THY QNffl Fouiul of Out 25c chocolate candy assortment nnd then tell us if you ever tasted its equal at less than 40c. Remember we have p kinds tit this price. We are also ueiii. ior Iowticy's pack age candy. 60c for one pound and 30c for a z lb package. HOOKS & BROWN, n. rvj. rvisln St. HAVE YOU TRIED Houck's Headache Cure ? A ntrr euro or your tnnticy rrfiinitrd (iiw It a trial. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, Telephone CotitieUloti. GO TO. KELLY'S For Stylish Hats and lioniiets at the Lowest Prices. New orW and Philadelphia deMgns. Uonuli Kider Iiati, nil colors, (ijc ; Sailor liaN, $51 and up ; Yale hnls 50c ; Steamer hats, .Sie; Dewey lints, 75c to l.oo: The Wheel. S5 ; Kocquo, 95c ; 0lrich tips, 25c ; Mourning bonnet!- and veil- complete, j.2.00 ; Silk miniming veils, yl.50; Saxony and Oennantuwn )aru, 5c a hank. CHEAl'UST anJ 11EST GOODS OFFERED AT Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. DAYTKON. THE FUUN1TURK AND DEALRR Hereby makes tils fall an nouncement to those who Intend to purchase a stove or range for the winter. YV nnw already solil n quantit of tliem, nnd will eoiitiime to Increnso our Hales. AVIiy Ile chii! we are new lieginucrsaiul wish to estab lUh goo.l troile by giving you full value for e erv mllar ou lnest. We call special ntten Unn to our "ijueen Cimlerella Itange" of which the u fe tut is a fac-vlmlle. Itlias tii cooking holf. made w Itli Are tiox at cither right or left flat All the latest Improvements-nil the best idros. l'our piece tiqu. Lnrge high owns, )i JUKhly ventilated, ltcmovable nickel door plate wltli bronze meilallon. The slilo shelf, oven door kicker, shaker handle ami knobs are nlekl' .Intnl. Duplex or triplex grate, that moved and replaced uitlioilt dUturlf 1 ictne 'filings Dlreit draft damper. Ijirgo nsb t loiigientre ltingt-d cover. Fire Hint or .ast Iron linings, lliglily pollslied edges h .ij . nickel towel rod. SOLD AND GUARANTEED AT DAVISON'S BUSY , FURNITURE . AND , STOVE . STORE, 121-123 North Main St. Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of gasoline, 60 cents iu five gallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle grease. Also headlight oil, 150 fire test. ECLIPSE OIL COMPANY, No. 143 East Coal Mrect, Wiennndonb, l'eiina Mall orders promptly attended to. I Tho Rosy Frcshnoss I And ft velvety softness of the akin la luv. rlably obtained by ttiot'9 wliu use fozzonT tj lOouiplexiou J'owiier. BEST LIME OR GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY Dd BTItAW. Floor and Table 011 Cloths. E. B. Foley, 3r-w'n Centre St. t'JlOOHAM TOR tEACE JUBJf.liE Sj!i,Ui4l ICntm. anil spe.lal IMhot by flili, Mlilllii 1111,1 Itemtlng Itiillltuy. 'Hie piusmm as arnitmed by tlio Cxirtltlvo Cotilliiittoo for The 1'oRce Jtiblleo lit l'lill.ulcl plila U proof of lt,ir (list tho eelebratlon will far suiiKiM any demonstration of tho kind over atleiiiptod 1111 this conliiient. It Is as follows : Tuesday, Oct. 25tb. tlraiid Naval Display on tho Dolawaio ioliivul by lion. John l. Lous, Secretary of the Ntuy. Tho battle ships, crulscts and Kiiiibnats will ho under command of I'oiuiiiodoie John W. Philip, utnuiiK those usslRiied 1110 Iho, Now Orleans,' May Hotter, .Mnrlilelioiiil, Topoka, Dolphin, Wilislow, (Uouceeter, l)iio anil numerous uthots who hao attractid puhlh attoutiou. Wednesday, Oct. Kli. Imposluu cere monies, ro dcdicilius Indcpelidenio Hull, re stored to its Colonial condition, oration by tho Mayor of Philadelphia, and binning byii chorus of threo thousand children. The k'roat fcaturo of the day will bo the grand civic purade, with lloats, etc , Illustrating the progress of tho nation 111 industry, art and science. Thursday, Oct. 87lli, (which will he pio claiiucd 11 day of th.uiksgiwng) great parade of military and naval forces, commanded by Moj. Oonl. .Miles, and reviewed by Piesidont McKinley, with members of ills cabinet, and also tho governors of many ol the eastern statos. Among thoso parading will bo ollicer.s and soldiers who fought hi Cuba and Poito Iiieo, commanders, sailors and maiines who have seen