EVENING HERALD hstaiilisiii:i) 1K70. r"nbllf heit every Itvcnlni;, Eiwpt flumlny, at Somn Jahdin PmritT, NmrCkstrk. lhr tleniM t 1Hlrne(l Inf hciinndosti nnd the Urr.i.lM'lln.' i.-,. . i-'it -u cent week, pity nltl. oiIm lira - ily innll 3.00 a yenr, or 21 cviil it month. myililo In RtUitnce. Advertise ments cliarxi'd aci-orilltiK to space nml position. The puhllihpn reserve, the, rlclit to clianue tlio portion of advertisements whenever the pul "tatlon of tics demnnd It. Tho right Is teaerved to wjt tuny lulvertlseincnt, wliethcr paid for or not, mat the juilillshore may deem '.nptopcr, AdvortlslnB rates mado known upon applteatlon Knterod at the pontofllce at Shenandoah, Pit., as second cIihh mall matter. TKi.RPlIONK CONNECTION 'All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald 0VEIIW0KKEI) WOMEN. Lottoro to Mra. Plnkham From Women Who Hnvo Boon Holpod From Sloknoss to Honlth. WEDNESDAY. NOVKMIIElt 10, 1S0S. OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. Is'ow ttmt tlit pulitirul oniupiiljiii is over, h few industrial rallies are in order. PltoaitKS&lVK business men adver tise in the IIkuald. Shall wo tell you why ? KvHJT the New Journal opposes the further reeoKnition of Sir. Hiiilcy, of Texas, as the leader of the Demo crats minority in the House. WKslinll now watch the contest for tlietilitins that will fall, when the suc cessful candidates for eoiinty oillees fehako the tree, with much complac ently. The aforesaid candidates suielv have troubles of their own. As a usual thins; newspaper men are not in the btiMtie.-s for their health nor the fun they net out of it, but one would think so by the Iarfje number of people who ul for free "pull's." Our Ila.leton contempor aries have formed a trust against free advertising, and have thus set an ex ample that can bo followed with much prolit. Hut six more weeks and the holi days will be here. It seems but a few short days since Christinas was cele brated, yet the calendar -will soon reuister the departure of another year. Christinas, in this region, will be a happy occasion. The collieries having been operated on pretty steady time recently, and the orders for this and the succeeding month calling for the mining of larger quan tities of the product, indications are that the holidays will briny enjoy ment to more people this time than during several previous years. Busi ness men are everywhere preparing for the holiday trade and they, too, 'from a financial point of view, will be enabled to derive more enjoyment out of the Christmas tide some weeks hence than thev have for the last three seasons. In order to reap the greatest amount of benefit they should place their announcements in the people's favorite paper. The ordinary ovory-dny life of most of our women Is a ceaseless treadmill of work. How much liurdur the daily tasks become when homo derangement of tha female organs makes every movement painful and keeps tho nervoiib system unstrungl Tho following letter from Mrs. Wai.tkuK. IIantA, Sparklll, N. Y., tells the story of many women, and shows them how to got relief: "DHAnMits. 1'lKKitAif : I cannot thank you enough for all Lydla K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound hnsdono for me. When I wrote to you I had suffered for years with falling, in flammation and ulceration of the womb; mv lmolr iii.1ij.il. ami 1 wna f.11 timidi distressed I oould scarcely walk. I was a burden to myself and dill not care whether I lived or died. "I havo taken five bottles of your medicino and it lias done wonders for mo as all my friends can testify. I can now do my own work, and do not know how to express my gratitude to you for tho good your medicine and advice have done me. I owe my life to Mrs. I'inkham." Mrs. l'inkham'scounselisoffered free to all women who need advice about their health. Her address is Lynn, Muss. Mrs. P. 11. llLTcncitoPT, Kel- lerton, Iowa, tells hero in her own words how Mrs, I'inkham helped her: "Dijab Mas. I'inkham: I was in a very bad condition before I wrote to you and began tho use of Lydia E. I'Inkham's Vegetable Compound, I did not know what to do. I su ITercd terribly every month, when on my feet would have such a bearing-down feeling, was very weak, womb was swollen, back ached, appetite was very poor, also had trouble with my head. I have taken several bottles of your Compound and cannot Bay enough in its favor. It helped more than all tljo doctors." LvdlaE.PInhliam'sVegetablcCompounJiPWoman'sRemcdyforWomairsIHs x -fsssKuuiHki w but !