1 SCHOOL SUPPLIES. We have a full suppK of ruK'S, pons, pencils, companions, etc., on hand at very low prices. HOOKS & BROWN, a N. VI a In St. CANTRELL & GOCHRANE'S 20 Cents Per Bottle. SHENANDOAH DRUG STORE, 3 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, lit. Got tlitt .iltiKrli. Whllo visiting this country Dickons ono mornliiK reerlvl n lottcr, purporting to lmvo been written by 1111 Knullsh laburlnit innn (Hid tils wlfo, In which in roiiKli phraseology they stated tlmt thoy hoard n Brent ileal rupet-tlnK tlio Ivnuti. til hooks tiu Imd written mid the. Rood ho imd dono for "hh joor folks" nml asked liii purmls sloii to iinmo their llttlo hnhy boy after ldni, promising to so cducntu htm tlmt lie might lllliy npprocmiu wiu wurjB m i" IHMellst . DIckenR sent n reply stntlnr Mint lie wm l jiroiul to know that his name, had been conferred on the, child in recollection of hU writings nml wishing that tho little ono might become all that his parents hoped to md him, lidding that if ho could over learn that ho had been the means of iiwakenlng In tlio little ono any new lovo for his fellow creatures nnd n desire, to help thorn with his sympathy ho should feel much pleasure, in the knowledge. This ilrt letter, it appears, was merely n subU-rfuge mi tlio part of the son of nn olllcor in tho army who wns dcslrons of obtaining tho autograph of the novelist for his collection. J Jo wns ashamed of tho mean trick he played uixm Dickons, but from It he gained afar higher npproclntion of tho uhnrnrter of tho writer thnn ho oth erwise might have had. Kxehango. Gasoline, Oil, Wagon Grease, Gasoline, Oil Stoves. We make a specialty of gasoline, 6o cents in five gallon lots, delivered. Mica and U. S. axle grease. Also headlight oil, 150 fire test. ECLIPSE OIL. COMPANY, No H3 KitHt Coal Stieet, PhennmUmh, lVniia Mull orilt'f iirnmittW uttimlril to. EXTRA ! The Huston I .ictory Shoe Store just received a big line of boots and shoes from a Boston shoe factory. This enables then) to sell cheaper than anybody in this u- nn. Here are a few prices : lien's solid leather shoes, from oc up ljullus' " ' " " 90c up Children's solid leather shoes, 25c up We have also received a big line of boots which nobody can beat in prices. We sell miner's boots and shoes cheaper than any body in town. We guarantee our shoes as the best solid leather shoes, and are unlike some stores who are selling paper shoes instead of leather. Come In anil Hxamlne Our Prices and Goods BOSTON 27 Sooth Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. I. SPONT, PROP. FOUR HOOKS ABOVE POST 0PHCK. We Test Eyes Absolutely Free. We examine nnd test tlie eves In a scientific way, and jjivc exjiert advice free to fill. And where plassej nre found to be ab)ltitcly necessary we make them to fit nccumtelj to the sight, nose ana lace. And we aiso nirii isli them at reasonable urices. We gnarantee each pair of spectacles to give entire satisfaction, we are huimiuu they Trill pleaie you in every respect, by wonderfully improving the sight and np.iear unce, Thos. Buchanan, OPTICIAN, 118 S. Mail. Street. BEST LINE OF" GROCERIES, FLOUR, FEED, HAY ud HTKAW. Floor and Table Oil Cloths, 1 circa Tills modern malady has bocomo dreaded not more for its direct fa tality than for the weakm-as of body and mind it leaves behind it. Prolonged debility, permanent pros tration, melancholy and suicide fol low La Grippo. For litis disease there i3 no remedy superior to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. "Tho test remedy (or la grippo that 1 know of Is Ayer's Cherry Pectoral." Kev. JOHN K. CHARE, South Hampton, N. II. "My ulfo and five children wern taken down with la grippo, whllo the