, Headache, Dleus" nt luxatlvo. All I)ruglsUi OUR REDUCED DKOPI.E fiom". all the neighboring towns have been flocking to our store to take advantage of the great oppottutiity for bargains which we offer in Overcoats for Hen. Youths, Boys nnd Children. They found our stock and piices just ns we advertised thctn, and no one left the store dis appointed, or dissatisfied. We will continue this great cut-rate sale for another week. Call early if you want to get any of the (WHAT BARGAINS IN OVERCOATS. o o The Only Place Fop Genuine Bargains is the Mammoth Clothing House, Nos. 9 and n South Main Street, L. GOLDIN, Proprietor. More ltnllers. Two additional tubular boilers aro being placed in the bolUr houso at tho Shenandoah City colliery to afford power for tho addi tional compressors nnd other Improvements iu course of completion. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup cures coughs and colds. Don't go to church or public meetlug and disturb tho audienco by incess ant coughing, but uso this wonderful remedy at once. SPECULATORS Who have from $25 upwards and wnnt to make money in an absolutely safe plan of speculation, where guaranteed profits will continually be from 10 to 30 per cent, monthly the entire year with no possibility of losing original capital, scud for full particulars of our progressive plan. A KAIHUll.t CO., Aldrinh Court, New York City. OH 1 WHAT A WRECK ! LARGEST LINE OF TOYS, FANCY VASES, OPAL TOILET SETS. THE LATEST GAMES DRESSING THE NEW WOMAN, CONETTE, MERRY WAR. Morgan's Bazar, 23 NORTH MAIN ST. LADIES', KISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Select your garment from up-to-date styles. We have the right goods here and a lame variety to select from at the right prices. Ladies' Coats, $2 50, $3.00, $5.00, $6.00. $8.00, $9.00 to $16.00. Children's Coats, $1.50 to $7.50. Far Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00. Our stock o(. dress goods has no equal. You will find here a large assortment of plain and fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic nt bar gain prices. Our place is headquarters for lace curtains, blanket?, carpets, rugs, etc. Look through our line on second floor and get prices. lluttcrick paper patterns, best in the world, sold by us. P. J. GAUGHAN, NORTH MAIN STREET. Ferguson's Theatre. One solid week, commencing 0 Nights S MONDAY Evoning, 1 Matinee 1 JOHN A. IIIMMELEIN'S "SUPEIU1 COMPANY, E ''IDEALS," Supporting the popular players MISS BEATRICE EARLE and MR. CHESTER DEVONDE. Including the peer of musical organizations, llowson's Twentieth Century Hand and Orchestra, lieautilul scenic and mechanical elects. THE PLAYS. ICaglcs Keat, North and Booth, Tliedieat Northwest. Tlie 1'lanter's Wife, Cuba I.lbre, 1'anchon the Crlcki-t, Tiekct-ot-Lenve Man, A Night In New Vork, Tlio MtoUuaril, etc. 15AUI I'llODUCTION C0MPI.KTB. Monday ulght the beautiful romantic drama, "EAGLES NEST." Prices i io', 20 and 30 Cts. POMMERCIAL HOTEL RESTAURANT, y aj, Morris Heckmau, Prop. Is now open. Rating bar attached. I'rre lunch morning and event, g. v-lipjccdl (ft nines, U'uncllcs, cigurs and beers. VAL. BEYRANT, flgr. :Has Brought Great Custom WhW i Orkin's Jewelry Store, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical AS C5 No.129 South IV1 a I n Street, Terminus of the Schuylkill Traction Company's Railway. $5.00 Eight Day Clock for For This Month Only. MISCELLANEOUS. ITIOH ltKST. Storeroom nnd dwclllnrr, nt I17 J South Jardin street, Is for rent, cheap. Apply to M. T. I'urccll, coiner Onlc nnd West streets. 