The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 11, 1898, Image 2

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KSTAltI.ISIIi:i 1870.
I'ubllMieil ore xr Hrr-nhiR, Kicciit HiinAnr.
S Sotrrn jAnms Htrkkt, Nkau Pkntiik.
Thu Hi" 'ilil l ' 'I' " "' tnMl rlianilnnli nnd tlio
durtu" 'I " lor fit r-nt week, in"
bIiU Millie iiurleifl. liy mull 8S.00 n ycnr.or 25
poiiHo montli, tmynliloin ndvnncc. ilvertlo
taunt, cliurireil nccor Ji UK to ii.ico nml ponltion.
IfiBpiHUhPt!i rorvo tlio HrM to clmiiKe the
Munition ol luUcrtl'oiuciito whennvcr tlio ptil
lilMlon ol new dcninmln It. Tlio rlislit Is
tervci to WJcMany advcttlnomeiit, whether
riilil for or not, tlio publishers mny deem
jproper. AdvcrtlnttiR rate turnip known
lilion niipllentlon,
Kntorod t tlio iHHtofilco t Hlionnnunnli, l'n., n
econd cni mail matter.
'All the News That's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
tuksday. orrom 11 11.
OUR COUNTRY: First, Last and Forever.
FitOM a Doiiioumtio standpoint Dr.
Swallow is not the "food fellow" that
he was a few weelis itfjo. The cause
of the change is evident.
TllK testimony of the Democratic
army olllcers before the investiKatiiif,'
coiiimittee is causing; 'a cold chill to
run up the hacks of the Democratic
ftwderieal screamers.
TllKHK is only one Shenandoah in
Schuylkill county, and there is only
one paper in Shenandoah that has a
larger circulation than all the others
combined, and that is the IlKItAl.D.
Col,. W. A. Stonk, the Kepublican
candidate for Ciovernor, met with a
hearty reception in Pottsville last
evening. The Academy was packed,
and the candidate made a good im
pression. TllK New York Sun is authority for
the statement that the world's wheat
crop for 18!8 is the greatest ever
grown. The crop of the United
States is estimated to be 050,000,000
Tiik Democrats of this state have
betrayed alike the "gold' standard"
and tho Chicago platform. No party
ever made such Hops as the Demo
cratic partv has done on the silver
TltUK to their instincts, the Demo
cratic scribblers made haste to cen
sure the War department for tho
outbreak among the Indians, and for
not putting down the outbreak ac
cording to their tastes.
It begins to look as if popular
David Graham's election will he
practically unanimous. Tlio young
mail who Imagines he is "running an
opposition show" will know better on
the morning of tlio Uth of November.
Full working time at the Centralia
colliery is resulting in disturbances
among the foreign element. That of
Sutiirday night, a report of which
appeared in these columns last even
ing, was of a serious character.
foNUUUSSMAK Hltp.M.Mis certainly
to lie pitied, when it becomes neces
sary for him to i-eelc endorsements
from Allegheny county. Unfortun
ately for his colleague, Congressman
Dazell cannot vote in this county,
at this particular time.
AVATKIt comes high in certain local
ities. Tho McKeesport water com
pany has issued a new schedule,
charging on a basis of $10 for not
over !)!t,()00 gallons, and !!0 cents per
thousand for all water used above
that tiuantity. The citizons have
naturally raised a kick, and will
carry the question into court.
TllK Democratic, calamity howlors
sav the soldiers were ill treated. Tho
manner in which tho members of tho
Second and Third Pennsylvania regi
inents, selected for (Ifscliarge, aro
showing a desire to re enlist docs not
Injur out that statement. Philadel
phia newspapers say 80 per cent, of
thellirttaud 00 per cent, of the last
named regiment aro anxious to again
servo Uncle Sam.
America's Greatest
Medicine is
Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Which absolutely
Cures every form of
Impure blood, from
The pimple on your
Face to'the great
Scrofula sore which
Drains your system.
Thpiisands of people
Testify that Mood's
..Sarsaparilla cures
Scrofula, Salt Rheum,
Dyspepsia, Malaria,
Catarrh, Rheumatism
- AnaVfhat Tired
, Feeling. Remember this
And get Hood's
And only Hood's.
Tho, Rosy FreshnosB
And a velvety aoftuesi of thu akin la inra
rlauly obtained by thurs who use PoiioNl'a
Complexion fowuer,
klw iiiwi ii ii -i i , -
National, Sliiln unci County I'liiiriirin of
11m 1'nrty iintt Tlmlr Notnlnoon.
For Governor, J. MiiIiIor ItnrtKH, of l'liiln
tlclpliin, l'n. ; for Mout.-Oovonior, William
II. Thomas, of Ilneiia Vista, l'a. ; for Con-Kre9!ncn-iit-l,'irco,
Joint 1!. ltoot, of Pitts
burg, l'a,, Donald I,. Monro, of Ihillols, l'.u;
for JiiiIro of tlio Superior Court, llr. 11. 11.
1tvciitfuoJ, of liolluood, I'll.
