The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 20, 1898, Image 3

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Is duo not only to the orifjlnatlty nnd
simplicity of tlio coml'inntion, but also
to tlio caro and skill with which It is
manufactured by uclontiflo processes
known to the California Via Svnui
Co. only, nnd wo wish to impress upon
aH tlio importanco of purelinsinp tlio
true and original remedy. As tlio
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the Caufoiinia Fio Sviutp Co.
only, a knowledge of that fact will
nssist one in avoiding the worthless
Imitations manufactured by other par
tics. Tlio high standing of the Cam
founia Fin Byiiup Co. with tlio medi
cal profession, and the satisfaction
which tho genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families, make?
the iiamo of tho Company a guaranty
of the excellent of Its remedy. It la
far in advance of nil other laxatives,
as it acts on tho kidneys, liver nnd
bowels without irritating 01 weaken
ing them, and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to gefc its beneficial
effects, please remember the name of
tho Company
KAS FKAXOlxCO. till.
kicisvii.ia:. k. m:w vowc. w. v.
fipunlHli Coloncil Sees Advnntnsos la
Spain's Loss of Cuba.
Manzanlllo, Oct. 20. Colonel Sanchez
Parron, the former Spanish commander
here, who so narrowly escaped n colli
sion with the United States troops on
Oct. 7, when Colonel Hay occupied the
itown, told a correspondent before Anal
ly leavlnir Manzanlllo, en route for
Spain, that In rome respects the loss
of her colonies would not prove an un
mitigated evil.
"Hereafter," said Colonel Parron,
"the youth and strength of the country
will not have to he given up, to the ex
tent of 00 per cent of the whole, for
military service in pestilential climates,
The death rate will decrease, the man
hood of Spain will be enhanced, and
agriculture and commerce will make
the land rich, so that In the course of
the next century Spain will be once
more a colonial power."
"With regard to the future of Cuba
he was not Inclined to talk much, ex
cept to say that he thought the Inter
ests of all, as affairs had turned out,
would be best conserved by the United
States annexing the Island, though the
greatest happiness to the greatest num
ber vouhl have been secured, In his
udgment, by the retention of Spanish
rule" and Spanish customs, to which
Cuba should become used.
"The Cuban Insurrection sprang up."
said Colonel Parron. "through the over
klndnes of Spain and the efforts of a
few foreign renegades like Gomez and
the agitators who Influenced a lot of
lazy ex-slaves and malcontents such
as can be found In any country, but for
whom In Cubatheretvns agoodprospect
of living In one of the richest countries
on the face of the globe without any
work and without much fighting.
"Moreover, as a rule, the revolution
ists were in absolutely Impregnable po
sltlons. Still, If as many Spanish sol
dlers had been killed by Cubans as was
represented by the American press, we
have lost more men than we ever had
In the Island. But, thank God, we still
have a few thousands left.1
How to Look Good.
Good looks are really more tiian sliin deep,
depending entirely on n Uealtliy condition of
all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive,
you have a bilious look ; if your stomach be
disordered, you have a dyspeptia look ; if
your kidneys be affected, you have a pinched
look. Secure good health, and you will surely
have good looks. "Electric Hitters" is n good
Alterative and Tonic". Acts directly on the
stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, Dlotches and boils, and gives a
good complexion. livery bottle guaranteed.
Sold at A. Wasley's drug store. 50 cents per
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation.
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
.Lauer's Pilsner
Draught Beer
'Is drank by the majority of
-beer drinkers. They are good
authority on which is best.
Christ. :hinidt,
Agent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
vote: FOR
David M. Graham,
Dr. H. G. Rcitzcl,
Srenck Naval Activity Creates
Alarm in England.
Sir Mlohnol Hloks-Iicnch, WlilloMnk-
lilg n Peaceful Spccoli, Jliikci inslii
untlons Thnt Aro Calculated to
Arouso tho Impulsive Frenchmen.
