The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 28, 1898, Image 3

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The Result of Imperfect Digestion of
Kvcry livihR tiling, plant or nnlmnlt con
tains within itself the germs of ccttalii decny
and death. fl .
In the human body these germs' of disease
and dc4th (called by scientists Ptomaines),
are usually the result of Imperfect digestion of
food ; the result of indigestion or dyspepsia.
The stomach, from abuse, weittncss, does
not pioniptl) and thoroughly digest the food.
The resul is a heavy, sodden mass which
ferments (the first process of decay) poisoning
the blood, making It thin, weak and lacHng in
red corpuscle i (wisoiiing the brain causing
headaches and pain In the eyes,
Und digestion irritates the heart, causing
palpitation and finally bringing on disease of
this very important organ. (
I'oor digestion poisons the kidneysj causing
Brlght's disease anil diabetes. V
And this is so because every organ, every
nerve depends upon the stomach alone for
nourishment and renewal, and wcik diges
tion shows itself nut only in loss of appetite
and flesh, but in weak nerves ami muddy
The great English scientist, Huxley, snid
the best start in life is a sound stomach.
Weak stomachs fail to digest food properly,
because they lack the proper quantity of di
gestive acids (lactic and hydrochloiic) and
peptogenic products ; the most sensible remedy
In all cases of indigestion, is to take after each
meal,one or two of tituart's Dyspepsia Tablets,
because they supply in a pleasant, harmless
form all the elements that weak stomuchs lack.
The regular use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
lets will cure every form of stomach trouble
except cancer of ihe stomach.
They increase flesh, insure pure blood,
strong nerves, a bright eye and clear com
plexion, because all these result oiily from
whojesoine food well digested.
Nearly all druggists sell Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets at 50 cents full sied package or by
mail by enclosing prire to Stuart Co., Mar
shall, Mich., but ask your druggist first.
A little uok on stomach diseases mailed
free. Address F. A. Stuart Co., Marshall,
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal-
-No Smoke
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, neefc dnye,
2 10, 3 S3, 7 30, 9 63 a. m., 12 20, 8 W and 6 09 p. m.
Kor New York via Mauch Chut, weok. days,
7 30 a. m., 12 2S and 8 09 p. m.
For l&eadiiiB and Philadelphia, week dayB,
2 10, 5 38, 7 80. 9 85 a.m., lis 28, 8 C9 and 6 09 p. m.
For Pottsvllle, week days, 7 80, 9 85 a. ni.,
12 26, 8 09, 6 09 and 7 30 p. in.
For Tamaqua and Mnhanoy City, week days
7 80,9 65 a.m., 12 20, 8 09 and 0 09 v. m.
For 'Wllllamsporl, Sunbury and Lewlsburg,
week days. 1182 a.m.. 12 20, 7 30 p. m
n..,M.I.Anm flane. weekdays. 210.3 27.633,
780,955, 1182 a.m., 12 20, 8 09, 6 09, 7 3., 9 66
P'Fo'r Ashland and Shatuokln, week days, 730,
. , 11 (u n nn rvt rami M n. in
For Bultlmore, WashtiiKton and the West via
n,liO. It. It., through trains lea-1 Beading
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. It-11 K.I ai aau,
7 55. 11 26 a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 p. 1-. Sundays,
tlonal trains from Twouty-fourth and Chest
nut streets Htallon. wees mays, u ou h. ui.
13 15 B 40 p.c Sundays, 185,8 28 p. m.
Leave New
days, 12 15, 4 1
York via Philadelphia, week
10, 8 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 45, i 80
u m n m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 80, 9 10 a. m.. 1 30 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 3 40, s 86. 10 21 a. m. nua i an, im, n oo
11 Oft n r.i
Leave Reading, week days, 137, 700, 10 08,
a. m.. 12 15. 4 17. 6 00. a 211 p. m.
Leave Pottsville. weekdays. 717, 740 a.m..
12 80, 1 20, 4 30, 6 10 and 6 50 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days," 3 18, 8 86,
. ... I AO !(M.7!!A.!)
Leave Mahanoy City, week days,. 3 45, 9 05,
11 61 a. m., 2 22, S 25, 6 21. 7 44, 10 OS p. m
Leave Mnhanoy Plane, week uays, 2 40, 4 03,
680, 9V2 10 23,12 00, a. m., 2 39, 5 80, 8 42, 7 tB,
in Ol in.
