EVENING HERALD KSTAIILISIIIM 1K70. Published ovcry KvenhiK.Kxcept Sunday, al 1 Sotrrn Jabhin Stkkkt. NKin Okstkb. The Ui rnltl li itrilTf inl InMli iiahiloah mid the hur.-nui.' Imvi fnrsl: i ,mt a week, pay ilil oiie iartl.fi. Dy initll 5J.0O n year, or 25 coiirih month, p-iyiihlo. In advance. Advertise ments charged according to spuce Anil position, The publishers reserve tlio right to change tlio position ot advertisement wlienecrtlio puli 1UMIoj of new dcninniU It. Tho right Is teserveJ to wJt--tuiiy advertisement, whether paid lor or not, lant tlio pulilMiors nitty deem 1proper. Advertising rates made known upon application. Entered nt the postoulco nl Hlionandoali, Ph., ft uecond class mall matter. TKLKPHONK CONNECTION' 'All the News That's Fit to Print." Evening Herald s.m'itiuv. ocroi'.Ki: s, nm. JUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever. Havino mlopti'tl prohibition, it will now he in order for theOuiiiuliiiiis to tllku lip tllO tple.ltioll of WOHIIlll miU'rimo. IN two or three montliw tlio now lnittli'uliipf) Konrsnge uiul Keiitnoky will be reuily to tnko tlio place in tlio Atlantic Meets loft vacant liy tlio Ore gon unit tlio Iowa. l'osTMASTKits are now authorized to issue money orders payable at their own ollleos. 1-ruuticidly, this establishes the postal Havings system, except that no provision for interest is iniiile. Tun proposition to raise- funds through the public, schools for the construction of the two warships, to be niiniod tho American Girl anil tho American ISoy, is altogether fantastic anil should be promptly dismissed. Wk aro in receipt of an invitation to attend the Imiiipiet of the Hoard of Directors of the City Trusts of Philadelphia, to bo held at the Armory of Company F, in U irn.nl yille, next Thursday evening. Tiik cotlin-makors have fallen in line and formed a trust, with a capital of 20,000,000. In all likelihood its principal effect will be that it will cost more to die than formerly. No kicking, however, is to be looked for from the incumbents of their product. It is safe to say that tho next legis lature of Pennsylvania will bo 11 fairly well behaved body, no matter how it is constituted as to its mem bership. The party press can no longer lie depended -upon to condone or conceal wrongs "for the sake of tho party." At last tile most unseasonable warm wave lias taken its departure -let us hope for good, at this time and per spiring humanity will be able to brace up and get right down to the personal and business duties of the hour. In the meantime remember that Shen andoah's leading merchants use tho 11 KHALI) columns. Wilhklji's challenge to debate tho financial question witli the Republi can congressional candidate has not been accepted, and the probabilities are it will not be, for reasons well lenown to tho latter. A significant feature about it is that many leading Republicans, among them bankers and tin nciers of l'ottsville, are back of Vi,. elm in urging tho debate, even of0ring to stand the expense of hall rental, etc. How is this tliuslv ? Thk War Department gave Gol, JJryau und Gov. Holcoinb more than they expected whon it requested tile latter to decide whether tho regiment of Xebraskft Volunteers, now at Manila or that commanded by Col Hryan shall be mustered out of thu sorvice. It was a clear case of beat ing them) two very outo politicians at their own game. They expected the War Department to name tho regi ment to be mustered out, and were prepared to cliargo injustice no matter which was chosen. Now, they are bound to keep their mouths closed, and Col. Hi van himself must take tho responsibility of deciding whether his regiment remains in ser vice or Is mustered out. After the Fever Little Girl Was Weak and Could Nol Eat Hood's Snrsaparllla I Onvo Hor Appotlte and Strength Eoiomo Diaappoarlng. "My little girl was alck for several months with typhoid fever, and after she got over U she was woak and did not eat. My husband got her a bottlo of Hood's Barsaparltia, saying It would make her eat and -give her strength and it did She had taken It only a short time when she was well and strong. Everyone who sees her Is surprised at her Improvement because she was so weak and thin, but now Is fat and healthy. I am glvlin her Hood's Hrapiril!a now for eczema and the trouble Is fast disappearing. My hus bnd,hag taken it, for rheumatism and It has done him good." Mns. Clinton 11. CprK, Ducklngham Valley, Pennsylvania. MOQCl'S SparHla Is the best 10 fact the Onu True blood Purifier. Bold by all druggUts. I'rlou, (I ; six for (3. nOOU 8 l-'lllb pin,, aid digestion, ssuj f Tho