The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 19, 1898, Image 3

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    "BOLD rVBT "
They Arc Sticnniulonlt People and
Wlint Tlicy Sny Is of Local
WIkmi nn incident like din following occurs
rlht hero nt home, It is hound to entry
weight with our reiitlrs. Wlieu so nmiiy
sliannn occin rcnci go the louinls of tlio
prcf.s; urn published at fucti-; wInmi the. lu
. Uilllm'iit render knows thoy cannot bo true,
tlicre Ii no wontlor thnt peoplo become sop
tiiiil. On olio silbjoct klceplielfin Is raphlly
di:ippcivriiiB. Thin 1' due to tho nt tunl per
' soiml oxpciicnces of our nlli-en mid their
publlo uttcrmiccs HKiitillnu them Tlio
doubter must uniiht no mora in thn fnco of
such evideiico hi Ibis The public st.itcnn'nt
of n reputable citizen lfviiiu right liuio nt
home., 'one who you sec every day, leaves
no ground for tlio skeptic to stand on.
Mrs. Hannah Wiitont, of !!21 Wist Cherry
Btreot, was miuivimvuil liy our roprosentntlvo
regiirillng n lemedy that nho had boeu tiling
for Inegtilarltics of the kidneys. She pro.
cured It nt tlio Klilln Pharmacy after she ho
caino Interested In It from seeing the Impress
ivo stntcmouts of those who hnd tried it.
Hero is lior experience "I can say for
Doan's lChlnoy Tills that thuy nro good. I
used thorn and they cortalnly did all that I
hB could ask from any lncdlclno. I had back-
aches which mado mo tired tho whole timo
and I was so lame ucross my Vidnoys that I
could lift notlihiK without it hurting mo nnd
when I-stooped or went to straighten up, it
caught mo'. I had pain and nclilng sometimes
low down the back of my neck. Oil, yes,
Doan's Kidney Villa aro a good modicluo for
they cured my back and I have had no
troublo since aud It is sovcnil months ago
since I took them."
Doan's Kldnoy Tills for sain by nil dealers,
l'rico r0 eonts. Mailed by I'ostcr-Mllburu
Co., llullalo, K. Y., soloagents for tho U. S.
I'cniciiibcr the namo Doan's and take no
Perfect Pitting.
Grocers can tell
you whv those
for It. You can't
keep on selling a
poor thing to the
same people.
saved by
using Seol-
llj'S because yott
cmi buy cheap
f coffee and tnnke
it delicious bv a
illttie oi this aduiixturc,
Pilsner Beer.
Needs no recommendation
Put up in bottles for family
use and delivered at your
Laner's Pilsner
Draught Beer
, . , . . ... r
l.S tlrailk 1)V the majority Oi
J "
hppr drinkers TlieV are COod
nnrlinrilv nn which is best
ailtlioriiy Oil Wim-U is
Christ. :hmidt,
ARent and Bottler,
203 W. Coal Street,
UOtli Dlstrkt,
Oi Mahanov Citv.
Subject to Itcpubllcau riilc.
ipOlt ltlCl'ltlCSKNTATIVH,
Of Mahanov Citv,
Sillijecttn Kcpuhllcan rules.
lilted m
I M i n a m
ri:t tikiv t inn
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardln St.
'Daughtor of tho Oonfedoraoy "Suc
cumbs at Narragansott Pior.
,V Iloro (irSnnttiiuo Wio l.oit Ills Hon
111 tint (liilliint C'lilii'KO of tlio Itoimll I
Hitlers, unit Who Ciiini) lloiuu InlVot
cd With Ty.vliold rovor.
NnrraBiiiiHCtt I'lcr, II. I., Sept. 19.
JIlss Wiimlo Davis", daughter of Mrs.
Jefferson DavlH, died yesttmlny nt tho
Hocklng-ham hotel, to which plncc Bhe
came ns a ituest In the enrly' imrt oV
the Pier's social senBOti. She has been
111 for several weeks, nnd n fortnight
ago her all men t was diagnosed ns
mnlnrlnt gastritis. At times her con
dition became very serious, so that
consultations of physicians were deem
ed necesr.ary, but frequent rallies gave
renewed hope that she would ultimately
recover. During; tho past week, es
pecially, was her condition considered
favorable, and It was thought that hor
removal from the hotel would bo pos
sible In a few days, as tho hotel hnd
closed for the season, leaving the pa
tient and attendants practically alone
In the house. Saturday night, however,
a relapse in Miss Davis' condition was
noticed, and throughout the night she
lost strength perceptibly. At noon
death camo to end the suffering, which
at times was Intense. Miss Davis has
always been known as tho "child of
the Confederacy," having been born In
1SC3 In the Confederate executive man
sion, during her father's presidency.
