BOX PAPER Our fall stock has been received. Our ioc box is a wonder. Have you tried it yet? Another lot a1so of the one vou want for fine corr'sp"" !' The "Penn sylvania, ' u better .25c box you cannot find. Ask to see our stock suitable for presents. HOOKS & BROWN, .Q. M. Main St. HAVE YOU TRIED"" ih Houck's Headache Cure ? A rire uri or your money it a trial. refuntltM (tive mBuous- SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. TuU'piione Connection m bosses many a body and bur dens many n mind. You can't enjoy tho food you liko because vou aro bilious. ou take all sorta of pre cautions, and yet tho bilious attack leaps on you liko a tiger from ambush. You know tho feeling I Tho blood seeming on fire with a dull heat ; tho boring pains in tho eyes ; the head seeming to open and shut ; tho hor rible nausea. You know tho irrita bility which precedes and the languor that follows tho attack. It's miser able, isn't it ? Why not euro tho trouble ? Thero's a pill thatwill euro biliousness. Dr. J. C. AYEU'S PILU3 aro an acknowledged specific for this derangement. A. SwanRor, Tcxr.rkana, Tex., writm : " Tor flfteun years 1 have umvI Aver' Pills, and find tlu'tn very oiTcctito in bilious i ota plaint."'. 1 have ;ct to seo tho caso whero they havo failed to euro." If You nrr Dillon DO NOT FAIL TO Try of PILLS -- AT THIS- - BON-TON MILLINERY In iiur luvortiuent vou will flml all t)m new style for Hull mill Winter In Trlmmril anil I'll trliimit'd IlnU, nnil lit biii Ii print in nier In forrc lieanl of. W havo ImnilrciN of hat to leet from. You fan save mont-y ami tlnu' li vNltlnir the Hon Ton ,SAII.OICS AND AVAl.KINd IIAT-. No limit to tlio iiuuntlty. We liavi- the largest nortmunt. Alpo lUrila, luilN, Ft-athi'rH nnil otlier novelties. I.arKet Moclc In tho county nml clmtcrpt selection. Wo want your trndo for tho very reason wo have tho largest stock nml ncll nt prices lower tlian everybody olso would term Low I'rlccr. MOUItNINO (KMMI-i. Wo aie the nole hcaiUiuarters. Our parlors contain a splendlil array of ootls. Mliirluco Licenses. Klmer lliiml and r.iiima Kuiitzcliuan, liotli of I'orter township. Patrick Stapk'ton and Mary Mtfliilre, both of Tort ("arlioti. lihvard R. Lawless anil Mary Marrah, both of Pottsville. Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears tho Signature of ROUGH RIDER HATS, All Colors, 69C. BON TON MILLINERY, No. 29 North Main Street. Tirol I'lrn! 1'lrc.l Insure your property from loss in tho Idestaml stronccst cash companies: l'bila. Underwriters Insurance Co. of Noith America and 1'iro Association, llartrord Kilo Ins. Co., Ainericjin I'iro Insiir.inee Co., West Chester Tire !ns. Co., United Firemen's Jus. Co. T. 'I'. 12.1 H. Jurdiu St., Shenandoah. THIS IS PLAIN TALK That the Boston Factory Shoe Stole carries an exceptionally big line of boots and shoes. All our goods are purchased direct from the factories. This enables us to sell cheaper than our competitors and also our imitators. Here are a few prices : ilen's solid teatticr shoes, from 9oc up Ladles " " " yocup Children's solid leather shoes, 25c up Ueeds Kccordcil. From William (Jrimmor to Lewis Snay beiger, piemises in l'ort Clinton. From Mary Cox to Patrick Flynii, premises in Tiiscnroni. From Francis Mcndicr, administrator, to Lena Michael!, promises in Ashland. PITHY POINTS. 