A GIRL WITH A SWEET TOOTH And n fastidious palate can have catered to with more perfect satisfaction from our choice ntid delicious confectionery in lion Inn-, margin iUow-s, ruh nut candies, chocolates in tin- uiot delictum combinations and concoctions. If We can't tickle the palate of the connoisseur in confection', no one In this town cau do it. HOOKS & BROWN, q. N. Main St. HAVE YOU TRIED &t Houck's Headache Cure ? A surf rure or your inonoy It ii trial. rcfmiileil dive SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Tcli' pli nut- Connection THE BON TON'S Itic Fall Opening Sale for l:lve Days Only, Com mencing TUESDAY, OCT. 4, 1898. EVcNhcj :-: Herald COUPON. Tliimiri"i" Tinili IO t cuts lo worth you Millinery, Ly-you on eci) dull.tr buy at tlic lion I mi bt'gmimn; it. .Uli. Name Cut this out and present you make a purchase. il w hen All that is necessary lor ou to gam the 10 per cent on every purchase is u cut out the coupon, write your mime on the uiaiik. space reserved, and present it at our millinery parlors while the big sale is going on. Hoinember it is For Tivo Days Csly and You Save 10 Per Cent, by Taking Advantage of It. Our preparations for this sale, which com mences October 4th, 1S9S, eclijise every dibit ever heard of in values in millinery. We will open your eyes and liae you gaze in amae ment. BON TON MILLINERY, No. 29 North Main Street. DisimIh KfconltMl. From Frank C. Iieeo, ltesistor, to Jacob F. Kull, promises in l'ottuvillo. From Fiutta Zorn to Noah Mantz, promises In Cuildalo. Krom .Henry Jf. Kckertand wifo to Kliner Smith, premises In l'iuoKrovo township. flnraiiuiuiis, fuchsias, pausies, dulses, roses etc., fur spring planting at Payne's uursories, (lirardvillc. Tuberose and yladlolus Imllis. Ask your t'roccr for tho "Royal P.itcnt flour, and take 110 other brand. It la tho best thmr tmuln Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle grease. Also headlight oil, 150 fire test. ECLIPSE OIL COMPANY, No. 143 ICiwt Con! Htreet, Hlii-unnilnnli, l'cniia Mall orders promptly nttemled to. A Handsome Complexion I la nnn nf tho trreatoct charms a woman can I roP. POZZONl'B COMFUIXlOH l'OWDISU, gives It. THIS IS PLAIN TALK That the Boston Factory Shoe Store carries an exceptionally big line ol boots and shoes. All out goods are purchased direct from the lactones. This enables us to sell cheaper than our competitors and also our imitators. Here are a few prices : Hen's solid leather shoes, from 9oc up ladles' ' " H 90c up Children's solid leather shoes, 25c up OUR BOOTS, Kspccially for the miner, are sellinir cheaper than anywhere else. In nrices we are not to be outdone. All our boots and shoes are made of leather and not of nnner ns are beintr sold by some 1 x stores. BOSTON I, 27 Soul hi Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. BEST LINE OF" I GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY and 8TKAW. Floor and Table Oil Cloths. nro not distinguished by any mark or sign from coughs that full to bo fatal. Any cough, neglected, may Bap tho strength and undermine tho health until recovery is impossible. All coughs load to lung trouble, if not stopped. Ajjcr's Cherry Pectoral Cures coufj.is "My wife was suffering from a dreadful congh. We did not expect that she would long survivo, but Mr. H. V. Uoyal, deputy eurvoyor, happened to bo stopping with us over niijht, and having a bottlo of Ayor's Cherry l'ootoral with lilm, induced my wifo to try this remedy. Tho result vrw so beneficial that she kept on taking U till she was cured." K. S. HUMPHMKS, Saussy, Ga. "My little daughtor was taki'n with a dia tressing cough, which for throe yeais defied all the remedies I trl d. At length, on tho urgent recommendation of a friend, 1 began to givo her Ayor's Cherry l'octoral. After uidng ono bot'lo I found to my r;reat sur prise that sho was improving. Thiuo bottbu complotely cured her." J. A. Git AY, Trav. Salesman Wrought Iron Uango Co., St. Louis, Mo. is put up in half-sizo bottles at half price 50 cents. Mis AVjlllio lo Marry. Y. It. Iiiehards, civil engineer for tho Mill Creek Coal Company, left today for 11 Folletto, Tciui., where ho will bo married on the 12th fust, to Miss Annie Wynne. The couple will reside at Now ISnston. Miss Wynne will bo romombcred as the