She was engaged to Mr. Wllkerson, of
Syracuse, N. Y., but shortly after the
death of hor father the engagement
was broken off. While no public ex
planation of the rupture was given out
It Is well known that it was for the
purpose of maintaining her father's
di:atii op cai-taix gaimiox.
A lloro oi; Smithied AYlio AYns Ililoot-
el 'With Typhoid In Cuba.
Washington, Sept. 10. Cnptaln Allyn
Canron. First artillery, died at his
home, near Fort Meyer, Va., yesterday,
Captain Capron was one of the best
known officers In the regular nrmy,
He had devoted himself particularly to
the military branch of the service, hav
ing been an honor graduate of the ar
tillery school In 1873, nnd was regarded
as an authority on artillery tactics.
When General Shatter's corps went
to Santiago Captain Capron accom
panied It, and his battery did notably
line work In the field at Santiago. Dur
ing the first day's tight before the city
Captain Capron's son, Captain Allyn K.
Capron, of the Rough Riders, was kill
ed. The death of his son preyed on
tho father's mind, but he never swerv
ed for an instant from his duty during
the terrible days that followed. The
seeds of disease wore sown In his sys
tem during the Cuban campaign, and
he returned to his home at Fort Meyer,
near this city, only to bo stricken down
with typhoid fever.
Captain Capron was born In Florida
and entered the military academy as a
cadet In 1863. After graduation he was
made a second lieutenant of the First
artillery on June 17, ISO", and was an
officer of that regiment until his death,
He was commissioned as captain on
Dec. 4, 18S8.
It is probable that Captain Capron
will be burled In Arlington National
cemetery, but no definite arrangements
for his funeral have yet been made.
The Sure La Grlpys Cure.
Tliero Is no use suHVriliK from this dreadful" you will only net !hu right romedy.
I Von ai-u linvliis iin nil tluotiRti your body,
liver is i.ot nf order. ha 0 no annctitc.
I-' .... 1 1.. r.,..
no lllu or ainuiiioii, nuvu a uan i lom
aro completely used up. Electric IUttcrsis
I lw. ..nw..l. f I. -if Vutlt ftvA Villi nrillllllt
and suro relief. Thoy act directly on your
Liver, Stomach and Kiduc.vs, tono up tlio
wliulij system and mako you feel like a now
Mn Thoy are K'larautccd to euro or price
refunded, l or Halo at A. Wasley's urus
.Stoio, ouly iu cents or bottle.
(irltitrn Slny Itooomo Amlm-'iiiitor.
WnHbinEton. Sept. ID. Cabinet offi
cers who have talked with the presi
dent on the subject are authority for
the statement that he has not de
termined to whom be will next offer
the ambassadorship to London. They
intimate that Attorney General GrlBK
Is more apt to bo nsked to go to Lon
don than anyone else.
When you rail tor DeWltt'a Witch Hazel
C..K. tlm n In euro, don't accent any-
thinRolso. Don't bo talked into acepiing a
substitute, for tdlea. for soros, for burns. C.
II, ilaKououcu,
Sunk y n Squall, Two Drmviiod
Newburyport. Mass., Sept. 19. The
Blnon vacht Kiully was struck and
Bunk by n sauall In the Narrows yes
terday afternoon, nnd of the five men
who were on boaru two oi tnem,
Adolphus Cole, nged 2(, and Gustave
Morrean, aged 30. both ot Atnesuury,
vere drowned. Tlie other three man
aged to reach shore.
You Invito disappointment wtictl you ex
periment. DaWltt'a Little Karly Risers, nro
pleasmt, easy, thorough Hltl plUa- I hoy
euro constipation and nick headache Just as
suro as you tako thenu O. II. lltiKunhuch.
Killed tu fuiiitl.v (Jiimriii.
