" BATTLB WITH STRIKERS: ftf it rilC EXCBUENCE OF SYRUP OP FIGS is duo not only to tlio orlrriualtly nutl simplicity of tlio i-ouiMitittlnii, but nl.so to tlio care nntl sitlll with which it is manufactured by buinntillu processes known to tho CAi.iKiujNt.v Vm Svv.vv Co. only, iintl wo wish to impress upon all the importance of purelmslnpf the true mid original remedy. As tho genuine Syrup of Hps isiiinnufiictured by the OAt.iKottxtA Via Svntrp Co. mly, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in uvoidlng tho woithless imitations iimnufnctiiml by oilier par ties. The high standlni; of the Cai.I fohnia Via Syhvv Co. with thn medi cal profession, nnd the Mitisfucllon which the genuinu Syrup of Figs lias given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company n guaranty of tho excellence of Its remedy. It Is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Iinportod Negro Minors on tlio Aggressivo. CHALLENGE QUICKLY ACCEPTED. Miles' Nervine Will Wot Perform Miracles But It Will Cure Nervous Prostration. jNI?V YORK DEMOCRATS. Loadors Can Givn No Prophecy aa to tbo Nominees. 8 .IX FIIA.NM . l.ntilRVti.i.K. Kr. . 'nl. WEAR Royal Worcester Corsets. roil 8ALE BY LEADING DEALERS. You I A little of tliis coffee is ) Admixture to I liciom cheap coffee I M'.fl.iU makes uiiclicious"".-" trtn antt finvwexperw" 4 can blame ursclf if you pet real 3 if e e to Ordinary made de- bv adding Pilsner Beer. Ncfids no rcnommcnclation. Put up in bottles for family use and delivered at your home. Nenroep on Ono Slilo or tlio Strcot nml White Strlknt'M on tlio Other l'lro Sovornl llunilruil HliotH Ono Neirro Itonorted Kilted, Sovornl Wounded. Pana, Ills., Sept. 29. Striking union coal miners and Imported negroes en gaged In a pitched battle In the main street of tills city last night. Several hundred shots were exchanged. No one was wounded In the ranks of the union men. The negroes were driven from the city to their stockades, car rying with them, It Is believed, a num ber of wounded comrades. One of the negroes Is reported to have died soon after reachlnir the stockade. Desul tory firing continued all mldnlcht In the vicinity of the stockades. The negroes from the stockades at the Sprlngslde and Penwell mlneM were making demonstrations on Second and Locust streets, the principal streets In the city, by parading heavily armed. The union miners were In session at their hall, where a Chicago labor leader was speaking. One of the ne groes appeared at tho foot of tho miners' hall and engaged In a quarrel with a union white miner. Ollicer Samuel Smith Immediately arrested the black, and was escorting him to Jail, when he was closed In on by a posse of negroes who, pointing their revolvers at Smith, threatened to kill 1 him If he did not release tho prisoner. ' Smith continued on his way to Jail with the prisoner. Union miners and others, meanwhile, went to Smith's assistance and the necroes were driven back. I Smllh took his prisoner to Operator Geore V. Penwell's store, and upon Penwcll's standing for the negro's line he was released. Uefore Smllh had released his pris oner, however, the negro posse had been reinforced and assumed a threat ening attitude toward the white men. David MeOarvIc, leader of the union miners, clubbed one of the blocks over the head with a revolver. It Is said. For half a block McGarvic forced the ne groes to retreat, and then a few shots were fired. The negroes retreated In double quick time to their stockades. They secured rifles, returned to Lo cust street and challenged the miners for a fight. The opposing forces lined up on the street, the negroes with Winchesters and the miners with shot guns, rifles and revolvers. Neighbor ing business houses were Immediately