(Stoning fzSh ttdk 1 1 THE HERALD DO YOU W ANT Creates business because of its known large tirculalion and rtndtrs rich To reach the public through a pro gressive, dtgnifiea, influential, journal use the HERALD columns. results to its advertisers. V21 XLTI.-NO 217 SHKNANDOAJI. PA.. WEDNESDAY. SliimMMJt 7, 1808. ONK CENT mm WVOh. GREAT REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF BABY CARRIAGES In order to clean out the balance ol our stock as quickly as possible. Carriages that were $20 00, now - $17 OO 18 00, " - 15 OO If 00, " - 1 OO .. " 15 00, - - 13 OO 12 00, " - 10 OO " 10 00, " O OO .. 9 00, " "7 OO . ' 6 00, " - - SO If you want a choice come at once as we think they will be all gone in a few days at these prices. J. E. Williams & Son, SSJSO'HARA'S OPEN DAY Cor. Lloyd and White Sts., SHENANDOAH and NEW- CARPETS For fall trade now open. REDUCED l'HICES ON Summer Dress Goods. I I EZD CZ5 ! GREAT CLEARANCE SALE OF" Ladies' - and - Children's - Hats. As we have only a few more left and always believe in opening our season with a clean, fresh, up to date stock, we will sell these regardless of cost and at prices Shenandoah never before heard of. So avail yourself of this opportunity before they are all gone. THE BEE HIVE, iiO S. IVIailn St. Third BICYCLE ARGAINS One Boy's Wheel, $10.00. One Gent's Wheel, "Shirk," $15.00 second-hand, but lires and wheels arc In tfoud condition. We still have a few first-grade bicycles that we will sell so cheap that it will pay you to buy just for a spin two mouths of the season arebefote Swalm's Hardware Store. For Good &Jj) ANDJNOlTROUBLE TO BAKE SUSE AQUEDUCT MILL Daisy or Moss Rose Flour. Sold by Get). A. Keiter: Whole Wheat1" Graham Flour Old Time Pure Rye" Flour . , Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour Bestl Granulated Corn Meal. At KEITER'S. 13 S. Main Street, SIIRNANDOAH, PA. AND AND NIGHT. Haiti Street, MAHANOY CITY. Special Values in SUMMER UNDERWEAR. TUST a few Ladies' Shirt U Waists lett. Reduced from $i.oo to 35 and 50 cents They must be sold. PT'C Dry Goods and Carpet Stoie, Door FVom Post Office, on the good fall roads. The best us. Light White Bread HOME AGAIN. Ttii! foil 1 1 li Kcghiient AuKrillii i'otlstllle Till Morning. Tho I'ottsvlllo mid Pincgroyo companies of the Fourth lfeglnieiit, Pennsylvania Voluu-tool-, u Inch iiuclii'd Now York I'loin l'orto Wee via transports yesterday, arrived in Poltsvllle shortly after seven o'clock this looming mid were given an enthusiastic re cuplioii. Tholr arrival lind lieun impatiently nwalted sltico midnight and people from all parts of the comity (locked to tlio town to liolp give tlio returning soldiers a welcoino. Tlie Muoti wero crowded with people until a late himr and early this Morning tho crowds re-assembled In expectation that tho com panies wod'el arrive at six o'clock. The seeno at tho railway station when tho cars hearing the voliintcoir pulled up to tho platform was one of unbounded patriotic en thusiasm. There was wild cheering and waiving of Hugs and handkerchiefs, and tlio soldiers took up tho thread. Tho volunteers wore at onco escorted to tlio Academy of Music building, wheru the ladles of I'otts vlllo had prepared a most elaborate breakfast for them. The tables were loaded with fruits aud tlowers and the spread was more in the nature of an evening baiuiuest than the initial day meal. Meade Triers, Joseph I'elois ai.d John Meyers, the Shenandoah members of the regi ment, remained in I'ottsville during tho day. They were met there by several of their relatives. Tho boys wiH leave I'ottsville for koine on tho 7:10 l'oiinsy train this evening and It is expeited a leteptlun will ho accord ed them. Tho three young men betray the hardship of active soldier life, but nono of them as much as "Joe" Petois, who was ill during tho voyago. The