The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 15, 1898, Image 2

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IXTAItl.ISIII'.l) 1870.
Published every Evening. Kxcept Sunday, at
8 Soirm Jahius HrrKKt, Nkah Oestbr.
The Herald I 1- vr i InSl chanrtonn and Iho
. lrrt-.icv'. 'in ! 11 I"rs'X
..., v-. ,k ',,.,,,;
ollio unrtiiis. By inn . J.O0n cnr,or25 i
in month, payable In advance. VlvttlUc
louts position, i
reserved to wjo tuny advertisement, wiicwcr i
lurid for or nut, nat tlio publishers may deem
' unifier. Advurtlslng rntw Hindu known
........ ..,,.11. nil, ,i,
Knteltiil nt tliu fuwloftUe nt Shenandoah, l'M
second clues mall matter.
'All the News ThalTfit to Print."
Evening Herald
THURSDAY. SIl.Tnnu.U in. 1HS.
OUR COUN IKY : First. Last and Forever.
TlIK tuxpnyor iff tin- boroujjli I'un
romlilv (llstliiLMiish lietwceii tliu
Auilitor.s anil Counoilini'ii ns to wlik-l
urn the vntoh-lot;s of tlio treiisiii-y
espenlnlly wlii-ii tlio former Jiity
coinpeloiit man but if-" t iiiuki tin
audit mill tliun oliurge tlio borough
This world is full of suspicion,
people, who iiiiiig-ine that every one
but thoiiibelvu.s nre ilislioiiust. As a
k'cnornl tiling the ones the
irrt'iitiT nmiibor of fnultx uro the "liiht
to overlook sborli'oiniiiKs in otliers.
Kspei'iully is thin trui- when nivcii a
littlo iiutbority mid thi'ir I'liiniuius
bejjin to swell.
TuuouoHOUTthe authrai'ite rt'ion
the newspapers are piiblisbln inter
views had with I'oiuiuercial travelers
mid local business men, showing that
the skies are clearing ami that there
are better times ahead for the people
of this region. The belief is general
that there are brighter times ahead
and the business man should prepare
himself for the increased business.
There is no better way to do this than
by newspaper publicity. The IlKlt
Ai.n enters the homes of the people
of the Mahmioy valley, and reaches
tho buyers. The enterprising mer
chant will seize the opportunity of
attracting attention in tho only
legitimate way, that of newspaper
Our Next Senator.
Tho Republicans of the Thirtieth
Senatorial district have reasons to
congratulate themselves upon the
nomination made by their representa
tives in the convention assembled
hero yesterday. The name of David
M. Graham will add a tower of
strength to the Republican ticket,
and it does not require a political
prophet to predict the next State
Senator from this district.
afr. ornlmtii is a, successful business
man, and is at present proprietor of
the Mnhanoy City American, one of
the leading Republican papers north
of the mountain. He is a man of
sterling Integrity, a tried and true
friend of the laboring classes, and
bears an enviable reputation in every
walk of life. As to his ability to
represent the Thirtieth district in
the Legislative halls of tlio state, no
words of encomium are necessary
nt our hands. Those who know Mr.
Graham will freely admit his ipmlill
catlous for a legislator, and oven his
political opponents, hundreds of
whom will cast their votes for the
Republican nominee, acknowledge
that the Democratic party is placed
at a disadvantage so far as the candi
dates mo concerned.
Tho Republican nominee enters tho
contest witli u united party at his
back and with the assurances of
strong .support from the independent
element. Mr. Graham will recoivo in
Mnhanoy City the largest vote over
accorded a candidate on either tickot,
mid it is not unreasonable to expect
that his vote in this Democratic
stronghold will equal that of his op
poiiout. His nomination, too, will
add much strength to the county
ticket, mid in whatever light tho re
sult of yesterday's convention is
viewed, the action of the representa
tives of tlie Republicans in this dis
trict is to lie commended.
Mr. Graham 1ms never before
sought political ollice, hut has always
taken an active interest in the success
of his party candidates, whether they
be friend or foe, mid those whose
names have appeared upon the ticket
in the past appreciate his inlluence
among the rank mid (lie of tho party.
Ho was born In Middleport, this
eounty,-forty years ago and received
his education in the public schools.
He removed to Mahmioy City in 1805,
mill worked in and iilout'tho mines
until thirteen years iigo, when ho em
barked in tlio mercantile business.
He has a thorough knowledge of
mines mid mining, and knows the
wants of the miners thoroughly.
David M, Grahmu will be the next
State Senator from this district.
Sores Disappeared
Statement of a Remarkable euro.
" My littlo daughter hn3 bad ringworm.8
on her Bculiytuid, phq broke out in sores
all over, her boijy J dijclijed to try Hood's
BaraaparUa, ami after ulio had taken It n
short tltno the sores disappeared.'' Mils.
U. J. ClIVKK, 1003 Llmvorth Btrcet,
Philadelphia, I'a. Rumember
parilla Is the One Trus Wood Purifier. ? 1 ; six for $5.
-food's Pills cur,, constipation. VS cent.
B B aiiiiH a Q 01 meaning i
u.,f .7,i7;i7 ..u nnrriHUtirg', sept. lu. uovernor Ilnst-
and about which such tender and ; lnR8 ,ma Iocntl.(, tlie Rlok nn(1 lllJured
holy recollections cluster as that i Pennsylvania volunteer tfoldlers In hos
of " MOTIIRR " she who Watched 1 pllals throughout the country. The
over our hiilnlcas iti fanev and tniid- i HDt important nrc those who have
r,r fir tn.,l,m ttnn Vnt
CU OUT IirST. tOttCrlllR SlCI). I Ct
,;f f 1JL,fllTtl,
"- vi .iv.i uaji.i.uii
er 13 beset With dailf'er aim all Ct-
fort should be made to avoid it. ,
(nil i so assists nature
the Expectant
Mother i3 ena
bled to look for
ward without
dread, suffering or gloomy fore
bodings, to the hour when she
experiences the joy of Mothcrliosd.
