i -wKii'-arf-Bt'ffti rn'i EVENING HERALD KSTAItMSHKI) 1870. Published every KventnR, Kxcept Sundny, M ft Bo cm Jahdik Htukhtt, Nrar Cknthk. Thr llcraM 1 ileHvMrd In Shenandoah and the MiirroutHiitw lo a- fr ilx c utfl n week, pay llv malt 43.00 a rear, or 25 iaybleln Advance. Advertise menU charged according lo space and position. The. publishers reserve the rlht to chanj-e the po-mion of advertlsemenU whenever the pul- I'tivtlo-j of new. demands II. The rlnlit la 1 teaerved to wtMauy advertisement, whether paid forot nut, trust Uie publishers may deem I 'proper. Advertising rate made known uoon aimllcatlon. Kutertnl at the pottofllre at Shenandoah, la., ai second cliuta mall matter. TKMCPHONK CONNECTION 'All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald SATURDAY. NOVKMUEK 12. 1898. 01) II COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. Coal Strike In South Wales. The United States Consul at Cimliir, "Wales, Mr. Daniel T. Phillips, Kives the followiiif,' nceount of the Welsh coal strike : The strike Of the South Wales coal miners, which beanon the 1st of last April, was caused by the failure of the Coal M asters' Association to ae cede to the demands of the miners for increased wajjes. Attempts were made, from time to time, during the course of the strike, to adjust these differences, but without success. The employers from the first refused to submit to arbitration the matters in dispute, and offered the men an 8 percent, sliding scale- that is to say, an advance of 8? per cent, upon what is termed the standard basis of 1807, for every shilling advance In the price of coal with 5 per cent, advance upon the rate of wages paid up to the end of March last U2J per cent, above the standard;, and equivalent to 17 per cent, above the standard wage. The operatives rejected this offer and asked for a minimum wage of 22j per cent, above the standard referred to. Sympathy with the workmen and their friends was manifested to a great extent throughout the country on the part of the trades unions, and thus close upon 750,000 people were kept from starvation. The terrible suffering can hardly be exaggerated; but, strange to say, no scenes of violence were witnossed in uny part of the coal field. Welsh miners in this respect are unrivaled. Yet, one of their leaders has this week been sentenced to two months' imprisonment with hard labor for or ganising u procession having for its object the intimidation of a few "blacklegs" in connection with a col liery dispute prior to the strike. Oreat indignation is evidently felt among the workmen; but they con tent themselves with adopting con stitutional means of directing tlio at tention of the Home Secretary to the desirability Of reducing the sentence with what result remains to be seen. The effects of the strike are far reaching. All the naval coal supplies were obtained in this district, and, owing to the scarcity, tlio Dritish ad miralty abandoned the naval review this year; and the channel ileet being in need of fresh supplies, other coal is now being tested, and the best of this will be chosen for naval purposes forthwith. The coaling stations throughout the world ure affected, and in some instances are said to be almost depleted. Inland, not only have the pri es of other coals ad vanced, but great inconvenience is experienced, i-specially in London, in consequence of the volumes of smoke emitted wherever steam power is used ; and the uewspapprs report convictions in the police court against steahi-pdcUct owners and odiArs, on the score of having created nuisances. In this way, an opportunjty haB he'ehaffor'de'd'fo'r the introduction of Pocahdhtas' coal into London, and the making of coal contracts with American shipping linns. A sailing vessel has just cleared at this consu late in ballast for Norfolk, Va to loail a cargo of coal for Australia. Tlie workmen employed handed over their 20 per cent, advance o wages to the strike relief fund, and thus aided considerably In prolong ing the struggle. The ports' most af fected were Cardiff and Newport, and whereas before the strike commenced a number of .steumers called here for bunker sunnlies en route for the United States, comparatively few iCatarrhCured Fullness In the Head and Ring Ing in the Ears Bettor In Every Way Slnco Taking Hood's Sarsaparllla. " For several years I had no cessation of th suffering caused by catarrh. I had a sense of fullness in the head and ringing in my tars. One of my nostrils was tightly