The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 31, 1898, Image 4

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    ' 1
Pound of our 25c
chocolate candy assortment and
then tell us if you ever tasted its
equal at less than 40c Remember
vi have .40 kir Is ;it this price. We
arc ao - ut I.owney's pack
age candy. 00c for one pound and
30c for a li lb package.
3- SI. Main St.
Cure ?
A mm' euro or
your money
it a trial.
refunded, (live
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Telephone f ViniH'rtnm
go to.
I?or Stylish Hats and Uoiinets at
the Lowest Prices.
New YuiV and I'liilailehiliin desirm
Koiiyli Kider lints H colors, 05c ; Sailor
hats 35c and up ; Vale hats, 50c ; Steamer
hats, soc; JJewcy Hats, 75c to .l.oo: I lie
Wheel, S5 ; Uocquo, 95c ; Otricli tips 25c ;
Mourning bounds and veils complete, $2.00 ;
Silk minimum vciK, J1.50; Saxony ami
OermanloHii )arn, 5c a h.mU.
Mrs. J. J. Kelly,
2B South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
Keep Your House
Warm by using our Stoves,
Itnnges ami Heaters. They are cheaper both
in price and fupl. We have a nice selection
in btock. They must be sold. Christmas is
rapidly approaching and we need room for our
Inncy stock of holiday furniture. 1 his is our
first season in the stove business, and to
thoroughly advertise it, we will sell them at
small profits.
Or upward will buy you a stove, rauge
or heater. livery one sold is accom
panied with a uuarantce. We carry
the "Queen Cinderella," "Liberty," "Uncle
Sam's Fortune," "Family Fortune," "New
Fortune," "llanner," stoves and ranges. In
heaters we r rry the "Art Peninsular,"
" ICmpress Cinderella," "Imperial Cinderella,' '
"Liberty," "Acme," "llanner," "Mora."
Cur "Peninsular" answers a three-fold pur
pose namely, a Stove, Range or Heater.
121-123 North Mnln St.
We give your
eyes a scien
tific examina
tion free of charge and if
glasses are needed, we are
willing to furnish them at
only a legitimate profit.
Thos. Buchanan,
118 S. Mairr Street.
HAY ftiid HTItAW.
Floor and Table Oil Cloths.
t- r T-!nl. 27 West
E. a. ruiUV, - centre Bt.
Arrnimntncitt Vnv tlio l.nnilltiir nnd,
Cnniiitiii; 1'niu tlciilly Coiiiiilrtuil.
WiiRhliicion, Oct. 31. No definite de
termination has been reuclird n to the
date when the tr n now at Savannah
111 he scjit to Culm. A prominent ad
ministration 0III1UI raid hint night
that the tleparlure of run. . il'H
corps would he dependent, to a certuln
extent, Upon the movement!! 01 tlie
Spanish forces In evaruallnst the Isl
nnd. The American tioops, he said,
might sail tin week, and they might
not sail for a month.
It Is the Intention of the adminis
tration, however, to land General Iee's
corps In Cuba before Jan. 1. That date
has been fixed definitely as the time
for the final evacuation of the Island by
the Spanluids. An effort was made
by the Spunl-.h authorities to obtain
an extension of the time of evacuation
until Feb. 1, but the proposition was
declined by the American commission
ers. Arrangements for th landing anl
camping of the Ameilcan forces prac
tically have been completed In Cuba,
although some of the details have not
been worked out yet, The recall at
this time of Colonel Ifecker and Colonel
Lee from Havana Is simply to secure
their aid here In the working out of
these details.
General Fltzhugh le came to Wash
ington from nichmond Saturday night,
but remained only until an early train
yesterday morning. His business was
purely private, and he called upon no
war department olllclals. Important
orders will be sent to lilm early this
week relating to the movement of his
corps, but as yet the war department
has not disclosed their nature.
Orinomlft May Hi'tlirn to Kugtand.
San Francisco, Oct. 31. If reports
speak truly Ormonde, "the horse of
the century," for which W. O'll. Mi -Donough
paid $150,000 a few years apn.
will soon be on his way back to Eng
land. It Is said that the Duke of West
minster, his former owner, has offered
$DO,000 for the famous thoroughhre 1
stallion, and that Mr. McDonough Is
likely to accept.
A Diitorin'llioil Sltloltlo.
