The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 19, 1898, Image 4

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    rtf'ilnTnrfiilfrtiiTI-fT -
We have a full
stippl) "f 11 '.is, pi is, pencils,
companions, etc., on hand at
very low prices.
IM. Main St.
20 Cents Per Bottle.
3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, l'a.
At the Hon Ton Millinery
TUESDAY, SEPT. 20, 21 AND 22,
Opening Occurs nt 7 p. in.
We will display at our parlors
lor the ladies of Shenandoah and
vicinity the newest and most stylish
millinery novelties foi fall and
For this season. We have doubled
our efforts to set before our patrons
the largest assortment of trimmed
hats ever collected beneath one
roof Imported models as well as
those from our own workshop from
$1.03 to $10. OS.
Positively no Two Hats Alike
Misses' and Children's Hats,
We have the best stock
and lareest assortment in the
county. Walking hats, sailor
Toques and Tukbans, ana other
ready-to-wear effects. Kverything
you need in millinery can be found
in our store. Mirror Velvets,
I'olka Dot Velvets, Plaids, Ambres,
all colors, Ostrich and fancy
feathers. Flowers, Silks, Veilings
and ornaments.
A ttiimUonu' souviMilr will lie prcHcnteil
turtrv luily utlfmlitiK tlii'opeiilnif.
No. a North main Street.
Our store will close-on rrlday, Sept. 16th,
to make preparations lor our
fall opening.
vote: for
David M. Graham,
Gasoline, Oil,
Wagon Grease,
Gasoline, Oil Stoves.
We make a specialty of
gasoline, 60 cents in five gallon
lots, delivered. Mica and U. S
axle grease. Also headlight oil
150 fire lest.
No. 143 Kut Coal Street, Hhermmlouh, l'cntia
Mall utile ra promptly attended to.
The Iloston Factory Shoe Store
just received a big line of boots
and shoes from a lloston shoe
factory. This enables them to sell
cheaper than anybody in this
region. Here are a few prices :
rten's solid leather shoes, from 9oc up
Ladles' " ' " " 90c up
Children's solid leather shoes, 35c up
We have also received a big line
of boots which nobody can beat in
prices. We sell miner's boots and
shoes cheaper than any body in
town. We guarantee our shoes as
the best solid leather shoes, and are
unlike some stores who are selling
paper shoes instead of leather.
Come In and Examine
Our I'rlces and (loods
27 South Main Street. Shenandoah,
Floor and Tabic 011 Cloths.
E. B. Foley, 37Wctre .
'My i
hotter known as Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral, has mailo a rocortl for its
remarkable curc3 of asthma. Capes
that have boon considered beyond
hopo or help have been cured by
this romcdy. Wo give two example's
of such cures out of the many on
"My mother has boon a groat Bii(Tror
from usthma for Ui6 past tun yuan. Mid l..r
rocovcry is almost without a parallel. Uti
account of heradnmcad nga ovur tevonty
we had but littlo hopoa cf over feeing hrr
woll again ; but wo are sincerely gratolul to
inform you that sho has been ontiroly cured
by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
"I was a sufferer for a long time from
asthma, vainly endeavoring to prooure re' of
in the U3o of ordinary remedies. At length I
was Induced to try a bottle of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Tho fir-' buttle afforded n.o 30
much bonefit that I o - tinned Uie mo of tho
remedy until entirely curod."
JOSEPH KI.ONZ, Charlotte, N.C.
put up in half-sizo bottles, 50 cents.
Full-size bottle, $1.00.
l' l'lrtil Hr!
Insure your property from Iini In the
oldest and stionccFt cnsli companies : l'lilla.
UndiTwiiters Jiisui-.iiue Co. of Nortli
Ameriia and Firo Amnciatiiiii, llmtfnnl
Fire Ins. Co., Amcrii'jiii Fire Insurance Co.,
West Chester Firo In. Co., United Firemen'
Ins. Co. T. T. Williams,
123 S. Jiirdln St., Slioiiitwlreili.
1 11 1: i,,in:s.
The pleasant otteet and perfect safety with
which ladies may uso Syrup of Fins, under
all conditions, make it their favorite remedy.