For Coitcres. I'k-rco Wnlkcr, of Slidinn
ilouli ; for Sliito Senator, 1.1tli illstiict, .toltn
SklviiiKton, of Shenandoah ; for LiKi1:iture,
1st district, Frank W. Halshanlek, of Slietf
audoah j for County Controller, John M.
Moduli, of Shenandoah ; for Director of tlio
l'oor, Samuel Meisel, of Shenandoah ; (or
Coroner, Joseph J. Hyatt, of Shenandoah.
We, tho Sm-lnlUt Uiliur Party of Sel.tiyl
kill county, in convention nwtnlilril, do
hereby susetl our ilevotion to tho nii-e of
the people .and pledue ourselves to exrtt
every honest endeavor to conet esUtitif!
Wo denounce, as tending to place a
premium on crime, tho custom of allowing
county otlicials who Imvo been tried and
found utility of ollencca punishable by im
prisonment, to escape to just penally of their
crimes liy I hat Is : liy
resignation from the offices they have pros
tituted. We detiounro this because it Is funda
mentally wrong, and also because it does not
seem to (lore-tail with our tlmo honoted,
stereotyped Schuylkill county vcidlct, "Not
guilty, but pay tho costs."
Wo placo oursolves on record as being op
posed to tho system of administration of
county nlfairs that denies assistance to
worthy peoplo in destitute coudltin, on ac
count of scarcity of money in tho treasury
and pays Judges munillcent salaries for ser
vices they do not perform.
Wo donounco tho system of election con
test that obtains under our present laws. An
insuperable burden is placed upon tho tax
payers and tho contests aro drawn out from
year to year until tho contest is decided.
We denounce tho system of administration
that allows the rallioads, the common
carriers, in direct opposition to tho laws of
tlio country, to discriminate against tlio
Interests of tho anthracite coal region by
eiviue cheaper freight lates to tho bitumin
ous districts, thereby ruining tho anthracite
coal trade and driving the people of tho
region to bankruptcy, poverty and destitu
Wo denounce, condemn and censure, under
piotest, tlio iniquitous system of Using the
wages ol tlio miner and laborer ol NMiuylkill
county, as every mean advantage is taken of
tho wage earner to substitute lower grades ol
coal than tliat which was agiced upon be
tween the operators and tho W. li. A.
organi.ation, and feel confident that tho
contract has long been broken and ought to
be discontinued, as the W. 11. A has long
ceased to exist.
Ceitaiu collieries In this region have taken
upon themselves the privllego of making
rules in direct opposition to tlio laws of tho
state in regard to the hoisting of men from
the mines, tve, thereby bubjectiug tho men
to various dangers and discomforts, by com
pelling them to remain at tho bottom until it
suits tho convenience of tlio authorities to
hoist them.
Wo denounce tho arbitrary system of
making rules; together with tho starvation
wages said to miners, and tlio inhuman and
barbarous treatment nccordoii to laborers who
do not understand thn hm well pnnni-li in
ueieuii iiicinscivcs.
No denounco tho system of contract labor
wheio the laborer Is subiecfed In tlin nreulest.
aiuiso ami receives tho least pay.
Wo denounco tho passage liy tho Assembly
of what is known as "Tho Workiuginon's
Compensation Act," making employes io
sponsible for any injuries his workingmen
may receive, unless such injuries ale duo to
tho workiugmen's own carelessness.
Wo reatlirm tho constitutional privilege of
tho peoplo to peacefully assemhlo and peti
tion for tho ledress of grievances ; and wo
denounce, as legalized murder, tho shooting
down of men peacefully marching along the
highways, that has occurred at various times
and places under tho system of government
by injunction.
edecIaro ourselves unalteinlly opposed
to tho system of government by representa
tion, and demand for tho people the right to
vote directly.
Jicsolvcu, that wo will uso our best
endeavors to accomplish such reforms and to
eradicate such glaring evils as have been
Committer on IJksoi.utions.
With a view to immediato improvement In
tho condition of labor wo present tho follow
ing demands:
1. Itcduction of tho hours of labor in pro
portion to tho progress of production.
2. Tho United state to obtain possession of
tho mines, railroads, canals, telegraphs, tele
phonos and all other means of public trans
poitatiou and communication ; tho employees
to oporato tho samo co-operatively under
control of tho federal government and to
elect their own superior olllcers, hut no
employees shall ho discharged for political
S. 'the municipalities to obtain possession
of tho local railroads, ferries, water works,
gas works, olertrlc plants and all industries
eciuiring municipal tranchlses: tlio employees
to operato tho simm co-operatively under
control of tho municipal administration and
lo elect their own superior olllcor, but no
employee shall bo discharged for political
4. I'uiiuo lanus io no ucciarcu inaiieiiaiiie.
Kuvocation of all land grants to corporations
Or individuals, tho conditions of which bavo
not leen complied with.
5. The United States to have tho exclusive
right to issue money.
0. Congressional legislation providing for
tho scientific management of forests and
waterways, and prohibiting the waste of
natural resources of tho country.
7. Inventions to be free to all; tho in
ventors to bo remunerated by tho nation.
