riitimt-f-ifin nRY one Pound of our 25c chocolate candy assortment and then tell us if you ever tasted its equal at less than 40c. Remember vv have jo kinds at this price. We are also ,iy;eiits ior Lowney's pack age candy. 60c for one pound and 30c for a li lb package. HOOKS & BROWN, a N. Main St. HAVE YOU TRIED Houck's J Headache B Cure? A sure cure or your money It a trial. refunded Hive SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Telephone Connection. Boston Factory Shoe Store Is offering for the next two weeks an inducement very seldom extended to shoe buyers. They are selling Ladles' $1.50 shoes at - - S .99 2.50 shoes at - - 1.75 " 3.50 shoes at - - - 2.15 Men's $1.25 shoes at - - .90 " 2.00 shoes at - - - 1.25 " 3.00 shoes at 2.25 Our Boy's atid Children's shoes are guing at greatly reduced prices. We have a choice stock to select from. BOSTON 27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, I SPON7, PROP. FOUH DOOHS ABOVE l'OST OFFICE. Pa. STOVES, RANGES, HEATERS. 1-1 T i. Keep Your House Warm bv usine our Stoves, Ranges and Heater-. They are cheaper b. tli in prire and fuel. We have a nice selection m tuck 'I ln v must be sold. Christmas is rapidly approaching and we need room for our fancy stock of holiday furniture. This is our first season in the stove business, und to thoroughly advertise it, we will sell them at small profits. ill are not distinguished by any murk or sign from coughs that fail to bo fatal. Any cough, neglected, may sap tho strength and umlcrmino tho health until recovery is impossible. All coughs lead to lung trouble, if not stopped. Aycr's encrry Pectoral cures coucjus "My v.-ife wa3 sutfering from a dreaJful couRh. Wa did not expect thit she would long survive, but Mr. H. V. Hoyal, deputy surveyor, happened to ho stopping with us over night, and having a bottlo of Ayer's Cherry i'octoral with him, induce ! my wife to try this remedy. The rosult win so beneficial that she kept on taking it till show ai cured." H. S. HUMPHUlKS. Saussy, Ga. " My little daughter was taken with a dis tressing eough, which for thrco years defied all the remedies I tried. At length, on the urgent recommendation of a friend, I began to give her Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After using one bottle I found to my great sur prise that sho was improving, ilireo buttles completely cured her." J. A. GItAY, Trav. Sabsman Wrought Iron Range Co, St. Louis, Mo. PITHY POINTS. l!HlnltB Throughout the Country Clirn"l''1ftl for Hasty Perusal in tho dhcrry Pectoral is put up in half-sizo bottles at half price 50 cents. Flrot l'lrot rlrot Insuro your property from loss in the blest and strongest cash companies : I'hila. Underwriters Iiisunimo Co. of North Aiuoricn and Firo Association, Hartford Firo Ins. Co., Amerlcaii Firo Insurnuco Co., West Cliester Fire lus. Co., United Firemon's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 133 S. Jardln St., Shonaudoab. A Card. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund tho money on a 50-ceut bottle of Orcene's Warranted Syrup of Tar if it fails to euro your cough or cold. Wo also guaran tee a S5-ceut bottlo to prove satisfactory or money refunded. A. Wasley, C. II. Hhrcii buch, Shenandoah Drug Store, and P. W. Iiierstein & Co. ll-14-33t-dw Gerautimus, fuchsias, pansies, daises, roses etc., for spring planting at Payne's uurseries, Girardvillo. