The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 26, 1898, Image 4

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' iw niTllTI
TIT i 1 -"' : fr-f.JC f 1
Pound of out 25c
chocolate candy assortment and
then tell us if you ever tasted its
equal at less than 40c. Remember
v ha i" 1-5 at this price. We
are aUo agciu.-. lor Lowuey's pack
age candy. Coc for one pound and
30c for a 2 lb package.
N. Main St.
e& Houck's
Cure ?
A ftuir euro or
your iuoiif
it n trial.
refunded, f itve
3 South Mala Street, Slienaiuloali, Pa.
Telephone ('outlet linn.
For Stylish Hats and Bonnets at
the Lowest Priocs.
New York and Philadelphia de&icns.
Rough Kider hats, all colors, l!5c ; Sailor
hats, 35c and up ; Yale lints, 50c ; Steamer
hats. Soc; Dewey hats, 75c to $1.00: The
Wheel, 85 ; Kocquo, 95c j Ostrich tips, 25c ;
Mourning bonnets and cils complete, f.oo j
Silk mourning veils, fl.50; Saxony and
Germantown am, 5c n hank.
Mrs. J. J. Kelly,
26 South Main Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
Hereby makes his fall an
nouncement to those who
Intend to purchase a .stove
or ranj;e for the winter.
We have already sold a ipmotity of tbcin, nod
will continue to Increase our sales. Why? lle
cauBewe are new beginners and wish to estab
lish n good trade, by giving you full value for
every dollar you Invest. Wo call npcclnl attcn.
Hon to our "Queen Cinderella llaoge" of which
the above cut Is a (ac-tslmlle. It has elx cooking
boles, made with flro bui at cither right or left
end. All tho latest Improvement)! nil tho best
Ideas, l'our piece tops. I.nrgo high ovens.
thoroughly ventilated. Removable nickel door
pinto with bronze mednllon. The side shelf,
oven door kicker, shaker handle and knobs are
nickel plated. Duplex or triplex grate, that
can be removed and replaced without dlsturli-
Iiik the linings. Direct draft damper. Large ush
tutu. Cut long centre, ltlugcd cover. Flro flint
or cast Iron linings. Highly polished edges.
2roldlng nickel towel rod.
121-123 North Alain St.
Gasoline, QUr''
Gasoline, Oil Stoves.
We make a specialty of
gasoline, 60 cents in five Rallon
lots, delivered. Mica and U. S.
axle grease. Also headlight oil,
150 lire test.
No, 13 East Coul Street, Bhenandoali, Prima
Mall orders promptly attended to.
Tho Rosy Freshness
And a velvety softness of the skin is Inva
riably obtained by tbore who use I'ozzoni'b
Complexion i'owuer.
BEST uiime: of
m IiK i-Klt-N H 1 IK 1-rt-ll
VlllUUb.l.-W, , -WW.., , N.V,
HAY nd BTltAW,
Floor and Table 011 Cloths.
B. Foley, 'il st.
.Mr. anil Mr. Umiiiiiih .1. Jhiiikk, ol (lllliur-
tnn, Oi'li'liratol it lliiti)' Ilvint.
On tho S5lh tl.iy of Octolier, Wll Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Juinos, now residing ut Hillier
ton, wore tiu'tud in the hob bond . of 111 iti I-
mony. ovenlliK they ee( luiiteil their
silver anniversary. It want happy mnnlon I
fur the. host and hosted as well a thu in .ny
friends who attended It. The pre-i iiti weie
numerous mid of many dlll'ereiit di'iiuus All i
kinds of amusements ucr uiTimleil (hi !
Kilests. As tlio liiidninht hour' il I
too vuosts sit iliin n to a suiiililunus ieiist,
which had been specially premied for tin
oieuslon. It was an eaily bniir this inoriiinu
when tho guests departed.
The fulloulnn quests fnuii Shetland. ill
attended: Mr. and Mm. John Try, Mi . and
Mrs Cieoige Walters, Mr. anl Mrs .Iiiiiks
Tobln, Mr. and Mrs lteujumln ltrinvn, Mr.
and Mrs. William Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Chink-
Karbel, Mr. and Mrs. George llolvey, Mr.
and Mrs. William Kmiiiuel, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac .liunes, Mr.
and Mrs. 1-Mward Spears. Mr and Mr..