8. Progressive income tax and tax on
inheritances; tho smaller incomes to bo
u, houooi education or all children under
fotnteen years of aeo to bo coinnulsorv.
gratltutlous and assessihlo to all by public
iissistanco in meals, clothing, hooks, etc..
where necessary.
it). Kcpeal all nauner. tramp, conspiracy
and sumptuary laws. Unabridged right of
11. Prohibition of tho employment of
children of school ago and tho employment
or lemalo labor in occupations detrimental to
health or moru"llty. Abolition of tho con
vict labor contract system.
employment ot the unemployed uy
tho public authorities (country, city, state
and nation.)
13. AU wages to bo naid In lawful money
ol tlio United States. Kimallzatton of
woman's wages with thoso of men where
equal service Is performed.
I I. Law for tho protection of life and
limb In all occupations, and an clllcieut em
ployers' liability law,
15. Tho people to have the right to pro
pose laws and to vote upon all measures of
Importance, according to tho referendum
10. Abolition of tho veto powor of tho
Executive (national, stato and municipal),
wherovor it exists.
17. Abolition of tlio United States Senato
and all upper legislative chambers.
18. Municipal self-government.
III. Direct veto anil secret ballots In all
elcctlous. Uulvorsal and cqu'il right of
suH'rago without regard to color, creed or sex.
Klectlou day to bo legal holidays. Tho
irinclplo of proportional representation to ho
n trod ti red.
20. Uniform civil and criminal law
throughout the United States. Administra
tion of justice to bo freo of charge. Aboli
tion of capital punishment.
The Socialist L-ibor party of tho United
Stales, In Convention assembled, reasserts tho
inalienable right of all men to Hie, liberty
and tho pursuit of happiness.
With tho founders of the American repub
lic wo hold that tho pur peso of government
is to secure every citizen In tho enjoyment of
Ills right: lut In tlio Unlit of our social con
dltiona wo hold, furthermore, that no such
right cau bo exercised under a system of
ecouomlc inequality, etsentlonally destructive
or llle, liucrty ami or happliuMs.
With Hie founders of this republic wn hold
Many Operations arc Made Necessary
By Diseased Bladder and Kidneys.
In the hospitals hundreds of opera
tions for Stone in the Bladder and DIs
cased Kidneys are made necessary be
cause tho patients neglected to keep
their Urinary Organs in a healthy
I'unuiiion, i ncv Kent
'putting things off" un-raMi!
til it was too late.
' i no most acaaiy too to -
1 l.l' 1 til.- i&.
oasrs is
J)r. David
Thirty yeurs ago
it began curing
people who had
frequent desire
to urinate, especi
ally at night; who
experienced scald
ing pain in passu)
water-, whose urin
when left standing,
contained a sodi
incut, and ul
stained linen when It touched it; who
suffered day and night with pain in the
small of tho back, It has never failed
to givo relief in incurable cases, and ab
solute restoration to health has followed
its uso in all cases not boyond human
neip. it is sold m drug stores lor $i
per Dottio.
who sutler from the above ailments, or
from Rheumatism, Skin Diseases. Liver
Compluint or Constipation, may have a
sample Dottle ana pamphlet ol valuable
information free by sending their name
and address to the Dr. David Kennedy
Corporation, Rondout, N.Y. In writing
tor f rce sample it is necessary to men
tiott this fafcr, so wo mny know that
IWIUUSI. 13 IUUUU 1U gouu LU1U1.
that the true theory of politics is that the
machinery of government must bo owned
and controlled Hy tho whole people:; hut in
tho light of our industrial development wo
hold, fuithermorc, that tho true theory of
economics is that tho machinery of produc
tion must likewise belong to tbo people In
To the obvious fact that our despotic
system of economics is tho direct opposlto of
our Ilomocratic system of politics, can plainly
be traced tho exisleneo of a privileged class,
the corruption of government by that class,
tho alienation of public property, public
franchises and public functions to that class.
and tho abject dependence of tho mightiest
ot nations upon that class.
Again through tho perversion of democ
racy to tho ends of plutocracy labor is robbed
ot tho wealth which it alone produces, is
denied tho means of self employment, and by
compulsory idleness in wago slavery, is oven
deprived of the necessaries of life.
Human power and natural forces aio thus
wasted, that thi plutocracy may rule.
Ignorance and misory, with all their con
comitaut evils, aro perpetuated, that tho
people may ho kept in bondage.
Science and invention aro illveitcd from
their humane purpo-o to the enslavement of
women and children.
Against such n system tho Socialist Labor
Party onco moro enters its protest. Once
more it reiterates its fundamental declaration
that privato property in the natural sources
of production and in tho instruments of labor
is tho obvious cause of all economic servitude
and political dependence.
Tho time is fust coming when, in tlio nat
ural courso of social evolution, this system,
through tho destructive action of its failures
and crisiscs on tho one hand, and tho con
structlvo tendencies of its thrusts and other
capitalistic combinations on tho other, shall
havo worked out its own downhill.
