i- EVENING HERALD KSTAIILISIIKI) 1H70, Published overr Kenlnc Hieer Sunday, lit South .Uniim BTitricT. Nkab Ckntiik. Tim Hr-riM I 'K 'I- Mt-il li''tli. imniloili nnd tho iiriOUM.n,.,' t.'u lornl wuHRweck, y" M. vllill"' imiU W.00 5-cnr,or25 csntsa mouth, payable In uclvwiee. dvertlc ments clinrKCil nceorillnis to iipnco ami ponttlnii. The publlubcrs reacrve tho tlulit to elmoRe the Sonltlon ot advertisement whenever tlio pub (Mlo? of newa demand It. The rlRht la MnerTed to iirtnny ndverllemcnt, whether raid for or not. lant the publishers may deem fnproper. Advertlsluir rates made known upon application. Entered at the potofllco t Shenandoah, Fa., b aecund claa mall matter. TKI.KPIIONE CONNiWTION 'All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald SATI KDAY. (K'TOULK IB. IMiS. Jim C0UN1HY: First. Last and Forever. Aktkh tlio Christum liultditys W. A. Stone's resilience will lie ut tlio btate i!iiiitol, lliiirlhliurt;, whore tlio JuiiUh mill Swallow followers will, lie welcome. Tiik KepubUciiti cuntliiliite for St-n-utorin this district bus tlio cnniest job lie evur undortook. His opponu lit will know u thing or two uftur the re turns are in. Many of the public Mihools through out the county will observe Lufiiyette Diiy. which occurs on tlio liitli lust. Sheimndoiih should full in lino mid help ulotitf tlio good cause. Mil Ukyan'S eagerness to got into the army and then to get out indi cates that his nature is more impul sive than would be desirable in a posi tion of great responsibility. If you expect to cover the Held in Shenandoah and the Mahanoy valley, y6U must advortise in the Hkhald, Seed planted in the form of an ad vortlsement in those columns germin ate quickly and nro productive of much fruit. A xumukk of tho horses used by the Kussian army have been iitteil with shoes of aluminum, as a test of the practicability of this material for such purposes. If extended use :on llrms tho present opinion, a new de parture will be inaugurated. TllK trouble in tlio coal regions of Illinois has resulted in the loss of life, and tho cause may bo traceable to the Importation of contract labor. It is unreasonable to suppose Unit men yil quietly submit and see their -JU'ives and children starve to dentil. TllK letter carriers of I'ottsville make thojr regular trips to tlio ollice of William Wilhelm, Esq., tut up to the present time the latter has failed to receive a reply bearing the Con gressional signature. That public debate should take place by all means. TllHKH days have passed and no trace of tho murderer of John Dando lias lis yet resulted from the efforts nut fortb to elfect his capture. The fact of tho matter is, his escape, under the circumstances, roilects no credit ui6n tho minions of the law in SUenandoah, to say the least. The county authorities should certainly olTer a reward for his capture. HAr.l.OT reform, real and protended, is one of the things which is worry ing tho voters of Pennsylvania just wow. 'There can be no doubt that public sentiment imperatively de manded u radical revision of the law, but the present unsatisfactory state of affairs cannot bo .endured. Many and serious oylls had grovn up, and elections In some sections had become little ni&ro than a farce and a mock ery of tho public will. Dkmouuats as well as Hopublieaus appear to think that the next Senate will le controlled by the Republicans A gain of two or three seats will put that body in Republican hands. Tho chances are thut the Republicans will maintain their lipid on the House, There is not the slightest fear that the Democrats will overcome tho Ho publican majority of tlfty in that brauclu All this talk to the contrary is mere buncombe. StrongToday Because Hood's Sarsaparllla Built Up His System Child Was Woak, Had Night Swoats and Poor Appetite "Our jronngeat child wan In a bad con dition. Ono physician said tho troubl was malaria.and auotbor thought It came itom tha Htomaob and liver. Meantime the child kept crowing weaker. lie had night aweati, poor appetite and various other trouble!. We worried along foi two years, and then we determined to try Hood' Baiaapaxllla, and from the tint play .we noticed a ehango In our little bpy, Wq kept on until he had taken about three, bottles. Today he ,1b a atrong, .hearty child. We have alwaya hadto .keep.htm. lndpot In winter, but last Wt'nter he was o,nVw(th other children and we finnd uo traoe ot the old trouble returning" Axyoteo llAjumuiUUKU, 70 Washington Avouueltoopij, Ja. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the belt la Ijwt the One True Wood l'url&er. Beld tiy'aU drugqlatt. ftlsfuria. nooa s r'ins gru,e. uruuuuu. 