The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 02, 1898, Image 1

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Crca tes business iecnute tf its ttirum
large circulation and renders rich
results to its advertisers.
To reach the fuhlic through re
gretlive, dtgnifita, xnfluentxal jturnal
y.jf use the UHKALD ehtmni,
In order to clean out the balance of our stock
as quickly as possible. -
Carriages that wore $20 00, now - $17 OO
. 18 00, " - 15 OO
.. ly 00, " - 1 OO
. 15 00, " - 13 OO
" 12 00, - 10 OO
. " 10 00, - .3 OO
.. 9 00, " - "7 OO
.. " 6 00, SO
If you want a choice come at once as we think they will be all
gone in a few days at these prices.
J. P. Williams & Son,
Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.,
For fall trade now open.
reduced 1'iucns on
siiiuiiiri in r i.iiiinv
I I PDIPF'Q Dry Goods and
Ladies' - and -
As we have only a few more left and always believe in
opening nur f;'(""" t ciccin, rijh, ui 10 llilltj hlUL'h, wc
will sell these regardless of cost and at prices Shenandoah
never before beard of. So avail yourself of this opportunity
before they are all gone.
j3 S. Main St.
One Boy's Wheel, $10.00.
One Gent's Wheel, "Shirk," $15.00
Second-hand, but tires and wheels are In good condition.
We r.till have a few first-grade bicycles that wc will sell so cheap that
it will pay you to buy just tor a spin on the good fall roads. The best
iwo uionins 01 tne season are before us.
Swalm's Hardware Store.
For Good Light
White Bread
use: aqueduct mill.
Daisy or Moss Rose Flour.
Geo. NAA.
Whole Wheat Graham Flour
, Old Time Pure Rye Flour
Brookside Fancy Pastry Flour
Best Granulated Corn Meal.
13 S. Main Street,
I. ft. .
Haiti Street,
Special Values in
JUST a few Ladies' Shirt
Waists lelt. Reduced
from Si.oo to 35 and 50 cents,
They must be sold.
Carpet Stoie,
Children's - Hats.
Door FVom Post Office
Aluslcnles mill farewell 1'artlcs Wero tlio
Order Last 12Fiilng.
TI1010 was a very enjoyablo gathering last
evening at tlio resilience or Mr. and Mrs.
Janus Million, on West Lloyd street, who
are about to niovo to Philadelphia, It was a
fait'well surprise party tendered to their sou,
F rt-il. Vocal and lnstrumciitnl music wore
Indulged in and refreshments wero served.
Among those lu attcudauco were Misses
Maud aitpin,- Ida Williams, Mattle
Thomas, Annie IScddall, Kva lirewor, Lulu
Parrott, Sylvia Tempest, Emma and Mattlo
Llewellyn, Lizzie and Gwendoline Iteose,
Helen Price, Milllo Hoyer, Violet Smith,
Jennie Jenkins and Messrs. John Swindells,
Leon Waslcy, John Stoln, Claro Matter,
Clyde (Hover, James Mailer, Jesse Thomas,
Clarence Harms, Charles liashoro, liurton
Davis and Dr. I). John Price, Mr. Uutton
will tako up the study of medicine when his
patents move to Philadelphia.