We, therefore, call upon tho wago workers
of tho United States and upon all other hon
est citizens, to organize under the banner of
tho Socialist Labor party into a class-conscious
body, aware of its rights and determined to
conquer them by taking possession of tho pub
lic powers; so that held together by an indom
itable spirit of solidiarty under tho most try
ing conditions of the present class struggle,
wo may put a summary end to that barbar
ous struggle by the abolition of classes, the
restoration of tlio land and of all tho means
of production, transportation and distribu
tion to tbo peoplo as a collectivo body, and
the substitution of tho co oporativo common
wealth for tho pleasant state of planless pro
duction, industrial war and social disorder; a
commonwealth in which every worker shall
have tho freo exercise and full benefit of his
acilities multiplied by all tho modern factors
of civilization.
Special Ornnil .lory May It" Called to
luOIet Mrs. (iooruxt.
Canton, O., Oct, 11, This afternoon
the state will lie called upon In the
Justice's court to present the evidence
on which It expects to hold Mrs,
GeorRp to the Brand Jury for the mur
der of George D. Saxton. If the evi
dence holds her a special grand Jury
la likely to be called to take up the
case. An indication that tho defense
will not make a fight In the lower court
Is the fact that they have summoned
but one witness, George llrown, of
Hanoverton, Mrs. GeorKo's uncle.
Tho coroner spent yesterday examin
ing witnesses. He took the testimony
of Mrs. Althouse, in front of whose
house tho tragedy occurred. Mrs. Alt
house testified: "I was not at homo
Friday night, when tho shootlne; oc
curred. I had not been there from
Monday evening1, except on an errand
during Wednesday. I was taking care
of a sick sister-in-law. Mr. Saxtqn,
for all I know, may havo ridden out
to tho house that night to pA If I was
at home, as he did not knoV how long
I might be away. He has gone there
before In my absence and attended to
the bird and other things about the.
house. Ho had a pass key that opened
the door. He attended to tho bird and
the flowers at tho house this summer
while I wna away."
Russell Hognn, a neighbor's hoy, tes
tified to having seen what appeared to
ho a woman fire Hcvcral shots and then
walk away through a vacant lot.
Solionl Clilldren'Hl.iitliyotto Monument
Washington, Oct. 11. Hon. Charles
G. Dawes, comptroller of tho currency,
and treasurer of tlio fund to be raised
hy voluntary contributions of the
school children of tho United States to
erect a monument In Paris to General
Lafayette, Is receiving encouraging re
ports from all sections. Although Oct.
19 Is the pay fixed by tho committee on
which collections are to bo taken up in
all tho schools, donations already havo
begun to arrive.
For Infants and Children,
The K'md You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Ask your grocor for tho "lloyul Patent
Hour, nnd lake no other brand. It is tbo host
Hour miwlo.
f m
A Wnrnhlir io tho Indian.
Walker, Minn., Oct. 11. The Indian
council was held at the agency yes
terday afternoon, and was well attend
ed by Flat Mouth and representative
delegations. General Uncon nnd In
spector Tinker told the Hear Islanders
that if they would give up the men for
whom warrants havo lic-cn Issued, and
come In thefnselves, they could go
home. If they resisted the government
would not reBt till tho recalcitrants had
been captured, and that the Hear Isl
anders would not then be permitted to
occupy the Islands again. This mes
sage was at once sent to the hostlles.
General Uacon's terms wore received
by the chiefs with signs of evident
pleasure, and they all signified their
approval .of them. It Is believed tho
l'lllagers will uccept them.
ItlntotiM Soldiers Suiiprewxcd.
Lexington, Ky Oct. 11. As a result
of the killing of a private In tho
Twelfth New York regiment by Provost
Gunrd Kitchen Sunday night 300 or 400
members of that regiment formed it
mob last night and seized a train at
Camp Hamilton, with the Intention of
coming to town on It nnd raiding the
county Jail for the purpose of taking
Kitchen out and lynching him. Gen
eral Wiley nnd Colonel Leonard sup
pressed the mob by the most radical
and prompt action. The outbreak was
not unexpected, nnd the Jail was heav
ily guarded. The provost guard In the
city was also doubled, and thlngB aro
now quiet. It Is believed that the
prompt measures that were taken pro
vented what promised to bo n serious
A ItiiMMliin I'rlneo Married.
Chicago, Oct. 11. Prince Nicholas W.
Kngnlltcheff, foimerly of St. Peters
burg, now of Chicago, nnd Mrs, Eva
Clayton, daughter of Capitalist
Charles W. Fnrdrldge, were married at
the Orthodox Greek church of St.
Vlndlmlr yesterday. Only the bride's
father, mother and sister, and Haron A.
A. Schllppenbneh, the Russian consul,
and Carl Uuenz, the German consul,
were present. The brldo was formerly
the wife of Samuel Clayton, a wealthy
Philadelphia! but secured a divorce a
few months ago. Prince Engalltcheff.
Is the eldest son of Prince Alexander
A Wronged Soldier's Crime
St. Louis, Oct. 11. Charles Kemm,
a private In Company E, Second MIs
sorl volunteers, stationed at Lexing
ton, Ky., who Is now here on a fur
lough, yesterday shot and killed Les
lie Wesley, a negro with whom he
found his wife living. Before coming
to St. Louis to live Kemm served four
years in tho regular army. Ho re
turned recently and tried to find his
wife. He found her In the company of
Leslie, whom he shot nnd instantly
killed. Kemm Is In Jail..
