The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 17, 1898, Image 3

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is duo not only to tlio originality and
simplicity of the comblnutlon, but also
to the euro and siclll with which It Is
manufactured by scientific ruoeesses
known to the California Fio Sirnur
Co. only, nnd yo wish to Impress upon
ull tin; Importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
hy the Camioiinia Fio Svmtp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
sslst one In avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured bv other par
ties. The high standing o'f the Cai.i
foiinia Fio Sviiur Co. with Mm medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
wlllfrll l.lin frnnllttm Hvn. f T?X 1
-.,.......u wjiiiji ul i'jjjs IMS
fl) given to millions of families, makes
f , y the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far In advance of all other laxatives,
as It acts on tho kidneys, liver and
bowels without irritating 01 weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
the Company
LoniSTlIAB. KT. M:r VOKK. N.'y.
OCTOBKH 4, 1898.
Trains will leave Shenandoah niter Ine BDOve
date lor Wltrgan, Gllberton, Frackvllle. Dart
Water, St. Clair, l'ottivllle. Hamburg, KeaJitiR
Pottatown. Phoenlxvfllc. Norrlitown aud Phil
aaelphla (llroad street station) at BUS and 813
a. m.,202, 0 p. m. on week days. Sundays,
8 15 a. m., 4 25 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle lor Shenandoah at
736, 1140 a. m. and 5 40, 7 88 p. w. Sunday,
11 01 a. ui. and 5 40 p. m.
Leavo l'ottsvllle lor Shenandoah (via Frack
vllle) 710, 1120 a. m., 5 20, 7 10 p. lu. Buuiiaj
1083 a, ra., 5 20 p. m.
Leave 1'hlladelpMa. (Ilroad street station), loi
Sheondoah at 8 U5 a. in., 4 10 p. m. week days
Sundays leave at 6 60 and 9 23 a. ro.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Kxpress.weck-days, 8 20, 4 Oft, 4 50 5 03,5 15,6 50
7 Kl, 8 20, 0 50, 10 21 11 00 u. rn, 12 00 noon, 12 S3
(Limited 1 00 aud l 22 p. m ,) 1 40, i 80, 8 20,
8 60, 4 02, 5 00, 5 56 fl 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p. m.,
12 01, nlKht. Sundays, 8 20, 4 OS. I 50. 3 03, 5 15,
8 20, 9 60, 10 21, 1185 a. In., 12 03, 12 83, '2 SO,
402, (Limited 122,) 5 20, 3 56, 685, 7 02, 7 50,
1000 p. m 12 01 night.
Kzpress (or Boston without change, 11 00 a ra.
week-days, and 7 60 p. m., dally.
For Sea Girt, Ashury Park, Ocean flrovc,
Lone Branch, 8 20, 11 14 u in, 3 SO, 4 02 p m
For LuiiibcnvlUe, Kaatnn and Scrauton, G50,
9 10 n in. 12 00 noon, S 52, 5 00 (Lmubertville and
Kaston only), weekdays, and 7 02 p in dally.
BulTulo, 9 00 a ni, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 02
p in daily.
For Bultlmore nnd Washington. 8 50, 7 20, 8 32
1020, II 23, a. Ul., 1209, Ma 81 111,812,441,
(3 25 OoiiurefBlonal Limited,) a 17. 6o, i
p. in., and 12 0,: nlsht week days. Sundays,
8 50. 7 20. II 12. 11 23. a. in.. 12 00. 1 12. 4 41. 1320
JUS lom nl-l.t
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 a in, 2 02
and 4 01 p in week days, 5 08 and 11 16 p m dally
Atlantic Coast Line, express 12 09 p in, and
12 05 nlRht. dally.
Southern lluliwuy, cxpress-0 53 p m, dally.
Chesapeake it Ohio Itullwuy, 7 31 p in, dully.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20
a in weekdays, II 10 p m dally.
Leave Market street wharf as follows: Ex
press for New York, 9 00 a in, 4 80 p in week
days. For Long Brunch, vlu Seaside Park, 8 30
u in weekdays.
For Island Heights, 830 u in and 4 00 p m
Leave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 u in,, 7 05 p. in. Sundays,
9 20 a. in., 7 03 p. in.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 9 00 a m,
2 00,4 00,5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m
(accommodation 4 30 and 5 00 p m.
For Cape May, Sea Isle city, Ocean City,
Avalon Stone Harbor, Anglceca, Wlldwood and
Holly Beach Express, 9 00 a m, 4 00, p in
weekdays. Sundays. 9 00 a m.
