The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 17, 1898, Image 2

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Published every Evening, Except Hunrtay, lit
The Herald I doHre,.-,! In Hlipnftndnah and tho
-iirri puMnit t,t..r r ri t nt a week, pay
ftbUttii.c came i. By inn.' f.J.00 n V
cenMa month, payable In ndvnlice, dvertlsc
merits charged acrordlnR to space and position.
The publishers rwrve the right to change the
position of ndertlenent whenever the pub-i'lntlo-i
of now demands it. TI10 right Is
irervcd to wJeMaiiy advertisement, whether
paid for or not, nat the publisher may dcciu
.Tpropcr. AmcrtlsliiK rates made known
iihhi application,
Klltcred Ht the postoQlce at Shenandoah l'n. as
ecoml class mall matter.
'All the News That's Fll to Print."
Evening Herald
DUR COUN TRY : First. Last and Forever.
AllKltKS county Prohibition ciuiili
diito who Imd -1500 written pledges of
support received a total of votes.
This is interestinir ns showluir the
proportion of men who stand llrm
uftur signing the pledge, and as tohow
much (lependeiice can be placed by
the candidates in these unto-election
Ooit esteemed contemporary, the
Miners1 Journal, now that the elec
tion is over, is devoting itself to giv
ing practical hints for farmers. This,
it seems to us, is not exactly the mis
sion of Assistant United States Treas
urer Finney, and it appears rather
humorous to And the Major giving
us advice as to "Keeping Winter
Squashes.1" What Senator Quay
would appreciate more from the
Major would doubtless be a ringing
article on "How the crop of Schrinck
votes shrunk to one half of
The Treating Habit.
It -will probably ue surprising to
mosjt persons to know that in this
-iate there is thriving several organi
zations creditable aim is to
break up the pernicious treating habit
among men. The National Anti
Treating Society hold its third annual
meeting in Philadelphia this week,
and its ollleers reported progress.
At the last sessiun of the legisla
ture the society almost succeeded in
getting a bill prohibiting treating
through the Senate, and at tho ap.
proaching session the movement will
bo renewed with increased vigor.
"It is rather depressing to note,11 says
the North American, "that of the
ilfty six members of the society who
were present at the annual meeting
thirty-four were women, for we be
lieve that if any headway is to be
made against tile treating evil, the
men, who do the treating, will have
to be enlisted in the cause.
"And we unhesitatingly declare our
belief that tho habit of treating is an
evil which cries for remedy. Treat
ing is the outgrowth of a desire on
the part of men to be sociable, to
attest their regard for the friend
whom they invite to 'have some
thing.1 Hut it is a mistaken notion
that an invitation to take a drink is
the final test of sociability, regard
and good fellowship.11
Quay's Successor.
The coming session of the legist
ture win prouiioiy oe the scene of a
lively and exciting contest for United
States Senator to succeed Senator
Quay. The fact that the Republican
majority will not be so large as in the
last legislature, and that the vote on
the Republican side stands in a fair
way of being divided when the choice
of a United States Senator comes be
fore the body, will make the session
n decidedly interesting one.
Already the wires are being pulled.
Although tho opposition to Senator
Quay have not as yet named their
choice; it is more than likely that bo
fore the meeting of the legislature
there will bo a number of candidates
in the field. It is possible that there
may be a repetition of the contest of
1881, when there was a deadlock in
the legislature, which resulted in the
election of Senator Mitchell as the
candidate of the opposition to tho
Cameron dynitBty.
If the Republicans opposed to the
election of Senator Quay should re
main out of tho caucus, and can in
duce the Deiuopratio members of the
legislature to support un independent
Republican for the position, the
friends of the Heaver statesman
would be taxed to their utmost to
Arnerica's Greatest
Medicine is
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Which absolutely
Cures every form of
Impure blood, from
The pimple on your
Face to the great
Scrofula sore which
Drains your system.
Thousands of people
Testify that Hood's
Sarsaparilla cures
Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Catarrh, Rheumatism
And That Tired
Feeling. Remember this
" And get Hood's
And only Hood's.
Symibctlc fiustomfls.1
The sympathetic tenderness of a lov
ing husband is everything to an expec
tant mother, especially during her first
ordeal. George Layton, Esq., a promi
nent druggist of Dayton, O., gives the
following case :
A customer of mine, whose wife has used
four bottles of "Mother's Friend" before con
finement, s,y, after seeing the eflects of the
remedy, that if she had to go through the ordeal
again, and there were but four bottles on the
market, and the cost was $100 per bottle, ibe
would have them.
" Mother's Friend " is a scientifically
compounded liniment which affords cer
tain relief in the various ailments pre
ceding childbirth, and assures proper
elasticity to the i:ords and muscles in
volved in the final ordeal.