Stole Hurled Treasure..
Springfield, Ills., Oct. 11. Albert
Stanley nnd George H. Hitter were ar
rested yesterday charged with robbing
Frederick Leka of $14,000. Stanley
confessed. Leka Is a wealthy retired
farmer. Of late he has been living
with the Stanleys in Springfield. Ho
burled his wealth In the barn nnd yard
back of the house at night. Mrs. Stan
ley discovered the robbery and Inform
ed the police.
IlroeKlni'lrtiro to lie Muxtorod Out.
Washington, Oct. 11. The order de
signating the general olllcers to bo
musteied out of service, dated Oct. 7,
was published officially yesterday, and
at the head of the list was Mnjor Gen
eral Joseph C. Breckinridge, whoso
name was noi In the lirst publication.
General Breckinridge will return to
duty on Nov. SO as inspector general of
the army.
Xot a Jiovorpiid Counterfeiter.
Cleveland, Oct. 11. The grand Jury
of the United States district court yes
terday reported that It did not nnd a
true bill against Itev. Gabriel Hos
tetter, a Baptist minister, arrested
some time ago m canton, it was al
leged that a complete counterfeiting
outllt had been found upon his premises
and bogus money found In his posses
Diivon from Homo by Indlauw.
Barker, Minn., Oct. 11. A woman
Just In at McGregor from Portage Lake,
four miles weet of hero, reports that
two dozen Indians In war paint drove
her from her home. She thinks her
husband and father are killed.
means pain, danger and
possible, death for soma
wivca. For others it
means practlcallv no
discomfort at all. There
Is no reason why child
birth should bo a period
of pain and dread. Scv.
eral months before a
woman becomes a
mother sho should
prepare herself for
tho critical ordeal.
It Isn
to bo ap
plied ox
tornrtlly, It relaxes
There is a prepara
tion made 'which tB
intended for thia
purposo alone.
Tlio namo of
this wonderful
preparation ia
tho mus
cles and re
lieves tho
gives elastici
ty to every
organ con
oornod in
childbirth, and
takes away nil
dangor and
nearly all suffering-.
Best results
follow if tho
remedy is used
during tho wholo
period of preg
nancy. It is tho
only remedy of tho
kind in tho world
that is endorsed by
81 perbottlont nil
drug stores, or sent
by mall on receipt
of price,
FiiEE Books con.
tatnlng lnvoluablo in
formation forall women,
will lo gent to nnv ad
dress upon application lo
Tha Brtdfleld Regulator Co
Atlanta, da.
Variable Friction Feed JTk jkJcuI:
Ajax Genfer Crank Engine
Rapldt accurate, ttron and simple, wltlj Urge
aUla or wtireln, btroug
nndsafa. No Parquliar
Holler linn v.
ItloiteriV A I no standard
iLsrlculturtd lnitilrnini
) generally. II ay l'reuea
' k apecuity 6eu4 tot
(fetaiogoa at prion to
mm r. x-j- -.
Hospital Physicians Know and
Say it is True.
Marvelous Savins of Health by Dr.
Greene's Nervura.
Dr. Greene's Nervura Is Indeed the Most
Wonderful Cure In All (lie World.
Mr. Samuel U. Morgan, of 1633 Hoscoe
St., Chicago, 111., biokc down completely
lioth physically and mentally, from overwork,
so that he was almost a wreck. The family
phynciau could do nothing and he was sent
to the hospital, where lie icmaincd some
mouths without benefit.
lie was lccomtncndcil by a friend who had
been cured by Ur, Greene's Nervurn blood
and nerve remedy, to take this wonderful
remedy. He at once procured this ereat
medicine and was perfectly nnd completely
cuicd hy it, as botli the hospital physician
ana lus l.iuuly doctor acknowledge:.
Mr. Morgan says :
"1'rom overwork and disease my sytcni
nail uccome uioroueiily run down, uoti
physically and mentally, and I was almost a
wicck. My family physician could not benefit
me any and recommended me to go to the
hospital. 1 remained in the hospital some
months and received apparently little or no
bcnclit, and as a last resort, ns a drowtnnir
man might clini; to a straw, 1 was led lo pur
chase Dr. Greene's Ncrvu-a blood nnd
nerve remedy, having had it rfcommendedto
me by a paity who Had been much ueneiiteu
hy its use. From the time I took the first
bottle 1 commenced lo gain, and although it
may seem strange, I have gained thirty-live
pounds while taking this medicine, nnd all of
my family and friends, the hospital physicians
nnd my lamily doctor acknowledge that it
was Dr. Greene's Nervura that brought me
out of my trouble and made me a well man
"I cannot do otherwise than wiite these
facts, as 1 feel it my sacred duty so to do, and
shall ever deem it a pleasure to recommend
Nervura, the medicine that saved me from
misery and despair and perhaps from death,
andiestored me to lull Health,"
If you are sick, in pain, weak, nervous,
ltin down, have stomach, kidney or liver
disease, or are in any way out of health, take
Dr. Greene's Nervura blood and nerve
remedy at once and be cured.