Tarls, Oct. 20. In spite of semi-of
ficial denials the Echo dc Paris asserts
that the embarkation of war materials
and supplies continue at Toulon, adding
that extraordinary activity reigns at
the arsenal there. A number of Iron
clads, It claims, are getting ready for
service, embarking ammunition and
war materials. It Is further asserted
the transports Heln-IIoa and Glronde
aro almost ready for sea. All the
French naval officers on leave of ab
sence have been ordered to return to
their vessels.
In Toulon and Brest every nerve Is
strained to. get ready for war, which
may break out on short notice. The
Paris press Is growing more and more
determined to back up extreme meas
ures, even a resort to arms. The French
have been excessively piqued by the
threatening tone of the English pa
Consequently the outlook here Is
grave. There aro reports of troops
hurrying from Paris to Brest and Tou
lon. The artillery In the batteries and
at the various ports have been con
fidently Instructed for any emergency,
and the cannon at all forts and bat
teries are kept ready for action at any
The Paris correspondent of the Lon
don Standard telegraphs that paper:
"If England keeps on saying that
Marchand must go France will reply
that Marchand will stay, and If he bo
removed forcibly there can be little
doubt as to what the consequences will
On the other hand the Paris corre
spondent of The Dally Graphic tele
graphs his paper:
"I have good reason for stating that
Count Muravleff, the Russian foreign
minister, has discouraged French re
sistance In the matter of Fashoda."
The Temps, commenting upon the
sensational stories of naval mobiliza
tion, says: "While the political situa
tion necessarily Induces unusual vlg
i: nice and r "vlty It must not be for
gotten that the present naval move
ments are principally an Inauguration
of the reforms planned by M. Lockroy
when ho was appointed minister of ma
rine and which he desires to have com
pleted prior to Jan. 1 next reforms
whereby the squadrons and ports will
always be ready and clear for action
and fully equipped within a few days."
After enumerating the proposed fu
ture strength of the various squadrons
intended for coast defense The Temps
concludes as follows: "Ashore our
military works are quite ready and
certainly the best disposition Is being
made of the means at the disposal of
the navy, even if before the date men
tioned the hoped for solution, agreeable
to both c u:i i. . should be found for
the Fashodu question."
An Enterprising Druggis
There arc few men more wide awake and
enterprising than A. Wasley, who spares no
pains to secure the hot of etrytliing in their
line for their many customers, 'I licy now
have the valuable agency of Dr. kind's New
Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is
producing such a furor all over the country by
ity many startling cures. It absolutely cures
Asthma, llronchilis, Hoarseness and all alTcc
tions of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call
at above drug store and get a trial hotlle fri t
or a regular size for jo cents and $l.oo.
Guaranteed to cure or price refunded.
GeniM'nl lirpoliliii'ldiro'H Duutrtoi- Wi'rti
Lexington, Ky., Oct. 20. At 8 o'clock
last night, at the residence of her aunt,
Mr. Sklllman, and In tho same room
where her mother was married a quar
ter of a century ago, Miss Mary Breck
inridge, oldest daughter of General J.
C. Breckinridge, was married to En
sign John F. Illnes, U. S. N. The bride's
sister, Miss Haysel, was bridesmaid,
and her brother. Lieutenant Ethelbert
Breckinridge, best man.
A Great Surprise
Is in store for all who uso Kemp's Balsam
for the Throat and Lungs. Would you be
ieve that it is sold on its merits and any
druggist is authorized by the proprietor of
Ibis wonderful remedy to give you a sample
bottle free? It never fails to cure acute or
chronic roughs. All druggists sell Kemp's
Balsam. Price 25 and 50c.
irns 1,1 Mttri-lod tho Kinpross?
Vancouver, B. C., Oct. 20. Newspa
pers received Here uy trie steamer Em
press of Japan, which arrived yester
day from Hong Kong and Yokohama,
publish tho amazing statement that LI
Hung Chang and tho dowager empress
of China have been secretly married.
flNETH: I was dreadfully norvoiii, and fur
relief took your Karl s Clover Knot Tea. It
quieted my nervoi and btrenRtlieind my
whole Nervous System. 1 was troubled with
Constipation, Kldnoy and liuwcl trouble
Your Tea Boon cleansed my system tc
thoroughly that I rapidly regained health
and strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hurtfoid,
Conn Sold by S. I. Klrlin and a guarantee.