"Mother's Frund" is sold by drug
gists, or expressed on receipt of one
Valuable book "Before Baby is
Born," mailed free on application.
secure his re-election. The anti-Quay
Republicans claim that this will be
tho result of the fight ; that they
hold tlie balance of power, and that
Senator Quay is already beaten.
On the other hand, the admirers of
the senior Senator are just as confi
dent that he will be as successful in
tho fight for his own seat as he was
successful in the late election, when
Col. Stone, who was charged with
being his candidate, was elected
Governor. One thing is certain,
whoever is elected Senator will have
to light hard for the position.
Women Should Know It.
Many women suffer untold agony and
misery because the natuic of their disease is
not correctly understood. They have been
led to believe that womb trouble or female
weakness of some sort is responsible for the
many ills that beset womankind.
Neuralgia, nervousness, headache, puffy
or dark circles under the eyes, rheumatism, a
dragging pain or dull ache in the back, weak
ness or bearing-down sensation, profuse or
scanty supply of urine with strong odor,
frequent desire to pass it with scalding or
burning sensation, sediment in it after btanil-
ing in bottle or common glass for twenty-four
hours, are signs of kidney and bladder trouble,
The above symptoms are often attributed
by the patient herself or by her physician to
female weakness or womb trouble. Hence, so
many fail to obtain relief, because tliey are
treating, not the disease itself, but a lellcction
of the primary cause, which is kidney trouble,
In fact, women as well as men are made
miserable with kidney and bladder trouble
and both need the same remedy.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the great dis
covery of the eminent kidney and bladder
specialist, and is easy to get at any drug store
for fifty cents or one dollar.
To prove its wonderful merits you msy
have a sample bottle and book telling all
about it, both sent absolutely free by mail.
Kindly mention Shenandoah Hkkald and
send your address to Dr. Kilmer i: Co.,
liinghamton, N. V.
Mr. Hot urn's Tidal.
San Francis, Nov. 17. That the
trial or Mis. Cordelia Uotkln for the
murder of Mrs. John P. Dunning, of
Dover, Del., will commence on tho day
set, Dec. G, Is now assured. Yesterday
Judge Carroll Cook Issued an order di
recting the county auditor to pay for
the transportation and meals on the
route of 14 witnesses whom Chief of
Police Lees desires to come here from
Delaware to testify at the trial.
"Wllllnm Vnnted nn Invltntlon.
Paris, Nov. 1". There are rumors
afloat -that Kmperor William fished for
an Invitation to France as a prelim
inary to visiting the exposition In 1900,
and It Is said there was an idea of
pending a squadron to salute him in
French waters. The chamber of depu
ties, however, displayed such strong
feeling that the idea was abandoned.
Iltntnus Artilleryman Shot Dcntl.
Huntsvllle, Ala., Nov. 17. Private
Welsh, of Battery F, Second artillery,
rode his horse Into Morgan Irby's sa
loon In West Huntsvllle yesterday and
tried to clean out the place. Irby drove
him out and warned him not to re
turn. A few minutes later weisn at
tempted to re-enter the place, nut was
shot dead. Irby Is In Jail.
West Vlrclnln l.onlHlntum.
Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 17. The
canvass of the vote In Taylor county
has resulted In a majority for Dent,
the Democratic candidate for the lower
hoUso:of the legislature, which gives
the' Democrats a majority In that
branch of the legislature of five.
Admiral Kcftiloy on Wnlttnir OrdorA.
Washington, Nov. 17. Hear Admiral
Wlnfleld Scott Schley ban been placed
on waiting orders nnd directed to pro
ceed to hln home. This was done at
the admiral's request. He Is In need of
rest and wants to go to some place
where he enn recuperate from his long
stay In a tropical climate. The order
does not require Admiral Echley to go
to his home, but is always Issued In
that form and entitles the ofllcer to
mileage to his olllclal residence. Offi
cially Admiral Schley resides In Fred
erick, Kid., but his last address on file
nt the navy department was 110 Mad
ison avenue, New York city.
lloycot tins 'Um'liuvTf 'On In whit.
Lansing, Mich., Nov, 16. A decision
was announced by the Michigan su
preme court which In effect declares u
boycott as unlawful nnd unwarrantable
menace, Intimidation and coercion. The
circuit court sanctioned the distribution
of boycott circulars or any form of
boycotting except In-front of complain
ant's place of; business. The supreme
court modifies t,he decree by enjoin
llE all forms of boycotting, ' '
MnrUinrn'- StrlKltm SlinmnnltM-n.