closed so I could not breathe through it, and I could not clear my head. I tried several catarrh cures, but failed to get relief. Seeing accounts of cures by Hood's Barsaparilla I determined to give it a fair trial. After taking a few bottles I was sathifled it had effected a cure, for the catarrh no longer troubled me a par tlcU and' I felt better in every way than (or years'. I am now able to do a hard day's work ou the farm." Alpsied E. Yinbt, oernerstown, Pennsylvania, Hood's Sarsa parllla Ii tho ,tJt ! fact the One True Blood 1'mlfier. gold by J intgliU. ' 1 1 tlx foYtt. u Differ easy to bur, easy to take nOOa S flllS eajy to operate, tia. ' fa, Baby's . we: means pain, danper and '- possiDlo death for soma wives, means For others it '; practicallv no ' fortat all. tliero ",' 4 disco tnfortat is no reason wllV child ttirtll should be U period of ...i.. . Ii11,.ir i:.. ol IKlllinnu WUUl. O0V. It iSD liniment to bo a p plied ex turnnlly. It relaxes tlio mil ti enu months betoro a woman becomes a mother she should prepare herself for tlio critical ordeal. Tliero isaprepaia tion made, which U , intended for tliifl purjioso alouo. Tho namo of tins wonderful preparation is des nnd ro lieves t)lc distension givesehisticl' ty to every organ con corned in childbirth, and takes away all dangor and nearlv iill suffer ing, best results follow if the remedy ia used during the wholo poriod of preg nancy. It is tho only remedy of tho kind in the world that is endorsed by physicians. $1 perbottloat all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. , T, Friend. talning invaluablo in formation for all women, will bo sent to any ad dress upon application to The Bndfletd Regulator Co., Atlanta, Ga. have done so since the strike begun. The great strike came to an end September 1, 1808, by the miners ac cepting the masters' terms. Although nothing appears to have been gained by the miners, too much praise can not be given them on account of their excellent behavior, notwithstanding their great sufferings during the long strike. It is estimated that the cost to the collieries lias been 0,000,000. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature Xnw York'-. f!aniliel todcncral Allies. New York, Nov. 12. Tho compli mentary banquet given to Major Gen eral Nelson A. .Miles, commanding the United States army, at the Waldorf Astoria last night in point of numbers, extensive preparation nnd brilliancy, rivalled the great banquet given last year In honor of President llcICinley by the merchants and rrfiTmifncturers of the country. The leading profes sions, military, naval and business men of the country were represented "CO guests being present. All of the sec ond tloor ol the Astoria portion of the hotel was utilized for the diners. The grand banquet hall was too small and mall tables were set In the adjoining rooms. J lie banquet hall itself was a marvel of beauty. The galleries and balconies were artistically draped with the national colors In silk. The ar rangements of the decorations over the table at which sat the guests of honor were superb. A Few Pointers. The recent statistics of the number o deaths show that the large majority die with consumption. Has disease may -commence with an apparently harmless cough which can cured instantly by Kemp's balsam for the Throat aud Lungs, which is guaranteed to cure and relieve all cases. Price 25 and 50c. Sold by all druggists ; ask for a free sample O-day. IIluirluH lrotp-qN (iumou Kloctlon. Krie. I'a.. Nov. 12. In court yester- ilay Attorney lllgby Hied a formal pro test on behalf of .Mr. George Hlgglns, Republican candidate for congress, who was defeated on the face of the re turns, agamst the count of the votes n the Klrt and Second wards of the city of Corry. lie alleges mat the election boards were nut organized ac cording to law, that they received the votes of persons not entitled to vote, that they received the votes of minors, did not attend to their duty, closed tho polls during the hours they must be open, and allowed persons to be present In the booths and talk to voters. To Cure a Cnlil In O110 Day Take Laxative Uromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fails to cure, 25c. The genuine 1ms L. B. Q. ou each tablet. tf Morn (.'uhnu Prisoners From Collta. San Juan de Porto Itlco, Nov. 12. The Spanish steamer Isla de Penay, from Cadiz, arrived here yesterday with 292 Cuban political prisoners on board bound for Havana. The prisoners left the African