Scranton. l'a.. Sept. 19. DuilnB n
family quarrel lato Saturday night ICd
ward Moran stabbed Ills brother-in-law,
Thomas Glllgun, who died a few
moments later. The affair occurred In
front of the house ot a policeman, who
arrested Moran. Glllgen had first at
tacked Moran with a largo knife und
cut suyeral deep gashes In his sculp.
It was when Glllgan renewed the at
tack that Moran drew an ordinary
pocket knife nnd Jabbed It twice Into
tho other's body. One thrust cut GUI
gnn's nrm and the other seveted an
artery near tho heart. Ho died wmie
being carried on a shutter to Ids homo,
a few rods from the scono of the anray.
He was married nnd had. two children.
Moran is married, but childless. Uoth
were miners.
Cure that Cough with Shiloli'g Cure. Tlio
boat CotiEu Cure, ltelleves Croup promptly
Ouo inllliou bottles sold lust year. 41) doses
for 3 els. old by 1. 1), IvirUu uud u guar
yet efficient I
costs so little the mite is
npvpr miccprl Largest pnekngo
ULVei ITllSbcU. Greatest economy,
Chicago. St. Louli. New York. Boston. ruUiultlr.hU.
The South unci It Advniitngcs.
riio Southern Hallway Im Wsued for fieo
distribution, ft sixteen page journal tlos
crlp ivo of Virginia, North and South Caro
lina Tciincs-ee, Georgia, Alabama and
Mississippi, l'ersons seeking now locations,
or capitalists desiring to mako safoand profit
able, investments will And tlio Information
contained therein botji valuablo and inter
cstlng. Copies will bo mailed freo upon ap
plication to John SI. Ilcall, District Passen
ger Agent. SIS Chestnut strrot. Philadelphia,
Oknis: 1 was dreadfully nervous, and for
rolicf took your Karl's Clover Hoot Tea. It
quieted my nerves and strengthened my
whole, Ncivotis System. I was troubled with
Constipation, Kldnoy and llowel trouble.
Your Tot soon cleansed my system to
thoroughly that 1 rapidly regained health
and strength. Mis. S. A. Sweet, Hartford,
Conn. Sold by S. P. Kirliu and a guarantee
slight; ti&xxkl
fJnld Purcliosos Z c mcvo
to any tuilrond r.ttitisn in PJAifOS!,
racw JERSEY.
iW rr.J.!..jjL.i A- i - i A
f i us ana mt
W "is? el
Vli V stlil
"h"' wiiQic uriii, aii arains una loises are cnecKpn pfirt:aKetiTtv. u nie i t..itients
ure projcily cured, their condition often worries them Into Insanity Cnitmittionor Death.
Mailed sealed. Price J t per box; 6 boxes, with Iron-clncl Kuarantre to cur- orrrundthc
money, $5.00. Send totUcc book. Address, PEAL MEOICIIJE CO , Cleveland, 0.T
l:pr Sale al KIRLIN'S Drujf Store, Shenandoah, Pa.
tut bkTt iold
lumer for 25
iu prices, itTinff una u
aeftltl prom,
wbore tor
llgiljlei of
&S ttjlti of
gei, rbketooi, tnpi, Wnon-
ttui. BDriDK-nofta
BimrHinm. ni,lf.0O,
OUlmai ! 11
lilXH ART cxnaixan nn haiisbbs mtu.
lj1 r.l!.YSffl!.: Ktl III iJS!rfi U it , ii
during 189S will present to its readers a faithful pictorial repre
sentation of the world's roost inteii'stlng and important news.
National and Inter
national Politics
Social and Economic
Industrial Enterprise
Art and Literature
S. K. Uu'-lclt
Jj Ufft nailnnai Pnililn c In the creat poliucal eveutt of our coiin. BMC'ii-JV
TVolongacrUltwillapp-arduriiigllie I jA!'; ','.U',A
yFar, contributed by authors ol Inter, i Tlll. :k"nl' ,,, -,To
national time, and will be Illustrated, l", j.Jff : A JrltJfiv
Often Wister These and a .core of equally prominent
Howard Pile (writer, will contribute short .torles to the
John Kentlrlck Bangs JWbkki.y hi 1 making tho paper espe
Mary E.Wilklns iciallyrichlnfictton. Oll.erfeatutesaretho
b, js a mat ix flr fooirssr eiasioa
e, JHX010 miiTS trums uniT.m
In the Interest of the WuKKi.v,Caspar Whitney i. on tits wav around
the world lie will visit biam In search of big game, making his
principal hunt from I'.aiik(.k. 1 le w ill visit Indin nid then proceed
tol-.urope to prepare article, on ;pnany andVrance.
