The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 04, 1898, Image 4

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Found of bur 25c
chocolate candy assortment and
then tell us if you ever tasted its
equal at less than 40c. Remember
we have 40 ki'ids at this price. We
are also ig-'-ii-- lor Lo.vney's pack
age candy. One for one pound and
30c for a J-J lb pack.'ige.
N. Main St.
Headache '
Cure ?
A ship vine or
your nioni-y
it n trial.
refunded Uivr
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Trlrpliunr Comic tlmi
The disagreeable weather
Avill soon be with us and now
while you have an opportunity
purchase your rubbers for the
winter at our special prices.
Children's, - l5c per pair
Youth's, - - 20c per pair
Ladies', - 25c per pair
Men's, ui,,,!, 40c per pair
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah,
Keep Your House
Warm by using our Moves,
Knnges mill Heaters. I hc) aic cheaper In th
in price and fuel. We have a tine selection
in stock. They musi be sold. Christmas is
rapidly approaching and wr need room for our
fancy stock of holiday furniture. This is our
first season in the stove business, mid to
thoroughly advertise it, we will sell them at
small profits.
Or upward will buy you a stove, range
or heater. Kvery one sold is accom
panied with n guarantee. currv
the "Queen Cinderella," "Liberty," "Uncle
Sam's l'ortutie," "l'nmily Fortune," "New
Fortune," "llannei," stoves and ranges. In
heaters we carry the "Art l'enmsutar,'
"Kmpress Cinderella, ""Imperial uulercMa,'
"Liberty," "Acme," " ll.inm-r, ' "Mora '
Our "I'ciiinsulur" answers a ihree-lohl pur
ose naim K, u Stue, Range 01 Ibattu,
121.123 North Alain St.
We give your
eyes a scien
tific examina
tion free of charge and if
glasses are needed, we are
willing to furnish them at
only a legitimate profit.
Thos. Buchanan,
118 S. Mairr Street.
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
E. B. Foley, a71wce.'ntr st.
Jsa ".QUEEN en
is'hifiat a gre.'A many men and tMivin
Are looking fi ; hclo against ar,)roachtnj
baldness t heip against Ivhttemng locks
help to restore the lost gloss to the ur;
help Against fading tresses; help for the
scalp attacked by dandruff. AVER'S
HAIR VIGOR offers just such help. II
restores gray or faded hair to its original
color, gi- csii length, thickness And gloss,
and rcinc ;cj candruff.
'Mv hnlr is romr1! nnd broken ami beuati
to inn out. i lie use
ot but one b
AYEH'slI MR Vu.iih 1,1th r hctkrd the 'llil'MJ
out Hml tendered mv h.itr smooth, Klorsv ui J
in splendid condition It i- 1 In- miest of di e-i
Uii:." Mas. I'. L. SMITH, Oliver Creek, Mini
"Some years nt o t.-y
hmr be. an I" fall nut nnd
1 bcenim- i.u te bald. l!y
ndvtee 1 tt led
and very soon my hnlr
censed to fall out and a
m-w and vigorous RrowtVi
trade ifs nppeuranre. Mv
luur Is now abuuUnnt and
cluw "-TIIOS. DUNN,
Kockvlllc, Wis.
i:ti;liiml i:cltcd (her it Dcsperutn I'lot of
Interpst tn I'rntiHHiiiilii.
When it was learned recently that Phila
delphia wanted William I'emi's collin, Ins
Knivo In Unhand win watched ; but h glimil
evaded the cuanl anil rural KmkI.'uhI is
Kruntly exritcil In t-unsciiuviivo. Tliu stoiy
will bu (rapliically and exclusively told In
tliu next iisitu of tin; threat Philadelphia Sun
day l'ross, N'ovcmlier litli. Another exclusive
feature of noxt Sunday s I'rcss will ho nn
artlclo by Dr. Shindy, Vow York's eminent
pceialist, who declares that tho desire to
supply tho American wotnen with luxury is
ruiiniitr the average American man in man
ners, morals anil health. I' rcdcricK vtlllers,
the famous war correspondent, oxposes tin
army scandal of law importance. Another
remarkablo story tells how Kockfcllcr, the
great financier, is arranging his own inonu
iiiontnnd paying enough for it to make, a
family rich.
