The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 23, 1898, Image 2

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Publlihod every Kveninu,
South JinmN STttefrt. NttAR CKxrns.
the llttrnld Is .letlvneif tnSliennndoah and Ibe
iirmuiltl'ti? , i t,.r ,1-, , Pt,s n week, pay
am'.' mI. urtft. Ily mull M.00 it year,or23
iuiiM i nioiilh. juijabla In advance. dvcrtto
ment ch.irncd according to space and position.
Th publishers reserve the right to chniiKU tliu
potttou of hdvcrtivtnrnti whenever the pul
i'.jMIoi of news iUmiihii.1i It, The right In
leserved to wjcimiy advertisement, whether
nam i or or not, last ins publishers may d
.proper, Advertising rates made km
upon application
Kntcrad at the poxtofilce at Shenandoah, Im.( an
socond class rani I matter.
'All the Hews That's Fit to Print."
r j -
Evening Herald
JUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
JunciK Stkwakt, of Priinklin, bus
rondorud mi opinion in un Orplmns'
Court cusc recuntly tlmt will be llkuly
to ut t met a good deal of attention
boyoml the limits of Franklin county.
A citizen of that county died possessed
of a very limited estate. When the
administrator rendered bis final ac
count the judedid not niorely glance
at the itemsof expense, but examined
them closely, lie noticed that the
charges for funeral expenses were out
of all proportion to the limited estate,
and having on former "occasions ob
served thd tendency to extravagance
in the same direction the judjje con
cluded to make an example that
would be likely to have a wholesome
effect. He therefore directed that
one-half of the expenses incurred in
the burial be surcharged to the ad
ministrator, the bill being, in the
opinion of the court, about double
what it should have been in justice to
the familv of the deceased.
Unjust Assessments.
In every part of Schuylkill county,
nml especially so in Shenandoah,
there Is a well defined demand for a
change in the unfairness of assess
ments. Unjust taxation is the result
of such nnfnirness, and those who
sillier thereby apparently have no
redress at hand, and it is this state of
affairs tiiat causes the demand on
thepartof the people fora change.
Under the present system in vogue
there aro live assessors in Shenandoah
nnd each may put valuation upon
property in accordance with his own
notion and to the best of his ability.
There is no rule by which his action
in this respect may bo guided. In
the majority of eases the value is
fixed by what a property owner
might demand, rather than upon
what the property might bring in the
market. Whatistrueof Hlienaiuloah
is equally true of other localities, and
will continue to be tho cause of (lis.
Satisfaction until a change is made in
the present law govering assessments.
It can be said, however, in favor of
tho present ward assessors that they
have greatly Improved upon the work
of their predecessors in the triennial
assessment made this year, but so
lung as the presont system of electing
assessors and making assessment is in
vogue, the reform demanded will not
have been secured. The system is
more at fault than the men elected to
these positions.
In this connection we note that the
County Commissioners of Luzerne
county, whore there is also a strong
demand for relief, have given the
subject much consideration, and will
present u bill before the next Legisla
ture and urge favorable action
thereon. It is to be hoped that the
Schuylkill representatives will give
the subject due co isideratioii and co
operate with those from ourneighbor-
ing county.
The proposition as outlined by the,
Luzerne commissioners calls for the
selection of an assessment board of
three members in each city, borough
andtownsllip, patterned afturthe tri
eunlal board, tho assessments lii all
its itefulls to be made by thoiu, and
they are also to hear appeals and
make adjustments when the facts
warrant, or at least to pass judgment
thereon in the final submission of
their work to the County Commls
ihe work of the- Commissioners
would then be not with the details, as
now, as to which they are quite as
likely to err as the assessorji, but with
Vie adjus.tiu.unt as betweeirloealltioB.
If, tor instance, the rates fixed were
too high as between Shenandoah and
Mahanoy City, Jtjielr attention would
be given to equilizatlou us between
the two. town's'. Thoy would, of
course, give their attention to any
extraordinary detail in borough or
township as well.
Pl i q vilitti t,i-itirwuil wfimil lit lint
Verlally less, so far as the expense is
concorued, than that now In vogue,
and tho result obtained in more just
assessment would be infinitely more
satisfactory. The County Commis-
sloners of Luzerne appear to bo con
fident that a law along the lines in
dicated will receive favorable con
slderation at the hands of our law
should be b vt-ry family
medicine chest and every
traveUsrV grip. They are
InvaliiftltlA whan thu ilnmifh
It ent of ordtr) curt hitdieW, b!llouinn, nd
ill Unr troublu. Mild tnd (fflcltDi. M auU.
