ir1jrisr5f,iWtfnrnff.vtoiai;viT irr.T 1i1.-7rr.1T.VMi Another Experience With "The Little Conqueror" in Shcn atkloali, Nothing In moilorn mcdlcltio lias created the sensation ttint lias followed tlie InlroJuc tlcm of tlio "Llttlo enomles to .backnclio." In Shenandoah It has been jut tlio sanio as hi other towns, and tlio march or tlio "I.lttlo tloiwiucrur" continues Kery where .the con lldeuco Increases, as case after caso of kidney disorder disappears a If hy 111 ilc, and how people do n-jolro anil talk about It. You know It Is so much tusiur to ciidorso tlio statotneut of some 0110 you know than the statement of somu ouo you krnm tinttilng about In 11 f.iruway town. Well, homo tes timony Is what wo have hero, ami ' lis 11 doso to euro the skeptic. Mrs. M Tempest, of 132 East street, siiys : "I used to liavo kidney dlseaso years ago, but I gt cured of It and there was no recurrence of It until about five months afeo. I then had an attack of luuib'igo as I thought It was, My Inck was so laino and sole, that I could not gel oil' a chair with .lit lilt ing myself up and I could not oven turn In bed without sharp twiuCH catching iinf In my ba.'k. Tncro was a dull, finning aching when 1111 my feet doiui: any work like ironing, I had no headache, but thu whoto trouble was In my back, I read about Dunn's Kidney l'llls so ijulckly relieving other suf ferers and I procured a box from Klrlln's drug store. I had not used tlio wholo box beforo the backacho was gono and tho lame ness had also disappeared. It was Doan's Kidney Pills which had brought about this result and I givo them all tho cicdit." Doan's Kidnoy Pills for salo by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Fontcr-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tho U. S. Remember the name Dn.ui's and Jtako no substitute. Coining KvontB, M Nov. 10th. Grand annual supp'or'undcr auspices of the members of Trinity Ueforincd church, in bobbins' opem house. Nov. 21. Grand masquerade ball, in Hob- bins' opera house, under auspices of the Dewey Club. Nov. HUli. Turkey supper under tho auspices of tho All Saints' church will bo held in tho church basement, corner UaK and Wost streets. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, fts they cannot rruch tho diseased portion of tlio ear. There Is only one wny to cure deafness, and that Is by cnnstltu tlonnl remedies. Deafness Is caused by an In flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Kustucliluu Tube. When this tube get Inllaiued you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, niul unions the Inflammation can be aken nut nud this tnho restored to Its normal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh whUh Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (cuused by cutarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Head for circulars, free. l' J. CHENEY i CO., Toledo, O, Bald by Drugulsts, 75c. . Wear Royal Worcester Corsets. FOR SALE BV LEADING DEALERS, His Troubloa With tlio Refractory Cubans Oontinuo. A BELLIGERENT CUBAN EDITOR. Snv It Is Htirh Tlmo tho AinnrlruiiH boll, mill Dcolnros Thnt tlio Culinim Cnn Wipe Out tlio Jfuvlos or tlio World, iih Tlioy Did Thnt orspnlii. Ounntannmo, Cuba, Nov. 11, Genernl Leonard Wood, governor of the mili tary department of Bnntlngo, reached Ounntnnamo shortly beforo Wednesday midnight on the Hist. Shortly nfter leaving Santiago on Wednesday the Hist struck a fierce gale, which caused considerable delay and made matters lively for a time on board. On landing yesterday General Wood was received by the Cuban General Perez and a delegation of Cubans. Af ter Inspecting Colonel Hay's regiment and visiting the local hospitals and public buildings he had a long inter view with Perez. As usual, Perez claimed that he wanted to disband his men In a day or two, and offered them for police use In the district to put down bandits. The offer was refused by General Wood, but the American commander ordered that supplies be sent to the followers of Perez. As there are several factions hero with . candidates for ofllce, General Wood told Perez that they must com bine, as otherwise he could not recog nize any of them and would appoint olllclals to suit himself, though he would prefer, if possible, to make ap pointments agreeable to all. Ultimately Perez accepted all the conditions laid down by General Wood, who appointed him mayor and reduced several civil officers. A Cuban paper nt Majagua. says: "It Is high time the Americans left. The Cubans have fought three years for liberty and have finally obtained it. They can hold It against the world. As they have wiped out the Spanish navy, so, if necessary, they can wipe out the navy