The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 07, 1898, Image 2

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I'nhltalietl every KvcnlnK.Kicont Sunday, l
H HotJTH .UmilS HfKKKT, Nltilt (.'KNI UK.
The llriitit t id iliiiiiiHl.i'imiidoti ml tlio
r k rt eek, luiy
So Snya Mrs. Mnry RoohluLte of
Llndon, Naw Jorsay, In i iln
Lottor to Mrs. Pliikham.
niil. in ili. inn., if Hymn s.1.00 yir, or jo
cetlt a montli, utyli1e III mil mice. Ailvrwv
......... ..i... I .11 1,1. In. nam Aim lioilllon,
r. ....r. n. Hiit iu chance tin-
litwllltm of eilvorllM'inent. whenever Ilia l'i'l- j
i'tMlo'1 ol newa ueinniito" hitlliu
ieer'W to ijt"Tny y ' '
imlil for or not, laat tlie imlilNlierii limy deem AUvertlMng mien mixJc known
Ilium Hppllrfltloil. , , ,..
Entered ii tlx iotofflec t Shenandoah, r..
teeolitl clan limll matter.
"I was liothoml with a lloiv which
would In- qulto iinnoylntf at tiuu'H, itml
tit otliiTH would almost
" I usi'd invsorl'.iilousKui ii mo liy my
jiliysluitin, but tin
'All the News That's FN to Print."
Evening Herald
WBDNKSUAY. Hr.tTi:Mitr.i; 7. lSHS.
of ulTuirs
" AfUr a
ttmn 1 was
taken with
u lloodlnn;,
lliat I iu
oliHm-d to
Uocp til V horl.
rinally, In
rtKV' I
mi x
First, Last and Forever.
TaI.UIN'O alii'iit ftiii'8, they urn JilMt
tilt tiling for tin- luilitiiiul dead liciit
uml diort;ditel stutuMiieii.
IT tuluiM a j;reat deal of lt'mir to
qualify n lU'inoi'rutii! editor to write
iinytliine; about the uilvitiico of more
prosperous times.
TlIK express companies at Olilourjo,
against whom pro-t'outioiis were en
tered, have decided to bear the ex
pense of the uar tax instead of re
quiring the public to Mump oiinijn-nieuts.
WllKN Alualiiiiii Lincoln ran for
reelection in 1SII4 the J)eiuociatie
nlatfonii pronounced the war a
failure. There have been later indi
cations that the Democratic party Is
a pour Judge of war.
On the score of magnanimity, in
view of the fact thatthere is likely to
be noi'undidate to oppose Mr. Mniniiii
in the convention, it might bo well to
allow him to name the entire Repub
lican ticket, anil also elect it.
TlIK weather man says we are to
have cooler weather, but he evidently
did not take into consideration the
fact that the Republicans hold their
convention on Monday. It will bo
ton-id in that immediate vicinity.
Wk are in receipt of a copy of this
year's edition of SiiiiiU'h Hand .Book,
which is now beingdistribtited. It is
larger and much better than former
editions, and the cost to the stnte is
$10,000 less than in former years. This
is a surprising feature.
TlIK Republican ounty convention
will be held on Monday, and it is to
be hoped that the delegates will make
xi-j mistake in the personnel of the
ticket, l'arty success demands that
acceptable men bo placed upon the
ticket as the party's standard-bearers.
TlIK indications point to the noiu
Inatiun of Charles A. iSnvtler for the
Coiitrollership. He has made an efll
cient olllcial: knows neither friend nor
foe in the transaction of public busi
ness, and under his able management
the Controller's olllco has undergone
many needed improvements.
despair, I "ffi8sS
gave up my doc SJjS
lor, mid bi''im I
taking your medi
cine, and liuvu certninly been greatly
iioiiollU'tl by its Use,
"liydlaK. l'hiklmm's Vegetable Com
pound has indeed been a friend to me.
" 1 am now able to do my own work,
thanks to your wonderful incdi. '.no. 1
was as near death I believe as 1 could
he, so weak that my pulse scarcely beat
and my heart had almost given out. I
could not have stood it one week more,
I am sure. I never thought 1 would
be so gru(cfnl to any medicine.
" I shall use my inlluence with tiny
one MiiTerlng as 1 did, to have them
use Ii.vdia K. l'inkliam's Vegetable
Kvery woman that is puzzled about
her condition should secure the sympa
thetic advice of a woman who under-
Mumls. 'Write to Mrs. rnikliam at
l.ynu, and tell her your ills.
Siiiliten Deatli In a Driiir store.
New Yoik. Sept. 7. Mis. Frank
Hoyleston, of .Iiichsonvllle. Kin., wife of
a traveling salesman, died suddenly In
a drug stole on Ilniadwiiy yesterday.
She staKReied Into the store nnd In a
clinking voice ciled to the soda foun
tain eletk: "Km- Hod's sake give me
pome ammonia, quickly." The woman's
face was as white as death, and she
seemed to lie In aRony. The clerk told
her to go to the rear of the store. The
woman staggered toward some scats,
and when almost there fell unconscious
Into the arms of a physician, who was
In attendance at the drug store. In
three minutes afterwards the woman
was dead. It Is said that Mrs. lioylcs-
ton had been an Invalid for some time,
and had Just returned to New Yark
from the White Mountains.
lionily to Heirtn Ills Duties on
I'orto ttleo I'oiiniilssliiu,
Kan Juan de I'orto ltlco, Hppt, 7. The
United States tiam-port Seneca, enrry- j
lug Item- Admiral W. S. Schlev nnd j
HllgB',.ler (ieiiernl W. V. Cloidnn, of
the I'm to lth-o mllltory commission,
arrived In the hiulior Monday night,
hut did not enter until yi stprday morn
ing. Th.' United males prntrcted emitter
New Orleans, which Is lying iu the har
bor. Hied mi admiiHl's salute of 1'
, guns. The Hpnlilsh minbont Isabel B
1 rurida lesponded with 13 guns, rliere
upi.ii the New uileans xei the .Spanish
Hag at the peak and saluted It with 13
A hunt immediately put off from th
New I M leuiis to the Seneen and look
Admiral fVhley aboaid. As he went
over the steamer's side her passengers,
among whom he laid become exceeding
ly popular, gave tluee cheers and a
"tlKer." Une miiu In his enthusiasm
yelled "Hurrah for the next president."