I A Handsome Complexion I
! one of the create! t charms woman cnf
. -
Extmots From Lottora
"I am bo nervous and wrotclictl."
tlicto expressions are. Little things
can't sleep, you
" Dkaii Mrs. Pinkham: Will you kindly allow mo the ploasuro of expressing
my gratitude for tho wonderful relief I have experienced by taking your Vege
table Compound. 1 suifered for a. long time with nervous prostration, back
ache, headache, loss of appetite, a heavy bearing-down feeling, also burning
pains in tho groins. I could not sleep, was tired all tho time, had no ambition.
Life was a burden to mo. Tho pains I suffered at times of menstruation were
something dreadful. I thought there was no cure for it. I saw your advertise
ment in tho paper, and my husband advised mo to try your medicine. I took
five bottles, and now I am well and happy. Your medicine saved my life."
AMllllon Women Have Been Benefited by Mrs. Pinkham's Advlccanfl Medicine
I.lelfK'lii'nt Felinely 'lixonerntetK
Washington, Nov. 23. The court of
Inquiry has entirely exonerated Lieu
tenant J. O. Fennessy, "quartermaster
of tho Ninth Massachusetts, of charges
Drought against him by ofllcers of that
regiment. He was charged with
cowardice nnd with failing In his duty
ns quartermaster. The board not only
exonerates Fenncssy, but finds "that
the allegations made In the public press
of Boston referred to the court of In
quiry for Investigation are false, un
founded and malicious; that Captnln
Ueorge F. II. Murray. Captain John II.
Dunn. Sevonil Lieutenant Michael J.
Desmond and Second Lieutenant Jumps
A. fully are subjects for military dis
cipline." The men named will not he
brought to trial, for tho reason that the
regiment Is about to be mustered out
of the service.
What Shall We Do.
A serious and dangerous disease prevails
in this country, dangerous because so decep
tive. It comes on so slowly yet surely that it
is often firmly seated before we are aware of it.
The name of this disease which may be
divided into three distinct stages is, First,
Kidney trouble, indicated by pain iu the back,
rheumatism, lumlrago, frequent tlcMre to
urinate often with a burning sensation, the
How of urine being copiuus on sca.nt with
strong odor.
If allowed to advance, this reaches the
Second stage, or bladder trouble, with heavy
pain in the abdomen low down between the
navel and the water passage, increasing de
sire to urinate, with scalding sensation in
passing, small quantities being passed with
difficulty, sometimes necessary to draw it
with instruments. If uric acid or gravel lias
formed, it will prove dangerous if neglected.
The Third stare is llright's Disease.
There is comfort in knowing that Dr.
Kilmer, the great kidney and bladder
specialist, has discovered a Remedy famous
for its marvelous cures of the most distressing
cases and known as Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
It is sold by all druggists.
As a proof of the wonderful virtues of this
great discovery, Swamp-Root, a sample bottle
nnd book of valuable information will be sent
absolutely free by mail on application to Dr.
Kilmer & Co., liinghamton, N. Y. When
writing kindly mention that you read this
liberal offer in the Shenandoah IIkrai.U.
l lrol l'lro! Klrol
Insure your property from loss in the
Uluht and strongest cash companies : Phila.
Underwriters Insuranco Co. of North
America and Fire Association, Hartford
Fire Ins. Co.. American Fire Insurance Co.,
Wost Chester Flro Ins. Co., United Firemen's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. .fardln St., Shenandoah.
Shake Off Rheumatism and Neuralgia.
mll with Hod Flag Oil, 25c. At
Q rubier Bros., drug store.
Notice to tliH I'ubllc.
Taking effect on Thursday r-lJcc. Ht,, 1W3,
n. r.,!!,,!,,,. rates of faro will techarged oa
tho cars of tho Schuylkill Traction Co: Be
tween Locust Dale anu mg iiiiu imii,
cents; between Big Mluo Kim and Ulrurd
ville, 5 cents ; between GfrardYillP and Lust.
Ortsck, 5 cents', between Lost Creek aud
si,n,,n,'lr,ali. If conts 'lietwcen Girardvllli
and' ailberton, S ccntsf-tiottwru GlUioitou.
.! Mi.liimciv Citv. 5 cents.
Children under three years oi ago win no
carried free.