Its use ins'ircs safctv to the lives
of both Mother and Child, and she
13 found Stronger after than before , Mountalnvllle, J. S. Llebfrled, Lancas-conf,nement-in
short it "makes
Childbirth natural and easy, as Lancaster; John A.Taylor, Harrlsburg;
SO many have said. Doilt bo j J.K. Underwood, Frankllntown; Harry
nersuaded to use anvthilltr but 1 Walker, Lancaster; W. H. Warner nnd
LB a L. R !
u My velfo suffered mora in ten mln
ntes with either of her other two null
ilren than she did altogether with lior
Inst, Having previously uscu lour not
ties of ' Motlier-'d Friend.' It is f
blessing to anyone expecting to be
come a MUTU.HK, says a cusromer.
llENDuiiso.v dalk, uanni, Illinois.
Of rirufTEl.H nt tl.OO. or 9"nt by cipren on receipt
of i-rlcii. Wilta for book oontalnlnil tentlmonlals
mil Mtiuubio lnrorinnllon fur ull .notbur. free.
lb UradGrM ltcsulator Co., Atlanta. G.
Talk of InvoHtlgiitlnu tlio Loader of
tlio Cold DuiiiouriitH.
Chicago, Sept. 15. W. D. Hynum,
chairman of the national commltteo of
the national Democratic party, tender
ed his resignation to the executive
commmlttce yesteicTay, and George
Foster Peabody, of. New York, was
elected as his successor. The resigna
tion was a great surprise to the lead
ers ot tne lioiu uemocruui' puny, a
resolutions adopted by the meeting
stopping the salaries of all ollkers Is
said to be the real cause of Mr. I3y
num's resignation. C. Vey Holman, of
Maine, declared after the meeting that
he proposed to have Mr. Bynum Inves
tigated. Mr. Holman claims Mr. liy
num called yesterday's meeting with
the intention of forcing him to leave
Maine, where the election was Held on
Monday, the morning of election day,
and he charges the ex-chalrman with
conspiracy. A committee, of which Mr.
Peabody was made chairman, wns ap
pointed to prepare nn address.
Treasurer Frenzel, of Indianapolis,
reported that when the campaign of
189G ended there wns $33,000 In the
treasury of the National Democracy.
Since that time $23,000 has been ex
pended. Thero was $1,500 which could
bo had when necessary from uncol
lected subset Iptlons. Mr. Bynum hnd
received $8,200 as salary, while $00 was
credited to personal expenses. The
treasurer reported that $7,700 had been
sent to Kentucky for the '97 campaign,
$1,700 to Iowa, $2,500 to Ohio during the
campaign In which Ilann.a was elected
United States senator, and $C00 to Kan
sas. For tori y years Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild strawberry has been curing siuiunor
complaint, dysentery, diarrhoea, bloody flux,
pain In tlio stomach, and it has never yet
failed to do everything claimed for It. Revolution lnivItablo,
Hong Kong, Sept. 11. A revolution
In central China seems unavoidable.
The rebellion In Hnlnan nnd the prov
ince of Knwntr-SI Is being joined by
thousands of the literati, who nro bit
terly opposed to the Manchu dynasty.
t'orea'H liuloi'i Poisoned.
Yokohama, Sept. 1 1. Telegrams from
Seoul, capital of Coren, report that tho
king of Corea and the crown prince
were taken suddenly 111 after dinner on
Sunday last. Poisoning Is suspected.
Both are recovering. Eleven courtiers
have been arrested.
To Cure a Cold In One Day
Tako Laxative Itromn Quintno Tablets. All
druggists lefund the iiuinuv if it failsto euro.
L'.io. Tlio fjciunno lias L. 11. ij. on eacn
tablet. tf
MiirdoroiiH Aunrolilst Writes to tlio
1'roHlilont of Switzerland.
Berne, Sept. 1C Tho funeral train
bearing the remains of the Empress
Elizabeth, which left Oenevn yesterday
afternoon, made short stoppages at the
principal towns In Swiss territory.
Everywhere along the route church
bells tolled respectful sympathy, and In
some places wreaths wore presented.
The assassin. It Is said, has written to
tho president of the Swiss confedera
tion asking to bo tried at Luzerno,
where capital punishment Is In force.
Ho now admits he attended an anar
chists club at Lausanne, whore It was
decided to assassinate some great per
sonage. Six members of the club have
been placed under arrest. The assas
sination has produced a great revul
Blon of feeling among the Swiss people
In favor of capital punishment.
Don't lej tho JUtlo ones suitor from eczema
or other torturing skin dUeroea. N'ii need
for it, Doan's Ointment cuios. Can't harm
tlio most delicalo skin. At any drug store.
50 cents,
Maryland t'onnroslonal Nominees.
Baltimore, Sept. 15. Tho Democrats
of tho Third and Fourth congressional
districts In convention last night nomi
nated Dr. J. B. Schwntka In the Third
and Major James W. Denny In the
Fourth districts. Both are understood
to favor a gold standard of currency.
Tho Democrats of the Fifth district.
In convention nt Elkton, nominated
Nicholas W. Steele, of Carroll county,
for congress, defeating ex-Congressman
J, F. Talbott, who sought rcnom
Inutlon. The Republicans In the Sixth
district met In convention nt Frederick,
to nominate a candidate for congress.
Much opposition has developed to
ward John MacDonuld, the present In
cumbent. Every county In the dis
trict has a candidate, and the fight
promises to bo a protracted and bitter
one. After taking 271 ballots the con
vention adjourned till toduy.
'May Attend Plilladolphhi'H .T11I1II00.
Washington, Sept. 15. Mayor War
wick, C. Stuart Patterson and C. C.
Harrison, of Philadelphia, called at the
White House yesterday and extended a
formal .Invitation to the president to
the peace Jubilee to bo held In that
city duilng the lait wank, in October.
The president assured bis visitors that
he will attend if the public business
will permit.
: cirtf nt.MMpvttllwti tnt ninnr
i WU1U AUiUll juoum iik luu llu.VMltlliej llfl.VM III, V 11
n la - I I'tdllu Itlltilt lfriaf.lfi.1a
:. ......,-.-.
