The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 26, 1898, Image 2

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Published erery Kvenlnn, Itxctpt Hunt.,y, nt
Bourn Jaudin Htrket, Krah Ckntbk.
Thr ITeiM t Ip tvtrrt 'iiMh'-nnndoah and Itio
turio ii i t . i t v t t a week, Vi.y
nbU ottic utrrii rs, By nml1 3.00 n year, or 34
enlA a month, pnynblo 1n advance. tlvrrtli
nient ctinrKcUaouonllitK tn space nm! position.
Th publishers rerve the rliiM to elmtiKU the
tiusltlonuf Hilverthtemuntt wlienevrr tho pub
ItJitloi of ncwn UemnmN It. Tho right I
toaerved to t Jr tuny ndrcrtlrtRineiit, whether
paid for or not, tho puhltfihurfl mny deem
Viproper. AdvertlBlnR rtea made known
upon application,
Entered at the potolllce at Shenandoah, Ph., as
ecoud class malt matter.
'All the News That's Fil to Print,"
Evening Herald
sattriuy. Mivr.Miir.i: so. tius.
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
Our friends tho Irish lire Khitr to
organize to oppose an Aiinlo-Ainori-can
alliance. They think that wo
Hhould wait until wo have put the
Green Isle in line with Culm.
Ex-Fiiksidkxt Hautlktt, of J)art
uiouth College, who tlleil last week,
was, two yenrM ago, one of the three
survivors of the class graduated from
that institution In 1830 -sixty years
Prohahly Judge flordou. who sur
prised his fellow citizens by resigning
from tho Common Pleas bench of
Philadelphia, made more enemies and
moro friends than any other of hi"
associates. He will, however, always
rank with the ablest men who have
administered justice in this state.
The Cloud of Newspapers.
There is a level headed minister at
Providence. U. 1.. who ha been lect
Miring al out the newspapers. There
are a good many level-headed minis
ters who think well of the newspaper.
but most of them dwell ehieilv on its
editorial influence. This minister is
so very level-headed that ho believes
the direct moral teaching of a news
paper does not come through tho
editorials and reports of sermons,
but in its dissemination of news.
We have long believed that tile
newspaper by its accurate portrayal
of life as it is, more than by its depic
tion of life as it should be, wields a
potent force for good. People are too
apt to shut their eyes to the things
about them, and wrap themselves up
in their own entity. Hut by care
fully reading the newspaper day by
day they learn to look upon tho
things of others. They learn of high
life and low ; thoy read of good men
and bad ; they llnd how wicked tho
world is, and how pious ; they imbibo
Koiuethiiig of its piety, and receive
an incentive to stamp out some of its
wickedness. And thus, by increasing
knowledge, the world grows better.
Hut this is our own theory. Listen
to what this level-headed clergyman
hastosuy: "lti the presentation of
news that is tho reflection of the life
of the world as it is, both good and
bad, the newspaper aifordsan indis
pensible means of our moral educa
tion. Holding up tho mirror to life it
forcibly teaches the truth that tho
way of the transgressor is hard. By
simply chronicling the facts it demon
strates how inevitably dishonesty.
vice or intemperance brings ruin. It
teaches that murder will out, thatthe
attempt to suppress justice is vain,
that though Dreyfus be banished to
Devil's Isle, and all the military
power of the nation bo exhausted, if
the press cry for justice that cry must
be heard though the republic itself
totter. IsTo reader of tho papers can
Help becoming aware of tho vastuoss
mid variety of human interests. Thus
before he knows it ho is taken out of
himself and enters Into sympathy
with the world's great life. This
spirit cuts up the tap root of sin
True, there are many well-meaning
people who will not agree with the
above views, taking the position that
11 newspaper has no right to give
prominence to crimes, and that it is
shameful to print such things in the
newspapers. J t is reassuring to know
that the clergyman above quoted,
along with thousands of others, takes
a more sensible view of the question.
Poisoned Blood
Dlsngrooablo Itching Sproad All
Ovor His Body-Sloop Disturbod
Hood'o Sarsapariila Drovo Out
tho Poison and Cured.
"I have been poisoned every summer
for yean. Last summer tho poison caiao
oat on me worse than ever before. I
would frequently be awakened during the
night by the Itching. I would scratch
tnyaelf, but Instead ot being relieved tho
trouble spread to d I tier out parts of tny
body. I tried various reined ios which
people recommended to me, but none of
them eyer belpod me. I made up my
mind tho poison could not bo cured un
til my blood was pure and then I decided
to tke Hood's Borsaparllla. While tak
ing the nrst bottle I felt relieved from tho
Itching.' I kept on taking tbo medicine
And it has entirely cured me. I am now
on my fourth bottle and I ran Bleep
oundlytt night." William Kan, 3120
Westmont Btreet, Philadelphia, Pa.
Hood's Sarsapariila
It the Keit In fact ttas One True Wood Purifier.
AlUruggUU. i tli lor t. Get only Hood's.
Hnrvrl'a Pills our Uver easr 10
IlOOa 8 1-111S uk.,eaiytooperute.25c.
