The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 26, 1898, Image 2

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r.. .Jiimri'iTin--'-"-'-ci its, UMlii-Bft 1T1 H
Published every Ktriilnie. KurplMiunUy.nt
1 Bourn Jakihn HrnyiT. Minn Ckntiik.
Tlie 111 " I'1 ,L 1 tiiBM'iminloftll ftlul tlio
niitiiM. ; i - uforli . iiti week, ny
BbUXvllievirtit'rn, lly mull J3.00 n year, ir 1
cent' B month, payable In nilvuiicc. ilvrrtl8f
mciitnchiirKi'it BcvunllnK timpBcuaiul position,
The publishers rcru me riKin io ciuiiiko .
.UUi4tlitii nt nilwrtlMPtitplit. v hencver the ttul 1
UtMloi t cw ilciiiBiidi II. Tho rlttlit Is
le.rrvcil to wJrMany inlvrrtl.enient, utii'tlicr
pUi tor or not, tattt tlm pnlillsliere may drum
iproprr AiHciIUIiib ,l" '""'' wii
upon Bpplli-utlou.
Kntered Bt tlio potolHco at Slieimmlimll, r Bi
econd cltitH mall waiter.
'All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
VnM:siY. IKTOIir.U 20. 1SIIS.
VP "
JUK COUNTRY : l lrst, Last and Forever,
Ml!. HllYAN in t ill tnlkliiK about "u
rising' lolInr and fulling prii'i'.t." His
phrased compare poorly with those
foniul in tlit' I'renuK'nt'M recent
Dkmoi'KATIU editors print fewer
eliarnes f army neglect and corrup
tion since they were olllcmlly Invited
forward to give particulars. .Not one
of their Tories lias been verilled.
A WAU now between Kranee and
England would lie a strange eoiu
lueii'ary on the Czar's recent dis
auuaiiient proposition. In fact, if
tlio war takes place the Czar's coun
try will be almost certain to bo in
volved, for Russia's interests are with
France and against England. Gen
eral disarmament, from present indi
cations, is an iridescent dream. Each
nation wants the rest to do all the
disarming, and as a consequence
armies and navies are likely to grow
much larger before they begin to get
smaller. In this instance, however,
the two imioiis are not likely , to get
any closer than the range of diplo
matic bullets.
As is well known the Republican
state ticket contains two candidates
named Porter, both for the oilice of
Judge of the Supreme Court. It is
candidly admitted that one or the
oilier of these gentlemen is in danger
of being defeated. One of the op
position candidates for the same
office, Mr. Trickett, is on three differ
ent tickets, including those headed
by Mr. Jenks and Dr. Swallow. Mr.
Trickett is reasonably certain of elec
tion, and if he succeeds one of the
two Porters on the Republican ticket
will of course lie defeated. Mr.
Trickett is evidently a very lucky
Whkn Fanny Crosbj, the blind
hymuwritor, composes her hymns she
withdraws into a room where, sitting
alone witli a little hymn-book pressed
to her brow, she allows her thoughts
full play, says a writer in the Ladies'
Home Journal. She never writes her
hymns out, but composes the stanzas
one by one until the whole hymn is
cmiipleted ; then shediotntes it to an
amanuensis. Her memory is remark
able. As an instance of this she
states that Philip Phillips had once
asked her to write the words of forty
hymns the titles of which he read to
her. These titles bhe retained in her
inemory.und one by one she composed
the hymns. When the forty were
finished she dictated them, titles and
all, to an amanuensis. She has
written over three thousand hviniis.
Goon manners are a social obliga
tion, and it young man should never
muko light of them nor pass them
over as unworthy of notice. The ex
treme manners of the fop are silly
and unnecessary, but the way a well
bred man deports himself is always
worth a young man's closest study.
Good manners mean comfort for
others and tile recognition of little
social rights, which to pass over is to
degenerate. Ktiipiette books cannot
instill good manners. One's deport;
luent comes from within. Few men
are born without an intuitive knowl
edge of what is wrong or right in de
portment; it is simply experience
that develops tho quality. To bo
good-mannered generally means to
have consideration for women of
every rank in life, and that is miuallty
which young men cannot possess too
Aru linn 1 111 latl 1 '.
ready, efficient, f ' '
lory 1 pretext a enii p ei m
....... ..II 11 .r lilt. . hr w 4
ttt'lie, j.tliliill''t', (.'list pab 'll, ct-
Vrlre 25 cent
Tha enlv 1MU to tnke H.tli Hood's
Perfect Pitting.
i:N-Kiun.TiiJ mi:n u
.lint oriUr fur our hard)
NupKry btock. Kiuoum
ftuil saury tu thorn leaving
born, ur ujiuuUwIod to lv
cal ageDt. fVrraaneot L
Uloviueut. The bQluM
f lull Irarutd AddrrM
Tin- u..;..'i,Ms;ro.