daughter of Jamos Wynne, a former mino superinten dent of Mabanoy City. Sho was tho leader in society and musical circles of that town. (.'etitrulIil'M Sellout CloMcd. The members of the Ceiitralia School itoaid have been summoned to appear before tho court on Tuesday, October 11th, to show causo why they should not bo ousted. It is not likely tho present troublo will bo settled ero then and it is expected a new board will be appointed on that date. In tho meantime the public schools remain closed. ly Duyr. The employes of tho 1'. & 1!. C. & I. Co. in tho Mnhnnoy City district will receive their wages 011 Saturday and those in the St Nicholas and liosten Kiln districts will prolu lily ho paid on Tuesday, next. Ilr. IIiiIPh Conch Syrup hiix Ihmmi In use for half a century. Somo families havo used it for thrco generations and it is to-day tlio standard cough remedy of this country w E H A V E The PRETTIEST Line of WEDDING and PARTY PRESENTS displayed In tlic county. BEAUTIFUL REAL OPAL GOODS ! GENUINE HAND-PAINTED NOT "DAUliS" Will not wash off. TOILET UOTTLES, COAIB AND BRUSH TRAYS, PIN TRAYS, PANCY BOXES. florgan's Fancy Bazar, 23 North (VI a In Street. perguson's Theatre ONE NIGHT ONLY. Benefit A. O. H. MONDAY, OCT. 10. 1898. The Legitimate Irish Comedian, Mr. Daniel Sully, And his clever associates, in the lat est drama success, ii Uncle Rob. A PLAY OP TO-DAY. Full of henit interct, pathos and coined). A POSITIVE NOVELTY. Klahoratcly Staged and Costumed. PRICES, - - 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cts, Reserved seats on sale nt Kirlin's. Porto Rico Chcirg Pectoral THE latest style double-breasted and round-cut blue serge suits, winter weight. They are the finest ever brought to Shenandoah. Come and see them young men, Our stock of Fall OVERCOATS is a knocker. We have them in Box and all other styles. Sue our great line of Children's Vestees and Blouse Suits, and all the other children's novelties we offer. The children cry for them. Our stock of Men's and Boys' Bants is also very large and well assorted. Everybody can be' pleased as to price, quality and style. The people are surprised at the fine stock of CLOTHING we are offering this season, and when they seethe prices marked on the tags we put on each suit they are still greater surprised by the very low prices. Big stock of Hats. We are selling hats for 75 cents that can't be bought in any other store for less than $1.00. We also have them up to $3.50. Our method of doing business is to deal equal with everybody. All our goods are marked plainly and each and every customer is treated alike. We don't ask exorbitant prices, or fix them according to our notions. Every price is marked as plain as day and THAT is the lowest price. Tin: whatiihu. The foroeast for Friday s Clear, cooler weather, with friwh north wosterly winds, followed by killing frosts in northern dis tricts and light hosts in tho southern moun tain districts. PITHY POINTS. tittppenhiK" Throughout the Country CltriHilrlxi! for llaaty l'oriual. linn work for Pottsvllle' new public liulldlng has arrived, The Iloroiigh Council meets session this evening. in regular Kxtcnslvo repairs have heen mado to tho P. 12. church at St. Clair. Cnbbsigo is so plentiful that it is soiling for a cent a head in Uazlcton. Cave-ins are numerous on tho Lehigh Valley railroad these days. The iwlice of Uazlcton nro after corner loafers. They nro a nuisance. Admiral Cervcra Is to ho elected a life inemhcr of tho Spanish Scnato. John Ilrown has leslgnedns a inomhor of the Ilorotigli Council of St. Clair. The "rough-riders" wont do a thing with tho Tammany Tiger In New York state Tho corner stono of St. Paul's M. 12. church at lUzlcton will ho laid on Sunday. Lieut Frank Fame, of St. Clair, is homo from Camp Meade suffering from malaria. Tho collieries rosumcd again this morning. There is a scarcity of cars all along the line. Tho rosidents of Midvalloy aro much exer cised over tho presence of diphtheria in their midst. Franklin county farmers nro shipping 1200 liuslicls or tomatoes a week to a Harrisburg cannery. Shenandoah will ho represented at tho Knights Templar celebration in Pittsburg next week. liev. .lames F. I'owors, of Pottsvllle, is in attondanco at the Lpiscopal cnnTcntlon in Washington. The