Detroit, Oct. 31. A man who regis
tered at the Michigan Exchange hot l !
as J. H. Grantlll killed himself yes
terday afternoon just as police offlcei
weie attempting to prevent the net
The stranger had not quitted his rooi
all day and thiough the transom wi'
seen to be pacing about and flourishing
a revolver. The otIHers burst In tin
door, but C.ranllll shot himself Just n
a detective grasped his arm. Tin
suicide had previously taken morphln
from a bottle labeled by a London
Ont., druggist. Only one cent win
found on h'.s person.
Dynmnlto In Porto Itloo.
Ponce, I'oi to Itleo, Oct. 31. A sen
sation was caused here Saturday, on
the arrival of the Red line gteanvr
Philadelphia from the Spanish main
by the discovery In the handbags of
two passnngers of a number of ex
plosive cartridges containing dynamite.
The discovery was made by the cus
toms olllclals, and the passengers wore
arrested on the supposition that they
are anarchists. The police, who fear
that others belonging to the gang hava
escaped, are making strict search.
Victims ortlio Klovntnr IMro.
Toledo, O., Oct. 31. Two bodies wero
taken from the ruins of the Union ele
vator tire yesterday. One Is thought
to be that of Hcrt Wainwrlght, who is
still unnccaunted for. A total of 18
dead Is the result of this fire, which
occurred Sept. 20.
I'ropnrlwr Vov MnroIiiiiidN Iteonll.
Paris, Oct. 31. The French press is
beginning to manifest a much more
conciliatory spirit regarding Fashoda,
apparently with a view to preparing
the public mind for the recall of the
Marchand expedition.
Another Victim of Sclcmco.
Vienna, Oct. 31. The death Is an
nounced of Frauleln I'echa, one of the
two nurses who attended the late Herr
Uarlseh, of Frofessor Nethnngle's
pathological laboratory, the first vic
tim of the outbreak of bubonic plague
In Vienna.
'l'hi Wentlior.
For eastern Pennsylvania, New Jer
sey, Delaware nnd Maryland: Fair:
cooler; fresh to brisk northwesterly
Dentin, ami FunernlH.
Mrs. Joseph Itcefsr, died at her homo in
Malianiiy City yesterday, aged 13 years. She
is Riirvivcd by a husband, threo sons and two
daughters. The funeral will '.take place
Wednesday morning nt It 0 clock.
The remains of Mrs. Mulvey, who died at
Providence. It. I., were Interred at Mahanoy
City this morning, services being held nt tho
home of her ilauglitor, .Mrs. iiornarn hicimciis.
Tho funeral of William Lawlor took place
this morning from tho "family resilience at
Brownsville. High mass was celebrated In
tho Annunciation church and the remains
wero interred in tho Annunciation roinctoiy.
O'llara Ilros. wero the funeral iliicctors,
Hubert Jones, of Suffolk, died yestenlay in
his 1Mb year. His ifeatli was due to miners'
nstlmri and a complication of ailments. A
wife nnd foui childieu survive
William Hull, aged 04 years, died this
morning at his home ill Wijjgans, where he
had resided for 22 years. Tho deceased was
11 native of Hath. Knglaud. Ho served in the
civil war as a private in Co. (i, lSDtli l'u. Vol..
and was a member of Sevorn Post No. 110,
(i. A. II., of Mahanoy City. A wire, four
daughters and a son survive.
A Good Thing for a Bad Cough.
What? Pan-Tina, 2.rc. At (Irubler llros.,
drug store.
Dmiilil Itcronleil.
Deed from Cliarlcinagno Tower, Jr., by
executors, to Win. V. Jones, premises In
Tower City; from John I. Snyder to Win. 1
Jones, premises hi TowcrClty; from Wm. A.
Stutsman and wife to Frank II. Kcliucker,
premises at Fountain, HcbIiis Twp.; from
Aaron Stutzmau, administrator, &c, to
Frank 11. Schuckcr, for a bouse anil lot in
I'lrel Virol rlrel
Insure your proporty from loss iu the
blest and strongest cash companies: Phila.
Underwriters Insurance Co. of North
America uud Fire Association, Hint ford
Fire Ins, Co., American Firo Insuraiico Co.,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Flrenion's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 8. Jure! in St., Shenandoah.
Gasoline, Oil,
Wagon Grease,
Gasoline, Oil Stoves.