Jl.itUinro, Mima., Nov. 17. The shoe
in. nufneturora show a disinclination to
Kie out any olllclal Htutement of their
position, l)iit one mnnufneturer unya
tluy will not enter Into uny contro
vr y with the labor ofllclala, which Is
lnt 11 ic-tcd to tnenn that the mnnufno
tunrs will not meet the representa
tlvr of the union for n m'lieral dlscus
Muii of the Hltuutlon. Wllllnm InsUlp,
the hi ml of the KukIIsIi shoemakers'
ori nnlzatlon. Is expected to speak here
r ' 4. Several socialists have been
ii, -lie rity attemptlm? to secure halls
In s. li'i h to address the operatives, but
t1 v f ii their efforts have proved un
FUr fill.
I'ottitl fvUi Not IiitorToreilWttti.
AVashlriK'on, Nov. 17. Concernliiu the
claims f Interference with the postal
scrvlro In the South Carolina race war,
It 1- stated at the pogtofllce department
tl 't there l no evidence that the postal
p iv ire has been Interfered with, that
illli tally the department lias no knowl
edse of James XV. Tolbert, who Is only
the a:-p!ptant postmaster at a fourth
class postoftlce, and therefore nppolnted
and employed by the postmaster and
not by the department. The postmas
ter I the wife of Tolbert, and as she
Is nc t Interferrod with the department
olllelals say there Is nothing to show
that the department should act In the
Tho !', vacant Ion of Culm.
llnvana, Nov. IT. The Joint session
of the evacuation commissioners yes
terday lasted about two hours. It Is
believed that an understanding was
reached regarding the date of evacua
tion. The ultimatum sent to the Span
ish commissioners n fortnight ago pro
vided that the evacuation should be
complete by noon on Jnn. 1 next, and
It Is said that the Spanish have agreed
to that date and are making an effort
to secure temporary residence here
after It, as It may not be possible to
embark all their troops until some time
To Ito Known n ('amp Ilnslcoll.
Athens, Ga., Nov. 17. The winter
army camp located here has been
named Camp Haskell, In honor of
Brigadier General Joseph T. Haskell,
of Ohio, who participated In the battle
of Santiago and was wounded. General
Haskell died suddenly at his home In
Columbus shortly after his return to
this country. The enlisted men of the
Fifteenth Pennsylvania and Third New
Jersey, who have spent much time in
Athens the past two days, have cre
ated a favorable Impression because
of the good order they maintained.
A Clever Trick
Tf .,,i.w ini.r.a in.n u 1.11. 41 t n
no trick about it. Anybody can try it who
nas mmo nacK ana weaK Kiuneys, malaria or
nervous troubles. Wo mean he can euro
himself riRhtawayby taking Electric Bit
ters. This medleino tones up the whole
system, acts as a stimulant to tho liver and
kidneys, Is a blood purifier and nerve tonic.
It cures constipation, headache, falntitiR
spoils, sleeplessness and melancholy. It is
purely vegetable a mild laxativo, and re
stores the system to its natural vigor. Try
Electric Hitters ami bo convinced that they
are a miraclo worker. Every bottle guaran
teed. Only 50c. a bottle, at A. Waslcy's drug
Tho Mnrln TeVosa Alinndoned,
W'nshington, Nov. 17. The armored
cruiser Maria Teresa has been abarr
doned by this time and lies a wreck
oft the coast of Cat Island. The de
partment has wired Captain McCalla
as follows: "If you are satisfied that
the Teresa cannot be saved you are
authorized to abandon the wreck. No
tify the British authorities. When you
have done all you can return to Nor
folk." The captain was subsequently
directed to bring the wrecking tug Po
tomac to Norfolk with him when he
came, Instead of returning her to San
tiago. lennr Qiiocadn'M Now Position.
Washington, Nov. 17. SenorQuesada,
who has represented the Cuban junta
in Washington for some time, resigned
to the Cuban assembly which recently
met In Cuba. He has received Infor
mation that the assembly which has
superseded the Insurgent government
has conilrmed htm as representative of
the assembly In Washington, and he
is now exerelslng functions here.
How's Your Cough?
Pau-Tiua cures it, 25c. At Gruhler Bros.,
drug store.
Are You Going to Florida 7
If you aro, ask for tickets via tho Southern
Kailway. It Is tho shortest, quickest and
best route. Its service tills season will sur
pass that of all preceding years. Write for
further information to John M. Heall, District
Passengor Agent, 823 Chestnut street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Neirro Soldiers Sullon. Officers ftosttjn
ntchmond, Vn Nov. 17. All the
white ollleers of thP Sixth Virginia reg
iment (colored) have resigned except
Lieutenant Colonel Croxton nnd Lieu
tenants Healy and Blchardson. The
lieutenants are on special duty, and
are not immediately In command of
negro soldiers. A letter received here
from Captain W. S. Faulkner tells of
the trouble the white officers had. The
soldiers, while obeying their white of
ficers In a sort of perfunctory way, aro
sullen and make things very unpleas
ant for their officers. Colonel Crox
ton advised that all the recently ap
pointed officers resign.
