The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 23, 1898, Image 2

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r.sTAiu.iHhi.ii m;o.
i'uhlWimi nvtry Kvenln,K.-cpHiindft5. nl
The 1for.tiI 1- ' rvi . -h otiOnrth Hntl tho
...... . -ix ' n week, pnv
rt -jIL, jtrr .-. f.00 n ywu, or -cnut4ii
Qi'Vith, tsinMo n nU..j,c" Vwit -t
mont clmrKcaacoritinu to-iH(r Hurt position,
Thu jmMlliera leservo tho riht to clmngv the
po-ltttni nf ii(ivertlonieiit" n'hftipvrr tin pub
''intltvi nf lU'wK flppiand It. Tim ri;ht
tcrrvetl tow)fMHtt ,vlpril"oiiinit. wlirtlirt
t.nlil tor or nol. Mt the imbltnlirrn ttmy derm
-Mitoer, A.v'ttltitK t(p- ninil kimwu
Mift11 B(l lOHlloll
Knttrtl Ml th (Mutofllro nt Htieimii'lonn, I'n h
Hmond rln- uinll nmUiT,
'All the News Thai's Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
ritiDW. si:iTr.Mijr.n -js. p-os
OUR COUNTRY : First. Last and Forever.
TliK loeul Democratic, fuetions
Plight not 11 few poiiitcr.- by ntteiid-iiij-ii
few Shtv xvetltlinpi.
Ooi.oitAlto is having n snowstorm.
In the Philippines, another pnrt of
tliia grout nntion, tlie citizens nre
wearing tcni'-s skirts. This state of
affairs causes an exchange to remark
that we are it grunt people.
A MAX in Java, it is said, makes u
i-.iod living as a prophet, but as to
tliu nature of his prophecies our in
formation is wanting. The islnnd
might be it good place for some of
those ardent Hryanite to emigrate
to. As prophets here they are with
out honor.
A DISPATCH from Seattle announces
that the Social Democracy of America,
the organization headed by Eugene
V Debs, has selected a tract of land
in the state of AVasliington and will
Mart its long expected colony there
within thirty days. This enterprise
apparently lagged for it long time,
but that will not make the experi
ment any the less an interesting one.
Thk Is'ew York Tribune, in com
menting upon the advisability of a
non partisan judiciary, very xvisely
says that it is scarcely possiblo to
overestimate the importance of keep
ing the courts out of politics. With
an elective judiciary in it government
conducted by parties it is inevitable
that political conventions should
make judicial nominations mid that
judges should be to a great extent
men of partisan alllliatious. But if
there is to be an impartial adminis
tration of justice it is absolutely
essential that Judges once on the
bench be freed from political pressure
and owe their continuance in ofllce
solely to their faithfulness in the dis
charge of their duties and not to
maintaining tliemselve-i in the favor
of it political organization or a polit
ical boss. AVIion a man is once on
the bench ho should cease to bo it
politician, and he can only so divorce
himself from prejudice and self-interest
if It is at once impossible and
unnecessary for him to look to politi
cal powers for a reuoiuimitioii rather
th.iu to the verdict of the public and
the legal profession that he hits been
it good judge, who ought to ho con
tinued on the bench.
Why the Navy Easily Won.
The extraordinary record of the
nuyy in the xvar, says an exchange, is
attributed by thinking nion to the in
fluence of the naval college at New
port, whore ofllce"-". tx-o i ducated in
the sciei""o of war, and to the several
training schools for the men behind
the guns.
The old shellbacks still believe that
the only place to educate it snilor is
before the mast, but the days of sail
ing vessels (ire over, and a mnii-of-xvars-miui
now is u machinist rather
than a senman. It is necessary that
he should know all about a ship, of
course, but that must not bo the
limit of his knowledge. Jle must
understand mechanics, electricity and
engineering, nnd to be fit to 1111 his
station must enter the service as an
apprentice and spend two or three
yeurs on probation a "learn pidgin;"
us the Chinese say.
The xvar college has been an ex
periment and has been compelled to
endure the, sneers and jeers of old
fashioned naval officers, xviio despise
innovations and hold that seamen
can not be educated from books.
They havo been particularly severe
in their satire concerning the games
of strategy that hitx:o been played at
the college with lend ships and tin
soldiers on a table, and usually alludo
to the training ships as "kindergar
tens." lint thinking men like Sampson,
Taylor, Philip, Sicard,' Malum, Craw
uliishield and others, feel that the
strategic ability as Well as the gun
practice shown during the late con
test wits largely due to the training in
the science of marksmanship and
strategy which was obtained at the
xvnr college.
3i ftff-, ecr
t : l 'si
I r all kv. c-Ui..- WlKm-
In si, iKNi-lucn . sour stom
al li, iiulljtlon, coitlift
tiou, T.(f n .t ty utitv
cut yaln or srij Si Id l'T itrnnrit, m ecu
oi V 1. t, I m w.-u , iriuirlll
I it Jicitcrc-ra fur nr hardy
r Nurrry htucL KiptiM
ijujmu iir iu iuoh leaving
Utn , vr uonuuiiwloii to Jo
eM fttfcutit. tVrnunf nt m
ulurmtMit. Tut tuti
-hy I tarn j1. Aihlr
Tin- K-A''MA.H!f ru.
Brooms and Brushes
must be cleaned often, else they
lectors. Hairbrushes demnnu special attention Irom uie stand
point of both health nnd cleanliness. They can be cleaned
quickly and thoroughly by washing in a weak suds tuadc from
Gold Dust cleans everything
nuu saves oom uinc ntui
Chicago. St. Louie. Now York.