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs. SOLOMON HAAK, Agent for the Famous BERGNER & ENGEL Phila. Stock Ale, Sparkling Still Amber Ale, Bottled Pale Ale, Brown Stout, Half and Half, Beer and Porter. Also agent for the Famous LORENZ SCHMIDT'S Mt. Carbon Beer, Porter and Lively Ales. A full line of the finest brands of Liquors, Wines, Cigars, &c. All orders left at Solomon Haak's, 116 South Main Street, Will receive prompt attention. OH ! WHAT A WRECK ! LARGEST LINE OF TOYS, FANCY VASES, OPAL TOILET SETS. Or upward will buy you a stove, range or heater. r.very one sold is iiccom panieil with n Guarantee. We earn the "Queen Cinderella," "Liberty," "Uncle Sam's Fortune," "Family Fortune," "New Fortune," "lianner," stoves and ranges. In Iieaters we carry the "Art Peninsular," ".impress Cinderella, ""Imperial indereMa,' ' "Liberty," "Acme," "lianner," "Flora." Our " Peninsular' answers a three-fold pur )oic namely, a Stuie, Hange or Hcator. DAVISON'S BUSY . FURNITURE . AND . STOVE . STORE, 121-123 North Main St. THE LATEST GAMES DRESSING THE NEW WOMAN, CONETTE, MERRY WAR. lllmmelcln's "Ideals" nro playing region. Sheppton and Oneida Methodists are talk ing about building a chinch. Consumers of water in Girardvillo owing two months rout, will bo shut on". Tho compulsory educational law will likely be tested iu court by Kittamiing citizens. Falling coal instantly killed Benjamin Uivln in tho Allien mine, near Witkcsbatro. Clio borough campaign will bo tho next one to attract attention trom the local statesmen. Mrs. Samuel liadcllll'e. of Tamauua, fell down a lllght ot stairs aud fractured her ankle. Tho lied Cross Council of tho Knights of Malta will hold a session at Sbaiuokiti on tho sand fust. Tho firo in tho Itavino mine, at Pittston, hns been extinguished, after twouionths' hard work. The Union Coal Company will initio all the ci:il they will bu given cars to ship their product in. Whenever a woman feels bluo or desperate, sho cither letrims a bat or straightens up the liiuoati draweis. Tho Ashland and Shamokln foot ball teams, tho best in the region, will play at Ashland on Thanksgiving Way. W. G. Urown has been appointed successor to the lato F. P. Kaercher, as secretary of tho P. & It. C. A I. Co. There is a mean man in Freelaud. Ho put an electric light iu his chicken peu and makes thoui lay day and night. Aud now they nro spelling Salllo "Sallyo.1 What will they do nextiu order to decorate tho good, old-fashioned names? Thomas II. Davis, national organizer of the United Mlno Workers, 1ms left this re' giou and returned to Indianapolis. "Dewey's costillion" is tho latest fashion- nblo dance in Now York. If it isn't mis named it probably is too lively to bo danced with comfort. Tho Pottsvlllo lodge of Klks last evening gave a smoker in honor of Major Levi Huber, a member who lias hut recently celebrated the eightieth anniversary of his birth. Fear of an approaching car famine, tho Pennsylvania railroad has ordored 1,000 moro new curs, making a total Increase, of 5,000 this year. William Iiyuu, ono of tho men held for tho Centralla burglary, was discharged because of Insufficient evidence. Tho two others are iu jail. An ellort is being made to establish an or ganization of Pennsylvania Rabbis, and s meeting will bo held at Harrisburg on the 28th inst. for that purpose. David Lloyd, of Minorsville, was stricken on tho streets of Pottsvillo witli cramps, and removed to tho hospital. His illness is not serious. Miss .Mary Lewis, of Girardville, who has been in Philadelphia undergoing an opera tiun for appendicitis, has returned home Tho operation has not been very successful and she is lying in a very precarious condi tion. Mrs. Joseph Steck, an aged and respected resident ol Jacksons, received a paralyti stroke yesterday. Sho now lies at her borne in a precarious condition. For swearing at a church door last Sunday, Michael L. uilrahat, ol Wilkesbarro, was sent to jail for BO days by Justice Dottuhue J. James Lagan is on trial for his life at .Montrose, for the murder of Farmer Jackson Pepper, of Hush township, Susu,uohaniia county. From sickness contracted iu Porto Rico, First Sergeant Samuel John Stewart, Mattery 11. Pennsylvania Light Artillery died yesterday