Last evening Mifs Agnes llerhine, of Cata-
wissa, was tendered a farowell surprise party
at tlio home of her cousin, Mrs. William
Gradwell, on Noith Gilbert street, and the
evening passed very cnjoyably. Refresh
menu wero served. Miss llcrbiuo, who is an
accomplished musician and also enjoys tlio
distinction of being 0110 of the most 6xport
bicyclo rulers 111 Catawissit and vicinity, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Gable, of
Heat Oak slieet lho festivities wero 011-
joyi'd by Misses Clara lUhleibraudt, Lizzlo
Hfii. Daisy 1'iico, Mamie Raiuer, Mary
Dalius. Minnie Itaitsch, IMnaScliiirz, Martha
Gable, Lilly lleinbach and Messrs. Noah
Itamer, l rcd. Kcker, Fred. Hess. Lewis
Gable, Albeit Shields, Charles lleiso), Harry
Summon". Hewitt Stcedlo, William Williams,
l-.lmer Urailwell, William l'urnelland Joseph
A musicale was held last evening at the
residence of Mr. and .Mrs Louis Goldin, on
South Muin street, in honor of their son and
daughter, Harry and Jennie. The program
consisted of vocal and instrumental music,
g lines and dancing, Refreshments were
ferved and enjoyed by the following guests :
Misses Loitieanii Gussie Kcose, Carrie Levmc,
May Itickort, Theresa Noll, Margaret Foley,
Nellie Dougherty, Ulaucho Iiobbin, Llla
Gaughan, Fanny Weeks, Katio Moiiaghau,
Annio Elliott, Mamie Price, Margaret lied
dall, Sarah Kciper, Lima Huber, of Mabanoy
City; Constance Huber, of Camden, N. J.,
anit Jennie, Fanny and Celia Goldin; and
Messrs. Hayiuond Donglor, Herbert Williams,
Isadore Friedman, Hoy liickcrt, Harry Nois
wender, Harry Miller, l'oitsville; George
Reynolds, Park Place; Sol. Soli', Northum
berland, Frank Hughes, Waterbury, Conn.,
and Harry and Wolf Goldin. The guests de
parted for their homes at a late hour well
pleased with tko evening's ovents.
Tor Stile.
A valuable property, dwelling houso and
stable, in desirable location. For further
particulars apply to Mrs. Joseph Guntcr, 233
West Centre street. 0-l-3t
Well l'leuxml.
Mr. Iiobort Iirowulce, Chief of the Bureau
of Minos and Mining, with headquarters at
Harrisburg, who was a guest of Mine In
spector Stein in town for the past several
days, loft yesterday for Shamokln and Har
risburg and was accompanied as far as the
former placo by Mr. Stein. Whilo hero Mr.
Iirowulce ins'"".'?'1 n..-iJ- -".Uncs, of
iu.m ui mu turnout's uuu expresscu mill'
self as highly pleased with what ho saw,
He evinced no littlo surprise oror tlio ad.
vanccd methods adopted in the outsido op
erations. Upon Inspector Stein's invitation
Mr. lirownleo has consented to roturn horo
in the course of two or three weeks and in
spect the inside workings of several col
It will pay you to read Ike Orkin's an.
uouncoiuents on tlio fourth page. tf
llaggago Lost.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kemmerer, wero
among the town people who wont to Ocean
Grovo, N. J., last week and their trunk wont
astray euroute. Repeated cflorts to traco it
have failed and the railroad comnanv will bo
askcil to make good tho loss. Mr. and Mrs.
Kemmerer returned last eveniue. Thevro.
maliied at the resort In spite of tho loss and
purchased wearing apparel. Mrs. Kemmerer
says tho trunk contained several valuablo
dresses which are no doubt ruined by this
time on account ot remaining packed so long.
Wuterineluus, Cautiiloiipes, reaches.
A car load of fine Jersey fruit, also sweet
corn, will bo hero for to-morrow's market.
Coslett's, 3U South Main streot. 0-2-iit
Yutcsville Methodists.
Tho Methodist Episcopal church at Yates
vllle, which has been closed since March on
account of removing the building to a more
securo location, will be re-opened and ro
dedicated on Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'clock.
Itevs. Swindells, of town, and Harry Pros
ton, of Mabanoy Plane, will conduct tho
services. Services will also be hold in the
evening at 7 p. m. The public is cordially
invited to attend those services.
For your watch repairing and jewelry re
pairing go to Iko Orkin's, 12U South Main
street. tf
Fair to lie Held ut I.uvolle.
A meeting of those interested was held at
tho Lavollo fair grounds on Wodnesday.
when it was decided to hold a fair at that
placo the latter part of October. Nelso
Stem, owner of the grounds, was elected
chairman, and Georgo Reiff, of Mt. Caunel,
socretary of the association. Not only horso
racing, but blcyclo and foot races will bo
Herring I'll us Objections.
Hon. Grant Herring, recently appointed
Judgo in tho Columbia-Montour district, has
Hied objections at the Prothonotary's oitieo at
Harrisburg to tho nomination papers of
Robert R. Littlo as a eaudidato for Judgo jn
that dlstrici,claimiug that tho hitter's nomin
ation Is Irregular aud not according to tho
rules of tbo Democratic party.
