The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 10, 1898, Image 2

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KHTAlll.tSIIliK 1870.
fu-jllslied every Evening, Except Sunday, at
TIio Humid (f tlellvrml In Shenandoah nndtlio
iirru in "'ik ti-w i fornix ifnh imk, iy
kMv. ullic c..rr.i'i it. Uy mall f3.00 a year, or V
c-enn month, payablo In advance. Vlvcriiw
incut ch.ri;ed iKcordlnu to Kimce and immHIoii,
The imWIlier(i reserve tlio rlisht to chanco the
uoitlloii ol advertisement whenever the linn
I'tatlon ol nrw demand. It. The rlRht Is
leeorvfrd to 1 Jit (any advertisement, whether
paid tor or not, 3at the )iiiblliheni may deem
' iproper. Advertising rates made known
upon application.
Kntcrud nt the lioitofllce at Shenandoah, I'a., as
econd clam uiall matter.
'All the News Thai's" Fit to Print."
Evening Herald
OUR COUNTRY : First, Last and Forever.
Ik you linvt'ti't vototl nt tin- prim
nriei. tlo so now.
TlIK fret- Hi'lvorite.s in Colorado fun
not arot' anions tlii'iiisL'lvi'S, and as
a result liunian lives uro Minrillced.
So.MK folkH are so constituted t lint
an ae ts aliout tlie only instrument
of wurfaie to brinj; tlieni to a realiza
tion of their position in the minds of
the public
Wk are heartily in fin or of reci
procity, even in local allairs. There
is nothing like (,'ettiiif; even with
your enemies, especially those who
tire from ambush.
TlIK Hiizletou papers say that
region is feeling the eirects of return
ing prosperity, and that the business
men and others of that city report
Increased business.
Dawson City now has two news
papers The Yukon Midnight Sun
and the Klondike Nugget. Both are
weeklies and are sold at fillc per
By the time (Jen. Blanco gets
ready to leave Havana an American
newspaper will bo waiting to chron
icle his departure under the head
ing. "Another old landmark gone."
South Dakota Supreme Court has
decided adversely to the state law re
quiring drummers to take out licenses.
As a usual thing, tho 'commercial
traveler ' has a free license for every
thing Tint first cargo of cigars
tobacco from Havana since the
Wiran arrived in New York this week.
and now we can "biuijmj uut mc
TllKltK is a state movement in Ken
tucky to provide a Bible for every
ollleur and man on the new battle
ship named after that state.
Siri'osic the Auditors are com
pelled, by threats of prosecution, to
surcharge the Council next year for
paying the Auditors' bills. What
position would the aforesaid Auditors'
assume, in the eyes of the public.
Wuhk persons have died during tho
late hot spell, by reason of the high
temperature, than have perished dur
ing the war. And thero is consider
able loss glory in it, though that is a
matter of indifference to the person
"FiaiiTiNU Jack" Robinson has
been named as a candidate for Con
gress by the Delaware county Uopub
licaus, in opposition to Congressman
Butlor. the present incumbent. This
will make two Republican candidates,
und one of tho two will be elected, as
the Democratic vote In that district
is very small.
It is h little hard to guago things
in Republican politics just now, and
it will lo much in ore dilllcult
November if certain discredited
otllco-seekors are placed upon the
ticket. Tho indications are that tho
independent voter will bo out in
force this fall, and to win the Repub
licans must nominate a strong ticket.
TlIK sympathy of tho whole
country will go out to (fen. Wheeler
in tho dreadful allliction which ho
has boon called on to endure, says tho
New York Times. The death by
rowning of hits gallant young son,
ose clmractor gnvo proiniso of nn
orable career in tho sorvico of tho
cd States, isitcjnise for universal
K To his father, for whom tho
I'iciiu pootilo cherish sentiments
. peculiar iiftectioit nnd respect, tho
loss is irroptiriiiVfi), bttj we hope that
the assurance "of their compassion
may help him to hoar it.
Was Always 'Troubled With Nervous
ness Now Cured.
MAHA.NOV CITY, I'A, "I havo been
troubled, vvlth nervousness and kldnoy
difficulty. Havo taken Hood's Sarsapa
rilla, and I'amnow feeling better in every
way. I atn strougcr and have a good ap
Tietite. and I Bleon well at night. I have
o much confidence in Hood'a Barsapa'
rilla 'that 'l orn fjfad to recommend it."
Mlta. KlAzX HAWIPSB, 1110 li. Centre bt;
HOOU S 1'MIS taUceasytoopsrato.aso.
rTho Rosy Freshness
And velvety of tneis of the skin is inva
riably obtained br thorn who uo I'ozzoNi'a
Uottiplexlou i'owaer.
20 Socond
40 Third
i rx
(During 1997)
For pnrtlcnlnrs send your immo and full tiiiilreM to
Lover ltros., Ltd.. Hudson & Harrison Sts., Ni w Yoik.
Hilt Alircr Will Nat llNcti UN Con-tri-i'v
With Mile-.
rittslitUK. S- it. 10. Secretary of War
AlKvr inul pnrty re.iclici' 1'lttKliurn last
tilKht en nnili' for the sccictnry's
hcime In Hctinlt fur ulnuit a ten ilnys'
stay. The secretniy in nn Interview
wilil: I
"1 (lim't onre nimut the chni-Rcs nml
iiHUitci chnrm's seen Hi tlio newspapers.
Alisind nnil iinnsPiinlL'al stories have
lioen puMishLMl which lias lmil the ef
fect of uliirmliiB the soldiers nli'iuls at
Secretary Aleer In response to a
question then said tho reason he had
askcil I'li'SUleiit McKlnley to older an
Investigation was that there hud lieen
so much publicity Riven to allcRed hiIh-
maiiaReiiiont nml complaints In th?
nriny that lie tiPSUOil tne nsnt to he
turned on.
'1 deslle," lie snld. "the widest, full
est and freest Investlcntlon, that the
whole world may know the truth."
lie wns asked: "Do you desire to
have Included In the Investigation tho
chuiRes innde by Cienernl Miles?"
The secretary replied: "1 do "not dis
cuss my affairs with Cioncrul Miles
with the newspapers."
To dire a Cold in One Day
Tuko Laxative lliiimo Qulnttio Tnldets. All
ilrngnlsts lefiinil the money if it fails to emu.
!. The (,'ciinlno has J.. It. J. on each
tahlct. tf
General t.'lny III vnri-i'il.