Tho Rosy Freshness
I And a velvety softness of the skin la lnr
lUbly obtained by there who use Pouohi'u
Compleilou .uowder.
and wife should know about the pre
paration that for half a century has
been mothers bring
little ones into the world without
danger and the hundred and one
discomforts .mil Hi
incident to child-birth. It
is Applied externally, which
is the only way to get relief.
Medicines taken intern.illv
will not help and may
result in harm.
fits and prepares every
organ, muscle and
part of the body for
the critical hour. It
robs child-birth of its
tortures and pains.
Baby's coming is made
quick and easy. Its
action is doubly bene
if used durinir the whole
period of pregnancy.
SI ner bottle at all drucr stores, ot
sent by mail on receipt of price.
Rooks Free, containing valuable infor
mation to alt women, will be sent to auj
address upon application by
fhe Bradfield Regulator Co.,
Atlanta. Ca.
Sunday Speclalt.
Services ill tho Trinity Reformed church
o-iiiorrotv at 10.00 n. in., and li::ilt n. in.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. in. Rev. Robert
) lioyle pastor.
lingular services will bo held in tho United
nvuiiKctical church. Xorth .lardiu stieet. to
morrow at 10 a. m. and 11.30 n. m. Sunday
n-liool at 1.30 p. in. Rev. I. J. Keitz, pastor.
K. L. U. L on Monday evening, l'r.iyer.
praise and testimony meetings every Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday ami Friday even
ings. Jr. lv. 1.. U. L. eveiy Saturimy
evening at 7 o'clock.
I'rimltive Methodist church, Jiinies Moore,
pastor. l'leachiiiR at 10:30 a. in. and 11:30
p. in. Sunday school at 3 p. in. Class meet
ing on Wednesday evening, (icueral prayer
meeting on Tliuihday evening. Everybody
Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal
church on West Oak strict to-inorrow.
Holy Eucharist at s a ui. Morning prayer at
10:30. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Evening
prayer at 7 p. in. The lector will otlu mte
First church, corner of West and
0.i k streets, Rev. 1). I. Evans pastor. Services
at 10a. in. and Up. m. Sunday school at 2 p. in.
Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Young
i eo pie s meet nir Weilnesi uiv even nus
Class meeting Thursday evenings.
Methodist Enisconal church, corner O.ik
aim h into streets, liev. J. T. Swindells
pastor, licnoral class meeting at (I a. in., led
by John Senior. ' Sermon lit 10:30 a. ni.
Sunday school at 2 i. in.. Dr. J. .S. Callen.
Superintendent. Sermon at 0:30 p. ai. Seats
tree. I'.verynody welcome.
Calvary llantist chinch, South .lardiii
street, l'reaehiiig to-morrow at 10:30 u. in.
and 11:30 p. m. Rev. U. U. Albins, pastor.
sabliath school nt 2 p. in., Deacon
John lliinii. Superintendent. 11. Y. 1. U.
luesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
evening, general prayer meeting at 7:30.
Everybody welcome.
Services in tho Ptcsbytoriiiii church to
moriuiv at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 n. in. S.ibb.ith
school at 2 p. m. Jr. C. E. and Sr. C. E.
luesii.iy evening at 0:30 and 7:30 o clock.
Prayer and song servico on Thursday even
ing at 7:30. Strangers always welcome. II.
W. Koehler, pastor.
St. John's Lutheran church. West Cherry
stieet. Rev. John (iruhler. pastor Preach
ing, 10 a. in. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. in. ;
preaciung tissn p. in.
St Michael's Greek Catholic church, West
Centre street, liev. Cornelius Eaurisin, pas
tor. Mauitluum service I) a. 111. High mass
10 a. m.
Church of tho Holy Family. (German It.
C.) North Chestnut street. Rev. A. T. Schut
tlchofer, pastor. First mass 8 n. in., second
mass lu a. in.
St. Casimir's Polish Ii. C. church, North
Jardlu street. lov. J. A. Lcnarkiewlc,
pastor. First mass 8 n. in., high mass 10 a.
in., vespers and benediction 4 p. in.
Church of the Annunciation, 218 West
Cherry street. Rev. JI. F. O'licilly. pastor;
Rev James Kane, assistant pastor. First
mass, 7 a. m., second mass, a a. m., Ingli mass,
Ida. m, benediction, 7 p. m.
Kcheleth Israel Congregation, comer of
Oak and West streets, Rev. Henry Mit-
nik, pastor. Saturday services, 8 to 10 a. m..
mid 3 to 5 p, in. Sunday services 8 to lo a. in.
and every weekday morning from 7 to 8 a. m.
Bo Not Deceived. A Cough, Hoarseness or
Croup, nro not to bo trifled with. A doso in
tlmo of ahiloh's Cure will savo you much
trouble. Sold by 1'. D. Klrlln and a guar-
Will You Winter In Florida 7
This will bo tho greatest season Florida
bus had for years. You ought to go and go
via tho Southern Railway. Its tho best
route. If you will writo John M. Heal,
District Passenger Agent, 82S Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., ho will arrange all tho
details of our trip for you.