penal settlement of Ceuta on Oct. 28. and left Cadiz on the 30th They have served sentences of from two to three years' Imprisonment, and were given emigrant accommodations on the Isla de Penay. On board that vessel they were constantly kept under guard of Spanish soldiers. The Isla da Pnnny Is due to arrive at Havana on Nov. IS. Our Manila Solclliirs' Christmas, Washington. Nov. 12. The 17th of the present month will be the last date upon which the folks at homo may send Christmas presents to the soldiers In Manllu through government agency. The quartermaster's department has charteied a steamer, which will leave San Kranelsco on that date, and this will he the last steamer to reach Man ila bef.-re Christmas, Persons wish ing' to forwuid goods to friends In the army In Manila must cause the same to be delivered free of charges to the depot quartermaster at San Francisco, properly directed. Admiral soliloy llonm Again. New York. Nov. 12. The United States cruiser Newark, In command of Commander Caspar V. Goodrich, and flying the Hag of hear. Admiral W. 8. Schley, arrived yesterday from San Juun, Porto Illco, from which port she suited or) Nov. 6, On board the New urk with Hear Admiral Schley were his staff. The rear admiral had with him the report of the Porto Itlco evacuation commission to the president. Hear Admiral Schley sald tiitt Porto Itico had a great future, and has advantages fully equal to Cuba's. VI II . .J I m ' 'iiirkiWrrl'i FiNAHfifiANIi TRAnfi, Only One Month In tho Notion's HI tor.v Ciumtlcil Oetofier'H lliiHlneH. New Turk. Nov. 12. Bradstreet's wrekly tevlew of trade says: While the Inlluelirn of the elections ami of un favorable weather has been such as to trinpninilly induce the volume of cur rent tiadu tho Innate strength of tho general trade situation Is shown by the V"ry satisfactory reports received as to bank clearings, railroad earnings, prices and other measures of business uVxt'loptui'iit. As Is well known for pome time past, the Iron trmja. has been mi her bare of new business and the desire to see the elections over before i.ew contracts were made has been fre quently expressed. It Is. therefore, a BlRtilllcant feature that this week more Inquiry Is to be reported for pig Iron, and although new orders are not as yet numerous tins root Itself is an encour aging one, particularly as a further gain In production during October Is re ported. In the steel trade there Is lather more anxiety for new business, and some price shading to secure It Is reported. The mainstay of the allied Industries at present Is undoubtedly the Immense export demand, which is taxing the available fi eight room capacity to ac commodate, and, with the strength abroad, is likely to furnish a needful outlet the coming winter. The cereal markets have been quite steadily held, notwithstanding the subsidence of the war talk and less active foreign de 'mand, pointing to Hie strength of the statistical position of most grains. It. O. Dun & Co.'s review says! The country has sufely passed the trial of "off year" elections. Before this elec tion .everything except political uncer tainties favored business enlargement. The volume of trade has been the greatest ever known In October and the greatest ever known in any month ex cept December, 1832. WME. DREYFUS' PLEA. Permission toComiuuntciiUt with Her UusbiiiKI Brutally ltejcctcd. Paris, Nov. 12. lime. Dreyfus, It Is said, applied at tho olllce of the colonial minister yesterday for permission to send her husband some warm clothing for his return home. Her request was refused on the ground that the gov ernment would do whatever was neces sary. At the same time tho authorities read to her a letter from her husband to the effect that, having for five months addressed appeals for revision to Gen eral De BolFdef.'re without getting any reply, and b Ing wearied and exhaust ed by his useless appeals, he would write no more to his family or to any body, lie described himself as ill and ilylnr. and bequeathed to the "gener osity of my country the care of re habilitating my memory." :ime. Dreyfus then asked permission to telegraph her husband the decision of the court of cassation. This request also was refused. Then, through a friend, she appealed to President Faure, but with no better result. Her counsel will in Ing the matter before the court if cassation. HOW TO FIND OUT. Fill a bottle or common glasss with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours a sediment or