ttettitM flaiii txdk li DO YOU WANT THE HERALD Creates business because of tit known large circulation and renders rich results In its artvcrtisers. 7i reach the fublic through a fro gresiive, dtgmfiea, tntuentimt journal uie the HERALD evlumns. VOL. XIII.-NO 2 It) SHENANDOAH. PA.. Fill DAY. SEPTEMBER 1), 18915. ONE CENT iilil u GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF BABY CARRIAGES balance ol our slock In order to clean out the as quickly as possible. Carriages that wo ro $20 00, 18 00, IT 00, 15 00, , " ' 12 00, 10 00, 9 00, " 6 00, $17 OO 15 OO 1 OO 13 OO 10 OO E3 OO V OO 4 SO If you want a choice come at once as we think they will be all gone in a few clays at these prices. J. P. Williams & Son, 13 S. Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. S2J0'HARA'S AND FOR ll li f .ft NEW CONGREGATION. A ltiniilt uf lliu ltevent Trouble In tlie Synagogue, As a result of tlio recent troublo In tlio Kclu'leth Israel Congregational church a new He' n w congregation has been formed with twenty iniio members. It will bo known as tlio Church of tlio Sons of Abraham, JI. M. lluiki , K'q., Is preparing an application for a cl ater iiinl at tbo same time a similar application will bo mado in bobalf of u society to bo connected with tbo congroKii tlon uiid known as tbo Sons of Abraham. Tlio following olllcors have boon elected by tbo congregation : President, Nicholas l'rlo bund j Vlco President, M. Smlgclsky ; Secre tary, M. Hablnowitz ; Trcasuror, II. Molsel. Trustoos, I). Gavolowlcz, I). binlgolsky anil II. Friedman. T lie congregation bus hired l)ougheity's hall and tbo first service will bo held next Sunday Morning. Habbi Q. Gross, now of Allcntown, will arrive in town to-night and will bo retained by tlio congregation until after tbo close of tho Jowlsh holiday season, which begins noxt Friday and will continue until Oct. 0th. Stops will then be takon to elect a permanent Mahbi. iJoliiiNfiti'a Cafe, nil liust Outre Street, For Saturday evening, sour krout and mashed potatoes will bo scrvod freo to all patrons. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Cor. Lloyd nnd White Sts., SHENANDOAH and -NEW- CARPETS For fall trade now open. REDUCED PRICES ALL ON Summer Dress Goods. Mini (iillilln Miirrlrd. Word bus just been received that a pictty wedding took plan; in tbo Imperial hotol of O'.cun, K. Y., on tho bth of last June, the contracting parties being First Sergeant John II. lluggius, of Columbus, Ohio, and Miss llortie M. (iiildin, the accomplished daughter of John A. Guldin, formerly proprietor of the Conitneieial hotel, of this place. Mr. lluggius is a member of Company M, 8th Ohio, which arrived on tho Mohawk from Santiago, where they had been stationed and had taken part in tho battle which resulted in tho fall of that city. Ho is at present on- ....... . .-.xr s-it-w JoyillK a iiiiriy-UHv iiiiiuub" mm .-no. MAHANUY U Y Hugging in Eldred, Pa. Tho 6th Ohio has not liecn ninstcred out or service ami ho may yet see garrison duty at Cuba or Porto Hico Mrs. Huggins enjojs a large eitclo of friends and acquaintances in this town who extend to the happy couple their host wishes for their future happiness and prosperity. Smoke Havana tiller TRAVKI.KK Cigar. flalit Street, Special Values in SUMMER UNDERWEAR. TUST a few Ladies' Shirt J Waists lelt. Reduced from $i.oo to 35 and 50 cents. They must be sold. J. J. PRICE'S, Dry Goods and Carpet Stoie, GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OR Ladies' - and - Children's - Hats. Oiih Solid Week of ICepertoire Tlio doors of Forguum's thcatro will he thrown open to our thcatro going public next Monday to tho host traveling repertoire com pany that has over produced high-priced nlays at popular prices. The originator and author ol the plays, Elmer E. Vanco, will be hero in person, which is a guarantee that no spectator will bo duped in witnessing the nioductions. I ho engagement will bo in augurated with the production of Mr. Vanco' famous