dkiMsa i.asso widely provnlont. I dosed them with Ay.r'g Cherry Pectoral, and before using quite two buttles my f.imily was lostored to health. I know of suveral obstinate cases of the eamo complaint which were also cured by this r.mody." 1. l'AUMINTIT., Taulotte, Miss. " I wni curod of la grippe by tho mo ol Ayer's Cherry 1'ectoral." c. s. TnoMrsoN, Pub. "Signal," West Kurmington, 0. i3 put up in half-aize bottles at half price 50 conts. LINCOLN'S JOKE. linn-Hp 1'lvi il tin, l:i'KiiinllillIty l'or tlii I.o8 of llurperV I'Vrry. I'resident Lincoln's Jokes, especially when perpetrated In connection with grave matters, usually had a purpoM) In them. After Ia-o Imd taken Harper's Kerry tho president, realizing how gieat a calamity It was to the northern arms, determined If possible to tlx tho responsibility for tho loss of the important position. Ilalleok was summoned, but did not know where the blame lay. "Very well," paid Lincoln, "I'll ask General Hehenck." Tho latter could throw no light upon tho question, further tlmn to say that ho was not to blame. Milroy was the next to be called to the pre-ence of the commander in chief and to enter a plea of "not guilty." Hooker was next gl en a hear ing, and Fighting Joe made a ery em phatic disclaimer of all responsibility. Then the presldont assembled the four generals in his room and said tothoni: "fieiitloiiien, Harper's Ferry was surren dered nnd none of you, It seems, is re sponsible. I am very anxious to discover tho man who is." After striding across tho room several times the president sud denly threw np his bowed head and ex claimed: "I liavo it! I know who Is re sponsible" "Who, Mr. I'resident; who is It?" asked tho distinguished quartet as they lookod finxlous, If not troubled. "(iontlomon," said tlio president, with n meaning twlnklo in Ids eyo, "General Leo is tho man." There was a lack of mirth In the langh created, ami tho four generals took their departure with a determination that they would not again bo placed under suspi cion. Detroit Froo Press. Itediired Kates to TtOiton. On account of thomecting of thoSoveieign (irand Lodgo, I. (). O. F., at Boston, Mass., September 10 to 21, lS'.lS, the Pennsylvrnia U iilro td Company has arranged to soli excur sion tickets September 10 to 21) inclusive, fiom all ticket stations on its line, to Ho: ton. at rate of single faro for the round trip. Tickets will bo good to return until Sept. 111 bci HO, 18!)s., inclusive, when p'opcrly stamped liy the Joint Agcn' Annual Soles overO, 000,090 Eoxos FOR BILIOUS AND NEBV0US DISORDERS such as Wind nnd Tain in the Stomneli, Giddiness, Fulness nftor meals, Head ticho. Dizziness, Drowsinoss. Flushings ot Heat, Loss of Appetlto, Costivcness. lilotchcs on tho Skin. Cold Chills. Dis turbed Sleep. Frightful DroamB nnd nil Nervous and Trembling Sonsatlons. THE PIRST DOSE WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. Every BUfforer will acknowlodgo them to bo A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. Iir.r.CHAM's Pills. taken ns direct ed, Vllqulckly rostoro Fomnlos to com ploto health. They promptly romovo obstructionaorirrosulorities of tho sys tem unit euro Melt liesulnclic. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN, WOMEN OR CHILDREN Boecham's Pills aro Without a fiva! And have the LARCEST SALE Ofar;)-Patent Mr-illrliic In the World, 25c. at all Drug Stores. hm Peciorai Our Fall and m:' and see it while wc: are opening the cases and Every niece is all-wool, well made, and offered 'Conic in business. s an area of nearly half a block, and every fooj of it is occupied by the stock of novelties in children's clothing which we have just bought. Just visit our store and see how with clothing stylish, up-to-date Clothing for Men, Youths, Hoys nnd Chh1tcn, and all offered at prices challenging all competition. The prices are marked in on every piece, and from thqss prices we take off the 10 per cent, which we get from the wholesale louscs on account of being large buyers. The public gets the benefit of Whenever you leave your hbiue with the intention of buying clothing always keep your mind on the fact that the largest clothing house in the county, the one carrying the of clothing and the place where you can get the best bargains for the least money is the , - - ment occupic: it is crowded plain figures our rebate. largest stock POTTSVILLE COURT. I lie Mills of .ItOillrc' inn (liltidlng Jltt. Hl- IhKly Pint Thl 'lei 111. llerniird Duulavoy and John Oitscy, rosl- j detiti nf Ashland, were convicted of assault nrd battery on Amelia Hancock, of Gordon, 11 young lady of 21 years of ano. l.ut on tho second count, the nttcmpt to ravish, the jury ncitultted them of that charge. They were sentenced to pay $10 line, costs nnd six months lnprim,mnciit. Trunk Weiss, convicted of larceny, must pay $11) flue, costs and sorve six months. John liowcrswill be tiled 011 the charpe of murdering Frank Yntsklmky next Monday. l'.d. Titus was prosecuted by his wlfo for ilrnTtlnii and t.nn support, and must appear In court next November if n settlement Is nut reached before that thno. Thco. Fredericks, convicted of larceny, on oath of Mary J. Itellly, was sentenced by Judge licchtcl to pay a fine, of $.r, costs and three months. ltohcri alynsky, larceny, ou oath of Charles Oallereas; sentenced to pay $10 line, costs and IK) days from commencement. In (he casoof Wm, 11. Moyor, of Mahanoy City, charged with a. and b. to ravish Annie Augalls, a verdict of not guilty, defendant to lwiy tho costs was rendered. Tlio Judges hi tho Lyon-Dunn contest court are holding secret sessions In looking up the tigures from the various districts in order to arrive at a conclusion as to who has been elected to tho olllco of Orphans' Court Judge. I homas Evans, of Mahanoy City, was di rected by Judgo Koch to pay $2 per week for the support of his daughter nnd give security for tho payment. Jehu Douglass pleaded guilty to a charge of assaultnnd battery with intent to kill . J 11 dee Ilechlol spoke of tho enormity of tho cilino and Its conse'iuences. Douglass was sentenced to pay a line of $100, costs of prosecution and tiireo and one half years in t lie Schuylkill county prison. A true bill was found in the case of Ann Llouollvn against John and Jane Davis, on iv charge of forcible ontry and detainer. Sunday I'm-iii-hIoii. The last one-day excursion to Atlantic Clty'.vla Heading railway will ho on Sunday next, 11th Inst. Train leaves at S:l a. m Fare $2.50 11 r'Gt Leg llrokell. John Krotczak, n miner employed at the I'.llangowau, colliery and residing in town had his left leg fractured and abdomen severely contused by a fall of coal yesterday afternoon. His condition is not very ffiioiis. He was taken to tho Mineis' hospital. Ask your grocer for the "Royal Patent flour, and take 110 other brand. It is tho best llotir made tin: i.APir.s. The pleasant effect and perfect safety with which ladies may uso Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, make it their favorite lemcdy. To get tlio truo and genuine article, look for the name of tho California Fig Syrup Co. printed near tho bottom of tho package. For sale by all druggists. psrguson's Theatre. One Solid Week Commencing' ill SEPT. 12, ELMER E. VANCE'S Comedy Company I'roiUicin a scries of grand scenic productions never before seen nt 10, 20 and 30c. Monday evening the gieat realistic railroad comedy drama, WITH run wonohk BEATRICE. Limited TUIiSDAY, Patent Applied For." Free ! - Free ! 