Henry Try, .Mrs. .Inlin Selm hull, Mi ,lu-epli
li.icou, Mis. Hiues, Mrs. .I.inu Moyer, .Mi.-.
Klias Ilevan, Mrs. Maud Aelter, Mrs. Surah
James, Mrs. Matgaiet Powell, Mrs. Harriett
James. Mrs. John Hitler, Misses Harriett
.Miller, Daisy und May Walters. William
llatuur, Daniel Coakley, IMward James and
William Meyers.
At h. (loldln's every gnimcut h maiked.
nuil 110 one pays it cunt iiuuo than hit neigh
bor. tf
Two KlnriltioiiMN Kiitel lulu a I'nity ill
Itev. Van roH-iiH Itenlileiieo.
A very enjoyable eveniiiR was spent at the
episcopalian rectory on South Jurdiu stieet
last oyoninir when Itev. and Mrs (1. W. Van
l'osscn invited a number of ladies and gen
tlemen to meet Misses Anna K. Dunkel, of
Watsontown, an accomplished exponent of
Delsarteanism, and Mins Horr, of l'liiladtl
phia, a Kiaduate ol the Ilinton School of
Kxpiession, one of the boot eleciitioui'-ts
who lias yiited the tow 11 and who combines
with the complete masteiy of her ait a veiy
plealiii peisouallty which captivates her
heaieis at once, lioth hull's favoied the
company with several selections, running the
gamut from tlio pathetic to the liidicioiH, awl
the grave to the gay with equal facility, and
to the delight of all.
Among thiHo present weio Dr. and Mis
('. M. llordner, Mr. and Mrs. 11. H. Hunter,
Mr and Mrs. X. W. Ueddall, Mr. and Mis. I'.
W Houck, Mr. and Mrs. IS. 1). Ituddall, Mi.
and Mrs. T. J D.ivles, Mr. and Mrs. T. II.
Hutchinson, l)r and Mrs. J.rf. Kistler, Dr.
and Mrs. M. S. Kistler, Dr. J. S. C.illen,
Samuel Slelnbach and W. J. Morgan.
It is the intention of Misses Horr and
Duukel to organize classes in physical cul
tuioaud elocution, for which they demon
strated their superior fitness in a uiitt con
vincing manner last evening.
L. Goldin carrios the largest
finest goods in the county.
Threatened With lMtriirtloii by An er-
IloatiMl Stuch,
A firo occurred at the Jlxcelsior (lour mill
at Mahauoy City, owned by .Mrs. S.uah I..
Hoppes, at about II vo o'clock hi'-t evening
and the mill was saved only by tlio prompt.
work of the tiro companies, which rendered
excellent service. Tlio entiro roof of tho
boiler house was in flames bofore the lire was
discoered. The dainagu amounted to about
$150. An ovor heated stack caused the liie.
1.. (ioldln lias thu llnest stock of men's
clothing ever brought to Shenandoah. tf
Deaths anil l'liueraN.
The fn 110ml of John l'uicell,
of 1'. ,t 1!. .Siipeaintendent McDonald, of
Maple Hill, will take place to-morrow morn,
ing High mass will be celebrated and in
terment made at (iirurdvillu.
Carrio, a 7-yonr-nld daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Philip lloebler, died at tho family resi
dence, 32G West Centre stieet, yesterday
afternnoii. Death was due to scarlcutiiia,
from which the deceased bad sulleied three
days Tho funeral will take place on Friday
afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock. Interment will
bo made in thu Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Thomas I.iill'erty, tho jolly well-known
Ibpior dealer of Clirardville, has been allllctcd
by tlio loss of a two-nionths-old child, which
occurred yesterday. Tho most remarkable
feature of the caso is that this is the six
teenth child ho has lost by death, thirteen
boys and threo girls, but three children re
maining. Ho has tlio sympathy ot a largo
circlo of friends In his allliction.
A ?3.00 eight-day clock for ?'J.75. For this
month only. Orkin's, 120 S. MaliKsUoct. tf
Case Appealed.