10c a tMfjr frtt frosftctui, 'Mbhrtftiotif.Xi a )tar.
I'Mtoft ft it in th$ Unitii A7.i.'j, CanaJa, ami Mtxu'9.
Ad.lreMi ll.Vltl'CIt X IIHOT II 1:11s, I'ublMirri., N r link t'llj
Caspu Whitney
W. I), MdMCl-4
woman who has a heavy
before her dishes to
wash or a floor to scrub
ihas a friend
in this
Attn voir doiNti south?
Don't start South without consulting John
M. Ilcall, District 1'iissuinrcr Agent, Southern
Hallway, (US Chestnut street, Philadelphia
If you cannot call in person, write to him.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Ask your grocer for tlio "Hoyal ritont
flour, and take uo othor brand. It is tho host
tlom mucin.
S it"-- '
S 1'
J 1 i
p ' i ; i 7
A'"" Vnrk.
i i..t.til
J Ol i.ZT 'i 1
-jgn6 They clear ih-:, ttrcucthcn
ice citouii'on, pukc uiesuoa
direct to th COB'
yri l whol
noip u
135 to 170.
tun tun
r Hl(f, frit
w. a ..... . Vpl... with euHftlDI. llDtl. IH"
itllM. ihtll, tpna ml . ! Al f& " '
co. w. b. puatt. kluiubt. nn.
VlNA X v v yi
nro mofcredKivo nirl kie)i .nforined
tho Worhl'ri Progress, Tho well In- E
formed and thrifty Ilouse-wllV wll'
always keep g
lu th housa. m a etundarJ rorr.wJy ? g, Bmsos, Crarpo, iRiteuEMittos. S
ft'id oil aohna snd pan. p
frls 14 d. tni 63 t, tti Jcii . w i.
Fremiti! J K J. HaCXET! a o., -m Vrr S
t iWiiUVldl 1 i JttUUUZUi U 1 1 : I i t . i f. i I ! 'T
The Wekklv will continue to participate
In the ureal political eveutt of our coun
try. ( It will treat of the social and eco
nomic questions, and of the development
of the middle west. Its special corre
spondent in the Klondike recionwilt trace
the story of the great gold discoveries.
f. R. Stockton
tlnity J 1 !!
Strong Opposition to Revision in
tlio Froncli Oabinoti
Crncinl C'liiiniilno. tho Nowly Aj
liiitnlcd Wur .MlnNler, Dot'liii'oH Ho
Will lti-ilcn "lioulil 'l'horo llo Any
Attempt to Attiiok tlio Army.
I'urlK, Sept. 19. L.c Solr snys that
(loni'ial Cbnnolni', the newly appointed
war minister, told fi lends that he re
Bnrdcd himself as a sentinel relieving
another charged with watching over
the army's rights, and Intimated that
as ho was ntipolntod after the first
cabinet rouncll of Saturday he was not
responsible for the decisions readied
at the council. Hp declared that
should he see any attempt, under pre
text of a revision of the Dreyfus pro
ceedings, to engage In maneuvers
against the army he would Immediately
resign. A majority of Paris papers ap
ptovo of the cabinet's decision, which
is looked upon ns the llrst definite step
tnkun toward revision.
All the dllllciillles attendant upon se
curing a levlslon of the Dreyfus pro
ceedings may be guaged by tho story
now published that General Zui linden
practically offered himself by advocat
ing a levlslon of the case, and that his
change of opinion Is due to the strong
feeling which be nfterwatds found
among his subordinates at the war
According to newspaper accounts,
which arc undoubtedly fairly correct.