Itutiu. I'i4ui ;
Pour Womoa Who Owo Tholr Prosont Hnpplnosa to Lydla E. Plnk
ham's Voyetnblo Compound.
and It seemed
IlALl'lN, Cream
bly, in fact, I ached nil over. Was not able to raise myself up borne of the
time. I had no appetito nnd was bo nervous that I could hardly sleep. I havo
taken but two bottles of your Compound and feci like another person, can now
eat and sleep to perfection, in fact, am perfectly well. Mrs. Sun McCullouuu,
Adlal, W. Va.
LydiaD. Plnktiam'sYcfictablcCompoundjAWoman'sRerricdyforWoman'sIlls
MoxIcmw Hunker linlillcd In M. I.oiiIm,
St. Louis, Oct. 26. Unnnm Hnsall,
teller of the Mexican National bank.
City of Mexico, was robbed of $4,000 In
drafts qn Ameilcan banks, a $1,000
Mexlcnn bill, $S0 In American money
and a number of railroad tickets by
a nefireos of whom he Inquired the di
rection of the Union station. Mr. 13a
sall Is making a tour of the United
States InsiK'ctliiK the banking systems.
He has been in St. Louis but a few
days, and while taking a walk alono
became confused and asked a negress
who was passing him on the street to
direct him to the Union Station Ter
minal hotel. She led him to an ob
scure street, robbed him and lied. A
suspected negress Is under arrest.
lion's TliW?
We offer One Hundred Dollars ltewaril for
any case of Catarrh that can not be cured liy
HalTs Catarrh Cure.
F. J.CIIISNF.Y & CO, Prop., Toledo, O.
We tho undi'rsltfiu'd, havo known 1'. .1. Cheney
or the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all buMneps tranxaetlons and fin
ancially able to tarry out any obligations made
by their linn.
N'KsT & Tin UX, V hnlcxalc I!rUKKltx, Toledo, O.
Waliiixo, Kinnw it Mauvin, Wholesale Drtle,
Klsts, Toledo, Ohio.
lall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucous toirfnccs of
the system. Pi leu 75c, per bottle. Sold by all
l)ruj;i;lsts. Testimonials free.
Soldier"- l'rVimi'li'ir 1o Votn. "
Mlddletown. Pa., Oct. 20. A report
was started in the camp of the Fif
teenth Pennsylvania reRlment yester
day that It as to be mustered out this
week, and there was great joy. As a
matter of fact oideis have not yet ar
rived to muster out either the Four
teenth or Fifteenth regiments. The
Pennsylvania, Ohio and New Jersey
regiments arc getting ready to vote on
Nov. S, and commissioners will be ap
pointed to take the votes. Governor
Hashnell, before he went to Philadel
phia last evening, told some of tho
troops from his state that he did not
think they would be scat to Cuba,
Tae Population of Shenandoah
Is about eighteen thousand, and we would
say at least one-half are troubled with some
affection of the Throat and Lungs, as those
complaints arc, accoiding to statistics, more
numerous than others. We would advise all
not to neglect the opportunity 'to call on their
druggUt and get a bottle of Kemp's lialsaivi
for the throat anil Lungs. Trice 25 and 50c.
Trial sic free. Sold by all druggists
Condemned Holler Itxplodes.
Marlon. Ind.. Oct. 20. There was a
boiler explosion in the sawmill plant
owned bv llumnhrey Gant, at West
Marion, yesterday, which completely
wrecked the nlant nnd injured live men
James Moore, head sawyer, uleu two
hours later. Daniel Adams, engineer,
and William Swnl'ford are fatally hurt.
Portions of the boiler were found two
blocks away. It Is alleged tnai ma
boiler had been condemned.
To Corn a Cold III Ono Day
Take Laxntivo llrouio Quinine Tablets. All
riiLMta refund the nionov If it falls to cure
:5c. Tho genuine has li. Ji. y. 011 eacu
ablet. . u
Mlhtt.s!pil lttiitcrt JuIot Down.
Jackson. Miss.. Oct. 20. The situation
at Forest and also at Harpersvllle,
Miss., the scene of the recent race riots.
is quiet. One more negro was brought
in yesterday and lodged In Jail. The
mobs have disappeared. Sheriff bte
phonson came back from Meridian yes
terday, where he safely lodged nis
prisoners, and went to Harpersvllle.
His presence was unnecessary, as law
and order has been restored.
"A dot lu time saves live." Dr. Wood's
Norway 1'lno 3yrupj naturo'B remedy fur
con nils, colds, pulmonary disease of every
i'lio Windy ;ity 1 nci Mvopr.