A New Sign,
All attractive new sign has just beeu
swung by F, J. Portz, tho North Main street
merchant. It is of unique design and Its
colors aro catchy, It is the work of R. I),
ltontls ilrlug h l'reiiiluni,
Alexander Fulton, of Shamokiu, was the
successful bidder for tbo 1 10.000 wnrlli of
Northumberland county bonds, at 4 per cent,
Interest, Mr. Fulton was one of many
bidders, and paid a premium of 1,200 for the
1'aiully l'lcnle.
A party of twolve ladies and n number of
children loft town this morning to spend the
day picnicking at Rattling Run,
Held 1111 Nuisance.
Frances Tereskl was put under $300 ball by
Justice Tourney last night 011 a charge of
common nuisance made by her brother-in-law,
Clements Tereskl,
All kinds of vegetables and (lower seeds,
and plauU at Payne's nurseries, Oirurdvilte,
Klectrlu cars puss the door, 6-U-tf
Lieutenant lo be Court Martlaled Claims
He Knows no Keason.
They Will be aiven a Thirty-Day Fur
lough, and Will Then Report at Mt.
Gretna and be Mustered Out
ot Service.
Mlddictown. Pa., Kept. 2. -Major Gen
eral Graham Isnued orders yesterday
assigning the .Sixteenth 1'unnsylvunla
battalion to tho Second division of the
Second brigade mid the Second West
Virginia and Klghteenth Pennsylvania
to the First brigade ot the First di
vision. The Sixth Pennsylvania regi
ment expects to leave camp Monday on
CO day furlough. At tho expiration of
that period the troops will repot t at Mt.
Gietnu to be mustered out. The Third
Missouri will stnrt on Monday for
Kansas City to be nnisleiexl out. and
today the detachments of the Thirty
third and Thlrty-fouttli Mluhigan leuve
for Isle Lake, Mich., to Jolm their iugl
ments. The Thit tecnth Pennsylvania
regiment, whose headnuarftirs are at
Scranton, reached cumii yesterday
from Camp Alger, and was assigned to
the terrltoiy occupied by the Eighth
and Twelfth Pennsylvania regiments.
A battalion of the Seventh Ohio came
In early yesteiday morning. It is ex
pected the First Maryland will be
brought here from Fort Monroe, Va.
Major General Grahuin yesterday
afternoon ortleied the arrest of First
Lieutenant Charles Dowers, Company
M, Sixth l'onnsylvanla regiment. The
lieutenant was ordered to his quarters
and will bo tried by court martial.
Neither he nor his superiors In the
regiment have tho faintest Idea of the
reason for his arrest.
Mtistnrlnir Out I'piinvvlviinln Troop.
Washington, Sept. 2. As a result of
a conference between Governor Hast
ings and General Corbin yesterday It
was determined that eight Pennsylva
nla regiments should be mustered out,
including two already so ordered. These
regiments, where they cannot go to
their own armories, will go to company
armotles. The Pennsylvania troops In
Porto UIco which are ordered horns
for mustering out will sail dliect for
New York, and will not go through tho
detention camp hospitals or be detained
at all. The troops that are In this
country will be given 30 days' furlough
on reaching home. The troops that are
not In this country will be given a CO
days furlough.
Fovor sti'tclcon Volunteer.
Piuudpinhia, Sept. 2. The hospital
train which leu w.u,"i jemerday
ant'inoon for Camp Alger and Dunn
Lorlng under the auspices of the Med
lco-Chlrurglcal hospital of Philadel
phia, reached this city last night with
30 enlisted men and one ollicor, all
suffering with typhoid fever. The sick
soldiers were fiom the Eighth, Twelfth
and Thliteenth Pennsylvania and the
Seventh Ohio. The train was met at
the railroad station In this city by a
score or ambulances and police patrol
wagons, and the men were taken to
the Medlco-Chlrurgleal hospital. A
number of tho sick are In a serious con
dltlon, but no deaths are expected.
VoI Snm'H PoiiMonors.