railroad play I he Limited Mail. It is u triumph of realism and mechanism The llight of tbo limited mail, a railroad train 200 feet in longth and 12 foot in lieiglit is a marvel of ingenuity. Tho prediction aro that a largo audience will greet the opening performance. Heserved seats can be secured at Kirlin's dtug storo. Popular prices, 10, 20 and 30 cents will provail. Cur l.oud of Melons sweet potatoes at tho Shenandoah PYSUGGEED SAGASTA QBnoral Polavioja's Now Party As suming Great lmpcrtanco. THE DELAYED PEACE COMMISSION Snunstri Gives 11 Very 1't-rtlncmt !toii"oii For tho Dolny 1'olntH of tho lllll Introduced In tho C'orti-i Tor tho CoiioIiihIou or I'oiioo. Madrid, Sept. 0. General l'olnvleja'a new party Is assuming the greatest Im portance. Ills program has met with the warm approval of the great news papers, particularly El Imparclal, El Ilcraldo and El Naclonal. The latter, until lately, had supported General Weyler, but It will rally now to Gen eral I'olavleja, who proposes a reor ganization (if Spain from the llnanclal nnd political view points. It Is understood that General I'ola vleja decided to organize a new party after several conferences with "n high personage, who, however, has not In terfered directly In tho formation of the party. Ills manifesto Is now under consideration. If the military censor refuses to grant an exc-quature the manifesto will bo read In the chamber of deputies. The general conviction Is that as soon as the treaty of peace is signed the Sagasta cabinet will resign and be 're placed by cither a Silvern or a Pola- vieja ministry. The speech of Count D'Almenas In the senate on Wednesday has greatly excited the military party, whose hot espousals of the cause of their Cuban comrades threatens to make troublo. Senor Sagasta said last evening: "Tho nomination of the pence com mission Is delayed because the com- And As we have only a few more left and always believe in opening our season with a clean, fresh, up to date stock, we Produce Co., No. 0 south Jardiu street, c will sell these regardless of cost and at prices Shenandoah 1"'lay"",r"1"i!' -- u" never before heard of. So avail yourself of this opportunity before they are all gone. THE BEE HIVE, tiQ S. Main St. "Third Door F"rom Post Office. fur - 1 One ICYCLE ARGAINS One Boy's Wheel, $10.00. Gent's Wheel, Shirk," $15.00. second-hand, but tires and wheels are In froud condition. ,V Sitclul iiithfiiii There was a very enjoyable social gather ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jones, ou l'.ast Apple alloy, last evening. In honor of their f on Joseph a twclveth anni versary. Vocal and iiistuiiiiuiital music were among tlio events 01 the evening ami re freshments wcro served. Among the guests were: Misses S.idio Junuali, -Maggie aim Sadlo Evans, Alma Myers, Laura and Maudo Heckcm, liessio Gritliths, Maggie, Annie and Agues Elliot, Mable, Ida Zimmerman, Mary, Sarah and Miriam Jones, John Elliot, Walter and Herbort tirithths, Willie lunnah, Joseph, Garfiold and John Jones, and Willie Sauipsell, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Gritliths, Mrs. J. S. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. W. 0. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hughes, Mrs. Eisonhart, Mrs. Leo and Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jones. It will pay you to read Ike Orkln's an nouncements on tlio fourth pago. tf LIKE THE ARTILLERY. Micniiudouli HoyH Unto h (lood l'llne at Fortress .Woiiroo EniTon ltKltALl) : After hearing all the complaints tnadu by some of tlio boys who enlisted in tbo infantry, I would tell yon that not one of tho boys stationed at this fort would say that tlio life of an artillery man is not a life of pleasure. Wc get all wo wish to eat and have not seen that so-much-tatked-about food hardtack and bean soup. Tlio work is not bard and tbeie is every chance, in the world fur a young man to ad vance in the ranks. At sunrise we have reveille and then wo have mess. From 