To net the true and genuine article, look for
the name of tho California l'iy Syitip Co.
printed near the bottom of the package. Foi
sulci by all drugsists.
Ouleiidiii'B for 1 Kilt).
The llKltALl) otlico has a full and complete
lino of calendars for lMl'.i. If you con
template a calendar for your fiiends, leserve
your order uutll you seo our lino. It will
mean a big saving to you. They aro iiImi
beautiful specimens of lithographic art and
very reasonable in price.
A stubborn couch or tickllnc In tho throat
yiolds to O110 Mlnuto Cough daro. Harmless
ill oiiect. touencs tho rmlit snot, ro alilo and
just what is wantod. It acta nt tinro. C. II.
Buy Koystono flour. Ro suro that tho iiamo
Lessici & Baku, Ashland, I'm. is printed on
ovory sack.
The Finest and Lar
est Line of
The Celebrated Columbia,
Saxony and (iormantown
Horgan's Fancy Bazar,
23 North VI a In Street.
Hereby makes his fall an
nouncement to those who
Intend to purchase a stove
or range for the winter.
W have already sold a quantity of tin 111, und
will continuu to Increase our sales Why?
neruusfl we ale new luglnners and wish to
establish a good trade by giving you full valun
for every dollar you luvmt. Wo cull special
ittteutluo tu our "Quern Cinderella llnngo" of
wliltli th above iiit l a correct fae-.inllo It
has six looking boles, made with lire box at
ItherrlKbt or left band rod. All tlm latent
Improvements all the bent Idea. Four pi'
ions Ijirge high oven, thoroughly ventllatul,
Iteinovublo nlckrl door plate wltn nroiuo
locdalliin. The side shelf, oven itoor kicker.
Bhoker handlo and kiiobn arc nickel plated
Duplex or trlplox grille, that can bo removid
and replaced without dMuiblng the linings.
Dlreet draft dninHT- Largo ub pun. Out long
centre. It. nged cover. I'lie Hint or cui iron
linings. Highly polished edges. Folding nickel
wcl rod.
Sold and (luarantced at
121-123 North MalnSt.
A good
place for n urood
Michael Mills' Saloon,
22 It. Ceotro .trti t, M . Mel's building,
Wloe, WhUklei, liter ami flgura. Kroliea
beer Iu lowu always uu Up,
ymm r
DcWill Stcodlo has leturneil fiom a visit f
two weeks to bis lelativos at Hi Vol tun, N. J.
ltuhurt llimilnir. traveling salesman for tho
Slii'iiaudoflb Cup Company, returned from a
western trip yestcnlay.
Mrs. James D.inlell and son, Claude, loft
town to-day for lloston, where they will visit
Charles Hadz.lowic. mado a business trip to
i'ottsvillo to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Muldoou tpent this
morning nt I'ottsvillo, vhltlng friends.
YV. J. .lames anil Cyrus (lulso this morning
started for New Untie, l'a., to attend tho
minimi sesalous of tho Stato Council, Jr. O.
V. A. M , as delegates.
Misses Kva Stride and Alberta Dehong, of
Mnhnnoy City, spent Saturday ovening In
Klmor E. Johnson, of Lost Creek, spent n
part of to-day at tho county neat.
Miss Clara Euglohart, of town, Is visiting
fileuds at Iilysllvn, Sullivan county.
David i;. I.indcnniutli spent yesterday at
Philadelphia, visiting his brother, Stephen,
tvho Is 0110 of the sick soldiers in a hospital
in that city.
School Director 1'. J. Ferguson, of host
Creek, as greeted by many friends in town
Henry Ilachman, tho eutorprlslng pro.
prietorof tho Mabanoy City marble works,
was a visitor to town yesterday.
M. II. Master paid a visit to fiiends at
I'ottsvillo to-day.
Kdward J. Lynch, who spent a fifteen day
furlough with his parents in town, left to
day to return to tho 7th Heavy Artillery ut
Wintlirop, Mass.
Frank Hall, of I'ottsvillo, was a Sunday
visitor to town.
Miss Fannio Dresher, of Hingtown, is the
guest of her sistor, .Mrs. A. II. Jay, 011 Neath
.laidin street.
Milton llilluiau und wife, of Orwigsburg,
spout yesterday In town.
