The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 29, 1898, Image 4

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'I i K
Pound of out' 25c
chocolate candy assortment find
then tell us if yqu i-ver tasted its
equal at less than 40c. Remember
v have 40 ki" Is ut this price. We
are al- :.;-. tui' l.ovuey's pack
age candy. Ooc for one pound and
30c for a :i lb package.
N. VI al n
A sure eure or your money
it a trial.
rof iim1m1. (iive
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Ia.
Ti'li'lilitint Cimnct'llon.
For Stylish Hats and Bonnets at
the Lowest Prices.
New orl- and Philadelphia designs.
Rough Killer hats, all colors, (15c ; Sailor
hats, 35c and up ; Yale hats, 50c ; .Steamer
hats, 80c; Dewey hats, 75c to Jl.oo: The
Wheel. Sj ; Hoc'quo, 95c, Ostrich tips, 25c;
Mourning bonnets and veils complete, 2.on ;
Mlk mourning veils, 51.50; Saxony and
Geiniantown artt, 5c n hank.
Mrs. J. J. Kelly,
26 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa.
Keep Your House
Waim In using our Stoves,
Ranges and Heaters. They aie cheaper both
in price and fuel. We have a nice selection
in itock. They must be sold. Christmas is
rapidly approaching and wo need room for our
fancy stock of holiday furniture. This is our
first season in the stove business, nnd to
thoroughly advertise it, we will sell them at
small profits.
Or upward will buy you a stove, range
or heater, livery one sold is accom
panied with a guarantee. We carry
the "Queen Cinderella," "Liberty," "I'ncfe
Sam's Fortune," "Kamily Fortune," "New
Fortune," "llunner," stoves anil ranges. In
heaters we orry the "Art Peninsular, "
"Kmpress Cinderella," 'Imjicrial mclerc'la,"
"Liberty," "Acme," "Ilanner, ' "Flora "
Our "Peninsular'' answers a three-Iolil pur
iiose namely, a Stove, Range or Heater.
121-123 North Main St.
We give your
eyes a scien
tific examina
tion free of charge and if
glasses are needed, we are
willing to furnish them at
only a legitimate profit.
Thos. Buchanan,
118 S. Main Street.
HAY nd BTltAW.
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
E. B. FOley, a7'WcCe"ntre St.
s of m
Selert yutir g-umr-nt Irnm vi fo lnti' tlo.
We liai! till ruhl v'ikmU hen- m! a lni(i'
vntict) to flfi 1 in mi .11 i' 1 njit 1 rin"..
Ladles' Coats, S2 SO, S3. 00, S3. 00, $8.00.
$8.00, $9.00 to S1G.00.
Chlldron's Coats, $1.50 to $7.50.
Fur Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00.
Our stock o( dress fjnoils has noeiiial. Von
will find here a large assortment of id.iin anil
fancy mhrics in foreign and domestic tit bar
gain prices.
Our place is hrailii.iiter for lace curtains,
llnnket, carjiets, nigs, etc. Look through
our line on second floor and get pi ices.
lliitterick paper patterns, best in the world,
sold tiy us.
The disagreeable weather
will soon be with us and now
while you have an opportunity
purchase your rubbers for the
winter at our special prices.
Children's, - 15c per pair
Youth's, - - 20c per pair
Ladies', - 25c per pair
Men's, Quality, 40c per pair
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa.
Gasoline, Oil,
Wagon Grease,
Gasoline, Oil Stoves.
We make a specialty of
gasoline, 6o cents in five gallon
lots, delivered. Mica and U. S.
axle grease. Also headlight oil,
150 fire test.
N'o. 113 East Coal Street, Shenandoah, l'cmm
Mall orderM promptly attended to.
Orkin's Jewelry Store,
Jewelrv. Silverware, Musical
No.M29 South Main Street.
Terminus of the Schuylkill Traction Company's Railway.
NOW is the time to buy your Overcoats. This is
the time when you will be thinking where you
., , . r ,;ii
can tjet tue Dest uvercoai
invest in it. Knowing this, we
boueht as fine a line of Overcoats ever brought to
Shenandoah. In comprises
The make and finality of our Overcoats are un
equalled. The prices we are offering them at well
" we leave that to your
f them we will feel positive that you will agree witli us
and say they are 20
Our suit assortment is the same. We make a specialty of
"7 HATS,
Before buying elsewhere call and see us in our new
store. We have lots of room and plenty of light to
display our stock. But do not forget your Overcoat
should be purchased.