Premier llilsson only got his way at
Saturday's cabinet council, though sup
ported by eight of his colleagues, after
a tough light against General Zurllnden
and M. Tlllaye, the minister of public
works, who were warmly supported for
three hours by President Faure him
self. At the meeting of the council M. Sar
rlen, minister of Justice, stated his
views of tho case at conslderablelength,
expressing the conviction that a revis
ion was necessary for the peace of the
country and expedient on the ground
that many of the documents In the
dossier appeared to be of doubtful au
thenclty. nnd above all, that Colonel
Henry's admission of forgery threw
suspicion upon all his evidence. M.Ser
rlen, however, did not ask the council
to decide for or against revision, but
only asked permission to submit the
matter to a commission.
M. Faure opened the discussion. He
did not openly oppose revision, but
pointed out political and other objec
tions to reopening the case.
It Is said that M. Brlsson went so far
as to remind M. Faure of the constltu
tlonal limits to his functions.
General Zurllnden admitted when he
took office that if he was not Drey
fuslte he at least had an open mind,
and felt great sympathy for the Drey
fus family. A deep study of the dossier,
however, had absolutely convinced him
that Dreyfus was guilty.
Finally a division occurred, In which
M. Faure did not tako part.
A seml-ofuclal note explains that
General Chanolne only had a confer
ence with President Faure after his
appointment to succeed General 55ur-
Hnden had actually been signed. The
decision of the committee appointed
to consider the matter of the revision
will be In no way binding upon the cab
inet, which will still have to decide
the actual question of revision. It Is
reported, however, that a vessel has
already started for the Isle Du Diablp
In readiness to bring Dreyfus to Paris,
and M. Prlsson and General Chanolne
are determined that nobody, however
high bis position, will be sheltered.
Stirring eventB are regarded as Im
pending. General Zurllnden was credit
ed with the belief that there Is a
Ptcquart mystery, and should there be
he fully Intends that Colonel Picquart
shall be prosecuted. According to
Colonel Plcquart's written statement to
the minister of Justice four secret docu
ments were submitted to the court
martial held in 189 1, behind the backs
of Dreyfus and his counsel.
It Is reported that the government
has selected Beaubais, capital of tho
department of Olse, as the most suit
able town in which to hold a rehearing
of the case.
Tim CniiHiilrno.r Auraliiwt liroyftm.
London, Sept. 19. David Christie
Murray publishes In The Morning a
long story regarding the Dreyfus af
fair. The author vouches for the truth
of the story, but declares that he can
not disclose the sources from which he
obtained his Information. Tho article
states In effect that Dreyfus was en
gaged as a spy In the employment of
a secret department ot the French
army against those suspected of traf
ficking with Germany and other pow
ers. His zeal here, so tho story goes,
led him to become tho victim of re
venge on .the part of Colonel Henry,
Comte Esterhazy and Colonel Paty du
Clam, who themselves were concerned
in tieasonable practices.
Tho IllluolH Will llo WIuo CliflHtonod
Springfield, Ills., Sept. 10. Governor
Tanner has decided the battleship
Illinois shall be christened In cham
paKne, and sent a letter to Mrs. Ma
tilda D. Curse, Jessie Brown Hilton
and Helen L. Wood, the committee of
the Women's Christian Temperance
Union, who protested asainst christen
ing the battleship with wine, In which
he declares that the time honored cus
tom Is no desecration of the laws of
temperance. Hp pays an eloquent trl
bute to the Women's Christian Tem
perance Union.
For broken surfttcoa. sores, insect bitos,
lmriiK skin tllsnitsos nnd esncciullv lilies thoro
14 mm r llahlo rctnetlv. DoWitt's Witch Hanoi
Salvo. When you tall for DoWitt's don't
accept counterfeits or frauds. You will not
bo dlsiiunoiuted with DoWltt's Witch llazol
Bulvo. U. 11. liagciiDucu.
Only i:lti'it pntil'-li l'l'IsoiiorM llmiiiilll
'onhliii;tr.n, Sept. ID. General haw
ton ivportfl to the wnr departinent hint
ntsht tlint all but elsht of tlio KpunlHli
nrlsoners have been shipped from san
tlaRo to Spain. Of the eluht one la at
Darocna nntl seven at Quantauamo,
pick with yellow fever.
DoWltt's Witch Hazol Salve lias tho jarec-st
sale of any Kilvo in tho world. Ilils latl
anil its moilt has leil tllshonost poople to lit -
tcnint to tountcrft'lt It. Look oiu lor too
n,l,n nHsmtiU to llm'P I VI' Villi WllCliyOU
tall for DoWitt's Wltili Hnlo Salvo, tho
Kicat pilocuro. f. II liaxeiiniicii.
ntr. Ilnyiifil'H ( oinlltlon.