Rosv Froshnoss I And a velvet J (tdttness ot the skin Is inT rlabljr obtained br thure who uno I'oizohi'h i tioiuplexion J'owdtT. DO IT VOUFfSELF You can tell Just lis well as a pliyili inn Whether your kidneys lire diseased or healthy. Tho wily tu do Is to Inkc 11 bottlo or (ihst tum bler, and till It with urine. If there Is a sediment n iiowiler-llko unhstniicc nt the bottom nfter standing 11 day imd ulaht, there is something wrung with the kidneys. An other sure sign of disease l 11 desire to urlli.iti often, mid still another biii is pain In the lack. 11 urine Mains linen, llicie Is no ilouni that tho kiiliiuyx are utlicled. Any nnd all illst'tiscs of thu knliicvs. User. bladder and of the miliary pussnm- ami con stipation of thu bowels ii'e euied by Dr 1 uviii Kennedy s 1 11 von to lieineuy. men is no question about its being the best and surest medicine In the world I'm-such troubles. It quickly relievos' and elites 'liability to mild urine, and people, young or old, who tako it 1110 not compelled to ret up u nunibei of times uiirine mu uigut. l or putting an etui to that scalding pain experienced in passim 111 Ino, nothing Is so good as Dr. David Ken ned's l'avorite l'oincdy. It corrects tho bad etl'ects of whiskey and beer ; is pleasant to tho taste, and does not seem to be uitdiic at all. Diseases of tho kidneys tiud bladder often require the use of Instrument to push back tho sandy matter mi the mine cmi bo voided. In such cases l'morllc l'einedy should be taken without further delay or ll disease may prove fatal. It is sold lor one dollar a bottle at all drug stoics. It is well w 01 th many limes its prico. Samples Free. If you wish to test Dr. D.ivlil Kennedy's i'livorito liemcily before buying it, send your full nost oll'ico addle-.-, to the Dr. D.ivid Ken- nedy Corporation, ltnndotit. X. Y., and menlloii this iwner. Wo will then mail you a sample bottle free, ns well as clnulars civ Ins full directions for its use. l'vcry leadci of the lli:ii.VMicandeiend upon the genulno liess of this liberal oiler, and all sull'erers from kidney troubles should tako advantage of it at once. TIti: Nl'W I.N WAslIINHTON. I'roMltlctit mill .Mrs. MeKlnlpy Will Attend .'Mr. iMoli's l'linei-iil. AYaslilniTtnn, Oct. 8. The news of th? murder of Mrs. MeKinley' brother tvns leeelveil nt the White House Just iiliuut the time that the reception to the Episcopal council. In session here, was about to be- brought tu a close. Mrs. JhKlnley wns leielvliiB with the president iluriiiK the oveiilnR, nud was In her usual spirits. Mrs. MeKinley expressed n Wish to attend the funeral, nnil neooullnuly hurried ariutiKenients weto made whereby she will start for Canton shortly nfter 7 o'clock totURht. The president and several others will accompany her. The unfortunate event will not Interfere with the president's proposed trip to the Omaha expoiltlon, save that he will not bo able to leave here with the party, as originally intended, on Monday mornins. tint instead will Join them In Canton the nlRlit urtor the funeral. It Is not yet determined whether Mrs. MeKinley will uccmnpany the president to Omaha, this dependlm; entirely on lier wishes In the matter. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signaturo of Slinw Jlury Looked t'i. ' Camden. N. J.. Oct. S. After a brief but strong charge for conviction by Justice Garrison the Jury In the ense of Kll Shaw, charged with killing bis mother, retired at 5:30 o'clock lust evening. At 1) o'clock a verdict was not reached, und the Jury was locked up for the night. Juror ISryant, who had to be carried out of the court room twice yesterday, was a very sick man last night, and fears were expressed that the Jury might have to bo dls chaiged. QKirrs: I was dreadfully nervous, and for rallef took your Karl's Clover l!oot Tea. It quieted my nerves and strengthened my whole Nervous System. I was troubled with Constipation, Kidney and Dowel trouble. Your Tea soon cleansed my system so thoroughly that I rapidly regained health and strensth. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford, Conn. Sold by S. 1'. Kirlln ami n guarantee. Powder Mill I'xplode, No Casualties Syracuse, N. Y., Oct. S. A special from Cazenovla says: The Holinont powder works, situated about four miles south of this village, was the scene of a terrific explosion at E:u0 o'clock last night. 