Mrs. Margaret Henry, of (iilbeitcSi.. has
ippealed from the judgment of if 15 nw.Vrded
against her ill favor of William NeiswtSter,
of town, by Justico Toomoy. Netsweif
claims that wltllo Mrs. Henry and tier t
sons were engaged iu business ho sold them,
jointly, a team of horses and it balance of
f 15 was loft unpaid. Tlio two tons rented
from tho business and Mrs. Henry liecamo
solo owner. Sho refused to pay tho balance.
alleging that her sous, and not herself,
bought thu horses,
Scald head is an eczema of the sculp very
sovero sometimes, nut 11 can no cu nil.
1 loan's Ointment, quick and permanent in its
results. At any drug store, SO cents.
Cltll War Veterans,
At the 21st annual re-union of tho Seventh
Pennsylvania Cavalry Association, held Jin
Malianoy City yesterday afternoon und ovetw
ing, the following otllcers wp- cciAtu :
Piesideut, K. It. IlutcliluSbn ; First Vice
President, Samuel Hag'onbuch ; Sccoud Vice
President, Jami;A'raham i Third Vice Presi
dent, John, Keenan ; Treasuror, Thomas Mc-
Oovwi, all of Pittsburg; Secretary, Oeorgo
II. Stcahlln, of Orwigsburg. Tlio noxt ro-
unioii will be held iu Pittsburg. During the
oveniug an entertainment was held in Killer's
opera liouso, followed by a banquet at tho
Mansion House. Muj. Heber 8. Thompson
was toastmaster. Tho members left for their
homes to-day well pleased witli their visit.
lliulerweai llargiihiH,
Dig lino of gents' llceco llneil, Westorn
mado underwear formerly $1 cut down to in
cents, at Jlefuwlcli's, tho Iloliablo I lothler.
Marriage Licenses.
Francis House, Jr., and Katio I. Martell,
both of Uiraidvillo.
John Duttor aud Carrld Corby, both of
New Castle, township.
Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup Is u most val.
uablo remedy for all throat and lung affec
tions. It cures a cough and cold in one day.
Doses aro small. Hosults sure. Price 25 cts.
a bottlo.
At h. Goldln's you can get yotircltoico of
suits or overcoats from fU to $lb, tf
Jubilee, l'osipoueineiit.
The civic parade of the Peace Jubilee cere
monies ut Philadelphia, which waste havo
taken place to-day, was postponed until
Friday, 2slh lust , ou account of the un
favorable weather. The Philadelphia A
Heading Hallway Company will sell special
tickets and run special trains on Friday ou
the same schedule that wero advertised for
the SUtb aud 27th lust.
Latest style bluo serges for men aud boys
uio to be bad at L. Uolulu's. tf
Stomach troublo is tho common
nnmo applied to a derangement of
tho system which is keenly felt but
vjguuly understood. It may mean
inability to retain food or to digest
it. It may mean nausea, pain after
eating, fullness, inordinate craving
for food, or entiro lack of appetite.
Whatever it means, there's troublo,
and it's with tho stomach. If you
havo stomauh troublo, you will bo
interested in this letter from a
man who had it and was cured by i
"For nine yca.-a I Buffered from stomach
troublo. I tried tho aid of tho test doctors
of Philadelphia and Pittsburg, und spent
largo sums of money, nil in vain. Ono day
whilo waiting a train In Bellaire, 0., I
picked up a paper with a notico of Ayer's
Sarsaparilh. I got ona bottlo to try it. It
did mo bo much good that I purchased five
more bottles. I took four of them (ml
gained in flesh, my nppotite improved, and
now I can eat anything. My stomach is all
richt, thanks to tho uso of Ayer's Sarsapa
rilla." Calvin M. Stevens, Uniontown, Pa.
Gl 11 itltil Criminal Soils Instituted by
.tlr. Scott.
Frank Scott, of the Hotel Finney, to-day
instituted suits through M. M. llurke, Esq ,
to recover possession of a portable saw mill
in Harry township operated by John M,
liclncr. Scott alleges that be is the owner of
the plant and Ileiuer is operating it for him
on cipnii shares. Uccently Mr. Scott secured
a puiehascr for the plant and Iieincr refused
to suriender possession. It is also alleged
that Iieincr lias loncealcd some of tho plant.