Leave Wllllamsport, week days, 7 42,
m.. 13 34 and 4 00. 11 30 p. m.
1000 a
T.-nv Philadelphia Chestnut street warf
BouthHtreet wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. m., 2 00, 4 00,
8 00 p.m. Accommodation, j08 am., 6 30 pm
Sundays Eiprrss, 9 00, 10 00 a m Accomuioda
tlon, 8 00 a u,,4 43 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantlo City depot cornel
Atlantlo and Arkansus avenues.
Weekdays KxprcMS, 7 33, 9 00, a m. 3 30,5 80
p m. Accommodttllon. 8 15 a. in. 1 03 p. in.
fiundays Eipreea. 100. 730p m. Accouimodn
tlon, 7 13 a. ra 4 15 p. m.
For Capo May, Sea lile City and Ocean Cltyr
Weekdays 9 00 a m, additional for Cape May,
415 p m for Ben Isle City, 5 00 p m.. for
Ooeandty, 415, 5 00 p in. Sundays, Chestnut
street-i-fl js am,, South street, 9 00 a.m.
" Parlor Cars on all exprawm train
For furtlier Information, apply to uearest
Philadelphia and Heading lUllway ticket agent
or address , ,
I. A. Swkioabd, Edsoh J. Wkkkii
Qen'l Supt., Oen'l Pass'r Agt.,
Headline Terminal, Philadelphia.
Agent for the Famous
Phila. Stock "Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale,
Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
and Porter,
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
(brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
Kc, All orders leu at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Main Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
Superior Sarsaparllla..
and Orauge Champagne
Partially Wrcckd tt ttivor Steamer
on the Faoifio Cfoast.
Men orilio CrowConfliioil In tlio Hold
ntiil Toirllily Scnhtod by tlio Encnp
Inir stoitin-i:iulit or Thotn Nonriy
Itoimtcil Allvo.
Stockton, Cat., Nov. 2S. The most
disastrous river accident In the his
tory of Stockton occurred yesterday
near Fourteen Mile Slough, when a
part of one of the bolters of the river
steamer T. C. Walker, which left San
Francisco about 6 o'clock Saturday
night, was blown out, killing six and
dangerously wounding 11 persons, while
probably IE or 20 were more or less
badly hurt. The T. C. Walker Is owned
by the California Navigation and Im
provement company, and ran between
San Francisco and Stockton,
The dead are: John Tulan, captain of
the T. C. Walker: T. C. niunt, tha
agent In charge of the shipping of
sugar beets from the Moss tract to
the Crockett factory: Watson Henry,
engineer of the T. C. Walker; Mrs.
Henry, wife of the chief engineer;
Jerry Dally, fireman; Ferdinand Law,
of Seattle.. Of the wounded James Cor
coran, deckhand, will probably die.
The majority of the passengers were
In bed when the explosion occurred,
nnd were awakened by the reoort,
which was as loud as a cannon's doar.
People rushed from their rooms In
their night clothes. The whole forward
portion of the steamer's upper works
were blown away. The electric lights
had been put out and the escaping
steam enveloped the front portion of
the boat till It was Impossible to see
how much of the boat had been carried
a way.
The screams of the men who wer5
locked In their rooms near the pilot
liouso were heartrending. Captain John
Tulan had been blown from his bed
against the door of the state room and
so Berlously Injured that he could not
move. The door could not be forced
open, as he was Jammed against It.
One of the employes of the boat se
cured an ax and cut the upper part of
the room away, and finally removed
him, but not until he was virtually
roasted alive. When pulled out the
flesh dropped from his bones In large
Watson Henry, the chief engineer,
and his wife were In their room near
the pilot house when the explosion oc
curred. Mrs. Henry was blown a dis
tance of 20 feet to the bow of the boat.
She was badly crushed and so badly
scalded with escaping steam that her
Injuries proved fatal at 12:30 yester
day afternoon. Mr. Henry was badly
scalded. He was thrown some distance.
but not as far as his wife. He died
shortly after being brought to the city.
Mr. Blunt was Instantly killed. He
was standing on the lower deck, as he
Intended making a landing a short dis
tance above the place where the ex
plosion occurred.