'The mixing and piessing mills were wrecked by the explosion, while two other buildings were burned. No one was injured. The damage Is placed at $20,000. This Is the third explosion which has occurred In the woiks within tho last few months. Curo that Cough with Shlloh's Cure. The best Cough Curo. Keliovcs Croup promptly Ono million bottles sold last year. 40 doses for 23 cU. Bold by V. D. Kir'lii and a guar auteo. THE SPANIARDS MUST GO. Ordered to Quit I'orto Itleo liy Oct. IN anil (Julia liy Doe. 1. Washington, Oct. 8. President Mo Klnley has cable the United States mil itary commission at Porto Rico that the Island must be evacuated by the Spanish forces on or before Oct. 18, and that tho Spanish commissioners be so informed. In case of the failure of the Spaniards to complete the evacuation by that date the United States commis sioners are directed to take possession ot and exercise all the functions of government, and in case It is found to be Impossible to secure transportation for the Spanish troops by Oct. 18, they may be permitted to go Into temporary ouarteiB until transports can be se cured to take them to Spain. The president has notified the United States evacuation commission at Ha vana that the Spaniards would be ex pected to have evacuated the lslar-u y Dec. 1, with a strong inttmauon mat In case of failure the United States would brook no further delay, but Im mediately thereafter would tako pos Besslon of the government. Alleged freight Car Itoblioi'H, Trenton, Oct, 8. Three young men, who give their names ns S. G. Sellers, Walter Wright and Frank D. Swain, waived a healing before Police Justlco Jackson last night on a charge of hav ing systematically engaged In robbing the Pennsylvania Itullioad company of merchandise. Tho men were commit ted to jail in default of JD00 ball each, They are strangers here, but for uomo time past have lieun making their head quarters on Yard avenue. In this city. The house was examined, and In It was found property worth about $250, con sibling of dry goods, boots and shoes and other goods that aro supposed to have been taken from freight cars. In the house was also found a crude coun forfeiture' outfit, The pollco believe they have gotten hold of a gang who have been operating for a year or more. Tu Cure a Cold In Ono Hay Take Laxative Jlrouio Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund tho money if it fallsto cure, Soo. The geuulue las I.. II. Q. oil each tablet. tf " WNANCD AND THADfi. V fair (lulu Over All l'revloiis lteo orils for tills VVrok ol'tlio Yenr. New York, Oct. R. Hrndstreet's re view of Undo says: With tho excep tion nf some part of the south, where heavy storms nnd yellow fever with re sulting iiuiiiiititlui's check distribution, n veiy Inrne business appears to bo do hft. though complaints of narrow mar ttlns of profit nre well nigh unanimous. While the bnnk clearings of Septem iier point to a slightly smaller business done the country over than one year n(;o. this week's flRUres point to a fair Iinln over last year, und therefore over nil previous lecorils for this week of the year. The volume of distribution, ns a whole. Is well w,to or nbove that reported a year ngOTn most sections, and theiefoie far In advance of re cently preceding annual periods. As for some time past, th" most activity Is perceptible In the west and north west and on the Pacific const, par ticulate at l'ugut Sound and Columbia river points. It has been a carnival and fall celebration period at a num ber of western cities this week and a lesultlng large distribution, both re- tall and wholesale, is reported. At loading eastern liiuikets recently fa vorable reports are fully maintained. U. (i. Dun .t Co.'s review says: It can do no good to disguise the fuct that the large eastern adMinces on wool to be held for higher prices has helped to retard the natural decline In that product. The truth Is that demand for goods Is not helped by high prices for wool. The cotton Industry shows bettor conditions, In spite of tho fall of cotton to the lowest quotation ever known, and there Is larger demand for most staple goods. The iron Industry still gains so rapidly that an unhealthy boom would seem to be lu progress but for the peculiar conditions. Tniops I'm I'hllndulphlu's I'arado. Middletown, I'n.. Oct. 8. General Gra ham will send lO.MO troops to Philadel phia to attend the peace Jubilee. In stead of sending the First division he will make up a provisional division, composed of the four Pennsylvania reg iments, Third Connecticut, Two Hun dred and Second New York, Thirty fifth Michigan, First Maryland, Ninth Ohio colored battalion. Fifth Massa chusetts, Second Tennessee and Fourth Missouri. The troops will be in com mand of General Graham, who will be accompanied by bis entire staff. ClilnnV DIxiiMtnniH J-'lro. Shanghai, Oct. 