Washington, Sept. 2. The forthcom
ing annual report of the commissioners
of pensions will show that the number
of pensions allowed during the past
fiscal year, Including the war of 1812,
was 50,737, of which 54,852 were for
soldiers and 1,885 for sailors. Four wid
ows wero reinstated and two promoted,
and C4 orphans and relatives of soldiers
were reinstated. One hundred and
thirty-nine ex-unlon soldiers were re-
Instated and 279 promoted. The number
of pensioners on the rolls June 30, 1808,
was 993,714; amount paid for pensions
during the lineal year ending June 30,
1888, (144,651,859; average value of each
pension, $131.79.
yesterday Wiw a ltouord Urenkor.
Philadelphia, Sept. 2. The hot wav
which has made life miserable In this
city for the past few days culminated
yesterday In a record breaker for tem
perature and heat prostrations on any
tscpt. 1 in tne past 27 years. At 0 o'clock
In tho morning the thermometer regis
tered "B degres. It rose steadily until
the afternoon, when It reached a max
imum of 96 degrees. During the night
It was still very warm. It was a day of
Intense heat, the humidity at no time
passing 79. Dm lug the day there were
over 60 prostiatlons.
Forced to Quit Work.
Pittsburg. Sept. 2. Four hundred
striking coal miners, under District
President Dolan, marched from Monon-
gahelu City yesterday to the Ivll and
Catsburg mines and forced tho 60 men
at work to Join tho strike. A camp will
De established near the mines to pre
Vent their operation by non-union
miners. The purpose of tho strike Is to
compel (he payment of tho Chicago
scale or prices in the third popl,
strikers (ialiieil ThoTr Point,
WllUesbarre, Pa., Sept. 2. Seven hun
dred men and boys employed at the
Ilutonwood colliery of the Parrlsh
Coal company went out on strike yes
terday because of a 1 eduction In the
price paid for timbering. Late lu the
afternoon a committee of the stilkers
and the compuny offlcers held a con
ference, at which an amicable agree
ment was reached, The company
agreed to pay the old wages, and the
men returned to work today.
The ltescue l'lonlc
Tho Rescue Hook it: Ladder Co. will hold
tlielr annual picnic at High Point park on
Monday next. In the evening the chemical
engine will be tested, and other attractions
will mark the occasion, Givo tho 4 boys"
encouragement by your presence. 8-31. lt
I.ust Sunday Kxuurslon ol the Season
To Atlantic City via Pennsylvania railroad,
the ouly all-rail route, Sunday, September 4,
Special train leaves Shenandoah at 4:23 a. in.
Round trip rate t'1.00. No change of cars.
No transfer through Philadelphia.
Come aud uu our clilnaware, cup aud
baucor, 5 cents, at F. J. 1'oitz. tf
lliu National .'Meet tit Mnlmnoy City Dievi
Large Crowds.
Tho national circuit meet at Mabanoy City
yestorday afternoon was largely attended,
and tho "cracks" of tho country wore thero.
Thero woro many spills, caused by the track
not being banked high enough at tho turns
for fast riding. Walsh, 0110 of tho ''cracks,"
was soverely injured and unconscious for an
hour after his spill, and his condition Is
serious. IJald, auothor professional, refused
to rldo after a bad fall. The number of in
jured riders yesterday exceeded all records at
that paik.
The first event was tho two-mile national
championship which was run In fivo beats.
Raid won tho first beat handily in 5 02 2-5.
Martin captured tho second in 4.47 3-5.
Kimble won tho third, after being fouled by
ileckcr, in 5.32 1-5. In the fourth heat thcre
was a had spill near the finish. Eaton
managed to drag his wheel out from tho
heap and walkod across tho lino a winner in
5.10. The linal heat resulted as follows:
Martin, first; Kimble, second ; Laton, third;
Raid, fourth, Time, 1.31 2-5. Prizes. 150.
f.W, (23.
Tho one mile amateur handicap lesultcd as
follows : Van Cott, Now York, scratch, first ;
JIcMichael, Berwick, scratch, second;
Lukclow, Rochester, scratch, third. Time,
2 22 3 5 Prizes, diamond ring, 30 ; dress
ing case, (15 ; slices, (3.
I he ono-mlle handicap, mofcssioual.
brought out a good sized field, and three
heats wore necessary. Martin again carried
oif first money with White second and Mayo
third. Tiino, 2.11 1-5. Prizes, f50, $20, flO.
Tho five-mile handicap, amateur, was
stubbornly contested by a large field.
