The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 12, 1898, Image 4

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Pound of our ise
chocolate candy assortment rilul
then tell us if you ever tasted its
equal at less than 40c. Remember
we have 40 kinds at this price. We
are also -.gents tor Lowney's pack
age candy. 60c for one pound and
30c for a Yi lb package.
Or SI. tVlaln St.
jg Houck's
y Headache
21 Cure?
A sure rure or
your money
it a trirvl.
refunded. Ulve
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Telephone Connection.
The disagreeable weather
will soon be with us and now
while you have an opportunity
purchase your rubbers for the
winter at our special prices.
Children's, - 15c per pair
Youth's, -
20c per pair
25c per pair
40c per pair
Men's, ii-"tii't.
11 South Main Street. Shenandoah,
, s'pom, prop.
Keep Your House
Wann b iwii; our Stoves,
Ranges and ! I eatt-r-. Tiim arc cheaper both
in price ami luel. We lime .1 nice selection
in stork Thev must be sold. Christmas is
rapidly approaching and we need room for our
fancj stock of holiday liiriiiturc. 'I'll fs is our
first season in the stove business, and to
thorough!) advertise it, we will sell them at
small profits.
Or upward will buy you a stove, rauge
or heater. Every one bold is accom
panied with a Guarantee. We carry
the "Oueen Cinderella." "Liberty." "Uncle
Sam's fortune." "Family Fortune," "New
fortune," "Banner." stoves and ranges. In
heaters we carry the "Ait Peninsular,'
"Empress Cinderella, ""Imperial Cinderella,'
"Liberty," "Acme," "Banner," "Mora."
Our "Peninsular" answers a three-told pur
jiose namely, u Stove, Kange or Heater.
121-123 North Main St.
To The
We advertise to draw the atten
tion of the reading public to tell
theni that we are in the optical
business, that we make a specialty
of fitting people with glasses to
correct imperfect vision. Many
people come to us because they
have read our advertisements. Also
through the recommendations of
our pleased patients. Give us a
call ; we will treat you right,
Thos. Buchanan,
118 S. Mairr Street.
KAY ud HTllAW.
Floor and Table OU Cloths.
E. B. Foley, ,T-w&tr.Bt.
OP 651C
Thoro aro cough medicines that
aro taken as freely as a drink of
water from a dipper. They are
cheap medicines. Quantity does not
make up for quality. It's tlio qual
ity that cures. There's one medi
cine that's dropped, not dipped
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. There's
more power in drops of this remedy
than in dippersful of cheap cough
syrups and elixirs. It cures Bron
chitis, Asthma, Croup, Whooping
Cough, and all Colds, Coughs, and
affections of tho Throat and Lungs.
i3 now half pkicb for the half-sizo
bottles 50 cents.
Sunday Special.
Services in the Trinity Hefunncd church
o-morrow at 10:00 n. in., and 0:30 p. in.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. liev. Hubert
O'Boylo pastor.
liegular services will be held in the United
Evangelical church, North Jaidlu street, to
morrow at 10 a. m. and U.30 p. 111. Sunday
school at 1.30 p. 111. Iiev. I. J. Iteitz, pastor.
K. L. K. on Monday evening. Prayer,
praise and testimony mcotiuss overy Tues
day, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday even
iugs. Jr. K. J.. (J. K. every Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock.
Primitive Methodist church, James Moore,
pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. aud (1:30
p. ni. Sunday school at 2 p. ui. Class meet
ing 011 Wednesday evening, (icueral prayer
meeting ou Thursday evening. Everybody
Services ill All Saints' Protestant Episcopal
church on West dak street to-morrow.
Holy Eucharist nt s a. in. Morulug prayer at
10:30. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Evening
prayer at 7 p. 111. 1 lie recior win oiuciaie
First Baptist church, corner ot Y est and
Oak streets, Hov. 1). I. Evans pastor. Services
at 10a. m. aud lip. m. Sunday school at 2p. 111
J'ruyor meeting Monday oveuiugs. minis
People's meeting Wednesday evenings.
Class meeting Thursday evenings.