20a. 1 Paine's Celery Compound Makes PeopleWell. The one true specific for diseases arising from adebilltated nervous system (sPafne's celery compound, to generally prescribed by physicians. It is probably the most le marVable remedy that tho scientific research of this country has produced. Prof. I'M ward K. Phelps, M. IX. L. I.. D., or Dartmouth college first prescribed what Is now known the world over as Paines celery compound, n positive cure for dyspepsia, bitioimiess, liver complaint, neuralgia, rheumatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. Paine's celery compound has succeeded again and again whtre everything else has (ailed. TEACE JUBILEE AT PHILADELPHIA. !lieiip IWeuritou Trip la I'liihutelpllhi .V Itciiillni: Itnllirii). I'hiadelphla lias tlio reputation of belli;: a slow" city, but whatever its' citizens start they curry through with a vim ami energy that never fails to make it a success, lioui tlio hcKiiiniiiK of tlio llispauo-Ainericaii war l'hilailelphia lias been in tlio front, cither in rccruitini: ami forwarding volunteers, nurs iug sick or wounded soldiers, or welcoming returning troons, and now comes tlio reaco Jubilee, every one, rich or poor, is commun ing their time, money and energies to nrike it 11 grand dcmontntiou. In addition to tho gloat niilllaiy and naval reviews, to aid which the government de nartmuuts have promised all the assistance in their power, h the giaml civic parade which will undoubtedly be one of tho greatest dem onstrations over witnessed on this contlnont, To enable tho residents along its lines to participate in or witness this great jubilee, the Philadelphia & Heading Jtailwny lias ar. ranged to sell excursion tickets to Pliiladel phia from all principal points on its line, at tho low rato of suiglo faio for round trip. (Special rates for military organizations in 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 111. ) Tickets will bo good going Oct 21th to 127th, inclusive, and good to return until Oct. 31st, incliisivo. Kmo from Shell audonli, $3.23. Virol Tirol flrel Insure your property from loss In the blest anil strongest cash companies : I'hila. Uildeiwritera Insurance Co. of North America and Firo Association, Hartford Firo Ins. Co., American Fire Insurance Co., Westchester Fiio Ins. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 12S S. Jardin St., Slioimndoah. llcduceil Ituti'n tn I'lilluilolplilil, For tho grand l'eaco Jiiblloo at Philadel phia, October 2(1 and 27, tho Pennsylvania Uailroad Cumpany will sell excursion tickets from all ticket stations on its line, to Phila delphia, at rato of singlo faro for tho round trip (minimum rate, 50 cents.) Tickets will bo sold and good, going, Octoher 21 to 27, anil returning leaving Philadelphia to October 31, incliisivo. This jubilee will bo ono of the greatest events in tlio history of Philadelphia. The rededication of Independence Hall, recently restored; tho unveiling of the Oiant Eques trian Monument. Falnnouiit Park ; a monster civic and industrial parade, aud a grand military and naval pageant, led by (icnoral Miles and other distinguished heroes of tho late war, will bo prominent features. flic President and his ().tblnot will also be proseut. For tho accommodation oi persons uesirnig to witness the evening ceremonies and re turn tho samo night, special lato trains will bo run from Philadelphia to the principal itios mi each division cacii night. It'a Queer How Quick Pan-Tina cures coughs and colds. 25c. At Qruhler Broi., drug storo. Ihirpur'H Weekly. Ilarnor'ri Weekly for October 22d will con tain some important contributions on "Tho Expansion of the United States," written uy Ion. J. U. Curllslc, senator uiuory, it. 14. Hives, aud others. Henry James's new uovol, "Tho Awkward Ago," and tlio re sumption of the pages devoted to music and tho Drama, lend an added interest to this journal of civilization. 1 here I This is Just the Thing, lied Flag Oil for sprains and bruise. At Oruhlor llros., drug storo. MUItnry MmlddiitMl l.v Ci'lttiilnm. Lnndun, Oct. 15. The Paris corre spondent of The Times says: "It Is Im possible to obtain clear proois ot tuo Rxposltlpn of a plot. I believe that the Idea of sani net ot force naunis somu military minds. Maddened nid stunned by violent orltielsms of the army, arls- Inp out of the Dreyfus ulTalr, tnoy ure especially irritated at tlio niiuuue o civilians In claiming to Interfere in thn detention of Colonel I'lcquart, for which. the entire military authority Is re sponsible. Looking to .the oxclteinent of mon's minds at the nresent time of conflict between the mllltnry und civil authorities, It Is only surprising that such alarms are not more frequent. Imported Tfi'urnuM SplrlU'd Away Springfield. Ills., Oct. 15. While over 2,000 miners were lined up in tne street near the Church of the immaculate Conception ready to follow the remains of their deceased companion, Hdwurd Welsh, who wus killed In the riot fit Vlrden Wedueiday, to the eemotery, the 100 Imported negroes from Alabama were quietly smuggled out of the city and sent to Kt- Iouls on a special train. .TnoliNoii'K Yellow Fever SoniU'ilo. Jackson. Miss., Oct. 15. Tho yellow fover situation is practically unchanged so far as tho number of new enses la concerned. The thermometer Is rang ing In the, fifties, und there nro strong hopes tho'syead of the Infection will bo checked y tho cool weather, even if theio Is no frost. Tho Jackson re port yustenluy is ten now cases. Dr. uunters nniolnl .report tram ouitsr points In: Taylors, one new case; Eoplar.vUle, twelve now cases; Madl son, six, uuw,uBi4i Waveland, two new eases: Harrlstouj .three new cases and and one death; Natchez, four new cases; HarrWton, thiuu new eaees and three critical; Oxford, one new case. CANNOT 1,ANI IN 1'ANA. Allllllu Coililiiuiulei- Deelnres Ho Will Keep Out Imimrleil l.iilmr. I'nnn, Ills., Oct. 15. A telegram wna lecclved yesteiday