The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 31, 1898, Image 3

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Down One Street and Up Another.
Prom Every Ward In Slicn
andoali. Hard to hold down tlio cntliiistiiam of our
Pcoplo under such circumstance m tlioso
Mirronudtug tlio work of tlio llttto conqueror.
Tliuro Is no place In tlio world wlicro n good
thing Is licttor appreciated tliiin right lioroat
homo. Wo nro quick to sec It mid quick to
"push along'1 In tlio nianucr that It merits.
From all lurls of tho city como tlio nuno
leports; success follows In ovcry I'mitstcp and
tnvcstlgHlioii of each now cuso but adds to
the endorsement that has gonu ln'foro and
placos their rhi'ms beyond a ph.i.iuw of n
doubt, This leport comes from WVst Poplar
street, where our repiesontative loiind Jlr.
liobcrt S. .limes, miner, at his )iUru of rusi
douce. Tlio following statement will Interest
our readers:
"For years 1 lnd backache, but of lato It
Seemed to liavo changed moro to headache.
I also had dillldilty with the kidney secre
tions, accompanied by too frequent action.
I was troubled with a listless or tired feeling
and though I lined about every kind of
medlcino I knew about 1 cannot naiuo ono
that 1 have not tested I got tin iioriiiaucnt
relief from any of tboni. I Dually read
about Dunn's Kidney Fills and got them
from Killin's l'harmacy. They wuto tlio
first remedy which gave mo positive lellef.
They stopped tlio bladder trouble and I have
bad nono of those hcadachos silica. I recom
mend Doau's Kidney Fills as the best kidney
medlcino that over came out."
Doan's Kidney Fills for salo by all dealers.
Prico CO cents. Mailed by Fostor-Mllburn
Co., ISuU'alo, N. Y., solo agents for the U. S.
Itcmomber tho name Doan's and tako no
Perfect Fitting.
$t 36th Annual Session,
At Killer's Opera House, Mahano) City, Pa.
Oct. 31, and Nov. 1, 2, 3&4.
Evening Entertainments.
Hon. Wallace llruve, Hrooklyn, Is. Y ex-Unltt-il
Mute-i Consul to Seiitl.miL 1 ccture
"A (I rent Century."
Hon. Henry Wnttorsoii, Louisville, Ky.,
Editor IjoiiUvIIIh Courier Journal. Lecture
'Abraham Lincoln."
Slnyton's Jubilee Singers. The leading
Colored Concert Company. Crowded bouses
The Kngllsb (lice Club, Miss Atilile L
Walker, soprano; Mrs. Minnie Dell-Irving,
contralto; Win. PoyiiU Sullivan, tenor; Fred
eric Ki-ddnll, bass; Miss Kinlly McUlrr.y, dra
matic reader nud Impersonator. All superior
Excursion tickets on Philadelphia nnd Head
ing Itallroad, Lebli'li Valley ltullroad and
Pennsylvania lt.illroad call be bad by those
having orders, Persons not receiving orders or
wishing an additional supply should write to
the County Superintendent, giving the name of
tlio person for whom such order Is Intended.
THAINH. Arrangements can bo mnde to
have a special train on Lehigh Valley Itallroad
to leavo Mnbnnoy City for l'ottsvllle, via
Delano and St. Cliilr, lifter each evening enter
tainment, l'arttes desiring to tako advantage
of such train will notify the County Superin
tendent or Mr. Henry Kclbor, passenger agent,
Lehigh Valley Itallroad, l'ottsvllle, l'u., not
later than October 20.
ton. Mnhunoy City, Is cbalrniaiiof tho reception
committee. Teachers who desire to secure
boarding places prior to the meeting of County
Instltut will plcato uddress Mr. I. lutein.
Season tickets. Seeming reserved seats -opera
boxes, S3.G0) parquet and circle, SJ.UO;
dress elide, first three rows, S'J-00; dress circle,
fourth row, $1.75; dress circle, except III at four
rows, J1.50; enrollment tickets s. curing ad
mission only, $1.00; single admission, 60 cents.
The chart for sale of reserved sent tickets will
open at the box odlce of Knicr's opera bouse,
Octobers:, at 9:15 a. in., for teachers only, to
secure- seats In one-half of the opera house, nnd
ut 1 p. in. for citizens to secure seats in the
other hulf of the opera bouse. Iiefore opening
the chart, parties desiring to purcliasu tickets
will draw numbers for position in line,
IJncll teacher In line limy purchase uny num
ber of tickets not exceeding twenty, and .cjich
citizen In lino may purchase any number not
exceeding ten. I'crsons mav Join the line n
second time with tlio same privilege as nt first.