7:30 to 8:30 a. m. the recruits have drill. From 30 to 11:30 wc do as wo please. From 0:30 to 10, drill again: 11 to 12, dinner: 11! to 3:30 i. , free to go where wo please; 3:30 to n 111., another drill: and at sunset retreat. At U p. 111. tho lights go out and we must lie in bed at 11 p. 111. Wo don't sloen on boards. on tbo Moor: but in beds with springs. Wo received our uniforms last week and sumo of the boys received guns. Alt look liko old soldiers in their uniforms. John Cox and Cliarles McLaughlin, two buys who formerly lived in Shenandoah, are in our battery. Pennsylvania continues to send her sons to the fort. Wo will rob tho "Tarheels" (N. ('.) of their fort before they know it. There aio over 200 recruits from Pcnu- ylvauia lieie now and squads are coming every day. The ilrst squad that 11110 liom Shonandoah aro divided among tlio dill'oront batteries of tbo 0th artillery, hut the last smiad was nut In Hatterv II. Third Artillery, the best and oldest at tho fort. 1 ho sun is very hot here and a few of ho boys aro on tbo sick report from its fleets. Wo havo a base ball and foot ball team and both know how to nlay. Joe Matthews plays with the team. On Laboi Day wo did not havo any drills and wo wont where wo pleased. All tho boys ato jolly ml not 0110 lias had a doso of homesickness. 'hero are somo very interesting sights round tlio fort. Some of Watson's licet uie n tho bay. The boys hike advantage of all me leisiiro tlio tort gives tliem and they are Imost continually at the beach, bathing. It 3 rumored that when our battery (It) has recruited its quota, which is !i00, wo will be sent to California, or perhaps to 0110 of the cwiy acquired islands. Somo 01 tlio boys re on tho sick report, but none of them are confined to bed. Wo wcio drilling down at tho beach and tho captain gave us tlio com mand to rail 111 !" meaning fall in line. boy named Houghlin. from Uoaring Creek l'a thinking tbo order was to fall uto tbo water, did so. After diiine: wo pick tho moat out of our teeth witli cartridges. Cavanaugh, Hurst, Daly an iiyan go down to tlio dock to meet every boat, as if they expected somo one. Talk about your Mulligan Guards I Wo havo them hero under tlio command of "Irish Sergeant Kelly. Just imagine ! Wo only have two years, eleven months and fourteen days to Lively Discussions at the Meeting'. To-morrow's Great Game. Tho hour of three o'clock lo-morrow after noon is being anxiously awaited by the base ball teams of tbo Lehigh Valley Coal Com- .,...., T o, (V...V ,wl f'.mti-nllll Itoth We Still have a lew iUSt-gracle bicycles that we Will Sell SO cheat) that teams aro bitter rivals and the questiou of it will av VOU to buy lUSt lor a snin on the trood fiill romls. The bent supremacy will bedcclded at West Lnd park. ' " - 1 . . , . , 1,1 1... I 41. IAsnianu. jones anu ujyie wm uu iu mo points for Lost Creok, while Harkins and Helf- ner will delend tlio interests 01 mo ueuirana boys. The game was booked for this after noon, butut tho solicitation of the many ad mirers of both toams it was decided to pliy it to-morrow afternoon. two months of the season are before us. Swalm's Hardware Store. ght Bread For Good Li White AND NO TROUBLE TO BAKE USE AQUEDUCT MILL. Daisy or Moss Rose Flour. Sold by Geo. W. Keiter. lllekert's Cule. A sneclal freo lunch to-night. Tomato soup to-morrow morning. Keceptlon Uaferred. Tho members of Henry Uomcastlo Camp No. 40, Sons of Vetoraus, intended to give a recentiou last night to tho townsmen wuo returned from I'orto llleo Wednesday night, but tho timo was too BUort to enable them to perfect the arrangements and it was decided to postpone tho atl'air until uoxt Thursday night. Tho reception win 00 01 a mure UliilmratB character than first contemplated ,,! U U oxnuctod that John llelsscl, of Itoosevelt's Hough Itiders, will bo Here m tin,,, to tHke nart iu it with the other re turned soldiers. School Opens With a full llnoof school supplies at (iirvln's, 8 Soutli Maiu Btrect. GENEUAI