from Vlrden Bay ing that In all probability Operator lAlkens, of the CIiIc.tto-Vlrden Coal company, would attempt to land at I'nnn the Imported negroes who, after a bloody riot, were shut out nt Vlrden. A conference was Immediately held by telephone between Captain Harris, commanding the mllltln here, and Ad jutant General lteece and Governor Tanner nt Springfield. Tho conference restlted in the governor ordering Cap t a 1 ti Harris under no circumstances to penult the Imported negroes to land In I'ana. In nn Interview Inter Captain Harris said: "If any negroes nre brought Into Pnna while I am In charge, and they refuse to retreat when ordered to do fo, I will order my men to fire. All tinned gunrds will be similarly dealt with. The governor's orders shall be strictly obeyed. If I lose every man under my command no negroes shall Innd In I'nnn." UOVHItNOlt TAN'NKIt'S ATTITUD13. "Neeexxnr.v to ICuforeo I.uw In Ad vance of Its Kiinotinimt." Springfield, Ills., Oct. 15. Governor Tanner last night gnve out a long In terview regarding the situation at Vlr den and his attitude on the Importa tion of miners Into the stnte. He said In part: "My position hns been from the be ginning, and 1 am now more positive In that position, emphatically against the Importation of labor Into Illinois, from nny state, because such a per nicious system dumps upon society an undesirnlile class of citizens, and I do not propose, If I can help It, that the state of Illinois shall be used as the dumping ground for the criminal and Idle classes ot other countries or other states. "If one, two or tbtee, or even larger numbers, come to our state In the proper order and In the ordinary way, seeking honest employment, and the mine owneis see lit to employ them, I will give them all the protection neces sary to peacefully operate their mines. "The Cbicago-Vlrden company has been nn Intentional outlaw; has sent an agent to Alabama, and by false pie tenses imlur-ud negroes to come here, loading them on trains like cattle, lock ing the doors of the cars, feeding them like stock and procuring the services of armed guards from a detective ngency and Invading the state In an illegal manner." He says if be had been apprised ot the coming of the train he should have had It met at the state line with the national guard and disarmed and made prisoners of every man beuring arms, The governor said that Captain Craig had exceeded his authority in search ing trains, and that he had instructed Colonel Young not to Interfere with the operation of trains nor to invade them, but only to prevent the unload ing of Imported laborers, which un loading would at once bring about trouble. He concludes; "it Is not my purpose to discriminate against the negro. What I am opposed to Is the pernicious system of import ing labor. Perhaps In placing an em bargo upon Imported labor I am a little In advance of statutory enact ment. However, sometimes In the In terest of society It becomes necessary to enforce a law In advance of Its statutory enactment." To Cure n Cold 111 One Day Tako Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if It fails to euro. 2.1c. Tlio genuine has I.. II. Q. oil each Uiblet. tf Charleston, S. C, Oct. 15. W. II. Robertson, colonel of the First regi ment, National Guards of South Caro lina, was suspended by an order from Adjutant General Watts yesterday. It was reported some days ago that Rob ertson had pawned seven Springfield rifles belonging to one of tho local com panies In the regiment, and when the matter was Investigated the guns were found In a Charleston pawnshop. This was sulllclent for the suspension. The National Guard Is a colored organiza tion. Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup hue cured whooping-cough when no othor treatment would glvo relief. For croup this romarkabio roinedy has no equal. It conquers croup at ouco. Snnillpov Kpldonile In Now VorkStnto Ithaca, N. Y., Oct. 15. After a thor ough Investigation by members of the Ithaca board of health, by physicians of McLean and by the state board of health, the conclusion was reached late last night that the epidemic which has been prevailing In that village for about two weeks Is genuine smallpox. Mc Lean Is about 12 miles enst of Ithaca, and It Is feared that many people here have been exposed. The authorities have tnken severe measures to sup press the epidemic, and the whole town may be quarantined today. 1'ntnl 1'nll From 11 11 J!lovntol lionil. Chicago, Oct. 15. Leighton Lee. su perintendent of .Lqe & Co., engineers and contractors, of Philadelphia, was. probably fatally Injuted yeBterday by falling from the South Sldo Elevated, railroad structure onto a picket fence, 25 feet below. Lee missed his footing In trying to board a moving train, and after being dragged several yarua dropped between the ties. DO IT YOURSELF. Ynii nun tell lust as well as a physician whether your kKlnoysareiiseaseiiornca!i.uy, Tim wuv tn nn id 10 uiKO a uoiiio or mabsiuur i,i,.r nml nil It with nrlno. If there is :i sediment a powdor-llko substance at tho bottom alter stunning a uay uuu uiaiiv, mum U cnuinHiltiiT wrnni? with tho kidneys. An other sure sign or illsoasu is n tlcsire 10 uriuaio often, and still another sign is pain In the DacK. JI uriuobiaius linen, uieru