Admiral Schley was nlven an enthusi
astic leceptlon on hoard the New Or
leans. The Seneca brought also the postal
commission, "0 nurses and six contract
surgeons. There are 13 postal clerks
with the commission for the various
stations. The commissioners will make
an Investigation Into the pnstnl system
of the Island nnd ropoit to Washington.
The Seneca proceeded to Ponce yes
terday afternoon. Paymaster Arthur,
who is on board, has a million dollars
for the troops.
About 4 o'clock General Ilrooke ar
rived from his headquarters at lllo
I'iodras, and the three commissioners,
all of whom are outranked by Captain
Celiernl Mileias, made a call of cour
tesy upon lilin.
T ..'unjoin spanNIi I'rlsnnern.
Madrid, Sept. 7. The cabim-i has nu
ihoiized the foreign minister, Uuk'
Almodovnr de l!li, to neeotlaie with
the Philippine Instil gents to ransom the
ri.OOn Spanish pilsoners now In their
I anils, and il has In en decided to trans
mit money h Manila for that purpose
and for the re'le f the Spanish troops,
wlii -h are urgently In n i"1 of funds.
Beware of Olntnents for Catarrh that con
tatn Mercury,
in mercury ulll surely destiny tin- mmisi- of
Hiiu-u mm eonipitic'iy ut-i-nnKe mr mm- -..m.
uliOII I'IIIitIiIL' it 1 1 1 11 111 11 1 till' IlllKOU- Hill fllll'S
Suili nrtlclca should never be used ei rpt
prescriptions rroni reputulilu ili.v-ii'inn-. "s un
diun.'U.'o tlicy will ilo Is tfii fold to Hit' good you
cuu possibly derive from tlii'in. Ilnll's latmili
Uilrt. in.uiuraciuii'ti ny r. ,i. t in-iu .v ,.,
letlo. ()., iiintaiiis no niertuiy, nml Is taken in
ternally, netlng directly upon the blood nml
lnui'ous..urlaet'HOl inettysiuni. iiiimi.viiik ii"" -Cutnrrli
('lire be silro you get the genuine. It is
taken internnlly, antl iniule in Toledo, Ohio, by
! . ,1. utieney .v i ti. -l estinioniais tree.
Solil liy wruggisiy, pnee ,j e. per mime.
I Don't wear your working apron all the 'la
' tjr time it's a sign of poor management. Do
rMTT and you can chatlRC your working clothes for resting J3
SBiLijr clotlics early in the day. It saves time, work and TOyf J
CTlCrv worry, largest package -greatest economy. jOtffflft
WM F- ti'e K- W"'K t'OMIMNV, niKyJiil
icl? CL1CUS0' limmM
IsliS-wviw. . .mranmj&m
TlIK live store doesn't always ad
vertise and more's the pity--but
cobwebs and dirt aro sure to indicate
that the proprietor doesn't advertise.
There will be n lively scramble after
business this fall, and the man who
hustles the most will likely get the
best of the fight.
Tbe -intra Will (.'oiitiwt.
San 1'Yaiiclseo, Sept. 7. The expected
contest of the will i.f Adolph Sutro was
filed yesterday. Kdgar 13. Sutro, one
of the six children, reptesents the fam
ily In nil endeavor to have the will set
aside. The most Important allega
tion in the potition Is to the effect that
the deceased millionaire was of un
sound mind at the time of the execu
tion of his will. May Ti, 18S2, and so
remained to the day of Ills death. The
contestant charges that Sutro died Intes
tate: that the will was neither written,
dati d nor signed by the hand of Sutro;
that the document was not witnessed
by the parties whose names are sub
hcilbed thereto, and that the will, after
its alleged execution lty Sutro, was revoked.
How to Look Good.
fJooil looks aie really more than skin dceii
depending entirely on a healthy condition of
nil llic vital organs, u me liver oe inactive,
von have a bilious look ; if your- stomach be
disordered, you have a ilyspcptia look ; if
jour kidneys be atlecteil, you have a pinclied
look. Secure good health, and jou will surely
have good looks. "Electric Hitters" is a good
Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the
stomach, liver and kidneys. Purifies the blood,
cures pimples, blotches and boils, antl gives n
good coaiplt -Mon. Every bottle guaranteed.
Sold at A. Wasley's drug store. 50 cents per
Klieoiinmlntx Iteport I'l'iiin Sniitluso.
Washington, Sept. 7. The most en
couraging leport that has come from
the sick soldiers In Cuba since the ap
pearance of the dreaded fever. In the
judgment of Adjutant Oeneral Coibin,
came to hand yesterday afternoon In
the shnpe of the following telegram
from Mnjor General Lawton, command
ing nt Santiago: "A hundred and Ilfty
convalescents and ot Hers leave today
on the Vlgllancla. Not to exceed 50
sick of the Fifth army corps now re
maining. Ample transportation for
them." The otllclals are encouraged to
hope that at last the tide has turned,
and that from this point on the dis
eases of the camp will be diminished
rapidly at Santiago.
Scratch, scratch, scratch ; unable to attend
to business during tlio day or 3lcep during
tlie ninlit. Itching piles, liorrililo plauo.
Poan's Ointment cures. Xevcr fails, At
any drug storo, SO cents.
Five Dentils i'l'imi neat.
Philadelphia, Sept. 7. There vero
live deaths and many prnstiatlons from
the heat yesterday In this city. The
dead are Margaret riulger, aged 45;
Samuel Jones, aged 13; John McCol
lom, aged tS; Pattlck nice, aged S3,
and William MePhlllliny, aged 10
yenrs. All day long people sweltered
with the thermometer hovering around
?5 degr j mr'. the hurrililty reaching
Leaving lirnail Street sli'.tioii,l'liilailelilila,
at ll:r,r, p. 111. daily, the "Southwestern
I.iiulletl," carrying a (lining car ami the
lsost luxurinii' Pullman drawing room sleep
ing cars, readies Iliiiiiiiiglian the following
night at 10:1(1 antl anives at Memphis the
.r"":- next 1uor.1l.1gat 7:10. Through sleeping cars
Am ltellected by Pealing" In
11I1I11 nml llaltliiioi'e.