Chicago, Oct. 20. Tho worst galo of
(lie year set In yesterday afternoon. Im
mense damage was done throughout
the city to telephone and electric light
wires, and In some Instances street car
lines were compelled to suspend opera
tions after 9 o'clock last evening. Many
trees wero blown down In all sections of
the city. There was no loss of life, and
Die only accident on the lake, bo far re
ported, Is the wrecking tf tho lumber
laden bark Isabella Mears. Her crew
was tuken off by the life serving crew
and the bark left to her fate. Hhe
(truck off Sixteenth street nnd pounded
to pieces.
Drf Hull Failed ur Kleotlnu,
Washington, Oct. 20. The Rev.
Georgo Calvin Hall, archdeacon of Wil
mington, Del., nominated by tho house
of bishops of the Kplseopal council on
Monday for missionary bishop of Ky-
oto, Japan, failed of election by the
deputies yesterday. The highest tos
tlmun.lulB were paid to the character
of Dr. Hall, hut in the opinion of the
deputies his age. G2 years, Is a bar to
the successful conduct of native work
In" the field and to a ready acquisition
of the Japanese language.
DnAti Mils. Pikkham: When I wroto to you last Juno,
I was not ublo to do anything. I suffered with back
ache, henduehu. bcaring-dowu pains, pains In my lower
limbs, and ached all through my body. Meiibtruatlona
were very painful, I was almost a skeleton, I fol
lowed your advice and now am well and lleshy, and able
to do all my own housework. I took medicine from a
physlciuuifor over n year, and It did not do mo apartlelo
of good. I would udviso all suffering women to wrlto
to Mrs. Plnkham. blie will answer all letters promptly,
and tell them how to euro those aches and pains so com
mon to women. Mrs. C.L.Wl.VN, Marques, Texas.
1 think it is my duty to wrlto and let you know what
your medicine has dono for mo. For twoyears I suffered
with female weakness, bearing-down pains, headache,
backache, und too frequent occurrence of tho menses.
1 was always complaining. My husband urged mo to
try your Vegetable Compound, and I finally did. I havo
taken three buttles and It has mado mo feci llko a dif
ferent woman. 1 ndviso every woman that suffers to
take your medielno and bo cured. Mrs. Oahrktt
Liciity, 012 S. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa.
I had suffered for over two years with backache,
headache, dizziness, nervousness, falling and ulceration
of tho womb, lencorrlioca, and about every 111 a woman
could have. I had tried doctors, but with no success,
ns though death was tho only relief
forme. Afterusingfivebottlcsof LydiaE. Pinklmm's
Vegetable Compound, audfour packagesof Sanative
Wash, I urn well. Havo had no more pain, womb
trouble, backache or headache. Mrs. Claudia
Ridge, N. J.
Beforo taking Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound I was alllicted with female coiuilaints
so that 1 could hardly walk. My back ached terri
ChIiU"-o Soldiers Altael; Heltons,
London, Ort. 2R. The Pekln corre
spondent of The Daily Telegraph says:
Chinese soldieis attacked a party of
English engineers Sunday at the Marco
Polo bridge, on the Pekln and Han
kow railway. Two engineers were in
jured and a railway coolie was killed.
The situation tlieie Is serious. The
telegraph wires have been cut at Pao-Tlng-Fu,
In the province of Pe-Chili.
The foielgn envoys will hold an emer
gency meeting today.
Thoso who have never had their vitality
impaiied have no idea of the misery cs
peiicnced by the person who has lost thai
brightness of feeling, that elasticity of body
and cheerfulness of spirits which result from
ill health. Depression, gloom, forebodings
and all tho misery that are associated with
tliem mako life a bunion. Now thoro is no
need of this. Tho condition described,
which is often tlio rosult of foolishness or
ignorance, can bo cured. Dr. Greene, 33
West 1 1th St., New York City, tho great
specialist and most successful doctor in
caring disease, can change the gloom to
cheerfulness and give yoa renewed vigor
itid vitality. You can consult tho Doctor by
letter, frco. Wiituto him at onco and get
his advico. You will novor rcgiet it.
fell l'oiif Ntorlo to Death.
Nev.buigh, N. Y.. Oct. 20. Thomas
S. IJoyce, of Newburgh, and James
Craig, of AValden, carpenters, wore
killed by a fall from the top of a four
story building in Walden yesterday.
Cures croup, soro throat, pulmonary
troubles Monarch ovor pain of every sort.
I)r, Thomas' Lclcetric Oil.
Calendars for 1K!)!.
Tlio Ilr.u.VLli olllco has a full anil complete
line of calendars for ISM). If you con
template a calendar for your friends, reserve
your order uutil you sco our lino. It will
mean a big saving to you. 'lliey aro aiso
beautiful specimens of lithographic art and
very reasonable in prico.
Fire I Fire I Virol
Insuro your property from loss in the
ldcst and strongest cash companies : I'hila,
Underwriters Insiirauco Co. of North
America aud Fire Association, Hartford
Kiro Ins. Co.. American Firo Insuranco Co.,
West Chester Firo Ins. Co., United Firemou's
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. .fardln St., Shenandoah.