Major K. C. Wagner, of (lir.uilvKlc. was a
town isitor to-day.
John Doano has been added to the list of
Hi:itAl.l carriers. Ho will servo the lesi
dents of host Creek No. 2 and vicinity.
George Wildo and wife, of Norristown,
spent yostorday hi town us tho guests of
1'ostmaster Iledea's family.
Miss Jennie Morrison, of tho Miners' hos
pital, Fountain Springs, is spending soveial
days at her parent s homo in lirownsvlllo.
Miss Mary Carr, of Philadelphia, is being
enteitaineil hy her menu,; Miss Annie Watson
of West Clicliy street.
Michael Peters visited fiiends at I'ottsvillo
this morning.
J. Vt. Johiwin, of Heading, spent to-day
in town visiting friends.
Mrs. John h. Williams, Mrs. William Kd
ward s and George IMwards, Mt. drmol
residents, visited fiiends in town yesterday.
Hebor Smith, William Womer. Oscar
Ilolick and A. It. Lewis visited friends at
I'ottsvillo yesterday.
Miss hilly LlL-nullyu i-peut yesterday visit
ing fiiends ut I'ottsvillo.
Mrs. Lewis l'vans, of Sliamokin, was a
guest of friends in town yesterday.
Mr. and'Mrs. William Oillillan and son,
Joseph, visited friends at Frackville yester
day. Charles Parish spent yesterday as guosts of
friends at St. Clair.
Thomas Jiell and Joe lltirke returned to
their studies at tho heliigh University, Soutl
Hethloheui to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. William Minkowicz havi
gone to Mt. Cannel to spend a week among
Miss Mary Kodgers leturned to her home
in Now Philadelphia to-day, after (.ponding
soveml days with Miss Annio Kadziowicz
Mis? Annio Schaeil'er was an afternoon
passenger to Jit. Cannel to day. Sho will
spend a short vacation among her friends
Two million Americans sutler tho tortiuing
pangs of dyspepsia. No need to. lJurdock
lilood Hitters cures. At any ding store.
Sick Soldier nt I'ottHvUle,
Thirty-two sick soldier boys aro now
occupying beds in tho I'ottsvillo hospital.
Twenty-four arrived thoro last Saturday
ovening on tho I'ottsvillo hospital train sent
to Camp Meade by tho Women's Auxiliary.
None of thoso aro from Schuylkill county.
They represent other Pennsylvania regi
ments, Delaware, Connecticut, Ohio, Now
York and Michigan. Nearly all are down
with typhoid fever, whilo tho others are
suUoring from Malaria. Three of tho men
aro seriously ill. llesides tho twenty-four
sent to I'ottsvillo six were takou to Lebanon,
eight to Lancaster and twelve to Norristown
foil Down stairs.
Anthony Wnssucky, of East Centre street,
fell down stairs at his homo Saturday night
and broke his right leg about two inches
above tho ankle. The fracture was reduced
by Dr. Stein.
Deeds lteeordod.
From Ashland lluildiug and Loan Associa
tion to Jacob Lossig, premises in Ashland,
From Jacob Lcssig and wifo to Joseph
Staudounieier, premises in Ashland.
From JIary M. Althotlotou to Sarali
Wooden, premises In Mabanoy City.
From Sberitf of Schuylkill county to Ash
land Saving Fund and Loan Association,
premises iu Ashland.
Couio and fco our cblnaware,
saiicor, Ji cents, at F. J. Portz.
cup and
To I.eaVH Tow n.
.Mr. '.. S. Kobbins will move to Wllkesbarre
Iu tho near future. It Is understood that lie
lias purchased an interest in his father's
business in that city.
We Bottle
Private family orders will receive
prompt attention. Leave tlieni
at the office, we will do
the rest.
... Is the Beginning of Baldness.
Westphal's fluxlHator
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of ihe scalp.
Ferguson House Block,
rniUL-(Mr -store.
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale and Retail.
CO West Centres Street.