What Dr. A. K. Slater Suys,
liUKl'ALo, N. Y. Gents: From my per
sonal knowledge, gained in observing the
effect of your Shiloh's Cuio in cases of ad
vanced Consumption. I am prepared to say
it is tho most I'cmurkuhlo Remedy that has
over been brought to my attention. It has
ortainly saved many from Consumption.
Sold by 1'. I). Kirlin. and a guarantee.
Gem-mi llluncii Will I.ouvii For Spain
on Deo. 11.
Ilnviinu, Nov. 20. All of the com-
piuileB ut the Second legiment volun
teer engineers which arrived off Marl-
utino beach yesterday on board the
United States transport Florida landed
at the Jlttrlanao wharf with colors Hy
ing1. They formed at the landing place
and marched- to their camp, two miles
away, llllnB past Clenernl Oreeno and
stuff, who, on lioi'HflmeU, reviewed tho
men as they passed. Uy 11 o'clock the
tints were beiiiK pitched for the first
Aim-rlcnn caiiip at llavuna.
The Sp.ails evnouatlon commission
ers yesterday delivered a note announc-
lug the complete evacuation of the llol
BUln division. The United States com
missioners sent the Spaniards a note
Informing that the followlnsr troopB
were expected on or about Nov. SOl
The Fifteenth Pennsylvania volun-
trers. which will he stationed at I'lnar
del Illoj the Third New Jersey, to be
stationed at Muriel, and the Two Hun
dred and Second New York, assigned
to r-uuiiujny. all In the province ot
PJnur del ltlo.
1'uBsports were yesterday delivered to
the uUles-de.eniiip of General Blanco's
Btaff, who will sail for Spain on' the
steamer Juan Fergus on Dec. 3, On
the same Bteamer. It Is announced, will
nmlinrlt Mnrl,nl IK.,.,,.,, c-
I - .'luiitu, UCIICIUI DU.
1 nno and Ills start and the oIUcIuIb cm
j pl'-iyert at ltlnnco's headiiiiuiterH.
V ficial
Admit Tlint tho Ail vnnco on El Cnuoy
Wn mi Error.
New York, Nov. 2fi. General Shatter
was tho prlnrlpnl euest Inst night at
a banquet given nt Delmnnlco's by the
Sons of the Revolution of tho state of
New York. In the course of a speech
he said:
"I wish to sny something- about the
late war, about the success In Cuba.
At Rnnllsgo there was no rancor or
enmity lielweeti the Spanish nnd Amer
ican forces. They Hocked together
thicker than liens, If 1 may use the
term. They swapped coats and ex
periences ns best they could, not know
ing each other's languages nnd using
nu Interpreter when one could be had,
"You all know that the Santiago
campaign has been bitterly criticized.
I want to tell you that it Is much
easier for a man to sny how a thing
should be done than to do It.
"War was declared In April, at the
becrllitilng or the sickly season In Cuba.
It was the expressed Intention of the
president, and he told me so himself,
to delay the war until ufter that sea
son, no matter what the public clamor
was. lie would not send volunteers
Into Cuba during the sickly season."
General Shatter then proceeded to a
discussion of his conference with Gen
eral Garcia nnd of the murch on San
tiago. In the course of which he said:
"Of course we could not enrry com
fortable homes with us. Every man
had three days' rations. All the gen
erals except General Wheeler went on
foot with their knapsacks and rations,
like privates.
"I made one mistake In that march
toward Santiago. It was the only seri
ous mistake I made. That was nt the
battle of El Caney. On the first day
we approached the town from the
northeast. I sent several of our best
men to reconnoitre. On their return
they told mo that the place could be
taken. On learning this from them 1
ordered nn advance on El Cnncy."
The Wnr"lnv"!tliriitlii.
New York, Nov. 2R. Half a dozen
privates of the Seventy-first New York
leglment presented written statements
of their complaints ugalnst tho regi
mental officers before the war Inves
tigates yesterday. The statements
were sworn to and ordered on die
against the protests of General Beaver
nnd Dr. Conner, who urgued that the
commission was not sitting ns a court
martial on the olllcers of the regiment.
Colonel Sexton held that as the ofTlcers
were allowed to make a statement on
Wednesday It was only fair to let the
pilvates present their side of the case.
The commission will decide later what
action to tn be In the matter.
V.iiiporor .Monoll); Ad vniicliiB.
Home, Nov. 20. The government Is
alarmed at tho receipt of the reports
that Emperor Menellk of Abyssinia Is
advancing on llour-Mldla with 100,000
men, armed with titles, and a numerous
train ot artillery. It Is believed that
the object ot the negus Is the Dhar-El-Gazul
basin, and he will attempt to
force a definite boundary settlement.
Yellow Jaundice Cured.
Suffering humanity should be supplied with
every means possible for its relief. It is with
pleasure we publish the following. "This is
to certify mat 1 was a terrible sullerer from
Yellow Jaundice for over six months, anil
was treated by some of the best physicians in
our city and all to no avail. Dr. Hell, our
druggist, recommended Wectric Hitters ; and
after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured.