$()9,842,0?2, are in the nine months of 181)8 '27,82,015. It thus appears that the manufacturers have in the period 1883 08 enjoyed a larger growth in exports of their productions than any other class of ourgreat producors. The great gain in tho ratio of ex ports to imports that has taken place in the ilrst three quarters of the cur rent fiscal year under the operation of the Dingley Tariir is apparent in tho effects produced upbn the general business of the country, and the long strides now making toward pros perity. A Clever Trick It certainly looks liko it, but there is Tcally no trick about it. Anybody can try it who lius lamo back and weak kidneys, malum or nervous troubles, we mean no can ran- himself riht away by taking l-.k-cirio isii- , 'I'll la ini.il , mil tones uii T lie WII1IIC system, acts us a stimulant to tho liver and kidneys, is a wood puriuer aim ncrvo iuii-l. It i-iirea rniistinatinn. headache, faintlin; spells, sleeplessness and melancholy. It ii nnrelv veiretablc. a mild laxative, and re stores tho system to its natural visor. Try Electric Hitters and bo convinced mat mey aro a miracle worker. Every bottle guaran teed. Only 50c. u bottlo at A. Wuslcy's unit; store. Mi'inorliil. -LI Hunt; ChatiK mtiiunrallzed the iluwiiRer empress, foeRKlnf? to be excused from the ap pointment to consult with the viceroy of the province of Sham; Tung as to the steps to lie taken to prevent any further overflowing of the Yellow river, pleading age and infirmity as his ex cuse. The dowager empiess, while thanking him for his services to the throne, requested the Chinese states man to proceed to the Yellow river without delay. rekin. Nov. 10.- GOOD NEWSFOR DREYFUS. Tim I'l'lsiiiiei' ol lluvU' Klaiiil to Ho Iiiiineitlui fly Not I licit, Paris, Nov. IB.-The minister of war was informed yesterday by the court o cassation that It had been decided to cable to Captain Dreyfus, on Devil's Island. Instructing him to prepare his defense. Information as to the decis ion of the court ought to reach Drey fus on the Isle Du Dlable within two days. When th'e news was Imparted to Mine. Dreyfus she was so overcome with Joy that she was unable to utter a word. The Courrler Du Solr says that M. Cavalgnac, former minister of war, and M. Deroulede, one of the most violent Dpponents of Dreyfus revision, called jpon the premier. M. Dupuy, and asked him not to execute the decision of the court of cassation to notify Dreyfus. M. Dupuy refused to comply with their request, whereupon they threatened to make an Intel pellatlon In the chamber. The Courrler Du Soir adds: "The :ourt of cassation has decided In prin ciple to dvmund the production of tho seciet dossier, though the formal steps have not been taken." La Llberte asserts that the court of cassation has decided to Impart to the counsel of Dreyfus the text of the depositions of the vatlous ministers o! war. the letters of Comte Ferdinand Wulsin Esterhnzy seized by the court and the secret dossier, if the latter is produced. Gains and Losses. Protection works a double benefit nml produces some surprising results An increase of over $100,000,000 in ex ports nnd n decrease of over $100,000,- 000 in imports Is the record of our foreign commerce for the nine mouths ending September 30th, 1808, com pared with tho corresponding nino months of tho preceding year. Nocor responding period in any year of the country's history has shown such a record. ro other country in the world bus ever equalled this record. The total exports of the nirx' months ending September 30th, 1898, are practically twice as great as those of the corresponding nine months of 1888, while the imports showed a rutlon of 12$ per cent, as compared with 1888, despite the growth of our population in the meantime. The imports of merchandise In the nine i .months just ended are less than In ,any corresponding period sinco 188r, when the consuming capacity of the 'country was but little more than half what it now is. The gains in all classes of production have been enormous during the past decade. The exports of the product of the mines whichfor the nine months end ing September :10, 1898, are in round numbers $20,000,000, have increased more than 33 per cent, since 1888. Kxports of -the productions of the forests, which wore $18,775,M1 in the corresponding nine months of 1888, are in the nine months just ended $30,775,578. Agricultural produuts. which In nine months of 1888 were $301,717,302, are in the nine months just ended $571,291,055. Exports of domestic manufactures, which in the nino months of 1888 were AN liUroKTA.NT 1)1 rFllllKNCK. To make it apparent to thousands, who