A Noted Physician Will Prove This
to Sufferers In Shenandoah
The progrcs! of modern medical science lias
led to tho discovery of successful methods
of treatment for most of thoso maladies once
regaided as Incurable. Astlmu has alwajs
been regarded as bolonglng to this obstinate
class, baflllng the skill of the greatest phy
sicians. Thousands of suH'erers know Ivy
their own oxperienco that littlo If nny'reliel
lias been alforded them by the methods
beictoioro employed. Dr Hudolpb SebllV
mann, the noted physician has, after n life
long study of Asthma and kindred diseases.
discovered a remedy which not only gives I
instant relief in tho severest cases of
Asthma, Hay-Fovcr and lironchitls, but bus
actually curod thousands whoso cases bad
been pronounced incurable So complete is
his confldeuco in Ills remedy, that to ovei-
come tho skepticism of the public growing
out of the failure of other remedies, Dr.
Schillnianu requests this paper to announce
that all day, Thursday. Sopt. 22nd, ho oilers
n liberal samplo box of "Scliitluiiinn's
Asthma Cure" free of clmgc to all persons
applying at Oruhler llros.' Drug Store., cor.
Main and Centre streets. Ho bellovos that
an actual test will bo tho most convincing
and in fact the onlv way to overcome tho
natural prejudice of thousands of Asth
matics who have heretofore sought relief in
vain. I'orsons living out of town will 10
ceivo n package fiee, postpaid, by writing
direct to Dr. 1!. Schintnan. 313 Kosabel St ,
St. Paul, Minn., before Sept. HOtb, as no fiee
samples 0.111 be obtained after that date.
SmiuI simply your iiamo and addiess plainly
written on a post caid.
ltouutlfill Hnrt Homo Decorations In
III,. Trinity Iti.toniuil (Hiiil-cli.
The Trinity Unformed church on West
Lloyd street was tho scene of 1111 annual Har
vest Hume service of a very Impressive char
acter last uiglit and tho cdillco was crowded
to the doors. Many pooplo were unable to
gain admittance during the service and for
an hour after its close people passed in con
tinuous ulo through tho aisles to vinw
tho decorations specially arranged for
the occasion, ana which were tho
prettiost and most uniquo over seen
at a similar sorvico in tho town. Tho entire
spaco within tho cbaucol rail and full width
of tho church was taken up with mounds of
all tho fruits, vegetables and grain of tho
sea&uu. To tho right of the nltni a beautiful
fountain played with brilliant elTect iu the
rays of tho cloctrio lights and after shooting
high in tho air tho jets of water fell in
graceful spray upon a surrounding bed
of elegant flowers and plants. A realis
tic representation of farm house and
mill tceno occupied tho center space and was
a striking feature. A minature pump with
windwhcol attachment was oporated near tho
farm house and a stream of water flowed
through a mossy bod from tho pump to a
trench that carried it to tho water wheel con
nccted with tho mill. Tho spaco to the loft
of tho altar was occupied by a massive mound
of fruits, vegetables, etc., of fine selection,
surmounted by a largo cross made of Malaga
and Concord grapes. Tho comniitteo that ar
ranged the decorations is certainly entitled to
great credit for tho work. Tho program for tho
evening consisted of well rendered anthems
by tho choir and an address very appropriate
to tho occasion by tho pastor, liov. Hubert
O'ltoylo. Tho harvest homo ofl'ering by tho
congregation was very largo and the service
lis a whole was one of tho most successful in
tho history of tho church.
T.ocal lliippodlngs From Our Neighboring
Itoroiigli Chronicled.
Mabanoy City, Sopt. 19. Many improve
ments are being made at our ncighhoiiiig
collieries, especially at Mabanoy City col
liery, tho breaker of which will bo exten
sively repaired. A slopo has been driven at
this colliery, and tho coal will be hoisted
from the lower lift to tho biirfaio direct, thus
avoiding two slopes and as many engines as
well as tho air compressors. Two of the
largest pumps in tho district will bo placed at
tho lowor lift to pump direct to the surface.
Tho improvements will obviate tho us.o of
initio pumps now in use, and when all Is
comploted this colliery will rank with any in
the district.
A twenty-ouo foot fan, constructed of iron,
will bo placod iu position shortly at tho Elm
wood colliery, to do tho work of two fans
now in operation, A tunnol 1ms been driven
from tbo Mammoth to thoSkidmoio vein and
another from tho Skidmoro to tbo seven-foot
is proposed. Thoso will add considerably to
tho means of ventilation of tho colliery.