No package, 'pr letters of auy dpscrnaion, i
will bo cut riedf" unless accompanied ny a
Signed sciiuylkili. i .u,-fnw
Dallas Sandkbs, L. W. ami,
President. General Manager.
"I owe my whole llfo to Burdock Blood
Hitters. Scrofulous sores covered my body.
I scorned beyond euro. 11. B. B. has mado
me a perfectly well woman," Mrs. Clias.
Huto'ii.'Bc'rvIlle, Mich.
A "Nnlilo" .MimtfiVr."
Chicago, Nov, 23. liaron C. R. W.
Von Illedenfeld, a German noble living
In this city, shot nrul fatally wounded
Charles A, McDonald, a constable, In a
saloon, at 43 KuBt Jnekson boulevard
last evfnlng. McDonald died at the
county hospital three hours later. The
trouble was brought about by a re
mark disparaging to tho Germans,
which was made by McDonald and
misinterpreted by Von Illedenfeld. Af
ter the shooting Von Illedenfeld sur
rendered himself to an officer. Baron
Von Illedenfeld was tho object of con
siderable gossip In 1802, when ho mar
ried tho adopted daughter of the late
Columbus K. OummlngB, who was one
of Chlrajro's werdthlost mon. iMr. Gum
ming objected to the , union, but In
spite of his protests the wedding oc
curred, To Cure it Cold In One Day
Take Laxative Bionio Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tho muuuy if it falls to cure.
25o. The guuulnu has L. 11. Q. on ntfh
tablet. if
Iiocolvod by Mrs. Plnkham. ,
"1 feci nslf I should fly." How familiar
rninoy you and umko vou Irritable. You
aro unablo to lift ordinary burdens, and
are bubject to dizziness.
That bearing-down sensation helps to malto you
leel miserable.
You have backache and pains low down
in the side, pain in top of head,' later on
.it base of the brain. i
Such a condition points unerringly to
serious uterine trouble.
If you had wrltton to Mrs. Plnkliam
when you first experienced Impaired
vitality, you would have been
spared these hours of
awful suffering.
Happiness will be gone
out of your life forover, my
sister, unless you act promptly. Procure
Lydia K. l'lnkliam's Vogetablo Compound
at once, and begin Its ue, then writo to
Mrs. Plnkham, at Lynn, Mass., If thoro Is
anything about your case you do not
You need not be afraid to tell her the
things you could not explain to the doc
tor, your letter Is seen only by women
and is absolutely confidential. Mrs.
Piukhnm's vast experience with such
troubles cnablos hor to toll you just
what is best for you, and she will
chargo you nothing for her advice.
Mub. Jensik Uieui.y, Youngdale,
Pa., writes ;
Cnminltfo of tin1 Mint Intro f 'nitiVialum
Wnshlrgion, Nov. ".'!. (.'mnplete re
turns have been ieioled of uur casu
alties In the Santiago rumnalgn. The
adjutnnt general's rfflcv has divided
the campaign Into different dates and
periods. The statement shows: La.
Guaslnin, June 21. 1 officer and-IB men
killed, G officers nnd M men wounded.
San Juan, July 1 to 3, 17 officers and 134
men killed. CO officers and 938 men
wounded. El Caney, July 1, 4 officers
and St pen killed, 24 officers and 352
men wounded. Agundores, July 1 and
2, 2 officers nnd 10 men wounded.
Aroimd S'nntlngo, July 10 to 12, 1 officer
and 1 man killed, 1 officer and 12 men
wou nded.
Give the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetizing,
nourishing food drink to tako tho placo of
colluo. Sold by all grocers mid liked . by all
who have used it becauso when properly
prepared it tastes like tho finest colic but is
freo from all its injurious properties. Grain
Oaids digestion and strengthens the nerves.
It is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can driuk it
with great benotlt. Costs about i as much m
coOco. 15 aud 25c.
Ant l-TW-Uot M'iiIiht'h '.i.'w Void.
Albany, N. Y., Nov. 23. The so-called
anti-ticket scalpers' law has been de
clared unconstitutional by the court
of appeals, and Is therefore Inoperative.
This law, which was passed by the
last legislative session in spite of bit
ter oppopltlon, declared It a criminal
act for any one to sell railroad tickets
in this state except the authorized
agents of the railroad companies.
A Card.
We, tho undersigned, do hereby agree to
Tefund tho money on a no-cent bottle of
Greene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it falls
to cure your cough or cold. Wo also guaran
tee a 25-ccnt bottlo to prove satisfactory or
money refunded. A. Waslcy, C. II. Ilagen
luudi, Shonandoah Drug Store, and P. W.