Plilhnlolplda Sept. C Flour wenk;
winter superfine, J2.llWi2.ltl; Pennsylvania
roller, dear, $3.20fi H.10; city mills, extra,
f2.7r,f,i3. ltye Hour sold In a small way
at $a.7Wi2.M) per band for choice Penn
sylvania. Win nt weak; No. 2 led, spot
and inontb. i;1,ifrn;a',f. Corn stronger;
No. 2 mixed, snot nnd montli, SWIitfic.;
No. 2 yellow, for local trade, auyfMTc.
nnt. ri, . Nr.. il,t,.. n ffiL,. Mo.
o ...1. it.. ' ..11. ..',...1 90tf,'nv. Tlnv ! for Asliovillo,
quiet, ciiolee timothy. j'lO.rrfWH for largo j Tamp.i, Atlanta, Mobile nnd New Orleans aro
naies. neor steatly; ramuy. jiwwii: e- n60 .ll(.lt.u,d to this train, ruunian roser
rfefl!?' Sa'lnX rnij-tioiHcanbe matlc h, advance and all la
fi15. Pork easy; mess. finiM; abort formation olitahictl by comniuuicatlug witb
clear, 12.75; family, $12.77.1 i:t.Z3. Lard j0im JI. Heal, Disti let Passenger Agent, S3
Savaiiimh, Jackbouvillo,
(4KN. Dl KKIKbl) sns the use of
powder producing smoke isit criminal
waste of life. What about the list) of
coal, causing the sauie state of iillnirs.
Those Congressmen who failed to
urge tlio use of hard coal at tlio
proper time (not 011 tlio ove of an
election) should bo compelled to re
main nt homo mid use a pick mid
shovel the rest of their lives.
To Cure 11 Cold In One. Hay
Tako laxative Itiomo Quinine Tablets. All
driiggWs lofimtl the nioiicv if it fulls to cure.
i. The gcnuhio has L. II. Q. on each
rilljilnos Want Annexation.
Manila, Sept. 7. At a meeting of 20
leaders of the Filipinos of all seetlons,
called to discuss the policy of the Phil
ippine Islands. IS of them were em
phatically In favor of outright annex
ation to the United States and two
were In favor of tho republic. Tho gen.
ernl native opinion Is that it Is best
to adopt United States Consul Will-
lams' suggestion and offer llbernl In
flucements to the Independence factions.
Tub Republican bosses in this
county should profit by the export
ence of their brethren in Allegheny
county, where tho people have ro
vented tin undue meddling by dis
credited political lenders in the nomi
nation of candidates for thojiiilieiary.
Mr liriiiiim nnd his friends are just
now forming combinations and bend
ing their olTorts to secure the defeat
of Judge Koch for nomination as his
own successor. Delegates are being
net up all over the county by tho
llnimiu people, whom thoy can con
trol, with tlio evident intention of
nominating Dave Helming, who is a
standing candidate for, tho judiciary
and who was unsuccessful in securing
the Govornor'B appointment when
the vacancy occurred on the Honeli
It la true, Judge Koch will not detract
from tho dignity of the position by
personally entering the contest for
delegates, hut his frinds are not idle
and tho further fact that tho party
voters 'ire In favor of a non-partisan
judiciary, will see to it that tho
Oovornor's appointment Is endorsed.
TI101 political intrigues of tho Uriiinm
peoplq will not succeed iu this re
spect, because Judge Koch will secure
the nomination without much cITortt
Hog cS s
btlmuUtu' the h to in a eh,
rousttttheliviT curt hHti
lies), lieaiUcht, UlzZltirst
our itomaclii conititutlim
mte. 1'rlce 25 rents, hold by ail druculiti.
Tli only MIU to Uik with llomli RArtnrtH.
Tho Rosv Froshnoss
And velvety noftiieai of tbe ekln is lnr
rUbly obtained hf Ihme wtiu una I'ozlonl'u
Oompleilou Powder.
What Dr. A. i:. Slater Snyn.
llUFl'ALo, N. Y. (ients : rroni my per
sonal knowledge, gained hi observing tlio
cll'ect of your Shiloli's Cure in casus ol ml
valued Consumption. I am prepared to say
it is the iiiotit remarkable licnicily that lia-
ever been brought to my attention. It
certainly saved many from Consumption
Sold by P. I). Kirlhi, and a guarantee.
lu'litinu- llet ween licit Nli and Muh
Milliians M'vurnl "-oldlors Killed.
Candln, Island of Crete, Sept. 7. Oan-
dla Is in a state of anarchy. A col
lision between the Mussulmnns. who
were demonstrating against Kuropean
control, and the Hrltlsh authorities.
who have been Installing Christians as
revenue otllclals, culmlnuted yesterday
In bloody lighting between the Mussul
mans and the Ilrltlsh troops.
ltlotB took place in various parts o;
the city and many have been killed.
When the outbreak was tlercest a war
ship stationed In the harbor began tir
ing shells, with tho result that a por
tion of the city was destroyed by
flames. The greatest confusion and up
roar prevails, and It Is feared that
there -will ho further plllago ana de
The trouble began with the- attempt
of the British military authorities to
Install Christian olllclals. Thev had
nppolnted a council of Internal control
to administer the tithe revenues, and a
detachment of soldiers was ptatloncd
outside tho olllce as a precaution.
A crowd of unarmed Mussulmans
who had been demonstrating against
the Christians nttempted to force an
entrance Into the olllce. Tho Hrltlsh
roldlers tired and wounded several, The
Mussulmans van for their arms, and on
returning attacked the soldiers. Other
Mussulmans spieud rapidly through
tho Christian quarter, giinotlug into
windows nnd setting mnny houses and
ships on lire. It Is reported that sev
erul stildli'is had been killed.
Kx-AmhasHatloi' llayaril'M Condition.
Dedham, Mass., Bopt. 7. Hx-Ambas-sador
Thomas F. lluyard passed a
comfortable day yesterday, being fully
conscious nnd taking nourishment, so
that, while his recovery Is not yet as
sured, It Is consldeied probable.