think themselves ill. that they aie not af flicted with any disease, but that the system slinnlv needs cleansing, is to bring comfort homo to their hearts, as a costive condition is easily cured by using Syrup oi I-igs. Jlanu. factured by the California Fig Syrup Co only, and sold by all druggists. lllourueeil onieerV l'llcht. Lexlngtr.n. Kj, Nov. 1C. Uaron Wal deck De VlHamll. an Austrian noble man and a captain of the Seventh vol unteer Infantry (Immune), Is in dis grace and has left for parts unknown. A few days ago ho was discharged from his reglmunt for various offenses, principal among which was refusing to pay his debts. Creditors swooped down upon him In his tent Monday night and attached his sword and his uniform. He later secured clothing somewhere and skipped out. Vlllamll claimed to be a cousin to the late em press of Austria. Hood's Cure nick headache, bad IB taste In the mouth, coated Jf B I 1 O tongue, gas in tho stomach, E III 23 dl.tre.i and Indication. Do m m m not wken, but ltae tonle effect, 85 centi. Tb oulT VilU tu tV IUi lluod't &ifprllUu CASTOR I A Por Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough Bears tho Signature o CHAMBERLAIN'S H0PB Forn Formal Alliance ltntween John Hull nnrt I'nelti Sinn.. Manchester, Nov. 1C At the na tional liberal Unionist conference here yesterday Joseph Chamborlnln, secre tary of state for the colonies, mado his first public speech since his return from the t'nlted Stutcs. Mr. Chamberlain, who was much more explicit on the subject of Anglo French relations thnn any of his col leagues In the cabinet has been, said "It was the hope of every friend of neace that the French withdrawal from Fnshoda s ndlcatlve of their accept ance of the principle of Hrltlsh control of the whole valley of the Nile, regard ing which thete cannot be nny discus sion whatever." OnhiR on to recite a "series of unfriendly nets perpetrated by Trance In various quarters of the globe during the last ten or lllfteen years, he said: "If better relations are to be estab lished it will be necessary for French politl i.ins to abandon tactics whoso object has been to hamper and em-bnrra-s Hrltlsh policy even In quar ters where the French have no Inter ests to protect. I refer especially to New Faundland, where, despite the fact thnt the French fishery Interests have declined to a comparatively In significant point, the demands of the French have continually Increased and their Interference with the develop ment of the colony has Increased. If the Fttsh'ida incident only serves to dis abuse foreign statesmen of the erron eous conception that the British will yield anything to pressure, it will be a blessing in disguise." After rcfertlnc to the "thorough and complete s.yrrr,)thy sn noticeable be tv ecn the tnctherlard ami her colon Ics." Mr. Chamberlain continued as fol lows: "What Is of equal Importance, our American klnfclk have bcrjun to under stand us bettor. The American peo ple I nown that In the late trouble our heart" went out to them, and they heartily reciprocate our good feelings. "I shall not attempt to predict what may follow this better feeling, but I may at least hope that In the future the understanding of which I have spoken may be perfected, and In the face of that understanding we two may be able to guarantee peace and civil ization to the wot Id." BRUTAL GFMAII OFFICER GotBOtr With Forty Months' Impris onment For Cownrll,v Murder. Strasbiirg, Get many, Nov. 10. The Neuste Nnchrlrhten says that Count Stolberg-Weriilgerode, a captain of cavalry, has been cashiered and sen tenced to 40 months Imprisonment for fatally stabbing with his sabre a ser- gent named Schlenhardt in September last. Schlenhardt was superintending the cooking of rations during a bivouac of the Fifteenth Fhlans, near Hagonau, Alsace, when he received an order to get a load of forage. During his ab sence the soldii : s bungled In handling the stove, with the result that the food was spoiled. When Schlenhnrdt re turned Count Stolberg-Wernlgerodo summoned hl-n nrd abused him, calling him tho greatest blackguard and the lowest hound in the regiment. Schlen hardt becnitt excited and replied that he did not think he deserved such names, whereupon the Count boxed his enrs heavily, throwing him against a wagon. Schlenhardt then called out to two of his comrades, saying: "You saw that I was struck." Thereupon the count Hew Into a rage, drew his sable and stabbed tho ser geant twice. Ilrst in the leg and then behind the ear. The sergeant took out his handkerchief to stanch the bloud and tried to