8. Details Just re ceived here from Hankow, the treaty port at the mouth of the tributaries of the Yang-Tsi -Kiung, show that the lire which broke out there on Sunday last destioyed 10,000 houses, devastated about two miles of built up ground, and did damage to the extent of from C,000, 000to 8,000,000 taels. Desecrated Wlllliini I'enii'H (irnvo London, Oct. 8. Yesterday the police arrested near Cheshain, Buckingham shire, a man who gave his name a3 Thomas Firth Woodward, and who is suspected of having desecrated tie- grave of William Penn at Jourdan's, meeting house, near Clialfont, St. Giles, in Buckinghamshire. GonornlM Honorably Dl-elinrgeil. Washington, Oct. 8. The war depart ment yesterday Issued the order for the honorable discharge from the vol untcer army of the United States of three major generals nnd 20 brigadier general of volunteers. The major gen eral are John J. Copplnger, Hamilton S. Hawkins and Jacob F. Kent. Millions Given Away. It is certainlv cratifvinc to tho nubile, to Icno'v ot one concern 111 tlio laud wlio aro not afraid to bo generous to tho needy and sutler- in. Tho proprietors of Dr. King's Now Discovery lor (Jonstuiiptlon, uougns aim Colds, havo given away over ten million trial bottles of this creat medicine: and havo tlio satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asturua, Ilronchitis, Hoarseness and all diseases of the Throat. Chest and Lungs arosuiely cured by it. Call on A. Wasley. Druggist, and get a trial liottlo tree. Kcgular size ooc. and $1 Every bottlo guaranteed, or prico refunded. Says CulimiH Are starving-. Washington, Oct. 8. Senor Quesadn, representing the Cubans In Wnshlng ton, wns at the war department yes terday and called on Secretary Mclklo- John. Ho presents a very distressing picture of the conditions on the Island "The Inhabitants are starving," he says, "and unless something Is done there will be very few people left. The country Is devastated, the people have had no opportunity to plant and raise crops. They have no money to pur chase supplies, and what food there Is In tho Island Is beyond their reach. Tho greatest suffering Is In Santa Clara, although It is very bad In Puerto Principe." YoHtordny'H llasoliaU (James. At Philadelphia First game: Phil adelnhta. E: "Washington, 3. Second game: Philadelphia, 3; Washington, 0, At New York Baltimore, 4; New 1 orK, 1. At Brooklyn Boston, 7i Brooklyn 2. At St. Louis First game: Cleveland 3: St. Louis, 2.. Second game: Clove land, 4; St. Louis, 2. VERY BRIDE and wife should know about the pre paration that for half a century has been helping expectant mothers bring little ones into the world without danger and the hundred and one (tfki discomforts and distractions (fflivx! incident to child-birth. It Iniaf is aDnlied externallv. which r is the only way to get relief, Medicines taken internally will not help and may result in harm. Mother's Friend fits and prepares every organ, muscle and part of the body for the critical hour. It robs child-birth of its tortures and pains, Baby's coming is made quick and easy. Its action is doubly bene Vficial if used during the whole neriod of nrejrnancy. $1 per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Books Free, containing valuable Infor nation to all women, will be sent to auf addicsi upon application bjr Tho Brodfleld Regulator Co. Atlanta, Ga. 1.1 ir 1 j A WOMAN Dr. Greene s NERYURA flakes Youthful Looks, Beauty, Health, Vigor. The ncc of woman Is not marked by cars alone. The pinched face, the larsh voice, the ancular form, the hollow eyes, the Irritable disposition such arc the Indications of premature age. Many women arc older at thirty than others are at fifty. There are many ills peculiar to women, and nearly illottlicm ate ot nervous cmiratiti. osslbly a delicate constitution may have been Inherited. Overwork and worry may have brought on a condition of exhaustion which no amount of rest can overcome. Lack of vitality mcam weak or impure blood, and the slightest exertion is more enervating to people n such condition than hard anu coii- inttous labor to those In good health, 'nor blood fails to cive proper nutri tion to the nerves, and trifling annoy ances are soon magnified. The slightest noise becomes a serious shock. A dis agreeable word or a fancied slight is looked upon ns sonic great sorrow. Headaches become frequent. Neural giac pains are an almost uncnduiahle torture. Dyspepsia comes on and In tensifies all other symptoms bv further bnnriverlsblni the blood and nerves. Troubles, both physical and mental, multiply until the climax is reaencu n complete collapse. This