Vim can consult Dr. Greene, 35 Wrst 14th
St, , New York City, about your case at any
time, absolutely free of charge, personally or
by letter. -
A Wcntlior Burenii Convention.
Washington, Oct. 11. An official nn
nouncement has been Issued of a con
ventlon of weather bureau officials to
be held at Omaha, Oct. 12 and 13. Chief
Willis L. Moore, of the bureau, who
will open tho convention, left hero yes
terday on the special train to the ex
position and many others aro on the
way. The program Is an elaborate ono
and covers a wide range of subjects
Incident to the weather service.
Slunicoy Accepts Corbott'H Challenge
New York, Oct. 11. Tom O'Rourke,
in behalf of Tom Sharkey, posted $2,1500
with "Honest John Kelly yesterday a3
an acceptance of Corbett's challenge
to fight anybody. It has been agreed
that articles shall be drawn this af
ternoon, the fight to take place about
Nov. 25.
Yesterday' llosoliall Gamos,
At Brooklyn First game: Brooklyn,
7; Philadelphia, 3. Second game: Phila
delphia, 2; Brooklyn, 0. At Pittsburg
Pittsburg, 2; Cleveland, 0. At Wash
ingtonBoston, 8; Washington, 2. At
Baltlmoro (0 Innings, cnlled, darkness)
Baltimore, 1, New "iork 4, At Louis
vllle Louisville, C; Cincinnati, 3.
Tlio Wonthor.
For eastern Pennsylvania, Ncfr Jer
sey, Delaware and Maryland! Increas
ing cloudiness, followed by showers
brisk southeasterly winds.
A Blessing For tho Ladies.
Thousands of ladies are usiuc Brazil
iau Halm. For soreness, -pain, hearing
down and many kinds of trouble, it acts
like a charm. A 50 cent or dollar bottle
often does more eood in one week than
any other remedy does in months, it
goes right to the spot, removing all in
flammation. Mrs. Geo. V. Roberts, of
Wilminctou, Del., savs. "A strouc solu
tion of Brazilian Balm aud warm water
used as au injection has done me more
good than all the remedies and prescript
nous 1 ever incu.
Shenandoah drug store, wholesalo agents.
I111II1111H Deplore the Outbrenlc.
"White Narth. Minn., Oct. 11. A coun
ell composed of 30 chiefs nnd head men
Including leading mixed bloods of the
White Karth reservation, representing
Borne 3,000 people, was held here yester.
day. Itesolutlons were adopted deplor
ing the sad stato ot affairs existing at
Leech Lake, and denouncing the au
thors of the mischief, A petition of loy
alty to the government was signed by
all present.
To (Jui'ii 11 Cold In Ono Uny
'liiko l.niiitivo Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tlio mouoy If it fuiUto cine
ffiio. The gonulno has L. II, Q. on each
tablet. tf
Don't start South without consulting Job
M. Uenll, District Passenger Agent, Southoru
Hallway, 028 Chestnut street, Philadelphia
U you c.iunot call In person, write to lihu.
dive the Children a Drink
called tlraln-0. It is a delicious, amiotlztng.
nourishing food drluk to tako tbo placo of
collbo. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who havo used It bocanso whon properly
prepared it tastes like the finest cotl'ea but is
freo from all Its Injurious properties, drain
O aids disoition aud strengthens tlio nerves,
It is not a stimulaut but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drluk it
with great benefit. (Vista about 1 as much a
rnflco, IS and i.'So.
Tho 1'Iowory Kingdom 1 Not llend.v
1'or Uororin Movement".
London, Oct. 11. The Pekln corre
npondent pf The Times snys: The ret
rograde movement spreads. An Im
perial edict ordeis the suppression of
tho native press and the punishment of
the editors. It also cancels all the new
methods of examination promulgated
during the last 12 months. The latter
step must give general satisfaction,
since the proposed changes were too
radical for the people.
All of those who havo signed mem
orials In favor of reform have been dis
missed from ofllce, The board of agri
culture is nbollshed, Its president, Wu
Mao Ting, compradore of the Hong
Kong and Shanghai bank, being de
prived of his rank. A memorial Im
peached him as a "slave of foreign
Huang, former consul nt Singapore,
and lately minister designate of China
to Jnpan, was arrested at Shanghai
yesterday by order of the empress
dowager In connection with the reform
movement. Her general proscription
of the progressives constitutes a reign
of terror.
Voorhees' Itoslunatlon Delayed.
New York, Oct. 11. Governor Voor-
hces, of New Jersey, did not resign as
senator from Union county, president
of the senate and acting gqvernor to
day, as had been announced, He will
probably hold olllce until next Tuesday.
The reason of this change of plan Is
that there are several matters relating
to state Institutions which wll have to
be attended to by the acting goyernor
between this time and the Installation
of the governor elected In November.
Speaker Watklns, ot the assembly, de
clines to exercise any of tho rights of
governor unless something unforseen
and pressing occurs. During the com
ing week Governor Voorhees will trans
act all the business of the olllce to be
done between now and January next,
and then Mr. Watkln3 will take hold
and fill out the term.