To-inonow the sheriff will go to the saw
mill with a writ of replevin and taku
possession of the propeity. He will nlso bo
aimed with a warrant for 1'einer'a anest on
a charge of larceny as bailee for secreting
some of the property.
Don't Let Anybody Interfere, But
Take Pan-Tina for coughs and cold-, 23c.
At (Irtihler llros., drug store.
A Voting .Hun Has it Xui'i-ow Kscapo l'i-om
Harry McDonald, aged 21 years and resid
ing at llrownsvillo, had a narrow escape from
death in the scrapor line at Packer No. 3 col
lierp this morning. Soveral ribs on the left
side of Ids body wore fractured and bo re
ceived a number of sovero cuts, but Dr. Stein
says the victim's injuries are not dangerous.
If you want 11 suit well made, with
linings, goto I,, (ioldin's.
Harry Smith, of lllnomsburg, was a busi
ness visitor to town last evening.
Mrs. 1. Inter llobbins, and daughter, Lor
raine, ol s.ic City, Iowa; .Mr, and Mrs,
Walter fioihert, and daughters, Ella and
Anna, of llerwlck ; Dr. and Mrs. Charles
Shoeinakcr.of lliltimoro ; and Morgan Price,
and family, of Lost Creek, wero iu attend
ance at tho Itruiuni Jacoby wedding to-day.
Mrs. Samuel Dtvls, of North West street,
Messrs. P. J. Devcrs, John Major, Albert
Ilaskins, James Stack, Fiatik, John, Martin,
I'attick and Joseph Conry and P. W. ltler-
steiu have guuo to Philadelphia to witness
the pcaco Jubilee ceremonies.
Misses Virgie V. Gruff and Ida P. Stuart,
two pietty young ladies of Ashland, wero
guests of town friends last evening.
Miss Aiinio Knne is a Philadelphia visitor
this week.
William Smith, a privato in tlio 21st
Infantry, and stationed at Plattsburg, N. Y.,
is homo on a furlough.
Samuel Davis and sisters, Misses Annie and
Hannah, are among tho people witnessing
tho Peace Jubilee.
.Messrs. M. J P. II. and F. J. Conry
attended tho assembly given by tho Sbamo-
kin band at Maysville park last evening,
s Daulel Dougherty, assistant at Hrodcrlck's
'fiarbcr shop, is in Philadelphia to attend tho
ll-iliLrn .lllhllen.
x --:
L. I Johlin has the 11 n cot stock of overcoats
In the ikfcn. tf
VwiKlevillu and Comedy.
"The (la Girls of Greater Now York"
will bold ?irth at Ferguson's theatre on
Friday evenffU!, the 26th Inst. The company
is composed liVgely of ladies, with several
comedians and Vaudovillo stars, Besides an
olio, many cloiftir acts and skits, the company
produces tho blight sparkllug.burlotta, "Tlio
Gay Girls of.Ci reatcr Now York," concluding
with nnuOfor laughable burletta, "The Queen
of tho Gypsies," The Goldsmith sisters who
havo appealed hero on soveral occasious, aro
with this company.
Yoiiug man, if you want a stylish over"
coat, go to L. Goldln's. tf
'Hie County Surd.
Hhono Trescolt, on ox-constabloand former
resident of Ha.loton, commenced suit against
tho eouuty of Liueruo to recovor f 2,715.80
for services lendored In nrrosting and secur
ing tho conviction of the notorious James
Pawatella and his gang, who infected that
region about two years ago,
Jh'ow Pastor Chosen.
At thu meeting of thu Slavonian and Hun
garian Hcformed church, of Mt. Carincl, ou
Sunday, Hov. Julius Hambuiszky, lato -of
Hungary, was unanimously elected to tho
pusitiou of pastor of tlio congregation, a
vacancy having occurred in tho pulpit n few
weeks ago. Ho has a family in Hungary,
who will utako their homo iu -Mt. Carmcl.
Another Cuve-lu.