1 lie engines which will bo used to hoist
from tbo underground slopo of Schuylkill
colliery bavo becu placed in position near
Jacksous, and work on tbo engiuo houso will
commeuco shortly. Tho rope has not yet
been placed in tbo tubus, but it Is expected
that in about a month tho work will be com
pleted aud hoisting commenced.
In most of tho collieries screens aro being
dono away with and shakers substituted.
Willi tho shakers more coal can bo run
thiough tbo breaker in tho samo period of
time, and tho coal can be cleaned better,
Their construction makes them preferable to
screens, from tho fact that they aro iimnu
factured from cast Iron plato, punctured full
of holes.
Lizzie, 4-year-old child of Stlnoy Haikow
ski, was knocked down by a team driven by
Hobert Qulnu, A wheel passed orcr the
right side of tho child's face, hut did not in
Juro her seriously.
Kdward Hritz and .Miss Ella McGlcmi will
bo married iu the German Catholic church
tu-moriow morning.
The employes at the Primrose colliery coin
plained because they were not paid oil' until
after six o'clock baturday uight.
Jacob Wobb had a linger fractured while at
work in tho Tunnel Hideo colliery.
Smith aud Campion aro shipping their
carts and tools to Shlpponsburg, l'a., where
they lmvo socured 11 largo contract.
Impnsslhlo to foroseo an accident. Not iiu
possible to bo prepared for it. Dr, Thomas'
Eclcctrie Oil. Monarch over pain,
1'neU Sustain tbo Asaertiou.
Only tho homo paper, tho country daily
possesses tho full uoulideueo of a permanent
constituency. It is the "homo" paper par
oxrcllcme, because It is welcomed ami read
by evory member of the family, and it Is
just as much of a family necessity as sugar
or tea or rolleo. It Is this faculty of getting
close to iU rcadorj that makes tho "homo"
paper's value to ndvei Users wholly out of
proportion to Its circulation.
An Kxeellent I.uw,
Under tho provisions of n now law fanners
or other persons who proaorvo and
trees will bo allowed a reduction of their
taxes tinder certain requirements. Mr.
Tenner, a farmer of I,eet township, Alle
gheny county, has obtalnod from tho County
Commissioners a reduction of 52 50 on bis
tuxes for complying with the now law. Tho
objoct is to encourage treo culture aud care
for those trooa which have already beou
planted und It doubtluM is a good law.
All kinds of vegetables and flower seed?,
mid plants at I'ayno's iiurhcrieg, (ilrardville.
Electili) cars pass the door. 5-Q-tf
.upproltiKs Throughout tlio Country
ftitonlolttil lor Hasty l'erusnl.
Summer U 011 Its last legs only four moro
l'.veu 11 blind man could seo through some
people In this town
Shenandoah will send n largo crowd to the
Allentown fair on Thurtday.
The organization of a national bank Is ouo
of the possibilities In St. Clair.
An cHort is being made nt Tamnqtia to or
ganize the Y. M. C. A. nt that place.
, Patronize borne Industry and advcrtlso in
1 Ibn Hi:lsALt) it nill prove prolltablo.
1 Shonaudoah Is losing many of tho town's
I best citizens a loss which wo can ill nll'ord,
1 Miss hlzzio Fninlz, of town, has gono to
1 New York, wbeio she will make her future
The Pottsvlllo Hoard of Trade now has
over two huudrod members, an oxcellont
Tho Ynuco Comedy Company closed a
successful engagement at tho local theatre
Saturday night.
Nothing now has developed in tho Itogers
S.ilmou race, and thero Is doubt whether the
raco will be run.
Ms cry 0110 should read tho advertisements
in this paper They always contain some
thing interesting.
It is estimated that Honor's winnings in
tho lioner-Creedon light will reach $l,r00,
clear of expense.
There aro many leaky hydrants about
town that require tho Water Supertnten
dent's attention.
Tho local business men say Satutday's pay
day receipts were an immurement on thoso
of the past six months.
Hannah Jones, a hiinsfni'd lass, was
arrested in Philadelphia in male attire, and
subsequently discharged.
The only dldoi-onco between meddling and
Investigating is that Jim always investigate
and the other fellow meddles.