Illcrstchi & Co. . n-14-33t-dw
I'rlvutu Killed by Oulcpri.
Knoxvllle. Tenn., Nov. 23. The
Fourth North Carolina left yesterday
for Macon. The llrst sitting on the
body of Private 5Ceb Patton, of the
Third North Carolina, who was killed
Monday night, resulted In finding that
he came to his death by shots fired
by Captnln Hargrave and Lieutenant
Howell, of that regiment. Patton was
violent, and the officers acted In self
defense. They were placed under ar
rest by the civil authorities.
For Infants and Children.
The K'md You Have Always Bought
Signature of
Crooked omclnlx In Snn Juan.
San Juan De Porto Ttlco. Nov. 23.
Jose Hernandez, an engineer! Martin
Hlvlera, a foreman, and Francisco
Noa, a cashier In the department of
harbor works, have been arrested
charged with misappropriation of
funds. Upon Information furnished a
detective learned that the department
carried dummies on Its payrolls. The
abuses prevailed under the Spanish
regime nnd have been continued under
American rule.
Deotdedl.v Colder Tomorrow.
Fur eastern Pennsylvania and New
Jersey: C'leurlns; decidedly colder;
winds shifting to high northwesterly;
tomorrow fair and cold. For Delaware
and Maryland: Decidedly colder; the
temperature will fall to about 25 de
grees by tonight; brisk westerly winds;
tomorrow fair and cold.
All Quiet In Porto Kleo.
Washington, Nov, 23. The war de
partment has received a dispatch from
General Hrooke about the reported dis
orders In the Island of Porto Rico. The
dispatch says: "Advices received dally
from San Sebastian and other trouble
some regions. Disorders were reported
from thut part of the Island Immedl
ntely after It came Into our posses
sion, but I have had it thoroughly pa
trolled and am still patrolling It, Every
thlnp; quiet for three or four weeks,
Several nanults nave been Killed or
wounded by patrol. Reports very
much exaggerated. Quiet and good
order prevails."
Hold ""'osloirioo 'IIMibory.
Cleveland, Nov. 23. One of the bold
est robberies committed here In years
was i-t-i petratcd yesterday, when the
postoffioe was nibbed of 11 packages
containing W0 each, or $1,100 In all.
The nuney was In a pigeon hole at the
stamp window presided over by Miss
Mary Kerry. She left the window for
a few seconds, and during that brief
time the money was taken. Four
women were seen acting In a sua
pIcIuub manner In tho corridor of the
poetcifnce Just befoie'the robbery, and
the police believe one of them to be the
thief. "
Tho Officio lit" Admiral Mn.V llnCrenttl
Tor Dewe.v.
Washington, Nov. 23. Rear Admiral
Joseph M. Miller, recently detached
from command of the Pacific station,
wa, a laced on tho retlied list yester
day cn account of age. The vacancy
thus ercated In the highest grade of
tho navy v 111 be flllod by the promotion
of Commodore II. L. Ilowlson, now
commanding tho Huston navy yard.
Captain 11. Picking will be advanced
to the grade of commodore and other
promotions will bo made all along the
line. The naval oidtrs contain an an
nouncement of the letlrement of Hear
Admiral Francis M. Ilun.ce on the 25th
prox. Admiral Runce Is commandant
of the New York navy yard, generally
regarded ns the most Important shoie
command In the navy. Rear Admiral
George Dewey will be the rankJng ad
miral In the navy upon the retirement
of Admlrnl Hunce next month. It Is
understood that the president will
recommend to congress the re-creation
of the office of admiral or vice admiral
for the special benefit of Admiral
Dewey. Commodore J. W. Philip, now
In temporary command of tho North
Atlantic station, Is mentioned as likely
to receive the assignment to either the
command of the New York navy yard
or the Rostun navy yard.
Yellow laundlce Cured.
Suffering humanity should he supplied with
every means possible for its relief. It is with
pleasure we publish the following. "This is
to certify that I was a terrible sufferer from
Yellow Jaundice for over six months, and
was treated by some of the best physicians in
our city and all to no avail. Dr. Hell, our
druggist, recommended Electric Hitters j and
after taking two bottles, I was entirely cured.
I now take great pleasure in recommending
them to any person sufl'eritiE fron this terrible
malady. I am gratefully yours, M. A.
nogany, Lexington, Ky."
noiu Dy A. wasley Druggist.
Bnnkor Ci-om- Admits 'I'hnt Ho Alono
W rooked Ills Hank.