Fourth Kcgiuient started for l'orto Iticuonjuly 127. One-half of the regiment sailed on tho City of Washington and the re maining half went on the Scuccu. Tho men who wont to l'orto Uleo on tho Seneca said last night that tliuy had insullicient food and water. They reached Arroyo on Aug. 5. Tor ten days they did outpost duty, and then went to Guayma. They remained at Guayma until Aug. !!e), and then marched to I'once, sailing: on the Chester from 1'uiice on Sept. 1. While iu l'orto liico, fifteen members of the regiment died from fever. Ninety be came ill. Some of this number were left in tho division hospital at Guayauia. Tho others were left in the military hospital at Tonco. Clen. Miles ArriicH. Special to Kvbkino IIeuald. Now York, Sept. 7. General Miles arrived bore tlrs morning from Torto Ilico. Tlio Kvenlng World says ho confirms his sensa tional charges against tho War department as published iu tho Kansas City Post. Umbrellas rc-covcred while you wait at riruinui s. Nuiv Musical Organization. Through the. combined crl'oru of about twenty-live of our town peoplo a permanent musical organization was formed iu the Methodist Fpiscopil church last evening. It Is composed of tlio winners of tho many prizes at the Lotus Oleo Club eisteddfod at Tumbli.it; liuu recently. Itehcarsals will be arranged every week and will bo under the leadership of Mr. J. J. l'rico. It is the teution to maku the organization one of tho best iu tlio interior of the state anil to com pete at all eisteddfods within oasy traveling distance School Opens With a full lluoof school supplies at Girviu's, 8 South .Main street. U-l-tf They Aro Tree. About two months ago Joe I'iekalosky, An drew Agunas and Anthony Gubor worear rested charged witli attempting to break into a tailor shop on West Apple alloy. A couple of clays later I'iekalosky and Guber escaped from tho lockup. Tho formor was re-ar- rcstcd. Clubor died at Elkhart, Ind from alcohol poisonouiug. Ycateiday the case was called up before the grand jury at I'ottsvile and tho jury failed to find a truo bill against l'lckaloski and Agunas, on the ground that tho ovldonco was nut sulliclcnt. A charge of jail breaking still hangs over I'icknloski. Appointed Deputy, Daniel Kuelly, of town, has received his commission of appointment as District Deputy Grand Chaucollor of the Knights of Pythias for the northern district of this stato and was accorded tho grand honors at a meet ing of tho local lodge last night. Mr. Kuelly succeeds Mr. Hcrcbin, of Tamau.ua, who held tho olllco for several years. Smoko Havana UllerTUAVULLKK Cigar. ICye Injured, John Watson, of Yatesvllle, is sutl'ering from an Injury to one of his oyos by a piece or coal striking It while ho was at work in tho Knickerbocker colliery, Hereuuded, Tho Grant Hand serenaded Georgo W, Johuson, formorly of Lost Creok, who oponed his saloon on East Ceutre street yes terday. Come and see our chliiawuro, cup and saucer, It cents, at F. J. l'ortz. tf Frame's Condition. A messago from the Miners' hospital stated that the condition of William Fnuu, whose hack'was broken nt the Wm. I'enir colliery, was the same to day as roportod yesterday, when he was 111 u critical condition. Car Irfiud of Melons ' And sweet' potatoes, at the Shenandoah Produce Co., No. 0 South Jnrdin street, on Friday morning. 