Rodgers, scratch, won ; McMichaol, 75 yards,
second ; Lukelow, 35 jards, third. Time,
1 1.57. Prizes samo as in tho oue-niilo handi
cap. The thrce-mile handicap, piofcssional,
brought out IS riders, and on the tenth lap
thcie was a had spill, putting Butler, Martin
and Welsh out, tho latter being seriously
injured. Shamo, 100 yards, won ; Slovens,
200 yard, second ; Hall, 300 yards, third.
Time, 7 25 2-5. Prizes, $50, $25, $10.
The milo state championship race fur a $35
medal was won by McMichaol in 2.27 2-5.
Ki'lidrick House Free I.lmch.
Cream of tomato soup will bo served, free,
to all patrons to-night.
WnniiiunUornml Swnllowon tno.iniiiil.
"Wllllnms Grove, Pa.. Sept. 2. The
presence of John Wnnamaker aid Kev.
Dr. S. C. Swallow attracted more than
30,000 people to this place yesterday.
The big political meeting yesterday
was presided over by State Senator C.
C. Kaufniann, of Columbia, who In
troduced M. Wanainaker as tho first
speaker. The ex-postmaster general
confined himself mainly to pointing out
the evils of the Quay machine, setting
forth in details Its allies as being the
corporations and national and state
office holders. Rev. Dr. S. C. Swallow
followed, the chief feature of his ad
dress being an invitation to Senator
Quay to bring suit against him for an
article publlbhed In the New York
Voice, the national organ of the Pro
hibition party.
West Maluiiioy Schools.
Tbo West Mahauoy township schools
opened 011 Monday with a largo attendance.
Principal Gallagher, who is over watchful as
to tho intercstsof tho schools, had everything
in shape for tho opening. Tho resignation of
J. Claude Brown caused a vacancy which
was filled by the selection of M. F. McLain.
This appointment meets with general ap
proval as Mr. McLain is a studious iustrui tor
and in every respect qualified for this import
ant position. Under his direction the scholars
will bo in good hands. Miss Dixon, of Raven
Run, succeeds to the position vacated by Mr.
Jicjjnn. miss Douahoo has not vet returned
from her vacation, but her position is being
acceptauiy nueil.
lllckert's Cute.
Clam soup will be served, free, to-night.
Baked beans aud pork to-morrow morning.
UxcilrslonNts Itettirn,
The majority of the town people who par
ticipatod in the ten-day excursion to
Ocean Grovo aud Atlantic City returned to
town last evening. Among those in the
party wero : Mrs. William Kerslako, Mrs.
Klizabeth Pritchard, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
.Shoemaker, Dr. and Mrs. ,1. S. Kistler, Dr.
and Mrs. M. S. Kistler, Mrs. T. M. Stout,
Mr. and Mrs. It. L. llmwn Mm T,.,,n,
Waslcy and daughter, Mrs. Knos Ball, of
.uuuaiioy uuy, air. anil Mrs. M. L. Kern
moror, T. R. Edwards and son, Luther,
Fred. Wasley. P. P. Y). Kirlin anil Mr. nn.1
Mrs. William Jed'orsoti. Many f tho ex
cursionists extended tne trip to Now York
city and ill sailliiL' to anil from tli,.t ,,1,,,.
the Loug llrauch boats had au opportunity to
ouvoim 01 iuu war vessels anchored oil
Htalou Island, among them tho Indiana,
Massachusetts, Brooklyn, Texas, Vesuvius,
Yale and Harvard.
School Opens
With a full llnuof school suppliesat Uirviu'B,
8 South Main street. li-l-tf
Advanced Course.
To-morrow morning Luthor B. Edwards,
son of T. R. Edwards, of towu, aud a teacher
in our public schools last year, will leave for
Millersvillo to outer tho state normal school
at that place and tako a scientific course,
which will Includo the study of advanced
lisvchulouv. solid idgtx. c.lin.;...l
and analytical trigonometry, intregal cal
culus, niguer pnysics, goology, zuology,
latin, logic, etc.
Chamber sets, U pieces, flora $2 50 up, ut
F. J. PorU. tf
lllnp Meade, Mlddletnun, I'll., Special Itr.
ilueed ltitles, Via I'hlluilelplilu
and Heading ltullway.