Ynii Invito tlisaunoiiitinciit when you ex-
iierlineiit. DuWitt's Littlo Karly ltisers aro
iilnusntit. nasv. thorough littlo nills. Thoy
euro constipation and sick headache just as u. n. iiageuoucn
Senator firay For P('iiei)C(iiiiinlHloner
Washington. Sept. 7. It may be said
positively now that Justice White, of
the United States supreme court, has
finally declined tho tender of mem
bershlp In the Spanish-American peace
commission. It Is now understood that
the vacant place on the commission
has been offeied to Senator George
Gray, of Delaware, a member of the
foreign relations committee. Senator
Gray had a loinr conference with tho
president yesterday, tho conference re
latlng partly to the work of tho Can
adlan commission, of which Senator
Gray Is a member, nnd partly to the
peace commission. While the senator
has not dollnlttly Indicated his ac
ceptance of the peace coinmlsslonershlp
It Is regarded as not unlikely that ho
will finally be the 11 1 ft It member of the
weak: western stuamed. Sr.. U). nutter
steady: western creamery, 1 IVy ls'Ac. ; do.
factory, lmudlc; Elglns. lSUc: Imita
tion creamery, lSfHiic. : New York dairy,
I3f17c; do. creamery, llMilKfec.; fnncy
Pennsylvania prlntB jobbing at 21lfi2lc.;
do. wholesale, 20c. Cheese dull; large,
whim. 71411 7:!c. ; smnll. wblto. 7V."i'Hc.;
light skims. (l-iiCVjc; pait skims, RMrflGc;
full sklins. 2Ti2V4c; large, colored, 7VS5i
',c; small, colored, 7Viff7c. Hggs wonk;
western, fresh, l&'4c. Potatoes quiet;
Jersevs, tl.U'ltfil.'S: Long Island, $1.3"
fil.7.1; sweets. Jersey, $2.12'i1i2.50, south
ern, Jl. Tallow dull; city. IVftc;
country, nytCDsc., us to nunllty. retro
loom tiulet; refined. New Yolk, fd.CO;
Philadelphia and Ilnltlmnre. JC. P!; do. In
bulk, $:i.!ij. Itosln steady: strained, com
mon to good, Jl.SOrii 1.3:i. Turpeiitlno
steady at 3(Ki30Vie, nice ilrm: domestic,
fair to oxtra, Siftdflfto.; Japan, nTfcfitliVfic.
Molasses steady; New Orleans, open kot
tle. good to choice, 2Si!i33e. Cabbago
dull; Long Island, $2ffi3.
Ilnltlnioie. Sept. t Flour dull nnd un
changed. Wheat tiulet and lower; spot
and month. We. ; October, WiSiGHc.;
December, 0R$i I'idVkc. ; steamer No. 2 red,
GH'TCPljc; southern, by sample, C0Ti17c.i
do. on grade, ClwTt CCVjc. Corn strong;
spot and montli, 3IHifJ34?jc.; October, 31
fiiSFic: steamer mixed. SIWilfi.TOic.;
southern, white, 3tl35V&c. ; do. yellow,
(T 3Cc. Oats dull; No. 2 white, western,
2Gifi2';MiC. ; No. 2 mixed do.. 2l1i2tVsc. Pyo
dull and lower; No. 2 nearby IV.ic; No.
western. 49c. liny In better demand;
No. I timothy, $10.50611.' drain freights
quieter; steam to Liverpool, per bushel,
2Vad.. September; Cork, for orders, per
quarter, 3s. 2d., September. Sugar strong;
granulated. 5,Eis. Ilutter steatly; fancy
creamery. 10c; do. Imitation. Wiil'c. ; do.
ladle. UTil.'c. ; good ladle, 13c; store pack
ed. 121Hc Kggs Mini: fresh. lMnr,V4c.
Cheese steady; fancy New York, large.
S'ittiSic; do. medium. !!fiSc.; do. small,
8'iBhc. Lettuce. SOe. per bushel box.
Whisky, tl.2!Wil.30 per gallon for finished
goods In carloads; ?1.311'1.3i per gallon for
Jobbing lots.
Live -itock Market.
New Yoik, Sept. II. Hooves dull, cables
slow; live onttle, lOKftlltic, dressed
weight: refrlgerutor beef, Sc. prr lb.
Calves quiet; veals, $5i7.75: no gr.issers
buttermilks sold. Sheep dull; lnmbs
more nctlvo; good stock Ilrm; 3 cars un
sold; sheep, poor to prime, J2.50fil.23;
lambs $l.5O&0; culls, $t. Hogs weak at
Jlfi MO.
Last Liberty, Pa., Sept. 6. Cnttlo nbout
steady; extra. $3.23fi5.40; prime, $:.10'85.20;
common, ?3.50T(3.sii. llogs ruled steady.
Sheep slow: choice, $1.70SjM.7o; common,
$3.2.rifo3.75; choice spring lambs. $.50fi5.73;
common to good, JliiO.M; veal eulves, J,
For Constipation tako Karl's Clover Uoot
Pea. tlio great Blood Purifier. Cares Head
ache, Nervousness, Eruptions on tlio Pace,
and makes the head clear as a bell. Sultl by
P. 1). Kirlln and a guarantee.
Chestnut st.eet, Pliilalclpliia.
next yeau's yacht RACE. "Saved Her Life.
fho InlcHintliiiiiil Contest Will Talto
Plueo III (letoner.
New York, Sept. S.-The committee
3f the New Vork Ynclit ciuii, in
liounclng the conclusion of the nego
.i.i.,.,n c.r tmrl vnr's international
yacht race, wish to particularly draw
pulnlc attention to the net of c"G''e
passed in isii uutier wnu-n i.i-
L a u...v,. 1 lniE power to formu-
late and enforce regulations for the
purpose or ensuring a cl -nr course, and
the safety of both the spectators and
the contestants, and tlio coniiimiee V.7''i&to5?
conl ilently appeals to those, who may , iife
attend the race to assist the a. tj.orl- 4 i&&M9&lm
ties by ctrlctly carrying out suen reg
ulations. The gt owing popularity of
the lace and the consequent Increase
In the number of spectators rendeis It
absi lulely c -tscntlal, In their Interest
and In the Interest of both contestants,
that all legulutlons the authorities may
publli-h shall he strictly adhered to.
The conditions agreed upon for the
rnces are: Match to be decided by best
tluee out of live races. Courses Start
ing from Sandy Hook lightship. First
race, to windward or leeward and re
turn, second race, equilateral triangle!
thlid race, shnllnr to llrst nice; fourth
race, similar to second; fifth race, sim
ilar to first race. The courses shall, be,
us nearly as possible, 30 nautical miles
In length. The chullcnger f nil be In
formed at least one week before the
llrst race what vessel Is to defend the
The llrst race shall he sailed on Tues-
day, Oct. 3, 1S93, unless tho Shamiock
: JOHN WALLr.T, of Jeflcison,
V '.i., tluin 11b m nono la inorohlnlity
c ,t 'ii d or widely known, writes.