For Somers Point Express, 9 00 a. in., 2 00,
4 00, 5 CO, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 and
1000a. ro. ,
The Union Transfer Company will call for
aud check bageuge from hotels and residences
J, B. llurnHiMsos, J. K. Wood,
Geti'l Manauer. Gen'l Pass'te r Agl
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne,
millions of Dollars
Go up In smoto avory year. TaVeio
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insurod in first-class To
llable companies as represented oj
hAvm PAIIST insurance Agent
Alan I.lla andAoctdanUl Oumranlaa
. uunu.M'fl OIL EP.
Al"rlprorni;lsnd.lleble. Jiiilalic.s
f Aldrus elotes.oreent dliftl (eealed). rrtee. II,
' Csios Srao. Co., Bosloa, aiaaa. uur so,
For sals al Klrlln's drug store and bliauardoa
at rue slor
SAf fTaIiQ SURE. hlU 4o. f "DI"ii,? Sf '
. I'ovlnnkf'i druR store, Ki
a .fl wUh'l'ansr '-Ml 1'ttinrroyal t .. e iu'l Vncf u
rrilri7 Aiv7aiabiubv(t .ui .wu Jim
l,lntniont. Querantacd auparlor to "
A Eemarkably Good Showing For
tho Hospital at Sibonoyi .
Muior T,ri Gnrrlo Toitlllco Tlinl or tlio
TlitftoiMi or Kolirtucm Iliuidfoil Sot
illprn Wounitnil Only Klovon IHoil,
Uolnit Lonh Tliiiti One I'cr Cent.
"Washington, Nov. 17. An Important
point was developed hy the war Inves
tigating commission yesterday through
the examination of Major LaGarde,
one of the surgeons In charge of the
hospital at Slboney. It wus that of tho
1,300 or 1,400 wounded men treated In
the hospital only 11 had died. This
was less than 1 tier cent, and Dr. La
Garde ventured the statement that no
war In history showed so small a mor
tality among wounded men.
The testimony of Colonel J. W.
Jacobs, who was In charge of the trans
portation facilities at Santiago, Indi
cated that the reason why camp equip
page and cooking utensils had not been
forwarded from the coast to the troops
on the battle line In front of Santiago
was to be found In an order Issued by
General Shatter expressly forbidding It.
The order provided that only rations
and forage should be sent forward.
Colonel Jacobs declared the quarter
master's department was not respon
sible for the condition of Inadequate
camp supplies at the front, as the of
ficers merely obeyed the orders, of tho
commanding general.
Captain 11. W. Ireland, who was as
sociated with Dr. LaGarde as a sur
geon and executive oirlcer in the Slb
oney hospital, testified that he had gone
to Cuba on the Saratoga, but had not
been able to land for six days, why he
did not know. The hospital at Slboney
had been sulllclently well supplied for
about 200 patients, except in the mat
ter of cots, of which there were not to
exceed 50. Patients In excess of this
number were, compelled to He on their
blankets on the ground for tho first
week of tho hospital's history. About
1,200 wounded men came to be treated
within three or four days after the Ini
tiation of the hospital. There was a
sufficiency of supplies except delicacies
and conveniences. Speaking of the
Concha, concerning which there has
been considerable criticism, he said he
had supervised the provisioning of that
vessel, and he was sure that It had re
ceived all the supplies necessary at
least there had been no complaint be
fore leaving.
Dr. Edward L. Munson, who for a
time was on duty at Tampa and In
Cuba, being for a time on the Olivette
and also adjutant to General Pope,
chief surgeon of the Fifth corps, said
he had understood that requisitions
were promptly approved and that all
the difficulty there was In getting medi
cines and supplies was due to the lack
of transportation. Each regiment had
been expected to take the Buppltes that
would be necessary. There were no
orders to leave any of the medical sup
plies except the ambulances at Tampa.
He had understood that the medical
supplies In Cuba were short. They
were taken on the transports, but It
was Impossible to get them landed.
Dr. Munson said that the condition
of the army before Santiago was la
mentable, owing largely to the fact
that the men were without tents. For
the first two or three days, also, there
were practically no supplies on shore.
So far as he could determine the quar
termaster's department had made no
effort to assist the medical department,
leaving It entirely to its own devices.
MiUlons Given Away.
It la certjilnlv cmtlfvlnc to the nubile to
lcnnwnf one couceru in tho laud who are not
afraid to bo generous to tlio needy and suffer
ing. The proprietors ot ur. King's inow
.Discovery lor uonsumpiion, ,wi(?ns auu
rinlila. lmvn rrivou uwav over ton milllou trial
bottles of this great medicluej and havo the
satisfaction of knowing It has absolutoly
i-nrtxl thnusands of boneless cases. Asthma.
Iironchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of
tho Throat, Chest and Lungs aro surely cured
by it. Call on A. Waslcy, Druggist, and get
a (rial bottlo free. Kcgularsizo 50c. una $1.
Every bottlo guaranteed, or unco reiunuea.
.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i.uw I 1 ! 11 r-1 U 11 1 1 o 1111 1
Jpffi-rson City, JIu., Nov. 17. The
statf Eiipretnc court yesterday decided
that tho Julian law, enacted by the
legislature In 1S9), and ptovltllng for
ihe sale of public franchises to the
highest bidder, is unconstitutional.
llfii'y S. Julian, of Kansas City, who
framed the law, asserts that It was cre
ated nftf Hie tranchise law of New
York, which has been sustained as
valid In that at it p. The law has long
been a them In the side of the street
railway companies, and they will, it -is
said. Unlit any attempt to revlv such
a law.
G nets: I was dreadfully nervous, and for
rellel toon your Jvan s uiovor iioot lea. it
quieted my nerves and strengthened niy
whole Norvous System. I was troubled with
Constipation, Kidney and Iiowel trpublo.
Your Tea soon cleansod my system so
thoroughly that I rapidly regained health
and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford,
Conn. Sold by S. P. Klrlln aud a guarantee.
lM-oililoiVt IiiIohIuh t'o Visit tJs.
Washington, Nov, 17. The state de
partment has been Informed by Min
ister Calve, of Costa Ttlca, that Presi
dent Igleslas is to visit Washington.
He comes Incognito, and on an entirely
private mission, so that outside of the
exchange of unofficial courtesies tno
government will not give him a formal
welcome. Ho win arrive in isew xoru
next Tuesday, and after a brief stay
he will make a trip to Chicago, St.
Louis and some other western cities,
and then" may go to Europe. He Is
traveling chiefly for his health
Cnro that Coneh with Shiloh's Cure, The
best Couch Cure. Eelleves Croup promptly'
r llllnn t.n..1aa cnl.l last. uMr An linen
for25cU. Sold by P.D.KIrUuand a guar
'.aonornl Oriiliiiiii Crltlenlly III
New York, Nov. 17. Brigadier Gen
eral William M. Oraham, retired, is
critically Ul of typhoid fever and pneu
mania at Fort Hamilton. The sur
gepns at the post think that he will
recover. Mrs. Graham and two of his way to curt dealm-ss, nnd that Is by constltu
sons are with him. General Graham tlonal remedies. Deafness is cuused by an to
wns relieved of the command of Camp (lamed condition of tlio mucous lliilim of tbo
Meade about three weeks ago. lie
wl.tiorl to tro to Cuba with the Second
. ..
corps, ana me raci mai ne wus re-
Ileved of the command worriea nim
and affected his nervous system, uen-
eral Qraham caught cold during tne
Philadelphia peace jubilee and was
sick when he came to Fort Hamilton
ten days ago.
Rheumatism Cured In a Day.
"Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neu
ralaia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its
action upon the system Is remarkable and
mysterious. It removes at once ihe cause
and the disease immediately disappears. The
first dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by
Shenandoah druc store, Shenandoah. tf
t I For Infants and Children.
11 1 1 1 The Kind You Have
.AYcgcteblcTrcparationror As
similating UuiToodandRcgula
lirtg tlifeStomachs andDowcb of
ncss and RcstCon tains neither
OmumIorphinC nor Mineral.
Not Nakc otic.
leape ofOldHrSM'.UH.niTUIEll
PumJan Setil'
ill CarionaltSo&z
Ancrfcctncmcdv forConstipa
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
Worms .Convulsions Jevcn sh
uess tmdLoss OF SLEEP.
TflCSitnile Signoturo-of
cxACT-copror wrapped.
BomaUmes needs a reliable, monthlr, rcgalitlng medicine. Only harmlwjand
the purcit drugs should be used, II 70a want tha lust, get
Dr- Peal's Pennyroyal FiiBs
They are prompt, safe and certain in result. Thecennlne (Dr. Ial's) oeTer dlsapt
I 0-.. T1 1-W1 1 J4s. Pl & I". 'Invol.nJ ft
For Sale at EIRLIN'S Druir
it ft I7AID CAPC A - A V Dn?0C A Cnill RAR
I mil a. jrKn 11.
Ml'" iMilliii:,nii,i.i;
J'l i,'. ' tii r- jvni;:rtV-ivo 11111I Itcev .rtmned --E
' rC'X' fc'h --' X Hw I'roN'ro.-s Vlw wul) in-
Ui'Y7 W U 'A -A&; it'i'inod una tlmfty HoiiSH-w'fp wills
b'p, w tiH ' ffle "lvvuv, ,a('1? '
ZASAB. tha world-reaowaed
pais, preaent ana lature uia.