The PhiLiilnlnlilii . If.. ,,ll 1 ... i 1
nouuees that during tho continuance of Camp
juojuo at juiuuieiowu, excursion tickets good
for two days lucludlntr iluv of nl fv,
Saturday until Monday, will be sold at
special rates. For infoimatloii as to rates,
tiiuo of trains, etc.. consult unv 1 . if
ticket agent,
Absolutely Puro
The Business Transacted Was of a
Routine Character.
A Set of Resolutions Purporting to Hv
Been Prepared by tha Citizens Com
mittee Were Presented and
Laid Over Because no
Signatures Were
A logular meeting of tho Borough Council
was held last evening aud attended by the
following members: Messrs. McGuiie,
Ooakley, Lally, lloehm, Straughn, James,
Neiswcntcr, Euglert, Biennati, Bell, Hand,
Murphy and Harkins.
After the reading of minutes and a few
other preliminaries Mr. E. J. Davies pre
sented to Council resolutions adopted by the
Advisory Board of twenty-five citizens
appointed at the recent public meeting held
to take action on the now storage reservoir
for tbo public water works.
Councilman James objected to the resolu
tion ou the ground that thuy were not in
proper form, tho names of tho twonty-five
committeemen being absent. Action iu tho
matter was deferred until the report of the
water committee was taken up for considera
tion, and at that stage of the proceedings the
resolutions weiolaid over to be considered at
a special meeting that will bo called for that
purpose. Mr. Boll wanted the resolutions
rcfened to his committee, but Council did
not take kindly to that proposition, aud his
motion to that eil'ect was defeated.
Councilman Bell, of tho street committee.
stated that a meeting had been arranged to
consider the couditiou of the stream crossing
Last Centio street, fuo bod of the stream
needs cleaning out and property owners In
that vicinity aro suffering damage through
the flooding of their cellais. Tho Meeting
will be held at 10 o clock to morrow morn
It was also stated that the part of Catherine
sticet recently opened is in good condition.
Complaint was made of stenches arising
from the sewers at tho corner of O.ik street
and Pear alley and Cheny and Main streets.
A motion that tho places be put iu good con
dition at as little expense as possible was
It was decided to place crossings at tho
north and south sides of the intersections of
Line street and Oat alley.
Chief Burgess Tabor was reminded of the
bad condition of the roadway at tho corner of
Oak street and Plum alley, to which his
attention was called a month ago. He
promised to have tho matter remedied.
It was suited that tho owner of the weigh
scales on North Main street had been notified
to remove them, in accordance with Council's
orders, but nothing has been done in that
Owing to the depicted condition of tho
treasury it was decided to lay over all bills
before tho meeting, except those for the pay
mout of street hands, salaries and tho men
who tested the flro hose after it was used by
tlio Wm. Penn Coal Company to put out the
tiro in its mine.
Tbo salary of High Constable Devers was
ordered withhold until the official makes a
repoit ou his collections in connection with
the catching of dogs.
The lire apparatus committee reported that
a plug near tho P. & 11. Railway station is
leaking, aud also that a check had been
received from the Wm. Penn Coal Company
for firo hose. A motion that three. additional
lire plugs lie purchased for use in case of
emergency was lost and the committee was
instructed to havo the leaking plug repaired.
Tho Construction Committee was instructed
to request tho Columbia Hoso Company to
repair tho wagon shed at tho rear of the
Borough building, which is reported as being
in a uuapiuateu condition, and also conslilu
the advisability of placing a small window iu
tho small apartment at the rear of the
Council room.
Borough Treasurer Mullahy's report was as
follows for the month ending Sept. 1, 180S :
Balauco on hand, last report, $1,307.04. Re
ceipts: Edward Burke, $1,233.43; M. J.
Scanlan. $281; .lames Hell, Water Supt., $500;
A. P. Tabor, Chief Burgess, $51; Wm. Penn
Coal Co., $774.50; total, $1,245.S0. Disburse
ments : Orders paid during month, $2,843.05;
bonds redeemed, $100; balance on hand,
The report of Chief Fire Marshal Reynolds
for the month of August showed that there
woro two false alarms sounded.
umoi ot l'ollce Murphy's roport for
August was as follows : Number of arrests,
10; paid hues, 7; served time, 8; fines col.
lectcd, til.