POLAVIEJA. mlssloners ought to have the full con fidence of the government, hut who can say who will ho In power a month henco?" The bill authorizing the government to conclude peace Is as follows: "The reverses suffered hy our arms In tho unequal struggle to which we were driven In order to defend the honor of tho nation and maintain Its rights do. prlved us at an early stage of the ele. ments required for continuing the war, "Tho bravery of our soldiers and sail ors proved lnsulliclent, as did the calm attitude of the nation, ever reudv to shed Its blood and sacrifice Its re Bources for the honor of the Spanish flag. "Separated by wide seas from the territories It was our object to pro tect, and these territories being closely blockaded, so that our few remaining ships could not reach them, her ma Jesty's government has lieen compelled to admit tho hitter truth, which Is that an end must be put to tho war. "The sense of responsibility entnlled by the preliminary peace negotiations has weighed most heavily on the gov ernment. Notwithstanding It fully ap nreciated its duty toward the country, the government had to consent to these preliminary negotiations and to bow to tho cruel sacrllkes imposed hy sheer necessity. For this reason, and bo cause ix?nce must be purchased at the cost of a cession of tenltory and tho abandonment of sovereign rights, the government has thought It expedient to sound tho cortes before concluding tho treaty, the ratlllcntion of which will bo duly untitled to both chambers, In ao. cordance with constitutional law. "The government, whose moderate langungo will not be found fault with by the representatives of tho nation, limits itself to submitting to tho cor tea the following bill: " 'The government Is authorized renounce rights of sovereignty and cede territory In the Spanish colonies In accordance with the pcaco prellmln arles ngreeil upon with the government of the United States of America.' The hill Is signed by all the ministers. Druggliits Meet, A monthly meeting of the Schuylkill County Pharmaceutical Association ws hold In tbo parlors of tho Ferguson Houso yester. day afternoou. Tho business was of a routine character. Tho meeting was attended hy Messrs. Coxo, of Schuylkill Haven; Vossage. Ashland; Porter, Tamaqua; Hodson and Kennedy, Pottsvlllo; Klrlin, Grublor, Was ley and Poviuskl, of town. The next meet ing will bo bold at Ashland on tho first Thursday of Octobor. AN APPEAL WAS SUSTAINED ! Chairman Coughlln Was Twice Turned Down on Rulings Tha Bosrd Will Purchase Coal Direct From the ColllerlesIUullnE Dy Contract. servo yet. I oitrcss Monroe, Va., Sept. Hi:.v. DIHEGTOHS HAVE TIIiTS. School Board Camp Meude, MlddMown, Bpaclnl He Uiired Kales, Via 1'lillud.lplil ul. (I Itellillne Hallway, Tho Philadelphia Si Heading Hallway an nounces that during the continuance of Camp Meade at Middletown, excursion tlck.ts good for two days including day of sale, or from Saturday until Monday, will be sold at special rates. For Information as to rates, time of trains, etc., consult any P 4: B. tlckot agent. For your watch repairing and Jawelry re pairing go to Iko Orkln's, 129 South Main street. tf fleraniimns, fuchsias, pansiea, daises, roses etc., fur spring planting at Payne's nurseries, Oirardville. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs, TIiono Exaggerated Iteports. Krom Mahattoy City Record. Wo commend to the attention of our readers a letter from Camp Middleton, from 'Private" Wo aro sorry wo cannot pub- isli tho nanio of tho writor, as it would give additional weight to tho statements contained therein. Wo havo not placed a great deal of confidence in many of the statements con cerning hunger and ill-treatment among our own hoys, although thcio has doubtless licen something nioro of this than tho country ares f.r among tho soldiers who wont to Cuba and Porto Iiico, and wo are glad to have 1111I publish the plain statement from a Private." As for Quartermaster Hauscb, wo