Dedhuin, Mass., Sept, 19. Tho con
dition of TlionuiH V, lluynril has-been
unchnneed for the puhI three days.
The attending physician has hopes of
One Minuto CoukIi Curo surprises people by
its quick cure anil rhihlroii may tako it lu
largo cjuuiitlttou without tho least danger. It
has won for ilself tho best reputation of any
preparation used to-day for colds, croup,
tlcklint! in tho throat or obttiuate coughs. 0,
11. llaucubucli.
fraiioU Josnpli'H I'atliotlo AddtoHSto
n S.vnipntlil.lim: World.
Vienna, Sept. 19. A rescript of tho
rmperor to Count von Tlitin Hohen
stein, president of the Austrian coun
cil of ministers, wns published yester
day, expressing In eloquent nndpathetlo
lnnguage the emperor's thanks for tho
expressions of national sympathy with
him in his great bereavement. In tho
course of the rescript his majesty says:
"The murdering hand, the instrument
of frenzied fanaticism aiming at tlio
destruction of existing soclul order,
which was raised against the noblest
of women In blind nnd purposeless hate,
struck a heait which knew no hate and
beat only for good. Amid the unmeas
ured giiefs iy which I and my house
ore stricken, nnd In the presence of tho
unheard of deed which sent a shudder
through the whole civilized world, the
voice of my beloved people llrst brings
balm to my heart In affecting unison
with the resound of universal lamenta
tion for our Immeasurable loss, like n
faithful echo of all that moves my own
scul. From my deeply sorrowing heart
I thank all for this new pledge of de
voted sympathy. If the festive peals
which should have gicctcd this year
must remain dumb, there yet remains
to me the memory of Innumerable
pioofs ot loyalty and deep sympathy,
the most precious gift which could havo
boon bestowed upon me. Our common
grief weaves a new and Intimate bond
between the throne and the father
land." Another Imperial lescrlpt founds a
new order, nnd medals of St. Elizabeth,
In memory of the deceased, will bo
confened upon women and girls merit
ing distinction in the various avoca
tions of life or In special religious,
humanitarian and philanthropic works.
Tho llrst recipient of the order was the
Countess Szapary, In recognition of
her devoted services to the dead em
press In her last hours.
Truth wears well. I'oonlo havo learned
tint DoWltt's Little Karly llisors aro reliable
llttlo nills lor rceulaUns tlio bowels, curing
cointipatioii and sick headache. They don't
Erlpo. v. 11. llagenimcii.
sickliest Inei ;iiMiii at "nnringo.
Washington. Sept. 19. Sickness
aniens the troops of General Lawton's
command at Santiago Is increasing.
Neatly one-sixth of his force Is now on
the sick list, although the number of
deaths Is not great. General Lawton's
bulletin of the health condition of the
American forces nt Santiago, received
at the war department last night, fol
lows: Sick, 1,222; fever, 811; new cases,
92; returned to duly, 301; deaths, 7, In
cluding 1 from yellow fever.
SI . Zotn to Hocomo n I'rlcmt.
London, Sept. 19. London Life claims
to have Information that M. Fmlle
Zola Is about to become a Catholic
priest. It says tho Vatican was ap
proached on the subject a fortnight
ago and that the nope has given his
assent to the ordination of the dis
tinguished author six months hence.
M. Cola's conversion is said to have
been made by Father Cougen, the pas
tor of a small parish church, an inti
mate friend of the novelist.
Tlio Wont hor.
For District of Columbia, eastern
Pennsylvania, N'ew Jersey, Delaware
and Maryland: Fair; continued high
temperature; light to fresh winds.
healthy ffirl
hood means
happy wife,
hood and ca
pable motherhood. A
new fancied nruderv
prevents many (firls from,
learning things that they
outrht to know before they
assume the duties of mat
rimony and maternity.