of the United States, or, for that matter, the navies of the entire world." News has been received here that the Spanish are rapidly evacuating the province of Puerto Principe. The Cu bans are occupying the towns as the Spaniards retire, and considerable friction has occurred In various places, though details are lacking as yet, Tho people of that locality are very anxious for the arrival of the American troops. The Cubans around Guantanamo are going to work on the plantations. Col onel Hay refuses to Issue rations to those who decline to work at 40 cents a day, the regular rate. Several valuable horses have been stolen lately. These thefts and other lawless acts nre attributed to the in surgent chief Matamora, who, with his hand, has been operating between here and Santiago. General Castillo la at the head of the gendarmerie sent out by General Wood to capture the band Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. C. Thomas, of Marysville, Texas., has found a more valuable discovery than has j et been made in the Klondike, For years he suhered untold agony Irom consumption, ac companied by hemorrhages : and was abso lutely cured by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, lie declares that gold is of little value in com parison vuth this marvelous cure ; would have, it, even if it cost a hundred dollars bottle. Asthma, Hronchitis and all throat and lung affections are positively curqd by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's Drug btore Regular size 50 cts. anil $1.00. Guaranteed to cure or price retunueu. Philadelphia & Reading Railway EngniLi liurn Hard Coal- --No Smoke IN KPKKOT OL TOMSK I. tM. TrMnH leave Shenandoah hh follows: For New York via Philadelphia, ek days. 7 30 a SI a. m., W 27, 3 111 mid f. 07 p. m, Kor New York via Munch C'luuut, co Uu 7 SO a. 111.. 12 27 and 3 10 p. m. For Reading and Philadelphia, week days, 7 80,9 51 H.IU., 12 27, 3 10 and 07 11. m For I'ottsvllle, week days, 7 30, U 31 a. tu , 12 27, 3 10, 0 07 Ulld T 25 p. in. Kor Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, week days 7 30, 0 54 a. iu 12 27 8 10 and 0 07 p. in. , For Wllltuinsport, tiunbury nd Lewidburg, week days. II BO a.m.. 12 27, 7 21 o.' m For Mahuno) Plane, weekdays, 7 80, 0 SI, 11 80 a. in., 12 27, 8 10, 8 07. 7 2.S, S S3 p, ni. For Ashland and SharnoKlu, week dayn, 7 30, 1180 a. m., 12 27, 3 10,107. 711 ami lp. m. For llaltloiore, Wusliluirtoit and the Unl via IS. .to. It. It., ihrouKli trains lp" 'Itea log Terminal, I'hlladelphta. P. All. If X.) at 8 20, 7 SS, 1120 a. m., 3 10 and 7.27 p. 1.. Humlays, 11 30, 7 00, 11 20 a. m.,8 in auo 7 27 p. in. Addi tional trains from Twenty.fourth and Client nut streets station, week dayn 10 80 a. in. 12 20. 12 IS 8 40 p in. Hundays, 1 33, 8 23 p. m. TKAINH FOIC SHENANDOAH, Lunve Nt-w York via Philadelphia, week days, 12 15, 1 30, 8 00, 11 80 n. in., and 143,4 30 9 00 Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 80, 9 10 n. ui., I .U p. in. iVave I'hlladelntiU, Heading Terminal, week da h, 3 40, 8 86. 10 21 a. m. and 1 80, 4 00 p.m. I.eBVu Keadlni:, week days, 7 00, J0 08, a, in. . 12 13, 4 17, G 0,1 p. in. Iavo Fottsvtlle, weekdays, T 10, 7 40 a. m . 12 80 4 0,6 10 and a 3,0 p. m. Ieave ramaqua, week days, a no. Ilia a. in., Soltoonnr Wrocl;id niKl-Mur Drowned Glencoe, Ills., Nov, 11. Waterlogged and unflt to weather a storm upon the lakes, the S. Thai, a two masted schoon er, foundered off Glencoe In the gale of Wednesday night and went to pieces In tho surf. Yesterday the wreckage was cast upon the beach, but no trace of the crew of four has been found, and it Is thought thnt all went down after cutting loose from .the wreck In the ship's dory. The .schooner is a total wreck. The hull has disappeared. Give the Children a Drink called Grain-O. It is a dolicions, appetizing, iinnrishlnir food drl'uk to take the placo ol rutl'et). Sold by all grocers and liked by all vh havo -used It bceauHi wueu properly piepared it tastes liko tho finest cotleo but is Ircc f rum nil its Injurious properties, uraiu O aids dltteHlon and strengthens tho nerves. ii a 4tiiiniliiit but a health builder, ami children, as well as adults, can drink It with great honellt. Costs about 1 as much a3 'nflfo. IS and 25c. JSnrtnrROH'-SiilIsliiir.Vr'K Attltudo, London, Nov. It, Lord Georgo Ham lton, secretary of state. for India fcr' aklns In London last evening, said he agreed with Lord Salisbury that I was quite Impossible to oveiostlmate the importance of American's entrance upon a colonizing policy, "Kngland and America," he declared, "whose idns and interests are Identical, should i:."ira side by Fide in the promotion of civilization and good government In the dark places of the earth." Years of sullerlng relieved in a nigh Itching piles yield at onco to tho curative properties of Doan's Ointment. Never fail it any drug store, ISO cents. 