0-7-It Assaulters Arrested. Olllcors Hurley and Butler this afternoon arrested Joe Kotx and William Wiczsofskl for lighting ou "tho rocks" ou Monday uigfct and assaulting John Polatciiak, Tlio accused fiiriilHhed f300 bill each before Justice Toomey. Deeds lteeorded. From Klmlra M. II. L. A. to FiaiiKlin Uuranousky, premises in MuAdoo. From Aim Schlaucli et ux., to John Marchcttl, premises iu Nuremberg. From Uleliard lludd to Most Kev. Patrick John Hyau, promises In Porter township. Ask your grocer for tho "Itoyal Patent flour, and take no other brand, It is tho liest flour Hindu. iERRIBLE COLLAPSE Of a Bridge Across the St. Lawrence River. THIETY MEN FELL TO DEATH A Plungo of Sixty Foot Into tho Rushing Waters. THIRTY-THREE WERE RESCUED, But of These Eighteen Died After Being Removed to the Hospital Two Piers of the Bridge Collapsed, Carrying Down From Sixty to Eighty Workmen The Work of Rescue Retarded By a Lack of Boats. IIoBunsbU"':, N. Y., Sept. 7. About noon yesterday two soutli spans of the International brldtro of the New York und Ottawu railroad, now under con struction across the St. Lawrence river, about three miles abov' St. Kegls In dlun vIlluBO, fell without wurnlnir, with 60 men at work on the bridge, all be ItiK thrown Into the liver, some CO feet below. Tlio bildge consists of three spans, of which two were com pleted and the third was nearly com pleted, when the south pier gave way at Its foundation, causing both spans to full. Tho names of the killed and drowned cannot at present be ascertained, as they were mostly from 1'eniisylvunla, excepting a few Indians from the St. Regis reservation. Tho scene of the ncekloiit Is located about four miles from Hogansburg, above the St. Regis Indian reserva tion. The bridge that gave way was being built across tlio St. Lawrence river at the foot of Long Saulte rapids, nenr Relnlmrdt's island. The water at this point Is known to bo us swift as In any part of the river. The Imme diate cause of the disaster and the giv ing way of the span 'of tlio bridge seems to have been from the washing away of one of the large piers. The pier In question was begun when the work was first started last fall, and work was continued all winter and finished this summer. The contraot work was In charge of Messrs. Sooy, Smith & Co., who aro well known as extensive and careful contractors In their line, and known to have been under Instructions from the railroad company to build for "permanency." The pier had been accepted as per fectly reliable and safe. It would seem from this that the swiftness of the current was underestimated. Late reports from Cornwall hospital say that 33 men have been taken out of the river at the Intel national bridge wreck and transferied to the hospital. Klghteen of them have since died. The latest Information concerning the tragedy makes It probable that the death list will roach 30. As far as can be learned 87 men were on the payroll, of whom 82 reported for work yesterday morning. Of this list only 38 have actually been acountnd for. Among those thrown Into the river was the foreman, Thomas F. Brady (or Brlcely), whoso Home Is In Pottsvllle, Pa. He has not been ac counted for and Is supposed to be In the bottom of the river. Everything was In a state of excitement all after noon, and the efforts of all were to care for the Injured ones and get them to Cornwall hospital as fast as possible. Just before dark the dead body of an Indian laborer was picked up on tho Cornwall side. There was only a plight bruise on his forehead. He prob ably was stunned by the fall and was drowned before help came. An eve witness of the fall of the bridge says he was sitting on the bank of the river, watching tho busy Workmen above him, when suddenly, Without warning, there came a fearful crash. Two spans of the bridge col lapsed, the Immense mass of timber and Iron dropped down, and the agon izing slnleks of the men who wero be ing crushed In the wreck were drown ed by the rushing waters. Then he saw bodies coming to the surface, and tho work of rescue began. This was hopo lcssly lnadequnto, there being only a few boats In tho vicinity and very few men who would undettake to swim out Into the turbulent waters. Many who miaht have been saved were drowned before help could rench thorn. Piteous appealing faces sank be