servico in Cuban waters, the marines who landed at (iuautanamo, and tho crew of the Jlcrrimac ; there is expected to do ut least y.'i.ouo men in lino. Tho Philadelphia and Heading Hallway lias placed 011 sale special excursion tickets to Philadelphia from all principal pulnts 011 Its lines. Including tho Atlantic City It. R., and all leased or allied Hues, at tho low rate ol single faro for round trip with a minimum of fifty cents, gooil going Oct. 21th !!7tli. in clusive, and good to return until Oct. Slut, inclusho. In addition to tho good service infolded by regular trains, special oxcurion train will leave Shenandoah at 3:05 a. 111., Oct. VMltli and H7th. and letuiniug leave Philadelphia (ltiading Terminal), at 8:ir. 111. For full Information as to rates, time of trains, otc, consult any Philadelphia & Heading ticket agent, or addivss IMsoii ,1. Wioks, (leu'l lV-songer Agent, Philadelidiia Tim tCaces rosliHiiieil. The races at (ho Livedo fair gioiinds. which woio to ho held this afternoon, have been postponed until to-morrow afternoon on account of the weather. REVOLTING CHINESE EXECUTION l.lttti(:iilltlin I'lnjei! With tho HrmN of Dcciitiltiitcil ItclioN. Vancouver, 11. C, Oct. 21. Accord ing to tho latest ndvlcDs by mall from China eight subordinate leaders of the KwnriKSkl rebellion have been be headed at Wu Chmv. They were car ried in baskets through the principal stri'ots hs a warning spectacle, amidst the laughter and Jeers of men, wo men anil children. Ten thousand peo ple witnessed the decapitation, and made It a Rain day. Little children copied their parents, who Joked at the dy ing rebels a second before the ax fell. When all wns over the children played among' the headless, bleeding; corpses, and made sport with the black, dlsllgured heads. Mandarins and headsmen Improvised a sort of May pole, and the heads of tho rebels were placed on top in tiers, the children danelng around them. The governor ndvlsed tho mandarins to make the hchendlnpc as festive as possible, so as to Inspire disgust of the rebels In the hearts of the people. A banquet was afterwards spread. BR I Great Removal Sale ! I MAX LEV IT, Up-lo.D.ite Matter nnd dents' Puriilshcr, Moves into the Egan Building, cor. Main and Centre streets, l On Tuesday, 25'th Call now and get removal bargains. jm m m mm, mmm 1 1 To say that our enemies American business methods as It is an undismited fact that equipped Clo'hing Store in Central same opportunity of selecting styles Philadelphia, and at the lowest market prices. All 01 uiese you can find ntthe Mammoth C oth ne House, and it only requires a mil on your part to ascertain these facts. arc in search of clothing for their children. In tins department you will find our stock as in other departments ; complete suits for your lads from 90c, to ?6-oo, in all styles nnd ment is complete I mean everything prevent Prevention i3 always better than cure, even when euro is possible. Hut so many times pneumonia is not cured that prevention becomes tho natural act of that instinct of self preservation which is " tho first law of nature." Pneumonia can bo pre vented and is of ton cured by tho use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. " Some years ago I had a severe cold and was threatened with pneumonia. I could neither cat nor sleep, and was In a wretched condition. I procured a bottle of Ayer's Chony Pectoral and took it according to tho directions, and at tho end of fifteen daysw aa as well and sound as before tho attack. I havo recommended It In many cases of pneu monia since, and havo never known it to fail In ellecting a cure." JOHN HENRY, St. Joseph, La. "I was attacked with a cold that settled on my lungs, and defied tho skill of my phy sicians so that thoy considered me Incurable At last I began to uso Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and was entirely cured after having taken two bottles." FRANCISCO A. SEVEMANO, Taunton, Mass. eiorai is put up in half-size bottles at half price 50 cents. lteiliiceit Kates to riitliiilelplita. For the orind l'onen .TnblTnn