lcaiViiV.iiV7..i EVENING HERALD E3TA11LIS1IKI) 1H7U. Published every KYenlng, Kicept Biindny, nt Boutk Jaruix StbkmTi Nkab Ckntrk, Thr Ifornli. W (tpllvrtrri InHlifMmntloAh and the piirrouti'Jitii t'.M ,i Ttr mIx cp.m a week, py ntil ib rrit' liy mall .00 year, or 2) cent a monttt, tmynblo In Advnncp. Advert fo ment a charced acooruitiir to onncfl Ana iHwitlon. Tlif I'tibltf her riirve the HuM to changa the pomtiouoi auvonipcmcntfl whenever me put 'tatlon o( new demand It. Tho right le ieierved to lijc taiiy ndviTttpcmrnt, whether paid (or or not. mat the publishers may deem '.3 proper. Advertising raten made known upon application. Entered at the pontofllce at Hhenandoah, as econdclftst mall matter. TKLKl'HONE CONNKCTION 'All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald MONDAY. NOVKMI.KU 11. 1B93. OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. KVKKYllODY will beglml of til" op nortiinlty to bid farewell to llonernl Apathy for tho ensuing two yearn. No niiui feels comfortable wearing ii borrowed suit of olothes. Less eoinfortuble should he feel rending a borrowed newspaper. Thk Kupublisuu party has been de feated, but not vanquished, In county polities, is the way the Deinouratio Free l'ress, of JIlnei-Hville, puts it. It was a glorious victory. The He publicans have gained control of the Senate, and they retain the House of Representatives with a good working majority. Thk Kansas City editor who re ceived onions from a subscriber showed appreciation by acknowl edging that the gift brought tears to his eyes. John Wanamakkii litis Ynleed Sen tor Quay's bluff, and oilers $20,000 reward for the urrest and conviction of any person caught bribing mem bers of tlx Legislature. A kkw asthmatic breaths in the long-winded articles' of n I'dttsville contemporary would relieve its read ers of unnecessary mental strains. In these days of hustle and bustle short, pithy articles are very popular. Now for a little rest not much to he sure but enough to gather cour age and energy for the nest battle, which is only a few months distant, when borough ollicers will be chosen. Polities is so shaped that there are no long intervals between campaigns. "Coi2" Hakvky not only demands $1 a head from the friends of free silver throughout the United States, but specially requests that tile money bo sent to the home olllce and not in trusted to agents. There are some features connected with the ilimncial operations of tho country which Harvey understands us well as any body. Thkrk is talk in Washington at present of a forthcoming presidential order removing a considerable num ber of oillces from tho classified civil service. Tho order, it is said, has been under consideration for some time, hut its promulgation has been delayed owingto the pressure of more important business. It is understood that the order will alTect over six thousand oillces. SrtNATOH Qua y has thrown down the gauntlet, hud his little say, and hied himself to his winter quarters in Ploridn. He is a candidate for re election, with chances of success. This will depend, in n great measure, upon tho attitude of Senators Magee and Martin. Neither of them nor their followers will support Senator Quay in caucus, but if they shall sup port Quay after his nomination, as they 'declare they will, his election would be inevitable and without a serious contest. Thk result of the elections on Tues day settled ono thing elfectually, and that is the silver question, notwith standing some of the silver news papers huve the hardihood to claim a majority in Congress. In all the western so-called "silver states" the Democrats, Populists, Pusiouists and all other "ists" lost heavily, while in the Eastern or "sound money" states, whore tho question of free silver wa8 not the issue, the straight-out Democracy won scattering victories, us far as electing ltepresontatives to Congress Is cpneerned. In the opinion of Democrats who are hot' hide-bound on the question of free coinage of silver, tho issue in the Presidential campaign of 1000 will , not be free Bilver, but some other question. Territorial expansion will no doubt he the leading issue, the Republicans taking the affirmative and the Demo-Populists the nega tlve. The free silver bugaboo is dead, and the sooner the. blind followers of the white metal acknowledge tho demise of tho animal und begin to cust about for a live Issue the bettor oft they will he In tho campaign two yeurs hence. President MoKlnloy's adiulnlstra'tlbn has been trlven a Vote of confidence, and It la safe to predict tnatUe will succeedlilmself in 1000. 8 Alt much lu little i alnnyt ready, efficient, satlilnc tcry j prevent a cold or feter, irjdl:UTr till, lot Lc4d Pills scbe, HtuifSlte. cointtnatlon. cle. Pric 25 ttnti. Tt uulf )iu to telti ltu UouU't 04nurtll. 