neath the waters before tho eyes of helpless onlookers. Mangled bodies came to the surface for u moment and then passed out of sight. It was ter riblo and heartrending. Even those who had got to land alive were In such condition that many died on tho way to the hospital. Some had their backs broken, others both logs, while others were crushed by tho heavy Iron. Among thoso who aro missing aro Cyril Campbell, William Jackson, W, Cubby and Georgo Craltr. About BO of tho men employed on the span woro Americana who came hero to work for the Phoenix Bridge company. Tho re mainder wero mostly Indians, who not ed a assistants. Every man on the division went down with tho wreck, Many of thoso who escaped climbed up the Iron work which Bttll rested on piers at either end. The scene around the Hotel DIeu, where the wounded and dying were taken, Is a heartrending spectacle. The wives and relatives of missing men are anxiously Inquiring after their loved ones, Following Is a list of tho dead and wounded up to midnight: Killed W. J. Cubby, I'atcrson, N. J.; W. J. Jackson, Columbus, O.; Louln Baumer, Johnstown, Pa,; R. L. Dy sart, Tyrone, Pa.; J. D. Craig, De troit, Mich.; Patrick Murphy, Toronto; Dan Hughes, Cleveland; Frank Lo vlgne, Ogdensburg, N. Y.; W. Sherman, Cornwall, Out.; W. Saunders, Balti more; 'John Clause, CaughnawCga, N. Y.; II. Davis, Pittsburg; Cyril Camp hell, Cornwall, Ont.; Thomas Birming ham. Wounded John AVIlson, Maiden, Mass., leg broken; George Bloxon, Pekluuvtlle, Vt., leg fractured; Bert Brant, Toronto, Ont., bruised; Peter O'Ki-efo, Cornwall, lei; und chest In jured; Louis White, Cornwall, spine In Injurod;' 1. Day, Cornwall, scalp wound; Mitchell Hooves, Cornwall, Forlous; Andrew Smith, Rochester, N. Y serious; W. Thompson, Montreal, lea; broken; John Frnser, Quebec, lee; cut off; John Hero, Indian, Cornwall, Internal Injury; I. Delevnnt, Klkhart, Wis., Icrs crushed; D. Harton, KutYulo, Burke, Johnsvlllc, White, Cornwall, leirs crushed; M. Hlirhtly hurt; I'. illBhtly hurt. Tho Pri'xlclolit''. Wtwtofit Trip. Washington, Sept. 7. It Is the pres ent Intention of tlio president to make his visit to the trans-Mississippi ox position, nt Omaha, uti Incident of n general tour of the west, which will ex tend, probably, as far as tho Yellow stouu national park. The detailed ar rangements for tho trip have not been made yet, but It will Include probably visits to many of the most Important cities In the west and northwest. If the present plans are carried Into e fect, the piesldent. arcompntiled by Mrs. MrKlnley. will leave Washington about the l!Hh of this month. CONTROLLER FIGHT. The Contest N'al'l'owrd Down ItrtutM'ii bnder mid Derger. 1'rotn I'ottsville Chronicle. The battlo for the nomination for County Controller on the ltcpubllcau ticket may be said to have narrowed down to a siiuaro battle between Charles A. Snyder, tho present in cumbent, and Charles 1). llcrgor. Ilrumm's man Sliindlc, of Tamaqua, Is no longer to be counted in tlio race, as tho strength ho was supposed to command as tho personal selec tion of tho Congressman did not and will not materialize. Kdwards, the eundidato from north'of the mountain, is also to ho no longer to be reckoned, as it is tully realized that one Kdwards on tlio tickut will bo enough. Therefore, Hnydor and lie rue r have the Held practically tu themselves, with chances about even. Congressman Ilrumin was a short time ago thought to bo leaning toward Iicrger, es pecially wheu ho saw his man Shindlo would stand no chance, whatever. But now llrumm is said to look doulitlngly upon the advis ability of placiug llorger upon the ticket Tlio Congressman, It is said, has not been slow in telling his friends that ho fears Ilorgor's connection with tho County Com missioners' ollice when there was a general cleaning out in that oud