IaF'1 1 ha 1 a. sovcio attack of I.aCrlnno
unl at tho end of f v.r monllii, In splto of all
..Iiyyl. lam, friends uttd good nursing could
do, 1:17 lunjslioartr.ridnrrvoiHsy.stenilfcro
o coin; '.rtcly wrecked, my llfo was do-
palrcd of, my friends giving mo up. 1 coald
oa.y sleep by tho uso of opiates. My lungs
and heart pained mo terribly atid my cough
waa most aggravating. I could not Ho In
onopo. ltlon but a short tlmo and not on my
left sldo at all. My husband hrounht lnu
Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno and Heart Curo and I bo-
tan taklas tlicm. When I had taken a half
bottlo cf each I wa3 muchbetter and coutln-
should be detulncd by stress of weather "'"8 poriUtently I took about a dozen hot
or other cause, In whlcJi case three
weeks shall be given her for fitting
out after her 01 rival, but the llrst race
shall not be started later than Oct. 10,
ISOH. and the rnces shall he sailed on
Tuesdays and Saturdays until com
lie Nut Deceived. A Cough, Hoarseness or
Croup, aie not to be trilled with. A (lose in
time of .Shiloli's Cure will save you much
trouble. Sold by P. P. Kirlln and a guar
antee. .
osterilny'-i lliiobiill (Jiimot.
At Phll'iilillihl.i First game: Haltl
rnnrc 7; Philadelphia. 1. Second game
'.called): Iiallliiiore. 3; Philadelphia, 5.
At Dostnii Huston. 9; Washington. 5. At
New Yoik New Vork, 17; lliooklyn, 10.
At I'lntlnnntl-Cincinnati. 0; Chicago, 8.
At Louisville Louisville, 5; Cleveland, 3.
At Sprlngiield Wllkesbarre, 7; Spring
field, fl. At Providence (called) Provi
dence. 7; UuiTalo 7. At Toronto Toronto,
9: Syracuse. 11. At Montreal (called)
Montreal. !i: (Utnwa. 0.
At Newinlf-Allenlown, 9; Newark, 7.
At ltlehliiontl niebinond, 4; Norfolk, 1.
At llartfonl Lancaster. 3; Hartford, 0.
The Industrial Coiiiiiilssioiu.i-n.
Washington. Sept. 7. Late last night
President MeKlnlcy announced tho
names of his appointees on tho Indus
trial commission. They nre: Andrew
L. Harris, of Ohio. S. N. D. North,
Massachusetts; Frank P. Sargent, Illi
nois; ICIlllson A. Smythe. South Caro
lina; John M. Fnrquhor. New York;
FiUgcne D. Conger, Michigan: Thomas
W. Phillip;). Pennsylvania: Charles J.
Harris, North Carolina; M. D. Hatch
ford, of Indiana.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo iu tho world for cuts.
onuses, surca, uieers, stub ruuuui, iuvui guivo,
tottor. charmed hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruiitioua. and oositivclv cures piles.
or jo pay required. It is guanl'iieel to give
porlect satisfaction or mouy roiuinieii. rnco
20 cents por Hot. f or wile, nv -vnsior.
tics and was completely restored to health to
tho surpriso of all." mZ,AiW.
Dr. Miles' Heme Pi iXji;.. rr '
;tt rini
gists under a positive fcjv. ,
cuaranteo. flrat bottlo li'JJZTi ourc
bcnefiU or money ro- RoatortSB
filntnd. Ilnnk nn tils- lltrf- f ...
cases of tho heart and Vvvil
nerves f reo. Addrcs, IJtZl&t&Sm
Dll. M1LC3 MUDICAL CO.. Elkhart. Ind.
Oflleo Kirim building, of Main hu
Centro streets, Hlienaniloali.
The South anil Its Atliiuii..-eH.
The Soutliorn Hallway has issued for free
distribution, a sixteen page journal lies-
e.rintlvo of Virginia. North antl South Caro
lina. Toiinessoe. (lo.irgia. Alabama antl
Mississippi. Peisons seeking new lccitious,
or capitalists desiring to inako safoand profit
able investments will flad tho information
contained therein both valuablo aud inter
esting. Copies will bo mailed froo upon nn
nllcatlon to John M. Hcall. District Passen
ger Agent, 829 Chestnut streol. Philadelphia.
Give tbe Children a Drink
called Grain-O. It is a delicious, appetising,
uourlshiug food driuk to tako tlio placo of
coll'co. Sold by all grocers and liked by all
who have used it because when properly
prepared it tastes llko tho finest cofl'ca but is
frco from all Its injurious properties, urain
O aids digestion aud strengthens tlio nerves. jHving mudlcd under soino of tho heal
It is not a stimulant but a health bulltlor, uiastcrs le London and Purls, will give lettsoua
1 .1,11,1-,,,, ,ll a .1,1,1 Ilo nn ,1r ink it ollliio vioiiu.uiainioiili, guuarnnu vocai ctiouro.
iv. , . 1 . .., rorniB reasonable. Address Iu care 01 HtroiiHO.
iyii.ii kiwi, uvuuiii. - ,nfl jewetor niiuiisiitioaa.
rolleo. 15 ami 25c.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Ixclc Box 63, Mnhanoy City, Pi
Stop That Cough I Take wattling. It may
lead to Consumption. A 23o bottlo ofSlilloh'
Cure may savu your lii'o. Sold by P. D.
Kiihuanda guarantee.
and wife should know about the pre
paration that for half a century has
heen helping expectant mothers bring
little ones into the world without
danger and the hundred and one
yifS discomforts and distractions
ttyl 1 . . . t-it t
iiiciucui iu cnuu-uiriu. 11
is applied externally, which
is the only way to get relief.
, Medicines taken internally
will not help and may
M. result in harm.
Philadelphia &
Reading Railway
Kngmts Hum Hard Coal- -No Smoke
Trains leave Hhenitndoali un follows:
For New York vlrt l'.illatlelplilA, went tlayt, s la u. 111., -1 p. lu.
July 1,
Trnlna will leave HhenamJonh allor lue Auotu
uule for WIki (Jllbertun, Krrtukvllle, Jlarii
W liter, . St. (;iulr, t'ottavllle JluinhurK, ItmuVuK,
i'utt-itown, lMiUfiilzvllle. Kiirrlsttivvii Htd l'lht
asteljihla (lfrwl Btruet Btutluii)Ht 6U0 autl HIS
it. ui,, 2 IKi, ti ltt p. in. ou week daya. SunilityH,
Oh, the Pain of
Rheumatism often cntisog tho most in
tonso sulTerinc. Slimy lmvo for years
vainly nouiht reliof from this disabling
disease mid nro to-day worse oil than
over. Khoumutism is a blood disoaso,
and Swift's Specific Is thoonly curo, be
cause it is tho only romody which can
roach such uoep-seatcu diseases.