collieries in the Uazlcton region will work flvo full days per week for tho balance of this mouth. Tho peoplo of Nuremberg fear an epidemic of diphtheria beoauso of tho unsanitary con dition of tho town. Private Harry F. Ilesecker, of tho Second North Carolina In fan try, died ycsteiday in tho hospital at Chambersburg. dog fight will tako placo at Jit. Carmel on tbo lUth Inst. The men who own the canines should bo compelled to do tho light ing. Judge Wand, of Hcrks county, yesterday heard additional testimony in tho estate of Abraham I2rnst, late of Ityan township, deceased. Whilo playing with other boys on the street nt l!mdy, Northumberland county, Frank Dernier was struck by a trolley cal ami killed. Tho people of Schuylkill Haven have noti fied the water company that they must be furnished with a purer supply of water, and more of it. Captain Alfred 12. Hunt, of Battery 11 just returned from Porto Itico, Is being boomed by prominent Republicans for Mayor of Pittsburg. Tho Philadelphia branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of tho Methodist church, met in convention yesterday at Williamsport. Tbo shipments of coal to tidewater ale pretty brisk ju-t now. Very few engines are at this ond of the line. Railroaders ato thei fore making full time. Oeorgo II . Troutman, Km)., of Iinzleton, is an applicant for tho nppointmcnt to succeed tho lato Judge Ilcnnctt. Thoro nro a dozen of others looking for this fat berth. Tho membors of the soldiers relief com mlttro, of St. Clair, threaten to lesigu be cause tho citizens fail to contribtito to the causo. St. Clair is losing its patriotism or its cash. Iloldeu Ilenshaw, for whom tho Williams- port police have boon looking for two weeks for complicity in a burglary, surprised thu officers by walking into tho City Hall and Mirrendoring. it cost a Hrooklln millionaire ?105,000 to get back a batch of love letters ho wroto to a careful girl. That's what happens when you don't hiro a secictary to tako charge of your correspondence. Tho Roberts Powdor Company to-day placed a now delivery wagon on tho road, Tho attention of the High Constable Is called to tho carcass of a cat in tho gutter on South Jardin street near Centre. Hugh McUill, of Mt. Carmel, has gouo to Utah to looato permanently Tho collieries in the Shamokin district suspended yostorday for want of cars. Shamokiu's now silk mill will bo in opera tiou about November 1st. Another hoso company has hcon organized in Mt. Carmel, wliich will bo self-sustaining and independent of tho borough. Mino Inspector Ilrctinau, of Shamokin renorts 3 fatal and 5 uon-fatal accidents for September. So far tills year there have been 81 accidents in that district. Shamokin and Ashland are lukowarm on foot ball topics. William Gable, of Shamokin, has boon uranted an orlKlual 88 pension cortificato. Thomas W. Scott, of llazloton, has accepted a position at tho Morca colllory and moved his fauit y to that placo. Tho railroad olllccs aud officials under Sunt. Keith were to day removed from Delano to llazloton. Itob Fltzsimmous, the prizo fighter, has received word of tho death of his father In Now Zealand. ISonj. Hendricks, who was removed as passenger conductor on tho Lehigh Valley road, is again on duty between Mt. Carmel and Ponn Havon. Conductor McAvoy is on the Pottsvlllo run. If you would plcasoaman givo him what bo wants, rouardless of what ho needs. There is a cafo in Venice which has uoer hcon closed night or day for 15 years. offers many advantages as a home, Great Mammoth PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. William Kteiu spent to-day visiting friends nt Pottsvlllo. Mini IMItli Minors visited rrlcmls at Potts vllle and St. Clair to-day. Sol. Weaver, the contractor, mado a busi ness trip to Allcntowii to-day. Miss Annie Watson spent to-day nt Holme icm as tho giu-.t of acquaintances. Charles itadziowicz and John Meldalzis transacted business nt the county sent to-day. Jolin .New, of North Whito (street, is con fined to his homo by an attack of rheuma tism. Miss M. 12. Lewis, of Win. Penn, lias mum to Last Orango, N. J., to visit Mrs. 11. V. Powles. II. A. Acker, of Reading, was in town In day in tho Interest of tho Orand Union Tea Company. Mrs. Irank Llsonhowcr, of South Jnrdln street, yosterday