We make a specialty of
gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon
lots, delivered. Mica and U. S.
axle grease. Also headlight oil,
150 fire test.
Ho. 143 Ifeat Coal (Street, bliennuiloali, 1'i iilin
Mall orders promptly attended to.
Th'i3 modorn malndy ha3 becomo
dreaded not more for its direct fa
tality than for the weakness of
body and mind it leaves behind it.
Prolonged debility, permanent pros
tration, melancholy and suicido fol
low La Grippo. For this diseaso
thero i3 no remedy superior to
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"The best remedy for la grippe that 1
know of is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."
South Hampton, N. IL
"My ulfo and five children were taken
down with la grippo, while the diseaso was so
widely prevalent. I dosod them with Ayer's
Cherry Poctoral, and before using quite two
bottloj my family wai restored to health. I
know of soveral obstinate cases of the same
compluint which were nlfo cured by this
remedy." J. PAUMINTER,
Paulette, Miss.
" I was cured of la grippe by the use of
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral."
Tub. "Signal," We3t Farmington, 0.
is put up in half-sizo bottles at half
price 50 conts.
A Monitor
foils How Ho Mtmlorpd
Ills I.I 1 1 Its Son.
Jersey City, Oct. 31. Nicholas Jack
son, of Ilaekcnsack, who went to Tren
ton prison to serve ten years for caus
lug the death of his G-ycar-old son
Louis, confessed to Sheriff Herring and
Deputy Sheriff Jackson when they
were on their way to Trenton fiom
Ilaekcnsack with the prisoner. On thli
confession Mrs. Jackson is held as an
accessory to the murder of her step
son. Here are Jackson's words to the
My wliv. ., hum I had only recently
married, did not like Louis, my little
boy, and we had many quarrels about
him. She helped me to plan the mur
der, and I was to put the boy on the
tracks. I went to Teaneck and stood
near the West Shore railroad track.
I was afraid to nut the yountrster on
the tracks alive, for fear he would get
off, so I struck him In the stomach
with an Iron bolt, and that made him
unconscious. Then I nut him on the
track Just below the crossing, and
waited for a train to come along.
When I was convinced that he was
dead-I went home. I fixed up tho story
about my leaving the boy asleep on the
hill near the tracks to save my life.
The Jury believed me and found me
guilty of manslaughter, thinking that
Louis walked on the track and was
Btruek by a train. I got off dead easy."
Prosecutor Stagg will go to Trenton
this week and make arrangements to
have Jackson nppear before the next
grand Jury to testify as to Mrs. Jack
son's connection with the plan of mur
der. Conf'iii'cncc of Porto lllcnnn.
San Juan de Porto Itleo, Oct. 31.
The principal theater of this city was
taxed to Its utmost capacity yesterday
afternoon on the occasion of a public
meeting of delegates from the chief
towns of the Island to consider and
draft recommendations regarding the
necessities of the island for the use of
the special commissioners, who will be
selected later to represent Porto rtlco
at Washington, when the time comes
for settling the administrative system.
The assembly was fairly representative,
and although the proceedings gave un
due prominence to unimportant de
tails, there was abundant evidence of
Intelligent reflection on island affairs.
Kiiornious Catch of Whales.
San Francisco, Oct. 31. The steamer
Portland, which arrived here yesterday
from St. Michael's, brings Important
news of the Arctic whaling fleet. The
catch up to Oct. 10 was one of the
largest on record and represented In
round numbers about $1,000,000. It was
divided among various vessels as fol
lows: Grampus, 30 whales; Beluga, 38;
lialeana, 32; Narwhal, 22; Mary D.
Hume, 10; Carluk, C; William Bayles,
C; Jerome, 2; Alaska, 1. Total, 138.
Of the enormous catch 123V4 whales
were taken bv the vessels of the Pa
cific Steam Whaling company.
Ilunt'o Man j:ht'iipo,
Worcester, Mass., Oct. 31. John
Held, the famous bunco steerer and
green goods man, escaped from the
hands of Keeper J. L. Abbott, nt the
Sherwood House, In this city, last
night. Held was brought up from
Charlestown prison to appear at the
superior court this morning to answer
to three charges. Keeper Abbott took
his man to the hotel to spend the night,
and while the keeper stepped Into the
hallway from the rooom Held escaped.