A few years ago I was taken with laflamm
tory Hheumatism, which beearno so Intenso
that I was for wecfes unablo to walk. I tried
several prominent physi
cians and took their treat
ment faithfully, but was
unablo to get tho slight
est relief. In fact, my con.
dltlou seemed to grow
Three Killed by llou.ol Ons I'liines.
Camden. N. J., Hcpt. ".George Eck
ert, 25 years old; John Price, to years
old, and l'Vank Huekalew, 20 years old,
employes of the Curr Chemical works,
at Stockton, were overcome by benzol
gas late yesterday afternoon and died
soon after admission to the hospital.
A tank In which several ehi-inlcals were
brewing boiled over, causlnf the gas
to eFcape. The three men were In a
side room, and In attempting to escape
tho fumes had to paFH the tank. They
held their breaths and succeeded In
reaching the stairway, where they fell
A stubborn cough or tickling In tlio throat
yields to Ono Mlnuto Cough Curo. Harmless
in elk'tt, touches tlio right spot, reliable ami
just what Is wanted, it actual once. C. II
Double Mui'dor Qnlekly Aveimeil.
l'eteisliuig, Va Sept. 7. Last Mon
day .1. D. Schmidt shot and killed Kd
ward Ilolfuinn and son, John T, Hoff
man, lumbermen, from lSucklngham
county, operating on Schmidt's plnce,
on James river, In Surrey county.
Schmidt went to the Hoffmnns mill and
dclilx lately shot young Hoffman seven
times with a Winchester rifle In the
presence of his father, killing him In
stantly, and then turned upon the
father, who plteously begged for his
life, and shot him repeatedly until ho
was dead, A posse was sent to arrest
Schmidt, hut he refused tn surrender
and wns shot near the heart. He lin
gered until a late hour Monday night,
when he died vif his wounds.
Ono Mmuto Cough Curo surprises people, by
Its quick euros ami children may tako it iu
large quantities without the least danger. It
has won for itself tho host reputation of any
-worse, tlio dlseasospread picparation used lo-ilay lor coins, croup,
nver mvrnllrn !1v n.,1 111 Kllllg 111 tile IlirOUl Of OOSlllialO COIlgllS, (J
from November to March "' 'e'''',"''''
I Buffered agony. I tried
Ii many patent medicines.
J h k I but iituio relieved me,
'A k4 tf f I" non tho a d v 1 o o of n
-iVt,''. friend I decldod to, try
S. S, S, Before, allowing mo to take It, how
ever, my guardian, who was n chemist, ana
lysed tho remedy, anil pronounced It free of
potash or mercury. 1 felt so much lipttcr otter
taking two bottles, that I continued tho rem
edy, and In two months I was cured completely,
Tho curo was permanent, for I.liave neverslnco
had a touch ol KhcuniatUjui. though many
times oxposed to damp and cold weathn-
8711 I'owelton Avenue, Philadelphia,
Don't suffer longer with Itheiimntism.
Throw nsido your oils and liniments, as
thoy cannotroiichyourtroublo. Don't
experiment with doctors their potash
anil mercury will add to your disabil
ity nnd completely destroy your diges
for RIaaiI
Aopaia Irouiyuui
If you wear tho
Mnrin Ru
'UlladelohlH Trust Co.. CIO Locusf SU Phu-. Va.
01 Y.IC
iir'il , ii lary t. httiiB itiiiiiufi
liotii , , r iniiriiiiHiilfiii ti. la-
I'M 'ik ui- 1 rillAlli'tlt ulit
vl lyiii.-til Tin'
.nntly I, art. 'il Ailitruwl
'i".n' lt.(i.(;('(i.
llm I'mu b4.. I'iilln,
will mini narfectlv and uormiiuently
It is guaranteed purely vegetable, and onus
contains no potusli, mercury, or other I lost
mlnornl. Hooks mailed free by Bwllt m
Specifle 0o Atlanta, Ga.
Safe Ano uHr eiG 4c. iunhwomau s sii
r.UAP'V' ciPLCIHt, Cof'rtiUWrA
TruhiH luuvu Krackvillc tor Uliuimiiiluuli nt
7 HO, il -ltiH. in. tu ui 7 iki p. a.. Mumiay,
it vi h. ui. auu u 40 t. 111.
i.euvo luttHvillb fur HliciiftiiUouh (via Kruck
vlllo 7 10, u. in., 6 20, 7 JU p. m. MumUy
iu. a. ui,, a m p. iu.
ifthvu i'liiiuUi'MiiMik. tiirouti uireet uiutioni, lut
rthw.mloali at Hit. m., 4 lu p. iu, week iluyH,
Hunuayn leuve at ti 6U unu v m m. tu.
luvc tlrouit birett atutlou, riillauulpntft
7 :t(l J M a. iu.. 12 27. 3 U) nml fi 07 n. in.
Vor New York via jvinucu UMiinu, wook tiny a,
1 in.. 12 17 m.d 3 10 1). IU.
Kur U-eiMllii and IMilIiulcIpliln, week tlayH,
7 ao, v nj, .7 ii tu unu o u p. im
Vot l'oUnvUIe, week days, 7 JttJ, vui a. in
12 27. 3 10. G 07 ami T 25 I), in.
Fur Tamaniia and Mahanoy City, week day
7 SO. 9 M a. in.- VZ 1:7. 3 10 and 6 07 t. tu.
Vor viiiiamHton, minbury anu iewiMt urj;,
wet'k dftVH. 11 HO n. m.. 12 27. 7 21 n. iu
For Mahano IMimu, weekdayH, 7 30, D M, 11 80
a. iu., J2 27, 3 10, 0 07, 7 26, 9 65 p. in.
tf.. .1 tu Ii.i. " i- .1 Tin I
uso'a "JWp : s Uirr;"':'!'
For llaltllnore. waBlilnirton ana tlie Wi.ivu ... '..-...: - -. -
I l.n It 11 throili-h trnlim leu", Ui'RilllIU w HO"", l (l.lllllleu 1UI BIIU St . UI.