Send 10 eeati and giro aiaet data or birth aad I will Immediately rotors yea a
trothfal horoioope reedingof yonr life, aad prora it to ba all troo by yourself. X naks
thla offer as a test trial. AU eommunioatioua atriotly conHdential. Addreaa
ZARRHtho ASTROLOGER, Lock Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa.
JYom PRBS3 -" Zrth tht itruioin ( etruUl wtfliilaUcf Uuuuitli. Elf WOB-Strfsl pndlelUu ui UiU u kuM
tjooa IndlitinUbl id Kl.etlOo laCaaDMi."
This is tho trade
mark of the great
trunk lino of tho
South tho South
em Railway. It Is the short lino to Florida
and offers tho best service and quickest time
to all the principal winter resorts as well as
to all tlio commercial ceutres of tho South.
Mum, rates and all Information will bo
cheerfully furnished by John M. lieall,
District Passongor Agent, 828 Chestnut street.
Coining; KveutH.
Nov. SI. Grand masquerade ball, in Itob-
bins' opera house, under auspices of tho
Dewey Club.
Nov. 3 tth. Turkey supper under tho
auspices of the All Saints' church will bo
I bold iu tho church basement, corner Oak
and West streets,
..j owo whole lfu to iillruock Blood
mttora Scrofuioll3 gores covered my body.
I seemed beyond cure. B. B B has made
perfectly well woman." Mrs. Clias.
Hutton, Uorville, .Mich.
Will You Winter In Florida ?
This will bo tho greatest season Florida
has had for years. You ought to go and go
via tho Southern Railway. Its the best
route. If you will write John M. Bcall,
District Passenger Agent, 828Chostuut street,
Philadelphia, Pa., he will arrange all the
details of your trip for you.
Deafness Cannot be Cured
by local applications, as they ennnot rrnch tlio
diseased portion of the car. There Is only 0110
Kustacnmn uue. nen una w Bei uumi
you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect bear-
I, 1 1. 1. a...t...t.. ..t..... ..1 .i....r.
1 my, mm n n..-,
viw rfsun.uim um.i.m ..u v....
anenoummi uu who nwi u u n.iniM..
conumou, iicaiint,' win uu uestruyeu n.rovcr;
nine cases out of ten aro caused by catarrh,
wblah Is nothing but an Inflamed condition f
the mucous surfuccs.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
cose of Deufncss (caused by catarrh) that can
not be cured by Hall's Cutnrrh Cure. Head for
circulars, free.
V, J. OI1KM5V CO, 1 Toleuo, o.
Sold by DruKuUts, 75c-
Ask your grocer for tho "Itoyal Patent
flour, and take no other brand. It is tlm est
flour made.
- sn
! J F 11 J
Bears tha .
3 I o:t..... (V.w
k if
Always Bought.
regaUtine medicine.
used, 11 joa want tho i
Store, Shenandoah, Pa .
aawwA i a w w m - -
inrt kin
i nr
Vjr You
.lmuiTii.rniiiii'ii'.iiiiiiiniiin 'wmi rTiiim ihiiiiiikiIi'
? .-X .L? f -. .v
' ! C JJ J, I ,JT"
.yji tii mvan.m u, .
Errctlan AstMlocar. who Lu been creatiar inch ai.
toalibmeat thorogghout Kuropa for tba fait fiva vtarl, Till giTa a trutbTul, accurata,
J lanethorotcopa dthaeaUoa of yoor life. 11a will giTa jour pcriooal appcaraaea, dia. 1
poaitioa, charatr, abihtj, t&sta. prababla length of life, poutbla auoideDti, adfiea aod
auggeatione on lore affairs, marriage, frieadJ, aaamiei, apeoulation, boiineai matten, ata.
Yoa caa Inform joaraelf thoroughly en '
this aod on anr other qaeeUons of your I
C Piles or Hemorrhoids
Fissures & Fistulas.
h Burns & Scalds.
I J Wounds & Bruises.
Cuts & Sores.
- Bolls & Tumors.
Eczema & Eruptions.
1 Salt Rheum & Tetters.
E Chapped Hands.
Fever Blisters.
h Soro Lips & Nostrils.
O Corns & Bunions.
w Stings & Bites of Insects.
Three Sizes, 35c, 50c. and $1.00.
Sold by drugglats, or sent post-paid on rvcelpt 0 1 price
Illli-HIIEIS'MEI). CO., Ill Jt IIS flliilamSt., New York.
Side Entranco on Ureen M PHILADELPHIA, PA.