Clothier and Furnisher,
23 East Centre Street, - Shenandoah, Penna.
Stomach troubles is the common
n "no applied to a derangement of
thu system which is keenly felt but
Wiiiii'ly understood. It may mean
inability to retain food or to digest
it. It may mean nausea, pain after
eating, fullness, inordinate) craving
for food, or entire lack of appetite.
Whatever it means, there's trouble,
nnd it's with tho stomach. If you
liavo stomach trouble, you will bo
interested in this letter from a
man who had it and was cured by
"For nino ye.vs I Buffered from stomach
trouhlo. I tried the tiid of tho best doctors
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, and spent
largo sums of monoy, all In vain. One day
while waiting a train In Hollaire, O., I
picked up a paper with a notico of Aycr'a
kirsapanlb. 1 got ono bottle to try it It
did mo so much good that I purchasod five
more bottles. I took four of them nnd
gained in flesh, my appctito improved, and
now I can eat anything. My stomach is all
right, th inks to the ue of Aycr's Sarsapa.
rilla." Calvin M.Stlvens, Uniontown, Pa.
Soolotv of tlio SpiinlHli-AinprU-nn Wnr
Hnltlinnre. Oct. 29. The national ex
ecutive committee of the Society of
the Spanlsli-Amct lean War, which was
organized on Auk. 1". the day the peace
protocol wuH slfined, met here yester
day and completed plans for pushing
forward the worl: of the society. The
society Is the outgrowth of relief work
done by patriotic women during the
late war. Now that there Is no need
for aid to sick and wounded soldiers.
It Is proposed to provide a memorial
for the heroic dead, nnd the society Is
lalsliiR funds to c arry out Its memorial
projects. Cue- of these Is to erect a
battle mortin.ent 111 tht city selected
by a majority of the members. Miss
flara Barton was chosen president of
the society.
Tho Wreck orfiio t. I'otor.
Toledo, O., Oct. 29. Later reports
roKai'dinR the wreck of the schooner
St. Peter say that six lives were lost.
Mrs. John Grlllln, wife of the captain;
Mate John McCrate, of Kingston; a
seaman named Uosworth, 22 years old,
nnd three Swedes, names unknown,
who shipped at Oswego. The captain
says that the storm was the worst
be had ever seen and he has sailed the
lakes since 1857. lie has two children
residing In Toledo.
At Payne's nursery, Glrardvillo, you will
find tho largest stock overseen in tho lonnty.
We Sell
The best saxony and
Gerniantown wools in the market
the celebrated "Columbia" brand
We have a large line of colors
Newport scarf shawl, 10 skeins of
the Utopia Shetland Floss will
make it. Plain and combination
colors. Call and see the sample
Morgan's Bazar,
Optical Goods.
Eight Day Clock for $2.75,
ForThls IVlonth Only.
iur iuc iiiuuuy vuh m
have selected and
all the latest styles anti colors.
own judgment. When you see
per cent, cheaper than elsewhere,
t,iiiit.nliiKii Tlirnii;ioiit tho Country
Chr""l"1,fl for UhMv l'erumtl.
Tho ltcpuhlicani hold no meetings thU
Miss A1111I0 l;. Del.inoy, of town, has
resigned as saleslady at tho Fair store, In
White playing foot ball nt Potlsvllle,
C'hailes, the 12 ycar-ohl son of Cleorgo J.
Wadllngcr, fell and broke uti arm,
Letters testunentaiy wcio granted to
Margarot florman on tho estate of li.irtley
(Jorman, late of Atahatioy City, deceased.
Tho Ilerks county Institute passed n seiies
of lesolutloin, among which was ono leeoiii
mcmllng the passage of a law pensioning
teachers who liavo taught SO years.
Tho President issued 11 proclamation flxlnq
Thursday, November SMth, us Thanksgiving
A pension of $12 per mouth has beou
granted to Daniel Dlllinan (deceiisid.) of
Frackvllle. and ono of $3 per mouth to Mary
Dillmati, of l'l-.ick villo.
Patrick Doyle, aiicd 11 years, and living
with his parents nt Qirardville, was thrown
oil n liorso and Injuied internally. Ho is at
tho Miners hospital.