at Pittsburg. Tho statue of Gcuoral John F. Hartranft. in Capitol Park, at Harrisburg, has been ac cepted by tho commission charged with haV' lug it erected, aud it will bo unveiled in tli spiing. Following the conviction of Harvey A Herstine for a misdemeanor, in tho Lehigli county court, the defendant's father attacked District Attorney Schwartz, hut officers dragged him away boforo ho could land a blow. William Stees, of Sunhury, who was cm ployed ns a llagman on tho N. C. railroad be tween Shamokin and Sunhury, died Tuesday ovening of blood poisoning. Some of our exchanges aro requesting that news items bo sent to their offices. Wouldn't it bo better to oniploy competent men tor that purpose ? With the avowed object of purifying politics, Mrs. Miranda Spears has announced tier candidaoy for School Director iu Coal township, Northumberland county. Colonel David 11. Case and staff, and Companies C and K, of tho Fourth Pennsyl vania Regiment, located at Columbia, were yesterday mustered out of tho volunteer service. John Anderson and Michael Scully, both of Girardville, are matched to shoot at nine pigeons each on November 30, for $50 a side, Two men giving their names as Hugh Harvey, of Locust Gap, and James Murphy, of Shamokiu, were arrc3ted at Plymouth yesterday on tho chargo of burglarizing Jouos' barbershop. There will be a good many moro dl6ap- pointmnnU over the appointments than theie wore over tho result of the recent election Tlih WEATIIttlt. The forecast fof Friday: Cloudy to partly cloudy weather and nearly stationary tem perature, precedod by rain and probably high winds on tho coasts. litllS! OVERCOATS ! mrrinAA n IIMUIIl s PERSONAL MENTION. Sol. Haak transacted business at tho county scat to-day. M, II, Master visited friends at Pottsvlllo this morning, George Fttlmer mado a business trip to Orwlgsbtirg to-day. Mis4 F.mma Krick is visiting friends in Philadelphia. Mrs. William Acker, Mrs. George llolvoy ud Mrs. Georgo Walters visited friends at Girardvillo to day. Mrs. Jcrro Uoughey is suffering from ploliro-piietimonia at her homo on South W est street. Her many menus nopo tor a pecdy recovery. Noah J. Owens, a former resident of this town, left his homo at Hazletou for I loriila. Ho will remain thoro during the winter for the benefit of his health. Harrv Reese is substituting on tho letter carrier force in place of Martin Miilono, who has gone to Philadelphia to visit friends. Misses Katie Mcuermott and Mamo Cook, left yesterday for Philadelphia, where they will make their future homo. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Malone went to Phila delphia this morning to attend the funeral of Edward Hughes, a relative Mrs. Howard Reisel, of Upper Lehigh, is tho guest of hor slstor, Mis. II. C. Hooks, of West Coal street. Robert Heaton, of Ashland, was a business visitor to town to-day. Matthow McCutclicon, of otingstowii, O., is iu town, attending tho bed sido of li is father, John McCutclicon, who Isdaugorously ill. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup can Iki relletl on. If you stiller from coughs, colds, Hoarse ness, bronchitis or othor throat and lung affec tions, this old reliable romedy will euro you, !)e1 Jtocorilml. Tho following deeds were placed on record : Samuel II. McQuado and others to Anna Maria Miller, premises in Port Carbon ; P. & It. C. & I. Co., to Henry Deehl, premises in Minersvillo; Carl Wagner, trusteo, to John Petri, premises in Pottsvillo ; barak liodman to John Petri, premises iu Pottsvlllo : Wm. Rump, ct nl to Mary Ziavmemiau, premises iu Pottsvillo; Iirldgct .Madden to T. J. Horau, promises m Mahauoy City. THIS WEEK ONLY! E! Nos. 9 and 11 South Main Street. over Wo spent weeks in New York and Philadelphia to pick all the latest styles. ,'500 Overcoats for Men, beside a large stock for Youths and Children. We expected colder weather, but as it did not come when looked for, we have great reductiqn in prices and offer the greatest stock ever brought to the to.wn. your opportunity to get Overcoat bargains at the We have made a Now is Mammoth Clothing House, Nos. L. QOLDIN, Proprietor. 