1 Hood' Spanish soldier Mutmv. bccllllo 'l'lipy Will Not l.rnvu Culi.1 l ilt It Paid. Washington, Nov. 14, An Interesting bit of Itifotmntlon linn teached llm war clparttnent In c mv Ion with the min ing nf troops fo- l'liclo l'llnrlpe. Ar rniiRenieuts have 1h-h m:' lt hy the Spanish authi ltles to pond hnck to Bpaln the HpanUh troops, numbering 1M0 nioti, upon the anival of the American iTirrlniiii. It was expected mat tin-y wmiM i-hII toinotruw or Weil nesilay, but no unexpected obstacle has atlccii aim tir the men themselves. They are on tl - er of mutiny, openly declining they will not return to Spain mini tuny nave received their pay, now far In urrenrs. for service In Cuba. The mutiny extends not alone to the enlist ed men, i ui to their ollicers. and Is dl rented ai ns; the executive olllcials of the Mud !d government on the 1st and. Some i f the men have not been paid for nearly p year, and to all of them several months' pay Is due. The situation has created no pnrtic ular eoiHi in In the minds of the Amer ican authorities, as It Is not likely seri ously to alTect the control of that por lion oi uie isiami tiy the (f.merlcan forces, but It Is tea'lzed that those 9,r.00 soldi' rs. If they should persist In their refusal to leturn to Spain, might be come dependents whom It would be dif ficult to rare lor, and ultimately, per haps, a menace to Bond government on the I.- In ml. i nf njinmsn nutnorities express no fear of their ability to solve the prob lem presented, but how they will solve It If the men. bucked by their ollicers, absolutely refuse to return home with out their pay Is net dear. HOW TO FIND OUT. Kill a bottle or common glasss with jour water and let it stand twenty-four hours : a sediment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys ; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kidney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and bladder are out of order. WHAT TO DO. Tlicte is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity or being compelled to go often during the dayt and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary cflect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. If jou need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ringhamlon, N. V, When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous ofler in the Shenandoah Herald. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Cnttlu Itoei-lpt- lit riilliidolphla and the t'loslnir Quotations. Philadelphia, Nov. 14. The receipts of cattle In this city last week were as fol lows: lieeves, sheep. r,3Cij; hogs, G.MO. Receipts for the previous week were: Heeves, 2.012; sheep, S,ir,8; hogs, 6,;::o. Iteef cattle were active except for ex treme heavy cuttle and prices closed un changed. Quotations: Kxtra, fiVaftlrHic.; good, 41jEc.; medium, 4'.'!4c.; common, 4'ifi41ic. Sheep were dull and unchanged, while lambs were a shade hluher. We quote: Kxtra, 4V4ft4s;c.; gone, 41i4,,4c; medium. SVf'SV'.; common, SVfiSVic.; lambs, 4V4 Cc. Hoga were easier on all grades. Wo quote: liest western, 5',4(ii 5Vic. ; others, 4Hir,c. Fat cows were dull at S'-iti'Sc. Thin cows sold troni $S to $16. Veal calves were active nt 4Viffl7V4c. Milch cows were Inactive nt JirifiGO. Dressed beeves were In good request at &G8ic. To Ouro a Cold In One Day Take Laxative liromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho mouov if it falls to cure. 25c. Tho genuine has L. U. Q. on each tablot. tf Kiiklux T.lothods In fniliana. Seymour, Intl., Nov. 14. Last night a masked and armed mob took out of Jail John Halrd, a colored Democratic stump speaker, who had been Imprison ed on the charge of obtaining money by false pretenses. Once outside the mob beat him with sticks, pounded him over the head with revolvers and ordered him to leave town at once. Instead of obeying the order he went to the prose cuting attorney and demanded protec tion. Half an hour later he accompa nied the sheriff and posse In search for members of the mob. It is not known whether or not the assault upon him was Inspired by political spite. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature (ionic III-clini'ulii'- A'mi'iicn'na. Santiago de Cuba, Nov. 14. Captain W. Warren, an American who has been with General Maximo Gomez for nearly two years, has arrived here, According to his statement General Gomez, will no longer have Americans about him, and Is getting rid of them as fast as ppsslble. He tnkes the same course In the case of Cubans suspected or ravor lng annexation to tho United States. It will be difficult, Captain Warren be lieves, to get the mnjorlty of the In surgents to dlsbnnd. His Idea Is that when tho Amerlcnn authorities get con trol of the other portions of tho Isl and they should give out no rations. "Little Colds" neglected thousands of lives sacrificed every year. Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup cures little colds cures big colds, too, down to the very vcrgo of cou sumption. Delaware V. foot lei 11 Contents. Dover. Del.. Nov. 14. After a light before the suieiior court of Delaware lasting three days and nights two lte- puhllcan candMa'es c.jntestlnsr for seats In the state senate gave up nope Sat urday night. It was after 10 o'clock when the court gave out certificates to the successful candidates and adjourn ed aftyr the longest contlnugus session on repora, Alter deeming tne only con test, for the lower house, that of Con noway, rtepublleani and West, Demo crat, In favor of the former, the cpurt took up and spent 20 hours on that of Ithe Third antl Filth senatorial districts. n? Beiiuiu win siuna nine Democrats anu eight Itepubllcans. A PECULIAR REMEDY. Something About the New Dlicovery For Curing Dyspepsia. The Rev. V, I, Hell, a highly esteemed minister residing iu Weedsport, Cayuga Co.t N. Y., in a recent letter writes as follows' "There has never been anything that I have taken that has relieved the Dyspepsia from which I have suffered for ten ytars except the new remedy called Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Since taking them I have had no distress at all after eating and again after long years can su tv well. Rev. F. I. Hell, Vecdsort, N. Y,, formerly, Idalia, Colo. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets is a remarkable remedy, rot only because it is a certain cure for all forms of indigestion, but because it seems to act as thoroughly in old chronic cases of dyspepsia as well as in mild attacks of indigestion or biliousness. A person lias dyspepsia simply because the stomach is overworked, all it wants is a harmless, vege table remedy to digest the food and thus give it the much needed rest. This is the secret of the success of this pe culiar remedy. No matter how weak or how much disordered the digestion may be, Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest the food whether the stomach works or not. New life and energy is given not only to the stomach but to every organ and nerve in the body. A trial of this splendid medicine will convince the most skeptical that Dyspepsia and all stomach troubles can be cured. The tablets are prepared by the '. A. Stuart Co., of Marshall, Mich., but so popular has the remedy become that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets can now be obtained at any drup store at So cents per package. Send for book on stomach diseases free. Cavalrymen Ofl' For Cuba. Savannah, Go., Nov. 14. Yesterday the government transport Manitoba sailed for Puerto I'rlneipe and Neu vltas, Cuba, carrying General Carpen ter and his headquarters and six troops of the Eighth regular cavalry, about 700 men, together with horses and a .large amount of stores and supplies. ' The dispatch with which the Manitoba was handled excels anything In this line since the beginning of tho war with Spain. The Manitoba arrived from New York Saturday, and within less than IS hours after her arrival she was on her way again to sea with the troops and stores aboard. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine in the pe culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam for Coughs and Colds docs it, is in deed wonderful. He authorizes all druggists to give to those who call for it, a sample bottle free, that they may try it before pur chasing. The large bottles are 25 and 60c. We certainly would advise a trial. It may have you from consumption. Marftiiiiid Murl 1'nr FiiNtiodn. Cairo, Nov. li. Major Marchand. commander of the l'l' inh expedition at Faslnida, Ftaittd yes.teiday for that point with Captain Uarutler, who car ried Mf.rehand's report to Paris and brought the reply of the French gov ernment. On their arrival at Fashoda the I'Xix'dltlon will Immediately retire, by way of Fol1.1t, southwest of Fashoda, at the junction of the f-'obat liver and the White Nile, from which point they will move overland to Jlbutll, the French pust In the Ursa district, on tho west const of the Gulf of Aden. How's Your Cough? Pan-Tiua cures it, 25c. AtGruhler Bros., drug store. Ncuro Itentoii at Norfolk. Norfolk, Va Nov. 14. A negro giving his name as George W. Hrown, who ar rived here Ssturday from Wilmington, N. C, via New Heine and Elizabeth City, was attacked and badly beaten In the postolllce by several young men, who, It Is said, believed him to be Al Manly, the negro editor who was driven out of Wilmington. A Itcmarkablo Cure. Mr. Alexander Moore, a reliable busi ness man, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel phia, Pa., says: "I contracted a violent cold which settled all over me. The pain in my chest and side was excruci ating. The doctor gave me medicine and blistered my side, hut I only grew worse. Then you gave me a bottle of Brazilian Balm. I had little or no faith iu it. but decided to trv it. I took 3 or 4 good doses before bed time, and rubbed it well over my mistered side, mat night I slept like a top my first good rest for over a week and awoke in the morning cured. Brazilian Balm is sim ply invaluable." Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents PHILIPPINES INSURGENTS Mnklnt; IIkiiiI way nil tho IhIiuhIs of runny. Neuron nud Xeliu. Manila, Nov. 14. The following ad vices have been received' from Hollo, capital of Panay, one of the four prin cipal Islands of the Vlsayas group. "The Insurgents have occupied Lln- ganls, Oton and Pavia, suburbs of Hollo, and are dally expected to attack the town. Tho Spaniards have aban doned the Mole and destroyed the con nectlng bridges. Iluslness Is paralyzed and the Inhabitants are In a state of terror. The mercantile houses, of all nationalities, have slgnod a circular asking the commander of the United States cruiser Charleston to remain, as the Spanish authorities are incapable of affording them protection." It is reported ulso that the Insurgents hnve taken tho whole of the Islands of Negros und Zebu, of the Vlsayas group. As the cable connections are cut It Is impossible to conllrm this rumor. On Nov. 0 General ftlos, Spanish goV' ernor of the Vlsayas, Is said to have declated a seven days' armistice In order to communicate with Madrid with a view of transferring control to the Americans. Major Hell bus gone to Hollo to ascer tain the facts. AKMHtnut Quarteriiiiihter CIIIInh Dean New York, Nov. 14. James Gllllss, assistant quartermaster goneral, U. S, A., died suddenly yesterday at Gov ernor's Island. lie was born on July 8. 1840. and received his appointment from Washington Without having gone through tho military academy. He be came a second lieutenant in May, 1SC1, and two years later was made first lieutenant- He received brevet rank as first lieutenant for gallant conduct at Malvuu Hill, Va., and was breveted captain for meritorious conduct at Spottsylvanla Court House. He was wth the Army of the Potomac until August, 1SC4, and with the middle mil itary division until October. At the battle of Cedar Creek he was taken prisoner by tho Confederate army, Af ter the war he entered tho quartermas ter's department. b&EYFUS REKlKTED dead. Ills Itolntlvesln lat't. llowpvcr, Dis credit the Itunior.' Paris, Nov. 14. It Is reported here to day that Dreyfus Is dead. The rumor is understood to be based upon a mys terious telegram received from Colmar, capltol of Upper Alsace, signed by an unknown cortesixjndent. So far as can be ascertained there is no official con firmation of the report. The father-in-law of Dreyfus discredits It. He says he has received excellent accounts from the colonial olllce quite recently as to the prisoner's health. Despite these assurances there are dark rumors alloat. In view of the curious manner lu which tho letter from Dreyfus declaring that he had abandoned all hope Was conveyed to Mine. Dreyfus on Friday many people believe he Is dead. A dispatch from Paris on Frlduy said that Mmo. D:.-yfus had applied at the olllce of the minister of the colonies for p rmlsslun to send her husband some wnrm clothing for his leturn home. The request was refused, on the ground that the government would do whatever as necessary. At the same time, according to the dispatch, the authorities read her a letter from her husband to the effect that, having for live months addressed appeals for revision to General De Hois delTre, recently chief of staff of the French army, without getting any re ply, and being weary and exhausted by his useless appeals, he would write no more to his family or to anybody. He described himself as 111 and dying, and bequeathed to "the generosity of my country the care of rehabilitating my memory." It appears that Mme. Dreyfus then asked permission to telegraph her hus band tl)e decision of the court of cas sation. This request was also refused. Then, through a friend, she appealed to President Faure, but with no better results. How Railways Improve. Nothing sottles a road-bed like ago. Noth ing Improves train scrvico llku experience. Witness a practical demonstration of theso theories by usiug the Southern railway the short lino to Florida, this season. The track will bo smooth, the schedules fast, tho trains superb. Let John M. Reall, District Pas senger Agent, 82S Chestnut street, Philadel phia, Pa arrange the details. Ask your grocer for the' "Royal Patent dour, and take no other brand. It is tho ost flour made .11 limit Will he the Port. You should go to Havana this Winter via ATt'imt Thnt wilt lm fhn nnmilur route. Oil the way you can make as many stops as you liko at Flagler's magnificent hotels. Write to John N. Reall, District Passenger Agent, Southern Jiailway, SUS Uiostnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., to niako your arrange ments for your trip. Shiloh's Consumption Curo cures where others fail. It is tho leading Cough Cure, and no homo should