Two Men Killed XVlillr ( iimllict tin: n
l'li'ow orl, -ho .
Pittsburg. S 'Tt -1 Capuln Hi'iuro
J. Adams. nod "'I. .mil c.'ptaln I'll, tries
Miller, aired '.'-'. his ushlstunt. were In
stantly killed v title cniuHirtliiK a fire
works display and production ot the
Manila battle on the Allegheny river,
hi front of the exposition building, last
As a nightly feature of the exposi
tion Captain Adams ha been repro
ducing, in miniature, the great naval
battle at Manila. Last night was sol
diers' night, and extra preparations
had been made to have a good show.
The explosives failed to work properly,
and Adams and Miller were In the mid
dle of the liver In a skiff endeavoring
to make the fireworks and explosion
effective. In some way, ns yet un
known, the bomb which was Intended
to blow up the KpnnlBh ship was ex
ploded almost directly under the skiff
In which the men were working, sup
poscdly killing them Instantly. Dart
ley Connelly, a 10-yenr-old boy, who
was rowing the skiff, was burned by
the explosion, but was rescued from
the water by the exposition olllcers.
At the time the explosion occurred
between 2,000 and 3,000 spectators were
watching the battle from the exposi
tion wharf, and everything was In
darkness Immediately after the acci
dent. Many of them saw nothing un
usual In the Incident, and thinking the
explosion was part of the program
sent up a mighty cheer for Dewey, and
left well satisfied with the entertain
ment. Captain Adams was a native of New
Orleans, and had been engaged all
summer at Atlantic City giving fire
works displays nnd exhibitions of deep
sea diving from Young's pier.
You invito disappointment when vmi nv.
poriiuent. DoW'itt's Little Karly Risers arc
pleasant, cay. thnioiiL'h liitli. nilla. Tin.,.
en io constipation anil sick honilacho Inst n'
miro as yon take them, C. II. llaxenbiieh.
.Xloro Gold Troiii Klondike,
Seattle. Wash.. Sent. 23. The stenmnr
Humboldt arrived hero yesterdny with
230 passengers from Dawson City. The
majority or mem were uneecnarcos,
glad to get buck to civilization. There
were oniy a lew who nan any gold
dust. David Ilellenberg hnd the largest
stock. He told rurser Twiggs that he
xvas bringing out $G0,000 spending
money, rurser Twiggs estimates the
total amount of trensute brought down
on the steamer nt $100,000.
(Ijjbih: I Winilieailfi.lly tiorvoin. nnd for
relief took your Karl's Clover Itoot Tea. It
quieted my nerves anil htrciigtheiied my
whole Nervous Sy.iteiu. I was troubled with
Coiistipntiun, Kidney ami Ilowel trouble.
Your Ton soon cleansed my system so
tliorouclily that I nitmlly regained health
ami strength. Mrs. S. A. Sweet, Hartford,
Conn, bold by S. 1'. Kirlin and a guarmteo.
Fni'inm-i lletbl-o the Cniiiinlhloiiei'M
In (uobnu.
Quebec, Sept. 23. The people of the
United States are evidently beginning
to awaken to the great importance of
the results xvhlch may come from the
xvork jjf the International Joint high
commission now In session in this city.
It has become know, that the Can
adian repiesentatives are urging that
n treaty embodying commercial reci
procity be made, which treaty It is held
would seriously affect neaily all the
great Industries of the United States.
These Industries are now being heard
from in a very emphatic xvay. Dur
ing the past 24 hours the American
commissioners have been besieged by
deputations of Americans, praying, de
inandlng that no Ironclad treaty be en
tered Into which would disturb, If not
In many instances destroy the present
protectee tariff laws of the United
Yesterday the farmers of the United
States put In their piotest, nnd It was
a very strong one. They were repre
sented by Aaron Jones, of Indiana,
the worthy master of the National
Orange, and N. J. llaehelder, of New
Hampshire, chairman of the national
executive committee. They were given
a very full hearing nnd will hax-e nn
other audience before tho commis
sioners act.
Following Mr. Jones camo another
earnest protest from Mr. Albert Clark,
president of the Home Market club, of
lioston, who opposed commercial re
ciprocity. He said that between two
countries having the same products for
exchango reciprocity xvas never suc
cessful. Bowaro of ointncnts for Catarrh that con
tain Mercury,
ns mercury will surely tlcatroy tlm sense of
Miiu'U nuil I'oiupU'tuly ilcniuigu the wliuln pyslt'in
when enteriiii; It throiiKh tlui mucous surfaces.
Htu'Ji article!, should never lo used except on
prescriptions from reputable pliyHlcIans, iih the
d.llilli;e tliey will do Is ten fold to the good you
cam pnlhly derive from tliein. IIiiII'h Catarrh
Cure, iiiauufactllrt'il by I'. .1. Cheney A: f'o,, To
ledo, ., contains no mercury, anil is taken in"
ternally, acting directly uhiii tho tttoml anil
mucous hurf.u'cH of tm,vrt'm. In buying Hall's
Camrrh Cure be Hiire you vet the genuine. It is
taUeu Intcrimlty, and niaile in Toledo, Ohio, by
I'. J, Cheney .V Co, Tet!miiulnls frtu.
Hold by DniKubits, price 7S c. jkt butllc.