1I-S1-2W JflOIt HAI.U A vnluable mnnufacturiui; plant ' fully equipped for the manufacture of cloth hats nnd caps and boxes, nnd n double frame dwelling house, together or teperate. Seuled or verbal bids for all or part of real cstntc, or equipment will be received up to and Including November SOth, 1S98, t the office of the company, corner Coal and Emerlck streets, Shenandoah, l'n. , ll-15-2w IjlOU KENT. Dwelling house, with all eon. ' vcnlences, with good locution, for rent. Apply nt tlds office. tf lilUU OAJ.I'. VUIUUIIIB rmeiimiuiKiu property, Jj centrnlly located on Oak street, w itb all modern ctmvenlciicen, etce room und welling mm home on tho reur, Jror inrtner lnicrimul Lion apply nt this olllce. NOTICIC Desirable properties (or Bale. Ai ply to H. U. M. llollupt'tor, attorney, Hhcnuiuloali. 8-31-tf PROPOSALS. Proposals will bo received by the undf rslgned members of the construction committee of the llorough Council of Hheuuudonh, l'a., tor the puintmg of the roofs ot the borough building and bell tower. Tho bids arc to be subtnltfrd at or before 0 p. m on Thursday, Dec lt, ISO. The committee reserves the right to reject any, ornlll'ids. The chairman of tho committee will furnish any additional Information re quired. ICnwAim Munrnv, Chairman. M, I, SllOKMAKi:it, ll-2S-3t Danii'I. Coaklev INVIGORATING TO THE HAIR and SCALP. Drop us a postal card and a we will call at your residence. l'rompt attention, Dusto's Tonsorial Parlors Ferguson TTonte Hlock. mwM'mmmmmnwmtmm Coat Sale at Kelly's Millinery. One Lot of Children's Coats at $1.00 One " " at 1.50 One " ' " " at 1. 00 One " " at 2.50 One " " Hat Trimmed Sailor .So One Lot of Children's Trimmed Hats, from 50c, 75c, $1.00, $i.a5, $1.50, and tip. We have reduped the price o(i all our Trimmed Hats. Ninety-five dojjen to select from, We guaran tee the lowest prices and best goods oifered to the trade. Face Veilings, plain or dotted, from 8c per yard up. Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa, amummmiuiuiuiuaiiu The Cheap Prices We nro charglne (or thollitsT (luocEUIla! to be had ro uulninir popularity dully. 'We believe' 111 "lvo'nd let five." Wo want the buyer to have soine'orthe prohta'ua well an tho seller. nuv aoona, boo-th and uqe, Gl!ST' rT1ltirUI!U8. Choice winter tqf lc. flood good, at the lowet Mefce. RhlMp VwrowwKy. 213 WEST CENTIJE BT BHENANPOAH, PA PRICES to Us We have also made n big reduction In ... HEAVY WEIGHT SUITS I Call and See the Stock. The prices have been reduced, but the quality and make remains the same. 4, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. mm Instruments, Optical Goods. i Ijll 5 IEGEUS TOVE TORE 133 and 131 S. Main Street. Contains the largest as well ns tlr most reliable stock in town. We have stoves, ranges and heaters in carloads. We sell only. the best The Buckwalter makes. They sell cheap, yes cheaper than anywhere else, and are accompanied by a guarantee. Our Furniture Explained in a nutshell compares with the above announce- - -- i T7 1 i- 1 - mum. wc nave an entirely new line for the holidays in dining room furniture, chairs, sofas, couches, etc. D.8J.ML, 123 and I3l South Main Street. Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle grease. Also headlight oil, 150 fire test. ECLIPSE OIL COMPANY, Ko. 143 Eaat Coal Street, Shenandoah, Veima Mall orders promptly attended to. NEW OPENING ! NEW SHOE STORE ! For good and cheap shoes at the lowest prices, go to the NEW YORK' CHEAP SHOE ST0RE, Near Jardin St. 3? West Centre Street, PRABOWSKY HOTEL, fl. GRAB0WSKY, prop. 819 ff, Centre St., Vottaville, l'n. r.l , ., 1 ' 1 . 1 .. 1 II I I n, (lia l,nr A CHOieO imp OI Mltars PUU jcuijnT- uncp Prink Accommodation (or travelers. rmm . mFnr . vim t lUMii llivim c DKAtKU IN o Fruit, Confectionery, 1 .11.11 nUU lUUUWWU - o Wholesale and Re till. S3 West Centre Street. Ve can furnish Repairs for all Stoves. It i; by far clipper tp repair ywr & faithful than to buy a new otic, If your &to-j broken le us fix it, You will be pleased with the work nnd the price, WM. R. PRATT, 333 S. Jardin St