of the court huuse his connection with the expensive contest court, and nu connection with the recent bucket shop transactions which resulted in tho arrest and conviction of J. C. Ehy and 1- L. Shisslor, will all mllltato against him as a candidate bofore tho people. Hut even after giving llcrgcr this set-hack llrumm cannot resist tho temptation to give Mr. Snyder a dig, whom he dues not want to sec upon tho ticket under any circumstances. Ills dislike for the Controller may, therefore, causo llrumm to accept Merger, even though he entertains fears of it being unwise politics "Jack" Whitohouso says ho favors Snyder, but is not taking any active part iu tho Con trollcrship fight, his whole time and atten tion being dovoted to tho nominatiou of G. O. Schrink as a Legislative candidate. Finney is said to favor any man llrtimui wants, although on the surface ho seems most friendly to Snyder, but surface indica tions aro not always reliable. So tlio battlo goes on, witli hair pulling and mud-slinging bctnccii'tlie factious that is interesting to tlio outsiders. lllckert's Cuto. Clam soup freo to-night. Filled beef and dressing tu-niurrow morning. The Sick Soldiers. The several members of Company F, of Giraidvillc, who aro sick with typhoid fevor at tlio Medico-Chlrurglcal hospital at Phila delphia are reported to' bo getting aloug nicely, though Long and Higginsare not out of danger. Joseph i:itrlngham, of Ashland, one of Lieut. Siviter' recruits, is in tho hos pital at Fort McPherson, sull'eriug from mal arial fever. Joseph Grady, also of Ashland, is siiUoriug from typhoid fuver at the same hospital. Chamber sets, (I pieces, from .a(J up, at F. J. Porta. tf Kxcurslou to the Sou Mioro. Another excursion to tho sea shore via the Iceading Kallwny has been arranged for Thursday next, Sept. 8th. Faro $3.50. Tickets good for ten days to either Atlautic City, Capo .May, Sea Iolo or Ocean Citv. Train leaves at 7:30 a. in. at (Inilid Army Day ut rreelnlul, (Ir.iud Army Day will ho celebrated at Freeland ou Saturday next. Tho town is be ing decorated and arrangements made to glvo the old veteraus a grand rcceptlou. !. G, Hess, of tho local Post, has beon chosen mar shal of the third division. In tlio evening a camp firo will be hold In tlio opera house, for which a special program has been prepared, W. A. Stone, candidate for Governor, beinir billed as ojjeof tho speakors. Watkiu Waters. rest .o. 140, of town, accompanied by thu Grant Band, will go In a body. It will pay you to read Iko Orkin's an nouncements ou tho fourth page. , tf Her hailing Postponed. Mrs. Ilillhousc, of Mt. Caruiel, who ex pected to sail on tho 1 tth for South Africa to Join her husband, who is employed there, will not leave until the 28th. A letter from her husband a few clays ago uotllled her that ho would send hor comploto Instructions iu the next letter and sho is awaiting such informa tion. Sho will be accompanied by her sister, Miss Jetniio Kamago. Rflfk I POWDER Abiolutcly Puro SOGIMLSTS MIjNATE. A Full County Ticket Is Placed In the Field. ALL ARE SHENANDOAH PEOPLE ! The Nominees Are Pierce Walker. John Sklvlngton, Samuel Mlesel, Jobn MedalU, Frank Balehanlck and Joseph Ryan. After holding several public meetings and spending weeks iu drafting and deliberating upon :i platform, the Socialist-Labor Party of this county yesterday filed its nomination papers sotting forth its candidates for olllcos to be filled at tho stato and county election next fall. The nomiuatlou papors for Congress, Senate and Legislature were filed at Hanisburg and fur tbn remaining three ollices at I'ottsvlllo. both tilings being made simultaneously. All tlie candidates aro residents of this town and they aro as follows : Cougiess.Piorco Walker, former Justice of the Peace; Senate, John Sklvlngton ; Poor Director, Samuel Miesul ; Controller, John M. Medalis; Legislature, Frank W. Balshauick ; Coroner, Joseph J. Hyan. The Party, of course, eudorsos the ticket of the stato organisation. The platform of the party was submitted to the JIi:iiAt.i to-day for publication, coming through the hands of Mr. John M. Medalis, and it is as follows : Wo, tho Socialist Labor Party, of Schuyl kill county, iu convention assembled, do neiciiy assort our devotion to tho cause of uiu peoino aim u ciltro iiui-mi vi. ti, Y,.rt every honest endeavor to correct existing evils. ii u uuiiuiince, as lonuing to place a premium on crimo, the custom of allowing county oilicials who havo been tried and r.. ..... suiiiy oi oueiu'os pumsualilo by Im prisonment, to oscapo the just ponalty of nicir crimes Dy compromise That is: by ..Hi'-iiiou iruiu mo omcos mey nave tiros, titutcd o denounce tins because it is funda mentally wrong, and also because it does not seem to dove-tall with our timo-honored, stereotyped Schuylkill county verdict, "Not guilty, but pay the costs." i. u iiiiiuu uurscives on record as Ijoing op posed to tho system of administration of county alliens that denies assistance to worthy pooplo iu destitute condition, on ac count of scarc ity of money iu the tieasury and piys Judges munificent salaries for sor vices they do not perform. Wo clenouueo the system of election cou test that obtains under oar present laws. An iiisiiperaMo burden is placed upon the tax payer and the contests aro drawn out from year to year until tho contest is decided. Wo denoiinco the system of administration that allows tho railroads, tlm carriers, iu direct opposition to tlio laws of the country, to discriminate against the interests of the anthraeito coal region by giving cheaper freight rates to tlio bitumin ous d'stricts, thereby ruining tho anthraeito coal trado and driving the necmlo nf tlm region to bankruptcy, povorty and destitu tion. We denounce, condemn and censure, under protest, the iniquitous system of fixing the m cue miner ami lauorcrot Schuylkill county, as every mean advantage is taken of the wage oaruer to substitute lower grades of coal than that which was agreed unon be tween tlie operators and the W. It. A. organization, and feel coulideut that the contrac t has long beou broken ami ought to be discontinued, as tlie W. II. A. has long ceased to exist. Certain colliorios iu this region have taken upon thomselves the yrivilego of making rules indirect opposition to the lansofthc state iu regard to the hoisting of man from tho mines, &c, thereby subjecting the men to various dangers and discomforts, by com pelling them to remain at the bottom until it suits tho convenience of the authorities to hoist them. Wo denouueo the arbitrary system of making rules, together with the starvation vvagos paid to miners, and tho inhuman and Imrharous troutmiMif np,.nn1,.i t..i... clo not understand the laws well' enough to defend thomselves. tto denounce tho system of contract labor where tho laborer is siiliiprioil in cn .,,.,(.. abuso and receives tho least pay. we clenouueo the passago by tho Assembly of what is known as "Tho Workiuguien's t-omperwition Act," making employes re sponsible for any injuries bis workiugmcn may receive, unless such injuries are duo to the workingiuen's own careles.noss. Wo reaflirm tho constitutional privilege of tlio peoplo to peacefully assemble) and peti tion for tho redress of grievances; and we denounce, as legalized murder, tlm ul,o,.(i,. clown of mem peacefully inarching along the highways, that has occ urred at various times imd placos undor the system of government y lujunciiou. We declare ourselves unaltorally opposed to tho system of government by representa tion, and demand for tho people tho right to vuco eurcciiy. i.osolved. 