'i..poii.iiH 'lliiiMiKliotit tli f'oiintr) Chronicled tor llimly 1'enisHl llerlts county fair opoii9 on Tuesday. Six rents a uttart is tho piieo of milk nt Hiileton. '1 he seluxd houses of llutlcr and Malum tonco towns.iips ale lieinc lefurnished. Tho cmployin in tho Ashland and Olrard vlllo ilistricls were paid yc-terday. Tho United Mine Workers of tho Seventh district will hold their convention in Pott vllle on Saturday. Tho l'hihulelphia and KuuIIiir liallway I'oinpany have rut tho fit 10 over their lines to half i.ite for sick and furlniiejicd soldiers. Ilishop i:. II. Kephart is presiding at tho ninety-ninth annual session of the East Pennsylvania Conferenco of tho United Hrethrcu church, at llarrishurii. KiKlitvoti-yrnr-old Ueorgo McKay has con fessed to the murder of CIcorso Carter at the hitter's home, in Cornplanter township, Venaniro county, on August 10th. Tho llrady base ball team, of Shamokin, challenges any club in Northumberland or Schuylkill county to play a icnmo of ball for $10 libido. The Northumberland Presbytery will meet in HloonisburK next year. The removal of P. & It. offices to Tamaqua in tho near future will tako about 30 families from Shamokin. Dr. S C. Swallow last night delivered an allelic-a in tho court house at New Castle. While working in tho Jeauesville slope, Luzerne county, Patrick Malum was killed by a fall of coal. The Presbytery of CarlUlo is in sesion at Newvillo, Cumberland county, with 05 min isters and elders in attendance. At Driftou, Luzerne county, Andrew McXcalis, of Heaver Meadow, had a leg cut oil' by a train, of which his brother was the engineer. Charles Anderson, formerly reporter on the Mahanoy City lieeord, is now employed in a similar capacity on tho Tamaiiu.i Courier. Kl. McClintic, a prominent baker, of purt, Canihria county, and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rough, or an (inner, were nriestcd yestciday on the charge of counterfeiting. Members of the Willianisport Wheel Club havo inaugurated a movement to erect a monument in memory of Twelfth llcgiment volunteers who died dining tho war witli Spain. liobert J. Caseaden, the Philadelphia hoy, serving twelve years for killing a policeman, yesteiday applied again to tho Hoard of P.udons for a paidon. lie was refused In 1SUI. Thirty-two merchants, between Tamno,ua and Hiu.lctou, have been detected selling oleomaigariue withouta license. W. K. Weidensaul, now conducting a hotel at Milton, closed negotiations yesterday by which lie assumed charge of the now Com mercial hotel at Mt Carmel. 1'reslijlery to Meet. On Tuesday, next, an adjourned meeting of tho Presbytery of Lehigh will bo held at Ashland to install Uev. E. K. Lashlcy, for merly of Pottsgrovo, Pa., as pastor of the Piesliytoiian church of Ashland and Con tialia. WEDDING BELLS. Slimy Ate Inliiril In (lie Holy lloinls ol Widluck In This Vlclnlly. All Saints' Protestant Kplscopal Hunch on South West street, was the scene of a pretty wedding ceremony at 7:30 o'clock last even ing in which T. A. Timmins, a well known and popular young man of town, and Miss L'mmn Ilioome, uf Sliaiuokln, wele the contracting parties. The church was filled with relatives and friends of the lespiellve principals. Wlllliim Veale and Miss Smllo llangli, both of town, wele in attendance as I giooniMnan unci bridesmaid, respectively,. and tho bride as given nwny by Albert Ilioome, of town. Itev O. W. Van 1'osmii, rector of the church, oflh iatcd nt the c-otc- luony. Mr and Mrs. Tlminins are coinfoil-1 amy located 011 i.ast cj.ik stuct. J lie nnue was Until leccutly a teacher in the public schools of Shamokin. Dr. ltobett I). (Irny, of Port Carbon, and Miss Mary Wren, daughter of George itn. were married yesteiday afternoon at tho residence of the bride's parents in Mnhanoj City, by the Kev. T. M. Morrison, of tho Piesbyleiinn church. Thoy left 011 the cwn ing train for a short tour and on their return will take up their residence in Poit Caibon. Last ovening