nt. I'liil.wti.l. phla, October 2(1 and 27, tho Pennsylvania Ilallroad Company will wll exclusion ticketh from all ticket station,, on Its linp tn I'Ml.,. flelphla. at rate or slnglo faro for tho round trip (minimum rate, 50 cents.) Tickets will bo sold and good, going, October SI to 27, and redlining leaving miiailclplila to October 31 inclusive. Tliis jubilee will be one of the greatest events in the hislorv of Il,!.i Tl... reded icatlon of Iudepeiidenco Hall, recently rcsiorcu ; 1110 unveiling ot tlio Urant Eques iran .Monument, Jairinoiiiit Park: n monster civic and industrial parade, and 11 Uiaud lnilitiiiv anil Imvill tiurrnntit lo.l lit. 'fuu0r.1l Miles and othor distinguished heroes ot tlio late war, will bo prominent features. Tho Piesidont and his Oabinct will also be present. For tho accommodation of persons desiring to witness tho ovening ceremonies and re turn thn satnn niirlit. fttir-plnl liitn tmttie oill bo run from Philadelphia to the principal cities on each division oach night. DANDRUFF ... Is the Beginning of Baldness. Wcctplial's fluxlHaton Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp. FOR SALIC AT DUSTO'S DuIDEit 5H0F Ferguson House Work. 3 (jfteppy re Entire stock of Underwear and 3 Fall and Winter stock of 2 Gents' Furnishing Goods and 2 Hats 3 Must be Sold at Once 1 E 3 2 3 3 3 inst. ill: wzmmm mm the Dons were startled by American methods of warfare would be nutting it mildly. They exemplified by L. Goldin's Mammoth Clothing House. The this is by far the largest and best Pennsylvania, and affords you the ns you coultl nave 111 Keacung or At this particular season mothers qualities, wnen i say mis depart you desire. Great Mammoth Clothing House, L. GOLDIN, Prop. TUB WUATIIElt 'lite forecast fbr Haliirday . Cloudy ttr-.ttlior i.iki uiiin. iciiipcraiurn cliaujiP", wmi nun nnd frosh to brisk easterly and northeasterly winds, possibly high on tho coasts, followed by clearing and cohlor conditions In the In terior, PERSONAL MENTIUN. Mrs. Ann Llewellyn spent to day visiting frionds at l'ottsvillo. Harry Wcidcnsnul, of Jit. Carnicl, was a guest of frionds in town last evening. W. Jt. Ilrowernnd M. I). Malono transacted business at thn county seat this morning. Hiss Ida Dresher, of Klngtown, was seen In town this morning. 1!. L. Jlcllck, ol Sunbury, spent a few pleasant hours In town list ovening. Louis Class, of Allontown, was a brief visitor to town yesterday afternoon. Misses Alice Conway and Mattlo Davis, of South West strei t, aro 111 at their homes. Mrs r .... 1.. I. ,... (!.' f.Ii.. Co- quelia' tia county, Is a guest of Hubert 1M- ivarus aim laiuuy, in town. VlF Vllr ....tI.... ln...l... -v. M..IV.II I -llll 111 itllll Jl'ttVIIJ repairing go to IkoOiklu's, 1211 South Alain street. tf New l'rlests All he. Two new Orcek Catholic prlists arrived in Ilazloton from Now York last night direct from tho steamer which carried Uiein across tbn Atlntitl. rPI. r,.. ct.n....t. ...i... t.. to he statlonod at Lansford, and Jiov.' Malay, who is to go to Duquenso, near Pittsburg. Victim lliliirnvliitr. Tho condition of Gcorgo KrystotT, who was assaulted scveml days ago by Miklo Slaujcck, Is Bradunllv IiuimiivIiil' Inrnrnei. tlon rcceied from thn Miners' bosnitiil. however, says that tho improvement does not warrant thn assnibmi ' nJ,u. fmm lull Oil bail. Tho prisoner List nvi.ntnir ri.tjilneil M. M. Iturko as liis counsel in tho caso. To Take Testimony. Hon. James II. Kcilly and James Moran, l.-qs , attorneys for Mrs. Mniy Mellct. of town, bavo agiccd upon Friday, tlio 23th inst, to tako testimony upon thu rule recently awiudcd to licrby Couat to show cmiso why her name should not bo stricken from Tax I ollcctor Sicilian's bond of IbO.V.IIl. Tho tostliuouy will bo taken in M M. Buiko's ollices. (.'ollllilltleil lor TlH'll. Frank Ziclski was committed tn iall in default of $300 ball by Justice Shoemaker this morning for stealing a pair of pauts fiom L. Uoldiu'g store dining tho latter part or last isoptembor. 