An lu I'm nt Murderm1.
Muncie. Ind Nov. 17. Last night
two little boys, one 4, tho other 7 years
old, told the police that Fred, the 10-year-old
son of Thomas C. Oland, shot
and killed Andy Bodenmlller, aged B,
whose dead body was found In a gravel
pit near Whlleluy, a suburb of this
place. To the police the boy, Fred
Oland, first said ho shot at a rabbit
and killed Bqdomnlller. Afterward he
denied thin and told several contra
dictory stories. Thomas Oland, Fred'i
futher, is a saloonkeeper. Sam Jack
son, Olainl's diluted barkeeper, Is sus
pected of being nn accomplice In the
Cnptriln A' 1 1 1 11 111 1 1 Denial.
St. L' ills. Nov. 17. Huron Wnldeck
Villanill. an Austrian nobleman and
captain In the Seventh United Dtates
volunteer Infantry (lmmunes), who Is
repot tud to have left Lexington, Ky
where his regiment Is stationed, In dis
grace. Is In Hie dty nnd denies the
story In toto. Ho imys he Is here on a
furlough to meet his wife. From here
he wlll go to )Vnshlngton. The cup
tain tidiln tluU he has upplled for a
tratiif-r to a white regiment, service
In the colored lmmunes being distaste
ful to him., '
Two Killed by (JnaiT.v 'Yiln-ioi.
Waning nrd, Conn,, Nov. 17, W. H.
Pnrkei, ui;cd f5. superintendent of the
Ityxl'.ee-DePayFti-r Trap company, and
an 1 1 1 1 It i uKRistant were killed by u
prumr'.ure explosion at the company's
quariies at feed's Gap. yesterday.
Buy Koystono flour. He sure that the namc
Licsflfo & Baib, Ashland, P- U'prtntedon
every sack.
"I hnvo froqiiontly used tho Gonulno
Fronoo, whonovor I folt mysou? run down.
I alao uso It in America. jiu ana it most
oxcollont in cloavlnff my volco."
irUHVIU U(TV M-,11 Pvlrai-t lus
0:1 ntck label. Eisnw & Menuelson
Agents, New York
xgvuib, new 1 Ul. 5
ZeuG .co a-,3ooftxQ eooa
Thanksglvlns Day Tour From the Schuyl
kill Valley to WaBhlnttou Under the
Pennsylvania Railroad Personally-Conducted
Tourist System.
In order to all'ord residents of the Schuyl
kill Valley a special opportunity to avail
themselves of tliu peculiar advantages of Its
personally-conducted tours to Washington,
tho Pennsylvania Kallroad Company 1ms
arrauccd for a special Thanksgiving Day
tour on November 'J I.
Two and a half days will he spent In Wash
ington, visiting tho Cupllol, Congressional
Library, National Museum. Treasury, Execu
tive Mansion, Washlugtou Monument, and
other points of interest under tho in
telligent direction of an experienced tourist
agent. A chaperon will also accompany tho
party as tlm special companion of unaccoiiv
panled ladies.
Itound-trlp tickets, including tratisportu
tfon, hotel iircniiunodatioiis, nnd Capitol
guides, will be sold at the following ratc3
Adults. 12 ycar9. Train lenvefl
Shenandoah ..glial SS 13 OOiAJI,
Frnckvllle 11 UO s 00 11.19 "
ht. Clair 10 M 7 m B.IH "
l'ottsUUo 10 70 7 K! 6..VS "
SchuylKlUHnven 10 70 7 85 7.01 "
Js'orrlstown y ISO 7 in 9.01 "
Uonslioliocken.... 9 20 7 10 9 07 "
-Mnnavunk 9 00 7 (0 9.13 "
Vns!i!ngton...Ar 12.4 l'.M,
Itates from other stations will ho quoted on
Special train will bo provided from Heading
to Washington and return, and special
through couches on regular trains north of
Heading, licturning, tho special train will
Icavo Washington 3.15 P. M, Saturday, No.
vctubor 20, arriving Heading 8.5."i P. M.
Tickets will also bo good to return on regular
tralus nntil Monday, November 28, inclusive
Passengers from Shenandoah, Irackvillc,
and St. Clair returning on special train from
Washlugtou, can stay over night in Philadel
phla or Pottsville and proceed to destination
by regular train ou Sunday morning.