George II Wertley and Miss M. Jennlo Olnssmire, both of Pottsville, were joined in matrimony, at tho homo of the bride's parents. Francis Towers, of Centralia, and Miss Mary Chapman, uf Aslil.iud, were yesterday married at the latter place, in St. Joseph's Catholic chinch. They will lesldout ten- tralia. Patrick Dever. of Girnrdvlllo, and Mia Itoso Connors, of Mahanoy Plane, were joined in the bunds of matrimony yesteiday. Tho bridesmaid was Miss Maine Dunn, ol St. Nicholas, and Win. Dever, a brother of the bridegroom, was best mau. Yesteiday ulternoon Charles Schooner anil Miss Coleman, both of Tusearor.i, were mauled in St. Jeiome's cliuuli, Tamaiii.a. They weio attended by John Slattery and Miss Coleman, sisler of the bride. At U o'clock last ovenlug, in tho Annuncia tion church, Michael Thornton, of Kingtown, was wedded to Miss Julia Mctliuley, of the same nlaco. The bride was supported by Miss Mary Kowland, of lirowusville. while James II mutt, of the same place, otiiciated as groomsman. At the conclusion of the eeiemony tlie wedding party drove to King town, whole a feast was served. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton will reside at Ifingtown. Miss Maggie liusk, of tho Fiist ward, and Joseph Lukasiewicz, uf (lilbcrton, weio united in the holy bonds of matrimony in the Lithuanian church. It's folly to suller from that horrible plague of the night, itching piles. Doin's Ointment cures, cjulckly and permanently. At any drug store, 50 cents. TIIK WHATIIKIt. TO BRING Into Notice Stock of . . Our New Furniture The forecast for Friday: Fair, slightly warmer and fresli to brisk southeasterly and southerly winds, followed by rain near the lakes. PERSONAL MENTION. Willlum Cattel paid a visit to friends at Pottsville to clay. Cornelius Davcnpoit tmnsictcil business at tho county 'eat this morning. .1. Claude llrowu made a trip to Pottsvlllo this moinlng to altend to some legal business, Alias Maggie I.eMiie, of South Main street, and liei sister. Mis. Jacob Per, of Hughes vllle, lire vislllng acquaintances in Hazlctou. Miss tlussie Kline has reiurneu imuic u. 11 vacation sojourn to Ashley and Wilkes barre. , , . . J J. Pilce has returned home from his trip to Uoston, Mass., and tho Now England '' llTw. Titmanand family, to day started on a trip to Philadelphia. Tho distance will l. cnvcicd behind Mr. 'Pitman's team of sorrels. Mis-cs Kate MrNVarney and Irene Kelly spent to day among friends at Pottsville. Misses SUnk's millineiy parlors, on South Jnidiu street, aro being replenished for the fall and winter season by tho attendance of Miss Margaret Stank at the millinery open ings in Philadelphia. Dainty and fashionable hiadgoar will predominate at their annual opening. William liees arrived in town to-day from Camp Meade and will spend his furlough hero with relatives. .Mrs. D. (! Ilruhst and Mrs. Henry Warnick went to Pottsville this morning to visit friends. The engagement ol Miss Nellie II. Finney, daughter or U. S. Treasurer, John F.I'iuuey, of Pottsville, and Ue-mo W. Helper, of town, is auuiiiiiiccd. OfM- ,V. A. I 1. ('it II.',..' Vi ' "'is or I".' Oloko irr 7 ni c u u 111 n t iviiiii' iitnililiwjxa aia mmiiar uompiaiau. anil prcn-irta uniir me etnntani OERHAH MEDICAL LAWS. iixtLiibod liy eminent pnytioiansi i Dn. nicHTER s " ANCHOR PAIN EXPELLER. Wft. 1.1 fnnnwnril I IJrinflfknlilv-Bllcce.pflll! 1 lOnlvpeniilnovrliliTrailc Mnrk" Anchor,' If I.I III. I.l.r C l'n..I.MVlu-St.. ClT lOrk 31 HIGHEST AVHQS. 13 Branch Homes. Own Glassworks. UtNcU, Endowed A rccounucnitud bj A. Waslcy, 106 If. Main St., . n. Haeenuoch, 103 N. Main St., , r. P.D. Klrlln, 6 s. Main St. Bhenancloah.j DR. RICHTtR'B ' "ANnioif i!";.