MIsh lliiyni'il to Wtnl.
Wilmington, Del.. Oct. 20. William
S. IIIUos, of this city, yesterday took
out a license for his marriage to Miss
Florence Buyard, daughter of the late
Thomas F. Bayard, ex-United States
ambassador to England. The marriage
is to take place'Saturday, Oct. 29. As
required by law, Mr. Hllles entered
bond in the sum of $200 that his bride
shall not become a charge on the coun
ty. Mr. Hllles Is a member of the bar.
and one of the executors of the estate
of the former ambassador.
Too lato to cure a cold after consumption
has fastened its deadly grip on tho lungs,
Take Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup whllo
yet there is time.
ennUnuo'M lCli'oirlo Itnllwny.
Santiago do Cuba, Oct. 20. A fran
chise for an electric road from Santl
ago to the cemetery and to El Caney
has been granted by General Wood to
prominent local business representa
tives. It will be an Immense boon to
the public, though hardly likely to pay
more than expenses for the first three
Give tie Children Drink
nil,l Druln.n. It U a delicious, appetising,
nourishing food drink to take the place of
coflee. Sold by all grocers ana ukou ujr
.ova 1 1 ami It because whoil properly
prepared it tastes llko tho fluost coffee but Is
frco from all Its injurious iiruiici nun.
nt,iu ,ii,mitlnn and strengthens the nerves
itl.i.ntn Htlinulant but a health builder.
and children, as well as adults, can drluk It
with itrcat benefit. Costs about t as much as
cofleo. 15 and 25o.
Tlio Kind You Ilavo Always
In uso for over 30 years,
rf - and litis
All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex
periments that triilo with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castorla Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and Soothing Syrups. It Is Harmless and rieasimt. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms
and allays Eevcrlshness. It cures Dlnrrhuun and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho
Stoauach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears tho
The Kind You Haie Always Bought
Use For Over 30 Years.
No. 129 South Main Street.
We are again doing business at the
tock of goods. Mr. Orkin is still
business. He invites all his former patrons to call and pay lnm a visit
The slock consists of a complete line of jewelry and musical instru
ments. The prices are the ieature of the store ; they are within reach
of every purchaser. Repairing a specialty. Before you buy elsewhere
call and see our stock and get prices. No trouble to show goods. We
have polite salespeople.
:very wou
fiomattmes neeaa a rclicble.
the purest drugs
Or- Peal's PenprafaS PaSis
They me prompt, safe and certain In result. The genuine (Dr. real's) Qererdisapf
(Willi, OVUklUnUCtDfltiWi
For Sale at KIHLIN'S Drue
.4.. .1.-.. .1. In,.
lt ninnrn Tfl nr Itn
4 nlUATO 111 QL Uu
tj J in . J
truthful boroaeor reliDof
tMi offer a teit trial.
ZARAH tho ASTROLOGER, lack Box 4Q3, PMiadoiphla, Pa
Jnm rSMSStt'tmh ibi iirsuL04 ii etrulaly tutoaliblut tatuudi. Bit voaiwfBl pndktUu ud totU ar kuot
2 r.
tut hav nold
Diner r
ila IifImI
. . 'sa.
wrera tot
118 atrtea of
03 Ljiei ei
Ton HU'sTattf.
Sarrffl. i;0Wl.23. Carria-
h i) ''J7 fcVjU' C-talbin of all
" ." I . r ro Picgnwivo milt i:eu) .-.furuitwi :
s VrT?.'VW-i. V 1110 world's l'rosre?a. Tho mt-ll .
Ml Mwuy.s keep S
In tHn
i-1 .u.n-imrtirra?yABH..'r t...t-n.v!rt -w .Humnn'jr . , ..,,,lr. ,,
Bought, and which has been
1ms borno tho Hlgnaturo of
been miido under his per-
supervision since Its Infancy.
no one to deceive you in this.