Tickets for sido trip to Mount Vernon, in
eluding admission to the? groundp, can bo
procured from Tonrist Agent on the special
train at rato of 75 cents.
For itineraries, tickets, and further infor
mation apply to ticket agents ; A. C. IVcilc,
Excursion Agent, Heading ; or address Goo.
W. Hoyd, Assistant General Passengor Agent,
To mako it apparent to thousands, who
think themselves ill, that they are not af
flicted with any disease, but that tho system
simply needs cleansing, is to bring comfort
home to their hearts, as a costive condition is
easily cured by using Syrup of Figs. Manu
factured by tho California Fig Syrup Co.
only, and sold by all druggists.
And Flowers, the Hand of America, Call-
Via tho truo pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
Ronto," which travencsa region of perpetual
sunshine, whore snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes aro unknown, Pullman first
aud second class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Moxlco, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without chango. Quick time, low
rates, and all tho comforts of modern railway
improvements guar.iuteed to all who pur
chase tickets via tho Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates right from your home,
literature, and full information, drop a postal
card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. 5111 Kail-
road avenue, Elmira, N. Y., or 391 Broad
way, New York.
3-l-tf W. E. Hoyt, G. E P. Agt.
Snys SpmiTni-Tlw "Will 'Nor Slirn.
Madrid, Nov. 10. According to semi
official statements here the Spanish
peace commissioners will maintain
their present attitude In regard to the
Philippine Islands, and will certainly
not accept tho conditions of the Unl-
,ted States. Further, If the discussion
does not return to the limits of the
protocol, as viewed by the Spaniards,
the Spanish commissioners have de
cided, In spite of contrary reports, not
to sign a treaty of peace. It Is also
learned from the same sources that
complete accord prevails between the
Spanish government and Its peace com
missioners. Annual Sates overe, 000,000 Boxoa
such as Wind and Pain ta the Stomach.
Giddiness. Fulness after meals, Head
ache, Slzzluoss, Drowsiness. Flushings
of Heat. Loss of Appetltn, Costlvoness.
lilotehos on tho Skin, Cold Chills, Dis
turbed Sleep. Frightful Dreams and nil
Nervous and Trembling Sensations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Evory sufferer
will acknowledge thein to bo
llHi:ciIA,M S 1'lM.s.takon as direct
ed. wl quickly restoro Foraales to com
plete health. Thoy promptly remove
obstructions orlrregularltles of tho sys
tem nnd euro hick llcndache. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And bftve the
efanjr patent .ilrtllclno lu the World.
25o, at all Drue Stores,
ran rirttlf. I
COOKING. BAKIKD a?. j)' V, j Vijfl'
Purify of Material and ! 'Ji jk
Deliciocsntsa flaiif lb we!ll'v
The genuine
this signature HT Jjhif.a
Co., Sole
Prlionor 1111 I)oII'h lKlnml May Not
tin llrouulit Uncle.
Paris, Nov. 17. The announcement
that two advocates will be sent to
Cayenne, capital of French Guiana, to
nsslst Dreyfus In the preparation of his
defense gives rise to the belief that
he will not, after nil, be brought back.
It Is believed he has already tecelved
the government's message announcing
the revision.
Tho court of cassation will undoubt
edly demand the secret dossier, nnd
according to The Solr the government
has taken the full responsibility for
whatever measures may be necessary
to prevent tho dossier obtaining n
publicity that would be .dangerous
from an International point of view.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures whoro
others full. It Is tho leading Cough Cure,
and no home should ho without It. Pleasant
to tako and goes right to tho spot. Sold by
I, n. Klrlln and a Kiiarantco.
Modnls or Honor Kor District Soldiers
Washington, Nov. 17. Medals of
honor from the citizens of this city
were yesterday presented to Colonel
Ilariles and the remaining officers and
men of the First District of Columbia
regiment who saw service In the wax
with Spain. Tho exercises occurred In
Convention Hall, and were atteded by
President McKInley, accompanied by
Secretary Porter, prominent citizens ol
the District and friends of the soldiers.
President McKinley made a short
A Now 1'ouiiMyl vnuln Itallrond.
Dubois. Pa., Nov. 17. The West
Branch Railroad company was organ
Ized at Clearlleld yesterday by a num
her of capitalists of Clearfield and Lj'
coming counties. The road will be built
from Clearfield to Wllllamsport, fol
lowing the Susquehanna river the en
tire distance. It will open a section
of Clearfield. Centre and Clinton coun
ties now undeveloped. Engineer corps
have already been over a large part of
the road, and construction will begin at
lllnnco'H "Koenost Sorrow,"
Madrid, Nov. 17. Captain General
Blanco, In a letter to Senator Tlnado,
says: "The keenest sorrow of my life
Is surrendering Cuba, with an army
of 150,000 men and 200 guns, to an
enemy who claims to have conquered
Cuba, while we are possessed of such
Up to Date for Fains and Aches.