20,000 Flags to be )Now We Have Them. Given Away ',nc To purchasers Fancy Striped Hose offcoods to amount In ladies' aud cbil of 5 cents and over, A dren's sizes. They from one of the finest ia M seamless and , , ... -IB the patterns are the nnd cheapest lines of -A fincs; jn (() bc notions, toys, &c. had. - fO" TL. ll..,.. - I lie ncnc.i III fancy hand work fcr tidies, mats and table scarf of Batlenberjr Laces. We lue a full line of the Pattc r n s , kings, I.ares nnd Thread. The ma terial is very cheap. We Sell A The genuine J. celebrated llcmin (9 way I '.mb r o i d e r y (n Silks at three cents a . skein. We also keep la large line of the ft Corlicelli, lleldinc's .and llcmin way's (j, Knitting Silks. Horgan's Fancy Bazar, S3 North INlaln Street. s. Great Mammoth PITHY POINTS. 1 niioc .TIinniKlioiit Hit Coiinlij ( hroolcli'il lor IIh.Ij IV men I. Shenandoah will pull n light volo this fall. Tho lieadlng hallway Is shott of freight and coal cars. Some men never respect tho things they are unable, to understand. Tho Free Silver Club of Foastvlllo will hold n picnic 011 Satmday. (leorgo W. Davis, tho Ccntralla druggist bus been appointed tax colli ctor by thecouit. Mr. and Mrs (1.1). Kalcr have ictuiiiid from Atlantic City to their homo in Mahanoy City. Many Shenandoah people will go to Fiee land on Saturday to encourage the old "Vets." According to oculists, poor window glass is responsible for eyo strain, ou account of the faulty refraction. Tho Justices Association will meet In l'ottsvlllo next Monday and elect a delegate to the stato convention. A steam wreck ear has arrived at Mahanoy Plane, and tho wrecking crew nt that place Is now better able to meet emergencies. The ollicials of Mt. Carinel are not pleased with the new truck ordered for tho Hook and Ladder Company. It Is loo light, Tho coal and Iron pollco aro busy probing Into tho robbery of a ear at llnck Mountain which was reported Monday night. They have recovered many of tlio articles which were hidden in tho creek by the robbers. The $ 1,701) bonds Issuod by the lioaidof West llaalcton some weeks ago have all been disposed of at a premium of $1 per hundred. Don't delay a mlniito. Cholera Infinitum, dysentery, diarrhoea comes suddenly. Only safe jdan Is to have Dr. Fowler's Extinct of Wild Strawbony always on hand. Muiiy jllarrlaue I.Iciiich. As an indication that there are prosperous times ahead, it might bo stated I'cKister Kicso has i.sued dnriiiR the present yiar bi)U licenses to marry, which is a pirtty uond showing. Ycstciday tho following weie is-ucd : John tl. Schad, of Mahanoy J vp , and l.llcu I!. White, of Malmmy City ; I'lanklin Diy and I.innie Juno Tnmt, bolli of Taimi.ua. I .ret l'lret Viral Insure your property fiom loss in the oldest and stiongcst cash companies i l'hila" Underwriters Insurance Co. of North America and l'lro Association, llaitford I'lro Ins Co., American Hire Insurance Co., Westchester Kiro !n. Co., United Firemen's Ins. Co. T. T. Williams, 1S3 S. Jardlli St., Shenandoah. Miirrh.gn License Tax. Itevcnuo Collector McClaiu, uf Philadel phia, has advised County hegisters that a teu-euiit stamp must be attached to maniago cerllllcates by the pcison performing the marriage, lieietofoie tlio ilcgistcrs hac collected this tax in their olllics when issuing the license. Had blood and indigestion nio deadly enemies to good health, llurdoek lilood Hitters destroys thom. DAVISON, THE FURNITURE AND Queen ClNDERflfef lZi DEALER II jreby makes Ills fall an nouncement to those who Intend to purchase n stove or range for the winter. We have