Emporln, Kan., Nov. 23. Since the
sensational failure of the First Na
tional bank, which -as followed by the
suicide of Charles S. Cross, president
of the bank nnd owner of the Sunny-
side stock farm, there have been ru
mors of a written confession left be
hind by the suicide. The letter was
made public last night by William
Martlndale, vice president of the bank.
The letter follows:
'I desire to state that the mis
fortunes of myself and the bank have
been caused through my faults and
errors. 1 inherited a large debt, wnicn
I endenvored to meet by going Into
other schemes, which have all been
practical failures and only, got me
deeper Into the mire. As to the bank
matters I desire to say that I have
carefully laid plans to deceive both
the board of directors, the cashier and
employes. Mr. Martlndale will now
learn for the first time how I nave
carefully deceived him, principally by
way of substituted paper of which ne
has no knowledge.
'The reports nnd letters written the
comptroller have been by me mis
represented to the board, they having
signed on the last page nnd I having
sent other letters than the ones read
to them, changing every one but the
last page. I have had a hard luck
story most of my lifetime, the only
pleasant feature being that of my pres
ent wife, who has been a good and
true womnn. Mr. Davis, our cashier,
has never made an Improper entry on
the books, and knowB nothing of i.ils
whole miserable business. Death I do
not fear; It Is preferable to the agony
of the past year. I know of nothing
further to add as to Mr. Martlndale.
This Is a terrible thing for him. IIq
has trusted me without reserve. I
havp given him a bill of sale of all
personal property."
Two 'Jhiro i;.ilosloii "Victims,
Portsmouth, O., Nov. 23. Two more
victims of the powder explosion Sun
day at Butler, a suburb, are dead, be
ing George W. Ferguson and his wlfo
This makes four deaths. Another
child, a girl, will die.
Pimples Turn
to Cancer.
Cancer often results from an Im
purity in the blood, Inherited from
generations back. Few people aro en
tiroly freo from somo taint in tho blood,
and it is impossible, to toll when it will
breuk out in tho form of dreaded Can
cer. What has appeared to bo a mero
pimple or scratch has developed into
tho most malignant Cancer.
"I bad a severe Cancer which was at first
only a few blotches, that I thought would
Boon pats away, l was
treated by several able
physicians, bat In spite
ot their efforts the Can
cer spread until my con
dition becamealarmlng.
After many months of
treatment and growing
trail ily worse, I de
cided to try 8. S. 8.
? which was so strand?
reoomroended. The first
V.,. . . 1 ...-.!.. 1 .
iiu.hd jifguuvcu ait im
provement. I continued
the medicine, and In
four montha the last lit
tie scab dropped off.
Ten Tears Iiuva nlnnflpil.
and nut a sign ot tho dh.eata has rvtumed."
Glllsburg, Miss.
It is clangorous to experiment with
Giiueer. Thodfsoaso Is beyond tho skill
of physicians. S. S, S. Is tho only pure,
becatuo it Is tho only roniedy which
goos deep enough to reach Cancer.
(Swift's Specific) Is tho only blood
remedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable.
All others contain potash and mer
cury, tho most, dangerous of minerals.
Rooks on Cancer and blood diseases
moiled freo by Swift 8peciflo Company,
Atlanta, Georgia.
TudufO (llbbiiiiH Cntli Chlcimos Chlot
of I'olloo to Orilofi
Chlr-ngn, Nov. 23. .tudge Glhhoim
granted n temporary Injunction yester
day nfiernion restraining the city of
Chicago, the mayor and the general
superintendent of pollre from inter
fering with n masque ball. The opin
ion made Chief Klpley angry, nnd
shaltlng his hand at the court he said;
"1 Wfis appointed to the potrtloii I
hold to pnfori" iIip law and to main
tain penre In tills pity, nnd n part of
tho dutlei Is t" prevent the gathering
together of dl oideily peisons or crim
inals. If 1 anything to sny they
slrall not do fo. I will pi event them."
"Pleni-e com" back, Mr. Klpley, If
you dnn't mind," i-n'd Judge (llbbons
as the chief tnde away. Mr. Klpley
returned to the bar, nnd the Judge said:
"1 want It undei stood, Mr. Klpley,
that until some higher court reverses
them my decisions and the Injunctions
granted by me ale law, nnd If any ona
tiles to Interfere with them, even
though he be n high police officer, Mr.
Klpley, h will llnd himself In Jail In
a very short time. The people who
want to co to this ball will eo, Mr.