Is the dark side. Life is full of larkness. but there is more sunshine than shade In the world. Science lias come to the relief of sulfcring hu- nanity. Dr. Greene's For the Blood and Nerves. For all diseases of the blood and nerves an unfailing specific has been found in Dr. Greene's Ncrvura for the blood nnd nerves. The importance of the discovery can best be attested by the thousands who have been icstorcdto health under its magic influence. If vou feel the need of special advice call on Dr. Greene or write to him at his ollice, 35 West 14th St., New York City, lie will make your symptoms clear to you and tell you how to get well. There is no charge for such consulta tion. , , Soebillst1 Del'y Vinporor SVHltiim. Stuttgart, Wurtemberg, Oct. 1'. At the socialist convention here yester day Heir Fischer, a member of the relchstag. referring to Emperor Will lam's antl-stilke speech, said: "What little monarchical sentiment survived among the proletariat has now been dellnltely killed. We must organize an opposition. Wu shall'be cowardly dogs If we leave unanswered the Insults heaped upon us. The emperor deems It right to throw down the gauntlet, and we have the courage to pick it up." This remark was greeted with a tre mendous outburst of applause, and the convention resolved to call protest meetings everywhere Immediately af ter the strike bill Is Introduced. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine in the pe culiar way in which the proprietor of Kemp's Ualsani for Coughs anil Colds docs it, is in deed wonderful, lie authorizes all druggists to give to those who call for it, a sample bottle free, that they may try it before pur chasing. The large bottles are 25 and 6oc, We certainly would advise a trial. It may have vou from consumption. A ThoiiMiiiil l,o4t'ln Fire In Chum. London, Oct, 7. According to a spe cial dlspntch from Shanghai a fire on Sunday at Hankow destroyed over a Bquare mile of the city, Including the government buildings and temple. It Is feared that u thousand lives wero lost. Hankow Is a treaty port on the Yang-tse-Klnng, nt tho mouth of one of Its trlbutniles, 700 miles fiom the sea. The city forms, with Han-Yang and Woo-Chnng, tho capital of Hoo-Po, all In sight of another, and separated only by the river, one of the greatest com mercial centers in thu world. Their united population Is estimated at 8,- 000,000. The London A111I111'.-ador-lilp, Washington, Oct. 7. The president will not nnnuunco the selection of a successor to Mr. Hay ns ambassador to London before his return from his western trip. Mr. White, the first sec retary of the American legation at London, Is giving great satisfaction In the discharge of his duties ns charge, so tho president Is taking his own time In making a selection for this Import ant post. Shlloh's Consumption Curo cures where others fall. It Is tho lending Cough Curo, and no homo should bo without It. Pleasant to bike and goes right to tho spot. Sold by I. II. Kirlln and a guarantee. Ask your grocer for tho "Royal Patent flour, aud tako no other brand. It h tho host Hour msdo. Kx-Sooretnry llnynril's Will. Wilmington, Del., Oct. 7. The will ot Thomas F. llayard, former secretary of state, was entered ot the register's of fice yesterday. William 8, Hllles nnd Thomas F. Uayurd, Jr ot this city, and S, D. Warren, ot Dedhnm, Muss., are named as executors. The estate la valued at about J7,000, and consists of real estate In Wilmington, Del., and one house In Washington, D, C nil of which is left to his widow. The con ditions nre that she must dispose of tho Wilmington property after the expi ration of ono year. - The only public be quest is $5,000 to the Old Swede's church of this city, and a legacy Is left to H, W. Hryan, of Washington, former pri vate secretary to Mr, llayard. A boon to travelers. Dr, Fowler's Kxtract of Wild Strawberry, Cures dysentery, diarrhoea, seasickness, nausea. Pleasant to tike. Acts promptly. Buy Koystono flour, Ho sure that the name Lkssio & IUkr, Ashland, 1'a. Is printe.1 011 ovcry sack. Ncrvura re i-jh-jb- s SMit-aai--ma-a-j Altl'. YOU (SUING SOUTH?