settling indicates an unheal thy condition of the kidneys ; if it stains your linen if is evidence of kidney trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys ind bladder are out of order. WHAT TO HO. Tlieie is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swainp- Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wisli in curing rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passages. It corrects inability to bold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Swamp-Koot is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing case;, if ynu need a medicine you should have the best. At druggists fifty cents or one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, if you send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Uinghamton, N. Y. When writing be sure and mention that you read this generous offer in the Shenandoah Herald. AMnssneliiisotisKxplosloiiKUlw l'our, Hanover, Mass.,' Nov. 12. Fire In the general store of C. A. Stearns yesterday was followed by a terrific explosion, which blew out the sides of the build ing, killing four men. The dead are; Michael Hubert Sylvester, Edgar Ad ams, C. A. Peterson and C. T. Tolman. Over a doz-n were Injured, principal among them being C. A. Stearns, the proprietor of the store, who had, one arm and one leg broken, his shoulder cruslu d and considerable burns about the body. Towmi's Dol'eat Conceded. Duluth, Minn., Nov. 12. The fusion congressional committee concedes C, A. Towne's defeat. Heturns from Cook county ndd 19 to Morris' ma Jorlty, which so far Is C21, against 710 two years ago. Three precincts In St. houls county are unknown, as the Judges fulled to duplicate the returns, Ilesults from these precincts and from several still missing In Cass and Bel trami counties will Increase Morris' majority. A Ilemfirlcalilo'Curo. Mr. Alexander Sloore, a reliable busi ness man, of 1230 S. 13th St., Philadel phia, Pa., says: "I contracted a violent cold which settled all over uie. The pain in my chest and side was excruci- nunir. me doctor save nie meuiciuc and blistered juv side, but I only Krew worse, Then you j;ave me a bottle of liraztnau iiaini, 1 nan nine or no laun 111 it. hut decided to try it. I took i or 4 tfood doses before bed time, aud rubbed it well over my blistered side. That night I slept like a top my first good rest for over n week aud uwoke in the iiioniiiiir cured. Brazilian Balm is siuv ply invaluable." Shenandoah drug store, wholesale agents A Spoody Torpedo Boat 'lcslroynr. SaqFrancisoo, Nov. ,12. The torpedo boaftlestVoyer Farragut has made what will probably be her Jlnu! trial trip," Sh? uteamed at full speed for an hour without a single hitch and ac compllslu-d the tusk laid out for her on the spei Ideations In which she, was built. She Is a little fuster than 30 knots, but Just how much will not he known until the report "of the trial board has been submitted to Wush 1 lugtoii, How's Your..CoueJU I'au-Tlua cures it, S3c. AtOruhW Bros., drug slum. .wia.-.,Y,:rtai .-.aetata; ivm-a. ROBUST MANHOOD Strong Bodies and Vigorous Nerves Always Make Successful Men. Dr. Greene's Nervura Blood and Nerve Rem edy Insures the Greatest Power, Strength and Vigor. No such thing as failure in life is possible In perfect manhood. It Is lack of vital force weakness and Inactivity of body and mind that strews the world with human wreckage. Weak blood fails to nourish the nerves and muscles. A noticeable failure of strength ensues. A feeling of exhaustion follows, which the usual opportunities for rest do not overcome. Sleeplessness is the next svmptom of a decadence, intensifying tlic nervous derangement that exists. The stomach becomes affected, as shown in nervous dyspepsia, and the sufferers begin to despair of recovery. DR. GREENE'S . Nervura Blood and Nerve Remedy Makes Strong Vigorous, Robust Men. Dr. Greene's Nervura is the only specific for diseases and weaknesses of the blood and nerves. Under Its magic influence physical exhaustion and mental depression quickly disappear and exhilaration and buoyancy mark the beginning of a new life with every indication of happiness and success. Ir. John C. Milroy, 64 South First St., Merlden, Conn., says : " I suffered terribly from nervousness, headache, lack of appetite and that tired feeling nU the time. 1 tried Dr. Greene's Nervura and 1 found it was just what I wanted. 