, Jerry Dally, 'the fireman, was In thi
fire hold of the boat when the accident
occurred. The escaping steam com
pletely enveloped him, scarcely a por
tion of his body escaping the scorch
ing vapor. He died at the receiving
Underneath the lower deck, where
the deckhands slept, groans and
screams were terrible, for the unfortu
nate Imprisoned men were receiving
the full force of the steam as It came
from the boilers. Eight of them were
almost roasted alive. Those who were
able made their way to the deck as best
they could, while the more seriously
Injured were unable to get out. Arms
and faces of those near the main en
trance were frightfully scalded. Dom
lnlcl, who was on the lower deck, was
blown Into the water and had to swim
ashore after his back was scalded.
Louis Brlzzolana, In company with
Charles Magglnl and wife, were stand
ing near the pilothouse. The force
threw him to one side. He was badly
burned nbout the body. Mr. Magtjlnl
and his wife escaped without a scratch.
Ahout an hour after the explosion
the passenger steamer Dauntless, com
ing from San Francisco, hove In sight.
She rendered Immediate assistance and
all the wounded and uninjured were
taken aboard.
On the lower deck the Injured em
ployes of the boat were located, Moans
and screams, which could not be re
pressed, were uttered by the Injured
men. Everything possible was done
to relieve their ngony.
One of tho remarkable escapes Is that
of Harry T'olvone, who was at the
wheel when thy explosion occurred.
The pilothouse was torn away, but he
was not dangerously Injured, though
somewhat scalded about the lower
What caused the explosion will prob
ably never be known. The steam drum
burst with terrible violence. It had
split completely across the upper por
tion and the whole sheet turned out
ward. The four walls of the engine
room were demolished by the force of
tho explosion. The lower deck, hur
ricane deck and Texas deck were
wrecked In the portion directly over
the englno room, The direction of the
Hying debris was upward and outward,
toward the bow. If It had been the
other way the loss of life would have
been much greater. The forward doors
and stairway were destroyed.
Yellow Taundlce Cured,
ctiifrrlntr humanity should be supplied with
rvrrv means nossible for its relief. It Is with
pleasure we publish the following. "This is
to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from
Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and
was treated by some of the best physicians iu
our city and all to no avail. Dr. Bell, our
druggist, recommended Electric Bitters j and
a ter lakini two Domes. 1 was entirely cuicu.
1 now take great pleasure in recommencing
them to any person suffering fron this terrible
ma ndv. l am erateiui v yours, ai. "
j a - '
Hogarty, Lexington, ts.y.,
Sold by A. wasiey uruggisi.
DomocHUIo Solillurs Dlil Not Vote.
Troy, w. r Nov, as, since the re
turn of the 42 members of the First
regiment of volunteers from Itenasalaer
county Saturday morning It has been
learned that they did not vote In the
field. It was supposed they would be
home In time to register and vote, and
no provision was made for them to
vote while they were In Porto Rico,
This re-elects Congressman A. V. S,
Cochrane, Republican, by only three
plurality. The Itenssalaer soldiers who
did not vote are nearly all Democrats,
Interested People,
Advertising a patent medicine In the pe
culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp'i
Balsam for Coughs and Colds does it, is in
deed wonderful, He authorizes all druggist!
to give to those who call for it, sanipli
bottle free, that they may try it before pur
chasing. The large bottles are 25 and 60c,
We certainly would advise a trial, it may
have you from consumption.
AVcgelablcPrcparalionror As
similating Uitfroodfltidllcgula
ling tlmStomachs andBowcls of
utjrCfV Sit , Wltis n Pi Ynivn
ncssandRcst.Contfllris neither
Omum.'MorphinO nor Mineral.
Not NAitc otic.
tfttmJLvt Sctil'
ill tartmaHSmJa '
Sugftr .
ApcrJcctlfemctly forConsttpa-
Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrish-
ucss andliOSS OF SLEEP.
TflCSirnile Signature of
-V ftl n Awl xAM
($ Hi fxr ,
Paid Purchases of S5 or morofc-f , (
will be sent FREIGHT PREPAIDl to J1) V C
to any tnllrond station in MAIME,L )r" X vj u
LAND, CONNECTICUT, HEW s3f EgfS $?ftj52gfg fffiB
NEW JERSEY. "x "!!' STS-
vigor to the whole being. All drains
ii ! j ,' 5 couuiuon onen
Mailed sealed. Price J t rjerbot: 6 boxes,
moncy.ts.oo. Send lor free book.