Yestei'dny'M llu-olmll Giiiiiom,
At Ilaltlmore First game'. Haiti
more, 1G; Chicago, G. Kecohd game:
Ilaltlmore, 3; Chicago, 1, At lioston
Jloston, 8; Pittsburg, 1. At Phlladel-phla-Phllndulphla,
13; Cleveland, 3.
At Brooklyn (10 Innings, called)
Brooklyn, 3; St. Louis, 3. At Now York
Louisville, 7; New Yoik, 2.
A nun'" niol' H 1 riiiilo Deiirn,
Mount Union, Pa., Sept. 2i. George
Nevel, chief of police of this pluco,
xvhlle tiding on a freluht gnr which
xvas loaded with ear xvhedf, xvas In
stantly 'killed near Blalrtivllle. yes tor
day by' n'palr of the wheels hoqbnilng
dislodged and rolling over him. He
xvas 37 years old, und leaves a wife and
clil Id. 4 w
become dangerous ccrm col
quickly, cheaply, thoroughly,
'oinpm'eM Condition llefo'-o Santiago
XVIth Those of the Civil XVac.
Constantino, Mich.. Sept. 23. In a
speech made by General Shatter, who
was here yesterday to attend the re
union of the Nineteenth Michigan regi
ment, of which ho was colonel during
the civil war, he said that when the
licet first left Tampa it was Intended
to laud 2S miles from Havana nnd
maich on that city. When, however,
the fleet put back because of the re
ported proximity of a Spanish squad
ron, word was received from Admiral
Sampson that Santiago could lie taken
In 21 hours, and the army sailed for
that port. Genernl Shafter then de
scribed the campaign at Santiago, and
"A lot has been said about lack of
supplies. Men who go to war expect
to be short rationed some times. You
old soldiers here have often had much
less to eat than the soldiers ever did
at Santiago. My command during the
civil war often drew corn on the cob
for a meal.
"It was not a question of having sup
plies when, If we had a thousand wag
ons, the fearful roads would not have
let me take II to the front. Hut the men
hnd coffee, bread and ment. Some of the
men complained, but they nre good sol
diers in spite of that, and fought Ilku
heroes when called on.
"Tents could nut be put up because
Hie men were In 'lie trenches, nnd tents
could not lie pitched on the firing lino.
"People say we should not have made
that campaign In summer. What else
could be done? We had to end the war
and end It quickly. There was less loss
of life by 100 per cent than In any
similar Invasion. Our campaign would
have been frightfully disastrous If it
had been long."
Sliiloh's Consumption Curo cures where
olhers fall. It is tlio leading Cough Cure,
anil no limne should bo without it. Pleasant
to lake ami goes right lo the spot. Sold by
1'. 11. Kiillu and a guarantee.
The Cabinet of Colonial fcct'otarlcH
Kept Itiwy In lliivonn.
Havann, Sept. 23. The cabinet, com
posed of the colonial secretaries, meets
daily, and paidon Is granted to a groat
number of prisoners, who are thereupon
turned Into the stieets of the city. It
Is reported that llarolomeo Maso,
president of tho so-called Cuban re
public, who has been sick, went to
Santa Cruz del Sur Inst week, but re
turned, still sick, to his estate nt La
Kspermmi, In the province of Puerto
La Lucha, In nn editorial upon the
question of the futuie of Cuba, con
cludes with saying:
"The only difference existing between
ourselves and the Americans Is that
they occupy themselves with material
Interests and the organization of pub
lic wealth, while xve write x'erses on
liberty and sonnets to tho moon, as a
solution of our very terrestrial prob
lem. We are supporters and fol
lowers of Ideitls uud the muses, while
they are staunch dependers upon real
ity and enrthlv things. AVe are of
heax'en and they nre of the earth. Vic
tory, therefore, cannot be doubtful, un
less we change our tastes, nmbitlons
nnd temperaments."
Advices from tl.o Interior continue re
porting the want und distress existing
among the Cuban troops. Private sub
scriptions of money, food, clothes and
medicines are doing what they can for
their relief. In several of the interior
towns more hospitals, where tho sick
can enloy at least case and nursing
from gentle, womanly hands, have been
Captain Genernl Blanco, amplifying
his deoree of Aug. 22, has pardoned 119
persons who were exiled from the 11s
ind for nil kinds of crimes.
Curo that Cough with Sliiloh's Curo. Tho
best Cough Cure. Itelioves Croup promptly
Ono million bottles sold lust year. 40 doses
forS.'icts. Hold by 1'. I). KlrMii mill a guar
Collector Donaldson J'stlmntes th
Annual Income nt $,1qO,000.
Santiago de Cuba, Sept. 23. By the.
courtesy of General Lawton this cor
respondent xvas afforded an oppor
tunity to peruse tho report issued by
Customs Collector Donaldson, cox'erlng
the transaction of the custom house at
Santiago during tho peilod between
July 16 and Sept. 1.
Summarized the report states that
35 steamers, with an aggregate tonnnge
of 3.S80, entered tho port during the
period named, and that 27 steamers
and 18 sailing 'osscls cleared, Tho dis
crepancy between the number of en
tries and clearances Is uccounted for
by the fact that many government
transports did not report for clearance
at the custom house. The sum of $107,
783 wns collected from vailous sources,
and payments were made of $13,101 for
sanitary nnd similar purposes, city po
lice and municipal sulurlcs, salaries of
custom house olllclals and miscel
laneous expenses.
After reviewing the various sources
of revenue Collector Donaldson esti
mates that the annual lucome-nt the
province of Santiago at $2,160,000, He
innkcs n strong plea for tho assignment
of a revenue cutler, for continuous em
ployment In thejMi xvaters In the pro
tection of the revenue, the assistance
of vessels In distress, the enforcement
of quniantlne laws and the protection
of wicckod property.