5l.Y:. .it'T!';l.V"?.F.h,I8 'ff "t. !i? llinlng (JurBl. 1 W. -i U0 (l)lnlng fur) 3 SO. 3 flo.
a vriuinui. x iiiiuuciDiiin. 11 . ix, n. xi jh. i u u u, i . ... . . . ., . ....-...'....
i . " ,. j--- ?;". xw:w, "Tr "K'ui" .ii J. r .t uv::
iM, w, jx , ... - .- I', u.. 46u. tfm. 6lSnaO.'Bu"luUI. (Ili.f.o
lloiml trnuiH irom l weniyiounn nu uuesi- 7,7-'. . , .',. ' , ,t; ,,,'..1; , ,
.,utntreet8Btatloii,week(lay8,10 30a. m. KM SiF' f. "; TirfftUini "1 ?. .V".0.-
I2 1lia40ij.m. Sundays. 1 85. 8 21 u. m. UlJIii ng Uir), luo (U111 tea4a(l)iiilug,,
loai, oto, timing ar; 01, 1 ik, 7 wj, iiiiniug
i;urj iu ou p. ui., n ui ihkui.
i!.j(pretin lor HohUiu without vhainte. 11 UUu ih.l
neek I vpeek-uu., unu 7 Ul p. ui., uully.
fits and prepares every
organ, muscle and
part of the body for
the critical hour. It
robs child-birth of its
tortures and pains.
Baby's coming is made
quick and easy. Its
uuiiuu la uuuuiy uenc
ft,li1 if ,,c.r1 Inrtntr thp urhnlp
period of pregnancy.
1 per Dottle at an arug stores, or
sent by mail on receipt of price.
Pooks Frf.k, containing valuable infor
mation to all women, will be sent to any
address upon application by
The Dradficld Regulator Co.,
AtlantOt Ga.
Livery and
No. 13 North Jardin St.
rtiiLn. enenr - stoke,
Fruit, Confectionery,
Cigars and Tobacco.
Wholesale aud Retail.
CS West Oentre Street,
12 lb 8 40 p.m. Sundays, 1 85, 8 '1 p. ui.
Tjiava New York via 1'hlladelDhla.
duys, 12 15, 4 00, 8 00, 11 80 a. m., and 1 il, 4 DO
9 00 p.m.
Leave New Vork via Mauch Chunk, week
tlaya, 4 80, 9 10 a. 111.. 1'hlladelDhla. Itcadlnc Terminal, week
days, 8 40, 8 80. 10 21 a. ni. and 130, 4 C6 p.m.
Leave IteaulUR, weeK uays, uj, 1U04,
12 1.1. 4 17. (100 11. iu.
Leave l'ottsvllle, wees days, 7 10, 7 40 a. 111
12 80 4 10, 0 10 aim o bo p. ui.
Leave Tamuqua, weuk daya, 8 3G, 11 23 n,
1 4'J, s so, 7 M p. m,
CaUkill exureiid. (1'arlor Car). 8 20 a in week;
l'or llallluiore and WttrihlnifVoii. 3 50. 7 20. 8 32-
1U2U, II l,u. 111., 12 01), 1231 (Dh.liii: Cur), 1 Vi.
liiiiiui: wan. it ii. 441. io utinure.-
nionai l.iiuued, Killing CarJ, u 17. UK IK111-
iuu urj, 1.11 iijiitiui; cur) p. 111., una uul
nllilit week tiuys. SuutluyB, J 5u, 7 20, 'J 12, II 23,,
.. ... i.ih 1 1, 11,1 - i 1 ., ., ..
Lenve .Malmnoy City, week daya. 90-,, nttLreBaioiiul' Limited, l)iuiuK Ourl, baa Nilniim
in., 2 22, 5 12, 0 21, 7 44 p. m Oarj, 781 lili.l.iKCurj p. m. unu 12U i.iul.i. "
ivu,u uiniiniiuv 111,10, -, . .. , i,p lUilltniiir.i. iu.,,i,,t,i,., hit .... ill,. ... !,,
1 a on 11 in . ... nit K nil T W.t n ... I ' . .
w-'i o. w.., .,1, no., . . UUU 4 UI u Ui weelc tluvH.aiMi.twl 11 111 I. 111 ilullv
l.npi. W11llii,r,w,rt. wnlr il.v.. 7 42. ll,ej) It " ' "r
,01. nA in,.. ...
UI.,1UIRUU,W.III, iml, 1TI tU'PIII 1,1'KV
. w.. ......... .IV.
, ti.ii4 1.1.. rt.u.,.,,.. u,r....i .....I - . .iiv,oi.iiwu ,111 tltlllOYlWU riT". -Ir.nt wlui.'l for Atlantic ,. . I ' . T' ??! .. . l " "'l "
Weekdays ItipresH. 8 00,
H.ilunlnvB only), i oo, a uu, a
luo Mis minute train)
7 m i n. ,., 11 -M 2 8S i2inliiiiliBj, 4 OU ISO iiiiuuteaj, 1 u, p. Ui.
O 3 40lan l.mtoiri lnl ""''''. .. 'J l"" lul'inte.j, ii" m. aJs pc
lrimf " iiiiiiuienj, 7ui p in.
. 4 80. 5 00 flH III lllltu i ........ , ir
an, Su,iday-Ki,.rea. 780, sup, 8 80 9 00, ' "j '"j " H ,,VuleJ i'o
0 00 a m, 4 43 pin. Aceomnintlotloii, 0 15 a u., liuu,tue) , a 80 lj ii,lnutej p ,. rtumiuya.aul
l p. m. Jl.00excurloiitra ii,7am 73u ' ii.lnuteitj, 8J0, uu 175 i m" utel.
. ItcturnliiB leave Atlantic Oily depot, eori.ei .jju'.jg lllU., , ... ' ld , . ... .,
Anthracite Political Club
nt 7 tiVloek at 311 Haeo treet,
(Hovers' 1 1 111.
II. M. HOYRR, Pres.
T. AALIA, Sec'y.
llantlO BnUArkaiiiaaaveiiiiea 1.U) eicur.lon Iraln, 7 Oou lu daily.
ii I " oumiimj . j.iuuriiun, ( w u 111 UilllV.
' Tor bea IbIo Clly, Ulolu uiy, Avultni unu
Htonu Jliitbor KxprehH, v 10 u. mM UUU i"v,
ik in. Arpiimiut4lnt(ni.. 4 23. 7 00
103 u. m. excursion train (from
ftviu only) 0 tO p. in. HumUyH KxpreHu, UtfO,
I Wt O UU, U lx. Il iHJ, 4 UU 4 'HI. U", ' U 1 Mfkl
....... ...1. " h it n A I iK I " w
exc-iirsitwi triifii (from (tot of MinbUsippl uvtv
imlvl. G 10 ti m.