Everybody says Red Flag Oil, 25c.
Gruhlnr Bros., drug store.
A If ciiiarkiiblo Cure.
Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable busi
ness mau, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel
phia, Pa., says: "I contracted a violent
cold which settled all over me. The
pain in my chest and side was excruci
ating. The doctor gave me medicine
and blistered my side, but I only grew
worse. Then you gave me n bottle of
Brazilian Balm. I had little or no faith
in it, but decided to try it. I took 3 or
4 good doses before bed time, and rubbed
it well over my blistered side. That
night I slept like a top my first good
rest for over a week and awoke in the
morning cured. Brazilian Balm is sim
ply invaluable."
Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents
Ah Hellcctt'd by DeullntrMlu I'htlndol
pbla and Unit hnoro.
Philadelphia, Nov. 1C Flour steady;
winter superfine, J2.25W2.50; Pennsylvania
roller, clear. $3.1DT?3.35; city mills, extra,
$2.Cf?2.!0. Itye Hour scarce and firm at
$3.10 per barrel for choice Pennsylvania,
Wheat steady; No, 2 mixed, November,
7l?i4i2c. Corn strong; No. 2 mixed, No.
vembur, C7Vifi2f!c.; No. 2 yellow, for local
trade, 40c. Oats quiet nnd steady; No.
white, 32c; No. 2 white, clipped, 30?itJ
31Hc. Hay steady; choice timothy, $11
for largrt bales. Ueef steady; beef hams,
J1S.231" 11.6O. Pork stoady; family, $12,009
13. I.ard firm; western steamed, $3.20.
Butter firm; western creamery, 15V&9
ZS'Ac; factory, HViQHHc.; Elgins, 23V4c.;
Imitation creamery, 15Ii022Hc : Now
York dairy, 10620c; do. creamery, 159
22!4c; fancy Pennsylvania prints jobbing
at 20f(2So.; do. wholesale, 21c. Cheese
firmer; large, white and colored, SVic;
small do., 'Jic; light skims, 6VjW7o.; part
do., 6?.jGttc; full do., 2Q3c. Eggs firm;
New York and Pennsylvania, 235j24c.j
western, fresh, 23l4c; southern, 20Q21c.
Tallow easy; city, 3'S3 9-lCc; country.
SH3Uc. Turpentine firm at 37037'4c
Baltimore, Nov. 16. Flour quiet and
steudy. Wheat steady; spot, 71W71t4c:
November, 71',li?71V4c; December, 7194Q
72c.; January, 2c; steamer No. 2 red,
C7U5jC7V4c; southern, by sample, C072c,j
southern, on grade, G7(tf7iyic. Corn firm;
spot, 3737(ic; November, 37ff37c.: De
cember, 37V45? 37?ic. ; now or old November
or December, 36?4S337c.; January, 3G?J?
3t,ic. ; l'ooruary, HG'ic; steamer mixed
31Hf(3154c.; southern, white, 3Cj37V4c; yel
low, :y37c, oats firmer; No. 2 white,
Sl&31V4c; No, 2 mixed, 2SVjfi20c. Itye firm;
No. 2 nearby. GSf.; No. 2 western. 6714c,
Hay dull; timothy, $10810.50. Sugar
strong; granulated, 5.33. Hotter steady;
unchanged. Ets linn at 22fi23c. Lettuco
at ,mOc,
I.tvo StnoU MnrkotH,
New York, Nov. 1C Beeves In fair de
mand; steers steady; bulls and cows firm
to 15c. higher; some la(p nir'vAls unsold;
steers, $1,404(5.23; oxen and sugs, $34.C5;
bulls, $2.5033.33; cows, $1.50i3.50. Calves
slow and 15i25c. lower; four cars south
ern and western calves unsold; veais, $50
8.50; tops, J8.(i2Mi3S.75; grassers, $3.2503.75;
fed calves, $4ff 4.50; no westerns sold.
Sheep, common to prime, $3W4.GO; selected
wethers, l 10; lambs, medium to choice,
$5.30(5.S5; tu,to early sales at $5.006.
Hogs slow nnd lower at $3.COf3.S0.
East Liberty, Pa.. Nov. 16. Cattle about
steady; extra, $5.155.20; prime, $4.90S5.10f
common, jajsw 3.1x1. nogs very dull:
prime heavy, $3,431(3.50; pigs, $3.40fi3.50; ns-
sorteu mediums, 3.33if3.40; best Yorkers.