presented hor husband with twins, a boy and a girl. Mrs. L. T. Townsend and son, ot Philadel phia, nro gliosis of tho former's sister, Mrs . J. Morgan, of South Jardin street. John Ilelsoll, tho Rough Rider who was III at tho homo of his parents, has recovered sulliclontly to bo able to tako short street walks. Rev. II. II. Albln, pastor of tho Calvnry Ilaptlst church, to-day moved from his resi dence on South Jardin street to tho house recently vocated by Oliver Wagner, on North West street. Mrs. Luclla Recso aud Miss Oraco liter returned to their homes in Johnsonbiiri: to day. They had spent soveral weeks In town as tho guests of Mrs. O. M. Peters, of Last Centre street. At Payne's nursery, (Ilrardvllle. you will find tho largest stock overseen in tho county. Ilriilhs hikI Funrrats. Mr. and Mrs. Oeorgo Wilson, of New- Castle, Install infant son by death yesterday. diaries Reynolds, of iSow York, a travel ing salesman, died at a hotel in Pottsvlllo, of consumption. His remains wore to-day removed to Philadelphia, and there cremated. Mrs Styer, an aged lady, who formerly resided in St. Clair, but for the past, few years lu tho county almshouse, died at that place on Monday morning at the ago of 8" years. Mrs. Styer was the mother-in-law to tho lato Hon. Seth Ormo. Tho funeral took placo yestonlay, interment in Crossona. Henry H. Sterner, aged WJ years, died at his homo in Pottsvllle, yesteinay, where ho had resided for tho past sixty years. Tbo deceased had been ill for several months. Tho funeral will tako placo Saturday after noon at 2 o'clock, interment to bo mado in tho Presbyterian cemetery. Iho remains of Mrs. Jamos W. Thompson, au account of whoso death appeared in these columns, were interred at Ashland to-day In tho presence of a largo concouri-o of people. Mrs. Uriah W. Tiley, wifo of tho outside foreman nt the Elinwood colliery, died at her home in Mahanoy City at 2:30 o'clock this morning, aged 01 years. In addition to her husband, tho deceased is survived by six children. How's Your Cough ? Pan-Tina cures it, Hoc. At Guilder Ilros., drug stoic. Welllllngs. Two weddings took place on Tuesday even ing at Schuylkill Haven. Lewis Holloa was married to .Miss Kliza Kuarr by Rev. Ilensyl: (.-.cnr Rolicli, a young man of uniisiial musi cal Ulcut, was married to Miss (iieenwalt by Rev. 1). M. Mosor. Stephen Mouaghau and Miss Maggio Murray, two well known and popular young people of Lost Creek, were married yoster day. Ro. P. F. Daggett, of St. Mary Mag dalene's church, performing tho ceremony, Another wedding occurred at tho saino place when Anthony Conry and Miss Bridget Maloncy were mado man and wifo by tho same pastor. Tho contracting parties are well known hero. A Serious Charge. Harry Snyder, a clerk In I. M. Smith's grocery store at Mahanoy City, was ai rested last nigh', charged with rapo and f. and !. on oath of Mary, 15-year-old daughter of John Alter. Suydor was committed to jail and subsequently released under bail with tho District Attorney s consent. The accused man has mado no statement. Ho has a wife and thrco children. Shooting Match. A sweepstake pigeon shooting contest la being arranged for Saturday, Oct. in, at Mah anoy City. Each contestant will shoot at seven birds. wttT for oiv, . .. . I L J tfthoOlobofcr E NEURALGIA and similar Complainte, nmMii u ijcninjii itwo U U II 111 M h lilLUIUHL LA Ii O.HaS UK. HiCHTEK S 6(g$ TAIN EXPELLED. M'Grlll roHOWncd 1 Ilr tnni-lr.ihiVsiifio(:fnl I SOnlVfrfMinfno Willi Tl-n.Ift Alnrlf Anrlme ' I t. au. uu liter A. Co., S 15 lVail.SU Acw York. 31 HIGHEST AWAHOS: 13 Branch Houses, Own Glassworii. S3 oi CO u. J.uouruud' & rucomwuadwl by A. wasley, 106 H. Main St., . H. Haeentiuch, 103 IT. Main St.. ,r.r.i). jurim, 6 s. Main St. dh. nicHTcifs ' liill'.lliM.riMiiA-'fclniMMoli f iiiiiiiliiliitH.1 WM I 9k Paine's Celery Compound Makes People Well. The one trim specific for diseases arising from adcbllttatetl nervous system tsPalne's celery compound,' so generally prescribed by physicians. It (s probiibly the most le markablc remedy thai the scientific tesearch ot this country has produced. I'rot. Itdward E. Phelps, M. 1) . I.. I.. O., of Dartmouth college first prescribed what Is now known the world over as Palnp's celery compound, n positive cure