-rif .r. I Colt1 . Ilyspr pslutMtomorli Cntiipliilii We Bottle A Miner Killed. William Zutkii, a miner 40 years old and residing at Mahanoy City, was instantly killed at Park No. S colliery this morning by a fall of top slate. A I'npulitr Manager. One of the most popular theatrical mana gois in this section Is James J. Quirk, of Kaicr's grand opora house, Mahanoy City In conversation with the advance agent of "Mc Doodlo's Flats," ho told me that Mr. Quirk was ouo uf tho most exacting managers in tho business, so far as tho class of shows aro concerned. Ho will allow no "burn-stunners" appear in his house, if ho knows it, and this is one reason fur tho large attendance at this popular play house. By tho way Itico and Hil ton's comedian will play at Killer's tu-morrow evening, presenting "McDoodle's Plats." To-night they hold forth at Oinud villc. This is a good show, and ought to draw largo crowds. OUR BOOTS, Especially for the miner, are selliiiK cheaper than anywhere else. In prices we are not to be outdone. All our boots and shoes are made of leather and not of paper as are being sold by some stores. BOSTON M SHOE E, Pa. 27 South Main Street, Shenandoah, I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR DOORS ABOVE POST OFFICE. PLAIN TO BE" SEEN! Particularly our fine parlor suits, we will sell for $14.50 for 10 d&ys. They consist of five pieces, finished in Mahogany irame, nigniy polished and upholstered in silk damask. We have only a few in stock of this kind. They are of remarkable value, artistically de signed, and well and beautifully made, and elegantly finished. At $14.50 it is almost like giving them away. We have also higher grades in fiftv different styles and prices. urchasers of Stoves, Ranges, or Heaters, should remember that we carry the largest stock and offer the greatest bargains. Davison's USY . FURNITURE . AND . STOVE . STORE, 121-123 North Main St. E H A V E The PRETTIRST Line of WEDDING and PARTY PRESENTS displayed In the county. BEAUTIFUL REAL OPAL GOODS ! GENUINE HAND-PAINTED NOT "DAUBS" Will not wash off. TOILET BOTTLES, COMB AND BRUSH TRAYS, PIN TRAYS, I-ANCY BOXES Horgan's Fancy Bazar, 33 North rvialn Street, Your eyes need attention. It is u mistake to neglect thc-m. It is better to give too much than too little attention. Carefully fitted glasses will protect your eyes for a long time to come. Uetter have them tested by our new method free of charge. Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN, 118 S. Main Street. 'i?jg:st liim e: of GROCERIESrFOyEED, HAY nd STRAW. Floor and Tabje 011 Cloths. V B. Foley, 37Wc'lStr.Bt Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle grease. Also headlight oil, 150 fire test. ECLIPSrf OIL COMPANY, No. 113 Kant Con! Street. Blienandoali, l'eiina Mall orders promptly attended to. Knr Constipation taku Karl's Clover Iioot Tel. tho Kic-iit IUochI I'urltler. Cures Head ache, Nervousness. Eruptions on tho Face, unci inalies the head ele.irasa hell. Sold by P. O. Kiilin and n minranteo. BEER, WEISS BEER, ALE, PORTER 'rivate family orders will receive prompt attention. Leave them at the office, we will do the rest. COLUMBIA BREWING COMPANY. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 . T A X'l'l'.l ). A l;nlv (O lOflV ltiilii ini' hull, Shenandoah, on Tliurnlny, from I lo 0 p. to. I'oitM lr it-, r the pliino MUs M (1 Lewis, "--".i-St 1,1()l! SAI.l:. Two pool tablea in RiHhi eondl ' tlon. Can lie houclit very leiitoiutlilc, A' ply to Anthony street. Selnnkker, 1011 South Main 11 TOTICH. Dv-lmWo propcnles for sale. Ai- l plv to S. t). M. lloiiopeter, attorney, hhenaii.loah. Ml-tf Seeond Week Criminal Comt. Tho Jury Commissioners drew the follow In!,' iurors yesterday for the term of court heRinniiiK Momlay.thu 21st day of November, A. I). 