Just l,een- returned In hospital shlpa
, ,.,, ,,. , . ,i,
fm. 1 .rt U1.c nnd. ot whOS,e. wn?re;
unoutB tlio regimental commanders had
no Knowledge. At the Fortress Mon
roe hospital the following Pennsylvanh
volunteers are Inmates, Just returned
from Porto Rico:
C. S. YeaRcr, OrwifTsburi;; Jonas M.
Amol, l'ottstown; George II. Hloom
fleld, Columbia: G. N. Hroom.Columbla;
Vf. Dickinson, Heading; John M. Don
nelly, Lancaster; G. Vf. Davidson,
Green Castle; Louis 1'. Daniels, Colum
bia; George H. Evans, Columbia; Wil
lis P. Giles, Heading; James G. Iledley,
Heading; Charles H. Hatch, Poltsvllle;
Oscar 13. Ilummell, l'lne Grove; Ray
mond S. High, Shoemakersvlllo; C. M.
Huntsburger, Dlllsburg; Jacob II. Kel
ler, Heading; Morris W. Knauss,
V. C. Schull, all of the Fourth regiment.
Sergeant J. W. Arters, of Cooporstown,
Sixteenth regiment. Perry llryan, OH
ver C. Colwes and Richard Williams, of
Battery B, Pittsburg. Albert A. Kirk,
of Philadelphia.
Tho following, In tho Washington
barracks, arrived at Newport News last
Saturday evening from Porto Rico: C.
A. Kngle, Harrlsburg; F. Hepllng.Lan
caRter; W.II. Klopp, Lebanon; Howard
Keller, Heading; II. F. Peters, Harrls
burg; M. N. Wumer, Shoemakersvllle;
all of the Fourth regiment. Charles C.
Wilson, of Clarion, Fifteenth regiment.
At Camp Hamilton, Lexington, Ky.,
are the following: J. L. Smith, Maple
ton: Ira II. Fair. Huntingdon; John
Thomas, Centre Hall; Harry D. Pra
zler, Hollldaysburg; Henry D. Hed
clng. Howard; Orln Hnrrlor, Shllo;
Oeorge S. McCreary, Lewlstown; Cal
vin J.Engle, 101k Lick; Perry" Davls.Lls
tonburg: Gust Carlson, Antrim; Ed
ward W. Mvers, Howard; Harry G.
Lott, Gettysburg; all of the Fifth regi
ment. Frank A. Tremper, Wllkes
barre; James Douglass, Jr., Oliver
Mills; William W. Ryan, Pittston;
Thomas F. Jones, Pittston; George E.
Fitch, Sugar Hun; F.W. Bradley, Vaw
ter; G. 15. Walters, Hammersly's
Forks; Frank Cole. Towanda; Thomas
McAllister, Wllkesbarre; Earl E. W.
Miller, West Pittston; William II.
Hughes, Wllkesbarre; Joseph Dunston,
Parsons; J stph McGuire.Mlners Mills;
Charles M. Savage. Reading; Frank
Trainer, Reading; Harry W. Wontzel,
Reading; Lewis A. Arnold, Krumsvllle;
Patrick McIIale, Jr., Pittston; J. A.
Walsh. .Termyn; John McCarry, Pitts
ton; William B. Davis, Plymouth;
Howard Beck, Kingston; Oscar Lamer,
South Bethlehem; Oscar O. Hcln, Lay
ton; Charles H. Culver, South Bethle
hem; Charles C. Hull, East Strouds
burg; Daniel McMlchael, Summit Hill;
Thomas Hoag, Summit Hill; William
Kanvouse, Mauch Chunk; ill of tho
Ninth regiment.
Remarkable Rescue.
Mrs. Michael Curtain, l'lainfield, III.,
makes the statement, that she caught cold,
which seltled' on her lung ; she was treated
for a month by her family physician, but grew
worse, lie told her she was a hopeless vic
tim of consumption and that no medicine
could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr.
King's New Discovery for consumption ; she
bought a bottle and to her delight found her
self benefitted ft om first dose. She comtimted
its use and after taking six bottles, found her
self sound and well ; now docs her own
housework, and is as well as she ever was.
Free trial bottles of this Cheat Discovery at A.
Wa-ley's Drug Store. Large bottles 50 cents
and Si. 00.
Reasons Why Ho Will N'ot Accept tho
London Mission.
Washington, Sept. 15. It Is under
stood that the president has Invited
Senator Hoar, the senior senator from
Massachusetts, to accept the London
mission, to succeed Mr. Hay. While a
definite response has not yet been re
ceived, It Is gathered that the senator
probably will decline, on tho ground
that ho would be more serviceable to
the country In his present position.
while the delicate health of Mrs. Hoar
renders a change of habit and climate
unadvisable at her time of life.
It was rumored that In the event of
the ncccpptance ot this embassy by
Senator Hoar, Secretary Long would bo
a candidate for the succession as sena
tor from Massachusetts. There Is rea
son to believe that the secretary has
made no movement In that direction,
but Is entirely content with his present
lie Not Deceived. A Cough, Hoarseness or
Croup, ate not to bu trilled with. A close in
time of Sliilnh's Turo will save you much
trouble. Sold by P, I). Klrliu and a guar
a 11 tee.
cMterdny's IliiMilmll f.'nmeM.
At Washington First game: Cleve
land, R; Washington, 5. Second game:
Cleveland, 5; Washington, 1. At Phila
delphiaPhiladelphia, 10; Chicago, 2.
At Baltimore Baltimore, S; Cincinnati,
1. At Boston Boston, 11; St. Louis, 2,
At Brooklyn Louisville, 7; Brooklyn, 2.
At Now York (9 Innings, called) Pitts
burg, 0; New York, 6,
Italy Severs isolations with Colombia
Rome.Sept. 15. Italy, It la announced,
declares that her diplomatic relations
with tho republic of Colombia nro
ended, Columbia refusing to recognlzo
the British minister as the Italian rep
resentative during tho lattor's absence.
Tho Woathor.
For eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jer
sey, 'Delaware and Maryland: Rnlnj
slowly rising temperature; fresh east
erly winds.