is 110 uuuui that tlio kidneys uro allcctcu. Any und all diseases of tho kidneys, liver, bladder and of tho uriimrv n.lfasauui ami con. stipation of tlio bowels aio cilied by Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Itemedy, There is no question ulioiit its being tlio best and surest medicine in me worm lorsucu iruiuues. It quickly relieves and cures inability to hold urlnn. and neoiilo. voung or old. who take It arc not compelled to get up 11 number of times iiunnu tlio nignt. f or putting an cmi to that scalding pain experienced in passing urlnn. linthlnlr Is so eood as Dr. David Ken- nod's Favorite Itemedy, Jt corrects the bad ctfocts of whiskey and bcor i is pleasant to tl, i.,Kf utwl lines not seem to be luedlflao at all. Diseases of tho kidneys and bladdor often require the use ot (uslruiiicnu 10 pusu back tuo sanuy manor w nn hiuu " " voided. In such cases Favorite Itemedy should bo taken without fitrthor, delay ur the disease may prove latal. H is sunt lor ono dollar u bottle at all drugstores. It is well worth many times Its price. Samples Free. If you wish to tent Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Iiemody beforo buying It, send your lull post olllco address to tuo in. luviu Jven ncdy Corporation, Jtomlout, ff. Y., and mention tuts paper, we win iiipu man you a sample bottle frco, us well us circulars giv ing full directions for Its use, Every rcaJei nf tho llKiiALncaudciieiulunouthogeuuiuo- nei of this, llborol pllVr, and all suil'c.rgrs from kidney troubles should take advuutUKO ot It at quid, One Girfs Story. This is an occurrence in Jie life of a young girl who had a near approach to death, aud of the mar velous manner in ivhich she was rescued. Eighteen ytan ago Miss Mabel Shields was born in Chicago. The moit remarkable fact about her i, that the it alive to-day, living with her mother at 4846 Veit Congress Sheet, and enjoying excellent health. Two yeari ago ihe commenced to fail, a number of complications setting in, inci dent to budding womanhood. Her experience and sufferings during tliote two years were not only distressing but ter rible. At last, utterly discouraged, she found relief and lerfect health. Her own story relating this excerlenee win De a matter ot great interest to hun dreds of young women who are passing tnrough the same period oi lite fraught witn danger and death. Miss Shields said! "Two years ago I commenced to fail in health. At first I did not pay much attention to my failing health, thinking I would mend shortly. "I grew worse week alter week nil 1 tie came so bad that I was obliged to receive medical treatment. "I went to the best hospital here for six weeks, but was not benefited. "I had a terrible throbbine in my head day and night t my whole system was on Ihe verge o? a nervous collapse, and for weeks I could not sleep. I then went to a famous eye and ear Infirmary. The ohvsielin there believed at first that I something was growing in my ear, but after receiving treatment from him some time, finally told me there was no such growth, but it was purely a case of extreme ncr- Sunday Specials. Services in the Trinity Itcformed church o-'uiorrow at 10:00 a. 111.. nnd IkllO p. 111. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. ltev. Itohert O Hoylo pastor. Itegular services will bo held in the United Evangelical church. Xoith Jardin street, to morrow at 10 a. m. and 0.30 p. 111. Sunday school at 1.30 p. m. ltev. I. J. Iteltz, pastor. K. I.. U. I.. on Jlcmday evening, rr.tycr, praise and testimony meetings every Tiles- lay, Wednesday, Thursday aim r nuay even ings. Jr. K. L. C. E. every Saturday evening ut 7 o'clock. Primitive Methodist church. James Moore. pastor. 1're.ichlng at 10:30 a. 111. and 11:30 p.m. Sunday school at 2 p. 111. Class meet ing on Wednesday evening, liener.il player meeting on Thursday evening, l.veryhody welcome. Services in All Saints' Protestant Episcopal church on West Oak stuet to-morrow. Holy Eucharist nt 8 a. tn. Morning prayer at 10:30, Sunday school at 2 p. m. Evening prayer nt 7 p. In. Tho rector will olliciato. First ltaptist church, corner of West and Oak streets, I!ev. 1). I. Evans pastor. Services a.tl0a. m, aud Up. 111. Sunday school at 2 p. 111. Prayer meeting Monday evenings. Young People's meeting Wednesday evenings. Class nieeting Thursday evenings. Methodist Episcopal church, corner O.iK and Wlilto streets. Itov. J. T. Swindells pastor, (icncnilclasshicctlugutOa.nl., led by John Senior. Sermon at 10:30 a. 111. Sunday school nt 2 p. 10., Dr. J. S. ("alien, Superintendent. Sermon at U:30 p. :u. Scats free. Everybody welcome. Calvary Ilaptlst church, South Jardin street. Preaching to-morrow nt 10:30 a. 111. ind (1:30 p. 111. Kov. It. It. Alliins, pastor. Sabbath school ut 2 n. 111.. Deacon John liuiiii, Superintendent. 11. Y. P. U. Tuesday evening, ut 7:30. Wednesday evening, general prayer meeting ut 7:30. Everybody welcome. Services in tho Presbyterian church to morrow nt iu:3U .1. 