Klpley, and when they are there If
they do anything which Is against tho
law you have Ihe right to go In and
arrest them."
Wbut Dr. A. i:. Slater Siijk.
IlBFFAr.0, N. Y, dents : From my tier
seiial knowledge, gained In observing tho
effect of your Slilloh'g Cure hi cases of ad
vanced Consumption. I am prepared to say
It is the most remarkable Itemed? that lias
ever been brought to my attention. It has
certainly saved many from Consumption,
Sold by P. I). Klrlln. and a guarantee.
ItoTi-iiscd nnd' Keiirrt'tted.
Ailbuin, N. V.. Nov. 23. Charles C.
RIckcrfson, of Chicago, who has had a
number of aliases, was arrested by a
deputy United States marshal from
Chicago at the gate of the prison here
yesterday upon his release from that
institution after having completed a
sentence of ten months for sending ob
scene literature through the malls.
Rlckcrson, who is about 21 years old,
was arrested several time In Chicago
In 1897 for sending obscene literature
through the malls, but was released
on ball each time, which he forfeited
by going Into Canada. He was com
pelled to leave Canada to avoid arrest,
and went to Rochester, where ho was
arrested and sentenced to Auburn
prison. He will be taken back to Chi
cago. Cnrimfrloaiid (Jompoi-Hnt Wlilto IIouso
Washington, Nov. 23. Among the
callers at the White House yesterday
were Mr. Andrew Carnegie and Mr.
Samuel Gompers, the head of tho
Ametlcan Federation of Labor. Mr.
Carnegie, In an Interview, expressed
himself as strongly opposed to the pol
icy of territorial expansion. Mr. Gom
pers called to arrange for a confer
ence today, at which he will urge the
president to Incorporate In ls message
to congress recommendations relating
to the eight hour law and the other
matteis of special Interest to working
men. "Saved Her Life."
US. JOHN WALLET, of Jefferson.
Wis., than whom nonq Is morohlshly
esteemed or widely known, writes.
"In 1830 1 had p. sevcro attack of LaCrlppo,
and at tho end of four months, Jn spito of all
physicians, friends and good nursing could
do, my lungs heart and nervous system vreru
so completely wrecked, my llfo was do
spalred of, my friends giving mo up. 1 could
only sleep by thouso of opiatc3. My lungs
and heart pained mo terribly and my cough
was most aggravating. I could not lie In
one position but a short tlmo and not on my
left sldo at all. My husband brought tees
Dr. Miles' Kcrvhio and Heart Cure and I be
gan taking them. When I had taken a half
bottlo of oach I was muchbetter and coutln
ulng persistently I took about a dozen hot-,
ties and was comp'ctely restored to health tc
thosurprlEOotnll." fJSffiSWSS?;
nr. ;.iues- iiemouies fYftiXV T rfiSi
.u ....... 'j '".wd-tw0
gists under a positive
guaranteo, first bottlo
benefits or money re- f. A '3
fundod. Hook on dls-
. .
nerves free. Address, ExSLSliTfe
DH. MILF.3 riKJUPAM'O., Klkhart. Ind
Agent for the Famous
Philn. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still
Amber Ale, Hottled Pnle Ale,
Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer
aud Porter.
Also agent for the Famous
Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively
Ales. A full line of the finest
brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars,
&c. All orders left at
Solomon Haak's,
116 South Alain Street,
Will receive prompt attention.
rmuL-cnenr- stoke,
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail,
SO West Oontro Gtroot,
1 All That's Needed I
j No soap, no soda, no borax, no ammonia uoth-
JK lug ULIL ivmci IS JICCUVU. tU
g bright and beautifully
It cleans everything quickly,
cheaply, thoroughly. Sold every
where. Largest package greatest
Chlcigo. Bt. Louta. New York. Boston. r-hluMUIphl.
Am ltoileiitod liy l)euIlnir- In IMilladol
lililn nnd Itiiltlmnro.
rhllndolphlit, Nov. . Flour In light
demunrt; wlnttr HUporfliie.53.25ti2.50j Penn
sylvania roller elenr. $3.15113.55: city mills,
extra, J2.6fW( 2.IH. ltye Hour senrco and
llrm at $3.10 per barrel for eholcu Penn
sylvania. Wheat llrm- No. 2 red, No
.vemlier, 72'i'37;!!.c. Corn firm; No. 2
mixed, November. .".SUOSIKc.: No. 2 yel
low, for local trade, 41c. Oats firmer; No,
2 white, S2r.i No. 2 wlilto, clipped, 32V40
320. Hay sternly; choice timothy, $11
for larpre hales, lleef steady; beef hams,
$18.l'51tis.50. Pork llrm; family. $12.5013.