Tlio representative of each district will be
required to present to the ticket agent it list of
the names of the teachers for whom ho buys
tickets. , , , . ,
Chort open at Snyder's drug store, Mnlianoy
City, after October 22. Doors open at 7 p.m.
Kntertulnincuts commence at 8 p. m.
0. W. WEISS, County Superintendent.
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and Orange Champagne.
David M. Graham,
Dr. H. G. Reitzel,
How the Moots of Houses May lie Dtllliad
to Advantage.
Tho ordinary ynrd of nn ordinary hotmo
In town Is usually too small, (lump nod
Eciienilly iirmttrnctlvo to offor much In
ducomont as n pluyground to nny golf ro
ppcotlng lioy.
Ovor tlio hotisotop, liowovor, tho nlr cir
culates freely, and tho sunshlno purifies
mid Invigorates, mid It Is but following
tho custom of tho oldest civilizations In
tho world to mnku of tho liouso tops out
door contcrs of rest nnd rooroutloii.
A fiat enn bo made with a wooden floor
liiK ovor tlio tin roof, strong posts with
bars between sot nil nbout It nlong tho
four sides, nnd over posts nnd bars Rood,
heavy wire nottlng, such, ns U used In
poultry ynrdn, mid thus tho frnmowork of
tlio boys' roof playground Is ooinpleto. Tho
Interior tuny bo furnished In ninny differ
ent ways to suit tho tnMcs of tho throo or
four boyB who muy composo tho family.
Tho boy carpenter inny erect n shod at
ono und of tho Hat, n part of which can bo
used as n roceptuolo for carpentering nnd
gardening tools, nnd In tho larger part
rabbits may lie kept, und also varieties
of pigeons.
Horizontal bars, quoits, a seesaw and
other games and the much prized sand
heap fur tho younger ones, all Hud a placo
In tho list of outdoor amusements, and
tho flat can bo made beautiful us well by
adding to It tho loveliness of tho garden.
This cun readily bo dono with llowor sooda
nnd cuttings, patience and a few soap
boxes. Tho boys can tako enro of theso
flowers undor parental dlroctlon, and a
deeper Interest Is added If each Is appor
tioned his own boxes or "gnrdon." On
wnrm summer days an awning may bo
put up over part of tho spaco and beneath
It arranged n hummock, comfortable chairs
and a table for books or moro quiet Ramos.
Tho winter days bring also runny ploas
uros, as tho nulmnls and birds live cozily
In comfortnblo surroundings, and tlio boys
havo tho usual games on cloan, fresh snow
In which to piny and a bettor, purer at
mosphere, both for their physical and
psychical improvement, than Is obtainable
In tho streets of n city. City nnd Statu.
Robbed the Grave.
A startling Incident of which Mr. John
Oliver of Philadelphia, was tho subject, is
narrated by him as follows : "I was in a most
dreadful condition, Jy skin was almost
yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain
continually in uacK ana sides, no nppctito
gradually growing weaker day by day.
Three physicians had given mo up. Fortun
ately, a friend advised trying 'Electric
Hitters and to my great joy and surprise,
the first bottle made a decided Improvement.
I continued their uso for three weeks, aud
am now a well man. I know they saved my
life, and robbed tho grave of anothor victim,"
No one should fall to try them. Only 50
cents per uoitio at A. wasiey s drug store.
hiiortencil It.
A negro servant on being ordered to an
nounce visitors to a dlnnor pnrty was di
rected to call out In a loud, distinct volco
their nnmos. Tlio first to orrlvo was tho
Fltzgorald family, numboring eight per
sons. Tho negro announced Mujor Fltz
gcrald, Miss Fltzgorald, Master Fltzgor
aid, and so on.
This so annoyed tho mastor that he wont
to tho negro and said, "Don't announco
oaoh person like that j say somothlng short
er." Tho noxt to nrrlvo were) Mr. nnd Mrs.
Penny nnd their daughter. Tho negro
solemnly opened tlio door nnd called out,
"Thrcopcjicol" London Glolx).
Interested People
Advertising a patent medicine in the pe
culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's
llalsam for Coughs and Colds docs it, is in
deed wonderful. He authorizes all druggists
to give to those who call for it, a sample
bottle free, that they may try it before pur
chasing. The large hollies are 25 and 60c.
We certainly would advise a trial. It may
have you from consumption.
Ills Mrnnc l'olllt.
Mrs, flooding For my part, 1 can't un
derstand why you deslro to ns-oelnto with
thnt Mr. Kniptyhoad. Ho Is ono of tho
least Interesting persons I over met.