Other exclusive features will bo numerous.
You had better order next Sunday's I'ress to
Dr. Hull's Collj;h Sjrtlp cures nil
throat troubles. Why wear out your throat
by incessant cnnuliing, when this reliable
remedy can bo bought for only B3 cents a
Alarm Sjstoiii l.cpulrcd.
The file alarm system was rep.tiied last
night. The frequent taps of tho bell yester
day were duo to tliu breaking of a wire in
the borough building while plastereis were
at wotk.
Select vimr garmeni from up-to dnte styles.
We have the nghl goods here and a large
varict) to selecl hum at the right prices.
Ladies' Coats, S2 50, S3.00, S5.00, S6.00.
$8.00, $9.00 to $16.00.
Children's Coats, $1.50 to $7.50.
Fur Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00.
Our stock of dress iroods has no equal. You
will find here a large assortment of plain and
fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic at bar
gain prices.
Our place is headtiuartcrs for lace curtains
blanket", carpets, rugs, etc. Look through
our line on second floor anil get prices.
Uulterick paper patterns, best in the wollil
sold b) us.
For a Few
Days Only !r
, One lot of Alpine hats, all colors, trimmed
with riblion and cique feathers, for 75 cenlfc,
worth double i one lot of Sailor and knock
about hats, from 50 cents up ; Kouli Kidcr,
all colors, 65 cents up j one lot of children'!
trimmed lints, from $1.00 upi fine im
ported French hats, latest styles, .from 75
cents to 05 cents ; Germantown yarn, colors
llrown, Green and Kcd, only 5 cents a hank ;
infant's silk, wool and velvet combination
cabs, from 2$ cents up,
Mrs. J. J. Kelly,
26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Bg2?S! at
Major ltebor 8. Thompson nnil S. It.
Kaerehcr, Ksq., of I'otUrillo, pawed through
town this morning on their way to tho (,'ata
wlssu Valley, to spend tho day hunting,
William I'epper, of Ashland, was a visitor
to town last uk'lit
W. M. llrewcr went to I'hlladclplila this
iniirnitiK, on a business mission.
I,. K. Clark ami his sou, Ilaio'd, left town
this morning to visit friends at Philadelphia.
,1. (1. Melz, tliu popular clerk at tho Fer
guson House, visited friends at Shauiukin
last night.
V.. C. Urobst visited friends lit N'ureinburg
Miss May Lee, of 1'lillndclphla, Is tho guost
of her parents heie.
Miss Clara Woomer is the guest of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. llenj. Woomer, of West
Centre street. Sho arrived hero from New
Hampshire, where she spent tho summer,
and tii-iii(rrov will leave for her home in
Colorado Springs, Col.
Mrs. Zcb. Itohhlus has gono to W'llkesbarro
to join her husbsnd, which place they will
mako their future, homo.
W. II. llolman, of Shamokiu, was a busi
ness visitor to town to-day.
',. S. Wasley Is confined to his homo by an
attack of Illness.
Mrs. A. II. Swalin and chililron havo gono
to l'ltlslon on a visit.
.loseph Ulekertand Frank Wbomley spent
yesterday hunting for rabbits and weio qulto
Ilruiiim on tho stump Is a different man to
Itriiium in Congress. lie is full of promises
on tho l ist 1 ti in, but never lieaul of on tho
lloor of tho house, except to oppose tho
financial pollcj' of tho Ilepubliciiii party. The
only speech (?) ho made In Congress last
session was ill favor of an issue of $200,000,
000 in (irccnliacks, but failed to vote upon it.
John Wanainakcr will speak in l'ottsvlllo
to-morrow evening under tho auspices of the
Honest Government party.