For Sale al KIRLIN'S Drug:
position, chartrtUr, ability,
Send 10 eot and gir
trathful horoiooM reading
Uue offer ai a tert trial.
ZARAHtho ASTROLOGER, Lack Box 403, Phlladotphla, Pa. '
Tfm FMM33 wZarah the 1toloeb Ii eerulaly aatoaUblbf tkeuaada. Bla veodarfal predletUu ui teeU are bu4 '
This is the trade
mark of tho great
trunk lluo of the
South tlio South
ern Railway, It is the short lino to Florida
and oQ'ers the best servlco and quickest time
to all the principal winter resorts as well as
to all the commercial centres of the South.
Maps, rates and all information will be
cheerfully furnished by John M, Bcall,
District lasseuger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
To make it apparent to thousands, who
think themselves ill, that they aro not af
flicted with any disease, but that the system
simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort
home to their hearts, as a costive condition is
easily cured by using Syrup of Figs. Manu
factured by the California Fig Syrup Co.
ouly, and sold by all druggists.
Coining Invents.
Nov. 30. Grand entertainment under the
auspices of tho Lost Creek Cadets, at Tern-
pernnce hall, Lost Creek,
Dec, 10th. Entertainment and tableau
exhibition to be given in tho 1. JI. church
fur the beucflt of tho Sunday school.
Dec. 81 Grand ball in Dougherty's now
hall, corner Jardin and Centra street, under
auspices of Bheuandoih Ulee Club.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
refund tho money on a BO cent bottle of
Greene's Warranted Byrup of Tar If it falls
to euro your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a SS-ccnt bottle to prove satisfactory or
money refunded, A. Wasiey, O. II. Hngeii
buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and 1', W.
nierstein & Co. ll-14 S3t-dw
Ask your grocor for the "Royal Patent
flour, and take no othor brand, It Is tho est
flour inado,
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
Signature AW
Always Bought.
They have stood theteuofyear.
alia navo cuieu uiousanu oc
'Cast-s of Nervous Diseases, sucb
as Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless-
ness and Varicocele.AtroDhv.&c
They clear the brain, strencthea
the circulation, make digestion
and losses are checked pirmantntly. Unless uatlents.
worries tnem Into insanity. Uonsumptionor Death.
with Irnn-rUA l-oaf .xinni,. inn,,.n...fnik.
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.T
Store, Shenandoah, Pa
n& Kin
ur you
ZARAQ, the world-renowned Egyptian Aftrologar, who bu teen creating each e-
tonlahmeat tboroughout Europe for tb put fif rear, will girt i. tnitbfal, accaU,
rUnet horoiooM delinefctiott ci roar lif. lie will dre Tour Moa&l rDerno. dig.
taste, probable length of life, ponible aeddeau, adfiee and
ugtfeauoDioaioTa&iara,mamKcDu,eomjei,apecuiauon DOJineumaturi(eM. ,
Yon can Inform yoortelf thoroughly ok 1
tbJj and oa any other qaaiUou of jou i
paai, preieot ana suture uie
exact daU ef birth and I will immediately refer 7 ,
of your life, nd prote It to be all true by yeuMlf. I mX
All oommnaicauou itrietly eoafldtnUaL Aiinm
Give the Children a Drink
called Graln-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to tako the lilaco of
cofl'oo. Sold br all urocers and liked by all
who have used it becauso when properly
preparod it tastes llko the flnost collce but is
frco from all Its Injurious properties, urain
O aids dico3tion and strengthens the norvos.
It is not u stimulant but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
with great bonoflt. Costs about 1 as much as
cotleo. 15 and 25c.
Are You Going to Florida ?
If you are. ask for tickets via tho Southern
Railway. It is the shortest, quickest and
best route. Its service this season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John St. Bcall, District
Passonger Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia. Pa.
"Cute the cough and save the life." Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures coughs and
colds, down to the very verge of consump
tion. Will You Winter In Florida 1
This will bo tho greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
yia the Southern Railway. IU the best
routo. If you will writo John M. Reall,
District Passeuger Agent, 828Chestuut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange- all tho
details of your trip for you.