bo without It. Pleasant to tako and goes right to tho spot. Sold by P. D. Kirlin and a guarantee. Are You Going to Cuba 7 If you are, John M. Beall, District Passen ger Agent, Sjutheru Railway, 82S Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., is the man to apply to for rates, routes and schedules. Write to him. CnuadaH Governor fJpnoral Arrives. Montreal, Nov. II. The new governor general of Canada, Lord Minto, his family and suite, arrived heie yester day afternoon on board the steamship Scotsman. The vice-regal party did not disembark. This was due to the Illness of Lord MInto's eldest son, Vis count Melgund. Great reticence Is dis played as to the young man's Illness. The aide-de-camp says that It is merely a slight attack of bronchitis, but some of the passengers state that Viscount Melgund Is suffering from an attack of typhoid fever. No Opposition to Speaker lined. Washington, Nov. 14. General Gros- venor, of Ohio, sptaklng of the alleged organization to defeat the nomination of Thomas H. Heed for speaker of the next house, said: "There will be no man's name mentioned In the caucus of the Jtepulillean party for speaker of the housi- of representatives except that of Thomas H. Heed, of Maine, and he will be nominated unanimously and enthusiastically elected by the same unanimous vote of the Republican members of th" house." Hxport Hvldeneo AiraliiKt Jlrs, llotklu San Francisco, Nov. 14. The date of the trial of Mrs. Cordelia Hotkln, ac cused of the murder of Mrs. John P, Dunning, of Dover, Del., by means of a box of poisoned candy sent through the malls, has been set for Dec. 5. Dan iel Ames, a handwriting expert, has de clared that Mrs. Botkln wrote the note accompanying tho drugged candy, and mat sue was alBo the author of anony mous letters which warned Mrs. Dun ning of her husband's alleged acts of infidelity In this city. Oh, the Pain of Rheumatism! Rheumatism often causes tho most In tenso suffering. Many have for years vainly sought relief from this disabling disease, nnd are to-dsy worso off than evor. Ithoumatism is a blood disease, and Swift's Speciiic is the only curo, be cause is is me onty remouy which can reach such deep-seated diseases. A few years ago I was taken -with lnflamm- tory Rheumatism, which becmao so Intense that I was for weeks unablo to walk. I tried seteral projnlnont phjsl clans and took their treat ment faithfully, but w&s unable to get the slight est relief, Infaot.mycon. dltlon seemed to grow worse, the disease spread 'over my entire body, and irom November to March I suffered agony, I tried many patent medicines, but none relieved me. Upon the ad vloe of a Ot u. a, dciuid uiuntuH 4110 tu vaiLO II. HOW- me,. 111 Buaiui.u, wuw yt vj?cuuiti, ana lyzed the remedy, and pronounced it free of botash or mercury. 1 felt bo much better &f tr taking two bottles, that I continued the rem edy.and In two months I was cured completely. The cure was permanent, for I have never Blnce had a touch of Itheumatlsm though many vijuca cjijjuscu iu uaup aim cum weamtT, Elkanoh M. Tirrsix, 8711 1'owelton Avenue, l'hlladelnhla. Don't suffer loncer with lUieumtitlsm Throw aside your oils and liniments, as thoy con not reach your trouble Don't experiment with doctors their potash anu mercury will add to your disabil Ity and completely destroy your diges tlon. SSSMlood will euro perfectly and permanently. i, is guaranieeu purely vegetnuie, ana I contains no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books mailed free by Bwitt Spociliu Co., Atlanta, Ga. TUMOlt EXPELLED. Unqualified Succosa of Lydla R Plnkhnm'B Vogotablo Compound. Mrs. Et.izAnnTit Whkklock, Mng-no-Ha, Iowa, in the following letter de scribes her recovery from a very criti cal condition: " Dkau Mks. I'lNKitAJt: I havo been taking your Vegetable Compound, and am now ready to sound its praises. It has dona won ders for mo in relieving mo of a tumor. "Myhoalth has been poor for three, years. Chango of life was working upon me. I was very much bloated and was a bur den to myself. AVas troubled with smothering spoils, also palpitation of tho heart and that hearing-down feel lug, and could not ho on my feet much. "I was growing worso all tho time, until I took your medicine. "After taking three boxes of Lydia K. Pinlchani's Vegetable Compound Lozenges, the tumor passed irom me. "My health has been better ever since, can now walk qulto a distanco and am troubled no more with palpita tion of the heart or bloating. I rec ommend your medicino to all sufferers from female troubles." It is hardly reasonable to suppose that any one can doubt the efficiency of Mrs. rinkhnm's methods and medi cine in the face of the tremendous vol ume of testimony. Thanksgiving Day Tour From the Schuyl kill Valley to Washington Under the Pennsylvania Railroad Personally-Conducted Tourist System. lu order to afford residents of the Schuyl kill