111, and ii::so p. m. .Ninnatn school nt 2 p. 111. Jr. C. E. nnd Sr. C. E. Tuesday ovenlng ut (1:30 and 7:30 ociock. Prayer und song service 011 Thursday even ing ut7:30. Strangers ulwuys welcome. II. W. Koulor, pastor. St. John's Lutheran church. West Cherry street. ltev. John Oruhlor, pastor. Preach tug, 10 a, m. ; Sunday school, i:au p. 111. preaching 0:30 p. 111. St. Michael's Oreok Catholic church. West Centre street, ltev. Cornelius Launsin, lias tor. ilatatiiium service U a.m. High mass 10 a. m. Church of the IIolv Family. (Unrman K. C.) North Chestnut street. Hev. A. T. ei-litil- tlehofer, pastor, rirstinasss n. m., beconu muss 10 a. 111. St. Caslmir's Polish It. C, church, North Jardin street. l!ov. J. A. Lonarkiewic., paslor. lirst mass 8 11. m., high mass 10 n. m.. vespers and benediction 4 n. 111. Church ot tho Annunciation, 21 West Cherry street, ltev.lt. F. O Iteillr. pastor: Itov James Kane, assistant pastor, First mass, 7 a. in., second mass, a u. in., High mass, 10 a. m. benediction. 7 11: m. Koheletn Israel congregation, comer 01 Oak und West stiects, ltev. Henry Mit- nik. nastor. Saturday services. toll) n. 111 and 3 to 5 p. 111. Sunday services 8 tu 10 u. 111. and every wools day morning irom 7 losa. m. Saved A Boy's Tjlfo. Mrs. Captain II. Hubbard, of Milfonl, Del., says: "Ilrazilian Halm saved my boy's life. He beiran iust like the one we lost with croup. We gave him a few doses, lie mnckly dropped to sleep, uuu was an rigui in tne morning. Shenandoah drug store, wholesale ngcuts, Culeiulars for 18110, Tho IlKRALD olllco has a fuU and complete liuo of calendars for ISO!). If you con- template a calendar for your friends, reserve your order until you sco pur lino. It will moan a big saving to you, They uto also beautiful specimens ot lithographic art and very reasonable In price, BOMBS FOR EMPEROR WILLIAM. Hayptlnn I'olleoiiion Nip nn Annrolilut CoiiHplrnoy tn tho Hud. Alexandria, Kgypt, Oct. 15. The po lice of Alexandria have arrested nine Italian anarchists since last night, and have thereby frustrated a plot against JSmperor William, now on his way to thp Holy Land, to be present nt the consecration of the Church of tho Savior at Jerusalem, The first to be arrested Is a cafe keeper, a well known anarchist. In whoso house the police have 'discovered two wire bombs of great strength, full of bullets. This arrest was made In consequence of a notification from tho Italian con sul general nt Cairo that two anarchists had left Cairo for Tort Bald. The police Investigation showed that tho arrested cafe keeper had bribed the steward of a steamer sailing yester day from Alexandria to Port Said and Syria to take on board 11 box of bombs. Apparently the anarchists originally Intended to uso the bombs nt tho Pallas Abdiii at Cairo, while Kmperor'WIlU jam and the khedlvo were there. When tho knlsor ileclded not to visit Hgypt the anniehlsts decided to attack Jilm In Palestine, The liveliest satisfaction Is felt over the smart raptures, und the German consulate .has expressed Its wannest thanks, The two calm anarchists who left for Tort Bah! have not yot been arrested, Another Tiiilio ur Miu-llioio, i.uiiuoii, uci. 10. -tne uuchess of Marlborough, formerly Mlsa Consuelo Vunderbllt. of New York city, gavo birth to n sun yesterday. Mother and child are doing well, according to the latest reports from tho attending physicians. voutneu and bad state of the blooo. He w3 not able to give me any relief. "I lost all color, had no good blood, and when I held up my hands you could al most sec through them. I was so weak that I could not walk up stairs. "I was completely discouraged, for the physical state I was in was deplorable. "One of my friends suggested that I take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, which I finally did. "After having used the pills In one box I felt much better. I kept taking the pills and grew stronger each wck, my nervous ness decreased and I regained flesh and Health. "After I had taken the fifth box of pills I did not have any throbbing in my head and I was as strong as I had ever been. "To-day I have a healthy color, a good appetite, and the nervousness has left me. In the last two months I have gained flesh rapidly and am in perfect health. "This marvelous change In my condi tion is entirely due to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I cannot say too much for them." That Uure be no doubt rrmrdlnp this story, Mi;s Shields made affidavit before Notary Public L. L. James. "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pak Peo ple are composed of vegetable remedies that exert a powerful influence in purifying and enrichln? the blood. Manv diseases lono supposed by the medical profession to b In curable have succumbed to the potent fn fluenceof these pills. This universal remedy Is sold by all druggists. TO THE LAND OF SUNSHINE Aud rioucr, tlio Hand of America, Cnll fotula. Via the Irue pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain Uoutc," which traeiicsa region of perpetual sunshine, where snow storms, blizzards or high altitudes aie unknown, Pullman first and second class palace and ton list sleeping curs to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Old and Now Mexico, Arizona, California, Oicgou, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and Nevada, without change. Quick time, low rates, and all (lie com forts of modern railway improvements guaranteed to all who pur chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway system. For rates right from your home, literature, und full Information, dropn