nlreadj- sold a quantity of them, and will continue to increase our sales M'liy? IlecuiiHe wc ate new beginners ami wish to establish a Kood trade by kIvIiik you full value fore-cry dollar you Invest. We call special attention to oar "Queen Cinderella Hiiiiko" of which the ubiive cut Is n correct fae-olmilu It lins six cooklliK biilvs, made with lire box at either right or .left hand end. All the Intcht Imiirovements all tho best ideas, rmir.ibco Uijis. I.aiKO blub ovens, thorouKhly ventilated, ltcmnvable nlc-kcl door jilate with broiuu metlallon. The side shelf, oven door kicker, shaker handle nnd knobi nre nickel plated. Duplex or triplex wrnte, that can ho removed nuil replaced without dis'iirhlliK the lfulnjs. Direct draft damper. Larue nh pan. (,'ut loiiu centre. Id owed cover. Kite libit or east Iron liuloKs. Highly pollnheil edses. l''oIdiiiK nickel towel rml. Sold and Guaranteed at Davison's BUSY . FURNITURE , AND . STOVE , STORK, 121-123 North MaliiSt. -&S5 Winter Stock of Clothing ms NOW get the first chance to make selections. We have thi.s fall a better line of clothing than we have ever, had since we started for little money. There can bc no trouble in getting a fit, as we have plenty of suits in all sizes. Our Children's Depart- THIS WKATH1.K. Tho forecast for Friday: Fair to partly cloudy, slightly warmer weather and fresh westerly to southwesterly winds, followed by local thunder storms, Dentils nnd I'liiivrals. J.lllr, the t8 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John O'lleam, of Now Philadelphia, died Tuesday night. Shown. about to becomo a member of tho Sodality. Tho fiinor.il will take placo to-morrow morning. lluuy J. Moyor, an old resident and foimer Jtillcr of the l'eaco of Frackvlllo, died last night after an Illness of several weeks. He left a largo family of adult children, Airs. Jacob lllhlenhrandt, of West l.lnyd street, Is ono of the ileceaed's daughters. . 11k Is I'nliirtiinnte, Samuel Rosenthal, a woll known young Hebrew of Uazletnn, Is qulto unfortunate Only last week bo nearly lost ono of his eyes by a kick from a horso nnd yostorday, wns driving along a highway when his horse bo c.ime I'llghlcned at an approaching trolley car. 1 lie animal negan 10 oacK, aim a mo ment later tlio wagon went over the em bankment, throwing Itoscnthal out, and diiectly under tho horso s hoof. The horso immediately resorted to hU kicking pro clivities, and struck the unfortunate young man 011 tho left leg, causing u compound frai'turo. A litllo life may be saciifiecd ton sudden attack of croup If you don't havn Dr. Thomas' IVlctric Oil 011 hand for tho cmeri'oiicy. Horbil tlntherlng. There was n very enjoyablo social gather ing at the resldenco of Mr. and Mrs. Janios Cuogan, on West Coal street, last evenine. Vocal and instrumental music, dancing nnd addresses were among thooveuts of tho even ing and refreshments woro sorved. Tho JIahan children, Koso nnd John, rendered several dilhYult violin duets. Among tho guests wero Misses l'lla and Annlo Urophy, of llrnoklyu, N. Y ; Miss Annlo Lawler, of Ashland; Miss Theresa Kelly, of Philadel phia ; Miss Ibi.o Mahan, and .Messrs. 