closed, llshts extinguished and citizens generally sought their homes. At the word of command tiring commenced. The first volley, It Is asserted, was fired by the negroes. The union men responded with a vol ley, and heavy firing continued for live minutes. Much of the shootlnc was wild and entirely harmless to the white men, who finally drove their enemies In full retreat to the stockades. A second encounter between whites nnd blacks occurred 20 minutes after the first battle near the Penwell stock ade, but the firing was scattered, and It Is not believed to have been a seri ous engagement. The miners had full charge of the business streets all night. Desultory rifle leports could be heard from the Penwell and Sprlngslde stock ades, but no person would venture Into the streets near the mines, and very few loitered about the business or residence sections. The union miners say the battle of lost night Is only a foretaste of what may be expected to follow. They blame Operator Penwell for the trouble, and say they will swear out warrants charging him with In citing last night's riot. "LILVERITES HAVE TICKET READY D Lauer's Pilsner Draught Beer Is drank by the majority of beer drinkers. They are good authority on which is best. Christ. :limidt, Agent and Bottler, 203 W. Coal Street, SHENANDOAH - FA DRINK CMJARY'S EXTRA HNE QUALITY -GINGER ALB, - Superior Sarsaparilla.. and Orange Champagne Free Pills. Send your address to II. E. llucklcn & Co., .Iiicago, and get a tree sample do ui ur. ICinff's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in tlieir aclion anci arc particularly cuccuvc in Hip cure nf Constitution and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed in be perfectly free from every deleterious substance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the svstem. Recular size 2oc, per box. Sold by A. Wasley, Druggist. MRS. ADME REED, Delta, Iowa. R. MILES' Restorative Nervine Restores Health, not by any mlraculou9 instantaneous process, but in accordance with science, which is the practical, common-senso way of first re- 9099 moving tho germs of disease, and then supplying nutritious, healthy nerve food, that gradually starts into new, vigorous growth, strong healthy nervo tissue, increases the appetite, helps digestion in ton ing tho stomach and entire system; and strengthens the brain aud will power to control tho nerves, that induce sleep and rest with out stupefying or paralyzing the senses. Tho case of Mrs. M. B. Reed, tho estimable wife of tho leading merchant in Delta, Iowa, interestingly show3 that desperate cases require prolonged treatment. Mrs. Reed writes '"" " I had been troubled with nervousness and occasional spells of prostra tion. In July 1891, 1 was stunned by a stroke of lightning striking the house, and became much worse. My limbs would all draw up, and my left arm and hand was in a cramped condition, and the chords in my neck would lio out prominently. One physician pronounced it a light stroke of paralysis. I would have throbbings in my chest that seemed unendurable. For three months I could not sleep, and for three weeks I did not close my eyes in sleep. I thought I could not stand it. I just prayed for sleep, and felt that if relief did not como I would soon bo dead or insane. My physicians (two from What Cheer, one from Springfield, and ono from Slgourncy), all agreed there was no help for me; that I was incurable. January 1802: Catching at a last straw as I thought, I tried Dr. Miles' Nervine, and it helped me from tho very first bottle. The second night I slept two hours, and from that timo on my sleep kept increasing and my health improved; slowly at first, but steadily and surely. I have taken in all forty bottles, but that first bottle was worth 1500.00 to me. No words can express my sufferings, and I can't explain in words how grateful I feel towards Dr. Mile3 for wonderful Restorative Nervine. I am now perfectly well and have not taken the medicine for over four months." Mus. Addik Reed. Dr. Miles' TTorvIno is sold hv nil rlniirrrlRts nn t.Vin nnalt.lvn miarantee. that, tho first bottlo will benefit, or money will bo refuuded. j Book on Heart and Nerves Froo By Tho Dr, Miles' Medical Co., Elkhart, Indiana. Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health. STRONG AGAIN! WHEN IN DOUBT, TRY Theyhavcttood the test ofyears, ana Have cured lllousanas oi cases of Nervous Diseases, such as Debility, Duziness, Sleepless ness and Varicocele. AtroDhv.&c. They clear the brain, strengthen the circulation, make digestion nitrfrrt. and Iramrl a hAl,hw vigor to tho whole being. All dralos and losses are- checked permanently. Unless patients are iirepeny curcu, tneir condition oiien worries tnem into insanity, uonsumpiionor ueato. Mailed seated. Priced per box: 6 boxes, with Iron-clad leial guarantee to cure or refund taa inouey,5.co. Send lor free book. Address, PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, 0.t' For Sale at KIRLIN'S Drug Store, Shenandoah, Pa 1'ln-y Dcclm-o Tlmy Will Put Tills Tlflcut In tlio J'leltl IfTlioy Aro Not Itcciinlzcil-Diiiinirtli IIiih tlio Mom Votes, Hut Not Kiiouuli to Nuiuliiiito. Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 29. The chaotic conditions of tho delegates to the state Democratic convention was accentu ated last nlsht by a contest precipi tated by the action of the committee on credentials In confirming the slttlne delegations In the three districts of Krle and seating the contesting dele gates In the First and Third of Mon roe. This action, If npproved, would probably give control of the next state committee to ex-Senator II 111. and this morning It Is asserted that Mr. Croker and Tammany will light the adoption of the leport on the lloor of the con vention today. It Is also asserted that .the Tammnny delegates, llndlng the up-state sentiment strongly against Van Wyck, have thought of taking up Judge D. Cady Ilerrlck, of Albany, us their candidate, to prevent ex-Senator Hill nomlnutlng Mr. Stanchlleld and to combat an idea that Hill has defeated Croker. It Is generally conceded that Mr. Dantorth will go Into the convention with more votes than any other can didate, but not enough to nominate. The Stanchlleld boom has grown rap- I Idly, and many Tammany men are talking of It. All night the leaders have been fighting hard, and there Is proiiilse of a heated session today un less some understanding Is arrived at. The light seems to be the delegates be low the Ilronx against those above It, nnd so far the latter are In the ascend ancy. It Is probable that the con vention will finish by tonight. It Is not possible this morning to give any Idea of the names that will probably go on the ticket. To some newspapaer men last night Mr. Croker said that Mayor Van Wyck was not a candidate, but there is no general In dication that he has been withdrawn permanently. The only thing decided finally upon last night, and not subject to change. Is thnt there will not be any mention either of the Chicago national platform or of silver. Long before the pint form committee met there were In dications that this was so. In the brief session of the convention yesterday Delegate J. C. Pierce, of Montoe, offer ed a resolution Indorsing the Chicago Platform, but was not allowed to speak uiion It. and It was not read. Still later In the day the silver adherents applied to tho committee on resolutions to nut in a nlank of Indorsement, but met with lefusal. The result of all