Tho revenue collected has been found
sulllcient to cover all tho administrative
oxpenveu of S.mtlatfo thus fur au
thorized. Other leKouiceS disclosed in
the archives of the olllco aro available
for the Increased unuxpected extra
ordinary expenses. 'These resources are
estimated at $105,000 yearly for San
tiago city, and for other towns in thu
province at Jis.100.
).( portc il Xui'cciiiciit llel ween the III
Nlirgentt ami ( ntiMiil XVlldiniin.
S in Fiani'leo, Sept. 23. The stenmpr
! Ohma arrived yesterday from Mnnlln
j nnd Honolulu. Among the pnssengers
xvi'te --"V' rHl returning soldiers nnd
FIllpu Agonclllo and Jose Lopez, who
ate g, Ing to Washington as repre-
tetltntlves of Agulnaldn. Agonclllo did
Hot come direct from Mnnlln b'lt fUart
ed from Hong Kong, where he halt been
for t-oiiU' time. He says that he Is not
familiar with conditions existing at
Manila except what he has been told
by Apulnnldn.
Agonehlo is Agulnaldo's chief emis
sary. In nn Inltrylew with a corre
spondent he said the Insurgents fully
expected to be allowed to govern them
selves, and even hinted that some sort
of acreement had been made with
United States Consul Wlldiuun regard
ing the outcome of th" war made by
the insurgents against Spain, hut what
the terms wete Agonclllo would not
flan. Tie said that ho exported defi
nite Instructions from Airulnnldo by
cable, but lefused to give the slightest
hint of what he might have already
received. The Filipino are -ery
shrewd and speak lOnlisb fluently.
A pnssr tiger on the China disclosed
tome further Information n-ranllng the
reported agreemi nt between Wlldman
and the Insurgents. He said:
"Wlldman promised Agulnaldn that
the American forces would combine
with the iiiiurgeiits for the purpose of
driving the Spnnlntd out of the Phil
ippines. It was a joint war, and I
think the insurgents understood that
the Anieilenns were to aid them to gain
their Independence and cast oIT the
yoke of Spain."
Other pu.-eiiKers on the ship were
Hiigadler General Greene and staff.
Adjutant General linboock. Captain
Kothers, asslsiant surgeon First Cali
fornia volunteeis: Murnt Halstead and
John Fay, Chicago newspaper men.
Speaking nf" the situation at Manila,
General Greene expressed the opinion
that there would be no trouble with
Agulnnldo. but he declined to go Into
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo.
The l'om sslvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sore?, ulrers, salt rlicnm, fever sores,
to'ler, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptlnug, and positively euics piles,
or .in pay required. It w nainiitccd to glvo
perfect satisfaction or inirny refundou. Priwi
M cents pur bni. For sale hv A. Waaler.
vooi'iiec- .rxomlniuod by Aeolnmntlon
Trenton, Sept. 23. The ltepubllcan
state conx-ontlon met here yesterdax"
nnd nominated Foster M. Voorbees as
Its candidnto for governor. Mr. Voor
bees is at present n senator from
Union county, and in his capacity as
president of the senate has been acting
ns governor since Governor John W.
Griggs xvas chosen attorney genernl.
There was only one sefslon of the con-x-cntlon,
lasting about two hours, and
the gathering xvas the most harmonious
affnlr of the sort ever gotten together
In New Jersey. Attorney General
Griggs presided, and his speech, main
ly devoted to national affairs, xvas the
feature of the convention. Mr. Voor
hecs xvas nominated by acclamation.
Mora than twenty million free samples nf
DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salvo have been dis
tributed hv tho manufacturers. What belter
pionf of their confidence in its merits do you
want ? It cures piles, barns, scalds, sores', In
I ho shortest space of time. C. II. Ikigcnbtirh
Alti: YOU (K)INfl SOUTH?
Don't shirt Snath without consulting John
M. Itcall, District Passenger Agent, Southern
Hallway, 02S Chestnut street, Philadelphii.
If you cannot call in person, write to him.
DnWltt's Witch Hael Salve lias tlio largest
salo of any salvo In tlio world. This lact
and Its merit has led dishonest people to at
tempt to coimterlott it. look out lor tno
man who attempts to deceive you when you
call for DeWltt's Witch lta.lo Sal-e, the
gicat pilo curo. C. II. Ilnsenbueli.
Schooner Wrecked and Tell I'orl-bed.
San Francisco, Sept. 23. Australian
papers iccelxvd here report the wreck
of the schooner C. C. Funk on Flinders
Islnnd, on July 31, with ten of her
crew, all of whom shipped either here
or In the north. Only two seamen, Al
bert Kiough und John Peterson, were
saved. The drowned were: Captain
and Mrs. Nesson,t two children, aged
8 and 5 years, respectively; A. Han
son, chief mate; J. Stump, second mate;
Charles Olsen, Peter Nellson, Charles
Johansen, Peter Anton, able seamen.
When you call lor DeWltt's Witch lfnzol
Salvo tho great pllo curo, don't accept any
thing olso. Don't bo talked into ncwpling n
substitute, for plies, for sores, for hums. C.
II, lIuKcnburh,
MciKlnley SeiidH For Sexton.
Chicago, Sept. 23. Colonel James A.
Sexton, commander-in-chief of the G.