1. H. Foley, Patrick Murphy, Joseph Murphy, Patrick and Thorn-is Conville, John J. Shore. John Malum, Thomas Itrophy, Mr. Mahan and Dr. V. N. Stein, of town. All kinds of vegetables and flowor seeds, and plants at Payne's nurseries, (lirardville. I-lectric ruin pass tho door. ii-0-tf MISCELLANEOUS. IM)U SAt.K ---Two pool tr1lt' in pooit coiull ' ttmi. Can lm liouwlit very renniiiiljli Ai jily tn Antliony Sch tn inker, IiW South Mnln wtrrrt. tf IOHT. Kslrayod from tho jirt'inlneii, iil'J 'vt J Coal Htri'ct, on Hunilay, tho 1 1 It Inst,, A pup. ajji'tl jihnut H iiionth. Color l whito Uth libH-k Hp)t, ami tin- rar4 have a tirown tint. Huitabti t'wml will Ik' nivun llndvr by return ing tatiK' to ahovo aihlic. U-fi-Kt FOK HAM1 A ahialiIo pronerty, (hvcllliip: Iioum' nml ht.ihle. in (lenlialilo Itcatioii. Kor fiuther pnrtlculaiK, apply to Sirs, ter, W W'ct Centre troet. JoHopli (inn 0-5-lw 1AOU SAIiK. -A lot f houeholil jjoods, In 1 cliuliu; parlor, Bltttu loom ami hod room fiirnMiinK'.. sewlnR puielilne, etc. Will ho nolil at a s.ierillee. Also noino mining mnehlneK. Apply at;m South Jarilln t-treet. U-o-at N'OTU'K. Di'wiiahlo propeitleri for sale. Ai ply to .s. J. iM. llollopeter, attorney, henallloah, K-31-tf 1 l? talnhiK 13 comfortnhlo rooms on South Malnntreet. I.ovatetlln tho huslnets portion. I!t'u4tm:il)le terms. Call at Hkkald otlUo. H-'J-lni FOR HATjK. A vatiiuMe propeity on West Centre Htroct, ilwclltiig houe, ami all eon veiileneeH In (leslrahlo location. Apply to Tiium.w TohIi, for further particulars. o-JMf 4 lMINISTUATOH'S NOTICK.ItterH of ailmlnlstratlon on tho utato of Jm oh Lamlifr. latoof North Union towuuhfp, .Schuyl kill eountv, Pa , tleeeased, have heen Kcauteil to Wm. II .N'uiiKt'feTt iehtHi)(x at RliiKtown, I'a,, to whom all perMons lutlehteit to wild estate nre irqui'iti il to maUn payment, anil thoso having etaiutK or ih-mandi will make known tho mimo w Ithout delay. or to m ii, iuN(irHrR, K. (. JI. llin.MU'irrizu, Att'y. AilmlnlMrator. Auk- a, Ih't. Wi-l't-lWZ-YJ FOR SALE. A Knrm. I.oenteil nhotit one mll from Itluutowu. OoiitalnlnK nhout:i7 aeriH, dwelling anil all neeeHiry huihlIiiKH Cheap and on easy terinx. Apply to A. J 1'lumiM, Attorney, 101 West Mntket hIm i t, 1'olUvMlr, or to T It. JteUtlall, Hhcuaniloah. Alo all that certain leasehold, Httuatu nt Xn, 12i"i Wiht Coal Htieer, In Vtt Mahanoy town Htitp. A f;ooil harKiiln ami cheap T. It. IlKDDAI.r., Corner Main anil Centre streets, 8.12-1 in hhenauiloah, Ia. PROPOSALS FOR SUPPLIES Olllee of the Stato Hospital for injured person of the Anlhraclto Coal IU'K'onof Puuiiflylvaniu. I-'ouutaln HprlnK,J. l'enna. Sealetl and miirlced ''proposals for supplIeM" for the St ile llimpital fcr injured rerpon of tho Authiaelto Coal Kenton of lN iniMyl vanla, will bo reeeUed hy the Hoard of Trustees up to and including tho twentieth day of October, A. 1), 1KUS, for furnishing oread, meats, proeerles. lrup4, iduhIIih, frultK, veKetahles, lev, feet), coal &e., for the year ending December Hint, lhfj The Jloam of Trustees rcnervo the right to re ject any orTUI biiN. A Hchedule of tho articled and probable amount of each required, jvlll he luiiilslieil ou application Aiiure.ii, ,1. (J. IJumi.i:, Sup't State Honitnl, iMUiinain wprin(H, I'enna For Sale. Valuable Shenandoah prop erty, centrally located on Oak street, with all modern conveni ences, store room and dwelling. Ifor further information apply at this office. 9-2-ini HERE. Clothing PERSONAL MENTION. J, W. Meyer spent last evenliiR in Ashland Jacob lllldetibraiidt visited lolallves at Frackvlllo to-ilny. Assessor Thomas lircnnan made a trip to l'ottsvlllo this morning. Policeman Michael Hurloy transacted busi ness at tho county seat to-day. Letter Carrier John M. Hock's family was ttitrraM- bv the arrival of a sou. I J. J. llradlgan yesterday moved his family I from South J.irdlu to West Cherry street. Hurry Itudduck, of Palmyra. N, J , Is vis iting nt tho resldenco ot William Jell'erson, 011 South Jardlu strcet. Wedding Holts. George Schod, of Colos, and Mlsi Ella White of Mahanoy City, will bo married In tho Gorman Lutheran church at tho latter placo ln-nllit. Miss Maggie Stewart, daughter of Charles M. Stewart, of Frackvlllo, foreman of Mah anoy