Lard llrm; western (.teamed, $5,3714. Ilut
ter steady; western creamery, 15'424o.J
do. factory, llH'dll'Ac.: ISlgins. 2l'c; Imi
tation creamery, 13fil7',4:.; New York
dairy, lCf20e.; do. creamery, 15423',4o.;
fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 25
5i2Sc.; do. wholesale, 21c. Cheese firm!
large, whlto and colored, 9V4c; small do,,
OlifiilOc; light skims, .7f7!4e.; part do.,
CMiGVic; full do., DW3',ic Kggs -Bteadyj
New York and Pennsylvania. 21V425c;;
western, fresh, 23',i,c,; southern, 2022c.
Potatoes steady: Jerseys, $101,37!4: New
Yo:k, $1.251.50; Long Island, $1.2531.75!
Jeiy sweets. $15jd.75; southern sweets,
706 75c. Turpentine dim at JSV4139c. nice
firmer: domestic, fulr to extru, 46i4o,;
Jnpan, SViffSVic
italtlmore, Nov. ,22. Flour quiet nd.
stendy. Wheat firmer; spot nnd month,
72i'i'72l,ic.; December, 72V2fi72?4c. ; Janu
ary, "3',e.; steamer No. 2 red, 63yBG8i4o.;
southern, by sample, CSiTi'ic. Corn
strong; spot, month and December, SW(
IS?ic. ; now or old November or Decem
ber, aSHTinSc.; Januury. SS',if(33?ic; Feb-
ruary, 2SVc; steamer mixed, 30O36WC.;
southern, white, ;i01i3S',4c.; do. yellow, 35
3SVic. Onts strong; No. 2 whte, 32fc3214c..,
No. 2 mixed, 30fi30.c. Rye firm; No. .2
nearby, f.Cc,,r No. 2 western, D3e. Ilfll"
steady; No. 1 timothy, $10jl0.50. Lettuce
at 75c. per bushel box,
Interested People.
Advertising a natent medicine in the pe
culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's
balsam for Coughs and Colds does it, is in
deed wonderful. lie authorizes all druggists
to give to those who call for it, a sample
bottle free, that thev mav trv it before pur
chasing. The large bottles are 25 and 60c.
We certainly would advise a trial, it may
have vou from consumption.
Buy Keystone flour. lie suro that tho name
Leesio &Baeb, Ashland, Fa., Is printed on
werv seV
A Beautiful Home
Is life's most pleasing com
fort. We wili give you much com
fort for little money. A comfort
To-day we have been busily en
gaged in replenishing our stock,
We have a new line of dining room
furniture, chairs, sofas, couches
and settees in large varieties. We
are the cheapest dealers.
And you may need a stove, range
or heater. We have now several
carloads in stock, which is the
largest in the county. We repre
sent the Buckwalter Stove Com
pany, the largest and oldest estab
lished firm in America. We can
sell you cheaper than other dealers
who buy one and two on an order.
A guarantee accompanies every
purchase. Money refunded if "not
123 and 131
South Main Street.
Your Thanksgiving
Dinner ....
Will be a joy if it is accom
panied by our
Put up expressly for family use.
We also bottle porter. L,eave your
order at the office and they will
receive prompt attention.
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne.
One Block of Nine
Houses. ....
Situated on West Coil atreet, Blienamlnali. The
lruerty entire Is 1125 (eet front mid 70 feet
deep. Knch house has a frontiiKe of 1 feet
hy 2u feet deep, with kitchen 10 by H feett all
nro two storl's, six rooms, tin roof. They have
Justhceu thoroughly repaired, newly painted
and papered, andiiew sills, outhouses and coal
houses constructed. T-hcse properties aro
Kltlier as a whole or separately ami on reason
able terms, for further Information apply to
lllUhC LlllUt) WUllU UUU J
clean with
Perfect Fitting.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority of
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. :hmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street
fllce Eean buildlni?. corner of Main an
Centre street, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Lock Box 63, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under somo of the beat
masters Id London and Paris, will give loapona
on the vtoltn.mnudolln. guitar aud vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Aadreafl In care ol Htronoe
the lew!) 8bmjinrtnb
n n n c tw if 3 n 1 m
a J m w a v ,
Novkmdkb 20, 1898.