About 230 men woro in attendance at the
Kepuhlican mooting In eilmidvlllo.
A eiermnu military elnb has bought tho
Mcuiimisi cnurcii at .icannctto and will use
it as an armory.
Coal diggers liavo so uudermiticd tho ceme
tery nt llellovernon, Fayetto county, thnt it
Is likely to cayo in.
Alter 1111 idleness of sevon months Xos. r
nnd I) collieries at Lansfnrd will bo operated,
ocgltiniiig Tuesday, with ouO men and boys
Thero aro 17.1 cases returned to the Dis
trict Attorney's ollico for criminal court.
'1 110 now washcry boitiK erected to take tho
place of tho Stoddart plant, at Malzevillo,
destroyed by fire, is expected to be in opera
tion on 1 ucsilay,
Win. James, son of Supt. Thomas J.
James, of eiilhoitnn, who arrived homo on
Saturday evening from Iluntsville, Ala
weak and ill from 1111 attack of fever, was re
ported last night as slightly improved.
There aro 15(1 Sunday schools in Northum
berland county.
Pottsvlllo has now three companies of tho
National Guard of Peniia. Knough for a
Jack Slivctts, of Ashland, says that ho in
tends to resume coal milling this winter.
Stivetts did not like tho deal whereby bo was
tninsfeiTcd to tho St. Louis club, and rather
than play on tho latter team quits tho gamo.
Patrick ltynn, of Mahanoy City, has sold
his trotter, Tommy IL, to A. (!. lloone, of
St. Clair. .
Tho officials of tho P. & U. C. & I. Co. havo
decided to erect an ico house near tho Maha
noy City colliery which will he stocked with
K. M. Lester, a Prohibition lecturer, will
urge the election of fleorgo A. Jenks for
Governor, in a speech at York next Tuesday.
workmen lu tho minesat NewSilVLihrook.
this county, found tho body of Patrick
Sharpe, who had been killed, while alone, by
Near tho old Martlo Force. In Martic town
ship, Lancaster county, a Mount Joy com
pany has a HO-acro chestnut faim set out
with grafted trees.
A "Jack the Hugger" has been terrifvina
the pretty young women of Annville, Leb
anon county, several of whom he has em
braced when they ventured out alone.
Charged with cruelly beating a niinil with
a rubber hose, Principal J. J. Williamson, of
tho public school at liellevue. Alleahenv
county, has been arrested.
Ira Clement, of Sunliuty, who conducted a
cotlico and planing mill at that place, died
yesterday aged 85 years.
Tho first suow storm of tho winter fell at
llalzeton on Thursday.
Sliss-Kniuio Morgan, well known here, will
conduct special services in Centralia's ISaptist
church next week.
Slionandoah, Ashland, Tamaqua and (lii-
ardvillo peoplo havo over $50,000 in the
Keystone Wagon Co., Keating, which 10
ccntly went Into tho hands of a receiver.
Thirty-three hundred bushels of corn on
tho cob is thu enormous crop raised 011 the
county almshouso farm this year.
Winner Tumor, editor of tho Christian
Life, of Pottsvillo. and candidate for Con
troller on thu Swallow ticket, was in town
Church NotlrcM.
Regular services will bo held iu the Trinity
lteformcd church to-muirow morning and
evening, lloth sermons in Kugllsh.
Services will bo held in the Welsh Congre
Eational church to-morrow by Uev. T. It,
Lewis, of Scranton, Services in tho morning
in Welsh, and in the evening Liiglish. Sun
day school at 2 o'clock.
Preaching lu tho Calvary Baptist church
to-morrow. Mornlug subject, "Talking With
God" ; evening subject, "Hypocrisy vs.
Pretence." During tho ovenlng an anthem
will bo tendered by tho choir. All will bo
Onrduer Dolbats KoDy.
New York, Oct. 9. Oscar Gardiner,
the "Omaha Kid," knocked out Sammy
Kelly, of this city, In the 11th round
of what was to have been n 25 round
fight,, at 110 pounds, before the Lenox
Athletic club last night. Gardner
proved hlmpelf to be Kelly's superior
in hard hitting and bulldog tenacity.