Mr. Gooding I must admit that ho Is
not very brilliant, but bo Is tho only man
I know vory well who nover glvos 1110 any
sdvlco ns to how wo ought to brlugup our
boy. Chicago Nows.
Scald head Is an eczema of tho scalp very
severe sometimes, but It can bo cured.
Doan's Ointment, quick aud permanent In Its
results. At any drug store, 50 cents.
Calendars for 1H!M),
The IIkkald oillce has a full and complete
line of calendars for 1809. If you con
template a calendar for your friends, reservo
your order until you seo our Hue. It will
mean a big saving to you. 'Jliey are also
beautiful specimens of lithographic art and
very reasonable in price.
Karl's Clover Hoot Tea is a pleasant laxa
tlve. Kegulates the bowels, purifies tho
blood. Clears tho complexion. Easy to
mako and pleasant to take, 25 cts. Sold by
I'. 11. Kirlin and a guarantee.
Buy Keystonuflour. Bo suro that, the uarue
r.Kfcsia & Bakr. Ashluud, Pt, Is printed or
every suck
11 fk.
Is duo not only to tho originality nnd
simplicity of tho combination, Imt also
to tho care and skill with which it is
manufactured by bciontiCc processes
known to tho California F10 Svrup
Co. only, and wo wish to impress upon
all tho importance of purchasinp; tho
truo and original remedy. As the
gfnuino Syrup of Klgs ismmiufucturcd
by tho Cai.ipoiinia I'ta Svmtp Co.
only, 11 knowledge of that fact will one in uvoiding tho worthless
Imitations nmuufucturert by other par
ties, -iiio lilgli standing of tlio CAM
FoiiNiA Via Bviiui' Co. with the medi
max ims
cal profession, and tho butlsfuclion
which the fremilno Syrup of Figs hus
jlvon to millions of families, mulces
tho r.amo of tin! Company u guaranty
of tho excellence of Us remedy. It Is
far In advance of all other laxntlvos,
as it uets. on tlio Uiduoys, liver and
bowels without irrllulhig or weaken
ing thorn, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to gefc its beneficial
elfeets, please remember the name of
the Company
HAN ntAM)lS!li, t'ul.
$ LODGE - Hfl
cl "-J 4
In the Freemasonry of
now is
It opens the door to acquaintance and friend
ship among strangers, and initiates all candidates
in the highest degree of intelligent satisfaction.
There are now 1,500,000 members of Battle
Ax lodge in America, and you can join at any
tobacco store for JOc. Join to-day. Don't delay.
?emember t
FS Gfc S clv
n. in
vigor to the whole being. All drains
are properly curetl, their condition oiten
Mailed sealed. Price (t per box; 6 boxes,
money, (5.00. Scud lor free book.
For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug
Pcld Purcliascs ef ST cr n
will bo cent f-ni-.iCHT PKEP'
to cny roilrood ctntion lit TeSAJsjn,
rj:S tut ha sold direct to the con
miner for 2j yean at vholtv
Itlft eale rrices, caviar
dair b proLis.
ja ,1 ivtiere ior xiraiu-m,
IV l KTerrthinr warranted.
?m 118 ityl of Vehiilca.
it- m
Top Uucslei. 136to(70.
tli, Sprins-KotvJ
Cittlvfi t tU ar n
4V.ftHABT OAiiBUJiB .tn uAiutii siJfc m
Tj.".5i r; zi rM
if, 1 ' i'Kftit anil
f ' miSZi Hoi.
;dtixmwitiKsrakwmi m
3 V
"tit ' rz'jm
1 1 ir aht.
a thorouglilyTip-to-'k" periodical for women, will enter upon Its
thirty-first volume in 189s- During the year it will be as heretofore
Paris and New York
A Colored Fashion
Cut Paper Patterns
A Bi.Weekly Pattern
J? T, W, lUtiilolira
Two famousauthorswlllcontribute long
serial stories to the IIaiar in The
first deals with Scotch and Continental
scenes, the second is a story of a young
girl, versatile, ana typicaiiy
Mary E. Wilklns
Octave Thanet
H. P. SpofTord
A Ksuiulaii V I'oieit
M. S. Briscoe fictiJn.
A, ,m ,1nMCM HUMOR
There will be a series of
Voice, Art, the Play, Women
Gardening, uouscKccping, utc inu ucaiui, tnuum svu.,
iocs Copy (Send lor Free Prospectus) Sub., $4 a Year
I'eitattrrt in Ihi Vnitii Stati$,CanaJa, ami tltxtc.