- "run soi'Tiinr.x railway heaciiks am, I'UOMIKI'XT POINTS. Don't start South without consulting John M. lteiill, District l'asscncer Agent, Southern Kailivay, iiii Chestnut street, l'hilailelpliia If you r.'in not cill iu person, write lo him. Our AVuik ITiiexcelteil, If you pay more than wo chargo for first class up-to-date punting, you aro paying too much. If you pay less, you aro probably getting leni, both in 'juality of stock and woikiinmsliip. Our prices aro just right, and our work is unexcelled. ' The South and Its AiH-uiililges. Tlio Southern Railway ha? issued for free disliihiitioii, a sixteen pago journal des uiptive of Virginia, Nortli and South Caro lina, Tennessee, CoorgU, Alabama and Minniippi. Persons seeking now locations, or capitalists desiring lo make safeand profit able investments will find the information contained therein both valuablo and inter esting. Copies will ho mailed frco upon ap plication to John M. lieall, District Passen ger Agent, 828 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, I'a. Coming KventH. Oi l. 17.- firaml ball at Bobbins' opera house, of the West I'ud Grays h.mo.ball club, fur tho 1 11.' ni' lit of Thomas Matthews,' Oct. ". Third annual ball of Defender Iloso Co., No. a, of Tin key Run, at tho com pany's ball. Calendars for 1H!I!, Tlio Ili'UAi.u ollico has a full and complete line of calendars for 16H0. If you con template a calendar for your friends, leservo your ouler until you see our lino. It will mean a big saving to you. They are also bountiful specimens of lithographic art and very reasonable in price. Foul-Smelling Catarrh. Ontarrh is one nf tbn mnut v,ni.. diseases, nnd honco tho most Uifllcult to cat rid of. Thoro is hut ono way to curo it The disoaso is in tho blood, nnd nil i, iiprnys, wnshoa and inhaling mixtures in the. world can havo no permunent elfect whntover upon It. Swlfi.'o s. olllo euros Catnrrh permanently, for It is tlio ohly remedy which can reach the disease and forco It from tho blood. Mr. B. P. McAllister, of Ilnrrodshurtr, ICy., had Ontarrh for years. Ilo writes! "I ooitlil seo no lmnrovprnpnt ...i,nA though 1 was constantly treated with snrayi r. """""i "iiu uincr ent Inhaling reinedies In fact, 1 could feel thai each winter I wasworst than the year prsvlous "Finally it wai Drought to uiy not lot If that Catarrh was a blood 6 disease, nnd after think, lng over tho matter, 1 - Saw It wasunrensonnlili r Aw? t0 expect to lie cured by 11 , 'v, Kg"! remedies win on, only 1 V JeiS"B-i&. reached tho surface I UfiSQn? then decided to trv S. 8. 8., and after a, few bottles were used, I no tieeda perecptlblo Improvement. Gontlmilni tho remedy, tlio dlsonso was forced out of my system, and a complete euro wns the result, Iadvlteall who havo this dreadful disease tc abandon thelrlocal treatment, which has novel done thont any good, and take 8. H. 8 a rein- edV that cmi leanh tlm fllcan.n nt,,! nrn If To continue tho wrong trontment for iviiwrru is 10 continue to sutler. Bwllt's Slieciiio Is n real blond rmnnil cures ohRtlnato, deep-Bented diseases, which other remedies have no effect whatever upon. It promptly renahos Outarrh, and never fails to curo ovon tho most np-firnvntea cases. 9ma srro 1111; s Purely Vegetable, nnd is tho only hlood remedy giinrantced to contain no dangerous minerals. Books mailed free, by Swift Spoolflo company, Atlanta, ucorgia. REDSKINS SUBDUED. (Continued from I'lrst Pnge.) lanced up nnd could sco tho votnrnn Imllnii flLlitir lending nn advance by 1 ,1 portion of tho right flank. "ou'vo got them whipped, hoys; , you've got them whipped. Olvo it to 1 them, give It to them," tho colonel ' wns yelllnu at tho top of his volco. Ktery time his volco wns heard a! volley rang out nnd ovcry tlmo it wtw further away from us. Afterwards wo learned that wo had the colonel to thank for our lives. Some Indians lind ' nttcmpteil lo turn our right flank and nttnek tlio civilians on tho beach. Tho 1 colonel saw us and realized our danpor, and his gallant nttnek had undoubtedly ' saved our lives. As It wns bullots How nbout our heads, and tlio stumps, weeds and stones about im were pep pered for several yards. , When wo realized tho position In Which tho colonel was In we called hi 111 to get under cover, but ho paid no at tention to us. Ho stayed with tho men until ho had accomplished lila purpose, nnd when wo had about ninilo up our minds tlmt ho was dead wo wero startled by a movo In tho woods abovo us. 1 Colonel Sbeeliiin Wounded. "I'vo been wounded, boys; I've boon wounded," was tho remark wo heard as tho weeds parted and the gallant colonel fell to tho ground heforo us. Wo did not know how badly ho was hurt, but saw two holes wero In Ills coat sleove. "That's not It," ho said as wo turned hack his sleeve. "It's my stomach; look at it." And wo did so. Wo tore open his clothes and found only a small wound, hut the hlood waB trickling down. Tho old man was not frightened by any means. "If you over get out of hero allvo. hoys, you will bo in luck," ho remark ed a few minutes afterwards, ns ho lay on the beach. Wc lay In wait for some