The Right Kama In the Right Place.
I'.m.Tlna for coughs and colds, 25c At
G ruhlor Bros., drug storo.
Alter Sufro's Millions.
San Francisco, Oct, 20, Clara Kluge
Who claims to have been the contrnct
wife of the late Adolph -Sutro, yester
day commenced a legal light for some
of the Sutro millions by filing an ap
nllcation for letters for guardianship
over her two children, who are named
In the vindication Adolph Newton Sutro
and Adolphlne Charlotte Sutro. The pe
titioner claims that the two children
are the legal offspring of the dead mill
ionaire nnd asserts that they are the
owners or a block of valuable property
deeded to them by the millionaire In his
lifetime. Mrs. Kluge's application will
be heard within a few days, and if
granted she will follow the tlrst step by
filing a contest to the will.
Tlilnl.H Curtor'H Conviction Unjust
Detroit. Mich.. Oct. 20. Chairman
George Y. Wisner. of the deep water
way commission, In an Interview on tho
verdict of guilty rendered against Cap
tain O. M. Carter, the government en
clneer. who wns charged with embez
zlement In connection with the ha.
vannah harbor Impiovements, stated
that he thinks Carter the victim of an
outrage. Mr. Wisner wns employed as
an expert witness at the court martial
of Captain Carter, and In connection
therewith he made an exhaustive in'
vestlgatlon Into Carter's work at Sa
vannah. Mr. Wisner said the only thing
Carter was guilty of was the cutting
of red tape on several occasions, all
done, however, for tho benefit of the
government and to save It money.
Fourteen "NotrrpoH AViirn Slain.
Meridian, Miss,. Oct. 26. Fourteen I:
the number of negroes killed n the
Hnrpervllle rote riot up to last night
The bodies of three more victims were
found In the woods yesterday, which
Increased the list to that number. The
negroes who lied to the swamps have.
made good their escape, and the race
conflict is now at an end. Ono of the
negroes who was wounded In the first
light at mil Hurke's house surrendered
yesterday at Walnut Grove. Ho will bo
taken to the Merldlw jail, where the
tther prisoners are confined for safe
keeping until circuit court cotivenes,
Vlrdoii Mini) onicliilx Furnish Ponds,
Cllleugo, Oct, 25. A, J, Roberts, po
lice magistrate of Vlrden, before whom
tho warrant for the arrest of T, C.
Loucks, William York, Fred Lukens
and other officials of tho ChlcagotVIrr
den Coal company was sworn out the
day after the Vlrden mining riot,
charging tho officials of the mine with
conspiracy and murder, arrived here
yesteiday. He came at the request of
the coal company, to give the men
named la the warrant a preliminary
hearing. Ponds were given Individ
ually by the coal company's officials
In the sum of $E,O0P,
President mill Cabinet DNonsi l.ate
Advices From Prrls.
Washington, Oct. 20. During yester
day afternoon and last night Informa
tion received by the president from
Paris was Informally discussed at the
White House by Mr. McKinley and sev
eral members of his cabinet. Last night
fcur members of the cabinet. Secre
taries Hny, Alger and Wilson and Post
master General Smith, were with the
piesideut for some lime. They had not
been summoiifd In the executive man
sion, latt had dropped In to discuss with
the president some pressing depart
mental matters which had to be dis
posed of before the latter left for Phila
delphia. The Information received from the
American peace commission, which was
said to be disquieting, wns Informally
discussed, but so far as could be as
certained no action of any kind was
taken. Picelsely the nature of the In
formation received by the president
from the American commissioners was
not disclosed. It Is said, however, that
the sltuntlon Is embarrassing. If not
critical, In the opinion of the commis
sioners, although there Is still reason
for the expectation that the negotia
tions will not be broken off and that
they will proceed to a suecssfal Issue.
It Is understood to be the belief of the
president that the uncertainty which
now seems to cloud the proceeding of
the Joint commission will soon be dis
sipated, und that an agreement will he
reached that will he eminently sat
isfactory to the American people.
neiitu Hold Hie l lirotl le.
Susquehanna, I'a., Oct. 23. When the
night express train No. 12, east bound,
arrived at this station the engineer,
Henry Kinsley, of Susquehanna, was
found dead In the cab with his head
badly crushed. After the train left
ninglinmton the fireman and others
noticed that the engineer failed to give
the usual signals at crossings and small
stations, and going forward Into the
cab found the dead engineer. The train
had run nt a terrific speed 20 miles
Without an engineer. It Is supposed that
the engineer was hit by n water crane.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho boat salvo In the world for cntc,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, nud
all sklu eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or jo pay required. It Is guaranteed to give,
perfect satisfaction or mony rofundod. Prico
8K ennts nor bor. For sale by A . Waeler.
Hioson As n Dolctiuto to tho Cuban
National Assembly.