1 had fallen to 165 pounds. Now I weigh a little over 193 pounds. I have ulways been considered about the strongest man In town and in order to keep up my reputation In that respect, I shall keep on using Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve remedy.' If In dodbt, consult freely with Dr. Greene, personally or by hitter, at his office, 35 West 14th St., New York Ciy. Valuable advice Is given without charge. National W. C. T. L'. Couvtuitlnn. St. Poul, Minn., Nov. 12. The na tional convention of the AV. C. T. U. began yesterday. The convention was formally called to order by Mrs. Ste venson, acting president, whose open ing remarks were an eloquent ami tear ful tribute to the deceased leader. Miss Frances Wlllard. Some GO of the orig inal crusaders of 1873-71 were invited to the platform, while the convention sang the crusaders' hymn. Charged With Heavy Krands, Pittsburg, Nov. 12. Suit was entered In tho county courts yesterday after noon against H. Sellers McKee, Mur ray A. Verner nnd others by the Pitts burg and Birmingham Traction com pany charging them with fraudulently securing the sum of $1,000,000. The bill chargs conspiracy, and alleges that In the reconstruction and equipment of the road for operation by electricity $1,700,000 was paid to Verner, when $000,000 Is said to have lieen a fair price for the work. The court is asked for a decre? ordering an accounting and to grant a bill of discovery, also to grant a decree that the pretended contracts were devices to obtain the company's money. Murdered .Missionaries Avontred. hondon, Nov. 12. The malls from Sierra Leone, West Ifrlca, bring news of the hanging at Kweliu of 13 mur derers of American missionaries, mem bers of the United Brotherhood of Christ, In the Sherhro district of Sierra Leone, last May. The massacre of the missionaries grew out of the dissatis faction of the natives with the local hut tax. A number of chiefs rebelled and the insurrection spread through the Sherbro district, 'where the heud quarters of the missionaries of the United Brotherhood of Christ were lo cated. The Insurgents burned the mis sion houses and murdered six mis sionaries, Including three women. Tho KlVort to Suvo Clifford. Washington, Nov. 12. The United States supreme court yesterday heard arguments In the case of Edward Clif ford, under sentence of death for the murder of W. J. Watson, in Hudson county, N. J., In 1S90. The case comes to the supreme court on appeal from the federal circuit court, which refused to grant a writ of habeas corpus, and Its settlement will decide the 'constitu tionality of New Jersey's law concern ing struck Juries. The case was argued for Clifford by State Senator elect W. J. Dnly, and for the state by J. S. Krwln. Fatal Kxploslon ofSlnp;, Sharon, Pa., Nov. 12. An explosion of slag occurred nt the Buhl steel mill at midnight, tho concussion of which shook houses all over the city. John Van Horn, who operates the electric crane, wfis perhaps fatally burned, and John Shlpp nnd George Addtdks seri ously Injured, The explosion was caUs ed by water coming In contact with the slag. Fire followed the explosion, and the mill was damaged slightly. Hank ltohlntrs (it it'.'.OOl). Macon, Mo., Nov. 12. The Klrksvllle Savings hank has been entered by burglars and robbed of $11,000 In gov ernment bonds belonging to Samuel Heed, president, and 1 uethlng In the neighborhood of $18,fiot in gold nnd greenbacks. From $2,000 to $1,000 In sVlver was left, evidently being too hflavy, and $2,400 In the vault was over looked by the robbers Speclnl JJImilloii For ( onuresMinan. Harrlsburg, Nov, 12. Governor Hast ings Issued a wilt to the sheriff of Al legheny county last evening authoriz ing him to hold u special election Nov. 20 to III! the vacancy in the Twenty, third congressional district created by the reslenotlon of Governor-elect Will iam A- Stone, who tendered his resigna tion the day after his election. ' AN IMl'OUTANT ninwluSNCK. 1 To make It apparent to thousands, who think themselves HI, that they urn not af flicted with any disease, but that the system simuly needs cleauslng, is to bring comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition is n'.''. 