9 and 11 South Main (p -W Street, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. MISCELLANEOUS. FOR HAI.K A valuable manufacturing plant fully equipped for the manufacture of cloth lints and cups und boxes, and n double frame dwelling house, together or rcpernti-. Sealed or verbal bids for nil or part of real estate, or eiiulpinent will be received up to mill Including November 30th, 1W, nt tlieolllcoor the company, corner Coal ami l.niericK streets, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-15-2W PUOlTrAllI.K HOME WORK. We want a r.w mpn mul women In every town to make novelties for us at their homes; day or evening; JO to JI5 weekly; no canvassing or experience nceiied; stcaoyenipioyincns; pmiiiinsirucuwiis and work sunt to your home on application. llraziliim Manufacturing uoinpany, isew urn. Ity. ITIOIt RUNT. Dwelling house, with all con ! venlenccs, with good location, for rent. Apply at this office, tf fur; - 118" . it . or IP.Q uioiio Icr RHEUMATISM, TIP.TTPAT.rt.TA . ...,. -.u i ana similar uompiaiats, unu prepared under tno stringent GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS. prescribed 6y eminent physicians DR. RICHTER'S ANCHOR 7? PAIN EXFELLESLi "World renowned ! nemflifcnbiiBucceBjf ol I SOnlv trennlno with Trntle Mark ' Anchor.' IF. Ad. ltlchterA Co., 215 FenrlSU,. cir York. 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Houses. Own Glassworks. 25&C0cta. Lnuunicu cs rccc-miutattcd I A. Wasley. 106 K. Main St.. i.C. H. nacenbneh. 103 N. Main St.. a . iD. niriln, 6 s. Main I Shenandoah.i . an. RICHTER'S " 'ANCHOR" STOMACHAL best iMNpppMa&Stomnch Conipln FOU SALE. A farm of about lOncrcs within three and one-half miles of Shenandonli floo l dwollliir house, excellent out build lis. Apply to T. II. Bcddnll, Blitnandonli Pa. tf TJOlt SALT-! II ..tt(nlK. nioderu conveniences, sto'o room and woIIIiir and house on the rear. For further Information apply at this otllce. " TIOU HAt.R Two pool tables In irood condl i timi. Pan lie hnutrht verv reasonable. Apply to Anthony Schmlckcr, 109 South Slain street. tf JOTICK. Desirable properties for sale. Ap- nlv to H. O. M. Hollopeter, attorney, Shenandoah. 8-31-tf NEW OPENING ! NEW SHOE STORE ! 23 Pleasing To The Morgan's Bazar, NORTH rvl-AIIM ST, For a Few Days Only! We advertise to draw the atten tion of the readinc public to tell them that we are in the optical business, that we make a specialty of fittimr neonle with classes to correct imperfect vision. Many people come to us because they have read our advertisements. Also through the recommendations of our pleased patients. Give us a call ; we will treat you right. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN, 118 S. Mam Street. BEST UINE. Ur- GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY nd BTUAW. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. E. B. Foley, aT . U EES ! One lot of Alpine hats, all colors, trimmed with ribbon and ciime feathers, for 75 cents, woilli double ; one lot of Sailor and knock about hats, from 50 cents up ; Hough Hider, all colors, 65 ciits up 5 one lot of children's trimmed hats, from 1,00 up; line im ported French hats, latest styles, from 75 cents to 95 cents ; Germaiitownyarti, colors Drown, Green aud Hcd, only 5 rents a hank ; infant's silk, wool aud velvet combination caps, from 35 cents up. Mrs. J, J. Kelly, 2B South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. To Ailviinoo Coal I'rleos. Philmlelnlil.i, Nov. 17. There was a meeiing yeaterdny In