stand at attention, but he dropped unconscious and died In the hospital on the following day. Sclileiihaidt was the son of a work man, and had two brothers In the army. Count Stolberg-Wernlgorode formerly belonged to the Twelfth His sars, which regiment he had to leave because he assaulted his orderly. A DRAMATIC INCIDENT! A Lecturer Discovers His Danger and Loses His Life. it Is a scene In tho Iccturo-room of a medi cal collego in Now Orleans. Tlio professor is lecturing beforo nu Intelligent class of med ical students. He Is describing tlio human oily, Its defects and tlio danger by which it surrounded. In order to illustmto It ho lias fluids from tlio human body, which ho Is subjecting to chemical tests. '"Gentlemou," ho said, "I havo described to you tho nppcaranco of tbo human fluid hi a ili8oaseil state; I will now show you how tlio same fluid appears In a healthy state," and ho subjected Ids own to tho test. As ho hold It up to tlio light for a moment, his hand trembled, ho caught his breath, ho paled and exclaimed : "Gentlemen, I havo just mado most horrible discovery; I myself have Dright's disease of tho kidneys." In less than ono year ho was dead. Tno above dramatic and strictly true in cident shows tho terrible dangor and mysterious naturo of this modorn disease, hlch may well ho called tho demon of the present century. It steals Into tbo system llkoo tldcf. manifests its presence by tho commonest symptoms and fastens Itsolf upon tho system beforo tho victim is aware. It is early lieiedltary as consumption, qulto as Million! Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in tho laud who aro not afraid to bo generous to tho needy and suffer ing. Tho proprietors of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, havo given away over ten million trial bottles of this greit medicino ; and havo tlio satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of Lopoloss cases. Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseuess ad all diseases of tlio Throat, Chest and Lungs aro surely cured by it. Call on A. Waslcy. Druggist, and get rv trial bottlo free. I!cgular size 00c. and Jl. TJvery bottlo guaranteed, or price refunded. ltoelproelt,.v Vetrotlnt fTinn siiHpnndeil. Washington. Nov. 1C Negotiations on the projiosed reciprocity treaty be tween thl government nnd Great Brit ain relative to the Hrltlsh West Indies have come to a halt, with no present Indication that the treaty will lie con cluded in the near future. The nego tiations had proceeded to an advanced stage last spring, It being hoped that the signataires would be appended be fore congi'ess idjourned. in order that the senate might have an opportunity to ratify. SIrce then, however, ob stacles ha,vo ieveloped, and the nego tiations which were so far nlong have lapsed Into a condition of Inaction. Bucklon's Arnica Sab e. Tlio rust salvo In tho world for cats. hrii(ar,H AnmR. ulcers, salt rlieum. fovor soros. tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and nil nklii uriintlnns. and tiositWelv cures piles. or jo pay required. It is guaranteed to givo uorfect satisfaction or mony rofundod. Price 35 couts per box. For sale by A. Waslcy. Austrian Minister -iill1 For Homo. Washington. Nov. lG.- Tho Austrian minister. Mr. Von llengelmuller. and his wife sailed yesterday for home, where the minister will spend a six months' leave. Karon Heidi will be Austrian charge d'nffalres during tho minister's absence. There Is little doubt that negotiations now In progress he tween ibis country and Austria will lead to the accrediting of ambassadors Instead of ministers between them, and this change, It Is expected, may come about before Mr. Von llengelmuller rettn ns. Spnlir M list" Hurry Hp, Washington. Nov. 16. The govern ment has renewed nnd strengthened Its determination that the Spanish vacuatlon of Cuba and the American occu-atlon shall not be deferred be yond Jan. 1 next. This conclusion has been communicated to the Spanish government within the last few days, in answer to an urgent request that the date of evacuation be put oft be cause of the large number of Spanish troops remaining on the Island, who, It was represented, could not be moved before Jnn. 1. Women Should Know It. Many women suffer untold agony and miser)' because the nature of their disease is not correctly understood. They have been led to believe that womb trouble or female weakness of some sort is responsible for the many ills that beset womankind, Neuralgia, nervousness, headache, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, rheumatism, a