I now tate great pleasure in recommending
them to any person suffering fron this terrible
malady. 1 am gratefully yours, M. A.
I legally, Lexington, Ky."
Sold by A. Wasley Dniggist.
the Produce markets
Ah Itolleeted hy Deallniistii l'lillndol
pliln ami llaltliuoro.
Philadelphia, Nov. K. Flour In light de
mand; winter superllne, J2.25f2.nO; Penn
sylvania roller, clear, fc! 15113.33; city mills,
extra, J2.C3S2.DO. Ilye Hour tlrm at $3.70
per barrel for choice Pennsylvania.
Wheat unlet: Nn. 2 red, November, 72fJ
73c. Corn llrm; No. 2 mixed, November,
38V4(I?SS?4c.; No. 2 yellow, for local trade,
41c. Oats tlrm: No. 2 white, 32V4c; No.
2 white, clipped. 33'je. liny steady; No.
1, $10fil0.M for large bales. Ileef steady;
beef hams, $18.25T18.M. Pork firm; fam
ily, J 12.fiiVf 13. Lard easy; western steam
ed, $o.2.V0i.27'i. lluttcr firm: western
creamery. lSlcftZlc.; fuctory, HHGWic:
Kleins, 21c.; Imitation creamery, 13U1714C.;
Now York dairy, lCfi20o.; creamery, ltJJJ
23e.; fnnry Pennsylvania prints jobbing
at 23Si2Sc. ; do. wholesale, 24c. Cheese
firm, large, white, fUjc; small do., 10c;
large, colored, 9!4c; small do., 10c; light
skims, 7ffi7liic.; pait do.. GViifiCVJr.; full do.,
SC'SVsc. Eggs firm; New York and Penn
sylvania, 24ij.ifi25c.; western. frsh, 2314c;
southern, 20Ij22c. Potatoes steady; Jer
seys, JJiijl.tO; New York, $1.2.VH1.D0; Long
Island, J1.23JJ1.75; Jersey sweets, $102;
southern sweets, C0JIS7'ic. Tullow easy;
city, 3 7-1CQ3V&C.; country, 3V4i?J3?ic., as to
quality. Cottonseed oil steady; prime
crude. VTHTtlsc.; yellow, 21',i1j22c Tur
pentine firmer i.t 291.,4js0o. nice tlrm; do
mestic, fair to extra, 4-5j die. : Japan,
tj'4Si5'je. Pig ''on nominal; southern,
J10.2r' 11. ?3; northern. $10.23f; 11.75. Cop
per tlinur, lake brokers', $12,75; exchange,
!12.95'iil.1.75. Lead dull; domestic brokers',
$3.50, exclmngo, $3.U.Vn3.70. Tin Hrmer;
straits. ...l.rul.s.:..1.
Baltimore, No. 23. Flour dull nnd un
changed. Wheat steady at a decline;
spot n nil month, 72Vif725tc; December,
72'ni!i7J '.c. , January, 73V&C ; steamer No,
2 red, Cs'iCti&'ic ; southern, by sample,
ESfiTSVic; do. on grade. C9'ft73c Corn firm;
spot, month and December, 39ff39',4c; new
or old November or December, 3SV4(3S?ic,;
January, 3fj'.4tt3$c.; February, 3SVicj
steamer mixed, SCV&Sf 37c. : southern, white,
SCVfciMc.; do. yellow, 3tii39c. Oats firm;
No. 2 white, 32VS,(23e.; No. 2 mixed, 30V45T
21c. Rye easier; No. 2 nearby, 56',4c.; No,
2 western, DVc. Hay dull; No. 1 timothy.
$104(10.50. Sugar strong: granulated. 5.33,
Butter steady; funcy creamery, 22tf23c;
do. Imitation. 175jlSc. : do, ladle. 1314c;
good ladle, 12f(13c.; store packed, 1315c,
Eggs weak; fresh, 20521c. Cheese steady j
fancy New York, large, lOViWlOVtc; do,
medium, 10ic ; do. small, lOftQUc.
Lettuco at 7Go. per bushel box.
LIvh rttiiek Miirliot. .,
New York, Nov. 25. llceves. active; firm
to 10c. higher; all sold; steers. $I,C0S5.S0;
oxen and stags. $20j(3.50; extra fut oxen,
$5; bulls, $2.751T3.25; cows, $288. Calves
llrm and 25e. higher; all sold; veals, $4.50(8
S.25; grassers, $'ltU3,75; car of southern
calves, $3. Prime linndy sheep lOftlSo,
higher, others dull and unchunged, lambs
20i)3Uc. higher; two cars, mainly sheep,
unsold, sheep, ordinary to prime, $30
4.50; lambs, common to choice, $5tj(l;
heuvy Canada lambs, $5.40; culls, $t.S5,
Hogs firmer but slow ut $3.C5)3.S0.