YounB, olj , single or man li d tlmsp con
tfinplatlnB tiiarrUKi'. ir';., aro aylcllin of
BLUGU HUloUn 'i:V.rof
Privatn D hubs KSSIS'SSMB. .'
i&stroy mind and body, and unlit ynu for the
TT. 11. .11 a. a urn In nrwl Iih ilrtVii-K llOUrSI
t lUiiuslaa muuiiLa sua faio luilltulei.
mi? o
1i Ul j l.
Spain Wants tlir, Philippines Ques
tion Arbitrated.
It Im Hul'o to Huy Tlntt Our CoiuihIh-sloiiet-H
Will Not Cousont to Invoko
Kzturlor Aid to Construo tlioTorniH
of Our Own l'mloeiil.
Tarls, Nov. 17. The meeting yester
day of the Spanish-American peace
commissions began at 2:16 p. m. and
ended nt 3 p. m. The Spanish commis
sioners presented a long document in
answer to the American argument
which was submitted last week. By
mutual consent the memorandum of
yesterday was handed to the Americans
without being read, nnd the meeting
adjourned to Saturday next. The
Spanish communication will be trans
lated and Its contents discussed by the
United States commissioners at their
usual dully session today.
The Spaniards In the communication
reatllrmed the position which they have
assumed ngalnst the discussion here
of Spain's Philippine sovereignty. They
Insist that the words "shall determine
the control, disposition and government
of the Philippines" do not warrant any
reference to Spain's withdrawal from
the Philippines, except on her own
terms, and, therefore, the Spaniards
propose arbitration on the construction
to be placed on the words "the control,
disposition nnd government."
In signifying their willingness to sub
mit the Philippine article of the pro
tocol to a third party for construction
the Spanish commissioners urged that,
br there is obviously a difference of
opinion regarding the phrases "the con
trol, disposition and government of the
Philippines," possibly the result of a
mtsundcrstunding, the Spaniards should
no more be asked to surrender their
view than the Americans to surrender
theirs. The memorandum points out
that a deadlock exists, which might be
broken by arbitration on the contend
lng views, to which the Spanish com
missioners are quite ready to submit.
The latter declare that they have no
idea of suggesting arbitration as to the
main issue, which touches the national
honor of both sides, but they are will
ing to accept exterior aid to clear the
path of negotiation.
It Is safe to say that the American
commissioners will not consent to In
yoke exterior aid to construe the terms
of their own protocol.
Another part of yesterday's Span
ish memorandum flatly asserts, upon
the authority of M. Carnbon's reports
of the protocol negotiations between
Washington and Madrid through him,
that President McKinley at no time
objected to Spain's reservation of her
sovereignty In the Philippines. This
allegation Is directly opposed to the
American record on the same subject.
Judge Day's note to M. Cambon, dated
Aug. 10, and already made public, In
formed him that Spain's note of Aug,
7, accepting the terms of peace laid
down by the United States, was not
explicit and proposed a protocol to re
duce both parties to exactitude. The
American commissioners now hold that
the protocol Itself was born of Spain's
attempt to reserve her Philippine sov
ereignty, though tho Spanish mem
orandum of yesterday squarely chal
lenges the contention.
The Spanish memorandum asks also
why. If the United States objected to
Spain's reservation of sovereignty, they
did not plainly say so In the protocol
and leave no room for argument. It
asks why Judge Day's note of Aug. 10
did not clearly declare that the United
States would not recognize such reser
vation and that the protocol was neces
sary to prevent a misunderstanding on
that point. It also asks why did Judge
Day's note practically ascribe the In
explicit form of Spain's acceptance of
the peace terms to telegraphic errors,
while the exact terms of Spain's reser
vation of sovereignty, as had In Wash
ington before the piotocol, are now be
lng quoted In the proceedings here.
Karl's Clover Root Tea is a pleasant laxa
tive. Regulates the bowels, purifies tbo
blood. Clears the complexion. Easy to
mako and pleasaut to take, 25 cts. Sold by
P. D. Klrlln and a guarantee.
Hotter to Got ltlil ol'tliu 'Unirratoful
London, Nov. 17. The Madrid corre
spondent of The Standard says: "There
Is considerable disappointment in nign
quarters at the failure of the Spanish
peace commissioners to obtain any
complete concessions, at least financial
ones, from the United states, benor
Montero Itlos, Senor Garnica and Scnor
Abarzuza are reproached with conduct
ing the negotiations too much like law
yers and without sufficiently attending
to the more conciliatory suggestions 01
their colleagues on the commission.
"In the same strain it is argued that
Senor Montero Itlos would undoubtedly
earn popularity by declining to sign
peace on such harsh conditions, and by
patriotically throwing up his mission.