1 40, 5 60, 7 20 p. m. Leave Mahanoy City, a. m., 2 2Z.SU, 6 21,7 44 P. m ave Mahanoy City', week days, 0 03, 11 47 Leave Mabanoy Plane, week days. 080. 0 23. 10 23. 11 89 a. m 2 41, 5 82, 0 41, 7 87, p m. Leave Wllllamspott, week days, 7 42, 1000 ni.,12 81 and 4 00 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street wart and Boutli Btreetwharl lor Atlantic City. Weekdays Express, 9 00, a. in., 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. m. Accommodation, 8 00 a 10., 6 30 p in Huudays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a m Accommoda tion, 8 00 a ui, 4 43 p. m. . Returning leave Atlantle City depot, corner (Atlantic and Arkansas avenues. Weekdays Express, 7 S3, 9 00, a m 8 30,5 80 p m. Accommodation. 8 15 a. m. 4 03 p. in. Bundsys Express, 4 00, 730 p. m. Accommoda tlon. 7 13 a. m.. 4 li n. m. For Cape May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City Weekdays 9 00 a m, additional for Cape May, 4 15 p ni., for Hea Isle Cltv, 6 00 p m., for Ocean City, 4 13, 0 00 pro. Sundays, Chestnut 1 street v 10 a ill., noum street, v w, tt. m. rartor wars on an exDreaa trains. For further Information, apply to nearest rnuaaeipuia aim ueoaiug jiauway uckei agent or auurcss , I, A. HwkioauI), KnsoN J. -"Weeks, I Clen'l Bunt., (len'l Pass'r Agt, Heading Terminal, Philadelphia. m nilllons of Dbllara Qo up in amoVo overy yoar. Take bo risks but get your bouses, slock, fat- liable companies as represented by DAVID FAUST, iInSuranccA,eDl Alio LIUm)A&eldanal nnmnant A Hand Is oneot the possess. Vl xlveo It. Handsomo Complexion 1 KreaiBui cuqrm8 n woman can. QtWm't OOMFUiXIOH I'OWDKU "OObD D0BT." "00LD DUDT," Q6(aooooooo6oooooe60Qeaat!oaae6oooooooooot)otooci 1 Keep in the World Keep Informed of what i3 going on; read the papers and s 11 rrr 1 i a 1110 rrl vtnnci dnttri tlttin Cmttt llMICttffirlr frr V iiiittuLiiiivj 1 qavu uviu uwwtJWTvwAA aw rest and reading by using 0 o 8 0 Chicago. St. Irols. New York. Iloston. l'hlludclphln. y joooaoooooooooaooooooooooooooooooooooooisssooooaca WASHING POWDER It saves both time and labor a and gives results that please. THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY. ERY DE3IRABLE50RT MADE OH TWO .. COMIIflEim. Paid Purchases fof SB or moro will bo sent FREIGHT PREPAID to any railroad station In MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE, VERMONT, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE IS LAND, CONNECTICUT, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, and NEW JERSEY. 1 gllMPMfffliB: iii' SIXTH AVC ISIh a IBth BTS. 'Jv-mi- VbrA. STRONG AGAIN ! WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY Thcyhavemonl thefstofyears. aim nave cur-a tiioiihanus 01 caes of 'ervous Diseases, such as Debility, Dizziness, Sleepless ncss ana. varicocele, a iropny.fiic They clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, make digestion 1 . 1 t . . pencil, anu imparl a neaitny vigor to the whole bemp, Alt drains and losses are checked ftrmanenty. Unless patients are properly cured, their condition often worries them into Insanity, Consumptionor Death. Mailed sealed. Price it tier ho? 6 hoxet. with lrnn)A l.rr-,1 n..n-n...... i i.u- money,$5.oo. Send (or free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE C0.f Cleveland, tVT For Sale at KIRUN'S Drup; Store, Shenandoah, Pa. !,A FAIR FACE iV'AY PROVE A FOUL BAR GAIN." MARRY A PLAIN GIRL IF SHE USES LIO A REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC AND WONDERFUL SCIENCE. "SOLAR BIOLOGY." THE ONLY TRUE SCIENCE BY WHICH YOUR FUTURE CAN TRULY AND ACCURATELY BE FORETOLD. ZARAH, the world-rtDOWDed Egjptian Astrologer, who his been ereitlng such fti YOUR FORTUNE TOLD. toniabmeot tborougttout Europe for the put fir jean, will girt a truthful, Meant jInethoroscopdehne&tioQof jour life, lie will giro your perflona,! arrearaoce. dis uggestionion lore affaira, marriage, frleadi, enemies, ir-eculation, buimeu matters, Yon can loforta Toarielf thoroarhU ei uui iqu ga inj viaer qaeiuo&S 01 lOUt I 2 RICHES TO BE OB HOT TO BE. past, present and fotare life. A SINGLE ANSWER MAY LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Send 10 cents and gire exact date of birth aod I will immediate return yon a truthful horoscope readingof jout life, and prove it to be all true bjr Toureeir. I n.ale this offer as a test trial. AU eommnnicationi itrietlr confidential. Addreae ZARAH tho ASTROLOGER, lock Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa. JVcn PRESS 11 