alley a special opportunity to avail themselves of the peculiar advantages of its personally-conducted tours to Washington, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company has arianECd for a special Thanksgiving Day tour 011 November SI, Two and a half days will bo spent In Wash ington, visiting the Capitol, Congressional Library, National Museum, Treasury, Execu tive .Mansion, Washington Monument, and other points of interest under the in telligent direction of an experienced tourist agent. A chaperon will also accompany the party as the special companion of unaccom panied ladies. Round-trip tickets, including transporta tion, hotel accommodations, and Capitol guides, will bo sold at tho following rates : Children turner VI yeurs. & 15 8 00 7 95 7 83 7 85 7 15 7 10 7 10 Adults. ,.Ull S3 .... 11 00 Train leaves O.OT) A. SI. 0.19 " " CM " 7.01 " 9.01 " 9 07 " 9.15 " 12.15 P. M. Hheliantluah.. HruekvMIc Ht. Wair 10 S5 10 70 'ottsUllo Schuylkill Haven 10 70 Norristown 9 30 CfnHliolockcn...H 9 20 .Manayunk - 9 00 Washington... Ar. Itates from other stations will bo quoted on application. Special train will be provided from Reading to Washington and return, and special through coaches on regular trains north of Reading. Returning, tho special train will leave Washington 3.15 P. M. Saturday, No vember 20, arriving Rending 8.53 P. M. Tickets will also bo good to return 011 regular trains until Monday, November 28, inclusive. Passengers from Shenandoah, r rackvillc, md St. Clair returning on special train from Washington, can stay over night in Philadel phia or Pottsville and proceed to destination by regular train on Sunday morning. Tickets for side trip to Mount ernon, in cluding admission to the grounds, can be procured from Tourist Agent on the special train at rate of 7,") cents. For itineraries, tickets, and further infor- nation apply to ticket agents: A. C. Wcile, Excursion Agent, Reading; or address Geo. W. Boyd, AssisLint General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. Ciili'iidiiiH Tor lKtii). Tlio IlrntAU) olllce has a full and complete line of calendars for 18119. If you con template a calendar for your friends, reserve your order Vuntil you seo our lino. It will mean 11 big saving to you. They are also beautiful hpecimuns of lithographic art and very reasonable in price. TO THE LAND OF SUHSHIHE And flowers, tho Ilaiiil of America, Cali fornia. Via the true pathway, "The Iron Mountain Route," which traverses a region of perpetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes are unknown, Pullman first and second clas3 palaco and tourist Bleeping cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Noada, without change. Quick tlmo, low rates, and all the comforts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway sy&tem. For rates right from your homo, literature, and full information, drop a postal card, J. P. McCaun, T, P. Agent. MO Rail,, road avenue, Klniira, N. Y., or 391 Broad way, Now York. W. E. Hoyt. G. E P. Agt. Gnets: I was dreadfully nervous, and for relief took your Kurt's Clover Root Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my wliolo Nervous Syftera. I was troubled with Constipation, Kidney and Bowel trouble Your Tea soon cleansed niv system so thoroughly that 1 rapidly regained health and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by S. P. Kirlin and a guarantee. Winter Kxcurslon Tickets on the Penn sylvania ltullroud. On November 1 the Pennsylvania Railroad Company will place on salo at its principal ticket oillces excursion tickets to all promi nent winter resorts in Now Jersey, Virginia; North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Cuba. The tickets will be sold at tho usual low rates, with the usual liberal return limits. Tho magnificent facilities pf tho Pennsyl vanin Railroad, with its many connections, make this too favotito lino for winter travel. An illustrated book, descriptive of whiter resorts, and giving routes of travel and rates for tickets, will be furnished free after November 1 ou application to ticket agents. Hull l'rogruius, Tickets, Kte. The Herald job department is head quarters for ball programs, invitations, tickets audall sorts of printing for entertain ments. Latest styles iu great variety in stock and prices are at rock bottom, consist ent with good work. Are You Going to Florida 7 If you are, ask for tickets via the Southern Railway. It Is tho sbortost, quickest and best route. IU service this seaimn win pass that of all preceding years. Write for further Information to John M, Beall, District Passenger Agent, 828 Chestnut street Philadelphia. Va. Bay Keystone flour. Bo sure that the name I.Rssm & IUkb. Afbland, P , la printed on every imck. mar I 1 1 1 1 1 - f I 1 the w:"c. T. ujoTnvention. Mrs. 1j. Mt Stovons Will Trobnlily Ho M!nt WlllnrdS Sneco'or. St. Paul, Nov. 14. Yesterday was