Eust Liberty, Pa., Nov. 2j. -cattle auout
sleudy; extra, $5.200 5.115; prime. $4.85J5.10;
common, $3.20Si 3.C0. Hogs Bteudy; prlmo
heavy, i3.5Mi3.G0: best assorted mediums,
J3.tWl3.55; best Yorkers, $3.453.50; com
mon to fair, $3.10fi.b5; coarse hogs, $3.30
63.40; pigs, $3,403.50; skips and common
pigs. 23.15; roughs, $M3. Sheep tlrmi
wntliei i S.:S'uA. H: common, $2.50S3,50;
choice Ian bs. $5.15Ti5 25: common to good.
$J.5U'u5; voul calves, iW7.59.
For Infants and Children. . ,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the K JyVfTT
Signature of LuifTeUC&M
Greatest Living Sculptor Made Well
Again by Dr. Greene's Nervura.
"To-day I feci like a new being through
the use of Dr. Greene's Nervura blood
and nerve remedy," said Mrs. M. C.
Cooper, of the Royal Academy of Arts,
London, undoubtedly the greatest living
sculptor, who has modeled busts of half
the nobility of England and is now en
gaged at her home in Washington, 1), C.
(No. O19 F. St.) In making busts of distin
guished Americans.
"You sec," continued thefnmous artist,
whom Kuskln placed among the most
famous women of modern times, and who
has been called the modern Michael
Angelo, because both painter and sculp
tor, "You see, I had been sutfering for,
many months troin insomnia and nervous
debility, and the first bottle of Dr. Greene's
Nervura Improved my health, gave me
strengtn ana insured me pcrtcct rest at
night. To-day, as I said before, I feci
like a new being; my appetite has re
turned, and as my profession entails great
mental strain, I cannot sufficiently express
my grateful thanks for the timely aid this
remedy has rendered me."
The eminent sculptor Is at present
engaged on a bust ot airs. Heiva A.
Lock wood, who Is herself one of the
foremost women of America, and
who was also restored to health by
Dr. Greene's Nervura. Both Mrs.
Cooper and Mrs. Lockwood arc
enthusiastic In their praise of this
marvelous restorative, Dr. Greene's Ner
vura blood and nerve remedy, which Is so
sure to restore the sick to health, thewcak
to renewed strength ; which cures, with
absolute certainty, headache, rheumatism,
neuralgia, backache, kidney and liver com
plaints, and which has demonstrated in
thousands upon thousands of cases that
it Is the best blood and nerve remedy in
the world; that it invariably gives those
7'iifljittii'- 1' "1 "ii-i'd '..pnrts.
Lroidi n Nov. 25. Uirrlu Hon. Charles
T. IMtchl-, nrcsldent of the Hoard of
Trade. ilireiiHslnr the subject of Hrlt
Ish trade befoteTthe Croydon Chamber
of Coimne.'cf last evening, said he re
gretted to h."ve to confess that tho
exports for the year ended with Oc
tober had deci eased 2.COO,000, chiefly
through the alteration of the United
States tariff. "Although," said Mr.
Illtchle, "we are gradually making up
the leeway, it Is Impossible to help a
feeling of anxiety. Although we ought
not to be surprised that we are being
so rapidly overhauled In exports by
other nations, especially by the United
States and Germnny, It Is a rogretable
fact that, while since 1S01 the exports
of the United States have Increased IS
per cent, Great Ilrltaln's exports have
decreased r. per pent.,"
' What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so ilcce))
tive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it
is often firmly seated before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct stages is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain in the back,
rheumatism, lumbago, frequent desire to
urinate often with a burning sensation, the
flow of urine beitig copious or scant witli
strong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or Madder trouble, with heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
navel and the water passage, increasing de
sire to urinate, 'with scalding sensation in
passing, small quantities being passed with
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments. If uric acid or gravel has
formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected.
The Third stat'c is llright's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that Dr.
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist, lias discovered u Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of the most distressing
cases and known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root. It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this
great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle
and book of valuable information will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When
writing kindly mention tint you read this
liberal offer in the Shenandoah IlERALU.
Tin Ant l-Aimrnli Nt ('oiiforonco,
rtome, Nov. 25. The anti-anarchist
confeienc was opened yesterday af
ternoon In the Corslnl Palace by Vice
Admiral Cauveraro, minister of foreign
affair. All the European nations were
"presented. In nn address of welcome
to the delegates on behalf of King
Humbert Admiral Canevaro said ho
recognized the difficulties before tho
conference, but the universal recogni
tion of "the necessity for common action
against the anarchists presaged a hap
py Issue. Admlra'l Canevaro was elect
ed president. It Is expected that tho
confertnee will be prolonged until
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, us they cannot rfocb tho
diseased portion ut tbo ear. There l only 0110
way to cure deafness, mid that Is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In
flamed condition ot the mucous lining of tbo
Kustucblati Tube. When this tube gets Inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect ienr-
liur. and when It Is entirely closed deatnt-s
Is tho result.ttiid unlcsttho Inflninmiitfon can bo'
akru out mid this tube restored to Its normal
condition, bear Inn will be destroyed forever;
nine ctifccg out ot ten are caused by cutarrh,
wbUh Is nothing but nn influiucd condition of
the mucous surfaces.
WowIIIkIvi One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by cutarrh) that can
not be cured by Hull's Cuturih Cure. Hesd for
circulars, free.