Kelly undoubtedly was tho better ring
general, but It was a case 'of a boxer
ngalnst a fighter, and the fighter won,
One Block of Nine
HI tun ted on Went Coal btrcct, SheniinUoah. Tho
property entire la U2 (ect front anil 70 feet
driep. Each house has a frontage of Yl feet
by 20 feet deep, i-Mth kitchen JO bv 14 feet ; all
ant twostorlVs, alz room, tin roof. They liavo
just been thoroughly repaired, newly painted
and paired, ami new frills, outhouses and coal
nouses conauueieu. vieo properties aro
Kither na a whole or iunarutelT and on reason-
able terms. For further information apply to
Annual Sales) over 6,000,000 Boies
Btich as Ylni nml Tain In the Ptoinneli,
GlilJlBe3s, J'ulue.-, after meals. Ile.nU
ncbo. Ulzzlnoss, Urowolnoss. I'lushlngs
ot Uoat, Loss ot Alipuuto. OoatlveneHS.
Ulotchos on tho Skin, Cold Chills, Ills
turboil Sloop, I'rluhtful Dreams nnd-nll
Korvous aud Tromblluit Sonsatlons.
Will nckuawlodco thcui to ho
lIlir.CU.tM'H VUAA, token nsdlroet
od, w'la'deklirreBtoro Foinalos to com
ploto hoalth. They promptly removo
obstructions or Irroeulnritles of tho eys
tern nnd euro Mt'K llenUnclie. For a
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And hi Yd th
OfanyriUditMcitlrluo In tho AVorlil.
25c at all Drue Stores.
Tho forecast for Sunday; Fair to partly
cloudy, warmer wcathor, with light and fresh
easterly and southeasterly winds, followed by
lucicaslng cloudiness and by rain In the
iiirthern districts.
Miss Viola Moyer, of Fraekvlllo, spent yes
tcrday in town.
Christ. Foltai returned homo from Phlladcb
idila last evening.
(Diaries Foltz, of Sharon, Ohio, is visiting
his mother on li'ist Coal street.
Policeman Mailln Mullahy returned from
a pleasure visit to Philadelphia last evening.
Frank Itcnw, of A9hland, termer uoiinty
Commissioner, was a visitor to town last
Mint. Qulnti and Civil Fnglnecr Archi
bald, of Pottsvlllo, made a tout of inspection
of tho Girard Kstate dams to-day.
Mrs John D.uldow went to Philadelphia
to day to attend the funeral of Frank Ileckcr.
Thomas Williams, son of W. P. Williams,
left town this morning to rejoin tho 21st
Ueg't., II. S. A., at Plaltshurg, N. Y., after
spending a twenty-day furlough here.
Genrgo Lowrey, the comedian of town,
left this morning for Lancaster to inako ar
rangements for his fall and winter engage
ment with the Welsh ltros.' "Southurn Life"
company. Harry Jenkins, Ids partner, will
follow hlin lu a few days.
Hull rroKrilins, TleUnts, i:tc.
Tho lIi;i!AM job department is head
quarters for hall programs, invitations,
tickets and all sorts of printing for entertain
ments. Latest stylos in grcut variety in
stock and prices are at rock bottom, consist
ent with good work.
Di eils llccoriled.
Deed from Win. Longcn, ct al., to Thomas
Keller, premises in Ashland.
Deed from Win. Luiigon, ct al to Michael
Kclley, premises in Ashland.
No ono would ever be bothered with con
stipation if eyeryono know how naturally
and quickly llurdock Wood Hitters regulates
the stomach and bowels.
MarrluKu Licenses.
Cruciano Minneca and LoritaSciolina, both
of Kelayres, Klinu Twp.
Jacub Yoaus and Katie Yogus. both
A ono year guarantee accompanies overy
watch repaired at Orkin's, 121' S. Main street.
'J his Soldier I' Willi Klxoil.
Louis Weidenbach, of Hazletun, a volun
teer soldier now at Fortress Mouroo. yester
day wroto to ids mother to look under a
ceitain beam in tho garret of their homo and
she would find a sum of money. To her
surprise alio found $700 in cash, which sho
placed iu batik to her son's credit.
On LovIhb Care.
Tho Chautauqua Assembly Herald re
lates tho following amusing incident.
Misi Burton was trying to dovolop thu
Idea of loving euro in her Sunday school
class To ilhihtruto tho Idea sho nsked,
"What does inothqr do for grnndumf"
'Maktw her work," shouted n youngster.