An application will be made for the paidou
of Gideon Winkle, of Harry township, con
victed of rape, one j'earago.
Three Bhaics of stock of tho Orwigsburg
National H ink, sold at public sale ill I'otts
villo 011 Saturday, nrougnt 2tni.uo.
Frederick Kisouburg and his three sous, of
Tamaqua, were admitted to the I'ottsvillo
ho:pllal, all suucriug irnm lypnoiu lover.
The Fifth and Ninth Pennsylvania regi
ments will bo niustcied out, ordeis to that
eU'ect having been issued two weeks ago.
Work at sinking in the Wadesvillo shaft bus 1
been suspended, tho full depth being reached.
Work at tunneling Is heing pushed as rapidly
as possible.
Tho general store of Frank Knittle, at
Port Carbon, was entered by thieves, but tho
lattorwcio scared oil. Thoj' jumped through
a plate glass window.
Hobeit Sicwoll. a Tamanua brakoman,
who was badly burned bv nil explosion on tho
I'atawissa railroad, had both cars amputated
at tho Miners' hospital.
H. II. Mcllalo, one of our popular school
teachers, has moved his family into the
house vacated by James Hutton, corner
hloyd and West streets.
There is still 100 feet of water iu the slopo
of Kaskaw illiaui collier-, at tho bottom of
which lie the bodies of threo of tho six
miners drowned thoro laet Juno.
Thomas M. llrcunan, of Hockscherrlllo,
who was mino foreman at Thomaston col-lierj-,
closed down several months ago, has
been appointed assistant initio foreman nt
Big Mountain colliery, Sliamokin, taking
charge to-day.
Chamber sutu,
.1. 1'urtz.
0 pieces, from
f2.50 up, at
IJIOll SAI.K. Two pool tables in good condl
I' tli.n. fan bu bout-lit verv reaminable
Apply to Anthony .Sclunlcker, I0U South Jlaln
Htlcet. tf
"MOT1CI5. Desirable lironertleH for sale. Ai
1 ply to S. l. M. Hollnpeter, attorney, n-JI-ll
FOll SALIC. A rnluablo property on West
Centre street, dwelling hotiue, and all con
veniences In desirable location. Apply to
Thomas Tush, for further particulars. 5-27-tf
Nntlen Is liercbv ulvcn that application will
bo nuiJo to the (lovernor of the State of Penn
sylvania mi tho2'Jth day of Kept. A. P..189S, by
John K. Phmey, Kllai Davls.Jnseph II. Nlfhter,
William D. Koyer and Joseph 11. llocllnmn,
under the Act of Assembly nf tho Common
wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to
provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of
Certain Corporations approved April 29, 1871,
anil tho supplements thereto, for the Charter of
an intended Corporation to bo called Tho Key
stone Tciegrapn (Jninpany, mo cuaracier ana
object whereof U the construction and main
tenance of a Telegiaph company, and for thoso
purposes, m nave, possess aim enjoy an mo
rights benefits and privileges of tho said Act of
Assemoiy ana us gurpieaienis.
H. B. I!uvt-AMs,
Pottsvllle, l'a., Sept 0, lh'J8. B-5-3t-o-u-w
onteoof il.o KtatellnsiiHiiI for lniiircd persons
of the Anthracite Cool Iteglonof I'cnnsylvonla,
!rom!:t!n springs, j'enna. . . .. ..
Healed and inurked "proposal lor supplies"
for the .Stale Hospital for Injured Persons of the
Anthracite Coal Itcgloii of Pennsylvania, will
be received by the Hoard of Trustees up to ana
Including tho twentieth .lay of October, A. 1.
tsos. f..- n.riil.ltltH. l.rcn.l. incatri. irrocerics.
drugs inosllus, fruits, vegetables. Ice, feed, coal
sc., lor tne year ending ucceiuuer din., mt
Tho Hoard of Trustees reserve the right to re
ject nny oi"all bids. A schedule of the articles
and probable amount of each required, will be
furnished on implication. Address,
.1. O. lillint.K, Sup't State Hospital,
Fountain Hprings, l'euna
For Sale..
Valuable Shenandoah prop
erty, centrally located on Oak
street, with all modern conveni
ences, store room and dwelling.