Many politicians aro speculating as to what
kind of a figuro tho Socialist patty will cut in
this campaign. It is giving our Democratic
fi lends much uneasiness.
The vote of tho members of tho Kighth
regiment, now at Camp Meade, will bo taken
on Tuesday.
One of the biggest meetings held in, says an exchange, was that by tho
Democrats on Wednesday night.
Senator I'enroo will speak at Sunbiiry to
morrow night, and an effort is being made to
havo him deliver an add less at l'ottsvlllo on
Monday night, lie would draw a largo
(Ion. Cnliin, S. II. I'.d wards and others will
address tho Republicans of Shenandoah on
Monday evening in Itobhins' opera house.
Tho Democrats will hold forth in l orguson's
theatre the haino evening, with W. A.
Sun den as tho star speaker.
Mr. llruium has not yet accepted tho chal
lenge of .1. Mahlou Barnes, the Socialistic
candidate, for a joint debate hero Monday
One of tho most successful meetings held
in West Mahauoy township during the pres
ent campaign was that addressed by S. Ilurd
I-.dwards, candidate for District Attorney,
and Charles A. Snyder, candidate for Con
troller, at Wm. I'enn last oveniug. The
largo attendance and enthusiasm displayed is
in Indication that tho Republicans of that
place, will givo these two gentlemen a baud-
homo vote on Tuesday. Licorge Stevenson,
tho county committeeman, was chairman of
the meeting.
(IrueberV Death Is Kxplnluuil,
Mrs. KlizabethOrueber, of Ashland, yester
day received a letter from tho purser of a
steamer plying between Bennett and Dawson
City, Alaska, giving the particulars of tho
leath of her son, John CI. Clraeber, which
has heretofore been noted in these columns.
I'ho young man was on his way homo from
tliu gold fields and had been ill with typhoid
fever. lie was convalescing when ho left
Dawson City hut was taken violently ill after
partaking of soiuo green vegetables, and
never rallied from tho shock. Ho was buried
it a point ten miles above Fort Selkirk,
under tho direction of a priest stationed
there. Tho family have Hindu arrangements
to hung the body homo for interment at
Ashland. The deceased young man was
iiccompanied by his cousin, Nicholas (iraeber,
the Australian, who left Ashland with him
for the Kloudyku.
su;km:ss is not natural.
Sickness is an unnatural condition and that
why nature forever btands ready to assist
science in eradicating disease. Tho sufferer
from nervous depression, from debility, loss
of vitality and power caused by oxcesses,
ignorance or foolishness, and who is fre
ifiieutly a prey to gloom and despair should
therefore take courage; when ho heeks tho
lid of skill to help him r.aturo also will do
her best for him. Dr. Clreene, 33 West 11th
St., .New York City, the great specialist and
most successful of all physicians in curing
diseaso will let you have the benefit of his
skill, free of expense, llo will give you
advlco by mall, freo of cost. Now hero Is a
rare chance for tho sick.
Mtirrlago Licenses.
Thomas Drummond, of Ashland, and Mary
McAteo, of Mahanoy Piano; Anthony
Zicnkawiezes and Mary Vacnok lute, both of
Shenandoah ; Alexander Yusanowski and
Autoiiina Selanowska, both of Shenandoah
Henry T. Fetterolf and Kleuora Baldnin
both of (iiranivillo ; John J. Hughes and
Mary K. Conway, both of Treniont Twp.
Dr. Hull's Cough Srup cures coughs
and colds. Don't go to chinch or public
meeting and disturb tho audience by In
cessaut coughing, but use this wonderful
remedy at once.
Worth lteniembtiriug.
Tho Supremo Court has decided that when
a cross Is marked in the clrclo at top of the
column, and a cross marked at a name in
another column, tliu whole ballot is vitiated
and will not bo counted. Voters should
make a note of this and keep it In mind
until election day.
A 0110 year guarantee accompanies every
watch repaiicd at Urklu's, 120 S. Main street,
DuoiU ltecorileil.