Trains will leav Shenandoah after tne abofe
date for Wleganf Ullberton, Kraokvlllo. Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. Hamburg, Heading,
fottstown, FlioenUvflle. Norrlntown and thll.
aselpbla (lirad street station) at SIS and 8 IS
a. m.. 2 10. A IS n. m. on week davn. Rundava.
8 15 a. m., i DO p. m.
irains leave rracKvine ior Blienanuosn at
7 80, 11 48 a.m. and 5 48, 7 88 p. a.. Sunday,
11 01 a. m, and S 48 p. m.
Leave I'ottavllle for Shenandoah (via Kract
vllle) 7 10, II 20 a. m s 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday
10 S5 a. 111.. fi 20 p. m.
Leave l'hlladelnhia. (Broad street station), lor
HheMiidoah at 8 US a. m 4 10 p: m. week days.
Huudays leave at 6 50 and 9 23 a. m.
Leave Ilroad Street Station, Philadelphia.
Express.weotc-days B 20. 4 Oo. 4 50 5 03,5 15,6 50
7 83, 8 20, 9 60, 10 21 11 00 a. lit, 12 00 noon, 12 83
(Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p. u ,) 1 40, l 80, a 20,
160,4 02,5 00, 5 54 S 00, 7 02, "7 50, 10 IX) p.m.,
12 01, night. Sundays.' 8 20, 4 05. I SO S 03, 5 13,
8 20, 9 68, 10 2I, 10 43 a. 111., 12(M, 12 83, .' 80,
4 02, (Limited 4iB,) 520, J50, 6b5, 7 02, 760.
1000 p.m., 1201 night
Kzpress for Iloston without change, 11 00 a u.,
week-days, mid 7 60 p. ni., rlnllv.
For Sea Girt, Asbury 1'ark, Ocean drove.
Long Itraucu, 8 20, 1J 14 a m, 3 30, 4 02 p iu
For Lumber vllle, Kuslon and Scrunton, 0 60,
900 am, 12 uo noon, 3 32, 5 00 (Lumbertvllle and
Kaston only), weekduys, and 7 02 p m dully.
llulTalo, 9 00 a in, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 U!
p in dully.
For Baltimore and Washington, S 60, 7 20, 8 32,
10 20, 11 23, a. in., 12 09, I2 31 1 11. 8 12, 1 41,
(S 23 Congressional Limited,) 6 17. 0M, 7 8l
D. in., aud 12 OS nluht week davs. Hundavs.
8 60, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. in., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, (320
Congressional Limited,) 6 53 731 p. in. ami
u uo nigui.
For lialtlinore, accommodation, 9 12 a in, 1 52
and 4 01 p ui week days, 5 OA and 1 1 10 p m dally.
Atlantiu Count Line, express 12 09 p in, and
12 05 night, dully...
Suuthern ltuliwuy, express 055 p ni, dully.
Chesapeake &i Ohio Kullway, 781 p in, daily.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. 10 20
a m weekdays, II 10 p in dally.
Leave Jlurtet street wuari us ioiiowbi l.x-
iirfii. fur New York. 9 00 a m. 4 30 I, lu week.
duys.. For Long llrunch, vlu Scuslde I'ark, 8 30
a in weekdays.
For island iieiguia, bju a in anu iw i m
Leave Brood street station via Delaware river
brldiro Kxnress. 9 40 a m..7 05u. m. Sunduvn.
9 20 a. in., 7 03 p. iu.
Leave Alurket Street Warf Bipress, 9 00 am,
2 00,4 00,5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a in
laccommouuiioii ou unu o uu 11 in.
For Cape May. Sea Isle City, Ocean City.
Avalon Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wtldwood.unu
liollj Beach Kx press, 900 a in, 4 00, p in
weekdays. Sundu)., 9 00 a ni.
For Homers l'olnt Uipress, 9 00 a ui 200,
4 00, 8 CO, p. in. week days Sundays, 9 00uuii
10 00 a. m
The Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from bitels and residences.
I. U. Hutciiinsos, J, It. W'ooii,
Uen'l Manairer. Gen'l I'as.Vr Ag
Celebrated Teiuaio
i-owaera pever imu
l(IAaJi&tlita ducUrt tUeia
and uraf&fter fillini
with Tarn end I'iDyrotl 1'iUj ap4 other IU
ranwju). Alwtyituy
Q9 RHl UU aiuiu
olDtraent. . UuaimntApa luptrlor t