a quiet day among the W. C, T. U. dele gates, so far as convention work wns concerned. A number of delegates filled local pulpits both morning and evening. Hut one session of the con vention was held, Miss E. W, Green wood, world's national superintendent of the evangelistic department, preach ing nt 2:S0 o'clock at tho People's church. The Temple matter and elec Hon of ollicers, which promises so much excitement today and tomorrow, were kept as much In the background ns possible for subjects In which all are interested. The senernl opinion has been that Mrs. L. SI. Stevens, vice presldent-nt-large and acting president, would be unopposed In her candidacy for the place mnde vacant by the death of Francis Wlllard, but several other can didates have been announced. Mrs. Martin H, Dunham, of Ohio, one of the Temple trustees and now state presi dent of Iowa, Is a prominent candi date, and her friends hope for help from the friends of the Temple. An other promln'nt candidate Is Mrs. G. B. Forbes, state president of Connecticut. Mrs, Stevenson's resignation leaves the pnfltlon of corresponding secretary vacant, and a number of prominent workers have been mentioned for the olllce. There Is little canvassing being done nnd Miss Anna A. Gordon, for merly Miss Wlllard's confidential friend and secretary, seems to be the most prominent In the field. There seems no reason to doubt that the other of ficers will be re-elected. The. place of the next meeting has not yet been decided upon, but It Is probuble that It will be Seattle. II .1 li li n Favors Ton nud CofTeo Tax. Cleveland, Nov. 14. In an Interview last night Senator Hanna said the tar iff would have to be revised to meet existing conditions. "The war revenue measure," he said, "must be revised, but we will keep many of the original features of the law simply because It Is now necessary. So far as I am con cerned I favor putting a duty on tea and coffee." A Clever Trick It certainly looks liko It, but there is really no trick about It. Anybody can try It who has lamo back nnd weak kidneys, malaria or nervous troubles. We mean ho can euro himself richtaway by taking Electric Bit ters. This medicine tones un the whole system, acts as a stimulant; to the liver and kidneys, is a diooq puriuer anu nerve tonic. It cures constipation, headache, fainting spells, sleeplessness and melancholy, It is purely vegetable, a mild laxative, and re stores the system to its natural vigor. Try Electric Bitters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaran teed. Ouly 60c. a bottle at A. Wasley'sdrug store. Are You Going to Havana 7 It will bo a lovely trip for you this winter and it can be made cheaply and comfortably. John M. Beall, District Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, 828 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa., will furnish you all information if you will write to him. Karl's Clover Boot Tea is a pleasant laxa tive. Regulates the bowels, purifies the blood. Clears tho complexion, Easy to make und pleasant to tako, 23 cts. Sold by P. I). Kirlin and a guarantee Lieut. Hobson The Hero of the " Alerrlmac," Will tell his wonderful story In three numbers of THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. This will be a full account of the sinking of the " Merrimae " at Santiago, and the experi ences of the writer and his men in Spanish. Drisons. It will be j read bv every American in the land. This is only one of many richly X Tiiitv's new Snaniih War Series. Thtsi tnen will write jarnoothtr magazine. In the No- Z verabcr Century begins CAPTAIN SIQSBEE'S STORY f Of the Destruction of the "MAINE," the arrival in Havana harbor, the insults to her captain, the explosion and wreck. The whole story of the destruction of Cervera's fleet will be told by Admirals Sampson and Schley, Captain "Bob" Evans, Captain Taylor, and others. If iMii An. nn lr TIV PtrUTI'UV in ifvW 9 you will miss the greatest reading of the year. m The November number begins the volume and baa the opening chapters of a. splendidly illus trated life of Alexander the Great, andof Marion sades. Lieut. Ilobson's articles begin in the J THE CENTURY CO., Union Square, .New York. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J M.BUKKK. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. fflce Kgnn building, corcer of Main an Centre streets, Hhenandoah. J JI. .POMKItOY, i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Bhensndntih, Pa. pitOK. JOHN JONES, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 83, Mahanoy City, P. navlng studlod under some of the boai masters Id London and Paris, will give lesaoi" on the v!olln,mandolln. gmliar and yocal culture Term, reasonable. AudreM In care of Strou. Inn leweler 8banandoh. rniLn.