Athletics alone will not
make a young woman thor
oughly healthy. The wise ,
counsels ot a goou tnoincr
or some older woman are
The best and noblest mis-
slon of a woman is to bear
and rear healthy, intelligent chibbcu In
ordet to do this, she must bp healthy and
strunjr in a womanly way. both the lilted- anu nliyiicai ltiture ot ncr cnuuren
Oepenu upon tlie tnointr. ui
l'icree'H Fnvoiitc- PrcKcriptiun i-. the but
of all tucdlcfnes lot maiu. wives aim moin
Iltlll I'll ll'.'ltia. 1 , tti... ...u...-
ers. It ts intcndeil to 00 nut nno tni'iis .ma
tloe. that one thinr thorotifhly. It acts
directly on the dcliCHtc uud important or
Kans conceriictl in wifehood aud mother
hood and makes them stroiu.', healthy,
virile, viKorous and clastic. Taken ditr
Iiil' the time of nrenaratiou. it banishes tlio
trials and dangers of maternity. It insures
the well being of the mother and the robust
health or the ctilld. It Is tlie greatest or
nerve tonics and nerve builders. Thou,
sands of women have told the story of its
marvelous accomplishments. Good medi
cine deaiers sell it and will not advise a
substitute in place of it
In a letter to I)r I'terve. Mr. C. A. Xtcllonald.
of Nj. ii N Chestnut Street. Lot. Angeles, Cab,
Mya "At Junction City I became acquainted
with W. C M I) . an old practitioner He
said he was a college chum of yours, but that you
went to Korope to the best ho.tiitats, while he
commenced practice , that for thirty years you
were considered one of the leading physicians
In New York State, and he considered your rem
edies better than all others, and prescribed them
daily in hi. practice. On the strength of this
commendation I tried your 'Favorite Prescrip
tion ' and th ' Pellets.' The ' PavorJ,te Prescrip
tion has acted like magic in cases of irregular
aud painful monthly periods, a few doses only
lu-lng necessary to restore the natural function.
The 'Pellets' have proven an Infallible curt for
sick and bilious headache."
In papsr covers, 21 one-cent stamps; cloth
binding, ten cents extra. Dr. Pierce's Com
mon Sense Medical Adviser. Address Dr.
R. V. I'iercc, Uuffalo, N. Y.
. KfU-almn", Niiecliil J)lcue, Vur
' Small UtulVi eluptrd r:ntit.V; I.ot
ISt" lOnyiis iuIIUcm. siampifor lioAc
A Medlclns Chest In Itself.
Simple, Safe and Quick Cure for
25 and 50 oont Bottlos.
nrrrnj nAtiloi
millions of Dollars
Go up In smoku ovory year. Tako n
risks but get your housos, stock, fu
nlttire, etc., Insured lu first-class r
liable coiapanlos as roproseutod by
HAVIft FAUST Insurance Afent
Alio I.ltnJcclJenUl CoupuUi
I nutTcred with K -em.i of tho worst kind,
m lat'c and nt ck down to my bliouhlcrs woro
o:.e Inilainn.ati u, wai not able to peooutot
my eyes for quite a uhllc, and vas unable
toshep for wec'.s, on account of the severe
pain,vb eh marly drovo mo lnar.o. Myf .eo
and ii. 'ck were, swollen nnd mado 1. 0 hu.i.
hideous. Hail threcdoctorsatillirerenttlmes,
ittid notonoof tlii'tn roiild relievo loo of my
pain, snelllep, and blotches, I used thrco
bo't,e3 of CmcritA Uksoi.vent, four boxes
CuTtrniA (ointment), thrco cakes of ClTl.
critA Sf, and my friends nnd ono of tho
tlnetors arc surprised, and asked, " Who cured
eu?" and 1 tell tuctn quickly, "Citicuha,
March 4, 18!7. 33 ScholoSU., Ilrooklrn, N Y.
SoM tlitmlgliout tti world, ronrn I). ""I( Cnr,
BoLtt lYops., Ikiaton. How to Curo Skin lll.uitci.' tnx.