Itlchmond, Ky., Sept. 10. Cienernl
Cassias M. Clay, the hiiko of White
Hull, hint been uranted a dl voice from
his girl wife, Dora Itlehardson Clay, by
Judge Scott, of the Madison county
circuit court. The decree restores the
defendant to her maiden name. Dora
Hlchaidson. The suit for divorce was
tiled several weeks afro and was not
contested by the defendant. No refer
ence was made to alimony, as It was
understood by the attorneys and
court that General L'loy unit already
made ample provision for his wife by
the purchase of a laiRP and productive
farm near her old home. The ranr-
rlace contract which existed between
them was dissolved.
What Dr. A. 12. Sinter Says.
1UU'1-ai.o, X. Y. Gents : from my per
sonal knowledge, gained in observing the
effect of your Sliiloli's Cure in eases of id-
viimeil Consumption. I am prepared to say
it is tho most remarkable Jiemeily that has
iver been brought to my attention. It lias
certainly saved many from Consumption.
Sold by 1'. 1. Kirlin, and a guarantee.
Noted Hotel Destroyed hy Tiro.
Newport, H. I., Sept. 10. The Ocean
Tinuao one of tfc" inrp-eat and best
known hotels on the Atlantic roast
and the center of attraction to visitors
In the city for over half a century, was
burned to the ground yesterday after
noon. Sparks from the great conliagrn
tlon fell all over the thickly settled
portion of tho city and caused three or
four fires on buildings along liellevue
avenue, principally at the Casino, for
tunately none of them caused very
much damage. Nearly all the guests
were In various patts of the hotel,
many having Just finished lunch, when
the nlarm came. They were, therefore,
enabled to save many of their valu
ables. For Constipation take Karl's Clover Itoot
Tea, the great lllooil Purifier. Cures Head-
iche, Nervousness. Eruptions on the Face,
and makes tho head clear as a bell. Sold by
P. 1). Kirlin and a guarantee.
FiiMon l'ulls In rscviiiln.
Iteno, New, Sept. 10. When the Dom-
ocratls state convention met yesterday
its committee on fusion reported that
the Sliver Republicans would concede
to the Democrats the nominee for
lieutenant governor, state conti oiler,
short term regent of the university
nnd superintendent of public instruc
tion. After some vigorous speeches
the proposition to fuse was rejected al
most unanimously. The .Democrats
then nominated a ticket headed by
George Hushnell for governor, and C.
II. Clrlmes for lloutenout governor. The
Silver party convention nominated a
full ticket headed as follows: Governor,
It. Sadler: lieutenant governor, James
It. Judge; for congress, Francis G.
'tin: i.adiix
Tlio pleasant effect and perfect safety with
which ladies may uso Syrup of Figs, under
all conditions, maku it tiieir favoiilo lemedy.
To get the true and genuine aitii'le, look for
tlio name of tlio California Fig Syrup Co.
printed near the bottom of tlio package Foi
Kile by all druggists.
favorable for fimlou In t'olornilo,
Colorado Springs, Colo., Sept. 10. The
probabilities seem to point to n fusion
of Democrats, Populists and the Teller
branch of the Silver Republicans. At
8 o'clock last evening the conventions
met and several fusion committees re
potted that satisfactory progress was
being made to a tripartite fusion, and
that they hoped to be able to repon
You Invito disappointment when yna ex
periment. PoWitt's Little liirly liisers aru
pleasant, easy, thorough llttlo pills, They
euro constipation and sick headache just us
siiro as you take them. C. II. llageiibucli.
Tried to A'ssie-Hluato'WIIliolmlnn.
Ilerlln, Sept. 10. The Lokal Anzelger
says that a fortnight ago an attempt
was made to assassinate Queen Wll
helmlna, near Amersfort, piovlnco of
Utrecht, on the rond between Castle
Soostayt uml Iluara. A man emerged
from behind a tree and llred a revolvor
at her majesty. The bullet missed tho
queen, hut ploughed the cheek of a
lady In attendance. The would be as
snssln Was arrested. He Is supposed to
be an English anarchist. The strictest
secrecy has been maintained hitherto
OB to the affair In order not to disturb
the enjoyment of tho enthronement fes
General i.awtim'H Health Itepoci.
Washington, Sept. 10. Cleneral Law
ton, In his bulletin concerning the
heultli conditions of tho American
troops at Santiago lust night, reports
the doatli.of Dr. 15. S. Tyner, noting
assistant surgeon, from yellow fever.
Total sick, U0 tutnl fever. 200: total
new cases fever, ?8; total returned to
duty, 71; deaths, 3.
Ptiios, oacli of $100 Basil.
" $100 Plcrco SpDclai Dlcjcles. $
' $ 25 Gold Watches.
Sunlight soap
Am Holleetcit by Denllnus In l'hlladel-
I plllll Mllll I til 1 1 1 II I '( .
l'hllmlelpliln, Sept. !i. Flour dull; will'
' tor Htipeillne, W.1M2.W; I'pnnsylvanln
i roller, clear, J.iii :i.:r, : city mills, extra, $2.50
. 12.75. Ityu Hour stonily ut $2.75 per bar
rel for choice Pennsylvania. Wheat
steiuly; No. 2 red. spot und month, C7?
I C7Hc. Cora stroukt; No. 2 mixed. Boot,
3iMf31ic.; No. 2 yellow, for local
trade. Mo. Oats firm; No. 2 white, new,
2SSI2SV-: No. 2 white, clipped, new, 29j(
Siftc. Hay well lnaliitnliied; cholco tim
othy, J10..WM1 for la rue linles. Ileef
steady! beef liiuns, $2t.Sii'22. I'orlt quiet;
family, $t2.7Bfi 13.KR. Kuril easy; western
stenmed, l."i.22Vt. tluter llrm; creamery,
lmtilDc.; do. factory. lP.feffiltc.; Klsbis,
10c; Imitation creuitiery, lSfilGc; New
York dairy, lSlfHc.: do. creamery, 1H4
inc.; fancy Pennsylvania prints Jobbing
at 21S(21i;.; do. wholoBHle, 20c. Clieeso
riuiet; luiw. white. 'W'Hc; small do.,
7M.c. ; laigo, colorud, 7l,4(7c. ; small do.,
7V4c; Unlit skims, CflOVjO.; part Bltlnis, 5',4
iCe.; full sklius. 22'.4c. Kkks llrm; New
York and Pennsylvania, lCfrlGHc; west
ft ii. frush, lUc. Potatoes steady; Jerseys,
1.25ifil.D0; New York, flil.fiO; Long Isl
and, $l.:r7Mil.73; Jersey sweets, $1.50i&2;
soiitliern sweets. $1.12',iW1.23. Tallow nei!
lcctcd; city, 3?c.; country. 3V''3c. Cot
tonseed oil easy; prime yellow, 221,4c
Turpentine llrm at :'.l'!i:!l,.ic. Cabbage
dull, l.oiiu Island, f2H3.
nultlmore. Sept. . flour unchanged.