Huron Von llutiny't Iteenll.
Berlin, Oct. 11. Baron Von Bulow's
recall from Italy Is regarded here as.
due to the annoyance of Emperor Will
iam and the government at the pope s
recent declaration In favor of Prance's
traditional protectorate over Catholics
In the east. Germany Inslstes on pro
tecting her own subjects, and the
pope's attitude on the eve of Emperor
William's eastern tour Is resented.
Though there Is no breach with the
Vatican, some time will probably
elapse before Baron Von Billow's suc
cessor takes up his post, but there Is
no doubt that he will be Instructed to
acquaint the Vatican with the German
feeling on the subject.
The Cleveland" Kotnni to Princeton.
Buzzard's Bay, Mass., Oct. 11. Ex-
Presldent Cleveland and family left
Gray Gables yesterday afternoon for
their winter home In Princeton, N. J.
Mrs. Cleveland and the four children,
accompanied by her maid, boarded the
afternoon train at Buzzard's Bay sta
tion and proceeded lo New York by the
colonial express In a special car. The
ex-president started at the same time
on tho yacht Oneida. The remaining
servants will close the house and take
their departure In a day or two.
Harvard Men In the War.
Cambridge, Oct. 11. The Haivard
Crimson publishes a list of Haivard
men who were In the military or naval
service of the United States during the
war. The list comprises 144 names, of
which 82 were those of men who were
In undergraduate departments last
year. There were eight deaths.
The Population of Shenandoah
Is about eighteen thousand, and we would
say at least one-half aro troubled with some
affection of the Throat and .Lungs, as those
complaints arc, according to statistics, rcore
numerous than others. We would advise nil
not to neglect the opportunity to call on their
druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's ISalsam
for the throat and Lungs. Price 25 and 50c.
I rial sue free. Sold by all druggists
Fovor Situation Mum SorlmiN.
Jackson, Miss., Oct. 11. The fever
situation hero Is more serious today.
With the appearance of the disease In
North Jackson there Is no section of
the city free from Infection, and new
cases are multiplying already. Dr. J.
H. Purnell, state health ofllcer, has Is
sued tho following proclamation: "Yel
low fever is appealing In all parts of
the city. The spread Is becoming gen
eral, and as It will be three or four
weeks before cold weather can reason
ably bo expected, It Is again urged that
all parties who possibly can do so, leave
at once for northern or other points
that will receive refugees. Remaining
In Jackson several days longer will
make it dangerous to leave."
lie Not Deceived. A Cough, Hoarseness or
Croup, are not to be trilled with, A dose in
time of Sliiloh's Cure will save you much
trouble. Sold by 1. D. Kirlin and a guar
Four Men l'ertjdiod Tlirouuli tlio Cap.
hI.Iih- of a HI; nr.
Ogdensburg, N. Y., Oct. 11. Four
Canadian canal laborers perished by
the capsizing of a skiff In Galoupe rap-.
Ids, below this city,' Sunday night. Tim
men, with a, comrade, were .on their
way to thejr camp on, Drummond
Island. After having spent the even
ing drinking In Ogdensburg, they lost
their way and when near Galoupe
rapids the man rowing said: "It's all
up; we have lost our way."
Four of the men stood up, capsizing
the boat. Joseph Jobln, of Montreal,
nnd Alfred IJeausefour, of Woonsocket,
It. I caught hold of the boat and
drifted through the rapids four miles,
and then crawled Into the half lllled
boat. Jobln paddled two miles to the
Bhore with his hands and crawled to a
barn on the Martin farm. Waiting un
til daylight ha aroused .neighbors. Be
auBefour was found sitting In tho boat
Two of the drowned men were known
as Pasquette and O'Hugh, residence
unknown. The other, an old man, was
unknown to the survivor.
What l)r. A. K. Slater Says.
IIuffalo, N. Y. dents : From my per
sonal knowledge guinod In obsorvlng tlio
effect of your Sliiloh's Cure In cases of ad
vanced Consumption. I am prepared to say
It is the most remarkable ltemedy that lias
ever been brought to my atteutlon. It lias
certainly saved many from Consumption.
Sold by 1. D, Kirliu, and a guarauteo.
Uitleiiriara Tor 1KIIU,
The Hkkald office has a full aud completo
lino of calendars for 18011. If you cou.
template a calendar for your friends, ic-sorvo
your order until you sec our Hue, it will
mean a big paving to you, They aro also
beautiful bpeeinicns of lithographic art and
very rcosouablo lu price.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo mro that tho namo
Lessio & IUeb, Ashland, l'a , la printed on
every suck,
Drf Miles' NerVine
Rffccls of Tobacco.
.'WIIU oxccsslvo uso ot tobacco, especially
M by yount! men Is always Injurious and
undoubtedly shortens life materially.