$3.80113.25; common to fulr Yorkers, $3,250
3.30; skips and common pigs, $2.25(03.10;
roughs, $2,254)3. Sheep steady at un
changed prices: choleo lumps, $3.305.50;
common to good, $3.50fc5.20; veal calves.
$7ti7.5U. '
Qlve the Children a Brink
called Grain. O. It Is n d(llpi,i,a an....i
nourishing food drink to take tho place of
cofluo. Sold by all grocers aud liked by all
who have used it because whou proporly
prepared it tastes like the finest coflc hut is
free from all Its injurious properties, Qrnln
0 aids digestion and strengthens the nerves.
It Is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
with great boneflt. Costs about 1 as much as
codec. ISaudSSe.
1 YZl
Another Sonntlou In tho Notorloitil
Mnttovan-llnriio Cnio.
Clnveland, Nov. 17, Another chapter
wns added to the celebrated Barnes
Maguwan nffnlr here yesterday. The
7-your-old daughter of Mrs. Barnes was
quietly kidnaped and quickly spirit
ed out of the city. W. II. Barnes, the
child's grandfather and legal guardian,
at once reported to the police, and the
kidnapers were nrrested at Erie, Pa.
They were Mrs. Frank J. Mngowan,
Mrs. Dr. II. II. Wynn and Frank J.
Mnrrowan. With them was the child
Edith, When accosted by the detective
Magowan shoved a roll of bills at him
and told him to go awny, but the officer
was obdurate. The three prisoners
were arraigned before Alderman Mc
Andrew and' the ense held open until
today, ball being given.
Mrs. General Wood KiiIIh For Culm.
New York, Nov. 17. The transport
Berlin sailed for Cuba and Porto Hlco
yesterday. She carried hmong her pas
sengers Mrs. Leonard Wood, the wife
of General Wood, governor of the prov
Ince of Santiago. Mrs. Wood carried
with her on the transport a cow and n
horse and a large nmount of household
effects. Colonel J. W, Pullman and
family, of the quartermaster's depart
ment, goes to San Juan, Colonel Pull
man carried with him $50,000 to pay off
the employes of the department. Major
Flshback, of the paymaster's depart
ment, and two assistants carried $500,
000 to pay off the troops. Among the
other passengers were Captain Zalln
ski, 20 Cubans and 78 soldiers whoso
furloughs have expired.
OtiiTow Ot-dlunnt'n Votoed.
St. T.ouls, Nov. 17. Mayor Zelgen
heln has vetoed the curfew bill, passed
by the city council recently at "the In
stigation of Colonel Ilongland, well
known nil over tho country as the
friend of the street waifs. The mayor
sayH In his message; "This bill par
takes of the character of sumptuary
legislation, which has been generally
distasteful for centuries and to which,
In common with thousands of good eltl
zens, I am on principle opposed. It Is
a step backward to the middle ages,
and Is opposed to the spirit and policy
of our free institutions, In attempts to
abridge personal liberties of the cltl
Bucklon's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In tho world for cuts,
bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tettor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles.
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give
porfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price
85 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasler.
Found Dead In IIIh Coll.
Paris, Nov. 17. Lieutenant Gourko.
formerly of the Russian navy, who was
under arrest for an attempt to murder
one of the Russian state secretaries at
Monte Carlo, and was awaiting extra
dition, was found dead In ...3 cell yes
terday. It appears that his brother
visited him Wednesday, and shbrtly
alter no was seized with a violent
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Mudii'Mi Ileal 11 1111 tlm tiio.
New York, Nov. 17. Ethel Marlowe,
a sister of Julia Mailowe, dl d of heart
disease at the Knickerbocker theater
luts evening during a performance of
"The Christian," In which she played
the part of Polly Love. She had Just
left the stagy, apparently In perfect
health, when she dropped dead In the
Wings She was 24 years old.
Itchiness of the skin, horrible, placuo,
Most everybody afllicted in 0110 way or
another. Only one safe, nover falling cure,
Doan's Ointment. At any drug store, 50
Wo'Wlirtluy n S-'piiiitHli'fHli'intt.
Washington, Nov. 17. The acquisi
tion of an Island In the Caroline group,
owned by Spain; will be part of the
work of the Paris peace commission,
Cable communication between the
United States and Manila via Honolulu
Is regarded as deslrablei should we oc
cupy the Islands, and the distance' be
tween Honolulu and Guam Island, In
the Ladrone group. Is so great as to
make an intermediary station neces
sary; Officials believe that one of the
Caroline Islands would be useful as
such Intermediary station. The United
States will pay Spain a reasonable
price for Its relinquishment.
To Cure a Ciilit In One Orty
Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money if it falls to cure.