Methodist Episcopal church, corner O.ik
and Whito streets. Itov. J. T. Swindells
uistor. General class meeting at U a. in., led
jv John Senior. Sermon at 10:30 11. in.
Sunday school at 2 p. iu., Dr. J. S. fallen,
Superintendent. Sermon at (1:30 p. in. Sent
free. Jiveryuouy welcome.
Calvary Baptist church. South Jardin
street. Preaching to-morrow at 10:30 a. in.
and U:30 p. m. itev. It. I. Albins, pastor.
Sabbath school at 2 p. 111., Deacon
John Bumi, superintendent. II. V. 1. U.
Tuesday evening, at 7:30. Wednesday
evening, general prayer ineeiing at,
Everybody welcome.
Services in the Presbyterian church to
morrow at 10:30 a. in. and 11:30 p. 111. Sabbath
Keliiiol at M 11. 111. Jr. 1. 1:. anil sr. 1. I-.
Tuesday evening at (1:30 and 7:30 o'clock.
Prayer and song servico 011 Thursday even
iug at 7:30. Strangers always welcome. II
W. Koehler, pastor.
St. John's Lutheran church. West Cherry
street. Itev. John (Iruliler, pastor Preach
ing, 10 a. in. ; Sunday school, 1:30 p. in.
preaching 0:30 p. m.
St. Michael's (Ireek Catholic church. West
Centiu street. Itev. Cornelius liurisiii, pas
tor. Matatinuni service 1) a.m. II lull mass
10 a. m.
Chinch of tho Holv Fiunilv. (German It.
C.) North Chestnut street. Itev. A. T. Schut-
tleuoler. pastor, r irst mass o a. 111., secoiiu
mass 10 u. m.
St. Casliuir's Polish It. C. church, North
Jardlu street. Itev. J. A. I.cuarklcwlcz,
pastor. First mass 8 a. 111., high mass 10
m vespers aud benediction 4 p. in.
Church of tho Annunciation, 218 West
Chcrrv street, ltov. II. F. O'Jteilly. pastor:
Itev James Kane, assistant pastor, first
mass, 7 a. m., second mass, 8 a. in., high mass,
10 a. m, benediction, 7 p. m.
Keheleth Israel Congregation, comer of
Oak and West streets, Itev. Henry Mit-
nik, pastor. Saturday services, 8 to Id a. 111.,
and 3 to 5 p. in. Sunday services 8 to lo a. in.
and every weekday morning from 7 to 8 a. 111.
What's the secret of happy, vigorous
hoilth'r Simply koepiug tho bowels, the
stomach, the liver and kidneys strong and
active. Burdock Blood Bitters docs it.
For a Few
Days Only !
One lot of Alpine hats, all colors, trimmed
with ribbon and cbiuc feathers, for 75 cents,
worth double ! one lot cJ( Suilor and knock
about bate, from 30 cents 11111 (ouuh Kider,
all colors, 6j cents up ; one lot oi ifrjjdren's
trimmed hats, from tl.oo upi line im
ported French bati, latest styles, from 75
cents to Q5 cents ; Gerroantown yarn, colors
Brown, Green aud Hed, only j fteiis hank j
infant's silk, wool aud velvet cohWhJwii
caps, from 25 centl up.
Mrs. J. J. Kelly,
26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
We can furnUh Repairs for all Stoves. It is
by far cheaper (Lo pair your old faithful stove
tnau to buy a new joe. If your stove
broken let u, fix u. You vll h pleased with
ine worn ana me price.
Propper ?
Cherry Pectoral
1 1 aitw ii
Henry Hlieelor and family went to St,
Clair to-day to visit friends.
Harry Waslcy left town to-day for Phila
delphia to resume his studies at the Medico
Clilrurgical College.
Benjamin Jonos has entered Wasley's
pharmacy as a student.
J. II. I'omcroy, Esq., who was confined to
his bed for sevoral wcoks by an attack of
rheumatism, is now convalescent.
Misses Manic Lynch and Maize. Connors
wero Mahanoy City visitors last evcnitig.
E. J. Johnson has been added to tho clerical
force at Wasley's pharmacy.