this was a meeting of a number of the silver men and the selection of a state ticket, which they claim they will put In the field If they nre not recognized. The proposed tick et Is: For governor, William Clark nf Osweco: lieutenant governor, Charles n. Matthews, of Krle; secretary of state, A. C. Flske. of New York: comp troller. Levi S. Lewis of Albany; state treasurer, John G. Iloyd of New York: nttorney general. A. D. Wales, of Broome; state engineer. Martin Schenck of Rensselaer. There were some other pKases of the silver question which were quite amus ing, and displayed scientific politics upon the part of those in charge of the party affairs, who ore for a state plat form without mention of national Is sues. It was called to attention 4hat Hosea H. Itockwell, of Chemung, who presided to-dny over the committee on platform hasalways beennsllver Demo crat, and yet will have to read from the stage of the convention a platform devoid of any commendation of the ChUago platform. Then late in the afternoon It was an nounced that the selection for perma nent chairman of the convention had fallen upon Frederick Schraub. of Jef ferson, who was a candidate for lieu tenant governor on the state silver men's ticket two years ago. When the silver Democrats heard of there Ironi cal movements on the part of the or ganization Democrats they declined to talk, but there is every Indication that they nre quite willing to believe that their support Is somewhat weakened by these movements. DISASTROUS PRAIRIE FIRES. Ono llliucli or Klvo TlioiiMind Cuttlo llllriled to Dentil, Denver, Sept. 2D. A prairie lire, prob ably stntted by a spnrk from a locomo tive, has burned over thousands of acres of grazing lands between Kiowa nnd HIJou crerkK, In Morgan county, nnd destioyed thousands of ton of hay. Ituncliman W. C Miller and his wife and child had a narrow escape from being burned to death. The womnn and the child weie badly burned. Had It not been for the piompt work of the railroad men and others nt Corona the town would have been entirely de stroyed, (iolnsr townrd the appornch ing lire for a mile buck fires were started, and In this munner the danger averted. Thousands of nend of cattle are threatened with destruction by the foiest fires. In Kngle county, where the llarnes seem to be spreading more rapidly than In other sections of the state, ranch ploperty has been buincd aud the furm ers.wltb their stock, have been trying to get out of the pnth of the fires for a week past. One large bunch of nbout B.000 head of cattle was entirely sur rounded by fire, nnd have undoubt edly been destroyed by this time. Despatches from various points In the forest fire belt Indlcute that the fires ate spreading, and that unless something Is done to cheek their fur ther progress, the loss will be almost beyond computation. As it Is now some mining camps ure threatened with destruction, and many rnnrhes nre doomed. At I ted CHIT the tires are within ten miles of the ton n and citizens are or ganizing to light their advance. A despatch states that It Is fenred that the little mining settlement at Holy Cross, near Ited Cliff, has been de stroyed. Ono Minnie Ctu uli CuruMimrisospcunIo by iU quick cures ami eliililicn may take it in laruu iiuaiiiiticD without the leat Hunger, it Iina won for Itself the licit leputation of any prcpanition used today fur colds, croup, tickling in tho throat or obstinate coughs. (I II, Haccnbucli. Killed By n pntilh Sentinel. San Juan de Porto Hleo, Sept. 29. Word has reached here that a Porto Itlcan, residing at Aguadllla, near May aguez. asked protection of both the American and Spanish troops against depiedatlons by outlaws, which was predicted would occur. In response to his request