A. It., and a member of President Mc
Klnley's war department Investigation
commission, left yesterday for Wash
ington. His departure for Washington
Is in response to a request that he re
port at the executive mansion tomor
row for the ilrst session of the coin
mission. Copper Colored
Tliero is only ono curo for Contnniou!!
Blood Poison tho disease xvhich has
completely bullied tho doctors. Thoy
aro totally uniiblo to curo it, and direct
their efforts toward bottling tlio jioison
up in tho blood nnd concealing it from
view. S. S. 8. euros tho dlsouse posi
tively nnd permanently by forcing out
every traco of tho taint.
I xvas ntlilnterl with n turrlhln Hnnil .llm,.
which xvas in spots nt first, but nftnrwardi
spread an over my body,
Tlieeu soon broker.u t Into
Bores, nnd It Is ejvy tn
lmni?ino the suffering I
endured, before 1 ho.
cuine convinced that the
doctors could do no good,
I hud siient a hundred
dollars, which wan leally
thrown away. 1 then
tiled vartoiia tv,i,.,.
.ftlucdiclnis. but they did
,1 ii"V Ii'UCJl uie oiccuho.
' When 1 hud finished my
llrst buttle, ot H. H. H I
was greatly Improved
and was tlcllifhu,,! win,
tho result. Tho largo red spl itehui un my
chest liegan tn grow palor and smaller, and
before long d!iminrc entirely. 1 regained
my lost woitfht, liecaiuu ktmniiar, and my ai
pttltn greatly Improved. I was soon entirely
well, nnd my slcla as clear as a ph o of gloss.
11. h, MYMIS, lno Mulberry St., Newark, N, J,
Don't destroy nil possible chaiico of a
curo by taking tho doctor's treatment
of mercury nnd potash. These minerals
cause tho hair to fall out, nnd will
wreck tho entire system.
is rtmisLY vncinTAiii.E, nnd is tho only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
potash, mercury, or other mineral.
Jjoolts on tho disease nnd its treat
ment mailed free by Hwlft SpeclllcOom
pany, Atlanta, Goorgiu.
Womrm CTvorywhoro BxproBa tholt
Gititltudo to Mro. Plnkharn.
rtrn. T. A. WALDBN, Olbon, On., wrltMl
"Dr.Alt Mils. VlNKllA.Mt Ilofore tnlt
Ing your medicine, life vus n burden
to me. I never saw'' u xvell day. At
m,v monthly period I suffered untold
misery, nnd u great deal of tho time I
wns troubled with a severe pain in my
side. Ilofore finishing tho first bottle
of jour Vegetable Compound I could
tell it was doing me good. I continued
Ita, also used the Llvor Pills nnd
Snnativo Wash, and havo been greatly
helped. I would like to hnvo you uso
my letter for tho benefit of others."
firs. PLOSnNCIJ A. WOLFD, 515 flulberry
At., Lanmstcr, Ohio, xrrltcsi
"Dkaii Mni. Piniuiam: For two
years I was troubled xvlth xvhnt tho
local physicians told mo was inflamma
tion of the xvouib. Krory mouth I suf
fered terribly. I had taken enough
medicine from tho doctors to cure nny
ono, hut obtained rcllof for a short
time only. At last I eonclud cd to xvrlto
to you In regard to my case, and can
say thut by following your advice I nin
now pefectly xvell."
firs. W. R. DATRS, nnnsflMd, L., writes J
" Hcforo xvrltiug to you I suffered
dreadfully from painful menstrua
tion, leucorrhcoa and sore feeling in
tho lower partof tho bowels. Now my
friends want to know xvliat innkcs mo
look t,o well. I do not hosltato ono min
ute in tolling them xvhnt has brought
about this groat change. I cannot
praise Lydia E. Pinkhnra's Vegetnblo
Compound enough. It Is tho groatest
remedy of tho ago."
And I'Moitcis, the Hand of America, Cali
Via the true pathway, "Tho Iron Mountain
kiiute," which tracres a region of perpetual
sunshine, wliero snow storms, hlirrorns or
high altitudes arc unknown, Pullman first
and sccnnil class palace and tourist sleeping
cars to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Jfew Mexico, Arizona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all the comforts of modoru railwny
improvement guaranteed to all who pur
cli.ikn tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway
system. For nitcs right fioin your home,
literature, and full information, drnpapo.stal
card, J. P. .McCann, T. P. Agent, MO llail
load avenue, Khnira, N. Y., or 301 llroad
wjy, New York.
3-1-lf W. U. Hoyt. O. E P. Agt.
To Cure 11 Cold hi tine Day
Take I.axativo ituiiuo Quinine Tablets, All
druggists lofunil tlio money if it fails to cure,
aric. Tim genuine lias L. !. (J. on each
tablet. tf
ONsuni-AssKi) snitvicB okfkkkp nx' thk
Leaving llroad Street str.tloii.l'Iiiladelplila,
at (1:55 p. 111. daily, tho "Southwestern
Limited," carrying a dining car and tho
most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep
ing cais, reaches lliimingliau the following
night nt 10:10 nnd arrives nt Memphis tlio
next morniiigat 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Ashovillo, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tampa, Atlanta, Mobile and Now Orleans aro
also attached to this train. Pullman reser
vations can bo made in ndvanco and all in
formation obtaino , "ry communicating with
John M. Ileal, I)i Passenger Agent, 82
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Tho .South mid Its Advantage.