1 o .. ,.,! ir easily curru ny usiuu oyrup ui figi piuiiu' Tacturcd by the California Fig Syrup Co ouly, aud sold by ull diugfdsU. Thanksgiving Day Tour From the Schnyl kill Valley to Washlneton Under the Pennsylvania Railroad Personally-Conducted Tourist System. In order to afford residents of the Sciiuyl kill Valley a speuial opportunity to avail themselves of tho peculiar advantages of Its personally-conducted tours to Washington, tlio Pennsylvauia Railroad Company has arranged lor a special Thanksgiving Bay tour ou November 24. Two and a liulKdays will bo spent iu Wash ingtou, visiting tho Capitol, Congressional Library, National Museum, Treasury, Exccn tire Mansion, Washington Mouumunt, and other points of Interest under tlio in telligent direction of an experienced tourist agent. A cliaperon will also accompany the party as tho special companion of uuaccom panled ladies. Round-trip tickets, including transporta tion, hotel accommodations, and Capitol guides, will ho sold at the following rates : Children under Adults. 12 years. Train leaves Shenandoah SI I 23 S 15 O.O'iA. M Krackvllle 11 00 S 00 0.13 " Ht. Olair 10 S3 7 U5 0.3S " I'uttsvlllo 10 7d 7 hj U.M " r-ehuylkill Haven 10 70 7 r 7.01 " Korrlstown 0 ao 7 15 u.01 " t'olmholiocken 9 20 7 10 0 07 " Miiimviink 9 00 7 (0 9.15 " Vnliingtoii...Ar 1S-15 l'.-M Kates from other stations will ho quoted on application. Special train will bo provided from Reading to Washington and return, and special through coaches on regular trains north of Reading. Returning, tho spoclal train will leave Washington 3.15 1', M. Saturday, No vcmber 2(1, arriving Reading 8.55 1 M. Tickets will also ho good to return on regular trains until Monday, November 28, Inclusive. Passengers from Shenandoah, Frackville, ami St Clair returning on special traiu from viashiugliiu, can stay over night in 1'liiladcl phla or l'ottsville and proceed to destination by regular traiu on Sunday morning. Tickets for sido trip to Mount Vernon, in cluding admission to tlio grounds, can ho procured from Tourist Agent ou the special train at rato of 75 cents. l'or itineraries, tickets, and further lufor uation apply to ticket agents; A, C. Welle, Kxcuraion Agent, Reading; or address Geo, V. Boyd, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Philadelphia A Sure Cure for Coughs and Colds. ' That's what Puu-Tina is, 25c. AtGruliler Bros., drug store, Unlendurs for IK'.iO. The UlcitAi.u otlico has a full aud complete liue of calendars for 18U9, If you con template a calcudar for your frleuds, reserve your order until you soo our line. It will mean a big saving to you. They are also beautiful specimens of lithographic art aud very reasonable in price. AVlntflr Kxcurlon Tiekots on tlin l'tmu Hylvuiiht litillroiid. On November 1 tho Pennsylvania, Railroad Company will plaro ou side at its principal ticket otlices excursiou tickets to ull promi nent winter resorts In New Jcrsuy, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, aud Cuba, The tickets will bo sold ut tho usual low rates, with the usual liberal return limits. Tho magnificent facilities of the lVnnsyl vault Railroad, with its many connections, mako this tlie favoiito lino for wlutor travel, Au Illustrated hook, descriptive of winter (csorts, ami giving routes of travel aud rates for ticket , wi)l bo furnished free after November 1 on application to ticket agents. IUI1 l'uuiiuius, TlcliuU, Kit'. The Hkh.w.ii job department is head quarterf for ball programs, Invitations, tickets and all sorU of printing for entertain incuts. Latest styjes ii great vuiiety In stock aud prices are at rock bottom, consist ent with good work. How Railways Improve. Nothing settles a road-bed like age. Noth ing Improves train service like experience. Witness a practical demonstration of theso theories by using tho Southern railway the short lino to Florida, this season, Tlio track will he smooth, tho schedules fast, the trains superb. Let John M. Ileall, District Pas senger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, I'a., arrange the details. Shiloh's Consumption Cure cures where, others fail. It Is tlio , leading Cough Cine, and no homo should be without It. 1'leusant to take and goes right to the spot. Sold by 1', I). Kirliu und a guarantee, i nliVii-h.nWii r GEN. WOOD'S ADVICE TO CIMANS. "Lot Um Soo If tho Cubans 'Aro Alilo to tlovorn Thpmsnlvi'H," aunntnnnmo, Cuba, Nov, 12. Oenernl Leonard Wood, governor of the military department of Santiago, who Is now In this district In the course of his tour of Inspection along the coast, vis ited- yesterday the town of Jamaica, und also two sugar plantations where troops are stationed. The visit proved exceedingly Interesting, showing not only the fearful effects of the last three years of Internal struggle, but also the prosperity that Is gradually eturnlng. He found the laborers and their children all looking