But all sensible people share Senor Sa-
gasta's oplrrion that it would be better
to secure peace on any terms, wniie
protesting against ungenerous treat
ment. "There Is a widespread feeling in
Spain that It would be better to get
rid of the ungrateful colonies and ot
everything calculated to lead to fresh
American aggression. The bitterness
of the feeling against the United States
Is now greater than ever among all
classes. Certainly the government's
principal preoccupation is the ques
tion of a Caillrt rising, but It is believ
ed that any attempt could be speedily
suppressed. "
The Times, commenting edlto.lally
this morning upon the Spanish sugges
tion of arbitration, refers to It as "ob
viously futile and absurd." "The
Spanish cabinet." says The Times, "has
no real Intention of breaking off the
negotiations, It Is only prolonging them
In order to familiarize the public mind
In Spain with the Inevitable conces
sions. Certainly there Is no need for
the United States to send a fleet to
Spain, as they could easily enforce sub
mission without that. Spain would be
foolish to sulk nnd thus loso the money
compensation America la now willing
to pay."
The Paris correspondent of the Dnlly
Telegraph says: "I understand thut
Senor Sagnsta desires to protract the
Paris negotiations to the utmost, be-
cnuse he feni:., first, that the signature
ot 11 peuce treaty will be the end of his
public life. .ind. In tl.i- second place,
becauso he dcsl is to 'taw off, if pos
sible, the fall i-nnstv."
A Few Pointers.
The recent statistics of the number o
deaths show that the larRe majority die with
consumption. This disease may commence
with an apparently harmless cough which can
be cured instantly by Kemp's llalsam for the
Throat aud Lungs, which is guaranteed to
cure and relieve all cases. Price 25 and 50c.
Sold by all druggists ; ask for a free sample
TlcftlKed to IteloiiHO lrlonori nt Oon
nriil Oil-' ItcquoMl,
Manila, P. I., Nov. 17. General Otis,
the commander of the American forces,
recently p'op "d to Agulnahlo that he
release the frlais ami civilians held In
captivity throughout the provinces.
The Insurgent leader denied their mnl
licatment nnd refused to release the
prisoners, clulming that the civilians
had enlisted ns volunteers and, there
fore, were legitimate prisoners of war.
Agulnaldo also denied that women and
children were detained, but said some
women nnd children had voluntarily
accompanied their husbands and fath
ers Into c upllvlty.
As to the frlnis, Agulnaldo argues
that they are piohlblted by the pope
from accepting imroehlal appointment!",
that they are only permitted to follow
monastic life, und that the parishes
are entrusted to ministers ot the Inde
pendent monastic otders. Hut, he adds,
the Philippine clericals have deliber
ately and systematically deceived tho
pope, pretending thnt the country was
barbarous, unlit for the regular minis
try, nnd that It was necessary that the
monastic orders should administer tha
parishes. Therefore, Agulnaldo con
tinued, hp considered it necessary to
detain the friars until the pope is undeceived.
Advices from Hollo sny the natives
of that vicinity distrust Agulnaldo and
want American domination.
''tilled llnnkor'H Sulcldo.
Kmporla. Kan.. Nov. 17. Yesterday
afternoon the First National bank of
Emporia was closed by order of the
comptroller of the treasury. An hour
later Charles S. Cross, the bank's presi
dent and one of the best known breed
urrency:k s Jdamothercc ctaoin ctao
ers of Ilerefords In the west, shot and
killed himself at Sunny Slope, his fa
mous stock furm near town. Specula
tion is said to have led to Cross' down
fall. His fortune has doubtless gono
down with the bank.
Only the tor
hires of the tne
ditxval rack are
comparable to the
agonies winch
many women
suffer through
neculiar weaknesses
and diseases of their dell-
r-fltiv frmimue structure.
Nnthintr less than unbearable torment
would induce sensitive-minded women to
anVimit tn the intolerable methods of the
average doctor in dealing with diseases ol
this nature.
That there is "a better way" than these
detestable examinations ana local ap
plications " is a truth which some women
have yet to learn, altnougn tliousanus are
already rejoicing in the knowledge They
l.n,.n fnnn it, Tr. Vinrr' Knvnritp Pre
scription the one unfailing remedy which
heals feminine weaknesses at their very
source. This marvelous "Prescription"
restores absolute health to the internal
organism; stops weakening drains and ul
cerated conditions, gives clastic strength
to the supporting ligaments, vitalrly to the
nerve centers, and complete womanly vigor
to tbe entire constitution.
It is the perfect fortifier and regulator of
women at every critical period in their
development; from the time when they
merge into womanhood until the " change
of life." It is the one medicine which
makes motherhood safe and almost free
from pain.