Tlio Southern Itallway has Issued for frco
distribution, a sixteen page journal des
criptive of Virginia, North and South Caro
lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and
Missishippi. Persons seeking now locations,
or capitalists desiring to make safoanii profit
able investments will find tho Information
contained therein both valuable and inter
csting. Copies will bo mailed frco upon up.
plication to John M. Hoall, District Passen
ger Agent, 828 Chestnut Btreet. Philadelphia.
When doctors fail, try Burdock Wood
Hitters. Cures dyspepsia, constipation; In
vigorates tlio whole, system,
Huy Keystone flour. Bo suro that tlio name
Lkssio fe r.XF.11. Ashland, Ph. Is printed on
overy sack.
We Bottle
Privalf family orders will receive
prompt attention. Leave them
at the office, xve will dp
the rest.
o HI5AI.i:it IN ,,
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
SO West Centres Street.
niilinns of Dollars
(lo up In smoko overy year, Takoio
risks but get your houses, slock, fi .
nituro, etc., Insured in first-i'limf ri
liable lUimpsnlcsiu rcpreuoidcd L
' 1211 H011II1 JftruiuHi
Also ami Acxldentsl IMr.ninU
?ody I'tilly Identified and Hiroo Moll
Xmv Under Arrctl.
Bridgeport, Conn, Sept. 23. At an In
luest held yesterday nftornoon by Cor
sner Doten It wus fully established by
relatives of Miss Ihnma Olll, or Houth
lngton, thnt the dismembered body
found In Yellow Mill pond Sept. 12 nnd
13 wns hers. Her father and three bro
thers fully identified the remains, and
the coroner has issued nn order permit
ting them to lie exhumed and taken to
Southlngton for Interment.
Undertaker V. L. Curtis, of Stratford,
denies that Ohailes A. Plumb, of that
town, now under utrest for complicity
In that crime, has had the use ot nny
xvagon or team owned by hhn for tho
last three months. Plumb Is still In
custody, but what evidence the police
have to connect him with the case they
refuse to divulge.
Late yesterday uflernoon the police
arrested Ilary Oullfntd, son ot Dr.
Nancy Oulltoid, ns lie was attempting
to cMer the i si - . ;,s mother
on Gilbert street. Superintendent lllr
mlnghnm 1. fuses absolute):, to say a
xvmd to uny icporter ci i.eernlng tho
Regarding the first man arrested In
the case, Waller C, Foster, Superin
tendent Illniikighnm said:
, "Foster was in It; that is certain.
You will find he had some part In dls
posing of the girl's body. x,Vhether he
had uVthlng to do with the cutting
up I do not know. I'm satisfied as to
who dissected that body, and believe
I can put my hand on thu person when
ex'er the right time comes."
Tho supeiintondent mnde the abox'O
declaration shoitly before tho arrest
of young Guilford.
Ili'lll-b CrUihotm'H XX'In.
New York, Sept. 23, The internation
al cricket match betxveen Captain
Warner's Kngllsli players and the New
York eleven, which began on Wednes
day nt the Staton Island Cricket club's
grounds, terminated yesterday In a' hoi
low victory for tlio visitors who won
by an Innlns and 247 itins. As on
Wednesday, the bowling and fielding of
the Britisher.! was almost perfect, but
the New York players xvent to the bat
xvlth more confidence, xvlth tho result
that they nearly trebled their score of
lilt fill HAND.
Shenandoah Extends n Hearty Wel
come. Our Citizens Show Ap
preciation In Public
Lark of appreciation isnota failing of our
citizens, and the advent of tlio "Llttlo Con-
uueror" xvas leecivcd with tlio same display
of enthusiasm as has lias spread all over the
Union. Comiug like a ray of suu.diiuo ts
every household, raising burdens that many
backs have homo for years, U enough to
awaken the public tn praise tho like of which
has never before been heard in this locality.
I'loiu every waul, from every streot comes
tlio same lcpurt. failure Is an unknown
quantity as far as tho Llttlo Compict-or is
coneorued, and success follows uvery footstep,
In youth, vigor and apparent health, wo
aro sufferers from Inactive kidneys. With no
feeling of sickness or Indisposition wo may
have attacks of lameness in tlio back that
makes every moment painful. Ficquuntly it
comes before you can say Jack ICnbinsnn, but
it takes its own time in going away unless
you uso;l)oan's Kidney Pills.
Mr. O. Muail Peters, of Kast Centro stroct,
clerk at tho Ferguson Homo, says: "My
hack usod to hurt me' awfully and I could
hardly refrain fiom lounging or titling down
owing to that dull aching across my kidneys.
I had also a weary feeling hanging about me
accompaniod by loss of energy. Tho kidnoy
secretions were not natural and I had a dis
agreeable feeling in tho back of my neck and
a dull pain in my kidneys all tho time. I
learned about Dean's Kidney Pills and pro
cured them from Kirlln's Pharmacy and
began using tliein. They promptly dlspolled
tho whole trouble and brightened mo right
up. I fult like another person when I had
finished tho treatment and 1 can say that
Duau'a Kidney Pills are a reliable prepara
tion for the kidneys and I novor before had
anything to equal thcra,"
Doan's Kidney Pills for sale by all dcalorv
Price 50 cents. Mailed by Fotor-Milburn
Co., llulfalo, N, Y., sole agents for the U. S.
Kcmcaibor tho 11:11110 Doan's ami tako no
Philadelphia &
Pleading Railway
I'difius 1'iifi Il-ud Coal---No Smoke
Trains leave, tilienaiidonh oh follows :
For New York via Philadelphia, weak ilayn.
7 30 0 51 a. in., 12 27, 3 10 uud 0 07 p. 111.