Addreii HARPER & BROTHERS, Publllhers, New York City
; w.r,
chewing the pass-word
le name
again, j
?i .rr pv &s e ies. T-rs
heyhavesfa 1 tlic 1 -inf years.
111a have - urd t' air-inn's ol
rcascs of Neruii . I)i-,t.-aies. such
as Debility, DUmcs, Slecplesi
ness and Vancucele.Atrophy.&c.
They clear the brain, strengthen
mc circulation, make aigestloa
ncrfect. and unnart a healthv
and losses are checked ftrm,iHtntly. Unless patients
worries them Into insanity, I otisumptionor ueatn.
with iron-clad legal guarantee to cure or refund th
Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.f'
Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
ova of akv. b? ten, & mtr, 3a
mia iuo
a ad Milk.
Kt.BCSSurr.T Yw. w,l
uotrsmseivo mid keep Informed
World's Procross. Tho
st75 tf I'm
formed nnd thrifty Houso-wlfe
wll'- S
in the houso. ns a ataudard rentotly for
Opntlns, Bruises, Cramps, Rheumatism
all aehftfi and nalnft.
Piles 21 dl. mi BO ett. ttt bottu V
misrtkrH.i.HACKEncn, - g.,Phlla5i'jhl
iimmmaummrm inn 1 1 1 u 1 1 in n m n i
issue will contain carefully pre
pared drawings of the advance fashions
of Paris and New York. Once a month
the Uazar will issue, free, a colored
fashion supplement. Cut paper patterns
of certain gowns In each number will be
made a feature. Thew will be sold in
connection with each issue at a uniform
nrtce. The Hazar will also publish bi
WUIUra BUtk Jt
weekly, free, an outline pattern sheet.
gy MLUAS1 SlACi:
fly li: D. IIOIVELla
These and a score of other equally
imminent writers will contribute
stories to the Haiar In 189',
millnii the paper especially rich in
Miry CWllk'ss 4
articles on Etiquette, Music, the
and Men, leaders among Women,
Octars Thanes
'ft'liole mid Host Von Ho, Wlin Vou SIc-ct
and Errn Wlmt You Sy Are All lie
cnrileil nt Tollcc llrndtiuiirtern lliisrttie
"Mouclinrtl" Work.
Moro curious tlinn all its Btrnniro cull
Inirs nnd Its strnnyo customs Is tlio pollco
Bj-stcm In I'nrls. Ki-cry hotel must keep n
register of nil furulmiers nnd linud It over
dally to tho spoolal olllcvrs who nro sent
nrmind to collect them. In the enso of tlio
I'JiiftlUh nr American cltlzon llttlo Interest
Is taken unions their ox'iundlturo Is 110
tlccnbly cxtrnrngnnt, and then a friendly
Interest Is taken In them and tliolr de
scription Bent to Seotlnnd Ynrd.
It Is almost Impossible to concclvo tho
tliorouKlinuss of the French police spy sys
tem. You novor know who Is u lnouchnrd
In Franco. The waiter who servos you,
tlio man who shaves you, tho cocher who
drives you, nro ns likely as not to bo In the
pollco pay. They know overythlnn, nnd
thoy know everybody. Hero Is an Instance
that occurred to n friond of mine only tho
othor day. Ho received from the prefecture
nn order to appear on tho following day.
So far ns bo know, ho bad uono nothing
particularly out of tho way, nnd oven If ho
had ho had dono It unintentionally. Tho
maglstrato Invited him Into his private
room and put him at his onso nt once by
explaining that tho affair Uiil not concern
him personally, but ho wanted some in
formation on two or three of tho English
colony with whom ho wns associated. Tho
answors woro perfectly satisfactory, and In
leaving ho turned to tho mnglstrnto and
said laughingly, "Now, why don't you
osk mo something about myself?" "But
I know nil nbout you, ho replied. "Would
you llko to know what you did on nny
particular day within tho last three
My friond replied at random: "Tnko
Inst Friday weok. I havon't tho remotest
knowledgo as to what hnppened."
Tho maglstrato turned ovor his dossier
and replied: "You got homo at half past 9
In a cab that you had takon at the Made
line. You rodo out on your blcyclo nt half
past 9. YoulunchcdntthoCafo do l'Esper
anco." And so on throughout the day ha
recounted everything that had passod.
Thoro was no reason to havo mndo tho In
quiry, as thero was not tho slightest mark
on his dossier, but it suited tho police to
know Just how ho passed his tlmo.