Wheat Inactive and higher: spot, month,
October and December, l'.71iCilVT',lc; steam
er No. 2 red, RiVfitiSlie.; southern, by
sample. C2iiC5.lae. ; do. on tirade, 03i6Sc.
Corn lirnier; spot and month, 3l?a3P,c;
October, SHtfiWic: year, Klc; steamer
mixed, .134rfrUVjc.: southern, whlto, 3iity
SCc. ; do. yellow, 35Val!iMHc. Oats steady;
No. 2 white, western, 20fi2GVj.c; No. 2
mixed do., 2IV&C Hye strong and higher;
No. 2 nearby, l?c. ; No. 2 western, 49lc.
Hay steady; No. 1 timothy, $10,501(11.
Grain freights llrm and higher; Bteam
to Liverpool, per bushel, 2id., Septem
ber; Cork, for orders, per quarter, 3s. Cd.,
September; :is. Pil.Wls., October. Lettuce,
60c. per bushel box.
Live f.tocU Market's.
New York, Sept. 9. licuves actlvo and
good steers a shade higher; rough stuff
firm to 25c. higher; nil sold; native steers.
tl.S0fi5.DU; westerns, $l.r,5; oxen and stags,
t2.90ttl.75; bulls, $2.75':i; cows, $1.S0SI3.75;
vpals llrm; buttermilks higher; about all
sold: veals, $5faS; bobs, $4WI.50; butter
milks, $4. 23571. 75; coarse westerns, $3.50.
Sheep and lambs active and llrm; com
mon und mi dlum 50c. higher; ull sold;
fcheep. $3ffl.7.-: lambs, $r,.5onr,.024; culls,
$4. Hogs steady at $I.Wl 1.40.
Kast Liberty. Pa.. Sept. O.-Cattle about
steady; extra. f.'i.S.'f r S. ID; prime, $3Ti5.15;
common, $3.7rfj 1. Hogs steady; prlmo
mediums, $l.inii4.15; best Yorkers, $1.05
4.10; heavy, $4111.05: common to fair York
ers, $3.03ffl; griissers, $.!.tOIi3.!iO; best pigs,
$3,751(4; skips and common pigs, $2.75??
3.50; roughs. $2.5013.00. Sheep steady;
choice, $1.C0T I.C5; common, $3.25fi3.75;
choice spring lambs, t.'.COIjS.M): common
to good, $4j5.50; veal calves, $707.50.
Stop That. Cough I Take warning. It may
tcilll to (AUlstimptlOII. A 4r. lectio ut bllllo 1,'
Curo may save your life.
Sold by V. D
Kirlin and a guarantee.
Leaving llroad Street station, Philadelphia,
at 11:55 p. 111. daily, the Southwestern
Limited," carrying a dining car and tho
most luxurious Pullman drawing room sleep
ing caiB, reaches liirminghau tho following
night ut 10:10 and anives at Memphis tlio
next morning at 7:10. Through sleeping cars
for Aslievllle, Savannah, Jacksonville,
Tampa, Atlanta, Mobile and New Orleans aro
also attached to this train. Pullman reser
vations can bo mado in advance and all In
formation obtained by communicating with
John M. Ileal, District Passeugcr Agent, b'i
Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Beware of Olntnents for Catarrh that con
tain Mercury,
as mercury will surely ncstroy tne senso 01
4inell mill eoninlt'tely ilerange llievviinio sybiein
when entering It tlnoiigli the mucous surfaces.
iSucli artlelcM should never bo ustsl except 011
prescriptions from renutalilu pliyHlelansf uh me
damage, they will do Is ten fold to Ibo good you
kommII.Iv il.'rivo fr,,m thrill. ItliU'H Catarrh
Curo. manufactured by I' .1. Cheney A: Co., To
ledo, ()., eonttUiiH 110 mercury, uml is taken In,
termiUv. iittimr illrectlv noon the blood am
mucous surfaces of tliu uystcni. Ill buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure bo sure you get tlio genuine. It la
taken Internally, ami made In Toledo, Ohio, b
Y. .1 Cheney A; Co. Testimonials free.
.Sold by Druggists, price 75 c. per bottle.
'J'rnln Wrecked. Knuliieer Killed.
Lock Haven, I'a., Sept. 10. The west
bound Krle mnll train on the Philadel
phia and Erie railroad was wrecked
yesterday at North Hend, caused by
the locomotive Jumping the track. En
gineer John M. Iiutlor, of Harrisburg,
had both legs cut off and died soon nf
ter. fireman John Kutz and TJaggage
Master Devlctor, both of Harrlsburg,
were also slightly Injured. The engine
ran a'hundred feet on tlio ties and went
over on Its side, tho tender going en
tirely over the engine. The baggage
car turned end over end and landed 20
feet from the track. : Passengers es
caped Injury.
Yextoi'dny'K ltiis,ebnll"(inini.
At Hoston Hoston, 3; New York, 0.
Brooklyn Brooklyn, 8; Ilultlmoro. D,
Cincinnati Clnclnnutl, C; Chicago, 4.
Washington Philadelphia, 8; Washing.
ton, 5.
At Wllkesbarre Wllkepbarre, 7; Syra
cuse. 0. At Providence Providence, 10;
Springfield, 1. At Toronto Toronto, C;
Ottawa, 0. At Montreal liulfulo, 10; Mon
treal, 8.
At Lancaster Lancaster, 5; Newark, 1.
At Patersnu First guinu: Allcntown, 8
Pnterson, c. Second game: Allcntown,
C; Paterson, 1. At ltlchmond Itlchmond,
C; Heading. 5. At Norfolk Hartford, 0;
Norfolk, 2.
Hohofleld and (ioi'iliiii us Invi-ntluntorr.
Washington, Sept. 10. President Mc
Klnley has tendered places on the pro.
posed commission to investigate the
war department. In relation to the con.
duct of the IHspano-Anisrionn war, to
Major (leneral Sdhofleltl, former com
niandlng general of the army, and to
ex-Senator John 11, (inrdon of fjeorgia.