Miss Margaret Monaghau, a daughter of
Col. I". 11. Moniighan, of Girardvillo, was
entertained here last evening.
l'.lcctlnu Echoes
It is said Coutrollor-clcct Muhloou will ap
point his cousin, James Faddcti, of Cass
township, and ex-Postmaster Thomas
O'Connor, of Mahanoy City, as his assistants
in that ollice.
Dr. O. F. Monaghau will probably bo tho
physician at tho Almshouse, when tho Demo
cratic Boird organizes.
Alex. McCluie, of the Philadelphia Times,
says (Juay will bo re-elected.
Speaker Iiced will have 110 opposition for
re-election by the licpubllcans In Congress.
Amoug tho scattering votes ou Tuesday
wero the following: Shcuaudoah, Third ward,
Congress, S. O. M. Hollopetcr, 1 vote;
Senator, Jacob Bamberger, 2 votes. Tower
( ity, Congress, S. G. M. llollopeter, 1 vote;
Lcgislatnte, Bev.N. A. Barr.l; Wm.Scarer, 1.
E. A. Van Valkcnberg claims that the
Legislature is nnti-Quay.
The Daily Itepubllcan is so cruel as t ask
Bruium to resign.
Ilrumiu and ltyan received an equal num.
ber of votes In Ashland.
Politicians say that tho saloon keepers of
Girardvillo tako tho cake for holding up
candidates during a political campaign.
Jcnks carried Mahanoy City, aud Swallow
had more votes in that town than Stone.
Ashland gave Judge Marr a very compli
mentary vote, hut Pottsvlllo didn't do as
much for Judge Koch.
It is expected the appointment of a sue
ccssor to County Commissioner Meyers' will
bo made soon. Ex-oiincilmau A. 11. Lamb's
name is mentioned in this connection, and ho
would inako a good 0110.
It is rumored that David M. Graham will
contest the election of John F. iliggins, tho
successful candidate for Senator. Tho latter
received a majority of 510, not including tho
soldier vote, which will materially reduce
these figures. Irregularities in this town
and at other places has caused the fricuds of
Mr. Graham toadvisoa coutestatllarrisburg,
but whether ho will consent to do so is not
It is stated that Poor Director-elect ITorgau
will try aud secure tho appointment of ox
Poor Director David Gorman, of Mahanoy
City, as night watchman at thu almshouse.
E. W. Shoemaker, Esq , of town, will be
among the candidates for appointment as ouo
of the Deputy District Attorneys.
Injured at the Washery,
Tim. Carlin, of Itappahannock, employed
at the Bertolott washery near Glrardville,
was badly injured ou Thursday. He was
standing ou the shakers when some ouo
gavo tho signal to start tho machinery going.
The engineer, not awaro of Carliu's danger,
set tho machinery in motion and Carlin was
caught in tho moving machinery. Ono of
his legs was badly crushed and bruised, and
he wai 'bruised aud cut in soveral places
about the body. Internal injuries doveloped
after lie was taken homo, and ho may not re-
All kinds of vegetables aud flowor seeds
and plants at Payno's nursories, Girardvillo.
Electric cars pass tho door. n-(I-tr
Two Moro Soldiers Sick.
Two more Schuylkill county soldiers were
admitted to tho Pottsvlllo hospital hist even
ing from Camp Meade. Thoy uio Coiporals
P. J. Curley aud Patrick Ileenan, both of St
Clair and members of Company K. The
former was formerly a resident of Shenan
doah and is well and favoiably known here
They aro suffering from malaria, but are not
i-criously ill. The Eighth liegimciit leaves
Camp Meado to-uiorrow for Augusta, Gu., in
four sections.
A l'latterliii; Offer.
Georgo B. Hadesty, of tho Ashland P. & It
C. A I. Co engineer corps, well known here
has been tendered a very desirable, position
by tho Lehigh & Wilkcs-lUrre Coal Co., at
Audeuried, where ho will have full charge of
the company's mining operations lu that
Hold if ho accepts. Ho is holding the ques
tion under consideration.
Washery Iteslliueil.
The Stoddard coal washery at Gllhertou,
which was destroyed by lire about three
months ago, resumed work yesterday, cm
ploying about 100 hands. Tho washery was
rebuilt by Christ Bros, on a turgor scale and
with all the latest improvements.