Oents: I was dreadfully nervous, and for
relief took your Karl's Clover Root Tea. It
quieted my uervos and strengthened my
whole Nervous System. I was troubled witli
Constipation, Kidney and Dowel trouble
Your Ton soon cleansed my system so
thoroughly that I rapidly regftiued health
and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford,
Conn, Suld by S. P. Kirlin and a guarantee.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo sure that tho'name
Liowia & BtKn, Ashland, Pa., is printed on
ovoiy sack,
May 13o Signed at Today's Meet
ing of the Oonimission.
Itnt Will Accept tlm Aliiorlcnii tlllor
or Twenty Million Dollar Kor tlio
I'lilllpptiio iMliiiiclH-biiirustii'H Trillin
Willi III CollunituoH.
I'nrls, Nov. 28. Senor Montero Itios,
presldunt of the Spanish peace commis
sion, was Inst evpnltiR waiting for the
reply from the Spanish government,
and unless there Is some change In the
situation hefore the commissions meet
today the reply will bo an acceptance,
under protest, of the American offer
of f20.000.000 for the Philippines.
Even up to a late hour last evening
telegrams had been exchanged between
the Hpsnish commissioners and Mad
rid, but all the Americans In a position
to speak with authorltyy are convinced
that the foregoing outlines the con
tents of the Spanish reply. Senor Abar
zuza expressed the opinion that there
would be no break in the work of the
Marquis de Comlllas, who Is the larg
est Individual creditor of Spain and
has been here from the outset In behalf
of the numerous Important enterprises
of which he Is the head, also Indicated
that Spain had made up her mind to
yield. He Is In very close touch with
the Spanish commissioners.
"Nothing that we have done here,"
said the maiqulB, "has made any Im
pression upon the minds of the Ameri
can commissioners. From the very
first their intention was to take the
Philippines, and they have never
There Is no truth In the report cabled
here from Washington that In the last
American memorandum a demand for
the Sulu group had been added to the
previous American demand.
The original claim was within ter
ritory within lines longitudinally and
latltudlnally defined. It embraced the
so-called Sulu group. There has been
no change since the first demand, and,
according to the statement of one of
the Amerlran commissioners, there will
be no modification of It.
Assured Tlmt tlio Spaniards tVIll Slcn
tllO I'PIICO TlMMltj.
Washington, Nov. 2S. Throughout
the peace negotiations which are still
pending nt Paris the president has ex
pressed confidence that a treaty satis
factory to the United States would he
drafted and signed. From time to
time assurances of substantial progress
toward that end have been received
from the American commissioners.
Yesterday advices were received by the
president from Mr. Day, president of
the Paris commission, reiterating the
assurances he had previously given the
president of the early and successful
conclusion of the work of the commls
Judge Day, It Is understood, states
positively that the Spanish commls
sloners formally will accept, perhaps
today, the terms of the United States,
and that a treaty drawn along the lines
of the agreement reached would ha
drawn and signed In a few days.
The dispatch from Judge Day was the
first absolutely definite statement as to
the conclusion of the labors of the
commission that has been received.
It Is probable that the president will
discuss In his message to congress,
which will be delivered one week from
today, the successful efforts of the
administration In the negotiation of a
peace treaty, although there Is a pos
sibility that the treaty Itself may not
have been signed at the time.
ir nn: ami'.hicaxs immsmit,
SpniilnnlH Will I.cxitri. n "rrotPHt"
Airiiliist tli Tronty.
London, Nov. 2S. Thp Madrid corre
spondent of The Standard says. "The
cabinet hap concluded that the wisest
policy In to accept the American terms.
leavlnR to the Spanish commissioners
full power to secure the best possible
Indemnity, and to place on record, If
the American commissioners will per
mit, a protest nrralnst the American In
terpretation of the protocol as affect
inpr the Philippines and apalnst the
peace conditions generally.
"The decision, of the cabinet is ap
proved In political nnd financial circles.
I understand, however, that the de
liberations of the ministers was very
protracted. Senor Snprasta, Duke Almo
flovnr de Itlo and Senor Pulgcerver had
Kreat difficulty in Inducing some of
their colleagues to accept the small In
demnity rndimlitedly the situation Is
"mud nnd critical, but ministers say
Senor Saanta Is detenninMl to con
front all opposition until the cortes is
cono(il. probably at the end of De-cemlii'i-
when he will demand a vote
of confidence, virtually Implying ap
proval of tho treaty and the conserva
tion of his party."
Discovered by a Woman.