the American authorities sent to his residence two soldiers of a Kentucky regiment, who arrived there after dark. The resident had not noti fied the Spaniards that he had request ed American protection, and some Spanish soldiers, who had been sent to guard his house, arriving after the Americans, mistook the latter for out laws. In the confusion resulting the Spaniards tired, unfortunately killing one of the Americans. F P H M EL m far shrill I-ui,crciI frmiK a on tho rlclit car. 1 could hardly keep iny hands oir It, tlio Itching Kui k swore. Hinall bubbles would open, emit: in 'a w.ircr bua babotancc, apparently lh i . of the leading doctors hero trr it i - 'ird applied tlio usual physician's retiipilli' v itliout benefit. Sly brother rec Mtni .Mil,-! tint I try riTictitA. Tholrit ut'i' a ' n v toothing, and beforo tlio box M ti'ilf' -v "c the iHtente had tHmpfunritt. II. f. IIAUNKT, C14 ltacoSt.,Clnn.,0. Ci seur Crim TniutMriT ron Etert Kiwro Eo- i a wit'i I Hun Warm baths with Ci Tl fi . Sua j-n'i'' viniminiM wlih C'tipCKA,iureitot n 'Ikta, i.:ivl n ,1.1 !'"" of t t th tui KsS'jLVStfT. PtU Cifru -'imilPir irHil. Potter llRrnAn rnin. tforti .MIM'ro:n , Hot-uii. " How tdCure Kezema,Mfrce. HUMPHREYS' Mali's EVAN J. DAVIES. 1 Livery and Undertaking, Nn 13 Nortli JanUn St. l'lititl I'lro Hint nxplo-Ion. St. Louis. Sept. 2S. All explosion of powder in the basement of a four-story building nt 410 North Fourth street, occupied by C. and W. McLaln, fish ing tackle and sporting goods, blew out the front of the structure yesterday and set tho building on fire. Three women Jumped from the third story while the firemen were endeavoring to reach thenp One of these, Pauline Uerger, died last night, and Florence Hlgby Is dying. Several fliemcn were seriously Injured. DoWitt's Witch Hnzol Salvo ban the largest salo of any salvo In tlio world. This iact and Its merit lias icu uisuuneai iiuuyiu tempt to counterfeit It. look out. ir mu ....... .i, it..,,,,,t tr, ili'i'plvn vou when you call for DoWitfa Witch Hazlo Salvo, tlio meat pile euro. v. it. iibboiiuucu. Flvo Klllt'illii ltullrouil Smash. Halifax. N. S Sept. 29. A special txeursion train on the way to the Hall- fax exhibition from Pictou crashed Into a working train near Stellerton. James Sproull and Mlcjiael O'Hiien. engineers. W. U. Henderson ana jonn it. mo- Kenzle, firemen, und William Cameron, of Scotch Hill, Pictou county, a pas senger, were killed. TVii, wnll. Peonle have learned that DeWlit's I.lttlo Karly Klscrsmo reliable llltln idlla for rr'irlllalltll! the huWt'ls, Clirillg lumstl nation and biiik headai'lio. llioyilonl grlpo. u. it. iiaueuiiuuii. niUions of Dollars fin un In nmntti. .ivcrv voar. Take risks hut got your houses, stock, fat- ulture, etc., insured lu nrstrClass re liable, companion aa represented by riAVTl) FAUST. Insurance Apent UiviiJ rauaii 120 H()1i11i Jsrpf( Alan Ut ndAftolilMl Oontnanlr VOTE FOR H.J.MULDOON YOUR NRIUIUJOR, FOR CONTROLLER. VOTE FOR David M. Graliam, OP MAiiANOV CITY, FOR STATE SENATOR DiminiU'U'H (Juooii liylnir. London, Sept. 29, A despatch from Copenhagen bays the death of Queen Louise of Denmark Is momentarily ex pected. Her mujesty Is unconscious nnd her pulse ami respiration are til most imperceptible. Her physicians ure employing oxygen to facilitate her respiration. The whole royul family ure at her bedside. "WHERE DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES." GREAT SAVING RESULTS FROM THE USE OF SA O Mr. llryiiii's'IlliH"-".. Washington, Sept. 29. Colonel Will iam J. Hryan, nlthough still confined to the home of his friend, C. T. Bride, was able to sit up a short time yes terday. Ho hopes to be able to be out In two or three days. C3 Lh I but have told direct to tho eon earner