postal caul, J, P. McCann, T. P. Agent. R10 Kail road avenue, Elmira, N, Y or 301 Broad way, Now York. 3-1-tf W. E. Hoyt. G. E P. Agt. Everybody's liable to itching piles. Rich and poor, old and young terriblo the torture they sillier. Only una sure cure. Dean's Ointment. Absolutely safe ; can't fall, TO BIRMINGHAM AND MEMPHIS. UNhllllPASSKI) BKRV1UK OFFCRIUI BY TllK SOUTIIKIIN RAILWAY. Leaving Hroad Street station, Philadelphia, at 0:5.) p. m. daily, tlio "Southwestern Limited," currying 11 dining car and the most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep ing cars, renclics Ilirminghan tho followiug night at 10:10 and arrives ut Memphis the next morning at 7:10. Through sleeping curs for Asbcvillo, Savannah, Jacksonville, Tampa, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aio also attached to this train. Pullman reser vations can bo made in advance and nil in formation obtaluo . 1j communicating with John M. Heal, Dl Pussengcr Agent, 8! Chestnut strcot, Philadelphia. Can't ho perfect health without puro blood liurdock Blood Hitters makes pure blood Tones and invigorates tho whulo system. The South and Its Advantages. Tlio Southern Hallway has Issued for free distribution, a sixteen page journal des- ciiptivo of Virginia, Nortli and South Caro Una, Tennessee, Georgia, Alibama and Mississippi. Persons scoking now locutions, or capitalists desiring to make safoand profit nblo investments will Dud tho information contained therein both valuable nnd iutor csting. Copies will bo mailed free upou up plication to John M. Heal I, District Passen gor Agent, 828 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Ph. Bo Not Deceived. A Cough, Hoarseness or ('roup, arc not tn bo trilled with. A doso In time of Slilloh's Curn will save you much trouble. r,old hy 1'. 1). Klrilu and a guar antee. AltH VOIKKIINtl SOUTH? Till! SOUTlIKItN ItAII.WAY ltnACUCS ALT, PllOMINKNT POINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M. IU-.ill, District Passcuucr Agent, Southern Hallway, U28 Chestnut street, Philadelphia If you cannot call iu person, write to him. "Tisn't safo to bo a day without Dr. Thomas' Eclectiio Oil In tho house Nevor can tell what moment an accldont Is going to happen.- FINANCE AND TRADTJ. tmaller IUiu'hIiih of 1'i-nllt on I.nrccoly Kxtomled Ti-nnsnotloiiH. New York, Oct. 15. It. a. Dun & Co.'s Weekly review of trade says: With ac tual payments through clearing houses 19.2 per cent larger than In the samo week of 1892, It cannot bo said that business is In any senso falling off, and yet many are. complaining because the amount realized U8 profit Is smnller than was formerly realized In good times. In almost every branch of busi ness trade Is now conducted on a much nanower margin of prolit than In any other tlmo of fnlr prosperity. There Is n great chnnge, nnd perhaps a per manent one, In tho percentage of prof Its derivable from trade and manu facture, as well as In the profits ob tainable by transporters. Progressiva civilization calls for a lower range of profit and prices, ns the volume of bus-, iness triinacted Increases. In order to make possible Improvement In the con dition of tho working millions. Urdstreets' review sayB: While tho advent of cooler weather In most seer tlons of the cpiintry lias undoubtedly been Instrumental In causing some of the Improvement In the tone of dis tributive trade perceptible nt most mar kets this week, the beneficial effect upon general business, and particular ly upon agricultural products, of the repurted Improved demand abroad for our stupln cereals should pot bo lost sight of. At most western penterB an Improvement In the retail and Job blng trndeii In seasonable dry goods, clothing and shoes Is reported.and mora seusunuble weather at the south Is re sponsible for some relaxation of the quarantines which ,have dope so much to cripple trade In that section. An other favorable feature In the foreign trade situation has been the apparently satisfactory progress made In develop ing trnde with our new possessions Ini the Atlantic and Pacific. ' THE 1ACF. COMMISSION. Work of tlio CoiiiiiiIkhIoiioi-h Fairly Jinterod Upon In .lolnt SomhIoiih. I'aiis, Oct. 15. The fifth joint ses sion of the two peace commissions was convened nt 2 o'clock yesterdny. It may bo said that tho first, second nnd third meetings senrcely penetrated tho Biirfiiro of nny protocol point, and loss still the mnrrow. Last Tuesday, how ever, marked the Spanish presentment regarding the Cuban debt, which has, during the recess, brought the Ameri cans to serious preparations, adjust ment of their diplomatic fofces and formulation of n plan upon which they may ultimately stand In relation to the Cuban phase of their mission here. Yesterday's Joint session was two hours longer than any previous one. The American reply to the Spanish pre sentntlon of Tuesday was submitted and read. An oral discussion followed, occupying the time until after 0 o'clock, when tho commission ndjourned until Monday next, It la believed that the Spaniards sttb mlttid their construction of the proto col that It was Just to consider Spain ns having equities fairly dischargeable by the American assumption of Cuban -obligations. It In not unlikely that the Americans voiced the conviction that fnlr equities to the United States. In war pxponre, wore Incurred by the United Stales nnd possibly, though not positively, the Ameiicnns may schedule the value of the battleship Mnlne ns among the expcnclltuies possible of classification against the so-called Cu ban 'lebt. However, It may be considered cer tain thnt the commissions have arrived at a point In the negotiations from which lieneefoith the Joint sessions will bo occupied by oral discussions as well as by written presentations of propo sitions. The w.ork Is now thoroughly entered upon, though Is Is not likely that nny segment hns yet been pol ished nnd finished for a place In the llnal treaty. The Philippine question hns not yet been entered upon. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Tho best salvo in the world for cats. bruises, sores, ulcers', salt rheum, fovor sores, tn... l.....A.l l.n.l ..l.lll.lnJna r.n-n o ,1 all skin eruptions, and positWoly cures piles, or AO pay required, it is guaranteed to glvo porfect satisfaction or mony refunded. Price UH cents nor box. For sale bviV Wftdor Yestei-fliiy'H Ilimolmll rJuinei. At Lrulsvllle First came: Louis ville, 11; Cleveland, 2, Second game: Cleveland, 8; Louisville, 4. THE PRODUCE MARKETS As Itollerted by Dcullntrs In IMillnilol- pliln nnd Itiiltiinoi-o. Philadelphia. Oct. 1!. Flour nulct: win ter superfine, J2.luft2.t0; Pennsylvania roller, cleur, taffS.Er,; city mills, extra, $2.r,0 i2.7r,. Itye flour scarce nnd firm at $2.Vi per barrel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat llim: No. 2 red, October, 71V4(D72c. Corn firm: r 2 mixed, October, SOU SCWc; No. 2 yellow, for local trade, 3GV4c. Oats quiet and stonily; No. 2 white, new. iV4Siac. ; XSo. z white, clipped, now, 20V1S 29?4e. Hay firm; eholco timothy, $11 for largo bales. Beef steady; beef hams, tl9.r0ff20. Pork steady; family, t2.2i1f 12.75. Lard firm; western steamed, J5.30. Hutter llrms western creamery, 15Mi5J22e.; do. factory, 132ifTlH4c.: Elglns, 22c; Imi tation creamery, 13017c.; Now York dairy, HQlSVic.; do. creamery, 15j21c.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing at 22 5J2Gc. ; do. wholesanle, 22c. Checso steady; large, white nnd colored, 8c: small do,, 9p. ; light skims, GyiJi'c.; part do., BVsfiCc; full do., 2ti'T(3Vi:C. Eggs firm; New Yovlt and Pennsylvania, lSiiQlOc, ; western, fresh, n'MdRc. Potatoes easy; Jersey, 75o.Sl.2-V, New York, Jlil.37H; Long Isl and, $1.25iffl,73; Jersey sweets, $191.75; southern sweets, 75c. Tallow steady; city, 35tc; country, 35SB3?ic. Petroleum firmer; refined New York, $7.20; Philadel phia nnd Baltimore, $7.15; do. In bulk, $1.C5. Cabbage quiet nt $1.753.50 per 100. Baltimore, Oct. 14. Flour dull nnd un changed. Wheat strong; spot, 721t72Uc.; month and November, 71-'Hift72c. ; Decem ber, 71ffJ7U4c.: steamer No. 2 red, G7ViSi G7',4o.; southern, by sample, COfi'Sc; do. on grade, C7',2f'72c. Corn strong; spot and month, 33Ufi3."iVc.; November, S."iUi35ViCS new or old November or December, 8t?i 35c.; January and February, St?iS?35c. ; steamer mixed, 3IU5J3IV4C 1 southern, white, 3Mi30c: do, yellow, SCQSOVic Oats firm; No. 2 white, western, 2Sffl28V&c; No. 2 mixed do., 2BVUl27c. Ityo easier; No. 2 nearby, SlUc; No. 2 western, 53Hc Hny firm; No. 1 timothy, $1010.50. Grain freights llrm: steam to Liverpool, per bushel, 5d., November; Cork for orders, per bushel, 5s., November; 4ld., Decem ber; Cork, for orders, per quarter, ts, i'dd.Sf-ls. Cd., October; 4s. 3d., November. Llvo Stock Markets, New York. Oct. 14. Beeves active: steers, bulls and fat cows llrm to 10c. htgber; common und medium cows steady; about all sold; steers, $4,8505.50; oxen and stags, $3f4.70; bulls, $2.S0fi3.35; cows, $21i4. veals lower; other calves steady; CO hend unsold; veals, $4.50(S.I0; grassers, 3.75'M: ear of western. $3.75. Sheep ste'idy: hinibs 10c. to 15c. lower; sheep, $3.'j5'?i3; lambs, $5fiC33; ono car, $0.40; mainly, f5.C51iC.23. Hogs firmer at, $14.25. East Liberty, Pa Oil. 14, Crtttle about steady; extra. $."i.23g3.40; prime, $35J3.15; common, $3.7501, Hogs nctlco; prime medium?, 3.53f(l; heavy Yorkers. $3,900 3,95; heavy hogs, $3.9003.93; common to fair Yorkers, $3.8003.85; pigs, $3.50ffl3.Ml common pigs and skips, $2.2503.25; rough, $2.5003.23. Sheep firm; prime, $4.6501.75: common, $3.2503.75; choice lambs, $5,751 C: common to good, t3.5O05.GO; veal calves. $77.ffl. Sympathetic fiusbands. The sympathetic tenderness of a lov ing husband la everything to an expec tant mother, especially during her first ordeal. George Layton, Esq., a promi nent druggist of Dayton, O., gives the following case : A customer of mint, whose wife has used four bottles of "Mother's Friend" before con. Cnement, sayg, after feeing the effects of the remedy, that if she had to go through theordent again, and there were but (bur bottles on the market, and tho cost wn HOO per bottle, she would have them. " Mother's Friend'1 Is a scientifically compounded liniment which affords ccr. tain relief in the various ailments pre ceding childbirth, and assures proper elasticity to the cqns and muscles In rolved in the final ordeal. "Mother's Friend" ia sold by drug- Ktsts, or exprewtd on receipt ot one dollar. Valuable book "Beforo Baby If Born," mailed frco on application. HE BfUDrlElO BEQUUIOtt 