do not believe anyono bore supposed for :iu instant that any failure to supply the hoys with food, either iu quality or quantity, was duo to neglect upon bis part. rOl.lTICAI, l'OINTS. Dr. S. C. Swallow, tho parson politician, will address a public meeting in Shonandoah to-morrow afternoon, at 3:00 o'clock, at tbo corner of Main and Centre streets. He is a candidate for Governor, and is said to bo a forciful and carnost talker. A largo audience will no doubt greet him. Maj. John F. l iuney will be installed into his new position as Assistant Ticasurur iu Philadelphia next woek. Senator Quay has brought suit agaiust his nialiguers, and ho is to bo commended for his manly courage The libol laws furnish liim suQicient redress. II. J. Yost is doing somo eUeetivo work.aud his friends now predict his nomination for tbo Legislature. Uus, Scbriuek, candidate for tlio Legisla ture in the Fourth district, is appaicutly badly frightoned. He is out with a two column newspaper article. Married ut Muhauoy CH3-. A pretty homo weiding took place last ovening in Mahanoy City, when Miss Wil helmina Dippor, a former well known school teacher, and William Henry Hoirman, of Savannah, Georgia, wero joined in wedlock. Tho ceremony was performed in tho prosenco of a number of friends and relatives at 0 o'clock by tho Kev. 11. A. Keiser. Mr. and Mrs. Hodman left on a wedding tour. They will reside iu Savannah. Whole Wheat Graham Flour Old Time Pure Rye Flour Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour Bestl Granulated Corn Meal. At KEITER'S. Come and seo our cbiuawaro, saucer, B cents, at F. J, Portz. cup and tf Centrttlia'a School Mucldlo. Tho Ceutralla School Hoard mot Wednes day night but did not agrco on the election of a superintendent, though they wore iu session uutll midnight. A petition is now being circulated for signatures that will be presented to court askiug that the Hoard bo ousted, and a now ono that will agreo, bo ap pointed In their stead. Don't delay.u minute. Cholera Infantum, dysentery, diarrhoea comos suddenly. Only safe plan is to havo Dr. Fowler's Kxtract of Wild Strawberry always ou baud. Yollow Kovor Annum "Immiinos." Santiago de Cuba, Sept. 9. Six cases of yollow fever have developed In Colo nel Sargent's Fifth immune regiment, Tho cases have been wntched closely for several days and In tho opinion of Colonel Harvard, chief surgeon of the military department of Santiago, the diagnosis Is unmistnkably correct. The victims have been sent to the yellow fever hospitals, and a strict quarantine has been established ngalnst tho regi ment, which Is encamped on the hills along the Morro road, about two miles south of the city. Kuclire I'arty at Lost Creeh, Miss Salllo Swoenoy, of Lost Creok, enter tained a numbor of her friends last evening by giving a card party at her residence. Tho players wero Misses Theres Kelly, Kate McGmw, Sallio and Kate Sweeney, and Messrs. Thomas CouviHo, Joseph Murphy and Joseph Koogh. Tlio gentleman's prize, a silver comb caso, was won by Thomas Convillo. The lady's prize, a silver glovo buttouor, was won by Miss McGraw. SPECIAL AT OIRVIH'B. Friday and .Saturday llurgalns. Kight bars of soap and galvanized pail, -3c. Largo Iron express wagon, f 1.20. No. 8 granite tea kottle, 50c ; worth t)0c. Large glass buttor dish, So; worth 10c. Salt and pepper shakers; 2 for 5c; worth 10c. Good whisk broom, 5o; worth 10c. 13 qt. masllu lined kettle, 48c ; worth 115c. Wcaro headquarters for Mason's fruit jars, sealing strings, Jelly tumblers, etc. Gikvin's, 8 South Maiu street. Hov 0. HunuiaiiT, Mgr. 0 8 St Iteculvrd Appointment, Miss Phyllis Godher, who has been visiting friends In town tho past few wocks, has received notice of her appoiutinent as captain In the Salvation Army with headquarteis at Plymouth, At Payno's uursory, Gliardville, you will find tho largest stock ever been Hi tlio county Volume on Domestic Animals. A volumo of BOO pages, giving tho treat. ment, euro and care of