for 25 yean t whole- iua price. aviDK mm dealer I proms, snip anj- where lor mminmoa. Everything warrantee!. Hflitylei of Vebiclea, AS itylee of lUrniu. Ton Uu riei. 138 to 170. flrjrr.Ti. liUtollii. C'irrU-' lri. I'hMtoni. TriF. Waxon- tie I, 8pnng.Iloa4 and Milk ViT.A"'.1 CatLocu.of alUniitjIii. ,ie4e"W '4M. .n.tertM, fiAKHART cAiuiiAOK kfiD ainNXBi sura. co. w . PIU.TT. kuhiabt. wd. V.oa By, rrise, with enruini, Umpi, n YOUR FORTUNE TOLD. :.! i REMARKABLE SCIENTIFIC AND WONDERFUL SCIENCE. "SOLAR BIOLOGY." We ONLY TRUE SCIENCE BY WHICH YOUR FUTURE CAN TRULY AND ACCURATELY BE FORETOLD, ZAUAH, the world-renowned Egyptian Astrologer, who hu been creating uth rh toniibmeot throughout Europe fur the pait fire yean, will giro a truthful, aoourate. ilanethoroaoopo delineation of your life, lie will gire your pertonal appearance, dn- trillion, character, abihtr. tute. cro&atle lenxlh of life. ittMiMe aocidenU. id tic khA ; luggestioni on love auain. marriage, menu, eneimci, ipecuiauoa, iuiinei matieri, eta. 4 liluntO 1 U liL Uli nU 1 1 U DC. thl Dd on anr other qnaiUoni of your i - --... I , put, prcaeu aa future me. A SINGLE ANSWER fclAY LEAD YOU TO MAKE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS. Send 10 centi ana giro exact aau oi mno asa i wtu immediately return yon a i i n ii tratbrul rtoroioor re4dfogof I mill I Jforo than twenty million free sample of DoWitt's Witch llu.cl S.tlvo have beou dis tributed by the manufacturers. What hotter proof of their confidence In Its merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, sores, in tho shortest space of time. 0. II. llaconbuoli r.miiiis-uiliit' t'ltinlmii'H furowoll. Washington, Sept. 29. M. Cumbim, the French embassador, called on Pres ident McKluley yesterday afternoon and mndo his fnrewell preparatory to the embassador's departure for Eu rope. Ho sails from New York Sat urday morning. For broken .urfuccs, .wrf. I"ert. bites, burns, sklu diseases and csucci illy plies tlieio la one rellablo remedy, DoWitt's Witch Hael Salve. When you call for DoWltt'e don't accept counterfellS or frauds. Yon will not bo disappointed with DoWitt's Wllcli Ilaieel Salvo. U. II. lUgeubuch. it 70nr lift, sad proTt It to U sll tnis br Toari.lf. tbls oflsr as a tlt trial. AU commaaloatlos. strlcUf eoafldsatial. Addrtu ZARAHtho ASTROLOGER, Lack Box 403, PMIadolphla, Pm. JYm fMXSS' Zsrsa ibt Iitbolmsb Ii Mrulal; aitoolstlsf iaouaadt. His voodtr fal prtdlsUoaj aa UU ar m4 npea UdliPlUbl tad Mlsaltfls iDdataoM." enrerrr4a.eej4 3r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ri ; 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ( i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 W08HFN WHO READ I utiisitiffn'o nml Iswii .iilotnu'il in WorM'rJ 1'iogu'M. I'lii' null nro tho foniii'd uiitl tlinfty uluuys keep in- - ll,iau w.fc mV y iRAINBOW LiMMENT i In the hoima, ca & Mtandanl jvm&Jy fur c Bprtjna r'fuiftee ('n.'A Blriitjii'i'-' S and L' .. ii w. pt.ip.t V f wittii itnmi .ri . I E 1 Sic)niTn!aa'!rtKDr"rtui;r nnf, .iir mw When you call tor DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don't accept any thing else, Don t lie talked into accepting a sulistituto, for piles, for sores, for burns. C. II. IlageuMiicli, VostuitlnyV llM-olmlt Giuiis. At New York Philadelphia, 8; New York, 7. At Louisville Louisville, 6 Chicago, 1. At Boston Brooklyn, C Boston, 2. At St. Louis Cleveland 4 Cincinnati, 1. Stop That Couch I Take warning. It may lead to Consumption. A 23c bottle of Sliiloh' Cure may save your life, bold by P. 1). Kirlin and a guarantee The South mid 1U Ailsiiutageii. Tho Southern Railway has issued for frco distribution, a sixteen page journal des criptive of Virginia, North and South Caro lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alibnuia nml Mississippi, l'ersotis seeking new locations, or capitalists desiring to make safeand profit able investments will 11ml the information contained therein both vnlnable and inter cstlng. Copies will bo mailed free upou ap plication to John II. lleall. District Passen ger Agent, 828 Chestnut Btreot, Philadelphia, l'a. Wlmt Dr. A. K. Sinter Say. Uufi'Alo, N. Y. Gents : From my per sonal knowledge, gained in obsorviug tlio effect of your Sblloh's Cure in cases of ad vauced Consumption, I am prearcd to bay It Is the most remarkable' llemedy that ha ever been brought to my attention. It lias cortaiiiiy saved mauy from Consumption Sold liy P. D, Klrllu, and n guantntce. nnot ti.v n oturiin .".iiiitmr. Santa Monica, Cab, Sept. 29. While Governor Smith, of the Pacific branch of the National Soldiers' Home, near this place, waa coming to Ills head .iunrtern yesterday, Albert G. Bradley, who has been an Inmate of the homo for flvo years, taire up behind him and shot at him live times, three bullets taking effect. The Fiitgeons think the wounds are not fatal. At times Brad ley has acted Htrangcly. nnd It was supposed he was mentally unsound, Ho was arrested. Smith wns formerly governor of tho Soldleis' home nt Leav enworth, hut wnt transferred ufter be ing charged wl ii cruelty to soldiers. In 1897 his hon.e in Leavenworth was wrecked by dynamlle. Joseph W. Oli ver, a resident nf the home, was con victed of the ciiine. Unless the proper precau tious are taken, death will lurk in every home. It dogs the foot steps of hus band, wife and children alike. If the husbaud Is an ambitious man, the chances arc that he will overwork and ir overworry aud r take insufE cient time to 1 rpfit. pat nnd QGT sleep. At first ai lie may i e e l hut tritlitur ill 1 effects from his indiscretion. Then he will suffer from headaches, loss of appetite, loss of sic p. lassitude in the morning, drowsi ness dmmg the day and a general "out-of-sorts" fieling If these conditions are neglected almost any serious malady may be the i csult Frequently it 16 sonn- nerv ous disorder or dread consumption Dr Pierce's (golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine for hard-working men. It gives edge to the appetite, makes digestion and assimilation perfect, invigorates the liver and purifies and enriches the blood It is the great blood - maker and flesh builder. It cures c3 per cent, of all cases of chronic or lingering, bronchial, throat and lung affections. All too frenuentlv. death docs the foot steps of the wife, in the guise of weakness ami disease of the delicate and important argaus mat near tne uuraens oi witetiooa and maternity. There Is an unfailing cure for disorders of this nature. It is Dr. Pierce's I'avorite Prescription. It acts di rectly on the sensitive organs concerned, naklng them strong, healthy and vigorous, (t fits for wifehood and motherhood. They are sold at all medicine stores. During early childhood death lurks in every corner for these fragile innocents. The mother can only protect her babes by acquiring some practical medical knowl edge. Dr Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser imparts this knowledge. For a paper -covered copy send 21 one -cent stamps, to cover cost of mailins; only, to Dr R V Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Cloth binding v stamps urn THERE IS NO KINO OF PAIN OR I ACHE, INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL, THAT PAIN. KILLER WILL NOT RE-I LIEVE. LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB- , STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE BEARS THE NAME, PERRY DAVIS &. SON. WITCH HAZEL OIL Piles or Hemorrhoids Fissures & Fistulas. Burns & Scalds. Wounds & Bruises. Cuts & Sores. Boils & Tumors. Eczema & Eruptions. Salt Rheum & Totters. Chapped Hands. Fever Blisters. Sore Lips & Nostrils. Corns & Bunions. Stings & Bites of Insects. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $:.oo. SuM by Umgglsu, or wnt tKjst-paldotmwlpt of rrlo lllni'llllKIS'JII.U.tn., Ill Its MIUluSl.t!Uw!orl. c u R E S Webster's ; International: Sun; The Ono (, Si. Just, ionary 'hi ' T'wthrfilyf 'I " nmlnrd Authority, .1 iif-wr, '"tiie ( tmxl, Hlniiclard M10 ( ,8 fi'ov't rrlntlnc men, ljjo 1 a. ru prrnie ( uun, au ina rstaio nil inline Con r Ui, an.iof near ly oil the HchoolboolM. Warmly Commended br Stnto RuperfntemlPntJi flPnU.anilnUieriMucntor ; Iitvalualilc !n tlio o8ellfll, aiwl to th tonctitfr, Beholar, pn- ( ; ri in isust for practical usn. N It Is easv to flnJ the word wanted. 'i ts easy to ascertain the pronuncia'on It !- eay to trnce the crowth of a word. to Icarn m hat a word means. It t Th Yen- Vork Trlhuno Snv.s. 1 st ltllm linn's Iron, tlio press with n i ' hi Hi it Ininll' Did iniiBt lIioranLMill. . nt l ivurrnphtf.a 8iireiig)on. 'lim it itH . I 1 (I ml ltln nunrlr tn wlilfh It 4 anr tub iiest. to blishcrs. nuririKiieiu, ,itnss.t U.t.A. , jn 1 1 ml; 1 S 4TSpccmicn panel sent on application t 5 . V- C. VltKItrA W CO.t VtibUshe THE STYLiSH PATTERN." At- tUllt.. Ftsalonable. Original. Perfect- ilitlni. Prlcfii IO mm io cents. None hlgner None bcltet at zrr price. 1 Some ceUafelf netctuntell them ln nratl every city it town. Ast t'ot them, or the v can De had by taa'-l Iro.u In ellhet New Yotfc if Chicago Stamps taken. Latent Faihlon Sheet teat upou 'ecelpf a! 0.-6 ta hi fay postagef rc jam Hi ivn in r rr-Trir H I MAGAZINEW i na.THEFi . em 8. siiiii st. Side Entrance on Green !t.. PHILADELPHIA, PA. ' CURE GUARANTEED." f qii'mplullnK 'nia rrlairo. If-ou are a victim of BLOOD POISON "iSX.:,!. of Private Diseases human rnce whtctlde. fltrnvnilnd and bodr. and unfit vou for tho dutlu nf life, call or wrlto and bo navod. Hours: llally, -:lt pv'hk, fi-9l Bun., ll-fj. Send 10 eta. In Ftampa for Hook with ii'rn tatlmonliils Uxpoalnir Quuvka and Fuko Institutes. ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND Brightest ladles' sxizidae sAifalkhed. invaluable for the homr. Faxhlom af the day. Home Literature, HousehcU Hints, pancp Wotlc. Currer.t Topic, FLtlon, all (oi anly 5f.t;nU )ear, in cluding a free jatttfn, t owoieleo IIoq any tlmtv , Seed two 2-cent ttirns" Jot , ample hVV iMdrest rifiili i -isateksMttfef7 !ISitt3lW , wHr 1 riv.i f e cRiur3 FTtni - m Ha. o Tl! TWICE, AS, - - Vr?v it . " " llllll I' n i'"J For all Bilious and Nervous Disuases. The purify the ISlood and give Hiialtiiv action to the entire system. Curo DYSPEPSIA, HEADACHE, CONSTIPATION and P'.MPLES, FSLLi Takes tlio burn out; liculs tlio womid; euros tlio iulii, Dr, Thomas' Eck-cttic Oil, tlio liouaoliulil rciucdy. FARQUHAR Variable Friction Feed SAW MILL rind Ajax Center Crank Engine Kapld, accurate, etronj nnd dimple, with Urw caimcltv. KnittnM on allla or whcola. Btrone andaafo. No Fiirqulmr liollrr nun erer ex. lilodrtl. Also atandanl agricultural tniplfmcula Keuerallr. Hay rroaaei a pecfaltr. Bend for CatalOKtM and price to JL B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd,, York. Pa. ISaai"" WSJ r.o pain rruiiiytms tA nunTiinr nut 1 urn. tt you wear tha CHAMPION TRUSS. Jinrtn Rsf vUUdalohU Trust Ccu 610 Locutj U PhU4-, Pa AWN'S TANSY PILLS a TEicrLTiriiKDiir. WOMAN'S RELIEF. ni CiTtii'i Tiiir I'l Li anil hi tti IT. At druff i torn, or ttat llrvrl (MaUd), prlc, IU Catoh Brie. Co., tiMtoa, Mul Our book., U. ' bur nale nt Klrlln't druy itoie nnd Bhenando riruir tor ruiml; AlwamtB Uw IXJt and Hold 4ul. fiX. usta BWi jjon.u. nut. ICC J-iQJAi'-i- ICC at .Ceulro IreeU Km