25c, Tho genuino has L. B, Q, on each
tablet. tf
Miss Sadie Werthelm, age 14, of Tole
do, O, was the winner of thejirsl prize for
execuuou on tnc vioim at the Brussels
Conservatory of music. German critics
say sue is a wou
derlul player. It
is the greatest
distinction tobe
first in any
thing. For this
in Rtnteniptioliin
literature, ath
letics, science
laud art. men and
the r greatest efforts. Washington was
m ww mai in war, nrsi in peace ana
first in the hearts of his countrymen." It
is acrentthint'to be flrct tj,m,jm j- -
more value to mankind and brings great-
" "pi"i-:s man a goou remedy. Many
things will relieve but the one that will
cureiahest. Brazilian Balm issuch arem
edy. Teus of thousands have found that
it is the only thing that would cure Ca
tarrh and Asthma. ForlSyrs. it has nev
er lailedittasiiigle case to cure Asthma,
and its record has been as wonderful in
Catarrh Cases that had, tp all appearan
ces, ruu into Consumption, or where the
nostrils were entirely stopped ttpor where
the poisonous pus had eaten holes into
me Luiwii an jncu ueep, or where the
stomach had become ulcerated aud raw
from swallowing the germ-laden matter,
were all permanently cured. Such a rec
ord, unknown to any other remedy, just
ly entitles the Brazilian Balm to the first
p ace in the regard of the American peo
ple. There are 20,000,000 Catarrh victims
and countless Asthma sufferers in this
country, nil of whom can be cured with
Braziliau Balm. A f 1.00 bottle of Brazil
tan Balm contains a month's treatment
for catarrh or asthma, and for 6 months
we will wrap with each $1.00 bottle a
mouth's treatment of Toxicola Tablets,
free. Toxicola is the best tonic and nerve
and strength builder known to science.
This is the greatest offer ever made. Ask
your druggist and take no substitute. B.
P. Jackson & Co., Mfg, Chemists, India,
uapolls, lud,
Wholesale Agents.
At Four Score
Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores HoaltlL
tax collector, Iloverly, Mass., who has
passed tho 60th llfo mtlo stone, says:
"Dr. Miles' Restorative Ncrvlno has done a
great deal of good. I suffered for years from
slooplossncss and nervous heart trouble
Would feel weary and used up In tho morn
ing, had no ambition and my work seemed a.
burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Nervlno, aud I purchased a bottlo under
protest as I had tried so many rcmedlos un
successfully, I thought it no uso. But It jt
gavo mo restful sloop, a good appetlto and
restored mo to energetic health. It Is a
grand good mcdlclno, and I will gladly nrlto
anyono inquiring, full partlcularsof my sat
isfactory oxperienco.
Dr. Miles' Romodios
aro sold by all drug
gists under a positive
guarantee, first bottlo
benefits or monoy re
funded. Book on dis
eases of tho heart and
nerves free. Address,
DR. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, lnd.
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and 'delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority of
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. S :hmidt,
Agent and Bottler, ,
203 W. Coal Street,
Office Kgan building, corner of Main an
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Lock Box 63, Malianoy City, Pa.
IlaTlne studied under tamo of the beat
masters Id London and Paris', will give dent'oos
on the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address in care of StrmiKx,
the tewnlflr Hliffnandnah,
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Ieave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
23 West Contre Stroot.
Rev, I. D, BASS, D. D. Manager,
l'lttsburir, l'a t Toronto, Canada; New Orleans
La.; Isew Vor, N.V.; WnhliiBton, 1) . .:
San Francisco, Cal. ; IiIcuro, 111. St.
I.ohIh, Mo., and Denver, o lorado.
Tlicro aro thousnnds of positions to be filled
wihiiii me next jew months.
Address all application! to Union Teach kiw'
AUKM'iEa,HaUburi;, l a.
To Consumptives.
The undcrfiltTiipil havlni. lienti rPHtnrpil in
health by slnmle mean!, after sultcring for
several years with n severe lung affection, and
that dread disease Consumption, Ii anxious to
make known to his fellow sufferers tho means
if cure. To those who desire It ho will checr
fully Bend (free of charfre) a cony of the pre
scription used, which they will llml a sure euro
for Coniumntlon, Asthma, Catarrh, Bron
CulMB and all throat and lung Maladies, llr4
hopes all sufferers will try his remedy, as It lf
Invaluable. Those deslrlnif the prescription, J
vii mi, 9i jiiem iioimiitf, turn may prove
bit-sal Hi-, will pleas.-, tddrcss.
ifliMI ill HI
fX MUoa' 21
Nervine H
i?. (.Restores 49
Urooklyii, New York,