The entire police force Is searching for
Steam l!nr(jo Wrecked tho J.oiiK'h,
St. Catherines, Ont., Oct. 31. As the
ttcam barge George Spencer, owned by
It. L. Pennington, of Cleveland, was
entering lock No. 8, on the Welland
ennal, yesterday she bumped Into one of
the gates anil cnrrled it away. The rush
of water carried away two other gates,
nnd navigation on the canal Is tempo
raiily suspended. It is thought that
the locking will be resumed by Wed
nesday. Tinln Wri'i'kor-H Arrn-tcd.
Chattanooga. Tenn., Oct. 31. Officials
of the Western and Atlantic road and
of Cobb county, Ga., have arrested
Luke and Thompson Vann and Lex
Cantiell, near Ackworth, Ga., on sus
picion ft having attempted 011 the night
nf Oct. S to wreck a passenger train on
the Western and Atlantic railroad.
One of the confederates confessed, and
all three men have been held to court.
SpuulHli Horror Ship.
Punta del Gada, Azore Islands, Oct.
SI, The Spanish steamer Montserrat,
Captain Dmchampe, from Havana on
Oat. 12, via GlbHia, for Cadez, with
repatriated Spanish troops on board,
has arrived here. There were 72 death
on the vessel during the voyage.
I'ni'.ini iioiDifi) Wciinlnir.
Hushville, Neb., Oct. 31, A double
wedding look plare on C. J. Warner's
farm, near here. The bridegrooms were
Winner himself, 30 years old, and his
grandfather. Kdward L. Warner, aged
87 yeuis. The grandson's bride was
Miss buHun Graves, 24; the grand
father's bride was Mrs. Ruth Winter,
aged 79.
Items Pectoral
I!l)'i,iIiikk Throughout thn UiMllitrj
Clirnnlrlptl for llunty l'erumil.
liabblt shooting will begin to-morrow.
Tho public schools nro closed all of this
A new school building will bo erected in
Cass township.
lllght deaths occurred in St. Clair during
the present mouth.
Pottsvllle's new shirt factory will begin
operations to-moriow.
Tho Borough Council nnd School Hoard
will meet this week.
Mahanoy City's letter carriers lmvo downed
their winter uniforms.
due-fourth interest In tho Fountain Springs
oruwory is on the market.
Shenandoah was well represented at the
tcuciieis lustltuto to-day.
tomorrow will be observed by Catholics as
:i Holiday of Obligation.
Kofowlch's clothing storo nt Ashland was
sold at Sheriff's sale on Saturday.
1 he youngsters will be out In full foico
to night to do justice to Hallow e'en.
I ho household goods of Mrs S. 1). Hess
wero removed to Newark, N. J to day.
The npplo crop is reported toboaw.iv bo
low tho avcrago. and prices will be blaber.
William Wllllncaloand Miss Kiln Hamster.
00111 01 juuihiiim, wero married in Now
Crippled Henry Hart, of Liberty. Tioca
county, jumped into a stieam and drowned
If you' ro in need of commercial mintiuc,
drop us a postal card and our solicitor will
call on you.
Tho postponed Founders' day celebrated at
Lafayotto College lias been fixed for next
w eilnesimy.
IIopo Section No. 10, J. T. of H. & T., will
liolil tlielr semi-annual election of officers
tins evening.
James Toy, of Fountain Smiiies. was nil
milted to the Miners' hospital suflering fiom
a crusneu loot.
A Lancaster brick machine manufacturer
lias shipped tho second brick machine to
Germany within a month.
lo-morrow "A Hired Girl" will mako fun
for tho ladies and children in the window of
L. (iuldiirs clothing store.
Pennsylvania troops now nt Camp Meade
will vote on November 8th, and will then
move to a southern camp.
Michael Salmon, of Mahanoy City, will
likely run an "unknown" of Seranton. Ho
loft for that city on Saturday.
ilio collieries resumed operations this
morning. No fixed amount of timo
scheduled to work this week.
hix men are applicants for the position of
scc.iciaryto tlie Town Council of .Miihanoy
City, to succeed K. S. Itcinbold, resigned
A candldato for ofllco savs thorn's no
honesty In politics. Perlians not. but tlie
supply seems to be equal to tbo demand.
max Levitt is now comfortably located in
his now quaiters, and can boast of 0110 of tho
finest gents' furnishing stores in tho county.
uy a collision of trol.'ev ears at Williams-
port Motorman J. it. Davis had both bis Ices
so badly crusbod that amputation was neces
sary. The School Board of Pittston township,
Luzorue county, was arrested chaiet-d with
ciiiuinal conspiracy to defraud the school dis
John Lanyon, of Co. F. who bad been con
fined in a hospital at Philadelphia, witli
typhoid fever, arrived home at (lirardvllle
011 a furlough.