Another great discovery lias been made,
and that too, by a lady in this country. "Dis
ease fastened its clutches upon her and for
seven years she withstood its severest tests,
but her vital organs were nndermined and
death seemed imminent. For three mouths
she coughed incessantly, and could not sleep.
She finally discovered a way to recovery, by
purchasing of us a bottle of Dr. King's New
Discover)' for Consumption, and was so much
relieved on taking first dose, that she slept all
night ; and with two bottles, has been ab
solutely cured, Her name is Mrs. Luther
I.utz. Thus writes W. C. Hamnick & Co.,
of Shelby, N. C. Trial bottles free at A.
Wasley's Drug Store. Regular size 50c and
$1.00. Everybottle guaranteed.
llov. 'Lyitinu Abbott to Itoli;n.
New York. Nov. 28. Ilev. Dr. Lyman
Abbott, from the pulpit yesterday, an
nounced his Intention to resign the pas
torate of Plymouth church, Urooklyn,
which he has filled for ten years. In
his letter Dr. Abbot says his action is
dictated by his physician, who declares
he Is "using up vital energies faster
than nature supplies them. He leaves
mo no option but to withdraw from the
pastoral work and devote myself to
the equally responsible but quieter
work of the pen."
Builds up the system; puts pure, rich
blood in tho veins; makes men and women
strong and healthy. Burdock Blood Bitters
At uny drug store.
Klltlll 1 .a- Hi To ll'lf.- Otli'UllIC,
Home. Nov. ,'R. At ihe ojionlnB of a
new college at Pp. esa-Argentlna, near
Turin, ye&terdny. the Rival hall col
lapsed, carrying down the nssembly in
the ruins. Three bishops were Injured,
one of whom has Blnce died. It Is
feared that many poisons have been
killed or seriously hurt.
Karl's Clover Root Tea Is a pleasant laxa
tive. Regulates the bowels, purifies the
blood. Clears tho completion. Easy to
mako and ploasaut to take, S3 cia. Sold by
V, 1). Kirlin and a guarauteo.
(.'nbtnet ItcrilMctii I'listpoiioiluMitl'piirt
f,i 1i,.,.lu1i,ii In lli'fvrim CnMo.
Pails, Nov. 2S. Then- was a renewal
yesterday of Saturday's conferences
between the prenlei M. Pupuy; min
ister for war, M. De 1' luydni't, and the I
minister of Justice, M. Lebert, and
members of both clianibcis logardlng
the leiiuest of the commit tve of Leftist ,
senators for u postponement, until af
ter the decision of the court of cassa
tion In the lJreyfus affair, of the trial
of Colonel Plrqunrt, charged with re
vealing Important military documents
to his counsel.
As a result of the conferences It Is un
derstood that M. Uupuy, who had
promised to refer the request to the
cabinet and to give a reply yesterday,
will decline to postpone the Plcquart
court martial. His decision will be an
nounced In the chamber of deputies to
day. Yesterday afternoon M. Dupuy had
several conversations with M. De
Freyclnet at the olllces of the ministry
of war. He Is supposed to have gone
there to lnsect certain documents, only
obtainable at the war olllee, In con
nection with the Dreyfus case.
General .urllnden, military governor
of Paris, In an olllclal note, requdl
ates the Insinuation that his decision
to send Colonel Plcquart for trial by
court martial was prompted or sug
gested by President Faure.
I.e Solr assprts thnt the Plcquart
dossier contains "new and unanswer
able proofs of the guilt of Dreyfus."
Jour. In a sensational article, de
clares that the secret dossier consti
tutes the only good proof of Dreyfus'
guilt. It givse details In a circum
stantial manner as to the documents In
the package, and promises further
Bucklen'a Arnica Salve.
Tlio best salvo In the world for cnU,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rhottm, fever sores,
titter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all Bkln oruptlous, and positively cures piles,
or Ao pay required. It w guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or moiiy refunded. Price
85 cents per box. For Bale hr A. Wssloy .
VlliKlcvHn In Poflu Jtlco.
San Juan d - Porto Itlcn. Nov. 2.