Signature of
Jewelry, Silverware, Musical
Instruments, Optical Goods.
old stand, with our former large
in attendance and is conducting the
A Contented Woman
Is lio who 1ms her walls nml ceilings tk corati'd
from our latest designs ami rich colors In wall
paper. Wo have n complete line of exfiulbitf
tints and shades, in tho most ft tittle combina
tions nnd patternw, and we will decornte ; our
home from kitchen to little at a reatonabU
224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa
onthlT. reznUtinfr medicine
should bo used.
ii jou Tant ;a ucai, get
AdIUSN AAM iavbB W( viihm(V
Store, Shenandoah, Pa
ZAEAn, tho worM-nnowoed Egyptltn Aitrologer, if ho hu been crtfcting tueh la-
.on. I, fa II. ll.. n,i.UHtl J...
position, chftneter, abUit, tuu, probable length of life. poanbU accldeatj, adTico and
uggtaUonl on love affairs, marriage, frietvii, enemlei, ipeculauon, buiineia raatteri, aU.
HOT Tfl nr Ton caa Inform jonnelf thoronrhlr oa
HUI III DC. toll and on anr other qutiuoDj of jour I
paec. present ana inwre uie,
t .I... tlrfK .nrl r U1 Mrsn las .
your life, ad provt it to t U trot by josrietf. I uaio '
- All ocmmaaieatioDi trletl eonCd-mtUI. Addreu
direct to th cou-
yea" -
MAVlot film tot
xa - QiBawn,
136 t0 170.
Trai'i. WaKon-
- J tod Milk
or t;Ui. -, h-oj (--. iwiot-"'l
W 1 V7A WA
liftilQia ftA k GfAiMiewl n.ii!lt fat
BpnUns, Ilrufwss, Cramp, .hk.ho US a
'fi end U aohes and pains J
flk ii ti8. a, 13 . S
sr.IirM; A, .kASX&T. - :
One Briof Gleam of Sunshine on
the Great Parade.
AililrowcH by tlio Ilcntl of tho 'utlon,
tho Hind of tlio Army and tho IIoiul
or ii O (fit Liihor Ornuiil.iitlou Tlio
1'rcsliioiit'H lloouptloii.
Clilcneo, Oct. 20. One brief gleam of
sunshine, nnd only one, ling been
thrown upon the ceremonies of the
pence Jubilee. It wns a lleetlnj?, abort
lived burst of third clans sunshine, but
It fell upon the president's reviewing
stnnd just ns the head of the great
parade was approaching yesterday.
Chicago has seen many parades greater
than that of yesterday, but she never
has seen one that pleased Its people
better. Notwithstanding the most
elaborate arrangements of the police
department there wore times when the
crowd was too great for the police to
hnndle, and at many places the crush
at times was danBeroU9- Tno greet
ings extended to President McKltiley
ns his carriage passed to the reviewing
stand were enthusiastic to the extreme,
as were the plaudits showered upon
General Miles and General Shatter aa
they passed through the streets.
For the third time since the com
mencement the Jubilee festivities were
shifted last night to the Interior of the
Auditorium, and the third and last
scene to be enacted within the great
hall was the most brilliant, beautiful I
and successful of them all. It was the
great national jubilee peace banquet
tendered to the president of the United
States and other distinguished guests
by citizens of Chicago. No similar
event ever held within the Auditorium
surpassed In brilliancy and simple ele
gance the banquet of last night. No
similar event ever held there wns more
successfully managed or brought to a
more triumphant conclusion.
Twelve hundred guests, among them
men prominent In nil branches of busi
ness, science, arts, men of brilliant rec
ord upon the sea, and men famed for
deeds of arms done on shore, were
standing by their chairs when a tap
from the gavel of Franklin MacVeagh,
the presiding otTiccr, announced the ap
proach of President McKlnlcy. The
orchestra struck up "Hall to the Chief,"
and as the strains of the old march
were heard the president, uttended by
the jubilee reception committee, came
down the center aisle, bowing right and
left In acknowledgment of the applause
his presence evoked. He was escorted
to his seat at the west end of the hall,
and as he took his seat the 1,200 guests
followed his example, only to rise an
Instant later while Dr. Frank Crane
delivered a short and eloquent invoca
tion. Then for two hours the material
wants of 1,200 men received close and
careful attention.