dragging pain or dull ache in the back, weak ness or bearing-down sensation, profuse or scanty supply of urine with strong odor, frequent desire to pass it with scalding or burning sensation, sediment in it after stand-1 ng in bottle or common glass for twenty-four hours, arc signs of kidney and bladder trouble. The above symptoms arc often attributed by the patient herself or by her physician to female weakness or womb trouble. Hence, so many fail to obtain relief, because they are treating, not the disease itself, but a reflection of the primary cause, which is kidney trouble. In fact, women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is the great dis covery of the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is easy to get at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar. To prove its wonderful merits you my have a sample bottle and book telling all about it, both sent absolutely free by mail. Kindly mention Shenandoah Herald and send jour address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., IJinghamton, N. Y. To Curj a Cold ill ()n lny Tako Laxativollromo Quinlno Tablets. All druggists rofuid tho money If it fails to cure. 25c. Tho goruiuo has L. B. Q. on each tablet. tf FOR SALE. One Block of Nine Houses. .... Hitu&ted on West Coal lreel, Shenandoah. Tho property entlro, It 112 feet front and 70 fee lep'. Ilacli house lias a frontatre of lect liy.ai feet drop, ltl kitchen 10 by 14 (set -, all are two utorlx, sli rooms, tin roof. They hvo lust been thoroughly repaired, ntwly painted and papered, and new sills, outhoins'S and coal house constructed. These properties ure ( FOK HALE, KXCIIANOB or KENT Kltberosa wholeorseparatelr and on reason aUle terras, rur iMiuei.y.ifiMWM M. P. FOWLER. CARL1ST UPRISING PREDICTED. Spain Will I'roliulil.v Hnv MoroTrou hhi Within a I'ow weeks. London. Nov. 1C The Mndrld corre apondent of The Dally Mall says: leading Carllst tells me he will .be ns tonished If a formidable rising does not occur In Spain within a month after the peace treaty Is signed. The Car lists have abundant supplies of money, and. my Informant says, only some thing very big and unexpected can pic- vent a rising. "This appears to agree with the news tha Don Carlos has succeeded In rais ing an Important loan in London nnd In Paris, and that wealthy Carllst fam ilies, are Insuring their property against war risks. "I questioned a prominent olllclal at the Spanish war nlllce today on the subject, and he told me he was well aware of the Carllst activity, but that the government was even more ready than the Carllsts. The bulk of the nctual standing army of Spain, he said, is now oc 'upylng Arugon. the Basque provinces and North Catalonia. There Is a larger nutnlier of troops under the colors than the law authorizes In or dinary times, the government having decided that this Is necessary to pre serve Internal order. During the last two months still according to my In formantthe government has greatly Increased Its war material and has re placed most of the artillery and am munition sent to the West Indies. My own opinion Is. however, that the Span ish puiple will not tolerate a Carllst rising, because civil war would only comllte Spain's ruin." Itchiness of tho skin, borriblo plague. Most everybody aflltcted In ouo way or uuotber. 'Only oue safe, never falling cure, Doau's Oluttueut. At any 'drag vtoro, 50 tents, MURDEROUS IMMUNES. ' Our Colored Troops In Culm. Assassln ate Vottr I'orsons. Santiago de Cuba, Nov. 10. An Inci dent occurred Monday night at San Luis, about 25 miles north of Santiago, which caused a great deal of III feeling among the Cubans nnd considerable annoyance among the United States military olllclals here. AH the colored regiments are en camped In the nlghborhood of San Luis. The colored olliccrs seem to have little or no control over their men,, and of ficers and privates are ofteji seen drinking together, with arms ' around each olher'a necks, and behaving In other ways not caluulatcd to Inspire lospect for the American troops among tho Cubans. Thu trouble began In an attempt by Lieutenant Jobe h'ererra, chief of Gen eral Wood's gendarmerie, to arrest two soldiers for abusing a Cuban workman nnd ste.iliiiir his hog. The soldiers, who belonged to thv Ninth immunes, es caped. Soon after 30 coloted men, wearing tha uniform of the United Ptat'-s army, attacked the house where Lieutenant Kererra wns and kept up a regular fusillade, killing Lieutenant Feierra. Anlou;o Uoman, an old man. Kmlllo Uettran, a boy of 1", and a baby, and wounding several