A largo cave-in occurred ou tho Lehigh
Valley railroad about 25 yards east of llirry's
junction this morning. A forco of workmen
wero Immediately put to worn in lining up
tlio broach. Tho high road leading to Delano
was effected by tlio cave-In.
Clvlo Parade Postponed,
Ou account of lain to-day at Philadelphia
the civic parade of tlio Peace Jubilee was
postponed until Friday, October 28, 1803,
Owing to tho postponement, tho Peunsyl
vaula Kail load will continue to sell excursiou
tickets ou Friday, Oct. 2Sth, good to return
Oct. aist, 1MW, at ono faro for tho round trip.
At Parno's nursery, Girardvillo, you will
find tho largest stock ovor seen iu tho county.
Ask your grocer for tlio "lioyal I'atoti
flour, and take no othor brand. It Is tho est
flour luiulo,
filings Thiouglmiit lliu Country
Chi-iilrln,l for Hasty IVrusnl.
Next Monday will bo Hollow o'en.
Michael Mullen has been discharged flout
Iho next Shciiff's sales will beheld on
November 12.
Tho clothiers tiro uxporlencing an Imptovo
incut iu business.
Sheriff Toulo Is serving jury notices for tin'
November term of court.
A largo number of our people left this
morning for Philadelphia to see tlio Jubilee
A substantial cement pavement is ileitis
laid iu front of tlio JInlone properly on
West Oak street.
Tito Malianoy Valley Ministerial Associa
tion held a vory interesting meeting at Tre
moot yesterday.
Tho collieries in the Ashland district closed
down last night und will not resunio until
Frldiiv moriilng.
The court home offices will bo closed to
morrow, the Governor having designated the
day a legal holiday.
Little Annie Mellugh, of Hazlcton, was
terribly scalded by upsetting a pan of boiling
water over herself from it table.
There Is no better advertising medium in
this section than the lli:it.l.l). That's what
ovcrybody says, and it must be true.
Letters testamentary were granted to
James Cavanaugh on tho estate of Mary
Hyatt, lato of lialin township, deceased.
'Pitulru H. II. llrowntnlller, of tirwigsburg,
has lccclved word of tho death of his
brother, aked 72 years, at Vancouver, II. G.
On next Snnday licv. J. P. Gorman, of the
German Lutheran chinch, Mincrsvlllo, who
has resigned, will preach his farewell sermon.
A lingo mass of rock falling in tho Green
wood mine, killed John Toole mid prohnhly
fatally injured l'eter Cusick, both of Scran
ton. The board of ailiiistnient of thu llrothcr-
hood of Locomotive Engineers is in sectet
session at Pittsburg, with UO members iu at
The auditor yesterday took testimony with
a view of distilbiitlug funds in tho bauds of
teceiver of Cliaiunkn Shoo Company, of
With a bullet hule through his head and a
icvolver by his side. Ifciin Duncan, of
Ncwville, Cumberland county, was found
dead in ills barn.
Wilson Collego for Women, at Chambers
burg, is to have a new $7."i,00i) building, fitted
up for dorinitoiies, dining hall, cliihS looms
and a scientific department.
A coal oil lamp exploded In the hands of
Mrs. Pliocoe N. Keesey, of Columbia, setting
flro to her clothes and burning hor so terribly
that she died iu a few hours.
lieforo adjourning its annual bcssiou at
Heading, tlio I'cfornted Synod adopted a
icsoluliou commending the Daniel Sliiio
Memorial Homo to tho church as it most
worthy charity.
Thomas Ilincs, a young man who lately
resided iu St. Clair, but moved to Wilke.
barro a short time ago, secured work iu the
mines at that place, and had his foot smashed
by a fall of coal.
Charles White, a colored barber, was con
victed last night of murder in tho second dc
giee, at Harrisbtirg, for kicking Sarah Tui
piu iu the stomach last Fotitth of July, she
dying a week lalor.
Tlio Supremo Court has affirmed the judg
ment of tho lower con it iu the caso of the
Phoenix Silk Mill Co. vs. Pottsvillo's lloanl
of Trado, in which the jury gave the sill;
mill :t vetdict fur $1,370 27.