I'. J. OHENI5Y .t CO., Toledo, O
Bold by DruRglsts, 75c
Coining KvenU,
Nov. 30, Grand entertainment under the
auspices of the Lost Creek Cadets, at Tem
perance hall, Lost Creek.
Dec. 10th. Kntertahimeiit nnd tableau
exhibition to ho given hi the P. M. church
for the benefit of tho Sunday school,
Dec 21 Grand ball lu Dougherty's now
hall, corner Jardlu and Centre streets, under
auspices of Shouaiiduah Glee Club.
Rheumatism Cured lu a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralgia radically cures In I to 3 days. lis
action upon the system is remarkable and
ysteriouj. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah drug More, Slieiiuudoali, ti
who use it, pure, rich blood nnd strong
and vigorous nerves. Dr. Greene's Ner
vura is indeed the greatest health restorer
known to the world i it makes the people
stioug and well.
Dr. Greene's Nervura blood nnd nerve
remedy Is not a patent medicine, but the
nrcscrlptlon of a skilled specialist, tho
most successful physician in curing all
forms of ncr-
yus, chronic
ot long-stand
ing dis
u n
to his great remedy, a guarantee of its re-
maikable curative power, that Dr. Ureene
can be consulted absolutely free of charge,
by any and all who desire, at his office 35
West :4th Street, New York City, either
personally or by letter.
An Viewed by the Two l.endlnir Cora
tnori'lal A"onolo.
New York, Nov. 2C II. G. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review ot trade says;
Thanksgiving week In 189S means more
thali for 30 years. The "harvest home"
has never recognized larger crops, on
the whole In this country, the general
prosperity is attested by the largest
volume of business ever recorded, and
a war not matched in history for
swiftness of success with smallness of
loss has brought more perfect union
than ever between north and south,
and closer bonds than ever with "kin
beyond sea," ending with the most Im
portant Increase of territory since Cali
fornia was added to the union. The
year, so exceptional In magnitude and
variety of blessings, draws near Its
end with yet another good gift, a
marked Increase of confidence In pros
pects for the year which Is to close the
The Industries are doing remarkably
well, considering hindrance until of late
by unseasonable weather. With storms
and cold many branches now get larger
orders. There has been .more liberal
buying of cotton goods, In part because
of last week's reductions In bleached
goods, and the curtailment of produc
tion of print cloths has caused an ad
vance of a sixteenth, while the export
demand supports heavy brown goods,
and all are helped by the feeling that
cotton has probably seen Its worst.
Ilradstreet's review says; Winter
storms and a holiday have Interfered
with wholesale demand and distribu
tion, but later clear, cold weather Is
a compensating feature. Inducing
heavier retail business in seasonable
goods. In general business circles
most developments have been favor
able, notable among which might be
mentioned general advances' In prices of
cereals, provisions, groceries, cotton,
steel and pig Iron,
Toxuh Sul Iocs at n Dniico.
New York, Nov. 26. The sailors and
marines of the battleship Texas, to the
number of several hundred, held their
annunl ball last night at the Lenox
Lyceum. Captain SIgsbee, of tho
Texas, and Miss SIgsbee led tho grand
march, In which 400 couples partici
pated. Captain SIgsbee was vociferous
ly cheered during the march. There
were many noted characters present,
but perhaps the most popular opes were
Sailors Delgnan, Clausen and Philips,
who sailed with Hobson on the Merrl
mac, A dinner was served after mid
night. Olre the Children a Drink
called Graiu-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to take tho place of
cotfoe. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used it because when properly
prepared it tastes like the finest coffee but is
free from all its injurious properties. Grain-'
Quids digestion and strengthens ihe nerves.
It Is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and childrou, as well as adults, can drink It
with great benefit. Costs about 1 as much as
eotloo. IB and 2S.
K Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the number o
deaths show that the large majority die with
consumption. This disease may commence
with an apparently harmless cough which can
be cured instantly by Kemp's Balsam for the
Throat aud Lungs, which is guaranteed to
cureand relieve all cases. Price 25 and 50c.
Sold by all druggists ; ask fur a free sample
Aud flowers, the Hand uf America, Cali
fornia. Via tho trtto pathway, "The Iron Mountain
Route," whlch'tra verses a reslou of perpetual
sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown, Pullman first
mid second. class palace aud tourist sleeping
curs to points lu Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas,
Old aud Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah aud
Nevada, withuut change, Quick time, low
rates, and all the comforts of inoiloru railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway
system, For rates right from your home,
literuturo, and full Information, drop a postal
canl, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. BIO Rail-
road avenuo, Lhnlra, N. Y., or 301 Broad
way, Now York.
3-l-tf W. E. Hoyt. Q. E P. ABt.
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you are, ask for tickets via the Southern
Railway. It Is the shot test, quickest and
best route. Its servico this season will Bur
pass that of all preceding years. Writo fur
further information to John M. Beall, District
PasseUKer Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pi,
Major MoLenry Suec'uodcil an Mnyor
by Honor llnenrill. nu Old Hi'hIiIoiiI.