ZiTLb Uii Istsolmib Is Mrtftlalj uMolsblsf tbsuulj. Ell voaddfil pndlellsu ui imU u. kiui OB. lAdlfVlUtl ftDd HlSBUfla loflD.DOM." T. W, lllsglnson a thoroughly np-to-dale periodical for women, will enterupon Us thirty-first volume in 1898. During the year it will be as heretofore A MIRROR OF FASHION Pans and New York Fashions A Colored Fashion Supplement Cut Paper Patterns A Bt.Weekly Pattern Sheet 1 K.thiriac De Forest Each issue will contain careful! nre. pared drawings of the advance fashions of I'aris and New York. Once a month the IIazar will Issue, free, a colored fashion supplement. Cut paper patterns of certain gowns in each number will be made a feature. The: will be sold in connection with each issue at a uniform price. The Hazak will also publish bi weekly, free, an outline pattern sheet. LONG SERIALS AND SHORT STORIES Two famousauthorswill contribute long serial stories to the IUzARin 1898. The first deals with Scotch and Continental scenes, the second is a story of a young 111, vcimujc, 4iiu lypicauy American. Mary E. Wilklns Octave Thanct H. P. Spofford M. S. Drlscoe Muy C Wilklns Eplilomlit il" IIyiti-iiiliiililii. Jiimealown, N. Y., Nov. 11. An epi demic of hydrophobia lias brolten out among the dogs and extends to some extent among cuttle, horses and swine at Sugar Grove,- Pa a small village south of this city. The state board of health of Pennsylvania has ordered a strict quarantine of all dogs in and rear the "village for 90 days. RheumatUm Cured In a Day, 'Mystic-Cure1 for: .Rheumatism and Neu ralgia radically ures in, I to 3 days. Its action upon the system U . remarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the cause1 and the disease Immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by Shenandoah drug store, Shenandoah. tf .Tlio Nvy SIumosoTMHVlHtor. Washington. Nov. 11. Phyla Visud dha, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of the king of Blam to the United States, called at the state department yesterday and presented his respects to Secretary Hay and Assist ant Secretaries Hill and Adee. H has served his country In a diplomatic ca pacity at London for the past five years, and has adopted European man net's and dress, so that his complexion is the only thing that betrays his oriental origin. He conducted ma busl ness at the department In the English language, vl.Hout the aid of an Inter preter, For Constipation take Karl's Clover Uoot Ten, tlio great' Jiloou runner, inures ueau acbe. Nervousuess, Eruptions ou the Face, and makes the head clear as a hell, Sold by V. O. Klrllu aud a gurauteo, W. D. Howelli WILD EELEN By WILLIAM BLACK RAGGED LADY By It'. D. HOWBLLa These and a score of other equally prominent writers win contribute short stories to the Uazak In 1898, making the paper esp.cially rich la ficticni. DEPARTMENTS AND SPECIAL ARTICLES ' OUR PARIS LETTER THE LONDON LETTER By KAT1UKINB DB FOKBar Sy Mru tOULTtlBV BIGBLOIf CLUB WOMEN HUMOR By MARGARET It. ll'BLCIt By JOTt.V KBKDRICK BANCS There will be a series of articles on Etiquette, Music, the Voice, Art, the Play, Women and Men, Leaders among Women, Gardening, Housekeeping, Life and Health, Indoor Details, etc 10c, a Copy (Send tor Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year rcttaifrtt in tht United Staltt, Canada, and Mexico Address HARPER & BROTHERS, Publishers, New York Clli T Ocuve Thanet f a laawi n ian PROFESSIONAL CARDS ! TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE IN RACE RIOTS. Nine Negroes Shot Down in tha Streots of Wilmington, N. 0i A NEW MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Tito Hctlt'itit; OMulitlM Woro rorcml tn Tender Tholr ltoHlmiiitliins Trouble ArciHii Over 11 Notfro NciWMpnpor'rt Dofiunittlim ol'WIilto Woniuu. ufijjr M. nuitKK, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ami Office Eiran bulldliic. comer of Main an Centre titreeta, Shenandoah. . , 1 J. POMKJtOY, ATTORKEY-AT-LAW ShenAndoah, I. pUOF. JOHK JONKS, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock Box 65, Mahanoy City, 1, Having MudltMl under Botne of ilio be mftfltera 1p Iondon Btul 1'iirifl, will slve Iohkup on the violin, mandoll n, Kuliar nnd vocal cuHurf Terms reaao liable. Audross In cam of Htr the lewder Hheiundnh, 7orallDiuousand Kskvous Diseases. They purify tho DtooD and give Healthy action to the entire system. Curo DYSPEP!A, HEADACHE. CONSTIPATION r.nd P'MPLilS. F1LL1 'lowers, thu Iluml of AmerlcH, Cull foriila. Via tho true pathway, "Tho Iron Mouutaiu Uoute," which travoroa a reulon of porpotual sunshine, where snow storms, hlizzanlsor hlsh altitudes are unknown, Pullman first and second class palace and tourist sleeping cars to points In