domestic arjimals horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, hogs and poultry, sent free ; Humphreys' Medicine Company, Cor. William & John Sts., Now York. Tho meeting of tho School Hoard last night was a short 0110 so far as time consumed asldo from tbo reading of minute:, which occupied an hour and gave tho Directors a tired feeling before tho routine was taken up. The monotony of tbo session was relieved a couplo of times by a tilt over points of order on tho ruling of tho chair and a ques tion as to whether or not the rules of the Hoard had been violated by ono of the com mittee in giving out work to an amount exceeding (50 without socuriug bids. The Directors who attended tho meeting wero Mossrs. Coughliu, Hanna, Haugli, Dove, Martin, Malick, Whitaker, Sullivan, Hreslin and Dovitt. Superintendent Cooper, Truant Officer Smith and Tax Collector llurke wero also prcsout. I he first hitch arose when Mr. Haugh stated that his boy was suspended from school during tho last term and attempts to liavo him reinstated tins term. Mr. Haugh sun mere uau noen considerable talk over tho mattor and the Directors wero being severely criticised. Superintendent Cooper stated that tho facts of the caso, briefly, wero that the boy did not remain suspended from school, suspension is not an expulsion and does not operate from ono term to another. Iu the second place, the boy had not applied for reinstatement. Truant Officer Smith also mado a statement. Director Dove raised tho point that the matter was solely iu the hands of tho superintendent and tho Hoard could not act on such cases unless they come before the Hoard in tlio nature of charges. Superintendent Cooper said be would give any attention to tho cine that his duties required aud President Coughliu stated that, under tho oiler, the superintendent would remain instructed accordingly; whereupon Mr. Dovo objected to the Hoard giving any instructions, or taking any other coguizance of tho case, as it was sololy a matter within the jurisdiction of tho superintendent. He then moved that the chairman's instructions be not carried out. The motion was ruled out of order aud Mr. Dovo appealed. Tho appeal was sustained aud the motiou carried. The second tilt aroso overa bill for too for roofing and painting. Chairman Coughliu said the committee had exceeded its authority uy awarding tlio work without bids. Tho committee maintained that tho award was not mado in bulk, and therefore did not come within tlio $50 limit rule. On motion Chair man Coughlin's ruling was set aside. A communication from Thomas Heddall. oll'orlng insurauco on the school buildings at reduced rates was placed on filo for future reference. The applications of Mrs. William Adams. Mrs. Catlierino Jonkius aud Mrs. Onen Gallagher for oxoneratiou from taxes were referred to tlio exoneration committee Superintendent Coopor presented the fol lowing monthly report : "Tho schools opened on Monday at the regular timo, with all tbo teachers present, except Miss Creary, who was unable to begin work ou account of sickness. The enrollment un to this nioruing is as follows : High school, 121 ; 2nd grammar schools, 170 ; 1st grammar, 207 ; 4th primary, 311 ; 3rd pri mary, 110; 2nd primary, 400; 1st primary, 511 ; mixed schools, 04 ; total, 2350. "Everything is moving quietly. A few transfers aro yet to he made. "Tho ollice would recommend that children coming six years of ago betweou the 1st of aiay arm 1st ot ucccmbor bo admitted at tho beginning of the term ; thoso coming six years of ago between the 1st of December and 1st of March bo admitted during the first and second weoks of June ; and those coming six years 01 age ueiwoen me 1st of .Marcli and the 1st of May be admitted the 1st week ot April." Tho committeo on heating and fuel asked permission to for proposals for coal and hauling, and iu response the Board deviated from the custom of past years by instructing the secretary to communlcato with tbo P. & It. C. & I. Co. and