Truth woars woll. 1'euplo have learned
that DoWilt's Little 12aty Risers aiu reliable
Utile pills lor regulating tho bowoln, curing
constipation and sick headache. Tlicy don't
grlpo. V. 11. iiavcnhuch.
Itedllceil ItlltOH lo Huston.
On account of the meeting of tlioKoveivlgu
(band Lodge, I. O. O. at Huston, Mass.,
September 1U to SI, 16HS, tho I'cnnsylvrula
Railroad Company lias umiuged to sell excur
sion tickets September 111 to 20 inclusive,
from till ticket stations on Its lino, to button,
at rate of single faro for tho round trip.
Tickets will to good to return until Septem
ber 30, 18118, Inclusive, when propeily stamped
by tho Jolut Agent,
Beware of Olntuonts for Catarrh that con
tain Mercury,
ns mercury will surely destroy the ene of
aiiicll and completely ilcninno the wliylo system
u lien filtering it through tliu inuceiiw surfaces.
Such articles should novcr lie used except 011
proscriptions from reputable physicians, as the
damage thuy will do is ten fold tn tliu good you
ciin possibly derive from them. Hull's Catarrh
Curo, manufactured by I'. J, Cheney it Co., To
ledo, (., contains no mercury, nnd Is taken In
Urnally, acting directly upon the blood anil
mucous surfaces of tliusystein. In buying Hall's
Cutarrh Curo liu sure you get the genuine. It Is
taken Internally, and mailu In Toledo, Ohio, by
1'. J. Cheney .V Co. Testimonials free.
Bold by PiuintlstB, price 7ft c. n'r bottle.
highest commendation.
I imrATioNs
genuine Johan t Hod's Malt ""JL.
ract linn tlilo signature fy!C,U'ttTts
lecklnlwl. ItlSNKitftMr.MUU LiW' ''''n
on net
son, Sole Ai'cnts, N -
As Itpflcotod by Hi-nllng In 1'liltnilnl
phlu nnd lialttmoiv,
Philadelphia, Sept. 11. - Flour slow;
winter suportlno $2.1Sii2.43i Pennsylvania
roller, cl,-ir. $303.26; city mills, extra,
$2.IWi2.. Ityp Hour sold to n limited ex
tent nt 2.7S per barrel for choice Penn
sylvania. Wheat steady; No. 2 rcl, spot
and month, C74i(aSc. Corn quiet; No. 2
mixed, spot and September. 3iti!?3mc.:
No. 2 yellow, for local trade. S7e. Oats
quiet: No. 2 white, new, 2'v ; No. 2 white,
clIppMl, '.ew, 2S'kr28c. I lay steady;
choice timothy, $10.MKE11. Beef steady!
beef hums, $21.501522. Pork steady; fam
ily, $12.',r,il3.25. Lnrrl steady; western
sleiinied, $5.27'4. Butter llrm; western
civemery, HltSMdo.: factory, IPjMllc.; El
glns. 2(c. : Imitation creamery, itq$Kt;.i
New York dulry, 13T1Sr.; creamery, UVfeTD
19c. Cheese steady; Hrge, while, 7(f
'.4c ; sm.ill do.. 7r,iifi"!'jc. ; large, colored,
7f,c; small do.. 7r)s'ii7"4e. ; llfjht skims, C5?
fVic. : part Bkliu, 5'.',iCc: full skims, 2r,j)
2'V. Ebbs linn; New Vol I: nnd I'eun
lylVHiiln, 17c; western, fiesli, ICUc. Po
tatoes steads-; Jersey, $1. 3711.50; New
Yoik. JlCfl.liO; Loc: Maud. 1.37'4W1.75;
Jersey sweet. $1.50if 2 J6; southern sweets,
$1.12'4il.B). Tallow steady: city, 3c.i
country, iWfrS&r. Cottonseed oil steady,
prime yellow, asifeo. Cnlilmge dull; Long
Islnnd. $?fi3.
Boltlmore, Sept. II. Flour dull mid un
chnngi'd. Wheat steady; September and
spot. i',ruisu.; October, nv,ii;Vie.; i)e.
comber, GS'dc; steamer Nn. 2 red iVAQ
Ki'jc; southern, by sample, I3(fi C.!)c. ; do.
on grade, ittWi (Wic. Corn weak; spot and
month. ::,1'.ii:!lc.: October, 33l(,ft33c. ;
new or old November or December, 320.;
stennicr mixed. 32ii'li 3;iie. : southern,
white, 3IW30c: do. ,110w, smWMe. Oats
steady; No. 2 white western, 2CiJ2Cc.;
No. 2 mixed do., 21ff2nc. Hyo strong and
higher; No. 2 nearby, 4!)'ic. ; No. 2 west
ern, nie. Hay firmer; Nn. 1 timothy, $10.
New York, Sept. 14. Good steers about
steady: others slow: rough stuff firm to
13c. higher; all sold, native steers, $4. to
(05.65: oxen nnd stags, $2.75fi4.Mi: bulls,
$3J!3.75; cows. $l.S0ffl; cables steady, llvo
cattle, lU(12c; refrigerator beef. KWS'4e.
Calves active; lGCi23e. blither; nil sold;
veals, $5&S.37Vi; tops, JR.50: gnissers, $3.75
01.25; buttermilks, M.2yi l.2,i, westerns
nominal. Sheep and lambs firm and low
er; sheep. $3(!T1.75; lambs, $51jC.03. Hogs
firm ot $4,255(4.00.
Llvo Stock Market.
East Liberty, Pa., Sept. 14.-CattIo
steady; extra, $S.25fT5.40; prime, $55i5.15;
common, $3.751?4. Hogs actlvo and higher;
prime mediums and best Yorkers, $1.40'5?
4.43; common to fair Yorkers, $1.154.30;
heavy hogs, $4.20'u4.30; pigs, $3.90tT4.10;
roughs, $2.75&3.75. Sheep barely steady;
choice, $l.6.14.75; common, $3.25573.75;
choice spring lambs, $j.75?C; common to
good, $45j5.60; veal calves, $77.D0.
A stubborn couah or ticklimr In tlio throat
yields to Ono Minato Cough Cure, llarmlis
in cllect. touches the riclit snot, reliable ami
just what is wanted. It acts at onco. ('. II.