At 10 o'clock, the preliminary portion
of the banquet having been disposed of,
a rap from the gavel of Chairman Mac
Veagh called the attention of the
guests. Mr. MacVeagh In the course of
his Introductory remarks said:
"If the evolution of democracy con
tinues, and who does not believe that
It will, a new spirit must possess the
lives af the nations. It seems clear to
me that our own nation Is already
touched by a larger conception of na
tional life. Democracy has seriously
begun to rule humanity, and the Il
luminating truth Is that democracy's
ideals are not the Ideals of Isolation.
Its concern Is mankind. Our nation
will, I believe, be foremost In Illustrat
ing the duties and the ambitions the
aspirations of the democratic era."
"Our country" was the toast to which
President McKlnloy was called upon to
respond. It wns several minutes before
the cheering subsided sufficiently to al
low the president's voice to be heard,
and when he was afforded an oppor
tunity his utterances were greeted with
most vociferous applause. In the course
of his address he said
"The war has put upon the nation
grave responsibilities. Their extent was
not anticipated and could not have been
well foreseen. We cannot avoid the so
rlous questlonswhlch have been brought
home to us by the achievements of our
nrms on land and sea. We nre bound
in conscience to keep and perform the
covenants which the war has sacredly
sealed with mankind. Accepting war
for humanity's sake, we must accept
nil obligations which the war in- duty
and honor Imposed upon us. The splen
did victories we have achieved would
be our eternal shame and not our ever
lasting glory if they led to the weak
ening of our original lofty purpose.
"The war with Spain was undertaken
not that the United States should In
crease Its territory, but that oppression
at our very doors should be stopped.
This noble sentiment must continue to
nnimnte us, nnd we must give to the
world the full demonstration of our
"It Is not within the power of man
to foretell the future nnd to solve un
erringly Its mighty problems. Looking
backward we can see now the hand of
destiny builded for us and assigned us
tasks whose full meaning was not ap
prehended even by the wisest states
men of their times. Our colonial an
cestors did not enter upon their war
originally for Independence. Abraham
Lincoln dl
d not stnrt out to free the,
to save the Union. The war 1
slaves, but
with Spain was not of our seeking, and
pome of Its consequences may not be to
our liking.
"Territorial expansion Is not alone
nnd ulwuys necessary to national ad
vancement. There must be a constant
movement toward a higher and nobler
civilization, a civilization that shall
make Its conquests without resort to
war and achieve Its greatest victories,
pursuing the arts of pence. In our
present situation duty, and duty alone,
should prescribe the boundary of our
responsibilities and tho scope of our
"The final determination of our pur
poses waits tho action of the eihlnent
men who are charged by the executive
with the making of the treaty of peace,
and that of tho senate of tho United
States, which by our constitution must
ratify and confirm It. We nil hope nnd
prny thnt the conllrmatlon of peace will
be an Just and ns humane as the con
dition and consummation of the wnr."
The men of the south who have de
livered nddresses during tho Jubilee
have won irolden opinions. Tlie speech
of Judge Bpcer, of Georgia, at the open
ing meeting on TueBday was a revela
tion to those who had never heard
him, and the address of Clark Howell,
of Atlanta, who responded last night
to the sentiment, "Our reunited country
north and south," was in all rospects
equal to that of the eloquent speaker
from his OWn CltnlA vl,r l.n,l aaAA
them hard,
"The President," was tho noxt toast
on tho program, and to that ex-Vice
President Stevenson replied. Mr. Ste
venson's address was continuously in
terrupted by applause.