A cassorole that Is to say, n mouchnrd
who has by frame Indiscretion let his con
nection with tho pollco become known nud
is accordingly valueless onco told 1110 a
lot about tho working of the system. I
had pointed out to him thnt It Beemod to
me thoroughly Impossible- that I could
havo ray footstops dogged during a whole
day without becoming nwaro of tho fact.
Ho answered: "Xnturnlly. ThlB, for in
stance, Is how I should havo acted If I had
wanted to And out all about your move
ments. When you left this enfo, I should
havo followed you until suoh tlmo as I
know you had noticed that I was nt your
heels. Then I should havo passed tho
signal." "Towhom?" I suggested. "Havo
you over liotlccd," ho said, ''that around
all tho big cafes thero aro men offering
novols out of date, but who are always
scanning closely tho faces of thoso on tho
torrassesf Well, I should have passod the
signal on to ono of thoso men. Ho would
havo followed you In n cab, if necessary,
and on seeing you enter n cafo would have
followed on tho pretenso of selling wares
and handed you on to anothor of tho band.
And so It would havo gono on.
"Aftor nil, nro tho French pollco wrong?
Tho foreigner comos hero ond Inscribes his
namo at tlio prefecture of pollco. Wo aro
not llko you in England. Wo havo only
Just enough money for our own poor, nnd
wo do not oncourngo tho out of works of
tho world to como hero. Noltbor do wo
want to harbor criminals. Accordingly
tho pollco traco tho mon, and if they find
that ho Is honorably earning his existence
he Is loft In ncaeo, but if thero Is n shadow
of suspicion ngainst him his dossier gets
heavier ovcry day, and ono morning ho
finds thnt ho has 48 hours in which to quit
tho country It is owing to this systom
that the police find It comparatively easy
to arrest criminals. Tho vilost class of
ruffian and tho painted women you meat
In tho night cafes aro all useful, tho wom
en especially. Your own servant may be
spying on you Your conclergo certainly
He hesitated for n minuto and then said
to mo In a somiwhlsper, "Watch that gen
tleman in front with tho ribbon of tho Lo
glon of Honor in his buttonhole-." I look
ed nt him, but noticed nothing particular,
oxcopt that ho scorned vory intent In bis
newspaper "That's a mouohard," he
continued. "I'm prepared to bet ho has
hoard ovory word that has passod. If you
had oyed him ns closely as I have, you
would havo noticed that ho has been look
ing at tho 6amo paragraph for over on
hour." Tho man paid for his drink and
went out. Next morning I supposo bis
report was bent In.
Tho ruses of these men In finding out
porsons who aro "wanted" have uo limit.
Only tho other day tho Kngllsh pollco had
sent over tho dosorlntlon of n man they
would llko to put In tho dock. Ab ho
Bnoko French without tho slightest accent,
and as It was certain that ho would bo
disguised out of nil recognition, tho task
wns a difficult ono. Ono afternoon two of
theso detectives noticed n woll dressod
man and suspected him. Ono of thoin took
off his overcoat and hung It upside by
sido with his A few minutes lntor they
got up to leavo, and the wrong cont was
put on In tho most fluent and polite
Fronch tho suspoctcd man pointed out the
error. Tho mouchnrd took It off and
looked nt tlio namo of the maker and saw
that it wns n Loudon llrm They bad
found their man. Today
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain. I'lainfield, HI
makes llie statement, that she caught cold,
h Inch settled on her lungs; she was tieated
fur a month by her family physician, but grew
rtorsc lie told her she was a hopeless vic
tim of consumption and that no medicine
could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption ; she
bought a bottle anil to her delight found her
self benefitted from first dose. She conuinued
Us use and after taking six bottles, found her
self sound and well ; now tines her own
housework, and is as well as she ever was.--l'rre
trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A,
Wasley's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents
and $1.00.
"Do you wear oyofrhissu.s hoomiso you
think you look butter with thorny" naked
Miss l'ort.
"I wear theiu beomit-o 1 know I look
better with them," answered tho short
sighted mun widly. Ilurlcm Life.
Okkts: I was dreadfully nervous, and for
relief tooky.iiii Karl's t'luvcr Moot Tea. It
niietoil my nerves iin-i sui-iimnum-u
whole Nervous System. 1 was imiiuicu w tin
Constipation, Kldn-y and llowel trouble.
Your Ton soon i.lMiiiiifd my system sn
thorouchly that I ninld'y regained health
and stroiiBth. Mre. H. A Sweet, Hartford.
Cniiu. Sold ly S. 1. Kirlin an 1 a guarantee
English foxes nro mi tamo that two ot
them recently bntl n light on u limit's lawn
nnd were wrumlwl with dlillculty by tho
use of a stick
Flret of All, Red Flag Oil, 2Bc.