Dishonest Banker's Second Conviction
Wllllam.port. Pa., Sept. 15. Do La
Green, late cashier of the First Na
tional bank, of Munoy, wns convicted In
the United States district court of
making fraudulent returns of tho
bank's condition, nnd of aiding and
abetting President John M. Bowman
to deceive the comptroller of the cur
rency. This Is the second conviction,
he having been found guilty on a pre
vious trial.
A Lay Figure.
"Hiram," said Sirs. Corntossel, who
had been rending a Latin quarter novel,
"what's u lay flggerf"
"Woll," replied her husbaud nftor long
nnd sorlous thought, "I couldn't do 110
moro'n make a guess at It. Hut eggs la
only bringing us 13Jj tents a dozen now."
Washington Star
Annual Sales ovorO,000,000 Boies
such as 'Wind nnd Tain in the Stomach,
Giddiness, Fuluosq after meals, Head
ache. DIzzlnoss. Drowslhoss. Flushings
ot Hoat, Loss of Appotlto, Costlvoness,
Blotches ou tho Skin. Cold Chills. Ills
turbod Sloep. frightful Droams and nil
Nervous and Trembling Sensations.
IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every sufferer
Will acknowledge them to bo
i;i:CIIAM S P1M.S, taken as direct
ed, wll quickly restoro Foraalos to com
ploto health. Thoy promptly romovo
obstructions or Irregularities of tho sys
tem mitl curo bick Headache. I'ora
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Liver
Boocham's Pills aro
Without a Rival
And have the
Ofnny Parent Medicine In tlio World.
25c at all Drug Sloros.
nynno pondlns n tYcU h i.rnl desrrli'tloii may
quirkiy uHCutum, fiue, whether an Invent if m in
I't.bHbly y'irf-'i liable. ( .Kinmuilciituuii htrlrily
in' tenMal, Olitob m-cney tor n-iiriiv l'.iU'ntd
WUvTICl, V hivu Wu llllrt-'t II OlillO.
it -in taken through. Miinii A- t'O. reculvo
t'ti'tl in tictf in the
honntf fi.ll v lib rrne,l, Irireeiil ch.ilnllon of
nn i 'eutlrln journal, w ki-, term $:iu a yuari
ILliUklx uiiMitliH. sitiieiiii, ii niplei atlit llANU
iuuu ON VAiiais tent iron. AUilresa
MUNN &. CO.,
titll IJloiuhuiv, Kuiv York
No pain rroJiyom
If you wear tho
Mode By
hlladelDhl Tnui Co., CIO Locuil L. Phn P
i. .) Ulil TIC MfiM io
a -he 1 ra f,,r n. iiardj
Nurs. , .,1 1)1 jMuuilMIt
an, I salart , ' Iiomi luavlas;
It. .in . hi 1 ,,11 niiaaluii lu lu.
at nt iiu. 1", rniHin-Dt em,
ulovmuut. The liiialniaa
ny li.arnjl. Alia
Theodore Thomas
"The Johanii Hoff's Alnlt Extract
is used in my family, and deserves the
w York,
And I'lunei-a. the Ibllid of Aliierlcn, Cllll
finllltl. Via Iho line palhivay, "Tlio Iron Mountain
Iloitle," which tr.iwfcin region of perpetual
Ktiiislilne, wlietc snow slortm, blizzards or
high altitudes lire iiuknmvii, Pullman first
ntnl fei'ond class palace and toiulat sleeping
cam to points in Missouri, Arkansas Tcxm,
Did and Now Mexico, Arizona, California,
OiegoH, Washington, Nebraska, Utah nnd
Noada, without chance. Quick time, low
rates, and all the couilbrlsol' modern railway
Improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the Missouri Pacific railway
system. For latcs right from your home,
liteialitre, and full Information, dropapostal
card, J. P. Mit'ami, T. P. Agent. Bin ltail
road avenue, Mliuira, N. Y or 3111 Itioad
ny, New Yoik,
a-l-tf W. K llovt. a. i: P. Ant.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Leaving liroad Street station, l'hllailelphia,
at ll:5S p. m. daily, tho "Southwestern
Limited," carrying a dining car and tho
most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep
ing eais, reaches lliriuiiighan tho fullowing
night nl 1tl:10 and nriives at Memphis tlio
next iiioinlugnt 7:11). Through sleeping cars
for Asherlllc, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tampa, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aro
also attached lo this train. Pullman reser
vations rati ho made in advance and all lu
fui mution obtained by communicating with
John Al. Heal, Distiict Passenger Agent, 82
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Stop That Cough ! Take warning. It may
lead to Consumption. A 2,"c bottle of Shiloh'
Curo may save your life. Sold by P. 1).
Kirlin and a guarantee.
The noutli and Its Advantages.
Tlio Southern liailway has issued for free
distribution, a slxteeu pagu journal des
criptive of Virginia, North nnd South Caro
lina, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama nnd
Mississippi, Persons scoklng now locations,
or capitalists desiring to nial.o safennd profit
able investments will find tho information
contained therein both vnltiablo and Inter
cstiiig. Copies will be mailed frco upon ap
plication to John M. llenll. District Passen
ger Agent, 828 Chestnut street. Philadelphia,
AVInit Dr. A. II. SInler Snys.
lluri'.r.o, N. V. Cents : From my per
sonal knowledge, gained in observing tlm
cll'cet of your Sliilnh's Curo In cases of rd
vanced Consumption. I am prepared to say
it is tlio most lciuarkablc Keinccly that has
over been brought to my attention. It' has
certainly saved many from Consumption.
Sold by P. D. Kirlin, and a guarantee
Don't start South without consulting John
M. Ilcall, District Passenger Agent, Sotithorn
ltailway, 028 Chestnut street, Philadelphia
If you cannot call in person, write to him.
For Constipation tako Karl's Clover I'oot
Tea, tho great Wood Purifier. Cures Hcad-
aeno, .nervousness, I'.ruptlons on tlio f ace,
and makes tho head clear as a bell, Sold by
1'. 11. Klrlm and a guarantee.