Havana, Oct. 20. Manuel Sangutlly,
the well known author and orator, who
was a distinguished soldier in the ten
ears' war, will represent the Second,
Third and Fifth corps of the Cuban
tinny at the Cuban assembly convened
to consider the establishment of a per
manent Cuban government. His choice
by these troops, Including the Hol-
guln, Tunas, Bayamo, Manzanlllo,
Camaguey, Matanzas and Havana di
visions, Is highly slgnlficent as Indicat
ing the sentiment of a large number of
Cubans now under arms.
Sangullly, who Is a Cuban of the
Cubans and an extreme radical, has
made several speeches of late that have
caused a profound sensation, In which
he has urged upon the Cubans the Im
perative necessity of placing full con
fidence In the United States govern
ment and has censured those who havo
shown distrust of the Americans. He
has advocated the disbanding of the
Cuban troops and their leturn to the
arts of peace, dwelling long and earn
estly upon the Importance to the Cu
bans of securing the confidence of the
United States. He even went so far as
to declaro that If the Cuban revolu
tlonary leaders should assume a hostile
attitude toward the Americans ho
would enter the ranks of those opposed
to such a course. His selection at this
Juncture, and In view of such senti
ments. Indicates that a rational Judg'
ment Is making headway In certain
Fierce Snow In tho Southwest,
Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 2G. A fierce
snow storm is raging In the southwest,
At some points snow covers the ground
from two to four Inches. The storm
began at midnight, and accompanied
by a strong wind has prevailed since
with Increasing vigor. Telegraph com
munication has been Interrupted and
other minor damage done. At Chllll-
cothe, Mo the wind Is blowing a per
feet gale, and at Sedalla the heaviest
snow storm known in the history of
central Missouri for the month of Oc
tober Is reported. It Is growing colder.
Doniity Sheriff Mortally Wounded,
Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 20. Deputy
Sheriff Taley Murfee was shot ana
mortally wounded at Murfeesboro yes
terday by Will Neeley, who had fired
at Jim Martin, colored, Martin ran
away, hut was recaptured, Negro sol.
filers In town attempted to Interfere
with the officers who had Martin In
charge, but white citizens kept them
away, and tho soldiers were subse
quently sent out of town. Many whites
armed themselves, but quiet was finally
Pimples Turn
to Cancer,
Cancer often results from nn im
curlty In tho blood, inherited from
generations back. Few people are en
tirely free from some taint in the blood,
and it is impotsiblo to tell when it will
break out in tho form of dreaded dan
cer. What has appeared to bo a mero
pimple or sorotch hus developed into
tho most malignant dancer,
"I had a severe Oanper which was at first
onlv a few blotches, mat 1 thought would
Boon puns away, J was
treated by several able
phyalclans,but In cplto
ot their efforts the Can
cer spread until my con
dition becatnealarmlng.
After many months of
treatment apd BWflnK
steadily worse, I do,
elded to try B, S. S,
which was to strongly
recopimended, The llrtt
bottle produced an 1m.
proveinent, I continued
the roedlclno, and In
four months tho last lit
tle soab dropped off.
Ten veara have elansod.
and not a slga of tho disease, has returned."
It. K, WiLLUMa,
It is dangerous to experiment with
Cniiivf. Thuiliseasoishoyoiul thoeliiU
of physicians. S. S, S. is the only curo,
because it is tho only remedy which
goes deep enough to roach Cancer.
SeSo SoThC
(Swift's Specitlo) Is tho only Wood
romedy guaranteed Purely Vegetable.
All others contain potash and mcr
ntirv. tho most dangerous of minerals.
Books on dancer and blood diseases
mailed freo by Bwift Spoclilo dompany,
Atlanta, Uiorgta.
(Continued from I'lrst Pane.)
fedo boat Wlnslow, which brought up
the end of tho line. Tho Kasagl's of
ficers and men were lined up like the
Americans and saluted the secretary
quite as well, but as her guns are at
Armstrong's, In England, the salute
wns perforce a silent one.
A thousand yards beyond the Ka-
nngl the line of reviewing vessels (
swung around and proceeded down the
river along the Pennsylvania snmc.
The trip down was merely a contin
uation of the enthusiasm and clamor,
minus the guns of the warships. AMien
the Texas was again reached the May
was brought to a standstill, and nt the
invitation of Commodore I'hlllP and
Captain Slgsbee the party went over
In launches to the battleship. Here
they were escorted to the wardroom,
where the commodore, cP'lln n"d
officers receiied the guests. Toasts
weie drank nnd speeches made b
Mayor Waniiek. Secretary Long, Com
modore Philip and Captain Slgsbee. A
toast to "the men behind the guns
caused Secretary Long to remark:
"They respond with their gups."