Missouri, Arkansas, Toxas, Old and New Mexico, Arizona, California, OrcgoM, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without chango. Quick tlmo, low nltes. and all tha rninfiirfunf mralnm rullwnv . Improvements guaranteed to all who pur chasoMckcts via tho Missouri Paclflo railway system. For rates right from your home, literature, and full information, dropa postal caul, J. V. McCaim, T. P. Ageut. fill) Itall- road aveutio, Elmlra, N. Y,, or 301 liroad- way, New York. 3-Mf W. E. Hoyt. O. E P. Agt. What Dr. A. K. Slater Siiys, Huffalo, N. Y. Rents : From my per. sonal knowledge, gained in obsorvlng the cllcctofyour Shiloh's Curo iu cases of ad vancod Consumntloit. I am nrenared to bhv It is the mast remarkable Itemedy that has over boeu brought to my attention. It has certainly saved many from Consumption bold uy p. l). Klrllu, anil a Kuarnutco. Buy Keystone flour. Ho sine that tlio'namo TiKtwio & IIakr Asliland, Pa. Ih print! ou every sack. Wilmington, N. C, Nov. 11. After a day of bloodshed and turbulence Wil mington subsided last night Into com parative p?acefulness. Nine negroes were killed and three white men wounded during the day, one of them, William Mayo, seriously. Today the city Is In the hands of a new municipal government, and law nnd order Is being established. Yester day afternoon the board of aldermen leslgned one by one. As each alderinuti vacated the remainder elected a sue lessor, named by the citizens' commit tee, until the entire board was changed ligally. They resigned in response tn public sentiment. The new board 19 composed of conservative Democratic! citizens. The mayor and chief of police then resigned, nnd the new board elected their successors, according to law. lix- Iteprcsentatlve Wuddell was elected mayor and K. O. I'armelee chief of po lice. The Ilrst act of the new govern ment was to swear In 1!50 special po licemen, chosen from the ratios of ref utable citizens. The citizens will re main on guard, however, throughout the town to prevent possible attempts at Incendiarism. The new government will devote Its attention to restraining recklessness among the whites as well as keeping down lawlessness among tlm negroes. Further trouble of a general or serious nature Is not expected. The trouble In Wilmington com menced at 8:30 yesterday morning, when an armed body of citizens, num bering 400, und led by ex-Uepresenta-tlve Waddell, chairman of a commit tee of 25 appointed for tho purpose, proceeded to the publishing house of a negro newspaper, The Record, to wreck It. The editor of this paper had published an article defamatory of white women, and a mass meeting of citizens on Wednesday ordered hl3 ex pulsion from the city within 24 houns and the removal of his press. Fifteen leading negroes were called In by the committee of 25 Wednesday night and directed to notify the chairman by 7:30 yesterday morning whether they would agree to the removal of the press. They were Informed that If no answer wern returned the press would be demolished. No answer was received by the chair man yesterday morning, and after wait ing an hour the citizens proceeded In a body and demolished the fixtures of tha printing ofllce. The building was also fired and gutted. The leaders say that this action wus the work of Irresponsi ble persons, nnd as soon as the fire was discovered the fire department was called to extinguish It. The burning of the printing ofllce created a great commotion among the negroes of the town. The rumor spread that the whites were going to burn and murder In the negro quarter. This ru mor renrhed the npgro employes of a cotton com) ress, numbering 300 or 400. who quit work and hung about thp streets In manifest tenor. Other par ties congregated In the negro section, and It was in one of these that the first tragedy was enacted. The men were standing on a corner and were ordered t" disperse. They declined, and it was claimed fired into the whites. A fusillade was Immediately opened upon them by the whites, and three nee rues were killed. Two whites were wounded slightly. One negro ran down the street, and passing a residence fired a rule shot at .William Mayo, wlilte, standing on the veranda, shooting him through the left lung. This negro was tei ognized, pursued and captured while hiding under a bed. It Is said he con fessed to the shooting. He was riddled with shot by his captors and killed. in the meantime the town was In a state of excitement. The whites rushed to the scene from every direction, the local military company was ordered out and a battalion of United States naval reserves proceeded to the vlclm ity of the trouble with a rapid fire guir About 1 o clock some