Thero havo never been nioro than three
cotitoiiiorory Kuro)can cjueens in fact,
tho numlier who haNoocouplcd tlio thronu
In medliuval and modern times Is compar
atively small., F.ngluml heads tlio list with
llvo, Hubsht can boast of four,- but tho to
tal comos to considerably under SO alto
gether, "Now, Harry," asked thoteaohor of tho
juvenile class, "what is tlio meal wo eat In
tho morning callcdf" "Oatmisil," was
tho llttlo fellow's prompt reply. Chicago
rim Volume or IImmIim-h l.nrircf Than
H i:vef lias lteeli.
New York, Sent, 10 It. O. Dun &
Co.'s weekly revelrw of trade says:
The volume of business Is larBer than
it ever has been. Investors across tho
water have caught the cue and their
purchases of American bonds and
stocks have been heuvy for several
Wheat has been aboftt one cent high
er In price for spot, with western re
ceipts only about as laifie as those of
Inst year for the week. No doubt some
farmers have learned that It l a poor
business to hold back for higher prices,
and yet very ninny are doliiK it, and so
nre maklhB Inevitable a more disas
trous decline In prlres after a time.
Corn Is a shade hlclier, one estimate
promising only 1,700.000 bushels.
The cotton year has closed, accord
ing to the financial Chronicle, with
a yield of 11.1S0.9G0 bales In 1S97, of
which 7,01(1 OfT, were exported, 1,850,000
were consumed In northern mills, 1,
227,030 In southern mills. J20.079 were
added to northern mill stocks, and 9S,
991 to commercial stocks. It Is but
fair to say that the financial Chronicle
makes no calculation of the quantity
produced, but not niu'keled. which the
New Orleans Cotton Exchange reckons
nt 330,000 bales.
A Llttlo Prince slrleken.
Horlln, Sept. 10. Prince August Wll
helm, the fr.urth son of Kmin-ror Will
iam, Is suffcilng from diphtheria. The
younger children have been removed
ami, the empress alone remains at Mm
now palace ith the patient.
How to book Good.
Good looks arc really mure than skin deep.
depending cnthely on a healthy condition of
all the vital organs. If the liver be inactive,
you have a bilious look ; if your stomach be
hsordered, you have a dyspcptia look ; il
)our kidneys be affected, you have a pinched
look, becure pood health, and you will surely
have pood looks. "V. lectric llilteis" is a good
Alterative and Ionic. Acts directly on the
stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a
good complexion. Kvcry bottle guaranteed.
Sold at A. Wnsley's drug store.. 50 cents per
aiyxtei'loies ShootliiK In Denver.
Denver, Colo.. Sept. 10. W. H. Law
rence, of Cleveland, O., was shot and
probably fatally wounded In a room
at the Oxford hotel yesterday afternoon
by n woman who Is known here only
as florence Itlehardson. The woman
then shot herself In the heart, dying
nlmost lnstnntly. The couple had reg
istered at the Oxford hotel nbout a half
hour before the tragedy occurred as
II. C. Kockwell nnd wife, of Oreely, O.
The motive for the shooting is not
known. Mr. Lawrence nnd the woman
who had shot him had returned yes
terday from n three weeks' tour over
thn Rtato In a covered wagon. The wo-
mnn wns about 24 years of age, and
of dissolute character.
When vou rail lor DeWilfs Witch Hacl
Salve tho great pile cure, don't accept any
thing else. DOII't HO tallica lllio lll'm-pim;: ii
substitute, for piles, for sores, for bums. (,.
II. llageiibucli.
(-hot Her Llttlo Playmate.
Scranton, I'a., Sept. 10. Lizzie Itus
hcII, a 7-year-old girl, was shot and In
stantly killed yesterday by Mary Mo-
ran, II years of age. The latter In play
pointed a self cocking revolver at the
Itussell girl and pulled the trigger. The
bullet seveted one of the main nrter-
nnnr the heart. The parents of the
children are neighbors. In the Moran
house, where the accident occurred, an
Infant child lay dead. The father was
arranging to drive to Wllkesbarre to
consult his brother nbout tho funeral.
He had laid the loaded revolver on a
shelf, as he Intended carrying It for
protection duilng his ride home last
night. The Moran girl was arrested
and arraigned before an alderman. Tho
coroner advised the discharge of tho
girl nnd she was released.
lie Not Doccived. A Cough, Hoarseness or
Croup, aro not to bo trilled with. A doso in
time of billion's Curo will savo you much
trouble. Sold by P. I). Kirlin and a guar
iVnlloi' Defeats Stiirbtlolc.
rtaltimore. Sept. 10. Frank "Waller,
of Hoston, defeated Frank Stnrbuck,
of Philadelphia, in a DO mile pace raco
ut the National Colllseum here yester
day. Waller also broke the world's
record for 50 miles behind pace. Th
best previous time was 1 hour and CO
minutes, made by him a week ago In
his 21 hour raco with Henrv Smith.
Last night ho lowered these figures to
1 hour, 48 minutes and IS 4-5 seconds.
The two men were limited to tandem
pace and each had five machines. Star
buck led until the 43d mile. For
miles neither man gained, but Star-
buck began to show signs of distress,
and in tho 45th mile fell from his
wheel and had to bo carried from the
truck. Waller koiit on riding at
good gait. He won by four and a third
Every expectant mother litis
a trying ordeal to faco. If she doca not
get ready for it,
thero is no telling
what may happen.
Child-birth is full
of uncertainties if
tfnturo Is not given proper assistance.
la tho best help you can uso nt this timo.
It is a liniment, and when rcgulnrly ap
plied several months before baby comes.
It makes tho advent easy and nearly pain
less. It relieves and prevents " morning
sickness," relaxes the overstrained mus
cles, rcliovoa tho distended fooling, short
ens labor, makes recovery rapid and cer
tain without any dangerous after-effects.
Mother's Friend is good for only one
purpose, viz.: to relievo motherhood of
danger nnd pain.
Ouo dollar per bottle at all drus stores, or
eent by cicpreu on recolpt of price.
Fnbt. Books, eonlslnfiig valuable Informa
tion for women, will ba eent to auy uJdresi
uuoo application to
Atlanta, U.