for dyspepsia, biliousness, liver complaint, neuralcia. iheuniatism, all nervous diseases and kidney troubles. Paine's celery compound has succeeded again and again where eerythlng else has (ailed. Consumption Cured. HROIT.1IT HACK l'ROM Tint GRAVE. Lnst November Mr. Joseph James, painter, of 325 W. Pearl St., Indianapo lis, I ml., was nt death's door with quick consumption! Waited to a skeleton; his liins a mass of ulceration; his death was hourly .awaited by his doctor and family. He waslcept in a constat t stupor willi opium. A friend, thinking to relievo his terrible cough, gave him a bottle of llruziliaii Ilrtlm. Seeing its wonderful effect, the doctor advised its continued use. Mr. James soon after dismissed his doctor, and depended on the Halm alone. His recovery was rapid and complete, and in February he returned lo work. His lungs are sound, and his weight greater than at any time in his life. His recovery is regarded as almost n miracle. COMMA I1ACILLUS. Ill consumption beware of cough mix tures aud prescriptions that contain opium. Opium paralizes the nerves, and gives the comma bacillus a good chance to destroy the lungs. It is always fatal. Hrazilian Halm does not contain n trace of any opiate, but stimu lates the nerves with new lifeand power, destroys the microbe, nnd restores all that is left of the diseased lungs to a sound and healthy state wliich no other remedy has ever been known to accom plish. Shenandoah drugstore, wholcsalo agonts. Fall Opening at Kelly's Millinery Foreign patterns and creations from our own work room are side by side in this great dis play. Millinery hats meet the demands of fashion. Most critical exaction is always asso ciated with the name of Mrs. J.J. Kelly. People are surprised that such handsome hats, trimmed with such rich material, can be made for the price. Some of these are original creations, some arc copied from foreign models. It is the trimming and sell ing of stylish and elegant hats that has made Mrs. J. J. Kelly the reeogni.ed headquarters for high art millinery. It is the selling of elegant trimmed hats at prices within the reach of all that made Kelly so famous. Felt Hats of every description and shade at TUT T T VT rs 1 JlVJLrS. (J . (J . JtlLcliy 26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. but after all "there's no place like Shenandoah." Clothing Valley Nolfts. Tho Ladles Sodality of Holy Itosary church, Mahanoy l'latio, of which Kov. Father Jamos J logan Is pastor, celebrated us second anniversary Tuesday and last even ings in lloylan's hall. An Interesting pio gram was rendored, followed by a social given by tho Pioneers. Tho oiitortahiinotits wore a success, and a good sum was realized for tho church fund. Tho citizens of South Cass township gau their soldier hoys, John lleynohls and David iiowcrs, a rousing welcome homo. School Directors Thomas D. Howell.", Patrick Tiorney and John W. Hertz, of Olraulvlllo, were In attendance nt tho con vention of School Directors 111 1'ottsvllle yestctday. Tho West Mnhnnoy township Hoard was not represented. Anthony Ycorns, aged i!3, was Injured at Win Penn colliery by a fall of coal. Ills head, forehead and noso wore badly cut Ills Injuries aro painful hut not serious. Isaao Ahmms, of Uirardvillc, who had been in a hospital at Philadelphia filtering from typhoid fever, has arrived home. John 11. Ilarnes, of Glrardvlllc, who was a first class fireman on the IT. S. nui'iltor "Ter ror," and who received an honorable dis charge from the servico, is being gteetcd by his many friends. Daniel Sully, in his beautiful play, "Undo Hob," delighted an audlenco at the Palaco theatre, Oliardvllle, last evening. Miss Llzzio (Invhi, C Uirardvillc, left for Wllkesbarroto visit fi lends. The Hmt.VLU Is tho favorito paper circulat ing in this valley. That's what the peoplo say. Tho atlairs of tho Oiiard Saving l and nro still in a muddled condition. Lost Creek has several shareholders in this concern. Notwithstanding tho action of tho (Ilr.ird I'2slatu, beer is plentiful lu this valley. Spcakoasic8 are springing upllko mushrooms. The legitimate dealer, however, is'knocked out. Theatrical Advertising. Manager Hartz, of tho Kuclld Avenuo Opera IIouso. Clovoland, Ohio, believes he has demonstrated tho superiority of