1 ho IIkhald goes into more Shenandoah
homes than any othor papor. If you want to
reach tbo pcoplo place your announcements
in theso columns.
Shitington on Saturday had a Peace Jubilee,
including a parado in which oivic organiza
tions from a number of towns in tho Lehigh
Valloy participated.
Tho Tamaqua Courier says a West Penn
f.irmor saw his santanie majesty while swear
ing profusely. Our friend Anderson is
mixing his drinks.
In tbo window of L. Goldiu's clothing
storo will bo seen to-morrow Chas. L.
Illanoy's "A Hired Girl" doing a full day's
work, so look out for her.
Sovoral soldiers, after being mustered out
of servlco at Wllkosbarre yesterday, severely
beat Constable W. II. Benedict, when he at
tempted to arrest 0110 of their number.
By mistake Augustus and William Zolers,
two young butchers of Jacksonville, each
swallowed a largo dose of horse medicine,
and their lives were saved with dilliculty.
Watch the window of L. Goblin's clothing
storo for Blaney's "Hired Girl." She will bo
there to-morrow and will do a full day's
nark making fuu for tho ladies and childieu
Lehigh Valley stock continues to dribblo
out upon tho niarkot in a steady though
somewhat contracted stream. There has been
absolutely no speculation iu it for a long timo
Tbo nuptials of Thomas Horau, tho Maha
noy City merchant, and Alias Lizzie Korrl
gau, of Philadelphia, will bo colebrated at
tbo Church of tho Gesu on next Wednesday
Druggist Paul W. Houck delighted tbo
foot ball crauks on Saturday by annuuiiciim
in his show witidow the sc.ucs of the various
foot ball games played.
No ono would over bo bothered with con
stipation if cyeryouo knew how naturally
and quickly Iluidock Blood Bitters regulates
the stomach and bowels.
Jinny to Join Hie llciiiMllctd,
The following marriage licenses havo been
Issued : Harry K. Bva, of Girardville, and
JIaggio J. Jones, of Miuetsvlllo ; Calvin J.
Moerdor and Kate M. llunslcker, both of
Vt est i'enn ; Jtlclianl O. Jones, of West Pitts
ton, and Jano Carter Boyd, of Tamaqua;
Win. G. Kemnerling, of West Brunswick
Twp., and Annlo DoLoug, of Kast Bruns
wick Twp; Frank Hain, of Pottsvlllo. and
Elinlra Kramer, of Fricdcusbiirg ; Ulysses
U. Kaso and Lavlua Cllllonl, both of Shon
audoah ; James F. Madden uud Hose A.
Breunan, both of Ashland ; J. T. Lebr and
and Blanche Bickelman, both of Pinegrove
I wp. ; Jacob Galo and Catbariuo Orelanda,
both of Kelayres.
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup should tin
kept In every household. It is tho best
remedy for cough nnd cold, and is 1 specially
recommended for that grippo cough. Piice
Kupt, .Hercur liiiptutlng,
Fred. Mcirur, now of Wilkctliarre and
formerly attached to tho Lehigh Valley
engineer corps at Lost Creek, was in (bis
section 011 Saturday. He is 11 brother of
Hubert F. Merrur, superintendent of tho
Lciitrtlla district, who very promptly laid
down his ollicial duties and went out with
the Ninth Begiment, of which be is u stall'
olliccr, when tho call to anus came, Since
returning to Wilkes Barro with his command
soino weeks ago Mr. Mercur has been very
seriously ill with typhoid fovcr, but has now
crossed tho danger lino, and, his biotbcr
says, expects to bo buck to Ceutmlia very
shortly. The Ninth regiment was mustered
out on Friday,
Gcranumus, fuchsias, pansies, daises, roses
etc., for spriug piloting at Payne's iiursciius,
Gimrdvillo. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs.