ascertain the cost of 150 tons of coal ; and ordered that the committeo advertise only for bids for tho hauling of coal. Tax Collector Hurko presented his list of oxouorations, the sum aggregating $3,328.04 ou ins II rst year's duplicato. He also pro. seuted a list of double assessments to the amount of $385.14. Mr. Hurko stated that somo properties aro assessed three or four times. I he statemout was referred to com mitteo. Tho Insurance committee reported that the insurance, on the Jardin street school build ing bad been rcnowed at a reduction of 25 per cent, on tho premiums paid previously. Mr. Whitaker, ot the finance committee, stated that the treasury was empty, but $5,000 is expected on Saturday as rart pay ment on the state appropriation. The com mitteo was instructed to pay tlio interest duo ou toiuporary loans when this money is received. Tho building and repairs committee stated that the St. Stanislaus Polish Society had been permitted to select a number of old desks and Beats the Hoard had condemned aud the price will he agreed upon beforo tho Hoard's next meeting. Merchant Tailoring ! This is another new branch we have added to our busi ness. We are prep?ed to make you suits in the latest and newest creations for the fall and winter season of '98 and 'go. Our prices alone arc. a drawing card, as well as our styles and makes. Our novel ties are not to be duplicated elsewhere. Call and see us once, and you will call again. MAX LEVT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-To-Date Hat Storo ud Shenandoah's Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store. 35 Cents per yard for home made rag carpet ; others for 40, 45, 50 and 65c per yard. Call and see our new line ol Brussels. Vel vets and Ingrain carpets. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. i() South Jardin Street. We Want A Man A man, intelligent, well informed, hard-Working man, one who knows a good thing when he sees it, and who can appreciate good value, and then We Want His Wife, Too She must be a lover of the beautiful. We want them to come to our store and look over our goods we don't ask them to buy and then go tell their neighbors what they think of it. Marriage I.lcenites. Jeremiah A. Harnorand Cecolla It. I loft man, both of Schuylkill Haven ; George Alchock aud Catharine Polacheck, both of Mahanoy City; Goorgo Treges and Annie Morgans, both of Gilberton. Si POWDER Abiolutely Puro 1 M. O'NEILL, 106 S. Main St. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker ,lr. ). V. A, M., Attention. A meeting of Major Jennings Council No. 3U7, Jr. O. U. A. M.. will bo hold in Kgau's ball, cornor of Main and Centre streets, on Saturday, 10th Inst., at 1 p. in., sharp, to attoud tbo funoral of Brother William Franz, Sr. Members of sistor Councils aro invited to attond. By order of Jonas Gilfii.i.ak, Councillor. Attest : Guy Stuknku, Sec'y. 2t Umbrellas lirumm's. ro-cuvered while you wait ut Opoiilng New Farm.. Tho Girard IMate of Philadelphia, practi cally controlling thiee-fourths of the real estate iu tho upper section of this county, has oponod several new farms iu tho upper Hingtowu valley this summer. Substantial houses have lccu erected for the tenants aud Iu a few years the farms will bo under flue cultivation. DANDRUFF ... Is the Beginning of Baldness. Woatphal'o fluxlHator Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp. FOE SALE AT DUjIO'S BARBER 5H0F Ferguson House Block. THE Money Question ! Here it's a question of how much or how little. No matter how much coin you have, you'll find it has more purchasing power with us than elsewhere. It is not because your dollars contain more metal for us, but because we are til . sausuea wun smaller tons, it we can't give you a fair equivalent we don't want your money. Kendrlrk House Free l.tincli. Clam soup will bo served free to all patioui to-night. Chamber sets, 0 pieces, P. J. Portz. from $2.50 up, at tf T.J. BROUGHALL, 21 South Main Street, i