Lyon-Dunn Contest.
Another chapter of the Lyon-Dunn Or
uhaiis' judgeship contest court will bo opened
on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. It Is ex
pectcd that all three of the Judges will bo
piesout and a number of important decisions
will bo handed down.
Two Men Itadly Injured.
Edward Baglan, a miner, and his butty,
Ucorgu Lane, both residents of Ashland,
were badly injured by tho explosion of a shot
in a breast at tho Bast colliery Thursday
night. Ilraglan got the full forco of the shot
iu the face and breast, aud may lose his
light. Lane also suffers painful injuries.
Advertised Letters.
Letters addressed to the following named
leoplu remain uncalled for at tho local post-
ofllco : Victor Wlest, Max Hooper. Unas
Dauant, Esq., Mr, Mouldowuey, Edward
Stiuson, J. 11. Williams.
JJ. W. HBDEA, 1". Mi
Coining Wedding.
Next Wednesday a very pretty wedding
will bo celebrated at Ccntralia, tho contract
iug parties being Michael Whitaker, of
Honey Brook, and Miss Mary Shaugliuessey,
of Ccntralia.
A Councilman's Complaint,
Tho condition of the Mahanoy City lock
up has been called to the attention of the
Statu Board of Health. It is alleged that
tho action is duo to piquo on the part of
Councilman Fisher, of that towu, because
the Borough Council refused to adopt steel
cells for tho placo.
Child's Leg lliiiken.
Stiney Goodnich, 8-year-old boy of Maha.
nor City, sustained a fracture of the right
leg yesterday and was bent to the Miners'
hospital. Tho hoy lumped upou a plunk
WHICH uroKO uuu niri!)Y jyiy iy m biuumu
Another Factory Secned.
The Board of Trade of Mahanoy City has
accented a proposition of llersker Co
that tnarn. to altera building owpod by th
company nmj juake it a suitable substitute
fur tho shirt fatUofy usiroyc.u oy ure ibh
Trains Ilr,oiitliluyl.
fl.anrrrs will bo luado to-morrow in the
train herlxaJWV,er .the Lehigh Valley railroad
Tim Lniln wblcn Jl-Jt nazieion ui ,
tnr Hiimoiudoah has Lflu discontinued, us has
alto tjiatraju leaving tfey Jfojlc auu arri
lut ity lie at J2:M P.M. auil Llio .on
Wvlin? the later Place at .4:1 p. m. iieeo
Ukjsn ott. TJiere hv teen flight cjjaugiy
iu the schedule on (thU division.
The Colllee fffft Wet.
The!' & It. collieries worked flvi bree-
iirier ilavu this week, slid are s:ue4uUal t
the same number of days uest week. TWa
depends, however, upon the supply qt cam
ll(lponlllg Throughout the Country
Ohrnnlnlml for Hasty Veronal.
The omployes at St. Nicholas wero paid
Head the church announcements and attend
dlvlno service to-morrow.
Business Is picking up slnco tho weather
hocamo moro seasonable
Meredith Post, G, A. It., at Frackvllle, will
bo Inspoctod Wednesday evening.
Thieves got flOO worth of goods from
Wilson H. Frcod's stoto In South Alleutown.
Tho Pennsylvania liallrond Company will
pay out $1,000,000 in dividends 011 the 30th
Peter Cuff, of town, was temporary em
ployed at tho DeCourt Hotel, Pottsvlllo, this
Tho omplovos of tho P. A K.. railroad at
Mahanoy Plane and vicinity will be paid 011
tho 23d lust.
S01110 7,000,000 ton of coal aro anuually
used in the United Kingdom 111 the mauu
factuiu of pis.
Little John Konshiict, of Honey Brook,
Luerno county, lost a hand by playing witli
li dynamite cap.
Meiciiandlse valued at fS00 was carted
away by thieves from tho Globe clothing
store, at Lebanon.
Harry Campbell, of Wilkesbarre, who
trains Michael Salmon In his races, has pur
chased a hotel In that city.
Bishop Talbot has offered bis personal
check for $400 toward building a new Episco
pal church at Mt. Carmol.
Company M, Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment,
was yesterday mustered out of tho United
States sorvice at Gettysburg.