Ior further infotniation apply at
this office. 9-2-1111
We Test Eyes
Absolutely Free.
We cNttinine mid test the eyes in a scientific
way, and wc expcit advice free to till. And
where glares ate found to be absolutely
necessaiy we inake thcni to fit accurately to
the fi("hl, nose and face. And we also furn
ish them at reasonable prices.
We guarantee each pair of spectacles to
give entire satisfaction We are satisfied
ihey will please you in every respect, by
wonderfully improving the sight and npi-"ar-tmcc,
Thos. Buchanan,
118 S. Mairr Street.
Anthracite Political Club
at 7 o'ehH'k nt SH Hacn ntreet,
llers' Hill.
11. Al. HOYRR, Pres.
T. AULIA, Sec'y.
' Battle Axes."
The late war between the United States
and Spain as to what constituted Free
dom developed one quality in our army
and navy that is above all others
reliability. They could be relied on.
and if YOU have any freedom of opinion
you will not be satisfied with any other
chewing tobacco.
emember Ihe name f
when you buy again. S
We ate now located in our new store, 23 Hast Centre Street,
(Dombach Huilding,) where we are better able to supply our
customers with a larger and belter stock of
Men's, Boys' & Children's Clothing
and Gent's Furnishing
Our stock consists of Cheviots, Tweeds, Homespuns, Wor.
sleds, etc. Single Hants and Vests. Also extra size suits for
corpulent men. Our fall and winter stock is bete.
Remember e allow a 10 per ct. reduction on all goods purchased.
wnn 11 ni mor&ugrjoui
ic-j, Jggeaujiis gn lovu auairs,
ui p'P.nrs Tn nn nn
this offer as a test trial.
k trotn pKBSS: "Zaranue abtiolooi ! eerulnly a:looUtiin(Uieuandj, Ills wonderful predictions and tests are based
I open indlipntable and aclcotine lnUonoea."
in quality, lowest price. They have
we ask of the public is to call and
convinced thousands.
The Only New Factory Shoe Store,
A roe. Levlne, Prop. 7 S. ISIoln St.
Iicware of close Imitations of llic name of our store, but look for the right place.
Jewelry, Silverware, Musical
Instruments, Optical Goods.
No. 1 29 South Malm Street,
We are again doing business at the oldMmid, with our former large
stock of goods. Mr. Orkin is still iu attendance nnd is conducting the
business. He invites all his former patrons to call and pay him n visit.
The slock consists ol a complete line of jewelry and musical instru
ments. The prices are the leature of the store ; they are within reach
of every purchaser. Repairing a specialty, llefore you buy elsewhere
call and see our stock and get prices. No trouble to show goods. We
have polite salespeople.
ZAKAJI, th TroTld-renoirned Egjrpti&n Astrologer, who hu been creating uch I
,uroie lur mo past oro tein, viu gire iruimui, accurU,
juanei uoroucoj.o aeiiBeauoa 01 your inc. lis win give jonr personal appearance, an
position, character, a' Hit, toste, j rotable length of life, possible accidents, adrico and
rcarnace, mends, enemios, specaiauon, business matters, etc.
mr m nc
Ton can inform yourself thorough! on
10 111..
uui auu on anj ower quest
past, present and future life.
Send 10 centi and giro exact date of birth and I will Immediately rttarn you a
Alt communications strictly confidential. Address
Box 403, Philadelphia, Pa.
AUR line is the biggest in town, lowest in price,
and the quality speaks for itself. Our motto :
Not above or below, but on a -basis saving you
25 per cent, on the dollar.
Our line of hats is the latest in style, best
just arrived from New York. All
be convinced as we already have
In wall pftporH nml eU'torutloiiH Ih one of tho
nliH'trmtli century nceompHwlimcnU. That Ih
why thoso wlni Hi'U'ft their wall paper al
CAUWN'H wet Much ilellt;htfiil resultt. It w?
necessary to purchiiHO tho expijisho. Bladen, tho
ilcnlnsniHl eolfr aid jimt hh artUtlf In tho
cheaper urailt If they uie not ho tleh, VoT
thotte. who wlhli to Ueeoiale theii roouib with
artUtle wall p.tperH zi to
224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.