7. e sk Ps liaino nnd nil dress wore not secured until yesterday and mo arrest was mado this morning by Con. stable Ulblon. improving Steadily. Henrv liicklc tnnn tn.rbiv rAr-iiivml ii-nril fl'OIll tho Jcilurson l'liilndolnliin saying that his two daughters, who unuor- weiuan operation somo tinio ago, aro im provillE nicolv. Tbnir llnilis will Im wnMlv straight and this information gives tho parents and their frionds much mtisfantimi. Tho young ladles will not bo enabled to leave mo Hospital for two or threo wcoks yet. It will pay you to read Iko Orkin's an nouncements on tho fourth page. tf I'liRltlvif "Murdrror ssiirri'mlors. ' Washington, Oct. 21. John Smnll wood, colored, 21 years old, who said he murdered a mnn In Philadelphia Inst summer, voluntnrlly surrendered himself to the police yesterday. The murder was the result of nn alterca tion with his victim, who wns visit ing the snme girl, the prisoner flrlne three shots, two of which took effect In his rival's body. Smnllwood claims the net was In self defense. lie had been In hiding here since tho crime wns committed. Will Soon lliivo Water. A gang of workmen aro engaged in laying a throe-inch pipo from tho Anthracito reservoir noar Yatosvillo to Jacksons and thu residonts of tho lattor placo will soon be fully supplied with water. A Thrilling Dash. Gcorgo Haas, the lumber dealer of Lizard Creek, had a thrilling experience last night while driving Irom his homo to Tamaqua to tako a train for Mahanoy City. His horso ran away and dashed at rapid speed for a mile, when Mr, Haas succeeded in gettiug it undor control. l'rolltablo Supper. Tho First Tresbyteriau church of town cloared forty dollars on its clam supper last Tuesday ovening. All kinds of vegetables aud flower seeds. and plants at Payne's nurseries, airardvlllo. Electric cars pass the door. 5-0-tf We Sell The best saxony and Germantown wools in the market the celebrated "Columbia" brand. We have a large line of colors. Newport scarf shawl, 10 skeins of the Utopia Shetland Floss will make it. Plain and combination colors. Call and see the sample shawl. Morgan's Bazar, 23 NORTH MAIN ST. mm mv mm STYLTSII YOUNG MEN TAKE NOTICE! We have given attention to the latest Young Men's Styles for 1898 and you will agree with us, upon examining our stock, that we have missed nothing. A few articles is u,U this space will afford me to nion tion from this department. A hill line of Pall Blue Serge Suits single and double breasted. Scotch Chevi'.ots, all colors and best patterns Perhaps you are not aware that we opened up our beautiful Kail line of Overcoats, in this department on September 15th last and they are the wonder of all visitors; all I ilie different colors will make yotir head swim, and this with the latest makes in Uox Sacks, short and long selected expressly for fine trade, maJces this department complete. AMERICAN CAPITAL IN CUM. Ailniililo Iron MliiPt J)oot-bit hj ft Detroit Syndicate Snntlngn de Cuba, Oct. 21. An American syndicate, rcresontlng- De troit cnpitnl. lias purchased a largo trnrt of bind nt Atnnzanlilo, where ore several good lion mlnoH. An ngent of the syndlcnte is now there. The Almedu, the fashionable driving pniu at flntitlngo, which wns formerly kept up by public subscription, Is now In a bad state owing to the military encampments, the heavy teums Hint have driven over It nnd general lack of attention. Under the directions of tho nci'iimn consul, one of the park direc tors, II will bo l ('novated. Twenty men from the street denning department have been assigned to assist tempora rily nt the work. The West India Cable company hna laid n now cable from the city proper down to K Morro, a distance of nhout nve miles. There It connects with the innln line. The old cable wns destroyed by the mining operations of the Span iards in the harbor. The Hunt lago Chamber of Commerce has petitioned for a reduction In the duties of common salt, which at pres ent ate $1.10 per 100 kilos. The cham ber contends that a duty of BO cents would be enough. Dr. Donaldson, the collector of the pint. In his report to General Wood on the subject, odvlses compliance with the request ns reason able. Yellow