It Is rumored that Kev. W. C. Davis, pastor
of tlio Congregational church at Mluersvillo,
will seek other fields of labor.
Handling a revolver in play, ymiUK John
llciser, or Lebanon, accidentally wounded
Paul Soibort, a companion, in tho hoad.
Tho postmaster at Pottsvlllo sold 15,000
one-cent stamps In the past six weeks, tho
political campaign causing tho increase.
lho iork Farm colliery will coutluue to
work lull time next week. Tho Heading
collieries will work five days, if cars are sup
plied. Tho Lackawanna county Grand Jury has
indicated two boys for mutilating n Ameri
can flag, iu violation of au act of Assembly
of 1807.
Soveral loaded ears at Jlauch Chunk
crashed through an inspector's shanty, kill
ing August Mahror aud soriously Injuring
Valentino Wagner.
A baud car 011 which eleven men wero rid
ing was stuck hv a train near Oaletown.
otter county, aud Georao Eirard. one of
thum, was killed.
Iho School Directors of Houesdalo have
begun a bitter crusado against cigarette
lealors of that place who- have beon selliug
thorn to school children.
Michael McDonald, of Homesville. was
aiufully burned about the head aud body by
explosion of gas at East Bear ltidgo
ollicry nt Mahanoy Piano.
Andrew Carnegie was last night tho guest
f honor at tho annual banquet of the Pitts
burg Chamber of Commerce, hi which BOO
ero seated around tho tables.
Michael Pnhula. John Orawicz and Itev
osepb Kasparok havo been appointed as a
committee to solicit subscriptions for the new
Slavish Bomaii Catholic church.
Governor Hastings has granted a resulto
ntil January 5 to Zenas Anderson, of Al
legheny county, who was to havo been
atigcd November 23.
Brakcman William Dovlo. of Eastou.
failed iu thu attempt to leap on a passing
Lehigh Valley train, and, falling under the
wheels, was fatally injured.
Despite an attempt to keep the matter
secret, it lias leaked out that a box containing
5000 postal cards was recently stolen from the
wiiiianisport post ofllco.
The Rending Archdeaconry of tho Euis-
opai ciuireli will meet 111 the church of the
Holy Apostles. St. Clair, next week. A large
attendance of ministers is expected.
Miss Hose Camp, daughter of tlio ox-
Burgess of Mt. Carmol, died from the effects
f an operation iu u Philadelphia hospital.
liuito a number ol foreigners from this
region aro returning to their homes in the
old country.
rho bchieder Bros, have withdrawn from
the wholesale grocery huso of J. H. Golser
& Co., of Mt. Carinel. aud will embark iu
the business themselves.
Supt. Mercur, of tho Ccntralia district of
the Lehigh Valley Coil Co., will report for
luty December 1st, his regiment having bceu
mustered out.
Diphtheria relieved in twenty mluutes
Almost miraculous. Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric
Oil. At any drug storo.
Church Notices.
Mrs. J. Jeffrey Evaus, of Bangor, North
ampton couuty, will preach In the Welsh
Congregatfoual church ou Sunday, at 10
u. m. and (1 p. m. Both Bermons iu English.
All aro welcome.
Services lu tho I'. M. church to-morrow,
Morning subject, "Tho Sabbath a Divlno
Iiibtitiitiou." Sunday school at 2 p. m.
veiling subject. "The Faithful Wariiinu of
Holy Writ Against Sin In High Places."
Owing to the absonco of the pastor, the
pulpit ot tlio Trinity Reformed church wll
ho occupied to-morrow morning aud eveniug
by William S. Fisher, a student from the
theological seminary at Laucaster, Pa. Hoth
services will
bo conducted in tho English
ur, nuns uougu .Njrnp will rid you
of a cold moro quickly thau any other known
reuiedy. Don't let a cold go as It comes fur
you may endanger your life. Price 25 cts.
Murrluge Licenses.