well and com- fortuble. Senor Perez, the new mnyor of Guan- tanamo, called toward dusk upon Gen eral Wood and reported his experience GKNEItAh LEONARD WOOD, during the llrst day of his mayoralty. General Wood said to him In the course of the Interview: "You Cubans are now on trial before the world, and you must show what you are able to do In the matter ot self government. The Americans would be pleased to give a stable government to Cuba In the course of a year. Let us see If the Cubans nre able to govern themselves, or If It will be necessary to make some other arrangement. The Americans are now doing everything they can to give the Cubans an opportunity to display their administrative ability." Minnesota Train Bobbers Captured, Moorhead, Minn., Nov. 12. Six of the men engaged In the hold up of the Great Noithern coast train near Fer gus Falls were captured here yesterday by Chief of Police Murphy. Four of the men arrived at the Exchange hotel here together and two others came about an hour Inter and inquired for the first four. Each had large revolv ers. Two sets of burglar tools and two dark lanterns, three sticks of dynamit-2 and four dynamite caps were found on them. The six men had about $200, They gave their names as W. C. Boss, J. C. Hall, C. F, Huffman, H. L. Mlnot, E. Mollis and J. B. Edwards. None is more than SO years old, and all are bright and intelligent in appearance. Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Ilucklcn & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample boii of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in their action and arc particularly efiectivc in the cure of Constipation and Sick I Ieadache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to die stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 20c, per box. Sold by A. Wasley, Druggist. Are You Going to Havana 7 It will be a loely trip for you this winter and it can bo made cheaply and comfortably. Johu M. Bcall, District. Passenger Agent, Southern Railway, 8SS Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., will furnish you all information If you will write to him, HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Hlk, Biliousness, Indlgcstlod, Iloadacho, Dleas'ut laxative. All Druggist Are You Going to Cuba 7 If you arc, John II. Beall, District Passe n gcr Agent, Southern Railway, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, Pa., Is tho man to apply to for" rates, routes and schedules. Write to him. Lieut. Hobson The Hero of the " Merrlmac," Will tell his wonderful atory In thre. numbers ol THE CENTURY MAGAZINE. This will be a full account of the sinUng of the " Merrimac" at pantugo, and the experi .pfc of. the writer aud hu pitn in Spanish prisons. It will be read by every American in the land. This is only one of many richly illustrated personal narratives in The Cen tury's new Spanish Var Series. Then men will virittor no ether mafatf'nf, n the No vember Century begins CAPTAIN SIQSBEE'S STORY Of the Destruction of the "MAINE," ths arrival in Havana harbor, the insulti to her captain, the explosion and wreck. The whole story of die destruction of Cen tra' fleet will be told by Admirals Sampson and Schley. Captain "Hob" Evans, Captain Taylor, and others. If you do not taVe Tub Cbniujiv la 1899, you will miss the greatest reading of th year. The November number begins the volume and has the opening chapters pf a splendidly illus trated life of Alexander the Great, and of Marlon Crawford's great historical novel of the Cru sades. Lieut. Hobson's articles begin in the December number. $4.00 a year. i STHE CENTURY CO., Union Square, New York. rnnn.-cnEnr - store.- o DICALKIt IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and Retail, CO West Centre Street 6 Her Health Restored THE misery of sleeplessness can only he realized by thoso who havo experi enced It. Nervousness, stceplcssnoss, headaches, neuralgia and that tnlserablo feeling of umest, can surely bo curodby Dr. lilies' Rcstoratlvo Nervine. So certain Is Dr. Miles ot this fact that all druggists aro authorized to refund "prlco paid for tho llrst bottle tried, providing It docs not benefit. Mrs. Henry Druns, wife of tho woll known blacksmith at Grand Junction, Iowa, says: ''I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous ness, hcadacho and irregular menstruation: suffering untold misery for years. I used various advertised remedies for female com plaints besides being under tho care of local physicians, without help. I noticed In Dr. Miles' advertisement tho testimonial of a lady cured of ailments similar to mine, and I shall never ccaso to thank that lady. Her testimonial Induced mo to uso Dr. Miles' Nervine, and Norvo and Liver Pills, which restored mo to health. I cannot say enough for nr.MllCs'Itemcdlcs.' Dr. Miles' Remedies are sold by all drug gists under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottle benefits or money refunded- Book on dis eases of tho heart and nerves free. Address, Dr. H lYiiiea: .Nervine tRootoroa , Health ; DR. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, Ind. P ennsylvania RAILROAD. HOHUYKILL DIVISION. OtTOUElt I, 1898. Trains will leave Shenandoah after tne aoore date for Wlggan, Gllberton, Kraokvlllo. Dark Water, St. Clair, l'ottsville. Ilalnburg, Beading, Pottstown, Phoenlxvflle. Xorrlstowu ad Phil aselphln (llpd street station) at 6 03 and 8 15 a. m., 2 02, 6 IS p. m. on week days. Sundays, 8 IS a. m., 4 25 p. m. Trains leave Frackville for Shenandoah at 7 30, 11 48 ft. m. and 6 40, 7 80 p. a. Sunday, 11 01 a. m. and S 40 p. m. Iave l'ottsville for Shenandoah (via Frack vlllo) 7 10, 11 20 a. 111., 5 20, 7 10 p. m. Sunday 10 33 a. m.. 5 20 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, (Droad street station), for Shenandoah at 8 85 a. m., 4 10 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 and 9 23 a. 111. Leave Droad Street Station, Philadelphia, FOR NEW YORK. Express.week-days, 8 20, 4 Oo, 4 50 5 05,5 15,0 XD 7 33, 8 20,9 50, 10 21 11 00 a. m 12 00 noon, 12 85 ' (Limited 1 00 and tl 22 p. oj ,) 1 40, 2 80, 3 20, 3 60, 4 02, 5 00, 5 56 6 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p. m., uui, niiriit. oiinunyB, a a;, w. sou iiiM, u u, 8 20, 9 59, 102I, 1185 ft. In., 12 03, 12 35, '1 80, 4 02, (Limited 4 22,1 5 20, 5 56, 6 85, 7 02, 7 60, 10 OU p. m., 1201 night , . , Express for Boston .without change, 11 OOa ta., week-days, and 7 50 p. nr., dally. For Sea Cllrt, Asbury Park, Ocean drove, Long llranch, 8 20, 11 11 a in, 3 80, 4 02 p 111 weekdays. For Lumber, vllle, Easton and Serauton, G60, 9 (0 a m, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 5 00 (Lambertvllle and liston only), weekdays, and 7 02 u 111 dally. Dultalo, 9 00 a ni, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 02 p in uauy. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Ualtimore and Washington. 8 60. 7 20. 8 32. 10 20, II 23, a. m., 12 09, 12S1 111,812, 141, (5 25 Congressional Limited,) 6 17. 055, 7 31 p. m., and 12 05 night week days. Sundays, 8 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23, a. m., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, (S20 Congressional Limited,) G55 731 p. in. aud izoa nncni. For llaltlmoro. accommodation. 0 12 a m.2 02 and 4 01 p in week days, 5 08 and 11 10 p m daily Atlantic const l.llio, expreBa iz irj p 111, ana 1205 night, dally. southern Hallway, express 000 p ni, uauy. CheBiipcnko Si Ohio Huilway, 7 31 pm, dally. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk. 10 20 a in weekdays, 11 10 p in dally. rawvv market street wnari as iouows: r.x Dress for New Y01 k.9 00 a m. 4 30 n m week days. For Long llranch, via Seaside Park, 8 30 a in weekdys. For Island Heights. 8 30 a m and 4 00 p m weekdays. FOn ATLANTIC CITY. Leave Broad atreet station via Delaware river bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 Oo p. in. Sundays, 9 20 a. ui 7 05 p. m. Leave Market Street Wrf Express, 9 00 am, 2 00,4 00,3 00 p in. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a in (accommodation i una o uo p m. For Cape May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City, Avnlon Stone Harbor. Anglesea. Wlldwood and II0II3 lleoch Express, 900 a in, 4 00, p in weekdays. Sundays, vuu a m. for 'Domera j-oini r,xpreas, v w a. 111., zuu, 4 00. 5 CO. D. m. week days Sundays. 9 00 and 1000 a. m. The Union Transfer Company will call lor and check baggage from hotels and residences. I. 11. HUTCUINSOH, J. U. WOOD, Oen'I Manager.. Gbii'I PasVit'r Asr Lauer'se Pilsner Beer. Needs no recommendatiot Put up in bottles for family use and delivered at your home. Lauer's Pilsner Draught Beer Is drank by the majority of beer drinkers. They are good authority on which is best. Christ. J zhmidt, , Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - PA. EVAN J. DAVJES. Livery and Undertaking, Nn 13 NortttJardin St. driWk- CLARY'S EXTRA HNJ QUALITY -GINGER ALE, - Superior Sarsaparllla.. and Orange Champagne.