fever has been completely stnmped out nt Ouantnnnmo. Child's Thigh Ilrnken, Mary Shnll'cr, aged 1 years, fractured her loft thigh yesterday afternoon by falling from a barber's chair in her father's shop nn East Oak sheet. Dr. Stein reduced tho fracturo. i)ii:n. JIAM.nY- At Shenandoah, l'a . October Mill. John Mniiley. Hr., ned 73 years. Itelntlves and friends respectfully invited to ntteud the funeral on .Mommy morning, mo lin lnsl., nl 'J II o'clock, from the family residence, 100 u est Cherry street, ltequieni high mass In AiiuuuLiiitiou It. O. chinch at 10 o'clock, llitciinetit in Annunciation cemetery. 1020-ttt Annual iiales over 6,000,000 Boxes FOB BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS such ns Wind and Pain In the Stomach. Giddiness Fulness after meals, Hoad ocbo. Dizziness, Drowsiness. Flushings of Heat. Loss of Appotlto, Costlvencss. Blotches on tho Skin, Cold Chills. Dis turbed Sleep, Frightful Dreams and nil Kcrvous and Trembling Sensations. THE TIEST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Evory sufferer Will acknowledge them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. lllir.CIIAM'N P1IXS, taken ns direct ed, w'llqulckly restoro Femnlos to com plete health. They promptly removo obstructions or irregularities of tho sys tem ami euro Sick llcndnclio. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boecham's Pills aro Without a RivaS And havo the L ARC EST SALE Ofnr.y Patent .Meillclno In the World. 25c. at all Drug Stores. THIS IS PLAIN TALK That the Boston Factory Shoe Store carries an exceptionally big line of boots and shoes. All our goods are purchased direct from the iactories. This enables us to sell cheaper than our competitors and also our imitators. Here are a few prices : flea's solid leather shoes, from 9oc up Ladles " ' " " 90c up Children's solid leather shoes, 25c up OUR BOOTS, Especially for the miner, are selling cheaper than anywhere else. In prices we are not to be outdone. All our boots and shoes are made of leather aud not of paper as are being sold by some stores. BOSTON n South Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP, FuUK D00HS ABOVE POST OFFICE. purchasing power of a dollar fJiuifli'iil U'llinii'H KoW (Mminnndt Lexington, Ky., Oct, 2l.Ucneral Jntncij II Wilson J'cstdrtlny assumed command of the First nrmy corps, Gencrnl Ilrecklnrldgo turning It over to him nt 10 o'clock. A grand review ot nil troops enenmped here wns had, the men showing much better lionlth than on former occasions and more men be ing In each regiment. General Hreck lntld;e leaves for Washington to ns pume his duties us Inspector gencrnl of the nrmy. MlnMlnnnry llnt'iind to Dontli. Pails, Oct. 21. At the cnblnet meet ing yesterday the minister ot foreign nffalrs, M. Delcasse, lead a dispatch from the French m In tat nt r.i,r - Gerard, nnnounclng thnt a French mis slonary nnd several Chinese Catholics have been massacred or burned to uenin in a ennpol nt Pnklung by n riotous mob. M. Gornrfl lmm.ill.,.1.. demnnded reparation from tho Chinese laivciaiiuinr of tho Oloba fcr RHEUMATISM iiiiuittvi vuiupiaiairj j fk ? jr,r.resGribcd by enincat phyelciaust M&f UK. lilUHTEK 5 "ANCHOR r$m EXPELLER flonlv rronitlnn with Trailfl Alnrk Anclmr 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 1 Q TTn. (It. HI 23&00u. LuUuraca S. rccuuiuicudcd by A. wasley, 106 H. Main St.. . H. HaKenbncli, 103 N. Main St., . i-.jj.Kirnn. 6 B.Malrj . snenanaoan. 1 Hi fBrjisHii" "ANCIIOlt" VroaiAGIIAT. bost for jinpcimN'.rMoiniicn :nniplnlntM. We give your eye a scien tific examina tion free of charge and if glasses are needed, we are willing to furnish them at only a legitimate profit. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN, 118 S. Mairr Street. ! Just when you'll need It, and ap preciate it best, we begin our GREAT ftlJTUW PIlEY-SAttlflG SALE I At even usual prices our goods equal merit that you 11 be ama.ed at the power ol your dollars. Children's Shoes Rrom 19 Cents Up. Big line of ladies', men's and boy's shoes at prices which speak for themselves. Fifty pairs of men's and boys' patent leather shoes, from 3 to 9, at $i 68, worth $4.00 This is one of our big bargains. Men's Extension Sole Shoes $1.J2S, worth SJ2. We have a beautiful line of men's and boys' shoes in all colors and styles box calf, kangaroo and bulldog toe, with heavy soles, for the winter. Big Line of Dry Goods, Cheaper Than Sold Anywhere Else. We have a nice unbleached muslin, 36 inches wide, from 4 cents up ; white muslin, from 5c up ; cotton flannel, s'ic. The best gray flannel, 150 per yard. Beautiful Line of Dress Goods Cheap. A FULL LINE OF BOYS' AND GIRLS' CAPS AND LADIES' HOODS. Our stock of ladies' and misses' coats and plush capes are arriving daily, and will be sold cheaper than any other town dealer can afl'ord to. Wc carry a big assortment of boys' suits and men's and boys' pants at cheapest prices. Underwear of all kinds. REMEMBER THE PLACE: Guarantee Clothing and Shoe House, NEXT TO niCHAEL PETERS' SALOON, 13 North flain Street, - Shenandoah, Pa. E. F SUPOWITZ, Prop. would be simply astounded if at this store is little short of marvelous. We also carry a wonderful line of Single Pantaloons, so if you have a coat or vest to match come to us nnd we can complete the suit. All gods in this store are marked in plain figures, but we still allow you 10 per cent, from this face value, which is our discounts or said goods. In addition to this we will pay during this Pall season can fare to all out-of-town purchasers. We do not ask you ten different prices like our competitors Ivvery article in the store is marked in plain figures and any child can take thn tag and see what the goods are worth. Store convenient to Electric Road Terminus. Conductor can show you the large show windows. LADIES', IVISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. a: O u CO 5 Select your R.irinctit from up-to-date shies. We have the rmbt cmm t,rt - 1 variety to select from at the right price?. Ladles' Coats, $2 50, $3.00, $5.00, $6.00. 5U.UU, S9.00 to $16.00. Children's Coals, $1.50 to $7.50. Fur Uollarottcs, $1.50 to $15.00. Our stock ol tlrcss goods has no equal. You will find here a large assortment of plain and fancy fabrics in foreian and domestic nt bar gain prices. Our nlaco is h(vif1minrfrt-n fnr l.n blunkeH, carpets, rugs, etc. Look through our line on second floor and get prices. llutterick paper patterns, best in the world, sold by us. P. J. GAUGHAN, NORTH MAIN STREET. CARD TO THE PUBLIC I Tho imilcrsluneil I mi discon tinued tho stove business nuil will tlcwitp hU entire attention to the repairing of oil kinds nt stoves, hentcra nml rniiKcu. All rcpalrlni; w III receive prompt attention. WM. R. PRATT, 333 S. Jardln St. MISCELLANEOUS. FOIl HAI.15. A farm of nhout lOncros within three mid otie-lmlf iiiIIoh of Slienanilonli. (loo Uwclllnf; Iioiho, excellent out hulltl iw. Apply to T. II. Ucildnll, Hlieniiliilonh l'a. tf T.IOIt SALE. Household furniture for sale ns follow : limicc oak bed room f t, wnlniit lied, springs nnd mnttrcss, dlnlnjt room tnlile, linll rack, chairs, pictures. Must l0 sold liefnro the 2r,th Inst. Apply nt Mrs. S.D. Hess, 115 West I.lo,ilSt. 10-18-7t TriOK HAM!. A valunhlo pleco of real estate, ! containing; four dwellings. Splendid st-w-crno attached. Can lie bought ronsouiilile. Apply at tho IIkralii oftlce. 10 3-tf IjAOIt SAI.K Valuable Shcnnudnali property, centrally loented on Onlc street, with nil modern conveniences, Btoro room nnd . welling nnd houso on the renr. Kor further Information npply at this ulllce. 'tf ITIOIt SALE. Two pool tnblcs In good condl 1 tlon. Cnn bo liouubt Vcrv reasonable. At ply to Anthony Sclimlcker, 101) South Mnln street tf TOTICE. Dcslrablo procrtIes for sale. Ap ply to H. O. M. llollopctcr, attorney, Shenandoah. tt-.'11-tf TtOU SAI.B. A vnluihlo property on West ' CVlltrn street. dlvctllliL. IimiiHk. mill ull pun. ..J...I........U 1.. .l..uK..l.l 1. ...... I.... 4....I.. 4n Thomas Tosb, for fiuther particulars. 5-7-tf would be priced lower than any of they could be familiarized with (98t 11 O' OUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PENNA