This ended the Texas reception, ana
Secretary Long and his party returned
to the May, the battleship repeating
the salute as they left. The May was
promptly steamed over to her dock to
give the secretary time to catch the
G:15 train for Uoston.
sniitlinio Heroei Arrive
Apart from the nnval pageant the
city passed a busy day preparing for
today's civic display and receiving In
coming troops for tomorrw's military
parade. The first of the arriving sol
diers were 330 members of the Twenty
first regiment from Plattsburg, N. Y.,
heroes of San Juan hill, In command of
Major Iioyle. There also arrived 200
stalwart colored fellows of the Tenth
cavalry, who rescued the rough riders
at Guaslma. Hattery F, Fifth artillery,
and eight troops of the Third cavalry
were among yesterday's arrivals, and
today 10,000 troops left Camp Meade
for this city.
It. C. Fouto, a California bishop, who
Is now In Washington, will be mounted
beside Generul "Joe" Wheeler In the
military parade. General Lawton will
also appear In the parade.
Nnval Constructor Hobson and four
of his Merrtmac heroes reached the
city nt 2:30 o'clock yesterday after
noon. They will be the guests of the
Jubilee committee while here, and will
have a place in Thursday's line.
At night the city is gorgeous with
light and color. From sidewalk to roof
nearly every building is literally burled
in bunting, intertwined with beautiful
designs in electric lights. The city hall
carries the Illumination Into the skies,
lines of colored lights depending from
the tower on each side, while the
searchlights of the warships play upon
and about the I'enn statue.
'"Saved Ue? Life."
VtWltS. JOn:i WALLET, of Jc'.Terson,
JW M -ls-, than TJuora nono la taerahlghly
esteemed or widely known, v.'rltcs.
"In 1S30 1 had a eovcro attack of Ladrlppc
and at tlio end of four months, In cplto of all
physicians, friends and good nurdus could
do, my luns heart aud nervous syjtcra were
so completely wrecked, my Ilfo was do-
spalrcd of, my friends giving ino up. 1 could
only sleep by tho uso of opiates. My lun
and heart pained mo terribly and my cough
wa3 most aggravating. 1 could not Ho in
ono position but, 11 short tlmo and cot oa my
left side at all. My Lusband brought me
Dr. lilies' Kervlno and Hoart Curo and I be
gan taking them. When I had taken a half
bottle of each I was much better and contlu
ulng porf-lstcntly I took about a dozen bot
tics and was completely restored to health to
tho sarprlso of all." ffiESgSEi
Dr. Miles' rtemedlo, tW'r, ,7M
gists under a positive t,1,,t-3
guarantee, fh-it bottlo gHSTGll2
bftnefltu nr money r- R5 x ' ir2
funded. Hook on dis- E& V,.,.k
oases of tho hoart and Wgj PJSM
nerves f reo. Address, IgSE&TZS
Dli. MILES MEDICAL CO., Klkuart, Ind-
The Doctor gave me one month to live. I had
been ticL. for two years. I had Astbmn, a tear
lug cough and dreadful Stomach trouble. The
medicine, the expense, the suffering. Two
ytars of horror. Notldlig helped me. Nothing
gave lnc even temporary relief. I could not
bleen for the Asthma aud cotiirh. nor eat for mv
stomach seemed raw. I got so weak I could
not v.alk across the floor without help. My
doctor gave me one month to live. My relatives
lu llucki Co., I'a. were ieut for and came clear
to Iowa to bid me a last irood bve. Then I
besrd of Brazilian ISulm and the wonderful
cures It had made. I had little faith, but read
and le-rend the testimonials. They seemed
hone! aud I decided to try it. A drowning per
con you Uhjw, catches at a straw. Still I did
not dare hope it would do me auy good. I felt
sine 1 was 100 lar gone, well, 1 you will be
beve It, the very first bottle gave me the great
cs.1 reiiei. 1 wai oeuer, surely better. Tiieu
Ct more Halm aud ToxIcoU TaMeU. They
wori.eQ wen 10
gether aud I Inv
F roved rapiai;
n all I bouirt
tight $1.00 bot
ties and fiv
boxes ol Toxl
cola Tablets
total costof JlOJj
nna am not net.
ter, not relieved,
but cured.
have not been so
TOll in 7fl
arjfil do my owe
. :'it,ft u,' ,i..i
good for
. ikiiuumv mouy years, not
of mere life, but qf vigor, health nud happiness
nud all due to those wonderful remedies, lira
zlllan tialin nnd Taxlcolu Tablets, liut I ought
to My I did got uns near all the Halm aud Tab
lets myself. 1 gave away a great deal and cured
Coughs and Culds nnd Asthma and Stomach
troubles all touud the neighborhood. The peo
pie say they never saw anything like it. Now
i iiiiiiKeveryuiMiy ought to know what luvnltr
ble remedies liraitlllaii Iiapn nud Toxjcola Tab
ti.uit.uujruu int welcome to use my name
aud give the suffering the facts about ray ense.