Chairman MacVeagh paV eloquent
tribute to the American trt. . as he
called unpri two. men most prominent
lH'tnelale war, 'Generals Miles aha
Shatter, to reply to the toast "Tim
Army." The toast was drunk amid
wild enthusiasm, cheor after cheer
ringing through tho hall as General
Miles rosB to speak of the glorious deeds
of the American rngulars and volun
teem. Every allusion to the dpeds per
formed by the Amnrlran righting mon
was greetrd with another vocal out
burst, and the frantic waving of nap
kins and handkerchiefs.
The welcome extended to General
Shatter, who (followed the address of
General Miles with another on the
some subject, was greeted with no less
Reclaim than that accorded to his su
peilnr in rank.
"The Navy-' was the next toast, and
Captain Charles U. Hlgsbee responded.
"International Arbitration" was the
next, and Prtsldent Angell. of Mich
igan university, was It advocate.
The glories of "Our Future" was di
lated upon by Secretary Lyman J.
Samuel Gompers followed Mr. Gage,
and the last regular speaker of the
evening was Tre---ldent Northrup, of the
University of Minnesota.
It nits the Spct That's Eight,
What? Pan-Tina for coughs slid eolds.
Gruliler Bkh., drug stovo.
ltr.viin lins"N"ot Atdfod iv I'urlo'tijili.
"Washington, Oct. 20. The secretary
of war, on being asked about the report
that Colonel William J. Bryan, of the
Third Nebraska regiment, had been re
fused leave of alienee and kept with
his regiment, authorized the statement
that Colonel Bryan hai asked no In
dulgence whatever of the war depart
ment, so that none has been refused
him. Any reports to the contrary are
without foundation In fact.
Shlloh's Consumption Cure cures where
others tail. It is the leading Cough Cure.
1 mi no home should bo without it. 1'leuaiut
to take and goes right to tho spot. Sold by
1'. I). Kirltn and a guarantee.
MoiTltt' ISrM'-r.lect ifln lionto.
Chicago, Oct. 20. Miss Laura Will
iams, or Phb fu'o, the daughter of Nor
man Williams, Is Journeying over the
Atlantic on the Cunard steamship
Campania to he wedded In London
some time wllliln the next two weeks
to Major General Wesley Merrltt, mili
tary governor of the Philippine Islands,
to whom her engagement was an
nounced five months ago. Miss Will
lams, with her mother and brother,
sailed from New York last Saturday
for Liverpool. The exact date of the
wedding will not be settled, It Is said,
"ntll the steamer reaches. Liverpool,
whither General Merrltt expects to
hurry from Paris In time to meet the
boat. The ceremony will be performed
In London.
Strike Quickly.
" On the instant when
a lion shows his tem
per " said a famous lion
tamer "cut him quickly
over the face. Don't
wait until he springs at
you." This is equally
good advice for treat-
isg the lion of disease. Many an attack of
dangerous illness would be headed off if at
the first premonitory symptoms the victim
would strike quickly.
Those severe coughs, bronchial affections
and wasting diseases which merge into
consumption would never get their savage
teeth into the constitution if their eaily
signs were headed off by Dr Pierce's Gold
en Mtdical Discover'. It provides such an
abundance of rich nourishing blood that
tuberculosis genus have no cti.mce to get
any lodument in the lungs. It clears the
!.kin and purges all the impurities from
every organ. It invigorates the liver to
expel all bilious poisons from the circula
tion. It creates healthy tissue, vitalized
nerve fiber and gives solid strength.
" I hnve thought for a long time," writes Jlrs.
Uose l'etty, Ol jocKVllie, tnainum to., n. u..
"that I would not do vou justice if I did uot
write and tell you how i wap cured of that dread
ful disease called consumption, by usiin; Dr.
Pierce's Ooldeu Medical Discovery. I had meas
les and pneumonia botll at the same time, and
came near dyin?, nnd as soon as I was alV to ro
out I was taken with gnp, and tht-n followed
consumption. My plivsiciau iikl all ho cuuUl for
my relief but I received nteie. I tried every
thing that I could hear of that was good fur a
cough but grew worse, and would have died soon
had I not commenced using the 'Golden Medi
cal Discovery.' I felt improed before the first
lwttle was riuished. I took six bottles, and after
that I felt better and stronger than in ten years
before That was six years ago, and to-day do
uot feel nny symptoms of a return of the disease.