1M)S, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon : C. W. Dengler, Ins. asent, Slien.mdo.ili. Geo. Folmor, driver, Shenandoah. Matthuw (ilhlin, constable, Shenandoah. Oco. Johnson, merchant, Mahanoy Tp. l'rod. Banner, elork, Tamanna. W. J. O.ilvin, nccnt, Shenandoah. Win. McLaughlin, tailor, Shenandoah. Clms. 1 Smith, laborer, Ashland. Jesso Martin, plastorcr, Ashland. Frank Ilollniau, patternmakur, Ai bland. Henry llugelg&ntz, carpenter, Mali. City. Jos. Swausboro, laboror, Girardville. H. M. liradiwui, merchant, Shenandoah. Harry Duncan, machinist, Guidon. Tlios. L. Knterline, merchant, llutlor. TI103. Canfield, minor, Gllhorton. Jacob K. Clauaor, carpentcr.Mahanoy City. Henry Iiickel, farmer, Ilutler. Horaco Dengler, clerk, Shenancoah, Curlers Evans, laborer, Ashland Oiear Iietteridue, laborer, Shcnando.ih. Lawrence Gihlln, Sr., laborer, Sliciuinlonli. Peter Gherety, laborer, Aslil.m 1. Jurry Foulk, bote), Frackville. Frank Uroining. laborer, llntlor. John C. Grillitb, laborer, Shenandoah. Louis Pl'eil, minor, Tamaqua. Thus. J. Brown, miner, Mahanoy City. A stuhb irn cough or tickling in tho throat yields to One Miuuto Cough ''are. Harmless 111 elloct. touches tho right spot, rename, anu just what is wanted. It acts at once. 0. II. llagenliuch. (Irudwoll'H Condition. Tho injury Samuel Until well sustained in tho West Shenandoah colliory yesterday by 11 fall of coal has been pronounced a Iracture of tho spine by the ollicials of tho Miners' ho-i-pital, to which placo Gradwoll was removed yesterday afternoon, They also believe there is a luceratlon of the spinal cord. There is complete paralysis of both motion and sen sation below tho waist. Dr. iliddlo hopes to bo ablo to perform an opor.ttlou on Saturday, or Monday, and that will determine definitely tho result of the Injury. When doctors fail, try Burdock Blood Bitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation; in vigorates the whole system. Sunday School Convention. A convention of tho Girardville Sunday school district will be held in tho Methodist Episcopal church at Ashland next Tuesday afternoon and evening. Itev. Charles Ithoads, of Philadelphia, stnto secretary of the Sabh.ith School Association, will ho pres ent and delhur an addross. The district in cludes the schools of St. Nicholas, Uirurd villo and Ashland. IOUHAI.U A villuihle property on West 1 tVnire stri-et, dwelling hoilHe, and all con vcuicnccH in dcdruhle location. Apply to Thonms Tosltfor further particulars. .2etr I DMINMSTltATOIfS NOTICI!. Letters of V mIniini)trntion on the etato of Jacob Lauilig, Into of Ninth Union township, Schuyl kill county, Pa , ileceici'il, have lieen granted to Win. II. Nliinresscr. leading at Rimitown. 1'a.. to M-holo all persons Indebted to said estate are rcipiclcd to make payment, unit those having chiims or dctn-iiiiN will make known the same w itlinut delay. Or In Vt'M. It. Nuxciisr.K. S. O. M. lIoi.Lui'nTKrt, Att'y. Administrator Aug. St, IMH. 8-M-1-8-1S-22-2U s li:.U:i) l'J.OPOSAt S will be rcculveil b the iinti(r,lLMKtl. thu Controllvr of Hchuv kill county, at lilaolllvu at ruttivlllo. Ia., until IDitVlmk a, in.. Wednesday. October 5th, for tbt; furiilMlilnir HunnlluH for the Scliuvl kill innntv nlnmboiiMG ami the ScllUvlUll county prison, for tlm (juartcr cndlnjr December bchctluli of tho articles needed and probable amount of each rcniilrcd may b obtained from (be authorities of tho nlmmtouso, or iirlnoii, or Horn the iinlerH)Ktiel. Therinht reserved to reject any or nil . U1h. CltAUI.KH A. Bnvdeu County Controller, Controller's olllec, 1'ottHvllIe, la. Heutember DIlOroSA T,S.