Letters (Imiited,
Letter; of ailinli.lstr.ition wero granted to
Neul O Donncll on the estate of Catharine
0 Donuell, late of tho borough of McAdoo,
Letters testamentary were granted to
Frank A. Drown, on the estate of Charles
Kcbor, late of Wayuo Twi.. deceased.
nr. mm. uougn Bjiop win cure
croup and whooping-cough. No danger to
tbo child when this wonderful medicine Is
used in time. Mothers, always keep u bottle
ou baud,
John Jennings visited frionds nt Pottsvlllo
A. L. Shay, Ksq , who was a guest of town
friends since Saturday, returned to Pottsvlllo
this morning.
Dr. D. .1. Ijincton s family has been in
creased by tbo arrival of a daughter.
Thomas Dalton trans-acted business nt the
niiuty scat this morning.
Dr. W. N. Stein made a trip to Pottsvlllo
this morning.
Albert Ilaskins returned from Philadelphia
Saturday niaht.
Superintendent T. J. James, of Ullberton,
was among tho visitors to town raiuruay
Policemen Foylo mado a business trip to
tbo county seat lo-day.
Mrs. James J. Coakley, of North Main
street, who has been seriously ill for soveral
tljys, was but llttlo Improved to-day.
Messrs. Harry Master and Clareuco Hower
cturncd homo from Philadelphia last oven-
Hurry Hoxby Is visiting friends in Phila
delphia. Justice 'iVniucy to-day became tho proud
father of a baby girl. Ho wears an incessant
smilo over tho now arrival.
Harry Crawsbaw, of St. Clair, visited
filcnds in town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Becker have returned
from Philadelphia, wdiero they attended the
funeral of the former's brother.
S. (1. M. Hollopoter, Esq., returned from
Philadelphia lo-ib,y.
Miss Mattlo Leo is homo from Philadelphia
on n visit.
John Belsel, tho Bough Kider, is confined
to bis room at tho Feigusnn houso by Illness.
He Is suffering from sickness sustained while
at Santiago.
Grorge lioxby. Sr., is seriously ill at bis
homo on South West street. His son, George,
arrived home from Boston this morning.
At Payno's nursery, Giranlvlllo, you will
find tbo largest stock overseen in the county.
To bo able to do good ill this world is a
grand thing. To have the power of lessen
iug pain and creating eonifoit nnd happiness
is a noble possession, and to be constant and
unselfish In Its exercise is nobler still. Dr.
Greene. 35 West lltb St., New York City,
tbo gil'led and successful specialist whoso
wonderful cuies of the weak and debilitated
have in.tilu bis name a household word is one
of the fortunate men. Weak men and women
should know that they can consult Dr.
Greene by letter, free. This is a great
boon. If you are in trouble, if you aiosieK
and ailing, willetu Dr. Greene anil get his
advice. Ho call cure you.
fst'initor l.oscli Avili "1 ollclii'll.
F10111 T.itiiaii.t Courier.
And now they tell us that tbo Hon.
Samuel Losch, wlilln talking politics and iu
cldcntally taking in tbo panorama of the
Peace Jubilee in Philadelphia, fell a victim
to the llitbt-tineicd gentry and bad bis
pockets picked. No amount is stipulated
but an anxious public would like tuasccitain
if tlie Hon. Sam. was touched for the bundle
of votes bo habitually carries in his vest
Tin- I'lisi null.
Tho first hail storm of tbo season swept
over this town to-day, but was a light and
brief 0110.
Killed In 11 SmiIooh How.
Newark, O., Oct. 31. James Mullen,
of Geneva, N. Y., was killed and James
Ityan, of New York, badly wounded
In a saloon row among horse jockeys
Saturday night. The shooting was
done by Charles Moon, of this city, who
became Implicated In the quarrel.
FOR SAI.K A farm of nliout lOacrcH within
thrt'caritl une-half miles of Nhciiamloali,
Goinl dwelling: hiniso, cxoi'llent out huIUltiiic.
Apply to i . 11, ucuuuii, tmeimimoan n
J7OU HALK VuluaMo Slieniuulotih irniii'rty
ct'titrnlly locatm! on Oak Htnet, with nil
modern convenience. 8tou room nml wo lhitf
nnd houn 011 the rear. Kor further Information
apply at this olllce. tt
rnoit SALK.-Tivn nool tattles in irooil eondt
I1 tioii. Can hu hounht vny reasonable.