What for? Aches, pallia, lnuUcs.
(I miller Uros., drug stoto.
fly a Little Overnlcht Ilruln Wb Robbed
of n flood Meal.
In tho parly settlement of California
grlzziy boars wuro numerous ond trouble.
some, hut few men ever had n moro sin
gular experience with n grlzzlv than J'aul
Sweet, who kept a tannery nonr Snntn
Cruz. Tho story Is told by Mrs. Dnll In
"My Flrot Holiday."
Mr. Sweutwni ono day walking nlono
in the woods, when he camo suddenly upon
n grizzly benr nnd hor two cubs. Ho was
quite unurmcd, nnd before ho had time to
consider nny plan of action the bear wns
upon blni. She struck him down, but ho
kept his presence of mind and lay perfect
ly quiet.
Tho grizzly stood ovor him font minuto
or moro, then seized hllu by tho waistband
and began dragging lilin along. Ho did
not roilst, nnd she dragged him for a doz
en rods to a llttlo sandy hollow, where sho
dropped him nnd begun digging a hole In
tho sand. Into this hole Mm rooted the
man, and thru nosed and pawed the fund
over him until lie v:us burled from sight.
The prudent nnliuid, not being hungry nt
tho moment, was making a cache of her
Mr. Sweet's heart lightened ns ho real
ized tho brute's intentions, nnd ho began
to hopo that ho might csuitpo. Ho waited
a few minutes after tho bear had covered
liini in, and then, thinking that she had
retired from tho scene, ho began to work
himself free very cautiously. Tho grizzly
was on tho wotnh, however, and nt tho first
movement of her prey rushed to tho spot
und with two or three strokes of her puw
snugly tucked him in again.
Mr. Sweet Instantly became motionless
Again nnd allowed himself to bo reburicd
in tho sand. Luckily his lint had slipped
over bis foco, so that tho sand did not 1111
his noso and eyes, and by raising his bend
n llttlo ho was nblo to throw off tho Band
sufficiently to breathe.
Ho wns moro wary noxt tlmo and lay
still for nn hour or two, until ho felt pretty
suro thnt tho grizzly had rotlrod from tho
spot. Very cautiously then ho worked
hlmsolf free from tho Band nnd crept away.
'"vSj What woman In
an me wiue worm
would not be elad
to be a tandem for
two happy, healthy,
prattling- babies?
When Nature
whlsDcrs the
fsweet assurance
n a woman's
ear that soon a
i little stranirer
r-r will come to
VT-sancaresB wnn
baby nneers
her check and neck, she makes the fondest
preparations for its arrival. Itverythine
that n woman's dainty taste can imagine
is provided for the new-comer's wardrobe.
Nothing is overlooked save one thing, and
that one thing is the most important Too
many mothers forget that baby's strength
and health, Its ability to withstand the
usual ailments of childhood, and its vigor
and welfare, as a man or woman, are de
pendent upon her own health and physical
condition during the period of prospective
maternity. If. during that critical time,
she is weak, sickly, nervous and despond
ent, because of troubles peculiar to her
sex. these conditions are bound to have
their influence upon her baby's health.
Neglect of tliee conditions invariably
means that baby will be weak, puny and
peevish I)r Pierce's Favorite Prescription
is an unfailiiijr cute for all Doubles of this
nature, and it will reinforce a woman's
bodily and nerve strength so that she can
safely undergo the trials of maternity. It
gives health, strength, vigor, elasticity and
endurance to the organs specially con
cerned in motherhood. It gives bodily
and nervous hardihood to the child.
"After usinf? fifteen bottles of your 'Favorite
Prescription ' and a few vials of your 1 Pleasant
relicts,' I am entirely cured of uterine trouble.
I had suffered for nearly three years," writes
Mrs. P. W. Fogel. of 27 HiKhlaud Ave., Newark,
N.J. "I had such terrible bearing down pains
that T could hardly walk My back and head
ached, had terrlble'cramns in my legs, was very
nervous at times, and felt miserable. With tny
firfct child I had to be chloroformed and the
child was delivered with instruments. X took
the ' Favorite Prescription with my second
child, and instead of wuffennsc for two days, I
was in labor only an nour ana a Deamuui cnua
was liorn. I was able to leave rav bed the fifth
day I commenced your medicine about four
months before confinement My baby is three
months old now and is a fine, big, fat baby. I
am in very good health . have no more pains or
aches I would be pleased to advise any woman
who bufiirs as I did to use your medicine."