Tho visitors woro convulsed, but SUsa
Burton ruso to tho occasion nnd polntod n
moral to adorn tho tulo.
ltlicon ns Food For Soldiers.
Of nil of tho meats supplied, to tho army
bacon is looked upon as tho most valuable.
It certainly is tho easiest to handle, tho
most palatnblo and serves tho greatest va
riety of purpoi-es of any meat known.
Properly cooked, bacon nuikus not only
moat, but nn excellent substitute for but
ter. As a rule, bacon Is not sufficiently
cooked to bo most relished. It should bo
crisp, ku that It will break or very nearly
to. A slice of bacilli that cannot bu cut
with n fork is not cooked enough to 110
qulro tho best (Invar. It Is quite out of tho
question to furnlh butter for tho use of
tho nriny, therefore hncon fat, heated, until
it surokes, is a substitute not to bo lost
light of. Now York Ledger.
Jty littlo daughter's head and faco broko
out l:i lilccditi soics. One of her cars was so
alTufiod vo thou ,ht it would slough off. Her
Buircrlii" was fntcnco, getting no rest unless
under i- lates. Tho phjsiclan tried every
known remedy, but instead of getting better,
sho got vorso. Distracted, with her condi
tion, 1 was advised to' try'CuTicoiiA Itr.MU
riLs. J 'ore the first tceck I noticed that the
littlafu Merer was beginning to get relief, and
In Zi'ts rmn two months was cnttrthf enrol
Mrs. JAS. Mi: LTOK , fi I tavilen St. ,Atlauta,Oa.
! M.iuirits lit a warm b.lh with C'l'TlcrKl Soap,
h' I n ii.!'-, Fn-litui2 will, CUTiei'Hl,rrriitr,t or mint-hriiUH-t'l
ptirc-t A,rhkln cure.. Till, trrnlmrntwtlt
In,' nt Ml t, iMTtnlt ret fur pAreut ami for child.
An I ti-i'nt ro a .peedj, perroAnent, ADtl economical cure.
HVt t Wi?hmit the worl.T. Potter 1). 0. Corp . Solf.
I vi'i l,.luu. How to Cure- Torturing Humors, free.
roll 8AIK A farm of about lOaerofl within
three and one-half niil'8 of .Shenandoali,
(Jool dwelling hoiie. excellent out build mr,
Apply toT. It. IleddalK&Iiiiiaudoah l'a. tf
IJlOn SALK Valuable flbenandoab property
P centrally located on Oak street, withal
modern conveniences, utn'O room and we ling
ami noiifto on the rear, Kor inrtuer liuormaiiou
apply at thla oUlco, tf
JTIOR 8AI.15.-Two pool table in good condl
tlou. Can be bought very reasonable.
Al ply
to Anthony Schmleker, 10J South Jlaln
VTOTICMS. DcHhablo properties for sale. Ajv
Xi pty o rt. u. xi, iionopcier, aiiorney,
nncuanuoau. s-Ji'ii
fiWU HATjIC A valuable property on West
l1 Cenlro street, dwelling boue, and all con-
veulenees In ileHlrablo loeatiou. Apjily to
Tbonms Tohb, for further paiticularH, 5-7-tf
Exijcutou'ssam: of vauuahms uicl
Khtato. Ity virtue of tho authority wwted
In the undersigned Kxeeittorii of the estate of
Lawrence bjiiRley, lalo of thu township of
North Union, in tho county of Schuylkill,
rcnusylyania, deceased, the satd executors will
expose to pumic s tie, upon the premises of said
Ijiwrenco Single)', tleecase!. on tSuturda) ,
November J(, ls'.H, at 10 o'clock in thu foieuoou,
tho follnwinj; valuable propeityj All that
certain farm, messuage ami tiatt of land known
as jawrence smiley iiomestean, uuated In
North LTiiiou township, Hehuylklll count ,
Feuusyhaida, about threo miles west of Nur
embur, upon the public road lendlnir from thu
lJfrick and Potlsvllle st.ito road, iuterspctlntf
whii the piiDiie toau, Known nt tiro -Ml Ml I n
vi IN) ioaI, bounded by lands of Henjamln
1. Bindley, biifrauna JtreUch, leort;u
M. KratiU, Wesley 1'ett't, John Taluer and
otbcru; and contfilnlng about K'J acres, with all
necessary buildings ami modern Improvements;
audi ono ot tho most valuable and desirable
farms. In atd North Union township. Terms
of sales Ten fur cent, of prlco bid to bo paid
down on day of sale, and balance on or before
April l.lsw, without interist. Any desired in
formation reardin said proporty may bo h d
by milium noon or addresslutf the underslKned
Uxeculors, Ion's loye, la or their Attorney.