Pi. 'ink A Vjndcrllp. nxrlstant sectctary
of the ti' '-U'.v, .-.r 1 i-i! hfre from the
t'lilteil "! ycsti'nlay on the ri' oiiuh
cutter Gieshani. He has come to In
quire into and report upon the Porto
Rico currency system, the lighthouse
service, the coast curvty establishment
and the other matters f.illlng undfr
the jurisdiction of the fulled States
treasury department. He will go to
Cuba before returning to the United
most every known
branch of study
but the one most
important branch
of all. What docs
it profit your on
!r 1... ,
1 11 ne iiiv, nil iiiiiri-
C lepllilrna Mulnil
- anu is memanvan
V Admiral Cricliton,
if he has a weak
- and puny body
and not the re
motest idea of
how to care for
his health? A
boy should be
taught from the
start that his
health is his most
precious endow
ment. Without health, all the talent, all
the genius, and all the ambition in the
world are worthless. A boy should be
taught that success in anv walk of life, that
happiness, and life itself, are dependent
upon his care of his health.
When a man feels that he is losing his
health and vigor, when his cheeks no long
er glow, his step is no longer elastic and
the sparkle of health is no longer in his
eyes, he should work less, rest more and
resort to the right remedy to restore his
bodily vigor. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery is a natural medicine a scientif
ic medicine. It does no violence to nature.
It works with and not against nature. It
promotes the natural processes of secretion
and excretion. It imparts vitality and
power to the whole system It gives
plumpness and color to the cheeks, sparkle
to the eyes, steadiness to the nerves,
strength to the muscles and the animation
of health to the whole body. It makes the
appetite keen and hearty. It is the great
blood-maker, flesh-builder and nerve tonic
and restorative. Medicine dealers sell it
and have absolutely nothing else "just
as good."
" I was afflicted with pimples and holts, and
running sores on face and neck," writes Robert
S. Wert. Hsq., of No. 615 Galloway Ave , Colum
bus, Ohio. "ItookDr Pierce's Golden Medical
Discovery and 'Pleasant Pellets,' and wascured."
Constipation is the commonest beginning
and first cause of manyserious diseases and
it should always be treated with Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets used in connection with the
"Discovery." These are the most perfect
natural laxatives and permanently cure.
Dr.THEEL604 Hortb Sfxlb 81.
su'called frrcatCBt, most celebrated nnj
wisest atirerttt lufirdoetom fall, no matter
niiatttii'Tel.ilm, LOST MANHOOD
un,. debility. Kariu
Ahmet, Blood IWsnn, Ftricturet, Slimnktn or Un
derelvpttt organs. Hititirely ihe only one In tha world
to core VARICOCELE without eiitllnu. llookfrce
erposlnir nver7a(lvfrttclnsrfruud,Klectr(0llrltBwiG.
dlera.ralCB Medical Institutes, etc. Freshca'eicvreA
in i low days. Treatment by mall. Instant relief.
If we can sell you
one jc. package of
mis admixture
we'll be satisfied.
You'll buy more
for It will touch
the spot. Grocers
luve SEELJO'S.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
ffimzj 1
r .
vM Ww b
hos added
little of Seel-
to ordinary
coffee know a
m ranu urinK iun 1,1 ' 11,1 v
vflll olease her husband. S
My little daughter's head nnd faco broko
outln bloc lin;sorc3. O110 of her cars wa so
nf ' ' Miothou lit It would slough off. Iter
B11IT11 hi;? was Intense, getting no rost unlos
under o) :aici. Tlio phjalclau tried every
known rc anly, but Instead of getting better,
Blic rot Morse. Distracted with her condi
tio 1, 1 -.. 1., advised to try Ccticciia Hkmb
11 . Hi f-irfl tin fir'l irrrb I noticed that tlio
li: RiiiriTcr was beginning to get relief, and
ill u ''nn lim mnntht was tntlrelu aired.
,MralA.-S. MKt.TuV.ll HaydenBt .Atlanta.da.
Si T tin Pru-T out' nsi, lUftfrs n Hesr roa
li 1 M in. k in a wimn bitri witli Ci Tin-tA soap,
it'i 1 i. nt ' hi .Inline with Ci Tin RA.Rrpitcat ofernol
I n' 1 imr. .1 ol akin enrm This trrtmfnt will
1 t . li f .-rmU n'.t fur parent anil slrtp forchtld.
1,1; -a in 1 ,rn dv, iicrmsnunt, toil economical cure.
H ' - i tat in. w ., t ! rrrn II C Corp. Sol
V . t'.tii llu u Cure Torturing lluaioia.frta.