I remain cured, and I think I am the cause of a
fritnd being cured by n-,ing the same mediciue.
He was aulicted as T was and after every thing
f ,1, ! to i nr. him h '. Dr Pierce's Golden
M dicnt IIncuv ri mil v ..-.curLd"
cures jl'nVKIlB, I.uns Focr. Milk Fever.
t;R,1HrilAI.S. Lameneis, Hhcumatisui,
JjjlU'lZOOTIC, III. temper.
woiim. lion, ami)..
cunts jcoiTIJIIS, Cold., influenza.
J'JjcOMr:, llellyaclio, lllarrhon.
G.O. l'rcwnts MDsCAUItlACIl.
J!','.1; ! iuii.m:v t iiladdiiii nihonninis.
J'JJ HAD ro.M)ITH)., Piarlns Coat,
eoc.caohi Stable Case. Ti Specifics, nook. &C..J7.
At or sent prepaid on receipt or price.
lliimtihrm'V Medicine Co.. Cor. William & John
Bts., New rtc.
and Prostration from Over
work or other causes.
Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific)
No. CH, in u&e over 40 yuan, tlio only
successful remedy.
SI per vlal,or 5 vlala and larso vial powder.for $5
Sold by UriiKKlsIs, vr e ut i' ull it recul,t ol rtre
ULimlUUb'SUU. CO., lor. Milium A Julu tli.,.t (ork
A Medicine Chost In Itself.
Simple, Safo and Quick Cure for
ana uu com uottios. a
tf "ff &t1IU CaV&!lO
hide Entrance on Green IV.,"" WmlaDELHIA."!!
Yninitr. olil.aliurh' or nmri 1, d & tlmai con
ti'inpliiiliiriiiiiirrlaKi'. irye.i an1 a Mot tut of
Prlvata Diseases i m;:'r!:;:; ,s;:ur
Htn.v Inlml ami huilv. ami until i ill for tlio
dutU'a of liti-, fall or will.' anil bo huwit. Unurel
llally. l-:t 1 1 r un, (i-t) hnu., tl-l-J. h.'ii.l lOcts. lu
stamps fur Bouic with awurtr tuMtliuisiitule)
llximsluii Uuucka nud I'uUo luatltutcs.
I suffered with Kczcma of tho worst kind,
my f.u o anil neck down to my shoulders wero
ono Inflammation, was not ablo to sea out of
my P)C3 for qulto a while, and was unable
to sleep for weeks, on account of tliosorero
pain, which noatly drovo mo insano. My faco
nml neck wero swollen nnd made, mo look
hideous. Hail tlireedoctorsatdliTcrcnttlmcs,
nml not ono of them could relievo mo nf my
pain, swellinc, anil blotches. I Used thrco
bottles of CmcuiiA Kesolvent, four bores
Ct'licniA (ointment), three cakes of Ccti
ct'HA Bir, nnd my friends and ono of the
doctors aro surprised, and asked, " Who cured
jou?" anil I tell them quickly, "Cdticoba
HnMEmra." .T.V.KAFKA,
Starch i, 1807. 0.1 BcholoBt., llrooklyn.N.Y.
PoM throughout the world. Porrca I). dC Coar
Sole rrops., Boston. "liowtot'imtiaiD. Diseases," Iras
Grocers cuu tell
you why those
whobuy SEEIIG'S
avsu uy
using Seel
tor It. You can t
keep on gelling a
poor tiling to tie
same people.
iu'S because von
tcSn buy cheap
r coflee stid mnVc
it delicious bv n
.little oi this admixture.
Philadelphia 8?
Reading Railway
En.-'iu-'1 ; T' -""''! N v-o. fee
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows :
For Sew York vlrt Philadelphia, week days.
7 30 9 SI a. in., 12 27, 8 10 nnd 6 U7 p. in.