Sacrificed to
Blood Poison.
Those who have never had Blood Poi
son can not know what n dcspor&to con
dition it can produoe. This terriblo
disease which tho doctors are totally
unnblo to euro, in oommunicnted from
ono generation to anothor, inflicting its
taint upon countless innocont ones.
Some ytars ago I was lnoonlatcd with poison
by a nurse who Infected my babe with blood
taint. The littlo one was
unequal to tne struggle,
and Us life was yielded
up to tha fearful poison.
For six long years 1 suf
forod untold misery. I
was oovend with sores
and ulcers from head to
toot, and 110 language
can oxpre ss my feelings
of woe during those long
years. I had the best
medical treatment. Bav
eral physicians succes
sively treated rae, but all'
10 110 purpose, -ine mer
cury and potash seemed to add fuel to the
awful tlamo which was devouring mo. I was
advised by friends who had seen wonderful
cures made by it, to try Swift's Specific We
got two bottles, and I felt hope again revive In
my breast hope for health nnd happiness
again. 1 Improved from the start, and a com
pleto and perfect cure was the result. S. 8. 8.
Is the only blood remedy which reaches des
porato eases. M ns. T, W, bun,
Montgomery, Ala.
Of tho ninny blood remedies, H. S. 8.
is tho only ono which can rpnoh dflop
scatcd, violent cases. It never fails to
euro perfectly and permanently tho
most iicsit'nito enses which nro beyond
the reach of other remedies.
Is l'lmiar vwiurAnr.u, nnd is tlio only
blood renieily (,'iiaranteed to contain no
morcury, potash, or other mineral.
Valuable books mailed freo by Swift
Bnuciflo Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Livery and
No, 13 North Jardin St.
Count AlincniiH anil (fi'iiirnl Hlvorn
May IMuhl a Duel.
Madrid, Sept. 15. The picmler, Scnor
Bagnsta, yesterday obtained the utiecn
regent's signature to n decree prorogu
ing tho cortcs, ond with It ended a
stormy session of' the sennte.
General Prima de Rivera hnd do
mnnded nn Imiulry Into his admin
istration of the Philippine Islands, and
In s.j doing he said tho attacks of
Count Almcims were only "fit for the
mouth of n miserable slanderer." Count
Almeivis was endeavoring to reply,
when Senor Sagasta read tho decree
proiogulng tho cortcs.
Count Allenns and General Rivera
separately approached the president In
a hostile manner, and a duel Is ex
pected. Premier Sagasta afterwards read the
degree In the chamber of deputies.
The government had Intended tho
cortcs to sit until nn Indemnity bill for
the suspension of tho constitutional
Runrnntecs has beun passed, but the
thieatcned agitation on the part of
General Weylcr nnd others, together
with the evidence of divi Ions In both
the Liberal and Conservative parties,
convinced Senor Sr.r.-ustu of tho advisa
bility of closing down debates which
would have hindered froo progress
of the pea'-e negotiations. The cortes
will be next convoked to ratify the final
treaty of peace.
It Is expected that the Spanish pence
commissioners will bo appointed with
out delay.
A painful Impression ban been caused
here by a statement made by The Pals,
saying that the United States Intends
to demand $20,000,000 Indemnity In be
half of American citizens who have
suffeiod through tho Insurrection In
Cuba. The Spanish peace commls
rloners will strongly oppose this, It Is
claimed, but fears prevail that the
Culled States will become pitiless and
press its advantage to the utmost.
Almudntilii Cnnip 'Wllioff.
Montauk Point, L. I., Sept. 15. Pres
ent Indications aro that befoie the end
of another week Camp Wilton will be
practically abandoned. During the last
few days every effort has been made
to send the troops away from hero ns
rapidly as possible. Thero were origin
ally 18 regular Infantry regiments here,
but seven of them have gone away and
eight more regiments are under orders
to move as soon ns transportation can
be furnished, leaving only three In
fantry regiments In camp without or
ders to move, and ndvlces ate expected
from AVashlnton nt any moment In
structing these lo go to other quarters.
Buckleii's Arnica Salve,
Tho t-cst salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevor eons,
totter, chapped bands, chilblains, corns, a: el
all skin eruptions, nud poitiYcly cuics pile-,
or ao pay required. It is guaranteed to givo
porfect satisfaction or ruony refunded, Prico
25 cents pur box. For sale by A. Wssler.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Rn 'ints Hum Haul CoalNo Smoke
Trains leave Bhonaiiiloah as follou-n;
Kor New York vlrt l'ldlailclitila. week days,
70!1M n. in., 1J 27, 3 in mm rt 07 p. 111,
For New York via Mauch ejliinii.. week days,
7 30 a. in., 12 27 nnd 8 10 p. tn.
For K'uadiug and Philadelphia, week days,
7 30, 9 61 1227, 8 10 anil a 07 l i
Kor l'ottm llle, week days, 7 8J, 91 n. ..
12 27, 3 10, 0 07 nnd T 25 p. m.
For Tamaqiln and Mahanoy City, week clays
7 30, 9 Mb. ni 12 27. 3 10 and li 07 !. 111.
For "Witllamsport, rluntiiiry mnl LewlHburg.
week days. 11 ft) n. 111.. 12 27, 7 2 -1. 111
For Mahatio) Piano, weekdays, 7 30, V 51, II 80
a. in., 12 27, 3 10, C 07, 7 25, 9 55 p. lu.
For AshlanJ nnd Slinrookln, week dayo, 7 30,
11110 a. in., 12 27, 3 10,6 07, 720 nnd S55p. in.
For Baltimore, Washington nnd tliu Went via
I!. ,tO. It, It., ihrough trains lej-i KeaJliiK
Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. & H. 11 X.) at 3 20,
7 65, 11 20 a. tu., 10 and 7.27 p. 1... tlundays,
8 20, 7 00, 11 20 n. tn., 8 10 and 7 27 p. in. Addi
tional trains from Twenty-fourth anil CLest
nut streets station, week days, 10 eO u, m. 12 20,
12 15 8 to p.m. Sundays, 1 23, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 12 15, 4 80, 8 00, 11 80 a. in., and 1 45, I 80
9 00 p.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m., 1 80 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, v, eek
days, 3 40, S80. 10 21 a. m. aud ISO, 4 CO p.m.