From Matilda Dolan to Mary'Jano Evans,
lirciulscs in St. Clsir.
From Thomas Hughes and wife to Matilda
Dolan, premises In St, Clair.
Application fora charter for Columbia Heat
and Power Co., with location at Hlicnaniloaii
has been filed in the liccolder's ollice.
I.otlers Grunted.
Letters testamentary were granted to
Joseph (ianiion on tho estate of James (iainio,
lain of St. Clair, deceased ; to Charles
Hoppos, on the estates of l'riscilla Hex, late
of West P01111 township, deceased ; to L, F,
McDuiiougli, 011 the estate of Lovina liaiier,
lato of Piuegruvo township, deceased.
If you want u Buit welt made,
linings, goto L. (luhliu's.
Won't (he J"ur 1'lyl
A face pushing encounter will eventuate at
Sheppton 011 Saturday evening, when King,
town and Nuremberg sluggers will trod the
rosin. It will bo a twenty-round bout, pro.
vidi UK neither goos down before tho limit is
roachtd, ami this will depend a great deal on
how they guagu their tempers.
Funeral Tlinu Changed.
The time for the funeral of Martin Cor
rjgau. of Ellaugowau, has been changed from
u o'clock to-morrow morning to S o'clock In
the afternoon. The change is duo to the
funerals of Mm. Coakley and Mrs. Scaiilan,
nUlvh laku place iu tliu uiuruiug.
Annual Salilff over 6,000,000 Bona
Btieh M Wind and Tain In the Stoinaeh.
Glddluesi, Fulness after meats, Hcad
noho. Dlzzlnoss, Drowslnoss. Flushings)
ot Hoat. Loss of Appotlto, Costlvonrss,
l-liiotchcs on tho Skin, Odd Chills. Dls
Wturbod Sleep, Frightful Droams nnd nil
'' Nervous and Trombllng' Honsatlons.
IN TWENTY MINUTES, llvory sufferer
Will nckuowlodgo them to bo
Ili:iXlIAM'S I'HJ.S, taken ns direct
ed, w'ilqutcklyrestoro Females to oom
liloto health. They promptly remoo
obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys
torn nml euro hick llciulnelie. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills aro
Without a RivaS
And havo tbn
Of any I'ateiit .Urillelno in Hie World.
25c. at all Drug Stores.
Hnppnlngs Throughout tlin Country
Clir""lr,til fur lliidty I'eniHitl.
Tho evening schools of town will open on
Naturalization court will be held to morrow
Tho politicians aie preparing to bo tinis
teied out.
Tho paving of four squares of Shainokln's
istrects lias been completed.
Itcpalrs aro being made to tho main room
if tho Columbia lloso Company.
Tho Ashland foot ball team will play at
Shamokiu on Thanksgiving Day.
So far 230 cases havo been relumed to tho
District Attorney's ollico for criminal court.
Supt. A. S. lloyd's lesidcnco on South Jar
dlu street is being treated to a coat of paint.
Mrs. Michael Dunleavy, of Ashland, yester
day moved her houichold effects to I'hiladol
phia. Jtey. ,T. W. Oilland. of Brooklyn, N. Y.,
has accepted tho oall of the Presbyterian
church of Shamokiu.
Jacob Hall, of 'Fremont, had his leg badly
injured at llrooksido colliery, and ho is now
at tho Miners' hospital.
Arthur Koscngarten, of l'ottsvlllo, well
known hero, has so far iccovered from his
illness as to bo able to leavo tho house.
Five night school teachers will bo elected
by tho School Hoard of Mahanov City noxt
Monday evening. There aro a large number
of applicants.
I he largo bam of Clareuco Cleaver, at
Hearing Clock, and all Its contents, was
totally destroyed by fire, tho loss being esti
mated at $5,000.