Ethan A. Hampton and Carrie Elizabeth
Hummel, both of Frackvllle t Wilson T,
Oddt and Kntlo Alios Kocher, both of West
Peun township; Hurley W. Turnbacb and
Phoobe H. Bittler, hoth of Shcppton ; John
Gruznuski, of Shenandoah, and iiarhora
Alnieralcziute, of Mahanoy City; Joseph
Fowicki und Bryglta Stanlowlcz. both of
Shenandoah ; Kuaimicrz Sczipau and Win
cetita Zabowicz, both of Shenandoah ; John
Cooper and Mlnniu Cole, both of Mahanoy
City; William Bittlo and Lulau Saylor, hoth
of Schuylkill Haven; Albert Thomas and
Annie Judd, both of Gllhertou; Lucaci
Karesmarik and Mary Fcdlsh, both of Mc
Adoo. Cutliollo Parsonage Iturglarled.
About onu o'clock yesterday morning three
masked men gained eutrance to the Catholic
parsonage at Ccntralia, aud covering Iter,
Hayes, the priest In charge, with their re
volvers compelled him to open the safe.
They secured $15, and in the room of the
assistant priest procured a gold watch aud
$70 in money. The. housekeeper awoke and
called for ussUtauce, and after firing onu
shot at her the burglars made their escape.
Thoy are unkuowu aud have not been cap
Ifeed Itecuriled.
Deeds fur the following real estate transfers
wire filed for record ; William Wici)er u'pd
wife to Lloyd W. Ilatnptop, premises in
Yorkville; Christian Schrosder and wife to
Joseph lloche, premises Ju Ashland: Charles
Jf, Wetse ct al, io Mary Auu Wetzel et 'al.,
prcroUu jf jL'otta vlfle; lienjamin .Sykcs to
AuUiony utelis, premises In (lirardville;
OauleJ F;' (lr,Cf to ' fjlehard -p. Qrtep,
premises in Harry township.
Fire I Fire I HreJ
Insure your property from loss in tho
ldest (tn.d frooges.t cash companies ; l'hila,
UoderwrUers fnsurun.c.o ,Co. pf Norih
America aud Vhf Aesoiatiou, JIartford
Pirn Ins. Co.. American Fire Insurance Co..
West (Jhpstef pift Ins. Ct., United Firemen's
Ilia. Co. i. i . iviw.ims,
m 0. Jardin Si., heuu.Ju(li
The forecast for Sundays Fair, warmof
weather, with light westerly winds, becom
ing Tarlshlo In Iho eastern districts, but
northeasterly lu tho western districts.
Dentils mid Kunerats.
Mngglo, wife of Thomas Luskin, of East
Centra strcot, died last night after an Illness
of several months. She is survived by hor
husband and five children.
E. J. Fry, au old und respected resldont of
Tiunaqua, died on Thursday ulght. Since
1S05 bo had been president of the First
National Bank, of Taiuauua. Since 1801 ho
has been an Invalid. Ho was a member of
tho Masonic fiatcrnlty. Ills funeral will
take plaeo on Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Tho leuiainiiof Martin I-unibcrt, who died
at Pueblo, Colorado, last Tuesday, will arrlvo
In town to-night, They will ho accompanied
bv tlio widow and family, and John Lambert,
a brothor. The funeral will tike placo at 3:30
o'clock to-morrow alternoou, from tho rest
deuce of the deceased's tnothor, .Mrs. George
Lambert, 201 Eist Lloyd street. Services
will bo held in thu Annunciation church and
tho remains will be interred in tho parish
Goranumns. fuchsias, pansles, daises, roses
etc., for spring planting at Payno's nurseries,
Girardvillo. Tuberose mid gladiolus liullis
'Wrecks Iiiiiiimcriitile.
During tho past two weeks wrecks on tho
Lehigh Valley havo been so numerous that it
seems liko an old story to tho oiuctais wnon
over one is reported. Theso wrecks, whlli
not duo to negleganco, aro nevertheless vory
expenslvo to the lallroad company. During
tho past ten days no less than twenty wrecks
navo occurred.
lliirehlll Discharged.
Howard Burchlll, a popular young man of
Mahanoy City, well known hero, has secured
his hotiorablodlschargelrom Uo. L, Sin itegt ,
Pa. Vol.. on the ground of ill health. Tho
voiintr man met with sumo opposition, and It
was necessary for him to undergo a medical
.xHinlnatiun beforo tho discharge was
root nun.