others. Two soldiers woie killed In tho affray and two gendartjMs av dying. AflH- 4n unsllfiatory attempt to get ut the fac-ts of tho enso over the wires Cenoral Wood went to San Luis. Ho returned last night and reported th,at he'hnd come to the conclU' Ion that all the colored regiments were more or less mixed up In the affray. He Iibb offered $1,000 reward for the names of the men who did tho shooting, and be fore leaving San Luis he read tho colored olllcers a severe lecture for de nying Hint tholr men were Implicated. THE VliDEN STRIKE ENDED. Strllilinr Union Men lteturn to Work- lit tlio I' ii Ion Scale. Chicago, Nov. 1C The ihicago-VIr den Coal conpany yesterday practically acceded to all demands of the striking miners. Tke company agrees to pay the union scale of 40 cents for hand -work and !0 cents for machine work. The agrecuent did not cover the fu ture of the man employed to .take tho places of tie strikers. Olllclals (I the coal company held a meeting he-e yesterday with repre sentatlves if the miners' unions for the purpose of arranging a settlement of the long itandlng dlfllculties between the compan and the miners. An agree ment was reached after a somewhat protracted tonference. The chief griev ance of the miners was the wnge scale. and the result Is looked upon as a big victory for them. The meeting was held In the olllceof 1'iesident Loucks, of the coal company, and was attended by Acting President Mitchell, of the Uni ted Mine Workers of America; PresI dent IIunter,and Secretary Ityan, of th Illinois Mlue Workers' union, and President Ctihlll, of the sub-district branch state union, In behalf of the miners, Pmsldent Loucks and Man ager Luklns representing the coal com pany. Up to Date for Fains and Aches. Everybody says' lied Flag Oil,1 25c, Gtuhlcr Ilros., drug stoic. Foul-Smelling Catarrh.. Oatnrrh is ono of the roost obstinate diseases, aid hence the most difficult to get rid a . There is, but one way to euro it, The disease is In tho blood, nnd all the sprays, wishes and inhaling mixtures in the wcriu can nave no peiinanenl effect whetover upon it. Swift's Sue cille cures Catarrh permanently, for it is tho only lemedy which can reach the disease and. forco It Irom the blood, Mr. II. P. McAllister, of Itarrcdsburgi Ky., had Catarrh for yenrs. Ilo writes: 'I could see no lmnrovemmt whatever though I wn constantly treated -with sprayi sun wabiit-s, ana ainer enllnhallnc remedies In fact, I could feel thai eacn winter i was worst man tne year previous "finally it wa brought to mv notlo that Catarrh was a blood dleo-.e, and after think ing over thn matter, I aaw It wasuurrasouabli to expect to be cured by rcuieuiea wxuen only reached the mii-fnp. 1 then decided to trv 8. 8. S and after a few bottles were used, I no ticed perceptible Improvement. Continuing the remedy, the disease was forced outol my system, ami a touipieia cure -wns lut result. I advise all who have this dreadful disease to abandon tnelrlocal treatment, whlohhasnevei done them any good, and take S. 8. 8., a rem edy that can reach the disease and cure It." To continue th,o wrong treatment for Catarrh is to continue to suiter. Swift's Specific is it real blood remedy, and cures obstinate, deon-Bcated diseases, which other remedies have no effect whatever upon. It promptly reaches Catarrh, ami nover fails to cure oven the most HKKravnteu cases. S.S.S.rTLBlood Is Purely Vegotable, and Is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no dangerous minerals. - Books mailed free by Swift Speciflo Company, Atlanta, Ueorgla. "Saved Bier Life." RS. JOnN WALLET, of Jefferson, Wis., than trhoni nono Is rrorohlghly cstcem d or widely known, writes, InlSOOIhada sovcio attac!: of LaCrlppc and at tho end c.f four months, In spllo of al physicians, frlenfi3 and good nursing could do, my lungs heart and nervous system wen so completely wrecked, ray life was Co spalrcd of, my friends giving mo up. 1 could only sleep by tho uso of opiates. My lungs and heart pained mo terribly and my cough was most aggravating. I could not Ilo In ono position but a short tlmo and not on my loft sldo at all. My husband brought mi Sr. allies' Ncrvlno and Hoart Curo and I be gan taking them. When I had taken a hall bottlo of each I was much better and contln ulng persistently I took about a dozen bot tles and was completely restored to health to tho surprlso of all." Dr. lilies' Remedies aro sold by all drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottlo benefits or money ro fundsd. Hook on dis eases of the hoart und nerves