Grocers can tell
you why those
whobuy Seellg's
keep coming back
ised as jn
tor it. btrange
though how lone
admixture to
it takes people to
) ordinary cof
try a new Uiing,
fee makes a
.delicious drink
Dr. Humphreys'
Sjiecillcs net directly unon tho disease,
without exciting disorder iu other parts
of tho system. Tlioy Curo the Sick,
no. cunts. riucr-s-
1 lrccrs. Congestions, Inftammatlons. ,5
li Worms. Worm Fever. Worm Colic... .23
3- Tccthlng. Colic, Crying, Wakefulness .23
4- lllarrliea. of Cblldren or Adults 33
7-Couglia. Colds, Bronchitis' 33
H .VeurnUla, Toothache. Faceache US
D-IIcndartie, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. .23
10- lVpeisla, Indlgestlon.WeakStomach.SS
1 1- Kuiiressed or I'ulnful Periods 23
12- Vliltm, Too Trofuse I'crlrxls 23
l:l-Cnuii. Larklilillla, HoarBcnosa 23
1-1 Salt Itheiini, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. .23
Ift-lllieuiiintlsm, Ilboumatlo Pains 35
Ki-.Vliilnrlo, Chills, rover and Ague 23
10-L'atarrli, Influenza. Cold In tbe Head .33
20 Wliooptiitf.Couah 23
27 Kidney Ilisenses 25
2S-.cniu llil.llllv 1.00
3t-l)rlnnrv Weaknena, Wotting Bod... .23
77-Jrlp. Hay Fever 23
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Druggists or Mailed Free.
Sold Uydrucglsts, or Rent on receipt of price,
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor.WlllUm & John But,
Hew York
CURE C!UARATEiiO."-tr53 nim:iii i.i-ri , i-e.iiit.ur
Well' uliut', Heelul, Vur
Icncel - Mti-leluros. Nu Cuttlnir.
Situill iitw.s vliiel lli'trnna.v
.Man iuo.i it.-i.ii.i eii. ni nnn nnionu
ill il - o tlliurilnleea ULUUU f U10UI1
till nil, i' cases curetl liul
flu ltliiuy.. Btndlurtn. nt Amps for ltoJU
'ri-tilli 'roiilvtruelilealuiillHMjkI'xnij.lDkr
Uuueks i ak.0 1 u. I it it tcllivli tr lcka i. ucUtuics.
f 1
tggZt $T 58r??
X " rei) from Ktzrti aon tlio riplit ear. I
couW har.ll.v keep my hamu oir It, tlio itching
was so sevcra. Sm.ill bubbles vould open
emit' in' u tte'rv-Iiko substance, apr ircntly
Mii-t" m o oof tlio IcailhiK doctors licro
trravil m , nppitcil tho usual physician's
tpinniitct limit bfiicllt. My brother rcc
oni'iif n.lfil that I try Cutkh iu. Tlio first
tn; ti - t. m tooth int and be for tho box
v;ia till anno thp it i wine had dteappcnTeiL
1U C. It UN'irr.f,HHaco St., Clnn., O.
PzBtT Crrv Tut TMrit mn Entry Knnor Eo
rt vt.wiTH r lltiR Wfirm bnttn ilh OTt
it SoAl", Benito nnnlnilnen with CrTiroit a. iurcit ot
t.'.ol'isnU, atH mild Aw of ( t TirDB Hisolvsrt.
AjMthM'ij-ho-jt t' world. Potti Tlnrn aih Cm v.
C-OBf ,pl'sPropi tllodtou. "IlotoUureEciein,"Iree
Philadelphia &
Reading- Railway
TrntriH leave Hlienalidoati an follows:
Kor New York via I'hlladelphln, week days,
7 30 9 M H. in., 12 27, 8 10 Hml 6 07 p. 111. Now York via Matich Chlllik, week daye,
730n. in., 12 27 nnd !l 10 n. in.
For HviidhiK ami 1'lillAdelplila, week days,
7 'JO, 9 M ii.iii-. 12 27, 3 10 and 6 07 p. in
For 1'otti.rlllc, week days, 7 80, 9 SI a. in.,
12 27, 8 10. 6 07 anil T 25 p. in.
For Tuinitqua and Maliamiy t'ity, week days.
780,9 51a. in., 12 27 3 10andGU7p, In.