- I ceived ly tlie htiect Sealed proposals will bo re- Llie Mieet eonnnttteo of the Jioroimh Council for tho cleaulni: of the alien andoalt t ret k. net online to tho profile and speeifleutlotiH preparetl by civil engineer Clemen , of the I'. Sz 11. C, A I. Co, Same can lie Hcn by calling nt tho oillco of William Nlmventer'fl livery stable, Vest ' 'oal street. All liiUH are to bo In tho banda of the chalriiinu Jtseph V. Hell, by Saturday, October 1st, 1WW, at A it, m. The eommitlee reserves tho rlbtto reject nuy or an nun. joEi'if ism.L, Chairman. I'AitTicK Hand, J, V, Hokum, c. t htiul'cihn, Daniel Coaklhy, Mautin Lally, y-27-rt Committee, CHARTER NOTICE. mm,- enmr store. -DHALKIl IN o ;ruit, Confectionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Wholesale and RetaU. SO West Centre Stroetu Fall Opening at Kelly's Millinery Foreign patterns and creations from our own work room are side by side in this great dis play. Millinery hats meet the demands of fashion. Most critical exaction is always asso ciated with the name of Mis. J. J. Kelly. People are surprised that such handsome hats, trimmed with such rich material, can be made for the price. Some of these are original creations, some are copied from foreign models. It is the trimming and sell ing of stylish and elegant hats that has made Mrs. J. T. Kelly the recognized headquarters for high art millinery. It is the selling of elegant trimmed hats at prices within the reach of all that made Kelly no famous. Felt Hats of every description and shade at Mrs. J. J. Kelly, 26 South Main Street. - Shenandoah, Pa. DANDRUFF ... Is the Beginning of Baldness. Westphal's fluxiliator Cures Dandruff anil all diseases uf the scalp. FOR SALE AT D D EDER snor Ferguson Home lllock. Anthracite Political Club Ainnrs every monoay evenino nt 7 o'clock nt 211 ltnce street, Glovers' Hill. II. M. nOYEtt, Pres. T. MALIA, Sec'y.. BOOTS, SHOES, ELA-TS. QUI line is the biggest in town, lowest in price, and the quality speaks for itself. Our motto : PRICES. basis saving you -FACTORY Not above or below, but on a 25 per cent, on the dollar. Our line of hats is the latest in style, best riiey have just arrived from New York. All as we already have in quality, lowest price. we ask of the public is to call and be convinced convinced thousands. The Only New Factory Shoe Store, Abo. Levlnc, Prop. T S. Malm St. Beware of close imitations of the name of our store, but look for the right place. NotUo Is liei-L-bv given tliat an application will bu tiimlo to the Court of Common Plena of fSclmyU ill county, ra.t Ht Pottsville, on BIou tiny, October 10, ISH, nt ten o'clock In tho fore noon, by XMioIhh Kreiliuml. 3Inx Itnbhiowltz, tannic! vteMfl, IJnno l-'rlclmtiri, Duvfn Gobrnlo vleli. D.ivis MuttrelHkv and Mnx Hmlireleky. umitjr tho Act of Assembly approved April 29tii, 1ST I, entitled "An Act to provide for thu Inter polation nml regulation of ccrtnln corpora tlonti," and tho supplements thereto, for thu charter of n corpuiution to bo known as 'Tho hon- of Abraham Hebrew Congregation," of bhen.uidoah, Pa,, tlm character nml objceti of which are tho maintenance ami support of relfgioiM worship according to tho fjlth, dis cipline and uaiigcs of the Hebrews. Said organization is to be carried on at Shenandoah, Pa , and for tho purposes above set forth Is to have and enjoy nil the rights, benefits ai d privcIo;cH conferred by the Maid Act of Assembly and Its supplement M. M. HcitKB, Solicitor. September 15, Jh'.H, y-15-2J-2U-ft A