I'l'VEH. Luiir Peter, Milk Fever.
II. II. ihl'UAI.Ms. Laincnrai, Itlieuatailam.
Ct'IlEg 1
cc'lin i KI"iy.lMTI", lllnteniiirr.
IJ.'.'ij WOIt.MS Iliiln. IJruliK.
I:. I
J( or;ii-. intiiiptizit.
V. I
t'OI.It!, Ilrllvoelie, lllnrrliea.
:.. I'rcirnta MIKLWIUIIAMB.
" 11 ! Kllli:V A; III.AIIIIi:it IIIMHtDISnB.
1 1 ).....,..
, lllarnari).
1 (-Inrlna Coat.
(We. ench; Stable faso, Twi Spoclllcs, nook. &e.. 4T.
At ilriiKKlxl or wii' prepaid 'fSPAP' 0,J)r,lc?
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Spoclflo
No. 28, in uso over AO years, the only
successful remedy.
$1 per vial.or 5 vial and largo vial powdcr,for $S
tiM by IlruKKlMI, or acal mal nld on receipt of rlce.
Ullll'llIthlS' JltU. C0.,Cor.IUim A Jobu tork
Lieut. Hobson
The Hero of the " Mcrrlmac,'
Will tell his wonderful story .In three
numbers ol
Tlii will be a full account of the sinking of
the " Merrimac af Santiago, and the experi
ences of the writer and his men in Spanish
pmons. It will be read by every American in
the land. This is only one of many richly
illustrated personal narratives in The Cen
tury's new Spanish War Series. Thtse tntn
will write for no other magazine, la the No
vember Century begins
Of the Destruction of tho i
the arrival in Havana harbor, the Insults to tier '
story of thedestruaion of Ccrvera's fleet will be '
told by AdmiraH Sampson and Schley. Captain '
' Bob" Evans, Captain Taylor, and others. ;
If you do not take Thb Century In 1899, j
you will miss the greatest reading of the year. ( J
The November number begins the volume and ; "
has the opening chapters of ft splendidly illus '
tratedlifeof Alexander theGreat,ndofMarlon '
Crawford's great historical novel of the Cnu ' '
sades. Lieut. Hobson's articles begia la &
December number. $00 a year. , ,
Union Square. New York, f
Miss Sadie Wertheim, age 14, of Tole
do, O, was the inner of the first prize for
execution ou the 1 in tvt the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German criti l
saysueisuwc .1
derlul player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any
thing. For this
iti: tatemenship
'sB i '
-B1 " " 'T'-,.,,
men and
the r greatest efforts. Washington was
said to be "first in war, first in peace and
lirst in the hearts of his countrymen." It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is of
more value to mankind flTlfl hri litre rr-o
er happiness than a good remedy. Many
things will relieve but the one that will
lsbest. Brazilian Balm is such arem-
cuy. x ens o: thousands have found that
it is the only thini? that Wmilfl lnrA fn
tarrh and Asthma. I'orlS yrs. it has nev
er failed in a single case to cure Asthma,
and its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped uporwhere
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomach hnd become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were nil permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, uukliown to nnv other rftri ml r met.
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
place in the regard of the American peo
pie. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
anu countless Astuuii sufferers in this
country, all of whom can be cured with
Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 1. utle of Brazil
ian Balm contain a movih's treatment
for catarrh r u-tl -an, h 1 for 6 months
we will wr..,-. v.ith e.icl- 1.00 bottle a
month's treatment of Tc .icola Tablets,
free. Toxicola is tho best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is thegreatest offer ever made. Ask
your druggist and take no substitute. B.
I'.jACKSON & CO.. MftT. Chemists. Trirlln.
napolis, Iud.
Wholesale Agents.
r;Li. ,.
A Tiii.. Tf i lint itTB WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alwtrt Ltromnl toil Mint! "Aisxit Imituiio.
Gil CiTui't Taut I'ills rd lif k k to I it.
At dniz tUim. or tent dlret (Mftltdl. otic. SL
CiTuvSna. Co Uottos,!!!. Our oet,t.
Kor sale fttKlrlln'i drajp lioreaadBbtnandoft
druK "tor
Sure anu sure, scuu s sjir,
QUAPl' Vriwco upcciFie ;a.rruuir
Povliuky'i drug tore,
,Oenlra) itrttt.
CRua a
Vot M