A lady living st 7 Park Avenue, Chicago, Ills.,
Mrs. Umily Howe, writes: " I, myself, suffered
a long time from female weakness and seemed
to be golne into a decline. Took several bottles
of your ' Favorite Prescription 'and it saved me
from a great deal of suffering. I now enjoy per
fect health and will ever praise the wonderful
efficacy of your medicine."
The best popular medical boot in the
world is Dr. R. V. Pierce's 1000 page illu
strated Common Sense Medical Adviser.
It will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21
one-cent stamps, to pay the cost of mailing
only. Address the Doctor at liuflalo, N Y.,
or send 31 stamps for cloth-bound copy.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Engines Burn Hard Coal No Smoke
Trains leave Hhenandoah as follows 1
For New York via Philadelphia, week tiars.
i ou V i . ui., 1 n , a iu auu u ui jj. ul.
For New York via Maucll Churuc, weok days,
7 SO a. in.. 12 37 and 8 10 p. in.
For fading and Philadelphia, week days,
7 SO, 9 51 u.ui.. Vi 27, 8 10 and 6 07 p. m
For 1'ottHvllie, week nays, 7 bo, vat a. in.
12 27. 3 10, 6 07 and T 25 p. Ul.
For Tuinaqua and Mahanoy City, week days
7 30, 9 51 a. in., 12 27. 8 10 and 0 07 p. m.
For wiiuamspon, sunnury unu iewieouru
week days. 11 30 a. ra.. 12 27, 7 23 p. m
For Mahano) Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 51, 11 30
a. in., 12 27, 8 10, 6 07. 7 25, 9 ATa p. in.
For Ashland and ShaiuoRln, week days, 730,
1130 a. in., 12 27, 3 10, R 07. 7 25 and J 55 p. m 1
. For Ilaltlmoie, Washington and the We?t vis '
I!. .VO. K. It., through trams leo" 1 Kea.Mnc
Terminal, Philadelphia, (I . cc (C. u K.) at 3 20.
7 55, 11 20 a. 111., 3 10 aud 7.27 p. 1.. Sundays,
8 20,7 00,1128 a. in., 8 4H and 7 27 p.m. Addl.
tlonal trains from Twenty.fourth and CLeat
nut streets station, week days, 10 30 a. m, 12 20.
13 IS 8 10 p. In. Sundays, 1 85,8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. ra., and 1 45, 4 80
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 n. in., 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 3 40. 8 85 10 21 a. m. and 180, 4 08 p.m.
Leave Ueadlm;, week days, 7 00, 10 OS, a, m.
12 15, 4 17, 6 00 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 7 10, 7 40 a. ra
12 30 4 10,0 10 and 0 50 p. m.
Leave Taraoqua, week days, 8 86, 1123 a. ra.,
1 49, 5 56, 7 20 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 9 05, 11 47
a. in., 2 22, a 12, o si, 7 i p. in
Leave Manauoy i'lane, week uays, oao, vm.
10 25, 1159 a. ra., 2 41, 5 32, 8 41 7 57, pin.
Leave Wllllamsport. week days. Tii. low a.
iu.. 1234 and 4 00 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South strcetwbaif for Atlantic City,
Weekdays Kanre-ia. 9 00. a. 111., 2 00. 4 00.
5 00 p.m. Acdommndntlon, HOO am., 6 80pm
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a ui, 4 45 p. 111
ltcturnlne leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlauticand Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Kiprcss, 7 85, 9 00, a m. 3 30, B 8C
p 111. Accommodation, 8 15 a. tn. I 05 p. m.
Sundays Kxprcrs, 4 00, 7 30 p. uu Accommoda
tlon, 7 15 a. m., Illp,m,
For Cape May, Sea Isle City ami Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 a 111, additional for Cape May,
4 15 p m., for Sea Isle City, 5 00 p in., for
Ocean City, 4 15, S 00 p 111. Sundays, Chestnut
street 9 15 a 111., South street, U 00 a.m.
Parlor Cars on nil exprnsM irHtua.
vur further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway tlcVet avuut
or address
Oeu'l Sunt., (len'l Pass'r Agl.
Ueadluir Terminal, Philadelphia.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardlu St.
wrwir". .a
v'l"lc ' -lyV-okooutwlthanltchlngrash.
Hlirco doctors and medical collegobnt
: ;it getting worso. TJlcro teat not on
) one mass of sores, and thostenchwas
liTul. In removing tlio bandages they
' 1 uko tlio skin with them, and tho poor
roams were heart-breaking. After
s-'.'.j '.1 application of CtmcuitA (olnt
!) 1 sau tigns of mprovementf and tho
: to dry up. Ills skin peeled oft twenty
1, lift now he i entirely cured.