time, nnd finally I started out to reconnoitor. It did not tako mo long to learn that our troops wore masters of tho situation, and wo at once summoned tho com pany physician, who attended to Colo nel Sheehnn's wound, which proved to he not serious. The agency Indians have been dis posed to be peaceful, but Thursday night ouo of tho Indian pollco was kill ed by tho troops by mistake, and the Indians were for a time disposed to ho hostile. Tlio occurrence was most un fortunate, but It Is hard to see how any blame can be attached to tho troops. The Indian policeman, Ituslln, who was said to ho ono of tho best ot the agen-y Indians, had accompanied tho troops and had fought valiantly, hut towards night ho thought ho had had enough of it and started with an other Indian policemun for tho agency along tho shore without notifying Gen eral Uacon. Ho was seen in tho dark ness by tho troops, and taken for a hostile. Ho was riddled with bullets, but his companion escaped uninjured. Our casualties in tho battle wero only six soldiers killed and cloven wounded, whllo flvo civilians wero slightly wounded. The dead soldiers, who survived tho battles before Santi ago to he slain by murderous Indians, nro Major Millvlllo Wilkinson, Sergeant William Ilutlor, Edward l.owo, Jolvn Olmstcad, John Swallenstock and Al fred Zoboll. ("eiiurnl llucon'x Itepnrt. General Dacon escaped without n scratch. Ho arrived here yesterday nnd, sent the following dispatch to tlio war department at Washington: "Arrived hero at noon with my de tachment in good condition. Tho kill ed nnd badly wounded havo been ship ped to Fort Snolllng. Tho Indians havo been badly whipped and left tho country adjacent to tho fight. En route hero other Chippewa bands dis played white flags along the lake shoro. Much talk hero, of general In dian outbreak. Will ascertain facts and report later. Find Colonel Har- bach at this place with ,200 men, Third Infantry. Will remain myself and .keep troops hero awaiting developments. Itogret exaggerated rumors published resulting from my inability to com municate. Havo been In no danger of massacre and need no reinforcements. Colonel Harbach's coming was good In sending out boats." Gus H. Ueaulieu, a well known Chippewa Indian, who has transacted considerable business for that band in Washington, sent tho foltowlng dis patch: "Not moro than 25 or 30 IndlnnB en gaged in tho outbreak, Chief Gaywucho Wayhlnung and Macheguhbow, both of near Island, and Wahbununnee, of Leech Lake village, doing all in their power to suppress the outbreak. Chief Flatmouth arrived at Leech Lane vu lago today with a large number of fol lowers and Is strongly opposing tho outbreak. Indians coming into Leech Lako rapidly nnd registering their names In overseer's office with t,ho in tention of remaining at tho vlllago un til tho troublo linn subsided. Wliito Earth, lted Lako and Millo Lac Indiana not affected. Think thoro will bo no general uprising," Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho lest salve in tho world for cuts, cruise!, sores, ulcors, salt rhcam, fovor sores. Mjiwir. cuappeil hands, chilblains, cor.is, aim all skin eruntious, and uosltlvolv cures pllos or jo pay required. It Is euarautccil to idvo poricct satislaction or mony rofunded. I'rlim uuu iiur uox. ror sale ny A, vvssiot. 4.PII til tin tn Hnvnun. Washington. Oct. S.-Ma'or General FlUhiiRh Lee received an order from v..-- uepuriment yesterday direct , " ";ve "I" command from Jacksonville. Flu., to Snvnm.ni, n" and net It In readiness to embark for ine last of this month, 'asi night for 8a vanniUi to make preliminary arrange """" -wjr mu uruera into effect, llun'a ThUj Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollars Howard for any ciibu 01 v.murri. unit can not ho cured hv . ...it,.. ..... 1. jiuii a ..tu.iiii uuru, K. J. (UIKNKY ti CO, Props.. Toledo. (). Wo tho iindersluned, have known 1'. J, Clienoy or 11111 low o yeiirB, anu oeiievo him perfeitl; honorable In all business tniuiinettfius unit (hi uuelully able to tarry out any oIiIIkiiUoiih made by tbuir llrm. Wkkt ATuaux, Wholesale DriiKKlsh, Toledo, O, Wai.ihnii, Kinnan Maiivin, Wholesale Drug Uiul, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, luting directly upon tho blood ami uiuuouii surface ol tlie.nyi.tem. Price 7Su. per bottlo. Hold by ull DrutiBLU. Testimonials flee. Her Ifieafoh KestoreSi ' T?T4." ' ! 'I'My f h oplcsstiess can only be ciiU.cl by those who havo export on. ul it. Kcrvpti-jjios3, sloeplessnoss, hoadachci, neuralgia .and''that miserable Ihlgi'J unrest, can sa l Lectin aih-o Non 1)3 cured by Dr. bo certain Is '"'..StllOf. uf th!