Miuo Inspector F.dward Hremiaii, of Sha
mokiu, left for California several weeks ago
in tho Interests of his health, returned homo
yesterday greatly improved.
lames Sweeney, of Lost Creek, who served
as a cavalryman in tho war of the rebellion,
lias been granted a pension of $3 per month,
under tho now law coniiiiencini,' April 10.
XV. O. Whildcn, superintendent of tho
ruinaqua & Lansford Flectric Ky., is lying in
a very critical condition at his homo at Ims-
ford, mid giavo doubts aro entertained as to
Ins recovery.
Patrick O'Hagon, a former resident of
Mahanoy City, met instant death by falling
from tho girders of a hiidgo in tho course of
construction near Brooklyn, N. Y. llo was
a brothor-in-law to James O'Connor. .
invitations aio out announcing tho ap
proaching wedding ot Mr. Olaf Peuderson
of Now York, to Miss ltebio, tho estimable
daughter of Cleorgo W. llrown, of Port
Carbon. The wedding will tako placo on
l liuisilay, Nov. 17th.
Iho many friends of Wren Brown, of
(liraidvilli), a member of Co. F, and who has
been confined in a hospital in Virginia for
some time, and was thought to bo on a fair
road to recovery, will bo pained to learn that
he is su tiering with a relapsu.
Tho troupe of Welsh prize singers will
ippear at Hazletun on tho -bth lust.
Hay Is selling at $11.00 per ton at Ila.lelou
Pensions have been granted to Franklin
A. Solicitor, Shenandoah, fl! per mouth, and
Mary Thomas, St. Clair, $8.
Iho Lehigh Valley Coal Company has
ordered 300 new coal cars for No. .1 colliery.
The sixty day fuilough of tho Fourth
Itcgimont will oxplro noxt Sunday.
I ho Tax Collector at llazloton has entered
suits against a' number of deliiuiuuut tax
payers. Tax Collector Payne, of Ashland,
has done tho same thing.
I'lio general storo of W. II. Schuinaii. of
Sheppton, was closed by tho Sherill' yestnr
day, to satisfy a $1,200 claim held by John
Dunn, of Palo Alto.
Harry Eva, one of Oirardvlllo's popular
young men, and Miss Magglo .Tonos, formerly
of the same placo but now of Minorsvlllo,
wero married on Wednesday evening. It
wjs a quiet all'air, owing to tho serious illness
of tho bridegroom's mother. They will re
side at (Iiranivillo.
It. 1. Swank, Esq., a lawyer of Mahauoy
City, and Miss Ida M. Heppler, of Eldred
township, and formerly a teacher iu the
Delano township schools, will bo married 011
Dec. 1st. Miss Heppler is well known
throughout tho county in Christian Endeavor
circles, having filled the position of county
secretary for bovcral terms,
Ulysses Oraut Kaso ami Miss Itohona Clif
ford wero united in marriage at tho homo of
tho bride's parents, on East Centre street.
They wero attended by Miss Jeaunctto
Hounctt and Adam Campbell. Tho officiating
clergyman was l!ov. II. Koohler, pastor of
tho Presbyterian church.
In the presence of the relatives of tho
contracting parties, Francis I la use, of Ash
land, and Miss Katie Morrelt, of (Hrurdvillc,
wero married at tho homo of tlio bride's
parents yesterday afternoon at I o'clock,
Itev, Nicholas, pastor of tho Primitive Meth
odist church, officiated. Tho parlors wero
tastefully decorated with potted plants.
The couplo wero supported by ficorgo Stelf,
of Ashland, nnd Miss TIUlo Smith, of Gor
don, Many presents wero presented to tho
bildal couple. After tho wedding feast Mr.
and Mrs. llausu departed for Philadelphia to
spend their honeymoon. Tho bridegroom is
a brother of Mrs. E. II. Hunter, and tho bride
a cousin of Mrs. F. C. Hooks, of town.