You can tell .lust as well as a physician
whether your kidneys aro diseased or healthy,
Tlio w"iy to do Is to tako a bottlo or glass turn,
blur, nnd (111 it with urino. If there is a
sediment n powder-like plilistanco at tlio
bottom after standing a day ami night, there
Is Roiuetliing wrung with tho kidneys. An
other sure sign of disease Is u desire to urinate
often, uml still n notlicr sign is pain in the
back. If urine stains linen, there is no doubt
that tlio kidneys are iilleeted.
Any and nil diseases of the kidneys, lUer,
bladder and of the urinary passages mid con
stipation of tlie bowels a'o clued by Dr.
l),iid Kennedy's Favorite Itemedy. There
U no question about Its being tlio best and
surest ineiliLiiieiiitliewoild for such troubles.
It quickly relieves and cuies inability to hold
urine, nml tieimle. vounz or old. who take It
u ix' not compelled to get up a number of
times (lining the night. For putting an end
to that sciildliiB pain experienced in passing
mine, nothing Is so good as Dr. David Ken
ned'a favoilto lfeinedv. It corrects the bad
edicts of whiskey and beer; Is pleasant to
the taste, and does not seem to bo medicine
nt all. Dbo.ises of the kidneys and bladder
., Tie ii re, mlie tlio use of instruments to push
bad: the sandy matter so tlio urine can bo
oideil. In such cases Fuvorito I'cmedy
should be taken without further delay or the
disease may provo fatal. It Is sold for one
dollar n bottlo stall drugstores. It is well
ttoith many times its piice.
Samples Free.
If yon wish to test Dr. D.tvid Kennedy's
Favorite Ucmeily befiiie buying It, send your
full post olhco address to tlio Dr. D.ivlil Ken
nedy Corporation, ltondoiit, N. Y., and
mention this paper. We will then mall you
a sample bottlo flee, as well as circulars giV'
Ing full directions for Us uso. Kvcry readoi
of the IfKltu.n can depend upon tho genuine
ness of this lib 'ral oiler, and all snH'erei9
from kidney troubles should lako advantago
of It at ome.
Villi I'louers, the Hand of Aineilcil, Call'
Via the fruo pathway, "The Iron Mountain
Koutc," which tnivcrscsa region of perpetual
sunshine, whcio snow storms, blizzards or
high altitudes are unknown, Pullman first
and second class palaco and tourist sleeping
coil's to points in Missouri, Arkansas, Texas,
Old and Now Mexico, Aii.ona, California,
Oregon, Washington, Nebraska, Utah and
Nevada, without change. Quick time, low
rates, and all tlio eonifortsof modern railway
improvements guaranteed to all who pur
chase tickets via the .Missouri Pacific railway
system. For rates light from your home.
litcratuie, and full information, drop n postal
card, J. P. McCann, T. P. Agent. 510 Kail
road aveiiuo, Klmiru, X, Y or 301 Broad
way, Now York.
3-l.ff W. K. Hoyt. O. E P. Act
Truth vveais well. Pconlo havo learned
flint DeWitt's I.ittlo Farlv nisei's aro reliable
little pills for icgulaling tho bowels, curing
constipation and sick headache. They don't
grlpo. t;. 11. iiagcnuucii.
Don't start South without consulting John
M. lieall. District PasseiiL-or Agent, Southern
Hallway, U2S Chestnut street, Philadelphia
If you cannot call in person, write to him.
Itcdlieeil Itutns to Itoston.
On account of tlfu meeting of tho Sovereign
Orand Lodgo, I. O. O. F., at Hoston, Mass,
September 10 to SI. lfelis, the Pennsylvriiia
liaihuad Company lias arranged tosell excur
sion tickets September 1(1 to 21) Inclusive,
from all ticket stations 011 its line, to lie ton
at rate of single fare for tlio round trip,
Tickets will bo good to return until Septciu
her !10, 1MW, inclusive, when p-operly stamped
by the Joint Ageni.
DoWilt's Witch Hazel Salvo has tlio largest
sale ol any salvo in tho world. Tins lac
and its merit has led dishonest pconlo to at
tempt 10 coiinterlell It. Look out lor the
man who attempts to dcccivo you when you
call for DeWitt's Witcli Hazlo Salvo, tho
gloat pilo curo. C. II. llageiibucli.
Catarrh is ono of tho most obstinate
diseases, and hence tho most difficult
to f;ot rid of.
Thoro is but ono wnv to curo it.
Tho diseuso is in tho blood, nnd all the
sprays, washes and inhaling mixtures
in tlio world enn havo no permanent
elfnot whatever upon it. Swift's Spe
cific euros Catarrh permanently, for it is
tho only remedy which can roach the
Uiseuso and lorco ft trom tho blood.
Mr. 11. I. McAllister, of Ilari'odshurg,
ICy,, had Catarrh for years. lit) writes:
"I could see no improvement whatever.
uiougn 1 was constantly treated with unray
unu wiiHiu-8. nun oniei
cm Inhaling remedies
In fact. I could foci that
each winter 1 was worse
man 1110 year prevlou!
"Finally t (va
brnuaht to mv nntln
that Catarrh wns n lilnn.
disease, and after flunk
ing over the matter, 1
saw It wasunreasonable
to expect to bo cuied by
jemt-uiea wiucil oil!
reached the surface,
then decided to tr
evr liottles were used. I no
ticed a perceptible. Improvement. Continuing
me remotiy, me, uiBease wns iorcea out or m
svstem. and a eomnlete cure wns the rndul
1 ndvWo nil who have thU dreadful dtsetise tc
abandon thelrlocal treatment, whlohhasncvei
done them any good, and tftko 8.8. S., a rem
edv Hint can reach tlio disease and cure It."
To continuu tho wrong treatment for
Catarrh is to continuo to suffer. Swift's
Specific is a real blood remedy, nnd
cures olistinuto, ileep-souted diseases,
which other remedies havo no effect
whatever upon. It .promptly reiiohos
Cittnrrh, and never fails to curo even tho
most uKgravnted enses.
ViEtfQ fey 111U
is Purely Vegetable, and is tho only
blood remedy guaranteed to contain no
dangerous minerals.
Books mnilod free by Swift Specific
Company, Atlanta, Georgia.
Variable Friction Feed
and -
Aj'ax Center Crank Engine
llapld, iiccumte, fitrun? anil Mmplo, with lan;o
ruiiuL'iiy, j-iiyiin-o un
elllu or wheels, etroritf
and Bale. No Fiuiiihiir
ltollrr Iiiim vwv rx-
idodi'd. Also lit and ti id
aifrlculturul Implements
i generally. Hay PresKes
' a specialty. Hend for
Catalotjuo and prices to
wear tho
tiUddthW TruM Co.. CIO Locuii SU fhuu rfc
S.S. S.. nnd after a
Iton.irU'dTliiit Another lWiinbiii'dnirnt
(irCandla In Imminent.