Most erentfully yours,
ur. i, vaux, Bagley, Iowa.
A OIUSA'P i-iiiiijii7!i
l'or the benefit of those suffering with
Catarrh, Asthtuo, old Coughs, the effects
01 urippc, etc, wo wm wrap with everv
21.00 bottle of Urazillau Ilalm
treatiueut of Toxicola Tablets 1'IIBIJ till
January in, toy;, it you get hold of e
bottle that does not contain tlif.Tnb14
scud us the cover of the bottle aud we
will mail you tue TahlPtB free, J, p,
Jackson a Co., Mtij, wiaemlBts, Indian
apoiis, I mi,
Wholesale Agents.
if? ' f
iJm 2 - i
"When does this train start, conductor?"
"Madam, this train can't start until I get my piece of Battle Ax."
No matter if you did start wrong when you
began to buy chewing tobacco, you can change
now to
and start rirAt. You cannot find any one who 0,
ttsjsjsWsssJvvM itfllt
has changed from Battle Ax to any other kind $
of chewing tobacco. Why should they ? There f
is nothing better. If you arc not chewing Battle
Ax now start again buy a 1 0c. piece to-day.
ememher the name
when you buy again, f
Are You Going to Havana ?
It will bo a lovely trip for you this winter
and it can bo made cheaply and (Oiufortably.
elm M. Ileal I, District Passenger Agent,
Southern Hallway, 02S Chestnut street.
'hiladelphla, I'a., will furnish you all
aformation if you jvill write to him.
For Infants and Children.
he Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the , t.'
Signaturo of luzS-X (eUcJUM
36th Annual Session,
At Killer's Opera House, Mahanoy City, l'n.
Oct. 31, and Nov. 1, 2, 3&4.
Evening Entertainments.
ITon. AVuUuuft Ilrupf. Itrooklvn. N. Y.. ex
Unfti'il Status Consul tu Scotland. ; future
'A (Jruat Century.
Ifon. Ilcnrv WiiUorHon. Louisville. Ky.,
Kdltor LouIhvUIu Courier Journal, Lecture
Abraham Lincoln."
SliivtotVM Juliilcn Klnircru. Thu leadinc
Colored Concert Company. Crowded hUBes
Tho KurIUIi Oleo Club, Mlaa Annie L
Walker, nourano; Mm. Mlnnlo liell-lrvluL',
contralto: Wm. l'oyntz Sullivan, tenor; Kred
nrlo iWfltlLll. I.jash: Miaa Kmllv McKln V. dra
matic reader and Impersonator, All superior
Kvc-ni-Htnn tickets on I'litladelnhia and Head
Inu ltAlIroud, Lehigh Valley ltallroad nud
I'cnnsvivanin itaiiroau can db nau ov inose
having orders. Persons not recoh tin? orders or
wishing un additional supply should u rite to
tho County Superlntendctit, giving- the namo of
the person for whom such order Is intended.
a iCAixa. Arrangements can no mane to
have a special train on Lehigh Valley ltallroad
to leave Mahatioy City for PotUville, via
Delano and Kt Clair, after each evening enter
tainment Parties desiring to take advantage
of sucli train will notify the County Superin
tendent or Mr. Henry Kelber, passenger audit.
lA'tngi. valley ltniiroau, I'oUH.viile, i'a,, not
later man ucwucrzu.
llKCi:iT10N COMMITTKK Mr. John Lin
ton, Mahanoy City. Is chairman of the reception
committee. Teachers who deslro to" secure
boarding places prior to the meeting of County
nsiuui win incase au arena air, iimou,
Season tickets. Securlnir reserved scats
opera ho sees, cout parquet ana circle, $2,00;
dress circle, tirst three rows. $2.00: dress circle.
lounu row, si.vaj nress circiu, except nrsi iour
rows, enrollment ucKtii stcurimr mi-
mihslon onlv. 81.00: vlnulo admission. M) tent
Tho chart for sale of reserved seat tickets will
onrii at the box ofllcu of K 'tier's oncra house.
October 22t at 9:15 u. m. for teachers only, to
secure scuts in onu-hulf of tho onera house, and
at 1 p. in. for citizens to secure scats In the
oilier null oi me optja nouse. jteioro opcnii.g
tliochait.purttc discing to purchase
win iirow uuuioers ivv h-$uii hi U"u,
Kaeh teacher In lino m.iV nurchaiiu .any Hum
her of ticket).' not ekcccdiug twenty, and each
citizen lu Hio miw purrlmso any number not
exceeding ten. Persons mav join the lino u
second time wltn the same privilege a at first.
The re reocntntlve of each uUtrU't will be
required to present to the Uckci ntfcni a li-l oz
thu named of thu teachers for whom he buys
Chait open at Snyder's drug store, Mahanoy
Cityt after October 22, Doors opon at 7 p. Ul,
Kntertalnmeuts commence at 8 p. m,
G W. WEISS, County Superintendent.