Mr. Dd. C. Cbson, compositor on tho Contra
Costa A'cids, Martinez, Cul., writes! "1 havo
used I)r, Miles' llostoratlvo Nervlno nnd ro
ceh od much benefit from It. I was troubled
with nervousness, dizzy spolU andsleoplcss
nos, causod by tlio uso of tobacco nnd stim
ulants, 1 took Dr. Miles' Nervlno with mar
velously good results, allayInetbodlzzInerY,
quieting tho nerve:.', and enabling J
ilecp and rest, proving in my caso a very
bcucCclal remedy." Dr. Miles' Itostoratlve
.Jervlno U especially adapted to restoring
tho nervous s stem tolls normal condition
under such circumstances. It soothes, hoals
and strengthens.
Dr, Miles' UcmcuTcii
1.1 1 .1 -
guarantoo, first bottlo .SsfVillC
beaollU or money ro- fcss t-nmo
f...i...i !..i .n ir-... .
nicmi nf ( lirt 1 ini rt. ,i ml m&. Health
uerveafreo. Address, ffiffSBwiAl
Dlt. MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart. Ind.
OCTOBEK 4, 189?.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tne aco
utttu lur f v IKK'111! viiiuerttfiij r niuktviuu, I'uti
Water, St. Clair. Pottsville. Hamburg, JteadluKi
roiimown, moenixvine. iiornsiowii n u rinr
a. in.
7 30, H 4ft a.m. and 0 46, 7 8ft p. m. Hunday
11 01 a. m. and S 40 p. m.
Leave, Pottsville for Shenandoah (via Kraek-
vllle) 7 10, 11 20 a. in., 6 20t 7 10 p. ni. Sunday1
loOTi h n.. S 20 n. m.
Leave PhfladelpMa, (Broad street station), foi
ShtMndoah at 8 83 a. in., 4 10 p. m. week days'-,
ounuays leuvo hidou mm v a. iu.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia
Kxpress.wcek-days, 8 20, 4 OS, 4 50 5 05,5 15,8 50
7 33, 8 20, M 60, 10 21 11 00 a. d , 12 00 noon, 12 85
(Limited 1 00 and t22 u. m.,) 1 40, 2 80, 8 20,
3 50,4 02,5 00, 5 5ft 8 00, 7 02, 7 50, 10 00 p. in.,
1201, night. Sundays, 8 2t 405, 100,505, 5 15,
8 20, 9 66, 1021, 11 85 a. m., 12 03, 12 85, 2 Ik
102, (Limited I22.) 5 20, 5 Oft, 6 35, 7 02, 7 50,
10 0U p. m 12 01 night.
Express for Boston without change, 11 OOn ta,(
week-days, aud 7 50 p. m,, dally.
Kor Sea (Ilrt, Anbury Park, Oecaa Grove,
LonffHranch, 8 20, 11 14 u m, .1.10, 4 02 nt
Por Lumber vlllo, Kaston and Heranton, 0 50,
9 OOn m, 12 00 110011,8 52, 3 00 (Lauibi-rtvlllo nnd
I'aton only), weekdays nnd 702 p m dally
llufTnlo, 0 00 n in, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 02
p m dally.
For Haiti inoro and Washington. .1 50, 7 20, K 8J,
10 20, 1128, a. in., 120Q, 12U1 1 U, 8 12, 4 41,
(525 CoiiBreWlonal Limited,) 817. &65,731
p. m., nnd 12 05 night week days. Sundays,
3 50, 7 20,912, 1123, n.m., 1209, i 12, 4 41, (5'J0
CoiiKresslonal Limited,) 605 7 31 p. in. and
For Baltimore, accommodation, 9 12 n m, 2 Oi
and 4 01 p m week days, 5 08 and 11 1ft p m daily
Atlantic Ooant Line, express 12 W 11 in, and
12 0-1 niKht. dally.
Southern ltallwny, express G 65 p in, dally.
Chesapeake fc Ohio Hallway, 7 31 p 111, daily.
For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20
a m weekdays, 11 10 p ra dally.
Leave Market street wharf as follow: Kx
press for New York, 9 00 n 111, 130 p m week
days. For Long Brunch, via Seaside Park, H 30
n in weekd-ys.
For Island Heights, 8 30 n in mid 100 p nt
Leave Broad street station via Delaward'rlvt
bridge express, 9 W u iu,f 7 U p. m, tfunUi
9 20 il. 111.. 7 05 n. 111. '
I'Ave MarkttHtreet Warf Kxpress, 9 00nvr
200,100,500 p m. Sundays, 900, 1000 at
(accommodation 4 30 nod 5 00 p in.
For Capo Mny, Sen Isle City, Oecnn City,.
Avalon Stone Harbor,- AiiRleaea, Wild wood and
1 loll 5 Bench Express, 900 n in, 4 00, p m
week days. Sundn h 9 00 n 111,
For Somers Point Kxpress, 9 00 a. in., 2 00
4 00, 5 00, p. m. week daya Sundays, V 00 and
1000 n m
Tho Union Transfer Company will call for
and cheek Immune from Ik tela and residences.
Gnn'I Mannumr. (Jen 1 I'lHn'n'r Atffc
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
thin (HrftJ street station) at ft Oft and H 1 Vj
, 2 02, 0 1 p. in. ou week days, Buiidays.
. m.. 4 25 ti. m.
ns leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah Mi
Beer and Ported
Barbey's Bohemian Beer
David M. Graham,.
Dr. H. G. Reitzei,