Accident Duo to Negligence,
Tho Coroner's jury to inquire into the
death of James Mulutyru, of Cuiubola, who
died from the cllects of uu explosion of gas,
last evening rendered the following verdict :
"James Mclntyro came to his death by an
explosion of gas at the Marion colliery,
October 31, 1808, which accumulated by
reason of neglect to carry air Into tho face of
the breast. 1 ho gas becaiuu Ignited from a
defective safety lump containing inferior oil
in tliu hands of tho deceased."
L. Until I n'11 stino keeps only well
Chief llurgess Not .Hmtuliieil,
Tho llurough Council of Ashland has
passed over tho Chief Burgess' veto an
ordluanco placing a tax or 23 cents upon
every poll eroded iu the town by the electric
railways, Tho ordinauco was passed at a
previous meeting but tho llurgess refused to
sign it, and Wednesday night It was passed
over hts veto by a vote of 13 to 1.
V Trailer to tho lllugloivii Itnblicrs I'ulls
Yesterday Olllcer Leitcnberger, of Alalia-
noy City, arrested Frank Kinney and Ed
ward Kelly on suspicion of being tho men
who rubbed Oscar Llnilcnmuth's clothing
sloio at Itiugtowii last Monday night, They
wero given n hearing boforo Juslico Kctner
at Malmnoy City. Kinney and Kelly sworo
they hud never been in ltingtown. Linden
ninth Identified tho clothing tho men woro as
similar to somo of the stock hi his storo and
ullttloglrl tcstlfinl that Kelly and Kinney
alo annul at the liumo of her parents In
lilngtiiwn oil the day the lohberywas com
mitted. Justice Kctner did not consider the
evldcnco sullleiently strong, however, and
tho prisoners wero discharged.
At L. (loldlu's you can get your choice of
suits oroveicoats from $3 to $15. tf
heaths mill Funeral.
William West, iiged 15 years, died this
morning at his homo on West Apple alley
from pneumonia, Ho Is survlvod by his
wife and four chitilien.
'I ho funeral of MiH. Benjamin Itccs, of
(lilhottoii, took place yesterday afternoon,
and was largely attended. Interment was
made at Ashland. The deceased was a sister
of Thomas Powell, of town.
Tho homo of Mr. and .Mrs, William (Irad
well, of !J8 S011II1 Catlierinu street, was tho
Bceno of deep mourning yesterday afternoon
canted by the sudden death of their son,
John. Deceased was aged 17 years and death
was duo to pneumonia, from which ho had
buen ill but seven days. Ho was a member
of Washington Camp No. 183, P. O, S. of A
and is survived by his parents, four brothors
and two sisters. Tho funeral will take placo
on Sunday afternoon at U o'clock. Services
It tho HvaiiEcllcal church. Interment will
bo made in tho O Id Follows cometory.
Hives aro a terrible torment to tho little
folks, and lo some older ones. Iiisily cured.
Doan's Ointment never falls. Instant relief,
permanent cure. At any drug storo, GO
Poor Kiillromltug.
The teachers of town, thoso who remained
to tho entertainments, havo been doing con
siderable giowling over tho Lakeside Com
pany's arrangements to bring them homo at
night from Mahanoy City. On Wednesday
night the car was stuck several times and
last night enough people to fill a largo car
were crowded into a small one, packing it
uncomfortably and causing a delay which
might havo been avoided with a littlo moro
consideration for the. patrons of the line.
Mcailn Ti'turs' Hot Tiiiuales
For free lunch to-morrow evening will be
line. Iiustaurant in tho Mellct building. It
Itrownmiller lit Homo.
W. 11. Itrownmiller. of Co. M, 4th Kegt.,
who at one time was supposed to have been
dead and buried in Porto Itico, arrived at his
home in Putlsville last evening. Ho caino
direct from the hospital at Fortress Monroe,
accompanied by his father, J. N. Hrowu
miller. Ho lud the novel oxporionco of
reading h's own obituary, lie was given a
hearty reception.