VT WATTAM, 4723 Cook St., Chicago, III.
r Cms TfBATMrtT fob Etfbt IUbt ITuiros,
1 e nr Hair Warm liathe wtth Cmcoaa
, 3
itp'l ty potlfl enoi&Uaga with CUTlcuaa.
'( emollients
ciiiefcin rum..
Vottha wmld. IMttbr TIrco AKDCttsir.
,lioton. liowtoCure Uebj-liuaorB,frte.
Grocers can tell
you why those
whobuy bCOIlg S
nqpd asunifor it. Strange
. . . I though how long
admixture to it takbe, pcope
ordinary cof-try a new thing,
fee makes aj, . 1 j n
o?r.ijrJ;1 ...r.f.yr rjlji
J -vs-m V- ri i,it, (Sjjx, vf?t"
33pV " .d'M JJ?un' J01
dut inaj .ia prtac 9uri nn uo
-o rtDMOi'n.' 'uj:)!''? ?ojj t3ujpnp
- ( 'jrai am- ye, Ata- 10) fie 'opjnj
oi-Ioj. :un .3uea r,urH
I ijsnoj-j 'iJ0j?ji-j ontoy 'Avp m
jr JOqse 'juiou, cql Kf siqcnV..ur
paqiJiqru BU,n2ctc jpn inpSiJcr
tf J ui r r JdJ' rtodn ur.
iwqs ooprrti sie-i 'uat; 'sduirji,
a -"3TOl. v jo -twn Jl TO
8 n-ojj j,rm ft pcq so uvs q V 'until
I joj jp' nijj&oj v iJ3A ljjrtt
f oj uql J tutrpjJu ituoji t
I "JSjJtJjS j6 jejJHsqauo M33p) auofj j
I 'PjnOD rjx Vnv OT nH.T I
-P3;ri "J-u!SJJ0 aiqnwrqstj -si A
v t, AiaaxxV''HsnAis3Hii. I
s 31
Hs f i'
0XOC0C-C-0-000C-OOOC-0 li.
I Webster's
g Inter nationsaU
f the " Unabridged."
standard Authority,
it. tj. jirewer.
upreme Court.
if tha IT. R. r.nv'l rHntfnu .
Ofllce, the I' H. Hninind (
preme Courts, anrtof near
by Stata Super. nteinti'ntj
of Schools, Coll-effD ITi'sl-1
denta, anil oilier KO urn furs
aunoBi wiuiout uiunuj
In the linuselioM, nit-, to t
in xencner, scuoini irv ,
ffesfonal man, aiul hclf- ,
It Is cosy to find. the word wanted.
It Is eniy to a ice rt a in the pronuncla(m '
It I' cqsv to trace the growth ol a wotd
It I:. easy to learn what u worii means,
Tfw Viir York Trtbnno Says:
1 ii1 1 U'si uiiKMi rniiH a in im nut ie w 'ui . -
4 111 It In, 111'. H II .
I I 1 1 I I I 1'iiL'i t Pllli .ll eillHTX ISli
Ii bill , I 111. AliiU tills II Will, t"
u,' u- -ti'l 1 r fi r Mini - l-1
1 11 1
' Q T Till: I 1
1 aimlii ion
Mf-spi ' 1 1"
V. .fc c. ,lr;j. -?r t .ir r-n . 111 its), ry
h ftprirmni-liU Viisv. r' s t
frrrvo r rw - -
Lieut. Hobson f
The Hero of the " JMerrlmac,"
Will tell hlj-Vonderful jtory In thre. Z
n 11 m Kra nt r
Thi will be a full account of the tinting of
tbe ' Mtrrimac " at Santiago, and the experi
ences of the writer and his men in Spanish
prisons. It will be read by every American in
the land. This, is only one of many richly
illustrated personal narratives in The Cen
tury's new Spanish War Series. TAtse men
will write far no other nurguzin. In the No
vember Century begins
Of the Destruction of tho
the arrival in Havana harbor, the Insults totter
captain, the explosioi) and ft reck. The whole
story of the destruction of Cen era's fleet will be
told by Admirals Sampson and Schley. Captain
' Uob" Eyans, Captain Taylor, and others
If you du not talc The Century In 1899,
you will miss the greatest reading of the year.
The November number begins the volume and
has the opening chapters of a splendidly ill us
trated life of Alexander the Great, and of Marion
Crawford's great historical novel of the Cru
sades. Lieut. Hobson's articles begin la tho
December number. $i..oo a venr.
Union Square, New York.
Ro pain from jou
It you troar tha
Made By ... .
tUUAaleU Truti Ctu UO Locu45UPhl,PeV
t sfrf. si7ti"StT vir)
I m
9 Sueccs
1 Tlie One Orrn
V Justli
itfsMTTsfiTlTiTTm 1