H. (1, M llollnpeter, hbenandoah, Va,
John Hinolkv,
Htki-hkn Himolev.
Tho unilerslKiied hna dlaeon
tlnueil the stove hiislni'Mi anil will ilevnte tin
entire attention tu the reiulrlni; of ull kind ut
titovea, hentcra nml nuiKe-i. All rejialrlni-will
receive prnmpt attention
WM, l. PRATT, 333 S. Jardln St
Use of Paine's Celery Compound in
the Philadelphia W. C. A.
Tho magnificent building at tho corner of
Eighteenth and Arch streets. Philadelphia, is
a monument that tells what a great charitv is
the. Women's Christian Association of tho
eitiakcr City.
Tlie superintendent ot the W. U. A. nomo
is the accomplished woman whoso portrait is
printed here. Miss Katherino Kennedy.
What she has dono and what sho is doing fur
the bedelit of other womon commands the
highest respect and admiration.
In nil other institutions of this kind 111 oro
attention is given overy year to teaching tho
laws of health and right living, physically ns
well as morally. The health of communities
is more and moro frequently a subject of at
tention fiom clergymen and teachers. An ail
ing, nervous man or woman finds it moro
dillieult to be hopeful and cheerful and good
than a well 0110.
Writing to thu Wolls & Iticliardson Com
pany, who are tho proprietors of the most
wonderful of all remedies for tho euro of dis
eases that arise from the impairment of thu
nervous system, P.iino's celery compound,
Miss Kennedy, iu tho courso of her letter, re
ferring to tho uso of P.iino's celery compound
among tho members of tho W. C A., says that
those who havo been taking it feel meatly
benefited, and desire to continue the uso of
it." So many women run down in health 1v
Just when you'll need It, and ap
preciate it best, we begin our
At even usual prices our goods would be priced lower than any of
equal merit that you'll be amazed at the power of your dollars.
Children's Shoes F"rom 19 Cents Up.
Big line of ladies', men's aud boy's shoes at prices which speak for
themselves. Fifty pairs of men's and beys' patent leather shoes, 'from ',!
3 to 9, at gi.68, worth S4.00 This is one of our big bargains. I
Men's Extension Sole Shoes $1.25, worth $2.
We have a beautiful line of men's and boys' shoes iu all colors and
styles box calf, kangaroo and bulldog toe, with heavy soles, for the
Big Line of Dry Goods,
Cheaper Than Sold Anywhere Else.
We have a nice unbleached muslin, 36 inches
wide, from 4 cents up ; white muslin, from 5c up ; cotton flannel, 5'Ac.
The best gray flannel, 15 yic per yard.
Beautiful Line of Dress Goods Cheap.
Our stock of ladies' and misses' coats aud plush capes are aniving
daily, and will be sold cheaper than any other town dealer can afford to.
We carry a big assortment of boys' suits and men's and boys'
pants at cheapest prices. Underwear of all kinds.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House,
nuAi iu I1IUI1AUL I'liTliKS' SALOON, I
13 North Haiti Street, - Shenandoah, Pa!
To Buyers I-e
uunt'k kuiiniuinoi iioora
Como direct from New York and hihtilelihla.
Wolmyln largo iiimnlltliH ami cll at small
protltH. Our prki-s aro the loweat In town.
Philip Yarowaky,
I overwork, or what is worso, ovcrworry, hvo
been rostoicd to perfect health by Paine's
celery compound, that its record in tho Phi la
ilclplua homo has been duplicated iu overy
largo city in tho Union. Grateful testi
monials of this character havo been pule
mauacors ot mil) In
openly accorded to Palno's celery compound.
Tho widespread uso of Taiuo's celery com
pound, in tbo most intelligent, careful homes,
and among tho most thoughtful portions of
overy community, has grown up by j list this
sortot personal guarantco, by word of mouth,
from persons mado strong and well to others
needing exactly the kind of iiivigoratlon and
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