negroes In a house fired upon a passing party of white men. The house was surrounded and four negroes were captured and taken to the jail. One negro broke away and ran, but was shot down and killed before he -had proceeded half a block. During the afte'rnoon there were other affairs of this kind, and eight negroes were killed during the day In the disturbed sections. Another negro was killed last night at, Tenth and Mulberry streets. He was hailed by u guard, but refused to hall and continuing' to advance was shot. As the pews of the riot spread through tho neighboring state. cities they offer ed to send help- All such offers were declined, except In the case of Fayette vllle. from which town came about 150 men. As night fell the town was com pletely patrolled 'and guarded. Very few negroes were on the streets, and they were not allowed to congregate anywhere. It developed later In the day that the negio committee summoned Wednes day night had agreed to use their of fices to have the press removed, al though the editor had disappeared, and they had no authority on tha premises. This letter. Instead of being delivered to the chairman of the committee of 25 In person, wus put In the mall, and did not reach him till three hours after the expiration of the time limit which had been fixed for the reception of an an swer. crowd was formed last night to take from the Jail and lynch two ne groes, Thomas Millar nnd Ira Bryant who were arrested yesterday charged with making threats and wore re garded aa dangerous cases. The maj'ot Colonel Avaddell, promptly prohib ited the assembling of tho crowd at the Jail, and he himself headed a guard of 25 men with Winchesters to guard the prisoners. FRGE TUITIONJOR CUBANS. Ccut'i'iil Wheclor Hsu luterextt-il Col leuii l'rollititH III Our Nmv Wnrtlx. New York, Nov. 11. General Joseph Wheeler Is deeply Interested In th education of Cuban young n en. He be lieves that If young Cubans will tome to this country and be tutoied and then l-etuin home they will I f great us- In developing Cuba and In Introducing a stable form of government, fletiernl Wheeler has commissioned Gilbert K. llarrouu, tieasuier of Union college, to nsk the Amerlran colleges If they would give free education to two or more young Cubans if the right sort of men could be found anxious to secure a col lege course In this country. Mr. HHitoun has wiltten to over S00 college presidents In the United States asking them to co-opeiate and ad vance General Wheeler's plan. Over 100 replies are In hand, and with one accord the colleges agreed to take two (it mole young men who can pass thu necessary examinations aud who can tome propel ly vouched for as to char acter, and mnke them beneficiaries to the extent of free tuition, and In many cases the colleges agiee to aid tho young men beyond free tuition. In several Instances the colleges, recogniz ing the difficulties under which th" young men in Cuba have labored, have agreed to tecelve them without Insist ing upon their passing the usual examinations. Help Comes to Those Who Take lied Flag Oil for sprains, burns, cuts. (Irulilcr llros., drug store. At puiil"h i-upiier A n tilts. Madtlil, Km. 11. -The Madtld news papers are regaling their leaders with virulent attacks upon everything Amer ican. They asset t that "owing to the brutality of the American soldiery brlgumluge Is rife In the Interior of Porto Hleo, and many residents are quitting their homes." They compare the "present disorder" with the "tran quillity under Spanish rule." With re gard to the Philippines they reiterate that "America's demands will not be tolerated." "Little Colds" neglected thousands of lives sa'-rificed every year. Dr. Wood's Nor way Pine Syrup cures llttlo colds euros big colds, too, down to the very verge of con sumption. TEEGIBLE iEAKING OUT CUKEDgBY CUTICURA I was afflicted with a tcrrlblo breaking out. Iff..) treated by the very host physicians, who p r loim eil It Mood poison, but It gotworso. 1 w.n Httirerfng untold agony, and finally had to give tip work, Cctictba IIrmedies woro st- -tcd, which I Iminoillatoly procured. I'r i'ii tl ."rt, I experienced asoothfng relief, no' - i -li.-'a-ulinp' my intenso pain. I improved rinValnr: till at last I teas entlretycitreit,antl ml ,'. lynon njt7jrinjtt'Are Indicating that nn th In;: had ever been tho matter with mo, M. r. IIASTIES', l.ViW.lluntcrst.,AtlanU,aa. IVrr IT ft BKTRKITMtftTrfUlKVKRrDLOODAirDBKtY ,11 1 11. r 1 11 I.o.sor IIaiR W.rrn btth.wlta Cutl i' S- .r, pintle Anointing's wjth Ci Tict'tt, pureitof ni 'icr.t Mkln enrcs. .nd mllddotctof Cotici'Ka IIisol Vfti -" -jot blood purtftrs nd humor tur.i. 1 thrn ,thnnt the world. Iottir Pucn AHDCHstf. . . C'liyi . lloston. IlortoCurllloodllamori.rrM. HUMPHREYS' WITCH HAZEL OIL Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruisea. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rhoum & Tetters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by druggists, or sent post-paid on ivcelpt or prloe ia'XrilKMS'UKU.IO., Ill IIS HH.SU,X.Vorl. c u R E s Our : v 1 in 1 till Miein. Wasl inr.toii, Nov. 11. The annual re port of Fourth Assistant Postmaster Genet ul Urlstcw shows that there wore at the clobe of the fiscal year 73,570 postofllecB In the Cnlted States, 3,816 presidential and G9,75t fourth class. The net Incieuse In the number for the fiscal year was 'J.G48. The largest num ber of presidential postolllces Is In New York, with S30, followed In Pennsyl vania with 2f4, Illinois 237, Iowa 212 and Ohio 20S. The greatest number of fourth class postolllces are in Penn sylvania, which has 1.S71; New York 3,391, Virginia 3.297, Ohio 3,173 and North Carolina 2.S3S. Patterns "THE STYLISH PATTERN " At tbtlu Fashionable. jrlgln;l. Ptifeet i'HUng Price 10 and 15 cents, NonebJgntf Nonebeticf ata"Vjwlc2. Some re!iabl nerciuni .ell'- them In nearly verv Jty it town. Asfc rot ihem, jt they esn re had by ina'l fro. u lr flthef New Yrfc -jt Chicago. Stamps iiken. Latest Fiihlon Sheet tent upu ecelpf a! c seat k o?y ostage, - TftCfU-vv rr- A3 ts k v Walking the Floor. When a business man gets to the point where he cannot sleep at night, where he ts so shattered of nerve that it is torture to evin remain in his bed, and he has to get up and pace the floor it is time for that to bring himself up with .1 round turn. If In- does not, it means nervous prostration and mental, if not physical, death. p'or a man who gets into this condition there is a remedy that will brace him up, put him on his feet and make a mat) of him aeain. It is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It goes to the bottom of things. It searches out the first cause When a man is in this condition you can put your finger 011 one of two spots and hit that first ;ause the stomach or the liver or both. This great medicine act directly 011 these spots. It promptly transforms a weak stom ach into a healthy one. It facilitates the flow of digestive juices and makes diges tion and assimilation perfect. It gives a man an appetite like a boy's. It invigor ates the liver. It fills the blood with the life-giving elements of the food, and makes it pure, rich, reil and plentiful, lae blood is the life current, and when it is filled with the elements that build new and healthy tissues, it docs not take long to make a man well and strong. It builds firm, muscular flesh tissues and strong and steady nerve fibers. It puts new life, vigor and vitality into every atom and organ of the body. It cures nervous exhaustion ana prostration. Nothing "just as good" can be found at medicine stores ' 1 had suffered about eleven years with a paiu in the hack of ray head ami hack." writes Mr Kohert Hubbard, of Varncf. Lincoln Co , Ark " I suffered for eleven vears and spent a great deal of money for doctors and medicine, but did not get relief. Then 1 tried four bottles of the 'Golden Medical Discovery and !nipro-ed great ly. I heat for five moie and now am glad to tell everyoue that 1 am In good health." Brightest ladler' naga.'!ne fufallsned. J in-aluable for tto tiomt Fashion of I the day. Home Literature, HckiseL-U I Hints, panct Tork. Current Topic, r FLtlon, all (oi -,nly 50 ;nt near, la- f eluding a fro jttem, t own te!tiw- i lion any tlu.c. Seed twv 2-cent cynp 7 'of irn-Ie mo.Addresr lir .mof's ft V, THE BlcCALT CXfvUJWVXJi Vest Hlh Street, Ue,Cft k r&M TO Avinus, Chicago; ' I 3V Webster's 1 International Di .?! TJie One l Bo J list 1 CURE ALL YOUR PAINS WITH Pain-Killer. A Medicine Chest In Itself. Slmplo, Safe and Quick Cure for CRAMPS, DIARRHOEA, COUGHS, COLDS, RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA. 25 and 50 cont Bottlos. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE. PERRY DAVIS' nonary . tin' " ( nahrhlgt tt 'it wtlnrtl Authority, ii'M-iue - ourt. Sluuclard of Ilia 1 S Oov'tPrintiiit? office, the V 8 Supremo oun, an me M&ie mi- ( infmr rcmrtit.andof near H jiM the bcliool books, Warmly Commuiiclccl I by tte RnterintfiHienU of St'tniiil, roller Vtvst ufnut.nni tin t?i !