-- fact that 'all druggists autliftrfi. d to tiud iirL3 paid for tho boltlo tried. rrovli'.lnt ft dnfu tint, linn nro first irf.HOt benefit. WW. Henry llniiia.wlfo of thpwojl known !a.;f:siililt r.t Otand ihellon, Iowa, says: 'I wiin troubled with alae"nlo5.siie!i. iicss, boiiil icho ami frrogtilarnirnstruatlon: sufiirli:j unti.1,1 ml-.cry fur years. I used vat ions ad vert! icil remedies for fenialocom plalnts bcsldi 1; jhig under tho caro pf local pliyslcbuw, wit bout help. I noticed lit Dr. Miles' lUUcrtLcmcnt the testimonial of a I ady cui c.-l of ailments similar to initio, an tf f thall never cea.-,c to thiiiik that ladv. IfivS testimonial Induced mu to uso Dr. Miles' Ncrvlnu and Kccvo and I.lvcr Tills, which restored mo to health, I cannot say enough for Dr.JIIles'llomcdlcs " BCHKSTI: nr. Allies i.umcutcs Ejaw Fir ... .... . 1 1 .1 M?i glsts under a posltlvo guarantee, first bottlo iv.ci vine 4 benoflls or money re funded Hook on dls ?acs of tho heart and . Kcstorcs Honltli icrvea frco. Address, DP.. MILE3 MEDICAL CO.. lClkliart, lud. Pennsylvania RAILROAD. BCHUYKII.I, DIVISION, OlTOHElt 4, 1898. Tralnn will leave Shenandoah alter trie inni. datofor Wlio-nii, (lllberton, FrHck!llu Durk water, Ml. Ulalr, l'ottBVllle. llnuiburg, Itcaillug, ubintowu, 1 uuvnixviiie. inrrisiowii n 11 mil 4elphln (llr'rfid street station) at COS mill Kir, . 111., 2 02, 0 IS p. m. 011 week days. Sundays, til it. in., 1 0 p. iu. Trains leave Frackvlllo for Bhouandoali it 36, 11 1(1 n. m. and o 46. 7116 u. in. Siitnlnv. 11 01 a. ui. and 5 46 p. m. jeavn i-oiisviuo lor Htiennnuonn 1 viae rack. Ulo) 710. 1120 a. Ul.. 5 20. 7 10 ii. 111. HlliulHV 10 33 n. 111., B20 p. in. Leave PlitlAdelnUa. fBroad street stntlonl. f,i, Shwtudoali at 8 35 a. m 4 10 p. iu, week days. unuuys leave at u du nuu u a. m. Lxave uroau street Htatlou, milndolphla. FOH NEW YORK. H Kxprcas.wock-days, 3 20, 4 Oo, 4 50 05,5 15,0 7 SI, 8 20,9 40, 10 21 11 CO a. m, 12 00 111.011, jM ' (Limited l 00 and I22 p. rj .) 1 40, 2 30, 3 2u" I O Ui', -1 U W, tl ,nj u w, I t UU, IU IU 11. 111., J 12 01, nltrlit. Hunclaye, 8 20, 4 0,i, I SO, S 01, ,i ir, 1 8 20,9 56, I0 21, 11 85 a. tu., 12UI, 12 3.1, ., f 02. (Limited I22.) 5 20. 3S6. 6 3.1. 7 02. 7 SO. 10 00 p. ni., 12 01 Illxllt Express for llostoli without change. 11 00h im,, week-days, nud 7 50 p. m., dally. ror ea turt, Asoiiry rarit, iieean iirove, ,oinr itraiielt. 820. 11 11 a 111, 330. 4 02 11 111 weekdays. Kor Ijunlier.vllle, ICjiston and Beraiiton, 050, O CO a in, 12 00 noon, 3 52, 5 05 I Lmiliertvllte 11ml Kaston only), weekdays, and 7 02 p in dally, llullalo, U oil a 111, 12 00 noon weekdays, and 7 02 p 111 dally. WASHINGTON AND THK SOUTH. For Ilaltluioroand WoshlnKton, 3 50. 7 20.8 32, 1020. II 23. a. m.. 1209. "1231 312. 4 41. (J23 CoiiKrcFslonul Limited,) 6 17. M, 7 31 p. 111., and 12 03 nlfrht week days. Hundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, II 23, 11. In., 1200, 1 12, 4 41, ('.'iSO ConfrCHi!onul Limited,) 655 731 p. 111. ami 12 03 nlgllt. Kor nuttlmorc. accommodation. 9 12 a 111. 2 0 and 4 01 p ui week duyti, 5 OH and 11 16 p 111 dully Atlantlo Ciiant 1,111c, express vz lJ p in, unit 12 OT nlRlit. dally. Motitiicrii naiiway, express iao p in, tinny. ChesapeaWu ,t Ohio Itullway, 731 p 111, daily. For Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, 10 20 111 weekdays, 11 10 p m dally. I.euvo Mnrki-t street wharf us follows: Kx- press for New York, 1)00 11 in, 130 p 111 week days. or Lonir llranch, via HeiiMide l'.irk, K.U 111 weeaiiiys. For Island Heluliti, 83 a 111 nud 1 00 p 111 weekdays. FOU ATLANTIC CITY. Iave Droad street station via Delaware river briilKB Kxpri ss, 9 40 u lu,,7OTp, 111. Hillldujs, a. 111.. 7 u.1 11. 111. Lenvo .Market falrect Warf lCxpress, OllOair a 11 . 00. ICO. a on p 111. MmimyH, uuu, iuou (nccotiilnodatinii 1 30 and S 00 n m. lor I'utio Aluv. 8ea Isle Cltv. Ocean City Avalon Htonc Harbor, Anglesey, Wtldwood aud' llolli Iieach Kxnress. 9 00 a iu. 4 00, 11 u week days. Humla) b U 00 a 111. For Homers I'ouit express, vw . in., -w, 4 00, 5 00, p. m. week days Sundays, 9 00 unit 10 CO . 111 Thu Itiilmi Transfer Coinnaiiy will call for and cheek liiiKgniio from llltels und residences, J. IS. HUTCHINSON, ,1. II. 1YUIII1, (lou'l sliuiuicer, 11011 1 iiis'i:'r Airl WM. SCHMICKER, JR., Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter.- Try Barbey's Bohemian Beet VOTE FQR H.J.MULDOON, YOUIt NEH1MBOR, FOR CONTROLLER. VOTE FOR David M. Graham, OP A1AUANOY CITY, FOR STATE SENATOI. VOTE FOR Dr. H. G. Reitzel? 01' MAIIANOY CITY. FOR THE LEGISLATURE ) i .1 l 1