00., Atlanta, (U, ilctrSlealth Restored Ltll?i 1 .,pv of siiinlnsnn.4s pan only be J ieall.:il hy those who havo experi enced It. Norvousnes'i, sloeplossnoss, hcadaclas, r.euralpia and that miserable .'oelliijt of unrest, cun surely bo curedby Dr. Miles' I:: toratlvo Nervine So certain Is in-. Allies uftbli factthat nil druggists nro I'.itbor! :td !. refund price paid for the first bottle tried, providing It does not benefit. Mrs. Honry limns, wlfoot the well known blacksmith at Orand Junction, Iowa, says: 'I was troubled wflli sleeplessness, norvous uoss, hcudnclo und lrrcaularmcnstruutloni sulforlns untold lnbery for years. I used various ndverllscrt remedies for fomalo com plaints besides belli if under tho caro ot local physicians, without help. I noticed in 1,r-k Miles' udvertlsemcnt tho testimonial of ajj lady cured of ailments similar to mine, and I shall never cease to thank thnt lady. Hor testimonial Induced mo to use Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno and Nrs-vo and Liver Pills, which restored 1110 to health. I cannot say enough for Dr.MIloa'Itomedlos Dr. Miles' Hemedlos arosold by nil drug gists under a positive guarantee, first bottle benefits or money re funded Hook on dis eases of the heart nnd nerves f roc. Address, Dr. H WlllOB- $ .... .-- Nervine: trios toros , . Health ; DP.. MILES MEDICAL CO.. Elkhart, lud. ennsylvania RAILROAD. BCHtTYKILI, DIVISION. OCTOBFIt 4, 1898. Trains will leuve SheimiidoHii Httor tne oote tlato for Wlggnu, (lllbcrton, KrHokvlilti Psii Water, St. Clair, I'ottsville. Hamburg, ltei.il In, Pottstown, Phounlxvfllo. rforristnwn u d I'hn tWelphln (ilr'.nd street station) nt 603 nud 8 1. n. m., 2 02, G In p 111. 011 weeL da. Suiidnyn, 8 in n. m., 4 2.1 p. 111. Truths Icavu Frockvllle for Hlieiittndoi.1 rt 7 3d, 11 4 a. 111. nnd (1 4G, 7 38 p. n. Sunday, 11 0i a. in. und 5 40 p. m. Leuvo PottHvllle for Hhriinndoah (via Fruelc vlllo, 7 10, It 0 u. 111., 5 MO, 7 10 p. III. .Mini. ti.) 10 33 H. 111., H 20 p. Ill, I,chto 1'hllndclpMa, (Hronil street station), l.ir Sh andoiih ut 8 115 a. lu., 4 10 p. iu. week days. Suuduys leave ut 0 50 and 9 23 a. 10. Leave liroiul Street Station, Philadelphia. FOH NEW YOHK. e,xprcas,wecic-uayg, u j, 1 03, f .vj a u,-i 1.1,0 :o 7 83, 8 2U, 'J 50, 1CI 21 11 00 n. ui. 12 00 noon, 12 33 fll.nl. u.l l rv, ,. .... 1 nn R ki . . .. ... .A 1 SO, -I as, S 00, 3 00 8 00, 7 02, 7 no, 10 Oil p. 111., 12 01, night. Hiindayo, S IV, 4 0T. I 50 5 OI, A 15, 8 20,9 59, 10 21, 11 85 n. m., I2 0U, 12 9.1, '! De, I 02, (Limited ! 22,) 5 20, 3 50, 6 33, 7 02, 7 50, luuu p. 111., 1ZUI IIIKUI Express for ltonton without chnnge, 11 00 11 m, week-days, nud 7 GO p. 111., daily. For Sen (llrt. Asbvirv Park. Ocean drove. Long Hiiuich, 8 20, lilt a hi, 3110, -i 02 p m. weekdays. I'or l.tlllllier Vine, cumuli nun oi-rtllliou, u w, 9 CO a ra, 12 CO 110011, a 32, 5 00 ( Lambert vi I to nnd, Ku-tou only), weekdays, and 702 p 111 dally. UlliTulo, 9 00 11 in, 12 00 noon weekdays, nud 7 0 p 111 dally. WASHINGTON AND TIIK SOUTH. For Hnllliuoro nnd Washington. 8 50, 7 20.K.T2, 10 20, 11 23, n. in., 1209, I281 l 11', 8 12, A 4. (5 23 Congrefslonnl Limited,) 6 17. 5T., 7 81 p. m., and 12 05 night week days. Hundnvs. 1 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23 n. 111., 1209, l 12, 4 11, (330 Congresslonnl Limited,) 6A5 7 HI p. ru. nnd 12 05 night. For llaltiinore, nceomniodntlon, 9 12 n in, 2 01 nnd 4 01 p ru week days, 5 08 and II 10 p 111 dnlly Atlautio Oonst Line, express 12 09 p 111, nud 1203 night, daily. Southern Uailwny, exprcsi 6 55 p m, dally. Chesnpenko Si Ohio Hallway, 7U1 p 111, dnlly. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20 n in weekdays, II 10 11 in dally. Leave Market street wharf as follows: Kx press for New York, 9 00 a 111, 130 p in week days. For Long Hrouch, via Kcnsldo Park, 8 30 n m weekdays. For Island Heights, 8 30 n 111 nnd 4 03 p in weekdays. FOlt ATLANTIC CITY. Lenve Ilrond street stutlon vln Delaware rlver brldgu Kxprt-HS, 9 40 u m,, 7 03 p. 111. HuitdayH 9 20 11. 111., 7 ui p. 111. Ioavo Market Si reet WnrfKxpress, 9 00 n 111. no .1 en ,., wi...l...u o.vi mnrt u ,.. (ncennn'iudulion 4 30 and 5 00 p 111. ' For Capo Mny, Sen Isle City. Ocec.11 Clly. Avnlou Stone llnrbor, Anglesea, Wtldwoounnd IIollj Bench Kxpress, 9 00 n m, -100, p 11 weekdays. Sliudnjs 9 00 11 111. For Soiners Point Kxpress.9 00 . m.. 200. 4 00, 5 00, p. in. week dnys Sundays, 9 00 ami iu ou a. in Tho Union Trnnsfcr Company will cnll for and check baggage from hotels nud residence. I. U. HUTCHINSON, J. It WOOD, (Jonl Mamiiror. (b.n'l Ptk-s'r Ait EVAN J. DAVIES. Livery and Undertaking", No. 13 North Jardin St. DRINK CUSARY'S IJXTRA l-INIS QUALITY -uury urniJK, -,J-iLi, - Superior Sarsaparilla.. and Orange Champagne. riiiLn.- cnenr- stoke! o T)KA LF.lt IN o Fruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco.. Wholesale and RetaU. S3 West Oontra Strootu. riillions of Dollars do uu in suioku every yoar. Tate u risks hut get your houses, clock, fu ulture, etc., insured in fl ret- lasa re liable companies as rc ro ontod by hAVTft PATTST. Insurance Agert , ..ww., 12(j gouh jarilfj, Hi ru. hji..i.Ia.4.i ti ..,u. AHanc la ono of the poaaeti. I rtivtuit. Handsomo Complexion a greatest charma a woman can f OXZONl'B COMflJiXJUJI rvwvuuj