Athens, Sept. 10. News wns received
here from Camlla late yesterday after
noon that another bombardment was
mmlnent. Tho fire continues. Four
hundred deaths nro already attested.
Martial law bus, been proclaimed.
The foreign admirals havo requested
the powers to send a battalion each to
clnforco the International garrison.
On the request of the admirals the
Cretan executive committee has suc
ceeded In inducing the Christian In
surgents In Candia to tetlro outside
the cordor.
DJevud Pasha, the Turkish military
commandant, says ho has given the
Turkish military authorities at Can
dia strict Instructions to assist In
maintaining order, lie declares that
the Hashl Dazouks aro responsible for
the recent outbrenks.
Yesterday 21 additional bodies of
Christians were discovered under th
smouldering ruins nt Candia.
The llrltlsh admiral, It Is said, bin
demanded the disarmament of the
The daughter of the mnssacred
Kngllsh vice consol, with her baby, has
disappeared. It Is supposed that both
have been massacred.
Horrible stories of atrocity are told
by the refugees from Candia. They suy
tho llahal Ilazouks cut open the bodies
of their Christian victims on tho nrst
day of the outbreak and threw the
entrails Into the llnmcs of the burning
houses. They hulled tho llrltlsh vice
consul bodily into the llames, shouting
'Now let the Kngllsh come help him.
Oil- roe Camp Monde.
AVnshlngton, Sept. 10. The Fif
teenth Pennsylvania volunteers, which
has been on duty at Sheridan Point,
the recently constructed fortifications
for the defense of Washington, left
this city over the Haltlmore and Ohio
railroad last night for Camp Meade,
Buoklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho best saivo In tho world for cnta.
bru ses. sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fovor soros,
tcttor. chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
nil skin eruntioiis. and nositivclv cutcs piles.
or jo pay required. It is guaninteed to give
porfect satisfaction or mony rt-fiu:dod. Price
S5 cents por box. For ln by A . Waaler.
The S'olitli anil Its Ail' unlogeR.
Tlio Southern Railway lias is-ned tor free
distribution, a sixteen page Journal des
criptive of Virginia", North and South Caro
lina. Tennessee, Gearcia, Alabama and
Mississippi. Persons seeking now locations.
or capitalists' desiring to make safeand profit-
ablo investments will Und tho information
contained therein both valuablo and inter
csting. Copies will be mailed free upon a)
plication to John M. lieall, District Passeii
ger Agent, S28 Chestnut street, Philadelphia
Give the Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It Is a dolicious. appetizing,
nourishing food drink to tako the placo of
coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used it becauso when properly
prepared it tastes liko the finest colics but is
frco from all its injurious properties. Grain
Oalds digestion and strengthens tho norves
U is not a stimulant but a health builder,
and children, as well as adults, can drink it
witli great benefit. Costs about as much a3
codec 15 and 25o.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Hutu Hard Coal- -No Smoke
Trains Icnvn Shcuaiuluali an IoIIowh:
Kor New York via I'hllfttlelnMft wtrk
7 30 9 51 a. in., U 27. Z lu una 6 w n. in.
For New i ork via Mnueh Chuiuc. work ln a.
7 30 a, m.t 12 27 and 3 10 p. in.
For Kvauliiu uxitl l'lillaueJEihl:. week Hay,
v 3U, v aj a.m., vj 27, li iu aim o U7 p. ih
For 1'ottsvllle, week days, 7 30, 9 54
12 27. 3 10. 0 07 nnd T 25 n. in.
Kor Tamaquu and Mahanoy City, week days
i ovj, v ti a. in., iu ana du u, in.
For AMlllaniiport, Sunbury and LewtfibiiriT
wt'ett uavft, iiuq a. m.. 12iI7. 7 2 u
For Mnhauo PUue, wcekdaye. 7 30, 9 54. 1 1 Hi
ft. in.. 12 27. 3 10. 0 07. 7 28. 9 Aft n. m.
For Ashland and Shamokln, week dayn, 7 30,
ii uu n. in., ii.-, iiiu, ou7, v anu 9 0" ii. ui
For IJaltlmorc. WiMhlnirtoii and the Wcntv)
B. & O. It. It., through trains lea-i Heading
Terminal, rhllttdelphltt. (I1. & It. U K) ui 3 20,
oo, ii n. iu., a iu unu v.xi p. u.. nunuayri.
J 20, 7 00, 11 20 a. in., 8 4K and 7 27 p. m. Addl-
ttonal trains from Twent)'(ourth and Chest
nut Htreetd station, week days, 10 UO a. in. 12 20.
12 16 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 185, 8 23 p. in.
Jeave riew York via nuiadelpnla, wee
daH, 12 IS, 4 80, 8 00, U 30 a. m.t nnd 1 45, 4
3 00 P.m.
Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, ucek
Java. 4 80. 9 10 a. m.. 1 30 n. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal, week
.IaB. 3 10. riBti. 0 21 u. lu. ami I Sti, 4 Ui p,
Leave Una til ii;, week UaH, 7 0j, 10 OS, a, m.
2 10. i 17. 6 oo p. in.
Leave I'oUflVllli, weekdays, 7 10, 7 40 n. m
vs hu i iu. u iu aim u ou p. m.
Lcho Tnniaqun, week dayn, 8 30, li SI a.
1 49. 5 50. 7 20 p. m.
Leave Mahnnoy City, week days, 9 03, 1147
a. m., -i z.a b 2i. 7 44 p. ra
Ieave Mahunoy l'lano, week days, C 110, 9 2.
10 25, 1159 a. iu.. 2 41. 5 32. 6 11. 7 57. pm
Leave Wllllauihport, week daya, 7 42, luOJ a
m.. 12 31 and 4 00 p. in.
Lcae Philadelphia Chestnut ktrect waif an
souin street wnari ror Atlantic uity,
AVeckduyH Kxpress, 8 00, 9 00, 10 15 a. in., (1 30
huturiiuva onlv . 2 OU. U 00. U 40 oo m nuto trulii
4 00 65 ininuto train), 4 30, 5 00 fG5 minute
tralnj, 540, 700 p.m. Aecommodutton, 0 IB
n. iu., 5 00, 0 80 p. m SI. 0(1 excursion train 7 00
am. HunuiiyH HxprettB, 7110, koo, KW, 900.