Contented Woman Is she who has her walls and ceilings dtcorated from our latest designs nnd rich colors In wall paper- Wu have a complete line of exquisite tints nnd shades, In tho most atltlo combina tions nnd patterns, nnd we will decorate jour home from kitchen to at tie nt u reasonable figure. J. P. CARDEN, 224. West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Obituary. Miss Hoso Council, nged 17 years, sistor uf l'liil. J. Couuoll, illod on Tut'hday cycnliii-Ht licr liumo lu Qliarilvlllo. Tho fuuural will tako jilac-o to-morrow lnornliiK at 0:3U o'clock. Solemn Utuuiom Mass will bu lolobutul In St. Joseph's church and tntoruicnt will bo made in tbo parish cemetery. For Sale. IKE ORKIN, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical Instruments, Optical Goods. No. 129 South Main Street, TERMINUS OP THE SCHUYLKILL TRACTION COHPANY'S RAILWAY. erty, street, enees, Tor further this office. Valuable Shenandoah prop centrally located on Oak. with all modern conveni slore room and dwelling. information apply at 9-2-i m We are again doing business at the old stand, with our former large stock of goods. Mr. Orkiu is still in attendance and is conducting the business. He invites all his former patrons to call and pay him a visit. The stock consists of a complete line of jewelry and musical instru ments. The prices are the feature of the store ; they are within reach of every purchaser. Repairing a specialty. Before you buy elsewhere call and see our stock and get prices. No trouble to show goods. We have polite salespeople. i ' '' " - ' ' -l-MIR ROUGH RIDKRS always won their battles ; so does the Grett Mammoth Clothing House, 1 1, Goldui, Prop.) Our Grand Opening Of Pall and Winter Stock of Clothing and JL Overcoats is now in progress. Give us a call and see the wonderful revelation we have in Clothing for Men, Youths and Children Nothing of the kind has ever been attempted before in Shenandoah. We have searched in the best manufacturing houses for the best materials and the latest styles and we found them. Everything in our stock is as new as a fresli laid egg, and every piece is worth 20 per cent, more than we ask for it. We don't ask you three or four prices, as some dealers do. Our goods are marked in plain figures, and at bottom-rock prices with ten per cent, additional off. We can afford to do this because we are big buyers of goods and get an allowance of ten per cent, from the wholesale houses. This percentage we give to our customers. We have the finest Overcoats for Men and Youths that any dealer in the county ever handled, and are offering them at from 3 to See the latest Do Style Ovorcoats . The stock is a large one, but people should call before a rush sets in and others have their choice in selection. The first com , first served, and the same prices to all is one of the leading mottoes in our house. Everybody is welcome to visit our store and none need feel under obligation to buy. Every caller will be surprised by our display and agiee with us that no other house in the county ever carried such a select and varied stock of clothing before. Men's Suits from $3.00 to $18.00. Boys' Suits from $2 00 up to $12.00. Children's Suits from 90c. up to $6.00. We know people don't want trash pushed upon them when they buy clothing, and we never offer anything but the good article to our custom ers. We give our customers eight days to find out if we don't sell cheaper than any other clothing house in the county. If we don't we take back the goods and refund the money. Great Mammoth Cothing House, u golpin, prop 8c 11 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, PENNA.