'that wo will uso our best emicavors to accomplish such reforms ami to eradicate such glariug evils as havo boeu enumerated. CoMMirt'KK ON KKSOI.UTIONH. Kondrlck Ilouso Free Lunch. Grand Army bean soup will bo sorvod to all patrons to-night. freo Orailgo lltosHoius. Martin Ilreuuan, of St. Clair, aud Miss Maggio Higglns, of Pottsvllle, will bo married ou tho 15th inst., iu the Catholic church at tho latter place Ou the 20th inst. MU May, daughter 'of Capt. Edward Iiceso, of Park Place, and Itobeit Hartmaii, of llloomsbiirg, will be Joined iu wedlock at the home of the bride's parents. Miss I'nrrio May Scnar, ot Ashland, and Charlos W. Fistor, of Philadelphia, were uiai ricd yestorday afternoon at the former placo. Tiicy will reside Iu Philadelphia. William Haas aud Miss Annie Miller, lioth of Ashland, were joined lu wedlock yosterday. Tho engagemeut of Miss KIlio McGlyui. and IMwaid F. Ilritz, both of Malianoy City. Is aunounced. Tlie happy ovout will take placo ou the 20th lust! -1 - - - - - -lo Through Your I'llu. The counterfeit flOO silver certiflcato a nute s woll executed as to deceivo the very elect has re-appoared. One of those turned up in Philadelphia a few days ago, biit.lt passed without ejuestlou two banks, a trust company and tho United States sub-treasury. Murrlitge l.icensea, Chas. Loxo, of Ioivcllo, and Minnie M, Shuey, of Taylorsville, John I. llohuau and Harriet Meyiion, both of Malianoy City. At Payno's nursery, (ilrardville. you will find the largest stock ever seen lu the county, (Jump Miiude, Mldclletoltli, l'a,, Hpeclat lie ducml Kitten, VI u I'lillnilelplilB unci Heading ItHlltiity, The Philadelphia & Heading Hallway an nouncos that during the continuance of Camp Meado at Mlddletowii, oxcursion tickets good for two days Including day of sale, or from Saturday until Monday, will bo sold at special rates. For lufoimatloii as to rates, time of trains, etc., consult any P. & H ticket agent. For your watch repairing aud Jewelrv rn- pairing go to Iko Orkiu't, ISO South Mam street. tf Geranumtis, fuchsiaB. liausies. dai sea. roset etc., for spring planting at Payne's nurseries, Girardvllle. Tuberose and gladiolus bulbs. Merchant Tailoring ! This is another new branch We have added to our busi ness. We are prepared to make you suits in the latest and newest creations for the fall and winter season of '9S and '99. Our prices alone art a drawing card, as well as our styles and makes. Our novel ties are not to be duplicated elsewhere. Call and see us once, and you will call again. MAX LEVT, 15 E. Centre St. Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenandoah's Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store. 35 Cents per yard for home inaiie rag carpet ; others for 40, 45, 50 and 65c per yard. Call and see our new line ot Brussels. Vel vets and Ingrain carpets. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. 10 South Jardln Street. We Want A Man A man, intelligent, well infonned, hnrd-working man, one who knows a good thing when lie sees it, and who can appreciate good value, and then We Want His Wife, Too She must be a lover of the beautiful. We want them to come to our store aud look over our goods we don't ask them to buy and then go tell their neighbors what they think of it. M. O'NEILL, toe 3. Main St. Furniture Dealer and Undertaker DANDRUFF ... Is the Beginning ol Baldness. Wootphal'D fluxiHatop Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp. FOR SALR AT DITTO'S BfflfBEi! 5iW Ferguson House Block. THE Money Question ! Here it's a question of how much or how little. No matter how much coin you have, you'll find it has more purchasing power with us than elsewhere. It is uot because your dollars contain more metal for us. but because we are satisfied with smaller tolls. If we can't give you a fair equivalent we don't want your money. T.J.BROUGHALL, 28 Soutb Mala Street.