Tlio Star foot ball team, of town, will play
a game with a Mahanoy City team at the
Trotting nark to morrow afternoon. The
game will ho called at 3 o clock.
l'lre Alarm Tup.
Jack Frost, or some unknown agency,
caused a tap 011 tho lire alarm bell this morn
ing. .
A Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds.
That's what Pau-Tlna is, 23c. AtGruhler
Bros., drugstore.
Vlnloii Strlf.ors Mny Cotiuiromlso.
Virden, Ills., Nov. 12. Indications
point to a settlement between tho
striking miners und the Virden Coal
company. Edward uantll, president oi
the miners' union, has left for Chi
cago In response to a telegram from
T. C. Loucks, president of the coal
.lupnn'N Now Mliilstor Arrlvos.
San Francisco. Nov. 12. Jutaro Kor
moru, the newly appointed minister
from Japan to the United States, has
arrived with his suite, en route to
Washington. He Is a graduate of the
Harvard law school. He says that
Japan is satisfied with the steps this
country Is taking In the Philippines.
LAMHEUT. On tho 8th Inst., ot Pueblo, Col..
Martin Lambert, nged 33 years. Kunerol will
WKe place on ouiiuiy, i.tu
from the residence of Mrs. George Lambert,
M Hast Lloyd street. Services In tho Annun
ciation church and interment In the parish
Relatives and friends ore respectfully invited
to attend. "
fl Beautiful Home
Is life's most pleasing com
fort. We will give you much com
fort for little money. A comfort
pmll? isour FU RN ITU RE.
i o-cmy we. have been busily en
gaged in replenishing our stock.
We have a new line ol tuning room
furniture, chairs, sofas, couches
and settees in large varieties. We
are the cheapest dealers.
And you may need a stove, rauge
or heater. We have now several
carloads in stock, which is the
largest in the county. We repre
sent the' Buckwalter Stove Com
pany, the largest and oldest estab
hshed firm in America. We can
sell you cheaper than other dealers
who buy one and two on an order.
A guarantee accompanies every
purchase. Money refunded if not
123 and 131
South Main Street.
For good and cheap shoes at the lowest
prices, go to the
Near Jardin St. 33 West Centre Street,
Morgan's Bazar,
V Jf. GnAi)0SKYf prop.
919 tJT, Centre Ht., 1'otUville, l'a.
Pine old Whiskeys, O I lis and Wines, at the bur,
'A choice line ot Clisars ulid "feiiiper-
i,.j..i u
UI.VD f'l,.,
erpmmodiUlons for travelers.'
Myals at all hours,
Every man has an idea of the sort of Overcoat he 3
wants, and we have an idea of the kind of Over- 3
coat every man wants. We have studied the 3
Overcoat problem from a practical standpoint, 3
combined with correct styles and elegance each 2
season for a number of years and by a close 3
observation have reduced the art of bringing out 3
8 just the right things in overcoats to a dead moral 3
C: certainty. Now is the time to call and inspect zs
5 our stock. 3
5 In large quantities. Our stock for Men, Boys
SEE and Children cannot be surpassed.
s 3
s The Reliable Clothier, 10 and 12 S. Main St. 3
E 3
No. 1 S9 Sr.
Terminus of the Schuylkill
FOlt HUNT. Dwelling house, with nil ton
venlences. with good locution, for rent.
Apply ot this olllee tf
FOIt HAI.H A farm of nhout lOnores within
three ond ni f-holf inlleH of Shenandoah.
Oooia duelling house, excellent out hulld n.
Apply to T. It. Eeduoll, hheliandoali l'a. tf
Olt SAI.K Voluahlo Shenondouh property,
ccntrnllv locnted oil OolC street, with 111!
modern conveniences. Btore room and woding
and linue on the rear. For further Information
opply ot this ofllco. tf
"TjIOU SAI.I2. Two pool tables In kooiI condl
Jj tlon. Cmi be bought very reasonable.
Apply to Anthony Bchmtcker, 100 South Main
street tf
"YTOTIC15. Desirable properties for sale.