free. Address, Ml.MILraMEMCALCO., Elkhart. Ind. A Beautiful Home Is life's most pleasing com fort. We will give you much com fort for little money. A comfort Suite rfour FURNITURE To-day we have been busily en eaued in replenish ing our stock We have a new line of dining room furniture, chairs, sofas, couches and settees in large varieties. We are the cheapest dealers. WINTER IS AT YOUR DOOR And you may need a stove, range or heater. We have now several carloads in stock, which is the largest in the county. We repre sent the Buckwalter Stove Com pany, the largest and oldest estab lislieu nnn m America, we can sell you cheaper than other dealers who buy one and two on an order A guarantee accompanies every purchase. Money refunded if not satisfactory. 123 and 131 D. I J. S1EGEL, South Main Street, DRINK CUSARY'S EXTRA I'INE QUALITY -GINGER ALE, Superior Sarsaparilla.. and Orange Champagne common and fully as fatal. Knllro families, inheriting it from their ancestors., havo died, yet nono of tho number knew or realized tho mysterious power which was removing tlicm, Hundreds of pooplo dlo dally by what Is called heart disease, apoplexy, paralysis, spinal complaint, rheumatism, pneumonic, anil othor common diseases, when In reality it is lirlght's diseaso of tho kid ncyp. Theso aro solemn facts, but all the mure serious because of their solemnity. Thuro has never been but oue remedy known for tho euro of ltrlght's disease, or even for Its relief, and that remody has be corao the most popular of any preparation known to tho world. It is Warner's Safe Cure. It has taken men, and womon, too. who wore in tlio lowest stagos and restored them to porfeot health and strength. It will Invariably check tho first stages of tub torrible disease, If taken In tlmo. It is In dor.ed by physicians, approved by scientist! and used by .tho best pooplo In tho land. It Is a sclontlfio preparation and owes Its popu larity wholly to Its power. It can bo pro cured of any rellablo dealer, but Eteat can should bo exercised to securo tho genuini and not poruiit any unscrupulous dealer t soil anything in its place. STRONG AGAIN ! WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY They have stood the tc.t of years, and have cured tliousanaf oi cares of Nervous Diseases, sued as Debility, Dullness, Sleepless ness and Varicocele.Atrophy.&c They clear the brain, itreogthea the circulation, make digestion dc r feet, and Impart a heatthr vigor to the whole being. All drains and losses are checked permanently. Unless patients arc properly cured, their condition often worries themioto Insanity, Coniumption or Death, Mailed sealed. Price i i per box! 6 boxei, with Iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund tfc money, Ij.co. Send lor free book, Addreis, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, Ot For Sale at KIRLIN'S Dru? Store. Shenandoah, Pa. tIORSE COMBINING ;OTM0ST STYLE vmi UTMOST DURABILITY m Jmt, sa m i ft i l r i AT THC V SJXTM AVE. 610t!,tOlhSTS. H3 Paid Purcliosos of 35 or morel will bo rent RinoSIT PREPAID to any railroad station In MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONTJ MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE IS nun oneisirvrirsilT- Mrui 'YORx', PENNSYLVANIA, and' NEW JERSEY. A FAIR FACE iV AY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES scsa SAH'U LIO OVERCOAT I l- Every man has an idea of the sort of Overcoat he wants, and we have an idea of the kind of Over- coat every man wants. We have studied the 3 Overcoat problem from a practical standpoint, combined with correct styles and elegance each 2 season for a number of years and by a close observation have reduced the art of bringing out 2 just the right things in overcoats to a dead moral certainty. ' Now is the time to call and inspect 5 our stock. WINTER CLOTHING In large quantities. Our stock for Men, Boys and Children cannot be surpassed. S L. REFOWICH, : The Reliable Clothier, . lO.and 12 S. Main St. E A Contented Woman Issho who linn her walls nml ceilings Uecornf. from our Intent tlcfiigna uml rich colon. In wi paper We have u complete line of exqulm tints nnd Bhailes, In the most tvtibUu comhli Uoiih nntl patterns, nnd we will decorate jo home from kitchen to uttle at n reiMonul figure, J. P. CARDEN, 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, 1 Orkin's Jewelry Store, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Optical Goods. IMo. 1 29 South Main Street, Terminus of the Schuylkill Traction Company's Railway. aa Eight Day Clock for $2,7B, 5b(3LU ForThla Month Only. IfitMsWssSDLsfStHVMHuSaSiKnsM