Dr. Humphreys'
SpocIIIcs act directly upon tho diseaso,
without exciting disorder in other parts
of tho system. Tliey Curt' t lie Sick.
so. ernes. trices
1-lVvorn, Congestions, Inflammations, .'ii
'i Wormt. Worm Fever, Worm Colic. . ,'2H
3- Toctlilim,ColIc.,Cr-ng, Wakefulness .'15
4- IUnrrhf n, ot Children or Adults.. .'.23
7 Ooniiln. Colds, Uroneliltls 83
8 .'Neuralgia, Toothache, Foceacho. . ,'l!i
!-lleailache. Sick Headache, Vertigo . .'23
10 llvmiepala.ltidlt''S
1 1 HtipnrmNrd or Painful Pcrlodi 'J5
lit Whiten. Too Profuse Periods !i5
111 Croup, LarviiftttlH, Hoarseness .. . .23
1 1-Hnlt Itlictitu, Erysipelas, Drupttons .23
18 llliouinattsin, Iltioumatto Pains 35
H Malaria, Chills, Fover and Aguo ... .25
10-Cntarrli, Influenza, Cold la tho Ucad ,t!3
120 Wbooiilna-Cotiuti '23
'J7-llldneylll4cnaes 25
!28-Ncrou Dcl.lllty 1.00
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77 ;rlp. Hay Fever 23
Dr. Humphreys' Manual of all Diseases at your
Drugshts or Mailed irrco.
Sold by druffglsts, or sent nn receipt of price.
Humphreys' Med. Co., Cor. William & John tits..
New York
Inter Biatiajtial:
ths " Vnabrittyrd "
itiditnt Authority,
it Ilnmrr,
i-'ditt t iirt
Alter. .
The One (.
Sr. V
Kiel'. S tinv't I'rlntini? I
'Jiflce, tlie V (S Huprfnie (
ourt. all the Mala tu- (
IT all the Wchoolbool
teme t oiirw, ana or near-
lv Stain Siiirintoii(lcnt
of .choOi, Colleeo lTfil
flntn.nnd other J-Murii tors
almost ivitlwi'.t nunibe:
In tlio ImtiBcliold, oml to
thf tracher, BCliolar, pro-It-sslotinl
mun, in itl ik'U-
- educator.
i 't I rnsy to find the word wanted.
It is ecsy to ascertain the pronunciation.
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tl Is eusy to learn what a word means.
3 V'p Nrw Torfc Trilmna itnys i
I l.-.t t.ilili.iii ditncA Irniiitlin tin... nltli n ,
I iii-s tint Implies tlie nioft tlioroHplieUi. ,
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Variable Friction Feed
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find a re. INo Fnrquhnr
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plotlcd. Also standard
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generally. Hay Presses
a Bpecfalty. Send tot
Catalogue and prices to
A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ui, York, Pa.
llsUc Ftshlonable. Ortelnsl. Perfect-
Httlng Prices. XO aim 1G contd.
None blirntf. None belief at ar.v price.
Some rellablt uiercbjint ell them In
nurlv avetv Itv it town. Ask for
them, of thev can be had bv mail fto.j
i In ellht Nets' York Of 'Chtcacu.
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Invaluable foe lie home. Fashions il
the dav. Home Llteraltifti Houseb.'J
Hints, Fancy Work, Current Toplcj, T
FL-lion,all foi only 5fi.tnt i7ear, Ia- I
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Hon any time.. Seed two 2-cent ttynjw T
int sample topy.-tc, Matestjffjlijfb
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f tVlto Fiftn Avcnur ChlcagoT'r
K rt.11. this ikd WOMAN'S RELIEF.
Alw&vn uromntiind rllibl. Aroiii hmUitiatu.
flt ClTuK'ltllllT TlLLIftllil 11VI liaBITI.
Atdm itrtrrt nr tent direct ftcntad I. Drl. II.
Caiom 80. Co llotoa, Uiu. Our book., U 9
Vor ale at Klrlln! drug nion nd 8hnandoa
JriiR tor
KLuf5UXe -
i tnfii mm em l.'tri 1 . .
...1. qn.. ,.! lmnrtn.i 1111. .nl d'l tt ' b
iSSf rwnllu). Aluf Vii l u.' tb. ti. -t a tjid ijb..
IX. 1)1 E P.M,k
Set inl) c.'jit'e tfto e f dh-womam a Of t
CUA''!' fr rc trie Ca.,tHIMM
ttt Povlniky'si'druK or,
.ttaiitr ulrcst.
ForallDiuousar.l Ne-vo-s ETiSi? 5 S HI
Disbases. v , nr fy fie Ij-jg fl I Ml
IIlood and e. , H- r Jgd tUM
action to the entire system. & m BmWMwm