At ply to Anthony
climieker, 100 South Main
ATOTKHC Desirable properties for sale. All
1 ply to S. G. M. llullopeter, attorney,
ITUm HAMS. A valuiblo pioperty on West
; Centre atreet, dwelling liouwe, and all con
veniences in defdrnble location. Apply to
Thomas Tosh, for further particulars. .Vi7'tf
Tho undersigned has dlseon
Untied the ptovo business and will devote bis
entires attention tu the repairing of all kinds of
stoves, henteiB and raiiK-t. AH repairing will
receive prompt attention
WAl. U. PRATT, 333 S. Jardln St
One Block of Nine
Houses ....
."Itimtiil on West Coal street, Slicnululouh. The
property entire Is 112 fret fronl and 70 feet
deep. Kueli house lias n frontage of 12' feet
by 20 feet deep, with kitchen 10 by II feet, nil
nre two sitirp s, six rooms, tin roof. Tlioy havo
Jiint been thoroughly repilred. n.wly pninted
and papered, and new sills, outhouses and coal
lioiisis constructed. These properties nro
Kither as n whole or separately and on rcasou
ablo terms. For further Information apply to
Select jour garment from up-to-date styles.
We have the right goods here and a large
variety to select from at the right prices.
Ladies' Goats, $2.50, $3.00, $5.00, SG.00.
$8.00, $9.00 to $16.00,
Children's Coats, $1.50 to $7.50.
Fur Collarslles, $1.50 to $15.00.
Our stock ol dress goods has no equal. You
will find here a large assortment of plain and
fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic nt bar
gain prices.
Our place is headquarters for lace curtains
blanket., carpets, rugs, etc. Ixok through1
our line on second floor nml get prices,
Butlerick paper palterns, best in the world,
sold by us,
A- Clean Sweep ! 1 1
Our Whole Stock Gone ! 0
Old friends, but
gladly. We now offer
an old suit in the store
for good honest Clothing.
Don't fail to visit
.11 C 111 llt&U Ul VylUUUll&.
We can give you
10 and 12 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
No. 129 South Main Street,
Terminus of the Schuylkill Traction Company's Railway.
1 S5.00
Ferguson's Theatre.
One Night Only.
TUESDAY, NOV. 1st, '98.
Matchlct In merit and magnitude Chas. K,
lilaney'u big musical Hiteets"
A cnet of 2.1 flrBt-class artists All new, elegant,
original, bright, novel nnd elaborate.
More music than a comic opera.
Three sett of scenery.
CAST:-Chas. K. McCarthy, KUth Mlnllla.
Ou.h IMxley, Lillian May nard, John It, Oinnpsun,
Hhuman tdtdcra, Mart Keagan, and tho famous
ICage Bisters.
Acrobatic Dancers. Price to unit nil,
Saloofaeut now open at usual pi ee.
Down stairs, 50c.
Up stairs, 25c,
... Is the Beginning of Baldness,
Westphal's fluxMlator
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp.
dustq's mim snor
Ferguson House lllork. ,
We Sell
The best saxony and
Gerniantown wools in the market
the celebrated "Columbia" brand.
We have a large line of colors.
Newport scarf shawl, io skeins of
the Utopia Shetland Floss will
make it. Plain and combination
colors. Call and see the sample
Morgan's Bazar,
we part with them
you a new stock ; not
; at very lowest prices
our store when you j
some real, genuine
A Contented Woman
If she who lias her walla and eel lings decorated
from our latent designs and rich colors In wall
paper- We have a complete line of exquisite
tints and shades, In the most n-tMio combina
tions and patterns, and we will decorate jour
home from kitchen to attic at a reasonable
224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa
Jewelry Store,
Jewelry, Silverware, Musical
Instruments, Optical Goods.
3. j
Eight Day Clock for $2. V
For This Month Only.
i . . i i i
The disagreeable weather
will soon be with us and now
while you have an opportunity
purchase your rubbers for the
winter at our special prices.
Children's, - lSc per pair
Youth's, - - 20c per pair
Ladies', - 25c per pair
Men's, nt Quality, 40c per pair
07 Smith Main Clronl Chomnrlmh D,
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Ieave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
To Duyors
Come direct from New York and IMillailelulilu,
We buy In largo nuiiiitltk'a ami sell at mnull
proms, uur iriuen ure mo iowct in town
Philip Yarowaky,
i CM