Cuthollo l'l uleetorato Iteneflt,
Tho Palaeo thcatic, at Girardvlllo, was
taxed to its utmost capacity Wednesday
ovening, when tho Kappahauiiock Dramatic
Society produced tho play "Strife, Master or
Jlan," for tho benefit of tho Catholic Protec
tory. There wero 1030 tickets sold for the
entertainment. Each and every 0110 ac
quitted theinselvos In a manner that rellects
much credit upon tho management, and the
audience was well pleased.
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup euros croup
It has saved tho lifo of many a child.
Mothers, keep this mcdicino always on hand;
it will save you many restless moments.
Price 23c.
Moro Trains.
It is reported that tho Lehigh will tako oil'
mure trains when tho new time table goes
Into effect on the, 13th. , while the Heading
will liistoro tliu night trains takou oil' in May
last. Tho latter wero very convenient and
tho company shows its willingness to givo
good accommodation provided tliero Is a
reasonable prospect that It will not bo done
at a loss.
Cards Iti'inoieil.
Health Olllcer Conry to-day removed the
plaeatds from tlio Magarstle resideneo on
South Whito stieet, Niehter lesidenco on
East Lloyd street and tho Marshall resideneo
on West Lino street. The first two cases
woro placarded as searlotina and tho latter us
Case Settled.
Thoeaso of Health Officer Patrick Conry
against .Michael ilaughucy.of Mahauoy City,
and Edward O'D'Uinoll, of town, represent
ing tho Kainr Company of tho fnrmor town,
fur conducting a scavenger business without
procuring a local license was settled yoster-
day by tliu defendants laying the costs and
a license fco of ten dollars.
COAKI.HY. On the ilrd lust., at Shenandoah
l'ti.,Nclf!o F., wife of James J. Coakley, ngeil
2( years. Funeral will take placo on Satur
day, .un lust, at y n, ni., from tho family
residence, at No. US North Main street. High
muss will be celebrated at the Annunciation
eliuirh mid the remains will be interred in the
Annunciation i emetery. Itelativesuud friends
respu tfully Invited to attend 11-3 2t
IIItADW ICI.I, At Hheimiiilimli, Pa., on the 3rd
Inst, John, son of William (Iradwell, ugeil 17
years. Funeral will tako plac on Sunday
afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the residence of
the parents, 2H South Catherine street. The
services will bo held III tlio I'nlted KvniiKel eal
church. Interment 111 the Odd Fellows' ceme
tery, Ucluttvcs and friends arc respectfully
Invited to attend. H
of tho Globe for
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints;
uuu prcjui-eu uouit uiu feirmgcnt
preccncLj oy eminent puysiciana!
WurlJ renowned t HemnrkuMv BUccctmful I
jOnlysiMiiiIno villi Trado Alark" Anchor," I
jr. Kichtcr.v to., ilia ri'uriM., lors.
13 Branch Houses. Own Glassworki.
Sl&Wcu. ftiilorbctl & rccowuujuuul ty
A. Wasley, 106 If. Main St..
kC.n Hagenbach.lOlN.MalnSt.,
. r.D. Klrlln, 6 S. Main St..
Dfl. niCHTER'S 1
"ANCHOR" STDJIACItAr. beet for
jjrffiffirM'iiiiii i'Voii '!' 'ill
One Block of Nine
Situated on Wr st Coal street, Rhcnitndouh, Tho
property entire Is 112 feet front and 70 feet
deep. ICaeh house bus u frontugu of 12 feet
by 2D feet deep, with kitchen 10 by 14 feet i all
aro two storl's, six rooms, tin roof. They have
just been thoroughly repaired, newly painted
and purred, and now sills, nuthouses and coal
houses constructed, These properties uro
I'.itlier as a whole or separately and on reason
able terms, For further Information upply to
NOW is the time to buy your
the time when you will be
cm get .the best Overcoat for
invest in it. Knowing this, we have selected and
bought as fine a line of Overcoats ever brought to
Shenandoah. In comprises all
ine make ana quality ol our uvercoats are un
equalled. The prices we are offering them at well
we leave that to your own judgment. When you see
them we will feel positive that you will agree with us
and say they are 20 per cent, cheaper than elsewhere.