Leavo lieadlng, week days, 7 00, 10 08, a, in.
12 io, 4 17, i uu p. in.
Leave l'ottsvllle, weeR days, 7 1", 7 40 a. in,
12 30 4 10, 0 10 and 6 50 p. in.
Leave iamunua, weec uays, o so, 11 zj a. in.,
149,5 50, 7 20 p.m.
Leave Mnlmnov City, week days. 9 05. 11 17
a.m., 2 22, 512, 5 21,7 41 p. m
Iave alulinnoy nano, wook aayB, 0110, a,
10 25, 1159 a. in., 2 41, 5 32, 0 11 7 57, p 111.
Leave Wllllomsport, wcclc da s, 7 12, 10 00 u
tn.. 12 31 nud I 00 11. in.
Leave Philadelphia Chestnut ptreel waif ami
South street wliai I for Atlantic City.
Wcckdays-HiprcsH, 9 00, 10 15 n, 111., (130
Sntlirdavs onlvl. 200. 4 CO IbTi iiibiilti' tiniiil.
5 00 for, minute train, 7 00 p. 111. Acoemiuoila-
11011,0 10 a in,, ouu, oau p 111 miuaayH capjess,
S 00, 9 00, 10 CO n m Accommodation, 0 15 a n.,
4 45 p. m. 81.00 excursion trnlu, 7 a 111.
lteturnlng lenvo Atlnutlo City derol, eorrei
Atlantic ami ArkanaiiM uvftimcM.
Weekdays Kxprcss, 7 00, 7 45 1115 minute
traliJ.SOO.a tn.. 3 30.580. 7 20 11 111. Accom
modation, 1 25. 7 50 a. n.. 1 05 p. 111. SumUys
express. 4 00, 0 uu, a uu, u 30 p. m Arcommnua
Hon, 715 a, m., 5 0.5 11. in. Jl 00 excursion
train iirom foot 01 Mississippi nve. uiuy;,
0 10 p m.
For Cnno Slav. Sen IbIo Citv nnd Occnn City-
8 45 n m, 4 15 p m. Sundays 9 13 11 m. For
ejupo in ny una nen isie uuy oniy, i.w ccur.
alnii train, 7 00 n. 111., Sundays.
Vftrtnr OnrM ml nil uxnriulH trains.
For further information, apply to nearest
Philadelphia and Kendlng Kalhvuy ticket uuent
1. t, nWHIUAKM, J5,l,".,n v. i, r.r.r.n.
(Icn'l Hiipt., Oen'l l'nss'r AkI.,
lteaiunu Terminal, i-iiiiauiiiiia.
Superior Sarsaparilla..
and OraiiRe Champajrne.
Should be In Every Home and Library,
Tti written by lUutit Hon. William Kwart tJlarlwtone,
Kx-Vremlor ol (Ircut 1 Milan ami IreUnJ, (ILnttter,
Ku.( Mev. A. 1(. B.ijce, Uunen' (Jotl(.:e, Of ford, Kim.t
liv, Haiuuo) Ivea Hurt la. I). I)., Chicago Tlieoloiiiral
Hemlnnry, Clilcao, Ul.i Hev, FreJerio W. Farrar, It. I).,
F.H.H., Denu of Ouuterbury. CuHterhury, Knu.i IteT,
Klmer ll.(kien, I.lJ.,TufU Co.ptO.Bonier?Ul, Mans,i
Iter. Frnnk V. (Jnuinulun. I). I)., Armour Institute,
(Jlilcupo, 111. i Key, (J ho rye F. l'eiitocost, 1).I., Mnryla.
tmno i'retit)-Uriaii Olmrch, Iondon. Kua.i lie?. It. H.
nittCAixmir, it u., vuivary uawm ciiurcu. new YorK
City, N. Y.i Kav. Mnrtjn Kummrbell. It.l)., Main
Htrfet FroHfiptlst Church. Lewliton, Me.tltev. Frank
M. Hr.Ntol, l),l. rirwt Mothodist Fplwopal (Ibiircti,
Kvnnitn, IIU Uev. W. T, Mooru, l.hM.r'The Cbrht
tlan OooiruouwfiaUh," Loudon, Fne-i Hot. Kdward
Kvetett Hale, DA)., Bouth Concreuatioiial Church.
Ho ton, SI (i89,i liov. Joseph Aear Ileet, D.U., U't)ein
ColleRO, Itichtnond, Fnc.i Iter Can par itene Urucnrr,
leipzu (Iniveniltr, l.elpzl, Uermartri Uev, Win,
Cleaver Wtlkttuou, I).l.( UniTeriity of Chic uso. V.hU
muo. III. i Kov. Ham u el JUrt. D.U., Trinitr Collet;,
Hartford. (Vp-.vUeT.,r. Monro Oibion.D.P., tit. .Toba'
ood I're. ' " Church, txndon, Kng i Key, (Jeorift
CTxtrlmir, it., t'ho Tvniplo, I tot-ton. Maw.
VOfluit muiu.-'jn vaann. M ull-myo llluftra
tion-i, silt odeoti, cloth, tltti; half lovaut, J.tUi full
levant, I'J.r).
Qtilirii M)ITIOV,-),M papei.. 200 full-rai-o lllustr.
tloni. titylo A pllt edce, full lovaut, ono volume,
I15U); Htyle 11-twa volume, full luvnnt, tufted, tJUUlj
In 10 PAH1S, quarto tizo, review question! toeath.Btla
liftper coren, Hewed, trimmed kllehtlr, 1.0Q each part.
For nula at all luokktii3d unt bbookiellent. For
furtUr li.roruialloii, V,tv 11 FN Its' O. rJHKI'AKli.
i'uLiuhr.2L. bad 'ilk Mouiua titiwit, Chicago, Jliiuol
At Four Score
Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Health.
tax collector, Ilovcrly, Mass., who has
passed tho 60th llfo mllo stone, says:
"Dr. Miles' Rcstoratlvo Ncrvlno has elono a
groat deal of good. I suffered foryoars from
sleeplessness and nervous heart trouble.