The Chief Burgess renorted five nrr.,t
during August and all served time. Theatre
licenses to tho amount of $5 wero collected.
The Show Arrives.
The Welsh Bros, show airivnd in tl,l. in,..,.
at an early hour this morning and pitched
incir loins near me iceadlug depot. Iu a
remarkably ouick time the tent u-,. i.,..,i
in position and everything was soon in shapo
lor tno penormanco tins alternoon. A street
parade headed hv their fine band iva i,.i,i
at 11 o'clock this morning, the principal
suceis ocing traversed aud au excellent ap
pearance uiey made. Tlio performance this
afternoon was witnessed by a big audience,
ladies and children predominating, who
wero delighted with the exhibition. To ex
plain 111 detail all thr various soils of amuse
ments furnished during tho two and a half
hours' performance, would be next to 1m.
possible. There was not tho least possible
naw 111 1110 enilro pcrloimauco, everything
working in a perfectly systematic manner.
Tho show will remain in this town for two
days, with performances each afternoon and
evening. The fact that It will remain for
two days proves that the manager Invites
Umbiellas ro-covered while you wait at
Four 1'ei- Cent. Ileluw ILtsls.
Rato of wages for last half of August and
first half of September are as follows :
llust Colliery, I". A: U, O. X I, Co f2 IS
lriier " ' a.31.6
Indian Hldge " 2 40.
Locust Spring " ' " ', sjfl.s
Turkey Kun " ' aaa.U
Averago $2.39.2. Rate of wages, four por
cent, bolow $2.50 basis.
At Olrvlit'ii
I.VMliV find fiutllnlatf t til ..111.
. watmuu;. 4)11 HOI 111 11 Ik SUUp, Q
bars for 5.; t'oodcupa ami uaucera, Sc each;
lartio liluucr jtlatt'S, 3c each; lurge bowls,
4o each: plnu fruit-, sutii.tsi i in iif
o ...... Hvu9, aj catu, tvu
aro headquarters for jelly tumblers, fruit Jars
ntnl flmvAr.MiiVa .1 .1... 1 . ..
tuu IU.YDSI priCCS. A I
Ulrvlu's, 8 South Main street. O-l-St
The Tieasiiry Kuiptf,
Yostciday was pay day for the utllcials at
the court house, but as the county treasury is
again empty tho "ghost" did not perambulato
Next week criminal court begins, aud unless
tbo Commissioners secure another temporary
loan tho wheels of justice will bo sprigged
No need to fear sudden attacks of cholera
infantum, dyscntory, diarrhoea, summercom
plaint of any sort if you havo Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry In tboniediciue
Only One .Morn All-Hall Sunday Kicurslou
To Atlantic City via Pennsylvauia railroad
Sunday next, September 4. Through special
train leaves Shenandoah at 4:25 a. m Round
trip rate $2.00. Returning, leave Atlantic
City C:O0 p. in.
Tailoring !
This is another new branch
we have added to our busi
ness. We are prepared to
make you suits in the latest
and newest creations for the
fall and winter season of '98
and '99. Our prices alone are
a drawing card, as well as our
styles and makes. Our novel
ties are not to be duplicated
elsewhere. Call and see us
once, and you will call again.
15 E. Centre St.
Up-To-Date Hat Store and Shenaudoah't
Greatest Gent's Furnishing Store.
CT'or dozen window
shades. All our better
ones have been reduced
also. Shades made to
fit ailV willHnw nnrl
especially store windows. Call for
bargains in new carpets at
We Want
A Man
A man, intelligent, well
informed, hard-working
man, one who knows a
good thing when he sees
it, and who can appreciate
good value, and then
We Want His
Wife, Too.
She must be a lover of the
beautiful. We want them
to come to our store and
look over our goods we
don't ask them to buy
and then go tell theii
neighbors what they think
of it.
10 Q. Main St.
Furniture Dealer and Undertaker.
... Is the Beginning of Baldness.
Weotphal'o fluxlHaton
Cures Dandruff and all diseases of the scalp.
Ferguson House Block.
Our counters are loaded with
good values and the prices are sure
to make them go off quickly. You
can spend your money to better
advantage here than anywhere else.
Call and see the prices and our
stock of
21 South Mala Street.