Kiirlsew i ork via Mauib Chunk, week days,
7 30it. m., 12 27 and 3 10 n. in.
For ltvadlng nml Philadelphia, weok days,
7 30. 9 SI H.m.. 12 27, 8 10 and 0 07 p. ni
For Pottsvllle, week days, 7 30, 9 51 a. m.,
12 27, 3 10, 0 07 and t 23 p. ni.
For Tisuiaqua and Muhauoy City, week days.
7 30, 0 51 a. ni., 12 27 3 10 and Ii 07 p. ru.
For WlUlalUHport, Munbury and Lewlsburg,
week days. 11 30 u. m.. 12 27, 7 21 u. ni
For Mahano Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 5t, 11 30
a. in., 12 27, 3 10, 8 07, 7 2i, 9 55 p. in.
For Auhland and Shamokln, week days, 730,
1130 a. m., 12 27, 3 10,6 07. 723 and s 53 p. m.
For Iliiltlniore, Washington and Ihe West via
Ii. AtO. K. K.. through trains lea". Heading
Terminal, Philadelphia, (1. & It, H Ji.) at 8 20,
7 5'5, 11 2tl a. m., 8 10 and 7.27 n. i Sundays,
i 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m., 8 41 nnd 7 27 i. m Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth and CI ept
uut streets station, week days, 10 80 a. m. 12 20.
12 It 8 10 . m. .Sundays, 1 85, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 30, 8 00, 11 30 a. in., and 1 45, 4 30,
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m., 1 30 p. ru.
I.cave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
days, 3 10. ii 80. 10 21 a. in. and I 30, 4 06 p.m.
Leave Heading, week days, 7 00, iO OH, a, in.
12 15, 4 17, 6 00 p. m.
Leave Pottsvllle, week days, 7 10, 7 40 a. m
12 80 4 10, 6 10 and 6 50 p. In.
Leave Tamaqua, week days, 8 36, 1123 a. in..
1 49, 5 50, 7 20 p. m.
I.cavo Mahanoy City, week days. 9 05, 1147
a. m., 2 22, 5 12, 6 24, 7 41 p. m
Iiave Mahanoy Piano, week days. 680. 9 25.
10 23. 1159 a. lu., 2 41, 5 32, 6 41. 7 57, pm.
Leavo Willtamsport, week days. 7 42. 10 00 a.
tu,, 12 31 and 4 00 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut street warf and
Houth street whaif for Atlantic City.
WoekdayB Express, 9 00, a. m., 2 00, 4 00,
5 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00 am., 6 30 pm
Sundays Express, 9 00, 10 00 a m Accommoda
tion, 8 00 a ui, 4 45 p. m.
Returning leave Atlantic City depot, corner
Atlantic and Arkansas avenues.
Weekdays Express, 7 33, 9 00, a m., 8 80, 5 80
p m. Accommodation. 8 15 a. ru. 4 05 p. m.
Sundays Express. 4 00, 7 30 p. m. Accommoda
tion, 7 15 a. in., 4 15 p. m.
For Cape May, Sea Isle City and Ocean City
Weekdays 9 00 n m, additional for Capo May,
4 13 p m., for Sea Isle Cltv, 6 00 p m., for
Ocean City, 4 15, 5 00 n m. Sundays. Chestnut
street 9 13 n m.. South street, 9 00 a.m.
rarior (jars on an express Iralus.
vor further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Heading Hallway ticket agent
or nddresB
I. A. SwEioAnn, Edson J. Weeks,
Oen'l Supt., (len'l Pass'r Agt.,
Heading Terminal. Philadelphia.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
Oftlce Egan bulldlnir, corner of Main aa
Centre atreetu, Hhenandoah.
' Shenandoah, Pa.
iock rtox 63, Maliano? CiiJ, Pa.
HarliiK atudlod under some of the beet
masters li' London nd l'rla, will Klre leuoni
on the Tiolin.uiandolln. Riillar and vocal culture.
Tormi reasonable Audrese In care of Htrouae,
be jeweler abcuaadonh.
V r