the peneral olllce of the Pennsylvania Ilallroad com pany between frelBht representatives of the 1'ennsylvnnla railroad, Phlla dell'liln and HcaUlnB railway, Baltimore and Ohio railroad, Ileech Creek rail road, Chesapeake and Ohio and Nor folk and Western railway companies In an effort for a readjustment of rates on bituminous coal and an advance In prices for 1899. It Is understood that all agreed that the time was ripe to make an advance, and that as soon as everything could be arranged notice to this effect would he Issued. Sinter AlMlrle DIim! at I'nrto ltleo. A lieiiulem High mass was celebrated 011 Monday In St. Kyran's Catholic church, lteckscbervlllo, for Sister Audrle, formerly Miss Auuio Larklti, of Qlen Carbon. She did religious woVk among our soldiers at l'orto Itlco and died tbero. Dr. Hull's Couth Syrup Is the best remedy for relieving and ciirliiK that usth 1'iatic couch, Physicians recommend it. lluy only tho genuine. Dr. John W. Hull's Cough Syrup. Marring) l.lceiiKen. Patrick F. (iallaglierand llonom E. Cash iiiun. both of St. Clair; Cbailcs K. Herbert of Now Philadelphia, and Mary Neifergold of Pottsvlllo i Wallace V,. Shlsslor and Clara li. Noble, both of 1'ort Carbon ; Alox Kereo and I.izzlo Siuolouskititi, both of Now Phila delphia ; Kastus Nawickos and Marloua Sawickuto, both of Mubunoy City. For good and cheap shoes at the lowest prices, go to tue NEW YORK CHEAP SHOE STORE, Near Jardln St. 33 West Centre Street. FOR SALE. One Block of Nine Houses. Situated on West Coal street, SHcnniulnuh. The iiromrtv mitlre Is 112 feet front and 70 feft deep. Kach ho use Uuh u froutaeo of 12 feet iv m leei uecu. wiin Kiicueu iu uy it leei; uu lire two atorlps, rtx rooinu, tin roof. They liuve just been thorouKhly repaired, newly pnintcu und pujiered, and new sills, outhouses and eoal nouses consirueieu. ijtese properties uru FOU SALTS, KXCHANQK or UKNT Klther ni a whole or separately and on reason- able terms. For lurtner inloruiatlon apply to M. P. FOWLER. Ilr. Hull's Coiiuli Syrup lias saved the llfu of many u child This wonderful remedy ulwuys cures croup, whooping cough and ineaslc-cough. It has never fulled. Price 25c. !t Letters flruuted,' Tho following letters wero granted : Letters testamentary wore granted to John Doyle, uu the "estate of Mary Mulvey, lato of tho borough of Mahauoy City, deceased, Letters of administration weie grouted to Anuebella Haupt, on tho estate of William Haunt, lato of tho borough of Frackville, deceased Also to John F. WeruU. ou tho estate of Datiiel It. Iluechlor, late of the borough of Piuegrove, deceased. A Beautiful Home Is life's most pleasing com fort. We will eive you much com fort for little money. A comfort Srour FURNITURE To-day we have been busily en Raced in replenishing our stock We have a new line of dining room furniture, chairs, sofas, couches and settees in large varieties. We are the cheapest dealers. WINTER IS AT YOUR DOOR And you may need a stove, range or heater. We have now several carloads in stock, which is the largest in the couuty. We repre sent the ISuckwalter btove Com pany, the largest and oldest estab lishetl linn in America. We can sell you cheaper than other dealers who buy one anil two on an order A guarantee accompanies every purchase. Money refunded if not satisfactory. 