A teport Is circulated at Cbicngotliat "Pop"
Anson may manage tho Phillies next season.
Miller, of the Cincinnati's, is tho author of a
statement that be had heard from u f.iirly
good authority that an offer would be ten
dered Anson.
In a fuw weeks tho cars on the Lakeside
electric road will glisten with a now coat of
paint. For tlio past week a force of men
liavu been busily engaged transforming the
cars front a dark liluu color to a maroon.
A bear weighing over200 pounds was killed
by a faruiur near Shamukiti Saturday night.
Fifteen men aro employed at Mt. (Manuel's
now brewery.
It is a mistake to oxpect uniformity of
opinion in this woild.
John E. Doyle, formerly of town, is among
tho Democratic speakurs who will address the
voters of McAdoo on Monday night.
Tlio water famine tit the county almshouse
Frank Moersc.ibacber, a candy maker by
trado, died at his bomu in Pottsville this
Port Clinton lias (oil-teen empty houses.
Thomas W. Davis, editor of the United
Mine Workers Journal, is coming to the
Anthracito region to help in tho work of or
ganizing tho miners.
Tho planet Venus, whoso light is tlio glory
of tho western sky iu tho early evening, will
attain its greatest brilliancy on Thursday.
Dr. Holt's Cough Syrup Is pleaaut to
tako ; It tastes good ; children like It ; no
troublo to administer it and it always cures,
Itny the genuine, Dr. John W. Hull's Cough
All kinds of vegetables and flower seeds,
and plants at Payne's tiursories, Girardvillo.
Llcctrlo cars pass tho door. 5-0-tf
How Railways Improve.
Nothing bcttles a road-bed liko ago. Noth
ing improves train service like expeiieucu
Witness a practical demonstration of these
theories by using tho Southern railway the
short lino to l-lurida, this season. Thu track
will bo smooth, tho schedules fast, the trains
superb. Let John M. Beau, District Pas
sengor Agent, U28 Chestnut street, Phlladcl
phia, Pa., arrange tlio details.
Ladies, if you aro looking
uoyelties, go to L. Goldiu's.
AVliy Suffer with Dyspepsia?
Chas. Broome, 850 South Second St.,
Philadelphia, says: "It took only two
months for Brazilian Italia to cure me of
dyspepsia with which I suffered over 30
years. Now I have no pain or stomach
cough, nml can eat anytliiiitr. Brazilian
Balm beats the worlii.
Shenandoah drug store, wholesalo agents.
Ferguson's Theatre.
Presenting tlio Operatic Itiirlella
Queen of
The Gypsies !
Tito Most Koflncd Organization on tho Haul
Elaborate Costumes.
Clever Comedians.
Original Music.
Pretty Gypsy Girls.
Prices, C5, 35 and 30e.
Tito forecast for Thursday: Cloudy wcathor,
with rain, slight temperature changes and
fresh to brisk southerly and southwesterly
winds, high on tint coast, followed by loner
teinporatnre. possibly with light snow In tlio
Western districts, but clearing by night.
'Iuii l-roitiliienl I'.-opb. .lolne.l In Main-
moil) at To-ilay. .
In tho nresciiie of about forty tclatives
ai d friends of (he cotitiiictltig l""h;s- Ml-s
. , . ..r if r ,,,,,1 Mrs. (liorgo
atargsrei, iiaiigin' r . .,
Jacob,-, wa, wedded to Elwood 11. Il.u.iHii, t
tho homo of the bIMle-s parents. ...
Wh to street, til noon " " ,
H iudells, pastor of the MethodM l.l' il
. .... .. . ,i-...i...i nut li . the
ciiurc.ii, win me on.. -.-... -. ,,,,
.. . ... i.. tt, ojirlor where a
ccieinony iook pince ... ,
pyramid had been erected, neatly deco at. 1
with the Stars mid Stupes.
Ibepvr.utid st I two large fern P .3
rthich rested on stauos 11. . "1
with the cobi.s. A canopy of c 1,
w ,1 blue was fastened to tho ceiling
directly over the bridal parly.