10 00 a m, 4 45 pm Aceninmiulutlou, 0 15 a ik
1 in p. in. j.uu excursion train, 7 a m
lteturmug leuve Atlautto Clt Uepol, corrc
Atlantic nnd Arkansas uronneii.
WeekdavH lCxpreus. (0 45 Mondays onlv)
fCO, 7 45 IG5 minute train, H20 05 minute
train, 9 00, 1015, 11 00 a m, J 30, 4 30, 5 30, 7 30,
jiiu p. m. AecjjinmiMianon, 4 bo, y w a. nr.
401 P.m. 81.03 uxeiirHlou tialu (fiom MhwUsini
nvc. only) 0CO p. in. hnndajB Kxpresu, 3 80,
1 00. 5 00. 0 00. 0 30. 7 00. 7 30. 8 00. 9 30 11. in.
comuioUatlon, 7 15 a. m,, 5 05 p. m. 31 00
oxcursloii train lirom loot or Mslsfippi av
onlv). 0 10 n tn.
j'or uape way ana nea isio n 41 a, in,
3IKJ, 4 pin- Auuitioiiai inr capo Aiay
p. 111. Huiidaytt (81 00 excursion 7 OJ 9 15 a
For Ocelli City, 8 30,8 45 ill, 2.W, 4 45 pin,
(VI.UO excursion 1 nursuay oniyj tuuii m. nu
days, 8 15, 9 15 am.
Parlor Oarn 011 nil exprnnH traliiH.
Xor further Information, apply to nearrHt
Philadclplila and Kendlne; Jtallway ticket a gen
or imp 1 reus
(len'l Bupt,, (Jen'i Pngg'r Agt,
KewuiiK lerminai, I'nunueipnia.
Should be la Every Home and Library.
' Bible Hi
I written hy Itlplit lion. WtlUam Kwart Qladitone,
Kz'Premier ot Oruiit ltritlau bui) Ireland, Cheater,
r.uif.t iwv, a. 11. pfiico, uubtiu m Dullese, U i lord, Kntf.
Kev. Htnnufil Ives CurtUs, 1). I) Obtcaeo Theoloulral
Kvminary, Chtcno. 1 II. j Key, !' red eric ,
Fnrrar. ll ll ieaii oi (jauioruury. urn Hibui
CiiDitrburr, Knu.i iter,
Hmih. Kmuurvillu. Mjuj '
Elmer H.(Ju-n, lt.D.rufti Unlike, Howur?111u
He. Frank V (lumaului. 1. Armour InxtituLn.
hone l'rebterlan Church. Ixnidou. Kiia.i Iter. 11. I
MaoArthur, 1 u, Cuivury Ilnpli-t Church. New York
intr, n, x.i uov. niariyn wuiumeroon, ii.ij., Man
htret Free lljiittxt Church, lwUton, Me.i Her. Fran
M. Ilriitol. l),t
L' ., Ill .
Fimt MfUodiitt KdIhcodbI Church.
Ernunton. IU.t ltev. W. T. loore, IUU.. f'Thi Chrin
tlan (Joniraouweolth
P.verett Hale, D.D
HoHtou, Musx.i Ilev. Joiui h Agar Iteet, 111)., lVeiley I
tiuui uonurctiattonai Churci
Ctollene, ltlchmond, KiU i ltr, CaKjMir Itene GrRor;
s uregory.
Iter. Writ,
OOil Pre.
Ciurch.IjOiulon.Knc tller.Ueorc
UIx)rlmr, r-r
tie li-nipie, jioHton, itiasa,
roi'tLiil till run. -yi J iiiii;u. o lull-jace inusira-
lions, C'H edgeif ciui, fti nan lovaui, ia.utj iui
levnnt. 6 Oil
4jMilln tUITtON.-t,?an iiapon. (0 full-rriKe llluitr.
iinni. niiio a Kill iMiKW"iuii ivuin, uu luiumr.
Ntyle LI -two volumttTiuil jevuni, luiieu, f juuu
A 111 K. iiuario review quebtlont to each, nil
lifler cover, mwiki, trinnieu kiluhtly, IliJUeach iai
till. L.fn tim. wiitr. Hl:NltV ( Hlllll'AIIil
l'ublUhr.2U uud til ilouruu Utit, GLlcavu, Uliuol
TlIK tnUcry of slfcplcssnoaa enn only bo
realized by tlioso who liavo oxjiorl
onccdlt. Nervousness, slcaiilcssness,
lioadaelic?, ncurnlptla and that nilscr.iblo
leolliiB of unrest, can surely bo cured by Dr.
Miles' Itcstoratlvo Nervlno. So certain U
l)r. Miles of tbls fact tliat nil druggists aro
authorized to refund prico paid for tho first
bottlo tried, providing It does not benoflt.
Mrs. Henry Ilruns, trlfo of tho well known
blacksmith nt Grnnd Junction, Iowa, Bays:
I was troubled with sleeplessness, nervous
ness, hoaduclio ana irregular menstruation;
suffering untold misery for years. I usod
various advertised remedies for fciaiuo com
plaints besides being under tlio caro of local
physicians, without help. I noticed In Dr.
Miles' advertisement tho testimonial of n
lady cured of ailments similar to mtno, and
I shall never ccaso to thank that lady. Her
testimonial Induced mo to uso Dr. Miles'
Nervlno and Ncrvo und Liver I'llls, which
restored mo to health. I cannot say enough
for Dr.Mlles'ltemeilits " HK
Dr. Miles' IlcmeiUes
F ur. 'y.
aro sold by till drug
gists under n positive
guarantee llr&t bottlo
benefits or money re
funded- Book on ills-
W Konlih .a
cases of tlio heart nnd
nerves free, Address,
DU. MILB9 MKDIOAh CO.. UlUliart. lud.
M. ItllltKK.
Onlee ICirnn Inlllillnir. corier of Main au
Centre Htrcetfl, Hheiii.nUuali.
r If. l'OMKHOV,
Shenautlodli, I'a.
Lock Box 63, Mahnnoy City, I'a,
Havlne studied under eoino ot tlio bewi
masters ti' IaiiiiIoii nnd l'arls, will kIvu leHHOli,
on the vlollu,iuutulollll, guitar und vucal cultlire.