123 and 131 D.SJ.HL, South Main Street The Cheap Prices We aro cbarirlm; for tbo Ilttt' (luociutiKK to bo bad aru gnliilni; popularity .li.llv. Wo believe In "live anil let live." We want tb buyer to bave some of tbo prollt us well us the iciier, imv oooim, hoots and suoua, QUNT'S FUUNIalllNCI. Cbolce winter stqck, Good (roods attbeloweit prices. Philip Yorowsky, 313 WEST CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH, PA 1 4 ! Valuable 8benandoab property. locnteil on onK street. Willi an Orkin's Jewelry Store, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Optical Goods. No. 1S9 South Main Street, Terminus of the Schuylkill Traction Company's Railway. $5.00 dght Day Clock for $2.75. For This Month Only. Overcoats! Overcoats! LADIES', MSSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Select your garment from up-to-date styles. We bave tbe nj;lit goods licre and a large variety to select from at tbe right prices. Ladies' Coats, S2 50, $3.00, $5.00, $6.00. $8.00, $9.00 to $16.00. Children's Coals, $1.50 to $7.50. Far Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00. Our stock ol dress i;oods lias no equal. You w ill find here a large assortment of plain and fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic at bar gain prices. Our place is headquarters for lace curtains. blaukcf, carpets, mi's, etc. Look through our line on second floor and get prices, iiuttericU paper patterns, best in the world, sold by us. P. J. GAUGHAN, NORTH MA.IIM STREET. Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of gasoline, 6o cents in five gallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle crease. Also headlight oil, 150 fire test. ECLIPSE OIL COMPANY, No. 143 East Coal Street, Shenandoah, Penna Matl order prumptlv attended to. INVIGOKAT1NU TO THO NOW is the time to buy your Overcoats. This is the time when you will be thinking where you can get the best Overcoat for the money you will invest in it. Knowing this, we have selected and bought as fine a line of Overcoats ever brought to Shenandoah. In comprises all the latest styles and colors. ine mane ana -quality 01 our uvercoats are un equalled. The prices we are offering them at well we leave that to your own judgment. When you see them we will feel positive that you will agree with us and say they are 20 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere. Our suit assortment is the same. We make a" specialty of SINGLE PANTS, HAT5, ETC. Before buying elsevyhere call and see us in our new store. We have lots of room and plenty of light to display our stock. Hut do not forget your Overcoat should be purchased. S. BLOCKS Clothier and No. 2z East Centre Street, Furnisher, - Shenandoah, Penna. A Contented Woman In sho who baa her walls anil ceilings dieoratetl from our latcat designs and rich colors In wall paper. We have a complete lino of exqulslto tints and shades, In tbe most attlstlo combina tions and patterns, and we will decorate our borne from kitchen to attlo ot a reasonable fll-uro. J. P. GARDEN, 224 West Ceutrc Street, Shenandoah, Pa. WELL DRESSED HAIR aM SCALP. Drop us a postal card and a wc will call at your residence. I'rompt attention, Dusto's Tonsorial Parlors, FerRuson House Illock. i-YESf We can furnish Repairs for all Stoves. It is by far cheaper to repair your old faithful stove than to btty a new one, If your stove is broken let us fix it. You will be pleased with the work and the price, WM. R. PRATT, 333 S. Jardln St rRABOWSKY HOTEL, M. GUABOWSKY, Prop. 310 N. Centre St., I'ottavllle, I'a. l'lne old Whiskeys, Gins nnd Wines, at tbe bar, A choice llnu of Cigars aud Teniiicr ance Drinks. Accomiundatloiis for travelers. Meals at all hpum. lis' A Handsomo Complexion one of tbe greatest ciiarms a woman can possess, i'ozzotu'a uomi'Lkjiiok I'owoua Ktveglt. YOUNG MEN Have a decided advantage. It has never before been so easy for any young man who has the desire to be extra well dressed to do, so for such .a small amount of money. New Fall and NAinter Suits In the latest styles and from the newest woolens. Suits at $6.00, $7.50, $10.00, nd upwards, that yoii had always had to pay a great deal more for. Hats, Neckwear, Furnishings, the little things furnish out a young man's outfit. that l. REFOWICH, 10 and IS South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.