.... .1.1. niiimii lii n white si k wed-
1 lie oiiou --
ding gown trimmed in duchess laro and rili
1. 1 ...... .t,i ., t,,.. iniint of bridal ruses.
oons, aim " -
while the groom was attired in conventional
black. Tho bride was given away ny ner
brother Elwood. Miss Lnrtaiim llobbins, of
Sac City, Iowa, was Slower girl, and wore a
dress of bluo silk. JUss Heine l nce, o. i.oat
Creek, presided al 1110 orgen aim i
wedding march from Lohengrin.
After congratulations nan occu exienocu 10
i..!.i 1 ..rn.iin tlm L'licsts rctmircd to
tho dining room, where a wedding feast was
enjoyed. The table was laden with many
goad things which form a part of life's joys.
Mr. and Mrs. Hruinin were favoied with
numerous beautiful and costly presents, llio
I........,,.,.,,,, fi-io will ptnhmcn a visit to
Phlladilphia, New York and Niagara Falls.
The couple left town this afternoon on tlio ..'..I....!-intn iii'hT tlm P. & H. rallwav.
Upon their return homo they will tako
pussessiou 01 a cosily liirnisneu uomo ai au
u ...,l. I..-.1I,. t,,,nt n'lti, loifln nod lirido.
OU.I II, , 111., ,11, ofc.w.. - " " .
groom aro well know n hero and have hosts of
acquaintances. The lli:iiAl.l Joins luo many
filcnds iu extending congratulations.
Ilt)l!lll.i:l(, -At. Shenandoah, Pa., ou the iltb
llixt , Lottie, daughter of Philip mid Carrie
Ilothler, lined 7 ycais. Funeral will take
place on Friday, i'btb, at 1:!W o'clock p.m.,
from the rcMldenco of the pnrents H-'lj West
Centre xtleet. Interment In the Odd Fellows'
lemeterv. l-'ricnd- and telatilcs rcspectful'y
Invited to attend. lO-ZIWt
IOST. -Kroin tlio ri-sltlctice of Itev Cornulltn
i LntiriMin of rit ivntri' striH-t, rector of
the Greek Catlmllo church, a little pup, thice
months oM, with mIk U'k1 and car-, atul lmir
rcsftiihllni; tlmt of a wolf. Tlio flmU'r will bo
Hlicrnlly rowimli'il Ity returning s:um to Itev.
Cm iiclliiH LiturN'ti. 10-23 2t
FOK HAIJC A fai in of aliout 10 acres ultlilii
thronaiicl oie1inlf inllc of Shenantlimh,
Cioo' ilwcUhit? lioue, excellent out built! ins;.
Apply to T. H. llt'duall, Hbeiumdoali Pa. tf
OU SAI-K Iloutcliold furniture for sale na
fotlnws: Itniikre. oak bed room set. walnut
bed, Hprii.H and inattreHs, dining room table,
ball iiik- ihafrH. nictuicH. lMust be Hold before
the in!. Apply at Mtm. S. I). IUhs, 115 Went
I.lojd St. 10-18-7t
I Mill SLK Valuable Hlienandoab property
1 ceutially located on Oak Ktreet, with all
mndrrii r-in vpiiIimich. Ktoo room Illnl We Illllf
and bnue on the rear. Kor fintber informatiou
apply at this olllce. if
1710 U HAI.12. Two pool tables in tfOod eondl
J tlon. fan bo bought very leaHtmable.
At p'V to Anthony Scbmiekcr, 1(W South Alain
Mreet. tf
VTOTirK. Desirable properties for sale. Ap-
k piv 10 n. t. ai. iioiioptHcr, attorney
Shenandoah. rWIMf
I ilOIE HAM?. A valuable property on We
(Vidro street, dwclllnir houwe. and nil eoi
veuieut-c in deni ruble, location. Apply to
Thorna Tosli, for further partfculata. .Vi7-tf
Select your gartnent from up-to-ilnte styles.
Wc have the riM goods here and a large
vaiicty In select from al the tight prices,
Ladies' Goats, $2 50, S3. 00, $5.00, $6.00.
$8.00, $9.00 to $16.00.
Children's Coats, $1.50 to $7.50.
rur Collarettes, $1.50 to $15.00.