Santiago de Cuba, NoV. 28. Some
time ago Major M. McLeary. whom
General Leonard Wood had appointed
mayor of Santiago, requested to be re
lieved of his niaynrajty; .duties and to
return to his military post. This re
quest was grantcil yesterday.
In the opinion of General Wood it
Is preferable to nppolnt to the mayor
alty a civilian acceptable to the Cu
bans, and he has appointed ns Mnjor
McLenry's successor Senor Harcardl, an
old resident. Ho Is anxious to give
the mayor ns much authority as Is com
patible with military Jurisdiction. The
new mnyor Will conform to General
Wood's Ideas, which are to give the
Cubans every opportunity to show
themselves capable of self government.
The first official act of Mayor Bacardi
was to discharge the entire clerical
force in the mayor's olllce and to em
ploy Cubans who had served in the
war. He will shortly Issue a mani
festo to the effect thut he Intends en
couraging the city's development and
giving employment as far as conditions
will permit to worthy persons. He will
promise to look closely to the general
Interests of the community and wi'I
call upon all Cubans to obey the law
and thus to promote the prosperity of
the country and to Insure the happi
ness of Its people. General Wood has
high hopes of this first attempt at
civil government under Cuban control.
The regulation preventing the fore
closure of small mortgages, Issued by
General Wood a fortnight ago, has
proved a great boon to those for whose
relief It was Intended.
General Wood has given his approval
to a scheme for a school for the
hlghfcr education of women similar to
the American normal school.
Yesterday he Issued a notice Im
posing a fine of $1,000 upon any per
son promoting a bull fight and a fine of
$50 upon any promoter of a cock fight.
In the case of a cock fight the fine
will fall upon witnesses as well as
upon promoters.
Aoelicil t'lty Olllolal Indicted.
St. Louis, Nov. 26. Henry Beesch,
city register, was Indicted on four
counts by the grand Jury yesterday
charged with fraudulently manipulat
ing the city payrolls and accepting
bribes. George W. Itclchmnn, ex-street
iprlnkllng superintendent, was also In
dicted for connection with the case.
He was released on bond.
To tluru n Coltl In One Day
Take Laxatlro lliomo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it fails to cure.
25c. The genuiue has L. B. Q. on each
tablot. tf
This is. the trade
mark of the great
trunk lino of the
South tho South
ern Railway. It is the short Hue to Florida
and oilers the best servico and quickest tiuio
to all tho principal winter resorts as well as
to all the commercial centres of the South.
.Maps, rates and all information will he
cheerfully furnished by John M. Beall,
District Passongor Agent, 828 Chestnut street,
Miss Sadie Wertheim, age 14, of Tole
do. O- Wflltlmwllllllir l( 11, a 7.-r .
. , . .......... . ' 1 . J 1 1 J . ji i.c iui
executiou on the violiu at the Brussels
v-onservaiory of music. German critics
sayshe is a won
derful player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any
thing.. For this
in staieinenslnp
literature, ath
letics, science
.. ,i 1 . .
.jliuutti i,uicuauu
their greatest efforts. Washington was
sam 10 oe "nrst in war, first iu peace and
first 111 the hearts of hia countrymen." It
is a great thing to be first. Nothing is of
more value to mankind and brings great
erhappiness than a good remedy.' Many
things will relieve but' the one that will
CHrcMsbest. Brazilian Balm iYsuch a rem
edy. Teus of thousands have found that
it is the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. For IS yrs. it has nev
er failed masingle case to cure Asthma,
and its record has been as wonderful iu
Catarrh. Cases that had, to all appearan
ces, run into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped uporwhere
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
the throat an inch deep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated and raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just
lv entitles the Brarifiaii Tlnl,,, ti, Vi
place in the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in this
country, all of whom cau he cured with
Brazilian Balm. A $1.00 bottle of Brazil
ian llallll rrmtultiQ a ,t1,c. 4run. ......
- - .......... 0 utOlUICUL
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 mouths
we will wrap with each 1.00 bottle a
month's tre.Ttmi.ut i,frn-!.ni.
free. loxicola is the best tonic and nerve
aim onciiui uuiiiier Known to science.
This is thegreatest offerever made. Ask
'ijv.muji ol u.,j.uig. inemisis, inula
lapolis, Ind.
Wholesale Agents.
Your Thanksgiving
Dinner ....
Will be a joy if it is accom
panied by ojir
Put up expressly for family use.
We also bottle porter. Ieave your
order at the office and they will
receive prompt attention.
CLEARY'S extra hne
Superior Sarsapariila..
and Orange Champagne.
A Handsome Comploxlon
l Is one of the greatest charms a woman canl
1 gives it. I
Her Health Restored
THE misery of sleeplessness can only be
realized by those who bavo oxporl
cnccdlt. Nervousness, sleeplessness,
headaches, neuralgia and that mtscrablo
feeling of unrest, can surely bo curodby Dr?
Miles'- Kcstorattvo Nervine. So certain Is
Dr. Miles ot this fact that all druggists aro
authorized to refund prlco paid for tho first
bottlo tried, providing it docs not benefit.