Would feel weary aud usod up In tho morn
ins, had no ambition and my work seemed n,
burden. A friend recommended Dr. Miles'
Ncrvlno, aud I purchased a bottlo under
protest as I had tried so many romodles un
successfully, I thought it no uso. Hut It
gave mo restful elcop, a good nppctlto and
restored mo to energetic hoalth. It Is a
grand good medicine, mid I will gladly wrlto
anyonolnipilrlng, full partlcularsof my sat
isfactory experience." fa-'qTOSfSI
Dr. Miles' KoinC'llM fi4?)SV rt"-' '2St
izsi wile
r.?Stf Miles' -m
guarantee, bottlo J.3v3rvine SI
benefits or money re- K-iBoStorOfl .
cascsot thohcaitai
nervej free. Addres
DIt. MILES MEDIOAL'CO., Elkhalt, lud.
M. 1H1UKK.
nice Kiran IiuIUHiilt. corner of Alain Jfl
Centre streets, Slieuaniloali.
Hlicunudnali, Pa.
Lock Hox 65, Mabanoy Oily, I'a.
HavhiK studied under sonio of tho busl
liiastci-s lo Ijondon and 1'nrls. will cjlvu Icmoiis
011 tlio v lolln, mandolin, gnltitr and ociil cliltura.
loriub rcHsounoio. Aiuircss ill care 01 Hlrtiuso,
Ilia iewolor MlionunUoab.
Trains will leave Hlienandoah alter Inn
date for Wlgieau, Ollberton, Fruekvllle, lima '
water, i. umir, rounwnc. jiniubnrg, Kcuuiug,
Pottstown. PliooulxvlUe. Iorrlstown ui.d Pnu.
a4elplda (Hr'wiU street station) at Sua and 8 15
a. 111., 2 02, 0 111 p. m. ou week 'days. Sundays,
S 15 a. in., 4 25 ji. m.
Trains ieavu Frackvllle for Hlienaudoati t
7 80, ll 40 11. in. and 5 40, 7 30 p. a.. Biniiliiy,
11 01 a. in. and 5 40 p. in.
Leave Pottsvlllu for Shenandoah (via Frack
vllloi710, 1120 a. m 5 20,710 p.m. Huuuay
10 33 a. in,, 5 20 p. m.
Lcavo I'ldludeluhla. (Ilroad street statloul. toi
MliMMiidonti at s 35 a. in., 4 10 p. 111. week days.
bunuays leave at 0 uj aim 9 2J a. m.
Leavu Jlroad Street button. Philadelphia,
Kxnress.week-days. 8 20. 4 00. 4 50 5 05.5 15.6 50".
7 33.8 2U, 9 60, 10 21 (Dining Cur), 11 1)0 u. ui,
uwiiiHiii, i- 00 ilJliuieu iuj ana 1 -jz p. tu.
Dining Cars), 1 40, 2 80 (Dtuiiife Our) U 20, 8 50.
4 02, 5 00, 5 50 (Dining Cur), 0 0U, 7 02,7 50 (Din
InirCar). 10 Uu p. in.. 12 01. nleht. Humlavs.
d 20, 4113, 150,5 05,6 15 8 20,9 60,10 21, (Dliilug
Car), 1183 a. m., 12 03 (Dining Car) 12 85,2 80
(Dluliig Cur), 4 00 (Limited 122) (Dining Car),
3 20,6 50, (Dining Car) 0 35, 7 02,7 50, llJlnlng
eurj iw w fi. 111., ui iukui.
express for lloston wltnout change, 11 00 a tm.,
week-days, and 7 50 p. in., dully.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8 50, 7 20,8 32,
10 20, U 28, u. m., 12 00, 12 31 iDb.lllg Cur), 1 12.
llMiitni; Curl, u 12. 441. IS'i- 11,. hit.,.
slouul Lliultod. Dinime Carl. 0 17. 663 11)111-
Ing Car, 7 31 IDlidug CurJ p. ui., anil 12 00.
nlgllt wouL days. Uundays, J 50, 7 20, u 12, 11 23,
u. 111., 1200, 1 la, Dining Car) 141, 1520 Con
Kresslonul Limited, lllutlig CurJ, oiV Dlnlug
Cur), 7 81 IDiulugCurJ p. in. una 1205 night.
For Dalttinore, uccommodatloii, u 12 n 111, 2 01
and 4 01 p ui week days, 5 1)8 and 11 10 p m daily,,
Leave Ilroad etitet station via Deluwaro rlv ct
bridge Express, 9 40 u m,, 1 00 nud 705 p. m.
.Sundays, 9 20-n, in., 2 3$ nnd 703 p. in,
Lcuvu .Market Street Wiirf Express, 5 00, 9 110,
n III, 2 00, U 00, 4 00, 5 to p 111. Sundays, 8 00, 1) 00,
9 50 n m uccomuiodutloii luo and 010 p ml
Jl.OO excursion train, 7 00 a 111 Sunday only.
For eJupoMuy, AiiKlcsaa, Wlidwuod und Hull
neucli Lxprcss, 9 00 u 111, 2 30 und 4 Oi, p 111 .
weekdnys. bundos,820a 111. Excursion, 7 uo
a iu Sundays only.
For tiim Isle City, Oooan City, Avalon and
Stone Harbor Express, 9 10 a. in., 2 30, und
1 20 11. m. week days. Sundays, 8 20 a, m. Ex
cursion 7 00 u m Suuduvs onlv.
For Somers Point Exprwa, 5 00. 9 00
2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00, p. in. week days Sum
s uo, fl 00 and 9 5u a. m.
I. 11. HtncuinsoH, j. it, Woon
Uen'l Munairer. (lon'l l'nis'g'r Ak
Agent for
Shenanchmli nnd Vicinity
Beer ani. Porter,
Barbey's Bohemian Beet
Tho Rosy Freshness
Aa a velvety soilness of tho skin Is Inva
riably obtained by lb lira who uso I'oiioni'h
Complexion Powder.