For WilllaitiHport, Munhury and Ijewlsbur,
week days. 11 80 a. m . 12 27, 7 21 p. ni
For Malinno IMane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 M, It 80
a. m., 12 27, 8 10, 6 07, 7 2.'., 9 55 p. in,
For Ashland and Hliamokltt, week da) s, 7 30,
1130 Ik. m., 12 27, 3 10,6 07, 723 and S 55 p. m.
For Ilaltlmore, WiuililliKton and the West via
II. ti O. H. H., throueh trains le" ItcadliiK
Ternilnal, I'lilladelphla. (F. & U. D R.) at 820,
7 55,112s a. m., 8 10 nnd 7.27 p. 1 Hundays,
3 20, 7 00, 11 211 a. m., 8 16 ond 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional trnlm from Twenty-fourth and Chest
nut streets station, weelc days, iu no a. m. u.
12 11 8 40 p.m. Hundays, 1 85, 8 23 p, m.
Ieare New York via Plilladelphta, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. in., and 1 45, 4 80,
9 00 p.m.
leave r,ew loric via juaucu uuuiis, ww
days, 4 80. 0 10 a. 111., 1 80 p. m.
lxsavo Philadelphia, HeadlUK Terminal, week
days, 8 40, 8 86, 10 21 a. m. aud 1 80, 4 06 p. lu.
Leave Heading, week days, 7 00, 10 08, a, m.
12 15,4 17,6 00 V. Ul.
Leavo l'ottsvllle, week days. 7 10, 7 40 a. in.,
12 80 4 10, 6 10 and 6 60 p. m.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 86, 1123 a. in.,
1 49, 5 56, 7 20 p. 111.
liCAVe AiAiisiioy city, weeK aays, yui, 11 4
a.m., 2 22, 512,6 21,7 41 p. m
Leave Alahanoy Piano, week days, 630, 9 25.
1025, 1159 a. in., 241, 532, 641 757,pm,
Leave Wllllanisport, week days, 7 42, 10 00 a.
m., 12 31 and 4 00 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
South street wharf for Atlantic City.
Weekdays Express, 9 CO, a. 111., 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 n. in. At-umiiinodatton. 8 00 am..630nm
Sundays KxiTeiH, 9 00, 10 00 am Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a u., 4 li p. m.
Keturnlns: leavo Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
WeektJaf Express, 7 35, 9 00, a m., 8 80, 5 80
p in. Accommodation, 8 15 a. 112. 4 05 p. in.
Sundays Kxpress. 4 00, 7 oO p. in. Accommoda
tion. 7 15 a. m., 4 15 p. ni.
For Capo May, Sen Iile City and Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 11 m. additional for Cane Mav.
4 15 p in., for Sen Isle City, 5 00 p in,, for
Oceim City, 4 15, 5 00 p m. Sundays, Chestnut
fctiect 9 15 a m., South street, 9 00 a.m.
Parlor Cars on Bll express trains.
For further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or address
(len'l Supt., Uen'i Pass'r Ant.,
HeadlnK Terminal. Philadelphia.
Ascent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
lUUc Fasfilu.iable. '-irlglnnl. Palect
i HllnK Price lO niitl 15 contd,
Nonehlecjjf NonebetlrtatarviSrlM.
Some cellablr nercliant ell them In
nearly vvety city it town. Asfc tor
hem, of the cn ce had by ms'.l fto.
In tithe New York f CMcagu.
Stamps, tiken. Latest Faudoa Sheet
ient upon 'ecelpf al wtj tnl h tr
JSrlghtest uilcf aMfli'tle (ajbllshsd. T
n-aluatle tot tho horn. Fashion i of n
lbs day, Homf Ulerj'ufe, HouseL.U I
tlnu, 'anc wotK -tirreM lopicv I
FLtlon, all fo; nly '
-jear, Ip-
v-iudlnga irori ,
Hon any tit v
'or ,imfe r .
r:i, . . own if .tv
' tw -ctnt 'JUtip 7
i ,.7.3;'f.NVJs:
rfrA, Tsew VojJ; L
A tri to. til Aim tkwtt WOMAN'S RELIEF.
AU ayt prompt aud rtlifcblt. AtvtU juatatkni
ItX CiTi'M'i'lUiitT Villi tnd satkkioiiti.
Al tlruir itort. or lent dlrtct (twaUd). prk. II. .
Catov brio. Co., Uotci,Utm. Oar bock .
Pur vale at Ktrltn'a drug store tnd BhnsBdo
J rue ttor
SkrrCj BlIKE. &CNU4oi rlUCWOMAN S &Sf t.
ailhf'l v.iwron ilptcirio Co,CrulAt
at l'otlnsky'ii'druK
(Vntra strafti-
ttu.lerfl novor fati
luliLi 'It.: ore lii"tia
EiV ruiitxlltm). Alwftjri
it Utt lu tn narart. A
m .
run H