Vofl FOR
David M. Graham,
Dr. H. G. Reitzel,
October 4. 1808,
Trains will leave Sheuaudoah after to aoofO
date for wlggan, UlILterton, Frackvlllo. Dm
water, M. uiair, rottsviue. iiamourg, iccaainxi
Pottstown, 1'hoenixvIIle. Xonlstown aud PhW
nrfelphla (Ur'nd street station) at a OS and 8 15
a. m., irj, o jw p. in. ou weetc uuys. minuays,
in a. in., -l p. m. .
Trains leave Krackvllle for ShenandoHb t
lUGa, in. and 0 16, 7 36 p. iu, Sunday,
1 1 01 a. m. and 5 46 p. iu.
Leave Pottsvlllu for Shenandoah (via Ftat-k-vlllo,
7 10, 11 20 a. in., S 'JO, 7 10 p. tu. Sunday
iuu a, in., d.u p.m.
Leave PhiladelnMa. (Broad street station) Lir
Shfandoah at 8 35 a. tu.. 4 10 p. m, week days,
KumlayH leave at 0 50 anil U S a. n.
Leave Broad Street SUllon, Philadelphia,
KxoreB3.wcek.dayB. U 20. 4 00. 4 SO 5 (M.5 I.V.
7 33, 8 20, J 50, 10 2l 11 00 a. n . 12 00 noon, i2 3S
(Limited l 00 and . i . iu ,) 1 10, i B0, 3 20,
3 50,102,5 00, 5GG 0 00, 7 02, 1 50, 10 00 p. in.,
12 01, night. Sundays, 8 20, 4 05. 150 5 01, .15,
8 20,9 50,10 2L 1135 u. in., 12 03, 12 85, 2 30,
4 u'J, (Limited 4,J DWi 7 US, 7W,
10 00 p. m., 12 01 night
Express for Boston without change, 11 00 a in.,
week-days, and 7 50 p. tn., dally.
For Sea Jtrt, Anbury Park, Ocean Grove,
Loiiir Branch. 820. 11 11 n iu. 3U0. 402 n in
Kor Lambcr.vUle, Kaston nnd Scranton, 0 50,
0 CO a m, 12 00 noon, ' 52, 5 00 (Uimbertvllle and
i'aston oniy;, wceuuuys, aim v ik p m uauy.
BulTalo, 0 00 u in, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 02
p in dally.
For Baltimore and Washington. 3 50, 7 20. 8 112,
10 20,1123,0.11)., 1200, J231 1 17, 8 12, 4 41,
(5 25 Congrefslonal Limited,) 6 17. 6M,7 31
p. m., ami 12 05 night week days. Sundays,
3 50, 7 20,912. 1123. a. m., 1209, 1 12, 4 41, (520
Congressional Limited, 655 731 p. w. and
vt u nigni.
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 n m, 2 02
and 4 01 p m week days, 5 04 aud 11 16 p in dally
Atlantic Coast Line, express 12 (W r vuii aud
12 05 night, dally.
Southern Hallway, express 0 55 p m, dally.
Chesapeake & Ohio Hallway, 7 81 pin, dolly.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20
a in weekdays, 11 10 p m dally.
Leuve Market street wharf as follows: Ex
press for NewYork, 9 00 n m, 4 30 p iu week
days. For Long Branch,' 'a Seaside Park, 8 30
a m weekdays.
For Island Heights, 8 30 a m and 4 00 p in
Ijeave Broad street station via Delaware river
bridge Express, 9 40 a m 7 05 p, in, Sundays,
9 20 a. m 7 05 p. m.
Leave Market Street Warf Express, 9 00am.
2 00,4 00,5 00 p in. Sundays, 9 00, 10 00 a m
(accointuodatlou 4 30 and 5 00 p in.
For Car-e May, Sea Isle City, Ocean City,
Avalon Stone Harbor, Anglesca, Wild wood and
Hollj Beuch Kxpreut, 9 00 a in, 4 00, p ni
week days. Sunda; a, 9 00 a in.
For Sotners Point Express, 9 00 a. m.. 2 00,
i 00, 3 00, p. ra. week days Sundays, 9 00 and
1000 a. n
Tho Union Transfer Company will call for
and check baggage from ht tela and residences.
J. B. Hutchinson, J, 1L Wood,
Gen'l Manager. Gen I Pait't;,r Ari
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put lip in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
Is drank by the majority of
beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. J :hmidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
rilllions of Dollars
Go up In smolco every year. Take i o
risks but got your bouses, stock
liable comianIoA as it'iueouteil by
FlAVIn FAUST insurance Agreut
Alto Ul. ui!AMliIeull OoupanlM
risks but got your bouses, stock, fui. ii
niture, etc., iuaurwl in flrsUilasac. vC.
) 4
ItirSii-iiiiiliikyfWirii' i