Our stock of dress troops lias no enual. Yon
will find here a laige assottmcnt of plain and
fancy fabrics in foreign and domestic nt bar
gain prices.
Our place is headquarters for lace curtains,
blanket', carpets, rugs, etc. Look through
our line on second Uoor und get prices.
llullcrick paper patterns, 'Jl--st in the world,
sold by us,
We Sell
The best saxony and
Germantown wools in the?narket
the celebrated "Columbia" brand.
We have a large line of colors
Newport scarf shawl, 10 skeins of
the Utopia Shetland Floss will
make it, Plain and combination
colors. Call and see the sample
Morgan's Bazar,
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention, I,eave them
at the office, we will do
the rest.
brewing: company.
whose house is conspicuously cleau, whose work worries
her least, whose leisure time is greatest, how she manaees.
The chances are ten to one she will answer
" I do all my cleaning
Sold by oil grocers. Largest package-greatest economy.
Chicago. 8t. Louis. Now York. UostSn. Philadelphia.
Just when you'll need It, and ap
preciate it best, we begin our
At even usual prices ' our goods would be priced lower than any of
equal merit that you'll be amazed at the power of your dollars.
Children's Shoos From 19 Cents Up.
Big line ol ladies', men's and boy's shoes at prices which speak for
themselves. Fifty pairs of men's and boys' patent leather shoes, from
3 to 9, at $1.68, worth $4.00. This is one of our big bargains.
Men's Extension Sole Shoes $1.25, worth $2,
We have a beautiful line of men's and boys' shoes in all colors and
styles box calf, kangaroo and bulldog toe, with heavy soles, for the
Big Line of Dry Goods,
Cheaper Than Sold Anywhere Else. .
Wehaveaiice unbleached muslin, 36 inches
wide, from 4 cents up ; white muslin, from 5c up ; cotton flannel, 5c.
The best gray flannel, I5c per yard.
Sestitlfiil Line of Dress Goods Cheap.
Our stock of ladies' and misses' coats and plush capes are aniving
unity, sum win ue soni cneaper man any oilier town dealer can aiioru 10.
Wc carry a big assortment of boys' suits and men's and boys'
pants at cheapest prices. Underwear of all kinds.
Guarantee Clothing and Shoe Houses
13 North Hain Street, - Shenandoah, Pa.
E. F SUPOWIT2, Prop.
KB 9
No.129 South Main Street,
Terminus qf the Schuylkill Traction Company's Railway.
That the Boston Factory Shoe
Store carries an exceptionally big
line of boots and shoes. All our
goods are purchased direct from
the lactones. This enables us to
sell cheaper than our competitors
and also our imitators. Here are a
few prices :
ricn's solid leather shoes, from 9oc up
Ladies' ' ' " " 90c up
Children's solid leather shoes, 25c up
Especially for the miner,
are selling cheaper than anywhere
else. In prices we are not to be
outdone. All our boots and shoes
are made of leather aud not of
paper as are being sold by some
27 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa,
Tho underalK'K'd has dUcon
tlnued the Htove uuttluetts and will devote hU
entire attention to the repairing of all kfiuU of
BtovcM, heaters and range. All repairing will
receive prompt attention,
VM. R. PRATT, 333 S. Jardln Stj
"OOtl) DtJST,"
A Contented Woman
IhMio who bai her walls and ceilings dreornted
from onr lattht dentins and rich colors In w nil
paper Wo havo a complete lino of exiiUite
tints and ninnies, In the most a Untie comhlim
Hons and patterns, and wo wilt decorate ) our
home from kitchen to attic at a reaHonahlu
224 West Centre Streel, Shenandoah, Pa.
Jewelry Store,
Jewelry, Silverware, Musical gi f)
Instruments, Optical Goods.
Eight Day Clock for $2.75.
For This Month Only.
We give your
eyes a scien
tific examina
tion free of charge and if
glasses are needed, we are
willing to furnish them at
only a legitimate profit.
Tlios. Buchanan,
118 S. Mairr Street.
. , , Is the Beginning ot Baldness,
Woctphal's fluxiHator
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp.
Kereusoti House Work.
Superior Sarsaparllla..
and Orange Champagne.
1 TV T