Knr New York via JJauch Chui J;, wreck daya,
730a. in., 1237 and 3 10 n. in.
For Ituullng nnd Philadelphia, week iluya,
730, osi n.m., 12 37, 8 10 uud 6 07 n. m
Kor l'ottsvllle, week days, 730, 9 51 a, m.
12 27, 3 10, 6 07 und T 25 p. in.
Kor Tumaquu and Muhanoy City, week days
7 30, o 51 a. in., 12 27 U 10 and 6 07 p. in.
For XVllllamsport, Suuhury uud LewlsburK,
week duvs. 11 DO a. lu.. 12 27, 7 f B p. in
For Muliuno) Plane, weekdays, 7 30, 9 fit. ll'BO
a. m., 12 27, 3 10, 6 07, 7 2, 9 64 p. m.
For Ashlund and Shanioktn, week days, 730,
1180 a. ru., 12 27, 8 10, 0 07, 725 and .9 65 p. in.
Forllaltlmorv, Wuslilitt-ton nnil the XVott via
11. AO, K. it., throur-h traliin ' lm- Heai'lng
Terminal, Philadelphia f A It, U R.) a 320,
7 65, II 20 a. in., 3 10 mid 7.2. Hi HunUuyH,
3 20, 7 00, H 2fJ a. m., 3 IB and 7 27 p. m. Addi
tional tralni from Twcnty-fourth and Clie.t
uut streets station, wiek days, 10 JO a, in, 12 20.
13 IS h. to t ni. Kn.idaya, 1 85, g 23 ,,, ,n,
Leave New York via Philadelphia, ceU
days. 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, II 30 a. m., and I 15. 1 10
9 00 p.m.
U-ave New York via Mouch Chunk, week
dttyx, 1 30, U 10 u. 111., 80 p. m.
Iuve Philadelphia, HeudliiR "iel:
d,y, 310. KM IU2I u. III. unit 180, 114 i. 111
Luivo Itcudliig, week days, 7 00, joos, u. m
12 1.1, 1 17, no p. in.
Leave PutUvtlle, ween Java, 7 10, 7 40 a. 111
12 SO 4 10, 010 und 0 50 p. 111,
Leave Tnmuqua, week davH, N 80, II 23 a 111
I 19, S 50, 7 20 p. ui.
Iavo Mahunoy City, wont duy, am, , t;
11. in., 2 22, 5 12,0 21.7 41 p. .11
U'4t Mahanoy Plane, week days, 030, 9 2i.
10 2,1, ll.W a. 111,, 2 11, 38J, 041 7 '.7, 1,1m
Leave WllllaiiiHporl, week ilujn, 742, I. U0 n
lii 12 31 and 4 00 p. 111.
la'UVO Pllllailclnlil. (UifHt,k,i iva.f nml
Houtli Htret t wliaif fur Atlantic City.
Weekdaya Hipresn, 9 no, 10 IX a. 111,. (ISO
Hatuidava only), 2U0, 4 Ul 05 minute tiaiu),
fiuu rax inluiitu tralnj, 7 (H) i. in. AcuuinniiHlu
tliin,0 15 a 111., 5 00, 11:10 p m HuiidayM ICiprcm,
S ui, 'J 00, 10 00 a 1,1 ici, ll 1,1 a 11.,
4 IX p. in. tl.00 ocurslon truiu, 7 u 111.
iiciui mux leave, .Aiiuimo uny u.ipui, cornet
Atlantic and Arkannaii uveuiics.
VeckduyH--jcprcwH, TOO, 7 45 105 minute
train, 9 on, in., : 80, 5 80, 7 30 p 111. Arcoin
imxlatluii, 125, 7 SOu. ic. 4 05 p. 111. HiiihIjjh
Kxpress, 4 00, 5 00, 8 00, 9 30 p, in MioiiiiimhIii
Hon, 7 15 a. 111., 505 11. lu, tl 00 cii iib1iii
train (from foot ot Mississippi live, only),
11 10 p 111
For Cape Slay, Hcu Islu City and Ocean City
H45 n 111,4 15 p m. Knudays 915 it 111. For
Capo May mi.l Hen Isle Clt only, tl.Ou exenr.
alon train, 7 Oil a 111., Hiindnya.
Parlor Can oil all eipress Irabu.
Fur further Information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia uud lleudliiK Ituilwiiy ticket uueul
I. A, HWKIOAIII), , KliHOR J. XVkkkh.
Ilfii'l Hunt., firii'l PosVr fjt.,
iluudluK Teruilaal, Pblbulclphla,
From Extreme tousnes
... i
THAT no 0110 remedy can emit un tho
olcmeiitH nec.: (ary tocuro nil diseas
es, Is a fact well knovn to ui.i'.xwto.
Dr. Miles' 8iAcm of Ites.orntlMi Hen" '.les
consists ot seven distinctively dllVc.o.ifc
preparations, ouch for Its own purpose.
Mm. L. 0. llramley, 37 llcnry St., Kt, 1'
orlncs, Ontario, writu.-: "ifor yoars 1 suf
fered fromoxtrenio liervmtsnesa nnd mi'ioy
lngcoiistlpulloii.dov eloplug iiiiopalpltut ion
and voakiioss of the heart. I was unuhlu to
sleep, Buffeted much from headache, ptla In
my loft side, palpitation mid a constant
feolliig of weakness and prostration. I lietrau
using Dr. Miles' Nervine, Heart Cure and
Norvo and Liver Pills and tho Aiill-l'aln
Pills to rellovo sudJeu paroxysms of pain
and headache. I soon felt much Improved
and tho palna and aches and weariness left
mo. I then took Dr. Miles' Iicctoiutlvo
Tonic and am now restored tj my fei-Mer
good health."
cists uueer a nositivo i'--i.
guarantee, flrtt bottle 6'.jC?jairJ'?fir5i
benefits or tnomy re-B; "o ..,.. s8
funded. Hook on dls-nl. R"' .3
cases ot tho heart and
nerves free. Address, WihVX
J" M. llUltKK.