l'lano, will bo married ou Wednesday nest to Harry It. Scott, of Pottsvllle, sou of formor Shcrlir Scott. Tho ceremony will be performed nt tho homo of tho bride's parents by Itov J.J. lleuchler, pastor of tho Fiack villo I.vangellcal church. Door Tender Injured. Uaphacl McKernan, a bright young sou of Poter McKernan, of McAdoo, employed nsa door tender In the Audourlod No. 11 slope, was painfully Injured In tho region of the hips yesterday. He was struck by a chtito and knocked under the trip, being dragged a distance bofoio tho cars could bo stopped. Ills escapo from having his legs sovcicd vas miraculous, considering that 0110 was ahead of tho wheel. Huso Itilll, Tho released playors of tho doctors' and druggists, base hall team of town will play a game at Ashland to-morrow. smmmrmtrnfflimmnrmmm 10 PER CENT. REDUCTION Is what we are allowing all pttvcliasers to the amount of 1.00 and over at our new place f23 EAST CENTRE STREET. Our slock is larger and our means to eater to our fiiends are per fect. We can now please the most fastidious. gmS. BLOCK, CLOTHIER AND GENT'S FURNISHER. --A BIG SENSATIONS Is being caused in f own by the Factory Shoe Store In the manner they arc underselling their competitors. It i5 certainly the cheapest place iii town lo buy Hoots, Shoes, Hats, Cups and (Icnl's Furnishing Goods Here are a few prices: Men's nnd l.ndies' tan shoes, were $ 1. 7$ and 51.50, now 90C ; those at fr.75 and f 2.00, now $1.25; Men', gum boots $2.10; Hoy's WoonsocUet boots, $1.95 ', Men's $3.5 Duck booh, $2.50 ; Ladles' shoes, 80C and up, New Factory Abo. Lcvlnc, Prop. Beware of close Imitations of Ihe name of I IKE ORKIN, Jewelry, Silverware, Musical No. TEUAIINUS OP THO We are again doing business at the old stand, with our former large stock of goods. Mr. Orkin is still in attendance and is conducting the business. He invites all his former patrons to call and pay hhn a visit. The stock consists of a complete line of jewelry and musical instru ments. The prices are the feature of the store ; they are within reach of every purchaser. Repairing a specialty. Before you buy elsewhere call and see our stock aud get prices. No trouble to show goods. We have polite salespeople. House, tttihn Globafer RHEUMATISM IfEUKALGIA aal t!aiilar Complaint., ai,a pit'imna uaui r tlio tirinncnt GEnMAH MEDICAL LAWS. prescribed by eminent physician! nn niniiTcn'c "(. n iiimn Wr.rlil I-nnnwriCil I Ilrmfirlraltlv sup CRMffnl I Only gcniilno Willi Trade Mark" Anchor,' r. Ail. lilchtcrA Co., 215 1'rnrlSt.,. Kew .orl 31 HIGHEST AWARDS. 13 Branch Honses, Own Qlassworks. aitWcu. Lnuorsuu c rucounacnucu 117 A. Vasley, 106 H. Main St., 0, II. Ilacenbnch, 103 N. Main St, P.P.D. Klrlin, 6 S. Main St Shenandoah. DR. RICHTCITQ ANCII01t KTOItlAtJlIATi host 1 Coll, lHspppwIr-fcHtOHlllcp C'omplillnlw. 1 DRINK- CI.IvARY'S KXTRA I'INK QUALITY -GINGER ALE, - Superior Sarsaparilla... aud Oranxe Cliampajrne. Shoe Store, V S. INlaln St. our store, but look for the rljrht place. EDUCATED and ARTISTIC TASTES In wall paperR ami Jecoiations Is one- nt thu nineteenth eentury uceonipUHliments. That if why tl.ime who select their wall paper at OAKDIN'H pet fneli tUIlRlitful results. It Iwn't neceHHary to purchase tho expenslvo Kraden, I ho deniii and colorH are Just an artlstto In tlut cheaper Km'h.'H If they an not no tleh. Kor those who wNh to Ueeorato their roomwlth artistlu wiill pupiTH u' to J. P. CARDEN, 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Ia Instruments, Optical Goods. llv C. 3 1 Mfsz.wjmry 1 S3 South tVlaln Street. SCHUYLKILL TRACTION COHI'ANY'S RAILWAY". j.. goldin, pr0P. i w B. Foley, 37Wtre Bt. 5S 9 8c 11 SOUTH MAIN STREET, SHENANDOAH, FEIN N A.