Knr Cano Miiv mill Sen Islo City. 8 4.10. in.
21K), 4 41 p in. AuMitlonal (or io M;y 4 1.5
p. iu. Sunl.iys-t41 00 cxcurulon 7 oo ) in,
iu wet;kdu. HunUayB, h.50 u. m. Jvx
Knr Ot't'an Cit . H 'M. n 45 H tu. . JtO. 4 43 Dili.
(81 00 uxcurBloii TliiirHiluy only) 7 00 u in. nu
tluyf, H 15, 9 15 u in.
Varlor Onrx on nil exnreHH t ratine.
Vor further Infurmatlon, apply to nearmi
ri.lladelpma aim Ktyullny lutuway ticket ufii
or HdureuH
I A 0.... ..i. Iri.unu T t tu u-u
(Ien'1 HiiitM (len'l VanVr Ant.
UcauUiu Terminal, I'tuiiaueipuia.
cumuli 7 CO a iu ddily.
ror nomura l'oiut k jpn, JiOJ, 8jiJ, lOtO'
a. iu., 1 (X)S.iturilayH only! II uu, luo, D uu, f;io.
p. in, week- ttuH. SuuUuyH, d 00. 6 UU, U ui y ttVt
a. Ui. ami 1 30 p, in.
I. it..llU1CHlAHUN, J, U. WUUO,
(Jen'l MauuMur, Uuu 1 i'utd'K'r AkU
Should be Id Every Home and Library,
1 People's lie History
Ii written by lUulit Hon. Willi urn Ewart Oladilonu.
V.t.Vrf nilar nf ilrt Itritinn nml Imliin.l. I'lilwr
Kn,( Kuv, A. JI. buiie. Qutwn'i ilaUvue, Oifortl, Knii.i
Key. Hittuuul I von !iirtlti, 1). !,, ('lilortuo Tlieolotflcul
F U.S.. Uean of Oimiuibury. fauitrbury, Knu.i Her,
K liner u. iiupon, U.K., i uru uoiii-ue, bomort tile, Mtuyj.j
(llitcdco. III. i Kuv. (lHortfu jj. l'tn'tecui.t, i).l., MuryltsI
Mint) i ruu)iriun nurtUt JAiiiuun. ney, ii. n,
MaoAtthur, 1 I)., (lalvary Ua.tlnt Uhurcb. New York
(illy. N. V.i Hoy. Martjn Hutiimt)rb.l). U.U., Main
Ktrf t. i-'rtwi ltiintUL tliurrh. Ijtuiatnn.Mni Hhv. frnnb
M. IlrUtol, 1,) ( llrt MethuJUt FiUroial Church.
Kvanitton, 111.; Kuv. W. T. Moarv, 1.11)., '"4he Hiri.
ttau (lom in nn weal tli," London. Knu.; Hot, KilwHnl
Kferett Halii, 1).1., 8oull Conprewational Church,
ItoHton, Mann.i Uev. Joseph Asar UveX, !.!)., Wunleyau
ooueue, luciuuong, r.nn i hot. iiaiipar iiene ureeorr
llpzlc lluiveralty, llptls, tlenuanyi Uev. Vro,
(Heaver Vilkinoii,, University of ChtcaRo. Chi
111. I Hut. Hurauel llarl, ll.l).. Trinity Cullm..
llartfonl, (' -vtUev.J. llanro (llbwin,l).l) .Bt.Jolm.
llooill're. Cliarrli.Ixinilnii.Kni! i lie.. Ooort!.
(I. Iiorinmr, l, , u'iiti'luliiil(), llobton, Mab..
I'lii'lLin M'M ml. .-uu ,iu;ii.. 61 lull .ut illu.tra.
ItoDtt, k!H Bilem, iloth, 11 ill, Imlf luvaul, ti.W, lull
Itivanl, WW
m trim initios, -i.jco panea. 30 full-racia lllanlra.
tlttn.. Hllle Acilt adeen. full Itiinnt, one volutna,
1 15 III. Kola ll-lwu volunuu, full luvitut, luftsd, (JJOUj
(t 16 i'A IU N, quurln hiuj, rerlaw quantiooi to each, atid
tuiier cover., aewutl, trlmniuil klidtitly, Ui0eaca art.
For aula at all book.loru utnl tiV bonlt.eller. rur
lurtlier liit.iriiiiillnu, wiita IIKNllY O. HIIKI'AKI).
j'uUllMlier. 211 auj 211 uluurna bllaat, Cblcaoy;lluol.
Inter national
Sxrcetmr of tho " UnalirUlgctl."
Tho Ono Orent fitnntlnrtl Authority,
Ko urltf Iltm. 11. J, llrouer,
.lllallto U. M, rllllirrmu c'onil.
of tlie IT. 8. llov't l'rlntlnu (
Olllca, tlie IT. H. Huiirauia (
..vim, uu me ruita nil .
preme count, antlur near
Iy all lite tjclieolbooai.
lr Stnte RtiiierlnteriilenU
of Hchooll, OolWira 1're.l. (
tlciiU.aniltitlierlAltiratoni ;
auuoBt wllnoul iituuber
In the liouaelinlil, mill In
the tt-ntlier, arlttitar, imi. i
ii isuiiivi mini, unit at'ii
il is rusy io n nil me worn wanted.
It Is emy to aicertuln the pronunciation
It N easy to trace the growth ol a word.
It In t'oiy lo learn what a word meant,
Tho A'mi' Vork Tribune ,S'ay.v;
i in, i 1,'ki eniiuin eninta irom tlie i.n.i Willi n i
i niiilili'lfiii'iui luiilli' the liuiat llioniitflii'li- ,
I hiiIiiiiiI tyinmraiiliiiul auiarililuii. 'lh;
Hi. imiill.', ton. ilntli 1I1I4 awtirk to whltli ti-J
.m.iiLi illv ii.mIiiII.i ,..r.. ...vllu ,(.nA T S
.' (iirr tho bust. , . '
BSn'Snaclmtn natr.a .nl nn .nrjfcatlon 10 C. MIUIHTAU CO., r"'shers, 1
iririiiBimm, .illiws.. !Vivru