-uui-iuor almost without atuube j luvaliiallc . , In tlio Jiousf I10M, nnil ' 1li U'ticlier, st'iiolnt, lro f feflsJuiml man, aud belt- 1 fdiiimtor, V f Tun i v3 ct ciri nr a rTir" a ncr? j uiuuui run. nvnw i i vau u ju It Is easv to find the nonl wanted It Is easv to ascertain the nronuncli It Is cany to trace the growth m a word, It is easy to learn what a word means. LUSG.o Woo 9 . ei Bucklen't Arnica Solve. Tho beat salvo In the world for cuts, bruises, Bores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, aud all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or jo ray required. It ta t'tiaranteed to give ported satisfaction or mony reiuuueu. yntx 8.1 cents por box. For sale by A. Wasley. Ftii-Iqtm 8nmv Storm In Mlolttcnn. Detroit, Nov. 11. llspatchea from various points indicate a general and furious storm throughout Michigan yesterday. In the southwestern portion from two to ten Inches or snow fell. At Grand Ilaplda and at Decatur full ten Inches Is reported. Tho telegraph service is seriously impaired, and re liable news 1b scarce. AU trains in the southwestern portion of tha stats are delayed, as well as many other parts. Never Falls for Couchs aud Colds. That's what Van-Tiiia is, 25c. At Uruhlor Bros., drug store. fWt has added little of Seel- Z' to ordinary coffee knows a . j j i .. . granu urine mm j will gleasq her husband. I If we can sell you one ac. package of tuts admixture we'll be satisfied. You'll buy more for it will touch the spot. Grocers lave bEELtO'S.I The .Ynir 1'nrfc Trilmrio Hava: 'I ho l.itht ,'ilUluu roiiied from tlio jirv ss w Ith a i "IiidIi'I'mk hs lintilli s the inobt tlirtl-L'li II . "I U,l .11111 H IH'Kl.MIIIK .11 lMHT Iblllll. - - III1 f i i- iiii dm iiiii . tiM,. n tn iii ill i. ti wot k tn wiiti ji il I O it.i illy uKi'ful iii n-'i i - Mirli. litre. I X Q ETTHE lWST. J X i4T"Sici . ii pages sent on application io , 6 C. X- C. 3tF.KKTA.3r CO.. Publishers, 6 SorlniWeli!, irnss., I'.S A f 0KXVOWVOVCWCWVrvwvvfvvrwrva THE GREATEST BOOK OF THE AGE I Should be In Every Home and Library. Tie People's file History Ib written lr IlUlit lion William Kwott Gladstone, Ex-Premier of Great Itritian ami Ireland, Chewtur, Kiir., Iter A. JI. bioce, Quoen'n Oollese, Uxfuul, Kna.j Kev. Sarouel Ivei Ourtit, 1). I)., Chicago Theological Heminary, Cbicatfo, III ,ltev Frederic V Farrar.D.U F.K.t, Dfan o( (lanterbury, Canterbury, Kn.i Iter, Klruer H.Capeu, I.lJ.,Tuft Collfltfe.KomervillB, Matm.i Iter Frank V (lunaaulus. 11. U.. Armour lmttitutu. Cnicauo, III., Her (leorjje F Fenteooftt, 1J.I Muryltw none I'reiioyierinn i.nurcu, ionaan, .nu.i uev, i. r. Muc Arthur. D.L) . Calvary Hiitiit Churtb. Mew York City, N V , Her Martyn Kummerbell, l.l Mailt Htreet Free Hajitint Ohurch, LewUlon, Me., Her, Frank M. Jirlatol. I) !., Vint MvLlmhtt KIf copal Church, Kfannton, III . Her V, T Moore, IX U . Ihe C'hria tlan (torn m on we lth London, Knct . Her, Fdward F.rerett Hale. l).D , South I unk'ret-'iitional Church, Hoton, MftHH., Hev Joweph Acar Heet, 1.U.. Wenleiau Oollece, Hichroond, Enn ( Iter Canar Hene Qrecory, iipziu UnirerHity, Ilprir Geriunny. Her, Wra, Uleaver WilkiiiHon. I).I,lIn i-itv of ChicaRo. Chi rano. 111., Hev Samuel Hun. 1m-. Trinity Culepe, IIartford,ltai-..Uer .1 MontoGit- n,l.l..Bt Johnu ood Fret -Cliu i 1 'ad" t ng .Her George O.Iorlmert nri'., l'ho ' . n.-U Jt ton.MaM..,, , Itll'lLilt KDiriot.. m i;,. f, full-rape ill ultra tiona, cllt ftdi' . r'o'h, Hri. 1. II levant, t$.U0; tall levant. m illTii l-DITlO.-l.?t-.i I,:.?. 200 fu1lpasa iUattrtv ttoni. Style A Kilt edi (tti, full tavant, one volume, MS if); Style II two volnmtM. full Jovmit. tufted, WJOM ln)6PAHT6,f)uarto site, ivfewqiiettione to each, etlff paper oovera, aewttd, trinjl"nd ellrhtlv, f 1.00 each part. Po aala at all boolfHtoi fd l l nolieller, . r further Information, wilte lliZNItV tt HiifcrAHl), Pnliliaher.VlI and 21t Muunw Htrt-L. Chlcaio. Illiuui ftR-THEEL 604 N. Sixth St. Side Entrance on Green St.. FHILAQELPHIA. PA. CURE GUARANTEED." YounK,ohl,slin.-lecriurrlrdit those con tcmpluttng murrlaire, Ifyou art' a victim of BLOOD POISON "1-;'cye.?:"Sf Private Diseases $SWS&T ' itrov mind aud bodr and unlit vou for tho dutle of life, call or write and be taved, Houm I J' any, ii.s cv m, duu., oeua lur'i. m ftftinpa for Book With iwaru teatlniuiilula JxiulUK Quucka und Fuko luatltutcs Wen AWN'S TANSY PILLS A nn.TKr urn lint WOMAN'S RELIEF. AIwiti nrflmrt and rHfcbl. A-otti mtUittoiu. Gtt CATOK't TaHIT 1'tLLItnd 1AVK BBOlITt. Atdruz I tort , or not direct (tealed). erlt. tl. . CiTna Brae. Co., Boito. Mm. Oar eoek, U. Kor sale at Klrlln'a drug store aud Sbanandoa drUR atoro 0KUS ANSY PILLS! SFI A0 SURE. SCNU4o.tDR"INtlUU 3 S( t Vox I kt FoTtnaky'ilMrog, store. Centra trees. Ell XML JelLrltl Pemw 'owders Utivor fal I LKUI, aff anaiuritnor itun , anJiufiLft with Tanir id lVtmyroyal IUU and o"hcr II ns.vtlasit A lu- VI till 1 the tnJt aild aVOid Ati. iWlnlment. Guaranteed iuperiur to all otMtiWitU hetwtlnthenfRrtirt K Nu I IWUCuUra, CU- Vi $ ZULU 3K1 SMUt C