1 1 ri v 10 a. u. iu. iiouoneier.
li Kstato. Hy virtue of tho authority vested
In tli., umleraliriied Kxecutora of the estute of
Lawrence Hingley, late of the township of
North Union, In the county oi ncnuyiKin,
Pennsylvania, deceased, the sold executors will
expove to pulillc sale, upon the premises of suld
JdlWrcIlCtl dllKICj, uctuncu, 't. uiiiuiu.,;,
Noveinher 20, lays, ot 10 o'clock In tlio forenoon,
the following voluohle property : AU that
certain farm, messuage andtroctof land known
hi ljiwrcnco Sinidey homestead, .Hunted iu
North Union township, Schuylkill eountv,
Pennsylvania, about three miles west ot Nur
emburi;, upon the public road leading from the
licrwickand 1'ottavllle state roiul, intcrstitlug
with the public road, known as the Miiiiui
vIIIr rond bounded bv lands of lienlamin
II. HlnL-lov. Husanno Ureiscb. (leorce
K. Krontz. Wesley Pettlt. John Tainer ond
others: and aontainlne about 129 acres, with alt
necessarv bulldines and modern improvements:
and id one of the most valuable und desirable
forms, in said North Union township. Terms
of snh-s Ten Der cent, of rrko bid to be poid
down on day of sole, and balance on or before
April 1, lsyj, wunout interest. Any ucsireu in
formation regarding Bold property may be had
hv cullimr unon or addressing the undersigned
Kxcciiturs, .Ion's Grove, ln . or their Attorney,
H. 11. Ju. llollopeter tJiienanuouu, ra.
John Hiniiley,
Stephen Binpiv,
Oct. 25. 1808. 10-29-5-12-10
O Select your garment from up-to-date styles.
We have the right goods here and a large
variety to select from al the right prices.
Ladles' Coats, $2,50, $3.00, $5.00, $6.00.
$8.00, $9.00 to $16.00.
ltjren's Goats. $J.50 to $7.50.
fur Cojlarettes, $1.50 to $15.00.
Our stock of dress goods has no equal. You
will find here a large assortment of plain and
fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic at bar
gain prices.
Our place-is headquarters for lace curtains,
blqnkei, carpets, rugs, e(c. -oolc through
our Ijpe on second (foof one get prices.
Jlutterjck paper patterns, best In the world,
sold by ts.
A Contented Woman
Isshe who has her wail ,'id ceilings decorated
from our latest designs ond rich colors In wall
pnper. We hove a complete line of exquisite
tints ond shades, In the most o-tlstlc combina
tion and patterns, ond we will decorate our
home (rum kitchen to attic at a reusouablu
224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Jewelry Store,
Jewelry, Silverware, Musical
Instruments, Optical Goods.
IN1 a In Street,
Traction Company's Railway.
Day Clock for $2.75.
Month Only.
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Leave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
Gasoline, Oil,
Wagon Grease,
Gasoline, Oil Stoves.
We make a specialty of
gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon
lots, delivered. Mica and U. S.
axle grease. Also headlight oil,
150 fire test.
No. 143 East Coal Street, Shenandoah, l'eiiua
Moll orders promptly attended to.
One Block of Nine
Situated on West Coal street, Shenandoah. The
property entire Is WVA feet front ond TO feet
deep. Koch bouse lias a frontage ot 12Jj feet
by 20 feet deep, with kitchen 10 by 14 feet; all
aro two stories, six rooms, tin roof. They liavo
Just been thoroughly repaired, newly painted
and puiiered, and new sills, outhouses and coot
houses constructed. Tliese properties ure
Either as a wholo or separately and on reason
able terms. For further Information opply to
Cleanses and beautifies the skin.
Kemoves dandruff and humors
from the scalp.
Dusto's Tonsorial Parlors,
Ferguson House Block,
To Buyers )
Come direct from New York and Philadelphia.
we nuyin larir
srire quantities and sell at small
profits. Our prices are the lowest in town.
Rhlllp Yaroweky,
Tho Rosy Freshness'
And a velvety softness of the skin is tova
riably obtained br tbofe w ho use Ponom's
Uonipleziou 1'owder.
WM, R. 1'RA.TT, 333 S, Jordia 61