Toruis leasiinaulu. Auurofitj lu euro ut Hmouho.
the Jeweler Hhtmiluiluau.
SCPTEMIllilt 0, lhiW.
TrnliiM will leave Shuiiuiiduah nltur luu ncottr
cinto for Wl'tian, Ullbcrton, KrncUlllus Uax.
vniur, nt. Umir, i'otiauio. nuiiiburg, iiunuiiijt;,
1'ottMtown. l'hoenUvlllo. Morrlatuwn m.ttllfi
aelMu (lirMid atrt-ul Htatluu)nt 6 06 und 8 H
h. iu., 2 02, (1 1 p. ui. on week days. Hunditu,
8 15 u, m., 4 23p. in.
Tnitna Icuvu Kruckvlllo for Hhtinuiidottii kt
TM, iMiia. m. nnd fi40, 7 iW p. u.. riundny,
li oi a. ui. unu o -iu p. in.
Ijvnve lottHvlllo for Hhuiiandonh (vlu Irnck
vllloj 7 10, 11 IX) u. in., 5 20, 7 10 p. ui. tiuuduy
iu m u. JU., o M l). 111.
J.uavu riilludeliiMu. f IJrona atroct Btutlou), foi
dhMiiidouh ut b iJ5 u, ui., 4 10 p. iu. week duya.
auntinyH leuve ut 0 BU unu J 'zi u. tn.
IcttTo Broad Street bUUou, X'Ulludeliihla,
Kxire8H.week-dnya. B 'JO. 4 Co, 4 50 6 05,5 15.G 50.
7i,4 20, 'JW, 10 21 (Diiitiitf Car), ilOOu. in,
u uu noun, jziw U'iniiieu tw anu t ti.
Dinlim Carn). 1 4u, tfu (Uliiluir tlur) U 20. U ti.
4U'-i,0UO,5)(IHiiUinJiirJ, liUu, 702,7r0 (li.
Iiiijt'urj, 10 uu p. ui., 12 01, alight. Huiuluya,
j'A', 4 Oo, 150. 5 03. 515 tt 20, 9 60, 10 21, (Diking
Car J, 1185 u. iu.,1203 DIiiIiik Car) 1235,20
(Dining Our), 4U0 (United 4 2HinlitK "O.
5 20, 5 bo, (OinlliK Vv) 0B5, 7 02,7 50, IDIillliR
uurj iu uu p. iu., i ui uiKiu.
mpreMH lor lioaiuu witnout c unu go, ii uu it im.,
week-Uun, und 7 50 p, ui., dully,
Cutskill exiireaa. (i'urlor Cur). 8 20 a in week
Kor ltal timoro and Wttdhliiictou. a 50. 7 20. 8 U2.
1020, 11 'it u. ni., 12 0V, 12111 U1'" Our), 1 12
tliniiiK C'urj, U12, 4 41, L525 Cuukcom
uiunal MniUtd, iinitir Car, 0 17. oM Dni-
uiu uurj, 7ai tuiuini; uurj p. in., unu uiu
ill i: lit weulc (luvn. UunduVM. il 5U. 7 20. y 12. 11 2J.
u. in., 12W, 1 12, tDlnliiu Car 4 41, 520 Con
KrejMionul htunted, liiitiiitf CurJ, ti65 .Jliitii
urj, ini inuiiiKurj p. in. unu iz uo iiikiu.
l'r llultliuore. uceoiuinodatlon. 0 12 ii in. 2 01
and 4 UI p in week duya, 5 US and 11 10 p ui dully.
Jeave llroad btrcct stutluu via Delaware rlur
bnduu Kxpreiu. 0 40 u m,, I 00 und 705 n. m.
Sunday, y 20 u. in,, 2JJS and 70.3 p. in,
louvu Market bireet Harl hprtM, 5 00, l (Hi,
ii in, 2 00, a W), 1 Ui, 0 CO p hi. Sundays, ti 00, J U,
0 50 n in ucvomiiiodatioii 1 ao und 0 10 p in
91.00 cxenrolon train, 7 00 n in Simduy only.
x or uape may, AiiKieaua, v uu wood unu J I o 1 1
Ileach ljcprc8, 0 00 uui, 2 tiO and 4 05, p iu
weekdays. bundaiH. 8 20 u in. Kxcurulon. 7u
a in Uunduyu only.
For bua JbIo City, Oee&n Clly, Avulon and
titone Harbor KxpretM, VI0 a. iu., 2 30, and
4 20 p. m. weekdaya. Sundays, 8 20 a. in. In
cursion 7 CO a in Mundaya only.
Kor Homer 1 Kolnt lixpreod, 5 00, 0 00 a. ui,,
2 00, a uu, 4 00, 6 00, p. m, week dayu Hum!uy(
a w, V W UIIU V ill U. LU.
J ii. iiuici(iMtos, j, li. Wood,
(len'l Mauuifer. Uen l Fa4Vr Atfl
ooooookooxooc OOt
Successor of the "UnahrUlaed"
Tho Ono Croat Standard Authority,
nu wuivB nun. ji. j, nntwer,
Justice U. H. Hiii'K'ine Court.
of the IT. s. flov't rrlnttntr
fuenie Courts, andof near
7 all the Hclipolbookt,
br SUte StiixrintenilfnU
oi rtcnooiit, i;on K rri-
ileDli.antlotherl-lumtora )
uuiiQBt wimoui nuiuucrf
In Iho JiouatltoM, nndlrt
iiiu ifaiiitr, Btuoiur, pntn. (
It-Hsioiml man, und atlf. ;
cd ucu tor, 1
It ii tuty to find the word wanted.
It U easy to ascertain the pronunclar'on
It Isejfy to truce tho Krowtli of a word.
It la easy to learn what a word means.
Thn A'ijii- I'orfc Tribune Suvsi
'1 lie I ile.t Mlllou ronif s from tlm iiress u llli a i
,.'iiilil"Ltni.s liniitlrs llm luoMt tlioronnhi'ilU ,
I ''llliuiil lyj.itfnllililml 8iirtUIoii. 'Iho'
' l li jhiI.11... Ii.i, ilmU lliU a vnrk to (I la '
- " OUT Till! lil!ST.
.X7Sclinen mga teiit on application to
,.C- . MlillllTAM CO., 1'uhUnlwra, i
HOOO'3 VlUa curo lilvcr 111,
ftllloiisrieas, IndlKC'htlo.ij lleailnolip. N
A. ulun"iit ittxutlvu. AU IlrugjjUU.