Our suit assortment is the same. We make a specialty of
Before buying elsewhere call and see us in our new
store. We have lots of room and plenty of light to
display our stock. But do not forget your Overcoat
should be purchased.
Clothier and Furnisher,
No. 23 East Centre Street, - Shenandoah, Penna.
A Treat
In Store
For You !
It will be a genuine treat for you to come and feast your eyes 011
the magnificent line of fall and winter clothing we are now displaying.
Our tables are groaning under their weight. Everything is span new,
as our old stock has been entirely closed out. Our new stock embraces
all the latest novelties of the season. Young men who pride iu being
stylishly dressed come in and we will show you the newest thing in the
way of a suit or an overcoat. We have them in all the latest shades
and colors. We would especially call your attention to our short box
coat, which is the most choicest thing this season. It is beautifully
made and trimmed and can not fail to please the most fastidious. Our
children's department was never so complete as it is this fall. We are
showing a splendid line of Vestee suits that will make mother's eyes
sparkle. Space will not permit us to tell you of all the good things
but come in and prove our statement.
The Reliable Clothier,
Nos. 10 and 12 South Hain St., Shenandoah, Pa.
1 Ak
Or kin's
No. 129 South Mslr-i Street,
Terminus of the Schuylkill Traction Company's Railway.
Eight Day Clock for $2. VS.
. J J ForThla IVIonth Only.
1,10 It Itl'.N'T. Storeroom No. 33 liuxt Contro
street, Ilelseiiburuer block. All Improve
ments. Kent reasonable. Apply to Martin
llelsenburtrer, 8J Kast Centre street, 11-4-Ct
IjWU ItKNT. Dwelling house, with nil con
7 venlenees, with kooiI locution, for rent.
Apply nt this ollico.
FOK HAI.K A farm of about lOoeres within
tbreo nnd one-half miles of Slienundoah.
Ooni dwelling house, oxcollcnt out build nir.
Apply to T. II. lleildall, Shenandoah l'a. tf
1,10 It HAI.H. Valuable Shenandoah property,
! centrally located on Oak street, with ul I
modern conveniences, storo room and wodluir
and housH uu the rear. For f ui ther Information
apply at this ofllcc, tf
1,1011 H.W.K. Two pool tables In good eondl
! tlon. Can bo houirht very reasonable.
At ply to Anthony Sclimickcr, lft South .Main
street. It
TOTICH. Deslrnblo properties for sale. Ah
! ply to H. O, M. Jlollopeter, attorney,
JOH 8AI.I5. A valuable property on West
Centre street, dwelling bouse, and all con
veniences In desirable location. Apply to
Thomas Tosh, for further particulars. S-tf-tf
Cleanses anil beautifies the sUn.
Hemoves dandruff and humors
from the scalp,
Dusto's Tonsorial Parlors,
Ferguson House lilock,
Overcoats. This is
thinking where you
the money you will
the latest styles and colors.
A Contented Woman
IttfOio who hut her wnlU nml cellliiKH riccorntcil
from our latct design and rich colors In wiill
jmper. Wo hnvu complctu lino of exquisite
tints nnd bIkuIch, In the most nitlstlu comMtift
tloiiM nnd puUerriB, nnd wo will deeornte jour
home from kitchen to nttiu nt n reiiHonabU
224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, la.
Jewelry Store,
Jewelry, Silverware, Musical
Instruments, Optical Goods.
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Ieave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
To Duyoro !-
Ouu aiiocitiiiKs, iinr noons,
Coiimdlrext from New York nnd Philadelphia.
Wo buy In lurtio ipiantitlcs and sell at small
profits. Our prices uro tho lowest in town,
Philip Yarowsky,
The undersigned bus discon
tinued the atove business anil will devote bis
entire attention to the repatriate of all kinds of
stoves, heaters and ranges. All repulrlnf will
receive prompt attention.
WM. R. IRATT, 333 S. Jardln St