-cnmr-STOR?, o DEALER IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail, 2Q Wost Gentrtf Street. Followed by Heart Olteate, Cured by Oh. MILES' .HSADT CURE. 11, C. 0( snULTS, of Wintorset. Iowa, inventor anil manufacturer of Shnlts Safety WhlfflotrcO Coupling, writes of Dr. Miles' Heart Ouro. "Two years ago an attack of LaOrlppo left mo with a weak heart. I had run down In flesh to mcro skin and bono. I could not e'.ccp lying down for smothering spells; frequent sharp darting pains and palpitation caused a con stant fear of sudden death, nothing could Induce mo to remain away from homo oyer night. My local physician prescribed Dr. Miles' Heart Curo and In a fow days I was able to sleep woll nnd tho pains gradually lcssened and finally ceased. I reduced the tho dpsec, having gained fifteen pounds, and am now feeling bettor In ovory way than I hnvo for yeacs." Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a positive j guarantco, Drat bottla j benefits or money re- E iunded. Book on dis eases of tho heart and I nerves free. Address, 1U. M I LES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. p ennsylvania RAILROAD. MOHUYKII.L DIVIWON, October 4, 1898. Trains will leave Hhenandoah after Ine doo date for WIkkii, Uilberton, Fmckvtlle Dark Untnr o. rlB t. ,....! 1 1- IT i . . . . . - - - I -' , U.MTIIID. ilOIUUUIg, Avcuuinjc. Pottstown, 1'hoenlivtllo. NorrUtonrn a-d Phil. acipiu lop street station at uua ana 8 15 A. In . O no ft 1. . n nn mIt .Id... LJ t 8 15 a. m., 4 25 p. m. Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah nt 736, 11 43 a.m. and 5 40, 7 80 p. u. Sunday, .1 VI 1. Ui. MUU O ID p. III. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah (vli Frack vllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. m 5 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday 1083 a. m., 5 SO p. m. Leavo Phlladelnlita. frtrnail Htr.fc fttatlml tn. Sbcwndoah at 8 83 a. m.. 4 10 d. m. week dava. i-. Rnstorm 3 Sunday, leave at 6 60 and 9 23 a. m. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. Kxpress.week-days, 8 20, 4 04, 4 50 5 05,5 15,6 SO 7 83, 8 20, 9 50, 10 21 11 00 a. m. 12 00 noon, 12 85 (Limited ! 00 and ! 22 p. nj ,) 1 40, 2 80, 8 20, ' 3 60,4 02,5 00, 550 800, 702,7 60, 10, 12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 01, 150. 5 05, 515, ' 8-20,95, 102), 1185 a. in., 1203, 1285, 2S0, 4 02, (Limited 4 22,) 5 20, 5 68, 0 85, 7 02, 7 60, lOOUp.m., 1201 night. Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a la., week-days, and 7 60 p. m., dally. For Sea Girt, Asbury Park, Ocean Grove, Long Branch, 8 20, 1111 am, 3 80, 4 02 p m weekdays. For Lumberivllle. Koston and Scranton. G60. 9 00 a m, 12 00 upon, 3 52, 5 00 (Laiubcrtvllle and lutstoit onlyj, weekdays, anu 7ffi p m dally. Buffalo, 9 00 u ni, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 01 p in dully. ' WASHINGTON AND THK SOUTH. For Baltimore and WathlnKton. 3 60, 7 20, 8 32, 10 20, II 23, a. m., 12 09, 12 31 nit', 812, 4 41, (3 25 Congressional Limited,) 6 17. 55, 7 31 d. in., and 12 0? niirht week davs. Sundavs. 3 50, 7 20,912, 11 23, a.m., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, 1520 tjongresMionai i.imiteu,; -odd -yui p. m. ana 12 05 night. For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 a m, 2 02 and 4 01 p m week days, 5 08 and 11 16 p m dally Atlantic Coast Line, express 12 09 p m, and 12 05 night, dally. Southern Hallway, express 6 55 p m, dally. Chesapeake & Ohio Hallway, 731 p m, dally. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20 a m weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. Leave Market street wharf as follows : Ex press for New York, 9 00 a m, 4 30 p m week days, For Long Branch, via Seaside Park, 8 30 a in weekdays. For Island Heights, 830 a m and 4 00 p in weekdays. FOR ATLANTIC CITY, Leave Broad street station via Delaware river bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 05 p.m. Sundays, 920 u. in., 7 05 p. in. ' Leave Market Street Warf Express, 9 00 a m, 2 00, 4 00,5 00 p m. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m (accommodation 4 SO and 5 00 p in. For Cape May, Sea Isle City. Ocenn Clly, Avalou Stone Harbor, Anglesea, Wild wood and . Hollj Beach Express, 9 00 a ro, 4 00, p in H weekdays. Sunduys 9 00am. . ' For Somers Point Express, 9 00 a. m.. 2 00, 4 00, 5 00, p. in. week days Sundays, 9 00 and 10 00 a. ro The Union Transfer Company will call for and check baggage from hotels and residences. J. B. HuTcniMsON, J, It Wood, Gen'l Manager. Oun'l Puss'e'i; Ak Pilsner Beer. Needs no recommendation. Put up in bottles for family use and delivered at your home. Lauer's Pilsner Draught Beer Is drank by the majority of beer drinkers. They are good authority on which is best. Christ. S ;Iimidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - FA. EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking, Nn. 13 North kJardIn St. DRUNK CLEARY'S EXTRA FINE QUALITY -GINGER ALE, -ft! Superior Sarsaparilla.. and Orange Champagne. i