news paper advertising over all other forms. Last weok ho decided to abandon all advertising by means of hill boaid posters or window hangers aud to depend upon the newspapers entirely. The result of tho experiment was gratifying as tho house was sold out before tbo performance began. Mr. Ilartz has decided to put up no mora posters. Charlatan lira turn's. March (Sousa's latest ) nt -,rjrilci3LLANEOUS. ijl(Trti HAITJ7. A vnltinblH piece of real rutntc. InntkifnliiK four dwellings- Splendid sew enitfo attached. Can bo bought re eonablo. Apply nt the IIkkami oflei 10-3-tf I OHT From tliu rosldenco of Kov. Cornelius .Ii Lnurlnin of Want Centre street, rector of thu (ireek Catholic church, n little, pup, three iiiaiunsoui, wmi nit; U'rh nmi cms, nn mur rffleinblitiK thnt of n wolf. The Under will be llberully rewarded by ret urn hip name to Itcv. Cornelius Lnurlslu. Tho canine dUuppearcd on Monday mornlntr, the 3id lnst. lO-.V.lt I TIOU SALE Valuable SheiianJnah property, centrally located on Oak street, with all modern conveniences, sto'c room and dwoMlnp;. For further Information apply at this ofllce. tf THOU HIONT. Dwelling hoime, located corner J.' Lloyd nd A est streets, now occupied by Mrs. S. I. llvt. All modern convenience. Apply on the premises, 10-3 aw "TnOlt HAMS. Two pool tallies in jrood condl JL' tlon. i 'an ho boulit very rcaimal)c Ai ply to Anthony Schinleker, KM South Main nticet. tf ATOTICK. Deslrablo properties for sale. Aiw 1 ply to S. O. M. Hollopeter. attornev. Shenandoah. 1710 It SAI.K A valuable property on West ) Centre street, dwelling house, and all con veuleuees lu desirable location. Apply to Thomas Tosh, for further particulars. 6-27-tf IKE ORKIN, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Optical Goods. IN o. 1 EE) South IVIaln Street, 1TERA1INUS OP THE SCHUYLKILL We are again doing business at the old stand, with our former large stock of goods. Mr. Orkin is still in attendance and.is conducting the business. He invites all his former patrons to call and pay him a visit. The stock consists of a complete line of jewelry nnd musical inslni- mems. Hie prices are the feature ot the store ; tney are wnnin reacm Lof every purchaser. Repairing a specialty. liefore yoirbuy elsewhere Tcall and see our stock ami get prices. No trouble to show goods. We have polite salespeople. House, DAVISON. THE fUJINITUJIK AND QUEEN I J) KALB.lt Hereby makes Ills fall an nouncement to those who Intend to purchase n .Move or rnnce for the winter. Wo have already sold n ipiAntlty of them, and will continue to Increase our sales. Why" lie eauicwoaro new hcu-lnucrnnml wish to estab. Ush a good trade by giving you full value fiuK. every dollar you lnvet. Wo call Hpechil ntkcijp tlon to our "(Jueen Cinderella Itange" of which the abovo cut is n fac-sltullc. It has six cooking holes, made with lire box nt either right or left end, All the latest improvements nil the hc.t Ideas. I'our piece tops. Largo high ovens, thoroughly ventilated. Hemovnblo nickel ilonr pinto with bronze luedallon. The side shelf, oven door kicker, shaker hniidlo nnd knobs nro nickel plated. Duplex or ttlplex grnte, that can bo removed and replaced without dlsturli Ing tho linings. Direct draft damper. I.nigensli pan. Cut long centre. Hinged cover. Klrolllut or ent Iron linings. Highly polltl.cd edges, Folding nickel towel rod. SOLO AND GUARANTEED AT DAVISON'S BUSY. FURNITURE. AND. STOVE. STORE', 121-123 North Alnln St. PLAIN TO BE SEEN! SMS Your eyes need attention. It is a mistake to neglect them. It is better to give too much than ld$gl little attention. Carefully fitted glasses will protect your eyes for a long time to come. Better have them tested by our new method free of charge. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN, 118 S. Main Street. A Contented Wonan Is she who 1ms her walls and tellliiR, coiated from our latent dedans and rich coloV, j(l waj paper- Wo have 11 complete line of pillto tints and shades, In tho most aitUtle ct'yrnri. thins and patterns, and wo will deeoratnlu homo from kitchen to attic at a reaso,w 11 U urc. J. P. GARDEN, - 224 West Centre Sfreel, Shenandoah, V TRACTION COHPANY'S RAILWAY. l. gqldin, prOP. i mi i E. B. Foley, 37 9 8c 11 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PENNA.