Mrs. Henry Ilrtuis, vrlfo of tbo woll known
blacksmith at Grand'Junctton, Iowa, says:
''I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous
ness, headache and Irregular menstruation;
suffering untold misery for years. I usod
various advertised remedies for fomalo com
plaints besides being under tho caro of local
physicians, without holp. I noticed lu Dr.
Mhos' advertisement tho testimonial of
lady cured of ailments similar to'mlno, and
t shall never cease to thank that lady. Her
testimonial induced mo to uso Dr. Miles'
Nervlno and Nccvo and Liver Pills, which
restored mo t o health. I cannot eay enough
for Dr.Mlles'Itemcdles."
Dr. Miles' Itcmcdlcs
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or money re
funded Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves free. Address,
m mt
Restores ,
Hoolth ;
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, ind.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority of
beer drinkers. They are goodA
authority on which is best.
Christ. J :hmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
jlj M.BUUKE,
flice Egan building, comer of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, I'a.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under sonio of tho best
ro&atere in London and Paris, will give lessons
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terine reasonable. Address In care of HlrounB
Ihe Jeweler flhenandoeh.
NoyuMBEa 80, 1898.
Trains will leave 8henandoab alter tne ooo
date for WlKgan, Ullberton, Fraolcvllle Dan
Water, St. Clair, Pottavllle. Hamburg, Heading
Pottstowc, 1'boenlxvfllo. Norrlstown a .d J fall,
atelphl a (llr'd street station) at (SIS and 8 IS
a. m., 2 10, 6 It p. m. on week days. Sundays, -8
IS a. m., 4 30 p. in.
Trains leave Praclcvllle (or Shenandoah at
7 8S, 11 411a.m. and 018, 7 80 p. -. Sunday,
11 01 a. m. and 0 46 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle for Shenandoah (via Kruek.
vllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m., 6 20, 7 10 p. ni. Sunday
10 BS a. in.,-5 20 p. m.
leave Philadelphia, (llroad street station), (oi
Sbevwiudoali at 8 8S a. to.. I 10 p. tn. week days.
Sundays leave at 6 60 and 0 23 a. m.
Leave llroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
.Eapress.week-daya, 8 20, i Oo, 4 50 6 03,5 13,6 6n
7 83, 8 20, 9 60, 10 21 11 CO a. D , 12 00 noon, 12 83
(Limited 1 00 and I22 p. u ,) 1 40. 2 80. 8 20
J 60, 4 02. 5 00, Moil 6 00, 7 02, 7 60, lOOOp. ui..
8 20,9 50,i0 2l, 10 43 a. m. 12W, 12 83, 1 li'Ms
Eipreea (or Boston without change, 11 00 a u..
week-daya, aud 7 50 p. m., dally.
For Sea Olrt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove,
Long llranch, 8 20, 11 11 a in, 8 30, 4 02 p m
For Lumber. vllle, Fusion and Scranton, 6 60,
9 00am, 12 00noon,0 62,SOO (Lambertvllle and
ICaston only), weekdays, mid 7 02 p in dally.
Buffalo, 9 00 u iu, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 Oi
p iu dully.
. For BaMlmoie, and Waahlngtou, a 60, 7 20. 8 33,
10 20, II 23, a. m., 12 00, 12 HI 'lit, a 12, 4 41,
(3 23 Cougretsional Limited,) 0 17. 663,731
p. m.. and 12 06 nlabt week davs. Sundays.
3 60, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. in., 1201, 1 12, 4 41, (320
Congressional Limited,) 663 781 p. m. and
a w uiiciii.
For llaltlmore, accommodation, 9 12 a in, 1 62
aud 4 01 p ul week days, 6 08 and 11 16 p m dally,
Atlantfo Coast Line, express 12 09 p in, and
1203 night, dally. '
Southern ltullwuy, express 6 63 p iu, dally.
Chesapeake & Ohio Kuilway, 781 p ui, dally.
For Old Point Comfort and Nurfiillr. in "ft
a m weekdays, 11 10 p in dully.
w;vb wuritet street wuari as ioiiowsi lsx.
press (or New York. 9 00 a in. 4 30 n m week.
Muys. For Long llranch, via Seaside I'urk, 8 30
a in woekd.ys.
For Island Heights, 8 30 a lu and 4 00 p in
"Leave Droad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 05 p.m. Sundays.
9 20 a. ui., 7 05 p. in,. '
Leave Market Btreet Warf Express, 9 00 am,
200,4 00,3 00 p n. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a in
Viajuiuiuuaiiuii 1 u aim gwn in.
For Cape May. Sea Isle City, Ocean City.
Avalon Stone Harbor, Angleeea, Wlldwood air
Ilollj Reach Express, 9 00 a in, 4 00, p
weekdaya. Sundays. 9 00 a m, W
rur corners roint express, 9 00 a, m., iw,
4 00. fi CO. D. m. week riavu HmifUvs. fiOOaiiii
1000a. ro.
The Union Transfer Cnmiiunv will call for
aud check bagguge from he tela and residences.
-wining cor.
I. U. Hutchinson, J, R. Wood.
Ueu'l manager, (leu'l Faw'g'r Agtj