Ofllce Kguu tililldhig, con er of Main an
Centr1 streets, Hlieiiamloaii,
Bhenaniloah, Pa.
Lock Box 05, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Having studied under soma of the best
masters in Iiuloii and Purls, will give lessons
011 the violin, mandolin, guitar and vocal culture.
Terms reasonable. Address In euro of Hlreum,
Iho Jeweler Hhouandoah.
Trains will leave Bhenandoah after tut, ano o
date lor Wigcun, Ullberton, Fruckvllle, !..,
Water, St. Clair, Pottsvllle. ilamburg, Kcuuilk,
Pottstown, Phoenixvflle. iforrlstown uua Pli,i
aelphla (Urad street station) at out) und sir,
a. 111., 2 02, 0 IS p. 111. oil week duys. .Sundays,
8 IS u. in., 4 23 p. m.
Trains leave Fruckvllle for Shenandoah at
730, ll 40 it, ui. und 540, 7 80 p. u.. Miniduy,
11 01 a. in, and 5 4G p. ui.
Leave Pottsvllle for Hlienaudoah (via Frack
vllle, 7 10, 11 20 a. in., 6 20, 7 10 p. ui. Hiliiouy
10 35 n. 111., 6 20 p. m.
lK.ave 1'lilludolpWu, (Broad street station), ful
Hhflmtiidouii at 8 85 u. in., 4 lu p. ui, week tlnys.
HuuUay s leave at 6 SO uud 9 23 a. m.
Leave Broad Street biailon, Pblludelphla,
Kipre8s,week-duyg,8 20,4 Oo, 4S05ai,0 15,0 60,
7 83,s2u, 9 60, 10 21 (Dining Cur, 11 00 u. 1,1,
12 00 noon, i2 83 (Limited 100 and 4 22 y. lu.
Dining Curs), 1 40, 2U (Dining Cur) 3 20, 3 60.
4 02, a O0, 5 no (Dining Cur), Ouu, 7 02,7 60 (I1I11
lngUur), 10 00 p. in., 12 01, night. Monday.
3 20, 4U1, 150, 6 05, 5 15 8 20,9 59, 10 21, (DiidllK
Cur), 1135 a. lu 12UI lUinliig Cur) 12 85,280
(Dining Cur), 4 00 tl.llnltcdl KDIiiIiik Cur),
520,560, (DIlllllK Our) 05, 7 02,7 60, llllnluK
Car 10 00 p. 111., 12 01 night.
Express lur lioston without cbuugo, 11 (X) u 1,,
week-duyu, und 7 50 p. ui., dally.
For Baltimore and Wuslilngtou, 3 50, 7 20, 8 32,
1020, 1123, u. rn 12 09, 1281 (Dining Cur), 1 IS
DIlllllK Cur, 8 12, 4 41, 16 26 C'oimres
sioiml Limited, Dining Car, 0 17. 055 l)lr
ing Cur, 7 31 IDI1.I11K CurJ p. 111., and 12 0.1
llljht week days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 12, 11 23,
u. 111., 1200, 1 U, Dining Cur 4 41, &20 Con
gressional Limited, Dining Cur, 0 51 Dining
Cur, 7 21 IDhitugCur p. ui. and 12 05 night.
For ilultlinuru, uceoiuuiodatlon, V 12 u til, 2 0
uud 4 01 p lu week duys, 5 08 and 11 10 p m dully.
Leave llroad street station via Delaware rh er
bridge Express, 9 40 u lu,, 4 00 mul 70.1 p. 111,
Suuduys, 9 20 uui., 2 38 and 705 p. in.
Leuvo Murkct Street Wurl Kxpreis, 5 00, 9 Oil,
u 111, 2 00, 3 110, 4 00, 5 00 p 111. Sundays, 8 00, 9 00,
9 SO a 111 accommodation 4 30 uud 5 10 p iu
81.00 excursion train, 7 00 u ill Suuday only.
For L'upeiluy, Auglesuu, Wlldwoud und llollj
Ileachlix press, 900 am, 2 30 and 4 05, p iu
weekdays, niniilajs, 8 20n m, iixcurslun, 7U1
u m Sundays only.
For Sea Jslo City, Ocean City, Avulon and
Stone Harbor Kxpress, 910 a. ui., 2 30, und
4 20 p. la. week days. Sundays, 8 20 a. in. 1A
curslon 7 CO a 111 Sundays only,
Kor Suiueis Point Kxpress, 5 00, 9 00 a in.,
2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, p. ui. week days Sundays,
8 00, 9 00 uud 9 60 a. in.
I. II. Hutchinson, J, It, XVoon,
Uen'l Mauuuer, leu I I'uss'g'r Agl
Agent foi
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barney's Bohemian Beet
I Is onot
pnssi : 6
Handsomo Comnloxlon
til tuo Kieaii-hl charms it woman ra
riuzo.irs uomi'I.kxiom I'owdb
Miles' ltom?!lL-i : -n' Wfl
sold by all drut-.V .,..r' .